The war against Pokmon fans

Why is Pokémon such a cultish fanbase? Why is it, when an obvious mediocre game is released SwSh, Pokémon content creators like Joe Merrick and Tamashi Hiroka actually turn against the fans instead of criticizing the developers? In what world is that a healthy behavior? Think of GTA Anthology, which was a compilation of remakes of old GTA games; why did it get such flak while fans were actively criticized for disliking BDSP — a single full price inferior remake than anything Rockstar had included in the anthology package?

Pokémon is strangely reminiscent of Star Citizen, where the fanbase is an actual cult suffering from sunken cost fallacy. The difference is that Star Citizen has ambition, even as newer industry titles produced in much less time and with smaller budgets (say Baldur's Gate 3) create actual gold standards of respect for fans that Star Citizen could never achieve. Meanwhile Pokémon is proven time and time to be developed by the worst player in the market right now, with decades of interviews by Masuda and others proving that Pokémon's lack of quality is by DESIGN.

Is Pokémon the only game where content creators actually attack the fans for wanting change?

Is Pokémon the only game where there are 'Gen Wars' — which is natural since it is the only franchise where the next title is never an improvement of the previous one, an excuse for fans to attack each other?

Is Pokémon the only game where developers actively tell players "to do not have big expectations"?

Are fans to blame for Pokémon's failures?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Because the rabid Pokémon fans are kids and autistic adults. The sane ones either outgrew Pokémon or they actually play other games and can see how bad the Switch Pokémon games are.

  2. 10 months ago

    >yet another thread to talk about Tama's leaked pussy pics

    • 10 months ago

      Everyone is saying shit leaked but no one provides. I call it bullshit until proven otherwise

      • 10 months ago

        It's in the archives, I see them right now.
        Not spoonfeeding you.

        • 10 months ago

          It's in the archive. Whenever it gets posted, someone almost always calls it "her cloyster." If this isn't enough info for you to find it, you might be moronic.

          There is a tripgay named Library-chan who is a huge fricking degenerate that fantasizes about raping little boys. Library-chan is probably Tama, and if she's not then she's extremely dedicated to making us think she is. We'll probably never know for sure which it is.

          >It's true the archive just flew over my house

          • 10 months ago

            Look at the other thread moron. Someone even spoonfed the exact post number.

            • 10 months ago

              I don't give a frick, someone posts it and get banned in 10 hours.
              This is the only truth I accept

      • 10 months ago

        Check the other thread anon, that's all the help you'll get.

        • 10 months ago

          Everyone is saying shit leaked but no one provides. I call it bullshit until proven otherwise

          >yet another thread to talk about Tama's leaked pussy pics

          I didn't read anything but I like tama. Can someone summarize this?

          Another moronic discord psyop in-joke, just like the wacky Youtube schizo obsessed with Leaf.

          There's 0 evidence of Tama being Library-chan.
          There's 0 evidence of Library-chan not being an obese fat guy roleplaying on the internet.
          There's 0 evidence of Tama ever posting on Ganker.
          There's 0 evidence of Tama ever acknowledging the existence of /vp/.
          There's 0 evidence of any nudes in any archive.

          • 10 months ago

            You can't fool me. You're just saying "there are no nudes in the archive" so someone will prove you wrong by spoonfeeding you.

          • 10 months ago

            Is a literal troony. It's just bait to tarnish Tama's good name.

      • 10 months ago

        It's in the archive. Whenever it gets posted, someone almost always calls it "her cloyster." If this isn't enough info for you to find it, you might be moronic.

        I didn't read anything but I like tama. Can someone summarize this?

        There is a tripgay named Library-chan who is a huge fricking degenerate that fantasizes about raping little boys. Library-chan is probably Tama, and if she's not then she's extremely dedicated to making us think she is. We'll probably never know for sure which it is.

        • 10 months ago

          What makes people think it is her?

          • 10 months ago

            She exposed herself one day when she was drunk.

            • 10 months ago

              Should I archive her whole channel just in case?

              In what way I mean

              • 10 months ago

                What makes people think it is her?

                She was shiny hunting Lapras on stream while drunk.
                Later that night, Library-chan drunkposted about shiny hunting Lapras.
                There's more, but I'd have to go digging to find it. That's the one that I remember off the top of my head.

                Like I said: no actual proof, but if Library-chan isn't her, then Library-chan is actively trying to make us think she's her, while pretending not to want people to know she's her.

              • 10 months ago

                I don't remember the story. It was something with Library-chan saying she's drunk and that she will go shiny hunt a Lapras, then a few minutes later Tama started streaming shiny hunting a Lapras and she was clearly drunk (also showed her feet on camera). Library-chan also kinda admitted being Tama some time later.

