The Ranger vets are on their way from Baja. I've never seen one before, but I heard they chew nails and spit napalm.

The Ranger vets are on their way from Baja. I've never seen one before, but I heard they chew nails and spit napalm.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    The ncr got nuked lol

    • 1 month ago

      nah thats u

    • 1 month ago

      Non canon, chud

      • 1 month ago

        nah thats u

        Im sorry. I just think its funny that the ncr is a smoking crater

        • 1 month ago

          Not canon

          • 1 month ago

            It is. No matter how much you shit and piss about it

            • 1 month ago

              It's silly. It even contradicts Bethesda lore and writing. They are shitting on their own games by canonizing it so we might just not care what they say since they obviously don't.

    • 1 month ago

      Would a nuke cause the crater shown? There would be *a* crater sure, but not that deep or as clean cut. Even if it was ground-burst, think it would only kick up as much earth as maybe a quarter as deep as the crater shown was, and it would be a softer incline from the periphery to the epicenter, especially after like a decade of erosion. The way it's presented in the show, it's like you took a perfect circular scoop of the area away.

      Also, it can't have been more than like 15 years, probably more like 10, after the bomb dropped. And yet Goosey and Food walk right up to the crater edge without any issue. Are we to take it that all the rads subsided in just around a decade? Are most or even just many of the bombs in the setting like that? That around a decade later and things were fine? Even though we constantly see a narrative about spending 50+ to hundreds of years in a vault, and games set 200+ years later with still tonnes of radiation about

      • 1 month ago

        The scene was cool at first but your logic is pissing me off. Your right anon now I'm mad.

        • 1 month ago

          The scene could have been cool with them observing the crater from a distance. Like they're up in the hills on their way down and see the crater and ruins a ways dow, definitely give a better sense of scale to the destruction

          I guess it just feels like the set piece was portrayed only because of a cool looking scene and nothing else, including not logic

          • 1 month ago

            >I guess it just feels like the set piece was portrayed only because of a cool looking scene and nothing else, including not logic
            This has been the MO of bethesda since 3

      • 1 month ago

        A subterranean detonation would cause a crater like that, but it wouldn't cause a fireball, which is what actually killed the residents of Shady Sands. The writers made no effort explain how Shady Sands was actually nuked, and simply decided on a cool-looking crater that contradicts what actually happened.

        • 1 month ago

          Dude, nukes in Fallout work along pulp fiction logic. The white house in Fallout 3 is a big crater because it got hit by a direct impact nuke.

          • 1 month ago

            I know, it's only relevant because the question of how Hank, one Vault 31 executive, managed to detonate a nuclear bomb is unexplained. Naturally, anyone who watches the show is going to ask themself how he even achieved this, to which your only recourse is looking at the crater and corpses and guessing.

            • 1 month ago

              Wait you actually watched the show? Lmfaoooooo

      • 1 month ago

        They actually do mention that the site is quite radioactive still. Just Goosey and Food entered a vault almost immediately after so I assume they just got radawayed in there.

      • 1 month ago

        The scene was cool at first but your logic is pissing me off. Your right anon now I'm mad.

        The scene could have been cool with them observing the crater from a distance. Like they're up in the hills on their way down and see the crater and ruins a ways dow, definitely give a better sense of scale to the destruction

        I guess it just feels like the set piece was portrayed only because of a cool looking scene and nothing else, including not logic

        They actually do mention that the site is quite radioactive still. Just Goosey and Food entered a vault almost immediately after so I assume they just got radawayed in there.

        Why are we acting as if radiation is more than a slight inconvenience in the fallout universe? The way radiation works in Fallout is obviously not the same in real life, so why should the show apply real world logic towards radiation?

        • 1 month ago

          I dont remember the details but im nearly 100% one of the many writers for the Fallout series stated that real radiation and Fallout radiation are two completely separate things. Also something about how the half life of radioactive material in Fallout is significantly different to the real world.

    • 1 month ago

      who nuked the NCR?

      • 1 month ago

        LISAN AL GAIB!

  2. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      The combination of Jin Roh helmets and cowboy dusters really makes the ranger combat armor so striking.

  3. 1 month ago

    I didn't care for ncr or the legion

    I want BigMT to rule and create more cute nightstalker beasts and cool tech

  4. 1 month ago

    >le faceless mook
    How is it always good? It could be a disaster of fashion with a moronic direction, but make it a faceless mook and suddenly it's KIIIIIIINOOOOOOOO

    • 1 month ago

      Cool helmets are timeless and eternal.

    • 1 month ago

      What is the earliest that one can get a full set of ranger armor without, you know, killing a ranger?

      • 1 month ago

        be nice to ncr and the safehouse has a set. Or the non-faction versions from the honest hearts/lonesome road.

        • 1 month ago

          >be nice to ncr
          Kinda amazing how hard it is NOT to be nice to the ncr.

          • 1 month ago

            they have a presence in so many important areas you're bound to run into a bunch of quests for them. Even doing a run where you don't plan on going the NCR route, unless you start gunning them down or going full legion right from the start it's pretty easy to at least be friendly with them.
            A decent amount of quests that give NCR fame don't give Legion infamy, so you can double dip to some degree, but I don't know how far you can push the limit

            • 1 month ago

              >he doesn't stealth kill every NCR member he sees so he can get their dogtags to turn in to the legion at zero impact to NCR fame

            • 1 month ago

              Independent and even House are pretty NCR-friendly to be safe. You really cuck them at the very last moment at the dam.

      • 1 month ago

        Pre-Primm if you're willing to make it through the Lonesome Road missile silo and Hopeville with a 10 mil pistol.
        McCarran otherwise.

      • 1 month ago

        Lonesome Road.
        The veteran Rangers only show up normally when you destroy/update the Securitron Army (or do the quest King's Gambit), but you can get a few to spawn early in Nelson if the morale in Camp Forlorn Hope is at its highest. That way, when you retake Nelson, they'll send in 4 Veteran Rangers.

        About not killing them, either let them get killed or use that skill that steals clothes.

        • 1 month ago

          Cant you get a unique veteran desert ranger uniform with no faction bias, in the Honest Heart dlc by finding all the Survivalist caches?

          • 1 month ago

            You're talking about the Ranger Desert combat armor, and yes, but you don't actually have to do anything super crazy for it. You can just go through one cave and grab it if you know where it is already. The lore behind it and the other caves is pure kino though.

          • 1 month ago

            The one in Honest Hearts is Desert Ranger Combat Armor (instead of NCR Ranger Combat Armor), and you find it in that cave with the duffel bag.
            The one in Lonesome Road is Riot Gear (Advanced/Elite Riot Gear).

  5. 1 month ago


    Frick. THIS is the pic I was meant to post. It's from the ending slide of the cut OWB ending.

    • 1 month ago

      Would've been cool

    • 1 month ago

      are these dead legionnaires in space ?

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah my bad. I threw a couple satchel charges at the feet of a Legion patrol.

      • 1 month ago

        They're on the moon

        • 1 month ago

          >Uhhhh... MotherSHIT zeta? Why would I want ALIENS in my fallout games?!

          • 1 month ago

            There is some hypocrisy from some NV fans.
            >Chris Avellone literally writes the tunnelers will just gobble everything in 10 to 15 years making any ending meaningless.

            Look by all means attack bethesda and amazon for bad writing but literally writing the tunnelers eat the mojave making all player choice meaningless should be fairly criticised. Also
            >bear bull
            >Speech 100

            • 1 month ago

              LR gets shit on all the time for both Ulysses and the Tunnelers.

              • 1 month ago

                I don't hear the same NV fans whining about the tunnelers nearly as loudly. Ulyssess gets his fair share but when Chris Avellone writes that NV setting gets destroyed I hear a lot less loud complaining. When Todd does it everyone loses their shit. Hell I would argue at least we have some civilisation in left in the mojave with the little camps and carvan stations scattered around vegas. Rather than just

                Also on that point I've seen NV fans suck NV shaft so much but fricking fallout 4 gets critiqued for being too 1950s? This is despite new vegas having the mob in there game and a bunch of elvis impersonates. When Todd does it there is uncontrollable seething.

              • 1 month ago

                West coast fallout lore has been in stasis for almost 15 years before the show. This is such an enormous amount of time that people have long settled into their headcanons for how a tunneler crisis could be downplayed

              • 1 month ago

                Problem is despite fan cope certain things are canon and can't be changed. Ulysesse's might be insane but the way it's written is his prediction will pretty much come true. Despite the Seethe at the show the mojave was ironically saved by Amazon and Todd with only NV being destroyed by deathclaws or some new faciton.

                Like Gorgutz winning soulstorm. It's canon despite fan's cocaine and lsd levels of cope that Sturn won it.

              • 1 month ago

                >I don't hear the same NV fans whining about the tunnelers nearly as loudly
                The frick is there to talk about? They're a generic mook that Ulysses talks up but you spend the entire DLC bodying them. There's nothing to them except to call the whole plot point wrong-headed and move on.

                The critiques with 4 being too 50s usually stem from Bethesda just slapping stuff down and calling it good without even the barest hint of trying to tie it in to the setting. The Kings are a bunch of greaser gang kids trying to keep some order in their neighborhood and they latched onto Elvis as a symbol to emulate, because obviously if there was a whole school to teach you how to act like Elvis he must have been important and worth copying.

                Meanwhile in 4 you have the Triggermen who have no characterization. They just LARP as the Boston Mafia because it's Boston and you need a few dudes with Chicago typewriters to really set the vibe, but the Triggerman are just a flavor of raider gang and little else. You interact with them once while trying to find Nick and then they may as well be out of the story. Bethesda also just struggles in general to tie their plots together so 4 in particular is filled with shit that feels unceremoniously tacked on.

              • 1 month ago

                I accept that critique anon.
                >Post apoc larpers written well
                >Post apoc larpers written lazily.

              • 1 month ago

                Pretty much. Bethesda even did the post-apoc LARPer thing half-right in 4 with the 'swatter' guy in Diamond City. He's just some dude that likes his headcanon about baseball being a gladiatorial bloodsport and is trying to make a hustle selling all the bats lying around. Shit like that is fine, it's just Bethesda rarely ever puts that much thought into it.

              • 1 month ago

                It is also interesting that the Kings are an organic post-apoc gang, but the Omertas, the Chairmen, and the White Glove Society were identities given out by House, who still held on to old memories of Vegas. That's why a bunch of tribal people suddenly start wearing suits in the Strip. But the Kings were the only ones who actually developed the identity on their own.

            • 1 month ago

              All TRUE New Vegas chads know this:
              >Dead Money
              >Honest Hearts
              >Old World Blues
              >Lonesome Road
              dawg... what the frick

              • 1 month ago


                This is all just brown person ebonics speak... opinion discarded

                Also old world blues is the best dlc

              • 1 month ago

                >doesn't mention the 'dawg'
                Just know that I'm right... and you're wrong.

              • 1 month ago

                I'm so used to disregarding ebonics speak it kind of just filtered through

              • 1 month ago

                OWB is KINO too

              • 1 month ago

                OWB despite being DLC size felt like a fricking expansion pack. It was great exploring that crazy science basin.

            • 1 month ago

              based and true. cuck avellone unironically hates that fallout has progressed beyond tin shacks significantly more than bethesda do. todd and co are just ignorant, avellone is malicious. it's telling that when he was slated to direct fallout 3, the plot was an even more extreme version of events of the show
              >pre war scientist gets woken up via cryosleep
              >dislikes wastelander society, decides he needs to destroy it all
              >luckily he got a disease before the war which has no cure and a nuke station will bomb cities infected with it as a matter of quarantining
              >he gives a bunch of people the disease including the player character
              >every city you go to gets added to the nuke pool
              >in the ending he fires nukes and if you defeat him you can only deactivate some nukes meaning almost all of the world will be burned with nuclear fire... again!!!!
              >also san francisco got nuked before the game by the enclave for some reason

            • 1 month ago

              Lonesome road is kino atmosphere and better than any betheshit dlc sorry.
              What's the problem with speech being utilized for the final boss? The only valid reason it is a problem is that the level cap and skill rate is far too high in the game which allows you to max every skill too easily.

              • 1 month ago

                >Lonesome road is kino atmosphere and better than any betheshit dlc sorry.
                Lonesome Road is literally NV digging out the old Fallout 3 green shit filter and placing rubble and cannibal messes everywhere like we were in DC fighting super mutants or some shit. It was awful. The worst setting of every one of the DLCs.

              • 1 month ago

                Nah the level design is far better than OWB. The broken skyscrapers and overpasses is cool to traverse.

              • 1 month ago

                LR could have been better if they treated it like another survival gauntlet like DM. Instead its a call of duty campaign with an butthole giving you paragraphs of nothing for every dialogue option you dare to trigger

              • 1 month ago

                You can argue with said character and even convince them they are the problem and are insane. What's the problem? One DLC out of the four and it's about some crazy guy's narrative that the other DLC build up to through his audio logs.

              • 1 month ago

                It's a problem with western RPG's that "talk" skill is just a tax that can solve 99% of problems. If you don't invest in this tax then you just make the game harder on yourself. A big problem is Lanius is set up as a final boss but you can pretty much just "SPEECH 100 LMAO DUDE" your way out of it. After replaying NV I find the game really pushes to up barter and speech skill because of how many checks there are around freeside. Like your forced to do it. I feel it's like some ingrained thing like were being "dumb" means you get punished rather draconicaly or hell like in some werid way "forced to do more content". High speech not just NV but in other WRPG means you can just skip shit or even ironically enough content.

                Hell fallout 3 is more hardocre on speech because there is still a chance to fail. Colonel Autum even with 100 speech still has a chance to fail.

                I believe Lanuis could be talked down but evidence would be gathered from side quests etc or optional objectives from the main quest. Like lets say House, yes or NCR say as an optional objective "We need evidence of legion troops strength for our long term goals". The coruier fights for this info and then brings it up with lanius rather than "ME TALK SMART ME WIN".

              • 1 month ago

                yeah, it's like "level up speech or get bad endings to some quests, also some speech options will just straight up skip gameplay lmao" and it blows ass tbdesu
                i did do a playthrough as a speechlet who never levels speech though, most of the time it got bailed out by barter (no way I'm never not getting the pack rat perk)

              • 1 month ago

                >Lanuis could be talked down but evidence would be gathered from side quests etc or optional objectives from the main quest.
                This is how they handled it in Fallout 1 iirc. No speech check labels either so you had to think about what to say.

              • 1 month ago

                They actually ended up doing this with Ulysses in Lonesome Road. If you found and listened to his audio logs, you could bring them up and use that as an alternate excuse at of talking him down.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah talking down Lanius via macguffins you actually have to put effort into feels a lot better than
                >LMAO DUDE MAXED MY SPEECH

                I mean I do actually admire fallout 3 for having it chance based. Yeah if you have high speech skill you'll just get what you want from most people but like dealing with smart or determined people there is a big chance it will fail.

              • 1 month ago

                the way I would've handled it is that lanius only kneels to a speech check if you spared ulyses to learn his weakness, and also locked lonesome road behind completion of the other three dlc.

              • 1 month ago

                being nice to eddy also does it. maybe the speech check is harder since talking to eddy every fricking 15 minutes is mandatory in the dlc, but yeah. you can tell ulysses that eddy's logs tells why ulysses's symbol of old america is flawed.

              • 1 month ago

                max speech is sort of fun on a second playthrough to see just how much it dismantles quests, but the game functions far better if you ignore the skill entirely

              • 1 month ago

                That's just you min maxing and crying about it. Again the problem is that you get too many skills in the game so their is no actual cost to leveling your speech skill as a trade off for being worse at something else. This is an easily fixable problem. You seem to hate roleplaying and being a character and instead just choose what is optimal based on already playing the game which is your own problem.

                Also Fallout has never had good "final boss fights" that was never the emphasis like some action game with rising action through increasingly difficult and skillful gameplay. Lanius is just the culmination of the entire plot and narrative that you have been absorbing and influencing the entire game.

