This game is infested with hackers. I would not be surprised if there was at least one hacker in every match.

This game is infested with hackers. I would not be surprised if there was at least one hacker in every match.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

CRIME Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    t's normal in early wipe, every noob streamer pays for carry service so they can get gear/killa quest early on. Later it always dies down. Last wipe I didn't see any obvious hacker for months.

    There was once a youtuber who used wh on labs and proved that wh users where in like 9/10 lab games. Granted it was labs. I believe that like 70% of games have a radar user right now, since they can do that without any risk rn.

    • 2 years ago

      The game is a buy once own forever monetization system, which means they have zero loyalty to long term players and instead make money every holiday with an influx of players buying new accounts.

      Hacking is how they make money, no matter if they admit it or not.

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, it's kind of like Deadman Mode in OSRS. People hack and cheat early because currency is worth more at the start for real $$$.

    • 2 years ago

      I used ESP in ArmA DayZ to highlight how many people were actually cheating. Surprise, it was a lot.

  2. 2 years ago

    >This game is infested with hackers
    Welcome to every game that gets popular with Chinks. Devs are moronic for not region locking.

    • 2 years ago

      >Killed by XianXijnPing627289

      Some of my friends changed their nicknames to generic chinese names and claim they don't get killed by hackers as often now.

      • 2 years ago

        >Some of my friends changed their nicknames to generic chinese names and claim they don't get killed by hackers as often now.
        Given hackers can see your city, IP, ISP etc, I doubt it.

        • 2 years ago

          they can't
          game's not peer to peer

          • 2 years ago

            >game's not peer to peer
            Doesn't need to be, it has VOIP which isn't secure and broadcasts your IP for all the world to see.

            • 2 years ago

              I forgot VOIP was a thing since I never enabled it

              • 2 years ago

                Smart man.

              • 2 years ago

                not because of privacy concerns
                I just don't get the idea of VOIP in the game
                it would suit a game like dayz but not etf
                maybe once the game actually ~~*releases*~~ to the promised open world and no wipe state it would be better but as of now VOIP has no place in tarkov

              • 2 years ago

                once the game actually ~~*releases*~~ to the promised open world and no wipe state it would be better but as of now VOIP has no place in tarkov
                Thats because youre a boring ass Black person who never communicates with anybody. Scav runs feel so much more better now that i can tell some other scavs theres raiders / PMCs somewhere and use them as meatshield to get easy loot

              • 2 years ago

                why would I want to communicate with anyone instead of clicking them in the head
                I don't play on scav at all whatsoever

    • 2 years ago

      That's racist

  3. 2 years ago

    A friend streamed this for me and there was a speedhacker in the match I saw him play. He said that was normal.

    • 2 years ago

      Speed hackers are hardly normal. I ve seen them twice maybe and i got 2000+ hours. Blatant hacks like aimbot or flying are rare in general. Most often you can't be sure if you got killed by a hacker since they use wh/radar and thats almost indistinguishable from a legit player with thermal scope.

      • 2 years ago

        >Aimbots are rare

        Everyone is using walls and aimbots my man, its practically undetectable too.

        Thoughts on the singleplayer mod?

        why bother, the game is fun because its multiplayer it's not very good otherwise.

        • 2 years ago

          >why bother
          You just answered that question in your own post. The game has hackers in multiplater.

        • 2 years ago

          people that try to diminish the problem of cheats in EVERY single PC game with a MP component, are most often cheaters
          you cannot name a single multplayer FPS on PC that doesnt have cheats at every single skill level, and yet here we are where these fricking subhumans who are most definitely brainfricked from not being able to enjoy videogames anymore, crawl into threads to be the cancer that they so enjoy being

          one time I found a friend of a friend cheats in videogames so I make sure to put a finger up my ass and into his drink whenever I can, its doubly funny because I have stomach worms

          • 2 years ago

            the entire /eftg/ discord from /vg/ practically collapsed into a hacker discord,

          • 2 years ago

            Every competitive shooter at this point is like 30% cheaters at a bare minimum. The fact is, it's mostly undetectable, the bans are infrequent, it costs nothing to start over, there's no social stigma, OTHER people defend you cheating like their lives depend on it, there's no direct financial incentive for the devs to do anything about it, on and on.

            So we get shitloads of cheaters. Why not? Turns out there's thousands of guys willing to pay even $100 a month for the privilege of stomping on people who don't cheat in whatever shooter game. It costs millions to develop remotely decent anti-cheat and maintain it and you can't easily show financial losses from cheating, so none of the corporate beancounters ever want to invest in dealing with the issue.

            This is why we're seeing things like autoaim and wall hacks being implemented by design in more recent FPS games. It's at the point where you might as well just give everyone the cheats and design the game around that.

    • 2 years ago

      Speedhackers arent normal. Wallhacks and Aimbot is.
      Got myself and my friend grenaded yesterday standing completely still for 5 minutes in a room.
      >3 guys stomp down to the bunkers
      >Throw a grenade on us
      >I die
      "Ok anon they were just checking lol"
      >My friend doesnt take any damage and doesnt move or make any noise after
      >They throw another pinpoint grenade under him
      No, one grenade i could understand but a second one is too much.

      • 2 years ago

        Lol but it is rarely possible to say 100%.

