This game pulls the

This game pulls the
>dude actually YOU'RE the bad guy and should feel really bad about all the enemies you killed because they all had sad/justified backstories and basically frick you for doing what the game made you do to see the story you murderer
twist even more than the fricking Last of Us 2.
Its such a moronic trope and its shocking to think the same guy who would later write Automata would resort to such hackery.

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  1. 3 years ago

    why are brainlets always so confident when they decide to reveal they didn't understand whatever it is they are trying to talk about?

    • 3 years ago

      feel free to explain how that isnt the case then.

      • 3 years ago

        having unintended consequences to your genuine actions doesnt suddenly make you a "bad guy" and you are a child for even implying such a term has valid use in any conversation.

        Do you question the morality of motivations of zombies because they might be sentient or do you cave in each and every zombie skull you run into because theres a schema in place already that theyre going to kill you.

        getting away from the point slightly but again. you sound like youre 12 and never got over "im NOT a bad guy i want to BE THE HERO thats why i PLAY VIDEOGAMES"

        Nier set out to save his daughter and thats what he did. why do you feel so offended that you did what seemed like the best idea at the time. Given the details from the start what would he have done? probably still mass murdered any species that got in his way, and so would you- so one more time, why are you crying about being a "bad guy" when you probably on more than one occassion killed an enemy you didnt have to

        • 3 years ago

          I dont feel like I'm the bad guy. Thats not the point of my post you fricking dipshit.
          Its that developers are going for emotions in a lazy and hack way by pouring on increasingly tragic backstories to every fricking boss in a way that even the writer of Naruto would find overbearing.
          Its cheap and lazy, and it most certainly is meant to make you question the validity of your own choices, even though the developer is well aware they didn't give you any.

          • 3 years ago

            you framed your childish tantrum that way. Nier doesnt give a shit so there are no emotions expected of the player. What is the alternative? that the bosses are just clumps of monstrous parts you move past with no motivation for what theyre doing? That would be cheap and lazy.

            Youre interpretation is that the "writers" are tugging at your emotions in a lazy way. Mine is that emotions are irrelevant to Nier and that with his own, and the players strength he can overcome his own adversity whereas his enemies could not.

            The bosses themselves arent even the primary antagonist, theyre victims of the main antagonists- the tragedy is that you have to kill them to get to who is causing the events to unfold.

            Instead of discussing the plot points you just started a whiny threat to tell everyone who doesnt give a frick that you have a room temperature IQ. Well. Be mad and shout at Japan i guess you frickin ape

            • 3 years ago

              Imagine failing to comprehend a really simple example of hyperbole and then accusing someone else of being childish.
              >emotions are irrelevant to Nier
              Nier isn't the one who witnesses all the tragic backstories, we are. It doesn't matter if its relevant to the character, but you're being really fricking stupid if you think the writers put that it in for no reason expecting players to not care or react in any way to the new information.

              • 3 years ago

                >using hyperbole at all instead of clearly outlining your thoughts on a matter. YOu made this thread hoping 50 people would shitpost along with you about how dumb the game is and they didnt.

                if the take away is you getting pissy about it instead of the message that "sometimes shit is fricked up along the way to doing something important to you".

                having a situation be morally grey seems to be ENTIRELY alien to you. Its a "Price of power" thing the same way showing the backstory of an office worker getting blown out the window during a superman fight works.

                unlike tlou2, this game doesnt actually punish you for it though, and leaves it to you to conclude wether you're "evil" for your actions or not.

                Like this mfer said, its on you to decide. I came away with "shit sucks but at least i know Yonah is okay and i could only do so by using my strength to get here". You came away crying about the integrity of the writers for daring to try and make you think about said price of power

              • 3 years ago

                yeah sure dude its totally not cheap and lazy to, after the fact, let you know that the wolf who tore a bride apart on her wedding day was actually a really nice guy and a powerful example of moral ambiguity.
                Totally not lazy and uninspired.

              • 3 years ago

                "frick em" is an adequate response to those events. and that singular one is a contributor to the "gotta do what you gotta do" mindset the gameplay youre engaging in, posits.

                The wolves were by no means nice guys. theyre wolves. They had their homes destroyed and took vengeance on the humans because their lives necessarily include violence, these ones were just smart enough to direct it.

                You want overly complicated and deep meaningful narratives for literally no reasons when youre refusing to reckon with supposed basic ones. Then if there was something lofty in any videogame it would be called pretentious, like the entirety of Automata.

                If Automata is "what do it mean to be human, why am i here" then Replicant is "Im here to do this. i need this to happen, you do you but this is me and im gonna do it, sorry about what happened to you btw but im not going to stop because this is what ive chosen".

                both games have valid questions and both games explore them differently. Nier is just unga bunga strong willed about what he wants.

          • 3 years ago

            >make you question the validity of your own choices
            >even though the developer is well aware they didn't give you any
            Do you see how the problem might be (You) here? Is this your first JRPG? (You) aren't Nier just because you can name him.

            • 3 years ago

              >(You) aren't Nier just because you can name him.
              Yoko Taro says otherwise. Nier doesn't exist because Nier is (you)

              • 3 years ago

                >pic not related

              • 3 years ago

                How do you manage to misread your own image?

  2. 3 years ago

    At least with Nier the main character actually goes through with his revenge, and genocides the human race.

  3. 3 years ago

    Ignoring OP's silly framing, it's been done a million times by Japs, which makes TLOU 2 all the more funny. Also Replicant is better than Automata and Drakengard is better than Replicant.

  4. 3 years ago

    unlike tlou2, this game doesnt actually punish you for it though, and leaves it to you to conclude wether you're "evil" for your actions or not.

  5. 3 years ago

    Newbie. Should I play Replicant before Automata?

    • 3 years ago

      Not necessary, theyre separate and youll get as much out of either having started on another first. the "link" is a set of short stories from outside the games anyway

    • 3 years ago

      Nier sets up the situation A tomato is in.

      • 3 years ago

        yeah but the characters and setting of Automata are so far removed from the events of Nier that it doesn't really matter much beyond some easter eggs and the Emil superboss.

    • 3 years ago

      If you're planning on playing both then yes. At least because Automata has a good amount of non-essential story references that will miss without playing Replicant. The same is true in reverse for some of the new stuff in the new Replicant, but not to the same extent.

  6. 3 years ago

    Daily reminder

  7. 3 years ago

    Loved this game. I haven't played Automata yet but when I eventually replay Replicant, should I instead try the Xbox or PS3 versions?

    • 3 years ago

      Xbox for old man, otherwise remake

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