The boron are coming home

The boron are coming home

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Oh good, I can finally give this game a try. Took long enough.

  2. 2 years ago

    Hopefully this is the last expansion/DLC. They said they are working on a standalone game in one post somewhere which will expand on X4 and hopefully give the engine some much needed performance gains if it wont be in v6.0.

    The new ships look interesting and judging by their description they'll be expensive with high shield strength but low armor/hp. I think It'll be a day 1 buy anyways given how much I've enjoyed X4.

    • 2 years ago

      OP you forgot the video:

      • 2 years ago

        >Kingdom End music
        Good choice. Made that place my home in X3 because of that track.

      • 2 years ago

        >OP forgot the video
        heh, what a boron.

    • 2 years ago

      >They said they are working on a standalone game
      Hopefully this time they will unfrick the engine and make it possible to utilised multi-threading

      • 1 year ago

        Excuse me siiiiiir but saving and loading actually uses TWO threads. Get your facts rights uh-huh.

    • 1 year ago

      >Hopefully this is the last expansion/DLC.
      The game is broken and I've given up hope on them fixing it. Having to hire kuertee and asking the vro guy to do game balance doesn't bode well for them internally.

      The sandbox has been broken since release. It was kinda cute at the start but at this point it's just sad.

      • 1 year ago

        What's broken about it?
        I haven't played in over a year but don't remember anything seriously off other than station-assigned miners being broken

        • 1 year ago

          same stuff as always that they just let fester
          >AI is moronic
          >factions suicide their ships
          >piracy is an exploit for how easy it is
          >after early game first person fun the rewards for interacting with the AI collapse into a chore for reputation or buiilding noninteractive factories
          The last dlc is also pretty panned for being fairly unfocused without really fixing anything or expanding on anything

          • 1 year ago

            >piracy is an exploit for how easy it is
            If only the consequences wouldn't be so bad. In most of my unmodded and modded runs, the Xenon are roflstomping large parts of the map, especially the Split. Pirating anyones ships makes them even weaker against the Xenon. Doing this indirectly kills yourself, because once the Xenon are done with the other races, the player is the only one able to put up a fight.

            • 1 year ago

              a player in a rattlesnake can basically destroy everything in the game

              • 1 year ago

                Against an immobile station? Yeah, no problem. Just mod some of the weapons and it won't even take half a day. You can easily go even smaller, but you have to utilize the deadzones on their turrets.
                But good luck against the AI attacking multiple sectors, with multiple squads, trying to sneak build another solar generator station somewhere in bumfrick nowhere. Cleaning all that up yourself is just tedious. And once you stand up from your chair and let the AI take over, it'll just suicide your nice rattlesnake into whatever stations XL turrets are nearby. The AI barely hunts down builder ships and lets Xenon stations build for way too long, instead of swatting them as early as possible and not having to deal with the overpowered XL turrets which shred the AI's moronicly navigated ships.
                The only way to not be constantly fighting by yourself, is to make sure the other races are as beefed up as possible, because their moronic AI can't handle anything without major losses. Pirating their ships hurts you more than it helps you, because you'll have your hands full defending or just restarting the game, once the Xenon are on your doorstep.

              • 1 year ago

                Anon, you can steal an asgard in like 20 minutes after you start.
                > The AI barely hunts down builder ships and lets Xenon stations build for way too long,
                You are correct and that is one of only many problems. Another is they don't defend their tradeships but are willing to send them through enemy territory without escort or convoy.

                You aren't wrong, and it would get hard to fight off all that xenon. But as they get bigger it gets harder for them to defend and scrap and terrans are really foolproof systems for the AI to supply ships to. i rarely even see sectors change hands in vanilla even after 40 hours. I'll try again and see if I can as a pure pirate that just declares war on everyone and builds my own ships.