              • 1 month ago

                I fricking love roleplaying. I'm doing a no fast travelling run right now you frickwit. I'm just pointing out it's a trend in WRPG to basically make "speech" a neccessary skill. Hell I would argue that you'd have an easier time playing hard mode in some WRPG with high speech skill than playing on normal difficulty with low speech skill due to the amount of fights you can skip.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes because speech is a skill you would invest into if you're trying to roleplay as a reasonable good person with pacifistic tendencies. It makes sense as a game mechanic and in universe for speech to be used to de-escalate situations and avoid combat. It's actually the best part about an RPG to allow this amount of control over situations. Just don't get speech if you hate "cheating" so much and making the game "easier". The only good critique as I said is that the game gives you too many levels and skills so every build can get high speech and get the benefits of it without also sacrificing combat abilities.

              • 1 month ago

                It's skill that if the player doesn't have you get punished. It's nothing to do with roleplaying. Most of the time you just end up getting into fights. Perhaps if the speech checks were fewer it be fine but if having low speech skill means tons more fights then it's just the devs punishing you for not investing in the speech tax. In the long run it makes the game harder as you spend more resources in more fights. I believe the speech skill is a clusmy mechanic and should be replaced it or have different versions of speech that work on different charachters. I don't know maybe based off your skill set or something.

              • 1 month ago

                It also makes zero sense that a 1 charisma player can still nail speech checks. It's like the stat should just become the special.

              • 1 month ago

                There are hundreds of speech checks that can be passed through perks and other skills, what are you talking about? How are you punished for having different outcomes because you chose to have a character that was not proficient in speech, this makes no sense.

              • 1 month ago

                Speech and barter come up a lot in these games. Not just new vegas. Lore skill in tyrannry is pretty much fricking required.

                You may well be trolling me anon but I'll roll with it as you have me thinking.

                I believe speech could be improved upon as you say, by basing it off other skill checks. Expertise is important and having that shine through in conversations is valid. Having high strength to demonstrate you could fight off bandits or a monster is good. It would give the village elder or whatever more confidence.

                Since I do roleplay, lets have different type of speech skills or "trees instead". So We have barter which is a great seperate entity. I want to play a merchant type characther that's a must. But what if I wanted to play a politician, there could be "inspiring" speech skill to rally people to your side or rely on lies "silver tongue" were you get better at lying on the spot or coxing someones ego. You play a healer or preist so you could have "caring or empathetic" speech skill that lets you understand others, calms them down. You could still pass checks but those checks would be more diverse and contextual. Passing said checks would match more to the role.

              • 1 month ago

                "I believe speech could be improved upon as you say, by basing it off other skill checks. Expertise is important and having that shine through in conversations is valid. Having high strength to demonstrate you could fight off bandits or a monster is good. It would give the village elder or whatever more confidence."
                Are you the one trolling? There are hundreds of skill checks dealing with other skills than speech and barter. There are skill checks for attributes like STR,PER,INT although they are quite a bit rarer. There are speech checks for "terrifying presence" which is the same as having a high STR as you said. It seems reasonable that speech and barter would handle a majority of situations as that is their primary function when investing in them compared to other skills.
                I cannot think of many other games that handle speech better tbh.

              • 1 month ago

                There is more to fricking speech than just "speech" anon. You accuse me of not roleplaying when I'm clearly pointing out shoving all types into conversation into one check called "speech" is stupid. New vegas relies heavily on speech checks. More than any other stat arugably.
                You could have

                >Indimiation like some rpgs do

                As new skills for speech in rpgs. I've said my piece.

              • 1 month ago

                All of those options you described are handled through the choices you make within the dialogue. You don't have to take every speech check that is given if you are truly roleplaying.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes it comes from just one stat anon. That is the problem rather than being split into multiple different "speech skills" which would be better for roleplaying.

                It's fatguing in rpgs to basically nearly every main quest encounter has to be LMAO DUDE LOW SPEECH ANOTHER FIGHT. New vegas to be fair isn't as aggersive as some RPGS. I remeber Dragon age origins being pretty bad for it. Perhaps I'm looking for a fariers expeince for those who don't invest in speech tax.

              • 1 month ago

                Why do you keep ignoring that there are hundreds of speech checks for other skills? If you only had speech and no other skills you would not be able to handle 30-40% of situations.

              • 1 month ago

                I'm replaying it and a lot of freeside main quest checks rely on speech and barter. They come up a lot in game. More than most anon.

              • 1 month ago

                Again it makes sense that the skill with no other purpose than conversing and avoiding conflict would do that. The problem as I have said 10 times is that the game gives you too many skills and allows every build to become proficient at speech without having a strong tradeoff of being worse at combat.

              • 1 month ago

                Problem is I feel it comes up too much. It's a thing in WRPG were it feels like some fricking toll booth of "oh here we go another fight". Maybe we should just get rid of it and actually have to pick the right things ourselves when conversaing with enemies rather than just LOL ME SPEAKY STAT HIGH. Yeah frick it just get rid of the stat and give the player the dialogue options and we have to use our brains to pick the right option. It even lets us keep the role as dumb barbarian goes for the intimidate were as the smart rogue picks the most diplomatic seeming option if your playing that.

                Maybe the dumb angry response of the barb gets the respect of the orc he might fight wereas roleplaying as the smarty pants rogue gets him into a fight because the diplomatic option flies over the orcs head.

              • 1 month ago

                "toll booth".
                What I mean by this is that Yeah Speech skill gets you out of fights a lot but it just feels that the devs push you into into way more fights if you don't have speech high. The DM goes super sadistic. Ok maybe with low speech it's like 3 or 4 more fights is fair but in some WRPG it feels more like 50 are thrown at you were as with high speech it's only mob fights and main quest boss fights you need to worry about. Dragon age was bad but at least with new vegas people were still netural at least so it wasn't as taxing to be fair.

              • 1 month ago

                because 90% of it is "[Speech 70/70] yo don't do that, do this instead" alongside a "[Explosives 30/30] well if you did this, it would be more optimal, so do that instead"
                basically speech is the universal bandaid, the first option, to every dialog 'battle'
                the other skills barely contribute besides giving you a little more exp, sometimes. like literally. the boomer kid at the boomer museum? all those skill checks are just for exp and a bit of fame.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah doesn't help you get EXP from speech skill checks further enforcing the tax.

              • 1 month ago

                >I've said my piece.
                why do boomers always say little catch phases? it's so cringe and unnatural but they think it makes them look like tough guys.

              • 1 month ago

                ye frfr bussin take

              • 1 month ago

                I've found that most optional speech checks don't save that much time. There are outliers like the freeside drug addicts sending you on a grocery hunt, and Boomers are a little more tedious.

              • 1 month ago

                >There are outliers like the freeside drug addicts sending you on a grocery hunt
                man they send you to find like 12 fricking doses of fixer, the rarest drug in the game besides turbo i guess
                it's serious bullshit if you don't meet the stat checks to make them rein that in a bit

              • 1 month ago

                I actually know what you mean. On paper speech is great for rpgs because the game is vastly different depending on how you build your character. In practice it’s just a skill that auto skips content or unlocks content if you meet an arbitrary stat dump threshold. I never feel immersed or like i’m role playing using speech, it’s just “you have enough points for the better option”. I have no idea how you’d do it differently though

              • 1 month ago

                The fundamental issue with speech in RPGs is that you just can't, as a writer, account for all the realistic avenues of persuasion when writing dialogue. It's just too granular.
                >intimidate using a key detail you intuited but the writer didn't expect you to figure out yet
                >pull a grand lie right out of your ass but bullshit so confidently the other guy believes it
                >straight up pull rank and ask this moron if he knows who I am because I'm best buds with House and if he fricks with me then his ass is grass
                >someone's being cagey and not helping your investigation, so you threaten to go talk to the NPC who likes you at the local newspaper and get them to run a hitpiece that will be on every front page in town if they don't start talking
                Simulating social shit is just really complex.

              • 1 month ago

                intimidate, in my own, can be inferred from the look of your armor (power armor SHOULD have intimidation speech options) or the power of your weapon. maybe even if you have a follower or not, and what they're packing. and to another extent, if your courier is 'famous' or 'infamous' enough, then your reputation may precede yourself. but that's up to whether word travels in the wasteland, and joe schmoe doesn't see a poorly equipped courier as a threat to beholden.
                in NV, intimidate is merely... Terrifying Presence. you need 70 speech for it, and it does almost fricking nothing lol. there are some strength intimidation checks, however, and those are nice.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah, PA lacking any special dialogue options does feel a bit lame. I actually secured a suit of PA before my first run through Freeside one playthrough and it was a little surreal hearing the standard dialogue asking if I needed a guard and shit, or getting attacked by the standard starving thugs.

                Like, c'mon guys. I've got a bullet proof suit and more hardware than half the Mojave. You aren't going to get at me with those little knives.

              • 1 month ago

                it's like... the number one thing writers should be making 'alternate dialog' for, in a roleplaying game, where the player can score themselves a suit of power armor. it changes everything about people's perspective of you

              • 1 month ago

                yeah but you gotta then pay VAs and shit for stuff most players don’t give a frick about. that’s the reality of it

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                >you now remember new reno prostitutes making jokes about your Power Armor on the street

              • 1 month ago

                They might not be able to stab you with their knives. But thats why they pull out the pool cues!

              • 1 month ago

                Honestly, I feel like the closest a game has ever gotten to addressing this problem is LA Noire, and anyone that played that game can tell you that interrogations and question people was still flawed in it.

              • 1 month ago

                Arcanum also had a pretty solid speech system. It didnt matter how persuasive you were, if your "victim" knew better, then you simply couldnt bullshit your way through dialogue, and if he caught you in a lie then your speech was irrelevant.

              • 1 month ago

                I wonder with new ai we might be able to solve this. It should act like a DM and balance it out. Like your talking to a legion dude and you use calcualted bruality in your reasoning as to why using the legionarries as distraction while you poisoin the NCR's water supply is a great idea.

                You just put it in a way they like.

                "For the cost of just a few legionarries you could bleed out the NCR like an exhausted yao gai then send the rest of your force to finish of the kill".
                If it matched context then it might work.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes because speech is a skill you would invest into if you're trying to roleplay as a reasonable good person with pacifistic tendencies. It makes sense as a game mechanic and in universe for speech to be used to de-escalate situations and avoid combat. It's actually the best part about an RPG to allow this amount of control over situations. Just don't get speech if you hate "cheating" so much and making the game "easier". The only good critique as I said is that the game gives you too many levels and skills so every build can get high speech and get the benefits of it without also sacrificing combat abilities.

                Difficulty does not dictate your roleplaying. You don't roleplay certain way through certain skills just because it is easier or harder. You choose based on what fits your character. It is meaningless to talk about min maxing when you perform roleplay playthrough.

              • 1 month ago

                I disagree. It's a tax that if not invested in the player gets punished for. Speech is treated like some holy stat. I roleplay in multiple playthroughs and your conjecture that I'm a min maxer is fricking stupid. As one guy said it's "pacfistic" then base it off Karma or something instead.

              • 1 month ago

                Being punished is the very essence of roleplaying. You don't play the game for stats, you play it for the immersion and experience. When you try to do both roleplaying and playing normally, you will always have a bad time.

          • 1 month ago

            owb was cringe but if you can't see the difference between 'wacky scientists doing immoral shit' and 'fricking aliens caused the nukes to go off' you're a fricking moron

            • 1 month ago

              the 'aliens caused the nukes to go off' is cut content

              • 1 month ago

                Ok but how does that address the criticism that OWB has a narrative with a message at the end, and the characters you interact with are all written as insane scientist from the pre war who you learn performed unethical experiments. How is that even remotely comparable to a shitty corridor shooter that gives you almost no choices or interesting dialogue with moronic aliens? Please elaborate.

              • 1 month ago

                owb's narrative is literally random = funny, it's rick and morty shit

              • 1 month ago

                You have 80 iq and ADHD. I'm sorry you can't handle reading and understanding narratives. Enjoy your alien corridor shooter that you cannot differentiate from OWB in quality. I wish I could be as moronic as you to enjoy inane slop like that.

              • 1 month ago

                China are literally the only faction that makes sense to start the nuclear exchange
                >why would america nuke a country they had invaded on the mainland and were beating
                >why would a company annihilate the social structure that gives them their power and lifestyle for no reason
                >why would aliens who could easily destroy earth instigate a primitive bombardment

        • 1 month ago

          Imagine if they had made this the canon ending in the TV show lmao.

          • 1 month ago

            Would've been better than what we've got, ngl

            • 1 month ago

              Second season of the Fallout show, will be about the Mothership Zeta aliens invading earth.

              • 1 month ago

                >implying they won't explore the F4 cabbot quest to insert a cthulhu episode

              • 1 month ago

                Is freeing the father morally right?
                Also they got their Dunwich and telepathic elements if the show wanted to go proper off the rails.

          • 1 month ago

            It would have sucked because the writers don't have the chops for handling the Think Tank. In the hands of a good team it would be properly wild though.

          • 1 month ago

            I would take think tank over fricking tunnelers
            god lonesome road was dreadful

        • 1 month ago

          Christ, Old World Blues really is the Rick and Morty DLC.

        • 1 month ago

          they think they're on the moon
          that's a dumb shit ending and it deserved to get canned

  6. 1 month ago

    >4 Fallout threads in the catalog
    Calm down, ok?

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      AND 300+ threads about the black samurai or some shit
      Ganker is a hivemind and is only able to talk about the same shit

  7. 1 month ago

    What were they doing in Baja California? I guess country borders don't matter but you think they would get more from the woodlands of Oregon rather than more desert

    • 1 month ago

      Northern part of California from Sacramento to San Diego are uncontested raider filled shitholes no different from Fallout 1 the NCR only controls south of California.

    • 1 month ago

      Do we actually find out what's going on in Baja or is it purposefully left vague? It has to be something dangerous to the NCR needing almost all of their black armored rangers leaving only nevada patrol rangers to Vegas but what's over there? Another FEV base like Mariposa? Another vault tech robot factory? Some kind of mexican raider force in the thousands? What kind of unspeakable horror is in Baja?

      some BS mission the Army cooked up to keep the Rangers out of the Mojave

    • 1 month ago

      The Brahmin baron's bidding

    • 1 month ago

      >I guess country borders don't matter
      Sadly they do in fallout because it's extremely themepark minded in it's world building.

    • 1 month ago

      Chasing ”ghosts”
      Possibly reports of Enclave remnants, but it could be a false flag to justify a higher military budget

    • 1 month ago

      defending brahmin barons and taking more land for them

      some BS mission the Army cooked up to keep the Rangers out of the Mojave

      Chasing ”ghosts”
      Possibly reports of Enclave remnants, but it could be a false flag to justify a higher military budget

      this may have even deeper roots when you find out that legion frumentarii have already infiltraded the army long before the NCR stepped into the mojave (monorail mission)

      • 1 month ago

        Hanlon lying about combat reports doesnt help matter either, NCR are truly fricked

        • 1 month ago

          I still don't get what he's trying to achieve with that. It didn't affect the military one iota in the grand scheme of things and instead of pulling out, it only emboldened the war hawks in the NCR leadership, adding more troops to the circulation.

          • 1 month ago

            One thing I liked about the NCR and newvegas in general is it's portyals of different goverment types.

            In the NCR case it's a huge range of different burearcies working and competing agaisnt each other. But indivduals make up these different segments of goverment. Hanlon had a noble goal to protect life but made it worse and couldn't see how god damn critical the dam is for the NCR. However his motivation was to save lives but his too burnt out and jaded to see the damage he is doing. Meanwhile Oliver's big sin is pride. He and his troops did actually do a good job of holding off the legion in the first battle of hoover dam, but since he didn't get credit he's gone full moron. In this case it's one branch of the NCR army competing agaisnt the other due to the ego of one man. When you get to the Mojave it's clear the NCR is made of good civlised people but they are under resourced and streched thing. Oliver got in through nepotism when Hsu should have been in charge. There is a reason Essays are wrote on this game.

            But yeah the NCR is a byzantine array of different pockets of goverment you see in game with tons of different departments. All other major factions have courier meet there leaders directly expect NCR. You never speak to Kimball directly because of all different departments, not on purporse but by the sheer structure of the NCR means the player can't even get a proper audiance due to many layers of bueracy keeping the player from him. Power is diffused through so many different segments in the NCR like real goverments and all the problems it brings.

