
You are looking at the new face of the RTS genre. The next big juggernaut that will revive the genre and begin a new golden age. Say something nice about it.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >humans vs alien invaders

    • 2 years ago

      They're demons.

    • 2 years ago

      but they are not invaders

  2. 2 years ago

    Getting bad signs from the whole art style that tries to be unique but isn't allowed to offend anyone
    Not to mention muh esports before its even released, I'll try it out but this might be the Strive/SFV of RTS

    • 2 years ago

      unique? looks like just about any moba or hero shooter like valorant/overwatch to me. just looking at it puts me to sleep

      • 2 years ago

        re-read what they wrote. notice the word "tries"

        • 2 years ago

          ok i "tried" to re-read it
          actually i didn't, just like that game didn't "try" to have a unique artstyle

  3. 2 years ago

    This and Immortal: Gates of Pyre both look and sound like they're taking the worst parts of Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 1/Starcraft 2 and combining them.

    • 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago

    I think it has a decent chance of success. There's a lot of hype being built around it and being free to play means that people will be less reluctant to give it a try.
    All they need now is for the game itself to not be shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >free to play means
      It means cash shop and that the player will have to have an "always-online" user account, which in turn implies having no offline mode or LAN, so what's the point of it when it will never match production put into Sc2? Mod tools, lmao? I hope I'm wrong.

  5. 2 years ago

    The last gasp of a terminally ill and dying genre
    >but muh starcraft and aoe
    Nobody cares, it's not 2010 anymore. Let it go, anon.

    • 2 years ago

      ayo no cap fr rts is dusty af only boomers play that wack shit yo its all about watching xqc play valorant lol frick actually playing and getting better and improving your life with the intrinsic nature of competition and self growth fr that shit is wack

      • 2 years ago

        This amount of cope is just sad. It's over my guy, sorry for ya.

  6. 2 years ago

    >literally no gameplay
    >prerendered cinematic is the first thing we see on steam
    not looking good amigos...

    • 2 years ago

      >Free to play
      >In-app Purchases
      >"The first truly social RTS"
      It keeps getting worse.

      • 2 years ago

        >"The first truly social RTS"
        This is either the developers being smart and realizing that one bane of RTS (and also fighting games but to a much worse degree) is the lack of incentive to make or have friends because it's a 1v1 game and most people would rather just solo queue for ranked points.
        And as we all know, any game is more fun if you can enjoy it with friends.


        This is just some moronic dumb over blowing of what I'm gonna assume are basic/useless social features.

        Too early to tell really.

        Dead on arrival. Makes me wonder though, triple A RTS games are never gonna happen again, but it's not like the indie segment is popping off either. There are dozens of nostalgia bait pixel/low poly FPS and platformer titles, but hardly any RTS ones. Is the genre really really this fricking niche that you can't even capitalize on the kind of morons who buy New Blood games?

        tl;dr coding a competent AI takes 100x more effort than coding 1 note mobs for any of those other genres.
        Worse if you're gonna do it for multiple races/factions.

    • 2 years ago

      The cinematic is in-engine using story models, it's the equivalent of the Starcraft 2 ones like this:

  7. 2 years ago

    Why would I want a game where the lead character isn't a hunky heroic male I can overlay with my latent homoeroticism?
    femoid warrioresses? dropped.

  8. 2 years ago

    It will die month after release. Meanwhile there will be homies playing BW in 2040.

  9. 2 years ago

    Too early to say anything. Art-style feels too much like nu-Blizzard in general. I will play it to see how good it is but I will judge it for everything.

  10. 2 years ago

    I really want this game to be good (I want more RTS in general) but I am not getting inspired at all by what they have shown so far

  11. 2 years ago

    Kane is all.

  12. 2 years ago

    >You are looking at the new face of the RTS genre
    Mobile games and unoriginality?

  13. 2 years ago

    Dead on arrival. Makes me wonder though, triple A RTS games are never gonna happen again, but it's not like the indie segment is popping off either. There are dozens of nostalgia bait pixel/low poly FPS and platformer titles, but hardly any RTS ones. Is the genre really really this fricking niche that you can't even capitalize on the kind of morons who buy New Blood games?

    • 2 years ago

      RTS require more resources to make
      Even an RTS with just single player missions, no cutscenes and "retro" visuals equivalent to New Blood boomershooters would take much longer to make.

    • 2 years ago

      There is the 8 bit Armies series.
      To be honest the RTS genre is dead because everyone and their mother are trying and have been trying for the past 10 years to nostalgia b8.
      I don't want AoE 2 but gay, or CoH but gay or Starcraft or CnC. It's current year we can have 10x the ram, 100x the Storage space and like 15x the computational power. Make a bigger game already.

      • 2 years ago

        >Make a bigger game already.
        So it sells somewhere between Grey Goo and AoE4? It just ain't happening. And AoE4 was a cheap cash-in, I can't imagine any publisher throwing C&C3 or SC2 kind of money at an RTS these days.

        • 2 years ago

          >So it sells like Starcraft clone and AoE 2 clone
          It has a better shot of doing well than doing the same shit again because if you do the same shit again you are competing with past games that are cheaper and already have communities built around them. You could theoretically do a sequel progression but that requires RTS to be put out somewhat regularly and only Wargame and Men of War likes have done that. If you are gonna spend 5 years making a game go big or go home.