        >on shoreline with 3 of my friends
        >we re scattered around resort area.
        >checking the east wing windows through the scope
        >I see 5 lightly geared timmies walking on a stair case and then on the 3rd floor
        >my friends cut out all the exits to the east wing
        >we got them surrounded and gonna ambush them
        >10 minutes passes and its completely silent
        >we rush inside
        >we re running inside, checking all levels, opening some of the rooms
        >I swear I saw them guys
        >beggining to doubt myself
        >hear somebody turning on wood in one of the rooms
        >5 timmies pour out of one of the rooms on the 3rd floor firing pistols and shotguns
        >we kill all of them in an instant

        They must have been sitting in complete silence for like 10 minutes while we were looking for them.

  4. 2 years ago

    Thoughts on the singleplayer mod?

    • 2 years ago

      It's nice if you don't care about MMO aspects of the game, I like to LARP as stalker in it.

    • 2 years ago

      >singleplayer mod
      Isn't it just stalker at that point?

      • 2 years ago

        No? Stalker has an actual open world with story progression and missions.

        There is a stalker mod that tarkov-ifies the game though

    • 2 years ago

      Only worthwhile way to play this game, especially with some a lot of the tweak mods

    • 2 years ago

      It’s pretty cool, but the performance is poor and the AI is garbage. That’s just a symptom of the old versions they’re using.

  5. 2 years ago

    i got permabanned from tarkov two wipes ago so i haven't played it in a long time and i'm totally out of the loop on this game, but in my experience cheaters were kind of common. has it really gotten worse?

    • 2 years ago

      I have no hard evidence to back it up, but it seems that there are hackers in at least half the matches.

    • 2 years ago

      Hackers used to be somewhat contained to labs. One or two wipes ago BSG really nerfed the loot on labs to the point where almost nobody (including hackers) plays it. I once played labs three times in a row and haven't met (or heard) a single player. So hacking became much more common on every other map.

      Also trading items for real money became almost impossible due to restrictions on what you can drop in raid or sell on flee. So hackers will do carry services and targeting players now instead of just grabbing loot and going.

      • 2 years ago

        i do remember hackers mostly playing labs, the first time i played labs i actually got killed by one
        >One or two wipes ago BSG really nerfed the loot on labs to the point where almost nobody (including hackers) plays it.
        i didn't know about this though, what is the purpose of labs now then?

  6. 2 years ago

    Haven't met one this wipe.

    • 2 years ago

      its also a literal community joke to pretend there's no hackers which is a level of cope that's extremely funny. Most high level players and streamers are cheating at this point. All the top streamers use radar at the minimum and some of them have overlays that just dont show up on twitch.

      • 2 years ago

        There was some streamer and sherpa who was caught lately in leak where it was revealed he hired a carry service to do the Killa quest with him. Now when I see a streamer wearing tracksuit I am assuming they are cheating unless they are on Landmark on Willerz level. Virtually impossible to do that quest right now without hacks.

  7. 2 years ago

    I had not seen many hackers before but just 2minutes ago some dude wast just running around in one of the villages in Woods and blasting everything, I was watching him from the forest a fair way away and finally he just popped from behind one of the fences and shot me in the head straight on 1 shot.
    That had to be aimbot and walls

  8. 2 years ago

    >Be a tarkov hacker
    >See people complain about chinese hackers
    >Almost none exist that arent top secret private shit

    I hate homosexuals that feel the need to lie about shit just to cope with them being bad

  9. 2 years ago

    The reason there are hackers is because of RMT, occasionally the avg moron Joe too whos "frustrated everyone else but him are cheating".
    Every MMO suffers from this shit on a scale of how grindy or grueling the game is. Its directly related. Niggita doesnt understand this so he puts bandaid solutions everywhere that frick over the non cheating playerbase.
    The solution was already there long ago but was paved over. The game has become way harder to get to max trader levels, this solicits for carry services, account selling and ruble trading. Why give a shit about any of the hard work when you are working and can pay like 100 bucks for some fun?
    It took me less time to level up to 60 on a warrior in vanilla wow compared to max lvl 4 in this game.

    • 2 years ago

      A lot of modern multiplayer games have the problem that if you play other vidya and have a life, so you can only spend a couple of hours per week on a single game, you get outpaced from the grind/meta changes by other players. The Cycle released not long ago and I saw that the faction/tech tree get reset when they wipe player inventories. Didn't even bother downloading it, I'd barely be started on it and would have to start from scratch.
      Sadly that means I have to either play solo/coop games or hope for someone to make an mp game without tons of bullshit tacked on. EFT solo mod isn't a good solution either since the AI is pretty bad, once you take the threat of real players out of the equations the game unravels pretty quickly.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes but because most of the playerbase are people with too much time on their hands the problem will persist. Atleast if there wasnt any wipes you could eventually reach the same level as the nerds. I only want access to decent ammo.
        >tfw a japanese vtuber girl is already lvl 52 and youre just a lvl 23 shmuck
        Its not fair
        Ill be forever doomed to a life in the reserve bunkers kneecapping chads with magnum buckshot and my 8000 ruble doublebarrel

        • 2 years ago

          Bro all you need is RFB with m80 ammo and you are on even playing field with anyone.

          Alternatively learn how to farm rouges for 7,62 BP and lvl5 armour and you will have advantage in 90% fights in early wipe.

          • 2 years ago

            M80 is locked behind PK3 now. Also running Veprhunter is fricking boring.
            I prefer hit and run with a shotgun. Makes you feel like a king when you down somebody running with 2 mil gear on while youre just barely breaking 20k if you count meds

    • 2 years ago

      who would do RMT for something that will just be wiped away in a few months?

