>The last good Sailor Moon game was released almost 30 years ago

>The last good Sailor Moon game was released almost 30 years ago
When will Bandai Namco stop sitting on the license and make something that isn't just a shitty gacha collab?

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  1. 1 week ago

    Has Takeuchi even planned to release anything new?

    • 1 week ago

      No, she got loaded and fricked off to buy cars, she's not a real nerd girl like Rumiko who has a passion for manga. The slow drip of Crystal films is more or less going to be the end of Sailor Moon content, unless some westerner tries to make a live action version.

      1. Crystal flopped HARD in both Japan and outside the world.
      2. Since there's no big major Sailor Moon series, no one is going to risk spending money on a big game.
      3. We could realistically hope for a Sailor Moon SNES collection series plus the Arcade game (separate from the beat-em-ups).
      4. A "proper" modern 3D Sailor Moon would play like Yakuza.

      A snes collection plus netplay is obvious and would be banging.

      >Crystal flopped HARD in both Japan and outside the world.
      What was the idea behind adapting the manga when people were so used to the old anime.

      Takeuchi is the manga "creator", but SM had 3 chapters (not volumes) done so the anime was made in parallel. Almost everything anyone likes is the anime. Takeuchi wanted more control and it proved she's a clueless moron who lucked into a big franchise when it was the two series leads for the anime and their team that created everything anyone likes. Crystal is completely charmless and looks like shit.

      • 1 week ago

        >Takeuchi is the manga "creator", but SM had 3 chapters (not volumes) done so the anime was made in parallel. Almost everything anyone likes is the anime. Takeuchi wanted more control and it proved she's a clueless moron who lucked into a big franchise when it was the two series leads for the anime and their team that created everything anyone likes. Crystal is completely charmless and looks like shit.
        Is she female Kurumada?

        • 1 week ago

          Many, many, times a manga is created then it gets adapted into an anime, but with SM the anime and manga series were created almost in parallel. The manga only has one chapter a month so it barely tells a story and iconic villains will show up and be dealt with in a rather quick manner. It also has a very classic Shoujo manga artstyle.

          The anime was run by the guys who went off to create Revolutionary Girl Aetena, and introduced a lot and expanded a lot of it. One of them just absolutely adored Sailor Mars so expanded her role and personality. Almost all the humor and character moments is because of the animators, script writers, and directors.

          She is also a drama queen, to this day she refuses to allow the manga to be republished in my country because she didn't like something of the last published edition, I don't even remember what. No that I would buy it, mind you, but my sister is a huge fan.

          Yes, I'm getting the sense she's a huge hinderance to the series and we can't get anything good until she kicks the bucket.

          • 1 week ago

            >The anime was run by the guys who went off to create Revolutionary Girl Aetena, and introduced a lot and expanded a lot of it. One of them just absolutely adored Sailor Mars so expanded her role and personality. Almost all the humor and character moments is because of the animators, script writers, and directors.
            Pretty cool.

      • 1 week ago

        She is also a drama queen, to this day she refuses to allow the manga to be republished in my country because she didn't like something of the last published edition, I don't even remember what. No that I would buy it, mind you, but my sister is a huge fan.

      • 1 week ago

        It's funny had this been Toriyama he would have been really happy had the anime helped him out even more back when he was writing Dragon Ball.

        • 7 days ago

          No. Toriyama kept trying to quit Dragonball, but his editors and publishers kept pushing him to make more.

      • 7 days ago

        >The slow drip of Crystal films is more or less going to be the end of Sailor Moon content
        And that is fine. She made her money and doesn't want to keep rehashing the same shit over and over again. No need for Sailor Moon Super (20XX) with awful animation.

        Oh wait, that was Crystal!

      • 7 days ago

        >unless some westerner tries to make a live action version
        I doubt Takeuchi will let them.

    • 1 week ago

      she married the Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter guy. He keeps going on hiatus because he's busy railing her every night
      seriously though, he's had health issues and Naoko has been both taking care of him and training herself in his artstyle so she can take over HxH if he dies

      • 1 week ago

        >seriously though, he's had health issues and Naoko has been both taking care of him and training herself in his artstyle so she can take over HxH if he dies

        wut. These series are ancient. Why even bother? No one cares anymore.

        • 1 week ago

          Hunter x Hunter is considered ongoing despite its frequent hiatuses

      • 1 week ago

        >he's had health issues and Naoko has been both taking care of him and training herself in his artstyle so she can take over HxH if he dies
        That's very cute.

      • 7 days ago

        She keeps him sick. She's like that crazy b***h from Misery and she's hoping no one finds out.

      • 7 days ago

        >she can take over HxH if he dies
        Reviving Ponzu back to life into new being name Sailor Q-Honeycomb and Meruem himself actually Pokkle’s reborn

    • 1 week ago

      Haruka was a shitty girlfriend.

    • 1 week ago

      Didn't she basically bow out of the industry after a publisher lost the work she sent them for a new series or am I thinking of somebody else

      • 1 week ago

        the original manuscript for an issue of PQ Angels (1997) was lost by her editor at Kodansha, leading her to ragequit the manga in question (didn't want to waste time redrawing it)
        she kept drawing manga until Toki Meka (2006)

    • 1 week ago

      Takeuchi is weird. She actually has talent at coming up with 'plot concepts', and things like the decision to end the first arc of the manga with Sailor Moon completely fricking up everything for everybody and deciding to commit suicide are absolutely brilliant. But her writing ability is absolutely atrocious, even by the not that high standards of manga, and so she completely fails to imbue anything with charm of significance the way the anime does.

      Even the best chapter of the manga (Casablanca Memories, which is the one thing that should have gotten an anime special, but didn't) is still *odd* in the particular way it implicitly portrays Rei as being misandrist for incredibly petty reasons.

      • 1 week ago

        You mean stealing plot concepts from Toei

        • 1 week ago

          I do agree that the manga does do this quite frequently and that she doesn't deserve credit in the specific cases where this happens. Which is why I singled out the first arc finale, because that was actually set up in what I feel to be a uniquely beautiful way, and I'm miffed that the anime never got to develop something like that out into something with more dramatic presentation.

      • 1 week ago

        Did she not have a good editor or something help shape some of her plot points?

      • 7 days ago

        You mean stealing plot concepts from Toei

        Takeuchi original > Toei fan service

    • 7 days ago

      I want a Sailor Moon Prequel set in the Silver Millennium so bad.

      • 7 days ago

        Yeah, it's really surprising how little the OG anime covers the various millennium eras. It gets much more emphasis in the manga and other versions (including the old dub, somewhat interestingly, and Crystal even takes after it in adding a Silver Millennium prelude to the first episode) but the anime is almost odd in how little it even brings this up. Like, you could watch the first 20 or so episodes and have no idea the plot is meant to involve anything beyond 3 girls and a cat wandering around urban Tokyo. It was honestly strange to watch the classic anime in Japanese for the first time and see how low key it starts off, there's barely a hint that it's supposed to be 'epic' in scope for quite a while.

    • 7 days ago


  2. 1 week ago

    Should have done the Card Captor Sakura approach where you play every episode one by one with cute animations

    • 1 week ago

      PS1 had some beautiful looking spirtes.

    • 1 week ago

      By every episode you mean only 13 that game sold so bad there were never any sequels, Arika's license run out but they made a Tetris one and a KLAX-like game as well on the PS1, oh and a shit short mini game one on Dreamcast.

  3. 1 week ago

    1. Crystal flopped HARD in both Japan and outside the world.
    2. Since there's no big major Sailor Moon series, no one is going to risk spending money on a big game.
    3. We could realistically hope for a Sailor Moon SNES collection series plus the Arcade game (separate from the beat-em-ups).
    4. A "proper" modern 3D Sailor Moon would play like Yakuza.

    • 1 week ago

      >Crystal flopped HARD in both Japan and outside the world.
      What was the idea behind adapting the manga when people were so used to the old anime.

      • 1 week ago

        1. Crystal flopped HARD in both Japan and outside the world.
        2. Since there's no big major Sailor Moon series, no one is going to risk spending money on a big game.
        3. We could realistically hope for a Sailor Moon SNES collection series plus the Arcade game (separate from the beat-em-ups).
        4. A "proper" modern 3D Sailor Moon would play like Yakuza.

        maybe it wouldn't have flopped if it didn't look like total shit

      • 7 days ago

        it makes sense to do a more faithful anime but they gave them a shoestring budget and made it a dedicated web series. So you had people come in with high expectations and get a cutrate halfassed version of the story. Plus it wasn't even faithful because they added stuff that was added later, like Beryl's generals being the lovers of the scouts.

    • 7 days ago

      Okay, but a sailor moon game that played like a yakuza game would be downright incredible

    • 7 days ago

      >Crystal flopped HARD in both Japan and outside the world.
      What was the idea behind adapting the manga when people were so used to the old anime.

      Sailor Moon never was that good. It gets immensely repetitive in S. It's one series that is held by nostalgia the most.
      Should have ended in R or S.

  4. 1 week ago

    I want the new sailor moon game to have all the transformation sequences in 3d with free cam so I can pause on demand and rotate the camera for jerking off purposes

  5. 1 week ago

    Don't mind me just posting the best girl

    • 1 week ago

      >"Tall" girl
      >163 cm in height

      • 1 week ago

        She's 14 dude

        • 1 week ago

          My sister was 170 at that age that's tall for a girl.

          • 1 week ago

            But is she cute and sexy in a flowing miniskirt

            • 1 week ago

              No one was denying that.

            • 1 week ago

              Frick, I miss read your post, my sister is adorable but not in that way not an incestgay.

      • 1 week ago

        they honestly all look pretty talk with those daddy long legs and weird leotard outfits for what they are actually supposed to be

      • 7 days ago

        She's 5cm taller then the average jap woman and she's in junior high school.
        She's basically freakishly tall by nip standards.

        • 7 days ago

          >She's 5cm taller then the average jap woman and she's in junior high school
          I really forgot how short they are down there.

      • 7 days ago

        I also wish tall girls in anime and manga were actually tall like Noi.

        • 7 days ago

          Holy DAMN

    • 7 days ago

      Sailor Moon on Toonami Rewind got me interested in the original DiC/Cloverway dub. Worth it?

      Based. Love Jupiter.

      • 7 days ago

        The superior music elevates some scenes over the original

        • 7 days ago

          >superior music
          Nostalgia is hell of a drug

          • 7 days ago

            the dic dub Queen Beryl fight has better music and I will die on that hill

          • 7 days ago

            I wouldn't call it 'superior' music here, but watching the scenes with that and a few other original tracks playing in sequence is just surreal feeling in ways the original isn't. It's like, yes it IS corny as hell, and because it feels authentically naive, and epic at the same time, it manages to cap off the episode in this really standout way compared to just playing the opening theme over things.

