This game is ridiculously overrated, and I'm convinced anyone that praises it has never actuall...

This game is ridiculously overrated, and I'm convinced anyone that praises it has never actually played it. It has an identity crisis and has no idea whether it wants to be a stealth game, an indiana jones ripoff, a zombie slasher, a sword fighting game, or some weird mishmash of everything. The overwhelming majority of missions are designed like actual garbage, even thus for the ones that AREN'T garbage. Levels consists of samey looking narrow corridors stuffed with enemies or not, arranged in massive maze-like patterns. There is more frustration in just getting around than bypassing the braindead AI.

2 and 3 actually deserve some of the praise they get. The original is trash.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 years ago


  2. 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      That's the only thing it deserves praise for, being a pioneer. The sequel did a much better job of remaining focused and actually providing semi-engaing level design.

  3. 3 years ago

    tbh this is accurate for many of the levels in T1. Particularly the gold missions. But there are stand outs that are great and frankly I think people give it credit for being first which it does deserve.
    I will damn well defend Thief 2 though, even if it has some duds mixed in still.

    • 3 years ago

      The gold missions, the latter quarter of the game, and most of the zombie missions are all straight fricking garbage. The only missions I enjoyed even remotely are Lord Bafford's Manor, Assassins, The Sword, Mage's Towers (yes even though it's a gold) and Undercover when it actually works properly, meaning 5% of the time.

      • 3 years ago

        What?! Mage towers is utter trash, even thieves guild is better.
        >tedious platforming
        >bad level design with fricked proportions, everything way too big making all the npcs blind and it looks like shit
        >elemental gimmicks not very interesting
        >overwhelmingly tedious metal fire section
        >puzzle at the end is ambiguous at best

        Song of the caverns was the only genuinely good gold mission. Also you list Undercover which was also trash, it was a neat idea but utterly broken and execution matters.
        Meanwhile you leave out missions like Bonehoard and Cragscleft which were actually (mostly) good.

        • 3 years ago

          >tedious platforming
          Platforming was garbage, I agree completely.
          >elemental gimmicks not very interesting
          Also agree. At least the water tower is short and sweet.
          >bad level design with fricked proportions, everything way too big making all the npcs blind and it looks like shit
          This is a problem for most of the game imo.
          >overwhelmingly tedious metal fire section
          Also agree
          >puzzle at the end is ambiguous at best
          There was a parchment that says what you have to do.

          I enjoyed the first part of the Mage Towers before the actual towers themselves. The levels weren't labyrinthine or gigantic like the rest of the game, and it's fairly well structured in how you navigate it. There's enough enemies around that you have to actually be stealthy. Also, it doesn't consist of narrow corridors everywhere, like Thieves Guild. I absolutely hated Bonehoard and Cragscleft. Cragscleft, at least, I sorta understand the latter half being somewhat okay and sorta fun to sneak through. Bonehoard is irredeemably garbage in my eyes though. I was lost the entire time, slogging my way through samey looking tunnels, until I stumbled upon a weird platform. I told myself I had finally gotten somewhere close to where I was supposed to be and I could actually start the level. Then I got to the top and found the item I was looking for and the mission ended. I'm not playing Thief to feel like Lara Croft, I wanna sneak into people's places, steal their shit, and sneak out.

        • 3 years ago

          Brainlets cannot stand Bonehoard.

  4. 3 years ago


  5. 3 years ago

    Another crybaby filtered by ghosts. Did the haunts scare you too much OP?
    >what the frick why is a thief grave robbing!?!?
    >oh my god no, there are zombies here this doesn't make any sense!!!! NOOOOOO

  6. 3 years ago

    Cope, Levine's work is God-like.

  7. 3 years ago

    Some of the combat levels are weird for sure, but they're still fun.

  8. 3 years ago

    They did nothing wrong.

    • 3 years ago

      You forgot to link the noclip one where one of the devs straight up says 1 is better because it's not just heist levels over and over and over

      • 3 years ago

        Miyazaki also says he likes the boss fights in Demon's Souls because you're trying to find the weak point in something instead of just learning movesets. Doesn't make them more fun than the ones in DS3

  9. 3 years ago

    The game could be a pain at the ass at times but this was a time when games were made for and by intelligent men and it shows in the gameplay, something that is by all means not true today. The Prison on level 2 is the prime example of this.

    • 3 years ago

      Explain this? The prison is one of the worst levels in the game imo. The zombie part is just way too long and sloggy. You're never in any actual danger, you can just sprint past everything. Then, the prison itself is super short and easy to get through. The elevator was a nice idea, if only it was implemented in a better setting. There is no incentive to use it at any point anyways.

      I liked The Sword. Generally agree about the rest of the missions sucking.

      The Sword was still a retread of the tired trope of the so-crazy mindtwisting reality from the late 90's early 2000s games. It was still executed pretty okay-ish. The earlier part of the level before the frickery is decent too. I enjoyed The Sword about as much as I enjoyed the worst parts of Deus Ex, but it's the best the game has to offer so I take what I can get.

      • 3 years ago

        >The Sword was still a retread of the tired trope of the so-crazy mindtwisting reality from the late 90's early 2000s games.
        How many other games from 1998 did you play that had levels built around normal geometry and architecture at first that got progressively more and more abstract and deformed?

  10. 3 years ago

    I liked The Sword. Generally agree about the rest of the missions sucking.

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