              • 1 year ago

                Nice ship, but still only one ship. And I've seen Terrans fail too often to count. Xenon, more often than not, push over from savage spur into getsu fune (neutral at start) and then are only one sector away from splitting Terrans in two halves by occupying asteroid belt.
                I'm not saying the every run is always like this. But most of the time it just feels tedious to babysit braindead AI. You're sitting there, screaming at the AI for throwing ships at interracial fights, while the they're getting eaten away by Xenon on its borders.
                Yeah, nah. Only viable in the overpowered solar over 9000% systems. And then you'll have to deal with the tedium of MANUALLY supplying your stations with spoilerium so it doesn't blow up with the novae. And you're losing salvagers to khaak stations because: dead ship near khaak station -> salvager tries to salvage dead ship -> more dead ships near khaak station!
                Btw, funny thing happened in a modded game: The pontifex idiots had a whole economy in Leap of Faith - completely cut off but somehow working fine.

              • 1 year ago

                >And I've seen Terrans fail too often to count
                The aI is completely unable to use the asgard.
                >the tedium of MANUALLY supplying your stations with spoilerium
                Anon, you know you can just assign a trader and it will buy it from the tidebreak station? just like any other resource.
                >Btw, funny thing happened in a modded game:
                if you mean faction enhancer it had this bug for a while. Especially spawning dukes back in.

              • 1 year ago

                >The aI [sic] is completely unable to use the asgard.
                Reread the line. The failing part was about them getting invaded and split up way too often.
                >buy from tidebreak
                lol. Are you honestly leaving those two buttholes in charge?
                >faction enhancer
                Oh, that might have been the one. I figured it was a bug, but it still made me laugh when I saw like 200 entities in the system, which was supposed to be cut off from everything.

              • 1 year ago

                >Are you honestly leaving those two buttholes in charge?
                I honestly don't remember, that questline bugged last time I tried it because ego have really been slipping in quality.
                >The failing part was about them getting invaded and split up way too often.
                I've genuinely never seen this happen. how many hours vanilla?

              • 1 year ago

                >I've genuinely never seen this happen. how many hours vanilla?
                I don't count and I'm not using anything to track my play time. But I've been playing X4 since the initial release. The AI does have some variations and obviously luck and RNG also plays a role, but just look at the map I attached. Xenon are in a one-way system close to Argon and Terran and can just roll into Asteroid belt to FUBAR Terrans. I'm pretty sure everyone has seen Argon getting fricked by them, as this happens even more often. Although they usually cause havog in Hatikvah's choice before doing that. God I had Hatikvah's choice.. that jump point right next to the "northeastern" exit is usually death trap.

            • 1 year ago

              I've been at it. Mostly seta of course. I pirated a few ships at the start, topping off with a tokyo. A few mods going but mostly just cheat menu, nothing that should affect the game.
              >Hatikvahs chocie has fallen. I'm actually supporting the economy of hop and argon now but argon are almost out of ships. Their wharfs are almost empty but they aren't interested in buying from my factories that are almost full, zyarth has lost a dominion sector and the important resources sector is on the way out.
              >Teladi are expanding but starting to lose a bit.
              >vigor mia.
              >mostly ignored par but lots of my factories are in teladi or neutral territory now
              I'm still pissed about how irrelevant vigor are.

              • 1 year ago

                >Hatikvah fallen
                I swear they could've just made that system Xenon to being with. I read some forum entries how "the HAT station is a bulwark and easily keeps the X at bay", but lol... lmao even.
                >vigor mia
                huh? Sure, they usually stick to their hand full of systems, but entering those systems I'm usually greeted with a HUGE swarm of ships. I always wanted to see how VIGs baby tier economy would fare against the X.

              • 1 year ago

                >Sure, they usually stick to their hand full of systems
                It's just strange to me that a bunch of pirates do so little. It seems wasteful for them to have so many ships and sectors that do nothing, at least if they only had a little corner and the rest was wide open neutral it would make sense. Also I don't know if it was changed but they used to love sending fleets around the other factions sectors that didn't do much(except attack me if my rep was low).

              • 1 year ago

                >I'm still pissed about how irrelevant vigor are.
                I mean, its supposed to be a pirate faction, isnt it? Not sure how you could make them more relevant

              • 1 year ago

                Imagine tides of avarice was better and instead the layout was this
                >windfall is a long neutral corridor of sectors to avarice
                >avarice has cheap claytronics and hull parts, and no access to ore or gas to mine so can only make shitty closed loop scrap ships
                >vigor have one or two sectors that attach to this corridor and send patrols to harass any freighters, so good luck importing in the stuff for commonwealth ships
                >the dlc plotlines are about either siding with vigor or helping avarice and the commonwealth patrol the neutral corridor for pirates
                >the yacht plot can stay too
                It would have been nice to introduce actual pirate areas back to the game with some risk/reward mechanics. But instead scrap feels more like an optional extra and vigor just aren't a big deal while also having a hell of a lot of ships. I don't think they've ever attacked me but I don't make a habit of running transports through their sectors.

