There are days where I feel like this is the best retro video game ever made.

There are days where I feel like this is the best retro video game ever made. It doesn't quite capture the faster paced, platforming, secret finding, of previous games, namely Super Metroid. It's not really a "good transition into 3D" for the franchise. However taken on its own accord, more akin to a first person Zelda game, it's absolutely phenomenal. It's atmospheric, with tremendous musical scoring, and tight concise gameplay. The graphics are insane considering the era, one where 3D polygons, and texture mapping, was just improving a ways over the initial set of 3D consoles. It has attention to detail that still amazes me when I replay it. As soon as you land onto Talon IV, you can look up at the rain and it will actually accumulate and flow down your visor. When you charge up your beam cannon in a dark room the room will be illuminated, and firing off the shot has the illumination following the blast to its impact and disintegration.

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  1. 6 months ago

    No, it's not quite Super Metroid in three dimensions. What it is though is an action-adventure that is deceptively intricate, well paced, with quite a bit of optional lore. It does things in a very intuitive way, much like previous Metroid games. When you reach new areas, typically you wont have a door slam shut and lock behind you. Metroid games tend to get you somewhere that you can't leave unless you discover a new ability. What keeps you from leaving a room might be that the platform you came from is just too high to jump, so you acquire a double jump, and then you can naturally find your way back out. You fall into a boss battle, when you defeat them you either receive the morphball, or the spiderball, and naturally the way out is right there beckoning you to make use of your new capabilities immediately. To me, this is the core of the series, even more than platforming, or being expedient. It's about the moments when you need to find the ice beam to create platforms to get out of a pit, and the moments you arrive back into a familiar location after a forign and alarming detour. Making the unknown known, and conquering threatening areas as they reconnect you back to where you've come from. Metroid Prime nails that core. There's metroidvania as a genre, and then there's Metroid games.

  2. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      have a nice day

      this game is niche and it should stay niche. No one understands this game like I do. It's not easy to maintain this balance of being the worlds biggest Metroid fan while also not being a total dweeb nerd, but I pull it off. No one truly gets this game. No one has experienced it and let it shape their personality like it has mine. You just don't get it. Also, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is better.

      It was the bestselling metroid game on an unpopular console, until metroid dread, which released on a popular console. Not niche

      Im just gonna say it. The Wii versions control scheme is far superior to the GameCube

      Not an unpopular or unique opinion

      What game has an even less deserved 99/100 type reputation than Prime 1? I'm really asking if anyone has a better candidate. Prime was a combo of Nintendo bonus, dry female protagonist bonus, and white people can make first party Nintendo games too bonus. It's in fact a mediocre 8/10 or so that's only notable for not completely ruining Metroid fundamentals despite being first person.

      Nobody has ever ripped off prime gameplay in any significant way because they know it's an air sandwich.

      >mediocre 8/10
      Reading too much IGN has fricking rotted your mind. If 8 is mediocre the ratings scheme is useless and should be tossed or replaced. I liked when eurogamer just got rid of them

      • 6 months ago

        Compared to "critically acceptable candidate for game of the decade" type reception prime actually got, yes an 8/10 "competent gimmick adaptation no one should try again" is mediocre.

        • 6 months ago

          Sorry, 8/10 is firmy "great but flawed" territory, maybe with some limited mediocrity present. "Mediocre" itself is 7/10 at MAXIMUM, and realistically more like a 6.

  3. 6 months ago

    this game is niche and it should stay niche. No one understands this game like I do. It's not easy to maintain this balance of being the worlds biggest Metroid fan while also not being a total dweeb nerd, but I pull it off. No one truly gets this game. No one has experienced it and let it shape their personality like it has mine. You just don't get it. Also, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is better.

    • 6 months ago

      bruh, an anon on Ganker literally reposts a screenshot of my comment last year. Where I talked about how life was rocky when I experienced this game, and I have to buy remakes of it.

      • 6 months ago

        ? what. can you elaborate? I'm that anon btw.

      • 6 months ago

        breeeehhh frfr no brocooli cap ?

      • 6 months ago

        Haha I saw his reposts so many times over the year, and I remember seeing your post back then.

        • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      pretty sure it came packed with the Gamecube

    • 6 months ago

      this is unironically how i feel about Suda51 games. I will always ignore killer7 threads because newbies dont get the game like I do

  4. 6 months ago

    >female protagonist

    • 6 months ago

      If she was real, she'd be the perfect female.
      >never talks

      • 6 months ago

        >doesn't poop

        • 6 months ago

          >rolls into a ball

  5. 6 months ago

    there is a ton, a ton of combat that is quite boring. I admit I might have a blindspot and give zelda more of a pass for tedious z targeting combat but in prime it was nothing more than a chore for me.

  6. 6 months ago

    this and re4 were the only reasons to own a gamecube

    • 6 months ago

      Wii versions of both are superior.

      • 6 months ago

        >he bought a wii
        everyone point and laugh

        • 6 months ago

          The Wii is basically an upgraded fully compatible Gamecube that's easy to hack.

          I can't really think of a reason to get a Gamecube over a Wii once it came out unless you really want to try the GBA thing.

          • 6 months ago

            Wii has a bug that makes 480p noticeably blurrier than Gamecube 480p, which is why Melee appears sharper than Brawl.

            • 6 months ago

              Was fixed awhile ago

  7. 6 months ago

    Im just gonna say it. The Wii versions control scheme is far superior to the GameCube

    • 6 months ago

      >censored version
      oh, oof, ow, no thanks.

      • 6 months ago

        >censored the word damn in metroid 3

        is this even something to austically sperg out about?

        • 6 months ago

          they retconned a ton of cool story elements.

        • 6 months ago

          Prime 3 was never on the Gamecube.

        • 6 months ago

          /v/tards leak here from time to time, just ignore him.

    • 6 months ago

      Wii versions of both are superior.

      >censored version
      oh, oof, ow, no thanks.

      >they don't know about Prime hack
      PC first person shooter mod that uses the original gamecube versions.

      • 6 months ago

        ya no thanks i wanna play it the way god intended

        • 6 months ago

          I also enjoy the gamecube control scheme. I would say it's a tie between Prime Hack and GCC for enjoyment. sadly hate the wii versions.

    • 6 months ago


  8. 6 months ago

    What game has an even less deserved 99/100 type reputation than Prime 1? I'm really asking if anyone has a better candidate. Prime was a combo of Nintendo bonus, dry female protagonist bonus, and white people can make first party Nintendo games too bonus. It's in fact a mediocre 8/10 or so that's only notable for not completely ruining Metroid fundamentals despite being first person.

    Nobody has ever ripped off prime gameplay in any significant way because they know it's an air sandwich.

  9. 6 months ago

    i never really got the appeal. i've dropped the game three separate times. like, that proves it's playable, but i just think it's bland. the enemies are few and far between and they're generally braindead. the ost sounds to me like something you'd hear in a company's new hire orientation video. environmental interactions are everything zelda is unjustly criticized for, all the simplicity but with none of the elegant satisfaction. the environments themselves, too, i think are rather plain, and the game's grasp of vertical level design seems misguided, since so much of it is cluttered and doesn't lend itself to the ideal of a 3d world. and quite frankly, i think the game/animation look silly in 60fps, but then again i think that about a lot of games, so i'm willing to chalk that up to it being a "me" thing

  10. 6 months ago

    >When you charge up your beam cannon in a dark room the room will be illuminated, and firing off the shot has the illumination following the blast to its impact and disintegration.
    not in the remake lmao
    now pay for it and be a good consumer

    I'm kidding. The remake is shit but the game is fantastic.

    • 6 months ago

      why are you missing all the details the remake added compared to the original

      • 6 months ago

        name 5

        • 6 months ago

          inside of visor glowing with shots and map screen
          heatwave effect in magmoor
          flamethrowers in magmoor lighting up the surroundings
          water rolling directionally off the arm cannon if you look up or down
          arm cannon dynamically heating up and then cooling down when you charge or rapidly shoot in the thermal visor

          • 6 months ago

            >visor lit up in original
            >heatwave is new i think
            >flamethrower light is new but silly since your beams don't light the environment anymore
            >water bounced off in the original, but the rolling is new and looks v nice
            >arm cannon did this in the original

            I like the remake, but there's a lot of other little details missing. I'm gonna make a YT vid about it sometime

            • 6 months ago

              >visor lit up in original
              no it did not
              >arm cannon did this in the original
              no it did not, the thermal visor in the original is just a pallete swap

              • 6 months ago

                he might mean that reflection Samus has when shooting a charge beam too close to a wall or something

          • 6 months ago

            the pulse bombus and morph balls also lost their lighting in the remake. seems like a mixed bag

  11. 6 months ago

    I feel almost exactly the same way, except for Prime 2.

