Tell us about the most bullshit character death you ever had.

Tell us about the most bullshit character death you ever had.

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I wasn't there. I was told after the fact that my character was drawn off by one person who was calling for aid. I'm still mad about it honestly.

    • 2 years ago

      >I wasn't there. I was told after the fact that my character was drawn off by one person who was calling for aid.
      This....people don't actually do this to their players, right?

      • 2 years ago

        They do, when I was younger we had a DM I thought was really good because we had no one else to compare to, he pulled this shit a LOT.
        If one player missed the session we better babysit his character because he is suddenly a catatonic zombie. Example BBEG exploded the town because reasons, everyone just escaped but since no one said they brought my character with he was left in the town and died. I lost at least 2 characters like this.

      • 2 years ago

        That's a pretty solid way to die, my lad. Doesn't sound like bullshit, really.

        This, though, is the big oof. There would have to be some really fricking strong extenuating circumstances before I'd kill a player character (or have my character killed) when the player isn't even present. Goddamn.

        Based rogue survivalist on the end, there. Seriously though, that's pretty fricking great. And dying to a monster isn't really a bullshit death.

        The funny thing is, my GM isn't that bad a dude, and has repeatedly been shown to try and keep PCs alive if their player isn't around at the time. I guess either I was a target, or he really wanted his spooky haunted house to come off as extra scary. If it's the former, I wish he'd have just come to me so we could settle things directly, and if it's the latter, I honestly am annoyed that I didn't even get a chance.

      • 2 years ago

        >shared universe game played on irc
        >big group so players take turns running games for a few others at a time
        >a grab bag of unconnected one-shot plots by necessity
        >one of the two main GMs managing the whole setup decides that it's time to shake things up with a big grand shared story arc
        >wants all the players engaged whether they'd like it or not
        >one player lends their popular character out to get "kidnapped" so other players would feel compelled to chase down the bad guys and mount a rescue
        >main GM proceeds to drop the ball harder than a double amputee in a bowling alley
        >months go by between sessions while freeform continues daily
        >no opportunities to gather information or progress the plot in the meantime
        >when sessions do happen we are always on defense against a gaggle of uber assassins running on anime bullshit and plot armor
        >player morale craters when it's revealed all prior skin-of-our-teeth victories were pointless
        >still no sign of kidnapped character
        >some players announce they are tired of constant assassin hype during role-play
        >we start openly discussing ways to sabotage the sessions in-universe and skip to the inevitable boss battle or bypass it completely
        >main GM pissy that we just want to get the plot over with
        >old guard stops giving a shit while new blood on the server monopolize the sessions going forward
        >kidnapped character reappears with no warning as an unwilling bad guy recruit
        >goes up against a party of new bloods who have zero connection with the character
        >kidnapped character is beaten then tried for treason and executed with no input from anyone who actually cared about them
        >lending player cries fowl and reveals the main GM assured them from the get-go that the character would be returned to them safe and sound
        >main GM tells them to eat shit because he's not taking a victory away from the new bloods
        >entire shared game collapses when the remaining old guard quit and the new blood can't sustain it alone

        • 2 years ago

          Imagine if the old blood PCs re-entered the fray to seek justice for the popular character
          >"He was a good man! He was taken once already by the wretched evil. He wasn't supposed to be taken away again, by you, our new hope!"
          >"And where were you when he returned? Do you seriously wish we would have sat idle and waited for you to come from far and away to mediate? All while he moved against the good and innocent? If it were anybody else warped of mind, not your friend, you would have done the same thing!"
          >"But it wasn't just 'our friend', young blood. He was the best of us, and of you -of us all. He would never have hesitated to spare his foes, whatever their charge."
          >"You didn't see firsthand what he became. There was no good in him left. See reason, you know which villain is responisble."

          I mean, that would require some fricking powerful sportsmanship, far beyond what that GM deserved. I've seen games on the brink pull back because one player managed to turn his frustration OOC into an IC personality trait. It was super mature of him, and he was well within his rights to just walk the frick out, I was thinking about it myself. His willingness to eat that shit right in front of the GM humbled the GM somewhat (who I seriously think was trying to get that player to leave at the time), but the two ended up smoothing stuff out in the end. They're not close friends, but they're not at each other's necks anymore.

        • 2 years ago

          >shared universe game played on irc
          Oh god. I once tried to participate in a group larger then 5 (roughly double) and it was a mess. I couldn't even fathom how hard this must've been for you guys.

  2. 2 years ago

    I got raped to death by using the philter of love on the BBEG
    Turns out the party wasn’t supposed to know the creepy church guy was the mastermind yet.

  3. 2 years ago

    I just ran forge of fury 3.5 for a party of three and one player died from failing climb checks twice (the chimney and the chain ladder), and would have died a third time getting swept into the sinkhole if I hadn't changed the fall damage to work as it does in 3.5 rather than based on the damage the book (which is 3rd) uses. He also died falling when the ogre cut the rope bridge near the start. For the climb checks I let him roll a dice based on the number of feet of the fall (eg 120ft would be a d120) to determine where on the ladder he fell in an attempt to reduce the damage (the module always assumes you fall right from the top) to give him a chance of survival, but he always rolled high. For some players life is just not meant to be. He took the deaths well at least.

    • 2 years ago

      You can usually take 10 on climbing a ladder, no?

      • 2 years ago

        They were under threat both times, with the chain ladder fall they had Nightscale harassing them trying to force them to leave so he couldn't take a 10. Don't remember the chimney reason though, was a long time ago now as it happened very early on, took almost a year to finish the module.

        • 2 years ago

          Interesting, and scary!

    • 2 years ago

      I had a player also die at that place. He actually made it across, but he was just thrown in after getting clobbered by the orcs on the other side.

    • 2 years ago

      I love forge of fury, just had a tpk tonight and they never even made it to the chain ladder. but the best was the previous group who when a PC died early in a session, drove home, came back and died again the same session one hour later in real time. his party members beat him to death in the rug and he came back and new pc immediately kissed the succubus

  4. 2 years ago

    Thought I was safe to throw a singular gelatinous cube at a party of five level 3 characters. Two of them proceeded to get eaten and killed because they kept failing their checks, two them kept failing their checks to pull them out and the other one ran away because it was what their character would do.

    • 2 years ago

      Kek, that mental image...

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          The Blob is a movie that has always been hard for me to rewatch. People getting dissolved in general is probably my biggest primal fear.

          • 2 years ago

            Mine is torture amputation. Like, hurt me all you like but please keep me in one piece

    • 2 years ago

      >I grapple the gelatinous cube.
      >It's what my character would do.

  5. 2 years ago

    During a cutscene to "rise the stakes" ala Krillin in Namek, we thought we defeated the monster but it stood up, started monologuing, pointed finger at me and I died. No roll, no action to do while he started talking for 5 minutes, nothing. Game disbanded pretty much after that because that was the straw that broke the camel's back

    • 2 years ago

      This couldve worked if done with a player who wanted to switch out characters and was talked with before. The way this was done is just gay as frick.

    • 2 years ago

      Damn my dm did something similar, but more of a t4s version of it. My character would die every session, usually in a brutal way about halfway or near the end of the session. Everyone would act sad as their friend had been killed, but next session I would be back with the group, same character, full health no questions asked. It was good fun because they would actively try to save me to no effect each time.

      • 2 years ago

        Was he named Kenny?

  6. 2 years ago


    What's bullshit about that?

    • 2 years ago

      GM using crit fail rules

      • 2 years ago

        I see. Are they not a thing in the system you were playing? Why not speak up about it?

      • 2 years ago

        Some games do it well. In DCC the die you roll for a crit fail is based on how heavy your armour is. So heavy armour has some tradeoffs.

      • 2 years ago

        Crit fails rule under specific circumstances. The Perils of the warp table in DH and the miscast tables for magic in WFRP 4e are both fricking great

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    Took one point of damage above my max hp and then rolled two nat 1s on death saves in a row.
    This was the time I started researching other systems so that I could stop playing DnD 5e

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw can't die unless I reach -80 HPs and heal 20 back every turn at 12th level
      in PF1e

      • 2 years ago

        how? i thought pf1e negative health is based off your constitution, not your actual health pool?

        • 2 years ago

          I've never heard of being able to go to -80 HP, but I know that some abilities can let you treat your Con score as if it were higher when you're dying (e.g. Mythic Hard to Kill)

        • 2 years ago

          -Bloodrager and Barbarian increase your Con when you rage.
          -There're feats, traits and magic items that rise your Con for the sake of negative points. Some even doubling your Con in that case.
          From top of my head and easy math you can reach -60 HPs kinda easy.
          Now, barb has a power that turns half damage you take into non-lethal, if you have any kind of healing that just doubles it. Spelleater archetype from bloodrager for example.

      • 2 years ago

        This right here. I always end up getting stuck DMing or start PCing and then get rugpulled for whatever reason

    • 2 years ago

      >Only needs 1hp worth of healing to get back up
      >Still remains down for two entire rounds and dies
      >In 5e
      Anon did you ever consider that your party wanted you dead?

      • 2 years ago

        To be honest is pretty easy to kill people in 5e.
        A single poke, a 1 hit damage already gives you to failed saves when you're down.

      • 2 years ago

        The problem was that it was an encounter taking place in the first fifteen minutes of the game. Our ship got hit by a wave and it was sinking. My character was with the quartermaster on the lower deck. The only other person with healing who was nearby had no magic and failed his Dex save to keep standing on a rocky ship during a storm.
        Also I was the healer so I couldn't heal myself

        • 2 years ago

          >first fifteen minutes of the game
          Who cares then? Just make a new character.

          • 2 years ago

            I did, but the thread asked for bullshit ways my character died. That was it.

            • 2 years ago

              Only thing bullshit here is that story

              • 2 years ago

                is this a new shitty tg meme like story shitter? saying how your story never happened?

              • 2 years ago

                It's a fairly old meme. Not exactly a good one but an old one.

  8. 2 years ago

    Not a single character of mine ever died, I'm in this hobby since '98.
    They all just fizzled into limbo once their related campaigns dissolved or ended.

    • 2 years ago

      Same for me, but I'm not in it for that long. No wait, recently one of my character died. That was a first. But it was at the end of a campaign, so I would have stopped playing with him at that point anyway.
      Also, as a GM I never had a player die despite the fact I don't actively pull my punches. But we don't play a particularly combat heavy game anyway (The Dark Eye), so there is that.

  9. 2 years ago

    The DM had scaled all encounters to accommodate for the minmaxers bullshit.

    Basically I got one shot because I didn't have ridiculously minmaxed stats and defenses against any potential foes we might face.

    It sucked balls.

    He canceled the game after realizing no one but the minmaxer had a chance against any future encounters.

    • 2 years ago

      That's not bullshit, that's just incompetence of the GM

    • 2 years ago

      i'm 100% sure the fault the minmaxer had this much influence over the game was the DM making moronic homebrew shit

    • 2 years ago

      >oh no! I'm playing a broken game that lets players get absurd statistical advantages out the gate!
      >I'd better just throw harder enemies at them that fricka over the people who dont automatically maximize their stats in session zero!
      >oof, well this sucks, I guess I'll just cancel the game, rather than exercising any kind of creative in-game solutions or talking to my players, or God forbid, switching to a system that puts the burden of success on a player's actions and not what class and features they chose several months ago.
      Shit DM

  10. 2 years ago

    >campaign is ending prematurely because of real life stuff
    >decide to do one final session, it starts with the entire party instantly getting rocksfall'd in an ambush
    >(that's not the bullshit part)
    >god of death shows up and gives us an offer
    >we all fight each other in his personal arena, and the winner gets to reincarnate into a new life
    >arena is a huge outdoor area full of hazards that change every few rounds
    >my character winds up a ways away from the others, take some scratch damage from spikes and the ranger's companion but nothing major
    >misjudge the distance required to cross an inlet, end my turn standing on a rock in the middle of the water
    >bard player says "hey, wouldn't it be funny if one of those sharks jumped out right now?"
    >DM agrees
    >it happens
    >the shark crits
    >DM says my character gets knocked into the water
    >in the span of a single round my 18 CON, full plated martial goes from over 80% hit points to making death saves
    >without any of the other players landing a single attack on me
    >get torn to shreds by the sharks soon after
    It's been six years and I'm still a little bit mad. Oh well, it's not like I was ever going to play the character again.

    • 2 years ago

      >campaign is ending prematurely because of real life stuff
      Lol. I guarantee it was either one of you marrying a fat woman, or else one of you moving for your "career"
      Protip: if you can't work remotely, you don't have a real career.

      • 2 years ago

        Holy shit. They out here dropping truth bombs.

      • 2 years ago

        Am plumber. Work all day raking in piles of money. Can't work remote. Fricking idiots here can't understand a job outside of sitting at a computer or being a wageslave

        • 2 years ago

          based plumberbro, we need more hard-working and honest blue-collars, everywhere
          if you overcharge wealthy fricktards so you can repair old veterans' plumbing pro bono, you're a saint

          • 2 years ago

            Oh frick yeah. Rich people dont mind paying full price on stuff I usually give a discount for, like if its a secondary job I usually take a bit off but I dont do that with rich people or big companies. Then if they are poor I usually take some off from the start just because I want to help. Oddly enough its the Upper Middle class that always want to israelite me & haggle over bullshit. Never satisfied & calling in about the work after its done too. The anon I was responding to sounds like one of those homosexuals.

      • 2 years ago

        You sound like one of those communists who plans to be a graphics designer after the revolution.

        • 2 years ago

          not really
          commies rarely talk about what is or isn't "real work" (except for landlording)

      • 2 years ago

        >if you can´t work remotely you don´t have a real career

        yes, no, sorry to have to tell you, but "brain surgeon" is not a real job.

