This is the best RTS there is. Each race is so interestingly unique and the maps feel so alive and immersive.

This is the best RTS there is. Each race is so interestingly unique and the maps feel so alive and immersive. The game has such an in depth lore and interesting story to back up its one of a kind gameplay. No other RTS delivers in so many ways in one complete package.

Do you guys think that it has the ability to recover from reforged? What are your thoughts on the new patches Playside are putting out, and do you think the soft reboot is likely to come true?

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  1. 1 year ago

    >soft reboot
    That would be nice, but I honestly have no hopes for the revival of RTS WarCraft. WoW completely fricked those chances and I will forever hate WoW because of that.

    • 1 year ago

      I played WoW before Warcraft 3, and it was only after going back that I realized just how badly WoW killed not only the lore, but the potential stories created by WC3. What are you most disappointed by that WoW did?

      • 1 year ago

        Warcraft 3 is very beloved in Eastern Europe and the Balkans in general. it was in top 3 most played games for millenials. the game was simply lightning in a bottle. great immersive story, excellent soundtrack and sound design, god-tier voice acting. good graphics and good art design, good optimisation that even my shitty Pentium 3 could run the game smoothly. The game captured our imagination that cannot compare, just think of the sheer content of modding alone, vast custom campaigns, DOTA, and shit ton of other mods, Footman Wars, Vampirism, Life of a peasant...What Blizzard should have done is release Warcraft 4 after the Wrath expansion in WOW. that way they could have built the lore forward but they got too greedy and the rest is history.

        • 1 year ago

          Slavs have no taste in games

          • 1 year ago

            go back to playing Candy Crush gipsy.

            • 1 year ago

              I'm Romanian

          • 1 year ago

            Go back to playing Final Fantasy VII fatso

  2. 1 year ago

    I seriously don't think the RTS will ever be mainstream again. MOBA's and Battle Royale's killed the genre. I love sc1, broodwars, wc3, and frozen throne. I think the skill level is too high for people to casually play it with their friends. Even the WC generation of esports pros like grubby were shit compared to the korean sc masters (at least in terms of APM and resource management). The story telling and world building was awesome. But I think that's something modern blizzard lost.

    • 1 year ago

      Everyone who hops on SC:BW's ladder is one of two people. The ones that have done their research on their preferred race, their build orders, practiced their timings and cheeses, and can multitask to a degree no casual player will even be close to. And the casual players looking for 1vs1 fun. The former steamroll people until they reach the level of player that can hold even or steamroll them right back, and the latter get wiped in every game until they quit. The former usually get tired of not winning after a while, then create a new name so they can start off against the latter again. The latter mostly move to UMS maps or stick to the campaign or single player skirmishes against AI.
      Prior to everyone knowing what to do and when, there was a much larger range of skill and variety of players of multiplayer games. It was more fun precisely because of that reason. The pros had their tournament and clan matches, and everyone else had casual pick-up games against randoms. Then everyone knew where to find the best build/strategy/weapons and suddenly you either follow the script or you lose. SC1 and Brood War is no exception. Playing it back in the late 90's and very early 2000's was a blast. Had a great time on maps like Big Game Hunter, Lost Temple, Dark Archon Utter Madness, SC Smash T.V., Elements RPG, and other stuff that really sucked now I actually know more about the game and those maps. I sucked back then. Most of the players I played with sucked as well. We didn't care, we were having a blast. No one was screaming at people for not following a build order in 3vs3's, people just wanted to see massive battles. Now everyone knows the game inside out, and the ladder and random 1vs1's are almost always the same "follow the guide" gameplay.
      And that's why RTS's are dead as a genre for multiplayer. It's either pro-scene only or so casual that no one wants to play.

      • 1 year ago

        I was there for those days and I do remember how fun it was before people had the game figured out.

        • 1 year ago

          It happened to every multiplayer game. FPS's stopped having the wide range of skills and everyone started using the same OP weapons and camping specific areas. MMORPGs stopped being a wide range of classes and builds and everyone became the same cookie-cutter min-maxed builds that are expected to win. Even Diablo 2 with other people demands you follow a build guide or get carried by everyone else. Casual fun online multiplayer gaming was killed by the centralization of the internet and everyone knowing everything about the game because everyone is reading the same guides.