      • 2 years ago

        People who have jobs?

        • 2 years ago

          but what you’re paying for is quickly lost. it would make more sense to just buy hacks and new accounts if you eventually get banned at that point

          • 2 years ago

            Alot of what people spend money on doesnt make sense. Did you know people pay for porn? Crazy right?

            • 2 years ago

              It's worse mate, there are people that pay for camprostitutes that don't even put out (twitch bathtub c**ts).

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, aslong as the game is as hard as it is currently, there will exist a big market for chinks to sell accounts with maxed traders and money.
                Its nothing new, every MMO has the same problem. You make the game a grindfest, people will avoid that grind by paying real money.
                You make the game hard but not necessarily grindy? People will cheat.

              • 2 years ago

                It seems as though the winning move is to make the game singleplayer or co-op vs ai so you're at least not put up against cheaters/people who skipped the grind with RMT.

      • 2 years ago

        Some people like Tarkov gameplay and complex weapon and gear system but with low hours in game all they can afford is shitty sks. Its unavoidable they will try to buy 50 milion rubles from a hacker for like 5$. BSG figts RMT actively but they can't do much about carry services.

        • 2 years ago

          they could destroy carry services overnight by letting the guys who want to pay $50 to unlock everything do exactly that through legit means

          • 2 years ago

            Then the game would be even more P2W officially than it already is with EOD edition. It would probably turn off even more players from buying the game. At least with hackers they can always say "it's just the beta, we will deal with them when the full launch happens" and push it under the rug for now.

            • 2 years ago

              yeah but it'd work and they'd make money hand over fist

            • 2 years ago

              Yes it would become pay to "win", as in pay to lose interest in the game after one week.
              Its honestly probably the only way to truly fix the problem but honestly its too big of a cost so its better off not doing shit. Could also just stop making everything so damn moronic to unlock.
              They moved BP to Grenadier for example. Grenadier is one of the most moronic tasks in the game. The argument is that youll get the 15 kills playing normally but thats completely fricking stupid, nobody who does that quest gets them naturally, everyone farms impact nades or vogs and camps extracts or goes to factory.
              If that quest was like 4 or 5 kills people would just bring normal grenades into raids and get it naturally.
              Thats just one example of the stupid circus tricks the game has you do to unlock shit.
              Dehydrate yourself for 5 minutes?
              Literally join a game and eat a condensed milk, sleep in a bush for 5 minutes then leave. WOW gameplay!
              Frick the tasks honestly, if the game didnt require you to do them to progress or unlock shit it would be 10/10 even with cheaters

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah but because reddit keeps crying about RMT and cheaters Niggita will just keep putting shitty bandaids to appeal to them.
          Remember the Flea market "Bots" that reddit cried about?
          Turns out there were no bots, it was just people with shitty connection and "late" date/time settings.
          They still implemented a really shitty captcha system thats literally not an issue to bypass if you were in the business of making bots in the first place. Still we get to enjoy that stupid thing when we spam F5 in Flea.

          I remember when the first batch of carry weigth changes were implemented, Reddit was 99% posts complaining about not being able to run everywhere with lvl 6 armor, didnt ever even consider using Troopers instead if they were looting.
          Took them like 24h to revert the change so it didnt even matter anymore. Now were pretty much in the same spot as before but theres no complaining.
          Then theres the crying about recoil, people want the laser guns back even though that was a big complaint before that everyone was running HKs and M4s only.

        • 2 years ago

          they're morons. they can just play SPT

  10. 2 years ago

    The radar users are the most annoying tbh

    • 2 years ago

      As far as I understand BSG doesn't do anything about them, since connections to the servers are unencrypted and it's impossible for anticheat to spot?

      • 2 years ago

        If they're not going to do anything about cheaters, they may as well stop trying to make a multiplayer game and put all their resources towards better AI and release a singleplayer mode.

        • 2 years ago

          Bs take. Fighting bots in this game is no fun at all, just learning their patterns and exploiting them. EFTs biggest advantage is high risk high reward game mod and it only really works with multiplayer.

          • 2 years ago

            That is why I said they would need to put all their resources into better AI first. It's 2022, we should have AI that is as unpredictable as a human player.

          • 2 years ago

            >Fighting bots in this game is no fun at all, just learning their patterns and exploiting them.
            That's why you SPT-AKI with AI mods, numbnuts

      • 2 years ago

        I mean they could encrypt it or at least see if there is an IP asking for this data that just so happens to be in that match using the same IP address. Either way the radar users, to me, are the thing ruining the game the most.

        • 2 years ago

          Fully agree. What pisses me off is I often can't even tell if somebody is legit good player with great awareness or scumbag radar user.

  11. 2 years ago

    not only hackers, but devs are absolutely moronic and wont optimize their shitty game. fricking unity garbage runs barelly at 60 with high end pc.

  12. 2 years ago

    >russian game
    >complain about hackers

  13. 2 years ago

    I seriously hope you didn't buy this.

    • 2 years ago

      Unfortunately I did. Thankfully, it was only the $40 version and I feel that I got my entertainment's worth. Still does not justify it with the amount of hackers, though.
      >inb4 it's a beta

  14. 2 years ago

    >Using the word "Hacker"
    >Not just using the word "Cheater"
    >Implying a literal hacker

    Why do these forced memes catch on?

    • 2 years ago

      Are you literally autistic or do you lack the basic level of deduction required to understand what people mean when they refer to a hacker in a video game? I'm genuinely curious.