          • 1 year ago

            Against an immobile station? Yeah, no problem. Just mod some of the weapons and it won't even take half a day. You can easily go even smaller, but you have to utilize the deadzones on their turrets.
            But good luck against the AI attacking multiple sectors, with multiple squads, trying to sneak build another solar generator station somewhere in bumfrick nowhere. Cleaning all that up yourself is just tedious. And once you stand up from your chair and let the AI take over, it'll just suicide your nice rattlesnake into whatever stations XL turrets are nearby. The AI barely hunts down builder ships and lets Xenon stations build for way too long, instead of swatting them as early as possible and not having to deal with the overpowered XL turrets which shred the AI's moronicly navigated ships.
            The only way to not be constantly fighting by yourself, is to make sure the other races are as beefed up as possible, because their moronic AI can't handle anything without major losses. Pirating their ships hurts you more than it helps you, because you'll have your hands full defending or just restarting the game, once the Xenon are on your doorstep.

            Anon, you can steal an asgard in like 20 minutes after you start.
            > The AI barely hunts down builder ships and lets Xenon stations build for way too long,
            You are correct and that is one of only many problems. Another is they don't defend their tradeships but are willing to send them through enemy territory without escort or convoy.

            You aren't wrong, and it would get hard to fight off all that xenon. But as they get bigger it gets harder for them to defend and scrap and terrans are really foolproof systems for the AI to supply ships to. i rarely even see sectors change hands in vanilla even after 40 hours. I'll try again and see if I can as a pure pirate that just declares war on everyone and builds my own ships.

            Is there mods at all that can at least help address these AI and automation related issues?

            • 1 year ago

              Kuertee and DeadAir have some mods to fix some parts of the game. I believe one of them was hired by Egosoft, so we might see AI updates in the official releases soon.

              • 1 year ago

                Is there mods at all that can at least help address these AI and automation related issues?

                Mysterials faction enhancer is the only one I know that fixed that stuff. I do know kuertee had a mod that stopped destroyers rushing into fights though.
                The problems with piracy and other things? I don't imagine any of them getting fixed because in some cases the problems are so small they just seem to be willfully ignoring it.
                6.0 does have a load of AI updates but it does sometimes feel egosoft keep it broken and annoying on purpose, like with how they made it so hard to get kill credit on enemy ships.

      • 1 year ago

        >Having to hire kuertee and asking the vro guy to do game balance doesn't bode well for them internally.
        idk, those guys made good fixes and AI content, so hiring them is a good idea from egosoft

        • 1 year ago

          vro guy just made destroyers OP and stuck loads of turrets on them. He could have fixed things, but he didn't even lower the amount of them.

  3. 2 years ago

    But can you romance them

  4. 2 years ago

    This better be a fricking strategy game, homosexuals. I have x rebirth and that most definitely isn't a strategy game, not that I got very far in that trash. If I get excited for a different space strategy game and it turns out you fricking morons are lying, I'm calling the jannies.

    • 2 years ago

      X games have always been first person 4X games. The strategy is in how to make ridiculous amounts of money

    • 1 year ago

      X Rebirth is the bad one where Egosoft went all-in on trying to get CoD kids by removing everything people liked about the series.

  5. 2 years ago

    The boron? More like The Boring am I right? Lmao what a snoozefest!

  6. 1 year ago

    Just got into x3 terran coonflict. The most fun i’ve had so far is crashing my ship into a battlecrusier

    • 1 year ago

      x4 is a lot better.

    • 1 year ago

      The game picks up once you start to be able to afford stations. That's when the scope gradually starts to shift.

    • 1 year ago

      call me when you get those megalodons rolling

  7. 1 year ago

    skill issue

  8. 1 year ago

    Just bought the main game and the dlcs, any tips for starting out?