            The dub widenen the age gap between Usagi and Mamoru

            It doesn't actually, but it does emphasize it and how weird Mamoru is for dating middle school girls as an adult more than the Japanese does.

            • 7 days ago

              Superior was a poor choice, thanks for articulating what I couldn't. Well said.

      • 7 days ago

        >Worth it?

        It's absolutely worth trying and had amazingly entertaining highlights.

        It's just not actually worth trying to watch through completely, since a lot of it actually just ends up boring and should be watched in the original.

        Like absolutely everyone needs to at least see shit like the episodes where Serena gets the disguise pen, the one the introduces Jupiter and the first season "final battle" where Carry On is sung. This level of gloriously unapologetic and earnest cheese is really something else.

        Like, alternating between DiC and the Japanese at appropriate episodes really puts things into perspective.

        • 7 days ago

          God the disguise pen animation (and stills) gets me rock hard to this day.

          • 7 days ago

            For me it's pic related.

            • 7 days ago

              This episode hasn't aired on Toonami/[AS] yet, has is?

            • 7 days ago

              I've only now realised that this is a parody of Mylene from Macross 7.

        • 6 days ago

          I think what made the DIC dub so unique was that the voice acting was actually pretty good. Seemed like they all talked like regular people.


      • 7 days ago

        The DiC/Cloverway dubs were kind of a 'you had to be there' thing. But at the same time, it's also a watershed moment in anime, at least in the west. Sailor Moon dub was the first time something that massive on such a scale was done, and managed some moderate success. Then, as always, Cartoon Network picked up the pieces and made it bigger than it was before. Unlike Dragon Ball Z, which absolutely bombed until it got on Cartoon Network, Sailor Moon went at least two and a half seasons before it kicked the bucket, and was later picked up for Toonami which revived it. That was a lot of episodes.

        Before Sailor Moon, you didn't see these kinds of dubs. You sad adaptations. You saw localizations. Sailor Moon's treatment in the DiC/Cloverway dub was surprisingly faithful to the original. At least in maintaining the plot, characters and dialog. To a degree. They had to censor a lot of it, and that's understandable. There was also a lot of 'lost in translation' changes made because kids in the early 90s were not going to be understanding of Japanese culture. I think the next closest in terms of faithfulness to the original media was the Robotech dub of Macross. The two seasons following that were complete fanfiction, though.

        So yeah. Give it a shot. But be prepared for 40 year old women trying to sound like 14 year old valley girls. It's got character and that character was unabashed cheese. It was b movie-tier, and proud of it.

        • 7 days ago

          Don't forget Chibi-Usa's surprisingly good voice topped with a bunch of slang.

        • 7 days ago

          The actual audio of the DiC dubs was insanely high quality for the time. They actually had a lot of actors who went all out and didn't really have to (See: Any episode with Mimette in it - holy shit).

        • 7 days ago

          >Before Sailor Moon, you didn't see these kinds of dubs. You sad adaptations. You saw localizations. Sailor Moon's treatment in the DiC/Cloverway dub was surprisingly faithful to the original. At least in maintaining the plot, characters and dialog. To a degree. They had to censor a lot of it, and that's understandable. There was also a lot of 'lost in translation' changes made because kids in the early 90s were not going to be understanding of Japanese culture. I think the next closest in terms of faithfulness to the original media was the Robotech dub of Macross. The two seasons following that were complete fanfiction, though.

          Oh cmon man A LOT of the dialogue in the DiC dub was just made up corny stuff filled with "they might as well just made their own show from scratch" vibes.

        • 7 days ago

          Bro Sailormoon manage to get trough the first 2 arcs (and that filler mini arc) during the DiC era because it started in 95, while DragonBall was brought to the US the same year (DRAGONBALL, NOT DBZ), but only the Pilaf arc was dubbed and HEAVILY censored due to its content, then they said frick this and jumped straight ahead into DBZ which was dubbed by a different canadian cast and premiered in syndication in the US in 96, but only managed to get up until when Goku beat up Recoome and then boom, cancelled, around 97, both Sailormoon and DBZ FAILED in syndication, but were picked up by Toonami in 98, and really it was only as WE NEED SHOWS PRONTO for that block, who cares if they were cancelled, and then the rest is history, both shows continue were they wefe left out in 99

          • 7 days ago

            >both shows continue were they wefe left out in 99

            But under a very different, and VERY WORSE direction IMO, but no one will deny that interest in these shows revived in 98 thanks to Toonami and CN, to tge point the Ocean cast got to dub the first 3 DBZ movies (would have been fine if it wasnt for the weird and awful US TOON sound effects that ruined many scenes)

            Good thing we have X-Minus Pro and mel-roformer to take care of that

          • 7 days ago

            Bro. You didn't correct anything I said bro. Bro what's with this post?

        • 7 days ago

          No one ever talks about it but the success of power rangers was a big reason why they were never faithful to the Japanese original. The idea was that Japanese media could be used to make something new for westerners, the way power rangers was frankensteined together and became a huge hit.

          • 7 days ago

            Voltron was the same way, it was like three different mecha anime spliced together. Was a huge hit stateside regardless.

          • 7 days ago

            Harmony Gold did it to Macross, Southern Cross and Mospeda first. But yes. However Sailor Moon was... fairly faithful. They had to change stuff that was risque and too culturally different, but they kept a lot of the bulk of the meaning behind it all intact.

            • 6 days ago

              If DiC seriously dubbed Seiya

      • 7 days ago

        It's the only way to watch the first 2 seasons in english IMO. Viz dub sounds like shitty newgrounds VAs, also stop watching cloverway when Linda Ballantyne becomes the VA. Believe me you'll know.

        • 7 days ago


          Oh God.


          Who, tought, this was a good idea?

          • 7 days ago
          • 7 days ago

            >runs away crying
            >comes back in to get the umbrella

          • 7 days ago

            She has a better voice doing other characters in other shows, so was definitely a miscasting.

    • 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago
    • 7 days ago

      good taste

    • 7 days ago

      My Black.

    • 7 days ago

      >as a kid have biggest crush on mars
      >get older in my late 20s and realize Jupiter was the hottest one

    • 7 days ago


  6. 1 week ago

    yea for real they need to give capcom a shot at it

    • 1 week ago

      Frick that, better have ArcSys make a Sailor Moon fightan.

      • 7 days ago

        >fighting game
        oh great a game in an overcrowded genre that's so niche that nobody but the most extreme autists bother with it. That's a perfect way to bring back a long-dead anime series with a small fanbase

      • 6 days ago

        When was the last good fighting game they put out? Central Fiction? Rev 2? Their catalog is shit now, stop recommending them for fighting games

  7. 1 week ago

    What genre should it be? Fighting? Beat 'em up? Adventure? RPG?

    • 1 week ago

      Rpg could be fun.

      • 1 week ago


        • 1 week ago

          I used to think this as well 10 years ago now I love them.

          I love Usagi!

          Mamoru is so lucky...

          • 1 week ago

            >I used to think this as well 10 years ago now I love them.
            This is actually an insane viewpoint.

            JRPGs are for children and those mentally children at heart. They are about going on 'pretend adventures' where you don't really adventure, but are instead completely railroaded in both structure and gameplay, and you win so long as you spend enough time.

            Not liking them initially, because you actually lacked the patience to even learn how they work, and not because you DO get how they work and can see that they are repetitive and shallow, is honestly really low IQ.

            • 1 week ago

              I am only 24 years old why are you acting as if I am an old guy.

              • 1 week ago

                >not an old guy

              • 1 week ago

                From my understanding you are only old when you reach 50 years old.

              • 1 week ago

                >reach 50
                homie you are a dead corpse in 30 already

              • 1 week ago

                That only applies to women.

            • 7 days ago
            • 7 days ago


              >RPGs are for LITTLE TINY BABIES because they gots reading in them, unlike manly manshooters for men like call of duty!
              actual mental illness holy frick

    • 7 days ago

      A non-kusoge fighting game.

    • 7 days ago

      Action RPG that's a hybrid between Neo TWEWY and the Tales of series.
      >swap between characters during fights and have them assist each other
      >have short skits when exploring the city and hunting enemies to have more interaction between the characters
      >similar gear system to TWEWY so shopping has a purpose
      >have a load of side quests ranging from incredibly silly filler episode tier to deep and emotional defining episode tier
      >characters can change how their powers work via modifying their wands
      It'll totally work trust me bros.

      • 7 days ago

        >what if 5 dudes in a line became... 5 women in a line?

        Woah... the power of Ganker idea guys... I am in awe.

        • 7 days ago

          Um it's five girls SCATTERED around pal get on my level

      • 7 days ago

        I'd buy that for a dollar 🙂

      • 7 days ago

        I would absolutely play a sailor moon game that’s like Neo TWEWY

  8. 1 week ago

    Finally, the perfect post to respond to with this image. I would have waited an eternity for this, it's over Prime

  9. 1 week ago
    うさぎ Anon

    I love Usagi!

    • 7 days ago

      I love anon!

  10. 1 week ago

    If it's not Tekken it doesn't get a budget.

  11. 1 week ago

    How much money would a sailor moon game make LMFAO

  12. 1 week ago
    • 7 days ago

      Foot Worship

  13. 1 week ago

    >The last good was released almost 30 years ago
    fixed for you

  14. 7 days ago

    The Sailor moon fighting game has an active scene. It had a tournament at Combo breaker not that long ago.


  15. 7 days ago

    Why would anyone trust women with protecting earth?

    • 7 days ago

      That legitimately ends up being the point and why I think the first manga arc's ending at least is astonishingly interesting.

    • 7 days ago

      Does an anime about sharply dresses magical boys even exist?

      • 7 days ago

        Does Ygo count?

  16. 7 days ago

    The dub widenen the age gap between Usagi and Mamoru

  17. 7 days ago

    Despite Sailor Moon being iconic, its appeal is very niche in terms of vidya. I don't doubt a Sailor Moon vidya could will sell well. The problem is how to market it.

    • 7 days ago

      >Despite Sailor Moon being iconic
      It's so weird that something as iconic as it is now basically 'lost' compared to Dragon Ball and Pokemon, which just keeps pumping out shit.

      It's like, its good that it isn't some crap that just continues on indefinitely with the characters just facing arbitrary stronger villains, because a good part of what makes it good is having actually an actually meaningful plotline that naturally changes as the characters grow up.

      But having it become this almost niche thing when it was a powerhouse comparable to any other anime or cartoon show at the time.

