Such an insanely underrated gem

Such an insanely underrated gem

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    The only unrated part is that it was brought over by Atlus.

  2. 1 week ago

    Just started playing this and found out le hard way there are no bonfires.
    Elden Ring kiddies could never.

  3. 1 week ago

    still arguably the peak of the series

    • 1 week ago

      For some aspects. Especially a vague lore that actually makes sense.

  4. 1 week ago

    the remake is better

    • 1 week ago

      Each and every area in this game has pure kino atmosphere, I truly believe it's still unmatched.

      ...on opposite day.

      • 1 week ago

        It’s just so unfortunate it’s so short. By the time you’re not fat rolling consistently or have nice weapon/skills, it’s pratically over.
        But DeS made me appreciate “mid core” powers.

        >the remake is better
        Sweet Bluepoint Inc. Bloodborne is going to be even worse.

        I hate how americans are obsessed with africans. I always saw that crestfallen npc as some big nosed iranian guy or whatever.

        • 1 week ago

          >It’s just so unfortunate it’s so short
          Better than rehashing bosses 'gimmicks' or fighting the same boss fight with different geometry for 80 hours.

    • 1 week ago

      >the remake is better
      Sweet Bluepoint Inc. Bloodborne is going to be even worse.

      • 1 week ago

        PC gamers would rather use the RPCS3 to emulate the Demon's Souls on the maximum settings at 60 FPS instead of playing that objectively shitty "remastered" game at 30 FPS.

        • 1 week ago

          it looks terrible vs the remaster.

          • 1 week ago

            Remaster is horrid

            • 1 week ago


              Does anyone still play remake on ps5?

        • 1 week ago

          i have a ps3 and demons souls and i'd still rather emulate because ps3 load times are horrendous
          i can't believe console players actually endured that shit

          • 1 week ago

            I still have my ps3 just to play some things like MGS4 and DeS. The only downside is the absent online feature.
            Also Sony banned my account because pajeets tried some credit card scam and this pissed me off because I was a victim lol

          • 1 week ago

            >i can't believe console players actually endured that shit

            We didn't have a choice

            Prepare to Die Edition was released it was horribly buggy and everyone use DSfix instead.

            DS1 was a port of a 360 game that used GFWL, and then later had a generic Steamworks conversion program slapped onto it when GFWL shut down, and then that bandaid stopped working too as Windows and Steam keep going through iterations and change over the years.

            The DS1 PC port was so bad that it was delisted and replaced with Remastered.

            Amusingly, the Switch version absolutely trashes the 360/PS3 versions of PTDE graphically, since it runs at 1080p30 with far fewer framedips (and with a simple mod it can run at 720p60, albeit with dips like the Pro/X 60fps patches for DS3 and Sekiro). Too bad about that sound quality.

            Dark Souls 2's weapon durability glitch. Dark Souls 2 (DX9) and the DX11 edition ran on separate servers so PC players would have to pay money for a patch that should have been free. Scholar of the First Sin was a paid upgrade to DX11.

            Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring run on PS4 hardware from 10 years ago. It's a PS4 game and it shows: 20-30 fps and it looks good thanks to their artists, not their engineers.

      • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago


  5. 1 week ago

    Ganker hated Demon's Souls during its original run

    • 1 week ago

      yes but now the game is old and beloved by reddit so Ganker will like it

    • 1 week ago

      >Ganker hated Demon's Souls during its original run
      Wrong. It was one of the few places where people appreciated it. Back then Ganker was a great board to discover about niche and cult classic games like Killing Floor, Mount & Blade and Dragon's Dogma. These days that has devolved into just niche coomer games tho.

      People have also always been contrarian and Demon and Dark Souls were perfect "alternatives" to more popular games like Skyrim and mainstreamg games in general.

      • 1 week ago

        I remember people that imported it and sang its praises back then

      • 1 week ago

        This is the absolute truth. From Software had a niche following on Ganker after Demon's Souls. This board only started hating their games after they became popular with normalgays and thus Reddit. Today's Ganker is just ADHD-addled 15-25 year olds screaming about everything and that thing being reddit or not being popular enough.