        Honestly, it´s the opposite, most jobs that can be done remotely are finance-related bullshit jobs that only soulless morons would ever consider.

        • 2 years ago

          He is just a IT homosexual with a superiority complex like most IT homosexuals. He doesnt understand that he is no different from a mechanic except he is cleaner & less respected

          • 2 years ago

            Based. I will forever hate the IT goblins when one told me to stop playing Quake in school by unironically saying
            >you're the head boy, you're meant to show an example!
            Fricking nerd.

    • 2 years ago

      That seems like the events leading up to your character's death happened in a flash, and due to bs outside of your control, and this all happened in the epic final encounter of the campaign. It's natural to feel a somewhat legitimately angry at that.

      However, small bs that accumulates and creeps up at you at once is something that happens in real life, and if you played well then that is the most important thing.

    • 2 years ago

      >DM says my character gets knocked into the water
      Unless the shark was making a bullrush maneuver, or there's some other reason it could move you, then yeah that was bullshit.

  11. 2 years ago

    In a marvel one shot using a hacky genesys homebrew, I made an obese matrix character wannabe with gravity powers named Event Horizon who ended up flying Mysterio of all people into the upper atmosphere and throwing him into space, before passing out from lack of oxygen and dying during reentry

    • 2 years ago

      >I made an obese matrix character wannabe with gravity powers named Event Horizon
      >obese matrix character
      >Event Horizon
      Holy shit, I'm dying.

  12. 2 years ago

    According to the dm he slept through the screams and the fire in the inn. He died sleeping when the roof gave way. After leaving that group i learned of Passive perception.

    • 2 years ago

      >After leaving that group i learned of Passive perception.
      Passive perception only works when you're conscious. And it's a 4e/5e term anyway.

      • 2 years ago

        So sleeping makes you deaf?

      • 2 years ago

        not true in 5e
        not sure about 4e

      • 2 years ago

        Listen explicitly mentions that sleeping characters can still make listen checks, albeit with a -10.
        Also, that it requires no actions to make an initial listen check.
        The only scenario I see someone not waking up from that kind of commotion is either they somehow consistently roll bad enough to fail a check with a DC of somewhere between 0 and -10, or if the DM is a moron and treats literally all of the noises happening as one, singular check.

  13. 2 years ago

    I had not one but two dungeons collapse on top of me in Adventurer's League plus a catoblepas killed me because I didn't fudge my save.

    • 2 years ago

      >my own save
      W..what? Did you actually mean 'cheat'?

      • 2 years ago

        This is surprisingly common and a big reason I swapped to online play. One of my players tended to pick up his die before anyone can see it and rotate it real quick so his roll was higher.

        • 2 years ago

          >"Uh sorry. You picked it up to fast. Roll again and let it stay there"
          The cheater in shambles

          • 2 years ago

            Even that is giving him a second chance at a roll he would've failed, best to just assume it's a failure if he pulls that shit.

            • 2 years ago

              It could also turn a success into a fail, though. But yeah, if behavior persists, failure should be mandatory.

          • 2 years ago

            If you actively hide your roll from others its an autofail

        • 2 years ago

          >"Alright guys here's the dice rules at this table: if dice fall off the table you reroll; if dice are wienered you reroll; dice must be rolled in plain sight and if I can't see them before you touch them, I'm considering that roll as a 1."
          Easy to fix, isn't it?
          Mind you, I have never needed to enforce such rules because I play with good friends and not with random buttholes, and if an butthole managed to find their way to my table they'd be kicked out as soon as they showed their power levels.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, this. I keep reading stories about That Guy players who pick up their dice, but how does anyone let that slip in the first place? You don't "pick up your dice", you roll them on the table and let them sit there for all to see.

            In a marvel one shot using a hacky genesys homebrew, I made an obese matrix character wannabe with gravity powers named Event Horizon who ended up flying Mysterio of all people into the upper atmosphere and throwing him into space, before passing out from lack of oxygen and dying during reentry

            What's bullshit about that?

            • 2 years ago

              I have a guilty confession.
              My wife fudges her rolls sometimes, and I can always tell. I only ever allow it because she does it in petty, lesser non-combat things. And again, only sometimes, and it seems to be only with her character's primary talents. Nobody else we've played with have caught on.
              Every other of my players however, I trust completely with their rolls, after years of never seeing them fudge them even by honest mistake.

              • 2 years ago

                >Nobody else we've played with have caught on.
                What makes you think that if you yourself have caught on without speaking up about it?

              • 2 years ago

                A fair point, I'll give you that, but I think it's due to how everyone considered her as just one of the boys. They'd call eachother out for mistakes and shit all the time, even my wife sometimes too. This was before we even started dating, but they never called out her rolls. I was the only one that would look at character sheets every session to refresh myself with what my players have. When she only had at max a +4 mod to a skill check and apparently rolled a 20 and told me her total was 25, nobody questioned it. That sort of thing.

              • 2 years ago

                A fair point, I'll give you that, but I think it's due to how everyone considered her as just one of the boys. They'd call eachother out for mistakes and shit all the time, even my wife sometimes too. This was before we even started dating, but they never called out her rolls. I was the only one that would look at character sheets every session to refresh myself with what my players have. When she only had at max a +4 mod to a skill check and apparently rolled a 20 and told me her total was 25, nobody questioned it. That sort of thing.

                Actually, I guess that was a bad example. It's more along the lines of her rolling 17+ a bit too often as well, especially 20s.
                But when she does this, it never truly affects the game, so I allow it.

            • 2 years ago

              >What's bullshit about that?
              I misunderstood the thread

        • 2 years ago

          My brother in law would just drop his dice a few inches from his felt lined dice tray. You'd be amazed at how many 20s we would "roll." After a few sessions, I got him a dice tower and that was that

        • 2 years ago

          >online play
          We had a guy in an online game who insisted on rolling in real life and reporting the result. No one cared enough to stop him, but you'd think he could have shown a little class by throwing out something under a 15 now and then.

    • 2 years ago

      Catoblepas are pretty strong in PF1e/3.5e, wouldn’t consider a death to one to be bullshit

      • 2 years ago

        It was 5e and I was the only player at the table that recognized what they were from a distance and explicitly said that I was avoiding looking at them but because 5e's "streamlined rules" on death gaze don't require eye contact nor do they provide any bonus for averting one's gaze I still had to make a save - and only me because the DM was irritated at my outside knowledge.

        At that point I was still learning 5e and I thought "well, certainly a tier 1 encounter in 5e wouldn't have a save or die" and didn't know that the 2 I rolled would, in fact, kill me - and I might actually have "cheated" considering the double bullshit of the circumstances

        • 2 years ago

          Actually 5e has proper gaze rules for things like medusa and sea hags.
          The reason the catoblepas is how it is in 5e is because 5e is closer to the lore origin. The things gaze kills, not you seeing it nor you meeting its eyes.

        • 2 years ago

          >Used OOC knowledge to get an advantage in a fight
          >lies about dice rolls
          Yeah, the DM is the problem...

  14. 2 years ago


    That's a pretty solid way to die, my lad. Doesn't sound like bullshit, really.

    I wasn't there. I was told after the fact that my character was drawn off by one person who was calling for aid. I'm still mad about it honestly.

    This, though, is the big oof. There would have to be some really fricking strong extenuating circumstances before I'd kill a player character (or have my character killed) when the player isn't even present. Goddamn.

    Thought I was safe to throw a singular gelatinous cube at a party of five level 3 characters. Two of them proceeded to get eaten and killed because they kept failing their checks, two them kept failing their checks to pull them out and the other one ran away because it was what their character would do.

    Based rogue survivalist on the end, there. Seriously though, that's pretty fricking great. And dying to a monster isn't really a bullshit death.

    • 2 years ago

      >And dying to a monster isn't really a bullshit death.
      I think deaths that come from unlucky rolls as opposed to you own poor decisions feel pretty bullshit.

  15. 2 years ago

    I was playing a Rogue in 5e, we were in a dungeon and I wanted to sneak into a dangerous room full of angry wasps to gather treasure, and did so successfully under the cover of darkness until a dipshit player lit a torch that aggravated all the wasps simply because he "wanted to get a better look". The wasps had a nasty paralytic poison, I got locked up, ganged up on and stung to death. Crit failed my death saving throw. Just rough luck all around, but the idiot with the torch made it into bullshit.

  16. 2 years ago

    >the party tries to ambush drow underground
    >orcs decide to ambush our ambush
    >fighting orcs when drow arrive
    >party caught in crossfire, near TPK
    >last 2 survivors fight to an exit tunnel
    >no light, no darkvision, but we know the way, we just came through here before combat
    >run face-first into gelatinous cube
    >1 character dies pushing the other one free
    >2nd character barely escapes with 1 HP
    >whole table rooting for them to escape and ressurrect/avenge them
    >2nd character runs into second gelatinous cube
    >TPK complete
    >game ends

    • 2 years ago

      >2nd character runs into second gelatinous cube

    • 2 years ago

      Alright yeah it was tough but fair up to the last thing there. The DM is a real fricker for throwing a second cube at the player.

    • 2 years ago

      so what was your GM overcompensating for that day?

      • 2 years ago

        Listen, I don't know what you are trying to insinuate. It's very well known amongst biologists and botanists of the realm that EVERY entrance to the underdark has an exact qual number of gelatinous cubes to total surviving party members. We don't know why, or how it works. But that's just science. Natural law.

        • 2 years ago

          >We don't know why, or how it works.
          Oh that's simple. There are actually quite a few more but nobody is there to count after the last party member. It's like finding your keys in the last place you look.

  17. 2 years ago

    >make Warforged with the caveat that he was just recently awoken
    >DM gives me an item that can suck the soul from creatures
    >start sucking souls from critters at first, then move up
    >doing this all because I plan to quit playing and want the DM to have a neat betrayal bad guy
    >betrayal happens
    >DMs fricktoy who was playing a homebrewed "slime mage" throws a boulder at my character who dies instantly
    I did not play with that group for a very long time after hearing that

  18. 2 years ago

    >Playing OD&D
    >Come across this door
    >it's not even locked, it's just stuck
    >Try to bash it down with my 1st level fighter
    >Fail roll
    >Take 1d3 damage
    >Die because I only have 2 hit points at 1st level.

    • 2 years ago

      >runs headfirst into door and breaks neck
      What's bullshit about that, anon?

  19. 2 years ago

    >Chemical explosion due to a random earthquake that happened even though I said I am staying away from the chemicals. I only got to make one action that entire character life.
    >DM b***hing how we are not taking any plot hooks after describing how dangerous this module is. The first plot hook I take I ended up dying one minute later because I described myself taking out a holy cross to scare away the vampire, the DM wanted me to hear me say "I use the action turn undead".
    >DM threw pirates 4 levels higher then us then encouraged me to roleplay out my character which got me killed, then went on to say if I even survived I would die slowly on the boat abandoned as I didn't know how to drive boats.
    >I missed a session and the DM said that I dead because a god blew up an entire country I was in because another PC insulted said god even though first session he said that gods have limited impact on the world and are not allowed to do that bullshit
    >Died due to the DM letting another player play a half dragon, not a dragon born, a half dragon and forcing PvP on us
    >Died due to the DM letting a player play a full dragon and killing me for fun and because our alignments were different. Then when I lucked and rolled to reincarnate as a high level angel that gains extra attack bonuses against chaotic monsters which the dragon was the DM said that he is disabling PVP so I couldn't get my revenge.
    >Died to a new guy casting random spells on the party, killing me and then leaving the game 5 minutes later to never show up again. The DM refused to recon that.
    >Died due to somebody using a wishing ring wishing everyone in the room but himself was dead, which the whole party was in said room. Instead of flinging said player to the future which the book recommends, which the DM was also reading said book he let that happen and got the best ending ever.
    All the same DM, if you are reading this you know who you are, frick you.

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly you are more pathetic for sticking around for so long.

      • 2 years ago

        I was extremely new to the game so I didn't know better. I stuck around for about a year and a half I think? Only staying a bit longer because a friend of mine got involved and I thought that would make things a bit better.

    • 2 years ago


  20. 2 years ago

    Turned myself to stone while transformed into a medusa because the last random palace guard standing just happened to carry a pocket mirror with him on his watch

  21. 2 years ago

    >Group dealing with some bandits
    >The bandits are asking for some coin to provide protection
    >Group tells them to GTFO
    >Fight ensues
    >The bandits call their heavy hitter, an armored ogre
    >The pally tanks the ogre while the rest pelt the bandit leader with arrows
    >The ogre down the pally, its mount and the soulknife
    >Ranger finally catches on the leader and slain it
    >The bandit leader defeat causes a morale check for all the enemies, they fail, flee.
    >Disgruntled soulknife decides its characters dies there as it does very little damage compared with the other rogue.

    • 2 years ago

      What was the other rogue?

      Get Souljnife to a certain level and you can basically guarantee a hit every round

      • 2 years ago

        The other rogue is pretty vanilla(thief) but also smarter as he tends to play with cover and his allies to get sneak attacks most of the time.

        The soulknife is lvl 4 while the rest of the party 5; this player is "odd" retired his character the last adventure and lost another the one before.

        After talking with him to continue with the souldknife he is retconning his aarakocra to an antropomorphic penguin.

  22. 2 years ago

    >Character gets injured
    >Badguy's henchmen steals him out of the hospital to hold him for ransom
    >Party shows up to stop him
    >Party sniper shoots the bad guy from the rooftop while he's loading me into his getaway van,
    >In the foot.
    >Through my character's torso.
    >With an anti materiel rifle.

    • 2 years ago

      What system?

      • 2 years ago

        Albedo Platinum Catalyst with some GM homebrew

    • 2 years ago

      This sounds like a typical Tuesday in Shadowrun, Delta Green,or Traveller.

