the greatest movement in gaming history. if you don't support this you are scum

the greatest movement in gaming history
if you don't support this you are scum

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    rev up the gay porn

  2. 1 week ago

    The more I play OW the more I realize how horrible scummy TF2's item system is.

    • 1 week ago

      If you give every player every TF2 item for free, it will make a great game into an even better game.
      If you give ever OW player every MTX item for free, the game will still remain shit.

      • 1 week ago

        Why do you think it's shit? I genuinely enjoy it.

      • 1 week ago

        >hatcuck literally admits TF2 is P2W
        lol i don't think what you posted was the comeback you believed it was

        • 1 week ago

          Pretty sure he's talking about giving everyone free unusual hats because at this point TF2's meta is so fricking stagnant and so limp that stock weapons are still the best choice for pretty much every situation except for Medic melee and MAYBE medic secondary

          • 1 week ago

            he never specified cosmetics only, he typed "all items"
            your post is embarrassing. also hatcucks complain all the fricking time about non-stock weapons being broken

            • 1 week ago

              At this point, you're just projecting what you want to see out of an argument you've rehearsed in your head. Giving everyone a shortstop isn't going to make scouts win more, it's just nonsense. You don't even know how the game is played.

              • 1 week ago

                I played TF2 long before your homosexual father decided to stop being an incel and raped your mom

              • 1 week ago

                >heh TF2 is P2W
                >uhhhh I played waaaay before you did, kid!
                So you're lying AND a massive moron. Nice.

              • 1 week ago

                how do these two contradict each other, Black person?

              • 1 week ago

                Because they car crash at the intersection of Observable Reality street and TF2 Patch Notes avenue

              • 1 week ago

                >literal preteens posting on Ganker
                this board is in shambles

          • 1 week ago

            That's only sort of the case if you ignore melee unlocks where there is almost no reason to use stock unless you're playing Spy or Engineer.

        • 1 week ago

          Huh? I never paid gaben a cent over the price of DVD I bought back in ~2009 and I'm pretty sure I have all items.

    • 1 week ago

      >the greatest movement in gaming history
      Look at you fricking queers, you are literally drawing gay porn to own the libs while trying to get Ganker to care about your dead game
      party Gankeran couldn't even fill the server last night. NO ONE CARES

      Overwatch's item system is functionally nonexistent, but its premium currency and fortnite battle pass sure as frick exist

    • 1 week ago

      OW2's monetisation is better but let's not pretend it's even remotely good. They're both scummy, just one is a bit more scummy.

    • 1 week ago

      OW could have been something great if they actually continued to make content for the base game after they introduced dedicated custom games instead of going f2p making Heroes paid with a battle pass. TF2's item economy is fine, for years you can get every weapon in the game in a bundle for 3 cents.

      • 1 week ago

        They removed the paywall for heroes and the game just got a new map
        >TF2's item economy is fine, for years you can get every weapon in the game in a bundle for 3 cents
        Could you give a link of this? Also this doesn't justify how it worked in the golden era. Newest weapons being op af and were behind paywall. As for skins, most skins are expensive af. Weapons should have been free (like in TFClassic) while skins should be behind Season Pass. The real reason why people don't want to lose TF2 is because of their items.

        • 1 week ago

 and most trading sites allow you to buy it directly. Since weapons are the lowest form for scrap banking and (2 weapons for less than 1/6th of a refined metal, which almost 100 is needed for 2.00s) made weapons useless for traders. People only buy stuff from the official store to use voice chat. I didn't know they removed that paywall for heroes at least, which is a good step in the right direction.

    • 1 week ago

      The only problem with TF2s item system is that it's annoying for new players that want to frick around with other weapon unlocks. IMO Valve should allow players to "rent" every unlockable weapon that actually affects gameplay but not seasonal/special ones (ex: Boston Basher but not Three Rune Blade) so they can get a much better feel of the game before possibly diving in to become a regular.

      • 1 week ago

        >IMO Valve should allow players to "rent" every unlockable weapon that actually affects gameplay but not seasonal/special ones (ex: Boston Basher but not Three Rune Blade) so they can get a much better feel of the game before possibly diving in to become a regular.
        that system literally already exists.
        granted it's limited to one at a time, but still.

        • 1 week ago

          Then they should just change it to allow every drop. If you want to experiment as Demoknight, you're gonna rent some wee booties and then what?

    • 1 week ago

      Being able to trade for items is much better than OW, only problem is that there aren't any sinks for currency items so the prices continue to get inflated

      • 1 week ago

        No it isn't you dumb fricking idiot because certain items were and are basically unobtainable because they are that expensive. And new weapons didn't drop until X times passed as I remember.

        • 1 week ago

          What unique weapons that aren't reskins are unobtainably expensive?

          • 1 week ago

            Oh I was talking about the skins there. But new op weapons didn't drop in the first 1-2 weeks as I remember.

            • 1 week ago

              So there's no gameplay-affecting items that aren't easy to obtain? How is the item system scummy then?

              • 1 week ago

                >How is the item system scummy then?
                Well like I said on weapon release you couldn't get them unless you paid. And weapon drop is all random and since some are op, you might have disadvantage if you start playing like now. And like damn if you want a hat...wasn't crafting one took like 54 weapons? And back then you got like 2-3 / week?

              • 1 week ago

                Weapons are also worth nothing and easily traded for, and in many cases they're only sidegrades to suit certain play styles. In many cases people prefer to use the stock weapons over any of the weapons that can drop

              • 1 week ago

                When I played like 8yrs ago, no one used default weapons.

              • 1 week ago

                That doesn't mean anything

    • 1 week ago

      Oh thank god people are willing to admit this now. Can’t speak for ow2 but ow1’s approach to item drops was a million times better than tf2s

    • 1 week ago

      items ruined TF2

    • 1 week ago

      It's definitely scummy but let's not pretend that TF2 doesn't have a trading system.

  3. 1 week ago

    so did they fix tf2?

    • 1 week ago

      >for years you could pay for something that should be free

    • 1 week ago

      Valve didn't. The community kind of did by building their own quickplay.

  4. 1 week ago

    >Started out being about fixing TF2 and removing the bot problem
    >Is now about gay porn
    Are we watching subversion in real time?

  5. 1 week ago

    >blizzard drones hijacked the movement to spread gay porn
    not big surprise

  6. 1 week ago

    just bought a dual xeon 128 gb ram rig on ebay for 400 rur to host bots with

  7. 1 week ago

    TF2 died in late 2009, what are you silly clowns doing with your time?

    • 1 week ago

      hosting bots

    • 1 week ago

      I don't remember meet your match being in 2009 anon

      • 1 week ago

        I don't even know what you're talking about

  8. 1 week ago

    >tf2 has been bad since 2019
    zoomer, I.........

    • 1 week ago

      reading is hard

      • 1 week ago

        Damn, I need to proofread my moronic posts. Still, modern tf2 players are subhumans.

  9. 1 week ago

    Only the most stubborn autists are still clinging to TF2. Move on homie, it's over.

    • 1 week ago

      Move on to what?

      • 1 week ago

        Here's a hint: People like (Him) never ever say what to move on to because the FPS genre is fricking dead. TF2's the last one, and look at the absolute fricking state it's in right now. THIS is your last bastion of good multiplayer FPS gameplay? The torch is burning out by the second and no one has a second sconce to keep the flame alive.

      • 1 week ago

        Exclusively playing on community servers.

        • 1 week ago

          >9001 plugin downloads
          >You've been kicked, Reason: Reserved player spot
          >Want to play vanilla? Go join this server with 0 players

          • 1 week ago

            Host a server freeloader

          • 1 week ago

            frick are you smoking? only vanilla shit is left in community servers, really few deathrun/hale servers are still up compared to 24/7 2fort/turbine/dustbowl/etc.
            Mario kart? one server up at best last time i checked and had 150 ping

      • 1 week ago
        TF2 sissies will make up any excuse to not play other games

      • 1 week ago
        • 1 week ago

          Iam not him but Iam not playing that shit. Every game with moba features ive ever played has never been worth it.
          All are obscenely trash strictly from a gameplay perspective and Deadlock looks like its going down that route. sorry massive hard pass.

          • 1 week ago

            how is OW moba-like in any way? besides picking a character with unique abilities i guess

            • 1 week ago

              NTA but abilities with cooldowns, ultimates, and forced over-reliance on teammates. In regular FPS games individual people can carry matches, and a single person on your team being bad is not a death sentence like it is in a MOBA-like game

              • 1 week ago

                >NTA but abilities with cooldowns, ultimates
                Agreed, TF2 is trash. Get out with garbage like Übercharge, Sandman or 12v12 making your impact meaningless, I don't want to play a MOBA.

          • 1 week ago

            Don't forget others in its ilk Gigantic, Valorant (almost identical ASShomosexualS poisoning that Overwatch ends up having, meanwhile R6S just *barely* misses the classification) and a whole host of shitty games in its wake that have come and gone, forgotten to time

      • 1 week ago

        Life itself. This is like a person saying "bros, I can't move on, no girl is like her!!!" Valve doesn't give a shit about you and all your actions are futile. You either keep complaining to hallow ears or you figure out you're wasting your time on this earth and move on.

      • 1 week ago

        >Getting a job
        >Learning to Drive
        >Finding a Girlfriend
        Move. On.

        • 1 week ago

          >Trying to preach life improvement platitudes while browsing Ganker

        • 1 week ago

          >Implying playing TF2 once in a while stopped me from doing any of those

          • 1 week ago

            no, see, you need to lower your expectations now, it's not the mid to late 00s anymore where people with actual skill and knowledge would make good video games. you can't just want something as good as tf2 anymore, you have to settle for less because nobody is willing or able to make something better.

      • 1 week ago

        move on to something not as fun or engaging but still alive, apparently. no, you should not expect quality or fun anymore.

    • 1 week ago

      What else I am supposed to play?
      Valorant? Overwatch? Apex Legends? Frick you dude, all of that is competitive pseudo bullshit, those aren't fun games and mechanically none of them are quite as rich as TF2

      • 1 week ago

        Get a job, quit playing video games, grow up.

    • 1 week ago

      i'd fricking curbstomp you you filthy fricking Black person

      • 1 week ago

        you'd probably break your fat neck after tripping over a mountain of piss bottles and open cheeto bags you fricking loser lmao

        • 1 week ago

          >reddit reply
          as expected

          • 1 week ago

            only redditors and troons still play tf2 you moronic pussy. here's a handy chart that you should follow along with to remove yourself from the gene pool

      • 1 week ago

        Reported to the thought police

  10. 1 week ago

    >fix tf2
    lol, valve aint fixing shit, they've abandoned TF2 for their new dogshit FOTM moba game

  11. 1 week ago

    I support doxxing bot hosters and fricking with them or outright killing them in their own homes instead.