            • 1 month ago

              You are overstating how Byzantine the NCR is. It's a much simpler structure than some of the most effective fighting armies from history. The NCR doesn't have more bureaucratic bloat than WW2 America, it just has way fewer resources and way more corruption. It's a low-trust society wearing the skinsuit of a high-competant and high-trust society of pre-war America.

              • 1 month ago

                To be fair they seem pretty high trust. The rank and file seem like pretty decent folks. True you can bribe the army commander in boulder city to let the Khans go but he uses said money for soldiers families. If you help the head ranger at mojave outpost by killing ants they "lose" a rifle for you but it's nothing that big. Maybe I did overstate it but you get a feeling of how big and segemented the NCR is.

              • 1 month ago

                Brahmin Barons and corporations have total run of the show out west, there's no robust civil society or unifying patriotism to keep them in check. They basically speedran the history of America in a hundred years, from disparate colonies to low-trust corporate oligarchy.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah but I mean "high trust" tends to me no one is trying to bribe the other guy in daily interactions. NCR is a refelction of our own society, upper echolons are highly corrupt but work within the rules but the majority of people at the bottom obey the rules and NCR rank and file are generally fair in dealings with you.

                The NCR army isn't like the russian army where the pilfering is scaled based on rank. Generals taking the most and the soldiers taking the least. The NCR army is just under resourced.

              • 1 month ago

                >Work within the rules.

                Let me just clarify western corruption. Pretend your a bussiness magnet. You can't directly bribe a politician but what you can do is lobby there department with a bunch of money to pass policies in favour with you. Then either in closed door dealings the politician will be given a lucrative job with your company. The offical reason is because of the politicans experince in your sector. The actual reasons is because of all the favours they did you. None of it's overt but circumvention.

            • 1 month ago

              I like how the game didn't bother to have Oliver voiced by a unique VA while other factions do (Yes Man, House, Caesar/Lanius). I don't think it's an intentional decision from the devs whatsoever, but it really drives home the fact that Oliver is just some schmuck put in a high position undeservedly, a mere cog in the machine of NCR bureaucracy with no grand vision other than his luck of being one of Kimball's crony.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah, it's accidently great.

          • 1 month ago

            He's terrified of Oliver sending his rangers out on suicide missions, so he's faking reports that make it seem like they're tied up here they are and unable to be redeployed.

            • 1 month ago

              makes sense but that'll cost the army alot of manpower, Hanlon is still in the wrong here.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah Hanlon was just tired of seeing so many of his people die, he did make things worse however by trying to sabotage the whole campagin, maybe brining even more death. The NCR need the dam because they drained all their own lakes. The game at least shows the better troops coming in as the main quest is done, implying the NCR at home actually starts taking the Mojave seriously. They seriously need the dam as it this points it's there only real good water source or it's back to rad water. Between Olivers static moron mindset and Hanlons sabotage NCR is fricked.

          • 1 month ago

            the dam is for power not water you blithering moron

            • 1 month ago

              There are serveral npcs in game that literally say the water from the dam gets diverted back to calfironia. To clarify they take the water from lake mead. I said Dam as in the general area.

              Yeah, personally I wouldn't disagree with that guess. They aren't exactly portrayed as morally upstanding anywhere in the games. However, they always struck me as petty criminals and drug dealers rather than the more serious threats that the organized Fallout 2 Slaver's Guild or the psychotic New Vegas Fiends represent. The Khan legacy is also weird in that it is essentially completely different organizations in each game.

              The Khans are the original gang, which is just the ruffians of Vault 15. They are blood-related to the people living in Shady Sands, and probably don't go too far with most of their crimes and care mostly about living free and "tough". They canonically get wiped out by the Vault Dweller.

              The New Khans are formed mostly just from mercenaries that Darion, the son of the former Khans leader, hires to eventually get revenge on the NCR and Tandi. These guys are more organized and militaristic, while Darion is kind of insane with revenge. They are characterized almost entirely by this plot for vengeance. In the end, they are canonically wiped out by the Chosen One on behalf of Tandi.

              Way later, the Great Khans form from the remnants of this mercenary gang and other raiders that are looking for a way out of the NCR. This group, while composed of the dregs of society, ends up ironically being the most peaceful group. They run into the Followers of the Apocalypse in the Mojave Wasteland and get educated, although they mostly use it to make better drugs. They get run off by the New Vegas families once House organizes them, and then the NCR shows up. By now, the NCR is an old, old enemy of the Great Khans, and so even when the NCR doesn't really do a whole lot to antagonize them, hostilities naturally escalate between them and end in tragedy for the Khans.

              This was a very well reasoned post. Cheers for making me less ignorant.

              • 1 month ago

                lake mead is not hoover dam you blithering moron

              • 1 month ago

                If you control the dam you also control the lake. It isn't that complicated.

    • 1 month ago

      according to hanlon, genuinely nothing
      fans somehow cooked up the idea baja is full of pirate raiders, i don't know where it came from. the only source on what baja is like is hanlon's story about rattletail and comment about "chasing ghosts"

      • 1 month ago

        he literally says he made up the ghosts. they’re the massive tribe of raiders he invented

    • 1 month ago

      Do we actually find out what's going on in Baja or is it purposefully left vague? It has to be something dangerous to the NCR needing almost all of their black armored rangers leaving only nevada patrol rangers to Vegas but what's over there? Another FEV base like Mariposa? Another vault tech robot factory? Some kind of mexican raider force in the thousands? What kind of unspeakable horror is in Baja?

      Given that the Mojave campaign is so unpopular, Hanlon says that the Baja campaign is irrelevant, and that the NCR is portrayed as so corrupt I think the Baja campaign is just the NCR sending troops to into a new theater for easy military victories to help President Kimbell.

      They probably have their best soldiers to ensure there are no defeats, so the NCR can slaughter whoever and win, and thus president Kimbell can tout a foreign policy success and distract attention from the Mojave disaster.

      From the one story Hanlon gives about Baja, it seems the place isn't filled with raiders, but desperately poor people looking for water.
      And the NCR has lots of people going to settle there, and presumably elsewhere.

      So the situation is probably the elite killing machines of the NCR being sent to wipe out the few raider gangs in the region, as well as putting down the resistance to the NCR settlers, and water thieves.

      So the whole thing is completely unimportant, and probably only causing problems for Shady Sands among the natives down there while providing no benefit other than an optics win for the government

    • 1 month ago

      according to hanlon, genuinely nothing
      fans somehow cooked up the idea baja is full of pirate raiders, i don't know where it came from. the only source on what baja is like is hanlon's story about rattletail and comment about "chasing ghosts"

      he literally says he made up the ghosts. they’re the massive tribe of raiders he invented

      This is all according to Chief Hanlon.

      So the NCR wanted to colonize Baja. They sent a few colonists south. The colonists had a well, and tons of people from the region were visiting them to get water. Either because of paranoia, miscommunication, or just general incompetence, the colonists started killing anyone that came near to get water. President Kimball sends a bunch of rangers down there to fight these "raiders" harassing the colonists, and the rangers figure out that these supposed raiders are actually just peaceful caravans and such. Hanlon invents a lie about there being some big group of raiders back up north, and the Hanlon's group leaves and then makes their way to the Mojave. A remainder gets left behind though and these are the guys that show up later on in the storyline of Fallout New Vegas. They are "chasing ghosts" in the sense that Hanlon knows there are no real raiders messing with the colonists down in Baja.

  8. 1 month ago

    Play the old world blues mod of HoI4

  9. 1 month ago

    Do we actually find out what's going on in Baja or is it purposefully left vague? It has to be something dangerous to the NCR needing almost all of their black armored rangers leaving only nevada patrol rangers to Vegas but what's over there? Another FEV base like Mariposa? Another vault tech robot factory? Some kind of mexican raider force in the thousands? What kind of unspeakable horror is in Baja?

    • 1 month ago

      Like Hanlon says the NCR is chasing ghosts. NCR is trying to colonise the region in the same way they do in the Mojave.

      But it's fricking Baja California, it's a wasteland now and it sure as hell isn't better in Fallout's world.

      • 1 month ago

        What does that mean chasing ghosts exactly? Is it suppose to mean some old world horror that could erupt and destroy the ncr? Why would simple colonizing require all of your most deadly rangers instead of using them for the actual war your fighting?

        • 1 month ago

          Presumably just some raider groups that had the brahmin barons spooked enough to throw their political weight around.

          • 1 month ago

            I doubt it, Baja isn't even that populated being one big desert beach strip.

        • 1 month ago

          >What does that mean chasing ghosts exactly?
          Maybe it's something that Hanlon believes to be a fairy tale to scare children, like Deathclaws. He uses the same tactic himself so he may be projecting onto the NCR.

        • 1 month ago

          Ghosts don't exist you moron
          By chasing ghosts, They're wasting their time

          • 1 month ago

            Ghosts is a metaphor you double moron and is actually frequently used to mean something from the old world, Ulysses frequently uses it calling House or the Think Tank ghosts from an america that's been long dead.

            • 1 month ago

              It's contextual as to its meaning. You're correct in the way ulysses uses it but the guy you replied to is also correct in that hanlon implies the NCR are wasting their time down there.

          • 1 month ago

            >Ghosts don't exist you moron
            Fallout 2 dudebros... Not like this...

          • 1 month ago

            >Ghosts don't exist you moron
            >By chasing ghosts, They're wasting their time

          • 1 month ago

            Ghosts are in more fallout games than the Legion or Enclave are

          • 1 month ago

            It's funny because ghosts are real in the Fallout games.
            There's one in Fallout 2, you can hear ghostly whispers by graves in New Vegas, there are haunted places in 4 and 76 iirc, and there are the 'ghost people' of the Sierra Madre in New Vegas.

            But Hanlon likely doesn't know that since he says it like an expression.

            • 1 month ago

              the ghost people are just corpses locked in automaton suits, though I guess that wasn't revealed until OWB
              in dead money, they just make mention of anti-red fog suits that 'weld' together upon too much exposure to the fog, and trap the wearer inside
              this plot point of the fog corroding the suits made me wonder why elijah says the fog 'preserves' technology, but I guess it's just another Big MT thing (lay mao) because they engineered the weakness for their experiments

              • 1 month ago

                You might be conflating them with trauma harnesses. Ghost people still display a degree of ingenuity and intelligence in that they know how to rig up IEDs, traps, and homemade spears. I always assumed they were basically some kind of ghoul.
                >he fog corroding the suits made me wonder why elijah says the fog 'preserves' technology
                Well, the suits still work. Their external controls are frozen up but I imagine if you sandblasted the crud off they'd be usable again. I always picture it as similar to covering a gun in cosmoline or the like. You can't operate the gun as-is but you could bury it in a water tight crate for thirty years, come back, scrub it off, and it would be fine.

              • 1 month ago

                >You might be conflating them with trauma harnesses.
                well I guess I am, because I thought they were one and the same. you're right too, Dean does say they have the wits to set up traps by leaving behind food and such.. some how

              • 1 month ago

                the ghost dudes breathe, lay traps etc. they are conscious to some degree. I like the theory that the gas has mutated them into balloon animals that inflate limbs to move around

        • 1 month ago

          The real answer is that there is no answer. Sawyer himself got asked what Hanlon meant by that, and he said he has no idea. He just put that line there for a potential future DLC or game to explore, which is why it's so open ended.

        • 1 month ago

          I always figured it was just bullshit to keep the rangers occupied and too busy with an ongoing mission to get involved with Mojave politics. Could have been anything the brass cooked up to make it seem like an adequate threat. Organized raiders like the Kahns, enclave remnants, BoS chapter. It could have been anything, it doesn't matter what it was, the part that matters is that the NCR fears the political pull of the rangers enough to waste their resources doing nothing and accept a bloody struggle in the Mojave.

        • 1 month ago

          Chasing ghosts means they're sending their best after something that doesn't exist. That could mean they've jumped out in front of bad intel and sent their best after an enemy that isn't there. Or it could mean that the region they're trying to colonise is nothing but dust and echoes, and they're searching in vain for a scrap of land actually worth keeping out there. Misusing their best and putting them in scouts roles.
          >instead of using them for the actual war your fighting?
          Bear in mind back west they think that the legion are nothing more than a barely organised bunch of tribals. Barely worth the ammo it'd take to put them down. They're ignorant to what's actually happening in Vegas and and arrogant enough to believe that they don't need their best to handle them. Look at Mojave outpost for example. No trained soldiers coming through, only recruits. The force holding outside of Nelson too being a ranger and a few handful of fresh faced rookies along with the meat grinder at Hope.

        • 1 month ago

          To chase ghosts means to chase something that doesn't exist, which is what the chief refers to.

          My guess is that the NCR is looking for resources so they sent the rangers as a glorified scouting group.

          Another option is that the NCR has reason to believe that there's a large brotherhood force there.

          The third option is that that's where the reservation is now if Hanlon's words are to be taken literally. The reservation is almost certainly still canon in one way or another since it perfectly fits the profile of the promised land that the bright followers were looking for.

          • 1 month ago

            What's the reservation? Wouldn't what the bright followers be looking for in China because it's a giant glowing crater?

            • 1 month ago

              The reservation is a scrapped location from Van Buren. Short version is that it's what remained of Los Alamos and is basically a big irradiated underground complex full of ghouls. Both those we know and love as well as birthed ghouls.

              • 1 month ago

                Ghoul pregnancy was going to be a thing?

              • 1 month ago

                There was going to be some plot around a mad scientist doing mad scientist stuff by creating new ghouls artificially. Look up "born ghoul".

              • 1 month ago

                Nah, one of the nutjobs there was experimenting on humans and made picrel.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah in the concept stages for Van Buren (Interplay's Fallout 3 they went bankrupt before they could make) Where there's this town of ghouls and they want ghoul kids, so there's a weird sex slavery thing trying to see if they can make a ghoul pregnant

              • 1 month ago

                According to the concepts they were right, and you could get atleast one half-ghoul companion.

              • 1 month ago

                the proportions of that truck are whack

          • 1 month ago

            >My guess is that the NCR is looking for resources
            Hanlon heavily implies the NCR government doesn't want to deal with the pull the rangers have in the government and that the army brass need to establish their own legitimacy without the rangers bailing them out. If Hanlon is right it's showing that the NCR is willing to accept a meat grinder war in the Mojave just so it's an army victory and their victory alone.

        • 1 month ago

          It's a metaphor, dummy.

          Jousting windmills
          Wild goose chase
          Snipe hunt

        • 1 month ago

          It either means they are chasing nothing, a spooktale created by the higher ups to make them waste time or some old enemy that was believed to be dead, probably the enclave.

          Joshua graham, the burned men is a ghost of the legion for example, he's believed to be dead yet Caesar has wasted many men trying to kill him for real, for example.

        • 1 month ago

          >Ugh, the politicians have our best troops chasing ghosts instead of helping where it matters...
          Christ dude

          • 1 month ago

            If i ever get into the writing chair of any fallout media i will make the Bala ghosts a real thing for the funni

            • 1 month ago

              >Shouldn't we be fighting the legion instead of doing this?
              >Someone has to chase these ghosts goddammit! Get here you spooky fricker!

              • 1 month ago

                I was thinking priests who got ghoulified but had their robes sorta melt into their skin giving them this zombie-ghost like appearance. Also they are in contact with the Children of Atom, love those guys

            • 1 month ago

              email Emil hes probably moronic enough to write that in at some point

          • 1 month ago

            um excuse me, fallout 2 clearly establishes that ghosts are canonical to the fallout universe

        • 1 month ago

          People tend to forget that the Rangers and NCR are technically two separate entities.
          I always assumed it was just down to political shitflinging seeing as Hanlon is outwardly objecting to how the NCR runs things so Oliver ships off his men, who are superior to the NCR army, so they can't upstage the NCR proper.
          Either that or Hanlon purposefully sent his best troops down there as an excuse to not bring them into the Mojave and pull out as soon as possible as opposed to bringing them in and prolonging the conflict or causing even more casualties.