  12. 6 months ago

    It plays like sludge

  13. 6 months ago


  14. 6 months ago

    It's one of those games that's kind of lop-sided in it's quality.
    As a first person exploratory adventure game, it's great, and the best part is when you get to the artefact hunt at the end, because it goes full gloves off, and has you traversing the whole map, based on contextual clues that you have to read and pay attention to, which is awesome.

    But yeah, if that's not your thing, and you're expecting more of a first person shooter, it's not really that. The shooting is there, but it's not amazing. It's all just kind of no frills functional.

    • 6 months ago

      Why aren't there more first persona exploratory games that aren't full walking sims
      Closest I feel is system shock 2 and fallout 3

      • 6 months ago

        Metroid Prime feels like it's wedged somewhere between the whole Myst clone genre, and games like System Shock.
        There definitely are a good number of first person adventure games in the Myst sense, but ones that are also these grand scale world exploring adventures are kind of rare.

        I feel like if you're looking for something with the kind of pacing, and sense of exploration as Metroid Prime, Dark Souls might be the best thing you'll find, and that obviously is not a first person game. Maybe From Software's older games, which I admittedly never played, but they look kind of clonky in comparison.

        • 6 months ago

          Dark souls doesn't have nough exploration for me. No puzzles either. Its focused on combat and I find its combat pretty dull.

          • 6 months ago

            the answer to your question is the first thief game and some of its fan missions.

            • 6 months ago

              Why only the 1st

              • 6 months ago

                it would still apply, probably reaching on a distinction between them. the second game is more laser focused on stealth and the exploration is a bit streamlined, less mystery and getting lost. still complex areas to explore.

    • 6 months ago

      >it goes full gloves off, and has you traversing the whole map, based on contextual clues that you have to read and pay attention to, which is awesome.
      Anon, you go to the artifact temple and each pillar has a scan log that tells you in bold red letters which room to look in. It's hardly brilliant game design, it's busywork.
      I like the game, I really do, but the fun of the traditional Metroid endgame is in exploring the map for any powerups you missed, with your full moveset and the map fully open to you to explore.
      You could remove the artifact hunt from Metroid Prime entirely and the game wouldn't suffer for it.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah, it tells you which room to look in, but not how to actually find the thing.
        You also have to figure out to scan the statues and read that shit in the first place. A lot of people will skip that stuff, assuming it's fluff text.

  15. 6 months ago

    I haven't played it since it first came out but remember it being absolutely great. The feelings of adventure and tension playing this at 2am as a teenage super metroid fanboy were something.
    I vaguely recall it having some mechanical issues but I'd love to replay it. Might even DL dolphin.

    • 6 months ago

      I, Anonymous, will highly recommend the entire trilogy. 2 and especially 3 are underrated. They're each some of the best games ever made.

      • 6 months ago

        I might just do that, Anon. I basically haven't played any Nintendo games since Prime 1 and Wind Waker.

        • 6 months ago


  16. 6 months ago

    I have a hacked Switch and never owned a Gamecube back then so I missed out on this.
    Is this game actually WORTH a purchase or should I just pirate?

    • 6 months ago

      This is a funny question.
      The game is absolutely worth money: ie, the devs definitely deserve to be compensated for their work.
      If this were the 2000's I'd say "Yes, definitely, absolutely buy a copy", but you'd also be able to go to a rental store and try the game for a few days to see if you actually like the game first.

      If you're asking about the remaster: 1) it's an upgrade in some ways to the original, but a downgrade in some other small ways, and 2) it *was* developed by Retro Studios, but they're not exactly the same studio that developed the original game.
      Selfishly speaking, I'd say "Yes, buy a copy" if you're thinking about getting the remaster, because they're working on Prime 4. I want Prime 4 to be good, and I want Ninty to consider the Prime series to be something people are interested in.