              • 10 months ago

                She was shiny hunting Lapras on stream while drunk.
                Later that night, Library-chan drunkposted about shiny hunting Lapras.
                There's more, but I'd have to go digging to find it. That's the one that I remember off the top of my head.

                Like I said: no actual proof, but if Library-chan isn't her, then Library-chan is actively trying to make us think she's her, while pretending not to want people to know she's her.

                It really depends if tama was streaming or said she was going to steam that before or after library chan said that. I looked in the archive and way back library chan showed their mii that they said looked like them and it does not look like tama from like 2017.

              • 10 months ago

                >library chan showed their mii that they said looked like them and it does not look like tama from like 2017
                Mii limitations. She also posted her PC in Sword/Shield and it's basically Tama.

              • 10 months ago

                My Miis don't look anything like me.

                They specifically said it looked just like them. What do you mean about the pc?

              • 10 months ago

                My Miis don't look anything like me.

    • 10 months ago

      she posted them herself
      >why would she do that if she has a boyfriend?
      to lure underage boys into her DM's

    • 10 months ago

      I looked into that and found out it was fake. Really disappointed overall. Really wanted to see my Bae naked.

      • 10 months ago

        It's real bro. I don't what you found but it's probably white knights bullshitting you.

  3. 10 months ago

    pretty sure Tamashi wants the games to change don't remember her video about at the moment

  4. 10 months ago

    Get off twitter

  5. 10 months ago

    I didn't read anything but I like tama. Can someone summarize this?

  6. 10 months ago

    >t creators like Joe Merrick and Tamashi Hiroka actually turn against the fans instead of criticizing the developers?
    Because it's their jobs.
    Joe's entire life relies on pokemon's continued existence. If suddenly pokemon stopped, he would have nothing other than an old archive site of content.
    It's in most of these guys interest to keep blind hype going in order to pay their bills.

    I wont ever be mad at them for doing it, get your bag.

    >Is Pokémon the only game where developers actively tell players "to do not have big expectations"?
    90% of modern day games.

  7. 10 months ago

    This thread is yet another reason why this fanbase is toxic. Instead of talking about the games, people are talking about sex. This is one of the main problems in this fanbase: sexualization of everything. Pokémon is not about Pokémon, it is about satisfying its thirsty fans who can't keep their hands out of their pants.

    Please ignore any eceleb controversy and focus on what matters: the fact they gaslight the fans in defense of bad games.

    • 10 months ago

      What the frick are you talking about.
      The discussion was never about the games.
      If you didn't want people to be horny on the internet you shouldn't have used a picture of a femoid.

      If that one from your post was the picture you'd have less discussion on it.

      But to rapid fire your discussion.

      >Is Pokémon the only game where content creators actually attack the fans for wanting change?
      No, most game companies do. When they get big enough they no longer have to pander to the original audience as hard as they sued to. They know it will sell with a large enough margain that they dont have to try.

      >Is Pokémon the only game where there are 'Gen Wars' — which is natural since it is the only franchise where the next title is never an improvement of the previous one, an excuse for fans to attack each other?
      No, most games with large enough release numbers will have people arguing about which generation of their game is the best. But most of the time it's not as hostile because less people take the bait. It's super easy to get quick (you)'s by saying Sun and moon was peak, Early gen aren's as good as modern gen.

      >Is Pokémon the only game where developers actively tell players "to do not have big expectations"?
      No, lots of games do now, with rising price and crunch of modern games a good majority of them never actually release with a finish product and will release with patches and half finished games hoping for an initial burst of cash for their investment through cash shop or other dodgy microtransactions to please the share holders and try to patch it along the way.

      >Are fans to blame for Pokémon's failures?
      No, pokemon is a series that peaks when you peak. One of the best pokemon games ever was the one you played first when you first got that rush of evolving your first pokemon or becoming a champion. The series itself has never actually been good. It's a mediocre monster catching game who sits on the throne because it was the one that got lucky.

      • 10 months ago

        There are numerous games that would share the same boat.
        Darksouls for example, they have claimed the title of soulslike, even though soulslike is just a modern rendition of an old school game with a checkpoint system. It now sits as king of the castle and everything's compared to it.

        That's pokemon.

        It's a monster catching game that was simple enough and consistant enough to keep people entertained and buying their shit. Call of duty/fifa/maden/wwe all do the same thing. Yearly release junkfood games.

        Fans aren't to blame for this, it's an inevitability of success.
        Success Breed Complacency. Complacency Breeds Failure. But I think pokemon has another 3-4 gens left in it before it would actually collapse and nintendo wants to milk that golden milktank dry so if it started to actually crash and burn nintendo would swoop in and put the entire gamefreak team on masuda's "Chief Creative Fellow" role. To asian retire them.