          • 1 month ago

            I like to headcanon that the Courier is a huge rangers fanboy growing up but dislikes the NCR, so in House/Independent he works toward diplomatically separating the Desert Rangers from the NCR again for the interest of an independent Vegas and Mojave

            • 1 month ago

              Only the Rangers get veteran benefits in the Courier's Mojave.

        • 1 month ago

          It means chasing something which doesn't exist, a waste of time.
          There likely isn't a serious threat in Baja, nor a real reason to take it over, but the NCR is still present 'chasing ghosts'

        • 1 month ago

          They're looking for something that doesn't exist. A future.

    • 1 month ago

      We'll never know. I was about to write a post about how Bethesda is too moronic to actually pick up interesting plot hooks from Fallout lore, but then I realized they would just absolutely butcher it. It's best that whatever the frick was going on in Baja remains a mystery.

      For what it's worth, my guess is that they were chasing some sort of treasonous NCR faction that we never heard about. Political exiles or something. Either that or Enclave remnants.

      • 1 month ago

        Weridly they couldn't refer to the "present enclave" or refer to No bark as "chosen one" from fallout 2 directly so they had to mask the terms. I guess ghosts being enclave might be right. But yeah could be anyting from literal tiny raider bands too enclave.

        >NCR was actually fighting special ghouls with unique FEV that made them literal ghosts. Only silver can harm them.

        • 1 month ago

          A lot of the posts arguing that it's essentially a nothingburger or a waste of time to frick with the Rangers have a high likelihood of being right, and it fits well within New Vegas. But I've thought it would be way cooler if they were down there on a legit, extremely classified and important mission, something so hardcore it actually justifies them being away from the war and "chasing ghosts"

          The idea of a post-post-apocalyptic nation state engaged in a total war with an enormous slave army, but there's some spooky shit happening on their southern border occyping 90% of their special forces regiment. Hundreds of spec ops rangers guys necessary to keep it in check, that's cool as hell

          • 1 month ago

            >Dead money "ghosts" are holograms.

            Maybe a hologram army of some form in Baja?

    • 1 month ago

      Probably some bullshit Oliver cooked up so they wouldn’t upstage him. Honestly I’m surprised no one fragged that moron.

      • 1 month ago

        >Honestly I’m surprised no one fragged that moron.

        You can only frag senior officers in the field, which Oliver won't touch. To be fair because of his ego trip he will be at the big critical battle. Not fighting but hiding deep in the dam. Hell Oliver really shouldn't be at the Dam if he wants to command his troops. As a general he should be commanding from saftey offsite.

        Now I have quesiton, for the NCR, how much blame should Oliver have?

        • 1 month ago

          >how much blame should Oliver have?
          Considering he hamstrung the war effort for the sake of his own ego, most of it. I mean he seems to be the one that is connected to a minority of the problems the NCR faced in the Mojave. The moronic allocations of troops and resources, him, the rangers being sent to random places or stuck at Golf, him. I mean realistically if they lose he’s going to be ousted with Kimball. If they win he’ll be in a better but that won’t stop people from talking and it seemed that everyone from the average grunt to the higher ups thought he was moronic.

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            >The entire situation in NCRCF happened because Oliver pulled too many troopers from guarding the prison
            >The warden had to beg for him to stop pulling the guards out and by then it was too late

            • 1 month ago

              NCR goverment redartation does play a part as well. Oliver added fuel to the fire but,
              >lets send our most dangerous prisoners to the weakest part of our borders
              >lets give them FRICKING DYNAMITE

              • 1 month ago

                This, I don’t get why they didn’t just do something like the Thaler Act but with general labor instead of just farming.

              • 1 month ago

                voter appeal, most likely. People like the ideal of living a life on a farm, not so much blasting away rubble off railroad tracks

            • 1 month ago

              NCR goverment redartation does play a part as well. Oliver added fuel to the fire but,
              >lets send our most dangerous prisoners to the weakest part of our borders
              >lets give them FRICKING DYNAMITE

              NCR is a very realistic depiction of what would happen if you tried to reclaim society too quickly.
              Too many dumb people who should've been warlords and cannibal cooks so society could restart the normal way.

            • 1 month ago

              the warden should’ve ceased operations in equipping the prisoners with DYNAMITE and just kept them locked up until more guards could be posted
              however, the prisoners already smuggled some dynamite to their cells or some such. not sure how much they needed to escape or if their escape plan would work better on the inside rather than when being put to work

    • 1 month ago

      i like to imagine someone saw granite's squad out there and the NCR has been trying to find more enclave "ghosts", as if it wasnt just a couple of remnant passing through the area

    • 1 month ago

      Brahmin barons scared of could-be might-be raiders

  10. 1 month ago

    >Literally the only cool members of the NCR

  11. 1 month ago

    It would be hilarious if Obsidian gets the okay to make a Fallout in California and they just write the NCR back in by having the boneyard settlements create a new NCR

    • 1 month ago

      Then they get nuked again or something similarly calamitous happens in season 2

    • 1 month ago

      >Obsidian gets the ok to do another fallout somehow
      >they decide frick the mess Bethesda has stuck their dicks in and go with midwest

      • 1 month ago

        then todd decides thats a great setting for season 2 and nukes all civilization again

    • 1 month ago

      No way, from the ashes of NCR the Vault City Empire will rise.

    • 1 month ago

      That would be awful. Using the broken tv series lore would just end up in garbage since nothing is coherent anymore. If they or any other studio could make a fallout spinoff I'd want it set somewhere else with new ideas and factions.

      >Obsidian gets the ok to do another fallout somehow
      >they decide frick the mess Bethesda has stuck their dicks in and go with midwest

      Yeah this

    • 1 month ago

      yeah they won’t though. they’re gonna retcon the frick out of nv with the tv show

    • 1 month ago

      Judging by a few details, Bethesda may beat them to the punch.
      There's good reason to believe that season 2 of the show will be about the NCR coming back.

  12. 1 month ago

    >The NCR has millions of citizens who live in relative luxury compared to the wasteland
    >spread all around California and Oregon and half of Nevada, and parts of Mexico
    >has dozens of senators, military generals and Bhramin barons with huge amounts of resources ready to take over if anything happens to the standing government
    >has a giant standing army at all times
    >One city gets nuked and suddenly all those millions of citizens, soldiers and government officials turn into raiders and hedonists overnight
    Who wrote this shit?

    • 1 month ago

      Normalhomosexuals who only played Fallout 4 and cuck loving redditors that howl and drool once they see one way interracial on the screen.

      • 1 month ago

        trying wayyy too hard to fit in

        • 1 month ago

          Yes we know your mouth waters fantasizing about black wiener going into the 90 lb girl boss white girl but the Fallout show is atoll terrible and not real fallout.

          • 1 month ago

            try typing that without using ai, troony

            • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago

                how many black wieners have you dreamt up in the past hour /misc/troony

    • 1 month ago

      Its a pattern i noticed. These nu liberal writers always dismantle large organizations and try to keep the situation in a status quo. Same thing happened with nu starwars and blowing up the republic so it goes back to being small rebels versus empire again.

      • 1 month ago

        Black folk really couldnt let the empire be dead and that pissed me off even as a stupid teenager.
        The prequels had enemies that weren't just duh big bad empire so it obviously could be done but they just went with the most boring shit. The excuse that they needed to make it recognisable doesn't even work because the prequels also made new designs that people enjoy.

        It's obvious they went for the same boring easy strategy in the fallout show. Don't make any new scenario just go get the established good guys and bad guys again.

        • 1 month ago

          The logical conclusion of what would happen after the fall of the Empire is way cooler than the final draft
          The rebels are now the Republic and are struggling to get it started and keep it standing, the Empire are now the rebels who can’t fight directly but can fight covertly through infiltration and guerilla tactics
          If you really feel like it you could have the Starkiller shotgun cannon thing or some mobile version of the Death Star beam on Snooks or whatever his name was ship as their trump card in the climax, but I’d suggest thinking of something more original and abnormal than having even more blown up planets
          The Sith has a lot of weird and dangerous stuff and the writers really felt like bringing Palpatine back, I’d suggest an honest to god disembodied force-revenant that cheated the rules causing mischief while still not totally invalidating Vaders sacrifice, hell I’m just shooting stuff out aimlessly now but you get the point

          • 1 month ago

            I completely gave up hope the minute they just made another death star that was apparently like 10 times more powerful or some shit just completely pulling shit out of their ass.
            When Palpatine apparently just had thousands of men sitting in hundreds of ships that could all apparently do the exact same thing as something that previously was 1000 times bigger without anyone in the galaxy noticing and every single man powering these things having a full salary with dental, it was almost expected of them.

      • 1 month ago

        It's pussy writing, "let's do a soft-reboot of the series since that means the drooling moron fans will eat up the slop no matter what" Modern media needs to have some large scale crash or something so we can actually go back to getting original content.

    • 1 month ago

      The raiders who attacked vault 33 and the NCR soldiers/civilians at the observatory are clearly different groups who act very differently. Moldavor most likely hired the raiders as to not risk her own troops. The observatory was powering the whole city so clearly there is people living there otherwise there’s no reason to connect it to the observatory power

      • 1 month ago

        The observatory peeps looked like ragtag hobos so the ncr is clearly fricked and a smoking crater.

        • 1 month ago

          Having less uniformed gear doesn’t make you a raider gang, most likely their proper supply lines took a hit due to them still recovering from the loss of one of their closest major trade and production hubs.

          Shady sands, however, was not the entire ncr

          • 1 month ago

            Its pretty cute that you actually think the writers put that much thought into logistics and supply line shit when these are most certainly sheltered hollywood liberals who never even heard of the concept before. Cant wait for season 2 when we find out the ncr is still a smoking crater.

      • 1 month ago

        >The raiders [headcanon]
        I appreciate your attempt to fix the shiw but you should just say "because the writers are incompetent morons" instead.

        • 1 month ago

          Lucy calls them raiders, and they look and act completely differently than the ncr soldiers we see. It’s not that hard to understand

          • 1 month ago

            They don't act differently at all. They both fight like raving lunatics.

            • 1 month ago

              >one group slaughters civilians brutally and uncaringly
              >other group has built a refuge for innocents and provides them with food
              >one group don’t fight using anything other than knives and shitty guns
              >other group has missiles turrets and guns that don’t look like shit
              >they dont act differently at all

              • 1 month ago

                I don't think the raiders you see at the beginning are NCR soldiers.
                They are just raiders Moldeva (forgot her name) manipulated

              • 1 month ago

                The issue is that neither scenario makes sense.
                >Scenario 1: the "raiders" are actually NCR soldiers
                Why does this group of NCR soldiers act like raider caricatures, huffing jet and reveling in the violence? When the remaining "NCR soldiers" are imprisoned, they continue to act like raiders, shouting shit like
                >I’m gonna eat your fricking heart!
                >I’ll break your fricking head open! Whoo!
                These are both actual lines of dialogue. The audience receives no information that indicates that these people are anything except deranged psychopaths, disconnected from the disciplined (and silent, because none of them have speaking roles) NCR remnants at the observatory.

                >Scenario 2: the raiders are actually raiders hired by Moldaver
                How and why did Moldaver hire raiders? Why do none of these deranged raiders kill Moldaver if she's "known and feared" across the wasteland, and she's alone with them? Moldaver even has a bounty on her head. Why did Moldaver choose to let loose raiders on the vault when her mission was recovering Hank alive? Why does Moldaver let a raider take her dear friend (lover?) Rose's daughter's virginity under false pretenses? Why are we supposed to sympathize with Moldaver in episode 8 when she hired raiders to murder and rape the inhabitants of Vault 33 for... no explicit reason. The only implied reason is vengeance.

                This isn't even a fraction of the actually relevant plot holes re: Moldaver, though. It's just the ones directly related to what happened in episode 1.

              • 1 month ago

                They're NCR, and Moldaver told them about how Vault 33 nuked Shady Sands to get them motivated. Or something.
                This is as good an answer we'll get with the writers not caring.

              • 1 month ago

                Some of them were NCR, the ones guarding her as she walked around and held the people hostage at the tunnel entrance.

                The raiders were to cause the chaos. Likely paid with drugs, caps, and the promise of violence.

                Its really not that hard to envision.

              • 1 month ago

                Do normal, rational soldiers often take a hit of meth and charge at power armored BOS knights with nothing but a flag? Because they do that in the observatory fight.

                >innocent civilians
                The NCR soldiers in the Vault are bloodlusted because they're killing the people who they think nuked their entire civilization. You literally see surviving NCR civilians performing rituals and demanding revenge in that other Vault.

              • 1 month ago

                >You literally see surviving NCR civilians performing rituals and demanding revenge in that other Vault.
                For whatever reason, the writers decided to give none of the NCR soldiers at Griffifth Observatory dialogue, so I personally had no awareness that they were also supposed to be a blood cult to subvert my expectations. The whole blood cult thing was just fricking ridiculously lazy and stupid, though. It adds nothing to the story or world, it's just meant to be shocking.

              • 1 month ago

                The vault 4 cult is one of the things they do to make you think they’re a crazy people who are gonna do something bad to Lucy and max but then it’s revealed they’re normal people just a bit weird

              • 1 month ago

                This was a part of the show that annoyed me to no end. Frick fake-out comedy shit. The whole vault 4 thing was shitty filler, and the Brotherhood are made to look moronic up until the moment they need to be the main threat. Why care about any of this if the writers don’t?

              • 1 month ago

                Vault 4 served as character development for both Max and Lucy while also tipping off Lucy to the true purpose of the Vaults with her learning vault 4’s history.

      • 1 month ago

        The brotherhood now has full control of what's left of shady sands.

        • 1 month ago

          Shady sands is a crater, you’re thinking of the boneyard

    • 1 month ago

      >Who wrote this shit?
      People who didn't play any Fallout game besides 4 and were in all likelihood told to retcon F1/2/NV out of existence.

    • 1 month ago

      >Who wrote this shit?
      People who likes Fallout for the retro aesthetics and WACKY humor.

      • 1 month ago

        I checked credited writers on imdb and it's just random hollywood yes man Black folk, israelites and jeets. Story was probably laid out by producers who happens to be Todd and his butt buddy Emil Pagliarulo.

      • 1 month ago

        >People who like le quirks lead to a game's ruin
        This is Saints Row again

    • 1 month ago

      Just ignore the show, it just doesn't fit the established lore however you try to slice it. One of the first people you meet, the cook in sloan even says she got bored of the west since it's a "tamed land" and wanted to make her way to the frontier so nothing about the shows setting makes any sense.

      • 1 month ago

        It was tamed before the NCR got a lil radioactive

        • 1 month ago

          It'd still not make sense. Ncr is a fully formed country by the time of NV. Why would the capital being nuked or the ncr being dissolved turn every single settlement into raider groups rather than fraction them into city states?

          • 1 month ago

            Not every single settlement, but it’s fricked with the ones close to shady sands. The ncr hasn’t been dissolved i dont know where everyone gets that

            • 1 month ago

              They're probably getting it from the complete absence of any evidence that the NCR ever existed outside of a single (destroyed) settlement in the show. You know, drawing conclusions from what's present.

              • 1 month ago

                I think that was done to hide the existence of a proper post war government from Lucy and people watching this with no prior game knowledge until the NCR reveal. Realistically there should be more references to it but I understand why it’s presented like that

              • 1 month ago

                No, it was done to eliminate civilization from the setting because the writers didn't want civilization in their setting. They've been very explicit about this in interviews, viewing the NCR as a "rebuilt America" that is "doing everything great", so they had to write them out of the show. Their motivations are out there for anyone to read.

                Of course, now that there's been fan backlash, they'll include them in some capacity in future seasons even though there were very obviously no plans to do so in the first season. That's the great thing about writing television: the average viewer have no idea how it's actually done, and they'll believe you when say shit like
                >Don't worry, we have so many more stories to tell about X
                which is just industry talk for
                >We don't know what we're doing with X yet

              • 1 month ago

                >doing everything great
                They clearly didn't play NV ffs

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah, well, what do you expect. All it would have taken for them to have written a compelling reason for the NCR to have collapsed is listening to this video:
                Playing the games isn't even necessary.

