The only real MMORTS out there

>it's an actual MMO (thousands of players)
>it's an actual RTS (real strategies in real time)
>plus it's an actual RPG (you create your own story and with others you create the lore of the game)
I wish more "MMORTS" were like this game and not just a cool ad of epic battles and 6d chess strategies while the actual gameplay is you paying IRL money to build shitty 2,5D fortress faster or moving your "army" faster to "attack" another fortress.
(the FPS variants are Planetside 2 and the reborn Dust 514)

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    I miss shattered galaxy

    • 1 year ago

      Never hear of it, pls pass info.

      oh yes, I love spending 12 hours on epic fort bash having peak APH of 3, all of them being commands called by some gay on discord who's only still playing to RMT his isk out before the game dies

      Devs said that they will expand Eve mechanics and it will include the remake of FPS Dust 514. Don't be so c**t.

      • 1 year ago

        >dust remake
        Can't wait for it to be a ps4 exclusive

    • 1 year ago

      I miss it so fricking much, the closest there is to that are the 10v10 matches in Wargame

    • 1 year ago

      I remember being FTP and having lv 80 marines with bunkers poc sitting and forcing the enemy to deploy pigeons to break em. Good times, until they brought in the forced cash play at high end.

  2. 1 year ago

    oh yes, I love spending 12 hours on epic fort bash having peak APH of 3, all of them being commands called by some gay on discord who's only still playing to RMT his isk out before the game dies

  3. 1 year ago

    I like how they put industrial ships right up front, instantly telling you "yep, you will get bored"

    eve was fun in 2012-2013 after the cruiser buff, and around apocrypha. It sucks dick in current state.

    • 1 year ago

      Keep hope in the new combat mechanics. Maybe new massive battles will happen.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't give a frick about massive fights, I want to have fun in lowsec with my small group of friends, which will not happen because the moment we try to do anything outside of FW we would get shit on.

        • 1 year ago

          I tried to do some lowsec stuff a few months ago. Hunting clones if fun and gives you some PvP opportunities if you're lucky. Most of the time people roam in T3 cruisers which doesnt leave much room for newer players to compete with sadly.

    • 1 year ago

      >It sucks dick in current state
      From perspective of someone who quit years ago, It's absurd that all the boiled frogs still insist that it's the same game.
      Current eve is like a raped broken carcass of what it once was with absurd monetization out of the ass, I have zero incentive to ever go back to it now that whales just spin up dozens of max SP alt accounts on a whim and alts are practically mandatory.

      • 1 year ago

        And for free-players is fun??

    • 1 year ago

      Retribution was peak

  4. 1 year ago

    >it's an actual RTS (real strategies in real time)
    That doesn't make it an rts you fricking idiot. You control ONE unit

    • 1 year ago

      You can control thousands of actual players flying their own ships if you're a fleetcom or an alliance leader.
      You can also multibox, microing multiple ships at the same time.

      • 1 year ago

        You can control 5-20 players (your team) in Counter Strike. That doesnt it a strategy game. You're a moron

  5. 1 year ago

    Boring, shit game made for fat people. It's only alive because people are way too invested and have like multiple accounts, multi-boxing ships.

    • 1 year ago

      Ironically this is what killed it for me. I find the idea of having to multi box to succeed at everything infuriating. The game is fricking piloting a space ship, but it's so easy to do the devs actually encourage you to fly 4 at a time to do anything.

      • 1 year ago

        >the devs actually encourage you to fly 4 at a time to do anything.
        What is the point of it??

        • 1 year ago

          Money, dear boy. Money.

        • 1 year ago

          They tried the RMT auction hall before it was called that, but thought of a "subtle" way to do it by allowing you to buy game time on passes (plex) you could sell on market. That way you were buying a fixed product... And how you use it was up to you in game.

