System specific red flags

>GM wants to use the war supplement for Shadowrun 4e.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >GM wants to run DnD

    • 2 years ago

      I knew this was going to be the first post, because I know exactly who you are.
      You are an 800lb, bedbound loser who your parents privately wish would finally just die in your sleep and keep feeding you in hopes of you having a heart attack, and you spend every minute of your waking existence refreshing /tg/, waiting for any new thread that even remotely might be related to D&D, just so you can shitpost about it, because you have nothing else going in your life except getting revenge on the game that you never got a chance to play because the one time you showed up to a session, the group immediately kicked you out and started making fun of you even before you left earshot.

      I'm kind of on the same team as your parents.

      • 2 years ago

        Wrong, I'm a father who's married with a blue collar job.

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          When we grew up and went to school, there were certain teachers who would hurt the children any way they could by pouring their derision upon anything we did and exposing every weakness however carefully hidden by the kids. But in the town it was well known when they got home at night, their fat and psycopathic wives would thrash them within inches of their lives.

          • 2 years ago




          • 2 years ago

            WE DONT NEED NO

            ED U CAYSHON

        • 2 years ago

          >married with a blue collar job

          At least a blue collar job won't take half your money in a divorce

      • 2 years ago

        NTA but how fricking fragile are you?

        • 2 years ago

          Considering how mad you are right now? You probably shouldn't talk.

          • 2 years ago

            Not OP but that other guy was malding over shit ass d&d of all things. I was surprised at how much he was seething too.

            • 2 years ago

              Why do you dedicate so much of your life to shitposting about a game, and then trying to act like you don't care?

              inb4 you show how much you care by trying to pretend you don't some more.

              • 2 years ago

                Nice job poisoning the well. Why do you care so much as to cope seethe mald and dilate over it?

              • 2 years ago

                >killing this board with your shitposting about how much you hate some game
                Was it worth it?

            • 2 years ago

              have a nice day.

          • 2 years ago

            >I'm not mad you are
            lmao even

            • 2 years ago

              please stop replying to bait

        • 2 years ago

          Calling someone "fragile" is definitely a red flag. You're on 4chinks, not on twitter, you dumb homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        This is what happens when you let tourist into your hobby. D&D is slow and shit, go cry about it on reddit newbie.

        • 2 years ago

          WotC D&D isn't real D&D.

      • 2 years ago

        Based, I don't even like D&D but this homosexual who b***hes about it in every thread is so tiresome.

        • 2 years ago

          >this homosexual
          Sure, it is just one person you fricking normalgay. This is why D&Dgays should have gatekept better.

          • 2 years ago

            >Sure, it is just one person
            It is just one guy who rushes to shitpost though.
            And it's obvious he's DESPERATE to try and samegay as much as he can to pretend there's more of him than there is.

            It's sad and pathetic, but that's exactly the type of person who would dedicate himself to shitposting on Ganker.

            • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            It is one person, there may be multiple machines the program is running on but it's still the same program.

      • 2 years ago

        Imagine being such a crybaby homosexual you sweatily type a blog because someone mocked PRODUCT.
        Next time you take such leaps, tie the noose first.

      • 2 years ago

        Modern 5e is kind of a red-flag.

        • 2 years ago

          5e sucks but tbh its more of a red flag from the people it attracts like

          Why do you dedicate so much of your life to shitposting about a game, and then trying to act like you don't care?

          inb4 you show how much you care by trying to pretend you don't some more.

          I knew this was going to be the first post, because I know exactly who you are.
          You are an 800lb, bedbound loser who your parents privately wish would finally just die in your sleep and keep feeding you in hopes of you having a heart attack, and you spend every minute of your waking existence refreshing /tg/, waiting for any new thread that even remotely might be related to D&D, just so you can shitpost about it, because you have nothing else going in your life except getting revenge on the game that you never got a chance to play because the one time you showed up to a session, the group immediately kicked you out and started making fun of you even before you left earshot.

          I'm kind of on the same team as your parents.

          Considering how mad you are right now? You probably shouldn't talk.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, was pretty close to getting a small group of players into a GURPs game. They were bored of D&D 5e and wanted something classless, so I thought "perfect fit." Some are new, most are Pathfinder and 3.5 veterans. But there is one player at that table that drives me insane and always causes issues. They convinced the group that (somehow) gurps is 'fat-phobic' (What the frick does that mean and how?) and would be offensive to play.

            Needless to say once the campaign we are in finishes, I will not be sitting down for the next game. The more these kind of people come into the hobby, the worse it gets. You know the kind of person. They are a huge red flag if they are at the table.

            • 2 years ago

              >You know the kind of person.

              Yes, fat people. We need to have a goddamned weight limit in every game store, maybe a bmi limit

              • 2 years ago

                A BO limit would also be a good start. It would even apply to more than just industrial shipments of lard.

      • 2 years ago

        I’m curious, how long ago did you learn about /tg/? 2 weeks ago?

      • 2 years ago

        Sides in orbit holy shit

      • 2 years ago

        >You are an 800lb, bedbound loser who your parents privately wish would finally just die in your sleep and keep feeding you in hopes of you having a heart attack
        How morally defensible is it to kick out someone for being too fat to be able to get a job or provide for themselves? Cause you could always throw out your deadbeat 30 year-old son if he's 150-280 lbs, but if someone is 600 lbs, that would be impossible for them to survive, wouldn't it? Doesn't that mean that you're stuck with that forever?

        • 2 years ago

          People who get that fat don't merit consideration.
          If your obesity gets to the point where it inhibits your ability to walk, and you just carry on anyway, nobody really owes you support for the rest of your life.

          And frankly, a little starvation and abandonment does wonders for the waistline.

          Know this; your life isn't worth shit to every c**t just because you're born.
          There is no universal standard of morality, and they all bend to practical concerns in the end.

          Indeed, under many systems of morality the non-contributing person is cut off like a diseased limb.

          The Chinese and some Native American tribes used to take their elderly up into the mountains and leave them to die once they became a drain on the community.

          • 2 years ago

            Ow the edge.

            • 2 years ago

              Something tells me your edge is rounded off.

          • 2 years ago

            In the case of the native Americans at least such practices only occurred in extreme circumstances. Can't say one way or the other with the Chinese.

            Ow the edge.

            Deal with it tubby.

        • 2 years ago

          >How morally defensible is it to kick out someone for being too fat to be able to get a job or provide for themselves?
          Extremely. Having BMI over 22 is an irreversible moral failing on the part of the landwhale, and therefore no act committed against them can be considered morally wrong.

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Now that's a copy pasta.

      • 2 years ago

        This is an impressive level of seething. I may have to save it as a copy pasta.

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        maybe he's somebody who has played D&D and doesn't like it very much because not getting to make character choices past third level fricking sucks?
        I would way rather play almost anything else besides 5e at this point, the honeymoon phase wore off like six years ago

    • 2 years ago

      If it's B/A or any of its clones that's fine. Even up to 2e is passable.

      • 2 years ago

        >Let’s pretend 2e and 1e AD&D and B/X and BECMI aren’t functionally identical in 95% of all cases.

        “But muh Gygaxian writing style”
        AD&D was never good but 2e was just a reformat with and also here’s a new idea too thrown in. “Oh no, they changed the names of demons.” Nobody cared. I have dragon magazines in a box in my attic literally talking about “business” as normal.

        “B/X is superior to BECMI”
        They’re the same. Minor changes to initiative and page layout do not make one the epitome of excellence and the other trash.

        D&D is only at it’s best as a lite-to-mid crunch dungeon crawler. Fricking stupid “OSR” edition wars fricking get to me.

        • 2 years ago

          At minimum 2E changed the stat rolling method and replaced gold for XP with XP for tasks. Those are not insignificant changes.

          • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      What's wrong with DnD?

    • 2 years ago

      Your opinion isn't just that of an unpopular minority, it's such a tiny minority that it's actually kind of gross how much effort you're willing to put into trying to convince people that your D&D hatewagon isn't just the saddest handful of contrarian trolls. Just spamming "please please please stop playing D&D" every chance you get and making some when none arise doesn't do much to change the raw numbers of people who actually play the games and discuss them here.

    • 2 years ago

      I knew this was going to be the first post, because I know exactly who you are.
      You are an 800lb, bedbound loser who your parents privately wish would finally just die in your sleep and keep feeding you in hopes of you having a heart attack, and you spend every minute of your waking existence refreshing /tg/, waiting for any new thread that even remotely might be related to D&D, just so you can shitpost about it, because you have nothing else going in your life except getting revenge on the game that you never got a chance to play because the one time you showed up to a session, the group immediately kicked you out and started making fun of you even before you left earshot.