    • 1 year ago

      just fly around in a single ship and have fun. The game excels as a single guy in space. Do some plots. The Avarice and terran ones are reall good.
      I also highly recommend the terran cadet or the one where you are stranded in a jail. Those have the best lead ins.

  9. 1 year ago

    Is it just me, or do the sectors/skyboxes look worse than in X3?
    It feels so much less atmospheric.

    • 1 year ago

      From artistic standpoint X4 is generally a big downgrade, I think the only reason why the game doesn't feel 100% soulless is because they still have the same guy doing excellent soundtrack.

      Remember how fricking ugly all the ships were at launch? only later DLCs started adding really aesthetic ships

      • 1 year ago

        >Remember how fricking ugly all the ships were at launch?
        No idea, I only got it on the sale.
        I expected the game to be somewhat complete after 4 years, but they don't even have Boron yet, lmao.

        • 1 year ago

          >I expected the game to be somewhat complete after 4 years
          It's odd. The game is better when it started but lot of the outstanding issues have only gotten worse.
          The game doesn't have a good pace at all, missions are dumb, factions have too many destroyers in very sector, can't guard their own territory well, and once you become really rich it just becomes frustrating how little impact it has on the world.

          • 1 year ago

            Same old shit as with previous games, base game is fine and impressive until you actually start getting good at it and then it becomes pointless and you uninstall it. Then you wait until someone comes around with a huge mod like Litcube's Universe that gives you something to do now that you know how to play.

            • 1 year ago

              yes but now they keep charging for dlc and the idea of software as a service is the service gets better too.

          • 1 year ago

            >once you become really rich it just becomes frustrating how little impact it has on the world.
            From the sandbox element, true. There are options to declare war on factions and take over sectors, but those dont really do anything. The sandbox endgame is supposed to be the Terraforming missions, which really dont give you anything, since by the time they are viable, youre basically printing money.
            The only way your actions affect the wider world, is if you complete plots and in certain ways too. Based game allows you to affect the paranid civil war, either bankrolling a third faction for a three way, or uniting the paranid. Split story lines are escalating the civil war and choosing a side to win it. Terran plots are either destroying the Yaki, saving them buy wiping out every xenon sector between them and the wider gate network, or helping them to attract the Xenon into Terran core sectors. Or the other plot, where you do glowBlack person shit and make Argon and Antigone to cut ties with each other, or unite them and star a war between them and the Terrans.

            Tides of Avarice plots really dont change the state of the galaxy at all

            • 1 year ago

              The problem is by the time you can do those plots you are well beyond the point of factions meaning anything. And if you played enough you are well aware of how much they are paper tigers slowly collapsing to the xenon.

  10. 1 year ago

    More like the moron, heh, am I right or am I right?

  11. 1 year ago

    Never played X games, from which should I start?

    • 1 year ago

      x4. the rest are very dated and it's not the kind of game that has a plot you need to follow.

    • 1 year ago

      x2. Ignore the moron above. X series has never really been that good because its developers blew away all their braincells with a shotgun at one point. You might as well play x2 for the aesthetics and goofy story because the rest of x games are just pointless sandboxes that despite their better graphics are the boring to look at with their generic models.

      • 1 year ago

        I take what I said about x4 back, you are right. Everything new they added is barely functioning.

      • 1 year ago

        Literally trolling, X3:TC was peak X. Everything went downhill from there.

      • 1 year ago

        >developers blew away all their braincells with a shotgun at one point.

        link to vid pls

    • 1 year ago

      I'd probably recommend Terran Conflict. I started with X2 myself and while I love the game its control scheme is absolute hand rape. All the X3s changed it for the better.

  12. 1 year ago

    Finished the PHQ quest line.
    What do I do now? I have like 4 scouts exploring and that one fighter the quest line gave me.

    Still mining crystals and doing missions for rep or is there some faster way to finally get some passive income?

    • 1 year ago

      For a start, Buy mining ships and let them automine for passive income. Do the Hatikvah questline.

  13. 1 year ago

    There's a Xenon station in Free Families space.
    What's going on here?

    • 1 year ago

      Xenon expansion

      • 1 year ago

        Don't they usually wipe out the faction before building there?
        There's no Xenon presence in that sector, just that one stattion and one scout.
        Rest of the stations is the original faction.