  23. 2 years ago

    >exploring spooky village
    >bunch of evil demon birds attack us
    >start fighting birds
    >old lady comes out of a shack
    >joking quip that she didn't even ask politely
    >she throws some spell that does enough damage to kill everyone in the party combined, but it just hits my character
    >instantly dead
    >well past -10, -20, etc
    >DM is surprised, for some reason
    >"Did you think she was joking? She told you to leave!"
    >everyone starts laughing about it
    >they think I'm just kinda pretend angry
    >am real angry, but kinda keeping my shit in check
    >GM contrives some revive for me
    >I should have stopped playing
    >Not even the first time he's done shit like that
    >wasn't the last time either

    • 2 years ago

      This sounds like the kind of DM where if you actually just left, he'd later complain that you made things way harder for him because you jumped off the rails and you "weren't actually supposed to leave"

    • 2 years ago

      I had a DM that would pull this shit and reasoning except he wouldn't even bother to revive you

    • 2 years ago

      >fricked about
      >found out

      • 2 years ago

        Just for clarity
        >wasn't my turn
        >old lady acted immediately after talking
        >spell level was far above anything the party could cast, let alone survive, implying a CR that had no reason to be in that encounter
        >DM used a spell with an average damage greater than the strongest PC's entire HP pool

  24. 2 years ago

    Murdered by a party member for no reason

  25. 2 years ago

    Pathfinder. I was playing a knife master/vigilante(occultist archtype I think, whatever gives some blood magic & shadowjumping shit). I built my character around feinting & throwing daggers after conjuring darkness and teleporting to shadows.
    The GM had us in a magical forest that bent space and time if you stray from the paths. Myself and the only other player (a sorcerer) eventually found a campsite with what looked like burnt corpses around what remained of a firepit. Naturally cautious, detect everything spells, all that. Looked perfectly safe to us, I thought maybe a fire elemental of some sort was summoned and did the dudes in. So, with how the area read safe to us, my character approached. Then, the GM had 4 ethereal creatures spawn from the corpses (i forget what they're called, but they cast both sleep and phantasmal killer) and 3 of them went first, then me, then the sorc. I died via phantasmal killer before I could even do anything, and the sorc just took damage and survived barely enough to drag my character's corpse away. I never got rez'd.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, I guess my second worst death was from the most trainwrecky of a campaign I've ever played in. I was an artificer in a group of TURBO POWERCREEPING MUNCHKINS and our GM didn't know how to handle that, let alone just tell them "no" so he'd toss increasingly difficult battles against us. I was 1shot by a pink wurm at level 6. There were 4 of them. Everyone else survived.
      Later, when I rolled a summoner, we were fighting a super big bad demon that was managing somehow to kick even their asses, so I decided "eh, frick it, worth a shot" and tried banishing it since we were about to all die. I somehow succeeded, but we got no loot or XP, so I was the bad guy for the night.

      • 2 years ago

        >so I decided "eh, frick it, worth a shot" and tried banishing it since we were about to all die. I somehow succeeded, but we got no loot or XP
        >defeat encounter
        >get no reward for it becaus eyou didn't defeat it the intended way
        Thanks I hate it.

      • 2 years ago

        >we got no loot
        Ok fair.
        >or XP
        Absolute bullshit trash GM. XP is for encounters completed not for killing shit.

      • 2 years ago

        My 3.5 artificer is currently immortal, what is your problem?

      • 2 years ago

        >make it so players only get EXP for murder
        >surprised when his players are murderhobos
        Yeah your GM is moronic
        I would have suggested trying to break their habits by throwing an encounter at them that could only be won through noncombat methods. Like an enemy that's absurdly strong, but open to negotiation.
        But from the sounds of things he was so mindnumbingly braindead he punished you for being creative instead.

    • 2 years ago

      Hmmph. Was there a lore skill or something that could have indicated the nature of the threat? Demon Ghosts jumping out of corpses is a pretty classic encounter, but it sounds like there weren't any reasonable counter measures you could have taken and you just got fricked by initiative.

      • 2 years ago

        Lore reasons? No, our GM just looked at creatures with CR four our level and picked one without first looking at what they were capable of. Again, I forget what they are, but they had high initiative, and can cast both sleep and phantasmal killer. Our GM later, as an apology, saud he misread their tactics and should have had them cast sleep first, theeen phantasmal killer.
        So yeah, we got fricked by initiative, and after thoroughly scanning that area, we detected nothing.
        You could say our spells were disrupted because the forest was magical and bent space and time, but at that point, why did all our other spells work?
        Our GM just didn't think the encounter through or something.
        I still miss that character, it was fun to play. I mean, when can you get dagger throwing to be viable?

        • 2 years ago

          Bummer. I don't mind dying in RPGs (my friends used to joke that all my characters were played by Sean Bean), but it always sucks when it's basically a random ass stomping. Good GMs can make an ambush shocking and dangerous, but avoidable in retrospect. Really stinks that the GM rules your scans gave zero clues as to what was going on.
          But hey, maybe you could pull the old trick of that character's long lost twin who has exactly the same skills showing up in some future game.

  26. 2 years ago

    >died 1v1ing the minor antagonist
    >died because pc's life was bound to another character who decided to an hero
    >died by rolling 1 on arcane check against sentient crown
    >died fighting against weird fae monsters because pc got knocked prone in shallow water and couldn't cast shield
    >died because pc's deity decided to nuke the bbeg... and forgot to warn said character about it
    All on one character by the way

    • 2 years ago

      >All on one character by the way
      you must have a lot of quick revives

  27. 2 years ago

    >GM moves us off an adventure path to do a homebrew campaign taking place in a city
    >a few sessions in, we're exploring a dungeon
    >it has names of upper class families in the city written on the wall
    >get to a point with a grid based floor with letters written on tiles, some of which are boobytrapped
    >sacrifice of a small child begins taking place across the room
    >we can't figure out the puzzle so I try sprinting across to brute force it but die to the poison dart traps
    >turns out one of the names of the families was deliberately misspelled and we had to jump letter to letter (not in a straight line) to cross this without triggering the boobytraps

    • 2 years ago

      >thats fricking based.

      Seriously. Give the players a solvable but deadly trap and then add a timed component. Easy money.

  28. 2 years ago

    >playing VtM LARP
    >my character feeds on a mortal
    >forget to specify that he closed the wound
    (if you don't know, vampires can close a wound left by feeding by licking it)
    >Storyteller decides this means he didn't do it, even though there was no reason not to
    >this constitutes a Masquerade breach and somehow the Prince knows who did it
    >the Prince (another PC) executes my character by writing on him with her acidic blood

    • 2 years ago

      This sounds like some absolute bullshit. I've never LARPd, but what the hell are you supposed to do? Actually lick the person?

      • 2 years ago

        It was a VtM LARP anon, it's more surprising that he didn't lick that person.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, but I was wanting to give his larp group the benefit of the doubt and assume they weren't degenerates, since I like vtm and, while I know there are sexual themes, never sexualize it. If I get into larp, I really can't picture myself ever actuallt touching someone beyond a handshake, pat on the shoulder, or a half hug with a fellow party member.

          • 2 years ago

            >assume they weren't degenerates
            >since I like vtm
            Only degens like VTM, or any White Wolf product, and it takes a special kind to larp it. Accept who you are.

  29. 2 years ago

    Opening a door to a bodak.

    Frick bodak.

  30. 2 years ago

    Not mine but changed the dynamic of my character.
    Was playing in a sci-fi campaign, my character being an engineer, two of our guys go down, they are, by rules, dead.
    Now, here's the bullshit part (for me anyway), we basically were in a Not-Mechanicus ship, so full on "The flesh is weak" type of deal, plenty of implants everywhere, hyper technology, what have you, right?
    So I'm like "Well no biggie, I wanted to get onto making/using implants anyway, may as well augment you two fricks and revive you", the players however decided to let the characters die and get new ones, as they felt the "resurrection" was an asspull.
    I don't blame them for the decision, however my character was pretty much left to take the "leader" position and changed the dynamic from support/comedy relief to traumatized leader.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like interesting character development to me, I dig it.

      • 2 years ago

        It is but I have played so many "leaders" already, it's getting a bit annoying to play yet another.
        Not that it isn't fun but sometimes you just want to be the bumbling fool, the guy that needs to be looked over always or they end up causing a mess.
        Naturally it works but meh, I would've preferred keeping the status quo, at least when literal resurrection machines were all around us: it's a bit like Fallout 3, where you're forced (or used to be) to get into the purifying chamber, even though you had ghouls and super mutants around you.

        • 2 years ago

          I feel your pain. I'm used to being stuck as the party leader too, to the point where I have to go out of my way to be more along the sidelines of the group.

          What the frick was your GM's problem?

          I suspect many things, but I'm glad I don't know what those problems are.

        • 2 years ago

          > it's a bit like Fallout 3, where you're forced (or used to be) to get into the purifying chamber, even though you had ghouls and super mutants around you.

          You can make Fawkes get in the chamber isntead... might be a DLC thing.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah its DLC.

  31. 2 years ago

    I haven't really had any bad ones. Most of the time if I died it was due to bad tactics, bad luck, or just being in a straight up shitty situation with no proper way out.
    Probably the worst was the first DnD game I ever played, 3.5. I was completely unfamiliar with the system or setting or really the concept of classes beyond a few old CRPGs. I wanted to play a scary dark elf "assassin" (I was an adolescent at the time and basically just meant a guy who kills stuff). So the DM made me a Drow Rogue, but I really didn't understand the stats or how class roles worked, nor did anyone else at the table. Long story short, I rushed into the frontline and sliced and diced some lizardmen, the Ranger did a decent job giving covering fire, and the Barbarian hung back at the rear because he didn't want to risk getting hurt. I actually did really well until someone finally hit me and I died from something like 7 points of damage. It was a little annoying, but looking back on it I think if the DM was a little older he could have explained the whole concept of classes better and I might not have played as foolishly. Still, six years later I got super into RPGs and I've been playing them ever since. I still don't like DnD much though.

    • 2 years ago

      >turned off from D&D at an early point in tabletop gaming experience

      The optimal life-path

  32. 2 years ago

    >Das Shwartz Aug
    >Two players. One a pirate and one a spell caster
    >Two skeletons scratch their cabin door.
    >They rush out. They barely have weapons, they have no armor, its pitch black and they have no torches. I blatantly tell them it's just to scare them a bit, they rush anyway.
    >The sorcerer decides to cast a multi turn spell.
    >Everyone is telling him it's a bad idea when the skeletons are flanking them
    >Goes about as well as a whip cream bikini in a tiger pit. Sorcerer survives with only 1 hp. The pirate, who knows how to parry when getting stabbed instead of mumble power words, got out better.
    >The GM reveals that DSA has a lengthy system about infections and diseases and that undead weapons carry blood snoot fever.
    >Spellcaster literally wasted all his MP to shoot off a fireball that didnt do that much damage and left none to heal.
    >Dies from 1 hp damage from the first hour

    I was the GM and I thought I was being cheap. I didnt want to kill them from a side effect on the first session but he was just so complete in screwing himself.

  33. 2 years ago

    Vampire the Masquerade game. We are local Camarilla muscle, I'm a Brujah with a hot head and a shotgun.

    Storyteller decides to introduce his old Sabbath Cove. As npcs and we have immediate DMPC garbage.

    First encounter in a museum where we are trying to kill an Elder, they attack. Supposed to be a shoot at each other a few rounds before realizing g you have similar objectives thing.

    I don't specifically reveal how hurt I am, bit just go toe to toe with his fortitude 6 gangrel as a near starting character. Round 2 I declare, whelp, that's 10 aggravated damage, I'm dead. And the game goes silent.

    Show off your DMPC became rocks fall you die to show off his previous character.

    • 2 years ago

      Remind me of the time my DM introduce his BBEGPC going on for 4 minutes explaining his backstory, riding on an ancient black dragon and got pissed nobody wanted to fight him even though he casually kills other PC's with one shot from common enemies

  34. 2 years ago

    I played a skald war drummer, pic related.
    He fell into a spike pit he failed to notice and got impailed through the gut. He couldn't possibly pull himself off the spike, so he accepted his death and awaited the glorious afterlife that awaited him.


    Then a huge slime came slithering towards him that functioned like a cure critical wounds potions, but constant and on contact. It plugged all of his bodily orifices, leaving him permanently impaled yet unable to die.
    I told my GM he's dead.
    He insisted my character was still alive.
    I pulled out a fresh character sheet and my pen.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      It sounded like a fine line between pity and apparently a very nasty fetish.

    • 2 years ago

      What the frick was your GM's problem?

  35. 2 years ago

    Probably more baffling than bullshit, but I informed GM in the VtM game that I'd like to retire the character. He begun the next session with "while you were feeding, hunters drove over you with a blessed car and you're dead or in torpor."
    It's not like I expected some side-adventure to tie up loose ends or whatever, but it's such a weird asspull idea. We didn't even do anything with hunters up until that point.

  36. 2 years ago

    I've never had a character die in a campaign. Not once.
    And it's not like I'm playing with DMs that are 'too nice' to kill characters, I've had my character be the sole survivor of a least twice, off the top of my head.
    I think maybe I'm the only person acting like my character actually has some self-preservation instinct or something.

    • 2 years ago

      The picture looks like the guy isn't sitting on the chair, but squatting on the cross bars. Is he photoshopped?

      • 2 years ago

        it's a stock photo, so 1) probably 2) who cares

    • 2 years ago

      Same, I usually take a bunch of precautions in my build to make sure I can get away when things turn sour, not only does this result in me getting away but it also allows me to rescue other PCs later on in case they get captured.