      I'm kind of on the same team as your parents.

  2. 2 years ago

    What has that dog seen to fill him with such dread?

    • 2 years ago

      >What has that dog seen to fill him with such dread?

      I knew this was going to be the first post, because I know exactly who you are.
      You are an 800lb, bedbound loser who your parents privately wish would finally just die in your sleep and keep feeding you in hopes of you having a heart attack, and you spend every minute of your waking existence refreshing /tg/, waiting for any new thread that even remotely might be related to D&D, just so you can shitpost about it, because you have nothing else going in your life except getting revenge on the game that you never got a chance to play because the one time you showed up to a session, the group immediately kicked you out and started making fun of you even before you left earshot.

      I'm kind of on the same team as your parents.

    • 2 years ago

      A white girl

  3. 2 years ago

    >GM wants to run Shadow of the Demon Lord
    >GM wants to run Mosque Guard
    >GM wants to run Savage Worlds
    >GM wants to run Dungeon World
    >GM wants to run Monster Hearts
    >GM wants to run DnD 5e
    >GM wants to run ADnD 2e
    >GM wants to run Eclipse Phase
    >GM wants to run World of Darkness
    >GM wants to use Tome of Battle for 3.5 (bonus points if he uses the term "martial" and drinks sòy)

    • 2 years ago

      imagine running monster hearts when monster hearts 2 is out

    • 2 years ago

      >>GM wants to run Mosque Guard

    • 2 years ago

      Oh shit. The entire works of darkness is a red flag? That’s a shame. I kinda liked Mage.

    • 2 years ago

      >bunch of other shit I never heard of
      >some shit I never played but know of
      >some shit I'm unfortunately aware of
      >EP a bad
      Has flaws, sure, but not the worst. Like a more open FFG 40k RPG.
      >WoD a bad
      Hoo boy is it. Nice crunch, OK rules, oh dear god the players/storytellers.
      Yeah that's all true.

      >Maximum Metal Sourcebook
      >Any of the chromebooks
      Cyberpunk 2020 is best when left mostly alone and un-sourcebooked.

      It takes curation more than just excision. Some chrome stuff is neat, but dear god the godstat problem, which is a symptom of Referees needing a clue, and just a couple switch-overs to make it sit more evenly.

      >gm wants to run a game he and the rest of the group enjoys
      what the frick is wrong with him guys?

      He was somehow well-adjusted. How the hell did that happen. Corporate will never allow it to happen again!

      I knew this was going to be the first post, because I know exactly who you are.
      You are an 800lb, bedbound loser who your parents privately wish would finally just die in your sleep and keep feeding you in hopes of you having a heart attack, and you spend every minute of your waking existence refreshing /tg/, waiting for any new thread that even remotely might be related to D&D, just so you can shitpost about it, because you have nothing else going in your life except getting revenge on the game that you never got a chance to play because the one time you showed up to a session, the group immediately kicked you out and started making fun of you even before you left earshot.

      I'm kind of on the same team as your parents.


      Yeah, was pretty close to getting a small group of players into a GURPs game. They were bored of D&D 5e and wanted something classless, so I thought "perfect fit." Some are new, most are Pathfinder and 3.5 veterans. But there is one player at that table that drives me insane and always causes issues. They convinced the group that (somehow) gurps is 'fat-phobic' (What the frick does that mean and how?) and would be offensive to play.

      Needless to say once the campaign we are in finishes, I will not be sitting down for the next game. The more these kind of people come into the hobby, the worse it gets. You know the kind of person. They are a huge red flag if they are at the table.

      You should also show that bray the ol' Odious Personal Habits quirk, look them in the face, smile, and say 'so what did you spend your points on?'

    • 2 years ago

      oWoD is great though

      • 2 years ago

        oWoD is decent, but the latest edition of Vampire the Mosquerade that most people will be familiar with is an atrocity

  4. 2 years ago

    >Maximum Metal Sourcebook
    >Any of the chromebooks
    Cyberpunk 2020 is best when left mostly alone and un-sourcebooked.

    • 2 years ago

      Metal Sourcebook
      Good fricking god that’s the truth

      A common complaint. Not particularly objectionable
      >>Any of the chromebooks
      Burn in hell you meat-humping heathen. How dare you decry the glories of capitalism

    • 2 years ago

      >Cyberpunk 2020 is best when left mostly alone and un-sourcebooked.
      The sourcebooks are literally the only thing making 2020 more worthwhile than Red.

  5. 2 years ago

    >gm wants to use shadowrun

  6. 2 years ago

    >gm wants to run a game he and the rest of the group enjoys
    what the frick is wrong with him guys?

    • 2 years ago

      I roll 2d10 to boop the snoot

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    >wants to run the glory module of eclipse phase

    • 2 years ago

      What's the QRD on Glory?

      • 2 years ago

        >Starts kinda cool but leans heavily into gore and torture porn
        >at the end you need to breach a ship full of parasitoids who are described to be sitting around, having sex, or watching bad Korean porn and jerking off. I'm not making that up
        >at the end the players are supposed to stop their plan to fling themselves into the sun so their children can spread amongst the stars riding the solar winds, it then ask the players to resolve the plot by destroying the eggs, which begs the question of what the frick players are supposed to do, as they can survive being flung into a sun, so how exactly are you supposed to destroy these things?
        >The only side character you might care about saving has only one piece of intel about her and its her being sleeved in way that won't let her soul move on basically, then being put through a meat grinder and eaten, yay (more Gore porn)

        Its just a lot of cheap shock horror and guru broken up with dungeon crawling against creatures that can infect you at any time, its just kinda a bad time, and the weird sexual beats it hits have a good chance of throwing newer players off the system. which is a shame, eclipse phase has some really cool ideas.

        • 2 years ago

          What in the actual frick is going on with Eclipse Phase, it sounds like there's a frickton of weirdass fetish fuel for no good reason everywhere

          • 2 years ago

            They frame it as the logical conclusion to bodies being nothing more than skinsuits people wear since your "soul" is effectively software that can be uploaded and downloaded into any body you want it at a whim. So whatever happens to various bodies is no longer as sacred as we treat our own bodies IRL.

            The problem with that kind of theme is that they lean on it way too often for the sake of coming up with torture / gore porn for pure shock value.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean even if my body was something I could discard easily, I don't think I wouldn't give a shit about being brutally murdered, phantom pain, trauma and other shenanigans, that's just taking things to the point where the setting becomes a moronic esoteric hellscape. Not saying it isn't possible, just saying it sounds like hell and I'm on board with whoever lets me keep my good old fleshy body, and maybe give it a few upgrades here and there.

              • 2 years ago

                Well, you'd get to be immortal so I'd call it alright, sign me up

        • 2 years ago

          Reading all that made me have such a "WHAT THE FRICK" reaction that I had to look it up just to see if you were bullshitting us:

          Turns out, you weren't (see pic).
          But I missed the part about the things watching porn and jerking off - what page is it on?
          No, I'm not getting off to this. It's like watching a train wreck.

          • 2 years ago

            >Space Asians have a machine that turns people into noodles
            holy shit

          • 2 years ago

            I think I'm considering blinding myself the good olf fashioned way like Oedipus did after reading this shit, what the actual frick.

          • 2 years ago

            >Space Asians have a machine that turns people into noodles
            holy shit

            I think I'm considering blinding myself the good olf fashioned way like Oedipus did after reading this shit, what the actual frick.

            Check it out: They even had somebody draw it! Pic is from the module.

            • 2 years ago

              How the frick does this have good ratings... Oh right, people that enjoy torture/gore porn in their tabletop. Internet really is the gift that keeps on giving, huh?

              • 2 years ago

                >Internet really is the gift that keeps on giving, huh?
                The internet brings together people who would otherwise just be dismissed as "weirdos" in their local communities. They gather together in places (like Discord and /tg/) where they can share their odd fetishes with each other to the point where people will start publishing stuff that caters to those tastes.

              • 2 years ago

                I mean in the end it's live and let live, people can have whatever sick fetishes as long as they don't hurt others. I just feel like this kind of shit should have some way to warn people that want to buy it, because yknow, I want to know what the hell to expect before buying something. But this isn't a good way to sell pdfs online, so they'll never do that.