  12. 1 week ago

    >noooo stop playing old game, move on you must CONSOOOOM new game and only new game!
    No thanks, rabbi

  13. 1 week ago

    Valve doesn't care. They already made as much money as they could from TF2.

  14. 1 week ago

    i support deadlock so Valve will kill TF2 officially and hats will lose all value

  15. 1 week ago

    Yet here you are shrieking and pleading for a shred of acknowledgement to this old ass game where the content updates for the last decade have been user-created content. Lmao. I guess you have nothing to lose though. Better luck in 2026!

  16. 1 week ago

    >greatest movement
    >ruin it with gay porn and giving more attention to a bot hoster

    Fricking morons lmao.

  17. 1 week ago

    I’d rather #FixArtifact.

    Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

  18. 1 week ago

    I played TF2 on PC from 2007 to 2012, how many of the people crying about this shit are just morons trying to sell their hats?

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      >how many of the people crying about this shit are just morons trying to sell their hats?
      Oh it's worse than that, it's like 99% people who started playing after 2016 that want to ruin every weapon in the game.
      They aren't even tradergays.

  19. 1 week ago

    you know the TF2 (vanilla*) community is in the actual gutter when the cat and quadrupedal creature with a horn make a video.

    • 1 week ago

      >vagueposting about ecelebs
      just name them, gay
      i have no idea who you are talking about

      • 1 week ago

        No idea who this is, but I got the video in my homepage yesterday

    • 1 week ago

      No idea who this is, but I got the video in my homepage yesterday

      >4chinz was so anally devastated by cartoon horses 14 years ago that "anons" are terrified of even mentioning a youtuber that has a cartoon horse avatar or "pfp" as zoomoids call it; what a moronic and pointless nomenclature change

  20. 1 week ago

    What is their stance on the Israel/Palestine war

  21. 1 week ago

    >Casual mode infested with bots and cheaters
    >Competitive dead on arrivial
    >Community Servers only run three maps and those that don't are dead
    How exactly do I play vanilla TF2 if I don't want to play 2fort, Dustbowl, or Hightower?
    I'll let you in on a little secret, you can't.

    • 1 week ago

      24/7 Upward on Skial

      • 1 week ago

        Nope, I hate Payload. Worst mode in TF2, even including alternative game modes. Try again.

        • 1 week ago

          Moving goalposts I see

          • 1 week ago

            >Bro just play a game mode where every map is nothing but massive Sniper sightlines while you're forced to stand next to a magnet for rockets and stickies, the easiest things to spam in the entire game.
            Go frick yourself, try again. Also Skial isn't vanilla.

            • 1 week ago

              >also Skial isn't vanilla
              how come?

              • 1 week ago

                Do you not notice mounds upon mounds of sourcemod plugins in those shithole servers? Try. Again.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm not the anon arguing with you up there, I haven't played in a long time and I could swear Skial was vanilla besides being the same map 24/7

              • 1 week ago

                Anon, he's just a baiter.

              • 1 week ago

                Well they're not, and as such aren't appealing to me.

                Anon, he's just a baiter.

                No, I'm not. I'm just pointing out the pathetic state of the server browser in 2024.

        • 1 week ago

          >n-n-n-no that doesn't count because I don't like it!!!

          • 1 week ago

            Skial's not vanilla, dumb Black person.

      • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      >Nobody can provide a true vanilla server that doesn't run 2fort, Dustbowl, or Hightower
      >"Just play on Community Servers, bro."

    • 1 week ago

      Sex with Kyu

  22. 1 week ago

    I'm with #KillTF2.

  23. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      >yfw TF2 official servers and the item index go offline randomly and stay offline for over 24 hours causing mass panic amongst TFturds

      • 1 week ago

        I remember a while back when the item server died for a bit and we were able to play the game without the market gardener in it and for that brief while TF2 actually felt fun.

        • 1 week ago

          >no garbage ass unlocks
          >no shitty hats
          >just play the game
          modern tftroon tourists will never understand why this is the state of the game everyone wants to return to

      • 1 week ago

        >item server goes down
        >f2p gays start screaming and shitting themselfs

      • 1 week ago

        I remember when this happened a few months ago and subhumans with unusuals were seething because most people thought it was better than modern TF2

    • 1 week ago

      this but unironically, tf2's new playerbase deserves all the AIDS they get

    • 1 week ago

      These Eric falseflags are getting more and more complex.

  24. 1 week ago

    >the problem is TF2 players being too moronic to use the server browser
    >they fix this by spamming gay porn and acting like Protestants

  25. 1 week ago

    Frick fixing tf2. Just bring back quickplay and let people do contracts on non-valve servers. Bots are not a problem on community servers.

    But if valve wanted to truly save the game, they'd decentralize the game and let the community handle everything, including weapon buffs, updates, and patches.

    • 1 week ago

      >they'd decentralize the game and let the community handle everything, including weapon buffs
      Update: Everyone's weapons aside from Soldier's now do 0 damage, oh and Soldier's weapons now do 999999999% more damage because he's not easy enough to play as is.

    • 1 week ago

      >Just bring back quickplay and let people do contracts on non-valve servers. Bots are not a problem on community servers.
      You don't want quickplay, it wasn't much better than casual/matchmaking. The bots can invade quickplay servers as well, and matchmaking is basically old quickplay.

  26. 1 week ago

    Just shutdown tf2 already

  27. 1 week ago

    cant they just play on community servers? they'll never be happy with Valve solutions

  28. 1 week ago

    the most important event in modern history
    if you don't support ukraine, you are scum

  29. 1 week ago

    >You've been fricking us in the ass for 5 years can you please stop now?
    Damn a onions bald twink has more backbone than you guys

  30. 1 week ago

    These anti-russian measures were always moronic but this is a new low. Redditors aren't human.

  31. 1 week ago

    >you are scum if you don't try and save this old ftp trash for 3rd worlders
    i'll take being scum

  32. 1 week ago

    I never played it

  33. 1 week ago

    TF2 was never good.

  34. 1 week ago

    low quality bait

  35. 1 week ago

    You have no choice but play on his servers. He won, chuds lost.

    • 1 week ago

      I'd rather just not play the game. TF2 isn't worth it if the only way to play is via diet competitive ran by troons.

    • 1 week ago

      Uncletopia isn't vanilla TF2, homosexual.

    • 1 week ago

      I would rather never touch the game again than set foot in an inceltopia server.

  36. 1 week ago

    post your medals mah homies

    • 1 week ago

      at first i felt too embarassed to post my bronze medal, before realizing its been 14 years

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah Bronze medals being able to be a decade old or 1 second old is dumb

    • 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      behold, the oldest badge

    • 1 week ago

      was a fun game
      I stopped playing often around the time the hats thing happened and the item spam got out of control
      havent played at all since f2p

  37. 1 week ago

    Banning a few bots wont undo the damage valve made to their own fame by adding the olay now button and meat your match update.

    If you disagree you are a twitchdrone tourist who is most likely not even old enough to be posting pn this board.

    • 1 week ago

      sorry pal you need to show your purple-quality NFT or your latest gay porn submission to be able to post here

  38. 1 week ago

    Why is everyone talking about gay porn? qrd?

    • 1 week ago


      some gaygitors started drawing gay rule 34 of some bot owners OC or sum shit

      • 1 week ago

        tldr the tf2 subreddit is encouraging people to draw gay porn of the omegatronic avatar, they also posted about wanting to get Ganker to help them draw gay porn, and that post was posted here yesterday to mass ridicule

        Fricking kek. Please tell me it's a false flag from one of the bot hosters

    • 1 week ago

      tldr the tf2 subreddit is encouraging people to draw gay porn of the omegatronic avatar, they also posted about wanting to get Ganker to help them draw gay porn, and that post was posted here yesterday to mass ridicule

      • 1 week ago

        Link the post, i want a good laugh

        • 1 week ago

          this was posted here, I don't know if anyone posted a link to the original reddit post and I don't really care enough to find it

          • 1 week ago

            >gay porn might be enough to get them to actually take a side, though
            do these homosexuals still live in 2007?

          • 1 week ago

            What a bunch of dipshits lol. Probably underage too

          • 1 week ago

            >gay porn might be enough to get them to actually take a side, though
            do these homosexuals still live in 2007?

            I don't think "gay porn" was going to convince people to do anything even back in 2003. Posts like that pic are only made by people who are COMPLETELY out-of-touch with the topic they're talking about and overall ill-informed on, well... a lot of things.

          • 1 week ago

            >Not your army.
            dreamscached is damn right there

          • 1 week ago

            I think I found the original thread:

            • 1 week ago

              >redditors thinks drawing and spamming nasty gay shit of a bothoster's avatar will somehow save and fix tf2
              It's unbelievable to how garbage TF2's community is now.

            • 1 week ago

              >Makes the subreddit logo the homosexual flag
              >There's a big poop over it

              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago

                It was on accident. They're literally too stupid to consider the implication.

              • 1 week ago

                imagine the smell

            • 1 week ago

              It would be one thing if they somehow doxxed whoever is hosting this shit and made gay porn of him, and spread that to his friends/family/job/etc but doing so with some shitty mascot they probably slapped together in a minute isn't going to do shit.

              • 1 week ago
              • 1 week ago

                the spinbot sniper got a laugh out of me

              • 1 week ago

                I fricking hate that I laughed at the Sniper bot with "Will dominate you" over it.

              • 1 week ago

                >titanfall community hacks an entire different game to tell shitty devs to fix a game and it mostly works
                >tf2 community spams gay porn to hopefully harass off a bothoster
                im feeling a little tired

              • 1 week ago

                >he doesn't know about the clusterfrick that was TF|2

              • 1 week ago

                A lot of why the former happened was some stuff in game was being handled with EA handling the servers badly for their games, where it got injected in. TF2 has been leaked with it's source code, so all that can really be done is abusing the item message system for stuff like wedding rings which has to be constant.

              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago

                >titanfall community hacks an entire different game to tell shitty devs to fix a game and it mostly works
                >tf2 community spams gay porn to hopefully harass off a bothoster
                im feeling a little tired


                Nothing ever happens. Don't worry though, the sideshow of gayops won't leave you high and dry on entertainment. Expect gay SFM works of the bot hoster's OC sooner than later.

