TA: This is fight to the death. For each side the only acceptabpe outcome is the complete eleimination of the other

TA: This is fight to the death. For each side the only acceptabpe outcome is the complete eleimination of the other
>WC/SC:And then they togerher defeated the big bad guy that made barbaric faction do evil things and all lived happily ever after
Why is Blizzard so gay?

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  1. 1 year ago

    >send army of bots toward enemy
    >first line is obliterated
    >the scrap laying around now ruins pathfinding for units behind
    >they get obliterated while trying to get into position
    >more scrap laying around and the problem gets worse
    >whole army is destroyed

    Man I hated TA

    • 1 year ago

      Adquire engineers and reclaim things.
      Utilize artillery and air power.
      Do not forget you can force fire wrecks to give access to your units.
      Unit support is just as important as an effective fighting force.

      • 1 year ago

        I get PTSD flashbacks. I hate scrap so much. I really fricking hate scrap.

        >you can force fire wrecks to give access to your units
        Yea if it didn't take a million of shots for it to die scrap is tankier than any other unit in the game annoyingly.

  2. 1 year ago

    I still don't understand why the narrator guy was unbuttoning his shirt in that PA promo vid on israeliteScammer

    • 1 year ago


  3. 1 year ago

    i loved this game so much and was so hyped reading about it in game mags before release. I really need to try Supreme Commander one of these days or is there something newer and better than that now.

    • 1 year ago

      BAR is pretty cool. It's basically a heavily modded version of TA.

      • 1 year ago

        Beyond All Reason? cool, thx anon. Never heard of it.

    • 1 year ago

      Zero-k is also good. I like it more than BAR personally.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm really surprised at how big Zero-K's community is despite its age. That game's balance is really strange to me with how they treat factories as straight up factions.

    • 1 year ago

      SupCom is definitely newer but not necessarily better in all regards. Try the original SupCom, preferably the earliest version you can find, before trying Forged Alliance Forever, the current fan-maintained E-sports version. The original was closer to TA than what it is now.
      Also none of the SupCom versions that have ever existed had more than the absolute minimum of underwater structures like TA has, so that's one big strike against "better" right away. In SupCom all you have is mass extractors (exactly like metal extractors) and torpedo launchers in the water. The original also had AA turrets buildable on water but I don't remember that being a thing in FAF, but perhaps it is only due to online meta.

      • 1 year ago

        Making a strong navy in TA was always fun. Having the aircraft carriers and cruisers

      • 1 year ago

        In what ways was it closer to TA? Vanilla supcom is overall slower, other than some questionable balance that's about it.
        Also, underwater mass extractors (and also mass storages now) is a FAF thing. AA turrets can be built on water in both.

        • 1 year ago

          >In what ways was it closer to TA?
          It didn't have as much of a neatly trimmed garden feel FAF has. Fewer "hard counters", changing units from fun towards balance, no surgically precise bombers, no perfectly reliable AA planes either. It was less of a 3D chess on a huge scale and more of a game with lots of fun, not perfectly matched toys in it. Just look at how shields in early versions worked, Aeon could not even upgrade their T2s and it was a 9x9 instead of 12x12 so it aligned differently (it aligned well with T1 turrets, in fact).

          >Also, underwater mass extractors (and also mass storages now) is a FAF thing.
          Really? I was sure the original had underwater mexes as well. Don't remember the campaigns too well anymore.

          • 1 year ago

            I'm not even sure which parts refer to vanilla and which to FAF, but vanilla's hardcounters are pretty cancerous. T1 sub spam hardcounters ALL navy except torp defense. PDs hardcounter all units on equivalent level because nothing outranges them. MMLs also hardcounters all T2 land because their missiles track. Overlapping shields hardcounter all sustained bombardment because of no shield overspill. Nuke defense hardcounters nukes because it can be loaded immediately with assist.
            If you want to mess around, just play with mods. If you don't want to mess around, then you'll ignore large chunks of the game because of poor balancing.

  4. 1 year ago

    FA is much better than TA was.

  5. 1 year ago

    in Warcraft 1 and 2 orcs were just evil.
    In Starcraft zerg were just evil even the Toss too.
    It was only War 3 and SC2 that they went with the ASHKULLY the orcs and zerg are good

    • 1 year ago

      Thats the point

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