There is only so much you can do to win a dota2 game alone, yet people say get good.

There is only so much you can do to win a dota2 game alone, yet people say get good.

Unless you spam mid and snowball and your team isnt fully moronic you can win, you will always have shitty teammates who lose you the game no matter what you do.

I just had a game where we 0-5 the safelane in 10mins and he had no items, but yet he won because our team was so fricking bad and ofc i get low mmr.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >There is only so much you can do to win a dota2 game alone
    no shit

    • 2 years ago

      Why don't they rerelease these skins ffs

      • 2 years ago

        Because people will get mad if they do.
        No, seriously, did you see how furious people were when invo persona got rereleased? Once their precious item is no longer "exclusive" they get pissed because they got "tricked" into buying battle pass levels or something like that.

        • 2 years ago

          nobody would give a shit if they didn't advertise them as exclusive lol, stop licking the boot so hard

      • 2 years ago

        A few homosexuals on Reddit would get insanely angry for about a week so they would rather not risk it

    • 2 years ago


      I still feel like FOMO is a meme for skins. Do skins really sell better if they are a limited time vs. if they are always available?

      • 2 years ago

        Of course. FOMO is a powerful as frick thing. Even if I'm aware it exists I suffer from it at times myself.

        I don't play dota anymore but I keep a cool grand of money lying around whenever I get inflicted by it so I don't do something really stupid and go broke.

  2. 2 years ago

    Yeah I guess immortal players just get there for no reason and crusaders are just as good as anyone else
    Get good, foolish ratposter

    • 2 years ago

      spamming le strong meta hero and pray for good teammates. itsn ot like CSGO where you can 1 tap people and win alone.

      • 2 years ago

        You can easily win alone if you understand the game well enough
        Shitters like to cope by repeating "muh team game, muh shitty teammates", but truthfully they understand nothing of the actual macro decisions you can make in a match and they just play 100 games like a bot instead of focusing on having quality matches
        Granted, some matches are absolutely unwinnable no matter what, but I'd those only constitute 5/10% of the total and they get compensated by those free wins you occasionally get
        t. used to be 7.5k two years ago, climbed all the way from 1k

        That's historic at this point.
        Go find someone doing a climb in 2022 where they don't stall out at the top of the troll bracket for 90% of the climb.

        That's still very easily doable, you have no fricking clue how many thousand Ruskies boost 1/2k mmr PER DAY just to make some cash (enough to live comfortably in their shit country)
        And a lot of them will bring accounts from 2k all the way to 5k, where the trench supposedly ends it doesn't

        • 2 years ago

          I have addict coinflipper friends who still play this dog pile, I know how many third worlders quote unquote play dota2.

          • 2 years ago

            Dota is played mostly by SEA monkey and the ruskies. Like 90% of the player base are them. That's why you are seeing more and more pros playing on SEA, pretty much the only server thats alive and well.p

    • 2 years ago

      Can't believe I used to be into this shit and sunk thousands of hours in trying to 'improve', even when Valve openly admits matchmaking is rigged against you

      This. They admitted you will get worse teammates to compensate, then you simply lose because you can't carry alone as position5, your carry will just die regardless of how much he farmed etc.

      game is trash.

      >nooo mmr agents aren't real take your meds chud
      Die out campo santo gay

      one of the absolute most popular types of content for these kind of games is "starting a new account and getting to top rank in X days", how do you explain those people basically always succeeding without teaming up with friends?

      • 2 years ago

        That's historic at this point.
        Go find someone doing a climb in 2022 where they don't stall out at the top of the troll bracket for 90% of the climb.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't think you realise the disparity in skill between even 2k mmr difference. I made a smurf to play with a friend who was 2.2k mmr when I was 5k, as the games where just pure jank if we queued together, and it was painful how easy it was to stomp when I tried. i've had games with top 100 immortal smurfs in my solo ranked games and they just take a dump over everyone.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Imagine playing shit skin container: the game in 2022
    Oh wait, I don't have to. OP already playing ass homosexuals.

  4. 2 years ago

    Can't believe I used to be into this shit and sunk thousands of hours in trying to 'improve', even when Valve openly admits matchmaking is rigged against you

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >nooo mmr agents aren't real take your meds chud
        Die out campo santo gay

    • 2 years ago

      This. They admitted you will get worse teammates to compensate, then you simply lose because you can't carry alone as position5, your carry will just die regardless of how much he farmed etc.

      game is trash.

      • 2 years ago

        You're not supposed to win more often, you're supposed to win the same against harder opponents.

        • 2 years ago

          Except most of the time it is balanced by not giving harder opponents but worse team. Only a few times do you actually have to go against a better enemy team while having competent teammates.

    • 2 years ago

      >wtf im meant to win every match why doesnt it let me win every match in this game that needs 10 people for a match
      The good players will beat the odds and keep winning
      The shitters will whine, and probably resort to buying a boost before promptly losing all their MMR once they take the account back anyway

  5. 2 years ago

    You will win 40 percent of games
    You will lose 40 percent of games
    Only 20 percent are the games that you really can influence.
    Really shows the moronic side of people though. "Muh team" "report X for playing badly"
    As if that matters.

    • 2 years ago

      more like you can win 80% its just 40% of those are very hard and you need to be better than everyone else so just spam games until you get there Blacks

      • 2 years ago

        the 40/40/20 or 80/20 is more of a if you are at the same skill level
        obviously if you are significantly better you can not only do your job, but do other peoples jobs partially too and win more
        hardly anyone can maintain a 70% winrate solo when climbing

    • 2 years ago

      >lose cuz teammate d/c's
      >lose cuz enemy has a smurf
      >lose cuz enemy has a bullshit hero like antimage that cant be countered
      >lose cuz your team has no vision, cuz your supports put wards in places that instantly get dewarded
      >lose cuz enemy team has someone using vision hacks
      its all so tiresome

  6. 2 years ago

    Playing this game solo was the first mistake you made. Dota is best enjoyed in captain's mode lobby.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Playing bootleg LOL game in 2022

    • 2 years ago

      if anything, LOL is the bootleg one, moron.
      Just because it's more popular doesn't mean it's not a chinese knock-off of dota mod from warcraft

    • 2 years ago

      Which one should I play for the rest of my life
      Dotoo or LuL ?

      • 2 years ago

        dota is better but league is much bigger odds are you find someone who says they play video games they probably played league or tried it out at some point much less likely dota, both are fine tho

        • 2 years ago

          If you are a masochist who want to play alone, dota.
          Play with friends then LOL
          Dota is pretty much dead in America and in the younger generation, so hard to find someone to play with.

          Have no friends
          Dota it is thanks guys

      • 2 years ago

        If you are a masochist who want to play alone, dota.
        Play with friends then LOL
        Dota is pretty much dead in America and in the younger generation, so hard to find someone to play with.

      • 2 years ago

        The better option is to eschew fortress assault games altogether.

  8. 2 years ago

    Just play league at this point.
    Valve has no idea what the frick they're doing anymore. I question if they ever did.

    • 2 years ago

      >Just play league

      • 2 years ago

        What's the difference both are le leddit, the game.

        • 2 years ago

          me ooga team booga

          league is literal garbage

          • 2 years ago

            Dota is dog shit after 7.00.

            • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Shit taste detected

            • 2 years ago

              >look at me parrot le epic Ganker opinion

              • 2 years ago

                Enjoy your leddit game. At least they added zeus marios bro jump, right. Ohh eeemmm geee, so epic bro. I understand that reference bro. We did it!!

  9. 2 years ago

    There's actually not a whole lot you can do about that.

    • 2 years ago

      Why did he have to ruin his legacy, he could have just quietly stopped posting videos and be immortalized as the face of dota at its peak.

      • 2 years ago

        His livestream where he logged out of bsj's account was the perfect ending to clq

    • 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    >watch 8K players smurf in 1K bracket as a pos5 support
    >he just AFK pushes waves all game
    >guaranteed reports from your entire team
    >openly admits there's like a 10-20% chance he loses anyway
    >literally all it would take is two of those games in a row and you get instant low prio
    nice game morons

    • 2 years ago

      >literally all it would take is two of those games in a row and you get instant low prio
      good, frick smurfs

      • 2 years ago

        I'm talking about people imitating their strategies, the smurfs don't give a shit if they get banned
        Even if we assume someone is climbing well and winning like 60-70% of those games, what the frick does it matter if every loss nets them 4+ reports and low prio, and throws you in the shadow pool full of griefers in future games?

  11. 2 years ago

    Get some friends loser

  12. 2 years ago

    >dota thread
    >in anno domini 2022
    Wanna talk about that new hot game called Counter-Strike? It's a bombastic mod for Half-Life! You can play as a terrorist or counter-terrorist and use a lot of cool guns, you can even use a machine gun!

  13. 2 years ago

    >Spam Visage for years
    >Patch like a year ago comes out
    >Visage is now secretly broken
    >Decide to go HAM
    >Get to 5.7k and reach Immortal
    >Haven't played for 3 months since
    It needs to be a combination of your heroes being good that particular patch and your mindset being in the right spot that you want to climb MMR.

    • 2 years ago

      you paly mid or offlane? I like visage but youre so fragile in lane pre e in the off...

    • 2 years ago

      >builds crimson guard

  14. 2 years ago

    You're not supposed to win every game. If you're good you'll naturally trend upwards. But basing solo mmr on a team game is stupid to begin with

  15. 2 years ago

    Spoken like a true scrub, I can make a new account playing exclusively offlane and be back in the 8k bracket in less than a month.
    You forced 50 spammers are some of the most pathetic people to ever exist, you never acknowledge your own faults. Im hard stuck at 8k but am well aware there are areas I can still improve on

    • 2 years ago

      >I can make a new account and climb with the most impactful lane in the game

  16. 2 years ago

    With the techies change the game was finally dead to me.

    Is there anything redeeming about the new techies or did they roll him back to actually being a fun shithead mining character?

    • 2 years ago

      Nope, assraped for good into a generic brool bot.

  17. 2 years ago

    >reworked techie
    Fricking soulless piece of shit. This ain't dota. This is some leg lego wanna be.

  18. 2 years ago

    there are absolutely games where you can win alone.
    ie, you stomp mid. you kill their mid 3 times and take their tower by 8 minutes. you rotate to kill the carry, take that tower. you rotate to kill the offlane, take that tower. at this point you've made the chance of winning for your team at least 70-30. and if you win a suzavke portion of that was you. you were the deciding factor.
    so in that sense the game is soloable. not every match allows this to happen though

  19. 2 years ago

    Prove everyone crying about 50/50 isn't just this
    Post the actual link were Valve admits it's rigged
    Anyone can effortlessly climb to legend by spamming almost any hero for a week or 2 and assuming they're not mentally challenged and actually study the fricking game.