              • 1 week ago

                I don't believe that those redditgays have the mental capacity to dox someonoe

              • 1 week ago

                I-i-it's aggainst the rules and not le wholesome Keanu chungus ;_;

              • 1 week ago

                frick da rules

              • 1 week ago

                I'm surprised some tech autist at the end of his rope hasn't already found a way to dox him yet

            • 1 week ago

              >make gay porn
              >haha this will le save TF2!
              I hate reddit so fricking much

          • 1 week ago

            >they still talk like that

          • 1 week ago

            The average tf2 player is younger than the game itself

          • 1 week ago

            well considering how Ganker became infested with furgays, im sure you homosexuals are vivid to contribute for your daddy redditors

          • 1 week ago

            >heh dont you know? Ganker is the ultimate secret final boss of the internet!
            Why are we still in 2007

          • 1 week ago

            What gave them the impression we like gay porn over here

            • 1 week ago

              >Stuff I used to fap to is now a meme
              Weird feel

          • 1 week ago

            >Ganker is like a nuke
            IF only they knew all Ganker does these days is whine about politics like 2013 tumblrinas, but without the risk of ever actually going out to more public places to make moronic opinions more mainstream.

      • 1 week ago

        One of the proxy hosters or whatever is supposedly in russia. The mentally stunted homosexual third worlders living on reddit think that if they make a shitload of gay tf2 porn, Russia's omnipotent anti-LGBT laws will directly alert Putin that tf2 is a gay game and force him to force the host to ban all the bots. This is not a fabrication. Black personhomosexuals are unironically this insane and detached from reality. This is who you share the modern internet and even this site with. It's hilarious once you get past how pathetic it is.

        >it's real
        Even the fricking redditors cannot comperhend what the frick is going on. Holy frick.

        • 1 week ago

          this was posted here, I don't know if anyone posted a link to the original reddit post and I don't really care enough to find it

          SHOULD I draw more gay porn they want

        • 1 week ago

          this was posted here, I don't know if anyone posted a link to the original reddit post and I don't really care enough to find it

          I think I found the original thread:

          I hate modern TF2 fans
          MyM was a huge fricking mistake

      • 1 week ago

        >it's real
        Even the fricking redditors cannot comperhend what the frick is going on. Holy frick.

        This dude is probably fapping non stop to all the fanart he's getting

  39. 1 week ago

    >Implying Valve has any incentive whatsoever to "save" TF2
    The bots are the entire reason TF2 is such a massive moneymaker. The game's been shit since 2009. It's time to let go, anon. It's not your fault.

  40. 1 week ago

    You really gotta admire the dedication of the one single guy that keeps the army of bots online and killing the game.

  41. 1 week ago

    Secret Moist critical thread

  42. 1 week ago

    Watching the #FixTF2 movement break down and go full schizo has been absolutely hilarious.

  43. 1 week ago

    aimbots only underline a plague that TF2 has had since launch, sniper.
    sniper is spy, except he can backstab you from across the map, and the only real counterplay is to play like a pussy and fear every corner

    • 1 week ago

      my point is that there will be no functional difference between playing against an aimbotter and a sniper that is really good at his class. it's just not a fun class for either team

  44. 1 week ago

    Valve assigns a new team to fix tf2

  45. 1 week ago

    Someone explain to me (as an outsider who touched TF2 one time and deleted right after) Why bots are infesting the game and a QRD of the entire situation in an attempt to fight it as of today

    • 1 week ago

      TF2 has a hat market worth more than most MMO players' lifetime total purchases combined so bots flooded the game as early as 2008 to grift the old item drop system. Fast forward to Mannconomy where bots are not regulating small trades for common ubiquitous shit like "scrapbanking." Fast forward to today where trading bots are now as ubiquitous as the items they trade. On top of this, people in foreign countries and even in America now use server hosting and easy batch file supplemented programs to spam Casual servers and ruin the game for everyone because it's funny, which drives away new players and aggravates the entire """"""""old"""""""" community to the point there are multiple nothingburger petition-based "movements" to DEMAND valve re-vitalize the game and "return it to its former glory" per se. The petitions fizzled out SO FRICKING HARD the more unhinged contingents within the community now believe

      One of the proxy hosters or whatever is supposedly in russia. The mentally stunted homosexual third worlders living on reddit think that if they make a shitload of gay tf2 porn, Russia's omnipotent anti-LGBT laws will directly alert Putin that tf2 is a gay game and force him to force the host to ban all the bots. This is not a fabrication. Black personhomosexuals are unironically this insane and detached from reality. This is who you share the modern internet and even this site with. It's hilarious once you get past how pathetic it is.

      Yes, all of fixtf2's purpose at the end of the day is to keep new blood flowing in to the shitty casual matchmaking mode that unironically killed the game in the eyes of many players in order to keep the rapidly-calcifying mannconomy somewhat stable.

      • 1 week ago

        I see so the in-game economy is being exploited using bots (similar to the Banana game), effectively ruining a well beloved PC multiplayer game for greed. Jesus chirst

        • 1 week ago

          The bigger issue is cheating bots that flood casual servers, they pick sniper and instakill people constantly. The trading bots don't actually join any in-game servers so they don't affect the actual player experience. Skip to about 5:40 in this video if you want to see an example

          • 1 week ago

            and VAC is ineffective for shit like this huh, that's a real shame

            • 1 week ago

              Vac is the only solution, the people dumb enough to still play casual matchmaking are also too stupid to play Medic

        • 1 week ago

          The sad part is that, unlike "banana" there's actually a VIDEO GAME buried under all these layers of reckless greed, forced drama and just outright cow shit. Unfortunately, that game is a husk of a husk of its former self thanks to decaying spaghetti code and community-induced "balance changes" that ultimately sucked a lot of fun out of the game. What you're left with is coping newbies and completely jaded oldgays, both realizing the game they used to play has irrevocably changed over its nearly 20 years of retail availability but either cannot or will not reconcile with this cold fact. A lot of the biggest names in the savetf2 AND fixtf2 bowel movements are directly partially responsible for the state of the game being what it is today, or are closely associated with same and either don't care or are willingly complacent and uncaring. There is no fixing TF2, because the people demanding for its change are the ones who are breaking it in the first place in some form or another.

          And don't worry, I didn't forget about Valve themselves. In fact, Valve are much more knowledgeable about this situation than you or I initially realized. They didn't just hire psychology experts to figure out how to best implement a CS:GO economy then throw away all of their notes. Valve's dealt with many competitors to TF2's legacy before and have stonewalled them all to death by being an unmovable bulwark in the games industry up til now. Valve is well-aware of just how FUBAR TF2 has become. In response, they've fully closed their ears to the entire community, the final true competitor for TF2's survival.

          The bigger issue is cheating bots that flood casual servers, they pick sniper and instakill people constantly. The trading bots don't actually join any in-game servers so they don't affect the actual player experience. Skip to about 5:40 in this video if you want to see an example

          The cheating bots are definitely a huge problem, but ultimately a symptom of the larger community problem. The bots falseflagging with CP and whatever else they've been using has all been either a grand trolling experiment or a plea for attention depending on who you ask. Bottom line: This community doesn't want change, they want control. Frick TF2.

  46. 1 week ago

    The only way to fight aimbots is with aimbots.

  47. 1 week ago

    They should draw fat porn of the bot, instead.

    • 1 week ago
      EO Anon

      Maybe this movement isn't so bad
      10,000 kal post

  48. 1 week ago

    guys the shitpost subreddit is singlehandedly assuming control of the movement, this is a thing that's happening

  49. 1 week ago

    Im more of a #KillTF2 type of guy.
    Dont talk to me if you dont have more than 6600 hours.

  50. 1 week ago

    The only way anything is actually going to happen is if one of these morons does something that ends up in the news. Drawing porn of some bot hoster's generic robot avatar isn't gonna do shit.

  51. 1 week ago

    sorry too busy deadlocking

  52. 1 week ago


  53. 1 week ago

    Team fortress kinda sucks tho

    Why not direct hate towards valve who are obviously letting this game go to shit so that their next game will be successful? Are you lot really that blind and stupid?

  54. 1 week ago

    I am playing on uncletopia but they hate cp somehow

  55. 1 week ago

    Tftrannies thought asking Valve nicely would do anything, then two years later they did the same thing, with a slightly more firm tone of voice, all the while screaming at anyone pointing out how moronic their plan is. And to top of off, this nothingburger of a movement SOMEHOW turned into giving some autist bot hoster free commissions
    I sincerely hope Valve shuts the game down and C&D every single community server. TFtards deserve to die screaming

  56. 1 week ago

    >indirectly caused MyM which almost irreparably ruined the game
    >made Valve sink hours into a Competitive mode no one plays or gives a shit about
    >despite everything, it is still playable
    Overwatch unironically won.

    • 1 week ago

      >Overwatch unironically won
      overwatch was born and died while tf2 kept chugging on

  57. 1 week ago

    >reddit would rather draw gay robot porn over boycotting Valve
    You cannot make this up

  58. 1 week ago

    Genuine question: Is Overwatch 2 that bad?

  59. 1 week ago

    tf2 died when went f2p
    move on

  60. 1 week ago

    >see "the greatest movement in gaming history"
    >think it's a quake thread
    >gay porn

  61. 1 week ago

    >there's a subreddit solely dedicated for the bot hoster porn

    • 1 week ago

      >literally just informed of "r/OmegatronicNSFW/" 's existence as your post was sent
      It's actually, genuinely, factually, truly over for TF2. You are watching TF2 die with a whimper.

    • 1 week ago

      I can't fathom how they think that would do anything other than encourage bot hosters even more.

      • 1 week ago

        They're moronic redditors and kids. The site they're on won't let them do anything saucy and their brains are too underdeveloped to have a theory of mind. They were fricked from the start.

    • 1 week ago

      >they reposted my fat Omegatronic without even crediting anonymous from Ganker
      I finally get how all of those greentexting anons feel

      • 1 week ago

        lol. probably someone from here

      • 1 week ago

        lol. probably someone from here

        did you really draw that in an hour? they love your art

    • 1 week ago

      And remember, they want (you) to help as well

  62. 1 week ago
  63. 1 week ago

    lmaobox is basically a feature of tf2 at this point

  64. 1 week ago

    it got sabotaged by some homosexual who now wants to spam gay porn

  65. 1 week ago

    >Valve, compgays, and e-sportsgays ruin an entire game even more ever since 2016
    >matchmaking is implemented and bots start polluting the game
    >another delusional and worthless movement gets created
    >gay people and redditors ruin another thing once again
    >bothosters most likely laughing their ass off at how moronic these subhumans are

    • 1 week ago

      >bothosters most likely
      They are the bot hosters.