  15. 2 years ago

    I've not seen a single hacker since the very beginning of wipe. Not one.
    If you're extremely bad at video games you usually assume everyone better than you is hacking.
    That seems to be you, OP.

    • 2 years ago

      You notice hackers usually only when you camp, if youre just playing the game like most people you wont notice wallhacks. You just get head/eyes and move on.
      Ive sat in Idea office room for like 5 minutes in complete silence and had some guy shot both me and my friend in the jaw with shitty m855 instantly after walking in, before walking in he even said "Hello rats" or something in VOIP lmao.
      Its true most people complain wrongly when they get randomly head/eyes because of the peekers advantage but you notice wallhacks easily if you rat around silently.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm a super rat with a ridiculous emphasis on stealth play. I cam bushes while prone in the darkness of night maps. Every now and then, I get people who know exactly where I am and kill me.
        I'm a camping piece of shit, but at least I'm not a hacker.

    • 2 years ago

      Bro i have like 2500 hours in this game and I assure you I can tell a difference. Not every time obv, but when XijYang8572628 shoots me in the head 3 times with a stock m4 I am gonna make an educated guess it wasn't 100% legit.

    • 2 years ago

      Nah, you're honestly NOT good at the game if you can't tell when people are hacking.

      I see it all the time honestly. Someone who thinks they're good at the game and you show them a clip like this and they go, "that's not hacking". Oh you bet your ass it is, you just don't recognize artificial inputs when you see them.

      Planetside 2 actually pioneered things like cheaters increasing player hitbox sizes by 25%. Which is virtually imperceptible to anyone watching a stream who doesn't have enough hours in the game to know when shots hitting doesn't look right. Oh yes, it was totally just skill that all your body shots are turning into headshots and bullets are impacting open air instead of missing. No wait, it's "lag", lmao.

      • 2 years ago

        sad, but this is why games with SBMM is the fix for this. you just gotta reverse boost so you get into the moron lobbies rather than the lobbies with skilled players and cheats.

  16. 2 years ago

    Before texture exploit got "Patched" (Just like the reserve looking through walls glitched got "Patched" every other wipe for four years in a row)
    I can confirm that in every lobby on semi-popular servers there was at least ONE person using soft walls. I know because for a month I played with this dude who used them because he was omega moronic (As in was still hacking and had a lower K/D and S/R than everyone else in the group). He'd point out anyone else that was sus and they'd avoid us because he'd wiggle at the walls through them, and other hackers stay away from them because that would defeat the point in hacking. I guarantee there's another thing to fill that gap out now that's just walls and item ESP and shit like that though.

    Streamers play on either different servers, or at the very least different versions of the game. I'm talking absolutely bonkers revenue huge streamers, not people with just like a few thousand subs. There's a different version of the game that you can only get if you're a twitch affiliate that allegedly only gives you the twitch QOL things (Like hiding names and servers and shit) though it makes no sense why people must be hand picked for this.

    Lootsweep made a pretty big return this wipe. There's a good chance that the marked room that only had 1-2 things in it had 1-2 things more at the start of the raid. A lot of people also don't count that in certain firefights people are hacking, because they could've been playing legitimately and still gotten that. Or they killed you in a suspicious fashion, but took a while to do it because they were just using walls and not aimbot.

    They can detect speedhacking and aimbot. They do, but they're smart and they do it based off of a collateral damage system assuming that they're not pot-metal hacks that get caught instantly. You kill too many people and garner too many reports and they manually ban you from the game.

    • 2 years ago

      Cont, they've had something of a war on RMT recently which anyone who plays the game, or even pretends to by watching streamers would know because of all of the moronic flea market changes. They limited the in-raid money you could drop to 25k rubles only, and then removed that because they weren't satisfied.

      Notice how that's RMT, and not hacking, unless it's RMT related hacking. They don't care about it until it starts affecting monetary game, bullying players off of it in small chips doesn't mean shit since it's a 1 time purchase for legitimate players. They're doing the same thing GTA was notorious for doing before shark cards, which was indulging in the hacking issue to make more money.

      I wouldn't even mind the hackers since it's whatever, and most of the time (Except for labs) they're just running around swiping loot, it's the desync that popped in ever since they introduced these fricking co-op server raids for streamer "Tournaments". Massive desync, like watching people get hit by a nade, run around, and die five seconds later from the nade. Peeking, then unpeeking and being hit several times. It used to be sort of bad, but now it's absolutely unplayable. The ONLY place where NONE of this is an issue by the way is factory. I hit level 35 and haven't run a map that wasn't factory since all of these issues have been a b***h and a half this wipe. Hopefully one day the community organizes and demands they do something about bias and them being fat sweaty israelites, but I doubt it. They cash out the second it's a money sink, they don't care about the game otherwise.

  17. 2 years ago

    Only way to fix RMT is to make it unnecessary for the playerbase.

    • 2 years ago

      It is a possible solution, but if you make in-game currency too easy to earn or possible to buy from BSG itself you re killing the main appeal of the game. I believe EFT is popular largely bc of gambling like mechanic. You gamble your gear so you can earn money, xp and so on. When you hit like 50 milion rouble the game becomes much less exciting since dying doesn't really hurt you and even the fattest loot isn't that relevant to you. That's why there is fewer people playing late after the wipe, even though playing with high end gear should be more rewarding in theory.

