Tell us about your shonen setting, anon.

Tell us about your shonen setting, anon.

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  1. 2 years ago

    This contains campaign spoilers and DM ranting for a group that I know for a fact doesn’t use 4 Chan. So on the off chance that neckbeardia or someone sees this please don’t post it elsewhere.

    I made a anime pastiche setting that was basically every 90s anime concept shoved into a single setting, which was the country Showa Kuni. It’s literally just Japan but really big and having every biome possible in it. The cities are all named after mangaka. Technology is mostly anachronistic with GBAs and VHSs existing alongside hover bikes. You have dinosaurs just as a normal animal you can see. There are martial arts tournaments everywhere. Mech battles like gundam are a sport and used in military conflicts.

    Players kinda messed with my original Visio in the game by virtue of hyper focusing on demons, with one guy insisting on playing a western demon who hates everything there because I had already established that there were multiple versions of the underworld in setting. He joined late and just used a OC donut steel, made the mistake of allowing it just because I used a foreign demon as a plot point around the same time. Him aside it’s a fun game, and he isn’t that bad outside of being very disruptive and having interests that conflict with everyone else in the party. Though it was kinda worth it because he unknowingly destroyed hell and killed Lucifer by doing something stupid and sending a god killer straight to Lucifer’s throne room. Hate the system I choose with the burning passion though. I’ve been running a 2 year long game of BESM, a system that barely handles 5 sessions before breaking down. The players literally out leveled the math. I need a better anime system for the next game, preferable a bit more crunch and able to fricking scale. Also needs some baked in rules for limited the max abilities at any given point.

    • 2 years ago

      BESM fricking blows. Not to sound like a broken record, but GURPS might be a good way to go. Mixed TL settings and other weird shit is right up it’s alley. Make your players read the rules in GURPS lite, have crit tables and random hit locations on-hand, and have them present a character idea to you, which you can use to work together and find how to build whatever Saiyan/Ninja/Rubber Pirate shit they want. I hope this helps fren

      • 2 years ago

        I really need to give Gurps another try. I played it like once and the game just didn’t go anywhere.

    • 2 years ago

      >So on the off chance that neckbeardia or someone sees this
      This is absolutely what's going on

      • 2 years ago

        Not unless he can make a full video out of it. That said I doubt my friends what his vids anyway

        • 2 years ago

          They make shorts, too

    • 2 years ago

      BESM fricking blows. Not to sound like a broken record, but GURPS might be a good way to go. Mixed TL settings and other weird shit is right up it’s alley. Make your players read the rules in GURPS lite, have crit tables and random hit locations on-hand, and have them present a character idea to you, which you can use to work together and find how to build whatever Saiyan/Ninja/Rubber Pirate shit they want. I hope this helps fren

      Consider OVA instead of BESM or GURPS

  2. 2 years ago

    I don't market anything to little Japanese boys.

    • 2 years ago

      That’s pretty lame of you anon

      • 2 years ago

        I'd rather just make the things I like, without restricting myself to any particular demographic, is all.

  3. 2 years ago

    I just want to play a Naruto game... And frick the entirety of the ninja world.

    • 2 years ago

      Naruto D20 and Naruto 5e exist, I don’t know if any others that exist sadly.

      • 2 years ago

        D&D is barely functional as a high fantasy dungeon crawler. It plays even worse when some moronic plebbitor tries to mash a popular anime series into the framework of a d20 game. Never suggest a d20 anime game to anyone. That's just simply too cruel.

  4. 2 years ago

    What system, nogames?

    • 2 years ago

      It's YOUR setting, the system YOU use is up to YOU, moron.

      • 2 years ago

        Surely you can list at least three systems that actually capture the feeling of a shonen anime and the individual merits of each one if you actually play TRPGs, nogames.

        • 2 years ago

          NTA, but pls develop your reading comprehension skills friend. The thread topic is “tell us about YOUR SHONEN SETTING.” I kind of doubt you have one, but if you do.. what? Do you want people to just make an exhaustive list of possible games you run? I get that I’m falling for the bait, and it might be the ‘tism, but I don’t know how this line of thinking makes sense.

          • 2 years ago

            I'll take that as a no, then. You have no games, you have no system, you are a failed writer pretending to play traditional games.

            • 2 years ago

              Settings are system agnostic anon, you do have settings you use in multiple systems right?

              • 2 years ago

                >Settings are system agnostic anon, you do have settings you use in multiple systems right?
                Not him, but the only time I've personally done that was when I used the same setting in Call of Cthulhu and Kids on Bikes.

            • 2 years ago

              >Said I was Not that Anin
              >Thinks I am for some reason

              So you ARE a moron, then?

        • 2 years ago

          >he thinks I'm OP
          Nah, I'm (

          I don't market anything to little Japanese boys.

          ) & (

          I'd rather just make the things I like, without restricting myself to any particular demographic, is all.

          ); I'm just pointing out you have your own agency on whatever system you use. This is especially easy with using shounen anime as a basis, because it's a demographic that covers a number of genres, so there's more than one system and more than one kind of "feeling" that can be derived from the game.
          Maybe try thinking about shit before becoming predisposed to your assumptions and feelings, nonce.

  5. 2 years ago

    I'm currently working on a setting that combines my favourite anime franchises like Highschool DxD and Bleach, though very much a WIP and I'm still not entirely happy with any system. BESM? FATE? M&M? I want to go for Battle Shonen with some slice of life highschool stuff, though I haven't found any system that combines social stuff and powers the way I'd like it. I'm very open to suggestions!