      • 7 days ago

        Toei went "anti-west" for some time which prevented any licensing. Then the licensing was very strict such as the ADV Japanese releases missing an episode for reasons never explained- but Viz was now able to do their new dub(it's not that faithful to the Japanese script, but is miles better than the kiddie Dic dub) with subtitles as well. They released some odd multi-part season sets but just reissued them as full season packs. I just got the Stars Blu-Ray. But even so it has a home release but nothing else in America.

        >The slow drip of Crystal films is more or less going to be the end of Sailor Moon content
        And that is fine. She made her money and doesn't want to keep rehashing the same shit over and over again. No need for Sailor Moon Super (20XX) with awful animation.

        Oh wait, that was Crystal!

        Crystal tried to adapt the manga better but had a lot of shit in it. Extra feminism, cranking up the possible lesbian love interests, Jupiter is now flat-chested. If a western franchise did it there would be people screaming but Nippon gets a pass?

        The live-action series was so badly-acted & poorly-written, it made 66 Batman look like 89 Batman.

        • 7 days ago

          >Jupiter is now flat-chested
          wait WHAT?

          • 7 days ago

            Makoto and Ami need to team up to dev a Sailor Moon game. Ami for her computer skills and Makoto for her TALENT.

        • 7 days ago

          And that is why the original manga is better. Yes, the '92 anime is iconic but the original manga has its own charm story and lorewise, and Stars dropping the ball vindicated the manga purely on the last ten or so chapters. If they weren't going to do Crystal right, they shouldn't have done it period. I knew we weren't getting games when they mentioned targeting 30 year-old women instead of the unisex audience that the original series gained.

          No Sailor Musou, or any new fighters or puzzle games ever.
          And that's also fine.

          • 7 days ago

            >No Sailor Musou

          • 7 days ago

            >If they weren't going to do Crystal right, they shouldn't have done it period.
            I hate this, I remember watching Crystal and going "oh, it looks bad because it's trying too hard to do Takeuchi's style" but then I grab a volume and notice that the characters are way more expressive and dont look like lifeless dolls

            • 7 days ago

              >crystal cropped
              i read dropped

            • 7 days ago

              she's got another layer to her cranium and yet her hairbuns got smaller

            • 7 days ago

              The actual character models are closer to the manga, the issue is they never deviate from the 'model' whereas the manga had no problem deforming them for an expression or gag.

            • 6 days ago

              God, it's like the artwork you see in those How To Draw Manga things

            • 6 days ago

              I heard it got better in season 3 or something, but I still don't really want to power through or start later.

              • 6 days ago

                I still dont understand what the point of the kiss was, I dont think Michiru would have approved.

              • 6 days ago

                The writer wanted to be kissed by her.

              • 6 days ago

                You thought your first kiss would be tuxedo mask? It was I, Haruka!

              • 6 days ago

                You are wrong, but I wonder what was the reaction in the west when Crystal dropped pic related. Usagi was both asleep and drunk.

                >trap or reverse trap
                Which it is?


          • 7 days ago

            >targeting 30 year-old women instead of the unisex audience
            Remembering watching Crystal, all that really meant was no cheesecake. Surely targeting older woman doesn't mean being intentionally boring, so I'll attribute that to different staff.
            Comparing Crystal to the original, exemplifies the trend of increased artistic regulations and neutering of mainstream Japanese media over the past 40-50 years.

            • 7 days ago

              3 main standalone reasons:

              Takeuchi said NO PAINTIES

              TOEI being post 97 TOEI

              Precure being their pastiche magical girl IP aimed at little girls, and i mean babies.

              Add those 3 to the more strict regulations on kid show anime's since the 2000s, that and japanese boomer stupidity of sucking up the media's fearmonger of ''LE EVIL OTAKU KILLERS'' whenever something goes wrong.

          • 7 days ago

            How I see Sailor V

            • 7 days ago

              Kinda prostitute-ish

              • 7 days ago

                My favorite kind of bombshell

          • 6 days ago

            >I knew we weren't getting games when they mentioned targeting 30 year-old women instead of the unisex audience that the original series gained.
            Out of all the shit I got bullied for in shcook, my sailor moon folders was not one of them. I really did gain an audience I never would have expected, but then again the original anime also had a lot of sentai appeal, monster of the week type stuff, romance for the girls, action, cute girls, it had it all.

        • 7 days ago

          >but Viz was now able to do their new dub(it's not that faithful to the Japanese script, but is miles better than the kiddie Dic dub) with subtitles as well

          I'd honestly argue that it's in a position where it's not faithful enough that it doesn't even count as a proper dub even if it's technically 'uncut'. It's almost like a halfway compromise that clearly takes a lot of cues from the older dub, is still incredibly
          westernized and gives you a very different impression of the characters due to how they're voiced and how similar they come off.

        • 7 days ago

          Makoto's/Jupiter VIZ dub voice is fuxkin horrible, who tought it would be good, thats all i know.

          • 7 days ago

            I can't tell any of them apart. None of them make any effort to sound anything but what they are in real life, which is 40+ year old women (black in Mako/Jupiter's case) playing 14 year olds. At least the DiC actors had backgrounds in cartoons and could sound close to the right age.

            • 7 days ago

              The first US Cast gets flack because the localization but the voices were fine, except for "EveryGirl" Tracey Moore Usagi, almost as unfitting as Ian James Corlett Goku from the early Saban/Funi DBZ, the second US Usagi voice (Terri Hawkes) was a bit more doable and doofy sounding, and NOBODY liked the 3rd MEATBALLHEAD Linda Ballintine Cloverway voice......

              Dont remember how faithful the Cwi dub was aside from keepin the DiC names/terms and the whole cousins thing.

              • 7 days ago

                I thought Tracey Moore sounded most age-appropriate. On going back to it TH sounded a bit too old but got the goofy part down perfectly.

              • 7 days ago

                You're the first person I've seen specifically single out Tracey like this. The way that she sounds naturally cute and I can actually watch her spaz out and cry without feeling like my ears should be torn off put her a step up over every other actress I've heard playing the character. I'd prefer Usagi/Serena to be played in this endearing way dubbed rather than have her be excessively obnoxious for the sake of 'accuracy'.

                Terri came off as way too boisterous and almost aggressive to be fitting. I get the feeling like the actress was trying to turn the character into herself rather than playing the part. Linda is a weird case where, while her voice is just weird and totally ill fitting, the way she tries to play her is honestly how I'd want her to be portrayed and I'd actually consider her the preferred dub actress were she actually capable of sounding anything at all like a teen girl instead of a yodeler

                The DiC/Cloverway dubs were kind of a 'you had to be there' thing. But at the same time, it's also a watershed moment in anime, at least in the west. Sailor Moon dub was the first time something that massive on such a scale was done, and managed some moderate success. Then, as always, Cartoon Network picked up the pieces and made it bigger than it was before. Unlike Dragon Ball Z, which absolutely bombed until it got on Cartoon Network, Sailor Moon went at least two and a half seasons before it kicked the bucket, and was later picked up for Toonami which revived it. That was a lot of episodes.

                Before Sailor Moon, you didn't see these kinds of dubs. You sad adaptations. You saw localizations. Sailor Moon's treatment in the DiC/Cloverway dub was surprisingly faithful to the original. At least in maintaining the plot, characters and dialog. To a degree. They had to censor a lot of it, and that's understandable. There was also a lot of 'lost in translation' changes made because kids in the early 90s were not going to be understanding of Japanese culture. I think the next closest in terms of faithfulness to the original media was the Robotech dub of Macross. The two seasons following that were complete fanfiction, though.

                So yeah. Give it a shot. But be prepared for 40 year old women trying to sound like 14 year old valley girls. It's got character and that character was unabashed cheese. It was b movie-tier, and proud of it.

                DiC and Robotech were extremely far off the respective source material. It's like, the may have been 'more faithful' anime than previous import jobs, but they still basically transformed their source material into completely different shows with different characters, following a basic plot skeleton but otherwise diverging significantly in the editing, music/sound, who the characters were and why they were doing what they were doing.

              • 7 days ago

                >DiC and Robotech were extremely far off the respective source material
                The Macross arc of Robotech was very close to the source material aside from them changing a few names here and there. The dialog was actually still very close to the original series. Even in the scene Exedol is talking about the history of the "Robotech Masters" it's not too far off from the original scene just replacing a few names here, and there.
                It's not until they dubbed Genesis Climber Mospeda and Southern Cross that it went completely off the rails into fanfiction-tier changes.

            • 7 days ago

              Anybody notices that outside of dubs made in texas and those LA voice actors who did all the CPM/Media Blasters dub who ALL sounded the same and below amateurish, all the best anime sounding dubs (In voice acting terms) were from either Canada or the LA dubs that used regular cartoon voice actors, usually for heavily localized animes from the 90s?

              Yes the sceipts were whack as hell due to localization and sometimes the voices were goofy and unfitting as hell, but the voice acting itself was often decent, then in late 90s and ALL of the 2Ks we had dubs that were "more faithful" (but not that much) but sounded HORRIBLE with the same awful sounding Texans? or the ocassional CPM/Media Blasters dub, which were very awkward and stilt sounding? (Their Rayearth dub comes to mind)

              • 7 days ago

                >Yes the sceipts were whack as hell due to localization and sometimes the voices were goofy and unfitting as hell, but the voice acting itself was often decent, then in late 90s and ALL of the 2Ks we had dubs that were "more faithful" (but not that much) but sounded HORRIBLE with the same awful sounding Texans? or the ocassional CPM/Media Blasters dub, which were very awkward and stilt sounding? (Their Rayearth dub comes to mind)

                Not talking about 4kids, VIZ dubs that did not got an uncut edition or Funimation garbage by the way, forgot to specify that.

        • 7 days ago

          >Extra Feminism

          Please explain yourself or someone do? Because i only ever watched bits and pieces here and there.

          • 7 days ago

            Mars is so hardcore "all men are pigs" more often than not it's like you're watching an episode of Jem. And I'd sooner shove a soldering iron into my eyes than watch that piece of shit.

            >but Viz was now able to do their new dub(it's not that faithful to the Japanese script, but is miles better than the kiddie Dic dub) with subtitles as well

            I'd honestly argue that it's in a position where it's not faithful enough that it doesn't even count as a proper dub even if it's technically 'uncut'. It's almost like a halfway compromise that clearly takes a lot of cues from the older dub, is still incredibly
            westernized and gives you a very different impression of the characters due to how they're voiced and how similar they come off.