        For a start, Buy mining ships and let them automine for passive income. Do the Hatikvah questline.

        Why that questline? The rewards don't seem too amazing, or am I missing something?

        • 1 year ago

          Finishing the hatikvah plotline opens up 3 more plotlines

  14. 1 year ago

    Whats stopping me from relentlessly shitting on the boron?

    • 1 year ago

      You should kill them all, I will.

  15. 1 year ago

    >Argon starting to lose to the Xenon and building stations in their sectors
    >just 2+ million credits and powerless to stop them
    What can I do?
    Place sattelites at all of their stations and keeping the supply chain to their wharfes and shipyards stocked?

    • 1 year ago

      you vanilla?
      I am doing a vanilla game right now to see if this stuff still happens.

      • 1 year ago

        Vanilla yeah.

  16. 1 year ago

    This game runs so bad bros, how do I get it to run well? If I turn off some DLCs like the Split DLC to reduce the sectors would I gain a performance increase?

    While I dont have a shit rig its not the best being CPU bound with an 8700k and a 3080 but the game runs 60~sub 40s and it just makes no sense at all.

    • 1 year ago

      The game just is like that. Bad optimization.
      >If I turn off some DLCs like the Split DLC to reduce the sectors would I gain a performance increase?
      Try and enlighten the rest of us

      • 1 year ago

        >rtx 3060
        >60fps in stations
        >lower in big battles
        It's a joke when you remember how old the game is.

        Walking space stations/ships is such an epic waste of manpower for a meaningless feature that gets old after 15min.

        It makes the game feel more grounded. There is way dumber shit like the entire missions system that is full of time waster missions or bullshit war missions tht don't really affect the war or are just cancer to try to do.
        Kill 8 criminal traffic is nothing but annoying, and recently I saw a pirate activity mission that expected me to take out a destroyer 5 minutes into the game.

        The closest thing this game has to a good mission is the protect the mining ship one against khaak trash. Why they moved away from the xenon spawning missions is beyond me since those were tailored to you, at least.

        With all the DLCs it's now decent, wait for the Boron one and then get into it.
        Though after LU you definitely won't be impressed by the crunchy bits, that's for sure.

        decent being the word. They have a lot of stuff people expected them to fix which they didn't, people thought TOA was going to fix piracy but all it did was add a tutorial set of missions that are basically nothing like how piracy actually works in the game.

        • 1 year ago

          Combat is unsatisfying in general. They jacked up speed and acceleration of every ship to insane levels compared to X3, but the projectile speed for non-beam weapons is about the same (or lower), so good luck leading a Xenon N that can go from 100 m/s to 2500 m/s in like a second using its booster (which AI loves to use to the point of being suicidal with it) with your 1200 m/s plasma cannon.
          >But the 6800 m/s Terran pulse laser!
          FAA in TC/AP was 7000 m/s (+AOE), and that's a game where the fastest combat effective ship doesn't go above 300 m/s (not counting Spitfyres/Blossoms which you aren't likely to fight under most circumstances).
          >But the beams!
          You can do the entire Xenon hub questline in the time it takes for a continous beam weapon in X4 to kill anything. Pulse beams (lances, mass drivers etc.) are effective, but they're kinda buggy and good luck hitting S ships with them in a game where your weapons don't shoot straight. Oh that's right, in addition to all this every aiming mode is broken! Bravo Lehahn! So what you have in the end is a game where most weapons are either useless, too slow to hit agile small targets, or have a hitbox that's too small and active time that's too short to hit agile small targets. It sometimes takes me the same amount of time to kill a single N as it does two Ps in my Katana.
          >Just use miss-

          • 1 year ago

            >weapons in X4
            In addition to what you said, the weapons also horribly short ranged. In X3, you were getting locked on from across the sector, then sniped with missiles. Although frustrating, I liked that way more, because it was realistic. But in X4, it's like everything (including missiles/torpedos) is in melee range. This becomes really apparent when you compare to the size of the ships to weapon range. Imagine any somewhat modern weapon system only able to fire a couple hundred meters far. Once you mod your ship with purple range/projectile lifetime mods, you begin to completely annihilate even stations, because they're simply unable to fire. Always felt stupid.

