>tfw got all souls, 100%, beat hard mode, and did most stuff there is to do this game

>tfw got all souls, 100%, beat hard mode, and did most stuff there is to do this game
I crave more. what do I play? Not necessarily Castlevania, just same addicting metroidvania-style game. I've played:
SotN—beat it (reverse castle too). was good, but something was lacking (i.e. souls / ability collecting), reversed castle was lazy too
CotM—was ok but brought down by the graphics and weird abilities (see running)
HotD—never played, felt like a weird title between 2 games that's not better than either
DoS—100%ed it long time ago and got 9 of every soul. on the fence about going back to it, it looked ugly though technically it adds a lot to AoS formula.
PoR—even uglier. beat once, felt there was no point. I think one anon was defending him, well frick him
OoE—didn't even beat, at this point felt the game felt lazy as hell

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Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    shit taste

  2. 9 months ago

    well metroid obviously if you haven't played that
    there's 11 games, take your pick and pick your nose
    or something like that anyway

  3. 9 months ago

    Axiom Verge is where it’s at

    • 9 months ago

      Great fricking game.


      >tfw got all souls, 100%, beat hard mode, and did most stuff there is to do this game
      I crave more. what do I play? Not necessarily Castlevania, just same addicting metroidvania-style game. I've played:
      SotN—beat it (reverse castle too). was good, but something was lacking (i.e. souls / ability collecting), reversed castle was lazy too
      CotM—was ok but brought down by the graphics and weird abilities (see running)
      HotD—never played, felt like a weird title between 2 games that's not better than either
      DoS—100%ed it long time ago and got 9 of every soul. on the fence about going back to it, it looked ugly though technically it adds a lot to AoS formula.
      PoR—even uglier. beat once, felt there was no point. I think one anon was defending him, well frick him
      OoE—didn't even beat, at this point felt the game felt lazy as hell

      Bear witness to the ultimate hidden treasure of gaming.
      It has a non-retro remakes and a non-retro sequel too.

  4. 9 months ago

    Bloodstained, the game looks like SHIT visually to the point that it takes a while to even get into the game and tell objects apart from backgrounds, but you'll eventually get used to it and be able to enjoy the gameplay after a while

    • 9 months ago

      That game is forgettable garbage.

    • 9 months ago

      isn't that game more like the classicvanias?

      • 9 months ago

        There two Bloodstained
        Ritual of the Night which is metroidvania
        and Curse of the Moon which is classicvania

    • 9 months ago

      This, it has the soul system lifted from AoS/DoS entirely. Ugly as shit though.

      • 9 months ago

        it's a shame good pixel art is so dead devs have to resort to "let's do 3D on a 2D plane" which 90% of the time looks like utter shit.

    • 9 months ago

      This, it has the soul system lifted from AoS/DoS entirely. Ugly as shit though.

      it's a shame good pixel art is so dead devs have to resort to "let's do 3D on a 2D plane" which 90% of the time looks like utter shit.

      The game really lacks good lighting and shadows.
      It's a shame it looks the way it does because it's not bad.

    • 9 months ago

      Is there a mod to turn the slime-not-skeletons back into skeletons? They're fugly and reek of C&D.

  5. 9 months ago

    Jet Set Willy

  6. 9 months ago

    Replay CotM and DoS with with improvement hacks, or check out Aria romhacks.

    • 9 months ago

      >Aria romhacks
      any good ones? I only heard of Alter.
      btw, any other metroidvanias you can recommend? also, is CotM worth replaying? I'm on the fence about it, I both like and dislike a lot about it

      • 9 months ago

        I only played Alter and it was pretty good. There's also this one which I thought looks interesting. https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=35962.0

        >btw, any other metroidvanias you can recommend?
        As in retro or new? I would recommend looking into Super Metroid hacks, since there's thousands of them.

        >is CotM worth replaying?
        It's honestly my favourite out of the GBA trilogy. Since you mentioned running being annoying, you can patch that out with a hack called Auto Dashing. You can also combine that with the Card Mode hack, or use passwords to play its other modes like Magician.

        • 9 months ago

          >As in retro or new?
          I guess there was few real retro metroidvanias, the only thing that comes to mind is Wonder Boy.
          as for non-retro, to good metroidvanias exist? I generally don't touch indie with a ten-foot pole and it's usually reddit types who hype those, but I guess there's not much choice.

  7. 9 months ago

    OoE is meant to be played on hard mode. Shame you have to unlock it.