            It tries to do US pop culture references but keeping them period-specific to the 90s. It doesn't always pull it off well

            >quoting LOTR but from the movie that came out after, as the book had a different line

            But I guess if your dub is just going to be the subtitle script they see no point in that? That said the original dic dub was udner HEAVY estrictions from network BS&P, the US government forcibly watering down content in cartoons to tone down violence & increase "educational" content(hence the "Sailor Says" segments trying to mimic the GI Joe PSAs) with no way a lesbian couple is going to pass through that either. I know anime had been dubbed prior(turning GoLion into Voltron was a MESS) but Sailor Moon was such a big project they were really winging it, too.

            • 7 days ago

              >Mars is so hardcore "all men are pigs" more often than not

              That's really just the manga. Rei is just such a mindless man hater there its silly. She's a far more shallow and less thoughtful character in the manga/Crystal than anywhere else, she just comes off as having a 'mature vibe' that isn't earned at all and is obviously incredibly immature.

              The anime really adds an incredible amount of depth to her and there's basically no point in going back to such a terrible take on her. I assume all fans of the manga who like her like that were 'tricked' by the way she's presented.

        • 7 days ago

          >The live-action series was so badly-acted & poorly-written, it made 66 Batman look like 89 Batman.

          Oh my god, frick MistareFusion for even trying to grift people into liking that fricking abomination. Live Action Sailors is almost as bad as the 2000s Kamen Rider reboot films.

          >He Troonaloon soon
          >He is always in drag

          Didnt worked for ProJared and its NEVER gonna work for you!

          • 7 days ago

            We will never get retro Maria in anime adaption.

  18. 7 days ago

    So... is it over for Sailor Moon as a franchise? With Cosmos having released, what else could be expected of it? Adapting anything after the grand finale would give marginal net gains to the publisher.

  19. 7 days ago

    What about Sailor Moon mods in other games? Like L4D2 for example, I'm sure there's some good (moronic) shit in the workshop.

    • 7 days ago

      Here is Armored core Sailor moon.

      • 7 days ago

        >Looked up Mexican BT3 mods of SM for fun
        >Only Ami and Usagi have models made

        • 7 days ago

          And they look like shit

    • 7 days ago

      Someone recently modded the main 5 Senshi into Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers, complete with custom 3D models. They're fun. If you do decide to go for it, check out their "working designs" signs as well.

      >Worth it?

      It's absolutely worth trying and had amazingly entertaining highlights.

      It's just not actually worth trying to watch through completely, since a lot of it actually just ends up boring and should be watched in the original.

      Like absolutely everyone needs to at least see shit like the episodes where Serena gets the disguise pen, the one the introduces Jupiter and the first season "final battle" where Carry On is sung. This level of gloriously unapologetic and earnest cheese is really something else.

      Like, alternating between DiC and the Japanese at appropriate episodes really puts things into perspective.

      The DiC/Cloverway dubs were kind of a 'you had to be there' thing. But at the same time, it's also a watershed moment in anime, at least in the west. Sailor Moon dub was the first time something that massive on such a scale was done, and managed some moderate success. Then, as always, Cartoon Network picked up the pieces and made it bigger than it was before. Unlike Dragon Ball Z, which absolutely bombed until it got on Cartoon Network, Sailor Moon went at least two and a half seasons before it kicked the bucket, and was later picked up for Toonami which revived it. That was a lot of episodes.

      Before Sailor Moon, you didn't see these kinds of dubs. You sad adaptations. You saw localizations. Sailor Moon's treatment in the DiC/Cloverway dub was surprisingly faithful to the original. At least in maintaining the plot, characters and dialog. To a degree. They had to censor a lot of it, and that's understandable. There was also a lot of 'lost in translation' changes made because kids in the early 90s were not going to be understanding of Japanese culture. I think the next closest in terms of faithfulness to the original media was the Robotech dub of Macross. The two seasons following that were complete fanfiction, though.

      So yeah. Give it a shot. But be prepared for 40 year old women trying to sound like 14 year old valley girls. It's got character and that character was unabashed cheese. It was b movie-tier, and proud of it.

      It's the only way to watch the first 2 seasons in english IMO. Viz dub sounds like shitty newgrounds VAs, also stop watching cloverway when Linda Ballantyne becomes the VA. Believe me you'll know.

      Thanks. I suppose it won't hurt to give it a shot.

    • 7 days ago

      >Sailor Moon
      >There are no sailors
      >There is no mooning

  20. 7 days ago

    Wasn't the last good Sailor Moon anime released 30 years ago?

  21. 7 days ago

    I want it too

    • 7 days ago

      >Guy on the right shares the same voice as Andy Bogard

      • 7 days ago

        >last scene is drinking herself under the table in depression

        • 7 days ago

          Please don't remind me.

          • 7 days ago

            I can't help but laugh holy shit.

            A character that looks like her shows up during the Spirit Bomb scene of the Kid Buu arc, but the dialogue doesn't make any reference to it being her so it might've just been a random woman that looked like her. They really should've thrown a line in to make it clear it was her, something like "anything for you, Goku!"

        • 7 days ago

          I can't help but laugh holy shit.

        • 7 days ago

          Not true. She appears in the end of Z and in Super.

          • 7 days ago

            and the tarble special

          • 7 days ago

            >in Super.
            She was replaced by Piss remember?

          • 7 days ago

            The character in the spirit bomb scene was never confirmed as being her. Super isn't canon. She showed up in that Goku and Friends movie from 2009, inexplicably looking the same as she did when we last saw her despite the fact she would've canonically been like 40 at that point.

            • 7 days ago

              >Super isn't canon.

              • 7 days ago

                Because I said so

              • 7 days ago

                >sissy spergs

  22. 7 days ago

    Give us Super Heroine/Shoujo Wars

  23. 7 days ago

    So how do i watch all the Sailor Moon stuff though?

  24. 7 days ago
    • 7 days ago

      Cute shrimp

  25. 7 days ago

    Sailor Moon is such an easy anime to watch. You get about 10 minutes of comfy slice of life in that very 1990's Japanese world followed by 10 minutes of action and intrigue with some of the best anime music around and action/transformation sequences that never get old no matter how many times they're reused. It's so formulaic, but it works.

    • 7 days ago

      It also has that surreal technicolor dreamland Tokyo vibe going for it, too. The anime improved upon the source in every way and I'll fight anybody that disagrees with me.

  26. 7 days ago

    Sailor Moon Chronicle nearly achieves greatness in its adaptation of the anime series. The attention to detail in recreating every episode is commendable, offering fans a way to experience Usagi's journey from clumsy schoolgirl to legendary guardian of love and justice. The game captures the essence of the anime's art style enhanced with modern graphics. Characters, environments, and special effects are all fully rendered, making each scene a treat for longtime fans and newcomers alike. The narrative faithfully follows the anime, hitting all the key plot points and character development moments that made the series so endearing. But the game's one major flaw threatens to overshadow its many positives. The combat system, while innovative in concept, becomes a source of frustration and potential injury. Each attack animation, beautifully recreated from the anime, requires players to continuously rotate the control stick for at least a minute. While this feels engaging and immersive, it quickly becomes physically taxing. Reports of hand stress and injuries have emerged, reminiscent of the infamous Mario Party controversy. This design choice, attempting to involve players in the action, detracts from the overall experience and poses a risk to players' well-being. This mechanic mars an otherwise excellent game. The developers went for creating the definitive Sailor Moon gaming experience, but the physical toll of the combat system cannot be ignored. Sailor Moon Chronicle gets so much right but stumbles in one crucial area. For fans willing to endure the physical challenge, it offers a uniquely immersive experience. But the risk of hand injuries and the repetitive nature of the combat make it difficult to recommend without reservations. With some adjustments to the attack mechanics, this could have been the ultimate Sailor Moon game. As it stands, it's a flawed gem that showcases both the potential and the pitfalls of adapting anime into interactive entertainment.

  27. 7 days ago

    >best sailor moon discussions are always on Ganker
    >literally can't discuss this shit anywhere else

    • 7 days ago

      Ganker has some of the best old school anime threads

      • 7 days ago

        That's my wife, right there on the right

    • 7 days ago

      God she's so cute.

    • 7 days ago

      Ganker has some of the best old school anime threads

      You can't discuss a board's topic on that board. You should all know this. Ganker is too steeped in 20 years of arguments about bullshit to have good threads. Same goes for Ganker and video games.

      • 7 days ago

        I dunno about that, Ganker threads usually go smoothly, though that's more dependent on the show being discussed.

        • 7 days ago

          Probably because Ganker is atomized to such a degree that each thread about a show might as well be an entire board unto itself. Same for Ganker.

          • 7 days ago

            Ganker is a shit board. Extremely shit. Ironically, however there was a nice old anime aesthetic thread.

    • 7 days ago

      GX has weekly cytube streams it would be nice if Sailor moon had one too.

    • 7 days ago

      Ganker doesn't even seethe about Sailor Moon they just don't care

      • 7 days ago

        Found the person who's never been to Ganker.
        Ganker has great Sailor Moon threads.

        • 7 days ago

          >Found the person who's never been to Ganker.
          Sane person.

        • 7 days ago

          They absolutely do not. You're lucky if one survives 15 posts.

          • 7 days ago

            So you've never been there.
            They frequently have Sailor Moon threads that hit the bump limit.

            • 7 days ago


              • 7 days ago

                Yes you are wrong. Thanks for admitting it.

          • 7 days ago

            >Found the person who's never been to Ganker.
            Sane person.

            Are Ganker bitter over Pokémoon crystal remake?

    • 7 days ago

      Never thought use see cute feet in this Sailor Moon thread but thank you!

      • 7 days ago

        The biggest evidence that internet can brainwash people lies at the footgays.
        China is right about limiting how much people can spend on screens.

        • 7 days ago

          >He took the feet fetish meme seriously
          No one is actually attracted to that you know that right?

  28. 7 days ago


    What was with this dopey art direction?

    • 7 days ago

      it has a name.

      • 7 days ago

        Sailor Moon is 'bishoujo', but legitimately was the origin of the term 'moe' as far as we know.

    • 7 days ago

      Depends on who the art director was. Pissed me off that they usually handed the hot springs/beach/swimsuit episodes off to the shittiest art directors

      • 7 days ago

        I want to frick Sailor Uranus in front of Sailor Neptune.

        • 7 days ago
        • 7 days ago


        • 7 days ago


          What did they mean by this?

          • 7 days ago

            Idk but those scenes where she kissed Usagi gave me a boner. That kiss was hot.

          • 7 days ago

            I misread Buns-head as butthead and now I can hear Biff from Back to the Future while reading this lmao.

          • 7 days ago

            homosexuals reproduce by grooming children

            • 7 days ago

              It's a shame they can't get licensed for a crossover, as that's a big thing now. Superman could work well, though Popeye would be more interesting. Sadly it'll probably never happen as Japan isn't big on western franchises much anymore.