            • 1 year ago

              one of the most popular mods essentially just added loads of range to weapons and was hailed as a masterpiece.
              my opinions on how stupid it made other things aside I don't know why egosoft didn't pick it up and make that very simple change.

              The stench of Rebirth is still lingering about, X4 was a step in the right direction but they really need to drop the
              >muh immershun
              pipe dream and go back to the roots. Make another X3 but go balls to the walls with game mechanics and scale.
              Also reminder that station building in X4 is such a fricking chore because they literally don't want you to build cool mega complexes and want you to go sightseeing instead, that's what one of the devs said on the forums.

              I really don't think it was that bad. TOA was them listening to reddit though and they spend huge dev time on adding loads of one off stupid rooms that do nothing.
              > want you to go sightseeing instead,
              I would go sightseeing if there was anything to see beyond npcs engaging in janky and random combat with each other. In the end the game world is even more hollow than end game complexes despite how overpopulated it is. It was never really that good but when x3 was around our standards of immersive was lower and the universe was way bigger. If they want sightseeing to be a thing they need to start looking at games like the witcher 3 and skyrim, good luck to them on that.

              • 1 year ago

                >and the universe was way bigger
                It's because of that stupid fricking highway they added in Rebirth and refuse to let go. It kills all of the early exploration aspect and makes the universe feel tiny and artificial, as if you were playing some kid's first Freelancer mod.

              • 1 year ago

                Half the sectors in X4 don't even have the highways. They're just big for the sake of being big. And it's not like there's more stations now to account for the increase in size, if anything there's less, they're just bigger as well.

              • 1 year ago

                >. They're just big for the sake of being big.
                big and empty. This was them listening to reddit and the forums again though.
                I'm in zyarths dominion now and despite how fricking massive it is I am at one of the only places where it has action, the gate connecting to xenon who are sending loads of ships through while zyarth has a single cobra here to help me.
                Back when the map was more hand crafted it had rudimentary trade routes and areas that were dangerous and infested with pirates. I haven't even bothered doing real trading in x4 because aside from how much of a bother it is to find good deals it's just rng to find cheap stuff to sell, or where to sell it in incredibly safe faction territory. At least up until now since avarice tends to have cheap stuff in an area that might actually be a danger to you. At least if vig do piracy... I haven't noticed because I don't trade and they certainly don't do much outside their sectors despite all the ships.
                Some say that zyarth is designed to collapse as a challenge but I really just take it as a great example of how bad the sandbox system has actually worked out. Even if you pump them with ships they'll just suicide them and start losing again due to attrition.
                It feels like all I do is fly around and do dumb generic missions until i have enough for a basic station than i go fight xenon while my complexes passively make money. Only Terran seem capable of fielding actual fleets that have a change at doing anything but the game won't reward me in any way for fighting Xenon either.
                Either way even the mod that adds "help the fleet invasion" mission just showcases how bad the AI is at waging war.

              • 1 year ago

                X4 needs its own Litcube's Universe mod so you have some actual challenge, but I doubt there's enough modder interest to create something as grand ever again.

  17. 1 year ago

    Walking space stations/ships is such an epic waste of manpower for a meaningless feature that gets old after 15min.

    • 1 year ago

      The stench of Rebirth is still lingering about, X4 was a step in the right direction but they really need to drop the
      >muh immershun
      pipe dream and go back to the roots. Make another X3 but go balls to the walls with game mechanics and scale.
      Also reminder that station building in X4 is such a fricking chore because they literally don't want you to build cool mega complexes and want you to go sightseeing instead, that's what one of the devs said on the forums.

  18. 1 year ago

    X4 has been in my wishlist since 2018. Should I just give up waiting and stick with Litcube until an X5?

    • 1 year ago

      You just missed a pretty decent sale on it.

    • 1 year ago

      With all the DLCs it's now decent, wait for the Boron one and then get into it.
      Though after LU you definitely won't be impressed by the crunchy bits, that's for sure.

  19. 1 year ago

    What does farnhams legacy actually offer? Should i install it or just play vanilla?

