the superior strategy game

finally a thread about the best themed base builder game ever made
will there ever be another game with such soul? doubtful..

>ignore eg2 as it is just a cash-in reskin of other ips

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  1. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      look mom, i just wrote a frickton of words with no substance so it looks as if it is well grounded criticism

      • 1 year ago

        >2 MANY WURDS
        back 2 twitter homosexual

    • 1 year ago

      So a literal smoothbrain wrote a list of complaints which include the efficiency of the base design not mattering. All the other complaints are about how the game actually does cause it to matter.
      You can't directly control minions, because that would negate your base design choices hindering them.
      Science minions need free-time to do research, which they get depending on how many you trained and how well you design and run your base. The research options available depend on how diverse your base design is; they can't research an object you don't have.
      The failure of this person to experiment is revealed in how they see the camoflage door as a replacement for the regular base door. It's not supposed to replace it: it's supposed to allow for an extra door that minions can freely come and go out of whilst agents look for the main door, which they know about when that intel leaves the island.
      Intel is also the reason why you should change your base design and make it modular so that you can change it with fewer problems.
      >Only keeps 15 minions in base
      >Thinks that the base is 'operating as maximum capacity'
      >Continues to complain that the game about base-management is focused on the base
      >Game has too much challenge
      >Game hasn't enough challenge
      Mein gott, these people are the reason why we got such shitty sequels.

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Sounds like someone who didn't understand either how agents work or how traps work. EG1's trap system was awesome. (EG2's is only a shadow of it; individually good, but just a bunch of unconnected stuff.) Agents were mostly highly predictable; only the super agents were tricky, and that's because they were supposed to be; they were one of the actual challenges in the game.
      EG2 had some very good ideas (especially supporting multiple floors) but made a mess of a few things too. Notably, the world missions all felt totally Meh with no real notion that you had to control the state of things carefully when doing them. Also, a lot of the time there wasn't any need to have equipment being operated properly; the minions would just LARP at jobs. (I already mentioned traps.)
      EG1 did the winning sequence better. But then it basically beats almost every other game ever on that.

      • 1 year ago

        tell me how fricking superninjas spawning randomly in the middle of your base SINCE THE FIRST MAP are good design

  2. 1 year ago

    God what a souless bag of ass with un-sexy woke drivel jammed in.

  3. 1 year ago

    I loved, well, enjoyed both games.320 hours in 2, I feel like there's a really good game there but it has so many problems it needs fixing.
    >henchmen need more interesting and effective powers generally. 'science' and 'social' type henchmen doubly so.
    >agents need to be better at their jobs and generally worse in combat
    >same goes for super agents (the thief one being so bad at her job there's actually an achievement for having her successfully steal something)
    >more meaning and depth to minion stat restore, the temperature mechanic was bad, the toilets they added as a joke could unironically be a good idea for a new room type minions need
    The agent thing needs solving most.
    >unless they're a solider they should avoid just chimping out and attacking people, they should have abilities to do their job instead
    >Investigators, even high level ones, should be generally mediocre and always bad in combat but get a special ability that allows them to infiltrate the base through special routes that only they can use when they first arrive (climbing up out of a toilet, crawling out from under a bed, exiting out of a locker).
    >Thieves can crack open doors quickly and use smoke bombs to re-stealth after being caught, cooldown rank dependent. Fast and hard to catch, weak if actually forced to fight with poor health and damage.
    >Saboteurs can easily spot and disable traps. Generally pretty good but their weakness is distractions in your casino, taking more smarts/moral damage being more likely to interact with them. Least likely to choose to fight when stopped.
    >Soldiers are immune to casino distractions, shoot on sight inside the base and have the best health and damage. Very weak to traps and fall in to them pretty reliably.

    • 1 year ago

      Who would even send a bunch of investigators into the conspiciously isolated and practically independent island of doctor ev- I mean fluffybunnys.
      Btw can you genuinely make a little money with your casino or not?
      Never played the thing.

      • 1 year ago

        You can make a ton of money but you have to choose between making money and distracting agents.

    • 1 year ago

      When it comes to arguing about EG 1 vs 2 it pretty much is pick which ever one you prefer. For every good thing one game does it has something just as bad to it. They boarderline are the same game with just a few minor differences.

      • 1 year ago

        No they are very different games and Rebellion basically ignored all the informed feedback they were given for years in favour of making another crappy mobile game to shovel DLC.

        • 1 year ago

          They really aren't.
          >ITS A MOBILE GAME
          It really isnt

          Is Evil Genius 2 any good?

          Just like the original it's pretty average and you really gotta have a taste for it. EG2 improves on somethings but core issues are still there. It's pretty much pick your poison.