  66. 1 week ago

    I uninstalled TF2 thanks to the recent homosexualry, so there's an effect on this "movement" alright

  67. 1 week ago

    Twenty years ago you had the creed of "Do not feed the trolls", a basic belief that wasting time with attention prostitutes wasn't worth it. Over the years I have seen people setting this belief aside and wasting time arguing on the internet over blatant bait. TF2 players drawing robot porn of a bot hoster is pretty much the logical endpoint of this intellectual decay.
    I refuse to belive this isn't so sort of gayop because part of me cannot accept my fellow man is this fricking moronic

    • 1 week ago

      Nah man we're totally fricked humanity's a lost cause that will die a Tier-0 civilization

    • 1 week ago

      We're going through societal degradation and regression. Currently, being moronic and gay is what's accepted. TF2 was bound to suffer from this shit too.

    • 1 week ago

      it's incredible to me that such basic internet concepts like "do not feed the trolls" and "do not share personal info" were once considered literal common sense and now almost no one follows them
      it's to the point that people think i am the weird one for not posting my phone number, face and full address on the internet, or for being a fencesitter or whatever other dumb shit they come up with to shame you for not engaging with obvious ragebait

      • 1 week ago

        You can blame monetization of the internet
        >do not feed the trolls
        Drives up engagement, makes my websites more popular
        >do not share personal info
        Give us more information for data farming, advertising and predictive models

    • 1 week ago

      If the events this last 10 years have proven anything is that people will simply follow the herd even if it leads to moronic outcomes.

    • 1 week ago

      Just wait until you figure out that the bot hosters aren't the end boss of this debacle.
      >bot hosters farm items that are played with via SCM
      >these ultimately become keys or other valuable items like name tags
      >bot hosters sell this stuff to item whales
      >whales hoard as much digital material as possible
      >this is so they may over-price these items incrementally over the span of a decade
      With a current monopoly over TF2's trading scene (something that began as a spreadsheet and has since become a reliable way to scam children for real world cash) they are similarly trying to use their bots to force a long-suggested change, wherein experts from "the community" are brought in to "solve" the issue. Consolidation of TF2's items has become so robust that it allows attempted consolidation of TF2's backend. It is all a big yearning for power at the hands of a small pocket of obsessive and deranged people.

      • 1 week ago

        This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. The "TF2 community" wants control, not change. The bots are a sideshow attraction to deflect morons to caring about gay porn deliveries over the fact their high-end item market is a functioning oligarchy.

      • 1 week ago

        but why? do they make money off of this? isn't that all just steam money? I.e. unusable outside of steam? or do they save up like 100000000000000 dollars in steam money over like 5 years, sell it to someone for a tenth of its total value. but even then who'd buy it? it's all just steam only money

        • 1 week ago

          Even assuming that ~~**~~ and similar sites do not exist you can still buy steam decks for steam money and sell them

          • 1 week ago

            >you can still buy steam decks for steam money and sell them
            yo wtf? is valve going to set up its own real world items marketplace where you can buy shit using steam only money or something? how long does it take to buy one Steam Deck by farming items in casuals worht like 0.001 cents through bots though?

        • 1 week ago

          TF2 profits have not been locked to SCM for a long time, there are more than a few shady third party sites who will happily facilitate crypto or paypal funds for TF2 items.

          • 1 week ago

            what's that?
            >there are more than a few shady third party sites who will happily facilitate crypto or paypal funds for TF2 items.
            why the frick would you buy tf2 items using crypto wtf is this that i am reading lmfao. this sounds so overtly comical to me

            • 1 week ago

              >why the frick would you buy tf2 items using crypto
              Mannconomy was the worst thing that happened to video games

              • 1 week ago

                Imagine telling someone in 2007 that people will use TF2 as a pseudo crypto miner.

              • 1 week ago

                What's wild about that is keys are ONLY acquired fresh from valve's store, meaning these people are putting just as much money in valve's pockets as the traders are getting out, on average. For every highly-bloated $30,000 misc slot unusual there's dozens of thousands of idiots and turdies that open 100 crates and get fricking nothing.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm guessing someone did and got laughed at. Same old story...

              • 1 week ago

                go figure
                and tf is that?

              • 1 week ago

                I think you should leave.

              • 1 week ago

                suck on my toes

            • 1 week ago

              valve's official way of allowing RMT for multitudes of games which logically and sadly inevitably leads to faux-crypto scams like banana, cat, egg, etc

              • 1 week ago

                >and sadly inevitably leads to faux-crypto scams like banana, cat, egg, etc
                i'm honestly surprised it took until 2024 for shit like that to start showing up. i expected this shit as far back as 2012 or something

              • 1 week ago

                > i expected this shit as far back as 2012 or something
                well, bitcoin
                and etherium hadn't really gotten the actual recognition and mass-adoption expected of them until around 2016 to 2021 where it the NFT concept was created then finally implemented for real
                to our pattern recognition's credit, TF2's mannconomy had been under scrutiny for over a decade by the time real NFTs had taken off, and it was blatantly obvious as early as 2012 that people were already doing speculative trading with unregistered securities i.e. making bank off buds/max/unus/etc the same way people are doing right now with banana game. There was already a case of SCM pump-and-dumping a year or so before banana released (the people involved in that are closely in touch with the dev of banana) so I'm guessing the real reason we haven't seen this shit before is because Gaben's funbux didn't have any real practical value for that entire time

              • 1 week ago

                >well, bitcoin
                what about em'?
                >etherium hadn't really gotten the actual recognition and mass-adoption expected of them until around 2016 to 2021
                i was never into crypto but i haven't heard of anyone using ethereum for anything outside of investing into it just to make cash. when the crypto boom back in 2017 or whenever happened. you'd see pictures floating around of like restaurants and ATM's and shit accepting it. but literally no one ever used it because no one's going to eat at a restaurant, press pay using their bitcoin machine and wait for 30 minutes until the transaction completes before they can leave the restaurant so i don't think anyone ever did anything with it after in the real world after that.
                >and it was blatantly obvious as early as 2012 that people were already doing speculative trading with unregistered securities i.e. making bank off buds/max/unus/etc
                i think even the first multiplayer game with a market and shit had people doing that. that has never been new. some people simply don't get enough dopamine hits from just playing the games so they resort to activites like that just to have fun and shit. and making money off of it
                hell even the banana game is shady as shit. the guy who created it has like god knows how many rare bananas and shit stocked up and privated his account before the release of the "game" to i think make sure no one finding out that he's flooding the market and selling off everything and after that, mostly likely abandoning the game because the whole "game" is a moneymaking scheme for everyone involved

              • 1 week ago

                >you'd see pictures floating around of like restaurants and ATM's and shit accepting it.
                accepting bitcoin* and other "bit" cryptos. i don't remember about ethereum

              • 1 week ago

                The point is that we're dealing with the same mindsets and greed for any amount of cash at all in banana and mannconomy that we are n cryptocuckery. The way people act, how they view profit above the actual product, the inevitable ruthless consolidation of power, all that shit is identical.
                >you'd see pictures floating around of like restaurants and ATM's and shit accepting it. but literally no one ever used it because no one's going to eat at a restaurant, press pay using their bitcoin machine and wait for 30 minutes until the transaction completes before they can leave the restaurant so i don't think anyone ever did anything with it after in the real world after that.
                You just perfectly described the astroturfing schemes that plagued bitcoin discourse between 2009 and 2017. Going to some fricking Filipino/Laotian village, going HAY HAY BITCONNEEEEEECT or whatever then slapping "we take bitcoin!" on a register or two is basically the extent of bitcoin's influence for all that time.
                >some people simply don't get enough dopamine hits from just playing the games so they resort to activites like that just to have fun and shit. and making money off of it
                It stopped being that innocent pretty quickly once TF2WH TF2outpost and now backpacktf and marketplacetf decided to "gently" set the tempo for the mannconomy
                >hell even the banana game is shady as shit
                not exactly news but it's worth confirming that yes, it is indeed a fricking scam except without any of the actual video game part that mannconomy is attached to

              • 1 week ago

                >The point is that we're dealing with the same mindsets and greed for any amount of cash at all in banana and mannconomy that we are n cryptocuckery. The way people act, how they view profit above the actual product, the inevitable ruthless consolidation of power, all that shit is identical.
                i think that's the fate of any marketplace ever ever ever
                i still have no idea what mannconomy is tbh
                >not exactly news but it's worth confirming that yes, it is indeed a fricking scam except without any of the actual video game part that mannconomy is attached to
                i genuinenly hope valve bans shit like that

              • 1 week ago

                >i still have no idea what mannconomy is tbh
                It's what TF2 facetiously called its worst update of all time, the one that introduced the mann co store and started the key/crate shit that has had cataclysmic effect sfore the entire gaming industry
                >if valve didn't, someone else would have/already did!
                TF2 was actually GOOD back then so the amount of players and influence it had means it was tolerated and most prominently was the game that set the stage for it.
                >i genuinenly hope valve bans shit like that
                They already removed the first pump and dump game and permatradebanned all the people involved, but refuse to do anything this time.

              • 1 week ago

                >It's what TF2 facetiously called its worst update of all time, the one that introduced the mann co store and started the key/crate shit that has had cataclysmic effect sfore the entire gaming industry
                yeah alright thanks. that makes sense
                >TF2 was actually GOOD back then
                i mean, seriously. has anything big changed gameplay wise the game since it's release? it has always looked like the exact same game to me. outside of maybe people that has played for like 10+ years pulling off stunts that no one thought was possible around the 2010's
                >They already removed the first pump and dump game
                what game was that and when did it happen? i don't recall this at all
                >and permatradebanned all the people involved
                must've been really fricking bad if that was necessary
                >but refuse to do anything this time
                wtf why? they already did it once, why not this time? steam is going to get flooded by garbage like Banana in every single flavour that exists. nothing good can come out of this

              • 1 week ago

                >i mean, seriously. has anything big changed gameplay wise
                they nerfed a lot of the non-stock weapons to make them unusable, for the sake of compgays

              • 1 week ago

                who cares about tf2 COMPETETIVE lmao. it has always been a super tier meme game. i have literally never heard of anyone take it seriously
                come to think of it. how the hell do you even play tf2 competetive considering the thousands of items the game has? if i wanted to play it with a complete fresh account. do i need to buy every meta item there is to be able to compete or do they have a rule about only stock weapons being allowed?

