The only game I recognize is Ex-Zodiac, and that's solely because I liked the musician before he started making tracks for it

The only game I recognize is Ex-Zodiac, and that's solely because I liked the musician before he started making tracks for it

CRIME Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Cassette beasts showed me this was a good engine, and NOT switch compatible

  2. 5 months ago

    >good engine

    • 5 months ago

      do you just lurk the catalogue all day waiting for game engine threads to repost this in

      • 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    ex-zodiac is the only quality godot game, and the only 3d game that godot can comfortably run
    snes/psx era 3d lololol

  4. 5 months ago

    why do gamerguyss engage in engine wars?
    just play whatever is fun.
    engines are different but every engine, or even no engine, has fun games.

    you don't ask a cook how his kitchen looks if he gave you an awesome cake.
    his skills produced it. same here.
    t. /agdg/

    • 5 months ago

      I'm just asking why this cook hasn't produced any awesome cakes. I'm legitimately asking /why/, not shitting on it.

      • 5 months ago

        my obvious analogy means devs are the cooks. engines are kitchens.

        brotato, halls of torment, cassette beasts and cruelty squad were huge financial successes whether or not you like them. they're objectively good. so put this to rest.

        • 5 months ago

          >they're objectively good.
          the engine objectively isn't, and no self respecting chef would waste time trying to cook in that shitty kitchen

          • 5 months ago

            >objectively bad
            is slay the spire bad?
            because the devs objectively switched to it and donated 100k after the unity fiasco.

            /agdg/ says "Just like make game"
            nothing else matters.
            your identity, your country, your engine, your methods, the time it took.
            you create a GOOD game. that's all that matters.
            everything else is cope by nodevs.

        • 5 months ago

          >engines are kitchens.
          They're ingredients like any other part of it. The kitchen is the studio and its tooling and development pipeline.

          • 5 months ago

            >they're ingredients
            no, that's the code/art
            you prepare til they're edible and tweak to taste
            the kitchen gives you the space/tools for that to happen

            • 5 months ago

              You don't work in an engine, you work in the tools developed for it.

              The engine is like active yeast. Slapping a bunch of other ingredients together, no matter what tools you use to do it, doesn't do shit unless there's an engine in there somewhere giving it cohesion and animation.

          • 5 months ago

            A shitty engine limits you with a ceiling.
            like a kitchen.
            bad production pipeline will just take longer. it can still produce anything.

            telling someone to use godot is like telling a chef to go cook in a tiny room where there's no space to turn around, the fridge is tiny, and the utensils are rusted or missing

            then when the chef complains about the tiny room, you say: "but it's free" or call him a "unity shill" or say "b-b-but you weren't gonna cook anything good anyway, this kitchen is enough"
            meanwhile all the good chefs stick with unity and unreal
            godot deserves to be mocked til the end of time, especially when they still make massive architectural frickups, insist that it's the best way and refuse to fix things for YEARS

            godot 4.2 is STILL as slow as godot 4.0 was when it came out

            technical discussion is only relevant to devs, most of those threads aren't by devs. As a godot dev I know it has its shortcomings(moreso in 3d than 2d) but it let me create a bame which I couldn't on unity and that's THE ONLY important thing.

            the gamer doesn't care what's under the hood if the game is good.

            • 5 months ago

              >it can still produce anything.
              you cannot cook a roast turkey if you only have a 20cm oven

            • 5 months ago

              You can modify any engine to be anything you want. What you look at instead of its limits is its potential to do what you need and how much effort it would take to transform into something usable, like an ingredient.

              You do that in devops, which is your kitchen. Your hardware, your IDE and tool chain are where you make things happen. Those, you get set up just right and it becomes your domain of productivity. You can slice up any engine you want with those cutting boards and knives, and you can stuff in or cut off whatever you need to make your dish with that engine as the main ingredient.

              Sometimes engines come with tools for your kitchen, which are often shitty and you have to replace with your own anyway. Sometimes they're actually useful, too, but the tools are not the engines themselves no matter how inseparable they are.

              Engines are ingredients. The main ingredient.

              • 5 months ago

                you can also modify your food processor to be faster or have sharper blades
                doesn't mean the food processor goes into the final meal for the customer, it's not an ingredient
                if anything a engine could be a plate/bowl the meal is served on
                you cannot serve a turkey on a tiny tea dish because it's not appropriate, just like how godot isn't appropriate for 3d games

                but ultimately the dish/knives/fork go back into the kitchen with the rest of the utensils/tools because they are for utility for getting the food/game into your stomach

              • 5 months ago

                >you don't give your customer the tools you used
                Do you think that the engine libraries distributed with your program are just "assets"?
                Do you really?

