Tales of Kenzera: Zau

How come nobody buys games with black protagonists?

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Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 months ago


  2. 2 months ago


  3. 2 months ago

    black protagonist (in fact, every character is black), with a terribly alien looking face to boot
    obviously DEI shit involved in funding the developer and EA publishing it
    it's not even an actual metroidvania

    • 2 months ago

      the creator of the game and studio is literally a black guy

      • 2 months ago

        Why did he feel the need to hire mostly white Canadians then?
        There was absolutely no reason to involve SBI yet it happened anyway.

    • 2 months ago

      You're such a moron

      • 2 months ago

        No one likes black protagonists. Not even black people.

        • 2 months ago

          Well, hol up. I like black characters. I still think Blade is the coolest dude ever. I just rarely get games with that type of style.

    • 2 months ago

      Wtf is SBI and DEI you kids keep spamming these acronyms

  4. 2 months ago

    >crafted by
    Insufferable. They really can't just be normal.

    • 2 months ago

      It's ARTISANAL

      • 2 months ago

        free range, locally sourced, ethically developed artisanal game. coded it on my reclaimed wood pc

  5. 2 months ago

    Honestly, most of the ones I've seen just aren't interesting. I could tell barely anyone was going to buy this shit just from looking at it.
    Blade is the only hope and something tells me they're going to frick it up.

  6. 2 months ago

    And Im out

  7. 2 months ago

    I played the NextFest demo and it was kinda rough. Not irredeemably awful but not well-designed enough to justify playing IMO. And I doubt they changed anything between the demo and the full release. Definitely not going to light the metroidvania world on fire, especially with Silksong likely releasing this year.

  8. 2 months ago

    >"Stop changing already established characters black and female!"
    >Makes their own original game with PoC

    • 2 months ago

      Who is complaining about that?
      It's just funny to see whenever these games have to stand on their own legs they fail and the audience they think should come running to support it because muh representation never does.

    • 2 months ago

      >arab mythology
      >african mythology
      all shit, into the trash it goes

      • 2 months ago

        Arab mythology is great
        If you don't like 1001 Nights you don't know SHIT about video games

    • 2 months ago

      >game dev adds black character
      >she's not butt ugly repulsive

      • 2 months ago

        god, menat is sexy.

      • 2 months ago

        Menat isn't black she's Egyptian.

      • 2 months ago

        >They're claiming she's black now
        kek, they'll do the same thing with Nessa in the future.

        • 2 months ago

          Egyptians aren't black

          Egyptians are black now. Get with the program


          • 2 months ago

            not according to Egyptians

            • 2 months ago

              those muslim rape babies aren’t even egyptians

              • 2 months ago

                Except the modern population cluster with the ancient one, try again.

      • 2 months ago

        Egyptians aren't black

      • 2 months ago

        >Light person with black skin
        Every time anyone mentions a cute black person/character

        • 2 months ago

          East Africans exist.

          • 2 months ago

            please no

            • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      I mainly don't want Black folk in normally white IPs. If they create their own slop, that's on them, but I'm not buying that.

    • 2 months ago

      Wow, yknow, I LIKED Symphony of the Night, but I never realized it was missing POCs, female circumcision, tribal genocide, and slavery. The whole genre just had wheels, calendars, and written language bogging them down. Black people are the COOLEST. I hope I can play soccer with someone's head in broad daylight with all my bois. Now that's what I call civilization.

      Too much bad blood now. The lines are drawn. Frick you, frick your culture, and frick your games. At least this time you didn't try to humiliate and subvert us by changing a beloved thing. That's at least something. Still don't wanna play your 6/10 BUT NOW WITH BLACKARINOS.

    • 2 months ago

      They don't buy their own games.
      They just want bipoc/lgbtqia+ characters taking other characters places.
      It'd about occupying spaces, not creating their own.

    • 2 months ago

      Huh? What is this moron going on about? OP is asking why (You) aren't buying the game that's supposed to be catered to (You).

    • 2 months ago

      Who are you quoting? The voices in your head?