              • 1 week ago

                >who cares about tf2 COMPETETIVE lmao
                you're too fricking stupid to understand my post. they made the game unfun for everyone because of gay competitive morons begging for nerfs

              • 1 week ago

                my point was, how many can possibly be playing tf2 for ranked mode which in turn means how many exactly were crying about item balance

              • 1 week ago

                >i mean, seriously. has anything big changed gameplay wise
                they nerfed a lot of the non-stock weapons to make them unusable, for the sake of compgays

                that and valve slowly drained the life out of community servers (albeit unintentionally) by trying to give people what valve THOUGHT they wanted (quickplay then casual and competitive matchmaking)
                >what game

                Run (2019)
                functionally identical to the shit you're seeing now
                >must've been really fricking bad if that was necessary
                >wtf why?
                "valve time" as a term has always floated around, it means it literally takes them forever to fricking do anything. you can MAYBE expect a response in the coming month but don't expect the dev to run out the clock on his grift

              • 1 week ago

                >community servers
                what are community servers and how do they differ from quickplay/casual play? they all sound like the exact same thing to me
                >"valve time" as a term has always floated around, it means it literally takes them forever to fricking do anything. you can MAYBE expect a response in the coming month but don't expect the dev to run out the clock on his grift
                yeah that's expected when you only have 360 ish employees

              • 1 week ago

                >what are community servers
                Are you an alien? What the frick that's not even a TF2-specific feature do you even play games?

              • 1 week ago

                >what are community servers

                i only played single player games until like dota 2 back in 2011. so i never spent my free time browsing servers and shit so i have no idea what those terms mean exactly

              • 1 week ago

                Dude, you can figure out what a community server is just through context clues alone.

              • 1 week ago

                i can't. like what, if i press quickplay, will i get thrown into a community server or some random server dedicated to people only pressing quickplay or casual matches to find matches lmfao

              • 1 week ago

                >what are community servers

              • 1 week ago

                little fyi, in 3 years from now the oldest zoomer will be 30. Don't feel too old.

              • 1 week ago
              • 1 week ago

                i can't. like what, if i press quickplay, will i get thrown into a community server or some random server dedicated to people only pressing quickplay or casual matches to find matches lmfao

                A community is server is a server hosted by anyone that is not the game developer. A dedicated server is one hosted by the developers themselves (in this case Valve)

                How it used to work:
                >Two buttons: quickplay and server browser
                >Quickplay allowed you to pick any gamemode and get thrown into a vanilla server hosting that gamemode (could be a dedicated server or a community server that's running default settings)
                >Server browser gives you extensive details on every server hosting the game and you can pick the specific one you want to join, vanilla or not

                How it works now:
                >Two buttons: casual matchmaking and server browser
                >Server browser works the same
                >Casual lets you pick from a selection of gamemodes and maps and then puts people together into dedicated servers based on their choices. Vanilla community servers are excluded

                This change was considered a mistake by the community as it suffocated a lot of community servers who were no longer getting fed players by the matchmaking system, leaving players to pick from vanilla games in lifeless unmoderated Valve lobbies (where bots could thrive) and zany kooky community servers with crazy game modes and maps or endless 24/7 games of only a handful of the most popular maps

              • 1 week ago

                much appreciated anon

              • 1 week ago

                How it used to work:
                >get forced to look at an ad for X seconds

      • 1 week ago

        why not just get a job instead of doing such elaborate measures to make less many than minimum wage?

        • 1 week ago

          because the bot hosters live in third world nations
          you are very desperately trying to find some hole in this theory when that gay zestyjesus already found the bot farms and item holding accounts
          then reached out to manncostore employees and got confirmation that all the whale israelite hat-traders on backpack like facilitate the scam
          it's just people with money making poorgays in nations without indoor plumbing do the dirty work at the expense of (You)
          same as it ever was

      • 1 week ago

        Epic! Just like real life! Haha!

  68. 1 week ago

    all me btw

  69. 1 week ago

    They genuinely think the gay porn will somehow hurt the bot hoster's feelings, even though they're anonymous. We're reaching levels of moronation not thought possible.

  70. 1 week ago

    So are they at least drawing really gross shit, like the bot hoster's OC being fricked by dogs or eating poop, or is it just mild ass gay porn with fetishes you can find in kids cartoons?

    • 1 week ago

      Take a wild guess.

      • 1 week ago

        Actually, you need to take another guess, israelite.

        • 1 week ago

          damn I care


  71. 1 week ago

    >Marvin Heeymeyer's voice comes over the loud speaker

    "You're going to know, how intent I was, on teaching you people, what you did, was wrong."

    >revs up the gay porn machine

  72. 1 week ago

    Why does Omegatronic sound so cute

    • 1 week ago

      Can't they just dox this gay and hope someone from russia to just kill him ?

  73. 1 week ago

    Can't someone just get hubby chubby with Omegatronic and subtly coax some delicious beans outta him?

  74. 1 week ago

    what the frick does that mean

  75. 1 week ago

    I like how the TF2cucks act like it isn’t a huge annoyance lmao

  76. 1 week ago

    I don't buy that TFturds draw ""ironic"" gay porn for a """protest""" for a second.

    • 1 week ago

      this is probably some robofricker's genius scheme to generate robot porn honestly

    • 1 week ago

      >haha guys what if I started using a femboi picture as a joke hahaha totally a joke hahaha you should join my discord haha

      • 1 week ago

        he's a known pedophile that grooms kids

    • 1 week ago

      qrd on this art? It's cute but this is a TF2 thread so looks will be deceiving.

      • 1 week ago

        there isn't much of a story behind it. some tf2 e-celeb autist by the name of shounic used the pic as an avatar during a stream 'as a joke'. he's part of the meme movement, so it's even related to the thread's topic I guess.

        here's the stream if you don't believe it:

        • 1 week ago

          Shame, I was almost considering using it as my own avatar because it's cute and I love the stock TF2 shotgun, but I refuse to support TF2ubers in any way, even as small as this.

        • 1 week ago

          funny thing is that I think that guy is a fat ugly chink irl

          • 1 week ago

            wouldn't be surprising in the slightest.

            • 1 week ago

              I'm pretty sure he's used a facecam before, and he's just a fat chink

  77. 1 week ago

    >permanently disable item drops
    >as compensation for this give every player a non-tradable noncraftable version of every unique weapon

    -60,000 bots in two moves, wow so hard

    • 1 week ago

      the aimbots aren't in the game to get items

      • 1 week ago

        Well no anon, they finally had to admit that they couldn't keep the aimbot problem that bad so they dug up the old
        >Nobody is actually playing tf2 except people that agree with me

  78. 1 week ago

    This “game” is played and enjoyed exclusively by trannies.

  79. 1 week ago

    Honestly respect to omegatronic for finally putting this game out of it’s misery

  80. 1 week ago

    Bot crisis pros:
    >Pushes more people towards community servers
    >Gets more publicity for the game from all the whining
    >Keeps Valve constantly on edge
    >Cool micspamming
    >Generates BASED roboporn
    Bot crisis cons:
    >You can't play shitty matchmaking (oh no!)
    Why should we want to "fix TF2" again?

    • 1 week ago

      Valve constantly on edge
      They are firm in their efforts to completely ignore anything the community has to say ever again.
      BASED roboporn
      predditor, please stop trying to get people to draw gay porn of something several degrees removed from what you're PRETENDING to accomplish

      • 1 week ago

        >They are firm in their efforts to completely ignore anything the community has to say ever again
        Put that in the "pro" pile, not listening to players is how we got TF2 in the first place

      • 1 week ago

        >They are firm in their efforts to completely ignore anything the community has to say ever again
        Put that in the "pro" pile, not listening to players is how we got TF2 in the first place

        Found it

        • 1 week ago

          Valve ended up listening anyway, but listening to their new playerbase. TF2 as it was when it released was vastly superior to what the TFC homosexuals were envisioning but it'd probably be better than TF2 now

        • 1 week ago

          >that demo

          • 1 week ago

            Demoman was getting changed right up to the very end, he used to be a pale ginger

  81. 1 week ago

    Omegatroonic won

  82. 1 week ago

    Valve can’t fix the bots without shutting down the game itself due to leaked source code. Just let it go. The source code leaker and botters won.

  83. 1 week ago

    They won’t even fix bots in CS2 that mic spam Bible verses. CS2 is still actively developed. What makes you think they will decide to fix TF2?

  84. 1 week ago

    >Play on official servers
    >Killed by bots
    >Play on community servers
    >Have to listen to homosexuals talk about sex all day
    >Play on trade servers
    >Nobody is playing

  85. 1 week ago

    alright Gankertards, I came up with something
    >coax Omegatroon into giving up his personal info and private pictures by pretending to be a chick swooing over him, don't need to be female if you're a passable trap
    >use said pictures and info and shoop up some good ol' gay porn with our main star
    >spread said shoops on craigslist and gay dating sites
    and now for something really nefarious if it turns out my gut feeling is right and that loser is russian
    >create a myspace impersonating him and shit talk Putin and his goons and how great the Ukraine and the west is
    >some other Anon then has to tip the myspace off to Putlers regime
    >homosexual gets arrested and probably send to the meatgrinder as cannon fodder

    • 1 week ago

      too elaborate and devilish for the modern internet.

      • 1 week ago

        What a shame.

    • 1 week ago

      Cool. Remember to add "hit puberty" to the list. Not that it has anything to do with it just so you can grow up

      • 1 week ago

        I'm probably older than you gay, unless you mean "add puberty" to the whole coaxing part of him, making him a pedobear

  86. 1 week ago

    Tf2 is a overrated game that ruined thousands of lives by getting children and dumb goyim addicted
    Literal trash. Hope it dies sooner so that all the pathetic dead brained morons that still waste their time on this pure dogshit can lose the one thing keeping them going and kill themselves. The world will just improve if we're being honest with ourselves

  87. 1 week ago

    TF2 will be completely abandoned by valve once Deadlock enters its full development phase. Valve usually takes devs from all their other games to make it be completed quicker. I doubt they’ll put the TF2 guys back on TF2 once that’s done and they’ll just be put on deadlock

    • 1 week ago

      Do you really think that shitty game can replace TF2?

      • 1 week ago

        >ugly characters
        >ASShomosexualS-tainted gameplay
        >will be plagued with the same issues all source games have
        >but the cash shop will always work
        "replacing TF2" is almost irrelevant to this conversation, it will be lucky to keep a consistent playerbase longer than Multiversus did. Twice.

    • 1 week ago

      Was in a game of deadlock where we just had one guy complaining about his team the whole time. What you say is true but it’s not a good thing.

    • 1 week ago

      The 64bit update was made by one whole guy. There hasn't been a tf2 team in a long time.