              • 5 months ago

                they are just the framework for the actual content to live in
                just like a bowl holds the food until you consume it
                the forks determine how quickly the food enters your belly, a bit like the engine delivering 60fps into your eyeballs

                engines are utensils, and they are part of the kitchen, along with the rest of the toolchain

              • 5 months ago

                >they are just the framework for the actual content to live in
                They provide functionality for the "actual content". They are the video game; the engine that gives it all motion and interactivity.
                You're distributing that to your client. It's not a tool.

                I'm pretty sure you're too moronic to have this argument with, so I'm just gonna leave you be.

              • 5 months ago

                yes, through structure, the whole point of bowls is to provide structure, so the food isn't on the floor, or all mixed up before consumption

                >You're distributing that to your client. It's not a tool.
                it's a utensil
                just like supplying a bowl/spoon/fork to deliver the content and help them consume it
                an engine is most analogous to this

    • 5 months ago

      telling someone to use godot is like telling a chef to go cook in a tiny room where there's no space to turn around, the fridge is tiny, and the utensils are rusted or missing

      then when the chef complains about the tiny room, you say: "but it's free" or call him a "unity shill" or say "b-b-but you weren't gonna cook anything good anyway, this kitchen is enough"
      meanwhile all the good chefs stick with unity and unreal
      godot deserves to be mocked til the end of time, especially when they still make massive architectural frickups, insist that it's the best way and refuse to fix things for YEARS

      godot 4.2 is STILL as slow as godot 4.0 was when it came out

      • 5 months ago

        w-why do you need raycasts for?! do you think you're making some kind of GAME in there?!

      • 5 months ago

        >it can still produce anything.
        you cannot cook a roast turkey if you only have a 20cm oven

        t. nodev noprogress nogame

        • 5 months ago

          I don't cast pearls before godot swine

          >yes, it's a special flavour of python that is used nowhere else
          yeah and if it does what you want, it was worth learning
          the value of learning something new is up to you, not up to some useless consensus

          holy shit zoomers are moronic

          if I learn something, it must have more than 1 use
          my brain capacity is precious, unlike yours

          • 5 months ago

            >my brain capacity is severely limited, unlike yours

            • 5 months ago

              I don't waste my brain capacity on useless knowledge, like a whole dialect just to communicate with one game engine
              I have lots of useful things I'd rather learn instead of a dead dialect since godot is a dead engine

      • 5 months ago

        From what I understand using Node raycasts are good enough. It's still bullshit that code raycasts are fricked and that they have not made an effort to make them comparably preformant to Node raycasts.
        To me, I can live with using Node raycasts, but it is up to you if it's worth putting up with proprietary engine bullshit over Juan's bullshit. Or be an engine dav if you want.

  5. 5 months ago

    the engine was made by beaners
    it'll never catch on

  6. 5 months ago

    Cruelty Squad was unironically one of the best games of 2021. Highest rated game for PC Gamer that year too

  7. 5 months ago

    Godot is honestly pretty great for making tools. Need a gooey asset editor or gotta whip up a quick batch processor? It's better than Qt.

    But you really shouldn't use it as a game engine because the content management tools and strict OOP architecture are unbelievably shitty for anything larger than flappy bird.

    • 5 months ago

      yes, except it uses gdscript which nothing else uses, so it's just this bunch of knowledge and specific syntax you use in just one thing

      • 5 months ago

        Doesn't it also use C# as well?

        • 5 months ago

          yes, but it's a 2nd class citizen and doesn't work as well, everything is designed for gdscript first, which is a slow and specific language with 1 use

      • 5 months ago

        Doesn't it also use C# as well?

        gdscript is just Python: NIH edition
        it's not a burden to learn unless you're mentally challenged enough that learning another language after your first is somehow prohibitive

        • 5 months ago

          >gdscript is just Python
          yes, it's a special flavour of python that is used nowhere else
          so learning all the specifics about it are a total waste, just wasting my brain's hdd storage