    The setting is a fictional pacific island country somewhere between Hawaii and Japan. There used to be a native Polynesian culture though it has since become a minority in their own land, giving way to a hybrid Polynesian, European, Japanese and American culture. After World War II, the archipelago became semi-independent and houses many international bording schools and universities for the elite. This, of course, is a front and a lot of the international schools on the archipelago have supernatural links and all follow their own agenda. Many of the students are secretly training to be ninja, demons slayers or shamans all while keeping up the facade of a rose-tinted school life. This world has kitchen sink fantasy stuff going on, though the explanation for it is still vague, probably some form of human belief shaping reality and people's delusion creating actual Youkai or demons.

    Players will be part of one or more of the international high schools which are based on real-life countries (US, Japan) and organizations (EU, ASEAN) and each situated on different parts of the archipelago. Aiming for schools that are somewhat of a mix between Blue Archive and Girls und Panzer.

    • 2 years ago

      It’s not ready to show off yet but keep in eye on /tg/ for a anime homebrew system i’m working on, the homebrew thread too if you want to see a in development version. It’s fairly simple being either 2d10 apposed or d% for unapposed checks.

  6. 2 years ago

    I don't have one but now that you mentioned it I think I know the perfect setting.
    What system should I use?

    • 2 years ago

      >I don't have one but now that you mentioned it I think I know the perfect setting.
      Risus. 100%.

      • 2 years ago

        this, actually. Really good for anime esque formatting.

      • 2 years ago

        Risus and Wushu are the best go-tos.

      • 2 years ago

        this, actually. Really good for anime esque formatting.

        Risus and Wushu are the best go-tos.

        Hell yeah risus is already one of my favorite systems! I'll check out Wushu too. Gonna force some friends to play with me thanks guys
        I'd love some cliche ideas for characters if anyone has any too.

        • 2 years ago

          Easiest way is to think of Shonen characters and what their Clichés might be.

          > Ash Ketchum
          > Goku
          > Ichigo Kurosaki
          > Jotaro Kujo
          > Kenshiro
          > Monkey D. Luffy
          > Naruto
          > Tanjiro Kamado
          > Yusuke Urameshi

          What would you say their Clichés are? What if you added the word "but" to them to spice things up?

  7. 2 years ago

    The King of the Known World was the greatest navigator to ever have lived (to date).
    His heir will be the winner of a round the world boat race. Get your loyal crew and hated rivals and put to sea.

  8. 2 years ago

    I tried my hands at making a setting based off of I guess anime stereotypes and I'm still working on it.

    • 2 years ago

      That sounds pretty fun honestly. What kind of setting where you thinking though. Modern kind of shonen? Different nations or regions or groups reflecting stereotypes? Can players be generic Harem protag?

      • 2 years ago

        Are these character classes or what? Will there be a tsundere class or a childhood friend class?

        I designed the setting to have no magic and all combatants are meant to be fighters of some sort, diverse in style and equipment (arquebuses have been introduced in the late stage of the setting). It's meant to be larger than life, so while things are relatively realistic, there's also just a lot of pomp. The original nations/cultures I had were just fantasy versions of European ones but I figured having a different base idea, such as the Shounen and the Keikaku (now also combined with Bishounen), made it just more interesting to worldbuild with. Now the setting is about a clash of civilizations throughout the ages, the Shounen people were once Not!Germans/Goths but are now stereotypically hot-blooded warrior mama boys and are comprised of many different kingdoms. Also, I wanted players to make up their own kingdoms. The Keikaku were once Not!French/Romans but are much more like Imperial China where young students compete for the highest test scores to be given the highest bureaucratic position.

        >Can players be generic Harem protag?
        Yes, but you can only pick one waifu in the end else you be branded as a heretic.

        Can I play as the hentai protagonist, Anon?

        >Can I play as the hentai protagonist, Anon?
        Within the main continent of the setting, this sort of lifestyle is heretical so you can be a foreigner with bizarre, outlandish, and offensive practices.

    • 2 years ago

      Are these character classes or what? Will there be a tsundere class or a childhood friend class?

    • 2 years ago

      Can I play as the hentai protagonist, Anon?

  9. 2 years ago

    I have no idea what a "shonen" is, so I do not have one. Judging by your pic though, I am not a fan of Japanimation.

  10. 2 years ago

    It's more of a parody shonen setting than anything.
    I call it Sue-pocalypses. Decades ago mysterious beings began to merge into our dimension. Each one was different but they all shared two traits, they had the appearance of flawlessly beautiful human women, and they were all ridiculously powerful combatants, many of them having magical abilities and weapons. Naturally, these beings came to be known as Mary-Sues.
    While powerful, Sues seem to have no drive or motivation of their own, only latching on to the goals and ambitions of humans they encounter. Whenever a sue arrives in our world they become bonded to the first human who's face they see, and while not always entirely obedient, will do everything within their considerable power to further the goals of that human. Because of this, the governments of the world, as well as several powerful criminal organizations, have dedicated a considerable amount of their power to detecting and collecting Mary Sues, so as to maintain control of the considerable military might they posses.
    Not all humans want them purely for their combat abilities though, and as it turns out, Mary Sues and humans are biologically compatible enough to produce children. These children are the player characters. Half-sues are born no stronger than an ordinary human, but contain a genetic potential that surpasses even their Mary-sue mothers. Each time a Half-sue defeats an enemy of substantial power compared to their own, they become more powerful, sometimes even gaining magical abilities of their own. Because of this, they often take jobs with private security organizations who work for those trying to combat those who posses Mary Sues, but have none of their own.

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