              • 2 years ago

                >I mean in the end it's live and let live, people can have whatever sick fetishes as long as they don't hurt others.
                I agree. Once upon a time I gave Eclipse Phase (first edition) a shot, and I remember as I went through the rulebook I was like: "What the frick?" and not in a good way.

                >I just feel like this kind of shit should have some way to warn people that want to buy it, because yknow, I want to know what the hell to expect before buying something. But this isn't a good way to sell pdfs online, so they'll never do that.
                I agree. Sadly, since they don't do that, I have to do things like simply not pick up another book/PDF of the game ever again. Eclipse Phase has released a second edition - to which I gave a hard pass.

          • 2 years ago

            Does this imply you can force people out of their bodies, force them into new ones and take over their old husks? I assume this is what this Ji did. In that case, why is Ji forced to watch, why would she care?

            • 2 years ago

              That's exactly what it implies. I explained it in

              They frame it as the logical conclusion to bodies being nothing more than skinsuits people wear since your "soul" is effectively software that can be uploaded and downloaded into any body you want it at a whim. So whatever happens to various bodies is no longer as sacred as we treat our own bodies IRL.

              The problem with that kind of theme is that they lean on it way too often for the sake of coming up with torture / gore porn for pure shock value.

              But to reiterate: Eclipse Phase takes place in a future where everybody's consciousness can be uploaded and downloaded like software from one body to another.

              • 2 years ago

                >any body you want it at a whim
                You implied it was a willful act

                The thing is they disabled the sleeve's mind download ability, she was effectively trapped in that sleeve, meaning she was actually mortal.

                >why would she care?
                Also I need to add: She would care if she couldn't "upload" her consciousness to another body in time. Which in this case, she couldn't.

                I misunderstood that they made the person in Yu's body watch, my mistake.

              • 2 years ago

                Everyone makes mistakes anon, no biggie.

            • 2 years ago

              >why would she care?
              Also I need to add: She would care if she couldn't "upload" her consciousness to another body in time. Which in this case, she couldn't.

            • 2 years ago

              The thing is they disabled the sleeve's mind download ability, she was effectively trapped in that sleeve, meaning she was actually mortal.

          • 2 years ago

            People shit and piss themselves over this? I'm not saying it's particularly well-written by any metric, but quit clutching your fricking pearls

            • 2 years ago

              >quit clutching your fricking pearls
              Go frick yourself. Absolutely nobody in this thread demanded that it be banned, cancelled, or even made any sort of appeal to morality. Everybody is just judging it to be trashy. Are you the kind of homosexual to throw a hissy fit if someone says they didn't care for Friday the 13th?

            • 2 years ago

              I think people are just saying it's kinda pure cheap shock value, man.

              • 2 years ago

                Well that, and at some point you might end up wondering if the squirrelly bastard that wrote did so one-handed.

        • 2 years ago

          Eclipse Phase just fricking sucks in general, not surprised in the slightest that it has shit modules too.

          • 2 years ago

            Eclipse Phase is also very, very heavily biased against the one faction that is completely sane and relatable to the reader simply because they are supposed to be archaic Nazis, the Jovian Republic. In a post singularity space horror game. No matter what the writers says in their forums, the very strange and downright horrific elements of the society they present to the reader makes the Jovians just seem like sane hardasses who need to protect themselves from a bunch of crazy neoanrchists and cooky corporate space cults who take people out of cryosleep and enslave and indoctrinate their souls against their will.

            • 2 years ago

              The kooky politics of the writers aren't what make me hate it, but the shitty rules and uninteresting setting.
              >Wow, a world where if something bad happens to you, you just respawn (unless you didn't buy insurance or whatever because your character is a fricking idiot???). I guess you could go insa- oh, nope, you just download an earlier backup! No consequences and nebulous stakes are great!
              >Haha, good one anon, you didn't take much in the way of hacking skills? I guess you can sit two thirds of the session out entirely.
              >Awesome weapon selection! Five guns and they're all the same!

              And I guarantee that any moron that comes up to the table drooling about this game just wants to jerk off to the "cool" transhuman elements, such as becoming a fricking octopus. Such an impressive setting and game system!

              • 2 years ago

                >And I guarantee that any moron that comes up to the table drooling about this game just wants to jerk off to the "cool" transhuman elements, such as becoming a fricking octopus.

                This. Eclipse Phase is one of those games with a fascinating concept that turns out to not make for a very good RPG. It would have best been enjoyed as fictional novels.

              • 2 years ago

                Altered Carbon. Literally.

              • 2 years ago

                Terrible show, surprisingly good movie

              • 2 years ago

                >And I guarantee that any moron that comes up to the table drooling about this game just wants to jerk off to the "cool" transhuman elements, such as becoming a fricking octopus.

                This. Eclipse Phase is one of those games with a fascinating concept that turns out to not make for a very good RPG. It would have best been enjoyed as fictional novels.

                The one thing Eclipse Phase does well is making players come up with alternative solutions because the antagonists also have nebulously consequential respawning.

              • 2 years ago

                >No consequences and nebulous stakes
                Hey anon, you fancy dying and replacing yourself with you from 3 years ago?

              • 2 years ago

                Compared to dying and staying dead? I'll fricking take it. Besides, most of the problems with this are solved with:
                >"My character keeps a detailed journal in the cloud with backups as a precaution."
                Or whatever setting specific action is required to do something similar.

              • 2 years ago

                My guy, you'd be fricking dead. The consciousness that is you would cease. You would stay dead. You would be dying and staying dead. Some guy with your memories would be walking around so your friends don't have to mourn.

              • 2 years ago

                You realize we're talking about a fictional TTRPG and not real life, right? The consequences of being 'killed' in Eclipse Phase are minimal, which impacts the stakes quite negatively. Even if it's 'someone else', you the player are still in control of the same person. It is, in fact, the same 'consciousness', which defeats your stupid little 'gotcha' you fricking dweeb.

              • 2 years ago

                It is real life to your character, who you're meant to be roleplaying. You know, the narrative that you're pretending to be invested in while talking about 'stakes' to then turn around and say is unimportant when you hyper fixate on mechanics.
                >"My character keeps a detailed journal in the cloud with backups as a precaution."
                Like, it's entirely laughable you see this as the solution to the proposed problem and illustrates your fundamental misunderstanding of what the problem even is. I bet you don't engage with the material in CoC either.
                >What I lose sanity points for LOOKING at the alien or finding out they exist? THAT'S SO DUMB
                I implore you to read a book.

              • 2 years ago

                Can we do twenty?

  9. 2 years ago

    Any /k/ supplement for any game is a bad sign.

    • 2 years ago

      What do you mean by /k/ suppliment?

    • 2 years ago

      What do you mean by /k/ suppliment?

      >STALKER-tier stuff?
      >a supplement dedicated entirely to guns?
      >that one autist about guns who wont stop trying to make everything about guns whenever you play that supplement?

      • 2 years ago

        -tier stuff?
        >>a supplement dedicated entirely to guns?
        I genuinely don't see the issue here.

      • 2 years ago

        Palladium Compendium of Modern Weapons belongs in no campaign anywhere ever. Twilight 2000 is a little too gear queer for any but the most dedicated. The big CP / Shadowrun gear books have a bad tendency to bait shopping spree mentality. Shit, ANY splatbook crammed full of neat toys with minimal fluff should be handled like radioactive waste, sifted for the useful bits and otherwise kept clear.

