Things you discovered after a long time in games you've known for decades

SMW is one of my favorite games ever, first time I played it was in 1992.
Only in recent times I discovered that Bug Boo will peek at you for a second if you wait while looking at him.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Sonic 1
    I had no idea about the Super Rings and 1-Up monitors in Act 3 of Green Hill, where you go down after jumping over some spikes on this ledge, right under that rotating spikes part in around the middle of the act, it blew my mind.

  2. 5 months ago

    playing the recorder in the original zelda will allow you to use your sword again instantly after being touched by those blobs

    • 5 months ago

      Nice! I had no idea, thanks!

  3. 5 months ago

    Great thread! Thanks, OP!

  4. 5 months ago

    My GF pointed out that Alucard was Dracula spelled backward. God did I feel like the CEO of down syndrome.

  5. 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    If you spin around in a circle in Mario Sunshine and spray, you can do a twirling move. I never knew that when I played as a kid.

  7. 5 months ago

    There are hidden 1-up triggers in Super Mario World

    • 5 months ago

      How were you supposed to find these?

      • 5 months ago

        Chance. Playing the game, running around, then poof, 1UP.

      • 5 months ago

        They knew someone would create a level editor for SMW ten years later and wanted to surprise them.

      • 5 months ago

        buying the strategy guides

  8. 5 months ago

    In Resident Evil 4, you can actually keep the Rocket Launcher Ada throws at Leon, to either use or sell in a New Round save file.

  9. 5 months ago

    I didn't know you could block attacks in Silent Hill 3. I still don't know how to do it because I've never bothered looking it up despite 3 being my favorite SH game. I don't know if it's not intuitive enough or I'm just a silly billy.

  10. 5 months ago

    I remember playing Mega Man X with some of my buddies back around 2008. I played that game a lot and got really good at it. I made it to Sigmas fortress with no deaths and all upgrades then one of them asked me if I was going to get the Hadouken? There were maybe 8 of us and no one knew what he was talking about. It took him trying to explain how to get it, him trying(he sucked at games) looking it up on gamefaqs and other forums, trial and error and like 2 hours later we got it. Didn't even use it in any meaningful way afterwards. It was a lot of fun though. I just found out a few years ago you don't need all your sub tanks filled or 9 lives before starting the run for it so I guess that's a decades later part.

  11. 5 months ago

    This is probably the best thread on /vr/ right now.
    Here's one I learned from a thread from some weeks ago. Sometimes, the Mario Paint save feature will get your an error and show you this screen. I've never seen it myself though.

    • 5 months ago

      Holy soul!

    • 5 months ago

      You literally have to go out of your way to create an image that it can't compress to fit the SRAM.

  12. 5 months ago

    So I only started playing FF7 as an adult, so I've only got about 10 years of experience with it, but I'm currently doing a playthrough where I go slow as frick, and I'm finding some interesting things.

    First is something I don't think anyone else has ever really mentioned. Everyone and their brother knows about the Evangelion D-type cameo in Dio's showroom, but I'm 99% sure this "Calling Gourd" is a reference to an episode of original Dragon Ball, where these two goons are terrorizing a town with a magic gourd that traps people inside of it if they call your name and you don't answer them. Could also be a Japanese folklore thing, but I specifically remember it from Dragon Ball.

    • 5 months ago

      A lot of Clouds dialogue and interactions in Junon are pretty great after you know the whole plot. I love how he talks about the Shinra uniform he "couldn't stand wearing" anymore, and as the player, you know he was never actually promoted out of it.

      Also, something I realized the last time I played was these guards you disguise yourself with were just freshly promoted and have never seen combat. You teach them your special victory pose, and if you come back to the locker room later, they're just standing there doing it over and over again. Then, MUCH later, they're actually the guards you end up stealing the submarine from, and the game gives you the option of taking them hostage or fighting them. So these poor dudes you've known since disc 1 idolize you, then later they get into their first fight ever with you... and you can kill them. Makes me feel bad because I'm pretty sure I killed them on my first playthrough.