    • 1 week ago

      There's no "TF2 guys"

  88. 1 week ago

    Astroturfed to hell and back. If you sound like a zealot writing about a gaming hashtag I assume you are either gamingcirclejerk or sharty. In either case, you're underage.

  89. 1 week ago

    Do I still have time to dilate?

  90. 1 week ago

    >if you don't support this you are scum
    Dude i haven't even played TF2 in 8 years, its time to move on.

  91. 1 week ago

    Team Fortress 2 is the past. Only people that play that shit are veterans.
    Deadlock is the future.

    • 1 week ago

      >Only people that play that shit are veterans.
      Not anymore

    • 1 week ago

      >Only people that play that shit are veterans.
      I fricking wish

    • 1 week ago

      Most TF2 players are children with sub 5 year old steam accounts.

    • 1 week ago

      >Deadlock is the future.
      When can everyone else play this without invites?

    • 1 week ago

      That's true for TFC. The only people who still play it started doing so at its release or in the early 2000s, and they likely have nothing else left in life.

    • 1 week ago

      Valve clearly has zero interest in supporting TF2, so how the actual frick do you expect me to believe that they're going to give Deadlock any better treatment? After a year when bots roll in, as long as they're making money, they're not going to do a fricking thing to stop them.

      • 1 week ago

        >After a year
        Anon TF2 is 17 years old and has been actively supported for 10 of them.
        If Deadlock gets as much support as TF2 has gotten in its lifetime I'll be more then happy.

    • 1 week ago

      >open thread
      >people bragging about reporting chuds

    • 1 week ago

      >Only people that play that shit are veterans.
      veterans don't play it, bub.
      >Deadlock is the future.
      they don't play that, neither.

    • 1 week ago

      Joining the official discord server and seeing trannies erping in chat told me everything i needed to know about it

  92. 1 week ago

    Do you ever find it funny how despite the names of the games, Left 4 Dead is much more focused on teamwork while Team Fortress is more focused on 1v1 encounters due to team sizes being too big for any meaningful coordination and team-fights?

    • 1 week ago

      TF2 is designed for 1v1 fights in mind, that's what makes it better than the other FPS shooters available today, but the rest of that sentence is complete gibberish. Team plays decide matches constantly, there's two entire classes based around executing them

  93. 1 week ago

    there are still no good alternatives to tf2

  94. 1 week ago

    They should add a captcha, that should work.

  95. 1 week ago

    I don't care about any of this i just want Valve to make single player games again
    team fortress, counter strike and dota were mistakes

    • 1 week ago

      At least you like DoD.

  96. 1 week ago

    so, i'm honestly curious. what do you guys expect Valve to do? really? if it was possible to remove all bots, don't you think trillion dollar companies like google/youtube/every single game dev working together for mutual benefit of combating this problem would've solved this problem as far back as pre 2010's? the fact every single multiplayer game still having bots tells me this isn't solvable at all. i think valve of all people knows that too

    • 1 week ago

      >what do you guys expect Valve to do?

    • 1 week ago

      >so, i'm honestly curious. what do you guys expect Valve to do? really?
      Revert the game to its 2007 state and watch paypiggies seethe while making the game better for everyone else

      • 1 week ago

        how was the game pre 2007?

        • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago

            I haven't seen that symbol in ages.

          • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago

            >amazing trance/rave music
            >stops dead to have female vocals
            I never understood why this happened until I realized it's just there so people can take a break and drink some water inbetween all the E

        • 1 week ago

          >how was the game pre 2007?

          • 1 week ago

            Please don't make me cry, I want to go back to old TF2. I've forgotten what it's like to see sprays because Casual and Community Servers are just different flavors of shit.

            • 1 week ago

              Xbox port of TF2 never got updated and still has players

            • 1 week ago
              • 1 week ago

                I feel like death.

              • 1 week ago

                If TF2 was still like that I'd gladly support this movement.

              • 1 week ago

                >wish we could turn back time
                >to the good ol' daaays

              • 1 week ago

                God I miss pre 2011 TF2 so fricking much

              • 1 week ago

                Please don't make me cry, I want to go back to old TF2. I've forgotten what it's like to see sprays because Casual and Community Servers are just different flavors of shit.

      • 1 week ago

        xbox the orange box tf2 servers are still up and have 100 players

    • 1 week ago

      Nothing, I've been playing on community servers for years

    • 1 week ago

      Nothing or just shut down casual.

    • 1 week ago

      It would be really easy for valve to change casual mode to prohibt players from queueing if their steam account is not set up, and running in text only mode, plus preventing item drops on community servers, if those conditions are not met.
      In addition to doing a ban wave on obvious bot accounts,
      That alone would massively reduce the problem by making it harder to run bots at the scale and profit margins they do now, while also forcing bot hosters to make new accounts if they want to contiune. (There is a backlog of nearly 7 years worth of bots to delete).

      Its literally just a matter of paying someone to actually do it.

    • 1 week ago

      >what do you guys expect Valve to do? really?
      Stop selling boxes and having drops.

    • 1 week ago

      Valve will and SHOULD do nothing.

    • 1 week ago

      I think they might do something, but not for now. This whole movement put them in a situation where every move they make will be used against them by terminally online redditors and xittergays why do you think L4D & L4D2 got small updates this month instead of the game that has a [decadent] movement? And like that one Anon from /vg/ who went into Valve's offices mentioned, they're being radio silent as a PR move. But, I wouldn't expect any "mega" update for the foreseeable future, at best some small bug fixes, maps and some hats, because, what can you do to fix not only a game problem but an anti-cheat one? Putting a price back? A captcha that WILL get annoying to use after the bot-craze dies down and eventually they manage to bypass it anyway? I mean, what can be realistically done to solve this issue created by attention prostitute autists and e-celebs? The game is in a decadent state now, it'll be hard to bring it back to its former glory. And no, making gay porn about the only bot hoster you know is not going to solve anything, quite the opposite it'll scare old players and people who don't have any idea of the movement, that's why it's failing day by day.

      • 1 week ago

        >why do you think L4D & L4D2 got small updates this month
        i have no idea, why? hell tbh i've literally never heard of people talking about those games since like some weeks after their respective releases. they're somehow super alive but also super underground at the same time lol
        >making gay porn about the only bot hoster you know is not going to solve anything,
        yeah i have no idea what kind of terimanlly online brainrot you have to suffer to think this is remotely a good idea at all. like who the frick comes up with this shit lmfao

      • 1 week ago

        Find a way to subtly detect bots and curral them into their own servers where they can't do anything. Too bad the first part is all but impossible to do at all, much less so reliably.

  97. 1 week ago

    You gays don't need to play class based first person shooters for all eternity.
    Grow up

  98. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      All I see is two flavours of gay shit

  99. 1 week ago

    I just want an active vanilla community server that has a healthy mix of official and custom maps for all gamemodes, including the alternative ones. Is that so much to ask for?

  100. 1 week ago

    >i renember when people on Ganker made tf2 threads with great joys
    >Fixtf2 becomes popular and they are now at each others throats due to the contrarianism

    It´s so tiring...

  101. 1 week ago

    just unmonetize the game or make it $1 USD.
    Problem solved lol

    • 1 week ago

      bots already have the ability to speak in chat which means bot hosters have figured out how to economically give each bot premium ($5).
      but even if you did bots individually last so long (like at least a few weeks, if not a month) that bot hosters would entirely be willing to spend the money just to troll. these are insane people.
      also don't forget some morons probably actually buy the "bot immunity" and "deactivation".

      • 1 week ago

        >also don't forget some morons probably actually buy the "bot immunity" and "deactivation".
        which in turn fuels more bot accounts to be made and implemented lmfao

        • 1 week ago

          yes, that was my point.

  102. 1 week ago

    Everyone that plays this are Alt Right Larpers, Alt Right Femboys, Gays, Woman with yeast infections, People pushing 30 or 40s or Trannies.

  103. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      holy frick, reddit party

    • 1 week ago

      I am forgotten

  104. 1 week ago

    is omegatronic the only guy hosting bots? why go after him?

    • 1 week ago

      he hosts the majority of them (and openly, the bots have his name in-game)

      • 1 week ago

        Does this Omega guy lurk here?

        • 1 week ago

          if he does he's probably upset we're actually talking about the game instead of gay porn

  105. 1 week ago

    Not my problem.

  106. 1 week ago

    >movement was so bad it showed that most tf2 gays started playing in 2013
    >so bad it showed that they don't know about community servers
    >so bad it showed that they only play the same maps over and over again
    >so bad even the israelitetubers involved only used it to pump numbers since they barely play tf2
    >so bad even the big name israelitetubers know its pointless but do it because of exposure
    >so bad it showed that they community is not in favor of eliminating the trading system (aka the main source of income of botters) because of their backpacks
    >so bad they tried to get csgays, dotards and l4dgays and got ignored
    >so bad the communitty went from one of the most open to opinions to throwing tantrums if you dare to say the movement is nonsensical and banning you on the spot, burning bridges and trust that lasted years
    >so bad they resorted to make gay porn of some avatar to "own" them (they are just asking for free porn)
    just sad

    • 1 week ago

      > Ganker is too mindbroken to play on uncletopia, the only viable option to play now
      Lmaoing at you, I had genuine fun playing today with other uncles, while you gays were busy discussing reddit shitposters and robot porn. Shame.

      At this point I'm just going to give up on multiplayer FPS altogether. I wonder what genre of games I should take a particular interest in instead

    • 1 week ago

      It was quite the experience to see this whole thing unfold in the last couple of weeks

      • 1 week ago

        >the chud Mods of r/Overwatch
        1. A Blizzard game with as much idpol shit as Overwatch aren't going to have chuddies as mods on their fricking subreddit
        2. They probably took it down because it actually has frick-all to do with Overwatch. Like just because you put Tracer's gun in the picture doesn't mean it's relevant. If someone from a Star Wars subreddit wanted help un-review-bombing the latest TV show, it wouldn't do them much good to make a post begging people in the Alien subreddit just because they added a fricking facehugger to the picture.

        • 1 week ago

          What the frick do you MEAN everyone at Star Trekkie Hideout doesn't want to help us Star Wars Sith Lords get another movie trilogy? THEYRE LIKE, THE SAME THING!

          • 1 week ago

            Especially funny considering TF2 and Overwatch are still regarded as rivals by many.

    • 1 week ago

      >>so bad it showed that they don't know about community servers
      >>so bad it showed that they only play the same maps over and over again
      Honestly man, if the people getting regularly fricked over by bots are the closeted tryhard memelord wannabes that only play on Hightower, 2fort and Dustbowl, I don't feel for them in the slightest.
      That may also explain why I get almost no bots when I only play cp, koth and payload.

