The ranger memes made everyone sigh or think less of me when I choose the class.

The ranger memes made everyone sigh or think less of me when I choose the class. I just wanna be a cool hunter guy, but now everyone is concerned about how my character will be helpful to the party. It’s a good class, especially with newer released subclasses and I’m tired of being shit on by choosing it. Especially from people who don’t know anything the class does.

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  1. 2 years ago

    go rogue or fighter and fluff it out

    • 2 years ago

      The abilities of ranger are better for what I want my character to be. He’s not a sharpshooter in an army of a street kid with skills, he’s a survivalist and at home among nature. Unless you’re gonna steal ranger abilities and put them on another class then what’s the point?

      • 2 years ago

        >The abilities of ranger are better for what I want my character to be.
        No they arent

        • 2 years ago

          Congratulations you fricking got me
          I was faking what I wanted the whole time


          • 2 years ago

            You said you wanted to be a "cool hunter guy", well, other classes do that better than the ranger even though its supposed to be its thing.

      • 2 years ago

        seriously, the rouge with scout subclass and outlander background are straight up better at being a ranger than a ranger.

        • 2 years ago

          Are they though? You can just go Ranger with an outlander subclass Also..

          I actually question what half the people here even argue for when they said this sort of thing. When I pick Ranger I want to be someone who lives and breathes in the wilds, someone who knows what every herb and every mineral in their chosen territory does. Who can track the beasts and animals with such skill it borders on mystical having such a connection to nature you how to capture the inate magic of the wilds and make it your own.

          Honestly, making rangers only focus on one enemy is a big mistake, and gaining additional ones at later levels doesn't really fix that.
          In some game I'm working on, the monster hunter class gains a similar set of bonuses after gathering informations about the creature and after a rest, until they defeated it. And then they can switch over to another enemy.
          What really hurts the ranger in general is inflexibility, which is kinda ironic considering what this class is supposed to be about. A favored enemy instead of being good against all kinds of creatures, a favored terrain instead of just being good with all kinds of terrain. You need a GM that specifically caters to your ranger to have fun with these features.

          They really should make it so that you can switch your favoured terrain and enemy, showing how adaptable to the enviroment you are by becoming a master of it in a few days that would take months for a leyman.

          • 2 years ago

            Why cant you understand that the ranger class is not good at being a wild hunter man? If you ignore lore and focus on mechanics the ranger is more like a focused damage dealer thats only useful in certain situations.

            Scout rogue can scout better than ranger. He can be the wild hunter person better than anything else.
            If you want ranger in the military sense, then fighter would be better.

            You cant get it through your head that mechanically speaking the ranger is not better at tracking. They are like a light version of the paladin.

            • 2 years ago

              I don't even think you know what a Ranger is in context or what people want out of "Wild Hunter Person"

              Let's actually look at what Rogue Scout and Ranger provide.

              Rogue Scout

              >Sneak attacks
              >Foraging and stuff via background


              >Better in a prolonged fight
              >Higher perception usually
              >Spell utility
              >More flexible because it's not in a subclass yet, can focus on various ways to damage.

              You seem very confused on what is "better" is rogue scout better at being a literal Scout? Sure. Is it better at being a literal Wild hunter who can track, kill and carry his prey? Not on your life.

              A Scout is someone who scouts. A Ranger is someone who ranges.; You're comparing a sprinter to a marathon runner.

            • 2 years ago

              Why do you assume that the ranger class does not get a background as well?

            • 2 years ago

              >Ranger class is not good at being a wild hunter man

              Show me the best class for recreating Rexxar then.

              • 2 years ago

                Ahhh you got me there. Animal companion is beastmaster ranger unique.

      • 2 years ago

        In 5e the ranger is not as good a scout as the rogue. Nor is he as good an archer as a fighter, nor is he as as good at nature stuff as a cleric or a druid or bard.
        If you want to be the cool nature guy i recommend the rogue scout

        • 2 years ago

          And what if I want someone who is a good scout, archer and knows some rundimentary magic?

          • 2 years ago

            Wow thats very specific, if you didnt include magic scout rogue would still win. So go ranger i guess.

            >Not as good a scout as the rogue

            Pretty sure Rangers have higher perception than Scouts AND don't rely on sneak attacks either AND can actually build strength and be front line fighters, meaning they make much better skirmishers.