          • 1 year ago

            wow classic classic servers are thriving right now and full of boomers trying out strange specs and leveling different classes etc

      • 1 year ago

        StarCraft ums is better than it's ever been. Poker defense, Korean special forces just incredible incredible games.

    • 1 year ago

      I always laugh how they invented the word to try hide the fact that its just dotashit
      its even pathetic the same way the israelites are hiding behind "anti semitism"

  3. 1 year ago

    Im pretty sure the Reforged "update" killed this game since you cant even play older versions anymore without a cracked copy. Also im of the opinion that undead were kinda OP.

    • 1 year ago

      that was the whole point of the ''update''. they were seething jealous of the content creators at Hive churning out kino after kino.

  4. 1 year ago

    what is the best option for playing WC3 today? I remember dropping it back in 2002 because I couldnt zoom out enough to get a tactical overview.

    • 1 year ago

      >what is the best option for playing WC3 today?
      steamunlocked. And if you wanna play dota just update it to the latest version using the latest patch from some russian dota community webpage (forgot the name but if you follow the dota community you will surely find it)

      I did that some time ago and it worked but sadly the item shop is a confusing mess so I dropped it and kept playing normal wc3 against bots

  5. 1 year ago

    AoE 2 was better.
    Hell, AoM and Starcraft were better.
    Warcraft 3 was ruined by the hero units and the experience system. Without those, it would have been the GOAT instead of the gateway to DOTA.

    • 1 year ago

      No. I respectfully disagree. Warcraft 3 was inferior to 2 and while AOE2 was a competent corporate effort it never matched Warcraft 2 in playability. I'm not sure you have played these games. Starcraft is a great game but it is far nearer to warcraft 2 than 3

      • 1 year ago

        >Warcraft 3 was inferior to 2
        Oh come on.
        Playing W2 is like playing a mirror match all the time, the races have barely any differences

  6. 1 year ago

    WC3 plays like shit. It was just a glorified SDK for people able to make actually fun games (custom maps)

  7. 1 year ago

    So AoM? For all of aoe2's merits its races are not very distinct.

  8. 1 year ago

    Warcraft III is fine but Starcraft is way better, let's not kid ourselves.

    • 1 year ago

      Sc1, yes. Not 2, 2 is dogshit.

  9. 1 year ago

    >This is the best RTS there is.
    Probably, yes although the Emperor of Dune EA game and early Dune releases along with C&C have their place. Have you ever played Empire Earth OP?

  10. 1 year ago

    I prefer RoC over tft. Couldn't be fricked learning new heroes or all the new items.

  11. 1 year ago

    RTS games are pretty dead and nothing makes me think that it will change. I have been trying to find decent communities to play WC3 custom maps and it seems impossible. Hive is full of gays and every Discord server is dead.

    Anyway, I recently started playing custom campaigns and I am having a lot of fun. Rise of the Blood Elves could easily be part of the game

    • 1 year ago

      >Rise of the Blood Elves could easily be part of the game
      Agreed. You should try the Scarlet Crusade campaign, it's also very good.

    • 1 year ago

      yeah Rise of the blood Elves is basically Warcraft 4. play the Book of Arkain Custom Campaigns. they are kino but play them on easy difficulty cause i played them on normal and the difficulty really amps up later on.

  12. 1 year ago

    I don't think so, reforged still has problems from launch that the classic versions didn't have. At the very least it's not dead and there are people working on it but wouldn't get my hopes high

  13. 1 year ago

    >download wc3 i bought years ago
    >it downloads 30gb new version
    i hate blizzard so much

  14. 1 year ago

    I have a really hard time getting into rts. They feel like the PC equivalent to fighting games. Way too much to learn before you have fun

  15. 1 year ago

    I have more fun from Dawn of War.

    • 1 year ago

      DoW 1 is so good

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