        • 2 years ago

          >Twilight 2000 is a little too gear queer for any but the most dedicated.
          I was once invited to play in a game of 2nd Edition Twilight 2000 when I was still in the military. The GM held everybody's feet to the fire about inventory management. I distinctly remember at some point accounting for how much food, water, fuel, and the amount of ammunition we had left to the point of determining their volume and weight. Then in the middle of all that, I realized I *ALREADY DID THIS SHIT FOR A LIVING I GOT PAID FOR* and stopped showing up to the game in favor of something a little more escapist and leaned more heavily towards "action movie reality"

        • 2 years ago

          >Twilight 2000 is a little too gear queer for any but the most dedicated.
          I was once invited to play in a game of 2nd Edition Twilight 2000 when I was still in the military. The GM held everybody's feet to the fire about inventory management. I distinctly remember at some point accounting for how much food, water, fuel, and the amount of ammunition we had left to the point of determining their volume and weight. Then in the middle of all that, I realized I *ALREADY DID THIS SHIT FOR A LIVING I GOT PAID FOR* and stopped showing up to the game in favor of something a little more escapist and leaned more heavily towards "action movie reality"

          This is why I actually really like the 4th edition of Twilight 2000, the one made by Free League. Hardcore T2K players don't like it that much because it does away with a lot of the over the top stuff that only gear queers like. For example autisticly calculated carry weight has been eliminated in favor of "encumbrance units" basically you get a number of slots equivalent to your strength score. Most guns are 1 unit, magazines are 1/4 of a unit

  10. 2 years ago

    D&D 5E:
    >GM encourages unearthed Arcana
    >GM has you roll with random crits on EVERYTHING.
    >GM spouts anything about caster vs martial
    >GM mentions the words "Sand box." and "First Campaign." in the same breath
    >Not reading the goddamn PHB

    Shadowrun 4E:
    >Allowing anything from the war supplement/ did not ban that supplement
    >Ignores Availability and restrictions, allowing fighter jets to be purchased from the local flea market
    >every action the characters attempt is answered with HTR teams

    Engine Hearts:
    >Tries to have a combat-focused campaign
    >tries to run it like D&D

    >Call of Cuthulu
    >Pelts you with SAN rolls if a cultist so much as farts in your direction

    Shadowrun 6E:
    >Unironically wants to play this dumpster fire.

    Pathfinder, any edition
    >Complains about D&D more than they spend time actually playing pathfinder
    >Breathes any word about caster supremacy, or martial weakness


    • 2 years ago

      >someone mentioning Engine Heart in the year of our lord twenty twenty two.
      Holy shit

      • 2 years ago

        More people should play that system man, its really fun and has a lot of heart put into it.

    • 2 years ago

      Jesus. I sometimes forget some people here actually play games

    • 2 years ago

      >he doesn't play with the Fart Pipes of Azathoth spell

    • 2 years ago

      >Allowing anything from the war supplement/ did not ban that supplement
      Pardon my ignorance (I have only played 3e and 5e Shadowrun so far) by why is WAR a bad supplement?

      • 2 years ago

        Please read:

        Alright anon sit right there, Let me spell it out for you.

        The problem with War is that almost of all the gear options listed in the book break the game in two, every single weapon is insanely more powerful than base game and has less recoil somehow. that book contains pistols that have a high chance of taking out fully armored trolls in one shot. It has magical concrete foam which if you can't see how easily abusable that is I can't help you. It has Submachine guns that outright invalidate top of the line sniper rifles from other supplements

        The vehicles and drones all have similar problems. all being either having wonky stats that don't make sense, to being unkillable tanks that render anything else pointless.

        But the worst thing is that this module expects a bunch of shadowrunners fresh off the boat to take on full military patrols equipped with this gear, gear that can render an entire team of trolls into chunky salsa in one round. Its unbalanced as frick

        plus there are tons of editing errors and the recoil stat is straight-up not used on anything from war, so they hit harder with no downside. Which is a product of the thing being written mostly by one guy doing his own style of game he wanted to make, rather than a Shadowrun game. Its reflected in the artwork, all of it depicting shadow runners doing action movie shit, frick anyone who didn't pick Street Sam I guess.

        Its a bad sign when the first assault rifle listed in the book can reliably punch through Devil Rats, and has a high chance of shooting down fighter jets.

    • 2 years ago

      Hating FATAL is a meme. Game is shit, but the only thing that drove it into anyone's conscious space were soibois who were flabbergasted that a book mentioned anuses.

      • 2 years ago

        yes I know, that was the joke, I'm glad the basic concept of humor continues to elude you.

        • 2 years ago

          >Make moronic "joke"
          >get called out on it
          >I-i-it was a joke bro! I'm absolved of all crimes.
          Nah. Frick off.

          • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Whats wrong with sandbox?

      • 2 years ago

        Nothing wrong with sandbox per se, its just that newer GM's getting excited about the possibilities, rushing head first into a sandbox game, without realizing the amount of work and prep it takes to run a game like that. Also not every party can do a sandbox game, some parties are better suited to linear adventures rather than non-linear. its a problem with biting off more than you can chew honestly.

        But ho-boy when you get a sandbox campaign rolling, it can be some of the most fun you have ever had.

    • 2 years ago

      >allowing fighter jets to be purchased from the local flea market
      Someone hasn't heard of Albania

      • 2 years ago

        well shit you got me there anon

        • 2 years ago

          • 2 years ago

            >Albania’s antiquated air force of Soviet-designed MiG aircraft, which killed 35 Albanian pilots but no enemies
            Holy frick man

    • 2 years ago

      >Shadowrun 6E:
      wants to play this dumpster fire.
      frick I can't even make a counterpoint to this

    • 2 years ago

      What's wrong with the DM "spouting anything about caster vs martial"? It is particularly a problem with Pathfinder and if I were to ever run a Pathfinder game again, I'd homebrew fighters to work more like 5e fighters (able to full attack as an action instead of having to forego movement).

      • 2 years ago

        >It is particularly a problem with Pathfinder and if I were to ever run a Pathfinder game again, I'd homebrew fighters to work more like 5e fighters (able to full attack as an action instead of having to forego movement).
        If you think fighters aren’t capable of cleaving the world in half RAW in pathfinder I don’t trust you to run a game

    • 2 years ago

      people...ignore Availability in shadowrun? THe frick is the point?

    • 2 years ago

      >my system isn't mentioned

    • 2 years ago

      >dm pulls out 5e
      >doesnt immediately say "I know you all prefer 5e so we'll play it, but I have made several dozen rule changes and removed classes altogether

    • 2 years ago

      people who play pf1e supplement it with dnd 3.5 because they were made to be compatible. wtf are you high on

  11. 2 years ago

    D&D 5E
    >Using Grim tooth's traps
    >Sending players through the tomb of horrors without having the campaign be a one-shot/having backup characters
    >Running the Tyranny of dragons module with no changes
    >trying to run a level 20 game

    Rouge Munitions:
    >Not wanting to play this

    >Everything is pure mid 2000's edge posting
    >playing with anyone who actually dresses like a vampire
    >playing this with anyone who unironically considers themselves a vampire

    >Thinking this will make a good icebreaker
    >thinking this will help your friend get along

    >Believing that playing chess regularly makes you the smartest man to ever live
    >Subjecting your players to playing an actual game of chess in another system when they have expressed no interest in this.

    • 2 years ago

      All of those points on VTM sound like green flags. The crazy shit of the mid 2000s is far superior to the unhinged and much less fun madness of the modern day.

      • 2 years ago

        >The crazy shit of the mid 2000s is far superior to the unhinged and much less fun madness of the modern day.
        "You will address me as 'Count Von Hardestat'."
        "Very well, 'Count'. What are your pronouns?"
        "Are you insulting me? I'm male of course!"
        "Oh boy do you have a lot to catch up on since you were asleep..."

        • 2 years ago

          Poor Count. He couldn't have picked a worse time to be woken from his slumber...

          • 2 years ago

            Reading this again, it reminds me a bit of Poe's writing.

    • 2 years ago

      >playing with anyone who actually dresses like a vampire
      >playing this with anyone who unironically considers themselves a vampire
      Can confirm that these are huge red flags. I still have a scar on my arm where they cut me with a razor blade to drink my blood. The 90's were fricking wild, man.

  12. 2 years ago

    >say the word realistic
    >"I will add a magic/equipment/combat/etc system"
    >knows whoever is the canon prince of a random city
    >only uses the main books

    • 2 years ago

      whoever is the canon prince of a random city
      NEver played vampire besides part of that one game. What's the problem here?

      • 2 years ago

        Turbo lore nerds are generally frowned on, as a turbo lore nerd I do not like it

        • 2 years ago

          I still fail to see the problem. It just seems like he knows a lot about the setting.

          • 2 years ago

            >It just seems like he knows a lot about the setting.
            Not him, but that's generally the problem. Imagine trying to run a game, but every time you say something, possibly even offhandedly about things you maybe glanced at in a map in the corner of your eye, someone has an immediate gut reaction of questioning you, then citing sources and bringing up a polite debate about it. And imagine this happening ever 40 minutes or so and the player becoming more obviously grumpy that the world he loved is not being given the same love and respect that he would give it.

            This is the lightest end of that spectrum, and it is insanely distracting and disheartening. On the heavier side of the spectrum, he will have an autistic shit fit and leave your game after session 1, if not just outright walking out of you from the table.

            • 2 years ago

              I've never actually had that problem with lore nerds. Sure they'll correct you but they won't throw a fit.

              • 2 years ago

                Masquerade and Reqiuem are a different league of loregays.