            ROGUES HAVE BETTER PERCEPTION. DO YOU EVEN PLAY DND? Also if you build str on a class that has no heavy armor you are trolling

            • 2 years ago

              >Thinks Rangers who don't always have wis as a good score will have lower perception
              >Thinks you need heavy armor for melee

              Are you some kind of theorycrafting forum warrior homosexual? like legit, do you think everything only acts in a vaccum? Rangers can equip basically anything bar Plate you mongoloid.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't even think you know what a Ranger is in context or what people want out of "Wild Hunter Person"

                Let's actually look at what Rogue Scout and Ranger provide.

                Rogue Scout

                >Sneak attacks
                >Foraging and stuff via background


                >Better in a prolonged fight
                >Higher perception usually
                >Spell utility
                >More flexible because it's not in a subclass yet, can focus on various ways to damage.

                You seem very confused on what is "better" is rogue scout better at being a literal Scout? Sure. Is it better at being a literal Wild hunter who can track, kill and carry his prey? Not on your life.

                A Scout is someone who scouts. A Ranger is someone who ranges.; You're comparing a sprinter to a marathon runner.

                Why do you assume that the ranger class does not get a background as well?

                I don't think you have quite grasp what versatility is. A Scout Rogue who focuses entirely on Perception and being a scout is not going to be good in combat. A fighter focusing on Archery is not going to be good in melee OR as a scout.

                But a ranger can be good at all of those at once. It's like complaining Paladins are not as good as War Clerics.

                You guys are either trolling, stupid, or dont play dnd.
                Let me explain this again because i still think you are arguing in good faith:
                Rogue scout gets expertise in perception, stealth, survival and nature. Meaning he will always be better at tracking, sneaking, nature, scouting than the ranger(ranger cant get expertise whatsoever). Now that we are done with the hunter wild man concept and we can see that the rogue scout is just better. Also fighter can become EQUAL to the ranger by getting his skills to be the same as the ranger.

                Combat-wise the ranger and rogue are a bit similiar in output because they both depend on certain situations(except gloomstalker becuase its actually a good ranger) but both get mogged by the fighter

                So we can see that he is neither great at combat nor at RP as a hunter dude. The ACTUAL uniqueness and ability of the ranger is their druid magic. They have spells unique to them and those spell (mostly ass, but some really good) allow them to deal good damage after a couple of rounds (most fights end before 5th round so they its not that good).

                Also to the idiot who thinks he can go str ranger and do even 80% of what a dex ranger in any situation can do. have a nice day

              • 2 years ago

                The existence of Tasha's kinda shits all over your arguments. Canny can grant proficiency in a skill sure, but natural explorer kicks the shit out of any roll you get as a rogue. Favored for grants a non-spell damage boost that isn't conditional and improves over time. You also can't just brush off the utility and value of spellcasting that you get as a ranger, especially with extra known spells. And what does the scout get? Move faster, MAYBE ambush bonuses but most games don't last that long.

                Tldr you are using old info

              • 2 years ago

                >Move faster
                Longstrider + Expeditious Retreat crushes that shit

              • 2 years ago

                True, and if you take the deft explorer over the natural explorer you get the move speed boost 3 levels earlier, but a bit slower

              • 2 years ago

                The rogue can double their movement speed as a bonus action

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah that's what expeditious retreat does too except it doesn't consume the bonus action on subsequent turns for the duration

              • 2 years ago

                But it does consume one of your limited and precious spell slots.

              • 2 years ago

                You only ever cast spells in specific situations for utility anyway, often to escape if combat is going poorly. Rangers are really good at running away and hiding lol

              • 2 years ago

                Thank god, someone who actually discusses actual mechanics. Also you are right. I didnt play dnd since tashas came out so i didnt read it (unrelated, i just play other games).
                I chose scout because they can push their survival and nature numbers to rediculous proportions (which helps with the hunter stereotype) Scout can have +11 survival at third level. (If they go expertise in survival and then double their prof bonus thanks to scout)
                Natural explorer works only in the favoured terrain. While rogue stuff works everywhere.
                You arent wrong about the spellcasting. But in my opinion it takes away from the characters theme (rugged survivalist or hunter).
                Either way you are right. I am gonna brush up on tashas and see what they added. I would be really happy if they fixed the ranger

              • 2 years ago

                The existence of Tasha's kinda shits all over your arguments. Canny can grant proficiency in a skill sure, but natural explorer kicks the shit out of any roll you get as a rogue. Favored for grants a non-spell damage boost that isn't conditional and improves over time. You also can't just brush off the utility and value of spellcasting that you get as a ranger, especially with extra known spells. And what does the scout get? Move faster, MAYBE ambush bonuses but most games don't last that long.