          Initially this was a great way for veterans to be rewarded for loyalty by getting a free subscription underwritten by new players who couldn't afford plea with in game currency and were willing to buy it to trade for in game currency, but the newer players never hit a high volume, leaving demand relatively low, meaning people were spending far less than desired. Multi boxing fixed this by increasing demand, driving up prices and pushing people without multiple accounts out of purchasing plex altogether.
          Basically they fixed the revenue steam and low player count by building the game around having multiple accounts, to the point it's literally impossible to solo many things that would normally be perfectly possible for an individual in another game, called it "multiplayer interaction", but made it very simple and boring to the point a real life person wouldn't want to do it anyway (such as mining, scouting, faction warfare, etc.)

          • 1 year ago

            >to the point it's literally impossible to solo many things that would normally be perfectly possible for an individual in another game
            Like what?

            • 1 year ago

              Well example, mining. In a game like wow or runescape you find shit, dig it up, etc. It's a little time investment but the yields are generally consistant, and are structured in such a way that multiboxing doesn't assist with yield much, if at all. In eve, if your not playing with at least 5 other players and an Orca, you will not be able to mine efficiently enough to plex your account. Or let's say you want to gank miners. You go to high sec to find the ones that don't just bot autolog out the minute you enter system as a criminal... But to gank those you need 3 accounts minimum... One to bring the gankship, one cloaked to set up the jump to, and the criminal flagged account to do the actual smart bombing and killing before system security shows up. All to PvP in "town", something many mmo games allow with a little effort solo.

              • 1 year ago

                >In a game like wow or runescape you find shit, dig it up, etc.
                motherfricker WAT
                when the frick was the last time you, in runescape, fricking mined a token or bond.
                you cannot.
                nevermind the fact that a, in WoW, unless you're doing current PAID expansion content, you get absolutely dogshit returns, that is, unless you have a frickin boomkin MULTIBOX AOE farm for trashmobs.

                or in runescape, you're competing with a metric frickload of bots, and the only way you can even come CLOSE to bonding up is by doing exactly what you do in EVE... which is farm the higher level content. in OSRS, that's your bosses, in EVE, that's certain sites, be it wspace SOLO marauder sites, SOLO level 5s,

                >But to gank those you need 3 accounts minimum... One to bring the gankship, one cloaked to set up the jump to, and the criminal flagged account to do the actual smart bombing and killing before system security shows up.

                Join FW as a solo, sit in frickin hek station in anything combat capable, point wartargets who come out and kill them, AFK shoot their structures with a leshak, or go into lowsec and farm all the idiots there,
                or go hunting in anything, frick, go live out of turnur, you don't even need to be friends with the locals and you can go dunk on what they dunk... it has MANY possibilities.

                as every game, yes, shit is easier with multiple toons, but it's entirely possible to do shit solo, all you nerds who hurfblurf about "waaah this game just wants me to buy more toons" just don't have the mental fortitude to figure out how to do anything solo.
                Eve was, and never will be, a game aimed at a solo person, it was and is a social game.
                the reason why some things, like frickin incursions, or the new homefront missions etc require more than one toon, is because you're not meant to be an anxiety ridden antisocial nerd, and if you think "i can't do that, i'd need 5 characters" maybe you should start thinking "wow, if only i had 5 friends..."

              • 1 year ago

                You have a lot invested in shitty game design you had nothing to do with... And I've always been a proponent of having gameplay with enough complexity to make botting impossible. Wow has has reached a point similar to EvE, just from a higher base... A core audience it's hard to even define as gamers anymore, because they are more like fans. And this came about largely because bot farmers have distorted the economy in the game so severely if you don't use similar tactics you can't compete.

                You call me a cry baby because I remember a time you didn't need to Multi box to keep your time investment down. Even your counter points on pvp. "Just hook up with some other butthole you don't know doing FW out of Hek that is multiboxing, or be a pitbull biting anything that moves till it bites back." Is like wow when they made battlegrounds the norm.