        Modern day Ganker wouldn't have played Killing Floor. It only had 28k people playing at it's peak. That's a "Dead Game" now. Mount and Blade? 800MB? Copypasta'd assets everywhere? Lol!!!!!! Dragon's Dogma? Holy Reddit!

        This place was always full of shit heads, but goddamn.

    • 1 week ago

      Objectively wrong. I was here for the original Demon's Souls threads and it was one of the few games Ganker actually liked.

  6. 1 week ago

    inb4 the webm homosexual

    • 1 week ago

      demon's sharts is overrated if anything

      thanks anon i was gonna scroll past this thread but your comment reminded me my duty

      • 1 week ago

        >wtf where's my banham slide?

  7. 1 week ago

    Better than Elden Ring. Unfortunately, the world tendency and weapon upgrade system can be a bit jank, but the game is great.

    • 1 week ago

      For some aspects. Especially a vague lore that actually makes sense.

      What does DeS do so great?

      • 1 week ago

        They dont actually know. They are just parroting the opinion of some moronic eceleb.

      • 1 week ago

        >awesome levels with great level design and amazing mesmerizing atmosphere
        >beautiful soundtrack, each track is unique and fits their purpose perfectly
        >greatly charming characters with great voice acting
        >almost every boss is vastly different mechanically and visually, greatly complimented by their unique themes
        >gameplay may be a bit rough in places but I still find it very charming overall, world tendency and such are neat
        >awesome aesthetic, art style, lighting, colors, it's just awesome
        Honestly I find it difficult to think of what I don't like about it.

        • 1 week ago

          every boss is vastly different mechanically and visually, greatly complimented by their unique themes
          This really is the best thing about Demon's Souls. It's a real shame how since Dark Souls 3 every boss just feels the exact same.

        • 1 week ago

          every boss is vastly different mechanically and visually, greatly complimented by their unique themes
          This really is the best thing about Demon's Souls. It's a real shame how since Dark Souls 3 every boss just feels the exact same.

          What did the later games get worse?

          • 1 week ago

            level design, unique bosses, lore/story, music. the combat and graphics are pretty much the only things that got better, and upgrade materials not being so insanely hard to get.

            • 1 week ago

              >level design

              Sen’s Fortress
              Painted World of Ariamis
              Brume Tower
              Central Yharnam
              Research Hall
              Fishing Hamlet
              Cathedral of the Deep
              Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
              Lothric Castle (all 3 parts)
              Stormveil Castle

              Better than anything in DeS

              • 1 week ago

                >sen's fortress
                DAS, an amazing game, it's about on par with boletaria
                >painted world
                also DAS, pretty good
                >brume tower
                >all the bloodborne levels
                havent actually played BB because I dont have a PS4 but sure, though it looks like it abuses the "kick a ladder" style shortcuts
                >anything in DAS 3 or elden ring

          • 1 week ago

            Every boss in 3 and on is trying to be Artorias.

        • 1 week ago

          every boss is vastly different mechanically and visually, greatly complimented by their unique themes
          This really is the best thing about Demon's Souls. It's a real shame how since Dark Souls 3 every boss just feels the exact same.

          If you think about it, every final boss for each Archstone would be what nowadays people would complain as “gimmicks”. Maybe most bosses but I don’t remember all of them.
          The giant dragon god, the swamp lady, the flying manta ray, the PvP summoning monk.
          Only the first Archstone has more traditional fighting bosses like the Penetrator and Allant. Even Phalanx has its trick. Tower Knight has you cleaning the arena for an easier time etc.