              • 1 month ago

                Like this is what gets me about the show. It would have been so easy to say something like “The NCR was overcome with its internal corruption, plus it’s never ending desire to over stretch itself and eventually just collapsed.”
                Instead they said “a man realized his wife was having a lesbian affair with some 200 year old chick and decided to nuke the NCR for reasons.” It sounds like a bad fanmod.

              • 1 month ago

                >Ooh a massive empire fully collapsed just because corruption! Everyone knows corruption ends empires on their own!!
                Gay as shit. Glad you didn't write it

              • 1 month ago

                Can i get a source for those quotes. Not saying as a meme I’m being genuine and

              • 1 month ago

                Because you got trips:

                >I will say that it was very, very early in the decision [making process], once we decided to put the show in L.A. That was the very next thought, because it's a post-apocalyptic show. And if you study the Western, which has a lot in common with the post-apocalyptic genre, ‘civilisation is not around’ is a big part of it. A lot of them end with the railroad coming through, or a house being built, or they put a church up in the town, or a motorcar appears. And you're like, ‘Well, the wild wild west is over.’
                >I think it would have been a mistake to go from the retro-futuristic America to another America that has been fully civilised and the NCR is doing everything great. We love Deadwood. I think if there was a fourth season of Deadwood, there'd be insurance companies, there'd be traffic, and it wouldn't be a Western anymore. We wanted to live in that first season of Deadwood space, of like, “What's going to happen? Where is everything?”
                >It really was our belief, also, that though there are the events of the games, it's not frozen after that. History is not static. It keeps going, and entropy is a constant. Which is a less flashy way of saying “war never changes.”
                >It seems inevitably the message of the Fallout games is that we will veer towards destruction of some kind, and our best efforts to restart civilisation may be doomed.

              • 1 month ago

                >It seems inevitably the message of the Fallout games is that we will veer towards destruction of some kind, and our best efforts to restart civilisation may be doomed.
                Wow. So the franchise will be boring and stagnant because it must always fall back to the status quo of humanity can never rebuild after blowing itself up because it's so shitty it cannot learn from its past mistakes. Don't bother putting any effort into having your character wanna make things better as the people running the franchise are telling you it's gonna be all for not and will fail. Why even bother continuing with Fallout when you got people saying this shit?

              • 1 month ago

                It’s so fricking stupid how people don’t get the message of “War Never Changes”. They think it means that everything just stays the same buts is about the nature of conflict and why people fight. Using it as en excuse to just reset everything and have it stay exactly the same is moronic.

              • 1 month ago

                Why are these two homosexuals who only played Fallout 3 and 4 trying to make "a western"? Neither of those games are westerns. The only western Fallout games (literally and thematically) are 1, 2 and NV.

              • 1 month ago

                >Minuteman with cowboy hat as one of the first npcs you meet
                >Lucas sims with cowboy hat as one of the first npcs you meet.
                >regulators, basically east coast rangers.

                I don't think you understand how deeply ingrained the american west is in american culture is anon and how the post apocaylpse brings the frointier spirit back to the fore. The american vitures of

                >self relaince
                >Violence to surivive
                >Absoulte freedom to make your own way in the world and build your own vision.

              • 1 month ago

                I haven't played 4 but to further my argument in 3,
                >The big bad enemy is the goverment coming back to shape the wasteland in there own way rather than let the people shape it. Either through genocide or conquest.
                >In 4 you establish your own little frointer towns through settlement building, shaping the chaos of the new frointer into your own vision.

                Bethesda are american and you can see the american west influence a lot of there decisions. It's a big subconcious and concisous thing that shines through. The cowboy feeling is strongest in NV by far though.

              • 1 month ago

                Ths guy is unfortunately correct. This is why we'll never see the fallout setting evolve.

                Because you got trips:

                >I will say that it was very, very early in the decision [making process], once we decided to put the show in L.A. That was the very next thought, because it's a post-apocalyptic show. And if you study the Western, which has a lot in common with the post-apocalyptic genre, ‘civilisation is not around’ is a big part of it. A lot of them end with the railroad coming through, or a house being built, or they put a church up in the town, or a motorcar appears. And you're like, ‘Well, the wild wild west is over.’
                >I think it would have been a mistake to go from the retro-futuristic America to another America that has been fully civilised and the NCR is doing everything great. We love Deadwood. I think if there was a fourth season of Deadwood, there'd be insurance companies, there'd be traffic, and it wouldn't be a Western anymore. We wanted to live in that first season of Deadwood space, of like, “What's going to happen? Where is everything?”
                >It really was our belief, also, that though there are the events of the games, it's not frozen after that. History is not static. It keeps going, and entropy is a constant. Which is a less flashy way of saying “war never changes.”
                >It seems inevitably the message of the Fallout games is that we will veer towards destruction of some kind, and our best efforts to restart civilisation may be doomed.

                That guy is a complete fricking moron. Deadwood was amazing, it didn't need to rely on a setting crutch to be good or interesting, the entire point was the trials and tribulations of the town and its citizens.

                Also it's amazing that these morons didn't just set the show early in the timeline or something. 10 years after the bombes dropped if they wanted wild west bullshit, they get to do their thing and not shit on the fans while doing it. How fricking hard would that've been?

              • 1 month ago

                You don't get to use the Brotherhood of Steel if you do that, and Lord help us if we have a single Fallout entry where the BoS aren't the main power.
                >t. exasperated BoS fanboy

                I miss when my boys were knightly hermit know-it-alls. I didn't mind Lyons' new leaf but I wish Bethesda would give it a rest. Or at least try and do something interesting with it instead of turning them into Orthodox Christian zealots but with brushed steel, which is still a change I find completely perplexing.

              • 1 month ago

                Todd has a bigger hard on for the enclave. Todd is a simple man.
                He sees big power amour he wants big power amour. Enclave have lots of potential for cool toys.

                >upgraded mark 2 version of mobile base crawler shows up in fallout 5.

                Does anyone remeber as kids there was these toys which were like tanks, but they were fricking huge and basically mobile bases. Like land carrires? I could see todd doing something silly like that.

              • 1 month ago

                You've just reminded me that one of the other players in my Fallout tabletop game wants to get something like pic related running so we could have a frickoff mobile base and maybe get in running landship battles with the Khans.

                Honestly, the idea of big mobile bases is pretty sick and I wouldn't mind seeing something similar to the crawler in a future entry. I do wish Bethesda had a better grasp of scale though since I don't trust them to design a bike let alone a complicated crawler.

              • 1 month ago

                Bethesda will never make an entirley new engine for good vechile gameplay. It will be only Janky mods from here on out.

              • 1 month ago

                I really did not understand the comparison to Deadwood because I've been rewatching it. First off, Deadwood is civilized even in season 1, when the "town" is more tents than buildings. It's a rough, lawless frontier town, but men recourse to words before they recourse to violence, and half of season 1 is about Bullock reluctantly assuming his position as Al's lawful foil. The entire show is about civilization imposing itself on the frontier, from season 1. You don't need to wait for the railroad to show up, you don't even need to wait for the county commissioner to show up.

                Second, invoking Deadwood when your show's dialogue sucks so much hot ass through such a narrow straw is confounding. Deadwood's dialogue is in a class of its own. Even simple lines from the dumbest characters, like Jane saying
                >Drunk as I am, fricking continuously
                stick in my mind. This from the show with such bangers as
                >Are you going to make my wiener explode now

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah I agree. It's an absurd comparison. I also agree that the fallout show has dogshit writing. I can't believe I actually thought the WGA were in the right to be striking at first when 90% of their products have been dogshit the past decade.

              • 1 month ago

                >i think that was done to [fanfiction pulled out of his ass]
                Can you stupid Black folk stop writing the show in your mind for these hack frauds

              • 1 month ago

                This. Holy frick, it's so annoying. I think Dark Souls broke people's ability to analyze video game-adjacent media, because there is this pervasive inability to judge fiction as it is written. We're talking about studio television. Studio television written by Captain Marvel / Portlandia writers who openly acknowledge that they're "guileless" in interviews.

              • 1 month ago

                >drawing conclusions from what's present
                Also from what’s not present like mentions of The Hub, Junktown, Redding, Dayglow, Arroyo, Vault City, or literally any other major settlement in the area that would still exist and function. I mean for frick sake The Hub is where Crimson Caravan is based, and we haven’t heard or seen anything of them or any other group.

              • 1 month ago

                trading caravans arent apocalyptic enough for Todd
                what do you mean this is the post apocalypse?

            • 1 month ago

              The implication is that it has considering there is no NCR presence on home turf aside from the meme raider gang

    • 1 month ago

      >Who wrote this shit?
      IMDB exists, so we know exactly who wrote the show.

      Senior writers:
      >Geneva Robertson-Dworet (Captain Marvel, Tomb Raider [2018])
      >Graham Wagner (Portlandia)

      Other writers:
      >Karey Dornetto (Portlandia, Arrested Development season 3 staff writer, misc. written by credits)
      >Kieran Fitzgerald (Wormwood)
      >Carson Mell (Silicon Valley season 2)
      >Gursimran Sandhu (Game of Thrones season 8 staff writer, Star Wars: The Bad Batch)
      >Chaz Hawkins (literally a grip / gaffer, is also Fallout's executive story editor)

      • 1 month ago

        >Gursimran Sandhu
        Sirs, we made it

    • 1 month ago

      >forgets the famine
      >Forgets the implication that resources would drain all towards barhmin barons.
      >forgots NCR drained all their water sources hence the need to keep the Mojave.
      >Hanlon also points most of the skilled rangers are about to die off. Meaning ranger force will be a lot weaker in the future.

      To be fair, NPC dialogue doesn't udpate. Despite what Hanlon says about Black amoured rangers and NCR power amour units being held back, they do show up as the player levels up. Indicating the NCR does take the region seriously. A lot of the seeds of the destruction for the NCR come from the game. Hell same for the Mojave in general

      It's shame Shady sands moved and nuked. NCR being an actual thing for the show to deal with would have ben cooler.

      • 1 month ago

        IIRC Veteran Rangers and Heavy Troopers start spawning once certain quest conditions are met in the main story. I don't think any Veteran Rangers show up at all until Kimball's visit to the dam, which is about where the main conflict starts to really heat up.

        • 1 month ago

          I've not got to the kimball part yet but I've seen a few black coated rangers at ranger stations.

          However Hanlons dialogue don't update to reflect that the NCR pulls power amoured troops from Barhmin Barons and Black amoured rangers from Baja. Hell there is one power amoured NCR troop at the 188 trading post ffs. Fricking Hoover Dam NCR troops also go wild with 12.7mm guns as well. NCR does step up and take the Mojave seriously. Oliver using his highly mobile spec op rangers as guards is fricking killing them however. If Oliver's ego wasn't so damaged over not being called the hero of the first battle of hoover dam then maybe he would grow a brain cell and send the power amoured troops and rangers on the offensive.

          • 1 month ago

            The NCR wishes it was PA. The heavy troopers are waddling around in a skeleton with no power source, stripped down just enough that it doesn't explode their knees. That's why it doesn't have the T-45d's STR bonus but still gives the wearer -2 AGI.

            It's also my understanding, although this may be headcanon, that the heavy armor goons are basically Oliver's answer to the Rangers. He wants a good old fashioned stand up fight to bloody the Legion in, not any fancy tactics like what won the Rangers the day the first time. He's basically trying to use his forces like a giant club which is why the Legion manages to get one over on him so often since they're willing to engage in asymmetric tactics.

            • 1 month ago

              I mean don't get me wrong NCR power amour is a step above raider power amour but it's better tech than some of the legion has. Though the Legion will counter it by getting energy weapons from the vangraffs. If NCR went on the offensive with Bullet stopping heavy amour and elite mobile rangers who could match the legion they may have chance. The fact Ceaser camps within like 2 miles of the dam just to mog Oliver is amazing. Day one pressure should have been appplied to get the legion gone. They didn't have black coated rangers but patrol ones who could still fight. Once heavy amour and Black coated rangers come in then Oliver really should of started pushing in the legions shit. However it's good writing as one bad Buerecrat, Oliver with ego problems will frick the whole campgain.

      • 1 month ago

        >NCR being an actual thing for the show to deal with would have ben cooler.
        I dont think the writers of the show have the ability to deal with that level of nuance. Brotherhood is much easier to write for

    • 1 month ago

      The NCR coersed most of the cities in California and Nevada to join them, this is in Fallout 2. No one really is super excited about the union, the local powers all want to stay independent city states.

      So, with the capital gone, likely places like New Reno, Vault City, The Hub, the Boneyard, and SacTown would just vote to leave the NCR and resume their pre-union status quo.

    • 1 month ago

      >trying to rationalize betherslop

      Only fallout 1, 2 and Vegas are canon. Everything else is just corporate soulless garbage for the stupid masses.

      • 1 month ago

        Fallout 2 is literally anti-canon for New Vegas. Not a single mention of such an important city.

        • 1 month ago

          Mr house was still napping.

        • 1 month ago

          2 wasn't writen by Tim Cain and Avellone admits that the talking animals and pop culture references ruined the game, so they ignored all of the dumb shit in 2 lore-wise. Still better than betheslop.

  13. 1 month ago

    Why do people believe that Bethesda hates the old games. Like is there any real genuine evidence for it or is it just a “vibes” thing

    • 1 month ago

      Their games are slowly failing and being abandoned by normalgays. Public opinion has turned on Fallout 3, Fallout 4 was mixed on release and people are beginning to turn on it too with the prevailing opinion of it being "well I liked settlement building at least." Fallout 76 bombed and never got a big video essay talking about its engoodening like No Man's Sky as they clearly hoped it would (probably because it's still broken and content upfates made it worse). Then on top of it all people are still praising the hell out of the games in the series you didn't make, including one built on your engine in less than a third the dev time you had. It stands to reason that Bethesda would be a little salty about New Vegas constantly being hailed as one of the greatest ges of all time. At the peak of this they commission a show from a company known for making abysmally disrespectful adaptations, break their own rule of only using the East coast, preemptively declare it canon, and approve showrunners who have only played their games. Said show comes out and retcons the fames not made by Beth to smithereens.
      We don't have hard confirmation that Bethesda is salty about the classic Fallout titles, but we also didn't have hard confirmation that OJ killed his wife.

      • 1 month ago

        Honestly it seems to me that its a case of emotionally immature people projecting how they would feel in bethesdas position rather than how the people at Bethesda actually feels about fallout

  14. 1 month ago

    I go to the Mohave Outpost (early game area) at around level 12+ i think.
    You'll find 3-4 of these Ranger Vets randomly patrolling there now instead of normal low level NCR guards.
    I then equip Power Fists and Stealth Attack one shot them and steal like 2500+ caps per dead veteran of loot.
    I then leave, wait 3 days and go back and then do it again.
    I now have like 50,000 Caps in less than 30 minutes killing NCR Ranger Veterans and my NCR rep doesnt go down and they dont care.
    If you stealth kill a faction NPC normally, you'll immediately become hated. But now with them for some reason.
    Easy money.
    Only brainlets go to the casinos with 9+ luck for caps.

    • 1 month ago

      Looting and peddling is more profitable than gambling but I like gambling as a break between long stretches of combat, more engaging than the radio and sorting equipment out at least

    • 1 month ago

      Typically the weapon needs to be silenced if there are others of that faction around, there are exceptions where their death will hit your rep regardless though.

    • 1 month ago

      Just download a cheat mod if you're going to play like that.

  15. 1 month ago


    Frick. THIS is the pic I was meant to post. It's from the ending slide of the cut OWB ending.

    KEK sir you horny bastard.
    hey i fricked up too

  16. 1 month ago

    What are some essential mods for new vegas?
    Just installed it but straight away it doesnt have ultrawide support, loading screens are unusually long and mouse acceleration is massively on with no option to disable

    • 1 month ago

      >What are some essential mods for new vegas?
      ive got you anon
      you can follow the guide until "Base Finish" if you want the game to work and function fine. The rest of the mods change the game a lot to be more balanced / better experience. Up to you what you do.

      • 1 month ago

        Thanks anon
        >The Microsoft Store version is not supported.

        • 1 month ago

          Just pirate gog version, Jesus Christ.