              Only gay groomer I know of is Milo Yiannopoulos

              Probably because Ganker is atomized to such a degree that each thread about a show might as well be an entire board unto itself. Same for Ganker.

              Ganker is mostly "waah franchise woke now because muh Hitler" so I gave up on any sane discussion

            • 7 days ago


              • 7 days ago

                most gay prosties are underage.

              • 7 days ago

                But enough about you and your hobbies

              • 7 days ago


              • 7 days ago

                You at low tier


  29. 7 days ago

    My favourite was always Amy.

  30. 7 days ago

    So which ones are worth playing? Never played a Sailor Moon game.

    • 7 days ago

      Dont forget her(and her daughter's, and her from a super far away future's) birthday in a few days, anons.

      None, but if you dont mind having a mediocre time, check Sailor Moon S for the Super Nintendo, both beat em up games, and Sailor Moon Another Story, also for the Super Nintendo, which I liked but holy shit the grind is disgusting.

      • 7 days ago

        There's a simple hack for Another Story that reduces the grind by adding an equip item you can buy that gives more exp during battles and boosts your attack. It also makes the final boss tolerably difficult rather than RNG.

        • 7 days ago

          >It also makes the final boss tolerably difficult rather than RNG
          Bullshit bosses can be fun sometimes.

      • 7 days ago

        >None, but if you dont mind having a mediocre time, check Sailor Moon S for the Super Nintendo, both beat em up games, and Sailor Moon Another Story, also for the Super Nintendo, which I liked but holy shit the grind is disgusting

        Thats because that was BANDAI slop.

        Undercooked rushed jobs at best.

        • 7 days ago

          Damn shame

      • 7 days ago

        i dropped it because of the grinding but the genesis beat em up was kino

        • 7 days ago

          >i dropped it because of the grinding
          There is a hack for that now if you are interested


      • 7 days ago

        >holy shit the grind is disgusting
        Just use the cheat that starts you off at lvl 16 so you're ahead of the curve, but not steamrolling everything like the cheat that puts you at lvl 99.

  31. 7 days ago

    I want to have sex with every single one of them individually while they all watch me when it isn't their turn [spoiler]because they need to get ready for the grand orgy finale[/spoiler]

    • 7 days ago

      >the grand orgy finale

  32. 7 days ago

    >Sailor Moon
    >There are no sailors
    >There is no mooning

  33. 7 days ago
    • 7 days ago

      this is how slice-of-life anime should've remained
      cute things by daylight
      cool things by moonlight

  34. 7 days ago

    >Usagi was 994 years-old when born her daughter

    immortal vampire

    • 7 days ago

      They can canonically re-incarnate. I think Chibi-Usa herself was like 200+ years old.

  35. 7 days ago


  36. 7 days ago

    Just so everyone knows, Toonami is airing Sailor Moon again every Friday at 5PM EST. They just aired EP3 last week, so there's still time to catch up and tune in. It's the ViZ dub from 2014 with Stephanie Sheh (Hinata) as Serena, though

    • 7 days ago

      Are they airing Outlaw Star?

      • 7 days ago

        No, it's supposed to be a 'nostalgic revival of CN-era Toonami' so it's a 2 hour block of Sailor Moon, DBZ Kai (lol) and Naruto (double-lol). People only care about Sailor Moon

        • 7 days ago

          Honestly the lineup kinda sucks. I would've had Sailor Moon, original Dragon Ball, the Omni dub of Cardcaptor Sakura, and maybe Voltron.

          • 7 days ago

            cardcaptors was on Kids WB

            • 7 days ago

              It was also on Toonami for about a year.

        • 7 days ago

          I'd give it a watch but both Cartoon Network and Adult Swim are garbage compared to what they used to be.

        • 7 days ago

          Fricking lame.

        • 7 days ago

          >nostalgia bait block
          >DBZ Kai instead of the original DBZ
          what are these Black folk fricking smoking

          • 7 days ago

            Funimation are embarassed by their original dub.

          • 6 days ago

            I believe that's the only version Toei allows to be licensed these days.

  37. 7 days ago

    I'm suprised Usagi never had a "YOU'RE NOT EVEN MY REAL MOM" episode. Seems like her family was always shitting on her.

  38. 7 days ago
    • 7 days ago

      She gets it from her momma!

      • 7 days ago

        Not really, Chibiusa looks hot as a teenager and seems to have bigger hips and breasts, she got it from her grandma.

        • 7 days ago

          I lowkey wanted a timeskip sequel series where Chibi-Usa officially becomes the new Sailor Moon and there's a re-occurring gag where even as Neo Queen Serenity, Usagi still acts like Usagi.

          • 7 days ago

            >Everyone thinks Neo Queen Serenity is this proper kind woman. The ideal of a dignified ruler.
            >Behind closed door Usagi is being a Brat because Chibi-Usa took the last slice of Pizza so she's gonna steal her popsicle.

          • 7 days ago

            For my part I just wanted to see how Chibiusa's daily life in Neo Crystal Tokyo looks like, both the manga and anime completely failed her to show her childhood and adulthood. She doesnt have friends, nor apparently her grandparents, or her uncle, she doesnt have a career or a proper education? I would expect Usagi to be caring but accidentally neglectful, but not Mamoru.

            • 7 days ago

              >Episode where Usagi visits her human family's graves and she remembers the times she had when Chibi-Usa went to the past

        • 6 days ago

          She gets it from her momma!

    • 7 days ago
      • 7 days ago

        Ganker has some of the best old school anime threads

        What toei mean by this?

        • 7 days ago

          >Jungre de Ikou
          Wish there was more

          • 7 days ago

            Kek, what the frick

          • 7 days ago

            >According to Yuji Moriyama, a TV series based on the OVAs was in preproduction, but the plans for it were scrapped when the OVAs didn't sell well.
            Kino webm yet sad at same time.

            • 7 days ago

              Ganker sign petition

            • 7 days ago

              would not been as sleeazy as the OVAs anyways.

              • 7 days ago

                Kek, what the frick

                >old toguro-like
                Something familiar?

                Meanwhile modern anime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV4T-3X7LBs

              • 7 days ago


            • 6 days ago

              Damn, really wish that panned out. Here's a quick Natsumi before the thread dies

              • 6 days ago

                thank you

              • 6 days ago


          • 7 days ago

            >old toguro-like
            Something familiar?

        • 7 days ago

          80s/90s OVAs were....at times insane.

          • 7 days ago

            Those were copper gem era.

        • 7 days ago

          80s/90s OVAs were....at times insane.

          >According to Yuji Moriyama, a TV series based on the OVAs was in preproduction, but the plans for it were scrapped when the OVAs didn't sell well.
          Kino webm yet sad at same time.

          Huh, Toei didnt do Jungre de Ikou

          • 7 days ago

            I wish remake wasn’t do by them

          • 6 days ago

            Sick! Imagine he done Darkstalkers full anime series

            Best waifu

        • 6 days ago

          >According to Yuji Moriyama, a TV series based on the OVAs was in preproduction, but the plans for it were scrapped when the OVAs didn't sell well.
          Kino webm yet sad at same time.

          >no one posted it

          • 6 days ago

            The camera man is my dad

          • 6 days ago

            How many tags can you fit in this one scene jesus

          • 6 days ago

            average May enjoyer here

    • 7 days ago

      I'm suprised no one attempted the soi meme from that webm.

  39. 7 days ago

    Only Shonen trite gets by with Bandai Namco.

    If things were any different even the MOTDs would get some love.

    • 7 days ago

      shin megami tensei play good on switch

  40. 7 days ago

    I got an idea: Sailor Moon by Obari

    • 7 days ago

      >SNK animation
      viper gts could work if not h-ova, but have futanari students name Filia (based off Skullgirls)

      • 7 days ago

        >Viper GTS
        That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.

        • 7 days ago

          >SNK animation
          viper gts could work if not h-ova, but have futanari students name Filia (based off Skullgirls)

          Viper GTS got me addicted to girls buttholes

          • 7 days ago


            • 7 days ago

              been a while since i heard of that

              someone start a vipergts watch party, no gooning.

        • 7 days ago
          • 7 days ago


            He worked the OP Animation and Mech design

            • 7 days ago

              Sick! Imagine he done Darkstalkers full anime series

              • 7 days ago

                The crazy bastard had SNK give him a Neo-Geo MVS as part of the deal to do the Fatal Fury animations

              • 7 days ago

                Sakurai must has seen kunoichi fanning jiggle physic?

      • 7 days ago

        been a while since i heard of that

  41. 7 days ago

    It called blue reflection.

  42. 7 days ago

    kinda funny to see Sailor Moon S being played at tournaments.

  43. 7 days ago

    What went right?

  44. 7 days ago

    MAKE UP!

    • 7 days ago
  45. 7 days ago

    I remember playing some SNES JRPG and it was the most kino shit I never expected it to be good but it was unironically awesome

    • 7 days ago

      Sailor Moon: Another Story. I'm suprised nobody attempted a balance patch.

      • 7 days ago

        Bleach 3rd Phantom of 16-bit RPG

      • 7 days ago

        I like this one.

        • 7 days ago

          Made for pervert bastards men.

          • 7 days ago

            And Michiru loves to watch.

    • 7 days ago

      Sailor Moon: Another Story. I'm suprised nobody attempted a balance patch.

      >That moment when the Sailor Scouts visit the Silver MIllenium in the past, understand that they are there for their own objective, so they arent allowed to help with the upcoming genocide, Usagi disguises herself as Serenity, but Queen Serenity sees through her immediatly and Usagi runs away crying, otherwise she would have stayed to save her previous mother and the rest of the kingdom.
      Best moment in the game imo.

  46. 7 days ago

    golden era never coming back


  47. 7 days ago

    If Sailor Moon was good it would have lasted more than a casual 80's and 90's fever. Everybody forgets it turned itself into the same episodic formula quick and the other girls were nothing but jobbers.
    Only nostalgiagays and trannies worships this trash.
    Meanwhile many other classics from the same time kept their popularity even in the 201X.
    Crystal was just yet another poor and desperate revival from the time the anime industry was suffering crisis.
    Even other old girly shows like Inuyasha or Cardcaptors aged better than Sailor Moon.
    Even that underdog show Saint Seiya aged better than Sailor Moon.
    The dyke shit was hated even back in time and it was NOT revolutionary at all. Japan always looked down on homosexuals.
    The biggest legacy of Sailor Moon is a fan made crossover porn movie where they become bawds of the Dragon Ball chads.

    • 7 days ago

      >Even that underdog show Saint Seiya aged better than Sailor Moon.
      Someone hasn't seen the ending of ND.

      Sailor Moon: Another Story. I'm suprised nobody attempted a balance patch.