      Although I do play a lot of ranged characters so maybe I'm just a homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      Glad I'm not alone. Only i play recklessly, yet i still survive everything

  37. 2 years ago

    I've had alot of character deaths but one stands out the clear winner of bullshit.

    >just wandering the mountains as a group doing the general adventuring schtick. A couple close calls but we were doing good. Then as we were walking along dm calls for a single check, I think it was listen. Everyone fails but nothing happens. So after a sec we are like ok weird.

    >we get hit by a god damn avalanche. Half the people get knocked out by the initial hit and the rest die of suffocation struggling under the snow.

    >All we get was a "I had it in my notes there was an avalanche, nothing I could do about it"

    Honestly looking back that was probably the final straw for that group. The guy was the forever gm with a harsh ruling that always was in favour of killing us. Though we had to admit most of the time we were idiots in bad situations. After that getting games going seemed to have alot less enthusiasm when even our rare functional party who were good at their jobs got the most bullshit deaths why even bother.

    • 2 years ago

      >Investigating a murder in a noir cyberpunk campaign
      >GM rolls some dice and winces while we're interviewing a witness
      >"You hear a loud bang coming from the roof of the building behind you, and see anon's PC's head explode. Yeah, you have no way of knowing it, but the bad guy hired an assassin"
      >"Character creation is too long, so you're gonna have to sit this one out anon"

      these are the kinds of things as a player you can excuse the dm if it was part of the module they were running, but when they're specifically created by the dm it just feels needlessly unfair on the players.

      • 2 years ago

        >these are the kinds of things as a player you can excuse the dm if it was part of the module they were running,

        Only up to a certain point. A good DM should be able to read that from the module, identify it as complete bullshit, and either omit it or change it so that it has a more reasonable level of danger.

        • 2 years ago

          > A good DM should be able to read that from the module, identify it as complete bullshit, and either omit it or change it so that it has a more reasonable level of danger.

          I mean yeah but I also wouldn't blame a GM too hard for generally trusting someone whos literal career it is to write modules to actually have some level of competence at doing so.

    • 2 years ago

      >seasoned adventurers, some maybe even with superhuman stats, need to succeed a listen check with an arbitrary (probably high) DC to notice a fricking avalanche happening in the snowy mountains
      Does he make you roll a Dex check when your character gets out of bed? A Wis check if your character is having some non-magical sleep in an area where heated combat and screaming is happening? A Con check every single time you drink a single watered-down beer? A Dex check the moment the path starts sloping down at the slightest decline?

      What the frick man?

    • 2 years ago

      >rare functional party who were good at their jobs

      Yeah no wonder the GM got worn out and frustrated when every party is a fricking meme.

      • 2 years ago

        What does your post even mean?

  38. 2 years ago

    >Investigating a murder in a noir cyberpunk campaign
    >GM rolls some dice and winces while we're interviewing a witness
    >"You hear a loud bang coming from the roof of the building behind you, and see anon's PC's head explode. Yeah, you have no way of knowing it, but the bad guy hired an assassin"
    >"Character creation is too long, so you're gonna have to sit this one out anon"

  39. 2 years ago

    >playing rogue trader for the first time
    >ask for some help with character creation
    >GM enters call and responds to all my questions by meowing
    >realize his game is going to be shit, but continue anyway out of morbid curiosity. Little did I realize just how shit it was going to be
    >game starts with us boarding a derelict space station. It reeks of shit. Ork shit, apparently. The walls and ground is smeared with it, even the ceiling, somehow.
    >get separated from the group due to an arbitrary roll, run into Orks in a cafeteria. GM doesn't know how the rules work but tells me to roll an agility check not to slip, I fail the roll, slip on the shit and hit my head, knocked unconscious.
    >Orks eat me

    For my first introduction to 40k, it sure was something. Apparently the game survived for two more sessions, somehow. It had a recurring techpriest NPC that stole equipment from the party without needing to roll, phased through walls and would only sell their own equipment back to them in exchange for "toasters". It was also completely immortal. Our Rogue Trader was some sort of child/teenager and the party ran into an Eldar who would only spare them from death if she got to marry them. I can't remember anything else.

    • 2 years ago

      >GM enters call and responds to all my questions by meowing

      Surprised you didn't bail right then and there. GMs never giving you a straight answer is always a massive red flag.

      • 2 years ago

        Like I mentioned, I knew the game was gonna be shit, but I figured seeing the trainwreck in action would be funny. So it was.

  40. 2 years ago

    Not a bad DM, just a new one; the module didn't help either.
    >Rime of the Frost Maiden
    >Be on my second character after my first one died 2 sessions ago
    >Party enters a tomb location, use my last character's arm to get past the lock
    >Wander around for a bit
    >Party enters a room, a crazy woman jumps up on a tomb, monologues for a bit
    >Proceeds to cast an ice fireball sort of thing, either before or at the top of initiative
    >Fail my save, die outright
    >Just me
    I was coming into the party with a level 1 PC.
    We all started with 1 main PC and 2 backup PCs, and this was after spending the last session getting my first backup PC into Icewind Dale.

    The other one was entirely my fault.
    >Be playing PF1E for the first time
    >Filling in for missing players, new to game and group
    >Get to my first combat
    >Try to fight angel, find out that PF doesn't have movement like 5E but a move action
    >Get shanked twice and die
    The GM was an absolute champ at improv, as earlier there was a really good prayer roll on my part (d100 roll low) and my deity resurrected me.
    He took a short break from the game to sort something out for me.
    It was described as me walking into the tavern the party was at, and then it was revealed that he had added the skeletal champion template to my character.

  41. 2 years ago

    My dude got eaten. Fail two saves and your character just straight up dies. And it was his second session too.

  42. 2 years ago

    One of my CoC characters got ragdolled through a 10th floor window.
    In the gms defense we knew we were in a 10th floor. And the battlemap clearly indicated that there was a window behind me. I just didnt pay attention to it. Also CoC has rules for charging so it's not like he made it up on the spot. But it still felt really cheap

  43. 2 years ago

    Not my character but I still fricking hate the dm for it
    >Sci-fi setting where my character is a criminal
    >Ask if I could find any underground/blackmarket shops to buy from while the group is at a city
    >Bring a friend into a weapon dealer's place so they could get something as well
    >They instantly kidnap and kill my +1 with no
    prevention or anything and dump there body outside cause only I was allowed in and they only t told me this now after killing them
    The DM was one of those guys who like to jerk off over how hard they make things

  44. 2 years ago

    >Captured by Goblins during a negotiation
    >Party mounts a rescue mission
    >Killed off screen
    >Ask DM what the frick
    >"They were beating you the entire time, I calculated the damage and there's no way you could survive."

    • 2 years ago

      >get captured by violent evil creatures
      >violent evil creatures behave violently and evily
      >get pissed

      yeah you're a clown

      • 2 years ago

        >DM takes away all agency and kills a character off screen with no input from a player because of a situation he created
        Yeah no you're a clown.

        • 2 years ago

          No mention that the player has no input.
          If you got knocked unconscious and kidnapped, or were somehow physically grappled and dragged away, and neither you or the party did something about it that's just fair.
          All the DM did in those circumstances was delay your inevitable death. It's only bullshit if there was no conflict and he just said it happened.

  45. 2 years ago

    Playing a inquisitive rogue made to ace in both investigation and perception, went ahead to scout a room for traps and enemies, failed to spot hidden enemies, failed to spot the trap, failing the save and failing three death saves all the while the party were in the next room over watching for patrols and waiting for the all clear.
    Never rolled so many 2's in a row before.
    That wasn't evnen supposed to be one of th e nasty parts of Death House.

    • 2 years ago

      >roguegay splits from the party to "scout ahead" (steal all the treasure for himself)
      >gets what he deserves

  46. 2 years ago

    You know what's bullshit? I never had a character die. I came close, really close, but never had one die. I even antagonize GM and still nothing. Hell, one time I started a fight with a GM PC so much stronger than me that he should have been able to kill me with one hit. homie rolled all 1's on damage and I barely survived. I do stupid shit like tanking attacks with a PC that had no HP, running into burning buildings, jumping from airship to airship, pissing on a dragon, tackling a suicide bomber before he explodes. I survive everything and it's annoying. I want a self sacrificial death, but the die keeps me alive through everything. Next session I am going 5v1 to buy some time for the party and if I survive this, I am going to blow a fuse.

    • 2 years ago

      Have you told your GM that you're trying to go out with a bang? GMs can't read minds, and probably isn't thinking on the same frequency you are.

      • 2 years ago

        I did and he gives me set up, but I don't want to be written out, I want to die like a player. Hell, he exploded a building I was in, collapsing the roof of a warehouse on me and rolled 1's and 2's for damage, while I aced all the survival checks and the others pulled me out. He also gave us a barrel with a brain eating parasite that should have killed my first character and told me before hand that it'll kill me, only for me triple crit on willpower saves and out willpower a part of an old one. I play as recklessly, as I can in the situations he presents me, yet no cigar.

        I have been playing for seven years and all my characters had a death wish for one reason or another, One wanted to be a martyr to become a legendary hero, another wanted to suicide via adventuring since he was a forty year old farmer who lost everything in a fire. One was a child soldier who was on a revenge path against a whole empire and so on. None of them could die and it drives me nuts. Self sacrifice is my favorite trope bar none.

  47. 2 years ago

    >Playing 3.5 (when it was popular, years ago)
    >Party gets thrown in jail that's located in a large stone tower
    >Spend TWO FRICKING IRL MONTHS trying to get out of this jail but because the DM is autistic can't escape unless we do a very specific sequence of events
    >Worst part is I'm locked in a silenced room away from the party because I was a spellcaster
    >Spend two months effectively doing nothing
    >Everyone is super fricking bored and tired of being locked up and keep saying that we just want to get out of this stupid fricking tower and move on
    >DM insists that we can escape if we just think
    >Eventually after us complaining for so long, failing over and over and us just being bored we all start goofing off
    >One player asks if there are any random cracks in the wall, he finds one and then just starts bashing it with his helmet
    >Apparently hitting this crack makes the entire fricking tower fall down on top of us
    >Half the party dies instantly (including me) from the tower falling on them and the other half are basically dead
    >We all laugh in the DMs face about how fricking stupid the whole situation is and everyone just packs up their shit and leaves
    >Never see the DM again

  48. 2 years ago

    >Doing a battle royale with friends of friends
    >Me and two others left, I'm just using a level six human fighter
    >the other two are completely broken anime characters homebrewed in race, class, feats and equipment
    >holding my own pretty well
    >successfully retreat to a part of the arena which has healing items
    >Door is booby trapped and is just enough to removes my 4 remaining hp and kill me instantly

  49. 2 years ago

    DM at the time had beef with me for god knows why. might have been something to do with me being the BF of the only girl in the group. anyways, boss combat starts and I nat 20 my initiative roll. DM rolls behind screen, says boss nat 20'd as well, and he has higher bonus so he goes first. first round of combat boss ignores the two martials at the front of the party and beelines for me. I misty step away but im hurting bad. next turn, again, dumps everything on me, putting me to the ground. my GF commands her pet golem to pick up my unconscious body and guard it. DM promptly ignores this and doesn't allow the golem to do anything as the boss spawns another monster on top of my character and multiattacks my dead body. whole thing reeked of him trying to intentionally kill my character, so I call him on his bullshit. apparently, he had been trying to get me to quit for multiple sessions because I called one of his NPCs frickface after they tried to shoot me with a crossbow.

    • 2 years ago

      >I called one of his NPCs frickface after they tried to shoot me with a crossbow.

      Was this like a random faceless NPC or some NPC with a name, complete history, and somebody the DM tries to force the PCs to like?

      • 2 years ago

        random goblin in a dungeon who we proceeded to interrogate

    • 2 years ago

      I do love those stories when the DM is envious of another guy for getting the pussy he desperately craves. But that's also how you deal with guys like that. Go in with your girl knowing he's a jealous c**t, and have a good time there no matter what. Your girl'll want to have a good time too, and he'll be seething more than all of the trannies and /misc/tards on this site when he sees you two having fun together, especially when his attempts at sabotaging your fun aren't working.

      • 2 years ago

        it really was the perfect storm of cucking him tbh. he and my GF had been friends for years, and until we started dating, had only dated women. he was a doughy nerd, and while I'm no adonis, am decently fit. I don't really look like the sort of guy to play DND, but growing up I was absolutely a Fa/tg/uy, up until college when I found out about creatine and protein powder. on top of that, my GF, while not some supermodel, has that "alt girl" (think Ally Sheedy with blue hair) sort of look that neckbeards drool at. He'd just find ways to mald over everything I did, and tbf I didn't make things better as I would egg him on when he'd get upset over things, but I thought it was harmless fun at the time. oh well, my GF's little brother and I are running a game together now thats way more fun than the one NeckbeardDM kicked us from. (he kicked my GF too when she called him a manchild for sperging out at me)

        • 2 years ago

          Hah! Glad you have a happy ending there. Thanks for indulging me anon.

          Speaking of I ought to go back to the gym sometime, but since I started taking hits in the stock market, I felt like I was risking associating the gym with a place where I go to lose my money.

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds like a beta orbiter who didn't even try to make a move. I have no sympathy for people who don't do anything, and get mad when someone else goes for it.

            Seems like one of the dude who would complain about chads and stacys while not working on his personality. Also he was clearly only hanging with the girl because he was lusting after her which is always a red flag

            the whole group was like this, and the one guy who was in a relationship was dating what can be called a woman on only the loosest of terms . honestly the bit I miss the most about the campaign was all the custom artifacts I came up with that got lost when DM nuked the campaign discord server. Pic related, its the only one that got saved.