              • 1 year ago

                >having gameplay with enough complexity to make botting impossible
                keep on dreaming.
                >bot farmers have distorted the economy in the game so severely if you don't use similar tactics you can't compete.
                then explain how I, as a single player, make enough ISK per month solely on market trading on ONE toon to keep ALL other toons subbed AND well into ISK positive.
                >I remember a time you didn't need to Multi box
                You don't NEED to multibox, you never did, and I was playing back in 2004, you just need to learn what you CAN do as a single toon, and like I said, there is plenty, you just need the skill to do it, blaming multiboxers for doing things more efficiently is like blaming McDonalds for hiring more than one burger flipper.
                "abloo bloo, i can't make as much in one ice miner as that one sweaty neckbeard running 20 ice miners" is fricking obvious.
                >Just hook up with some other butthole you don't know doing FW out of Hek that is multiboxing
                One, I never said hook up with anyone, I said join FW as a solo player and camp hek solo... I did it in a leshak for the lulz when they made the changes to joining as an individual.
                I also gave you an example of EVE being a social game, so doing things like moving to turnur where there is plenty of solo pvp people who use it as a jumping point, and you can, IF YOU CHOOSE TO, fleet up with them and go dunk on people, that's not multiboxing, that's socializing

              • 1 year ago

                It is not impossible to stop bots, but it is clearly not incentive enough to game devs to correct. Its like "gold sellers".... just make a threshold to spam that shit in game (Hit a certain number of hours of play, etc.) to filter new accounts, and perma ban anyone buying off bots and that would end it.

                I too make my shekels by market manipulation, whats your tactic? Buying named modules idiots care nothing to research the price on, scooping differences on market spreads between high sec trade hubs, or what about killing so many Mackinaws you make the market price double in the span of a few weeks? O i bet its just buying underpriced salvage and melting it for tritanium to sell for a few pennies a piece.

                And you know full well there are ways to play solo, like exploration, that can be very profitable. Its literally the things that multi boxing does not make easy that are most worth doing solo. And even then, having a second account to scout ahead for danger is almost a given if you want to move around in low-null-wh space without getting caught out. Im saying I should be able to mine and make enough ISK to not feel like im wasting time, if the fancy took me is all.

              • 1 year ago

                >Im saying I should be able to mine and make enough ISK to not feel like im wasting time, if the fancy took me is all.
                You realize that whatever they did to make mining more profitable as a solo player, a guy with 10 "solo players" is always going to be better.

                >It is not impossible to stop bots, but it is clearly not incentive enough to game devs to correct.
                name a single MMO game that has stopped botting.

                >And you know full well there are ways to play solo... ... And even then, having a second account to scout ahead for danger is almost a given.
                Again multiboxing is convenience, not a necessity.
                anything you can do solo is going to be better with an alt. from the lowliest mission runner with a salvaging toon, to farming level 5s in your super with an exit cyno up, eyes on gates etc.

                but that's the thing, it's an MMO, Multiplayer is in the name, you can do things solo, and with enough skill and knowledge of the game, you can be profitable solo quite easily... but the game is not designed as a single player, it's designed around Multiplayer, so a guy with 10 toons working in synchronicity is obviously going to make 10x as much... but he also needs to fund 10x the toons.

                If you wanted a solo friendly EVE, just go play X4

              • 1 year ago

                >Its an MMO; its not made for solo, but its just as fun solo your just a homosexual for not thinking so!

                Basically the shitty multi boxing experience is just how you like it okay you could have just said that.

  6. 1 year ago

    Thanks but no thanks, I'd rather join organized crime, it pays better and your superiors aren't nearly as anal

  7. 1 year ago

    I had a lot of fun playing the metagame and scamming and RMTing 700b worth of isk for $4200 once I got bored and quit, but I cannot fathom how people play this game for years and just mine and PvE (and then lose hours of work in seconds when they get ganked)

    • 1 year ago

      Same way people engage in any other autism, like happy farm or some match colorful balls mobile game. I just log in for 30 min a day to scan some relic sites.

    • 1 year ago

      >(and then lose hours of work in seconds when they get ganked)
      This is the deal-breaker for me. Everything about EVE's gameplay, setting, community, etc really fascinates me, but I just can't commit knowing that all my hard work getting a kitted-out battleship is liable to go up in smoke due to some guy camping a gate and getting a few lucky hits on me.