    • 2 years ago

      >Post the actual link were Valve admits it's rigged

      • 2 years ago

        so you can't read?
        because its the matchmaker tries to make fair games based on your rating, if you are better than your rating you would win more and climb until you were back to playing fair games, if you were worse, go down, if you were equal, stay the same
        how is this rigged, this is literally the purpose of matchmaking, to give you a numerical value of skill and match you with other people of similar numerical value

        fricking moron

        • 2 years ago

          >forced 50 doesn't real!
          >well it does but it's a good thing!

          • 2 years ago

            Holy shit how moronic are you. Maybe you should play lol that seems more your speed.

            • 2 years ago

              jesus christ you cannot read

              >The Dota matchmaker will optimize for each individual game being well-balanced, defined as games where each side has an equal chance to win
              You understand this means that if you're on a winning streak, the game will actively match you with tards right? This is literally what 'forced 50' means

              A fair matchmaker would simply match you against a random assortment of people at your rank, then whoever wins most will climb naturally. This system does the opposite, anyone who keeps winning gets matched with the people who keep losing.

              • 2 years ago

                Get a brain my friend.

              • 2 years ago

                Anon you have no reading comprehension.
                They won't match you up with tards. You'll instead get match-up with better enemies because, guess fricking what, your MMR is increasing and when you have a higher MMR you are matched with people with higher skill levels.

                PLEASE get some reading comprehension and stop jumping to conclusions, you're fricking moronic.

                >baiting on the internet
                It's literally right there from a Valve employee lmao
                Keep defending your shitty skinnerbox homosexuals

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Uno reverse card

              • 2 years ago

                Anon you have no reading comprehension.
                They won't match you up with tards. You'll instead get match-up with better enemies because, guess fricking what, your MMR is increasing and when you have a higher MMR you are matched with people with higher skill levels.

              • 2 years ago

                PLEASE get some reading comprehension and stop jumping to conclusions, you're fricking moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                This is absolutely true. I have been there. Had a 9 game win streak and each consecutive win matched me with increasingly moronic teammates until there was literally no way to win the game.

              • 2 years ago

                >As the player gets better he gets matched with players similar to his skill level
                Like I said you are moronic, if you cant accept your faults just go play lol like all the other shitters.

              • 2 years ago

                Do not mind the valve drone moron replies, you are absolutely correct in this. This is just how player retention algorithms work, be glad it doesn't take into account(hopefully) how much money the player has spent into finding matches.

              • 2 years ago

                You're correct specially about this
                > Anyone who keeps winning gets matched with the people who keep losing.
                You can check your teammates loss spree during your winning spree and vice versa inb4 denial

                Get a brain my friend.

                Anon you have no reading comprehension.
                They won't match you up with tards. You'll instead get match-up with better enemies because, guess fricking what, your MMR is increasing and when you have a higher MMR you are matched with people with higher skill levels.

                PLEASE get some reading comprehension and stop jumping to conclusions, you're fricking moronic.

                Lick some boot somewhere else


                >Accept that losing games is expected
                Once again. All that matter is winning more than 50% of your games. Are you in a losing game? Don't tilt out. Don't give up. Use this game to try something new. Start playing hyper-aggressive and see if it works. Buy some weird items you normally never buy. Experiment. You were going to lose this game anyways so might as well learn something from it. If you can gain something from the games you lose you'll start winning more often.
                >Watch high MMR matches
                Watching some high MMR matches on heroes you wanna play to check what high MMR people buy and do will help give you an idea of what should be done
                >Watch your own replays
                Watching your own replays will help identify your own mistakes. Do your best to not get hung up on teammates. Support didn't pull? Well, maybe you should have pulled instead. It's the support's job, but if they won't do it someone has to. It's better to do it yourself and be less efficient than to not do it at all and just lose.
                >Learn to check for teammate cooldowns and items
                Just don't fight when your Enigma / Dawnbreaker / Spectre / Sven doesn't have ult. Don't expect your Sven to come and fight if he doesn't have BKB yet (he will just die and you'll lose).
                >Don't tilt your team
                If you don't have anything positive to say then don't say it. Without anything changing on the map, in your builds and even with a gold lead you can turn complete wins or equal games into guaranteed losses because you pissed off someone with anger issues and he'll rather drag you all down than just win (literally a suicidal mindset). You don't have to be all rainbows and sunshine either. The best thing you can do is only communicate to make calls, plays, or to spread information among your team.

                Based. Literally added that to the list because you reminded me.

                Problems of homosexual dota 2 matchmaking is like this anon said
                You can improve so much of your solo individual game skills so far when dota 2 is team based game where 1 player is not enough to change the probability of win condition it requires at least more than 3 players to play properly and the winners are the team who have the highest number of players with the best attention and skills and that gets ruined when matchmaker decides to do some fricked up shit like below
                >This is the biggest one for people like you who always b***h about teammates. I guarantee you that you've lost countless games because you tilted out or gave up even though you could have won. Accept losing situations and understand that what is true for you is also true for the enemy team. Maybe the enemy enigma will accidentally cancel his blackhole and you'll just win the game from that. Maybe the enemy sniper steps out of position and you'll win the game from that. Maybe some homosexual Black person just goes AFK and you win.
                Getting homosexual teammates with losing spree or some fricked up winrates stats during your winning spree is assassine and shit if matchmaking never decided to do this bs then maybe people will no reason to complain about their muh teammates or muh forced 50% bs
                Literally almost 99% of my games when I had this bs forced 50% were the hardest game cuz obviously my teammates were worse than my enemies and always ended up in losses almost 99% of the time this is what people want to stop
                I bet my ass OP had the same issue when OP had shitty teammates

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Do not mind the valve drone moron replies, you are absolutely correct in this. This is just how player retention algorithms work, be glad it doesn't take into account(hopefully) how much money the player has spent into finding matches.

                The fact that you absolutely moronic Black folk simply cannot fathom that you might be put with a worse teammate by chance is some schizo-tier persecution complex shit.

                Do any of you realize that if you're doing well the chance is that you'll do less good on the next attempt? Like. That's simple logic. If you do something extraordinary like winning 10 games in a row you'll probably not do it a second time simply because extraordinary things don't happen often.

                The mention of "win streak" already shows that you have the wrong mentality by the way. YOU DON'T HAVE THE WIN EVERY FRICKING GAME YOU MONGOLOID! A win streak and loss streak pattern is a sign of something being wrong. It means you are riding luck or your mood too much and that you're not consistently improving.
                All that matters is having a win rate higher than 50%.

                Want me to prove to you that the forced 50% isn't real. It's really fricking easy. Just start feeding literally every fricking game. I'll bet my ass you won't be having a 50% winrate.

              • 2 years ago

                1. Nice spacing, valve drone
                2. - player retention algorithms are quite literally the industry standard in almost every single multiplayer video game, you're the delusional, dick sucking moron here.
                3. I have played games where i would be COVERTLY griefing and shitting up the games for my team, eventually i have hit teammates where doing this didn't matter and i would win the game anyway despite my best efforts.

              • 2 years ago

                >ea does horrible thing
                >means everyone else does horrible thing
                the literal guy who works on the matchmaking algorithm explained how it works and what it cares about and you're still saying its not true
                do you want to fricking examine the code yourself? because I sure as shit know you can't if you're this moronic

              • 2 years ago

                What your miniscule pea-brain doesn't fricking understand, because you're so fricking moronic, is that a company would never just up and fricking say "oh yeah we do forced fifty". Just because this one janny says "oh no it's not forced fiddy, when it actually works like it" does not make it true.
                Both HoTS and League have very similar algorithms to this, it's the industry standard, you drooling fricking shitter. Post mmr.

              • 2 years ago

                Played the game long enough to tell when teams are evenly matched and when you get total bottom of the barrel shitlord chimpanzees. I win games with the skin of my teeth and lose because people are picking sniper offlane. Not necessarily after long win streaks either, it happens after you win 2 or 3 games. It's obvious the game is trying to keep you running circles.

              • 2 years ago

                I do have winrate higher than 50% its 54% for total but I see this pattern of forcing bad teammates during my winning sprees and vice versa then comment on this pattern
                I actually did have 50% winrate on my feeding spree after going to low priority where people actually play to win games to get out of the modes
                I spent 1k games on low prio lol just for feeding while I was drunk or high my single draft low prio winrate is 55%

                Most people do not feel this, as they are fricking trash and are the sub 50% winrate subhumans who are riding the wave of good teammates. Which is why they call you a moron, because to them being matched with someone worse is just the cope of their fellow equal subhumans who talk shit about the team non-stop despite being shit themselves.
                If the matchmaking algorithm takes into account other things than mmr, it is by definition rigged. I don't care about the social credit score and i shouldn't be matched with agents who are on perpetual loss streaks.
                Here's rank and wr, as you can see my winrate is around 54%, i am 5,8k numberless immortal and from climbing from 4k to near 6k, the vast, vast majority of my games were with complete fricking human trash in my team, especially in the sub 5k games. The matchmaking is fixed and will give you either a designated win or a designated loss, if you somehow manage to frick up and get the opposite outcome, it will double down.

                It does take account of several variables such as behaviour scores, win streak, winrates the other ones I don't know and have no way of checking without access to actual dota 2 matchmaking algorithm
                You can check winstreak by going to your dota 2 game stats and account stats where it will count your recent game time and recent win streak counter

                >>The Dota matchmaker will optimize for each individual game being well-balanced, defined as games where each side has an equal chance to win
                >You understand this means that if you're on a winning streak, the game will actively match you with tards right? This is literally what 'forced 50' means
                You're a moron.
                "each side has an equal chance to win" does not take previous games into account. If you toss a coin, it "has an equal chance" to show either heads or tails after it lands. Getting tails 10 times in a row doesn't magically make 10 next tosses heads.

                >A fair matchmaker would simply match you against a random assortment of people at your rank, then whoever wins most will climb naturally.
                Exactly how it works.