  13. 2 years ago

    Cringy jackpoint commentary aside, what's wrong with the War supplement?

    • 2 years ago

      Alright anon sit right there, Let me spell it out for you.

      The problem with War is that almost of all the gear options listed in the book break the game in two, every single weapon is insanely more powerful than base game and has less recoil somehow. that book contains pistols that have a high chance of taking out fully armored trolls in one shot. It has magical concrete foam which if you can't see how easily abusable that is I can't help you. It has Submachine guns that outright invalidate top of the line sniper rifles from other supplements

      The vehicles and drones all have similar problems. all being either having wonky stats that don't make sense, to being unkillable tanks that render anything else pointless.

      But the worst thing is that this module expects a bunch of shadowrunners fresh off the boat to take on full military patrols equipped with this gear, gear that can render an entire team of trolls into chunky salsa in one round. Its unbalanced as frick

      plus there are tons of editing errors and the recoil stat is straight-up not used on anything from war, so they hit harder with no downside. Which is a product of the thing being written mostly by one guy doing his own style of game he wanted to make, rather than a Shadowrun game. Its reflected in the artwork, all of it depicting shadow runners doing action movie shit, frick anyone who didn't pick Street Sam I guess.

      Its a bad sign when the first assault rifle listed in the book can reliably punch through Devil Rats, and has a high chance of shooting down fighter jets.

      • 2 years ago

        That sounds horrifying but at the same time hilarious, too. I wouldn't want to play in a game that uses that shit, but I'll be more than happy to listen to other people tell me about their games that did.

      • 2 years ago

        >Its a bad sign when the first assault rifle listed in the book can reliably punch through Devil Rats, and has a high chance of shooting down fighter jets.
        You mean the ak-147 that does 6p AP-1?

        • 2 years ago

          Having actually read through War! instead of learning about solely through memes and copypasta, most of what's in the book isn't even so bad. All the 'overpowered' stuff is gated behind availability, cost, or both. It's more a sourcebook for corp/government antagonists than anything.

      • 2 years ago

        Was War the one that had you dungeon crawling Auschwitz to find tainted magical relics?

        • 2 years ago

          No, that sounds like one of those tone-deaf pre-made adventure supplements. War has you running around an active warzone with dirty and desperate rebels on one side, and a megacorp-backed full-scale military in the other corner. both of them are fighting over a jungle territory, thus Vietnam 2: electric boogaloo. And you the showrunners are expected to want to run around this jungle while getting shot at by both sides, on the vague promise that you might be able to snag some of the extremely overpowered gear you are being shot at with. Never mind the fact that it will almost certainly end in a party wipe.

          And to make matters worse there are a ton of mercenary groups also contributing to the shit storm.

          • 2 years ago

            Honestly it's not a terrible idea to spice things up with trying to do sneaky corporate shit while people are shooting each other around you instead of shooting at you, with the party dodging crossfire and taking advantage of unplanned distractions, but the way it's executed and justified is awful.

        • 2 years ago

          Apologies for the shitty quality, but yes it was.

          • 2 years ago

            I knew something was weird when it wasn't the evil mayan corporation.

  14. 2 years ago

    >Stat buffs favourite NPCs into oblivion
    >Buffs them further if you somehow managed to outsmart them
    >"Encourages" sexual encounters between characters, rolls with both mindrape and pregnancy
    >Insists on playing a rape victim, poorly

    >Call of Cthulhu
    >Players won't stop screaming racial slurs, just because their characters are in the 1920s doesn't mean this gamestore is

    >DnD 5e
    >Tries to promote the idea of homebrew epic levels

    >Changeling the Lost
    >Insists on playing a rape victim, poorly

    >Insists on playing a rape victim, YET AGAIN

    • 2 years ago

      >Players won't stop screaming racial slurs, just because their characters are in the 1920s doesn't mean this gamestore is

      • 2 years ago

        I genuinely wish they were that funny, it'd be preferable to going all Uncle Ruckus because their informant told them that "strange things are happening in the slums".

        • 2 years ago

          >going all Uncle Ruckus because their informant told them that "strange things are happening in the slums"
          Well of course theres something strange going on in the slums. Shoot, there always something strange going on in that concrete jungle. Cept instead of the usual voodoo vineswingers ya got meth addled monkeys.
          White man should bulldoze the lot of them and put something nice in their place. Like a park. Or a police station. Hell make it a zoo, that way them apes still gots a place to live and can provide entertainment for all us honest folk!

          • 2 years ago

            Heard the voice, well done

          • 2 years ago

            >there is powerful homiedry at work here

    • 2 years ago

      >Players won't stop screaming racial slurs, just because their characters are in the 1920s doesn't mean this gamestore is

      I dont know you group, but i love them already

    • 2 years ago

      >Insists on playing a rape victim, poorly
      I get the sense you encountered that yourself anon, what happened?

      • 2 years ago

        Not that anon, but basically it was fat goth chick and psycho trailertrash-bait.
        Your bog-standard modern day erpers got their starts through IRC VtM and WtA games.
        It was just as floral as you can imagine.

    • 2 years ago

      >show up to a CoC one-shot wearing full 1920's attire just so you can smoke indoors and say "Black person" for many hours straight

      • 2 years ago

        Sir, I'll have you know that when I cosplayed for my CoC one-shot, I called them "Blacks"

  15. 2 years ago

    >GM runs D&D 5e. Specifically anything Tasha's and later.

    Yeah I know, its easy to b***h about and everyone does. But honestly its killing the hobby and is boring.

  16. 2 years ago

    >guy running allows unchecked arrays/alternates in M&M

  17. 2 years ago

    Any system which specifically mentions modern social justice concerns in the book.

    • 2 years ago

      >Consent Checklists at the table.

      • 2 years ago

        Kind of need them for Catan, especially for the table.

    • 2 years ago

      I bought Kids on Bikes because the sales pitch sounded like real fun, but had to "read" through a chapter about player safety and neuro-divergancy. I skipped most of it because neither I nor my friends care.
      The real pain in the ass was the page space wasted on muh social score could have been used to flesh out the bonus stories better, i.e. seeing up solid win conditions

      • 2 years ago

        I would have you know that there is no such thing as page space waste and that makes me suspicious of you for pretending that books are made by a limit. They didn't flesh out the back material because they didn't know what the hell they are doing. They were able to talk about safe spaces and cripples because that's what they cared about.

        • 2 years ago

          >they don't care
          I was unprepared for your harsh wisdom sensei, but I needed to hear it.

  18. 2 years ago

    >System specific red flags

    • 2 years ago

      Please tell me there's stats for a pair of scissors in this game.

    • 2 years ago

      I see this pushed in "le inclusive" spaces all the time but I cannot parse what makes it a worthwhile game besides being pandering. Also, why does the black girl look like a minstrel character?

      • 2 years ago

        It pretty much is just pandering. If you strip it of its le wacky lgbtbbq++/a1 dressing, it's basically just about romantic fantasy characters who have exaggerated emotional issues. You could probably reskin it as a bunch of classic knightly knights angsting about whether they should frick the queen or not.

        • 2 years ago

          >a bunch of classic knightly knights angsting about whether they should frick the queen or not.
          OK, so now I want to play this

      • 2 years ago

        >Also, why does the black girl look like a minstrel character?
        Activists tend to propel themselves beyond self-parody when given enough time.

        • 2 years ago

          >inb4: some ghetto yougnsters tear it down and sell into scrap metal for meth money

        • 2 years ago

          what's so bad about it? the practice of reclaiming symbols that have been associated with stereotypes and have been used to denigrate (ha) you and mock you is as old as the romans

          >inb4: some ghetto yougnsters tear it down and sell into scrap metal for meth money

          bro if a ghetto youngster tears that shit down singlehanded then i'm not messing with any hood for ever in fear of him

          • 2 years ago

            The last time I remember seeing jokes about afro picks anywhere was Space Balls; there's nothing there to reclaim because no one has given a shit about hair picks in over thirty years. The piece sucks because it's tacky and something only someone already deeply embedded in racial politics would think of in the first place.

            • 2 years ago

              The afro pick is more synonymous with afro hair, which are part of the standard "dumb Black Bix Nood" stereotype
              >only someone already deeply embedded in racial politics
              you just described 99% of america

            • 2 years ago

              I associate afros with a dancing disco frog.

