The Spirit / Letter of a game

Thread title, as in whether a game should be 'rules as written' or with some leeway. Yes, yes, I know I'm pretty fricking salty about this.

So the situation is this:
> Escorting an npc (a young Prince) to his ancestor's tomb to retrieve an ancient weapon
> Tomb has been invaded by demons
> We fight our way to Not-Excalibur's side.
> We get attacked by the leader of the invasion
> Some shitty rolls later, Cleric and Fighter are down.
> I Tumble over to the magic sword and try to draw it.
> Time stops. Sword says that only those of the right bloodline can draw it.
> I argue that if I don't draw it NOW, everyone dies including the designated wielder.
> Sword says 'Then that is how things must be' and smites me.
> No Diplomacy check, just instant smiting.
> I get AoOed down to negatives and the two survivors decide to run away.
You'd think that a fricking sentient sword would have a sense of priority. Instead of, you know, blasting the guy trying to help.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Expecting human psychology from a magic weapon was your first mistake. Apply this logic to a computer: if you have a really good reason for using it, does it make any difference when you don't have the password? The computer (the sword) is literally not capable of caring.

  2. 2 years ago

    "Rules as Intended" do not exist without extensive writing around the rules by the creators, so they cannot be taken into account at all.
    When playing you follow rules as written so long as they don't get in the way of what the group finds most fun about the game.
    When discussing the game online in a vacuum, the rules as written are the only thing that matters.

    >The story probably didn't happen
    Sounds like D&D homosexualry, so what was the sword's alignment? If it were lawful evil then what it did was right and just by its alignment.

    • 2 years ago

      As far as I know, it was a Lawful Neutral weapon.

      • 2 years ago

        Okay, yeah. The sword wasn't wrong in what it did, especially is its not too emotional of a personality.

  3. 2 years ago

    Punch the GM until you get the correct outcome you desire.

  4. 2 years ago

    Why do we keep repeating this thread over and over?
    This thread was made by the exact same OP, with the exact same subject line style, with the exact same filename style, with the exact same posting style. 336 replies.

    • 2 years ago

      I choose to believe that it's the same OP, still being salty.

  5. 2 years ago

    i am not sure where you are creating this false rules as written/rules as intended issue. the sword is not game rule that requires adjudication or interpretation by the gm. it is a npc within the game, and does not follow the meta rules of the game, but rather the rules of it's function or "it is what it would do". put another way, fate and its agents don't care about what you think is best.

    tl,dr, you're not salty, you're just stupid.

    • 2 years ago

      >the sword is not game rule that requires adjudication or interpretation by the gm
      There are literally rules for intelligent magic weapons anon, and they're among the oldest rules in the franchise

      • 2 years ago

        What rules are there which dictate the behavior of a sentient sword outside of incredibly vague descriptors like the items alignment?

      • 2 years ago

        sure. now point them out, and show how the sword is not following them. be specific. and remember we are talking about the intent of the rules.

        also, please explain how a magic intelligent sword that can only be wielded by a specific bloodline not letting someone not of that bloodline wield it, is violating the spirit of the rules.

        you seem to be about as stupid as OP, and he set the bar really low.

      • 2 years ago

        yes there are rules for intelligent magic swords. but the sword itself is not a rule, and does not fall into the area of adjudicating rules for wording or intent. the sword is an npc. it behaves as any other npc. by the rules for its character/role/function. the OP statement is "i think the npc should behave the way i want, not the way it is supposed to behave".

  6. 2 years ago

    I bet GM had designated the fighter to be the chosen one.
    You'd think that prophecy swords (in game lil' storyshits) have the prophecy actually happen, this is how it goes in novels. The moral of this story is unless the prophecy is somewhat amiable to interpretation don't place in game prophecy items because if the GM is inflexible on this it creates a pretty shit experience for all.

    • 2 years ago

      one would think you could have at least read through the first line of the green text.

      • 2 years ago

        Goodness me you're struggling here. I'm not commenting on the the specifics of one particular encounter if you'd actually understood what I typed you'd understand that I'm saying it's a bad idea in general to include prophesied items as they tend to be too story focused, note I mean prophesied in a very strict and literal sense that you would read about in a fantasy novel not necessarily including intelligent magic items in the D&D sense. Do try to keep up.