  107. 1 week ago

    > Ganker is too mindbroken to play on uncletopia, the only viable option to play now
    Lmaoing at you, I had genuine fun playing today with other uncles, while you gays were busy discussing reddit shitposters and robot porn. Shame.

    • 1 week ago

      wym mind broken, I'm straight up banned for bullying their troony mod team lmao

    • 1 week ago

      Post the finished edit of this from a few days ago.

      • 1 week ago

        >not posting the right version

    • 1 week ago

      >not posting the right version

      • 1 week ago

        still a gross troony dude

    • 1 week ago

      There are good servers that aren't Uncletopia or meme maps or 24/7 schlock, but no way are people going to advertise them on Ganker

      • 1 week ago

        that's probably for the best, last thing I want to do is play vidya with you clowns. last time I did anything with Ganker was Gankerlancer

  108. 1 week ago

    Just stop buying dumb hats and the bots dissapear overnight.

  109. 1 week ago

    How did we go so wrong, bros?

  110. 1 week ago

    >random group of people trying to recreate Quickplay via web browser
    >only servers are reddit's groomtroonytopia servers, servers filled with CPU bots, or genuinely empty servers
    Meet Your Match has really killed TF2 altogether.

    • 1 week ago

      Most community servers died when Quickplay was removed, since they made all of the money from ads with people coming from quickplay.

  111. 1 week ago

    Reminder there are less than 15k actual players on TF2 right now

    • 1 week ago

      Reminder that we all already knew this and it's been public info for a while, but all youse on both sides are a bunch of Gen A children that wouldn't listen until youtubers focused on it (and even then, others mentioned it before, but youse only care now that it's entered drama grifter circles)

      • 1 week ago

        The problem was that the head of that charge was Tyler McVicker who openly disdains the TF2 community and was only a part of it because of his "Valve news only" schtick. He's been crying bot and begging for attention for the past decade, no one trusts that gayola

        • 1 week ago

          also because he's one of the reasons the source code got leaked

  112. 1 week ago

    331,671 signatures and you can't get 24 of them to fill an empty vanilla server, lolololololol
    What a bunch of fricking goobers

  113. 1 week ago

    Turn off drops, shut down trade and give everyone all the weapons and skins. Boom done.

  114. 1 week ago

    Remind me anyways, the frick is the master plan of this Omegatronic guy, and the rest of the bot hosters?

    • 1 week ago

      Russians dont have plans, they just exist to spread rot

    • 1 week ago

      Psyoping redditors into drawing gay robot porn.

    • 1 week ago

      >master plan
      what master plan?

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      crashing this game

      • 1 week ago

        WID NO SURBIBORS :dddd::DD

  115. 1 week ago

    >"Just play on Community Servers bro!"
    >"Can you make some that appeal to me?"

    • 1 week ago

      Oh they're out there. You just have to actually play on them, and every time it's brought up, you Black folk go
      >but I'm waiting for somebody else to join first
      and then you get tens of thousands of people saying the same thing and keep waiting in the wings instead of just playing

      • 1 week ago

        Go ahead and show me a fricking PASS Time server right now, otherwise you can suck my fat fricking nuts.

    • 1 week ago

      Go ahead and show me a fricking PASS Time server right now, otherwise you can suck my fat fricking nuts.

      >it's THIS fricking guy again
      host a server and buy an ad, but unironically. be the spearhead to bring your "favorite game mode" back into the public conciousness

      • 1 week ago

        Thank you for proving my point. Stop telling people to fricking play on Community Servers if you're not going to tailor Community Servers to people.

        • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago

            >I dont like official servers
            >>find a custom server
            >they don't have what I want
            is dirt cheap
            >I don't want to do that
            If you refuse to take even the first fricking step of effort towards getting what you want, you don't deserve to have it. Go frick yourself TDI loser

            And you fricking people wonder why nobody joins your goddamn servers, God I hate Ganker and I especially hate these TF2 threads. You people deserve to sit here and b***h and moan till the end of time.

            • 1 week ago

              You're the one who's b***hing and moaning, though?

            • 1 week ago

              Not reading your drivel. I distinctly remember playing ASSTIME with people, and being in the Merasmus room sharing the 2x2m space with like 14 other people for the achievement. Long story short: it wasn't a good game mode. You refuse to accept the game mode you want most was a total dud that no one liked and yet you take no steps to get people to like it. Never mention this dogshit again lest you get blown out like you are now.

        • 1 week ago

          >I dont like official servers
          >>find a custom server
          >they don't have what I want
          is dirt cheap
          >I don't want to do that
          If you refuse to take even the first fricking step of effort towards getting what you want, you don't deserve to have it. Go frick yourself TDI loser

          • 1 week ago

            whines about games
            does not play them
            whines about games
            also does not play them, but gets free jobs at google and the cia

  116. 1 week ago

    so what happened?

    • 1 week ago

      Some Rusky is hosting a bunch of bots and reddit is sending him gay porn.

  117. 1 week ago

    >they still haven't realized that they keep the player numbers up with bots to appeal to investors once valve goes public in 5 years when gaben dies

    you morons are in for such a rude awakening lmao

  118. 1 week ago

    >ugh.... why is modern gayming so gay? we need to RETVRN.....
    also Ganker:

    • 1 week ago

      TF2 is not what anyone wants to return to. Maybe pre-MyM TF2, but current? No.

    • 1 week ago

      Current TF2 is not worth saving or even thinking about. Now if they rolled the game back to around 2007-2008 then you get me onboard.

      • 1 week ago

        TF2 is not what anyone wants to return to. Maybe pre-MyM TF2, but current? No.

        Name a shooter better than even modern tf2 and don’t embarrass yourself by saying deadlock

        • 1 week ago


        • 1 week ago


  119. 1 week ago

    i can agree with the concept as delivered but the execution of this "protest" was utterly embarrassing, the crowd involved are absolutely childishly immature, and the goal was literally unobtainable as well as unactionable. they're not taking action because they've already provided the tools to avoid everything you trannies are complaining about. you merely made yourselves look like absolute fools by doing all of this. if this were executed correctly matchmaking would simply be a ghost town full of bots with no one to shoot while everyone played on community. you're waiting for a response you're not going to get when you already know what the problem is. you're literally playing the game wrong.

    • 1 week ago

      No one in this thread seems to be in disagreement about this fact. The bot hoster OC porn bullshit is all just a humiliation ritual for the community

  120. 1 week ago

    Did Nigzeey even send the petition to Valve?

    • 1 week ago


  121. 1 week ago

    >the game itself is consumed wholly by bots whose sole purpose is to leech drops that are sold for a fraction of a dollar (worth ten gorrillion Zimbabwe dollars or something)
    >it's literally just a pseudo-crypto engine at this point
    >source code gets leaked, leading to autistic thirdies fricking with the game completely unopposed
    >community fights back by drawing gay porn of said thirdie's computersona(?)
    Imagine. Just fricking imagine going back to 2007 and telling people this is what the game would become.

  122. 1 week ago

    seethe troony

    • 1 week ago

      Who are you quoting, schizo?

  123. 1 week ago

    I'm playing right now

  124. 1 week ago

    Bros, I miss all my fricking god damn active servers in my own region.
    >no more active Saxton Hale/Freak Fortress servers
    >no more active deathrun servers
    >no more active trade servers
    >no more active MVM servers
    >no more active Surf servers
    >too many fake/dupe ping servers
    >remaining servers are reddittopia and 24/7 2fort/hightower/dustbowl
    >rest are from different regions

    • 1 week ago

      >no more active trade servers
      wth is a trade server? this isn't diablo 2 where you create a server for the sole purpose of trading

    • 1 week ago

      man, for years now trade server DM is one of the only things I do in this game anymore besides rocket jumping and rarely dabbling in other game modes. the degredation of trade server maps is fricking depressing everything is trade_plaza 2 or trade minecraft or some variation of that fricking shit now. anything else is completely dead and the unusual trading servers dont have people who play the game especially not without their donator perks

    • 1 week ago

      >>no more active MVM servers
      I thought potato/pineapple/moonlight/whatever had servers in all regions.

    • 1 week ago

      I'm sorry anon, personally there's still some Freak Fortress servers in my region (thank goodness) but those servers and trade/chill servers are precious

      >no more active trade servers
      wth is a trade server? this isn't diablo 2 where you create a server for the sole purpose of trading

      It's a sort of "chill" server where people go to offer trades for items.

      • 1 week ago

        >It's a sort of "chill" server where people go to offer trades for items.
        how does that work? like do you look at someone and the items he's got equipped. say i want your hat and add him and trade with him? explain, nao

        • 1 week ago

          No it's just people in both text and voice chat discussing trades. I like them not because of the trading itself but more in that it's like a silly server

          • 1 week ago

            wtf is the point of that lmfao. why not go to a tf2 trade forum or some shit if you're so in deep into the topic of trading

            • 1 week ago

              As I said, the appeal is that it isn't a server where you "play the game" at least not normally. There's no objectives, no fighting, it's just people goofing around somewhat
              >B-b-but you're supposed to shoot le people! Play le gaem like muh hellin competitive cod see ess goo!
              That's for the regular servers.

              • 1 week ago

                just sounds like a unfun massive waste of time. but i guess it's just my brain needing action to feel stimulated lol

            • 1 week ago

              Because you cannot make your character do the spycrab via text on a forum. Or arrange a conga line only to break it with rockets once it gets big enough.

  125. 1 week ago

    Honestly it's naive to expect Valve to do anything. Deadlock and its complete lack of soul along with its genre mash that's an obvious attempt at getting money is poetic to the current state of the company. They're too lazy to make games nevermind upkeep a live service, yet continue to try
    The only solace is that Deadslop will likely get botted and cheated as well. CS2 has a cheating problem still so we already know Source 2 is not immune to their efforts.

  126. 1 week ago

    I think it's pretty funny that they kicked up all this fuss last time just to get 1 (ONE) tweet saying "ok we'll look into it" just to do absolutely nothing. I get that they like the game and want it to be better, but a certain point people gotta understand that multiplayer vidya is a transient thing, and likely would be happier if they just looked for something else to play.

    • 1 week ago

      For as long as valve pretends they're sustaining tf2 and getting money off of it they dont have an excuse to abandon it
      They want their cake and eat it too, they're too lazy to properly maintain it but they aren't willing to officially stop support and leave it to the community

      • 1 week ago

        I mean what else could they do in that regard? The community is already hosting their own servers, making their own maps and even now making the cosmetics.

