This game literally did TPP's plot 25 years earlier

This game literally did TPP's plot 25 years earlier
>Snake's only reason for coming back to Zanzibar is because he wants Big Boss dead to heal the PTSD, to free himself
>Kills Big Boss, the player is satisfied but according to MGS1, absolutely no resolution happened for Snake
>Snake felt that he went self destruct and that he's devoid because he lost Big Boss, and still thinks that he isn't free of him
>The core message in MGS1, other than the stuff about genes and foreign values, is to "move on"
>Snake is only free in MGS4 because Big Boss decided he was free, as he metaphorically grappled his body

Now compare that to TPP:
>Venom's only reason for "coming back to life" is because he wants '''Cipher''' dead to heal the pain, to free himself
>Kills Skull Face, the player is satisfied but as clearly seen by ghost Paz, absolutely no resolution happened for Venom
>Venom feels that he went self destruct and that he's devoid because he lost his men, and still thinks that he isn't free
>The core message, as explained in the tapes and the Paz side-ops, is to "move on"
>Turns out that Venom isn't free because Big Boss has literally grappled his body

Both the premise of TPP and MG2 is about killing "fathers." The only differences between MG2 and TPP are that
>For Venom, it's pain, but for Snake, it's PTSD, although the two are significantly related because PTSD causes pain
>MGSV paints killing Skull Face in cold blood as savage murder and something that isn't heroic
>MG2 paints killing Big Boss in cold blood as "the heroic triumph of the good guys against the evil no good bad guys"
>Venom doesn't even want to kill Skull Face, whereas Snake really, really, really wants to kill Big Boss so bad and has a big boner for it
>In MGS2, you actually literally get to burn something

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 years ago

    >it’s so very important that we explain why Big Boss came back in MG2
    >it’s not important at all to explain how Big Boss managed to come back to America and become Foxhound commander while supposedly on the run for his life from Cipher

    • 3 years ago

      cipher was deeply ingrained into the US government, wasn't it? maybe him coming over was him pretending to conciede in joining them while also creating outer heaven incognito?

    • 3 years ago

      >In MGS2
      In MG2* whoops

      According to Kojima that's far less important than his passport in the Truth Ending being South African.

      • 3 years ago

        Whoa….. so this is the storytelling power of La Creatividad……

        • 3 years ago

          La Creadividad.

    • 3 years ago

      Fanservice is cancer, get dunked

      • 3 years ago

        It’s not fanservice to explain how the frick BB goes from the most hunted man in the world to a SpecOps commander in one of the militaries hunting him. It just shows that Kojima really focused on the wrong thing, didn’t think it through, and prequels or at least prequels post-Snake Eater were a big mistake

  2. 3 years ago

    mgs1 is practically a remake of mg2

    • 3 years ago

      >t. hasn't played the game
      MGS1 borrows a shit ton but it's not close enough to practically be a remake

  3. 3 years ago

    Stop trying to make sense of this franchise, anon
    This is the same franchise where Snake knew CQC all along but refused to use it because it was from someone who betrayed the shitty special forces unit he was a part of
    Even though all he did was throw punches before the big betrayal happened and then in other rougher circumstances continued to just throw punches with a kick
    Then suddenly the whole thing is handwaved because "everyone knows how to CQC now so my body just responds automatically"
    What a fricking joke

    • 3 years ago

      >He betrayed me therefore I won't use that move, I WOULD NEVER BETRAY ANYONE
      >Even though Snake has to make a fake betrayal in MGS2 to do something good for the world

      • 3 years ago

        What else would you expect from a guy that never did anything less than noble yet complains that he is "the shadow, the darkness" all the time?

  4. 3 years ago

    I do not care for MG1 really, but the sequel is fricking awesome. If I ever get around to learning to make games, I want to make a MG2/MGGB spiritual successor.

  5. 3 years ago

    the music is so good in this

    • 3 years ago

      Fricking Zanzibar Breeze man

  6. 3 years ago

    Metal Gear Snakes 2 is hot garbage.

  7. 3 years ago

    >>Snake's only reason for coming back to Zanzibar is because he wants Big Boss dead to heal the PTSD, to free himself
    That's not true, Snake doesn't know there's any connection between Big Boss and Zanzibar Land until Kyle tells him

    • 3 years ago

      Imagine being moronic and cherrypicking
      >I came to get rid of the nightmares I've been having for the past three years.
      >...I've only got one fight left. To free myself from your grip, to rid myself of these nightmares... Big Boss, I will [kill] you!
      Whether Snake [before meeting Kyle] thought if Zanzibar Land had any connection to Big Boss or not, personally killing Big Boss his sole reason for continuing the mission regardless. To him, it was less about saving the world and more about killing Big Boss in cold blood.

  8. 3 years ago

    It's always uncanny to me Snake has guilt and remorse for killing Big Boss despite how much of a c**t he was.
    If your father who'd you never met is a complete scumbag who enjoys killing people because he really, really loves it then surely you would have absolutely no problem having zero remorse wishing for patricide upon him.

    Compared to him, Skullface was innocent, he never enjoyed killing, much like how Solid Snake never enjoyed killing either. Skullface was only turned to do bad things because "nature forced him to" by people clutching for power. Unlike Big Boss, revenge on Skullface was never okay to begin with because he was never a freak. As in that he was never a child porn fanatic, he was never a serial killer who enjoys killing, he was never a sexual predator, he was never a drug addict who killed for drugs, etc.

    • 3 years ago

      feeling guilt for killing your father is kind of natural no matter how much of a c**t he was.

    • 3 years ago

      >Solid Snake never enjoyed killing.

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