          • 2 years ago

            Every RTS ever was either a C&C or -craft clone. The games you're talking about are not RTS games in the traditional sense (Men of War isn't even a strategy game, it's tactics), and they are extremely niche, both probably sold less than AoE4 (MoWAS definitely, Red Dragon might be about even but it was out for 8 years). If you want an actually successful (saleswise) modern strategy game it would be HoI4, Total Warhammer and Civ. None of which are original.

            • 2 years ago

              > The games you're talking about are not RTS games in the traditional sense (Men of War isn't even a strategy game, it's tactics)
              Yes they are RTS, you select your units after the match starts not before.
              >and they are extremely niche
              Not in the RTS genre.
              >both probably sold less than AoE4
              AoE 4 is estimated at 1-2 mil by Steam DB, but it's also available on the Microsoft store.
              Men of War AS2 is estimated at 2-3 mil
              Wargame RD is estimated at 2 mil
              Gates of Hell is estimated at 0.5 mil
              Bear in mind that these 4 games had a fraction of the teams and budget and marketing.
              And to add a little curve ball Syrian Warfare which is single player only, niche as hell and even less money got put into it is at about 0.2-0.4 million
              >There are more popular sub genres
              That always happens, remember when everyone said Survival Horror was dead and now you can't get rid of them?
              The market is fickle and different genres will get all the people playing them.
              There is still a market for RTS. It's just the market is not big enough for morons to make another fricking clone of a game people already own.

              • 2 years ago

                And since I just remembered.
                You know all those military casual FPS brought on by CoD 4 in the late 00's?
                Now in hindsight we know that most of those games didn't actually make any money by chasing that trend. If people keep making Starcraft and AoE clones they will just repeat the same mistake.

              • 2 years ago

                >you select your units after the match starts not before
                >what's a deck?

              • 2 years ago

                Unless you play specific settings you won't select all the units in the deck before time or even during the match.
                Deck making is basically just making your own subfaction.

    • 2 years ago

      >Is the genre really really this fricking niche that you can't even capitalize on the kind of morons who buy New Blood games?
      Loria dev ended up making it free

      • 2 years ago

        Having looked at Loria's artstyle, it looks like someone traced WC2 in mid 00s Google sketchshop, but didn't add any lighting effects to the pre-rendered sprites.
        Meanwhile DUSK looks like it came crawling out of the same crusty texture factory as Quake, with the models giving a similar low-poly look.
        I would, and probably have; ignored Loria just based on how cheap and inauthenthic it looks.

        I have not played either games, but based on how they look, I would have gone with buying DUSK.

        • 2 years ago

          Well, Dusk’s models are even chunkier and more amateurish than Quake’s. Not sure if that was intentional but it still sucks IMO.

          Captcha: 8war0x

    • 2 years ago

      Its not "niche", its more that it cut its own nuts off. If you try to do anything that isnt
      >gather 2-4 basic resource
      >build base
      >recruit unit
      >attack other guy
      Guys like

      Every RTS ever was either a C&C or -craft clone. The games you're talking about are not RTS games in the traditional sense (Men of War isn't even a strategy game, it's tactics), and they are extremely niche, both probably sold less than AoE4 (MoWAS definitely, Red Dragon might be about even but it was out for 8 years). If you want an actually successful (saleswise) modern strategy game it would be HoI4, Total Warhammer and Civ. None of which are original.

      will tell you its "not an rts". Strategy games nowadays are doing more than fine

    • 2 years ago

      It's not a matter of being niche. It's harder to implement even a decent (let alone good) RTS vs other genres like Platformer, FPS, or Racer.

      Consider the basic mechanics.
      point your mouse and shoot something.

      your dude hops over geometry

      drive your vehicle around the track.

      harvest resources, build your base, produce units, research tech, capture victory objectives and defeat your opponent.

      I am not writing this to be reductionist or insult other genres. What I'm saying is, even a simple, entry-level example of several other genres, like Hard Reset or Eye Divine Cybermancy or Portal can be very fun and worth playing with only a little bit of content.

      An RTS by contrast doesn't even begin to get ok until all its' assets are interated over and polished to be broken. It has the longest ramp-up in production before it's anything decent. So where for other genres, the core gameplay loop can be achieved relatively early in the development cylce, and most of production goes towards asset generation (more levels, weapons, cars, etc.) for an RTS, it's unplayably broken imbalanced janky shit for much, much longer.

      I think similar to MMOs of old, it's simply a genre which has too high a bar for most developers to generate anything of value.

  14. 2 years ago

    honestly it looks like a mobile game, at least the girl in the back is doing the showing ass pose

  15. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago
  16. 2 years ago

    It's free to play so I'll try it. I expect that it'll be technically competent but thematically and mechanically bland.

  17. 2 years ago

    >devs couldn't decide whether it's sci-fi, modern day, ww2, fantasy, or horror
    >let's just add them all together

    Mechs are sci-fi, Demons are horror and fantasy, the human grunts is ww2 and the politics are modern day laissez faire

  18. 2 years ago

    something nice

  19. 2 years ago

    >Overwatch's wannabe-Pixar T artstyle
    >co-op Horde mode for noskills
    >all your soldiers are women
    >not even hot to redeem the propaganda

    hard pass.

  20. 2 years ago

    I'm unironically super hyped for this game, I wanted to play more SC2 but I feel like it's too late to try and get into it.
    All the interviews have them saying the exact right shit to entice me to play this game, I just hope it being F2P doesn't frick it over.

  21. 2 years ago

    I'm holding off any judgment until they show gameplay but so far nothing that they showed or hinted at caught my interest.

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