                Gamblers fallacy argument lol you dun goofed
                The gambler's fallacy does not apply when the probability of different events is not independent(dependent)
                In such cases, the probability of future events can change based on the outcome of past events, such as the statistical permutation of events especially dependent variables such as previous outcome of winning or losing streaks affecting the future outcome of your matches

              • 2 years ago

                >The gambler's fallacy does not apply when the probability of different events is not independent(dependent)
                >In such cases, the probability of future events can change based on the outcome of past events
                The probability of your team winning any individual game is always as close to 0.5 as possible, it's literally written in the comment you use to support your theory:
                >The Dota matchmaker will optimize for each individual game being well-balanced, defined as games where each side has an equal chance to win
                >each individual game

              • 2 years ago

                If only the dogshit matchmaking would match people randomly instead of forcing these unfavorable games. What are they fuking thinking?

              • 2 years ago

                Most people do not feel this, as they are fricking trash and are the sub 50% winrate subhumans who are riding the wave of good teammates. Which is why they call you a moron, because to them being matched with someone worse is just the cope of their fellow equal subhumans who talk shit about the team non-stop despite being shit themselves.
                If the matchmaking algorithm takes into account other things than mmr, it is by definition rigged. I don't care about the social credit score and i shouldn't be matched with agents who are on perpetual loss streaks.
                Here's rank and wr, as you can see my winrate is around 54%, i am 5,8k numberless immortal and from climbing from 4k to near 6k, the vast, vast majority of my games were with complete fricking human trash in my team, especially in the sub 5k games. The matchmaking is fixed and will give you either a designated win or a designated loss, if you somehow manage to frick up and get the opposite outcome, it will double down.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Most people do not feel this, as they are fricking trash and are the sub 50% winrate subhumans who are riding the wave of good teammates. Which is why they call you a moron, because to them being matched with someone worse is just the cope of their fellow equal subhumans who talk shit about the team non-stop despite being shit themselves.
                If the matchmaking algorithm takes into account other things than mmr, it is by definition rigged. I don't care about the social credit score and i shouldn't be matched with agents who are on perpetual loss streaks.
                Here's rank and wr, as you can see my winrate is around 54%, i am 5,8k numberless immortal and from climbing from 4k to near 6k, the vast, vast majority of my games were with complete fricking human trash in my team, especially in the sub 5k games. The matchmaking is fixed and will give you either a designated win or a designated loss, if you somehow manage to frick up and get the opposite outcome, it will double down.

                >Has a 54% winrate
                >Claim it's rigged
                Literally does not compute you tard. How? How do you fricking fail to comprehend that?

                1. Nice spacing, valve drone
                2. - player retention algorithms are quite literally the industry standard in almost every single multiplayer video game, you're the delusional, dick sucking moron here.
                3. I have played games where i would be COVERTLY griefing and shitting up the games for my team, eventually i have hit teammates where doing this didn't matter and i would win the game anyway despite my best efforts.

                >Nice spacing, valve drone
                My spacing is completely random Black person. Also really fricking ironic that you say this when you're someone using
                instead of

                >I have played games where i would be COVERTLY griefing and shitting up the games for my team, eventually i have hit teammates where doing this didn't matter and i would win the game anyway despite my best efforts.
                >B-BUT THIS ONE GAME!!!!

                WHY ARE ALL YOU ABSOLUTELY moronic?!

                Played the game long enough to tell when teams are evenly matched and when you get total bottom of the barrel shitlord chimpanzees. I win games with the skin of my teeth and lose because people are picking sniper offlane. Not necessarily after long win streaks either, it happens after you win 2 or 3 games. It's obvious the game is trying to keep you running circles.

                How come other people can have 20 game winstreaks then! Why is the sniper never on the enemy team? (he is you're just baised toward yourself). WHY ARE YOU moronic?!

              • 2 years ago

                >Literally does not compute you tard. How? How do you fricking fail to comprehend that?
                Have you ever thought about me being just a far better player than the autopiloting Black personcattle playing it? I've been playing warcraft 3 and dota ever since i was a kid, i understand the game way better than any sub 6k mouthbreather. Unlike you i also do not have abysmal pattern recognition skills and am able to check the winrates of my teammates who are always 48-50%, never do i get someone with my winstreak unless i'm fresh out of a massive loss streak.
                Now, i would ask you to post your mmr, bootlicker

              • 2 years ago

                >Have you ever thought about me being just a far better player than the autopiloting Black personcattle playing it
                Yes... So that's why you're gaining rank? THAT'S THE ENTIRE FRICKING POINT!

                I barely ever play ranked. I mostly play ability draft. I'm like legend 5 or something.
                Playing ranked doesn't even matter in these situations. This is literally just you being moronic and not understanding math.
                >Trust me I totally check the winrate of all my allies AND ENEMIES every fricking game guys lol. Muh pattern recognition.
                Pattern recognition won't help you in math like this anon. You focus too much on singular games.

                That one game after that ended your loss streak. That one game with an offlane sniper. That one game where X and Z happened. Yet your winrrate is about 50% YOU ARE GAINING RANK! THE SYSTEM ISN'T RIGGED YOU moron!

                >using numbers instead of quotes
                that's because i wasn't quoting anyone, you illiterate, summerBlack person monkey

                Anon, don't be disingenuous. Green text isn't just for quoting.

              • 2 years ago

                >Yes... So that's why you're gaining rank? THAT'S THE ENTIRE FRICKING POINT!
                No, you idiotic fricking legend monkey, i am gaining rank specifically only because i was 2k mmr above my bracket. I am playing with a handicap on each and every single one of my fricking games, it is very tiring, i don't want to be one of the only ones or the only one doing shit in the team every single game. The matches ARE fricking rigged against me, it's just a miracle that i am able to win despite them.
                In order to climb, thanks to this system, you have to be severely better than the rank you are in, else you will literally be stuck thanks to the system.
                I have said before, if the matchmaking algorithm takes into account more than just the mmr of the players, it is in fact, rigged.

              • 2 years ago

                >Trust me guys I'm a fricking miracle. I'm literally a God. I deserve to be in the pro league!
                How? How can you be good at the game but just not understand math? Understand basics shit. Of course you're carrying every game when you're better then your teammates. Of course it feels like they're dragging you down. Just chill your fricking ego and keep playing. Eventually you'll reach a rank with people of your skill level you mongoloid. That's the point of climbing in MMR.

                >In order to climb, thanks to this system, you have to be severely better than the rank you are in
                Only a little better. 51% is already good enough. Anyone on the same level of their rank will stay stuck at their current level and anyone below it drops. People drop in rank all the time. People gain rank all the time. You're just massively ego centric (undeniable at this point) and have trouble understanding the bigger picture math involved.

                >Le legend shitter
                I don't care about rank to begin with. I mainly play ability draft. Ability draft is just more fun. For what it's worth I have an above 50% winrate in ability draft.

              • 2 years ago

                You are genuinely stupid, you are genuinely fricking moronic. There is no understanding of basic math here, it's you who is completely failing to understand the whole concept of climbing.
                You speak in a way as if mmr is a perfect quantification of "player skill", something which is quite literally impossible to be quantified and is a very, very rough estimation with the matchmaking rating. Merely having a 51% winrate does not mean you are slightly better, it could also mean you are severely fricking better, you cannot know this. Beforehand, before reddit has completely ruined matchmaking with the incessant crying of smurfs (the reason it's this sensitive to winning is because it's trying to determine whether you're a smurf or not so it can shadow pool you), you had people who would climb only because they were very slightly better or found a neat trick to do in their games. Now you have to play perfectly, as the second you start winning, you will be forced into losing.

              • 2 years ago

                Anon. Literally all you're saying is absolute bullshit. Math doesn't lie. You are gaining rank. Your winrate is above 50%. Gaining rank is not some alien thing. You don't have to play perfectly. You can also lose rank. You're just an egocentric moron. Simple as. You cannot see beyond your own perspective. Beyond all the other people who do actively gain and lose rank all the time. You can be some hero spammer who gets really good at some meta hero and gain massive amounts of rank. You can be someone who actually gets better at the game by simply marginally improving over time.

              • 2 years ago

                >Anon. Literally all you're saying is absolute bullshit.
                Literal dunning-kruger in effect.
                Your understanding of this is just very, very simple and apparently dogmatic.

              • 2 years ago

                Funny coming from the massive egocentrist who believes valve is out to get him.

                >Just be 10k mmr above your bracket bro

                C-could it be possible that you can also get a little better... and that you would then gain rank naturally? Noooo! That's impossible right?! Surely Valve would engineer a moronic system where this is impossible because that would somehow benefit them lmao.

              • 2 years ago

                >Funny coming from the massive egocentrist who believes valve is out to get him.
                This is not some grand conspiracy, you genuine double digiter, it's the industry standard. This is GOOD for a company, this is technically good game design as it has been proven to retain players. A video game company tuning their matchmaking algorithm towards maximising play time is not some fricking conspiracy, nor are they targeting me. Fricking moron, all you can resort to are reddit platitudes.

              • 2 years ago

                So. How come players are large are still consistently gaining and losing ranks then? How come not everyone is stuck at their rank?

                >C-could it be possible that you can also get a little better...
                Doesn't work anyone, you have to be significantly better.

                W-what if I get a little better. And then, like. I get a little better again. And then over the course of like, a month or something. I would look like I become significantly better?! Wouldn't that be cool!

              • 2 years ago

                >W-what if I get a little better. And then, like. I get a little better again. And then over the course of like, a month or something. I would look like I become significantly better?! Wouldn't that be cool!
                Aren't you a legend shitter or something? What's with the condescension?

              • 2 years ago

                I'm making fun of someone who doesn't know how math works.

              • 2 years ago

                You're the idiot here with brutally simple understanding of something complex

              • 2 years ago

                >So. How come players are large are still consistently gaining and losing ranks then? How come not everyone is stuck at their rank?
                >DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH, HOW COME VARIABLES AND STATISTICAL OUTLIERS HUH???? Heh.... surely i've gotten him with this clever retort.
                Go back to rolling your face on the keyboard in ability draft, 3k mmr shitter, thinking was not meant for you.

              • 2 years ago

                Fricking lmao.

                Ego centric.

              • 2 years ago

                >I concede
                I accept, i guess.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah you just gave up.

                I'm sorry that you cannot see your ego centrism. I'm sorry that you do not notice that you present your own 54% winrate as a literal miracle (directly quoted from here

                >Yes... So that's why you're gaining rank? THAT'S THE ENTIRE FRICKING POINT!
                No, you idiotic fricking legend monkey, i am gaining rank specifically only because i was 2k mmr above my bracket. I am playing with a handicap on each and every single one of my fricking games, it is very tiring, i don't want to be one of the only ones or the only one doing shit in the team every single game. The matches ARE fricking rigged against me, it's just a miracle that i am able to win despite them.
                In order to climb, thanks to this system, you have to be severely better than the rank you are in, else you will literally be stuck thanks to the system.
                I have said before, if the matchmaking algorithm takes into account more than just the mmr of the players, it is in fact, rigged.