          • 1 week ago

            >the online messaging and pve/pvp system
            >old monk: pure creatividad, peak kojima-tier, one of the most clever boss gimmick since psycho mantis or the end
            >Allant stealing YOUR LEVELS
            >punishing you on death instead of making it easier for you
            >true final boss being a pathetic blob instead of power creep
            >boss of the most monstrous area ends up being a sympathetic person trying to help the afflicted, instead of generic evil demon, begging you to leave her alone and killing herself
            >obscure shit like the hollow mage buffing yuria, disguising yourself as a fat official to gain a secret entrance, trading obscure items with the crows
            >unique gimmicks like old hero being blind and being able to silence your footsteps
            >human/ghost forms, world tendency, opening different areas and solving quests depending on this
            >tutorial area with a boss who very likely kills you without a second try
            >had to cut a whole level, but still kept its archstone to create mysterious aura surrounding it instead of just removing it (genius)
            >non linear progression
            >organ music getting spookier when you come back to nexus after a while
            >npc merchant cursing you if you walk away while they're talking to you
            >rescuing a npc should bring you a reward? instead it's fricking up your game in devious ways
            >finding dead npcs including merchants in the one hub that's supposed to be your safe zone
            >forgetting a shitload of stuff
            >despite being this amazing ode to western fantasy and word of mouth and imports spreading like wildfire, sony refused to release it in the west
            It's astounding how much he got right on the FIRST TRY. Many say DeS is just like an early prototype but shit like old monk is proof they went in with absolute confidence. Not only has the series been coasting on the same RPG system, combat animations, gear options, etc. since DeS, which you could argue are just gameplay foundations, but DeS also already had so many unique concepts and creative details

            • 1 week ago

              This is why I was so disappointed with DAS when it first came out.
              I expected more experimental features but got neutered polished DES.
              At least the exploration was nice.

              • 1 week ago

                I can see how some things in DeS could be seen as an experimental thing and felt like a frick you from players. But they didn’t care. Even things like world tendencies.
                They had to play it safer with Dark Souls.
                And today we have people complaining even about game difficulty so I expect they’ll risk even less.

              • 1 week ago

                World tendency was such a neat concept. All they had to do was make online not interact with it outside of events and give players more tools to manipulate it.

                Even the way of cheesing some of the bosses was fresh.

                >And today we have people complaining even about game difficulty so I expect they’ll risk even less
                People are finally growing tired of 'epic boss fights' over and over again. I hope the next game brings back some gimmicks and unique bosses.

                DaS had covenants which i thought was a really great concept
                too bad they never quite got them right and only made them more boring since, and removed them from elden shit entirely
                gravelording is an insanely fun idea that would never fricking fly even if they did reintroduce them, with the direction the invasions are headed

                cutting boss tails was also a cool bonus challenge and i'm baffled nothing like that has been done since

                nah the world is great. not being able to move on foot from all the lategame bosses is fine and the world is densely packed and big enough to feel immersed in

                This had so much potential but deeply integrating them with online was a mistake. I was hoping for some unique npc interactions, bosses, and even endings.

              • 1 week ago

                DaS had covenants which i thought was a really great concept
                too bad they never quite got them right and only made them more boring since, and removed them from elden shit entirely
                gravelording is an insanely fun idea that would never fricking fly even if they did reintroduce them, with the direction the invasions are headed

                cutting boss tails was also a cool bonus challenge and i'm baffled nothing like that has been done since

                >Being more level focused instead of boss focused it what makes it my favorite souls game.

                Dark Souls ages even more poorly when you see all the shit they ripped off. Like the opening up doors ambush in Boletaria palace getting moved to the lower undead burg, the identical enemies, the undead soldiers and warriors that have identical scripting to Dreglings and Boletarian soldiers, and so on. So many similarities pile up

                DS1's interconnectivity was a haphazard attempt to replace warping back to the hub like you would in DeS (Undead Burg 1-1, Catacombs 2-1, Depths 3-1, Sen's 4-1 etc.) and they gave up halfway through and just made warping mandatory for later stages of each branch (Tomb down the Catacombs branch, Izalith down the Depths/Blighttown branch, Archives down Sen's)

                >Vast and more intricate levels with great sense of scale and design were replaced by half assed lame and small "interconnected" levels constantly using tubular design and danger from falling/limiting player movement
                >The world feels artificial because Lordran is ridiculously small, constrained into its open world design. Boletaria feels like an actual kingdom.
                >Homeward bones break the gameplay by allowing an easy and cheap get-out-of-jail move

                nah the world is great. not being able to move on foot from all the lategame bosses is fine and the world is densely packed and big enough to feel immersed in

        • 1 week ago

          i would also add: uniqie mechanics (miracle that autorevives you, spell that banishes invaders, spell that levels down people, scraping spear, probably more i'm forgetting)
          some weapons types have better movesets than the rest of the series
          backstab/riposte animations to me look more dynamic and fluid

          i think dark souls 1 is the best game ever made, but demons souls is very close. big shame that the remake is just a new coat of paint, and an ugly one to boot