    • 2 years ago

      >/tg/ has a problem with this
      >/tg/ also loves the car lesbian rpg

      • 2 years ago

        One's a deliberately trashy game with the same vibe as a B-movie that openly fetishizes for fun. It was a grass-roots development and distributed for free. The other is a trashy game with the same vibe as Steven Universe and forced angst RPGs that openly fetishizes and calls it lesbian/women's rights, the creator is not a cis lesbian. Also the art is pretty marmite and the pre-baked setting and plot hooks are absolute garbage if you don't hail from the specific isolated internet sphere these people live on - which isn't inherently bad but you can't expect people from outside that niche audience to sing its praises either. It is a ruleset with a publisher that is sold, and therefore held to a higher standard and less inherently endearing.

      • 2 years ago

        >/tg/ has a problem with pbta games made by a publisher
        >/tg/ loves the raunchy meme-y car game made by /tg/

  19. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I know you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover but goddamn.

  20. 2 years ago

    Dnd/pathfinder : I'm planning a big 1-20 level campaign

    It can be done, but whenever someone says this the campaign always fizzles out around level 7-10
    I always feel like dnd plays best when it done as smaller more self contained modules

    • 2 years ago

      D&D scales poorly after 7th or 8th level in my opinion. It falls to shit around 12th level.

  21. 2 years ago

    Both 5e and Pathfinder 1e are unplayable without some heavy 3pp support/overhaul. The former has the depth of a dried-up puddle, and the latter encourages absolutely autistic min-maxing.

    • 2 years ago

      Both are playable. But, like all games, the can be customized and even adjusted extensively to better match a group's personal tastes.
      Can you stop being so... onerous? It's needless.

      • 2 years ago

        The awful tastes of groups that don't adjust them make them unplayable. I've stayed in these games but they didn't offer anything mechanically.

        • 2 years ago

          >i can't stop
          Man, learn how to not be a gay c**t.
          Why is it no surprise that the people who can't even make a simple post online without coming off as little-dicked homosexuals always have some gripe against popular things?

          It's like they're personifying popularity as some entity that bullied them throughout school or someth- Oh.

          • 2 years ago

            The irony is palpable, holy shit.

            • 2 years ago

              >gets his ass kicked
              >n-n-n-no u
              lol go to bed

              • 2 years ago

                NTA, but his point seems to have gone way over your head.

              • 2 years ago

                lol, how gay do you have to be to imagine he had a point?
                homie just wants to b***h. You must be one low level bottom b***h if you actually hear a guy crying about some nothing and your first move is "oh, please, please, tell me more."
                Quit eating dick. Hell, quit eating dick and then acting like other people should start eating dick like you.

              • 2 years ago

                >People are subjectively judging rulesets in a thread about opinions on systems? How could this be happening!?
                >Time to call them c**ts, homosexuals, make comments about their dick size and social life because of it. And I'll pretend it's about games being popular and rant about it for good measure, even though no one mentioned it.
                >Lastly I'll pretend THEY'RE the ones being grating and I can stay of my high horse.
                I bet you give people headaches.

              • 2 years ago

                >they're subjectively judging things in such a way that makes them sound like dumb whiny b***hes
                Maybe you should subjectively fix yourselves instead of endlessly shitposting, you queer.

              • 2 years ago

                Look, not the anon you were talking to, but seriously, D&D might not be for you, but it's been going for 40+ years and it WORKS. It might not be the most elegant or best model... but it fricking works you dumbshit.
                It's the most popular game by a long mile, and while I get it, you don't like it...but the fact remains that it's served as a working RPG for 40+ years and done so successfully. If we were talking about a car, you'd not see a car that doesn't work continue to sell for 40 years and be used by people. So seriously, stop being such a sperg. RPGs don't exist in some weird black or white world of "it sucks 100%" or "its 100% awesome" So stop pretending it does. If an RPG game, which is an amazingly complex thing, is popular and remains popular for a long time, that generally means that it is a decent quality product and that it works. So stop pretending otherwise.

              • 2 years ago

                Saying "D&D has worked for 40 years" is a bit disingenuous. Each version has been a very different game. You really can't compare most versions to other ones, since they have different goals.

              • 2 years ago

                >Each version has been a very different game
                It's more accurate to say that there are 3 or so different games.
                1e and 2e AD&D are basically just B/X D&D with extra appendages and piles of house rules, and all those systems are cross-compatible.
                3.PF is its own game due to the implementation of the D20 system and other standardizations. 5e might be considered a modification of 3.PF since it's basically just a streamlining of that.
                4e is its own system with a D&D aesthetic and D&D classes.

              • 2 years ago

                You don't know anything about the game you're b***hing about. You totally fit in. Good work.

              • 2 years ago

                3.5e introduces d20s seperating it from all prior editions, 4e is a complete overhaul, 5e is a return to 3.5e but more streamlined. So 3 separate games.

      • 2 years ago

        >implying that a DM will always make good changes to a game
        >implying that changes are costless
        >implying that games where no changes have to be made don't exist

      • 2 years ago

        >But, like all games, the can be customized and even adjusted extensively to better match a group's personal tastes.
        All games can be customized, but this also includes good games that have less of a need to customize them and then will actually support the feeling of the game you want out of the box.

    • 2 years ago

      >and the latter encourages absolutely autistic min-maxing.
      Allows, yes.
      Encourages, not really.
      Honestly if the only problem with a system is “people can min-max” that sounds like something better fixed by managing players then by crowbaring in new rules from 3rd party creators

  22. 2 years ago

    >GM wants to play Masquerade V5

  23. 2 years ago

    Ak-47 empires:
    >The fact that it took so damn long to re-aquire the pdf for that game
    >Your opponent is using war ham minis

    Dark Heresy:
    >Player gets way too into subjecting people to torture
    >Tells you it iss an investigation game, then drops you on the front lines to try and force you to play the only war campaign he actually wanted to run
    >You get corruption points for being anything other than a squeaky clean chior boy
    >That one player picks Soritas and you know damn well why he picked that

    CONPLAN 8888:
    >Misspelled word on page 1

    Twilight 2000:
    >players starts sperging about NATO politics
    >player starts sperging about soviet politics
    >players don't actually exist because trying to get a game going is like pulling teeth

    Monster of the week:
    >Some one picks the weird with teleport, and now you have watch as game balance breaks in two
    >This game has no real hard rules and is just playing pretend with extra steps

    Everyone is John
    >Trying to take the game super seriously

    • 2 years ago

      >Player gets way too into subjecting people to torture
      Correct, I've had to unironically walk away from tables when other players got to gleeful in ripping off fingernails and the like.
      >You get corruption points for being anything other than a squeaky clean chior boy
      Accurate to the rules.

    • 2 years ago

      Brah, every point you addressed about DH I've had to learn the hard way. I've become a master at catching these people during interviews, but the scars never heal.

    • 2 years ago

      >Twilight 2000:
      >players starts sperging about NATO politics
      >player starts sperging about soviet politics
      >players don't actually exist because trying to get a game going is like pulling teeth

      As someone who has actually played the 2nd edition before: Trust me, that's a blessing in disguise. And it's probably telling why nobody wants to play the damn thing anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      >CONPLAN 8888
      This is A) not a game, but more of a planning exercise and B) an official military document which states that
      >The Chaplain Corps may provide the only viable means of combating Evil Magic Zombies. As such,
      atheists could be particularly vulnerable to Evil Magic Zombie threats.

      • 2 years ago

        frick did I post the zombie one? I meant to post the chocolate brownie baking directions. oh well.

        • 2 years ago

          I am interested in your chocolate brownie recipe, anon. Even moreso if it will help me kill Evil Magic Zombies.

  24. 2 years ago

    5e D&D
    >Talks about running homebrew but runs a game that's literally just core rules+supplements
    >Runs custom world that's basically just Forgotten Realms but blander
    >Takes more than a 1 week break between sessions

    >Doesn't know how to resolve attack rolls
    >Basically just runs a primitive version of the D20 system for skill checks

    • 2 years ago

      just runs a primitive version of the D20 system for skill checks
      all the fricking """grognards""" in my hick town do this and it drives me up the goddamn wall

  25. 2 years ago

    >Tries to use it as a setting rather than a toolbox to run a setting that does not have official rules
    >ALL of the modules are in use

    >GM does not modifiy char gen or have pre made chars, so when the adventure calls for skills no one has everyone dies horribley
    >That one player succeeds every single roll in char gen so he is space nobility with tons of cash while everyone else is space hobos
    >trying to use base chargen in general

    Everyday heroes:
    >Was advertised as "D&D but with like guns and grenades 'n' stuff".
    >Backed by roll20

    Autumn story:
    >The GM goes on about how realistic it is
    >The players want to actually play this
    >Not playing literally anything else

    Warhammer fantasy roleplay:
    >GM focuses on the grimderp way to hard
    >The game is not about having over the top fantasy adventure
    >The GM expects you to care about saving people who have spent the whole game abusing you.