                ) but everyone else's high winrates as just variables and outliers.

                conspiracy that can be tested and verified on any anyones games surely that's a conspiracy lol and its not a conspiracy when its industry standard like this anon said [...]
                muh hats
                anon's trolling can't you see to rile up emotion over logic?

                >Literal schizo blog made in 2013
                >Lists no sources in schizo blog

                You're the idiot here with brutally simple understanding of something complex

                It is simple anon

                Win = bigger number

                Lose = smaller number

              • 2 years ago

                >resorts to trolling
                perfect, i'll now close this thread, it's good to know you've been humbled

              • 2 years ago

                No. You actually gave up. You cannot get beyond the simple logic. The best you people can do is schizo blog posts while calling yourself miracle workers (literally said right here

                >Yes... So that's why you're gaining rank? THAT'S THE ENTIRE FRICKING POINT!
                No, you idiotic fricking legend monkey, i am gaining rank specifically only because i was 2k mmr above my bracket. I am playing with a handicap on each and every single one of my fricking games, it is very tiring, i don't want to be one of the only ones or the only one doing shit in the team every single game. The matches ARE fricking rigged against me, it's just a miracle that i am able to win despite them.
                In order to climb, thanks to this system, you have to be severely better than the rank you are in, else you will literally be stuck thanks to the system.
                I have said before, if the matchmaking algorithm takes into account more than just the mmr of the players, it is in fact, rigged.

                ) and trying to ad hominem me.

              • 2 years ago

                Your reductionist thinking of mmr is incorrect. Why don't you eat depleted uraniun when bulking as it's rich in calories? He's right.

              • 2 years ago

                No. You're incorrect and some 2013 blogposts with literally no sources in where he highlights one game where he has a bad teammate in it isn't any proof.

              • 2 years ago

                Post your dotabuff account profile

              • 2 years ago

                No sources? There are multiple links lying around in this thread proving fixed matchmaking algorithms for multiple games? Don't you think that someone who has three times your mmr has a better understanding of the game?

              • 2 years ago

                They wouldn't have a better understanding of how MMR works by default sonny boy.

                Post your dotabuff account profile

                >Just dox yourself
                I'd like to point out that all you homosexuals did was upload some crops of your bracket, total wins, and total games, that for all I know could be something you just stole off the internet.
                Like I said before I mainly play ability draft.

              • 2 years ago

                >the shit you guys posted is fake
                >but Mystuff.jpg is truthful, btw i won't actually link my account that would dox me

              • 2 years ago

                >the shit you guys posted is fake
                Didn't say that.

                I am pretty flattered though that you think my numbers are good enough to fake.
                I'm actually not sure if this shit is accurate though. 41 ranked match-making matches feel wrong to me.

                >They wouldn't have a better understanding of how MMR works by default sonny boy.
                >The guy who is better at earning mmr has a lesser understand of it than me, an AD legend player
                He was right, you ARE trolling.

                Anon. I he doesn't. He really doesn't have an understanding of how gaining MMR works. Have you seen how he writes about himself? He thinks he's an ACTUAL FRICKING MIRACLE WORKER. That he, and only he is some kind of total fricking god being held back. But when I point out other people also climb and fall he just calls is variance. Frick off lmao.

              • 2 years ago

                Despite that, he is still a better player than both you and i. Clearly he knows something that we don't when he's 6k and a 54% winrate.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes? He's good at the game of dota. He's better at last hitting than us. He's better at laning than us. He probably has a better feeling of game sense than us. That's all required to have high MMR. What isn't required is actually know how the MMR system works.

              • 2 years ago

                Are you just unaware that your explanation of mmr is "number bigger than 50, mmr gained"? This is, as i have said, extremely reductionist and unscientific.

              • 2 years ago

                >Gaining mmr is not gaining mmr
                >If you don't subscribe to my pseudo-science 2013 blog posts you are being reductionist and unscientifc
                >But knowing how actual probablity and math works isn't scientific btw!
                Anon. When you go on a winstreak and you get a sniper offlane on your team and you lose that's not valve's mythical algorithm keeping you in check like you're some kind of heroic genius figure who's being held back by the system. That's just literal logic. A winstreak is inherently extraordinary and extraordinary by definition aren't common. Your winstreak was going to end one day. But losing 1 game doesn't freaking matter. Your winrate is still above 50. You're still gaining MMR.

              • 2 years ago

                If you were to apply said reasoning you'd be eating plutonium for breakfast and brushing your teeth with pipe cleaner.
                >But it's so calorie dense???
                >But it like cleans anything really well?
                Also, this winstreak blather you wrote means nothing, you are quite literally matched with people who are on a loss streak when winning, yes that it will end eventually, but it is artificially being forced to end sooner.

              • 2 years ago

                >Hurr if I strawman your logic it makes you should stoopid!

                >you are quite literally matched with people who are on a loss streak when winning
                And do you have any evidence of this being artificial over just incidental?
                Doesn't it make straight up logical sense for you winstreak to end if you end up having one significantly worse teammate?
                Can you prove that this isn't a result of this logic and instead some result of a riggid system.

                >Uhm look at these articles about other games!
                Not evidence.

                I'd also like to remind you that websites like DOTABUFF do exists and that it's pretty easy for inquisitive players to do large scale analysis of wins and loss streaks to prove that this is somehow artificial. You'd think that if any of what you're saying is true someone would have written an article about it now explaining the math and demonstrably proving that the system is rigged.

                >it doesn't matter that you're getting bad teammates during your winning spree and better teammates during your losing spree cuz your winrate is still above 50% and gaining MMR despite the stupid challenges matchmaking had put you up with move along there is nothing wrong with the current system and you're just noticing things schizo

                Anon... You are matched up with "worse" teammates during you winning sprees because you're performing above your normal skill level during a winning spree. And you are matched up with "better" teammates during your losing spree because you're performing below your normal skill level.

                Like with all things in math PATTERN RECOGNITION IS NOT HELPING YOU HERE! It's literally clouding you from the truth.

              • 2 years ago

                how are you supposed to climb if the game is actively trying to keep you at the same level?

              • 2 years ago

                It's not. Git gud.

              • 2 years ago

                you said it yourself that game gives you worse teammates when you are performing above your skill level and better teammates when you are performing below your skill level
                that literally means the game is trying to keep you at the same level

                >how are you supposed to climb if the game is actively trying to keep you at the same level?
                by playing better

                >play better
                >mm gives you shitter teammates

              • 2 years ago

                play better so you can win with shittier teammates

              • 2 years ago

                I am not a smurf that can carry absolute morons

              • 2 years ago

                then learn and improve

              • 2 years ago

                >just play as X mmr + 3000 in X mmr
                Where am i to learn how to play that well in my bracket? What's your mmr?

              • 2 years ago

                >What's your mmr?

                >Where am i to learn how to play that well in my bracket?
                Just pay attention and be in the right spot at the right time.
                Also, use the last hit trainer.

              • 2 years ago

                This guy

                >What's your mmr?

                >Where am i to learn how to play that well in my bracket?
                Just pay attention and be in the right spot at the right time.
                Also, use the last hit trainer.

                is lying, he is (he says) around legend rank and only plays ability draft. Do not listen to him.

              • 2 years ago

                I am not that guy.

              • 2 years ago

                Anon what the frick. I'm still here? I didn't go out and pretend to be someone else. You really are a schizo aren't you.

                >conveniently forgets the valve dev reddit blogpost
                >oh but duuuuh he like said it wasn't forced fiddy, despite literally contradicting himself the same sentence after
                I waste all this time talking to PSG, i'm the moron here.

                >conveniently forgets the valve dev reddit blogpost
                Which one? I can't find it when I ctrl + f for http

                Is it the blogpost that you morons keep misinterpreting?

              • 2 years ago

                No anon... How. HOW DO YOU NOT GET IT? When you're on a winstreak your teammates arent actually "worse" than they would normally be. They're just "worse" in comparison to you because when you're on a winstreak you're just performing better. The inverse is true for when you lose.

                >Can you prove that this isn't a result of this logic and instead some result of a riggid system.
                The countless links of developers saying it takes win streak into account which you skipped over.

                >Ctrl+F Http
                >4 results
                >1 on how EA PATENTS a system of match making
                Patents btw. Valve literally wouldn't be allowed to copy this you mongoloid.
                >2 is the same schizo blogpost
                >1 is on the Hot hand phenonoma

                I recommend you read that one btw.

                >You'd think that if any of what you're saying is true someone would have written an article about it now explaining the math and demonstrably proving that the system is rigged.
                Here's me reminding you that this is a video game, one played by only like 200k people. No one cares enough to write about this and it's expected to work that way, as all online mm games do.

                >Here's me reminding you that this is a video game, one played by only like 200k people.
                Many of whom are sweaty tryhards who put an embarrassing amount of hours into the game. Hell, the fact that DOTABUFF even exists should be evidence enough that people absolutely would analyze shit like win and loss streaks.

              • 2 years ago

                >Patents btw. Valve literally wouldn't be allowed to copy this you mongoloid.
                Are you genuinely this moronic and out of touch with reality? You think this is something difficult to fricking make? All you need is player statistics and 1-3 code monkeys to set up an algorithm which matches you with people by taking said statistics into account. The thing that is being patented is the psychological aspect of controlling players by making them want to play more. You are really dense, are you PSG by any chance?

              • 2 years ago

                None of what you said matters btw because EA pattening some bullshit is not evidence for valve defintely having it implemented in their game right now.

                You could literally get those 1-3 code monkeys to run an algorithmn on DOTABUFF btw and immediately prove if matchmaking is rigged or not. You'd think that after a years someone would have uncovered this by now if it were true.

              • 2 years ago

                >conveniently forgets the valve dev reddit blogpost
                >oh but duuuuh he like said it wasn't forced fiddy, despite literally contradicting himself the same sentence after
                I waste all this time talking to PSG, i'm the moron here.

              • 2 years ago

                >how are you supposed to climb if the game is actively trying to keep you at the same level?
                by playing better

              • 2 years ago

                >Can you prove that this isn't a result of this logic and instead some result of a riggid system.
                The countless links of developers saying it takes win streak into account which you skipped over.

              • 2 years ago

                >You'd think that if any of what you're saying is true someone would have written an article about it now explaining the math and demonstrably proving that the system is rigged.
                Here's me reminding you that this is a video game, one played by only like 200k people. No one cares enough to write about this and it's expected to work that way, as all online mm games do.