      • 1 year ago

        then stop taking random gates like a moron, 99% of the loses are preventable

        • 1 year ago

          >just shack up in your starbase and never fly your ships if you don't want them blown up bro
          Nice, real fun MMO gaming experience right there.

          • 1 year ago

            or just have a scout, read intel, be on comms and most importantly only fly what you're can afford to lose

  8. 1 year ago

    >be in lowsex
    >have solo fites all day
    nothing personel blockgays

  9. 1 year ago

    Only one that I know of is an old one called SAGA. Used to be it's own launcher but I think it's on Steam now.

  10. 1 year ago

    Can you still bully or bait people. I played eve a lot like 10-15 years and tried againlike maybe 5 years ago and it felt like it made things a lot safer for high sec people. I used to bully miners and mission runners a lot

    • 1 year ago

      Good question, Idk.

      What I see is many people complaining about the 'Blue Donut' and the "eternal peace" of the coalitions/empires, because now this ones are scared of losing stuff and because of this the game become boring af.

    • 1 year ago

      No. Killing random crabs in lowsec/null is fine, but if you harass a specific dude or even bump a random guy away from a gate for the frick of it, you can get banned.
      Yes, outside the handful of rookie systems.

      • 1 year ago

        >but if you harass a specific dude or even bump a random guy away from a gate for the frick of it, you can get banned.
        I remember that Eve was more hard in the past and that is why was more cool.

        • 1 year ago

          Eve changed A LOT in every aspect except core gameplay.

          • 1 year ago

            >except core gameplay.
            THIS. Imagine Eve with action-combat (War Thunder maybe?) instead the boring tap-combat.

  11. 1 year ago

    Doesn't this shit have a $30 monthly subscription? Frick that shit

  12. 1 year ago

    EVE Online is boring 95% of the time but that last 5% is something else. Probably the only game to have given me the shakes.

    • 1 year ago

      >(and then lose hours of work in seconds when they get ganked)
      This is the deal-breaker for me. Everything about EVE's gameplay, setting, community, etc really fascinates me, but I just can't commit knowing that all my hard work getting a kitted-out battleship is liable to go up in smoke due to some guy camping a gate and getting a few lucky hits on me.

      I think the combat system should be re do to be more action-like.
      Like in anon says

      >except core gameplay.
      THIS. Imagine Eve with action-combat (War Thunder maybe?) instead the boring tap-combat.

  13. 1 year ago

    >they will never launch a second server
    >they will never make Eve 2
    this is what the game needs

    • 1 year ago

      >>they will never launch a second server
      Good, all in one OMNIserver that with the advances in AI will become the Almighty OMNIssiah (God IRL).
      >>they will never make Eve 2
      Good, the game is beautiful, we don't need unnecessary sequels. Just action-combat and total war.

  14. 1 year ago

    people complaining about combat system never flew anything other than F1 monkey blocgay fleets

    • 1 year ago

      Still being a shitty tap combat from the late 90s/early 00s. It's time to move on.

    • 1 year ago

      >PvE boils down to rightclick orbit or keep at range
      >PvP manual piloting relies on obscure stats and overview information (ex. transversal, sig radius)

  15. 1 year ago

    >new eve expansion
    >now your e-boss can set quotas and give you good boy points
    unironicly a good feature tbh fampai

  16. 1 year ago

    >I wish more "MMORTS" were like this game and not just a cool ad of epic battles and 6d chess strategies while the actual gameplay is you paying IRL money to build shitty 2,5D fortress faster or moving your "army" faster to "attack" another fortress.
    Eve is literally the worst example of this, people only know what it is because of the shilled war stories of 0.001% of players, but if you get the game you are stuck trucking at absolute best unless you pay a truckload of irl money to speed things along and get better shit, even then all you'll do is rob some miners or catch a cargo runner.

    • 1 year ago

      >t. actual irl NPC

    • 1 year ago

      That is why Eve must embrace action-combat and reject tab-combat.