      I have seen one where they made it much less grindy.

      • 7 days ago

        It got a new CGI anime, it got a live action and even games.
        What does Sailor Moon has? Nothing. It is dead because it was never able to bring something good and new past Sailor Moon R.

        • 7 days ago

          S was kino, you uncultured swine.

          • 7 days ago

            >moronic comic relief villain goes do a thing
            >sends moronic goon to do it
            >episode centered in one of the girls
            >casual forced gay shit
            >monster appears to ruin the day
            >if the girl isn't Usagi, she jobs
            >extremely long sequence of Usagi and Chibi Usa transforming
            >goon has some trick
            >tuxedo jobs appears to distract him
            >they find a way to overcome the trick of the goon
            >long ass sequence of Usagi and Chibi Usa and their special long attack(literally takes minutes)
            >goon defeated
            >villain throws a tantrum and gets mocked by the other villains
            >episode ends
            >formula repeats for the entirety of the show with some little variations about mirrors, dreams, circus or whatever
            There is your magical slop show.

            • 7 days ago

              >extremely long sequence of Usagi and Chibi Usa transforming
              That sequence is short as frick.
              If you want long, watch any Precure series.

            • 7 days ago

              The irony of you posting Frieza with this long, moronic greentext is not lost on me. I still think back fondly to when he showed up on Earth after Namek and got instant killed by Trunks. Then he came back again with a new form, jobbed to Goku. The he came back again for the ToP and got his ass beat to the brink of death by Toppo.

              • 7 days ago

                >writes something completely unrelated
                This is your brain on moeshit slop.

              • 7 days ago

                You're making fun of Saior Moon for having shitty jobber villains while posting the DBZ villain who's jobbed harder than any other. It's completely related.

              • 7 days ago

                >killed Bejita
                >killed Krillin
                >killed namekians
                >destroyed nameks
                >destroyed Earth again and killed everyone
                >eliminated lots of people in the ToP
                >"l-look how much of a jobber he is.."
                See? Your shitty useless brain on moeshit.

              • 7 days ago

                He killed Vegeta and Krillin in the only arc where he was ever a threat. Whis reverted the destruction of Earth, and even then that was Vegeta's fault for being a useless moron. Knocking out a few literal whos and Cabba isn't impressive. Nice cope gay.

              • 7 days ago

                >moeturd picture for trannies and useless cope that doesn't refute the facts

                >Burns you while killing Sailor Neptune without even looking at her, causing Sailor Uranus to kill herself and beats all of the Sailor Scouts easily before Usagi goes Super.

                Everyone but Usagi is a jobber in this trash. It is literally like I said, Usagi just shows up to oneshots the bad guy of the episode after a long ass sequence that takes minutes.
                Slop show.

              • 7 days ago

                >No more arguments in favor of your stupid jobber villain who hasn't done anything noteworthy since Namek
                My work here is done.

              • 7 days ago

                >sniiffff i cant refute thing but ill pretend i do because he didnt say more

              • 7 days ago

                >Burns you while killing Sailor Neptune without even looking at her, causing Sailor Uranus to kill herself and beats all of the Sailor Scouts easily before Usagi goes Super.

              • 6 days ago

                >See her in her car
                >Fire pic related at her
                Noting personal b***h!

              • 7 days ago

                Real man watch Saint Seiya new movie

            • 7 days ago

              Anon, that's Super S.

      • 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

      It died because Takeuchi hated the anime for changing her story and refused to license it out after it ended. That's it. Crystal was the first time she let the IP get adapted in years, and she only signed off on it because it was supposed to a more direct adaptation. Crystal bombed and that was that.

    • 6 days ago

      It got a new CGI anime, it got a live action and even games.
      What does Sailor Moon has? Nothing. It is dead because it was never able to bring something good and new past Sailor Moon R.

      >moronic comic relief villain goes do a thing
      >sends moronic goon to do it
      >episode centered in one of the girls
      >casual forced gay shit
      >monster appears to ruin the day
      >if the girl isn't Usagi, she jobs
      >extremely long sequence of Usagi and Chibi Usa transforming
      >goon has some trick
      >tuxedo jobs appears to distract him
      >they find a way to overcome the trick of the goon
      >long ass sequence of Usagi and Chibi Usa and their special long attack(literally takes minutes)
      >goon defeated
      >villain throws a tantrum and gets mocked by the other villains
      >episode ends
      >formula repeats for the entirety of the show with some little variations about mirrors, dreams, circus or whatever
      There is your magical slop show.

      Ok, are you seriously so moronic that you're actually confusing SuperS with S

      What went right?

      and don't get that they're completely different seasons, with S being the actually epic one, and SuperS being entirely slice of life? I don't know what else I'd expected form a DBZ fanboy, but what can I say?

  48. 7 days ago

    Venus best

  49. 7 days ago

    Cursed image, don't click.

    • 7 days ago


    • 7 days ago

      What happens if I click, I just hovered the mouse over it and I saw a cute girl.

    • 7 days ago

      >cursed image

    • 7 days ago

      Usagi actually looks cute[spoiler]r with her hair down. I understand why it's not down often, looks too much like Minako, but I like it.[/spoiler]

      • 7 days ago

        The differences are there once you learn them.

  50. 7 days ago

    Is Takeuchi still a super horny person?

    • 7 days ago

      Isn't this just every female?

      • 7 days ago

        Kinda. My ex had a balls fetish.

        • 7 days ago

          Was it anything extreme?

          The irony of you posting Frieza with this long, moronic greentext is not lost on me. I still think back fondly to when he showed up on Earth after Namek and got instant killed by Trunks. Then he came back again with a new form, jobbed to Goku. The he came back again for the ToP and got his ass beat to the brink of death by Toppo.

          >I still think back fondly to when he showed up on Earth after Namek and got instant killed by Trunks
          Funniest job in anime.

          • 7 days ago

            Only weird thing she did was pull my balls between my legs. Other than that, it was your typical teabagging and ball sucking.

            • 7 days ago

              Oh okay made me a bit worried for a second there.

              • 7 days ago

                Thanks for being concerned about my balls anon.

              • 7 days ago

                No problem bro, any guy has to be concerened for his fellow man's well being when it comes to stuff like that.

                Scandal? What scandal?

                Fricked a 30 year old fan and got her pregnant, he then forced her to abort the child and hit her once.

              • 7 days ago

                Do we have any proof or is it
                >just believe the woman without any proof

              • 7 days ago

                He admitted on Twitter what he has done and put out a statement.

              • 7 days ago

                Lame. I hate when VAs change. It took me like 500 episodes to get used to Kogoro's voice change.

              • 7 days ago

                I still can't get used to Tien's new voice in the sub all I hear is Pikkon and Android 16.

              • 7 days ago
              • 7 days ago

                Lame. I hate when VAs change. It took me like 500 episodes to get used to Kogoro's voice change.

                Life is unfair bros.

              • 7 days ago

                >still watching Dragonball in 2024

              • 7 days ago

                Where did I imply that in my post?

              • 7 days ago

                By saying you can't get used to Tenshinhan's new voice.

              • 7 days ago

                Kamiya ain't doing nobody but Ryo Saeba anymore.

              • 7 days ago

                So....people are mad that he had consensual sex with an adult?

              • 7 days ago

                >IQ level 20
                >Profound moronation

              • 7 days ago

                He was having an affair that's pretty bad for a famous person in Japan.

                By saying you can't get used to Tenshinhan's new voice.

                He has that new voice since Kai.

              • 7 days ago

                >He has that new voice since Kai
                So you mean after the show was over for many years.

              • 7 days ago

                It was still a lot of years before battle of gods came out.

              • 7 days ago

                >watching dragonball after the show ended

              • 7 days ago

                >Moving the goalpost
                We are done.

    • 6 days ago

      Sailor Moons foreskin fetish suddenly makes sense.

      • 6 days ago


  51. 7 days ago

    just a reminder that if they do a new SM anime thing, there is a high chance Tuxedo Mask (Toru Furuya) might have a different VA

    • 7 days ago

      Nah he'll live until Detective Conan is finished.

      • 7 days ago

        it's been confirmed that he stepped down from his roles in Detective Conan and One Piece:

        • 7 days ago

          Scandal? What scandal?

          • 7 days ago

            4.5 year long affair with someone like half his age.
            Was physically violent
            Forced her to terminate a pregnancy
            among other things

          • 7 days ago

            False accusing Volkswagen

    • 7 days ago

      it's been confirmed that he stepped down from his roles in Detective Conan and One Piece:

      I am a bit suprised he is still wants to voice Yamcha.

  52. 7 days ago

    >sailor moon game like Xenoverse where you create a character and play through the storyline teaming up with the cast all through the timeline
    >sailor moon musou

    • 7 days ago

      >I wish my moeshit had the same glory and quality products as CHADgon CHAD
      Many such cases. CHADgon CHAD lies at the very top while the worms below keeps daydreaming in pure awe and envy.

      • 7 days ago

        why does this dbz Hispanic think he can talk to me

        • 7 days ago

          See? Do you see, literal illiterate animal?

          • 7 days ago

            si paco! mui caliente! aye yae yae

            • 7 days ago

              >mindbroken moevermin can't speak any language properly

  53. 7 days ago

    Never. No one wants it.

  54. 7 days ago

    The only thing the Sailor Moons are good for: sexual relief for the DB chads.

  55. 7 days ago

    >gets cucked in Super Star
    >Usagi gets pregnant with Seiya
    >forces Usagi to abort

  56. 7 days ago
  57. 7 days ago

    wasn't the last sailor moon game on the ds? that wasn't 30 years ago

    • 7 days ago

      OP said last GOOD game not the last one made.

  58. 7 days ago

    Dbz X sailor moon would be cool

    • 7 days ago

      It is cool. Its called Precure.

    • 7 days ago
      • 6 days ago

        whats that thing alongside taruruto kun?

    • 7 days ago

      It's canon already.

    • 7 days ago

      Sailor Moon x YuYu Hakusho would be more fitting. The mangakas are married to each other.

      • 6 days ago

        Sailor Moon x Cyberteam in Akihabara?

      • 6 days ago
      • 6 days ago

        Only if it ends with Yusuke getting a comical slap from Keiko.

        • 6 days ago

          Well anon?

          • 6 days ago

            >Silent Möbius
            Frick, that's a throwback.

  59. 7 days ago

    Who's the best villain?

    • 7 days ago

      Majin Buu

    • 7 days ago

      Best main villain? Anime Nehellenia, Hispanic dub anime Nehellenia to be exact.

    • 6 days ago

      The balloon girl

    • 6 days ago
      • 6 days ago

        >trap or reverse trap
        Which it is?

