The Xbox brand, what happened?

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  1. 3 months ago

    poor product naming conventions

    • 3 months ago

      A series of incredibly stupid mistakes
      >We want the Wii audience, let's push this Kinect thing hard to the detriment of our core audience
      >Let's show our hand early by pushing these draconian policies (that will later become industry standard anyway), allowing Sony to easily score the public perception win
      >Our console will be weaker than the competition, but still cost a lot more because we still really want to pretend that boomers and casuals will buy it for muh Kinect
      >Games, what the frick are those? Just buy a bunch of studios and hope that they deliver without any sort of guideline
      Also this to some extent. What kind of moronic naming convention is Xbox > Xbox 360 > Xbox One (S/X) > Xbox Series S/X?

  2. 3 months ago

    It was always trash.

  3. 3 months ago
  4. 3 months ago

    Phil promised games
    He never delivered

    • 3 months ago

      Halo is a game. Avowed is a game. HiFi Rush is a game.

      • 3 months ago

        >3 pieces of dog shit
        Lol, lmao even
        >verification not required

        • 3 months ago

          >HiFi Rush
          have a nice day

      • 3 months ago

        Preaching Avowed.. jesus. I'll tell you what Microsoft had. They had Scalebound which would of released still around the peak of Game of Thrones and would of cemented a proper friendship with a high profile Japanese Company giving them with Platinum Games.
        Instead what did Microsoft do? They slapped a Japanese company in their face. CANCELLED.
        No one really wanted to work with Microsoft and what did they go and prove. That the Japanese were right and you should NEVER work with Microsoft. They only acquired Tangoworks because their business tanked and were LUCKY to get HiFi Rush. They had no faith in that game they chucked it into the store where it could make miniscule profits despite its hype.

        • 3 months ago

          Scalebound looked like shit before it was cancelled. It was a mercy killing

  5. 3 months ago

    Xbox Becomes “Number One Platform” for Diablo 4 Following Game Pass Release

    • 3 months ago

      that shows how poorly diablo 4 is doing more than anything. how did they frick it up so badly?

  6. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Posting the real version:

  7. 3 months ago

    They got lucky for a few years with the early 360 years. Otherwise, it has largely been as God intended.

    • 3 months ago

      Xbox did well all things considered. I know it didn't sell that much but it established a brand that went on to do well with 360 and it had to establish itself against all-time peak Sony while PS2 was already out. Also had some great games even if the library isn't as deep as PS2.

  8. 3 months ago

    let's see what made the Xbox 360 beat the PS3 for almost its entire lifespan:
    -cheaper than the PS3
    -buying exclusives out of literally every other platform, Windows included
    -solid flow of new games to the platform
    -gimmick (kinect)

    Now let's see the Xbox Series:
    -Only the nerfed model is cheaper than the PS5
    -zero exclusives. Zero.
    -you're lucky if you get 2 AAAs per year. And they not only flop, but run better on PC.
    -no gimmick (Nintendo has motion control, Snoy has VR)

    It's crystal clear what happened.

  9. 3 months ago

    What happened?

  10. 3 months ago

    I'm getting rid of my Xbos series S. Microsoft's initiative to get rid of hot girls and me focusing on Nintendo and Playstation has made me want to remove microsoft from the console wars.

    • 3 months ago

      I am sad to see you go Series S chad... no more hot girls for us I guess... Xbox is gay now

      • 3 months ago
  11. 3 months ago

    tbh I think what happened to the Xbox console brand will be taught in business schools. How a 3 trillion worth company had one of its key pillars crumble. I wonder who will play Don Mattrick and Phil Spencer in the bio epics.

  12. 3 months ago

    Japanese games are a crapshoot to be released on xbox on time, or at all. They're phasing out disc drives entirely. They're buying goyslop publishers and selling their games on other platforms. They're trying to push gamepass which is a fricking scam. thank GOD the push to turn gaming into streaming services isn't working, gaming would only be worse if it was. Their consoles take proprietary hard drives which run slower than gen 4 nvme drives for twice the price. they refuse to add features to their controller, and unlike snoy they don't allow third parties to make wireless controllers for Xbox. They have all the western cancerous sensibilities snoy does, and it's easy to hate how far they've fallen.....but then you remember that what they've fallen to was.......Xbox. it sucks to support sony, but xbox is worse, but without xbox sony would get even worse........

