this game is terrible. Genuinely terrible

this game is terrible. Genuinely terrible

its like if sonic xtreme, Rayman 1 and crash had a baby and it was made of all the bad parts of all 3 games. Not to mention the terrible save system

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  1. 4 months ago

    that broccoli alien with the gun might actually be one of the gayest things i've ever seen, and i've seen dudes fricking.

  2. 4 months ago

    did anyone actually buy this who owned the first game? were there people who played Bug! and needed more? i bought it from some bargain bin and played a few levels but that was it.

    • 4 months ago

      i bought a saturn for it and loved it. also has a kino soundtrack too

  3. 4 months ago

    It's a good game.
    Steven Spielberg loved the Bug series so much he produced Antz later.

  4. 4 months ago

    idk i enjoyed the new level themes but it was too hard as a child
    being able to pick from 3 characters and not having them forced on you as gimmicks was great

    the real question is why was bug 1 so popular? i even had a pc port.

    • 4 months ago

      I dunno if it was popular but it was the only mascot action game in the early days of the Saturn back when they felt like you needed that for your system. So I imagine it sold alright.

      • 4 months ago

        It was popular enough that it was a relatively cheap game to pick up secondhand, though I haven't checked prices recently. Bug Too is like 3x more expensive.

  5. 4 months ago

    What's so bad about it?

    • 4 months ago

      imagine if you had a game like crash where you not only couldnt go anywhere but the hyperspecific y and z axis lanes in places like Temple ruins, but you cant even jump to the sides over over things, youre locked to the path. So imagine youre in pic related and you want to jump from where the brown slug is to where the 50 is on the screen. Surely its a 1 inch gap and you can just jump over to it, right? No. You're locked on that path and have to go all the way around to make it there

      Or you're at a 2D side view, and you need to jump on a bouncepad, but theres no way to tell whether you're actually on the RIGHT part of this 2D plane because you can still shift further towards or away from the screen, but with no way of actually telling if youre aligned with the jump pad or not.

      Or imagine youre playing Morton's castle in super mario world, with the crusher's coming out of the wall. If you get crushed, theres a cutscene where you get by a boot. Fine, simple enough. But what if I told you that this death state activates before you're even crushed? what if just grazing the side of one of the blocks, regardless of how far you are from being squashed between it and another wall it just kills you without explanation?

      What if you could only save your progress through each stage after beating the entire world? and you only had 3 continues? AND 3 game overs

      • 4 months ago

        >What if you could only save your progress through each stage after beating the entire world? and you only had 3 continues? AND 3 game overs
        Play the japanese version then, pussy.

        • 4 months ago
  6. 4 months ago

    >sonic xtreme
    No one's ever actually played this.

    • 4 months ago

      Yes they did, it's called bug too

  7. 4 months ago

    I remember this game's movement being somewhat locked to a grid with a lot of invisible walls and being really miserable to control, I wanted to stop after about 5 minutes. I just figured I fell for a meme by then. Maybe at best it could have been similar to Crystal Castles but in 3D, but I'd rather play Crystal Castles with a steering wheel than play this again. The save system and the spoopy theme for the first set of levels barely anyone gets past makes me think of it as Gex's shittier 3D cousin. Story is some sort of joke, and the level design isn't very enjoyable to me. Maybe I just don't get it. Maybe this and the shitty original Bug had to walk so that better games like Crash and Frogger 1997 could run.

    • 4 months ago

      >I remember this game's movement being somewhat locked to a grid with a lot of invisible walls and being really miserable to control, I wanted to stop after about 5 minutes
      I felt the exact same way with it,

      imagine if you had a game like crash where you not only couldnt go anywhere but the hyperspecific y and z axis lanes in places like Temple ruins, but you cant even jump to the sides over over things, youre locked to the path. So imagine youre in pic related and you want to jump from where the brown slug is to where the 50 is on the screen. Surely its a 1 inch gap and you can just jump over to it, right? No. You're locked on that path and have to go all the way around to make it there

      Or you're at a 2D side view, and you need to jump on a bouncepad, but theres no way to tell whether you're actually on the RIGHT part of this 2D plane because you can still shift further towards or away from the screen, but with no way of actually telling if youre aligned with the jump pad or not.

      Or imagine youre playing Morton's castle in super mario world, with the crusher's coming out of the wall. If you get crushed, theres a cutscene where you get by a boot. Fine, simple enough. But what if I told you that this death state activates before you're even crushed? what if just grazing the side of one of the blocks, regardless of how far you are from being squashed between it and another wall it just kills you without explanation?

      What if you could only save your progress through each stage after beating the entire world? and you only had 3 continues? AND 3 game overs

      explains it perfectly.

  8. 4 months ago

    you got filtered

    • 4 months ago

      This looks pretty cool, if only the game was good

    • 4 months ago

      It's a great game, definitely filters a lot of people for some reason. People I've seen usually just try to rush through it too fast and get destroyed then rage quit.
      They try to play it like it's Mario which is basically for babies.


  9. 4 months ago

    I'll never understand how the Saturn got both a Bug! and Bug Too! in it's lifespan... but no Sonic title besides spinoffs and ports, what a disgrace.

    SEGA deserved to leave the market.

    I loved them a lot, still do, and their consoles are my favorites, but they took bussiness decisions in the 90's that are just baffling and unforgiveable.

    • 4 months ago

      SEGA MegaBust

  10. 4 months ago

    Oh, but what’s this? Quality guaranteed; opinion discarded

  11. 4 months ago

    And yet still genuinely better than mario64

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