    • 2 months ago

      Nobody is screaming they are not allowed to make it.
      It's just not made for me and I'm not going to buy it. That's all

    • 2 months ago

      You are free to make whatever game you want. We won't buy your game it's that simple lmao. Keep seething. It flopped btw.

    • 2 months ago

      is this a surprise?
      everyone already knew the vpol posters getting mad about DEI are just white supremacists

    • 2 months ago

      But nobody is mad. Just nobody bought it. This whole diversity crap would have died off already if they all didn't shoehorn it into existing properties.

    • 2 months ago

      >"Stop changing already established characters black and female!"
      >Makes their own original game with PoC
      >Nobody fricking plays it anyway

    • 2 months ago

      The game just kinda looks boring, I dont care if the protagonist is black or not.

    • 2 months ago

      Nobody is saying to shut the game down shitposter-kun, just using it as an example as to why race swapping characters is bad because no one, not even blacks, want to play a game with a black cast. (realistically though it's because Blacks don't play indie games like this.)

  9. 2 months ago

    it actually looked pretty good
    Ill probably get it next week
    the animations look really fluid
    I just hope it plays well

    • 2 months ago

      It doesn't

    • 2 months ago

      Nah it's not that amazing
      I wouldn't play it
      Granted there haven't been a lot of metroidvanias this year.
      Good luck waiting for silksong.
      Everybody is just tired of dei.
      Rest assured I won't touch this game.

  10. 2 months ago

    So is this game made by actual Africans and not Basketball Americans?

    • 2 months ago

      It's made by Swiss developers.

      • 2 months ago

        Then it's no different from every other blaxploitation western game

        • 2 months ago

          >Founded by actor Abubakar Salim
          Its fine if his game is around blacks.
          The only problem I have if a dev team is 100% white and just adds blacks for points.

          • 2 months ago

            Better yet, how come the modern audience they pander so hard to never buys their games?

            >Abubakar Salim
            loved the guy in raised by wolves, but im not the target audience unfortunately

            • 2 months ago

              >but im not the target audience unfortunately
              So you're saying that represantion matters?

    • 2 months ago

      The studio is British, the founder is of Kenyan descent, and I assume the voice actors are African.

  11. 2 months ago

    I would buy with badass blacks like CJ from GTASA or something like MiB Will Smith, but pic related looks woke forced diversity black.

  12. 2 months ago

    I didn't even know it was out

  13. 2 months ago


    Christians think all non-Christian mythologies are demonic, that doesn't mean anything.

    • 2 months ago

      it does because it's true homosexual

  14. 2 months ago

    Probably because the game is mediocre trash. Oh wait, no it couldn't be that. I guess everyone is a racist!

  15. 2 months ago

    >BRO, WHAT IF....METROIDVANIA...BUT WITH Black folk!?!?!?!
    im tired. why not a nice rpg? a hack n slash a la diablo. some cool dungeon crawler. i dunno, anything else other than fricking METROIDVANIA. is this this like, the ezmode for untalented lazy "indie devs"?

    • 2 months ago

      It's about stealing powerups

  16. 2 months ago

    >indie rehash of metroidvania number 4300
    >other games do the genre way better with a nicer looking character
    Imagine my shock

  17. 2 months ago

    >black protag (wow original so wholesome)
    >metroidvania (wow and I bet it's so original compared to the other 5000 fricking others)
    I'm not paying a fricking Blackvania, the genre is overdone and overbloated

  18. 2 months ago

    Because representation is important.

  19. 2 months ago

    Oh no blackbros

  20. 2 months ago

    Ugly black characters actually make me more racist.

  21. 2 months ago

    I'm not buying a denuvo, SBI game.

  22. 2 months ago

    >what's this
    >trailer full of streamers going "yo this is fire fr fr no cap I need this right now on god"
    >click ignore

    • 2 months ago

      is this true?

      • 2 months ago

        Watch it on Steam, it's the first video.

  23. 2 months ago

    3rd party drm denuvo sweet baby inc trash. nobody wants to buy this

  24. 2 months ago

    Black folk

  25. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      >denuvo on top for this cheesy ass indie game
      lolllllllllll, come on at least try to make me love black dick for free. You know that's what it's about, not the money.

    • 2 months ago

      really dude? Denuvo in indie game?