    • 1 year ago

      It offers
      >higher prices on almost all equipment because frick you
      >limited stock at shipyards, including buildings
      >a reputation system that causes factions to swing from being your best friend to kill-on-sight because you blew up a xenon Q in someone else's sector on the other side of the universe (better hope you packed up your PHQ from its default Boron core sector spawning point!)
      >xenon Qs spawning endlessly into the Hub because frick you
      >roaming xenon fleets with multiple M2+ in case you get any ideas about using osakas to barricade the Qs
      It's made by people who want you to just confine yourself to an Unknown Sector and be self sufficient, except the HQ can't produce anything without raw credits, the software to actually pick up the HQ costs an obscene amount (memory says 300m+ credits, but it probably wasn't that bad) and the game's expansion gimmick doesn't kick in until you've started deploying transorbital accelerators which do cost 200m+ credits each and almost every deployment spot for them is in a faction's sectors who will absolutely blow up your transports if you're not best friends.
      In short, it's not worth your time. Just play vanilla/AP.

      • 1 year ago

        The best part is that this ideology is now on the ego team, at least some of it.

      • 1 year ago

        I love how they addressed none of the longstanding problems since TC (e.g. no appropriate frigate main weapons for Terrans/ATF) and did this shit instead. Thanks for finally letting Skirnir use the boarding pods, at least.

    • 1 year ago

      Also I forgot to mention, they also split up a lot of larger or plot-important sectors into multiple sectors, so you have like Home of Light Alpha, Home of Light Beta, etc which isn't so bad on its own, but they linked them with transorbital accelerators instead of gates so it makes them really annoying to get to using jumpdrives.

  20. 1 year ago

    This is the kind of quality shit they never fixed. These xenon will probably never get destroyed despite taking out so many ships. If these ships ever decide to go lower they'll even shut down antigone completely despite both argon and ant being able to destroy them if they tried.

    • 1 year ago

      This is a blessing in disguise, because the entire economy is based on creating ships. This is not hyperbole, EVERY ware in the game is somehow designed to help the creation of new ships. This is the main reason why atleast 3 plotlines in this game, involving Dal Busta, is about making more ships explode

      • 1 year ago

        this is also the reason why Xenon keep destroying the universe so easily: Unlike literally everyone else, their ships only require raw resources like ore and energy cells

      • 1 year ago

        It's not about that, it's about how bad the AI actually is at fighting. They should waste ships in actual offensives or from low level pirate activity. Instead 3 ks get to live here forever, and this isn't even the worst way I have seen them lose ships.
        Also I assume eventually this will result in hop wiping most of the argon and hat becoming xenon territory but I rarely see big changes like that in vanilla.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm pretty sure after that one balance change a destroyer can kill an unlimited amount of S & M ships.

  21. 1 year ago

    I think i've reached the peak hype for the borons. Been listening to the new kingom's end for an hour now.

    • 1 year ago

      I tried a combat playthrough and realized that the only way to actually make money through combat is either broken piracy or missions that only rarely have combat. Even war missions are trash and either too hard or too easy, like the ones that want you to destroy 40 xenon turrets.

      • 1 year ago

        If you want a a game with living economy and better management and UI- play x4
        Going back to x3(x-tended) has made me realize how awful manual trading in the game was. You need to suck a teladi wiener for that mk3 trade software.

        Even in x3 combat dosen't really pay well except for claiming bails. Its a sandbox game. If you want to make money through broken terran economy and boarding or ship procurement mission exploits- go ahead.
        If you want good space combat play game like open freespace

        • 1 year ago

          I wanted to rp as a factions fighter and help them but that's not easy. It doesn't feel right setting up factories in that scenario. Bannerlord was able to manage a mercenary mode just fine.

          • 1 year ago

            Anon, I'm sorry, but a fighter pilots life is expandable and is not good for profitssss

        • 1 year ago

          >Even in x3 combat dosen't really pay well
          You get a cool mil or two for blowing up the weakest M2 in the game in assassination missions, I think it pays rather well.

          • 1 year ago

            The thing I don't like about x4, aside from the actual payout, is that it's so hard to find enemy ships that aren't in fleets or something. The AI now only has highly secure sectors and neutral ones they basically don't defend but do send ships through. It makes stuff like piracy a total drag even ignoring how janky piracy is. And if you get something like taking down an argon destroyer you're basically being asked to do that in the heart of argon prime for 500k.