                Tldr you are using old info

                Holy shit they actually did it. What the frick. I just checked out a quick list of changes from tasha to the ranger. Its actually a playable class now. I am so happy. The favoured foe, deft explorer and primal awareness spell list are all such good fricking changes.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah the new books did good at making it worthwhile. They even made beastmaster interesting!

                Except I guess expeditious retreat isn't on the standard Ranger spell list. I've been playing this popular homebrew Ranger subclass since that DM allowed homebrew.

                Wizards really does need to revise their Ranger.

                If it's a big thing to grab, magic initiate has you covered. But it's weird only 3 classes get it base.

              • 2 years ago

                Canny is used on one skill only, while the rogue can have all 4 previously mentioned skills ''expertised''. Natural explorer is mostly useless stuff that happen when the players have a cut scene: ''DM: You travel to X city and don't get lost because ranger''. When you want to actively track someone, fricking make an impossible perception check, handle an animal, or sneak, the rogue is always better.

              • 2 years ago

                Natural explorer gives double proficiency in int and wis skills while there. It also specifically states you get to know exact numbers, sizes, and how long ago they went through. Not arguing rogues aren't better at skills in general, just that ranger can hold their own in their habitat

              • 2 years ago

                I think the problem with rangers is that there are 2 kinds of people that like them:
                >people who like the survivalist nonmagical hunter type
                >people who like the mystical magical nature hunter

              • 2 years ago

                What's the problem?

              • 2 years ago

                Diff. If your game doesn't feature the Ranger's favored hazardous environment then the Ranger stops being useful. Much like a Thief in a trapless world of open doors. The real flaw is not featuring environmental dangers as normal in the game, as a Ranger can use advancements to gain facility in other environments.

                I suspect that anon uses a game where magical/non-magical environmental dangers are distinct and need differing skills to manage. This would lead to a skill-split in the party, so they could manage. Personally, I'd support Ranger & Mage co-op instead.

              • 2 years ago

                >another book is required to buy/pirate in order for a class to function
                That's an indication of a shitty game, and if that shittiness is by design, that's indicative of a shitty company.
                Just so you know.

              • 2 years ago

                No arguments there, I had the trove bookmarked for a reason. I've had more fun with Shadow of the Demon Lord, Savage Worlds/Deadlands, and Delta Green anyhow

            • 2 years ago

              I don't think you have quite grasp what versatility is. A Scout Rogue who focuses entirely on Perception and being a scout is not going to be good in combat. A fighter focusing on Archery is not going to be good in melee OR as a scout.

              But a ranger can be good at all of those at once. It's like complaining Paladins are not as good as War Clerics.

        • 2 years ago

          >Not as good a scout as the rogue

          Pretty sure Rangers have higher perception than Scouts AND don't rely on sneak attacks either AND can actually build strength and be front line fighters, meaning they make much better skirmishers.

          • 2 years ago

            no. rogue gets expertise, or double proficiency. add in bard and you get even more expertise choices to be double proficient in.

      • 2 years ago

        >He’s not a sharpshooter in an army
        So take the outlander background instead of the soldier background?
        >a street kid with skills
        So take the outlander background instead of the urchin or criminal background?
        >he’s a survivalist and at home among nature
        So take proficiency in the survival and nature skills, which are available to any character of any class via the "customizing your background" section of the PHB?
        >you’re gonna steal ranger abilities
        What abilities?

    • 2 years ago

      Bro just like reflavour it lol

      • 2 years ago

        >noo everything must be official and canon because I have autism

        • 2 years ago

          Flavoring is different from getting other classes abilities. A paladin you wrote to be good at stealth doesn’t mean they get sneak attack, unless they multiclass. A fighter can be good at survival but that doesn’t mean he can get ranger abilities.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah exactly. Regardless of fluff. The ranger isnt any better at rangering despite the flavour. Do you understand now?

  2. 2 years ago

    >The ranger memes made everyone sigh or think less of me when I choose the class. I just wanna be a cool hunter lady, but now everyone is concerned about how my character fricks dogs. It’s a good class, especially with newer released subclasses and I’m tired of being shit on by choosing it. Especially from people who don’t understand that white women bestiality memes don't actually have any basis in truth.

    • 2 years ago

      4/10 shitpost. Had some good parts but bland and uninspired.

  3. 2 years ago

    Pretending that the ranger is just a detriment to a party is just /tg/ being entirely detached from actual games or not playing at all. Sure, there are some problems, but they can contribute like anyone else and the most important thing is still that everyone is having fun. Last time I just played a Gloom Stalker and was one of the primary damage dealers, as well as the guy that everyone looked at when it comes to sneaking around and scouting.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, barely anyone plays games here anymore. Sometimes I think doing the opposite of what /tg/ suggests is the right answer.