    Switch is our only hope

  13. 3 months ago

    Kys Snoy zipperhead shill
    Xbox shits on ur whole famiree

    • 3 months ago
  14. 3 months ago

    Sony Kings won. Constantly shit posted xbox into oblivion. It's a historical victory honestly. Xbox will be forgotten like the Dreamcast.

  15. 3 months ago

    Stopped catering to the dude bro audience. Got subverted by trannies, gays, etc

    • 3 months ago

      Phil had 20 years...

      All these people greenlit Redfall and Starfield. Hard to imagine one of them plays video games.

      • 3 months ago

        Phil likes shitty soulless games but he isn't self-aware. He probably would enjoy Redfall if he played it.

      • 3 months ago

        Both of those games were greenlit and in active development long before xbox bought zenimax and bethesda

  16. 3 months ago

    It was always shit. Zoomers don't know it but Xbox original sucked major balls. X360 only succeeded because of Sony's moronation.

  17. 3 months ago

    Because since it's inception, Xbox has been a pet project of a few people at Microsoft, and large portions of the company see it as a waste of time compared to their main business ventures.

  18. 3 months ago

    Phil had 20 years...

  19. 3 months ago

    Women and minorities.

  20. 3 months ago

    >what happened?
    Xbox has spent over a decade buying studios and refusing to let them release any games

  21. 3 months ago

    Xbone and Don Mattrick. So no exclusives, no good exclusives and the brand just rotted and died, no traction at all.

  22. 3 months ago

    >"We're not in the business of out-consoling Sony or out-consoling Nintendo"
    >"And I know that will upset a ton of people, but the truth of the matter is, when you're third place in the console marketplace and the top two players are as strong as they are and have in certain cases a very discrete focus on doing deals and other things that kind of make being Xbox hard for us as a team – that's on us, not on anybody else…"
    >"I see it out there, I see commentary that if you just build great games, everything would turn around," he said. "It's just not true that if we go off and build great games, all of a sudden you're going to see console share shift in some dramatic way."
    >"This idea that if we just focused more on great games on our console, that somehow we're going to win the console race, I think doesn't relate to the reality of most people."
    >"I see a lot of pundits out there that kind of want to go back to the time when we all had cartridges and discs, and every new generation was a clean slate and you could switch the whole console share. That's just not the world that we are in today. There is no world where Starfield is an 11 out of 10 and people are selling their PS5s. That's not going to happen."
    What the frick is wrong with Phil?

    • 3 months ago

      Nothing. He's right. CoD is dogshit but sells millions. Sony noggers only care bout Fifa and CoD

    • 3 months ago

      he's a pragmatist and he was right. it doesn't matter what games epic game store gets, they will never compete with valve. they have fortnite and it still doesn't matter, they buy exclusivity for games and it doesn't matter, they give away games for free and it doesn't matter. xbox is the same, the brand can never be salvaged because it's so tainted and it's the laughing stock of the vidya industry. xbox could release the greatest game of all time and it wouldn't matter, it would just bring more people to valve when they buy a pc instead. it's a loser console associated with poorgays, people would stop playing cod before buying an xbox and they know this, that's why they're releasing their games on pc, ps5, and switch.

      • 3 months ago

        >xbox could release the greatest game of all time and it wouldn't matter
        What about that time a newcomer enter the console business immediately after Sony utter dominance of the market and manage to do fine with one flagship title?

        • 3 months ago

          different era anon, faar more tribalism these days

        • 3 months ago

          the brand wasn't tainted back then. i think a brand new company could release a console and have it do better than xbox, especially if there's no day 1 pc ports. phil has devalued the ecosystem. i'm saying this as someone who was a pcgay back when the 360 was out and i still owned a ps3, wii, and 360 because they had exclusives. i'm not the only one who used to buy xbox consoles but will no longer buy them because there is no purpose to owning one if you have a pc.

          you can argue that it doesn't matter to casuals but it honestly does, the hardcore gamers are the ones making videos that the casuals all consume. all of them laugh at xbox the way we laugh at xbox, which means that belief gets parroted throughout the entire gaming community which combined with the xbox one's launch has completely decimated the brand. they literally can not recover, the series s/x are most likely not going to even outsell the xbox one because the xbox one coasted on the good will microsoft had from the og xbox and 360 generations. that good will is gone, many of the players are gone, they're on pc thanks to phil.