            • 1 year ago

              It's hard to find enemy ships in general. In X3TC you could be best friends with every major faction and still never run out of thing to shoot at because the missions themselves would spawn in Xenon/Khaak/Pirate/Yaki ships for you. I think the only missions that spawn in anything in 4 are the Khaak escort ones (well, those and the mass traffic bullshit).

  22. 1 year ago

    Sitting here, waiting for boron to come out.
    What would be a good x3 mod that implements economy similar to x4 where all of the resources are built to be spent on making ships? There's mayhem for LU, but I dislike the whole increased fleet sizes and procedural map.

    • 1 year ago

      >play x3 and the jank is there, it looks worse, and you can't walk around carriers. No sandbox war at all really, even modded.
      >play x4 and it has no major mods and the pinnacle of modding is just giving destroyers insane range and accuracy.
      At least the star wars mod has nice visual effects. Egosoft really dropped the ball a bit since rebirth.

  23. 1 year ago

    >xtech 5
    i guess they want to make it so you can only run the game on a 5080 now.

    • 1 year ago

      >cites performance improvements in their update post
      >immediately talks about all these new performance-raping features they're adding
      It's never enough for companies to actually improve performance.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't know what they are trying for anymore. The game is enough of a dumpster fire I didn't expect them to have time for visual stuff.

  24. 1 year ago

    is it me, or did the performance genuinely improve

    • 1 year ago

      feels like it did, it's the graphic improvements I cannot see.

  25. 1 year ago

    oh shit, Egosoft finally added Encyclopedia descriptions for every ship

    • 1 year ago

      is it time to be optimistic? It's possible the ai updates might actually fix the sandbox now.

  26. 1 year ago

    How do you set up a carrier fleet anyway?
    Fighters on intercept, destroyers on mimic the carrier?

    • 1 year ago

      The carrier stuff has the vro guys fetish all over it. Just don't touch them, they're basically broken.

      • 1 year ago

        That doesnt answer my question at all

        • 1 year ago

          carriers spend most of their time having fighters dock and ultimately in a fight they are nearly useless for the amount of micromanagement they take. Last time I tried really use a carrier I had to change an order mid fight and that made it try to dock every single fighter before it did anything, it is so bad that there are several mods addressing stuff like this. There is just almost no use case for carriers since fighters don't have anything like fuel limits and are usually faster than the carriers themselves.

          • 1 year ago

            Again, this does NOT answer my question

            • 1 year ago

              Then you are moronic. Set your fighters to attack. Set them to intercept if you want them to attack other fighters near your carrier. Either way they will spend all their time docking until they die.
              Do not use destroyers at all why do you think that is a good idea?

              • 1 year ago

                >Do not use destroyers at all why do you think that is a good idea?

                Are you moronic? Why would I leave my carrier all alone?

              • 1 year ago

                because they suck and your destroyers will just suicide if you attach them to carriers. In fact they'll suicide anyway because this is x4.

              • 1 year ago

                Never had destroyers suicide themselves into stations

  27. 1 year ago

    you are smart enough to just have a separate fleet of destroyers, right?

  28. 1 year ago

    Anyone has comparison of saving/loading times between the 6.0 beta and stable?

  29. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Too bad so much of X4 is style over substance. Not as bad as fricking Rebirth (more like Stillbirth, kek), but it's still yet to catch up to X3's glory.

  30. 1 year ago

    Can you use DLCs with 6.0? The game is asking me for a 6.0 versions of the modules but since I'm running a pirated version eh.

    Could anyone be a nice lad and upload their 6.0 version of :
    ego_dlc_terran , ego_dlc_split and ego_dlc_pirate folders on pixeldrain then?

    • 1 year ago

      Anyone has comparison of saving/loading times between the 6.0 beta and stable?

      Took me 45 seconds to load a save with about 170hr playtime on a 12700k @ 4.5ghz and the save being on a nvme ssd. It's definetely faster than before but I wouldn't be able to say how much. I remember at some point I had time to go downstairs and make myself a coffee.

  31. 1 year ago

    Wharf to dead speedrun in quarter of a sector. Quality sandbox.

  32. 1 year ago

    Any Boron strip clubs in the game.

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