Tell me about that dream game of yours you're always daydreaming about

Tell me about that dream game of yours you're always daydreaming about

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  1. 3 years ago

    A Pokémon game that has the same gameplay style as Monster Hunter Never fricking ever

  2. 3 years ago

    i want to make a high APM arena shooter with more advanced tech than most fighting games
    also never ever : (

  3. 3 years ago

    I am not really good with ideas.
    I guess Id want a game like golden axe or castlevania but with a class system on par of dragons dogma and some co-op.
    Maybe add a grappler class into it and suplex big monsters as a supportive role to extend combos as a team.

  4. 3 years ago

    I just want a VR application where I can chill in my real house but it looks cooler and I have a cute virtual pet I can play with.
    Living room TV would be able to play all the anime I've got downloaded. Guess that's not very much of a game, but I'd make it in a game engine.

  5. 3 years ago

    Pirates of Dark Water game.
    Basically black flag but straight fantasy and sea monster battles.
    Shitloads of ship and crew customization and management.

    • 3 years ago

      We need more pirate games in general I think. Perhaps something with Mount and Blade/Starsector mechanics would work well.

      • 3 years ago

        Doesn't even need to be pirates, just more age of sail games in general.
        I could think of a great master and commander inspired game where you can roam a scaled earth fricking with french, spanish, and american ships, defending convoys, training your crew, etc.

        • 3 years ago

          Yeah, I think Ocean Starsector would be what you want.
          You could trade, do mercenary work, engage in piracy, build your fleet etc.

          • 3 years ago

            Also a subnautica inspired game, where instead of being stranded on an alien world, its a sparsely populated ocean planet and you have a dinky little modular sub, and as you play the game you can upgrade and add on to it until you go from a seamoth type sub to a cyclops, to a massive drone-carrier mobile base that has a couple cyclops sized subs that detach for missions.
            Part ocean-trucker, part exploration/survival, and part submersible combat.
            Also make it co op so you and your friends can operate your sub and play das boot together.

  6. 3 years ago

    its a game thats good and fun to play
    too bad that'll never happen

  7. 3 years ago

    its graphically daggerfall but the gameplay is skyrim and the lore is redguard

    • 3 years ago

      >The graphics are shit but the gameplay is shit and the lore is shit

      • 3 years ago

        so morons like you with bad parrot taste never find it

        in 5 years you'll be seeing redguard hype everywhere, and you'll be part of it, mark my words parrot

  8. 3 years ago

    it was announced today and they fricking ruined it
    the actraiser remake they slaughtered my boy look how they slaughtered my boy

  9. 3 years ago

    Just a big, open world ronin sim in which you can choose your destiny and live multiple lives through your pupils/children.

    • 3 years ago

      Like Way of the Samurai on steroids?

  10. 3 years ago

    i want like a new arcade puzzle game
    like bejeweled, hexic, tetris, bubble bobble, puyo puyo, etc.
    but a new one thats not any of those things

  11. 3 years ago

    Open world RPG, souls style combat, TES style quest system, set in ancient Maya

  12. 3 years ago

    Star wars battlefront III with the gameplay of the originals and the visuals of the new games. With ground to space aswell.

  13. 3 years ago

    I load up on liquid courage to fight the monster on the wall that only the bravest will punch with all their might.

  14. 3 years ago

    The ultimate game: 100 players are dropped into a fantasy world, naked except for their skills. They have 100 years to accomplish an objective / kill each other. Last man standing wins.
    The draw is that it's a 4X. You can spend all that time questing, or you can build up an army. The world develops as you go along with it.
    At the allotted time, the final battle dawns and everyone must fight to the death.

    So every round is basically a fantasy epic. Of course, you'd need some form of time dilation to do it accurately, but still.

    • 3 years ago

      >shitting on all of you gays from my tachyon internet
      superluminal gang rise up

      • 3 years ago

        I mean, maybe it could be a minigame or something? Like how Valkyrie Profile had those 2D dungeon sections.

        • 3 years ago

          Im just teasing because when you said time dilation I just imagine having to get on a space ship going close to the speed of light to finish a round in your lifetime.

          • 3 years ago

            One day we'll get quantum servers and virtual reality
            There's always hope

            • 3 years ago

              If you can get a true BCI, and upload your consciousness reality will be a fantasy world video game.

  15. 3 years ago

    A Final Fantasy ARPG with a job system.