          • 1 year ago

            Rebellion thought the core issues with EG1 were features, and that's why EG2 is full of timers(and why it is a mobile game, which is also why the man chosen to be game director had only ever made mobile games).

            • 1 year ago

              >One person worked on a mobile game in the past.
              >That means it's a mobile game.
              You do realize that many of the original devs worked on the game.

              • 1 year ago

                The lead developer, the one who designed the gameplay and chose the creative direction. He has only ever made mobile games. The only credited key person I could find returning from EG1 was the composer James Hannigan(and the only person on EG2 to do their job right). This is easy to check, so why even try this ass-pull? Who else do you think worked on EG1 that also worked on EG2?

    • 1 year ago

      i might need to try going back to eg2, but they added some features that just annoy me and takes me out of the gameplay
      partly it is that you literally send your minions on suicide missions in eg2 and that the comedy has gotten significantly worse as well as them adding a shitty "conversation interface" with le quirky writing

      • 1 year ago

        When it comes to arguing about EG 1 vs 2 it pretty much is pick which ever one you prefer. For every good thing one game does it has something just as bad to it. They boarderline are the same game with just a few minor differences.

        Also, fix the goddamn sub-quest system or whatever the frick it's called. Allow me to do multiple sub-quests.

      • 1 year ago

        Also, fix the goddamn sub-quest system or whatever the frick it's called. Allow me to do multiple sub-quests.

        EG1 I don't even think you could do more than 1 quest at a time. However despite people b***hing about how much of a mobile game it is, I do prefer EG2 version of making money. No longer do I have to baby sit and constantly check the map every 10 minutes to mass put everyone on hide. Also I love Zalika.

        >Huge hair.
        >Soft spoken.
        >Super anilitical.
        >rarely shows emotion.
        >Hypno themed.
        >huge breasts.
        >Nice ass.
        >legs for days
        >Exposed arms.
        >high heels.
        >Uses feet to touch things.

        god damn I wish the game was better so we could get alt costumes.

        • 1 year ago

          You could, it's just they produced tons of heat so it was a really bad idea.

  4. 1 year ago

    Is Evil Genius 2 any good?

    • 1 year ago

      A solid 7/10 at least.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      How many years since release it is? 2?
      And yet it still has the same bugs as on release. While having a continuous support nad new DLCs

  5. 1 year ago

    tl;dl version: some counterstrike kiddie whines that he is too stupid for evil genius and that its not a 1:1 dungeon keeper rip off, while cleary never played dk

  6. 1 year ago

    I wish they would’ve remade the game properly, instead they reskinned their other game Two Point Hospital to fit the EG theme which is why people say it feels like a mobile game

  7. 1 year ago

    tell me anons how would (You) do a super villain game?

    • 1 year ago

      more detailed maps, organised crime factions you can fight/manipulate, big heists are JA2 style missions, be able to build other smaller bases

    • 1 year ago

      The only thing wrong with Evil Genius 1 is its graphical fidelity, difficulty running on modern hardware, and the way that the trap system was never quite balanced well. If you fixed those three things and changed nothing else you have a successful game.

      • 1 year ago

        The lack of time speed settings was terrible anon.

      • 1 year ago

        >trap system was never quite balanced well.
        The real issues with traps is that agents are just way to smart so they generally always avoid your triggers. And tbh


        is correct about super agents which makes traps even worse. sadly the trap system in 2 isn't much better.

        • 1 year ago

          >complains about shit ai
          >complains about good ai
          dumbass /vst/ just admit you're stupid.

          • 1 year ago

            what's the good ai?

    • 1 year ago

      choose play style
      warlord-battle focused
      league of shadows-infiltration and intreugue,illuminati stuff
      the black market-economics,black market and smuggling
      all three have different "base building" mechanics.

      the main pool is the public played like black and white where its balancing the terror paranioa of public.
      you recruit minions and gangs through the public and issue orders.
      have a heiarchy and vassal social system ala crusader kings 2 and illuminati.

      when doing crimes,plots,conspiracies theres a "werewolf or ultimate werewolf" mechanic

      both magic and super science to feature heavily.

      the game takes heavy inspiration from steve jackson illuminati, chaos overlords, and war wind 2.


      a story generator sim game ala dwarf fortress, but its based off of white wolf world of darkness, there will be modules based on each of the storytelling book like vampire,werewolf,hunter,mage etc..


      a cheekey rts game based off the aghanistan war.
      make both sides evil as frick.
      and all wild stereotypical charicatures.
      usa is hyper capitalist soulless materialist.
      the jihadis are insane fundamental poor guerilla fighters in the mountains.
      make neither side redeemable
      and the missions always involve fricking up civilians.

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly I feel like EG is boarder line perfect. Only thing I would really change is that AOI are real time instead of just a timer.

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