            Hope you got to pull lots of "ass grabs of ownership" when you and your gf were around him.

            unfortunately only a couple. the game switched to virtual at the start of lockdowns, and imploded before we could reconvene

        • 2 years ago

          Sounds like a beta orbiter who didn't even try to make a move. I have no sympathy for people who don't do anything, and get mad when someone else goes for it.

        • 2 years ago

          Seems like one of the dude who would complain about chads and stacys while not working on his personality. Also he was clearly only hanging with the girl because he was lusting after her which is always a red flag

        • 2 years ago

          Hope you got to pull lots of "ass grabs of ownership" when you and your gf were around him.

  50. 2 years ago

    In terms of bullshit, my character died because we forgot he had freedom of movement.
    In our defense, it was our first session after like a 2 month break.

  51. 2 years ago

    The best I got is a regular chaotic-stupid player.
    >new game with three players
    >the set piece is a rebellion
    >bard character (played by best friend at the time) wants to rise as new leader
    >power player picking lore bard because obvious reasons
    >chaotic evil being taken as rule and not a guideline
    >his character is referred to my character as a capable bodyguard and is technically higher rank
    >we're on the road when someone was scouting for us on horseback on the road
    >my character takes it upon himself to see who this man is and walks ahead
    >chaotic evil bard takes that as the bodyguard acting out of line and as the leader
    >'no im the leader' he says to himself in his head
    >later that night he forces my character to sleep with a spell then slits his throat
    "It's what my character would do."

    • 2 years ago

      This is entirely in-line for Chaotic Evil
      It's also why Chaotic Evil can be a bad idea for a character alignment. There are ways to roleplay it that don't involve wanton murder, but given the fact that most PCs are mercenaries, CE players inherently end up having to be murderers in atleast some capacity.

  52. 2 years ago

    >Breaking into a fort with several tied up enemy dogs
    >My character throws a big rock and hits one
    >On the enemy turn they all simultaniously break free and, understanding the concept of revenge, run past everyone else to attack my 6'5" barbarian
    >Every single one of them hits two attacks on that same turn, which brings me down past incapacitated and into instant death.
    This was the only time I ever threw a fit with a DM, and basically everyone else agreed it was bullshit and were ready to walk out with me. He compromised by making it not instant death, so it technically doesn't count as a character death.

    • 2 years ago

      >Okay Cletus, Duskwatch is over and Nightwatch is beginning soon
      >it's the end of our shifts, let's head back to report
      >remember to tie up our rabid mutts
      >but don't tie them up tightly
      >maybe some adventurers will come by and throw a rock at them and we want them to be able to break free at a moment's notice
      Some DM's really can't help themselves but to do this, huh?

  53. 2 years ago

    Thrown into lava the one time I missed a session by the That Guy couple with Main Character Syndrome because my character's whole gimmick was completely ignoring them and keeping them from from taking the lion's share of treasure in each dungeon crawl.

  54. 2 years ago

    Got shot in the head with a shoulder fired 20mm anti-tank rifle by a dude so well hidden behind a boarded up window I couldn’t see him but he could see me and point his gun at me without difficulty despite my being on a roof across the street

  55. 2 years ago

    One of the party rangers attacked the BBEG after 6 months of campaign on the final assault
    He could shoot 3 arrows per turn
    DM had this houserule that it's 20 for crit, 20 to confirm over AC, and then get another chance to double damage with another 20
    Ranger rolled 8 20's in a row
    BBEG was down in one turn

  56. 2 years ago

    Not me but a buddy of mine. Our party had just finished raiding an orc bandit camp. We found two rooms in the dungeon. One had a hand maiden from the local village in it. My buddy the parties paldin did the altruistic thing and tried to help her out so our dm did the bullshit thing and had her stab him in the back so my character filled her with arrows.

    The other room had a samurai asking us to get his blade for him in it. Our groups paladin had no trust in him anymore and for some reason we had a battering ram so he had us hold the samurai down and while he took a battering ram to the samurais wiener and balls. The dm was having none of it because the samurai was his secret oc. The two started arguing and eventually the dm without any rolls had the samurai break free from the rest of the party and kill our paladin. They started arguing about it for about an hour and a half while the rest of us were on our phones and eventually we just scrubbed that part and did what the fricker wanted. he doesn't play table tops with us anymore.

    Moral of the story never trust a cringe oc

    • 2 years ago

      The OC part would have been fine if the GM didn't frick you over with trust issues immediately prior to meeting the OC.

      But can an intentionally bad GM not be bad, that is the question.

      • 2 years ago

        the last time we played with him he kept trying to argue he can shadowmeld because he rolled a 30 in stealth

    • 2 years ago

      >Moral of the story never trust a cringe oc
      But what if you need to fight 4 liches?

    • 2 years ago

      >Our groups paladin had no trust in him anymore and for some reason we had a battering ram so he had us hold the samurai down and while he took a battering ram to the samurais wiener and balls
      If your DM were at all competent he would have allowed this and then had the Paladin fall for maiming a random guy out of petty anger over a completely different person attacking him.
      It still would have allowed him to punish the Paladin, and wouldn't have even been unfair because what the frick kind of Paladin obliterates random stranger's wiener and balls purely out of paranoia.

  57. 2 years ago

    In a vital moment of tension between our party and the enemy, I pretended to look over the DM's board; he interpreted that as an offense to the game and killed off two characters that weren't me in that instance and my character lost an eye. Meaning that I had my accuracy weakened for the entire campaign and 2 other people had to write 2 new characters. Lamest "punishment" for a joke ever

    • 2 years ago

      Disproportionate and misaimed, but not entirely unjustified. From your description, you ruined dramatic tension by trying to be an OOC jokester.

      • 2 years ago

        I roll so bad on the regular I still am a jokester, but I can take a hit about it (like dying or being blind in game), I wrote new characters regularly. We ended up kicking out the DM on the fact that he was an butthole to everyone in and out of game anyways.

  58. 2 years ago

    We were around level 10 and going into a room with a level 20 caster to steal something from them. We had this plan of grabbing it and running out. We decided to keep initiative from a pre-fight with the goblins that was designed to restore my character's Void points by cleaving all the enemies in a round, but the wizard instead spent a high level spell slot killing the mooks for some reason and I had low initiative. While they worked out the details I went to get everyone ice cream sandwiches, since I was the host (it was my birthday). When I returned, combat had already started. The other party members had grabbed the item and either run out in the party vehicle and/or teleported out, leaving behind one of my full plate fighters to just stand there because "oops you weren't in the vehicle?!"

    • 2 years ago

      Ah, the old "killing their PC when they get ice cream sandwiches" trick, gets them every time.

      Really though, that is rough buddy.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah. Honestly, the whole campaign was rough because I was playing a melee martial in a party with a psion, a wizard, an artificer, and a mech pilot with a vehicle loaded down with ranged weapons.

        Same campaign: I took the feat chain to get the shitty polearm feat that let's you deflect unlimited ranged weapons by taking a full-defense action. What does the GM do? "Well, they are just going to shoot your allies behind you then. You don't provide cover."

        I remember the only time we had melee combat it was a tournament and the DM refused to let me use all my gear and set me up to fight an min-maxed Iaijutsu samurai who just one-shot me since my PC has half as many hit-points as usual (I was playing a Dvati).

        My character was literally worthless.

        But he didn't let me make a new PC.

    • 2 years ago

      They killed you
      >On your birthday?
      >In your house?
      >When you left?
      >To get them ice cream?

      How did they not recon that? I mean, if everyone thought you were in the vehicle then frick that, you were in the vehicle.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah. Honestly, the whole campaign was rough because I was playing a melee martial in a party with a psion, a wizard, an artificer, and a mech pilot with a vehicle loaded down with ranged weapons.

      Same campaign: I took the feat chain to get the shitty polearm feat that let's you deflect unlimited ranged weapons by taking a full-defense action. What does the GM do? "Well, they are just going to shoot your allies behind you then. You don't provide cover."

      I remember the only time we had melee combat it was a tournament and the DM refused to let me use all my gear and set me up to fight an min-maxed Iaijutsu samurai who just one-shot me since my PC has half as many hit-points as usual (I was playing a Dvati).

      My character was literally worthless.

      But he didn't let me make a new PC.

      I'll buy you an ice cream sandwich. Frick those buttholes.

  59. 2 years ago

    Complete homebrew:
    Casted a shield spell on party member.
    Critical fail, the shield encloses them and is airtight. Party member chokes to death because we cant break the shield. Party members RP sibling goes mad and throws a bottle after me.
    Critical hit. Hits my head, breaks my skull I'm near dead.
    Warlock like party member tries to heal me. Rolls too low, Warlock heals take hitpoints if you roll low instead of healing. I only have a few left anyway so frick it.
    >Nope the demons want their bargain anon. The heal spell takes its life from the caster if there is not enough on the target.
    Warlock tries to cast a protection against demonic influence to counter that after he begins withering away. Its a success.
    >The demons are angry that you try to cheat them. You get drawn into hell.

    In two rounds we lost three of four party members. Only the bottle thrower survived but died by getting flayed alive and fed his own skin because his invoke luck spell like ability critically failed and the monster we fought got him good.

    After that we decided to tone down failed crits a bit. If you basically die everytime you roll a 1 you wont survive long. Even if the DM thinks it brings in some "tension".

  60. 2 years ago

    Tried out an illusion-focused occultist after asking a R20 GM for a new game; he OKed it. 1st session (and without telling me beforehand) GM decided he didn't like how illusions cost actions from enemies to disbelieve, so he made them auto-roll to disbelieve if I cast my spell in front of them. So... I spent most of the adventure just not actually using any illusions that required disbelief because frick that. Still seemed to really like targeting me for daring to be an illusionist. Culminated in the seemingly-good-natured but stupid barbarian that was stranded on the floor of the dungeon we were on charging down the halls and slicing my character in half with a crit from just below max HP.
    ...not a death, but I decided to make an elf evoker after that, and to integrate me in, the DM told me to buy my equipment as normal, so I did.
    ...then I started with none of it, found none of it but my cantrips page of my spell book and like a couple of my 1st level spells (not my 2nd or 3rd level spells though!) None of the spells I found were my damaging evocation spells... which made my choice of evoker pointless because I chose it to compensate for the dungeon's demand of AoE and CC. He gave me a fricking pre-made spellbook with mostly spells I considered my opposition schools, and I barely offered anything to the team but liabilities of wasting healing.
    When I brought up, "Couldn't you tell me things you aren't okay with me playing before I choose them?" and he goes, "I'm not going to write down entire books-worth of restrictions before you play."

    • 2 years ago

      The best part is that I literally asked him each time if it was alright if I played these things, and he OKed them only to frick me over each time just one session in with those characters.
      It was Rappan Athuk that I was playing, fyi. The fact that both of my experiences have been negative playing it with first a pothead GM then a just genuine asshat has kind of made me hate OSR-style dungeons overall, as well as probably unjustly gives me a predisposition of dislike to people into OSR.

    • 2 years ago

      >illusions cost actions from enemies to disbelieve, so he made them auto-roll to disbelieve if I cast my spell in front of them
      Perfectly fricking reasonable. I had no idea that you had to spend actions to disbelieve in PF1, but it sounds fricking stupid and making a call on that is not "targeting you" for "daring" to be an illusionist (wow, so stunning and brave).
      >got critted to death by a barbarian while not even at full HP
      Frustrating, but nothing "targeted" or "bullshit" about it.

      The rest sounds like bullshit if it lasted for more than ~5 sessions, though. Loss of gear and spellbook as part of an introduction is OK, or permanently due to serious circumstance (such as the ship fricking sinking or something) but taking it away permanently from the get-go sounds incredibly fricking homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        The issue is that he didn't preface with house rules when I asked about if he had any. Then when I cast my illusions (same day as chargen btw), he immediately, as if he was waiting to bring up his house rule, said, "They roll Will to disbelieve."
        I have no clue how that screams me being entitled to... want to know a house rule related to something I'm building a character around?
        Also, that's not the only reason I considered he was targeting me and the Warpriest player in particular. He'd literally constantly, even if neither of us were the least threatening member of the party and furthest away, send enemies towards us. When you combine the fact that enemies arbitrarily ignored greater threats that were more feasible for them to engage and constantly cucking aspects of someone's character (like him constantly giving the Warpriest STR damage so he was basically useless in his melee roll, or constantly just coming up with bullshit reasons to deny me a valid use to my spells or give some lolsorandom side effect that happened when I used Tears to Wine). When he just arbitrarily fricking targets your character who has a gimmick that he clearly hates, it kinda feels like you're being targeted after all that when it ends with some random ass and good-natured barbarian that has no reason to charge and slice down a clearly-lit half-elven lady, because he didn't even manage to characterize them in a way that justified them doing that after my character was killed besides "they're dumb so they thought there was monsters [despite the clear shouting in tongues he clearly knew how to speak]"
        And yes, the wizard cucking fricking happened for like 6 or so sessions before the game effectually ended due to the guy getting back his work schedule.

        • 2 years ago

          NTA but do you have any other gaming group options?
          I would strongly consider not playing with this sorry excuse of a gamer.
          I would also consider killing their ability to play with anyone else, if you can.

          • 2 years ago

            Lmfao, this was like 2019, but I was playing with this guy because I had a more free schedule then and wanted to add another game to my week. I had about two groups back then that I played with, and still do that aren't nearly as awful to play with, thankfully.

        • 2 years ago

          >The issue is that he didn't preface with house rules when I asked about if he had any.
          No shit, the rule didn't even exist before.
          >he immediately, as if he was waiting to bring up his house rule, said, "They roll Will to disbelieve."
          Like he, as the GM, should. You were informed at the first relevant opportunity. Making calls like this in order to facilitate gameplay and what makes sense in the context of the game as it is ongoing is exactly what a GM should do.