          • 1 month ago

            brotha is using the game pass, dont hate on the brotha

        • 1 month ago

          Infact more digging shows you cant even use nvse with the game pass version, which is a further kick in the balls from having to install every language pack for 5x the install space
          Frick microsoft, frick bethesda and frick notch

        • 1 month ago

          >The Microsoft Store version
          anon wtf are you doing?
          let me help you

          go get it off Greenmangaming for $5. Steam key. Install it. Run the launcher then do nothing else. Then do the modding guide.

          • 1 month ago

            Just grab the gog version off that gog piracy site
            It'll take you like 2 minutes to download
            Grab FO3 while you're there so you can do TTW later

            Appreciate it

        • 1 month ago

          Just grab the gog version off that gog piracy site
          It'll take you like 2 minutes to download
          Grab FO3 while you're there so you can do TTW later

      • 1 month ago

        I notice that this uses a JSawyer variant that keeps the level cap of 50 because supposedly the level cap of 35 fricks with the scaling. Is this true?

        • 1 month ago

          Yes, it recommends Vigor, a fork of the JSawyer mod. I recommend it, because... capping the levels that low just kinda sucks balls, man. Sawyer didn't fine tune enough stuff to make it really work, and the guy who made Vigor decided to just axe the idea entirely for a better experience.

          • 1 month ago

            Shame. I sort of don't mind the idea of a lower level cap if just because you get too many freakin' skill point by 50, but I wouldn't want to miss out on so many perks either and a lot of the cooler ones are locked behind higher levels.

          • 1 month ago

            Why does it suck to cap it at 35? Explain more pls. I was just thinking about playing with JSawyer.

            • 1 month ago

              Some people like becoming Overpowered demigod's at the end. Jsawyer is trying to address the lack of roleplaying and tradeoffs endemic to the basegame as I have alluded to in other posts in this thread. You get far too many levels and skills in the vanilla game with DLC which causes every character to have almost all if not all skills maxed out which defeats the point of having a specific character with tradeoffs.

              • 1 month ago

                Isn't it annoying to be still weak at the end of the game though?

              • 1 month ago

                Not if you are roleplaying and trying to build and play a character. You should be weaker at something as an opportunity cost for investing heavily into something else. That's how a roleplaying game in theory works. The problem with New Vegas is you get so many levels and the INT stat is so overpowered/combined with other stats like PER and CHAR being borderline useless, that it leads to you getting an overabundance of skills and you quickly are maxing out skills you hardly care about and does not facilitate the role you are trying to play.

              • 1 month ago

                I've got to say it's worse in Tyrannry.
                Like I don't care what charachter you fricking play, nearly every conversation involves lore of the world. If you don't have it the amount of fights you could get into is insane. It doesn't what class you play you will be in the shit. I think it's a game design thing. I feel with Western Rpg devs I'm dealing with a dungeon master who hates "dumb" charachters and just throws fight after fight to spite them rather than doing actual intresting story interaction.
                >Didn't pay the speech tax
                >time for 50 fights.

              • 1 month ago

                You aren't weak by level 35 unless you deliberately try to be. Maxing out a weapon skill on NV is easy and that's basically all you need to make your way through the game.

                The 'problem' with such a high level cap is that it's really easy for your character to lose all their flavor by the time you hit endgame. By my dude here finished out Vegas with
                >100 Survival
                >100 Energy
                >100 Explosives
                >50-70 in melee, Guns, and unarmed
                >high science and medicine
                >100 speech
                >decent Barter
                >80 lockpick so I could boost to 100 with Comprehension
                With a high INT character you gain like 700 skill points over the course of a playthrough, and that's on top of what you start with and whatever skill books you happen to snag along the way. By the end of my game I was just dumping points into random skills to spend them. For some people that's fun but you do kinda become like everyone else by the endgame just by virtue of your stats becoming homogenous.

              • 1 month ago

                Easy fix: dump intelligence and take all the shitty useless perks

            • 1 month ago

              Is there a detailed list somewhere of things the level 35 cap messes with? I really like the idea of having a weaker character but I want to make an informed decision if I go with this or normal JSawyer

              I really don't know a whole lot about the finer details, sorry. You can just use JSUE (Jsawyer Ultimate Edition) and I think Viva New Vegas will work just fine as long as you're downloading the right patches off of 'Vishs Patch Hub' ( which is what patches all of those mods to work together as smoothly as they can

              • 1 month ago

                If you use Ultimate Editon, you can change the level cap to whatever you want via its ini file so keep that in mind.

              • 1 month ago

                Thanks brother

            • 1 month ago

              In my experience, despite JSawyer slashing XP gains and taking Skilled, you can still hit level 35 pretty fricking fast. Like I was level 31 after just doing about half the main quest and HH, let alone any of the other DLCs.

              • 1 month ago

                I guess I shouldn't play with it, then. I wanted to try something new, but don't want to ruin months long playthrough.

              • 1 month ago

                Yea I wouldn't find that enjoyable. I did a playthrough with the Vigor patch and managed to reach 50 during LR which was the perfect time. When enemies stop dropping exp your motivation to do quests will dwindle as well

              • 1 month ago

                Same here, I did a lot of quests and all the DLC and still ended up beating the game at only level 48 on Vigor, without taking Skilled.

          • 1 month ago

            Is there a detailed list somewhere of things the level 35 cap messes with? I really like the idea of having a weaker character but I want to make an informed decision if I go with this or normal JSawyer

        • 1 month ago

          It locks enemies out of their strongest loot pools

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      >What are some essential mods for new vegas?
      ive got you anon
      you can follow the guide until "Base Finish" if you want the game to work and function fine. The rest of the mods change the game a lot to be more balanced / better experience. Up to you what you do.

      Also look into the Blue Moon list. Seems like a more high end version of VNV, but I dunno if it's done yet.

  17. 1 month ago

    >Vulpes gives you a quest to tell NCR at Mojave outpost about what happened at Nipton
    >questgiver at Mojave outpost gives you a quest to find out what happened at Nipton
    what is the purpose of this? if you're at Mojave outpost then you were probably already in Nipton and Vulpes is probably the reason you went there in the first place

    • 1 month ago

      Mojave outpost is a stop on the way to Nipton if you’re following the roads so players usually swing by to look for loot or quests

      • 1 month ago

        Mojave outpost is in the bottom far left corner of the map across a small desert full of enemies, why would I ever think of going that way

        • 1 month ago

          Explore, homie

        • 1 month ago

          Possibly because of the giant statue
          It's quite eye catching

        • 1 month ago

          Do you not see big landmarks in the distance and think "wonder what's over there?"
          Where's your spirit of exploration anon?

        • 1 month ago

          It's way easier to see than Nipton thanks to the statue and there's no enemies on the road leading up to it (although there is a frickload of cars). Also the big rigs tend to have stuff in them.

        • 1 month ago

          >why would I go to the giant statue at the top of a hill that can be seen for miles in every direction
          actual NPC post

        • 1 month ago

          It will never stop being funny watching people get filtered by the early game of New Vegas, either because they don't understand how it's designed to direct new players, or because they don't know one of the 4 different ways to circumvent it
          Going north and killing the cazadores with dynamite, using the guaranteed Stealth Boy from Joe Cobb to sneak through the I-15 or Black Mountain, running through Scorpion Gulch, or taking the shortcut around Nipton from the dry lake.

          • 1 month ago

            there's actually a ridge on Black Mountain you can take that avoids the super mutants and the deathclaws can't reach you so you don't even need the stealth boy. somewhat of a pain to find it though

        • 1 month ago

          this is why fallout 4 sucks and fallout is dead as a whole.
          he legit is asking how do you know to go over there and it baffles me he doesn't know how dumb this is to say.
          is this not just fallout but gaming in general now?

        • 1 month ago

          homie its slightly to the right of the main road you follow to Nipton, where the fricking quest marker points you to after your done in Primm. How much of an NPC are you?

    • 1 month ago

      it’s really bizarre that ‘spread the word of legion atrocities’ is a quest you get from vulpes, and it boils down to telling one random named soldier at mojave outpost that they spitroasted nipton
      just from a ‘why does this exist?’ standpoint.
      you can knock both birds out with one stone by talking to ranger ghost and the guy who shits himself when you say what happened at nipton. free exp i guess.

    • 1 month ago

      I go to Mojave Outpost for the pardon of the Primm sheriff, only after finishing it I head to Nipton

      • 1 month ago

        shit i completely forgot about that, I usually just reprogram the sheriff roboy

        • 1 month ago

          it’s really easy whereas the sheriff guy takes a frickton of backtracking

    • 1 month ago

      the quest from Ghost is weird. She says "did you find out anything" and no matter how much you searched or what you did, you just say what the dude they beat his legs with said "Legion attacked the town and burned it to the ground".
      She literally says 'oh is that it? you didn't find out anything else?" well okay, frick, this is going to hell, well thanks anyways" and the quest is done and you barely get any exp.
      unless I did something wrong?
      meanwhile, telling a nameless dude the legion said they doing big bad shit, his like "oh frick" and you get like 5 times more exp from that.

      • 1 month ago

        Mfw the bad guy choices get more loot/xp to artificially create moral complexity

    • 1 month ago

      Mojave outpost is a stop on the way to Nipton if you’re following the roads so players usually swing by to look for loot or quests

      Mojave outpost is in the bottom far left corner of the map across a small desert full of enemies, why would I ever think of going that way

      Explore, homie

      The real answer you amnesiacs forgot is that the deputy in Primm has information about Benny which leads naturally into how the town needs a sheriff if you either go through the quest with him or enter the Vikki and Vance and talk to people, or talk to the soldiers who stop you when you're going to go over the bridge to Primm, who tell you about the situation a bit and say talk to the Lieutenant, who is also a candidate you can talk to to become Mayor, who will tell you they are low on troops and say before any of that they need more troops and see if you can get some from the Mojave Outpost. It is a quest hub for the whole area, and has a good shop.

      • 1 month ago

        >you amnesiacs forgot
        Hey I may be an amnesiac but... What are we talking about?

      • 1 month ago

        Oh I usually just shoot that dude

    • 1 month ago

      >if you're at Mojave outpost then you were probably already in Nipton

    • 1 month ago

      Goodsprings -> Primm -> Sloan, fix up Snuffles' leg -> NCR Penitentiary, talk to Meyers for Primm sheriff -> follow train tracks down to Nipton, talk to Vulpes -> Mojave outpost, give Ghost the news, spread the word of Legion atrocities, get pardon for Meyers -> go back to Primm unfortunately just to tell Meyers he's pardoned -> Resume adventure whichever way you like, you can even cut through the Brotherhood bunker area and Scorpion Gulch just to get straight to Novac

      • 1 month ago

        Late reply, but don't forget you can fix Sloan's generator.

        • 1 month ago

          I know, I just love Snuffles and can't do a playthrough without helping that old rodent
          I also steal the caps from the two trunks in one of the buildings though lol, plus nab the Dean Electronics and Duck and Cover books

      • 1 month ago

        semi related but don't you get locked out of picking Meyers as sheriff if you did Ghost Town Gunfight? the Powder Gangers immediately aggro you if you go to the prison. I remember having to let Primm be annexed by the NCR on my playthrough
        if I ever replay NV again I'll do the Primm and Powder Gangers quests first until I Fought the Law so I can betray them for the NCR and then do Ghost Town Gunfight

        • 1 month ago

          Meyers, if I remember right, is a pacifist among the Gangers. He'll just run around hands on his head while you walk in and blow everyone apart.
          Where it might become an issue, is if you work for the Powder Gangers and get to the point of their questline where the NCR assaults the prison. At that point, I dunno if Meyers is spared from the carnage. I got him to be the sheriff first before I did that.
          You can complete Ghost Town Gunfight without killing too many Gangers, and your reputation with them will drop to 'Shunned' or maybe 'Hated'. If you can manage to make sure the townies survive and kill off more gangers on their own, the roaming Powder Gangers won't even attack you on sight in the rest of the wastes.

          • 1 month ago

            Another option is if you go to Nipton, and give Boxcars 5 doses of Med-X and then do that quest he gives you to save some Gangers from being enslaved by the Legion. If you do that, that will give you enough Powder Ganger fame so they won’t shoot you on sight anymore.

          • 1 month ago

            Another option is if you go to Nipton, and give Boxcars 5 doses of Med-X and then do that quest he gives you to save some Gangers from being enslaved by the Legion. If you do that, that will give you enough Powder Ganger fame so they won’t shoot you on sight anymore.

            thanks for the tips anons. I'll consider them when I replay

  18. 1 month ago

    If the Marked Men are a product of the divides unique sandstorms and all their skin is gone then

    1) why do they have lips
    2) why do they show up at the NCR and Legion places you nuke despite there being no sandstorms

    • 1 month ago

      Engine limitations and gameplay reasons

    • 1 month ago

      1) probably because they use reskinned ghoul textures
      2) all the enemies you fight in those areas save for Magnus and Royez are ghoulified faction troopers, not Marked Men, my guess as to why Royes and Magnus are like that is gameplay reasons to make them more distinct from the ghoul rangers/legionares

      • 1 month ago

        If the troops in the nuked Long 15 are just ghouls, then why do they go le crazy and shoot at you immediately? They aren't feral.

        • 1 month ago

          Some troops at nipton aren't feral ghouls but attack on sight with knives. I guess getting turned into a zombie makes you pissed. They just reused the Mark Men skin because it's cool.

        • 1 month ago

          Getting nuked hurts like hell when you can't die from it.

        • 1 month ago

          some of the ghoul troopers at Camp Searchlight arent feral, I guess theres an in-between phase of being a sane ghoul and a feral fhoul.

          • 1 month ago

            It seems part of going feral invovles some ingrained deep jealously of the "living".

    • 1 month ago

      #2 is a gameplay thing actually
      if you kill 3 marked men with names in the divide then you get a permanent buff vs them
      making troops in the two nuked zones marked men makes it so it goes a bit further

  19. 1 month ago

    Wish there was more lore on the Desert Rangers.

    • 1 month ago

      Iirc Tycho from F1 was a Desert Ranger. His description text was so spot on (for the armor he was wearing) , that when I saw the first teaser video for F:NV, I recognized the Desert Ranger armor immediately.

      • 1 month ago

        didnt he wore some generic combat armor in that game or am i remembering it wrong

        • 1 month ago

          he used the generic bald guy sprites, but his text description is pretty close to the ranger armor

          • 1 month ago

            oh cool

  20. 1 month ago

    I put in some mods and started a new game.
    I chose "Nobody" from my alternate start mod an it put me at the Yangtze memorial with a 9mm, regular clothing, and a few medkits.
    I spent my perks/skillpoints on speech/lockpick/science as per usual.
    I got 2-hit by a giant scorpion while using half my 9mm bullets to do nothing.
    There's a machete in the abandoned shack that won't be much more good. I really want to try to make it straight through to Vegas from here but I don't know if there's a way without Stealth Boys.
    And I don't know what JSawyer mod changes about the game, never played modded before.

    • 1 month ago

      alternate start mod is shit.
      just follow viva new vegas guide which has a mod that basically skips most of the doc tutorial, lets u pick everything then leave way faster.

      • 1 month ago

        I don't need a guide to go through the tutorial. I don't want to leave fast. I want to not start the main quest.
        It's not shit, either, the mod works perfectly so far.
        Your take is 100% bullshit, you sound like the kind of person to speedrun the main quest and then get disappointed the "endgame" is a slideshow.

        • 1 month ago

          >the mod works perfectly fine
          >it gave me a bad start and im getting rekt and cant continue
          this is a problem you created yourself.
          okay, ill give you an actual solution.
          just fricking make a new character and don't pick "Nobody" this time you homosexual c**t.
          I was trying to be nice and help you by suggesting there is better mods out there they wont accidently frick you over but you took it negatively for some reason.

          • 1 month ago

            Yangtze Memorial is just a short walk away from Goodsprings, between it and Sloan. There’s a small cluster of giant radscorpions, who are actually a formidable enemy to any new character because they actually what DT. But Cazadors and Deathclaws basically lay a stone’s throw away from them, so yeah you’re expected to just walk south same as the Goodsprings start.