      • 2 years ago

        So the cheating and RMT problems the game has are self inflicted, asking for gambling simulators is obviously going to end up in the shit the game is everytime.
        If people just enjoyed playing the game and having fun and not looking up their numbers go up in every game.
        If there ever will be a time when EFT stops getting wiped, these cheaters will mostly go away and RMT will become pretty irrelevant, but the game will have way less players too.

      • 2 years ago

        Make the economy completely based on your own progression, remove flea and trading all together. Majority of cheaters (chinks) will frick off..

        • 2 years ago

          This. The only reason why cheating exists in this game is because of the flea market. Right now you can make 8 wires that will make you atleast 80k profit every 2 hours. You stack them up until you reach 500 or 1000 wires and boom you don't even need to play the game anymore because you just made like 20 million roubles. I don't even get scared of dying in this game anymore because I have 50 million roubles in the bank and If I somehow get to like 0 roubles I can do a scav raid and get 200k that will be enough money for a very good kit. Shit is broken. Good game though

          • 2 years ago

            how the frick people have patience for the hideout browser-tier game and market
            shit's unbearable unless you have no life at all and literally never log off

            • 2 years ago

              It is not for nothing that Tarkov is called a FPS MMORPG.

            • 2 years ago

              Hideout gets easier once you hit level 15 for the flee. When you need money play reserve / interchange and camp exfils for easy money. Leveling skills is complete bullshit just like most quests

    • 2 years ago

      You honestly have to be extremely extremely moronic to resort to RMT instead of buying cheats

      • 2 years ago

        rmt is not bannable

        • 2 years ago

          and? rmt in this game is fricking moronic since it goes away when a wipe happens. What item could someone need that badly that they'd pay money just for that? At least radar can be used in multiple ways including farming specific item drops or making easy money farms.

          • 2 years ago

            and cheats are bannable
            are you stupid or what

            • 2 years ago

              lol no one who uses radar gets banned. It takes forever for people who use walls and aimhacks to get banned too. Literally in a server with multiple. Only one of them has gotten banned once like 2 wipes ago.

              • 2 years ago

                you expect anyone to believe your anecdotal evidence? injection method gets discovered and your account is gone with the banwave eventually
                cheat = ban, but rmt = no ban
                simple as

              • 2 years ago

                I can literally flip this around and ask who should believe you? Where's your supposed evidence that BSG is on top of things and constantly getting rid of hackers? You are legitimately delusional to believe this game isn't filled with cheaters, especially the numerous top streamers with their sixth sense that magically taps through the games objectively bad and janky sound design.

              • 2 years ago

                >I can literally flip this around and ask who should believe you?
                rmt doesn't break tos and even if it does by some insane stretch there are methods that are basically impossible to prove player is guilty
                you can read tos and compare it to current rmt methods and see for yourself

                >the rest of this post
                I never said any of that, you're just putting words in my mouth and seething at some imaginary argument you made up in your head
                take a chill pill you literal fricking moron lmao

              • 2 years ago

                I don't care about RMT dude. I'm saying it's moronic no matter what. If you want to keep defending it then it just makes it sound like you're the pathetic loser resorting to RMT while trying to take the high ground of not using radar.
                >I never said any of that
                Well it must be what you think since your response to me saying cheaters don't get banned is "n-no I don't believe you you're wrong!"

              • 2 years ago

                it sound like you're the pathetic loser resorting to RMT while trying to take the high ground of not using radar.
                >lose argument
                >better make up another another strawman to seethe at

                >Well it must be what you think since your response to me saying cheaters don't get banned is "n-no I don't believe you you're wrong!"
                >I haven't died yet that means I'm immortal

              • 2 years ago

                It's not a strawman. My only point about RMT was that it's moronic to use and I stopped talking about it when you try to make it seem like radar is a worse option because "m-m-muh bannable offense!" when I fricking KNOW people don't get banned for cheats. Even the most egregious ones like homosexuals running around with literal aimbot and whizzing around the map at the speed of sound. It's RIDICULOUS.
                But you keep bringing up RMT, which makes me believe you're defending it because you do it. Which is pathetic. If you don't use it, then you're just outright being a giant autistic sperg who is okay with RMT and doesn't see it as being pathetic but also things cheating is LE BAD because it's "bannable"

              • 2 years ago

                >you try to make it seem like radar is a worse option because blah blah blah
                that is literally just you making an argument in your dysfunctional fricking brain you stupid mouth-drooling moron
                quote where did I say that rmt is not moronic or better than radar or cheats
                do it you fricking mongoloid
                makes sense you have cheaters in your clique since you're that fricking stupid

            • 2 years ago

              you expect anyone to believe your anecdotal evidence? injection method gets discovered and your account is gone with the banwave eventually
              cheat = ban, but rmt = no ban
              simple as

              >I can literally flip this around and ask who should believe you?
              rmt doesn't break tos and even if it does by some insane stretch there are methods that are basically impossible to prove player is guilty
              you can read tos and compare it to current rmt methods and see for yourself

              >the rest of this post
              I never said any of that, you're just putting words in my mouth and seething at some imaginary argument you made up in your head
              take a chill pill you literal fricking moron lmao

              You lost, lmao get fricking shidded on moron.

      • 2 years ago

        Problem with cheats is that it's not like you're just going "Wow, instead of buying $30 worth of rubles I'll buy the hack for $30 and go forever" because all the good hacks these days that don't get detected constantly use subscription based service, you have to pay monthly for them, so there is no "one and done" option, the few that offer that are nuts and charge like $200 for it

        The basically best Tarkov hack right now in terms of safety and overall features is fricking $40/month

    • 2 years ago

      The Gold Token in WoW has destroyed the game. Now people use it to buy gears, titles and clears, destroying the entire point of the game. More over it didn't stop RMT at all.