          I'm amazed that you apparently knew about the rule as written but didn't react to it yourself, didn't call it out as fricking nonsensical, nor brought it up with the GM yourself before creating an entire character around it, let alone a "build", expecting to slip it past him or something.

          • 2 years ago

            Except I fricking did mention how illusions work, and he just said, "That's not how I do it at my tables." Apparently I have to put in every last fricking detail in a novel to explain that I'm not moronic to morons like you.
            I didn't magically assume that "no house rules to mention" meant to him "I'll just arbitrarily rule that illusions work this way even when you cite to me the exact part where it explains that a target must interact with an illusion to attempt to disbelieve it".
            Jesus CHRIST.... What the frick is it that you believe I tried to slip past him? An actual fricking rule? Asking if a GM who seemed to present himself as if he'd run the game a fair bit if he had any house rules in case one invalidates my fricking character?
            Stop fricking typing to get 'got ya's on me just because I don't type every goddamned detail because otherwise I'd be here typing for hours.

            • 2 years ago

              >Except I fricking did mention how illusions work, and he just said, "That's not how I do it at my tables."
              So by your own admission, when you brought it up with him, he flat-out told you that that was shit and rectified it right then and there? Perfectly reasonable, then.

              So you say the player should have... foreseen that this particular DM would judge the rule to be imbalanced? And should therefore "obviously" not make a character based on it? Expecting straightforward RAW to be followed is "slipping things by" now?

              tl;dr you're an idiot.

              >judge the rule to be imbalanced
              No. "Muh balance" has nothing to do with it whatsoever, nor did anything I say imply that.
              >Expecting straightforward RAW to be followed is

              • 2 years ago

                >The issue is that he didn't preface with house rules when I asked about if he had any.
                No shit, the rule didn't even exist before.
                >he immediately, as if he was waiting to bring up his house rule, said, "They roll Will to disbelieve."
                Like he, as the GM, should. You were informed at the first relevant opportunity. Making calls like this in order to facilitate gameplay and what makes sense in the context of the game as it is ongoing is exactly what a GM should do.

                I'm amazed that you apparently knew about the rule as written but didn't react to it yourself, didn't call it out as fricking nonsensical, nor brought it up with the GM yourself before creating an entire character around it, let alone a "build", expecting to slip it past him or something.

                Are you this dudes GM trying to defend your own asshattery? You sound like a homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                At this point, kind of got the idea you're just trolling or genuinely moronic; kind of hard to tell on this board in particular because people will defend anything.

              • 2 years ago

                Like, if you're legitimately thinking it's perfectly reasonable to literally frick over someone all of a sudden because you don't like a particular part of the rules, and they asked you if you have rules on it beforehand, then you impromptu decide to tell them something that practically invalidates their choice... then I don't know, man.
                If you're not aware of Occultists can only cast spells from the schools they have implements of. At 1st level, they have two. At 2nd, they have three. This was 2nd level; 1/3 of my character's options were dogshit because occultists aren't just super limited on their schools, but their spell list is also short. It is legitimately not anything but a dick move to lead up to a moment that cucks a player's choices for their character that they thought would be fun by just deciding at a random moment, "Uh, your choice is actually dogshit at my table, and I'm not going to even offer you a rebuild if you want it knowing there's no point in taking it."
                I have no clue what TTRPGs you're playing where you shouldn't expect a GM to at least know how he rules on things and let players know beforehand, especially when a house rules can invalidate such a vital part of a character.
                I think you got the impression that when I said "build" you think I plotted out a huge character progression map... when I mean the character options I chose that mattered up to that point alone. Spending the time to make your character only for them to just get cucked and your option is "I guess I can cast... uh... Tears to Wine in combat... because I have nothing else to cast?" When you frick with a single mechanic a specialist character uses, you kind of frick their entire concept up.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh, I actually forgot up to now the best part of his ruling: he did use interact to disbelieve if they didn't win, but also just passively on the start of their turns gave them rolls to disbelieve.

          • 2 years ago

            So you say the player should have... foreseen that this particular DM would judge the rule to be imbalanced? And should therefore "obviously" not make a character based on it? Expecting straightforward RAW to be followed is "slipping things by" now?

            tl;dr you're an idiot.

          • 2 years ago

            >Like he, as the GM, should. You were informed at the first relevant opportunity. Making calls like this in order to facilitate gameplay and what makes sense in the context of the game as it is ongoing is exactly what a GM should do.
            Saying "Oh, by the way, the thing you decided to specialize in sucks now" is something only a terrible GM would even seriously consider.

          • 2 years ago

            If your player comes to you, ahead of time, with a character build, asks you for any information, and you tell them frick all, then there's no defense.
            If you bring up a house rule last second on the spot you are in the wrong. The best case is apologizing for not catching it sooner.

            >see enemy magicgay
            >he starts mumbling and moving his hands like a moron
            >reasonably expects some magic frickery
            >on cue wall appears out of nowhere
            >is this real wall?

            This implies that everytime a spellcaster casts something, the enemy makes a willsave to decide if its real or not.
            Even the real stuff.
            Which would be immensely moronic unless they're aware you're an illusionist and even then, there's no telling what's an illusion and what's a 20d6 frick-you-die AoE.

      • 2 years ago

        >see wall the is visually there
        >assume that is fake by looking at it despite it being visually perfect
        >attempt will save
        You are moronic

        • 2 years ago

          >see enemy magicgay
          >he starts mumbling and moving his hands like a moron
          >reasonably expects some magic frickery
          >on cue wall appears out of nowhere
          >is this real wall?

          • 2 years ago

            >my wizard can create both fake and real walls
            >occasionally put an illusion of a wall over an actual wall in case someone tries to sense magic to look for the illusion
            >mfw they spot the illusion and charge into it, smashing into the real wall behind it

            • 2 years ago

              Illusionary ground over real spike pits are a great trap btw

              • 2 years ago

                >not real ground over illusory spike pits

              • 2 years ago

                No the best thing to do is cast levitate or fly, then cast an illusion of stair below you

              • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              That's devious. I love it.

              • 2 years ago

                I've also obtained an immovable rod I'm trying to turn into a prosthetic hand, but the DM implied it's going to be quite an ordeal so I'm still planning on how to make that one work. I've still got a bunch of metal prosthetics as well as my actual flesh and blood hand in my bag, so it's not like I have a shortage.

  61. 2 years ago

    > Playing a game of D&D
    > It's the DM's first campaign
    > We face up against an enemy infected with a plague that will be passed on on contact, with no saves, that will kill the infected within the hour and turn them into a monster, with no means of curing it
    > Nearly the whole party gets infected
    > NPC that gave us the quest has potions that will bring people back from the dead if they die within an hour of drinking it, and you'll come back disinfected
    > My character drinks it and falls on his sword, coming back from the dead after ten minutes
    > After the game, the DM off-handedly mentions that my character is immune to the infection anyway because he wasn't religious or something
    My character's death had neither narrative nor mechanical impact. Showed me a lot about how this campaign was going to go, though.

  62. 2 years ago

    Not me but my brother had a long line of terrible unfortunate deaths he still to this day hates & blames me for.

    Friend runs a Starwars Saga game, tells us its gonna be an Empire/Merc game & to make characters a accordingly. I ro'll up a standard Soldier with great stats & duel-wielding talents. My brother makes an edgy Sith Apprentice (Jedi class)

    Get dropped off at the edge of some bumfrick town & told to find & kill a rebel cell, then call in an extraction. With decides he is gonna stealth around the town & basically be a knockoff ninja with a lightsaber.
    I tell him my character wont be good at that but my brother insists thats what he is gonna do so I tell him good luck & go to the cantina to have a drink, watch the people, & maybe ask some questions.

    My brother kills a few people, waits till they are alone, then flicking his lightsaber one when its right behind their head. He is getting no information.

    Me sitting at the bar I see some dudes come in in rebel colors. The GM specifically says that yes they are rebels. So I bring one of my guns sideways in my lap, point it at them & then pull the trigger. Two dead rebels, yay for me. Bar immediately erupts into chaos & I begin fighting for my life solo, while the Sith is being a serial killer. I dive behind the bar & throw a few grenades, that kills the rest of the guys in the bar. Thats when an alarm in town goes off. My brother runs out into the middle of town with his lightsaber still in his hand still active.

    A door of a house bursts open & a group of rebels come out, they see my brother standing there in broad daylight & gun him down. Sith is now dead

    Alone in the bar I strap some grenades to a speederbike parked outside & jam the controls so it drives itself into the rebels. Rebels explode, I double check the houses, collect the Sith's lightsaber & then GTFO.

    Next session my brother has pretty much made the same exact character again.

    More coming but i need sleep

    • 2 years ago

      >Friend runs a Starwars Saga game
      Damn, what a gay.

      • 2 years ago

        Whats wrong with SAGA?

        • 2 years ago

          It's not GURPS

    • 2 years ago

      Second mission. My soldier & a suspiciously similar Sith Apprentice are told to sabotage a rebel base. Its a big fortress, lots of defenses. Soldier plays it cautious this time & I hide behind a ruined tank/APC type thing trying to snipe the guy manning a turret. The Sith charges since he has no ranged weapons & was tired of my slow approach. He is promptly gunned down. I continue my slow approach & gain entry.

      Next session my brother is fuming. GM allows him to play a Droidekka as compensation. Its completely overpowered compared to my soldier so hopefully he wont die again. Caveat is that he needs to wait to rejoin me since the droidekka will be one thats in the base. I go through the base & eventually run into my brothers droid. Conversation starts, "hi droid, you want to help?" & other stupid contrived shit when you are trying to slap a party together. Brother is being obstinate though. Doesnt want to join. Decides to be pissy instead, he blames my soldier for his characters deaths. Droidekka will be his assmad revenge. Starts attacking me & now I gotta solo a threat thats way overpowered while being inside a base full on enemies. Lots of grenades & running around & I somehow slay the droidekka, I finish doing shit in the base then call for extraction. Brother is fuming. Game goes on hiatus for a bit since obviously its not working out.

      A bit later we get a handful of other players. My brother rolls up YET ANOTHER SITH WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED? That with died too. My soldier made it a habit to collect thier lightsabers. In the end I had four lightsabers from my brother's dead sith & three from Jedi I killed. My soldier was pretty badass

      I cant remember the details much after this point but basically ever character my brother ever played in Starwars has died a stupid bullshit death because he is moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      Second mission. My soldier & a suspiciously similar Sith Apprentice are told to sabotage a rebel base. Its a big fortress, lots of defenses. Soldier plays it cautious this time & I hide behind a ruined tank/APC type thing trying to snipe the guy manning a turret. The Sith charges since he has no ranged weapons & was tired of my slow approach. He is promptly gunned down. I continue my slow approach & gain entry.

      Next session my brother is fuming. GM allows him to play a Droidekka as compensation. Its completely overpowered compared to my soldier so hopefully he wont die again. Caveat is that he needs to wait to rejoin me since the droidekka will be one thats in the base. I go through the base & eventually run into my brothers droid. Conversation starts, "hi droid, you want to help?" & other stupid contrived shit when you are trying to slap a party together. Brother is being obstinate though. Doesnt want to join. Decides to be pissy instead, he blames my soldier for his characters deaths. Droidekka will be his assmad revenge. Starts attacking me & now I gotta solo a threat thats way overpowered while being inside a base full on enemies. Lots of grenades & running around & I somehow slay the droidekka, I finish doing shit in the base then call for extraction. Brother is fuming. Game goes on hiatus for a bit since obviously its not working out.

      A bit later we get a handful of other players. My brother rolls up YET ANOTHER SITH WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED? That with died too. My soldier made it a habit to collect thier lightsabers. In the end I had four lightsabers from my brother's dead sith & three from Jedi I killed. My soldier was pretty badass

      I cant remember the details much after this point but basically ever character my brother ever played in Starwars has died a stupid bullshit death because he is moronic.

      Neat story
      But yeah, sounds like your brother was a moron. Mind saying what his justification was for blaming you? Was he just mad you didn't somehow magically save him?

  63. 2 years ago

    I suffered the age old 'miss a game for a reason the DM disagrees with and my character dies during the session'.
    My sorceress had been kidnapped the previous session, so narratively was an ideal session for me to miss while the rest of the team rescued her.

    According to the recap I got, she was chained naked to a wall in the villains tower, and got her skull crushed by falling masonry when the didn't rescue her fast enough.

  64. 2 years ago

    Not death, but pretty much made them unplayable.
    For the first time ever, I had actually survived a WHFRP game, alive and unmaimed. I shouted "Frick you Chaos!" so the DM made my character instantly go blind.

  65. 2 years ago

    >D&D 4e one-shit, epic level
    >We trip over a cult of some sort
    >We fight the cult
    >Get sucked into a dimensional vortex
    >Now we're fighting 4 solos and a bunch of regular enemies
    >party is split in half, magic barrier on each side, explicitly tells us nothing can bypass it
    >We suggest flying, but it's too high.
    >Except the regular enemies self destruct the instant we hit them, no explanation why they weren't just Minions
    >Energy from their deaths flies into a pile of ashes
    >Take out 2 of the solos
    >One PC goes to 0 and is down
    >A solo on the other side of the barrier throws lava at him to finish him
    >How did he bypass the barrier? Why, attacks with the Hurl keyword can go over it obviously.
    >D&D 4e has no Hurl keyword, why he can throw lava over the barrier but no one can fly over it goes unexplained.
    >One solo, a Lich, suddenly flees
    >DMPC goes after him
    >Th rest of the enemies all commit suicide
    >Suddenly the ashes from earlier turn out to be a Chaotic Evil Phoenix that attacks us.
    >We kill it once, take a second to heal up before it revives.
    >We beat it up again a bit.
    >Suddenly we're trapped in a gravity field and can't move, including the Phoenix
    >The Lich from earlier comes back and reveals he did it.
    >He collapses the gravity field, killing us all instantly with no save, including the Phoenix.
    >DM declares we lost.
    >DM is told he is never allowed to DM again.