      • 2 months ago

        It's published by EA

  26. 2 months ago

    Sorry but the brazilian chad does not approve of this game

  27. 2 months ago

    lol lmao

    • 2 months ago

      Oh no blackbros

      They're mad about consumer choice.

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          le swedecuck

        • 2 months ago

          They don't need players, just Larry's money.

          • 2 months ago

            >don't buy them

          • 2 months ago

            Of course, Larry forgot to mention that they're just loans.

          • 2 months ago

            It's not even on steam, I would have liked to see the numbers.

        • 2 months ago

          I hope the DEI money was worth it since it doesn’t seem to be a success. I don’t get these people, they are clearly proud of their heritage and want to bring it out there to people but they are so insufferable that it would push anyone who didn’t like it to begin with. Yea don’t compromise your vision to appease everyone but maybe don’t tell potential customers to frick off.

          • 2 months ago

            It's virtually free cash. The interests rates were low if non-existent in some cases.
            Anyhow, a Twitter voice actor is the latest to attack the Steam curator group.

    • 2 months ago

      Going of usual sales data trends he's somewhere around 800-1000 sales on steam. That's if none of these have refunded.

      • 2 months ago

        The prediction of the game's sales probably led to this game being announced a month ago as part of PS+ Extra day one.

  28. 2 months ago

    Why does a guy from Kenya need help from a Canadian consulting company anyway? He should know a lot more about the cultural aspects of his country than they do.

  29. 2 months ago

    Because they aren't appealing

  30. 2 months ago

    It feels like every genre people were whining about being dead has come back and somehow worse, more annoying than ever.
    >another Metroidvania
    >another Boomer shooter
    >another pixel art SNES inspired RPG
    Weirdly no indie RTS though

    • 2 months ago

      Don't worry, Silksong will save metroidvania when it comes out in 2034.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm over that shit. Hollow Knight was cool when I played it over 6 years ago but I don't give a frick about Silksong.

    • 2 months ago

      >I'm ANNOYED by games exist
      please go outside you fricking mongoloid

      • 2 months ago

        I'm more annoyed MEDIOCRE games exist ya fricking slop brained idiot

        • 2 months ago

          >bad thing exists
          >this makes me very upset
          what lack of a father figure does to a mf

    • 2 months ago

      They are dead for a reason. I can't even be arsed to play the last boomer shooter I bought.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm still waiting for side-scrolling beat 'em ups to make a return. I can only replay Dragon's Crown so many times.

      • 2 months ago

        Why don't you go play some of the classics? That seems to be what everyone else is doing.

        • 2 months ago

          Cause I don't actually like shitty classic beat 'em ups with janky movement and combat. The beat 'em ups I'm a fan of are like Dragon's Crown, Odin Sphere, DFO, Elsword (early Elsword before it become infinite mana ability spam)

  31. 2 months ago

    >Tales of Dindu Nuff : The Amabatukam Chronicles
    nah, pass. im culturally enriched enough

  32. 2 months ago

    I'm expecting this to be shilled heavily and end up selling well, but it does look like complete and utter shit.

    • 2 months ago

      it's a sweet baby game. more than likely it's going to flop hard. sales haven't even passed 300

  33. 2 months ago

    This is the only one I want to buy because it was made by an actual black person and it's about their ancient african culture, instead of being made by a bunch of white people from California who replace white stuff with Black person protagonists and innacurate shit.
    Also he made it cause he misses his dad who passed away recently, and the guy is a Golden Sun fan.

  34. 2 months ago

    I remember seeing it at the VGAs and thinking it looked mildly interesting only for said interest to evaporate completely upon learning it was SBI trash.

  35. 2 months ago

    I think the advertising of this game was really bad

  36. 2 months ago

    the answer is in your question, anon.

  37. 2 months ago

    while i have no love for a hollywood quota nignog it’s his original game so he can make it however he wants

  38. 2 months ago

    >Very Positive
    just like the HIV

    • 2 months ago

      Hmmm... need to file this idea away: make a really good game that gets Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam, then after its release change the name of the game to "HIV rate among blacks"

  39. 2 months ago

    Representation matters. No white men, no purchase. Simple as.
    And since the only games blacks buy are Sport shit, their target demographic isn't going to buy it either.