      Giving up and taking a piece yourself makes things worse is not sustainable and makes things worse.

  18. 2 years ago

    >*headshots you kilometers away*
    Its fun to hack and get death threats lmao, keep seething while I take your shit. Also I aint getting banned lmao good luck

  19. 2 years ago

    What's a good way to maps?

    • 2 years ago

      If you want to maps i suggest you map as much as you can.

    • 2 years ago

      Get a second monitor and have it visible there.

  20. 2 years ago

    >[FPS game] has a cheater problem
    oh wow what a shocker
    completely unexpected and never seen before in any other game in the genre

  21. 2 years ago

    I swear to god this game brings out moronation in people.

    >customs with one of my friends
    >making our way to the exit
    >taking fire from the storage area
    >we duck into the bushes and fire back
    >guy is dead
    >he asks if im alive
    >yes lets go
    >stand up and he instantly shoots me
    >bro why didn't you say you were behind me
    >I said I was behind you I was behind you this whole time I was 10 feet away from you
    >you should communicate better

    I feel better off solo

    • 2 years ago

      Are you one of those morons that doesn't realize it takes time for comms to send and receive over the internet?

    • 2 years ago

      >Entire Squad hunting people in Factory
      >Poor communication
      >Get into a firefight in that hallway on the far right with windows to the left
      >Someone is in front
      >Ask who is in front
      >Didn't hear a response
      >Pepper him
      >I peppered my own teammate

      • 2 years ago

        Went to Factory two times to complete Delivery from the past with a 5 man, both times everyone was just clueless and almost got killed by the single pistol hero.
        And people complain about squads ruining the game lmao, the average discord chat goes completely berserk when a single one of them dies, they dont hear shit because everyone is stomping around looting shit instead of staying put for 1 second to hear shit and they will shoot their friends if theyre not in the same room all the time.

      • 2 years ago

        Tbh it's unavoidable if you play with randoms or your squad just doesn't have enough playtime together. You either teamkill or get killed bc you hesitate too much. The only solution is to play a lot with experienced enough squad. Also playing duo or 3-man is often better than chaos of coordinating 4/5 ppl.

        • 2 years ago

          Its also the lack of a leader and completely different playstyles. In this game you either walk everywhere and sneak or you stomp your way through EVERYTHING. Its easier to run everywhere if you got like 3-5 people but still possible to sneak with just a duo.
          Everywhere you go as a 3 man you go there together and within like 10 meters of each other. Otherwise it gets way too confusing already.

    • 2 years ago

      people drop 40 IQ after launching this game

      >duo customs
      >chilling in greenscreen with DVL doing sbih
      >landed ~250m headshot (from there all the way to rail bridge felt p amazing ngl)
      >hear fighting near chemical p3
      >camping gate waiting for someone to cross
      >another pmc heard shots and creeped up on our building from military cp and making noise at 1st floor
      >tell my teammate
      >"bro hold the corridor outside my room while I hold the cross"
      >"okay sure bro"
      >fast forward 2 minutes
      >I get shot from the corridor

      >creeper crab walked all the way from pipe stairs to 2nd floor
      >crab walked like half way through corridor
      >swinged through the door last second and magdumped me before I could even react

      >as I die I hear my teammate sprinting up on metal stairs
      >"whoops sorry bro this guy just sneaked past me somehow lol"
      >"no bro I swear I was looking"

      and then people claim this game is "too hard"
      even elderly people and women can get kills because average person playing it is an absolute brain dead drool from mouth moronic

    • 2 years ago

      >Entire Squad hunting people in Factory
      >Poor communication
      >Get into a firefight in that hallway on the far right with windows to the left
      >Someone is in front
      >Ask who is in front
      >Didn't hear a response
      >Pepper him
      >I peppered my own teammate


      • 2 years ago

        sus amogus

      • 2 years ago

        >guy had 9mm single fire weapon
        It even fricking says it's not an AK but I guess Americans don't know how to read

    • 2 years ago

      Got tired of my friend constantly losing track of me even though I'm just a few meters away being loud as frick. Doesn't help that he's played just as long as me and still doesn't know any of the maps whatsoever so if I die I have to sit and guide him to the extract points. Gave up and just played solo because it became infuriating getting blamed for us dying or some dumb shit because I had to wait for him and convince him it was me he was shooting at etc.

      Never play this game with friends unless they have the same mindset and knowledge as you.

  22. 2 years ago

    One of the few games where I will say "just hack". Radar is the most common cheat and one that makes the game much more enjoyable. You still deal with aimhack changs but at least you can fricking tell they're cheating beforehand and potentially play around it and get out alive.

    The devs clearly don't care about completely getting rid of hackers, if they even can, because it makes people rebuy their game when they do a ban sweep. Seriously, if you buy radar or play with a friend who has radar you will see just how prevalent hacking is. It's not a meme. Just buy radar, it lets you avoid the games biggest issues (shit spawns, shit audio, other cheaters, loot RNG, bad or annoying quest design)

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think i would find the game satysfying with unfair advantage. Seems sad to cheat in what is supposed to be entertainment. I'd sooner switch to another fps.