    • 2 years ago

      >>DM is told he is never allowed to DM again.
      I can only assume his response was pic related.

      • 2 years ago

        More or less, but somehow he convinced them to let him run again s few months later, which wasn't AS bad, but it was also kinda boring and not worth going into a tangent about.
        Though it did illuminate the problem a bit: he wants to run epic level games, but he didnt really understand how to level things properly, like for the second game where he got irritated he blocked us off with a rock slide and we all had at least two ways of bypassing it with zero effort.

        • 2 years ago

          Sounds like his ambition is a bit bigger than his brain.

  66. 2 years ago

    SWN 2e, my character was in the engine room during ship combat trying to maintain speed, ship suffered a crisis because the captain wanted to, as a result a hole in the engine room opened up and my character got sucked into space and died.

  67. 2 years ago

    World of darkness. Gm turns our investigators into monsters. I become an abberant (possibly 3rd party?). I put most of my points in survivability. This is a low combat game and my character is alright at investigation and social stuff.

    A hunter wants to arrange a meeting with us at an abandoned farm. Me and one other player caution that it might be an ambush. We go anyways. Cue end of session.

    Long hiatus. It's difficult to schedule. I can play pretty much every suggested date. We discuss playing with a man down. The gm says he wants everyone present. Two months pass by and I have plans the next twi weeks. But finally the gm decides that it is time to play with one man down.

    We get ambushed. My character dies to a sniper shot. "It was something crazy like 23 lethal damage"

    The real kicker? The shot would not have hurt my character. I would have had to burn through all except one of my mutant powerpoints, but I would not have been hurt. The gm tells me that he wont change the past since the loss ended up leading the party into a pact they otherwise would not have taken.

    He swears he had no issues with me or my character. Is a good friend till this day, but frick if I wanted to play another character in his campaign.

    • 2 years ago

      >forcibly killing a players character without giving them a chance or any say otherwise just for le "story"
      what causes this moronation? is it dms watching too much prewritten story shit like critical role?

  68. 2 years ago

    >Star Wars RPG
    >group assigned to infiltrate not-Cloud City on the behest of the Empire to stop a secret Rebel recruitment drive
    >one party member (our perpetual That Guy) wanted to go so deep undercover that we would end up at Rebel HQ and get the credit of ending the Rebellion
    >The rest of us just want to find the main Rebel contact, bring him to the Empire, and steal a little cash on the side
    >That Guy gets so mad that we don't want the campaign to become his own little Star Wars fanfic that he blows my character's brains out in front of the Stormtroopers sent to pick us up after the mission was well and done, trying to frame the rest of us as Rebel spies

    He stormed out of the apartment at that point and woukd accuse each of us separately for conspiring against him IRL to ruin every game he was in.

  69. 2 years ago

    >VtM Dark Ages game
    >Cappadocian is doing some kind of ritual in a small hamlet
    >Lasombra Tenebrous forms into the town, isn't noticed. Rolls to identify exactly what the Ritual is and beats the difficult by a significant amount
    >"It's a ritual to turn the entire town into Undead, and it needs to be stopped right now."
    >We rush in and attack the Cappa
    >He turns and grabs onto my Gangrel
    >Turns out the Ritual wasn't to raise the town it was a trap
    >Cappa drags me into Oblivion and uses my blood and body as a sacrifice to tear a hole open in the veil causing Wraiths to flow out
    >I also get no chance to break his grapple because "(I) wasn't expecting it." so I just die instantly without a roll.
    >Ask how this is possible when our gen 7 Abyss Mystic was able to identify the nature of the ritual with such a huge margin
    >"He identified what he thought it could be".
    >Wraiths attack the rest of the pack and have some of the highest stats I've seen on a Wraith enemy to this day
    >Lasombra got torpor'd and then somehow possessed and killed the other two
    >The Lasombra ends up winning a willpower contest with the Wraith and flees in Tenebrous Form before frenzying and running off into the country side
    >Players who died get into an argument with the ST about willfully lying to them on a huge margin of success, which leads to one of them bouncing within ten minutes
    >ST keeps doubling/tripling/quadrupling down, saying it was a "good scene" and a "lesson that Cappa rituals are unknowable"
    >After about fifteen minutes of this everyone just leaves
    This was about 9 sessions in, maybe more. There was some railroading before, but nothing that would red flag for something this stupid.

  70. 2 years ago

    It was a combination of a poorly written adventure, a novice DM, and some unclear rules in D&D 3.5.

    It was a supplementary adventure for the Age of Worms Adventure Path, some kind of triple temple to three evil gods. The party was 4 players. I was a 3rd level Marshal, with a squad of 10 first-level warriors as hirelings.

    We go down this 5' wide corridor. There is a secret door in the wall. Behind the secret door is a 3rd level kenku thief with a dagger. According to the description, the door can be opened and closed as a free action in the same round. So the kenku can, in one round, open the door, make a sneak attack, and close the door.

    I get hit by the kenku, who deals sneak attack damage because I'm flat-footed. And then this is where everything goes completely to shit, because the DM rules that after the door shuts, the combat is over.

    What this means is that the next player to walk down the hall -- the wizard -- is doing so out of combat, which resets everyone's actions, which means the kenku can again open the door, sneak attack, and close the door. Essentially the kenku gets to act every time a new player acts. That means that every single character will have to suffer a sneak attack.

    This will murder all my henchman, none of whom is likely to survive the sneak attack. Additionally, the wizard is down to 2 HP, and I'm down to 12 HP -- neither of us can survive rejoining the rest of the group.

    I step back in front of the door, telling the DM I'm readying an attack to hit the kenku as soon as it opens the door. And the DM rules that I cannot do this, because *we are not in combat.* So the kenku gets to make a sneak attack on me and I die.

    Essentially, the DM decided that our characters are babies with no concept of object permanence, and are completely and utterly incapable of predicting or preparing for a sneak attack we know is coming. We will always be flat-footed against his attack and he will always get surprise on us.

    • 2 years ago

      Just slap the shit out of him & when he chases you slam a door in his face & declare combat over. Then slap the shit out of him again

    • 2 years ago

      I absolutely LOATHE DMs like this, who treats everything in the world as if its a set of programming instructions and has absolutely no concept of envisioning how this might actually play out if it were to happen played out before us in an action movie.

      • 2 years ago

        Absolutely agreed. There are times when a GM can say "Look guys, this doesn't make a *ton* of sense from an IRL perspective, but it helps the game function better", but that should never be stupid shit like being out of combat when someone shuts a door. Similarly, a high level character shouldn't be able to survive shooting himself in the head because max damage barely dents his hp.

        It was a combination of a poorly written adventure, a novice DM, and some unclear rules in D&D 3.5.

        It was a supplementary adventure for the Age of Worms Adventure Path, some kind of triple temple to three evil gods. The party was 4 players. I was a 3rd level Marshal, with a squad of 10 first-level warriors as hirelings.

        We go down this 5' wide corridor. There is a secret door in the wall. Behind the secret door is a 3rd level kenku thief with a dagger. According to the description, the door can be opened and closed as a free action in the same round. So the kenku can, in one round, open the door, make a sneak attack, and close the door.

        I get hit by the kenku, who deals sneak attack damage because I'm flat-footed. And then this is where everything goes completely to shit, because the DM rules that after the door shuts, the combat is over.

        What this means is that the next player to walk down the hall -- the wizard -- is doing so out of combat, which resets everyone's actions, which means the kenku can again open the door, sneak attack, and close the door. Essentially the kenku gets to act every time a new player acts. That means that every single character will have to suffer a sneak attack.

        This will murder all my henchman, none of whom is likely to survive the sneak attack. Additionally, the wizard is down to 2 HP, and I'm down to 12 HP -- neither of us can survive rejoining the rest of the group.

        I step back in front of the door, telling the DM I'm readying an attack to hit the kenku as soon as it opens the door. And the DM rules that I cannot do this, because *we are not in combat.* So the kenku gets to make a sneak attack on me and I die.

        Essentially, the DM decided that our characters are babies with no concept of object permanence, and are completely and utterly incapable of predicting or preparing for a sneak attack we know is coming. We will always be flat-footed against his attack and he will always get surprise on us.

        That's hilariously trash. I don't understand how you guys didn't stop the DM and tell him his ruling *ACTIVELY DOESN'T MAKE SENSE*. From an in-world perspective, why wouldn't your characters be on guard? From a game perspective, how the hell are the players supposed to even remotely stand a chance against that? Invisibility spells? breaking the door down?

        • 2 years ago

          >Similarly, a high level character shouldn't be able to survive shooting himself in the head because max damage barely dents his hp.

          If you can survive a coupe-de-grace from a sincere enemy then you should be able to survive one from yourself using the same weapon. This is one of those times when the rule set is intentionally modeling tall tales, not reality, and you're the one coming in with an unfair expectation.

  71. 2 years ago

    The GM told me that there was something dangerous and powerful in the next room

    So we fought it

    It killed me

    Everyone was stunned

    Absolutely unjustifiable GMing

    • 2 years ago

      >there's something powerful and dangerous in the next room
      Well shit, I thought it'd be a new magic item.

  72. 2 years ago

    One of my players tried to escape a black pudding in a dungeon by climbing a random ladder on the wall

    It was a mimic

  73. 2 years ago

    never had a character death.

  74. 2 years ago

    "The skies roil and crackle with energy, clouds slowly rotating around an invisible vortex. The clouds above your head part, and from the heavens, the index finger of a cosmic being descends upon you and crushes you into the ground as you would an ant. As the hand ascends and goes back into the skies, your bloodied remains spontaneously combust and turn into soft grey ashes that scatter into the winds. Here's a blank sheet, roll a new character."

    butthole DM hated paladins, but agreed to let me play one. Then he did this on the first session for his own amusement, and to drive the point that he would not ever allow a paladin in his games.

    • 2 years ago

      So then you rolled a Cleric, right?

      • 2 years ago

        Better yet, make a Warpriest(Assuming the system has them).

    • 2 years ago

      I would have folded the blank character sheet in half, ripped it down the middle, pushed my chair out, gotten up, pushed my chair back in, and walked away without a word.

      A person who derives amusement from such a scenario is literally not worth the air they breathe.

      • 2 years ago

        Just make another Paladin and name him "Earl, son of Earl".

        • 2 years ago

          >DMalding kills him again
          >Hands me another character sheet
          >I make Earl Earlsson, son of Earl, Paladin-Errant

          • 2 years ago

            >Earlsson Earlssonson, son of Earlsson, Paladin-Errant

            • 2 years ago

              >Earl Earlsson, son of Earlsson Earlssonson, Paladin-Squire

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, I remember the fedora-tippers back in the day, before they were even called fedora-tippers.

  75. 2 years ago

    >as PC
    >find dynamite
    >grab a bunch
    >sneak into some shifty camp
    >get mind raped by something without warning
    >no saves
    >DM takes control of my actions and allahu akbars me
    good thing it was a one-shot so it was kinda funny

    >as a DM
    >party member buys some new trait with xp and wants to test it out
    >goes to nearby bandit camp excited
    >gets bad roll after bad roll
    >can't escape
    >gets captured
    >PC gives up for some reason and doesn't want me to spare him
    >grill him alive
    it was kinda comical but still a bit bullshit

  76. 2 years ago

    In a supers game, made a character who was overall quite weak, except the one power he had was being able to resurrect from death or anything, and quite quickly so. Like 5 mins max, depending, and he could revive even from being disintegrated.

    Never really came up because of group competency, so no one else knew about the power. My guy never died... except at the end of the campaign, one of the party turned traitor and among other things killed my guy, just shot him in the head with a normal gun when he uncovered his traitorous plot before he could warn the rest of the party. Kind of towards the beginning of the session in fact, and the whole time for the next many hours I'm sitting there patiently waiting for the chance for my character to do the one any only thing he's useful for. DM is fully aware of the situation and what my character is capable of, but he keeps just telling to wait, hold on, not yet, etc.

    So yeah, just sitting waiting while everything goes down and everyone gets the epic conclusion to the campaign, only like once every half hour asking the DM if I can finally do "the thing", to be declined. Eventually after two hours and some, he just smiles and softly says

    >No, you don't. It's not happening.

    and then gets back to focusing on the others for the remaining hours.

    So yeah, character died and denied from doing the one thing he was made to do, and in a meta sense just barred from play outright because DM say-so, and how it would have lessened the impact of the grand finale. Ironically my guy didn't even get to revive in the epilogue, like the surviving party members got ending segments but my guy just skipped. Assumedly he never revived and just plain died like any other Joe shmoe.

    • 2 years ago

      I would have just quietly gathered my things and leave when he said that, if I were in your shoes. It's obvious he had no intention of giving you your one strength for the sake of his story, so why bother?

      I imagine they'd just continue on without you, and you wouldn't be missing out on a gaming group, or the GM suddenly panics and tries to allow you; but it's too late either way. Or basically what I'm saying is, why needlessly sit there when the GM isn't going to allow you to participate and have fun?

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like the GM really hated you, did you never pick up on it before that?

      • 2 years ago

        Me and the DM were pretty good friends, so I doubt it.

        • 2 years ago

          I cannot fathom why he would frick you like this unless he had some vendetta.
          The only other scenario I can think of is
          >hehe wouldn't it be funny if I cucked anon right now?
          Even the "Muh Story" defense doesn't work here because an underdog character coming back from the dead to get revenge would have been a great story element.

    • 2 years ago

      I would have loudly shouted "AND THEN I GET UP!!!"