    • 2 months ago

      representation is hollywood leakage, that israeli garbage mostly affects aaa

  40. 2 months ago

    >Trying to shill a game with nogs on Ganker

  41. 2 months ago

    We do.
    We just don't buy games that look and play like shit.

    Last good game with a black character was a remakes. Shadow Man Remaster and it was GOTY.

  42. 2 months ago

    Even without looking at the thumbnail, nothing in that description makes me want to play it. Also, it's published by EA, so I will never buy it, even if it's the best game ever made.

  43. 2 months ago

    tbh I feel like there's a part deep in most racists brains that finds the idea of being some ooga booga shaman in darkest africa crafting fetishes to transform into a giant spider to fight undead or whatever their religion was about is pretty cool in principal. You just need to get them to relax their guard by not attacking them in the marketing and of course make the game actually good.

    • 2 months ago

      pretty much this

      Still waiting for a Marlow "best Dollar you'll ever spend" Briggs sequel.

      • 2 months ago

        I wish

    • 2 months ago

      Akuji's already been made, and it was okay. It also didn't arrive with a bunch of pretentious 'ethical'/'crafted' indie wank, nor did anyone care that it was in fact made by a bunch of white dudes. Timing and tone matter and this thing stinks of "stickin it to the rayciss yts"

    • 2 months ago

      Nah, Black folk are just unappealing and nothing about traditional African culture is either cool or awe inspiring.

  44. 2 months ago

    Because I'm not the target audience. They can make these games all they want, good for them. I won't buy them. White should always be the default for self insert male characters. The only way to please everyone is to make the main character a hot girl.

  45. 2 months ago

    I like the idea behind this game and the art looks cool. Always wqnted to play a game that centered around african mythos. Will not be buying or playing it. I don't want to support companies that use denvuo.

  46. 2 months ago

    It's not about black protagonists it's about being woke for the sake of woke and not because you sincerely care about black mythology or something.
    This game was not actually made in good faith and sincere interest and SBI working on this proves it.

    • 2 months ago

      >Black person makes a game about Black people

      Does this go the other way too?

      • 2 months ago

        complaining about woke was always just a polite way to say they hate black people

        • 2 months ago

          Nah, some people really don't like nihilism.

      • 2 months ago

        complaining about woke was always just a polite way to say they hate black people

        Answer me this:
        Why couldn't they just make the game without them? Why does a black guy making a game about black people need the input of white Canadians?

        • 2 months ago

          Maybe he has an inferiority complex. Canadians tend to have a messiah complex so it makes sense that they would mesh well together.

        • 2 months ago

          >Why does a black guy making a game about black people need the input of white Canadians?
          Because if he doesn't pay the protection money his mastah EA can't get that sweet blackrock money.

  47. 2 months ago

    What did Sweet Baby do on this game? Is there contemporary American social politics shoved in?

    • 2 months ago

      That's basically what SBI does. I suspect it will be one of those yuppie fart sniffing festivals. Suburban trustfund kid trash. You know the type.

    • 2 months ago

      I’m pretty sure it’s just a game about African mythology made by an African dude.

  48. 2 months ago
  49. 2 months ago

    I liked the idea of african mythology. But I wont support anything SBI or other racist DEI groups have touched.

  50. 2 months ago

    I was actually interested in the game as the gameplay looks really fun with the platformer shit, similar to Prince of Persia or HAAK, but
    I stand by my principle. sorry, no sorry.

    • 2 months ago

      I liked the idea of african mythology. But I wont support anything SBI or other racist DEI groups have touched.

      The type of people who seethe at "diversity" or who screech over "SBI" were never going to buy a game starring a Black person in TYOOL 2024. I literally don't believe you.

      Screencap 10 games in your steam library starring Black people right now. Shouldn't be hard.

      • 2 months ago

        I simply don't value these things and will not make any excuses or pretenses. The lines are drawn. I hate you, what you value, and your gay 'crafted' 'ethical' games. I don't buy any games at all.