        • 6 days ago

          THE only true version is original, so yep, Zoisite is a gay boy.

  60. 7 days ago

    For me it's this blue bimbo.

    • 6 days ago

      Honestly, the Quartet are god tier.

      • 6 days ago

        Their theme song is great.


  61. 7 days ago

    I want a Musou.
    And Sex with Chibi-Usa.

  62. 6 days ago

    >girls after two beers

    • 6 days ago


    • 6 days ago

      Never refuted.

      • 6 days ago

        Right is extremely inaccurate.

        • 6 days ago

          Prove it.

        • 6 days ago

          Bayo 3 (and SMTV), the greatest sailor moon-like switch exclusively

      • 6 days ago

        I have an ntr fetish and there's so much wrong with this I don't know where to start

      • 6 days ago

        Imo there are two types of yurigays. Self-inserters and voyeurists. Trannies are the former and the later are more sane.

  63. 6 days ago
    • 6 days ago

      sailor jupiter is my husbando

  64. 6 days ago
    • 6 days ago

      Fake bust size

    • 6 days ago

      I want to milk the scouts

    • 6 days ago

      For the sake of the constant joke this image would be better if Usagi was the only one with normal/small breasts.

      • 6 days ago

        She basically old Joseph Joestar of magical joke

      • 6 days ago

        It would be funny too if the following image all of them are gangbanging Usagi with their big futa wieners haha

    • 6 days ago

      Sailor Mommies content in any form WHEN?!?

      • 6 days ago

        Ahe-Ahe Moon, an Orcsoft eroge that focuses on the Inners.
        My fricking kingdom for a sequel with the Outers and Chibi-Usa.

        Also there's a few pages of them in Parallel Moon.

        • 6 days ago

          Watch Cosmos

          I want to see nurse Venus. I want to see councilwoman Mercury. I want to see photographer Jupiter. I want to see shrine owner Mars. I want to see flustered housewife Moon.

          • 6 days ago

            You get Idol Minako, Doctor Ami, and flowershop owner Makoto instead.
            Though you do get Shrine owner Rei and Housewife Usagi.
            Also straight A students Chibi-Usa and Hotaru.
            And bratty Jr versions of the Inners, and Kousagi Tsukino.

            • 6 days ago

              Chibi-Usa and Hotaru meet super doll Licca-chan

              • 6 days ago

                How about instead they meet Chibi-Usa's loose classmates?
                One of them is Naru's little sister.

              • 6 days ago

                Lucky her. But Chibi-USA in!

      • 6 days ago

        Watch Cosmos

  65. 6 days ago

    Give me the must play Sailor Moon games please

    • 6 days ago

      There's only really one.
      Sailor Moon Another Story for SNES.

      • 6 days ago

        I liked that arcade beat em up.

        • 6 days ago

          Yeah but its not really a MUST PLAY.

    • 6 days ago

      Another Story, one of the fighting games is alright, and if you know Italian, La Lune Splende for the DS.

    • 6 days ago
  66. 6 days ago

    This movie had no right to be that good.

    • 6 days ago

      >no one posted it

      OVA now on free streaming

      • 6 days ago


        • 6 days ago


          • 6 days ago

            Cool! Uh huh huh huh!

      • 6 days ago

        >OVA now on free streaming
        Where? Pluto TV? Freevee? Tubi?

        • 6 days ago


          • 6 days ago

            >Both Speed Racer and Mach Go Go Go are on Tubi
            The hero we don't deserve.

            • 6 days ago

              Even Naruto (2002), HxH (2011, rip 1999) and JJBA (2012) etc

    • 6 days ago
  67. 6 days ago

    sailor moon is for girls

  68. 6 days ago

    So was it femcel rage?

    • 6 days ago

      According to robot chicken, yes.

  69. 6 days ago

    What Sailor Moon games are worth playing?

    • 6 days ago

      The SNES RPG "Another Story", the SNES fighting game, and Moon Drops if you like Match 3 games and can get it to work without a server connection.

      • 6 days ago

        >Match 3
        >get it to work without a server connection.
        Im sorry, what

        • 6 days ago

          Moon Drops was a surprisingly high production game despite basically being Bejeweled. It went through all the seasons and even had bonus content.
          But whoever owned it shut down the servers, though it was a few years into the game's lifetime.
          A few years ago someone managed to crack it and get a new server running, but they shut it down too.

    • 6 days ago

      So which ones are worth playing? Never played a Sailor Moon game.

      Play the puzzle games, they're really good.

      • 6 days ago

        The most no-brainer is a SNES collection, but holy hell make sure Wayforward and Limited Run gmaes doesn't hear about it because those hacks would wipe their slimy dicks all over Sailor Moon with custom new intros, voice acting, and bullshit.

        Just a faithful port of the snes puzzle, fighting, beat-em-ups, plus the rather gorgeous looking arcade game. Note: the arcade game is NOT the same as the SNES game.

        >Yazkua is also the natural evolution of the Kunio Nekketsu games too. But that's a conversation you're not ready for.
        Not him, but I am. I played the shit out of those games when I was a kid and later as a teenager.

        You can think of the Yakuza games more or less stealing Nekketsu's thunder. They're doing the same kind of games but in 3D. They're street brawlers with quirky and ironic humor that don't take themselves that seriously. Only difference is the Nekketsu squad are high school delinquints and the Yakuza's are adults.

        • 6 days ago

          The only addition I'd want to the RPG is a toggle to activate the orchestral version of the soundtrack someone found and made a mod for.

        • 6 days ago

          >but holy hell make sure Wayforward and Limited Run gmaes doesn't hear about it because those hacks would wipe their slimy dicks all over Sailor Moon with custom new intros, voice acting, and bullshit
          Frick them for trying to spin Tachi no Banka into a River City Girls prequel. That game in particular I loved and seeing them try to tie their reboot into the original series in that manner is disgusting, especially considering what happened to Misako and Kyouko 2/3rds of the way in.

          • 6 days ago

            They're wiping their slimy diseased dicks all over Nekketsu and Clock Tower games, and acting like we should be thankful. Those games deserve faithful and respectful ports, not Wayforward erasing the games and inserting their fan fiction and shitty faux-anime art style.

            Truth be told: the SFC era nekketsu games were a mistep, and were falling off, but I'd rather have genuine misteps from the Japanese than Wayforward hacks. The ACTUAL art style for retro Japanese games is leagues ahead of Wayforward's shit.

            Are they Canadian? They have that Canadian cluelessness to them.

          • 6 days ago

            >Frick them for trying to spin Tachi no Banka into a River City Girls prequel. That game in particular I loved and seeing them try to tie their reboot into the original series in that manner is disgusting, especially considering what happened to Misako and Kyouko 2/3rds of the way in.

            WayForward and Christine Vee just wanted to do their own headcannon IP but then they bought the license of Technos characters for cheap because Arcsys were shit without a paddle (NuDDV anyone?) so their wrote their own ending, so fricking good..............that japan forced them to make it into the canon bad ending and made another ending instead.

            • 6 days ago

              Do you mean the ending to river city girls 1? The one where the boys ignore the girls?

  70. 6 days ago

    Why not have Konami made it?

    • 6 days ago

      We're never going past 1998 culturally, are we
      Same plots, same settings, same characters. Over and over and over

    • 6 days ago

      Because BANDAI be BANDAI,.

      BANDAI were literally the Japanese LJN of its time, i am not even joking, and BANPRESTO was their ACCLAIM.

      And also because TOEI and BANDAI were symbiotically connected, which means BANDAI will always be behind those games, and at the very best, they are just "undercooked potential let it for rental" cash in, or games that only the japanese like such as the RNG card base RPG wjere grindin is moronic because they did not have time to fricking playtest and balance game mechanics, because Bandai of course, wouldnt allow it, and most developers they choose were from mid to crap, the only good one was Natsume and even then they were undercooked because of moronic deadlines.

      • 6 days ago

        >butt and face almost pointing at the camera
        damn she limber

        • 6 days ago

          She flexible

      • 6 days ago

        >but holy hell make sure Wayforward and Limited Run gmaes doesn't hear about it because those hacks would wipe their slimy dicks all over Sailor Moon with custom new intros, voice acting, and bullshit
        Frick them for trying to spin Tachi no Banka into a River City Girls prequel. That game in particular I loved and seeing them try to tie their reboot into the original series in that manner is disgusting, especially considering what happened to Misako and Kyouko 2/3rds of the way in.

        They're wiping their slimy diseased dicks all over Nekketsu and Clock Tower games, and acting like we should be thankful. Those games deserve faithful and respectful ports, not Wayforward erasing the games and inserting their fan fiction and shitty faux-anime art style.

        Truth be told: the SFC era nekketsu games were a mistep, and were falling off, but I'd rather have genuine misteps from the Japanese than Wayforward hacks. The ACTUAL art style for retro Japanese games is leagues ahead of Wayforward's shit.

        Are they Canadian? They have that Canadian cluelessness to them.

        Like half genie dancer?

  71. 6 days ago

    >went to sleep during the day, thread still up

    wtf anons. wtf.

    Anyways, you may not like it but a proper adaption of SM or any other kind of melee combat manga is going to look like Yakuza. So imagine a game where you run around during the day with a particular storyline but at night you go out on combat missions, and these intertwine. I am not personally super sold on Yakuza's combat, but it's easy enough to understand and you must remember you need girls and average people on board not just "gamers".

    • 6 days ago

      Beat em up.
      Beat em up.

      • 6 days ago

        Anon. Yakuza is the natural 3D evolution of the old 2D Beat-em-up games combined with adventure games. And we already did that like THREE or FOUR times with Sailor Moon. I am fully on board with a SNES + Arcade collection for the Sailor Moon games plus netplay, so you get all the good beat-em-ups.

        I hate how certain series get pigeon-holed as "retro" games with games aimed at the 30 year old nostalgics, rather than modern games for everyone. If you want a new game that attracts people, you need A good looking modern 3D game.

        Yazkua is also the natural evolution of the Kunio Nekketsu games too. But that's a conversation you're not ready for.

        • 6 days ago

          >Yazkua is also the natural evolution of the Kunio Nekketsu games too. But that's a conversation you're not ready for.
          Not him, but I am. I played the shit out of those games when I was a kid and later as a teenager.

        • 6 days ago

          Nobody would enjoy side quests and shit with Sailor Moon. It can't work.

          • 6 days ago

            >Nobody would enjoy side quests and shit with Sailor Moon. It can't work.