    • 1 year ago

      A literal moron wrote this.
      You're the type of person to complan that you can't kill X ship unless you have a frickin dread or some shit.
      I've been at it since before learning skills were in the game, and i've seen so many people confused as to how a frigate can kill a BS.
      out of their optimal, keep up transversal, keep them pointed, chew away.
      knowing what they're fit like and knowing what engagements to take doesn't cost any RL money.

    • 1 year ago

      Spoken like someone that never won an interceptor duel with a Crusader scorching a Taranis off gate at 4.2kps, or bumped into half a T2 cruiser gang at warp 20km off a planet on a hunch with a Harbinger, opening fire and wrecking half of them before the others scampered away. And etc.
      The combat could be so intense, but was so infrequent.... I dunno. The only other similar thing I've experienced like it was being a bouncer for a bar, long boring periods of standing around doing nothing with sudden, extremely intense bouts of violence.

  17. 1 year ago

    The massive problem with eve is that when you die you lose everything. You could easily justify it in lore so you get to keep your ships or just have them be downgraded slightly but the game is set to permadeath so people treat it like it's super serious and no fun is allowed.

    • 1 year ago

      - t.guy who has never left highsec.

      You're insured.
      You flew something you couldnt afford to lose.
      SP injection really made people moronic.

      >spend all your ISK on one ship
      >fly said ship in a way in which you die to your own stupidity
      >"shit game, i lost everything bwaaah devs pls make it all safer"
      You deserve to lose it.

  18. 1 year ago

    Last time I played it, sov null was safer than high sec, and it was effectively impossible to fight someone who doesn't actively wants to fight you also (which only happens if they are confident in their victory). I've heard since then they also nerfed cynos, making it harder to catch something and drop on it. How much of a swamp with content that only consists of lagging in 99% TD in le epik 30k people fights as an f1 monkey game is right now? Also rapid ISK inflation from all that farming on colossal blue sov null plantations. Sometimes I feel like going back, but I doubt there's anything interesting in it considering where the game was going.

    • 1 year ago

      It's exactly the same. Bot accounts auto ratting/mining in complete safety with automatic retreat to pos scripts the second a neutral jumps into system. I spent 7 months camping one system in my curse before getting a kill... literally they would rather move to another system or stay docked than risk getting there overfit rat build killed, or flying a fully insured T1 with less than T13 modules that rats 5% slower.

  19. 1 year ago

    >try to grind ISK
    >out-competed by some multiboxer
    >try to pvp
    >out-skilled because too spacepoor to practice lots
    >try to sovnull
    >capitals are the minimum required to compete, get dicked by supercap blobs
    eve's biggest problem is that it has been running for 20 years
    if they made an Eve 2, with different map and different itemization, it would be an instant hit.
    they will never actually do this because there is only Tranquility, that's a core part of the brand so the suits will never go for it

    • 1 year ago

      >try to grind ISK
      >out-competed by some multiboxer
      It's not a competition, there's plenty of sites around for everyone
      >>try to pvp
      >>out-skilled because too spacepoor to practice lots
      too spacepoor to buy and learn how dessies work, lol
      >>try to sovnull
      >capitals are the minimum required to compete, get dicked by supercap blobs
      you clearly have never been anything but an F1 monkey if you think caps are "minimum", or that you even compete

    • 1 year ago

      >if they made an Eve 2, with different map and different itemization, it would be an instant hit.
      Maybe the first few days would be fun and have that "fresh MMO" magic, then all the sweaty sperglords would form the same blue blobs and optimize away any fun within months.
      After maybe 2 years it would be in exactly same place with exact same cemented sov blocks and people like you would be asking for eve 3

  20. 1 year ago

    >trying to make sense of eve jargon while never having played the game

    • 1 year ago


      It is not impossible to stop bots, but it is clearly not incentive enough to game devs to correct. Its like "gold sellers".... just make a threshold to spam that shit in game (Hit a certain number of hours of play, etc.) to filter new accounts, and perma ban anyone buying off bots and that would end it.