      • 6 months ago

        This game came out over 20 years ago. The only people getting paid off your purchase are just Gankergays with the rights.
        If you worked in a grocery store as a teen, do you still get royalties from that sick endcap design you did in '98?

        • 6 months ago

          >Selfishly speaking...
          That remaster came out in Feburary. The shareholders who only care about quarterly sales, that being 99+% of them, are not very likely to look at the sales performance of a game almost a year old. The only real outsiders to this are the people who genuinely care about an individual IP, and cases like Skyrim where an older game continues to sell notably well.
          If we were talking about an indie developer, where voting with your dollar can at least conceivably go beyond a fiscal quarter, then I might agree with you. As it stands... the Metroid Prime remaster broke a million sales in the first month. If nintendo isn't trying already, they're dumbasses and were never going to bother in the first place. But for the love of God, PLEASE have them be trying...

          It's easy to be cynical and find excuses not to pay for things, but "voting with your wallet" does actually effect game development.

          Yeah, it tells you which room to look in, but not how to actually find the thing.
          You also have to figure out to scan the statues and read that shit in the first place. A lot of people will skip that stuff, assuming it's fluff text.

          >You also have to figure out to scan the statues and read that shit in the first place. A lot of people will skip that stuff, assuming it's fluff text.
          Anon, these are examples of the scan log entries.
          >Invaders have claimed Phendrana as their own. A [ Tower ] sits atop their fortress. Collapse it to reveal the chamber where the Artifact of Elder is held
          >A room of [ Research ] lies within the mines. A corrupted invader is trapped there. Defeat this creature to claim the Artifact of Warrior.
          You'd have to be a bonafide *idiot* to "assume it's fluff text"

          At any rate, the fun of the Metroid Prime games to me isn't really in the puzzle solving (definitely not the Artifact collecting) or the shooting (although I like Prime 2 the best, and I think it's the hardest game and has the most challenging and interesting puzzles).
          The fun is in the total-work effect of putting you in the boots of bounty hunter on a space adventure.

      • 6 months ago

        >Selfishly speaking...
        That remaster came out in Feburary. The shareholders who only care about quarterly sales, that being 99+% of them, are not very likely to look at the sales performance of a game almost a year old. The only real outsiders to this are the people who genuinely care about an individual IP, and cases like Skyrim where an older game continues to sell notably well.
        If we were talking about an indie developer, where voting with your dollar can at least conceivably go beyond a fiscal quarter, then I might agree with you. As it stands... the Metroid Prime remaster broke a million sales in the first month. If nintendo isn't trying already, they're dumbasses and were never going to bother in the first place. But for the love of God, PLEASE have them be trying...

        • 6 months ago

          >That remaster came out in Feburary.
          >it's true
          Man I could fricking swear the remaster came out in June or September, it really doesn't feel it came out in february from last year

          • 6 months ago

            yes, yes it does. it's a year old. it feels a year old. a whole year has transpired.

      • 6 months ago

        Prime 4 will not be good (if it ever comes out), and you know it.

  17. 6 months ago

    I wanted to play Metroid Prime on GameCube, but I've noticed that Prime 3 is only on the Wii. Can it be played with a traditional controller?

    • 6 months ago

      No it can't, but you might actually like the motion control scheme. It feels more natural than other FPS controls to me.

  18. 6 months ago

    It's really hard for me to get past how pedestrian the action and platforming are. the great thing about super and the later 2d games is that they're a complete package, really solid 8 way run n gun, platforming unto itself, and of course the exploration. prime approximates those first 2 elements and it's...ok, fine. I guess it's basically the same dichotomy between the 4th and 5th gen, the transcendence of 3d at the cost of removing any real dynamic kinetic quality.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah as I said in the OP it's not a really good translation of the original game's in some ways. Though I do feel like it's "a complete package" in a new, very satisfying way. I'm honestly not big into platforming, and I liked the speedball plus ramps aspect. The speedball is a new ability even, and they find ways to use it in fun ways. The sequel Prime 2 Echoes moreso! - Metroid Prime is just a very solid and polished experience, there's something about wandering around and feeling like you're in control, you can go into a room and have enemies ambush you, and yet you don't feel naked? the power armor is believable, with the bit of visor shake, the little graphical details, when you aim your arm canon the the HUD shifts an angle scale. Frankly I've never played a game that made such a pivotal aspect of it so *believable* the armored suit feels as real as the Gamecube I played it on, it's hardware and technology that very much exists.