          • 1 week ago

            >i think dark souls 1 is the best game ever made


            • 1 week ago

              How about you tell us your favorite game instead of asking stupid questions

        • 1 week ago

          >Honestly I find it difficult to think of what I don't like about it.
          2-2, 4-2, 5-1 and 5-2 are lacking in level design

          • 1 week ago


            • 1 week ago

              i will give you that parts of 2-2 and 5-2 are well designed (especially the village area in 5-2), though

      • 1 week ago

        Level design is the best in the series. Being more level focused instead of boss focused it what makes it my favorite souls game.

        • 1 week ago

          >Being more level focused instead of boss focused it what makes it my favorite souls game.

          Dark Souls ages even more poorly when you see all the shit they ripped off. Like the opening up doors ambush in Boletaria palace getting moved to the lower undead burg, the identical enemies, the undead soldiers and warriors that have identical scripting to Dreglings and Boletarian soldiers, and so on. So many similarities pile up

          DS1's interconnectivity was a haphazard attempt to replace warping back to the hub like you would in DeS (Undead Burg 1-1, Catacombs 2-1, Depths 3-1, Sen's 4-1 etc.) and they gave up halfway through and just made warping mandatory for later stages of each branch (Tomb down the Catacombs branch, Izalith down the Depths/Blighttown branch, Archives down Sen's)

          >Vast and more intricate levels with great sense of scale and design were replaced by half assed lame and small "interconnected" levels constantly using tubular design and danger from falling/limiting player movement
          >The world feels artificial because Lordran is ridiculously small, constrained into its open world design. Boletaria feels like an actual kingdom.
          >Homeward bones break the gameplay by allowing an easy and cheap get-out-of-jail move

        • 1 week ago

          >x feature is the best in the series!
          >series abandons it completely
          always worth a chuckle

  8. 1 week ago

    Souls games arent underrated sweety, they are normiecore.
    Pic related is still good.

  9. 1 week ago

    Back when the "Soul" in the title actually meant something. Demon's Souls atmosphere is like no other

  10. 1 week ago

    But bullshit at the same time.
    >play bad
    >game gets harder

  11. 1 week ago

    i imported the korean version back in 2009 after suggestions from Ganker.

  12. 1 week ago

    DeS is just so wierd, but it's not wierd like Ds3 that is a bunch of nonsense, it's a crazy world that still makes some sense. and the level design is the best in the series after dark souls 1, better at points. also the esoteric mechanics like world tendency lend a uniqueness.

  13. 1 week ago

    sony should just start selling DeS on PC just like they do with all their other games. We're gonna emulate it for free anyway otherwise. The original, please, not the demaster

    • 1 week ago

      They hate souls just as much as this board and will keep DeS and BB irrelevant as long as you're alive. Never Ever.

    • 1 week ago

      Bluepoint came out and said in the GameSpot interviews that they got the original game running on PS5 and then worked from that. Lance McDonald who is a Souls modder said that even the folder structure was the same as the original PS3 game.
      Demon's Souls PS5 is a glorified remaster.

      BB is getting the Demon's treatment
      >neglect original version
      >refuse to port it to PC or next console gen
      >Bluepoint is given carte blance to replace every single model, texture, and sound effect
      >aggressively push the remake to consumers
      >original becomes abandonware
      hold on to those ISOs because your PS4 won't run forever!

  14. 1 week ago

    >Such an insanely underrated albeit short gem
    fixed it for you

  15. 1 week ago

    This is honestly my favorite souls game. If you're good at it, it's pretty short -- 4-8 hours. It's a great atmospheric romp which doesn't overstay its welcome.

    • 1 week ago

      >If you're good at it, it's pretty short -- 4-8 hours.
      >I'm "good" at this so I get to play it less

      • 1 week ago

        Doing one run over a week vs 2 runs over a week is more content.

  16. 1 week ago

    >world tendency
    At least the remaster changed it from an average of all morons to just you and your actions. Still moronic though.
    >just suicide safely in the nexus xD

  17. 1 week ago

    its a 10/10 no matter what gays say

  18. 1 week ago

    Its properly rated, that is to say, people love it.

    The remake is underrated.

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