      • 2 months ago

        >Screencap 10 games in your steam library starring Black people right now. Shouldn't be hard.
        Can anyone list 10 good games with Black protagonists?

      • 2 months ago

        Don’t really play on steam for anything but RPGs which don’t really have black MCs but in general I own, GTA SA/5, RE 5 (I guess), Walking Dead, and Mafia 3. Not 10 but all I got

      • 2 months ago

        it's actually hard
        I have Unsighted, Chained Echoes, Sea of Stars, Indivisible, Celeste

        • 2 months ago

          Prototype 2
          Marlow Briggs
          Yeah, I can't think of any

        • 2 months ago

          I forgot about Indivisible. I actually like that game but I guess I just didn’t of it as a black game. Add that to my list

          Don’t really play on steam for anything but RPGs which don’t really have black MCs but in general I own, GTA SA/5, RE 5 (I guess), Walking Dead, and Mafia 3. Not 10 but all I got

          here. Xenoblade 3 also I guess that has a black party member who I actually like.

      • 2 months ago

        I had it on my wishlist until SBI started their shit stirring.

        >Screencap 10 games in your steam library starring Black people right now. Shouldn't be hard.
        Can anyone list 10 good games with Black protagonists?

        Don’t really play on steam for anything but RPGs which don’t really have black MCs but in general I own, GTA SA/5, RE 5 (I guess), Walking Dead, and Mafia 3. Not 10 but all I got

        it's actually hard
        I have Unsighted, Chained Echoes, Sea of Stars, Indivisible, Celeste

        Don't know if you wanna count these but, RE5, Dead Island Sam B, Spider-Man Miles Morales

  51. 2 months ago

    It's the devs choice to have a Black person as MC, he can do what he wants just as it's my choice to not buy the game and call the dev a Black person on Ganker.

  52. 2 months ago

    it's too niche of a game.
    Most gamers want to play as Chad Thunderwiener, not some twink looking african Black.

  53. 2 months ago

    >stop invading our games, make your own and leave us alone!
    >"okay ill make my own and leave you alone as long as you leave me alone"

    Literally can't win with polchuds, even if you do what they want they still tism out

    • 2 months ago

      why do you care?
      how do we, polchuds affect you?

      • 2 months ago

        >but how does this affect you, PERSONALLY?

        • 2 months ago

          You've been buck broken by /misc/

      • 2 months ago

        polchuds destroy basic social cohesion and good will.

        >BUT they did it FIRST because they made a BLACK ELF
        Black elves aren't real. Polchuds are.

        • 2 months ago

          How do we affect you PERSONALLY?

        • 2 months ago

          its a /misc/ website

        • 2 months ago

          you’re thinking of diversity, which is incompatible with social cohesion and trust

        • 2 months ago


  54. 2 months ago

    Why don' wokies buy the game to support the devs that they love so much? we chuds don't matter right?

  55. 2 months ago

    Because I don't want to play as a Black person. I don't like black people, I have no desire to watch or play any media primarily involving black people. I don't like them, I want them to stop existing. I am racist. That's it.

    • 2 months ago

      they were all kneeling out of respect.jpg

  56. 2 months ago

    Just kinda don't want to.

  57. 2 months ago

    kek. imagine trying to make games with nog representation, when nogs only play NBA 2k and call of duty. top kek.

  58. 2 months ago

    Why did Bamco sell off Tales?

  59. 2 months ago

    I played the demo and it wasn't bad at all. Not good enough for me to buy it though.

  60. 2 months ago

    when they get that only caucasian characters sell product?

  61. 2 months ago

    looks fine. nothing I'd pay money for.

  62. 2 months ago

    I was going genuinely going to buy this until SBI. Its kind of baffling to me really, why the frick does a black dev even NEED SBI for whatever reason?

  63. 2 months ago

    >How come nobody buys games with black protagonists?
    I bought GTA San Andreas at least twice.
    Maybe do it right?

  64. 2 months ago


    because SBI is full of homosexual industry insiders that can push his game to the top of stack on Steam and Nextfest. He may have organically wanted to make a game about his heritage, but SBI was happy to heckin validate and advertise it because they'll take any opportunity to humiliate white straight males. I am sure SBI has a FAR bigger axe to grind with that demographic than the developer himself.