      I don't really care about the platforming no. You also mention the action, that's where I would have to disagree with you. Action probably does just mean quick movements and lots of exchanging attacks with enemies, but I also believe it comes from tension and pacing. There's parts where you navigate a laboratory, and then the power goes out, and you have to switch visors, and suddenly enemies that come down on you from the air are highlighted over a black backdrop. The action is how these elements come together, everything complements one another. You face off against imposing threats, and you feel like you are in control of the situation. It's very immersive.

    • 6 months ago

      Nintendo games have pedestrian action. Super Metroid might be challenging for small children, but for it's era the action is just going through the motions.

      • 6 months ago

        Super Metroid is easy to learn, but it has an insanely high skill ceiling.

        Prime 4 will not be good (if it ever comes out), and you know it.

        Retro Studios is still good, right?
        Dread was also ok. I didn't like the artstyle, but they did a pretty good job with the gameplay.
        I probably shouldn't have hope, but I do.

  19. 6 months ago

    >best retro video game
    You can just call it a video game.

  20. 6 months ago

    A total stinker, literally one of two games I never bothered finishing, the other being Beyond the Beyond, but I got further in that one, so this is basically the worst. Not only is the FPS crap an insult to real gamers, the dumb-ass scanning was tedious as frick and worst of all that budget could have been used on a proper, 2D, Metroid. Even the intro is a massive FRICK YOU, Samus is in third person perspective (at least that wouldn't be as awful, despite the 3D) and then they shit on you as they zoom in while the item jingle plays as if it's saying haha gotcha, like you're getting a new tool but this time the tool is YOU.

    • 6 months ago

      >while the item jingle plays
      Haha look at this nerd, he doesn't even know the right music.

  21. 6 months ago

    fyi exhumed/powerslave is a proto metroid prime, at least the saturn version

    • 6 months ago

      I do not know which version to choose now, there's a fan remake, there's a official remake, ect.

  22. 6 months ago

    I used to really like it as a teen but every time I try to replay it I get bored for some reason. I think the puzzles are bit too simple and the scan logs aren't fun to read. Very lonely feeling game , the world really feels like it's full of critters with no character to anything . Maybe that's the appeal

    • 6 months ago

      It's way more immersive than Ocarina of Time. Last time I played that I stopped at the Shadow Temple.

      • 6 months ago

        Subjective but I can see why you'd say that. I like npc interactions and side quests too much to prefer Metroid Prime. It's almost getting comical how blatantly everyone compares their favorite game with Ocarina on this board. Like you're trying to dethrone the game with the best reputation but it'll never happen

        • 6 months ago

          I compared it because of it being overrated, there's a high probability that someone will think highly of it.
          Metroid Prime is more immersive because of all the attention to detail. It might not be too fair a comparison because a Gamecube is more powerful than an N64.

          • 6 months ago

            This is an absolutely ridiculous conversation

            • 6 months ago

              Metroid Prime > Ocarina of Time

  23. 6 months ago

    Metroid was never great, it should focus on either action or exploration instead of just being mediocre at both

    • 6 months ago

      Super Metroid and Metroid Prime are among the highest rated games of all time.

      • 6 months ago

        By the easily impressed tastelet, yes

        • 6 months ago

          You wouldn't be able to name me a better game than Super Metroid.

          • 6 months ago

            Imagine wanking over that boring shit when you could play Contra, Cybernator, Sunset Riders or some Natsume action game instead. Even Kirby had a better mix of exploration/action.
            Games like Metroid sell because they are long, not because they are great.

            • 6 months ago

              Not one of those games has a moveset or map design as interesting as Super Metroid's.

              • 6 months ago

                >muh map
                >muh gimmicky controls
                Like clockwork

              • 6 months ago

                >people praise the exceptionally good things about a game
                Like clockwork, dude.