              • 2 years ago

                simple post your rank and then your or other dotabuff profile games for proof
                You can find this pattern on your own games or any dota players games but you don't even fricking bother to check it on your own games or others games and you will do this if there is actual evidence aka denial
                >"Not evidence"
                pattern recognition is helping you by recognize the upcoming and current forced loss games thus the best move for a player is to que on other random games to tank the fricking forced loss games and play extra fricking game for muh retention but the initial problem of forced loss from forced 50% haven't gone away

              • 2 years ago

                Anon, you are supposed to win the "forced loss games", that's how you gain mmr.

              • 2 years ago

                so you're admitting "forced loss games" exists and your point is only deal with it that is not a problem ok got it

              • 2 years ago

                If you know anything about math than basically everything you just said to try is just hilarious.
                >Bro only look at your own sample
                >Le pattern recognition
                Once again. Human pattern recognition does NOT help you in data analysis. You'll need to graph shit like this out or you're guaranteed to fall into a trap.

              • 2 years ago

                this valve bot has lost it
                >"your or other dotabuff profile games for proof"
                doesn't mention look at only your sample mentions look at any sample from your own or others

              • 2 years ago

                Anon. Sweety. You can't "pattern recognition" your data. You have to actually make graphs and shit. Some of the code monkeys you mentioned a little while ago could easily do that for millions of matches using dotabuff. You'd think that by now the someone would have hard facts for it.
                >B-but no one cares! That's why they haven't done it
                They absolutely care. DOTA players are massive tryhards. It's why website like dotabuff exist. Hell, you care enough to be a schizo about it.

              • 2 years ago

                >it doesn't matter that you're getting bad teammates during your winning spree and better teammates during your losing spree cuz your winrate is still above 50% and gaining MMR despite the stupid challenges matchmaking had put you up with move along there is nothing wrong with the current system and you're just noticing things schizo

              • 2 years ago

                >They wouldn't have a better understanding of how MMR works by default sonny boy.
                >The guy who is better at earning mmr has a lesser understand of it than me, an AD legend player
                He was right, you ARE trolling.

              • 2 years ago

                >C-could it be possible that you can also get a little better...
                Doesn't work anyone, you have to be significantly better.

              • 2 years ago

                >Just be 10k mmr above your bracket bro

                You have to be significantly better, if you want climb fast and high. You need to be just constantly improving to climb steadily.

              • 2 years ago

                conspiracy that can be tested and verified on any anyones games surely that's a conspiracy lol and its not a conspiracy when its industry standard like this anon said

                >Funny coming from the massive egocentrist who believes valve is out to get him.
                This is not some grand conspiracy, you genuine double digiter, it's the industry standard. This is GOOD for a company, this is technically good game design as it has been proven to retain players. A video game company tuning their matchmaking algorithm towards maximising play time is not some fricking conspiracy, nor are they targeting me. Fricking moron, all you can resort to are reddit platitudes.

                muh hats

                >W-what if I get a little better. And then, like. I get a little better again. And then over the course of like, a month or something. I would look like I become significantly better?! Wouldn't that be cool!
                Aren't you a legend shitter or something? What's with the condescension?

                anon's trolling can't you see to rile up emotion over logic?

              • 2 years ago

                >In order to climb, thanks to this system, you have to be severely better than the rank you are in, else you will literally be stuck thanks to the system.

                wait a second, you have to be BETTER than your current rank in order to climb in rank?? holy shit someone should tell their matchmaking is bugged, you should be able to increase in rank without playing well!!

              • 2 years ago

                i fricked up adn was too vague, read this post, i don't want to repeat the same shit

              • 2 years ago

                >using numbers instead of quotes
                that's because i wasn't quoting anyone, you illiterate, summerBlack person monkey

              • 2 years ago

                >>The Dota matchmaker will optimize for each individual game being well-balanced, defined as games where each side has an equal chance to win
                >You understand this means that if you're on a winning streak, the game will actively match you with tards right? This is literally what 'forced 50' means
                You're a moron.
                "each side has an equal chance to win" does not take previous games into account. If you toss a coin, it "has an equal chance" to show either heads or tails after it lands. Getting tails 10 times in a row doesn't magically make 10 next tosses heads.

                >A fair matchmaker would simply match you against a random assortment of people at your rank, then whoever wins most will climb naturally.
                Exactly how it works.

              • 2 years ago

                >baiting on the internet
                It's literally right there from a Valve employee lmao
                Keep defending your shitty skinnerbox homosexuals

                wow i can't believe it turned out that a person who believes in forced-50 is a barely functional moron who can't read

              • 2 years ago

                You’re correct I don’t know why people are seething

                Most games have some form of this now as it helps with player retention. You put put good players (usually defined by winning streak) with absolute tards (people on losing streaks) as you will now extend the playtime of both of these players. The person who is winning a lot likely cares about ranked and will continue to play despite a loss, and the person who losses gets handed easy wins to make them feel better.

                Newsflash morons, ranked algorithms are created from a financial standpoint, not a “let’s make the most balanced matches” standpoint. IIRC fricked up games like call of duty will even weigh your win chance in a positive direction after you spend money on micro-transactions, to incentive further spending and playing.

                Dota might even have the same system. I’d imagine most big name games do have a subtle system to help out spenders

              • 2 years ago

                True, and I don't get why people are so mad about this post. The way how you uprank is by playing good enough to beat the forced 50/50.

          • 2 years ago

            jesus christ you cannot read

  20. 2 years ago

    >Spend half an hour searching for a gamer
    >9/10 ready up
    >Always that one stupid c**t that doesn't, back to search

    • 2 years ago

      i feel you fellow ausbro
      just play SEA instead, instant matches instead of waiting ~15min for one with people 3k MMR higher than you on the enemy team so you lose

  21. 2 years ago

    I get paid 3k USD per month to stream this dogshit of a game and I have forfeited 4 months (12k USD) in payment just to avoid clocking in the hours. It is that bad of a game

  22. 2 years ago

    4.6k playtime here. Do yourself a favor and, like me, just stop playing outside of the battlepass and events. Better yet stop playing all together. There are plenty of better games to play, like your backlog for example, and time is a value asset to even a neet. Perhaps sink it into jrpgs or other single player experiences for the most fun possible.

  23. 2 years ago

    Take the redpill anon and play ability draft
    >always get good team playing for fun
    >no meta
    >no real lane meta just pick what you feel
    >trying to build crazy fun skill builds
    >always a good fun time
    >matches are always very competitive despite the premise
    >Every game feels like old Dota when everything was new and no one really knew shit about meta and just played how they want for fun

    People think ability draft is some shitty side game where you pick OP skills and steamroll the game in 15 minutes

    That is very rarely the case especially when I've had 1k+ games in it

    • 2 years ago

      >7 mins to find a match
      >10 mins to get started
      >Some fricker disconnected at the end because he didn't get the skills he want
      What a fricking miserable experience

      • 2 years ago

        Normally happens when you get matched with throwaway accounts. Actually does suck but it does happen but for me its very rare since My account is always 10k behaviour score and an old account since beta that I only get matched with actual people who want to play the game and not just stomp because of tiny epeen

    • 2 years ago

      I love ability draft but there is a sort of pseudo-meta where everybody acknowledges you have to grab the OP stuff asap to stop the other team getting it

  24. 2 years ago


  25. 2 years ago

    when will you people understand that MOBA is a genre of multiplayer game where if you don't play as 5 premade team its all RNG and you have to be selfish and play only for YOUR own satisfaction, to make cool plays, to boost that adrenaline and serotonine, to feel good after playing
    its not about the ending result of your TEAM, its all about ending result of YOUR gameplay

    so stop caring so much about winning, and play for yourself

    • 2 years ago

      pretty much this
      >spam my best heroes
      >win more, but feel like shit when I lose because it's usually out of my hands
      >spam rubick
      >like 50/50 win or loss, but I get to have fun even in the losses

  26. 2 years ago

    uninstall this and you will feel better, or at least play some casual game modes like ability draft or 12vs12.

  27. 2 years ago

    squirrel sex

  28. 2 years ago

    I reached immortal spamming juggernaut when he was absolutely fricking busted (pre-nerfed shard), had like 12 games winstreak and shit to the point where I was reported repeatedly for smurffing. I got to numberless immortal (about 5800) and haven't played rank since. and most likely i will never play rank again :^). I will enjoy my immortal badge in party all pick

    • 2 years ago

      >hero spam
      You didn't beat the game.

      • 2 years ago

        and I have immortal badge and you dont
        keep seething seethoids

  29. 2 years ago

    HOTS was better
    HoN was better
    Nu-dota is LoL lite

  30. 2 years ago

    I haven't played ranked for months because there's no need to. It's almost as good as a gamble. There are avoid lists now and you're likely to catch even more shitters others put in their avoid lists. Games aren't skill based, they're behavior based which is another minus. So I'm just playing normal all pick or turbo, literally the same as ranked.

  31. 2 years ago

    >There is only so much you can do to win a dota2 game alone, yet people say get good.
    Yes. Why do you morons never understand this. You are the only consistent element in all your games

    Also please. Read the following and burn it into your mind: GAINING MMR IS NOT ABOUT WINNING EVERY GAME! IT'S ABOUT WINNING MORE THAN HALF!
    Explosive MMR gain (winning 10+ games in a row) is generally unhealthy for your long-term MMR gain because it means you're improving very inconsistently. Gaining MMR is about gradually getting better.

    >Unless you spam mid and snowball and your team isnt fully moronic you can win, you will always have shitty teammates who lose you the game no matter what you do.
    So will the enemy team. This evens out on average.
    Git gud. You're the only consistent factor in all your games. Only you can improve your winrate.

    Here are some genuine things you can do that I can guarantee will immediately help you improve right now.

    >Stop tilting. Gain a positive mental attitude
    This is the biggest one for people like you who always b***h about teammates. I guarantee you that you've lost countless games because you tilted out or gave up even though you could have won. Accept losing situations and understand that what is true for you is also true for the enemy team. Maybe the enemy enigma will accidentally cancel his blackhole and you'll just win the game from that. Maybe the enemy sniper steps out of position and you'll win the game from that. Maybe some homosexual Black person just goes AFK and you win.
    >Last hit trainer
    Just train your last hits in the last hit trainer. One of the easiest ways to immediately improve your MMR. Do last hit trainer for like 10 minutes every day. Especially in lower brackets last hitting significantly better than everyone else will just win the game.
    >Stick to a small hero pool
    Play 1-3 heroes consistently, even against losing match-ups. Allows you to focus on learning the game instead of learning heroes.