      • 2 years ago

        Agreed, I can't imagine just sitting silently in the cuck corner while the DM smiles and tells me, no, you may not do the only thing your character was designed to do and no, I won't tell you why.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm guessing he plays online like a homosexual & so it's probably harder to interrupt or something. Idk I've never done online play so I don't know ow the rules

  77. 2 years ago

    I've only had one character die, and it was kind of bullshit
    >playing a homebrew Jojo campaign
    >we encounter two stand users that have trapped us somewhere
    >one of them does an AoE attack
    >rolls absurdly high
    >oneshots all 3 party members except for me, I had really high HP so I just barely survived
    >take the 2 party members (one ended up surviving) under my arms and run away
    >walked towards where I assumed the stand user would be because the stand user had to die
    >miss my attack
    >the stand user attacks me again with the same move, rolls just as ridiculously high, kills me
    The part that made it bullshit?
    The stand name was What does the fox say

  78. 2 years ago

    >spent entire campaign of some post-apoc D20 homebrew campaign dumping all stats and buffs into having HP as high as I can and slight damage negation
    >2nd to last session of our 2 year campaign
    >were attacking some military base to get inside the underground sections
    >guards roll out a tank
    >took a direct hit from the main cannon
    >seventy-something damage
    >ONE hit point left
    >DM has some no-name homosexual guard off in the distance pick me to take some low damage shot
    Absolute c**t move to bring out two years into a campaign. I didn't even show up for the last session.

  79. 2 years ago

    Story 1.
    > Online Skirmish, a more wargaming tabletop.
    > Deploy as vanguard detachment, knight-looking MFers with huge-ass shields
    > Move to rescue a downed PC nearby
    > Giant Shadow Monster tackles a wrecked Mech
    > Falling Mech instantly crushes my entire detachment
    > YouDied.gif

    Story 2
    > Another Skirmish, less technologically developed setting.
    > Spawn as bowman.
    > Players are in a small canyon or something
    > Have no good sightlines, can't really do shit
    > Shooting at enemies means shooting into combat, bad idea
    > Spot a shady crevasse in the canyon wall leading elsewhere
    > Go stealth, decide to scout out the path ahead, maybe even flank
    > Take a couple steps into the darkness of this recess
    > Darkness comes alive, shadow beasts, my character is instantly splattered
    > YouDied.gif

    I make it sound like these games were 'I Wanna Be The Guy' style bullshit, but these events were the exception to the rule.

  80. 2 years ago

    >first level OSR
    >visit to a desert climate
    >party needs to rent camels to cross the desert and trek to a pyramid
    >decide to go cheap and rent from the guy who tried to sell us rugs
    >some of the camels are ornery and disobey
    >low cha first level magic user does not succeed at calming the camel
    >in fact, it bites him
    >in fact, it not only hits but crits
    >in fact, it crits for 8 damage killing him instantly

    • 2 years ago

      OSR is a fricking treasure

  81. 2 years ago

    Legit Suicide
    > Call of Cthulu
    > we´re at a party, on a boat
    > at some point, I´m hella drunk and on drugs, fall of the boat, die
    > we´re at a party on a boat
    > at some point I get stabbed
    > we´re at a party on a boat
    > ...wait a minute
    > at some point, figure out that we´re caught in an endless party that resets on my death for some reason
    > well, let´s get this party started for real
    > more party, party harder, etc
    > kill myself once it gets boring and I want to try something else
    > those of the party who start to realize something is up are partially getting bored of the shtick, try to stop it, stop the party
    > I keep on, suicide, party, suicide, party...
    > at some point, I suddenly don´t get revived anymore
    > some unholy underwater abomination appears in the pool
    "yeah, we kinda just wanted to see how depraved you´d get, but it´s getting late and we want to play a different game now, we´ll leave you to it"

    I came back one final time later-on and realized that the only way to break the curse was my actual, final suicide, so that´s how that character got redeemed and retired.

    • 2 years ago

      When "KYS" is the true solution to the problem.

      • 2 years ago

        Isn't kys the solution to every problem?

  82. 2 years ago

    I'm a foreverDM, but a while back someone who I'd played with for a long time expressed that he'd like to give me a break from running the game and let me be a player for a bit. I was pretty hyped for my new barbarian character - so hyped, in fact, that I did some art of him before our first session (picrelated).
    Cut to the first session.
    >Exploring a cave
    >Apparently a dragon lives in the dungeon adjacent to this cave
    >We're all level 1, so obviously we're in over our heads if the dragon finds out we're here
    >Enter a room
    >A roper attacks
    >All of us are level 1
    >Roper snags another PC
    >I get to have an awesome hero moment where I willingly got snagged by a tentacle, leading to the roper dragging me up to the ceiling
    >attack at disadvantage because I'm hanging upside down
    >Still crit, slashing off the tentacle holding the other PC letting them escape
    >Manage to un-frick myself and also escape
    >Feels awesome
    >Next room has a hidden passageway to a cubby with a locked chest inside
    >Try to smash open the chest
    >DM says it's enchanted with a level 6 Thunder Wave, rolls a bunch of dice
    >Enough damage to instantly kill 3 of the 4 party members
    >what the shit
    >DM says "Yeah, dude, I told you the Dragon lives here. Of course it booby trapped its loot."
    >In this isolated chest
    >In this tiny, not-dragon-sized chamber
    >Hidden inside an unassuming chamber whose entrance is guarded by a Roper
    >Which is in the cave that isn't actually physically connected to the dungeon that the dragon lives in
    >DM says the actual way we were supposed to disarm the trap was to kill the dragon, hack off one of its hands, and use said dragon's hand to open the chest, which would not trigger the trap
    >Last surviving player clarifies that Glyph of Warding isn't a permanent effect, so he should be able to open the chest now without it going off again
    >DM agrees
    >Opens the chest
    >Two healing potions and a couple coins inside
    I'm back to DMing now.

  83. 2 years ago

    >play a high AC character in bog standard dnd shit
    >faced off against some OC creatures from the DM that are dumb and just rush the nearest thing they see
    >Experience told us that putting me in front tanking these things works and so we go along with it everytime we encounter them.
    >a horde of them approaches
    >we apply our standard tactic again
    >My character gets swarmed but is ok, high AC and dodging while the rest deals with them
    >DM: Oh shit I forgot. These things have pack tactics

    And then I Dieded.

  84. 2 years ago

    Session two of a campaign, the party was sleeping on the forest floor, a horde of boars were stampeding through the camp all of a sudden.
    The elf ranger used my already damaged dwarf character's head as a stepping stool to jump into a tree.
    Three damage. Knocked unconscious. Mauled to death by boars.

    It was bullshit. But it was fun.

    • 2 years ago

      >trusting an elf

  85. 2 years ago

    >vs 2 dire boar
    >me: I use rapidfire!
    >dm: boar uses Ironhide:Reflect
    >dm: you take 18 arrows for 394 damage and died!
    >me: WTF how they frick you Cant do that?
    >dm: uh yes i can im the dm
    >me: wtf
    dm: lol
    Me didnt like this at all!

  86. 2 years ago

    >Be Young in High School
    >sophmore Year
    >see Tabletop Roleplay Club start at school
    >Wanted Friends and to feel like i was appart of something
    >get in contact with DM, person in my Class
    >Very, very, very new to TTRPG's and general stuff
    >make a Bretonian Knight bc I used to play with my Older Brothers Bretonia Minis
    >Jaque D'Ansuir, Stoic and good-natured paladin who fought for The Lady.
    >Go to First session
    >party is They/them Goblin thief, Fricking Furry, Halfling bard, Nonbinary Wizard or something like that, dont know term
    >first session involves us going to look for a Big Bear who killed a little girl in a village
    >follow some clues
    >Chew out Goblin for trying to ask a reward for the retrieval of the body
    >everyone looks at me weird
    >"By The Grail, we shall retrieve your daughter"
    >party and i Find bear
    >turns out its a fricking witch eating children
    >she tries to do a "but I have to" before Jacque fricking decks her with a shield charge and stabs her
    >party too fricking squishy to meaningly do anything
    >almost kills goblin
    >dump a kettle of Boiling soup over Witch
    >rolls around
    >yell "For The Lady, Charge"
    >decapitated Witch immediately
    Few Sessions go by...
    >party and I do small errands with me towing them along due to me being a fricking brick
    >Furry gets pissed that "Stole his Kill" and demanded me for a duel
    >furry has tribal spear and some weird magic Donut Steel Trinkets
    >I have Steel and Faith and a good french lexicon
    >Furry trys to fight dirty
    >says he wants to kick me in the nuts and legs
    >shield bashed muzzle
    >Punch him in the chest and knock him down
    >"It is Dishonorable to Defeat a Foe on his back, you have lost"
    >furry livid and upset because D&D 5e combat fricking sucks
    >They/Them Goblin tries to steal multiple things
    >rip them out of her hands and hand them back to the people they stole it from and apologize
    >Wizard is pissed because i will not get them demon possessed shit

    • 2 years ago

      >Halfling Bard Pissed because i accidently broke her lute when being thrown against the wagon by an Ent
      >generally trying to be friendly to people
      >Help the sick, the poor and do not ask for rewards
      >Uphold my Chivalric Duties
      >we get into a Major City
      >get hired to investigate sex cult
      >Dm being creepy about describing Drows Bodies and being weird
      >DM has them try and subdue me
      >Male femboy Orc Twink comes up to me and trys to seduce me and everyone is getting into it
      >Say no over and over
      >Roll high on Con Checks
      >party is having fun in strip club and being sexual with DM
      >say my character is going to wait outside
      >pass note to DM saying im uncomfortable with what he is describing and to tone it down a bit
      >DM looks offended
      >Says Ok
      >Dm says Jacque is missing and only his shield is left on the ground and some blood
      >party doesnt care
      >so i leave early
      >get no text when the next session is
      >Dm text vack in 3 days
      >"dude you were Homophobic, you were kinda of an butthole, the party was creeped out by your Crusader look and you were a ruin on everyones experience"
      >WTF'ing, scared of my autism and freaking out
      Say Why was I Homophobic
      >"you refused to sleep with the Orc Stripper and you were supposed to for the Plot, besides you were too prudish"
      >"You were also uncomfortable in the Strip Club and it was kinda Homophobic the way you left"
      >get lectured on why Crusades bad and how i am bad for playing as a Questing Knight
      >says people dont want me "Ruining their fun" and complained about the time i kicked the furrys ass, His Boyfriend.
      >Never picked up a single TTRPG Game for 5 years since that game

      So my Noble Knight died due to a fricking Orc Femboy getting pissed at me for not sleeping with him

      • 2 years ago

        Lying is a sin anon

        • 2 years ago

          I am being honest

      • 2 years ago

        So your honorable straight paladin was assumed to have sex with a homosexual and cuz he didnt and didnt want to be around unholy degeneracy (in charactor stuff) you were asccused of being homodigusted (its not phobic nobody is afraid of queers but children)

    • 2 years ago

      >Halfling Bard Pissed because i accidently broke her lute when being thrown against the wagon by an Ent
      >generally trying to be friendly to people
      >Help the sick, the poor and do not ask for rewards
      >Uphold my Chivalric Duties
      >we get into a Major City
      >get hired to investigate sex cult
      >Dm being creepy about describing Drows Bodies and being weird
      >DM has them try and subdue me
      >Male femboy Orc Twink comes up to me and trys to seduce me and everyone is getting into it
      >Say no over and over
      >Roll high on Con Checks
      >party is having fun in strip club and being sexual with DM
      >say my character is going to wait outside
      >pass note to DM saying im uncomfortable with what he is describing and to tone it down a bit
      >DM looks offended
      >Says Ok
      >Dm says Jacque is missing and only his shield is left on the ground and some blood
      >party doesnt care
      >so i leave early
      >get no text when the next session is
      >Dm text vack in 3 days
      >"dude you were Homophobic, you were kinda of an butthole, the party was creeped out by your Crusader look and you were a ruin on everyones experience"
      >WTF'ing, scared of my autism and freaking out
      Say Why was I Homophobic
      >"you refused to sleep with the Orc Stripper and you were supposed to for the Plot, besides you were too prudish"
      >"You were also uncomfortable in the Strip Club and it was kinda Homophobic the way you left"
      >get lectured on why Crusades bad and how i am bad for playing as a Questing Knight
      >says people dont want me "Ruining their fun" and complained about the time i kicked the furrys ass, His Boyfriend.
      >Never picked up a single TTRPG Game for 5 years since that game

      So my Noble Knight died due to a fricking Orc Femboy getting pissed at me for not sleeping with him

      Based Paladin player. Shame your first experience with TTRPGs had to be so cringy and weird.
      Not sure why they would allow Paladins if they didn't like crusades that much, nor why the DM wouldn't warn you about it if he was gonna run such a sexual campaign.

      • 2 years ago

        I was the outsider and wasn't privy to the planning, Furry and DM usually planned alot of it together and lots of the group were LGBTQ+ and I genuinely thought we would all be cool and i used their pronouns because i was being nice and wanted friends. i think it was because i was Straight and wasn't a crook or a thief or a "Be Gay Do Crime" Character. I genuenly said shit like "Remember Chivalry is our Oath" and "Come now Mon Ami, Now is not the time be be lost to these wretched creatures"
        he wouldnt even let me be mounted and or in the wagon because "My armor is Bulky" and "I was too massive". I killed most of the things that tried to hurt us and lots of boss encounters had me dueling with an opponent and winning thanks to High Con and High AC. i would grab The Small players and toss them or yank them away from a falling axe strike.

        I genuinely tried to be friends with these people and got nothing but an alright experience

      • 2 years ago

        He wanted the WoW type palidin, not the Grail Khomie

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