              • 6 months ago

                >shit action sidescroller
                >mediocre exploration game
                So what's so good about it? 2 meh don't make a great you know

              • 6 months ago

                You cannot name a single game with exploration as interesting as in Super Metroid.
                I can cop to it being less interesting for action than Contra or Mega Man X or some other action game, but the skill ceiling for Super Metroid is incredibly high: it excels as a timed-completion focused platformer with its intricate moveset.

              • 6 months ago

                >You cannot name a single game with exploration as interesting as in Super Metroid.
                There were a shitload of dungeon crawlers with better exploration than SM at the time. And if you mean 2D then even the original Metroid and other 8-bits exploration sidescrollers were better by not babysitting you with a map.

                >but the skill ceiling for Super Metroid is incredibly high
                Dude, getting used to the moronic wall jump isn't hard. And if you mean speedmemeing then any kusoge can get challenging if you that way.

              • 6 months ago

                >And if you mean 2D then even the original Metroid and other 8-bits exploration sidescrollers were better by not babysitting you with a map
                Why exactly are you so obsessed with a map you don't have to use?

              • 6 months ago

                >dude just ignore basic game features lol
                This shows how little you care about exploration, and exposes a speedtroony mentality

              • 6 months ago

                Nobody is forcing you to pause the game and look at the map if you hate it so much.

              • 6 months ago

                Just like nobody forces you to play a boring game like SM nor transitioning, but hey...

              • 6 months ago

                No, besides Metroid sequels (by which I mean like ... Prime 1 and Dread, neither of which are as good), there really are no games with maps as well designed as Super Metroid.
                Tons of games "have exploration", but pretty much only Super Metroid is so tightly designed, with an intended sequence of items, but with the designers also accounting for sequence breaking and ensuring the player wouldn't get stuck if they broke the sequence.
                It's the kind of thing you can only appreciate if you actually pay attention to what you're playing, but once you see the amount of attention and planning the designers put into the game it's impossible not to appreciate it.
                Super Metroid is the pappy of an entire genre, the Metroidvania genre, and no game in the Metroidvania genre since Super even comes close to how finely crafted it is.

                And sure you CAN speedrun any garbage, but people speedrun Super Metroid because it was designed to challenge players to beat it quickly. The current world record is around 40 minutes and it takes actual skill, like learning to play an instrument at a master level, to get to that point. That's how fine the game is.

                I expect you to keep shitposting, but I feel it's worth it to assert these truths regardless.

              • 6 months ago

                I did not appreciate the amount of backtracking you have to do in prime 1

              • 6 months ago

                Sure, but unless someone can give a good argument otherwise, I'm pretty sure Prime 1 is tighter than the Metroid-like Castlevanias, making Prime 1's map one of the better "Metroidvania" map layouts.
                The layout of Prime 1 isn't really the problem either, it's the artifact hunt which forces backtracking on the player to pad out the runtime.

              • 6 months ago

                >but with the designers also accounting for sequence breaking
                You mean the ones that you will never do in a first run? And even then the "intended breaks" are extremely limited, what the troons do is exploiting the game in completely unintended ways.
                >it takes actual skill, like learning to play an instrument at a master level
                You can wank all you want but it's no different from playing any other kusoge, that's how speedmemeing works.
                The fact that you think SM is that free of an exploration game just shows how little you know about the genre. But yes I agree that it's important for "metroidvanias", a genre about mizing mediocre action and mediocre exploration.

              • 6 months ago

                >You mean the ones that you will never do in a first run?
                Well maybe not a map obsessed midwit like you. Also who cares about a first run?

              • 6 months ago

                >y-you are just using the map! It's not like the game constantly handholds midwits from A to B!
                Sure thing
                >Also who cares about a first run?
                That's literally the only appeal of the game if you aren't into the MTF thing

              • 6 months ago

                >It's not like the game constantly handholds midwits from A to B!
                I would say you would know but what you said isn't even true.
                >That's literally the only appeal of the game if you aren't into the MTF thing
                This isn't Jet Set Willy or whatever awful game you think is good. This game can be replayed.

              • 6 months ago

                Replaying an exploration game where you don't have anything to explore and where the action is shit compared to proper action games... yeah that makes sense in the troon's mind

              • 6 months ago

                People replay games with god tier controls and complexity. Once again much unlike the trash you genuinely think is good.