    I ended up actually fricking getting this with Stranger of Paradise.

    • 3 years ago

      Right there with you on that. The demo for it was fricking unreal to me, been wanting something like this for ages now but now I get it with a funny meme attached

      • 3 years ago

        The part that blew me away the most is that it's actually a pretty good game just on its basis. Like, obviously, Team Ninja/Koei, these boys know their action games. But they clearly put a lot of thought into how something like a Black Mage should work in an action-game sphere, and they're looking at the FF series itself for how jobs should behave and function while still accounting for Jack being a caveman. Dragoon is methodical and mobile and has an answer for everything, Warrior is UNGA TU BUNGA, Black Mage mixes melee smashes with magic to get enemies the frick away or hit them while they're incapacitated.

        My only complaint about it is that jobs and their advanced/traditional counterparts don't have much differentiating them, it's a straight upgrade. Black Mage is just Mage with Flare, Dragoon is just Lancer with Jump. But even if that survives to final I am going to play the absolute frick out of it once it's out. There's a bunch of planned weapons that weren't in the demo, your two npc buddies showcase dual-daggers and fists.

    • 3 years ago

      >More zoomers try to turn Final Fantasy into an action series

  16. 3 years ago

    Won’t tell you my favorite one because I’m a schizo, but another dream game of mine is kind of like a VN about a guy who gets caught up with the cartels and the law and has to live on the run as both constantly chase him down. He drives in a sports car around the country to escape his persecutors and he runs into and befriends various girls who he takes out on a date while on his rest stops before the cartel and the law catch up to him and he has to ditch the girl and escape a pursuit. It’s basically a VN with a driving minigame kinda like Freeway Fury or one of those other driving arcade games. It’s also stylized in le ebic 80’s retrowave aesthetic because I’m a homosexual

  17. 3 years ago

    Starts as a first person open world job simulator, sims type thing, but if you figure out how to game the system the game expands to a city builder 4x rts where your sim became god emperor of the earth, or just a nomadic warlord in the wastes.

  18. 3 years ago

    an unholy combination of the sims and minecraft

  19. 3 years ago

    Cyberpunk setting but no people, only robots. Stray or whatever that cat game is called, looks promising.

  20. 3 years ago

    Open world dating simulator

    • 3 years ago

      The nemesis system, except for making unique girls to date
      >tfw you roll a secret serial killer stalker gf and the game turns into a psychological/survival horror game with surprisingly deep health management and trauma mechanics.

  21. 3 years ago

    The day Bethesda make an actual fricking game instead of releasing the same shit for 20 years

  22. 3 years ago

    Concepting a tactical, gun-based RPG with armor mechanics, grid movement and turn based, aimable attacks.

  23. 3 years ago

    Subspace/melees adventure mode but an entire game of it with a fun combat system

  24. 3 years ago

    basically an mmo supreme commander, isometric like an rts with rts elements but on a massive fricking map and people can make towns and stuff and go to war, like a mix of the guild, supreme commander, and kenshi

  25. 3 years ago

    Mystery of the Druid’s 2: Revenge of the Druids

  26. 3 years ago

    A mixture of Pathologic and Stardew Valley with quests that can frick your shit up big time if left unattended for too long.

  27. 3 years ago

    I want an open world sci fi RPG like Elex with all of its cool systems but with good combat

  28. 3 years ago

    zombie rpg. it's also about bugs. i even designed main characters for it. it's been a weird idea sitting at the back of my mind for a long while now.

    • 3 years ago

      he cute

  29. 3 years ago

    Anything with guns and an autistic amount of realism. Like a painful amount of realism. An unfun amount of realism. God, nothing is ever realistic enough, for me. No gear randomization, though. You can't have ultrarealism and randomization, then it's just: I have x gun with y ammo and z meds when I need different meds to heal this cut I got that's infected. Let me pick my kit.
    Weight and physics system.
    Giant maps, ideally procedurally generated. So map knowledge advantages are minimized. Knowing meds spawn in hospitals and clinics is plenty of knowledge. Procedurally generate the hospitals, etc. Wipe the map every day or every few days. I don't wanna deal with people peeking through a crack that you can only know about by playing the game for 500 hours. The crack is gone in a day or two.
    Pvp, but without objectives.
    Pve, maybe. Depends how good the AI is and how it's balanced.
    No unlocks, but instead you acquire resources for temporary gains, like fueling vehicles or building a fort or something. Maybe cosmetic unlocks, idc.
    Don't care what time period, but maybe cold war or post cold war, before high tech.