    • 2 years ago

      >Tries to use it as a setting rather than a toolbox to run a setting that does not have official rules
      People do this?

      • 2 years ago

        unfortunately yes, god knows why.

      • 2 years ago

        It is physically impossible to use GURPS in a way you described. You woud know, if your familiarity with the system exceeded beyond memes
        There is nothing wrong with roll-based char gen, and you would know if your familiairity with such char gen and/or Traveller, rather than memes
        The description of Everyday heroes sounds perfectly fine: a shitty Modern d20. So what's your problem or surprise? That Modern d20 is shit?
        It's Autumn TALE, for "gawęda" is not a story, you tremendous, pretentious gayord. And it's not a game, it's a STYLE of running it.
        I won't even bother commenting on WFRP

        Have you tries playing the games you are talking about at least once?

        Its not impossible if you stick to the usual online stuff, they've got programs to do all the crunch for you now. The problem is that, well, how the frick are you going to include all that into a game? Or even account for all the rules? Close quarters combat alone is so complicated when you have all the options together that people avoid it all together because using guns is as simple as pew pew but with elemental affinities.

    • 2 years ago

      It is physically impossible to use GURPS in a way you described. You woud know, if your familiarity with the system exceeded beyond memes
      There is nothing wrong with roll-based char gen, and you would know if your familiairity with such char gen and/or Traveller, rather than memes
      The description of Everyday heroes sounds perfectly fine: a shitty Modern d20. So what's your problem or surprise? That Modern d20 is shit?
      It's Autumn TALE, for "gawęda" is not a story, you tremendous, pretentious gayord. And it's not a game, it's a STYLE of running it.
      I won't even bother commenting on WFRP

      Have you tries playing the games you are talking about at least once?

      • 2 years ago

        I don't concern myself with the opinions of someone who doesn't actually play games. Please continue to scream and call me every name under the sun. I'm busy doing session prep for a game I'm running every Friday.

        • 2 years ago

          >I don't concern myself with the opinions of someone who doesn't actually play games
          ... so you don't concern with yourself?

          • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          Black person, you've listed Jesienna Gawęda not only as an actual game to be played, but also mis-named it. Meaning you not only don't know what the meme is about, but also missing such obvious things like the fricking name of the playstyle or describing as a redflag the very thing that makes it.

          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              Thanks for posting MY OWN FRICKING POST, you absolute moron.
              You never played it, for you aren't even Polish and all you know about it is this post.

              • 2 years ago

                Also, way to prove the point, given you got the name from that very post, you absolute homosexual.
                It's not a game, you moron. It's a playstyle of running WFRP 1e in Poland TWENTY FRICKING YEARS AGO. It went out of style by early 00s.
                It's like you didn't even read that post, just remembered the name, you absolute moron

                Wow, you lost your shit with just a few words, over a half-baked joke I tossed into a long post to lighten the mood. You doing okay anon? You are getting very upset over something extremely trivial.

              • 2 years ago

                >I was only pretending to be moronic!
                Is this it? Has the Ganker meta circled all the way back around? "I was only joking" is the serious answer to being called out for saying stupid shit online?

              • 2 years ago

                Well in your own post you refer to it as story and point out that there is no real word for it in english. In english, the difference in connotation between story and tale is rather minor anyway, a tale has a more fanciful implication whereas story is broad and generic. If his only source of info about it is your post then this whole little tiff, and consequently your rage, is really all your fault isn't it? I mean, he never even said he was Polish but you went off on him like he did. Autism?

            • 2 years ago

              Also, way to prove the point, given you got the name from that very post, you absolute homosexual.
              It's not a game, you moron. It's a playstyle of running WFRP 1e in Poland TWENTY FRICKING YEARS AGO. It went out of style by early 00s.
              It's like you didn't even read that post, just remembered the name, you absolute moron

    • 2 years ago

      Never shall the D&D and WFRP players meet in the middle.

    • 2 years ago

      >Warhammer fantasy roleplay:
      >>GM focuses on the grimderp way to hard
      >>The game is not about having over the top fantasy adventure
      >>The GM expects you to care about saving people who have spent the whole game abusing you.
      I swear, joining a WFRP game set in Lothern was the best possible introduction to non one-shot WFRP I could’ve asked for

    • 2 years ago

      it's funny how pretty much you never have a middle of the road gurps game, or it's using 3-4 books with loads of extra stuff on the side or it's gurps lite only probably even ignoring some rules

    • 2 years ago

      >The game is not about having over the top fantasy adventure
      anon could you elaborate on this one, do mean when a GM tries to run an over-the-top fantasy game that it is a red flag or when the GM is fusing on Low-fantasy grim wank?

      • 2 years ago

        For clarification, I meant when the GM is mega focusing on Grim wank, were you walk outside and get immediately figuratively and literally shit on by everyone and everything,then the GM has the gall to ask you to then go be the big damn hero's to a bunch of entitled pricks who will never appreciate your work. If I wanted to experience
        that I would have taken a job in retail. Warhammer Fantasy is an awesome setting with a bunch of cool shit and opportunities to engage in power metal shenanigans. Instead everyone always focuses on stupid death metal edge posting.

        I don't give a rat's ass about how dark and cruel you think you are, I'm here to go on an adventure, see some cool shit and fight weird foreign creatures. Not engage in mud core, which has been a plague on this community for far too long. Its unrealistic Grimderp wank and I'm tired of people who have no idea what they are talking about propagating it as "Realistic.". I guess what I'm trying to say I want to have badass heavy metal adventures, not sit through the GM's torture fetish manifesto.

        • 2 years ago

          > Warhammer Fantasy is an awesome setting with a bunch of cool shit and opportunities to engage in power metal shenanigans

          That's the entire premise of Soulbound, the AoS rpg. And it's AWESOME

          • 2 years ago

            >That's the entire premise of Soulbound, the AoS rpg. And it's AWESOME
            Shame it’s shackled to such a shite setting then

    • 2 years ago

      How would you run WFRP as over-the-top fantasy adventure? Isn't it ridiculously lethal?

      • 2 years ago

        4e is pretty safe with luck and fate points until you run out of those.

      • 2 years ago

        Sort of. Most characters start the game with 3 fate points and 3 resilience points. You can use a fate point to make the enemy miss, and you can use a resilience point to overrule the result of a bad roll, allowing you to score a critical when you desperately need it.

  26. 2 years ago

    >runs wrath and glory
    >allows someone to play as anything other than primaris space marine
    Guess we are babysitting again.

  27. 2 years ago

    >wants to run modules from lamentations of the flame princess

    • 2 years ago

      What's wrong with them?

      • 2 years ago

        The modules written by Raggi are shit, everything else is usually good enough to use for your own stuff, plus business-wise it's pretty generous. Raggi is just a massive smug butthole in person and in his writing. I've found much success in stealing setting ideas from it though and just making my own plots.

      • 2 years ago

        Not him, but my general problem with a lot of them is that they seem to be more designed like funhouses than they do actual adventures/modules that fit in the OSR style or the pseudo-realistic approach LotFP was trying to establish by being set in the real world.

  28. 2 years ago

    >GM wants to use a published adventure
    >GM wants the game to have a serious tone in any conceivable way

    If we aren't playing Spaceballs: The Role-Playing Game with jellyfish prostitutes addicted to space meth giving out spicy hand jobs, then you are playing it wrong.

    Starfinder is absurd, and it should run full speed into that absurdity and never look back. If that anime posting homosexual shows up to defend the moronic ass economy with multiple paragraphs of equipment being considered class level shit instead the floating israelite Nose aliens going overboard with trying to out israelite the other aliens as an ancient holy tradition, he can go suck on a shotgun.

    • 2 years ago

      That sounds a case of your own taste.

      • 2 years ago

        >Your own taste
        If you are arguing that Starfinder is a serious game or should be played seriously in any way, then you REALLY need to try and explain why it is so God damned moronic.

        D&D 5e is also VERY moronic, and not just because the shallowness of the system, but because a Drow, Demon spawn, and Turtle can stand around in broad daylight discussing the weather in the middle of a major city and nobody bats a fricking eye.