    • 2 years ago

      >hurr durr just cheat so you will enjoy the game
      Fricking moron, you think i will feel good shooting some moron if i know where he is at all time with cheats?
      All you give a shit is the numbers you get after a raid

  23. 2 years ago

    post webms

    • 2 years ago

      here's your netcode, bro

      • 2 years ago

        oops wrong webm :-DDDDD
        that shit is already patched btw

  24. 2 years ago

    Easiest way to find out if someone is a third-worlder.

    • 2 years ago

      makes sense since the game most popular in the US

  25. 2 years ago

    HaRdCoRe GaYmPlaY

  26. 2 years ago

    >this game is great you just need some simple hacks to be on a more even playing field with everyone else
    The fact that this statement is uttered as if it were the most natural thing in the world is telling enough.

    • 2 years ago

      you can say that about any multiplayer fps though

      • 2 years ago

        Not particularly

  27. 2 years ago

    have you tried playing rainbow six siege, a game without any cheaters ever at all?!

    • 2 years ago

      I haven't been told by the community to just buy cheats myself so it's not comparable.

      • 2 years ago

        both are bad, and tarkov is probably more blatantly worse, but the stories i have about cheaters from my time with siege are hilarious and horrific

  28. 2 years ago

    It's actually a lot more than that, usually a minimum of 2-3 hackers per raid. There are no raids without any hackers in them.

  29. 2 years ago

    Aimbotters and Wallhackers are the worst but radargays are a fricking joke. Radar can't save them from getting their ass raped at exfils

  30. 2 years ago

    take the spt pill Ganker

    • 2 years ago

      I'd play SPT more if it didn't reset all of my settings every time I switched between SPT and the live game. I have most of my keybinds changed so it's really obnoxious.

      Honestly, I wonder how moddable SPT really is. I have no experience with it but i've been thinking up ways on how to make the game more geared for single player content. Since right now SPT is the same shit as live servers just with bad AI. You can fill the map up with more AI but it just turns it into more of a hoard shooter than anything. Most of the quests aren't that fulfilling. A lot of mechanics are designed for a MP experience which makes it unfun or not work properly in a SP mode.
      If a modder can throw in crashed helicopter sites into all of the maps with a random chance to appear then it makes it seem like a lot is possible.

      • 2 years ago

        >Since right now SPT is the same shit as live servers just with bad AI.
        You're not seriously playing SPT without mods, right? Without the 2 major AI overhauls? Holy shit.

        • 2 years ago

          dude, the AI overhauls are still ass. Someone who legit have to rewrite or reprogram the AI themselves to not be shit.

  31. 2 years ago

    I'm just waiting for coop with progress, official or not, I don't care. Got bored of spt and pvp is awful.
    I came across paulov coop mod that's in the works, so I got my hopes in that.

  32. 2 years ago

    Unfortunately most fps games are saturated with people at the bare minimum using radar or soft wall hacks, these are far harder to catch unless the user is some idiot that keeps his crosshairs over people constantly through walls.
    Community servers with active admins that actually know how to recognize this is about the only option to have some fair play, but even these are pretty inconsistent if the staff are moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      Ironically cheats are the best way people have to show just how poorly made the game is.

  33. 2 years ago

    >when you approach a position and start receiving fire that would have been a head shot every time you move but it's being blocked by cover

  34. 2 years ago

    >suck at game
    >never run with any good loot
    >never meet hackers
    Mosinbros rise up

    • 2 years ago

      me, except im a forever pistoling
      I eat mosincucks for breakfast by mashing l1 on their thorax

      • 2 years ago

        >shooting thorax with a 9mm

        • 2 years ago

          recoil on most pistol does the aiming for me and one of the bullets ends up in their eyes... eventually...
          i'm a 45ACPchad

          • 2 years ago

            Regardless you shouldnt be teaching yourself to shooting people in the thorax, this game is all about clicking heads.

            • 2 years ago

              game's center of mass central
              there are rounds that can be fired at 800 rpm that rounds 2-3 tap thorax

              • 2 years ago

                Well enjoy getting onetapped by people who dont immediately panic fire and aim your at your head
                t. makarov enjoyer

              • 2 years ago

                those people usually don't have arm protection on their armour and die before their ADS animation finishes without a chance to return fire

              • 2 years ago

                Lol homie it takes 0 time to ADS with a makarov, you shoot at people because you panic and dont understand that its much more efficient to take aimed shots at the head instead. If you peeked properly you will have all the time in the world too because of the latency. 250ms is alot of time.

              • 2 years ago

                >you shoot at people because you panic
                no, you shoot at people because you want to kill them
                learn to control spray, become better player
                tapBlack folk never have survival rate above 50

              • 2 years ago

                Well you go and waste your days panic shooting and wasting your peekers advantage to kill people "sometimes" instead of everytime.
                You realize even scavs have lvl 4 armor nowadays? Its worthless to shoot thorax with pistols, not only because of the armor but because their hands blocking their thorax.
                Most experienced players dont give a shit if they start taking hits and immediately start returning point fire and kill you with a headshot.
                They dont give a shit because they hear you using a fricking pistol and theyre not afraid of you.