  8. 10 months ago

    Probably because it's a nintendo IP. Nintendo as a whole this console generation has played it relatively safe and I don't blame them for that. The Wii U was a flop and handheld gaming has more or less been supplanted by mobile. They obviously don't want to go out of business and part of that means making some by the numbers games on a mostly by the numbers platform. It's not just Pokemon either. BOTW and TOTK aren't terrible games but they're not the greatest of all time and there's just a wave of people waiting to defend them to the death. I think people who are nintendo fans are effectively brainwashed and simply won't allow criticism, no matter how valid it is.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't know how you could say BOTW was playing it safe. One of the biggest criticisms of that game from fans is that it's too different from other 3D Zelda games. It also spent years in development hell, which is not usually something that happens with by-the-numbers titles.

      • 10 months ago

        Nice trips but I think my biggest problem with BOTW and why its so by the numbers is that its basically nintendo taking everything that was a trend in gaming at the time and throwing it into a Zelda title. That's why it feels like such a McDonald's ass game to me. The only thing it didn't do by the numbers is letting you progress in whatever direction you wanted

  9. 10 months ago

    It’s a few factors.
    >Pokemon fans are mostly normies/casuals
    >Normies/casuals have limited attention spans due to the nature of social media so the simpler, “prettier-looking”
    games are favored by this majority
    >Kanto nostalgia is another huge selling point for the normie/casual majority (see: Pokemon Go)
    >Pokemon is a lot more popular now than during the pre-gen 6 days so there are more kids growing up with a bias in favor of these shallow experiences
    >Games targeted at hardcore fans like BW or PLA seem to turn off the normie/casual majority because they’re too complex and different, reducing sales
    >This in turn gives the message to Game Freak that what Pokémon is truly all about are these shallow experiences
    >As a business with the goal of making profits, putting in the bare minimum is smart as long as it sells well (which it does)
    >Game Freak at its core is terrible handling 3D and really haven’t improved much at all since XY
    >They have this really tight 3-year-development cycle that they refuse to let go of (and it’s unknown who truly is responsible for these decisions), making the previous point worse
    >As mentioned in the OP, Pokemon has achieved near cult status, where even most of the fans unhappy with the product they’re putting out will buy them anyway (see: SwSh sales)

    When you combine all these factors, you end up with a franchise that literally gets rewarded for decreasing quality and gets punished for increasing it.

    But I guess at least they’re not Disney.

    • 10 months ago

      >Kanto nostalgia is another huge selling point for the normie/casual majority (see: Pokemon Go)
      >Games targeted at hardcore fans like BW or PLA seem to turn off the normie/casual majority because they’re too complex and different, reducing sales
      Sales numbers prove these to be false. Please actually check them before repeating shit you read online.

    • 10 months ago

      There is never a lack of ass licking to BW and the lie that the game sold little and failed. With that victimizing lie and a bunch of morons repeating it was that BW became a fetish of pseudo intellectuals. Ironic that the most awarded game nowadays was the one that did not innovate anything in the gameplay. It just put out a decent and pretentious story.

  10. 10 months ago

    >Is Pokémon the only game where content creators actually attack the fans for wanting change?
    >Is Pokémon the only game where there are 'Gen Wars' — which is natural since it is the only franchise where the next title is never an improvement of the previous one, an excuse for fans to attack each other?
    >Is Pokémon the only game where developers actively tell players "to do not have big expectations"?
    No to all three but the pokemon fanbase IS shit.

    What I'm not sure about is if pokemon is the only fanbase that can't understand an announcement 4 years after it was made, that one I haven't seen anywhere else.

  11. 10 months ago

    The Pokémon fanbase (video games and anime) is very closed-minded. They don't know anything other than Pokémon, they don't play anything else. At least 90% of their fans are like that, that's why when some cliché crap is included for the first time in Pokémon, the fans think it's the newest thing out there. Also Pokémon fans are very pretentious, they think that to like the trend of the moment is to be unique and special.

  12. 10 months ago

    Stop posting ugly poketubers

  13. 10 months ago

    >calls self fan
    >shits incessantly on games
    >shits incessantly on devs
    >shits incessantly on pokémon creatures
    >cries when she gets told to pull her neck in
    If this is the zoomie generation, I'm delighted I grew up in an era where toys could have sharp edges.

    • 10 months ago

      incessantly on games
      incessantly on devs
      incessantly on pokémon creatures
      You're forgetting we aren't given games and merchandise for free out of the goodness of the creators' hearts. These are products we pay for and people dissatisfied are allowed to complain about them.

  14. 10 months ago

    Library-chan wants cumtributes? Based

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, she makes these threads so people will hornypost about her pussy.

      • 10 months ago

        Her pussy doesn't even work right

        • 10 months ago

          She can still schlick.

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