    • 2 years ago

      Cope. You CAN get good. You can climb as any position, although it's true that mid is the eziest if you're way above the game's level. There are people around the world boosting accounts from whatever to 5k+ every week. If you are better than the enemy, you will win more than you lose. Most support players are incredibly bad and ignorant, while thinking they're pretty good. I actually think climbing through immortal as a support is easier than people think, because the bar is so low. However the truth is there's no point to any of it, unless you're planning to go pro. Games at 6k+ don't change that much from 4k. The players are better, but there are still griefers, stomps, and moronic game-ruining drafts all the time.

      Agreed. Another great way to lose games is tilting your teammates. If your core makes a bad play, he probably knows it. You're just wasting time and pissing him off by autistically explaining why it was so bad.

      • 2 years ago

        honestly this
        the games just get more and more optimized
        I made it to 6k, just short of touching 6.1k and it was exhausting
        now I just sit at low 4k picking whatever dumb shit I feel like doing whatever I feel like when I feel like and its a pure joy to play
        yeah sometimes you get some frickwit on the enemy team who was just on your team last game and was flaming your team and talking mad shit so you play some try hard doto, but just playing chill is so much nicer

    • 2 years ago


      >Accept that losing games is expected
      Once again. All that matter is winning more than 50% of your games. Are you in a losing game? Don't tilt out. Don't give up. Use this game to try something new. Start playing hyper-aggressive and see if it works. Buy some weird items you normally never buy. Experiment. You were going to lose this game anyways so might as well learn something from it. If you can gain something from the games you lose you'll start winning more often.
      >Watch high MMR matches
      Watching some high MMR matches on heroes you wanna play to check what high MMR people buy and do will help give you an idea of what should be done
      >Watch your own replays
      Watching your own replays will help identify your own mistakes. Do your best to not get hung up on teammates. Support didn't pull? Well, maybe you should have pulled instead. It's the support's job, but if they won't do it someone has to. It's better to do it yourself and be less efficient than to not do it at all and just lose.
      >Learn to check for teammate cooldowns and items
      Just don't fight when your Enigma / Dawnbreaker / Spectre / Sven doesn't have ult. Don't expect your Sven to come and fight if he doesn't have BKB yet (he will just die and you'll lose).
      >Don't tilt your team
      If you don't have anything positive to say then don't say it. Without anything changing on the map, in your builds and even with a gold lead you can turn complete wins or equal games into guaranteed losses because you pissed off someone with anger issues and he'll rather drag you all down than just win (literally a suicidal mindset). You don't have to be all rainbows and sunshine either. The best thing you can do is only communicate to make calls, plays, or to spread information among your team.

      Cope. You CAN get good. You can climb as any position, although it's true that mid is the eziest if you're way above the game's level. There are people around the world boosting accounts from whatever to 5k+ every week. If you are better than the enemy, you will win more than you lose. Most support players are incredibly bad and ignorant, while thinking they're pretty good. I actually think climbing through immortal as a support is easier than people think, because the bar is so low. However the truth is there's no point to any of it, unless you're planning to go pro. Games at 6k+ don't change that much from 4k. The players are better, but there are still griefers, stomps, and moronic game-ruining drafts all the time.

      Agreed. Another great way to lose games is tilting your teammates. If your core makes a bad play, he probably knows it. You're just wasting time and pissing him off by autistically explaining why it was so bad.

      Based. Literally added that to the list because you reminded me.

      • 2 years ago

        >The best thing you can do is only communicate to make calls
        Does "buy a bkb, you fricking Black person, they have 2 silences and hex" count as a call? It really pisses me off immensely when some gigamoron counterpicks himself and doesn't itemize correctly despite dying 17 times.

        • 2 years ago

          Even herald carries know to buy a bkb now. This isn't 2013 anymore

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not a herald either, but the situations like last pick morph into NS, AA, skywrath or sniper into sb, furon, pudge are way too common.

        • 2 years ago

          Just say buy bkb instead.
          >He doesn't listen!
          Buy lotus orb and use it on him.
          Ok, then you'll lose your game. Which is totally fine btw because losing a game isn't the end of the world. Just keep your winrrate about 50%. Buying lotus orb to use on that moron probably is one of the ways you could get your winrate above 50% though.

          • 2 years ago

            And sit behind him the whole time instead of doing something like warding or pushing other lanes (forcing enemy heroes to def or hunt me instead)? Riveting gameplay my dude.

            • 2 years ago

              what is downtime

            • 2 years ago

              Ok enjoy your loss.

              Do you want me to validate you or something?

              Lotus orb the moron or lose. If you care about gaining MMR you should do it.
              And if you won't do it then do you actually care about gaining MMR?

              You don't need to care about gaining MMR btw. You don't need to play ranked. Don't force yourself to play ranked if you don't like it. If you care about riveting gameplay why not play casual instead? This is a serious question. Why? Why subject yourself to ranked if you don't care about gaining MMR?

              • 2 years ago

                Ok tell me how to poof 4k gold out of thin air and keep the moron safe at the same time.
                >This is a serious question. Why? Why subject yourself to ranked if you don't care about gaining MMR?
                I care about MMR but tard wrangling tires me. Sure I'm not immortal-level but if some random antimage finds a way to die after everyone managed to successfully disengage, costing the team a rosh in the process, there's not much I can do about it.

              • 2 years ago

                This is why you play a good save hero in the moron brackets with lots of save items.

              • 2 years ago

                >I care about MMR but tard wrangling tires me
                Then just get accept the loss and move onto the next game. I already told you this was an option. You don't have to win that game. Just win more than 50% of your games.

                >Muh tard anti-mage/carry/support
                Chances are the enemy team also has a tard on it because what counts for you counts for them. Capitalize on this. Win more than 50% of your games. Don't tilt. That easy.

      • 2 years ago

        did you copy paste this?
        I feel like I have read this exact post before

        not that I disagree with it, just feels like eerie similar to something I have read before
        maybe there are only so many ways to present correct information though, dunno

        • 2 years ago

          I have written stuff like this before on other threads about forced 50/50 (this doesn't exist) or ranked.

          Chances are you've also heard stuff like this on youtube because I'm not saying anything new here. Nearly everything I suggested are things high MMR players all recommend.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh yeah, I know that, just felt very very similar with the exact wording and same spot where the 1st post ended and 2nd began
            I write pretty much the same things to people as well

  32. 2 years ago

    Why is no one posting pictures of hoodwink?

    • 2 years ago

      Because I hate her

      • 2 years ago

        Why tho, she's so hot? D:

    • 2 years ago

      jannies hate her

    • 2 years ago

      because in dota threads people discuss the game or at the very least, conspiracies about valve and the matchmaking system
      if you want threads that immediately devolve into coomposting, go back to lol

      • 2 years ago

        >player retention matchmaking algorithms are conspiracies
        Redditor alert

  33. 2 years ago

    You win at Dota by switching to lol and never looking back cause dota is kinda not good

    • 2 years ago

      lol the opposite

      • 2 years ago

        Dota is the a game with sky high highs and very low lows.
        Lol is flatter and thus more spammable as a game
        Eventually habit won over desire for dopamine.

  34. 2 years ago

    The only problem is ranked.
    If mmr wasnt decided by win/loss, but instead impact, it would be a much better game.

    • 2 years ago

      woah, slow down there satan

      • 2 years ago

        After 7k hours and 5k mmr, I cant bring myself to play ranked anymore.

        OP is entirely right about the games win/loss in solo pubs. Theres almost no way to be sure of your impact on a win, barring only mid last pick a meta hero.
        But with almost no effort, you can guarantee a loss. Any player in your team can ruin the game just by queing for it.
        But this is only a problem if your skill is measured in win/loss ratio. Its an evaluation of skill that pertains only to the individual, and yet the individual has so little control over it.

        Changing to impact evaluation and queue cost is the right way forward for dota. Its current state is just not enjoyable without a 5 man party.

        • 2 years ago

          Impact evaluation just leads to the system prioritizing certain things, and everyone rushing to do that while throwing the game in the process
          Like if matchmaking gives you points for healing, people will sit in jungle and afk feed all game

          • 2 years ago

            But thats assuming the tracked statistics are detrimental to victory. Which is silly.

            What needs to be tracked and evaluated are stats that represent applied skill. I could name a few off the top of my head.
            >lane creep cs
            >building damage
            >total kill participation
            >time enemy heroes spent under vision of your wards
            >revealed enemies with dust
            >multi hero aoe ability hits
            >smokes leading to kills

            >inb4 players will just do those things instead of trying to win
            >inb4 it will shape the meta and the heroes that do these best will dominate
            This is exactly how it already is. These are objectives that put you in winning positions and any hero that does it best in any given patch is a strong hero. Please do these things and pick those heroes and we wouldnt have this problem in the first place.

            • 2 years ago

              >This is exactly how it already is.
              It is not. Your idea is moronic. I'm someone else btw.

              We can see that your idea is moronic by using something else for example. If basketball rewarded you for how long you can dribble the ball or how often you catch/pass the first thing everyone would do is game the system. Players will get into fights over not getting the ball for long enough. In the same way players will start fighting over who gets to place the wards and buy the dust/smoke. Imagine your anti-mage stealing sentries that you CM should be buying (and wants to buy) so he can get his reward points.
              >But what if you only gain points for fulfilling your role!
              Also a bad idea. First off, role queue literally isn't an option in high MMR. Second what if someone on your team isn't fulfilling their role (support isn't warding or carry isn't farming)? That means you'll effectively be punishing yourself for doing the right thing and buying the wards to win the game. Third, this would mean that Valve is deciding the meta and what each role should and shouldn't do.

              Just saying ">inb4" doesn't make these points any less valid btw.

              • 2 years ago

                >sports dont do this
                Plenty of sports have no single victory condition, and are awarded points which then are totaled for a comparison to determine the winner.
                Infact plenty of games across all of gaming in any form have point based systems awarded for individual plays and completed objectives.

                >>But what if you only gain points for fulfilling your role
                This is moronic and I never suggested it. If you could somehow achieve the objectives of all roles in the match and completely carry the game single handedly, you deserve top marks and you are an incredible player. Chances are you cant and the enemy at similar skill level will prevent you from doing so as that is consequence of the objectives, so you do whats best and work together to pick heroes that allow you all to do things efficiently. Just like how it is now.

                >First off, role queue literally isn't an option in high MMR
                Not relevant. Also untrue. You simply queue for both support roles allowing you to queue for any combination of the core roles.