      This being said Ranger can be extremely strong in campaigns that rely on a lot of the same kind of enemy.

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly, making rangers only focus on one enemy is a big mistake, and gaining additional ones at later levels doesn't really fix that.
        In some game I'm working on, the monster hunter class gains a similar set of bonuses after gathering informations about the creature and after a rest, until they defeated it. And then they can switch over to another enemy.
        What really hurts the ranger in general is inflexibility, which is kinda ironic considering what this class is supposed to be about. A favored enemy instead of being good against all kinds of creatures, a favored terrain instead of just being good with all kinds of terrain. You need a GM that specifically caters to your ranger to have fun with these features.

    • 2 years ago

      I've got a swarmkeeper in my current party, and when their player actually shows up, they put in some considerable work. Not even the survival stuff, I mean their damage is on par with the rest of the party. Well, except the warlock, that dude's a monster.

  4. 2 years ago

    >I just wanna be a cool hunter guy

    Between Rogue and Rogue/Fighter, there are about ten ways to be one that don't entail having bolted-on "spellcasting" that you'll ever use on fixing your damage, or the group stealth mechanics. Or class features that outright don't work. Or a dead level right at level 1. Or the "Class features? You're a Hairyfairest, roll d12 on a table to see what flavour of fairy plant hair you get, and if an enemy sniffs at it for 5 turns, they get Charmed and fricked from behind by a tiny invisible pixie (male), cha+dex-proficiency+1 times per short rest" design of Tasha and post-Tasha subclasses.

  5. 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Just play one and prove them wrong, the ranger outperforms a lot of characters in the early to early mid levels.

  7. 2 years ago

    Should have played during 4E.

  8. 2 years ago

    D&D is trash.

    • 2 years ago

      Name some games with better rangers.

  9. 2 years ago

    Here's your fixed ranger

    • 2 years ago

      based, was going to post demon lord. best class system i've seen in a fantasy rpg

  10. 2 years ago

    Why don't you morons just play classless systems and play whatever you want

  11. 2 years ago

    >Allow "Ruin" "Cavern" and "City" as favored terrains
    >Allow "Human" "Demi-Human" and "Humanoid" as favored enemies
    >Add "Find Steed" to spell list

  12. 2 years ago

    Rangers being bad was always a meme and they got better over time too.

  13. 2 years ago

    Rangers are ever only really decent in the roguelike Incursion.

  14. 2 years ago

    Have you tried not playing the system with the worst ranger?

  15. 2 years ago

    Ranger should get animal companion as a base feature and I am sick of pretending they shouldn't.

    • 2 years ago

      That zoomer meme sentence structure pisses me off and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't.

  16. 2 years ago

    ITT: Rangers getting BTFO

  17. 2 years ago

    Except I guess expeditious retreat isn't on the standard Ranger spell list. I've been playing this popular homebrew Ranger subclass since that DM allowed homebrew.

    Wizards really does need to revise their Ranger.

  18. 2 years ago

    Man DnD sucks.

  19. 2 years ago

    Don't worry OPhomie, I thought less of you *before* realizing you played a Ranger. And the same is true of your friends, their talk of you being a burden to the party is incidental to you choosing a Ranger. Don't you see, OP? It was (you) all along that makes everyone sigh, not the Ranger class or Ranger memes. The magic of disappointing others was inside you all along! My job here is done. You're welcome.

    • 2 years ago

      Literally a swarth post

      • 2 years ago

        No Child Left Behind has failed us once again, both in terms of your poor attention span and equally terrible vocabulary. Two strikes, so the doublehomie is literally (you), bud. Have a pic to ease your inevitable headache from reading this 'long' post.

        • 2 years ago

          Your mom sucked me good and hard through my jorts

          • 2 years ago

            >man in jorts
            >literally gheyer than roller-blades
            She can't suck you hetero, man. You knew that when you started wearing jorts, homie.

  20. 2 years ago

    Ranger has been very strong since Tashas, particularly in the early game. Most of the ability issues it suffered from are gone.

  21. 2 years ago

    Rangers have a neat aesthetic

    • 2 years ago

      And fem rangers can be pretty hot

  22. 2 years ago

    it WAS a good class, back in the time of ADnD, before the moron times, before, dribble the dork elf and the ranger classwas retconned into being dexhomosexualry useless goobs instead of ARAGORN expies.

  23. 2 years ago

    Tangentially related: Which one is better, UA Ranger or Tasha's Ranger?

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