            I put in some mods and started a new game.
            I chose "Nobody" from my alternate start mod an it put me at the Yangtze memorial with a 9mm, regular clothing, and a few medkits.
            I spent my perks/skillpoints on speech/lockpick/science as per usual.
            I got 2-hit by a giant scorpion while using half my 9mm bullets to do nothing.
            There's a machete in the abandoned shack that won't be much more good. I really want to try to make it straight through to Vegas from here but I don't know if there's a way without Stealth Boys.
            And I don't know what JSawyer mod changes about the game, never played modded before.

            Without a stealth boy is gonna be too dumb and savescummy. Get a stealth boy from Goodsprings. There’s one in the schoolhouse safe and one on Joe Cobb. Then sneak past the deathclaws at night.
            Also you’re moronic. Will not elaborate further.

            • 1 month ago

              anyone with a brain: 'damn these enemies are impossible, guess ill go somewhere else"
              the dude i replied too: REEEEEEEEE this is ruining my experience!!!!!
              I should've just said to him to go play fallout 4. he wont have this issue. he can kill radscoropions or cazadors or deathclaws regardless of where his at in the game.

            • 1 month ago

              Why does no one take the path from Sloan to Hidden Valley and then cut across Black Mountain?

        • 1 month ago

          here is another solution for your low IQ moronic brain.
          if you don't want to start the main quest, open the console, type the command that instantly discovers all locations on the map or use a mod to get explorer perk at level 1 without cheating so you still get achievements OR use the mod where cheating doesn't disable achievements.
          there is 3 different solutions there and you didn't think of any of them because you're dumb.

      • 1 month ago

        based, that whole mod guide improved the game as a whole by like 300%
        lmao at anyone who says stability patches are a placebo

  21. 1 month ago

    >I heard they chew nails and spit napalm.
    What's so impressive about chewing your nails?

  22. 1 month ago

    I'm not watching the show and I'm not buying any more games

    • 1 month ago

      nobody cares what you think and theres only a handful of fallout games

      • 1 month ago

        I'm still not watching the show... sorry hahaha I'm just not haha

        • 1 month ago

          ok Black person/homosexual/troony

          • 1 month ago

            Only Black folk and homosexuals don't obsessively consume slop like mindless cattle? I guess I better start drinking lean ask my hairdresser to curl my hair then

            • 1 month ago

              refer to the first part of

              nobody cares what you think and theres only a handful of fallout games

              Black person/homosexual/troony

              • 1 month ago

                Do you have todds face branded somewhere onto your body too?

              • 1 month ago

                I do, actually.

              • 1 month ago


  23. 1 month ago

    >one shots you to a pile of ashes
    heh, nothin personnel

  24. 1 month ago

    why did the moaning disappear for the sex scenes?? like when it fades to black. funny thing is that the sex sounds in the brothels are still there.

    • 1 month ago

      Gommarha is a disturbing place.

      • 1 month ago

        yeah the moaning ambiance is there in the brothel in westside as well but that place is also pretty disturbing

  25. 1 month ago

    Speaking of unanswered lore questions, what's up with The School? The place kids in Zion who end up as the Sorrows escaped from?

    • 1 month ago

      I thought it was some weird vault experiment or something they left from

    • 1 month ago

      Pretty sure it was just some literal schoolhouse turned settlement run by psychos

    • 1 month ago

      another loose end from sawyer or gonzales, something they could pick up later if they wanted. like the baja blast hosts.
      there’s no explanation who is the principal or where the kids came from

    • 1 month ago

      its probably an actual school that was still operating when the bombs fell

    • 1 month ago

      pretty sure it's a reference to the OWB school where you run around interacting with computers, but my only source is "i think i heard it in a youtube video once"

  26. 1 month ago

    I am in Vault 34 right now and I want to go join up with the legion boys, but the dam is closed off.

    • 1 month ago

      swim, homie, swim

    • 1 month ago

      >Legion gay

      to cottonwood cove with you legion gay. Though you may an invitation to see Ceaser.

      • 1 month ago

        It is my first Fallout game. NCR is boring, Brotherhood of Steel is interesting and I think they are in Hidden Valley (Cannot enter the bunkers cuz I am noob). So legion it is. I think those are the only factions?

        • 1 month ago

          >Hidden valley
          You can eneter hidden valley bunker. You have to brave the sandstorm and you can find serval bunker entrances. They have metal doors. One takes you too the brotherhood. Enjoy the free necklace they give you

      • 1 month ago

        >Though you may an invitation to see Ceaser.
        I meant
        "Though you may need an invitation to see Ceaser."

        I just remebered Vulpes the furry gives it to you after getting the platinum chip I think or you keep Benny alive and he goes to the legion camp.

    • 1 month ago

      It does not work. You cannot go upwards from the beach. Invisible wall!!!!!!!!

    • 1 month ago


  27. 1 month ago

    >whole elvis themed area
    >song “viva las vegas” not in the game

    • 1 month ago

      elvis estate wanted too much for rights

    • 1 month ago

      I imagine the liscence cost for Elivs music is fricking astromincal.

      • 1 month ago

        elvis estate wanted too much for rights

        Where the secret mods at?

        • 1 month ago

          >Turn off game music
          >Pirate/buy/spotify/youtube elivs music

          >No Good Karma mission were the Coruirer pacifices the Powder Gangers with the help of the kings via a performance of Jail house rock.

          • 1 month ago

            >when you get rex this starts playing

            FRICK, so much god damn potential.

        • 1 month ago

          • 1 month ago

            Them shits on Gunetwork? I hate searching through that shit hole.

            • 1 month ago

              Found it. Fun fact: it's actually still on Nexus too, but you gonna find the original download URL, which is a funny side effect of their rule change that doesn't allow mods to actually be deleted.

              • 1 month ago

                ahh huh, interesting

            • 1 month ago

              i never actually downloaded the mod since i was lazy and just turned off ingame music and played some other shit on a youtube tab

  28. 1 month ago

    The NCR committed the Bitter Springs Massacre, I don't think killing a bunch of vaulties is beneath them.

    • 1 month ago

      Bitter Springs was a flat out accident on the NCR's part though. They were acting on bad Intel.

      Also the Khan's kinda deserve whatever they get. They've been irredeemable fricksticks for like a hundred years.

      • 1 month ago

        >raid rape and kill people.
        >Get killed back

        What did the Khans mean by this?

        • 1 month ago

          since when did the Khans rape Tandi? they’re not raiders

          • 1 month ago

            Are you trying to me, the Khans as a bunch of raiders have never raped anyone?

          • 1 month ago

            The name of the quest to rescue Tandi is literally named "Rescue Tandi from the Raiders".

            I don't think they're stupid enough to rape prisoners that are being held for ransom though. What they want is for someone to come along, buy back Tandi, and that to be the end of it. If they did something too heinous to her, that would motivate Aradesh to try getting the Khans eliminated as revenge after paying the initial ransom.

            • 1 month ago

              ok but all i'm saying is.. damn.. dat was PRIME brown tomboy pussy they had..

              • 1 month ago

                The Khans understood that prime brown tomboy pussy must be earned not taken anon.
                They aren't griffith

            • 1 month ago

              Maybe not in that quest, but you can't tell me a bunch of scummy raiders like the Khans in there entire history have never done some sort of rape.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah, personally I wouldn't disagree with that guess. They aren't exactly portrayed as morally upstanding anywhere in the games. However, they always struck me as petty criminals and drug dealers rather than the more serious threats that the organized Fallout 2 Slaver's Guild or the psychotic New Vegas Fiends represent. The Khan legacy is also weird in that it is essentially completely different organizations in each game.

                The Khans are the original gang, which is just the ruffians of Vault 15. They are blood-related to the people living in Shady Sands, and probably don't go too far with most of their crimes and care mostly about living free and "tough". They canonically get wiped out by the Vault Dweller.

                The New Khans are formed mostly just from mercenaries that Darion, the son of the former Khans leader, hires to eventually get revenge on the NCR and Tandi. These guys are more organized and militaristic, while Darion is kind of insane with revenge. They are characterized almost entirely by this plot for vengeance. In the end, they are canonically wiped out by the Chosen One on behalf of Tandi.

                Way later, the Great Khans form from the remnants of this mercenary gang and other raiders that are looking for a way out of the NCR. This group, while composed of the dregs of society, ends up ironically being the most peaceful group. They run into the Followers of the Apocalypse in the Mojave Wasteland and get educated, although they mostly use it to make better drugs. They get run off by the New Vegas families once House organizes them, and then the NCR shows up. By now, the NCR is an old, old enemy of the Great Khans, and so even when the NCR doesn't really do a whole lot to antagonize them, hostilities naturally escalate between them and end in tragedy for the Khans.

      • 1 month ago

        It’s weird how so many people frame Bitter Springs as this imperialistic slaughter of an tribal group when it’s literally two groups that have existed for the same amount of time and come from the same place but one managed to actually get their shit together and not just be moronic murderers for the next century.

        • 1 month ago

          While Bitter springs may have been an accident the Khans deserved it.

        • 1 month ago

          >go east because NCR keeps being dickheads and demanding taxes so you say alright fine frick you, we're leaving
          >they go east too and demand more taxes despite contributing dick nothing to the region
          >attack their caravans because frick their jarheads and frick the ncr, free food and supplies
          >they immediately go scorched earth and kill your women and elderly even though they invaded YOUR land

          • 1 month ago

            Are you going to ignore the fact that they live outside of NCR society and constantly harass, attack, and kill its citizens? This isn’t about taxes it’s about the Khans trying to frame their moronic antics as culture and get mad and cry when people actually fight back.

          • 1 month ago

            >Be raider scum pillaging and attacking whenever you feel like
            >get attacked and driven out for being raider scum
            >Attack Carvans
            >Be suprirsed you get attacked back and the Khans redaration prevents from seeing that reprisals put their own families of attack.

            The NCR's biggest error is that they never follwed through the Genocide. The "mistake" was really an oppurtunity.

          • 1 month ago

            >>go east because NCR keeps being dickheads
            Khans are a bunch of Mad Max bozos who feel entitled to raid and pillage however they like. Peace was never an option because the Khans don't fricking want it, they're just mad they aren't top dog and thag their actions have come back to bite them.

  29. 1 month ago

    I heard they chew cum and rape Kevin Nash

  30. 1 month ago

    honestly if I were Hanlon, i wouldn’t want my rangers serving this guy who would just get them killed in reckless operations

  31. 1 month ago

    Just got this armour in my current playthrough. Feels like the true game starts here

  32. 1 month ago

    Was cool when thease guys showed up in the show

    • 1 month ago

      they couldn't even put the helmet on correctly..

      • 1 month ago

        He's not a ranger, or at least he's not anymore. He's like 60

    • 1 month ago

      I clapped when I saw it!

    • 1 month ago

      To me, this was disappointing, which I think was the goal. They showed the symbol of the NCR's might being worn by some lonely scavenger with some kids that can't defend himself from a single guy that waltzes into his house and shoots his son. I know this was probably intentional, but it's really sad to me because I just love the concept of the rangers as a group. I hope if they show any real rangers in the future season(s), they do it justice and make the ranger a total badass.

      • 1 month ago

        It definitely had a more foreshadow-y vibe to me. The season is going for the NCR as underdogs, but the credits on the last episode showed them having a fleet of vertibirds and having fought deathclaws and securitrons, possibly at the same time. I imagine, given the show references New Vegas much more than it references any of the other games, there could be a proper heroic ranger in the next season - possibly a ghoul who's been a ranger for a hundred years to contrast with Walton Ghoulgins

        • 1 month ago

          I wonder if that female ghoul Beatrix will show up.

        • 1 month ago

          Ranger Vets could actually spawn as Ghouls in certain places in the Mojave, if I remember right.

          • 1 month ago

            You sure you aren't thinking of Ranger Station Echo? They're staffed by almost all ghouls, IIRC. You can tell the ghoulified NCR infantryman in Searchlight to hoof it over there instead of offing himself.

            • 1 month ago

              Actually most veteran rangers are ghouls, just under the helmets

              • 1 month ago

                I think it's just that one ranger station with a lot of ghouls to be fair.
                Also what the frick did Cooper Howard do to piss the NCR so much he had fricking black coat rangers hunt him?
                >Inb4 he didn't pay taxes

              • 1 month ago

                I mean we watch him slaughter several people in a town while trying to hunt a bounty, so I don't think it's a stretch to imagine he shot up some NCR innocents at some point. Killing just 3 innocent NCR people instantly gets you Vilified status in Fallout New Vegas, and subsequently gets the Rangers on your ass. From there, he would've killed whatever lawmen that came after him.

  33. 1 month ago

    whats the average day like for a NCR Ranger?

  34. 1 month ago

    Khans did nothing wrong

    • 1 month ago

      It's the legion who did nothing wrong. The legion are winners.
      Khans are in the wrong because they are losers.

  35. 1 month ago

    So has the NCR fallen or not? If someone nuked the white house I don't think the US would just fall. And everyone speaks as if the NCR is dead, there was that episode with the NCR cult. Are they actually just done for? With one nuke?

    • 1 month ago

      Nuking the White house might actually be an improvement for the nation.

  36. 1 month ago

    Why is Unarmed so OP?

    • 1 month ago

      Game is built around guns and the "gameplay" is err pretty basic despite how great the game is. I'm going to be attacked but you have to a lot more running and on the flying thinkin in far cry 5. in fallout 3 and NV you can take cover or you can just get shot and spam stimpacks and shoot until you win. You normalley do a mixture of the two.

      Going 10 endurance in heavy amour with 10 strength you pretty much ignore the bullets and unarmed weapons are rare but powerful so you strike with like 5 times more power than a gun. Add in the fact unarmed attacks seem to stun enemies in both 3 and NV you can pretty much destroy everything.

    • 1 month ago

      Super Slam mogs any enemy

  37. 1 month ago

    Its been a while since i played Fallout 1 and 2, but wasnt the original Khans and the Jackals from the same vault as Shady Sands? And the experiment was to put vastly different cultures together to promote infighting and war?

    • 1 month ago

      Yes and yes.

  38. 1 month ago

    >For years, the Rangers continued their efforts to protect the people of the wasteland against its hazards, from raiders to violent tribes. They eventually met their match when they clashed with Caesar's Legion in Arizona. The war went badly for the Rangers, who found themselves substantially outnumbered by Caesar's armies. Despite their superior training and equipment, the Rangers' numbers quickly dwindled. They were pushed out of Arizona and forced to call on the New California Republic for help, which resulted in the signing of the Ranger Unification Treaty in 2271, at a checkpoint near the California-Nevada border.
    Damn, maybe the Rangers aren't that awesome after all

  39. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      The spirit of Oblivion lives on [/spirits]

  40. 1 month ago

    >crashed vertibirds and dead deathclaws on a ruined strip in credits of tv show
    I can’t help but feel this is partially caused by autists obsessed with not having a canon ending. I have never once played these games and thought whatever character I specifically played was the centre of the universe to the point where i’d get upset if the official continuation of the story conflicted with whatever I did. People really need to get over this especially in terms of RPGs- the story cannot continue in a well written way if you don’t make your fricking mind up about major events in the narrative. What you end up with is a lose lose situation where nothing which occurred in NV mattered at all because we can’t commit to any ending, so everyone lost. Now instead of your precious oc not being canon you’ve made their entire life pretty mcu meaningless in the grand scheme of things. I don’t care which, just pick and ending and commit to it, if some autist screeches about his deviantart courier no longer being “real” who gives a shit. It’s better than a major turning point in history being vague for absolutely no reason whatsoever (this is never credible no matter how good your writers are, people would remember this stuff) or else ending in a way where every outcome of the game didn’t happen rendering the game superfluous.

    • 1 month ago

      There is a game called "Deus EX invisible war" that is the sequel to "Deus EX". The problem is they made all endings canon. The huge problem with this is makes every ending feel washed out and weak. It also just makes the setting and writing go to shit. It's a unique problem with video games when there is a multiple choice ending. Todds said he wants all endings as canon or shit kept vague enough we don't know what happened which is just weak to be quite frank.

      Also a lot of player time and investment went into these endings. Most likley the choice people would be happiest with is courier picking any side but House and the writers rolled from there then fricked over New vegas and the Mojave.