    • 9 months ago

      Basically this

      >OoE—didn't even beat, at this point felt the game felt lazy as hell
      have a nice day

      But mostly this

  8. 9 months ago

    >OoE—didn't even beat, at this point felt the game felt lazy as hell
    have a nice day

  9. 9 months ago

    I don't find OoE lazy or PoR ugly at all; the former is just more focused on linear combat gauntlets like Rondo and it seems to do it pretty well from what I've played, and the latter really leans into the surreal side of CV with its painting worlds and it looks wonderful. But those games are non-/vr/ anyway so whatever.

    You should give HoD a try. A lot of people give it shit for being too easy, but it has a huge brain-twister of a castle to explore and it'll keep you busy for a while if you get into it. Just make sure to use a color correction filter if you're emulating the GBA version.

  10. 9 months ago

    If people already recommend non-retro games then I just might add Afterimage to that list. Apart from being a bit obtuse, the English dub being not so great (it's got 2Butt for both English and Japanese though) and the skill tree being just kinda there; the only real complaint I've seen among a number of reviews is that the game is just too fricking large.

  11. 9 months ago

    >tfw got all souls, 100%, beat hard mode, and did most stuff there is to do this game

    Now play mobile version

    • 9 months ago

      I wish there was a mobile version
      I’ve 100% on real hardware, Advance collection and emulation
      Best the hell out of SotN mobile tho, damn good port all things considered

      • 9 months ago

        What mobile version??

        Aria got a Java port in 2008.

        Dawn got one too.

    • 9 months ago

      What mobile version??

  12. 9 months ago

    For me it was the following:

    Symphony of the night: great music and ambience, BUT there is not a "new game mode" were you can restart the game with the duplicator, the crissaegrim and most of the other items you got in the previous one.

    Circle of the moon: Not monster gallery avaible to know more about the monsters and the items you get from them. Also if you use the "magician" name to start a new game with all the cards the magic is still not infinite and depletes really quick.

    Harmony of dissonace: the worst metroidvania. Mediocre music(sounds like nes music), mediocre graphics and the second castle is boring.

    Aria of sorrow: to get all the souls and all the items is annoying. Besides of that, is good.

    Dawn of sorrow: the 2 last seals during the boss
    battles were hard as hell to do. As the angry videogame nerd says "What the hell were they thinking?". Also, to get all the items and souls was annoying.

    Portrait of ruin: to get all the items and souls was annoying and mostly in the "nest of evil". Besides of that is good.

    Order of ecclesia: again, to get all the items and was annoying, mostly the ones of the "large cavern" and the mirror armor from the gorgon heads. Besides of that is good.

  13. 9 months ago

    Beat it again in NOSOUL mode and NOUSE mode.

  14. 9 months ago

    Serenade Under the Moon maybe. Basically Aria of Sorrow but designed to be more like SotN

    • 9 months ago

      I played this. Good concept but weird execution. Gets confusing as SHIT as a result.

  15. 9 months ago

    How has nobody made a hack for SOTN to make it harder?

    • 9 months ago

      Play without weapons maybe, works for Mega Man anyway

    • 9 months ago

      this guy added a hard mode to the saturn version

      • 9 months ago

        interesting, I have never touched the sega saturn, I wish it was more clear on what the hard mode entailed

        • 9 months ago

          >I wish it was more clear on what the hard mode entailed
          basically double health on all enemies

    • 9 months ago

      There are so many random trinkets and items it's probably a massive chore. The way to balance SotN's difficulty would be to just remove all the RPG elements since they only get in the way and then rebalance the enemy damage output/health.

  16. 9 months ago

    Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth

    • 9 months ago

      Would have been nice if the devs were told that Crystania exists instead of just reading a wiki article so that story actually fit the source material. I saw Mizunos name on it and assumed we were finally getting some new Lodoss shit but it's just hastily thrown together fanfic schlock

      • 9 months ago

        To explain:
        Pirotess is the only other person in the labyrinth with Deedlit, and she's there to bring a long dead Ashram back from the grave. BUT Ashram isn't dead at the point in time the game takes place. He and Pirotess are both alive on the island of Crystania for about another 150 years as she looks for a way to save him from the evil god that's trying to possess him.

  17. 9 months ago

    For a while indie devs were constantly churning out metroidvanias and while many weren't worth it, some were gold. I'd tell you which is which but you slept on OoE so eat shit

    • 9 months ago

      >OoE—didn't even beat, at this point felt the game felt lazy as hell
      have a nice day

      ok, maybe I should give OoE another chance. I recall it was ok-ish until some prison segment that had stupidly flat levels with just straight corridors. does it get better?
      and what makes it good? is it better than DoS?