          • 5 months ago

            just compress it and defrag your brain bro

          • 5 months ago

            >yes, it's a special flavour of python that is used nowhere else
            yeah and if it does what you want, it was worth learning
            the value of learning something new is up to you, not up to some useless consensus

            holy shit zoomers are moronic

            • 5 months ago

              Any programmer will tell you learning some super niche language that only has one use case is a total waste of time, especially if you're new to programming. You'd be much better off learning some C language or something if you're serious about game dev, you're only limiting yourself trying to learn gdscript

              • 5 months ago

                >Any programmer will tell you learning some super niche language that only has one use case is a total waste of time
                if you talk to nothing but pajeets and other revolving door contractors sure
                any programmer worth a damn just learns and uses whatever he needs to get shit done
                >new cnc / 3d printer
                >gotta learn g-code
                >nah frick that edge case shit lmao
                >oops guess i cant ever use this now

                this latest generation of compsci students is really fricking stupid holy shit

              • 5 months ago

                gcode is actually worth learning cause it has far more utility allowing you to make nearly anything irl vs gdscript which can only be used to make toy games for a toy engine

              • 5 months ago

                >toy games for a toy engine
                good thing

                Godot is honestly pretty great for making tools. Need a gooey asset editor or gotta whip up a quick batch processor? It's better than Qt.

                But you really shouldn't use it as a game engine because the content management tools and strict OOP architecture are unbelievably shitty for anything larger than flappy bird.

                said it was fricking useless as a game engine, because it is
                it's legit just a better qt and you dont use qt for games

              • 5 months ago

                >better than qt
                where's your benchmarks?
                I bet the godot ui wastes more cpu, ram and battery than the same thing made in qt

              • 5 months ago

                >implying performance matters for tools
                i bet that app you made in qt took two weeks of debugging undocumented idiosyncratic ui bullshit

              • 5 months ago

                godot devs don't even think performance matters for games

              • 5 months ago

                Patently wrong.
                >The best programming language is the one you're working with right now
                >John Carmack.

              • 5 months ago

                he never said that, and he would stick with c because its infinitely more useful and runs better than anything else

                but you'd tell some poor kid using haskell that they can make GTA7 with it, when you are just a liar
                and you're wasting his life too, which makes you a time squanderer, time he'll never get back

              • 5 months ago

                Go look it up, its the Lex Friedman interview from a couple years ago. Obviously, he follows that up with an explanation that C is the biggest language right now, next to java, but the point he's making is that the skill of programming translates between languages. Your example is fricking moronic. Nobody is telling a child that they can make a sequel to what will be the biggest piece of interactive media to date. I would, however, certainly tell a kid to make a rough draft of a gta 1 clone in unity, in c#, before trying to make a full 3d gta clone in unreal, in C++ and all of that would be after making flappy bird in python as a first programming project. You don't marry a programming language, you can change it up whenever you want. The fundamentals of programming is what beginners should be concerned with, learning new syntax for a new language is much easier when you have those fundamentals.

              • 5 months ago

                what he meant was stick with a good real language
                vs people in this thread saying: hey, go learn this meme dialect with 1 limited use!

                >I would, however, certainly tell a kid to make a rough draft of a gta 1 clone in unity, in c#, before trying to make a full 3d gta clone in unreal, in C++ and all of that would be after making flappy bird in python as a first programming project
                lol even you dont recommend godot because you know I am correct
                it is a toy engine with a toy language

              • 5 months ago

                >I would, however, certainly tell a kid to make a rough draft of a gta 1 clone in unity
                there's tons of tutorials teaching him how to do the thing he wants
                why are you wasting his time on these babysteps

                even if he doesn't end up finishing it, at least he will know how much work goes into making a GTA game, and realise it sooner than you stringing him along for YEARS with your baby exercises

          • 5 months ago

            Wait until you learn that learning Python is mostly about knowing different packages used nowhere else instead of the intricacies of the language.
            Only students and morons would actually program in Python.

  8. 5 months ago

    if its good enough for darkest-dungeon-but-porn its oughta be good enough for me

  9. 5 months ago

    Is there any game engine left for simple(r) 3d games?
    I do not want to support israelitenity after the last years fiasco, and UE feels like an overcomplicated overkill for small games

    • 5 months ago

      they fired everyone involved with the bad direction of the past few years, they're making unity great again

  10. 5 months ago

    dome keeper is a pretty good game that runs great. ill get turing complete when it goes on sale. cruelty squad is a gay, troon commie game. the rest seem like your typical low-effort unity shovelware/scamware.

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