                >Second what if someone on your team isn't fulfilling their role
                Youre losing. Almost certain to lose. But it only changes how effeciently you can complete objectives. You can still actively apply your skill level despite the downy in your team. You just won win.

                >Third, this would mean that Valve is deciding the meta
                I have no idea who you think controls patches. God? Some kind of rng deity? Do you perhaps think all heroes are equal and none are currently better at things that win games?

                I just dont understand where you get off on this. What is your angle?
                Do you think its reasonable that your individual evaluation of skill should go down if the pos1 in your team DC's to go jerk off? Is it reasonable that you are able to commend and report individuals for their individual behavior and impact, but still be completely dependent on them for your own skill evaluation?
                Do you even play dota?

    • 2 years ago

      unranked as an MMR-like system underneath for matchmaking, it's just hidden

  35. 2 years ago

    Why don't young people play dota anymore?

    • 2 years ago

      Young people don't wanna spend time learning Dota.

  36. 2 years ago

    Just like any other team game. I recommend playing fighting games.

  37. 2 years ago

    can i have your atention real quicK? thank you

  38. 2 years ago

    >Valve openly sacrifices competitive integrity countless times in favour of mass appeal and player retention
    >b-b-but they totally wouldn't do the same to their matchmaking algorithms
    >the same matchmaking algorithms they keep top secret with some BS about people 'abusing' it if they were more transparent

  39. 2 years ago

    it's a shitty 5v5 of course you going to have 4 other clowns/unexperienced/morons you name it that will get you a loss
    sometimes it's enough if carry is clueless it's simply over

  40. 2 years ago

    it's crazy how people still have such poor understanding of matchmaking and the volatility of any player, especially a low mmr player, in a random game

  41. 2 years ago

    the second they've introduced report system into dota I knew it's ogre
    imagine giving power to report someone if he is some Hispanic moron who can't even play
    just imagine then playing low prio games only because said Hispanic reported you with his butt buddies because out of spite of how trash they are
    many such cases but the fact that dota 2 doesn't have instant surrender option at ~15-20min is sad, you literally sit 40-60 mins with some autists that can't play the game

  42. 2 years ago

    Can they not just make a parallel matchmaker with no punishment systems and random team selection.
    Surely its easy for them to implement because it doesn't need anywhere near the same level of sophistication.

    • 2 years ago

      Then the shitters would rightfully lose most of their games and the competent ones win most of theirs, which will result in both parties getting bored far quicker and leaving the game.
      The current thing, f50, is just a synonym of player retention tactics employed by video game companies. It was perfectly set up to make sure the hamster keeps running the wheel.
      You start winning too much and climbing well? Have some shitters to weigh you down
      You start losing a shitton and are about to uninstall?
      No, don't worry friend, here's a lvl 30 account with a 96% winrate on arc warden, visage and morphling as your mid.

      • 2 years ago

        Thing is, no one asked for this.
        Well, maybe execs asked for it.
        But listening to execs has had a catastrophic effect on the medium as a whole.

      • 2 years ago

        Thing is, no one asked for this.
        Well, maybe execs asked for it.
        But listening to execs has had a catastrophic effect on the medium as a whole.

        yea by the way there still isn't any proof of valve deliberately sabotaging win streak players or propping up lose streak players. you guys just keep repeating this rhetoric and pretending that makes it real.

        >guys i won 5 coin flips in a row and then my 6th coin flip was a loss?? why is Big Coin trying to undermine me?? this must be some kind of Coin Flipper Retention Strategy

        • 2 years ago

          Oh yeah uhhh, let me pull put the pubmed peer reviewed studies on why people who are winning are getting fricked by the literal industry standard of player retention matchmaking algorithms, give me a second, fricking idiot
          >compares tossing a coin to a human controlled (through algorithm) match of an online video game where there are 10 people playing
          I'd delete that embarrassing post you've written if i were you.

          • 2 years ago

            dota matchmaking is very close to a coin flip because valve can't evaluate the current mental state of dota players that queue up. some people are tired as shit, other people are well-awake and caffeinated. you know like half of all EU players are russians? it is a literal coin flip whether they queue up while drunk out of their minds, or in a very focused refractory period, just having fricked their sister. plus a good chunk of players are maining like 1-2 heroes and if they can't get them, they suck. plus all the account buyers and boosters.

            dota matches feel like random stomps because the players themselves are random as frick

            idk why i'm even bothering because you already decided there is a matchmaking conspiracy 5 years ago when you couldn't get out of crusader, and you won't listen to reason. let's see those schizo babble medical journals that have no connection to dota 2 whatsoever

            • 2 years ago

              >dota matchmaking is very close to a coin flip because valve can't evaluate the current mental state of dota players that queue up. some people are tired as shit
              Bahahahahhahahahaha, you absolute fricking donkey. Ever checked the dogshit + batlte report? Valve has absolutely every single statistic on your account, every single one. Which heroes you are good at, what time of day you q the most, under what conditions is your winrate the highest, which camps you farm the most, which lane you reside in the most, EVERYTHING. It is quite easy to put you in the same match with an on average volatile player.
              >something something cope you've never gotten out of crusader
              trace my posts back, i'm almost 6k
              >now post your shcizo rambles pubmed about dota
              Nice reading comprehension, troglodyte.

              • 2 years ago

                You are genuinely stupid, you are genuinely fricking moronic. There is no understanding of basic math here, it's you who is completely failing to understand the whole concept of climbing.
                You speak in a way as if mmr is a perfect quantification of "player skill", something which is quite literally impossible to be quantified and is a very, very rough estimation with the matchmaking rating. Merely having a 51% winrate does not mean you are slightly better, it could also mean you are severely fricking better, you cannot know this. Beforehand, before reddit has completely ruined matchmaking with the incessant crying of smurfs (the reason it's this sensitive to winning is because it's trying to determine whether you're a smurf or not so it can shadow pool you), you had people who would climb only because they were very slightly better or found a neat trick to do in their games. Now you have to play perfectly, as the second you start winning, you will be forced into losing.

                How the frick do pros and boosters manage to climb the fricking ladder consistently no matter how many new accounts they make then, moron?

              • 2 years ago

                Because they are the top .00001% and PROFESSIONAL players who have coaches and people studying optimal gameplay informing them of what is best as well as their 5 digit hours of experience? Not even they are completely immune to this, almost every pro has a negative winrate when streaming from the sniping and griefing.

              • 2 years ago

                W-woah... So you're saying you have to be good at the game to gain rank? Staggering!

              • 2 years ago

                >Just be 10k mmr above your bracket bro

              • 2 years ago

                Most boosters are nowhere near mmr real pro's at, they do not have the same resources either. Yet they still make a buck by busting scrubs.

  43. 2 years ago

    Mainland chinks should be filtered from the rest of the world and only play in their servers. Seems like there's only two types of Chinese players: completely braindead or super meta-cheesers that both ruin your experience.
    I'd take raging ruskies over them anytime.

  44. 2 years ago

    >mfw doesn't matter how my laning goes, I always snowball with ganks during the mid game
    Why is it with heroes like Axe, Huskar and Troll Warlord that the angrier and tilted you are the better you play?

    • 2 years ago

      pretty sure like 90% of the huskar pickers i see dominate in lane, and then they get ganked once when they're pushing mid alone on a dark map, and they proceed to run it down lanes and feed for the next 40 minutes while screaming at their teammates

      • 2 years ago

        Huskar and Viper = win lane lose game.

        • 2 years ago

          huskar would win games too but he's exclusively piloted by brainless morons who insist on a 5man forced march down lanes regardless of what their teams are doing

          >"no you can't farm blink on centaur!! we need to push down mid against 5 heroes we can't catch!!"

    • 2 years ago

      If I have to guess it would have to do with those heroes being built around fighting and not being a little b***h, so the angrier you get, the less likely you are going to back off, probably getting off huge damage even if you die.
      They are the ultimate "Hey frickwits, I got the enemies all focused one while I deal damage, kill those motherfrickers" heroes.

  45. 2 years ago

    there are people that actually play RTS games where you only control 1 unit. Lmao

  46. 2 years ago

    It's refreshing to see a character who is not an overdesigned mess ruined by cosmetics but it won't be enough to get me back into this game.

    • 2 years ago

      >valve ruining yet another one of their games with skins and crates
      what a surprise

  47. 2 years ago

    >ancient 2 to 4 i dont remember honestly
    >recalibrate since i'm in hell anyway
    >spam chen
    >get divine 4
    >play some games to reach immortal
    >stop playing
    the frick was that calibration

  48. 2 years ago

    >ctrl+f "artifact community"
    >0 results
    a-anons, did something happen to Artifact anon?

    • 2 years ago

      the artifact glowies got him

  49. 2 years ago

    The only way to play these games is with a full team premade, this is basic fricking information that any pro would tell you at a heartbeat. Solo queueing is you being mentally ill.

  50. 2 years ago

    >Waaaah i can't solo in a team game

    I fricking hate moba's and everyone who plays them

  51. 2 years ago

    the best way to enjoy dota 2

    is to watch someone else play it

    you even get the luxury of enjoying their anger

  52. 2 years ago

    Ranked matchmaking sucks regardless, the amount of times I've seen players legit give up in a possible winning game in ranked is 3X more likely than in unranked.

    I swear Ranked players try hard too much, force certain objectives instead how understanding the flow of the game and give up so easily when the strat they have in their head doesn't pan out.

  53. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      i still remember valve removing creep pulling on the first wave because the offlane meta was so fricking shit at the time and safelane trilanes were the norm

      gee valve why is the offlane choosing to pull the very first wave when he's fighting solo against three fricking heroes? that was when i quit, since i knew that valve didn't know how to balance the game anymore

      • 2 years ago

        the funniest shit about that was that it was probably removed because the carry mains didn't like having to last hit under tower for 5 minutes

        offlane getting assfricked by 2 supports for 5 minutes and still being at level 3 at 10 minutes? nothing wrong here. carry having a slight inconvenience? holy fricking shit hotfix it NOW

        • 2 years ago

          Guess what? Offlane being underleveled is the game design, in fact it's the good game design. Offlane heros don't depend on farm. Offlane heros aren't hard carries. They have high strength gain, they have nukes and escape abilities. Usually they're the initiators or heroes that want to build blink. In comparison to what a carry needs, becoming active with just 1 item makes offlaners' item builds quite cheap. If they're being played like a core, instead of being contested they're contesting the lane and getting more farmed than the main carry they become completely broken like they are in the current meta.