  65. 2 months ago

    HAHAHAHHAHAHA SBI homosexuals are getting btfo by a brazillian dude you love to see it.

  66. 2 months ago

    In 2024, you know that games with Black protagonists will automatically be awful slop meant to please the gamejournos caste and only them.
    Thanks DEI for helping me trim my list of games to buy/play, much appreciated !

  67. 2 months ago

    I actually got an email from EA about this game which is weird because they have never emailed me before.

  68. 2 months ago

    Representation Matters! and they don't feel represented.

    Also personally I wouldn't want to commit an act of Digital Blackface, so I only buy games with protagonists that are like me. It's only respectful to leave games with black protagonists for black people to enjoy.

  69. 2 months ago

    I don't understand what made the developer hire SBI, it could have been an interesting game but it's definitely a no from me just because of that.

    • 2 months ago

      you wouldnt have bought it anyway

      • 2 months ago

        NTA but I would. However, now I won't because of the SBI involvement.

  70. 2 months ago

    Why did the game flop Black person bros?

    • 2 months ago

      I'm beginning to suspect that people who spend their time claiming how "exceptional" their culture is, don't really care about it at all.

  71. 2 months ago

    Feel like the dev sold his soul to the devil to get this made.


    Hope it was worth it, better luck next time.

  72. 2 months ago

    cause I'm not black
    it would be racist of me to buy it and take up space within the fandom, when it should've went to a black person

  73. 2 months ago

    Reminder that a rich Black has more in common with the average Black than with a rich white.

  74. 2 months ago

    Thought the game looked neat when it was shown off at the Geoff Awards, liked the dev's enthusiam. I'm all for a Tribalvania, honestly. Shame it isn't doing that well.

  75. 2 months ago

    BLACK GOOD WHITE BAD slop game gtfo

  76. 2 months ago

    It's because representation actually matters and the well is heavily poisoned. The majority of gamers are white and Asian and when they see a game may have a black protagonist they assume they can't relate or there's some kind of message pushed. And I mean can you really blame them that is the default has been white and asian since like the beginning of games so obviously they're going to be wary when they see something like that. Now, why don't black people just buy games with black protags? The answer is that they do but it's just not a lot of black gamers, cultural differences between groups and for the wider black community nerd shit like gaming is heavily demonized even among nerds.

    • 2 months ago

      Black folks just aren't a viable market in general for video games, because whatever little money they do make, they spend it on dem new rims, dem new jordans, dem mo drugs, or what have you. For a Black, a video game has to compete with a lot of alternatives for an already limited resource (disposable income).

      • 2 months ago

        >dem new rims
        This isn't the early 2000s not really a thing
        >dem new jordans
        That is true
        >dem mo drugs
        Also not really true(unless you mean weed and real bad areas)

        You talk as if all black people are poor, blacks are some of the biggest consumers when it comes to the general market the problem is that well....black people already had their mold made for them if you noticed what advertised as cool for blacks you notice that what they spend money. It's a combo of collectivism being peddled to the group and then media and advertisers saying what's "black".

        • 2 months ago

          Black folks are poor, not that every single Black is poor. If they do consume a lot, their disposable income to do so comes from gaming the system as much as possible i.e. relying on the welfare of whites (and east asians) and crime. With or without advertising, video games are not something that naturally attracts Black folks more than a variety of alternatives, usually superficial status symbols or degenerate pleasure.

          • 2 months ago

            >If they do consume a lot, their disposable income to do so comes from gaming the system as much as possible i.e. relying on the welfare of whites (and east asians) and crime.
            You are literally only thinking of hoodrats
            >With or without advertising, video games are not something that naturally attracts Black folks more than a variety of alternatives, usually superficial status symbols or degenerate pleasure.
            It's not "naturally" it's conditioning. you're saying that like most normies aren't like that.

            • 2 months ago

              For the sake of argument, let's say I am thinking of only so-called hoodrats. How many hoodrats do Black folks have in their population compared to non-hoodrats? Are the non-hoodrat Black folks worth the hoodrat Black folks? How many analogous hoodrats do white people have compared to their non-hoodrats? Are the non-hoodrat whites worth the hoodrat whites?