    • 5 months ago

      Monkey Magic reference

      • 5 months ago

        >Monkey Magic
        Oh, that would make sense. Given that both are homages to Journey to the West. I'm still curious if the concept is just something that's been in Japanese folklore for centuries.

        A lot of Clouds dialogue and interactions in Junon are pretty great after you know the whole plot. I love how he talks about the Shinra uniform he "couldn't stand wearing" anymore, and as the player, you know he was never actually promoted out of it.

        Also, something I realized the last time I played was these guards you disguise yourself with were just freshly promoted and have never seen combat. You teach them your special victory pose, and if you come back to the locker room later, they're just standing there doing it over and over again. Then, MUCH later, they're actually the guards you end up stealing the submarine from, and the game gives you the option of taking them hostage or fighting them. So these poor dudes you've known since disc 1 idolize you, then later they get into their first fight ever with you... and you can kill them. Makes me feel bad because I'm pretty sure I killed them on my first playthrough.

        Also, Zack's house in Gongaga is the only one with flowers in it, or any kind of potted blant at all. Presumably foreshadowing that he was Aerith's boyfriend.

        There's also a dude in Kalm who says he moved there from Midgar because he wanted to be closer to nature, but the reactors have been killing all the plants and animals even that far away. His house is also the only one with any potted plants in it.

        • 5 months ago

          If you go back to lower Junon and talk to the girl who introduced you to the dolphin, she talks in her sleep and it heavily implies she was dolphin-raped.

          This is the kind of hidden content that JRPGs just don't do anymore. Sad.

          • 5 months ago

            I replay 7 every year or two and there's always something new I notice. Speaking of which its about time for another replay.

            • 5 months ago

              >there's always something new I notice.
              It's fantastic. I hate how modern games lead you by the nose to every last thing. Developers are so scared that moronic game critics will miss major pieces of content and then tank the review score because they don't have 100+ hours of gameplay.

  13. 5 months ago

    Shinobi 3 has a 6-button lay out. A lot of fun to mess around with but makes the game very easy to beat.

  14. 5 months ago

    i found out megaman is based off of astroboy and i felt so stupid for not noticing

  15. 5 months ago

    FF6 has a few small cutscenes and bits of dialogue that are very easy to miss in your average playthrough.
    After the airship gets shot down on the southern continent, at some point you can make a long trip over to the nearby town and find Setzer being assisted in repairing the airship by Cid, who keeps suggesting changes to the vehicle.
    At some point you can take Sabin, Cyan, and Gau to the crazy old man's house, and Sabin will put two and two together and figure out the old man is Gau's father, or most likely his father. They'll try to dress Gau up and get the old man to recognize Gau as the child he threw out into the Veldt.
    After getting Sabin in your party for the first time, backtrack to his master's home. His master's wife will be there to speak with you.
    If you don't leave Narshe after defeating Kefka with Locke and Celes, or Sabin and Edgar, you miss out on scenes in Kohlingen and Figaro Castle(when you sleep) respectively.

    • 5 months ago

      If you rehire Shadow after Zozo and take him to the Opera House, he'll leave your party shortly before Ultros arrives to sabotage the show. The usher will give you a message from him: that he would have killed himself if he had to stay another minute.

  16. 5 months ago

    how the frick did they fit so much SOUL in smw?

  17. 5 months ago

    One time I was talking about NES DuckTales with a guy I know and told him how I discovered a barrel off screen in Himalayas after 20 years of playing the game. He told something like "Yeah, that's one well hidden secret, much like skip to second floor at the start of Transylvania level". And I was like "The frick... wait, what skip".
    Turns out if you pogo jump to the left from the stairs where Webby is, there's a hidden rope which allows you to go up.

    This goddamn game, I was sure I've found everything over the years, but I keep finding new stuff. Capcom really have put soul in it.

  18. 5 months ago

    You can actually enter the lighthouse under certain conditions.

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