    • 3 years ago

      Reciever, my friend
      It is unfortunately a janky game jam game. It does have a cool schizo storyline though.

      • 3 years ago

        I have real guns to sate my mechanical autism. Is that even pvp? The point is that I want to face human ingenuity but not autistic nolifes; maybe coop, maybe not.
        I need to dab on those with less virtual combat experience, than me, but I hate being stuck in fixed (small/arena) levels. I need Arma sized levels that are randomized.
        I'll look at receiver, again, though. Thanks

        • 3 years ago

          >Is that even pvp?
          No, it's very simplistic and singleplayer only. It does have a procedural map though and it does have painfully realistic guns, like you have to load individual bullets into magazines and check to see if rounds are chambered, etc.

  30. 3 years ago

    Ant army RTS.

  31. 3 years ago

    Non-military and non-combative stealth game. Might be stupid, might be ludo

  32. 3 years ago

    Madoka Magica game with smtlike social part/dmclike dungeons.

  33. 3 years ago

    a game that integrates tik tok somehow

    • 3 years ago

      genshin impact

      • 3 years ago

        that's not about finding and raping the sterotypical goth chick

  34. 3 years ago

    I'm drawing up storyboards for its opening, and you can always look up #winterodysseypt1 and read the thread if you really want to know
    tl;dr Some Fire Emblem Inspired visual novel SRPG with emphasis on difficulty and strategy

  35. 3 years ago

    Zelda breath the wild meets pokemon
    I played a lot of Spectrobes origins when I was younger and showed me how the concept could work and the gameplay for the final fantasy remake showed me how it could work even more

  36. 3 years ago

    It's a game that kills me

  37. 3 years ago

    A fan remake of RTCW with the following details
    >African missions with a new prologue.
    >Wake up in a North African hospital
    >You are revealed to be in a German hospital when another patient recognizes you and freaks out
    >Grab a knife and jump out of the window, fall through a canvas roof, and kill a guard for a better weapon
    >A short escape mission ensues
    >Get recruited to OSA and get send to Egypt with Agent One for the Cursed sands missions.
    >Maybe give the OSA officer a line mentioning that they have agreed with the Brits not to interfere with the German dig to make them think they haven't been found out yet so the OSA can send agents to infiltrate the operation
    >Enemies in Wulfburg start off as pistol and rifle wielding police officers but later sections include SS or Army soldiers with automatic weapons.
    >New Wulfburg missions where the Kreisau circle recruits you to attack local Nazi officials.
    >The streets would be populated with civilians until you have to start shooting to get to your target which would cause the civilians to flee and despawn. Some civilians that stay in the level could include women, cowardly party officials, or fanatical Hitler youth children who would taunt you instead of begging for their lives like the adults do
    >Deadly designs missions would include sections where you free forced labour (Ostarbeiters and camp inmates), so they can run off and join the Resistance.
    >Female elite guard would wear modified NS womens league, BDM or SS helferin uniforms instead of completely made-up ones
    >Uniforms in general, including the fictional ones, would be more authentic.
    >Alternative ending cutscene where BJ is actually on a vacation. He's sunbathing at Wannsee beach. Gestapo try to arrest him, he beats them up, runs to the pier, pushes an NS flying corp member and his gf into the river and flies off with their floatplane
    >Can't think of other notable things other than the level layout naturally being a bit more modern

  38. 3 years ago

    It's just Culdcept but with like 4000 more cards with big breasts and asses on them

  39. 3 years ago

    Okay so the game begins and you go back into your memories and get to spend time with the dog you used to love and it's just a sunny day and you sit on the couch together and the temperature's just right and you pet and hug your dog and it's just like it used to be for a few minutes on a quiet Saturday afternoon

  40. 3 years ago

    A game with the narrative reactivity of Alpha Protocol, with much better gameplay and class balance, set during the height of the Cold War. Espionage RPGs are such a cool fricking idea; it's a tragedy that the only one we got was buried under a million layers of jank

  41. 3 years ago

    When I was getting the platinum for ps3 catherine I would see the shapes and blocks rotating all the time, when getting plat for fullbody I didnt see them weirdly enough

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