              The absolute highs of the Black population are not the same as the highs of the white population, nor are their lows the same. Whatever that exact difference is, as an average citizen, it is not worth it for me to deal with the absolute lows of the Black population in return for their absolute highs, but it is worth it with white people, especially in a white country.

              Depends on the race of the so-called normie. Conditioning does not apply to all peoples equally, and even under the same level of conditioning, not everyone behaves like Black folks. Are Black folks under some special brand of conditioning? Do conditioned asians act the same as conditioned Black folks?

              • 2 months ago

                >Are Black folks under some special brand of conditioning?
                Yea actually like most races.

              • 2 months ago

                Okay, and do those same races under the same special brand of conditioning behave the same way the conditioned Black folks do? Does any other race care about jordans as much as Black folks do?

              • 2 months ago

                >Okay, and do those same races under the same special brand of conditioning behave the same way the conditioned Black folks do?
                Um yea? Have you never seen an asian or white person from the hood? Or interacted with some one consumes media targeted at blacks? Don't act stupid.
                >Does any other race care about jordans as much as Black folks do?
                if they're a sneaker head yea.

              • 2 months ago

                Not what I asked and not relevant. I asked about races, not individuals. Furthermore, for every one asian "hoodrat" you can find me, there's at least two more Black hoodrats or one Black hoodrat that's particularly moreso. It's still not the same thing, even on an individual level.

      • 2 months ago

        Doesn't help most have taste in games compared to average normans. Sports shit and your average yearly CoD is pretty much all they get. Appealing not just to a minority, but a subsection of a minority that actually plays different shit is a recipe for disaster and yet people are still doing it.

  77. 2 months ago

    >black protag in a african mythologies setting
    I dont know according to Ganker, this game should be a good example of "non forced diversity" but I guess it actually means no diversity at all.
    Might be worth a pirate.

    • 2 months ago

      it has denuvo

      • 2 months ago

        Well that's fricking moronic

  78. 2 months ago

    Kinda sad it turned out like this. The lead dev made it as a love letter to his father. He voiced Bayek and mentioned Golden Sun at TGA.

    • 2 months ago

      Neat, but that doesn't always mean sales. It's mean, but in reality black people on cover = less sales. You have to really be different to break that barrier. Not to mention him mentioning golden sun is cringe. Shut up and make a good game homie.

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah, I was rooting for him, but the game merely turned out ok and that's pretty much a death sentence for anything small and singleplayer. You can get away with pushing out complete shit as long as it has multiplayer and meme potential, but this one will sadly be forgotten.

  79. 2 months ago

    Post games with black MCs that are good/decent. There are only 2 to my knowledge. San Andreas and Marlow Briggs.

  80. 2 months ago

    >crafted by crimers
    no thanks

  81. 2 months ago

    It's literally "free" on PS5 and I wont even bother downloading it to try it. Its just so unappealing

    • 2 months ago

      It's not free. You have to pay for PS+ Extra. Are you American? I keep seeing Americans refer to things being free if they're part of a subscription.

      • 2 months ago

        Thats why I added the quotation marks you frickin genius. I say it's "free" because I pay for the year and then forget about it and then get """free""" stuff during the whole year

  82. 2 months ago

    Why do I have to give a shit

  83. 2 months ago

    Briggs will always be a better game than anything they attempt because it was made by people who just wanted a cool character and a cool game.

  84. 2 months ago

    why would i buy a game with a Black person on the cover? its not even a badass Black person in armor or something its actual a tribe monkey

  85. 2 months ago

    The Matrix
    Men in Black
    what do these have in common? They have major black characters that even the deepest Appalachian mountaingay racist doesn't truly hate because they're cool/badass/interesting. I like the dude from raised by wolves but this protagonist looks like a little b***h.

  86. 2 months ago

    Did the game flop?

  87. 2 months ago

    Black on the cover. Your sales will suffer. Microsoft and the movie industry already did studies proving this.

  88. 2 months ago

    >they added Denuvo because they thought anyone would want this crap
    Absolutely DELUSIONAL.

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