>tell the player to attack an enemy carrier. >player attacks

>tell the player to attack an enemy carrier
>player attacks
>the game suddenly EMPs the entire map and has the enemy carrier run away through your now stunned army, killing almost all of them
>also runs away through your anti air turrets conveniently killing them before you can do anything about it
>not a single mention of enemy EMP capabilities for the entire mission
>not a single mention of enemy anti-air units having this silly artillery shell thing with massive splash damage
Wow great game. Much strategy. It feels like the game just rage quit and kicked over the table or something.

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  1. 1 year ago

    >anon can't adapt to changing circumstances and throws a b***h fit about it
    You'll probably want to stay away from RTS games in the future.

    • 1 year ago

      >anon gets so buttmad he makes an entire thread

      I have never encountered a situation in a good RTS where the game blows up the entire army of the player because frick you.

      • 1 year ago

        Starcraft Brood War
        >In the Ground Zero version of the map, the player's outposts will be nuked by numerous ghosts, with a warning of a massive nuclear barrage incoming for the main base. The player will receive numerous reinforcements, but they will perish when the nukes land.

        • 1 year ago

          Yes but those are nukes that aren't a surprise frick you the player can't do anything about, and the player knows ghosts can use nukes by then IIRC. H:DOK doesn't give any mention that the Ashoka can use an EMP and also uses a cut scene to use the EMP where the player has no control over what is happening

        • 1 year ago

          >actually losing units
          >not using the poweroverwhelming cheat
          sure is zoomer in here

  2. 1 year ago

    >anon gets so buttmad he makes an entire thread

    • 1 year ago

      I just wanted to talk about how an RTS, one of a loved RTS series, has a mission where the game knocks over the table and the player can't do anything about it. Keeping your ships over missions is part of what Homeworld is about.

      • 1 year ago

        >Anon, a full day after anyone has made a post in his now week-old thread, is still this boiling mad

  3. 1 year ago

    I cannot fathom being filtered by Deserts of Kharak of all fricking games

    • 1 year ago

      The game is really casual for me on classic or whatever but this part of the game is so bad. What were they thinking? I want to listen in on the design meeting for this mission

  4. 1 year ago

    two complaints about this game
    - criminally short campaign
    - lack of large-scale epic units.

    • 1 year ago

      >- criminally short campaign
      So many games are really short these days. Most I've played are only 30+ hours because of newgame+ type stuff. What gives?

      • 1 year ago

        >What gives?
        you are the 0.1% of players who finish games, zoomers pump and dump en masse, the perfect conditioned consumers. Games are supposed to be fun just beyond the refund period

        • 1 year ago

          >zoomers pump and dump en masse
          That's the opposite of what's happening in reality. Zoomers clinging to one game their entire life is why GAAS is such a huge thing. Whether it's Minecraft, Fortnite, Genshin Impact, etc. all of the biggest zoomer games are designed to be played forever.

          Not to mention Homeworld wasn't targeted at zoomers to begin with, this is pure millennialcore.

        • 1 year ago

          I have to support this anon :

          >zoomers pump and dump en masse
          That's the opposite of what's happening in reality. Zoomers clinging to one game their entire life is why GAAS is such a huge thing. Whether it's Minecraft, Fortnite, Genshin Impact, etc. all of the biggest zoomer games are designed to be played forever.

          Not to mention Homeworld wasn't targeted at zoomers to begin with, this is pure millennialcore.

          >That's the opposite of what's happening in reality. Zoomers clinging to one game their entire life is why GAAS is such a huge thing.

          Many players will now complain if the game don't have 800bazillions hours, even if it is essentially 99.9999% grinds or multi-only eSport game with symmetrical-units for easy balance.
          The most addicted one will feel lost if a game don't tingle their dopamine receptor with regular intake of new shiny and/or social acceptation. GAAS developers also run on sunken-cost fallacy because a game that stay popular a long time, sell for a long time.

          A game like Homeworld will only attract large attention for a short time, is mostly singleplayer and the multiplayer won't produce a constant stream of monetizable stuff to buy so their developers eventually have to create a new game with higher production value.

          • 1 year ago

            >Many players will now complain if the game don't have 800bazillions hours
            Funny, I've never not heard this complaint.

            • 1 year ago

              I'd call you a liar, you regularly see anon complain here or on forum that 20h is shit for SP game and call same for MP because they got bored after merely 100h.

      • 1 year ago

        I disagree. Strategy games are still overall rather lengthy and can provide weeks if not months of playtime, both whether it's because they're that fun/long/replayable or because they disrespect player's time. I'm having a hard time choosing between new games recommended by anons because I know I won't have time to properly play all of them.

    • 1 year ago

      >- criminally short campaign
      >- lack of large-scale epic units.
      Of ALL the glaring flaws with the game, these are your two biggest beefs. Really? Not the fact that it was some absolute piss poor, lazy af console to pc port? Or that the AI is braindead, or the hamfisted retconning of the HW1 lore to suit the hack writers for DOK?


      • 1 year ago

        The game doesn't even have a console version what are you talking about?

  5. 1 year ago

    >Wow great game. Much strategy.
    Frick off back to 2012 with your cringe memes, homosexual.
    DoK was boring and I dropped it a few minutes into the first mission. You are a chump.

    • 1 year ago

      I feel like the shibe inu talk is more recent than that
      Advice Dog/Animals was ~2012 vintage

      • 1 year ago

        >I feel like the shibe inu talk is more recent than that
        It isn't.

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