          • 3 months ago

            If Disney taught us anything is that nostalgia is strong enough to have morons flock to your product and Microsoft is nowhere near as bad as Disney has been. Halo 5, Gears 5 and Infinite are big mistakes but they are not comparable to the Last Jedi or the MCU.

            It would be trivial really. A bunch of small budget projects with existing technology based on old properties. 2013 Killer Instinct made a small resurgence in late 2023 due to news of a small update, they could announce a fighter pass with Master Chief, Marcus Phoenix and Conker as a Xbox S/X exclusive content and people would dust off those suckers to try it.

            Hi-Fi Rush was a success with a really small budget. Nothing stops them for making Banjo Threeie, Fallout Van Buren and other similar titles with a similar budget and label them as true exclusives, projects that would take two years in development for each game tops.

            But why this isn't possible? Well first of all the heads of the studio are all evil and moronic to be brief, they have an agenda and don't care about the brand as much as where they will land next, for them it is a gig because they have ambitions. They all think they will be hired by Amazon one day or become politicians. Second is that their hiring policies shuffle vital staff every 18 months preventing one team from ever accomplishing anything and not only that they have to hire people based on a racial profile I.E no white men allowed.

            So it is not a brand or a popularity thing, it is a management thing. Someone way up in MS would need to look down.

            • 3 months ago

              The reality is that games don’t sell on Xbox. They’ve conditioned what few customers they still have to expect new games for “free” on Gamepass. Hi-Fi was praised for what it was but is still considered a massive flop. Even if they did make smaller AA games you’re forgetting one thing, Microsoft hasn’t put out a decent AAA since the original Halos.

            • 3 months ago

              > Well first of all the heads of the studio are all evil and moronic to be brief, they have an agenda and don't care about the brand as much as where they will land next, for them it is a gig because they have ambitions
              fair point, that's true for most industries currently. the executives are prioritizing themselves over the brand because as soon as they get through the door they're already thinking about where to go next. every company is a stepping stone to a better one, business majors are too ingrained into too many industries, they care nothing about anything other than making money. the product doesn't matter, the consumers don't matter, it's about short term potential gains so they can move up.

              they're the filthy parse padders in mmorpgs, trying to use tricks to get a good parse so they can apply to a better guild and they keep doing that over and over again. there was a wow boss where you could wipe the raid if you had everyone use their damage over times on everything to pad their parse, everyone that cared about the success of the raid was not multidotting because of that. but these motherfrickers would do it in a heartbeat, it doesn't matter if the raid wipes as long as they're on top of the damage meters. it doesn't matter if the guild implodes because they're incompetent, as long as they're already in the next guild before that happens.

      • 3 months ago

        Why does Timmy still give away games on Epic Chinese Store? They're bleeding so much money. We know because Epic v. Apple court case revealed their cashflow in buying out exclusives on EGS vs Steam. And Kingdom Hearts is forever on EGS and never ever on Steam. A lot of cash to pay Disney for that.

    • 3 months ago

      I like how he laid a proper point but chose to be a moron on his narrative so he kept downplaying it; it won't change dramatically, but IT WILL change it and that's what they needed but they keep delaying it and waste valuable time

      >two players are as strong

  23. 3 months ago

    Because there is no reason to get a fricking xbox UNLESS you're a) a third world poorgay abusing the series S with gamepass, b) someone who's been in a coma for the last 10 years and wants to catch up with old ass games from GP for a relatively cheap price or c) a brand loyalist
    You have a PC? No reason to get an xbox. Everything is literally there but better
    You have a playstation console? no reason to get an xbox unless you for some reason want to play starfield or redfall or any fricking moronicly awful game that phil funds instead of funding GOOD fricking games with his infinite budget. Hi-fi rush was nice and it's borderline hysterical that it got ported to a playstation console
    There's no reason at all. Your competition pulls out a spiderman, god of war, FF every year and even though they are very mediocre games they're enough for the normies to say "eh, let's just stick with this". Sony also has the FIFA audience with kratos walking into a football pitch in a champion's league match
    It's fricked up because MS can't even play dirty to win.

    • 3 months ago

      Snoygay don't pretend your ship is not in the same water.
      The playstaion brand is almost as fricked.

      The reality is that PC won and consoles lost their place the moment the crypto market collapsed and GPUs were once more affordable. Neither Sony or MS know how to do business anymore. Both companies are shitting the bed across the board. The source of MS infinite money was Azure and it is dying. Sony is in an equally grim position, the entire electronics area has been more or less eaten alive.