      I too make my shekels by market manipulation, whats your tactic? Buying named modules idiots care nothing to research the price on, scooping differences on market spreads between high sec trade hubs, or what about killing so many Mackinaws you make the market price double in the span of a few weeks? O i bet its just buying underpriced salvage and melting it for tritanium to sell for a few pennies a piece.

      And you know full well there are ways to play solo, like exploration, that can be very profitable. Its literally the things that multi boxing does not make easy that are most worth doing solo. And even then, having a second account to scout ahead for danger is almost a given if you want to move around in low-null-wh space without getting caught out. Im saying I should be able to mine and make enough ISK to not feel like im wasting time, if the fancy took me is all.

      >if they made an Eve 2, with different map and different itemization, it would be an instant hit.
      Maybe the first few days would be fun and have that "fresh MMO" magic, then all the sweaty sperglords would form the same blue blobs and optimize away any fun within months.
      After maybe 2 years it would be in exactly same place with exact same cemented sov blocks and people like you would be asking for eve 3

      >Its an MMO; its not made for solo, but its just as fun solo your just a homosexual for not thinking so!

      Basically the shitty multi boxing experience is just how you like it okay you could have just said that.

      So how would you fix the game?

      • 1 year ago

        I don't think it can be. Its development has followed a line of actively encouraging alt accounts and multiboxing. The free accounts make it extremely simple to make your own frigate fleet blobs, much of the older content is so simple bots can (and are) pushing out anyone not also using bots. I have a friend who multiboxes 25+ accounts with simple bots in mining frigates mining 0.5 asteroid belts.

        Basically you would be changing the game so much, it would not be EvE online anymore.

        That said, there are things they can do.
        Random is the enemy of bots and multiboxing. If things are consistent and predictable, its easy to automate. If players add that element of random, you make things more interactive as well.

        First, I would eliminate global channels; make regular space like wormholes, at least in null. Or allow people to simple not enter the channels automatically if they choose. That would shut down all those ratting and miner bots that are effectively immune to being attacked, with auto scripted retreat shit.

        I would make mining and ratting in safe space far more dangerous - add random rats that increase in danger based on the number of ships present or something similar. Design them to be fairly easy to dispose of for a player, but impossible for a bot, and difficult for someone multiboxing to handle.

        Increase the value of content that is difficult to bot and script. They have done this a bit already, but nowhere near enough.

        Remake scanning to be more visual, realtime and less...ugly. Having bots respond to visual stimulus is currently difficult/impossible, where as people are very quick to recognize visual indicators. That goes for most things in game.

        Thats just a few things, that would be difficult but not impossible to implement, that could have a drastic effect on botting/multiboxing.

        • 1 year ago

          >make regular space like wormholes, at least in null
          they tried that already, game almost died

          • 1 year ago

            The changes required to make the game playable in a way i would enjoy will alienate the current playerbase and really i cant see the would be and ex-pat players flocking back in numbers required to make it worth it, even if it was overhauled in exactly the ways suggested and more. EvE is well on its way to being one of those niche korean mmo games dominated by a few whales in a parasitic relationship with devs. If you can still have fun playing i envy you in all honesty.

          • 1 year ago

            i was playing back when they removed local in null and tbh were it not for cloaks, it would had been bearable

          • 1 year ago

            >when you allow the tumor to grow for too long and it threatens to kill the patient when you try to cut it out

      • 1 year ago

        >So how would you fix the game?
        take ~1-2yrs of dev time to unfrick the game
        change the rules, fittings, ships, NPCs, lore, etc.
        redraw the map
        remove capitals, nullsec, wormholes, PI
        shut down tranquility
        build hype and launch a second server as Eve 2
        Eve 2 does not have most of Eve 1's ships and content on launch; things like nullsec, sov, capitals, etc. are re-added over time

        none of this will ever happen

  21. 1 year ago

    I only liked it during the time the trinity expansion was out, and still had the old avatars.

  22. 1 year ago

    >EVE online
    >usual MMORPG with massive congregation of homosexuals, try hards, pvp junkies and no lifes
    No thanks

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