        • 2 years ago

          >Drow, Demon spawn, and Turtle can stand around in broad daylight discussing the weather in the middle of a major city and nobody bats a fricking eye.
          this really just comes down to your DM not doing his job

          • 2 years ago

            Every Starfinder adventure is basically pulp fiction with a cyberpunk coat of paint. Very silly and trying to be serious but fails at it. Mechanically it has some contrivences that boils down to "don't think about it too hard" which lends to its pulpy nature, which is fine because people who play Starfinder and like it want to play pulp fiction.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah man I have no idea about starfinder I'm just saying it's the DM's job to define how your environment reacts to your characters

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, so you're nogames.

              • 2 years ago

                >Yeah man I have no idea about starfinder
                My guy, flip through the core book, read two paragraphs, look at the pretty pictures, and try to look me in the eyes while telling me it’s something that can be do much as half-decent for a “serious” game

    • 2 years ago

      Tell me more about Space Balls:the game, in space!

  29. 2 years ago

    >WFRP 2e DM wants to use all the optional rules from Warhammer Companion and Old World Armory

  30. 2 years ago

    Dogs in the Vineyard:
    >"This will be a combat-focused game..."

  31. 2 years ago

    >Crit Failures on attack rolls in D&D
    >Le Nat 20 crap
    That shit is so moronic it hurts.

  32. 2 years ago

    >feat tax homebrew for pathfinder
    >”matched play” rules for 40k

    • 2 years ago

      >>”matched play” rules for 40k
      WHat's that?

      • 2 years ago

        Stupid shit like the rule of 3, ork buggy budgeting, aircraft restrictions, armor of contempt, and so forth

  33. 2 years ago

    >core only 3.5
    >durr herp Tome of Battle is OP weeaboo spellcasters, it's banned, yes I will approve this Druid with Greenbound Summoning
    >core only Pathfinder
    >Shadowrun 6e at fricking all

  34. 2 years ago

    >Has "Powered by the Apocalypse" ruleset

  35. 2 years ago

    Wants to run D&D but doesn't ask about or oversee character creation.

  36. 2 years ago

    any cyberpunk setting:
    >GM expects you to get into protracted gunfights with HTR teams while being slightly better armed then street gangers
    >Setting has Corporations making moves that would lose them metric ass tons in profit
    >Campaign was advertised as infiltration/social game, every session has been one rolling gun battle after another
    >The GM obviously wanted to play VTM
    >The GM obviously wanted to play Dark Heresy
    >The GM starts ranting about fascism and communism before you even start the game.

    • 2 years ago

      >HTR teams
      What’s an HTR?

      • 2 years ago

        Hight Threat Response, is essentially a swat team on steroids with heavy weaponry, a bad attitude, and they are paid by the megacorps, so while in a megacorp territory they can do whatever they want to you.

        • 2 years ago

          Huh, never heard that one. I always call them C-Swat for cyberpunk settings since 2020’s cyber-psycho squad was my introduction to the idea (even though they’re supposed to be called Max-Tac technically)

          • 2 years ago

            I mean its just my go to term, technically they all work and are interchangeable, plus it fits with the theme of every mega corp calling their "Totally original" things differnt shit for copyright

    • 2 years ago

      > Campaign was advertised as infiltration/social game, every session has been one rolling gun battle after another
      That has become a running gag in our group. Advertise as A, but it is B. Frustrating as frick for some of my friends... but I optimize for versatility...

  37. 2 years ago

    I never have enough spiders on hand, fml

  38. 2 years ago

    >If the phrase 'erotic roleplay' is said.
    >Exclusion based on age so they can be obsessively violent or weird/creepy.
    >Untested homebrew content.
    >Uses or allows scans or source books.
    >Mandatory bringing of food, drink or chipping in of delivery.
    >Lax hygiene standards.
    >Dirty or unkempt play space.
    >Smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco at the table.
    >Clearly doesn't know how to run a game.
    >DM asks the players for AC or HP.
    >Starts late, ends early or flakes for no reason or often.

    • 2 years ago

      How are these system specific?

    • 2 years ago

      >>Uses or allows scans or source books.
      in what format would you expect to have the rules if both scans and source books are problem? audio tape? or everything already memorized?

      • 2 years ago

        That was meant to be of, not or.

        As to what system is this selection a red flag for I'd be say any system.

    • 2 years ago

      What's wrong with using scans?

      • 2 years ago

        It means your on your phone or laptop.

        • 2 years ago

          >Not having a projector
          Fricking pleb

        • 2 years ago

          I printed the Ork Codex back when I was playing 40k. GW deserves - and got - absolutely none of my money.

      • 2 years ago

        I work in a game store. People used to come in, open the book they wanted and find the pages they were interested in to use a character or item. They would then photograph it and claim that they had the source so it should be allowed to be used in game.

        If it's something incredibly hard to find or costly I can see it. But when the book is on the shelf and people do that or use scans it impacts the bottom line. We allow multiple rpg systems to be played at the store, using miniatures, scenery etc if the DMs or players don't have their own. So not only do people play for free they try to be cheeky buttholes about it.

        • 2 years ago

          the bottom line.
          If you wanted to make money, you'd have gotten a degree in banking. There's never been money in hobby shops outside of overpriced train miniatures.

    • 2 years ago

      >doesn't chip in for pizza
      You are a parasite.

  39. 2 years ago

    > DnD 3.5
    Gestalt or weird dice roll for character gen that can produce stats over 20.

    > DnD 4th
    No restriction to what species you can play.

    > Shadowrun 4th and 5th
    Any focus on combat. It is long, sluggish, and should be a last resort / consequence for failure / discovery.

    > SW Saga
    Playing vanilla. Skills in battle (especially UtF) having +5 from proficiency and +5 from skill focus breaks the game 5 levels earlier than DnD 3.5 did, which is level 1.

    > nWoD
    Using anything but the Core Books. These games are not supposed to be optimized, so adding books worth of new options and covenant powers (and equivalents) serves no purpose. And storytellers NEED to be making their own darker version of cities they choose. So "campaign settings" are moronic.

    > SWeotE
    Any focus on combat. This game is so rich, so vast that combat should be sporadic, like a spice or an accent. If a player of a previous game fawns at how powerful his character got, run! Or join in the fun if you like that.

    • 2 years ago

      >DnD 4th
      >No restriction to what species you can play.
      What's wrong with this?

      • 2 years ago

        Mostly the fact there's too many of them, causing flavor to be lost, making everything generic and bland. Note: I am not saying PHB1's species should be the only ones available, or available at all. No Dwarves but Minotaurs is fine.

        First: The fact EVERY specie is available for play means every specie exists in that universe in relative harmony. You can't really shoehorn psychic gem people, minotaurs, Goliaths and Not!Werewolf in established settings, which means you need to homebrew your own. And either it is a clusterfrick, or the good ol' diverse metropolitan area and those get tiring.

        Second: It loses meaning. I'm sorry, but the shtick of the half elf is struggling because you do not fit in either of your parent species's culture... so say Hi to the 1/16th demon, the Not!Werewolf, the gemperson and the guy who rolled Vampire (Class) Vampire (Specie) because it could technically be done.

        Third: The DM could handwave that, like how thieflings and genasis were designed, you're the only good Minotaur, saving himself the trouble of creating and placing in a minotaur nation... And now you a whole palette of Drizz't Do'Urden, or whatever he's called. Just because stat bonuses and feat.

        Stat bonuses and feats that could be refluffed into different sub-species of already available species and work just as well.

  40. 2 years ago

    "Oh, it's like Critical Role!"

  41. 2 years ago

    Anything DnD related.

  42. 2 years ago

    >players wants me to finish [my homebrew] so we can get together and have fun
    I don't know much i can stand such abuse from players anymore

  43. 2 years ago

    >5E flanking rules
    gUyS ItS mORe ReaLisTIc

  44. 2 years ago

    >we'll be enforcing the game's batshit insane rarity rules tonight

    • 2 years ago

      >we'll be enforcing the game's batshit insane rarity rules tonight
      Christ I very nearly memory holed that shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >like Divination? Not today motherfricker

    • 2 years ago

      >we'll be enforcing the game's batshit insane rarity rules tonight
      Christ I very nearly memory holed that shit.

      >like Divination? Not today motherfricker

      Doesn't that stuff literally exist as an excuse to not allow things in the dumbass Pathfinder Society shit?
      They could've just put a "not approved for official play" or something, but I guess it'd be too blatant that they didn't want to design adventures having to account for things.

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