            There's so much you can do, and you can draw it form the show:
            >Game Center storyline where you flirt with the chad, and try to get the high score in Sailor V and other games
            >Driving Arcade mini-game
            >dating side-quests and mechanics
            >Find missing pets
            >fight and solve minor crimes and buglaries from regular people not super villains
            >Small collectable items scattered throughout the world

            So I'm thinking basically Zelda: Ocarina of Time tier mini-games.

            • 6 days ago

              But Sailor Moon is literally too shallow to have all these nice things working.

              • 6 days ago

                >But Sailor Moon is literally too shallow to have all these nice things working

                That's such a bizarre thing to say. Sailor Moon has an amazing number of great episodes, probably more than any other anime, and can flash out a character in the space of a single episode in ways that other shows struggle to do over entire seasons.

          • 6 days ago

            I would enjoy it. Obviously depending on the sidequests, I would be happy with a series of "mini episode" sidequest about helping Naru and Umino's relationship or meeting again the victims of many episodes. Just anything that helps expand the world, I wanna see more of Usagi's family, Rei's grandpa and Yuuichiro, Ami's parents or those characters that were said to be super important to the inners that appeared exactly once like Minako's ""best friend"" or that kid who has a crush on Jupiter and is also Mamoru's kohai. Going back and using the Disguise Pen or exploring the planetary castles. There's honestly so much shit in SM's world that is used so little it wouldnt hurt to give the slightest bit of depth

            • 6 days ago

              The families were deffo underutilized, Makoto's big thing was that she was the orphan, but at one point everyone seemed to be an orphan too given nobody's family ever showed up, Ami's mom and dad had it the worst, they were actual characters with interesting backstories and an exploitable dynamic but they only appear once, Rei's granfather is honestly a one trick oiny joke charcter but Yuichiro was done so dirty and he had a lot of potential, we don't even get to see Minako's parents and Usagi's mom was honestly too cute to only appear in one episode past season 2.

            • 6 days ago

              >I would enjoy it. Obviously depending on the sidequests, I would be happy with a series of "mini episode" sidequest about helping Naru and Umino's relationship or meeting again the victims of many episodes. Just anything that helps expand the world, I wanna see more of Usagi's family, Rei's grandpa and Yuuichiro, Ami's parents or those characters that were said to be super important to the inners that appeared exactly once like Minako's ""best friend"" or that kid who has a crush on Jupiter and is also Mamoru's kohai. Going back and using the Disguise Pen or exploring the planetary castles. There's honestly so much shit in SM's world that is used so little it wouldnt hurt to give the slightest bit of depth

              You are asking for one shot nobodies to be taken seriously, the Sailormoon anime promised the return of the Amazon Quartet but ended up being never evers there, hell, they had the lame ass Amazon Trio as the initial villains in the first half of SuperS and only after they were ''disposed'' they introduced the Quartet, and thats one part the anime dropped the ball, they should just have the trio of queers being lackies of the Amazon Quartet ala Ginyu Force.

              the problem with the sailormoon anime is that become INCREDIBLY formulaic with its disposable one shots and magguffins

    • 6 days ago

      >solid combat
      >different fighting style for each scout
      >nostalgic open city
      >slice-of-life side quests
      >shopping for restorative items, weapons, and fashion
      >you may not like it
      where's the downside again?

  72. 6 days ago

    I'd make a prequel anime mostly following the lighter adventures of Sailor V, only for it to have a dark ending when the bad guys win which leads to Sailor Moon. In this reboot each sailor has different outfits like the prototype costumes. And in general condense the story to just 3 seasons max.
    My favorite seasons Original > S > R (at least the anime filler arc) > Super S and Stars can suck it.

  73. 6 days ago

    >Be girl just barely starting high school
    >Mind is full of the future, boys, etc usually girl shit
    >But your fate is decided, Usagi will be the pricess, the scouts are her bodyguards forever
    There's some inherently sad about Sailor Moon.

    • 6 days ago

      What's even worse is she forced immortality on the rest of world in her 20s and proclaimed herself God Empress.

    • 6 days ago

      What's even worse is she forced immortality on the rest of world in her 20s and proclaimed herself God Empress.

      Last two posts sums up my take on Serenity.
      Death Phantom did nothing wrong.
      The Black Moon Clan was right.

      • 6 days ago

        Explain Rebeus and Esmeraude being the only ones who were actually evil.

        • 6 days ago

          Rubeus wasn't actually evil, he was the first to find out Death Pahntom's plans and attempted to free Sailor Moon, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter but he was found out and executed.
          Esmeraude was a vapid c**t whose only interest was Demande's dick and she was jealous that he wanted to frick Sailor Moon instead of her so she surrendered her soul to Death Phantom in exchange for power.
          Nobody in the Black Moon clan was evil.

        • 6 days ago

          Both were selfish and had their own motives. Going by the anime, DP could use their desires and manipulate them, as he did with Esmeraude. Rebeus did get fricked over by Esmeraude though.

          This is a theme that is followed in all SM adaptations, being a Sailor Scout IS a fricking cuse, and if the possibility existed for all the girls to stop being Sailor Scouts, with the knowdlege that evil wouldnt rise again to threaten innocent lives, they would take it wholeheartedly(and did it in some cases, of which they were deeply ashamed of afterwards). I think there's an episode for all the inners where they ponder about leaving and it always ends with them resigned to fight the good fight, because if they wont do it, no one else will, and the episode where it shows Neptune and Uranus meeting each other is all about Uranus constantly trying to escape taking responsibility while Michiru tries to encourage her to do it.
          Hell, you could consider the final conflict of the manga/Cosmos to be exactly that: is it better to stop altogether all evil from being created, with the caveat that nothing else will also be created?, or do you allow it to continue existing to defend the rest of life in the universe so that it can also live? Sailor Cosmos fell into despair and decided the former was the better option, while Sailor Moon accepts an eternity of strife, if it means new life can flourish.

          I really loved Cosmos and I keep asking myself if she's Usagi from the far future or is she Chibi-Usa as an adult or even Chibi-Usa's daughter? That's never explained yet I loved the mystery behind her. She also has that one garnish on her skirt with all the other cadet's colors on it, implying something else, though you can tell what likely occurred.

          • 6 days ago

            Cosmos is implied to be a distant descendant of the moon family but nobody that is even close to being born, she's definitely not Usagi or Chibiusa, and she's not Kousagi (Usagi's second daughter) either.

            • 6 days ago

              I liked that story. Milfsagi was hot.

              One element that goes with the eternal fight is that the enemy (Chaos) comes back stronger or comes back with a plan that's more deadly than the previous threat and it all starts to wear on the senshi at some point, to where the enemy becomes too strong to fight. Serenity's moron strength with the Silver Crystal eventually gets matched. That's another layer of lore that really made the manga worth reading, even the anime couldn't match that at its peak and highest highs.

              • 6 days ago

                What the frick am I looking at, is that tall blonde woman supposed to be Michiru?

              • 6 days ago

                Yeah sometimes she does weird things with the coloring on their hair.

      • 6 days ago

        Death Phantom was an agent/incarnation of Chaos and his only intention was to destroy shit, he duped the Black Moon clan who actually had a point and turned them into his minions so he could take over Earth and kill the neo-queen, the guy who was previously exiled to Nemesis was not Death Phantom, at the point the Black Moon clan attacks Earth he's long gone and his corspe is being used as a puppet for Chaos, who also uses it to dupe Galaxia as a failsafe, resulting in the Stars arc later on.

    • 6 days ago

      This is a theme that is followed in all SM adaptations, being a Sailor Scout IS a fricking cuse, and if the possibility existed for all the girls to stop being Sailor Scouts, with the knowdlege that evil wouldnt rise again to threaten innocent lives, they would take it wholeheartedly(and did it in some cases, of which they were deeply ashamed of afterwards). I think there's an episode for all the inners where they ponder about leaving and it always ends with them resigned to fight the good fight, because if they wont do it, no one else will, and the episode where it shows Neptune and Uranus meeting each other is all about Uranus constantly trying to escape taking responsibility while Michiru tries to encourage her to do it.
      Hell, you could consider the final conflict of the manga/Cosmos to be exactly that: is it better to stop altogether all evil from being created, with the caveat that nothing else will also be created?, or do you allow it to continue existing to defend the rest of life in the universe so that it can also live? Sailor Cosmos fell into despair and decided the former was the better option, while Sailor Moon accepts an eternity of strife, if it means new life can flourish.

      • 6 days ago

        Also, if you're a Scout, you can't fricking die. You just constantly reincarnate.

      • 6 days ago


      • 6 days ago

        I don't know about the original anime since it's way too long and I don't want to rewatch it but in the manga/Crystal this happens in the mugen arc after Kaolinite revives the Witches 5 and instead of fighting with the sailors they ask them why theh're rejecting their dreams to slave as Serenity's guardians, Viluy shows Mercury a supercomputer and tells her that she's neglecting her studies, Eudial berates Mars for not focusing her energy on learning disciplines necessary to become a priestess, Tellu reminds Juoiter that her true dream is to own a flower shop and have a husband and Mimette forces Venus to admit that she yearns to be an idol.

        • 6 days ago

          >Jupiter just wants to sell flowers, get married and have kids

  74. 6 days ago

    >Manga spin off starring the Outers never ever

    • 6 days ago

      They are dogshit.

      • 6 days ago


      • 6 days ago

        I like Saturn the best in the original anime, mostly because she's the only onw not acting lile a moron all the time.
        In the manga I actually prefer Uranus, her dynamic with Usagi is really cute and I like that after she leaves Mugen she completely forgoes the butch act and starts wearing feminine clothing.

  75. 6 days ago

    I'm afraid I am only familiar with the DIC dub, but the games seem nice. Also Jupiter > Uranus > Mars > the rest.

    • 6 days ago

      Jupiter is the patrician choice, tall, beautiful, feminine and strong.
      Venus would be my second choice, she's fun and she's pretty.
      Mercury is actually the most popular in Japan which I don't get.
      Mars is hot but she's too much of a frigid b***h.

      • 6 days ago

        >Mercury is actually the most popular in Japan which I don't get
        Because Japan really loves polite cute girls. Its also why Japan overwhelmingly prefers Rei in Eva.

    • 6 days ago

      Jupiter is the patrician choice, tall, beautiful, feminine and strong.
      Venus would be my second choice, she's fun and she's pretty.
      Mercury is actually the most popular in Japan which I don't get.
      Mars is hot but she's too much of a frigid b***h.

      As someone who does not know anything about Sailor Moon, I NEED to breed Mercury

  76. 6 days ago

    Too bad Molly isn't important. She's pretty cute.

  77. 6 days ago

    >SM thread maxed out on Ganker of all places
    Great job.
    I wish the threads on Ganker would last without archiving, it sucks not having a place to talk about the series.

  78. 6 days ago


    • 6 days ago

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