        • 1 week ago

          Getting rid of the bots which is the number one complaint
          It's unfortunately slim pickings if you want a community server that gives a normal tf2 experience. For the most part it's either Uncletopia, which has a lot of comphomosexualry and nospread and no random crits, or unironically the furry pound
          Beyond that it's heavily altered servers, trade servers, or skial which is plugin hell
          that and I personally want weapon updates to fix the shit they did before and bug fixing

          • 1 week ago

            that's all fair, I didn't realize the community server situation was so dire. I know the servers kinda fell off when TF2 added matchmaking but it sounds even worse than I had imagined.

            • 1 week ago

              yeah the community server well has been dry for a while if you don't want gimmick shit and just want to play the game
              It's why before people uncovered the identities of bot hosters there was a genuine theory that uncle dane was behind some of them to funnel people into his servers, because he's the only hoster of semi normal community servers

    • 1 week ago

      >multiplayer vidya is a transient thing
      but that's because the servers get shut down, the playerbase moves on, and the game eventually dwindles in popularity. the game is far from dead, it has many years left in it, and the main force killing it is an active attack by a malicious actor. that's not a natural death. this isn't a case of people not being able to move on from something that died on its own, it's players getting rightfully pissed off that the game they (thousands of other people, if not hundreds of thousands) want to play is being flooded by bots. remove the bots (and maybe reimplement quickplay or remove official servers to reinvigorate community servers) and the game would pull up from its nosedive.
      I could understand saying "move on and find something else" if the game died naturally, but that just isn't the case.

    • 1 week ago

      >and likely would be happier if they just looked for something else to play
      That happened once already it was called overwatch and it just resulted people getting burned by the other games dumb decisions. It’s easy to see why people don’t want to move on to a downgrade.

      • 1 week ago

        it's kind of amazing that tf2 manages to retain people because its gameplay largely hasn't changed over the course of 17 years, despite everything it has not changed its core gameplay. even with the comp lobotomies and the f2p plague.

  127. 1 week ago

    Do I sell all my tf2 stuff and wait for the summer sale fellas

  128. 1 week ago

    Who gives a shit

  129. 1 week ago

    >the greatest movement
    for absolutely no avail
    what a waste of oxygen

  130. 1 week ago

    >people STILL think TF2's weapon balance is good, let alone good enough for defaults to not be obsolete in ~80% of cases

    • 1 week ago

      I think it's pretty commonly agreed that the stock melee weapons are wholly replaceable, it's the shit that matters where many people stick with stock

      • 1 week ago

        Because of comp brainrot. Nobody would actually claim that "most stock weapons are the best" if the fanfic meta didn't ban the actual best weapons of each slot (Mad Milk, Jarate, Reserve Shooter, Diamondback as some examples), while also literally regulating the ruleset so that Quake rejects can have muh movement-based gameplay by limiting the map pool to mostly 5CP and banning everything that would let the big, mean Heavy actually show up for a teamfight and still have tank-tier health.

        • 1 week ago

          Stock weapons are preferred not because they're "the best", but because they're the most reliable and well-rounded choices. There's no need for setting up specific situations, no risk of getting caught with your pants down when you're using things like the stock scattergun, rocket launcher, flamethrower, shotgun, etc. Other weapons might be able to perform better than stock in certain situations, but there are also situations where they don't work as well as stock

          • 1 week ago

            >Stock weapons are preferred not because they're "the best"
            Glad we agree.

            What outclasses the stock scattergun, flamethrower, wrench, and knife?

            >saying scattergun, rocket launcher and minigun are worse than certain other unlocks

            Soda Popper. Better damage (both burst and sustained) amplifies Scout's strengths to the max. Banned in every league BTW.
            Degreaser, obviously.
            Southern Hospitality on no-crits servers specifically. Outside of them stock is actually a good choice.
            Okay fair. Add Knife to the list.
            >rocket launcher
            The Original for consistency and quieter sound cues.
            Tomislav. Are you even trying?

            >He's currently scrambling through the TF2 wiki trying to come up with a response to these posts [...] [...]

            Based moron.

            • 1 week ago

              >Soda Popper.
              fricking lmao

              • 1 week ago

                It is if you don't miss half your shots

              • 1 week ago

                lmfao even

                >heh, see this weapon banned in all competitive leagues?
                >it actually le doesn't outclass stock, kiddo

                frick comphomosexuals

              • 1 week ago

                >nuh uh! doesn't count!!!

              • 1 week ago

                yes, frick comphomosexuals and their nonsense lists. the force a nature is better.

              • 1 week ago

                You mean the back scatter

              • 1 week ago

                absolutely not

              • 1 week ago

                it literally doesn't, better luck next argument lil bro

              • 1 week ago

                >heh, see this weapon banned in all competitive leagues?
                >it actually le doesn't outclass stock, kiddo

            • 1 week ago

              Six minutes is way too long to pick from 4-5 different weapons in each slot when you were already so sure of the answers for each. And with those choices, you should have kept reading the wiki. Rushing out your response to try and own me did not do you any favors. You obviously haven't played in years because you still think the degreaser is good after they nerfed the axtinguisher and buffed afterburn. It looks like you made this list based solely on the competitive ban list just to spite them instead of actually trying to figure out which weapons are better and when/why they are better. "Compgays hate it so it must be the bestest!!!1!"

              Go make some more gay porn

              • 1 week ago

                >Six minutes is way too long to pick from 4-5 different weapons in each slot when you were already so sure of the answers for each.
                Maybe because I have a life outside of Ganker? Sorry for not staying glued to the fricking screen 24/7. I knew TF2 zoomers were terminally online but geez.
                >You obviously haven't played in years because you still think the degreaser is good after they nerfed the axtinguisher and buffed afterburn.
                I quit in 2021. Degreaser doesn't need epic combo weapons to be better, because afterburn is garbage.

              • 1 week ago

                You do not have a life outside of the Internet if you've been seething about compgays all this time, but whatever you're doing with you're time here, it's not making you better at TF2 theorycrafting

              • 1 week ago

                >You do not have a life outside of the Internet if you've been [HEADCANON]
                The only times I talk about TF2 nowadays are the occasional thread on Ganker, and only because of the whole #FixTF2 hysteria. The game otherwise does not occupy my headspace anymore.
                >but whatever you're doing with you're time here, it's not making you better at TF2 theorycrafting
                Says the guy who actually thinks that Degreaser's only advantage over stock were synergy with combo weapons. Go play in bottom tier pubs some more.

              • 1 week ago

                Explain it, because the degreaser is worse at ambushing than the back burner and phlog, and it's worse at airblast than stock and has less afterburn damage. Literally its only gimmick is faster switch speed to other weapons. And don't forget to sign your post with "frick compgays" like you have this entire conversation

              • 1 week ago

                >Explain it, because the degreaser is worse at ambushing than the back burner and phlog
                The stock shotgun is still strong enough for combos that do more damage than holding M1 with a primary.
                Compared to that AND the increased overall versatility and reactive play, afterburn damage and 8 airblasts instead of 10 are marginal downsides that hardly ever matter.
                >And don't forget to sign your post with "frick compgays" like you have this entire conversation
                You got the wrong person, bud.

              • 1 week ago

                >Had to list a different weapon after saying the degreaser didn't need its switch gimmick to be the best
                I accept your concession of defeat

              • 1 week ago

                NTA but the only thing the degreaser can reliably do now is puff and crit with the third degree, even then it's a matter of circumstance

                You were much too eager to be wishing for it that long ago. People are starting to turn against fricking Pokemon, shit is starting to boil over now

                i've been hearing that for years now too, homie. but i will enjoy the fallout when it eventually comes to pass. frick normalgays and frick the studios that keep ruining themselves to cater to them

            • 1 week ago

              soda popper is banned cuz of the jumping not it's better burst damage btw

    • 1 week ago

      stock melees are an exception since 99% of the time nobody is going to fricking use them

      • 1 week ago

        Nope, the only exceptions are Demoman's weapons, Sniper's rifle and Medi Gun. Literally every other stock weapon is outclassed by something else from its slot.

        • 1 week ago

          What outclasses the stock scattergun, flamethrower, wrench, and knife?

        • 1 week ago

          >saying scattergun, rocket launcher and minigun are worse than certain other unlocks

        • 1 week ago

          >He's currently scrambling through the TF2 wiki trying to come up with a response to these posts

          What outclasses the stock scattergun, flamethrower, wrench, and knife?

          >saying scattergun, rocket launcher and minigun are worse than certain other unlocks

          • 1 week ago

            Neither question can actually be answered because he's a moron that doesn't understand valve's core principles to TF2's game design

  131. 1 week ago

    Imagine being a new f2p player and you can't communicate at all but you see a bunch of players spinning and headshotting people every time you find a game. You can't even ask what the frick is going on and you can't vote to kick them. Why did valve add those restrictions to f2p accounts when they know bots are using premium accounts? Fricking morons.

    • 1 week ago

      Money. Escape from Tarkov does it for example.

  132. 1 week ago

    is the gay robot smut thread?

  133. 1 week ago

    homie its been 17 years move the frick on already

  134. 1 week ago

    Was playing with two randoms in Helldivers 2 that had that #fixtf2 in their ign. Felt unreal that people still had that when the movement barely made any difference last time.

  135. 1 week ago

    >"move on" tards asking to lower standards
    >finding a game to replace it is nigh impossible
    Ya know i think im just done with shooters in general for a good while and might just stick to Quake Live at this point to get my fix. I will be forever mad at how bad this shit has gotten not only with TF2 but CS2 and you damn well know Deadlock will get hit just the same. And before you ask why not DOTA2, maphack in MOBAS and RTS is a hard thing to determine unless they are really obvious scriptkiddies.

    • 1 week ago

      crazy that we hit the peak of video games in 2007-2009 then it all went to shit

      • 1 week ago

        There is hope with other genres, hell im mostly waiting for Hollywood Animal to come out cause it might be the most genuine recreation of early Hollywood without holding back on its subject matter, genuine KINO. But with shooters? Shooters have taken the biggest nosedive along with MOBAs

        • 1 week ago

          MOBAs were never good.

          • 1 week ago

            You are right but it just gets worse

      • 1 week ago

        There will be a crash and then funds will start going to knowledgeable developers again. Videogames are just the new big ticket industry so every investor is trying to rape it for what they can

        • 1 week ago

          anon i have been eagerly and patiently waiting for a video game crash for no less than 15 years now, the only thing i truly expect to happen and keep happening is indie games getting better, which they undoubtedly have

          • 1 week ago

            You were much too eager to be wishing for it that long ago. People are starting to turn against fricking Pokemon, shit is starting to boil over now

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