              • 6 months ago

                Sure thing troon, the hormones fricked up your brain for a proper action game anyway

              • 6 months ago

                Huh? The Prime randomizer is insanely popular
                wtf is even going on in this thread

              • 6 months ago
                Truly...a video game

                NTA but only troons play prime randomizer and speed run the games. And I love prime...

              • 6 months ago

                ah yes, it's the troonys™ that enjoy speedrunning Metroid games of all things. /s

              • 6 months ago

                >You can wank all you want but it's no different from playing any other kusoge
                There's a real difference between learning to play Stairway to Heaven on electric guitar versus Shostakovich’s 1st Concerto, cello.
                Super Metroid really is a fine game.

    • 6 months ago

      Midwits always get filtered by games with multiple genre concepts.

      • 6 months ago

        Midwits love half-assed gimmicky hybrid games though.
        >omg it's a mediocre sidescroller but with a map!!

        • 6 months ago

          No they don't. They think they're genius for demanding games fit more easily into genre definitions by making them less unique. Dumbasses and actual smart fellas recognize that novelty and banality both exist separate from quality.

          • 6 months ago

            >muh unique
            Keyword for plebs who can't into quality, and let's not pretend Super Metroid isn't just a casualized streamlined version of similar 80s games, please.

            • 6 months ago

              >and let's not pretend Super Metroid isn't just a casualized streamlined version of similar 80s games, please
              We're reaching peak midwit. Let me guess: "me manic miner, was the real me'roid"

  24. 6 months ago

    Phendara's Edge and the space pirate lab were the two most memorable areas in the game. The only downside I'd say is the final boss being kind of a let down

  25. 6 months ago

    Shitting yourself over Super Metroid is one of the more useless ways to spend your time.

    • 6 months ago

      Not as bad as wanking over a mediocre game for an eternity ya know

      >and let's not pretend Super Metroid isn't just a casualized streamlined version of similar 80s games, please
      We're reaching peak midwit. Let me guess: "me manic miner, was the real me'roid"

      >this early 80s game is the only precedent to 2d exploration
      Cool nitpicking, shitter

      • 6 months ago

        I was right on the money about the Manic Miner shit.

      • 6 months ago

        I could boot up Super Metroid right now and have some actual fun. Don't make me.

  26. 6 months ago

    For the record, typing "Super Metroid world record" into youtube search nets you videos with normal looking males of Euro descent in every thumbnail, barring the ones with no player on camera.

  27. 6 months ago

    you are fricking delusional

    • 6 months ago

      nb4 can't

      • 6 months ago

        Not sure that was worth the bump.

        • 6 months ago

          I guess we'll never know

  28. 6 months ago

    >However taken on its own accord, more akin to a first person Zelda game,

    Zelda and Metroid have always been very, very similar design wise. Most people just don't notice because the theme is different, Alien vs medieval fantasy and traditionally one was always side scrolling while the other was mostly top-down. Put them in 3D and suddenly the similarities become apparent. I think that's a big part of why Metroid Prime is 1st person. If they made it a 3rd person action game it would literally just be Zelda vs Aliens.

  29. 6 months ago

    The graphics and setting are good, but the actual gameplay is ASS

    • 6 months ago


  30. 6 months ago

    It is excellent. My only complaint is that it only takes 6 hours to beat. The atmosphere and the weapon/ability progression are peak. The world of Tallon IV and the lore (especially the chozo lore) always filled me with a sense of wonder as a kid, and they still hold up today. Also the battle of ideologies between the space pirates and the chozo was kino.

  31. 6 months ago

    It's not Retro if I lived to remember it you fricking zoomer

  32. 6 months ago

    prime 1 is amazing but i can't help but feel that they didn't fully do the gameplay of super metroid justice in 3d.
    I guess its a more streamlined version. also the map is too flat and the optional collectables too obvious imo.

  33. 6 months ago

    This thread has way too many Ganker tourists spouting their contrarian shit but fail to articulate why they feel that way.

  34. 6 months ago

    they did a really good job capturing the adventure/exploration portions of super metroid but couldnt get the gameplay for obvious reasons. I would expect nothing short of straight up quake movement in order to make the game as smooth as super metroid in 3d which is unrealistic for most people.

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