      Only Nintendo hangs in there because they understand their business.

  24. 3 months ago
  25. 3 months ago

    Literally no one had a clue after Peter Moore left.
    The Xbox 360 was shit and the engineers who worked on it knew it and blame MS for constantly fricking them over. Whatever initial edge they got over the PS3 was not worth it as MS was continuously replacing units for free. The intent of the Xbox 360 was to hurt the competition as much as possible and this still happened under the time MS Studios still followed Peter Moore playbook.

    Matrick killed the brand and Phil Spencer pissed on the body.

  26. 3 months ago

    Xbone prelaunch scared a bunch of people into switching to pc/ps, its been bleeding ever since and never really recovered it’s audience or grip on the market. It’s being kept alive by millennials the same way television is kept alive by boomers.

    • 3 months ago

      >. It’s being kept alive by millennials the same way television is kept alive by boomers.
      That's why Phil randomly said GEN ALPHA, WE HAVE TO APPEAL TO GEN ALPHA. This dude is all over the place, millennials who bought into Xbox ecosystem are fading out of Xbox and they aren't being replaced by Gen Z or Gen Alpha. This is a carnival of a brand, because by appealing to Gen Alpha teenagers they're going to burn bridges with Gen Y.

  27. 3 months ago

    It finally died like it should have when it started, it was inevitable. should have never entered the console scene, microsoft would have fared better if they just kept making consoles for sega. The 360 was their best attempt, i'll give them that.

  28. 3 months ago

    why is phil being blamed here? it's not him who makes the final decisions, nadella often overrules him and has said in the past he wouldn't mind if the xbox brand died

    • 3 months ago

      >nadella often overrules him and has said in the past he wouldn't mind if the xbox brand died
      That was before Azure began to collapse, now they have to give a frick. MS will have to restructure their entire company soon. I mean lmao they are literally can't compete against software developed FOR FREE.

  29. 3 months ago

    Xbox is in this weird limbo with regards to the other players in the industry. Despite being the highest end console, the Series X isn't given the red carpet premiere treatment in multiplatforms. Stranger still, Xbox 1st party games like HiFiRush, Ghostwire: Tokyo, and Deathloop have oddities present on Xbox but the PS5 version are tangibly better despite PS5 being a weaker hardware than X. They're not dirt cheap enough like Nintendo and all Switch consoles are physical compatible, something the dirt cheap S can't do which repels the middle of the road consumer from taking a chance on Xbox.
    >High end
    PC, PS5
    >Low end
    Steam Deck, Nintendo Switch
    And Microsoft can't claw out a niche of their own. You can shout gamepass all day but that's something on PC too. And PC gamers are largely ignoring it, the subscriptions stalled for a reason. I think they won't make another console despite their bluster and bravado PR in light of all the 3rd party death rumors swirling Xbox. But even if they make another console, I think it will be a very high end product that Microsoft will cater to $800 dollar territory for the super fans and profit from them.

    • 3 months ago

      >have oddities present on Xbox but the PS5 version are tangibly better despite PS5 being a weaker hardware than X.
      I've heard this is because the xbox consoles use dx12 api, and Sony uses vulkan. Or something like that.

  30. 3 months ago

    I don't know what xbox has done the past several years besides gamepass.

    • 3 months ago

      honestly same could be said for sony
      nintendo is consistent with their first party releases
      xbox just has to be more consistent with game releases and not wait 5+ years to release shit
      utilize rare and it's IP for the nostalgia gays
      utilize obsidian for isometric rpgs instead of whatever they're doing with avowed
      literally just change the MC's looks in the new fable
      they can still turn shit around but investors and the poo CEO are the issue here, immediate profits over long-term profit

      • 3 months ago

        >immediate profits over long-term profit
        They have none.

        They could had turn the ship around but the current position is to just kill the brand because the pajeet in charge decided he did not care anymore if he shat all over the brand because he will retire like a bandit anyways. The women in charge are either absent or a burden. No one there literally cares.

  31. 3 months ago

    Xbox has been around for 22 years and had maybe four years of relevance. The early 360 era is not coming back. It's time to let go.

    • 3 months ago


  32. 3 months ago

    I'm waiting until xbox consoles are given for free with my stockpiled $1 gamepass subs.

  33. 3 months ago

    Phils bringing more than hype he's bringing games to Playstation.

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