          • 2 years ago

            yeah except whenever valve actually makes an offlane hero that is naturally strong and can do fine without farm, everyone else tends to hate it, especially carry players. i feel like half the time valve just watches gorgc's stream and nerfs the heroes he complains about, and he complains that every offlaner that doesn't leech xp in fog is OP

            >Offlane being underleveled is the game design, in fact it's the good game design
            this just sounds moronic, might as well go all out and use the "and that's a good thing!" phrase for real

            • 2 years ago

              >this just sounds moronic
              Yea let's just give heros that gets stronger with levels, XP and gold and have them contest the enemy carry which is useless without farm. That doesn't sound moronic at all.

  54. 2 years ago

    For the love of god just queue with fricking friends already or uninstall the game and go to the gym or something don't be a fricking mouthbreathing solo queue moron please PLEASE

  55. 2 years ago

    pick a strong or uncountered safelane and be greedy, at low mmr they dont know how to punish greed
    a few patches ago it was tiny
    today it's probably medusa, sometimes i pick lone druid

    by greedy i mean farm a lot, avoid fights, push deep, hard and fast. while your team fights theirs elsewhere.
    at low mmr team coordination is so bad you will have enough time to literally take down a tier 2 tower in a few creep waves with the right hero.

  56. 2 years ago

    >download team game
    >play team game
    >surprised that you need to play with your team, to win the team game

  57. 2 years ago

    this hero is fricking great addition in retrospective

    • 2 years ago

      Truly is the most unga bunga offlane. Literally all you need is BKB and you are set for life.

  58. 2 years ago

    >people still defending MMR in team based video games


    i bet if you were fired from a job because someone else did a bad job you'd be perfectly fine with that huh

    if one student out of a class of 30 failed it'd make sense to fail everyone right? you'd be fine with that too huh i mean that's how teambased MMR works one failure means everyone fails

    do you think this shit happens when people go out to scout potential talent in atheletes? do you think they care if the team they're on wins or loses, or do you think they're more interested in individual performance?

    i don't even know what to call MMR to be honest, even fricking commies know you don't throw out the entire machine because one cog is broken

    • 2 years ago

      You're the only consistent element of your games, so it's up to you to consistently provide value, which may not be provided by the member's of the opposite team. The way you think shitters are only part of your experience everyone else somehow manages to avoid it.

      • 2 years ago

        nah MMR exists for losers like you to feel like less of a loser

        i imagine if dota actually evaluated individual performance you'd always be at the bottom

        • 2 years ago

          I don't play dota, moron.
          >i imagine if dota actually evaluated individual performance you'd always be at the bottom
          So do you really think that people who are at the top are just lucky shitters? You're delusional.

          • 2 years ago

            you're a loser and we both know it pal that's why you defend shit systems like this when no one rational would ever defend flunking an entire class because one student fails

            • 2 years ago

              You're not being flunked just by one game, moron. If you fail to provide enough value for your team in the course of hundreds of games, you do not deserve to play in a higher bracket, you coping shitter.

              • 2 years ago

                >im the coping shitter
                >says the guy who doesn't want individual performance graded

                you're the failure, the flunk, the cut and you don't want that shit invading your virtual fantasy land

                what's wrong? scared of being singled out?

              • 2 years ago

                The frick do you mean? I'm not flunk I climb mmr in the current system, if I like it, according to you. You're the one who is left behind and so you try your hardest to cope with your own inadequacy by blaming the system. You play a team based game, you fail to win games, you're 1/5 of your team. I guess you're a little bit too fricking heavy to be carried to the next bracket, loser.

              • 2 years ago

                sure bro you're a climber you're definitely not a loser

              • 2 years ago

                I mean no matter how much of a loser I might be I will still be much less of a loser than you are.

  59. 2 years ago

    The talk about MMR is funny to me because who the frick cares about ranked in a team game? Unless if you load a game with 5 bros you have no reason to chase the magical number.

  60. 2 years ago

    Over the recent years they have increasingly pushed dota 2 away from the more tactical different heroes with different goals, power peaks, preferred strategies and roles towards the more lol-style dominant tactic of 5man teamfight snowball bonanza one guy can ruin.

    • 2 years ago

      >Over the recent years they have increasingly pushed dota 2 away from the more tactical different heroes with different goals, power peaks, preferred strategies and roles towards the more lol-style dominant tactic of 5man teamfight snowball bonanza one guy can ruin.
      Wrong, the "tactical different goals" approach simply has been optimized out of the game.
      Right now the meta is rightly powerspike as early and hard as possible and leverage it into a win.

      • 2 years ago

        >Game has been homogenized and simplified
        >akshually, it's been outoptimized of heterogeny, now the meta is rightly early game powerspike and brool

        • 2 years ago

          Anon, that's how games work. Metagames optimize towards the ideal strategies, which in dota means winning as many lanes as possible and establishing an early lead, taking roshan and winning from that position.

          • 2 years ago

            But you're completely forgetting the part where different strategies to that one have been almost ripped from the game. It's not that early game brool is the best strategy, it's quite literally the only playable strategy.

            • 2 years ago

              Good. Frick long games.

              • 2 years ago

                Why are you playing dota then?

              • 2 years ago

                I'm ashamed to say I love the eSports.

            • 2 years ago

              No, it's emergent.
              Sure, you can play a traditional antimage lineup or some hyper lategame strat.
              But the punishment for losing your antimage lane and not him not hitting his timings is losing the game. So you need to invest a lot of support into the antimage, which loses you another lane in the process.

              People just figured out how impactful winning lanes is, which is why you can no longer play trilanes. 2 1 2 is the only laning configuration that works, because it is the best way to have a shot at winning at least 2/3 lane semi-reliable.
              And of course, if you win lanes, you might as well just start controlling the map and forcing objectives.
              Of course BROOOL is the only viable strategy if you are expecting to face BROOOL.

              • 2 years ago

                Absolutely incorrect.
                It was the years of nerfs to split pushing, jungle bounty, buffs to spell casters and ultimately buff to offlane.
                You cannot run hard carries who are weak early game anymore, as you have heroes who have extremely strong early games AND scale better than them. Hencey why you're seeing pos 1s being CK, Bristle, Pudge and Dawnbreaker.
                Laning has been completely deconstructed, you just have 2 cores on the sidelanes, may as well be two offlaners.
                The tp slot, free tp on death, glyph refresh, tower buffs and tower multishot and massive buffs to waveclear spells have completely killed off splitpushing, it's something only a carry does now when he's pushing waves and unsuccessfuly at that.
                Turtling or playing defensively is absolute trash as the jungle gives practically 0 gold and the enemy will just enter your side of the map and brool you to death non-stop

              • 2 years ago

                >Turtling or playing defensively is absolute trash
                And yet there have been no major changes since 2018.

              • 2 years ago

                Is increase to kill gold, decrease in jungle gold, neutral items and rosh dropping aghs cheese refresher not something that impacts turtling extremely negatively?

              • 2 years ago

                All of this was more or less present in 2018 and there have no major changes that impacted it.

              • 2 years ago

                Aha, neutral items, shrines, rosh dropping 12k worth of items and the kill buffs of 7.20 and 7.23 were all present in TI 8 during 7.17, got it.

              • 2 years ago

                >neutral items, shrines, rosh dropping 12k worth of items

              • 2 years ago

                You don't even play dota.

  61. 2 years ago

    >playing ranked in the first place
    Unless if you are high immortal or Herald fodder for Jenkin's videos, don't bother.

    • 2 years ago

      I miss old techies

  62. 2 years ago

    Ok? No one is forcing you to play. Just stop.

  63. 2 years ago

    ppl in posts like these never reveal their mmr

  64. 2 years ago

    maybe you should play flash farming high impact heroes?
    No matter what role you play.

  65. 2 years ago

    frick Black personnaut mains

    • 2 years ago

      >in dota

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        its especially bad for those with juggernig syndrome

  66. 2 years ago

    >playing a game he doesn't like
    >playing a game he can recognize has flaws he heavily dislikes
    >caring about arbitrary ranking numba that doesn't get him anything
    have you tried not playing it?

  67. 2 years ago

    >get to low legend
    >eat such a massive loss streak that I drop almost back to crusader

    • 2 years ago

      All just so the hamster keeps spinning the wheel.

      • 2 years ago

        they fricked up because I havent launched the game since

  68. 2 years ago

    True Sight when?

  69. 2 years ago

    Bros how do I become a booster?

  70. 2 years ago

    LoL shitter here, can someone explain to me why the DoTA2 MMR system is unlike every other game and goes up to like 6k ELO?
    I only think of ELO in terms of chess where the average player is around 1200 and the best players top out at around 2800. I think LoL's hidden MMR follows this same scale where 1200 is around silver ELO, gold is like 1500-1800, plat is 1800-2000, something like that. Why does Dota2 do it so differently?

    • 2 years ago

      Numbers are just numbers.
      You gain 20 to 30 per game, while in chess you gain 3 to 7.

      And it's likely a heavily modified Elo (Elo is a name, not an acronym btw) system.

      • 2 years ago

        >it's likely a heavily modified Elo (Elo is a name, not an acronym btw) system.
        Technically elo is practically slang for 'matchmaking system' at this point, as the actual Elo rating system is strictly built for 1v1 encounters and hasn't been used outside of Chess (and maybe RTS games?) for years

  71. 2 years ago

    Fricking yikes. The valve drone has lost his mind completely now. Hold on, I'm supposed to play My MMR + 3000 so when forced 50 tries to rape my MMR I solo carry the morons like a booster. Wow, you're a fricking bot.

    • 2 years ago

      Just get good

  72. 2 years ago

    >All this asshurt by homosexuals who won't git gud

    • 2 years ago

      post mmr

      • 2 years ago

        last 4 digits

  73. 2 years ago

    >its another "let's spend 10 minutes farming jungle and hunting down their support while we lose all our towers" episode

  74. 2 years ago

    Just with dota 2 alone you are given a plethora of tools, most importantly the ability to watch replays of every single game you play at a speed between 1/4 to 16 times or more, from any players perspective.
    If you ever die like a moron, you can watch what happened and what led up to your stupid ass dying as many times as you want and track every single spell cast.
    You can also do this with the replays of players much better than you.

    And that's just the most important tool that is already completely free to you, there is also a competent test mod and dozens of training custom maps that you can find in the arcade.

    Apply yourself before you start complaining.

    • 2 years ago

      >what led up to your stupid ass dyin
      I know what
      it was some assassiBlack person coming out of stealth and deleting me before I can blink

      • 2 years ago

        So why did you not pay attention to him not being visible?

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