              • 2 years ago

                >spray = panic
                behold, smartest sks tapBlack person
                stay bad, never learn spray and keep coping by thinking you can only be accurate shooting one bullet every ten years

                >They dont give a shit because they hear you using a fricking pistol
                the frick are you talking about lmao
                I mostly use m4s
                new hk is kinda nice as well

              • 2 years ago

                We were talking about pistols you double Black person. If i say spray i meant that you start wildly spamming M1 to try and do as much damage as possible.
                You said it in your own post
                >I eat mosincucks for breakfast by mashing l1 on their thorax
                Those same mosincucks pointfire chads in the head through their faceshield because thats how you play the gun in CQB
                You spam your shitty FMJ pistol trying to kill chads in the thorax

              • 2 years ago

                so you've read this post

                game's center of mass central
                there are rounds that can be fired at 800 rpm that rounds 2-3 tap thorax

                and thought to yourself
                >"ah, yes, there as so many pistols that shoot 800 rpm and 2 tap thorax... surely it's the same guy responding"

              • 2 years ago

                And i replied to your post talking about clicking heads with a makarov, twice You were the one who started talking about point firing full auto dummy.
                Then you started talking about SKS like it was somehow relevant

              • 2 years ago

                >Then you started talking about SKS
                evolution of tapBlack person: sks -> svd -> m1a
                there's very rare chad version that uses ash12

              • 2 years ago

                don't make sweeping statements and you won't come off as a moron
                >Regardless you shouldnt be teaching yourself to shooting people in the thorax (with a pistol)
                >this game is all about clicking heads (before you have access to better gear).
                there, fixed that for you

  35. 2 years ago

    It's sad, because it's the best game of its kind and probably my fabourite FPS of all time.

    • 2 years ago

      the cycle is getting fricked by cheaters too.
      it's even more blatant because it has a longer TTK and very obvious when the guy with a chinese name headshots you 7 times in a row.
      you can't do any of the fun end-game stuff because hackers will instantly teleport to you and take all your stuff to sell to RMTgays.

  36. 2 years ago

    BSG is not interested resolving the hacker issue, actually when they banned 9000 cheaters they put the game on bulk sale the same day.
    Its good business for them for this to continue and they will never come up with a system that totally prevents it.
    This game has been in Early Access to 4+ years now, its just not worth it, there are SO MANY better FPS games right now wich are also free.

    • 2 years ago

      >BSG is not interested resolving the hacker issue, actually when they banned 9000 cheaters they put the game on bulk sale the same day.
      Pretty much this.

      It's the same with Rust, most hackers have bought half a dozen accounts, there is no financial incentive to solve the hacker problem, but lots of incentive for devs to profit from it.

    • 2 years ago

      >there are SO MANY better FPS games right now wich are also free.
      None of which are like Tarkov. That new game every streamer was playing for like a day with WW2 weaponry in space looked like a joke

      • 2 years ago

        Cycle is free.
        Marauders looked like shit.
        Hunt Showdown is Tarkov but actually working fundamentals, like netcode, gunplay etc. Its criminally underrated game and its getting big patch and event tomorrow. If you enjoy collecting trash and getting shot while doing it EFT is pretty good i guess?

        • 2 years ago

          Hunt isnt free, dont know what Cycle is

          • 2 years ago

            Cycle the Frontier
            Hunt is like 20bucks, wich is good price for that game.

            >Hunt Paydown

            What's the argument here? At least its not pay 2 win like in Tarkov lmao.

            • 2 years ago

              >Can buy better weapons and skins
              >Not pay 2 win.

              • 2 years ago

                There's nothing like that in the shop what are you talking about? Please do the minimum amount of research before trying to troll - or maybe you just really are moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                there is only one good skin if you want to be a try hard homosexual. you do not get early access to guns just cuz you have skins.

        • 2 years ago

          >Hunt Paydown

          • 2 years ago

            >Excluded tags: Female Protagonist

        • 2 years ago

          >Cycle is free.
          Imagine the cheaters

          • 2 years ago

            I think even the cheaters aren't interested in The Cycle.

            The Cycle has the best cheat protection you can have. No other players to cheat against.

  37. 2 years ago

    thoughts on cycle frontier?

    • 2 years ago

      Might have some nice ideas but overall it's just a simplistic, boiled down EFT which makes for a pretty boring game. EFT is so good because of the maps, lighting, and military autism with the amount of rigs, armor, helmets, guns, gun customization, etc.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a Sci-Fi version of tarkov that has higher TTK and more simplified and straightforward system mechanics.

      The game is quite new so it doesn't have as much ''content'' as Tarkov but I like it because the devs are pretty chill and proactive with the game development.

      I like it because there's less tedium between actually playing and inventory management autism and that the TTK makes it so you'll almost never get ''cheesed'' but I can see why a lot of people won't like it.

      • 2 years ago

        It looks like Tarkov with a publisher, and I mean that in the worst possible way.

  38. 2 years ago

    The best thing about Tarkov is watching all the content get ripped and put into Stalker.

    Unity will never be a viable engine for a competitive shooter.

    PC will never be a viable platform for anti-cheat.

  39. 2 years ago

    >wait 5+ minutes to get into a game
    >die in a couple minutes due to a hacker
    >rinse and repeat
    yeah nah no thanks mate

  40. 2 years ago

    This game really interests me but no chance in hell I'm buying it, maybe if it goes free to play I'll try it

    • 2 years ago

      >maybe if it goes free to play I'll try it
      Never gonna happen, that fat drunk wants you to pay extras just so you can Play a different game mode (arena)

  41. 2 years ago

    the devs of this game are so moronic. the recoil system is the most stupid system I have ever seen. the principal mechanic of a shooter is shooting and shooting in this game sucks.
    Full auto spray is better than single firing or burst because of the shitty recoil system

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