      • 1 month ago

        >Todds said he wants all endings as canon or shit kept vague enough we don't know what happened which is just weak to be quite frank.
        Where'd he say this? Fallout 3 has a specific canon ending, and the show makes it clear the brotherhood or minutemen ending happened in 4.

        • 1 month ago

          NTA but Todd said that for Elder Scrolls, not Fallout. In pretty much every Elder Scrolls the previous games are irrelevant because they don't commit to an ending.

          • 1 month ago

            Ah yeah, in those games it makes a lot of sense and they're set a decent period of time apart anyway

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah but Kirkbride came up with the whole in universe retconn thing via dragon breaks, Tiber septim achieving the thing above CHIM. that don't exist in new vegas unless Big MT did some time bullshit.

        • 1 month ago

          I think Todd said that he didn't want New Vegas to be given a canon ending.
          Which it probably won't be.

          I'm guessing New Vegas has fallen, and this is something which could have happened under any of the four endings.
          with the NCR fallen at least in the south, and the trade routes far harder to traverse, NCR leaves the region and it falls into anarchy without NCR or House.
          Without the NCR there isn't money to keep Vegas supplied and fed, there still may be a Vegas, but it's more like how it was before House made the strip.
          Either the Courier blew up the securitrons at the fort, or the same thing happened as with House, and New Vegas fell into chaos
          He already sacked the strip, so it could be him.
          The show is set 15 years after FNV, so Caesar, even if he was healed, may have died. And a subsequent civil war in the Legion could have seen them abandoning the Mojave.

          Now I think it would be coolest for the TV show if they made House the canon ending, but the crisis stemming from the nuking of Shady Sands caused the Strip to fall and then he has little control.
          Since he has already shown up in the show, and since he too would know about the Vault-Tec angle the show is about, I think he would make a cool appearance if he showed up.

          • 1 month ago

            Anon you've put more thoguht into than they have. Basically Hank and House might have some vault tec based conversation and that will be that.

            They won't touch upon the history but rather "OH NO VAULT TECH/ENCLAVE/DEATHCLAWS/SOME NEW FACITON DESTROEYD VEGAS" and that will be that.

            • 1 month ago

              You guys are pretty pessimistic about the show. I thought the show was very well done, I'd expect them to treat the fall of New Vegas with care like they did with much of the rest of the setting in the show.

              The show will never be part of any canon. Future games will completely ignore it and mention it only in funny haha side references.

              Much of Obsidian even wanted to destroy the civilization on the west coast, they didn't want Fallout to become too civilized that it may lose its post apocalyptic feel.

              Even a new game by them set on the west coast is more likely to just expand upon the implications of the show rather than make it fully uncanon.
              And Bethesda is 100% on board with the show and its additions to the lore.

              • 1 month ago

                I did enjoy the show to be fair. After Todd said in an interview there would be no canon winner that sent alarm bells ringing.

              • 1 month ago

                I see why he wants that to be the case, New Vegas is so popular, that there would be anger if a canon ending was made.
                With the other games, even Fallout 4 which has a faction system, no one really cares that the BoS ending is basically confirmed.
                But New Vegas, there probably would be some trannies who'd write death threats if they didn't pick le wholesome YesMan or NCR.

                But, if the story's going to Las Vegas, it should make a canon ending, because otherwise they'd have to ignore the whole story which took place there, and that wouldn't be fun.
                If I was doing S2 of the Fallout show I'd have characters show up from New Vegas, Raul, maybe Veronica. Maybe they could go to Jacobstown and meet Marcus for the first Supermutant character.

              • 1 month ago

                I mean, if they want to use House in any kind of post war fashion, wouldn’t they have to pick House Always Wins? Every other ending you have to kill him to get (or at least disconnect him, but that just kills him in a slower, more painful way)

              • 1 month ago

                I honestly don't see any ending picked as causing anger. If anything having no clear victor has caused more anger because it's made player investment entirley pointless. A house win is the best balance of all endings.

                >NCR still around
                >Mojave pretty peaceful
                >House is going to get us to space.

                The only ending that would cause Seethe would be legion. But Todd would gain 12 inch dick for ging that route while at the same time setting the entire world agaisnt him for being so based.

              • 1 month ago

                Legion and Yes Man would never realistically be picked as the canon ending.
                Every game in the series has had the good endings be made the canon ones, so Caesar is out
                >Fallout 1 had the Vault Dweller be a hero, stop the Master really quickly
                >Fallout 2 has the least good MC, with it being implied that the Chosen One may have done whatever he/she could to expand the NCR
                >Fallout 3 had the LW make a good Wasteland Survival Guide and purify the water without FEV, and not destroy the BOS
                >Fallout 4 destroyed the Institute.

                And Yesman can't be picked because it would have to make the Courier a defined character, which outside of Albert being the canon Vault Dweller, was never done since

              • 1 month ago

                I was making a joke about the legion ending.

              • 1 month ago

                fallout 2s mc canonically has a sort of personality. he murdered that egg laying deathclaw for no reason and fricked a gangsters wife and daughter. you can sort of get an impression of a loose canon

              • 1 month ago

                We know that The Chosen One canonically knocked up either the gangsters wife or daughter, since his kid is the new leader of the family in New Vegas.

              • 1 month ago

                Shit, so the Chosen one is canonically a guy.
                Hmm. That's interesting.

                Which main characters of the games would any of (you) in this thread make male or female?
                We know that fallout 1's Vault Dweller was a man.
                It is heavily implied (though I guess not 100% confirmed) that the Chosen One was a man too.
                So that leaves 3, New Vegas, and 4.

                Since the Lone Wanderer is this teen who isn't really that bothered about the post apocalypse, and in some dialogue prefers it to the vault, it makes more sense for him to be a tough guy. Or a tomboy I guess.
                The LW is the only one I could envision being a girl, but a guy probably still makes more sense.
                Nate makes way more sense in the role than Nora. And given that the BoS ending is all but canon, he makes more sense to do that than Nora who, just by gender stereotypes, would fit the Railroad or Institute more.
                >New Vegas
                Idk maybe I'm sexist, but I can't picture women fitting these badass wasteland wanderer characters.
                Man for this one too.

              • 1 month ago

                I think the leader of cult of Moldaver says her mum was a courier.
                There is a theory No bark is the chosen one from 2. You can find his gun and car close to Novac. He also says he got taught magic by cave rat or something which is something that happens to the chosen one.

              • 1 month ago

                I feel like Nate is the canon Sole Survivor, since he was retroactively made more relevant, when Todd stated that the soldier in power armor who executed a guy in the Fallout 1 cinematic was Nate all along.

              • 1 month ago

                that was Emil

              • 1 month ago

                >Fallout 4 destroyed the Institute.
                Is this extrapolated from the Prydwen being in the TV show or something else? I know the show writers were expressly forbidden by Todd from contradicting any (or at least most) of the endings of Fallout 4.

              • 1 month ago

                I thought the Brotherhood in the show had multiple Prydwens, as stupid as that is.

              • 1 month ago

                "thought the show was very well done, I'd expect them to treat the fall of New Vegas with care like they did with much of the rest of the setting in the show."
                Can't tell if moronic or trolling...

              • 1 month ago

                I don't know why Ganker hates it outside of contrarianism. It's a well down show that gives an interesting and satisfying answer to one of the longest running mysteries of the setting, why Vault Tec ran those experiments

              • 1 month ago

                you're kinda outing out the fact that you're baiting anon kun. We already know why vaults had those experiments since Fallout 2.

              • 1 month ago

                What, you mean in the Fallout bible where it said that the Enclave were to use them for space colonization data?
                That was always a really dumb explanation and was never put in the games themselves. Never in the games is it said, only in exterior media.
                And the Enclave haven't been about space since Fallout 3, so something new needed to replace that

                I mean, if they want to use House in any kind of post war fashion, wouldn’t they have to pick House Always Wins? Every other ending you have to kill him to get (or at least disconnect him, but that just kills him in a slower, more painful way)

                They would. Which is why if I was making the show, I'd make that the canon ending.

              • 1 month ago

                >What, you mean in the Fallout bible where it said that the Enclave were to use them for space colonization data?
                did you actually not play Fallout 2? Go watch what Richardson had to say about the vault experiments.

              • 1 month ago

                >did you actually not play Fallout 2?
                I've played 20 hours, but never got around to beating it.

              • 1 month ago

                Doesnt his recently brain damaged vice president also ramble about their efforts to colonize space or something like that?

              • 1 month ago

                that's mostly a joke in regards to how he is so brain dead that he's talking complete nonsense, it's not a "canon breaking" point.

              • 1 month ago

                >le contrarianism
                What a fricking twitter cope about people not liking something.
                The reason many people don't like the series is because it specifically set its location in the exact location of three of the previous games, and then proceeded to not build upon ANY of the stories or narratives set up from those games. Saying they handled the setting with care because they played music from the games and had people in power armor is mouth breather tier analysis. Why is there not a single super mutant, why is the master never mentioned. Why is there no semblance of complex society in the epicenter of the NCR which has been built up over three games and we know through dialogue in NV that it has functioning cities, highways, and many other complexities. Literally nothing about the show builds upon or shows any conception of how the three games progressed that were in that region. The Brotherhood of Steel being the main and most important faction in the region is nonsensical and shows no understanding. You would know this if you have ever played the games other than 4.

              • 1 month ago

                new vegas falling makes the game pointless. it feels like stasis. that’s enough of a reason for pessimism. it’s just the same cycle of bethesda content
                >all these factions and ideologies fighting over the thing for various compelling reasons
                >world changing events, lots of death
                >status quo forever changed in the region afterward
                >actually no lol none of it mattered

              • 1 month ago

                not even just new vegas, shady sands too. entirety of fallout 1 and 2 and nv is just.. deleted. it's all like east coast fallout 3 shit where it takes place in a separate continuity, except you know those old games were just 'lol nuked' and don't matter at all

              • 1 month ago

                I hate the terms retconned and deleted. The setting is still there so the stuff the player did still happened but it does make everything feel rather pointless. "Diluted" or "washed out"

              • 1 month ago

                it’s more perfidious than a retcon because you can say well actually all that still happened! it’s canon! it just has no visible influence on the world whatsoever and might as well not have

              • 1 month ago

                I’m honestly wondering if they’re soft retconning the pre bethesda lore. Why intentionally put a vault right next to where the master was? All these weird little decisions to just sort of throw the old continuity into doubt

              • 1 month ago

                I honestly think it's just dumbness. Unless the master's base was in a different place now. I wonder what the frick they will do when season 3 goes to the east coast.

              • 1 month ago

                It may be one of those situations where one cannot attribute malice, when the easiest explanation is merely moronation. Those amazon writers are shit and clearly don't know the lore inside and out kek

              • 1 month ago

                The executives at the meeting in the last episode are all from New Vegas, except the West Tek representative who is from Fallout 1, Leon Von Felden. The Master was 50+ miles away from Santa Monica. Imagine trying to sift through Los Angeles to find a vault and you see the problem. Plus the master didn't even find Vault 8, and he was born in it

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah, that's why I still wish they'd set the show elsewhere.
                Because unless the show explicitly makes the two worst endings canon (either the Courier takes power with YesMan after destroying the securitron army, or Legate Lanius sacks Vegas before heading back east)
                The endings all became irrelevant in just 15 years time.
                >Caesar fails to form a new Rome out of the west.
                >House fails to complete his dream
                >NCR collapses anyway
                >A competent Courier doesn't rule the strip

              • 1 month ago

                it changing from civilisation to a backwater area is literally the opposite of the status quo

              • 1 month ago

                moron-kun. He is referencing the statu-quo for Bethesda Fallout games IE 3,4,76. Which all fail to showcase a progression of human culture and society and instead showcase humans living in tribal squalor 200 years after the bombs fell. He is highlighting how the region and time period that the show takes place in should be full of complex cultures and societies based on the trajectory of the 3 games set in the region. But instead we get a desolate wasteland.

              • 1 month ago

                76 is set literally 25 years after the bombs and had civilisation not even fall until 2097 because of the enclave. And only 1 game is set in the region of Los Angeles and it's portrayed as destitute and everyone lives in bombed out shacks and buildings made of tin.
                Meanwhile New Vegas comes out and says, actually, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, etc, none of these have any meaningful civilisation, it's just shitty tribals, so one charismatic bald butthole can take them over. Seriously, did you forget about the Legion?

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah you're describing good games that paint a story and show how humans adapt and progress. Now describe the interesting stories and narratives of humans in Fallout 3,4, and 76.

              • 1 month ago

                Just admit that you're a troony who loves leftist video games

              • 1 month ago

                Ah the Betheslop enjoyer outs himself in the flesh. Once you use too many words and ask too many questions this is what they resort to.

              • 1 month ago

                Not really. The area started as a wasteland and became civilised. All of that being undone is going back to the status quo

          • 1 month ago

            The show will never be part of any canon. Future games will completely ignore it and mention it only in funny haha side references.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah invisible war is a good example. Every ending to the first deus ex changes the world forever bar the illuminati one. If you’re going to pick an ending that doesn’t alter the setting, just say denton joined the illuminati and tried to steer it toward something better. Instead we got multiple world ending scenarios happening at once and denton becoming a god like being and still somehow things aren’t that different. It’s just boring as frick.

    • 1 month ago

      Independent vegas is the canon ending in my mind. Fits the themes of the game imo.

      • 1 month ago

        It will be heavily implied legion didn't win. we already see that with the NCR veritbird in the strip.

        >There is a reality were Todd had the legion as victors.

        Could you imagine the global seethe?

  41. 1 month ago

    I like the Enclave
    >No they're fascist! You're supposed to hate them
    Then why did you make them look so cool?

    • 1 month ago

      No one says you're supposed to hate them, moron

    • 1 month ago

      they’re boring imo. if they had some sort of coherent ideology i’d like them more, but they’re just cartoon villains
      >obsessed with genetic purity
      >first scene is them slaughtering genetically pure vault dwellers for no reason whatsoever
      they are literally just evil to be evil. they aren’t like a realistic or compelling fascist government with some kind of ethos

      • 1 month ago

        >first scene is them slaughtering genetically pure vault dwellers for no reason whatsoever
        that fallout 2 intro did so much harm to the identity of the enclave lol. it was like a "we don't really know too much about our own antagonist's goal yet, as we're developing the game, but let's make a cool and shocking intro for fallout 2" and in the end it ended up not aligning with what the enclave actually fights for in the end product

  42. 1 month ago

    >turn deathclaws and other creatures non-hostile by fricking them and beelining to New Vegas
    >go back to Goodsprings and take the long way to get raped by all sorts of gangs and criminals
    >be the most helpful prostitute and make communities better wherever you go
    >somehow end up strong enough to fricking body these legendary elite units
    Maybe I should revisit Cottonwood Cove and consider a Legion playthrough...

    • 1 month ago

      I love this stupid bimbo more than I care to admit.

      • 1 month ago

        Me too, this stupid loose bimbo b***h pretty much turns the entire game into a sidequest

        • 1 month ago

          is this a mod

          • 1 month ago

            No, but there's a shitton on loverslab, albeit a bit dated

            • 1 month ago

              >get charisma implant from clinic
              >character's breasts are larger

              • 1 month ago

                The implant is called the Empathy Synthesizer because the clinic would get raided by fiends, casinos, and NCr alike if it was advertised bawd Enhancer

              • 1 month ago

                not that she NEEDED those implants.. we all know she made int a dump stat for those natural 10 charisma breasts

              • 1 month ago

                Oh yeah, definitely. The animals can be rendered non-hostile (and even getting the perk to keep them friendly and open to be milked) and half the confrontations you can get away with by offering your body anyway, the game made it seem like being a courier was a difficult job for some reason

              • 1 month ago

                good girls like her make it look easy

              • 1 month ago

                >sloshing around an entire country's worth of caps from the pocket change awarded to her for each frick
                confident smile and top-tier bawdbod
                Oh, no yeah, she makes it look like it's nothing

  43. 1 month ago

    >TV show
    >Everyone seething it's going to be east coast based due to bethesda bias
    >Actually west coast.
    >NCR and new vegas possiblities come up as possiblities.
    >Todd and amaozn make the capital wasteland west coast edition.
    >Everyone seethes.

    I must admire the long troll. Todd really is a god.

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