  7. 2 years ago

    >OP's pic
    That's a funny edit of the most generic 'decorative crusader sword' I've seen.

    • 2 years ago

      Probably because the korean manufacturing stamp in yours just ruins the whole thing.

  8. 2 years ago

    >lose an argument with an inanimate object
    >blame the GM
    What a homosexual.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Sword says that only those of the right bloodline can DRAW it.
    Shake it loose of the scabbard and then pick it up from the ground. What now b***h?

  10. 2 years ago

    WTF? This has nothing to do with the ruels at all. This is just how the sword was supposed to act according to it's personality. You even have been warned.

  11. 2 years ago

    It's almost as if esoteric and mysterious beings don't apply to human comprehension.
    This is a narrative issue you're coping on, not a rules one.
    Though I would say that there should have been some kind of 'roll to halve' effect with that smite if i were running it.

    • 2 years ago

      Isn't the god of business a thief?

    • 2 years ago

      >Though I would say that there should have been some kind of 'roll to halve' effect with that smite if i were running it.
      Why? So you could smite the moron twice if he continues to hold the sword? Because I'll admit, that'd be hilarious.

  12. 2 years ago

    >Ghost King: None but the King of Gondor can command me!!
    >You: But I have like a super good reason though!!!
    lol. you are an idiot.

  13. 2 years ago

    This isn't an issue with the rules, this is the logical a narrative outcome of trying to use a sentient sword you're not supposed to. It's on you for trying to use an emotional appeal on an object. Magic swords don't give a shit about who uses them as long as they tick every box on their checklist.
    >You'd think that a fricking sentient sword would have a sense of priority
    It does, they just don't align with yours.

  14. 2 years ago

    >You'd think that a fricking sentient sword would have a sense of priority.
    it does, priority number one, be used only by the correct bloodline.
    >Instead of, you know, blasting the guy trying to help.
    priority number two, kill all who try to use the sword, who do not belong to the correct bloodline.

  15. 2 years ago

    "spirit of the rules" are said by complete speds who get ass blasted the moment someone uses rules they personally don't like.

  16. 2 years ago

    The spirit of a game should reign supreme, as no rules can ever encompass the entirety of circumstance in a free environment.

    This in no way relates to what supposeldy happened in the game. Objects within the universe need not in any way adhere to some kind of given 'spirit' or even logic. Supernatural forces or mythic items disregarding circumstance or adhering to the legal letter of the law as they know it is a common trope fully within the spirit of the game.

    It is not a reasoning individual or thinking person; it is an object that has been given purpose. You should be happy that it even hothered explaining itself to you before you got smote.
    >muh diplomacy check
    You're a moron for assuming that the sword *can* even do otherwise. Nothing suggests that it has free will of any kind. You're shouting at a fricking walkman for playing the wrong tape, b***hing at the GM for not letting you try to convince a fricking stereo by talking to it. You buffoon.

  17. 2 years ago

    I mean not really. Firstly expecting to be able to reason with a sentient sword like you would a normal person is a bad move to say the least. But even aside from that lets assume it CAN be reasoned with. Taking in the information of the situation of the tomb being overrun with demons and the sword doing nothing or not even acknowledging that fact or communicating AT ALL even though the rightful weilder is in the room, we can assume that the sword's sentience only is effective insofar as its being touched. With that in mind if you grab a sword and say "hey i need to use you" the sword would simply say "no" and then if we believe you and give this sword some level of human logical reasoning then you would say "but its a really good reason" (which to your credit it was) the problem is this: if we can reasonably conclude that the sword has sentience ONLY extending to physical contact then it still would say no to you. Due to the reason that if its the case that a good enough reason could convince the sword to go against its purpose than any frickin bandit or worse an army of demons and their leader could coax the sword out of its stone. Even with human logic backed by a solid reasoning the sword isn't guaranteed to say yes and if it did it would be a pretty dumb sword.
    >The instant smite with no roll to halve the dmg is kinda bs though

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