      • 9 months ago

        Yes. The prison is what, the second level? The bosses are fricking sick. Stick it out until the endgame.

        I actually really liked Dawn of Sorrow, but aside from its amazingly improved Julius Mode it's basically an inferior Aria. Ecclesia is its own thing and I respect that more.

        You can skip Portrait of Ruin. There's little bits of fun stuff here and there but holy shit, it's such a slog getting there. Just fricking miserable

      • 9 months ago

        My problem with OoE is that it takes the fake final boss/fake ending trope too far. The best 1/3 of the game is locked by a tedious fetch quest you will most likely miss the first time.

      • 9 months ago

        It has a kind of stage structure for the first 'part' of the game, it does get better but it stays that way for a while. It is worth playing.

  18. 9 months ago

    there is a romhack on CDromance that turns the entire game into a GBA SOTN

  19. 9 months ago

    The shaman king gba games, also by konami, are a bit metroidvania with a soul system.

  20. 9 months ago

    Played SotN, AoS and DoS (Definitive Edition+). Are CotM, HoD, PoR and OoE worth it? It feels like the games I've played are so good that they might feel underwhelming.

    • 9 months ago

      OoE is good except that the pre-castle areas are such a mixed bag of quality/length. If they had made a lot of them longer and more interesting it would have been a near perfect game. Difficulty is higher though.

    • 9 months ago

      OoE is great. I also loved CotM but you have to look past its stiff movement and fricked up magic/drop system. I wouldn't say the other two are worth it.

    • 9 months ago

      PoR if you liked the extra mode in DoS with Julius' party.

    • 9 months ago

      CotM is good, but not as good as Aria. I admit I'm somewhat biased towards it, as CotM was the my first GBA game.

      I personally skipped HoD. PoR and OoE are worth playing.

      • 9 months ago

        >I admit I'm somewhat biased towards it, as CotM was the my first GBA game
        I have no connection to Circle of the Moon other then emulating it years after the fact and it's just a really good game. On the other hand, I grew up with Harmony of Dissonance. It sucks and I haven't been able to finish a replay since.

  21. 9 months ago

    Are there any other decent Metroidvanias on the GBA?

  22. 9 months ago

    Is CotM better than HoD?

    • 9 months ago

      In my opinion, yes.

  23. 9 months ago

    I finished all the other DS games besides Aria of Sorrow. I think I've dropped it two separate times, don't remember why.
    I don't understand why message board people hate Order of Ecclesia so much, I remember enjoying it as much as PoR and it's got a more linear structure with harder bosses so it doesn't feel like just another SotN clone like most of them.

    • 9 months ago

      just wanted to add you probably shouldn't feel bad, it took me a couple months to beat AoS despite really liking it. (maybe it was because it was my first castlevania.) also does gamefaqs still hate the DS games? pretty sure most of those threads are old.

  24. 9 months ago

    Ori completely ruined the movement of other metroidvanias for me
    it's simply too satisfying to traverse that world

    currently going through the second game, and it's still just as silky+tight as ever

    Carrion applies metroidvania progression, even if has little depth - EXCELLENTLY in its narrative. Beat it in 2 or 3 sittings, and I'm not one to sit down for more than 2 hours at a game. Trust me, the length fits it.

    Steamworld dig 2 is another rec if you want something that feels different setting wise

    if you want a metroidvania with pokemans, i enjoyed Monster Sanctuary, though admittedly the metroidvania aspects of the game lacked depth

    Demon's Crest might be CV4 gen, but the movement and progression feel so natural and so well woven into the world. It's also refreshing to go through the motions of the story where you ACTUALLY progress for your own gain.

    Hollow Knight is also an option, but I actually don't like the pacing that much there, and the world feels painful to traverse through. Combat and artstyle are a joy though

    these are the top 5 metroidvanias I played that don't include a castlevania title, in order of my enjoyment

  25. 9 months ago

    yea its sick
    theres a decent randomizer for AoS
    if you cant find anything else worth playing id recommend it.
    theres a lot of ways you can make for a much harder game, even without randomization. but the randomization of souls can make for a pretty interesting time

    unlike a lot of randos it doesntrely on you knowing all kinds of speedrunner tism in order to beat. unless you go full moron with the settings

  26. 9 months ago

    >CotM—was ok but brought down by the graphics and weird abilities (see running)

    - You forgot to mention there is not a monster list to check if you already got all the items you can get from them and more info.

    - There are no shops, so you can collect like 50 of the same useless items and cannot get rid of them.

    - If you start a new game with the trick of all the cards from the start, the magic is NOT infinite anyways.

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