This is the illustration for the Orc species page in the new PHB.

Orc muscle mommies with rock-hard abs and sidecuts are now canon, good job fellow green fever coomers.

Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Where? All I see is neanderthal-pug hybrids scattered around the Lion King background. Not a single greenskin to be found.

    • 2 weeks ago

      this is just what sun-tanned greenskin looks like

    • 2 weeks ago

      DnD orcs were never green, tourist.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Find me one depiction of a green orc. I'll wait.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Third edition bestiary.

          • 2 weeks ago

            NTA, but here

      • 2 weeks ago

        Why is a tourist calling a chad a tourist?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Find me one depiction of a green orc. I'll wait.

        Boy oh boy, these posts didn't age well. Anon here got blown the FRICK out.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >defends lame and gay retcons made for a modern audience
        >calls other people tourists
        The hubris of projecting so obviously like this

  2. 2 weeks ago

    What is with the half-finished speedpaint look they've been going for? It's like they took the rough draft and instead of providing feedback put it in the book.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I know this one because I was in the industry.

      See, these big companies don't have art staff anymore. They have to do everything they can to show more profit than last quarter or the firms that own their stock can literally have them arrested as financial criminals. When you can't squeeze blood from the stone of your customers anymore, you have to start cooking the books. How do you do that quickly? You fire as many of your workers as you can get away with, refill any necessary positions with lower-waged employees, and stop up the rest of the gaps with temporary contracts. As in, freelancers.

      Almost all commercial fantasy art is done by the lowest bidder that can still trick Johnny Gamer into buying a book. So the incentive for the company is to get the art for as cheap as possible and the quality only has a low threshold to beat. The incentive for the freelancer is totally opposed to that. They need to make as much money as they can as fast as they can before their joints give out or they become homeless. So they take the highest commission they can get (and because they're a solo operation with no negotiation or representation team let alone any kind of individual power to stop the company from going to a different interchangeable guy on ArtStation or Twitter) and complete it as fast as possible to the bare minimum to fulfill the contract and move on to the next commission with the least gap between one job and another. You can see how this is a race to the bottom. It looks like a half-finished speedpaint because it literally is a half-finished speedpaint. That's all it needs to be for the rube at the company who doesn't know shitfrick about aesthetics to rubber stamp the payment, so it's all the freelancer can afford to give.

      When you build a reputation in the industry now it's not about quality. They don't want original ideas or a unique stylization or much of anything except what legal will approve and marketing is outlining. They want it fast.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >economically illiterate artist
        Many such cases.
        You don't have a fiduciary duty to torch the place. Fiduciary duty is a very old concept, older than DnD and all these other franchises being turned to shit.
        Any fricking moron can tell that the market likes good art. If there's really a bunch of mouthbreathers in suits going
        >let's piss off the market because it's a little cheaper
        then they're the ones not doing their fiduciary duty.
        These places are infested with cronyism, and when a real bean counter gets in charge, heads roll.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Adding to this that one of the most common pressures for a company to increase product quality is competition. DnD is sorely lacking a serious competitor, but they are also at their weakest in a long time. I am really surprised the whole OGL debacle and Pathfinder exodus didn't put the fear of God in them.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Adding to this that one of the most common pressures for a company to increase product quality is competition. DnD is sorely lacking a serious competitor, but they are also at their weakest in a long time. I am really surprised the whole OGL debacle and Pathfinder exodus didn't put the fear of God in them.

          NTA but the consumer base they have cultivate are shiteaters who are fine with this type of art. They may not like it but they are fine with it, and that enough for the bottom line.
          Look at MTG where the majority of newly released cards and the same generic Artstation Slop with multiple cases of art theft. Its like that because Wizards only pays like 250$ per piece of art (350$ for secret lair artworks) with hyper specific deadlines. And yet consumers will buy a box with a 100 small rectangles of cardboard with aforementioned pictures inked on them, made for less than a dollar, for 180$.

          • 2 weeks ago

            MTG can be held up by whales. What does a D&D whale even look like? They buy a ton of minis? There's no gambling or need to get a competitive edge.

            • 2 weeks ago

              In 3.5 they were skinny metalheads that bought dozens of $35 fluff books about dragons. In 5e they are fat women and incels buying $90 amethyst dice and Critical Role(tm) dice trays

            • 2 weeks ago

              My guess would be the evangelists who help it maintain market share. All of the people who say "need a new hobby? Have you tried D&D?" and who constantly tweet about podcasts.
              WotC can show stats about how many of those people they get compared to other table top games to Hasbro and thus convince them that market share is growing.

          • 2 weeks ago

            not really. People complained about 5es art but tolerated it...
            This shit is just turning the west coast homosexualry to 11.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Lmao, do they really pay that little for art? A furry would charge more for a gay porn commission.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >let's piss off the market because it's a little cheaper
          have you been living under a rock for 40 years?

  3. 2 weeks ago

    That is so exceedingly lame. This is why in my games, we spare orcs at approximately the same rate the heroes do in LOTR

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Okay but where are the skulls
    And the wooden stakes? Can’t forget the wooden stakes

  5. 2 weeks ago

    They look like an elder scroll elven race. Like a cross of orsimer and dunmer, to be precise.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They look weirdly modern. I don’t mind this kind of orc, but this modern look has to go.

      But wait, there's more.

      Again this one is not bad, but they vaguely look like they’re in a sci-fi spaceship mess hall instead of a dwarf hall. If anything the woman with armor looks out of place here.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    >Chieftain Ghazkul argues it's not the Kingdom of Many Arrows' responsibility to keep the orc caravans away from Luruar borders
    >In response, Alustriel Silverhand calls for a great wall to be built by the land's greatest magicians

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Can you prove this?

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        >the overwhelming majority of the replies like it
        Yeah, D&D is functionally dead as a fantasy genre. It's just a comfy slice of life simulator for these people.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Replies are restricted because types like this don't can't handle any criticism whatsoever.

          • 2 weeks ago

            The sad part is that /tg/ is rapidly going in the same direction. This thread actually has almost 600 posts or something.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    But wait, there's more.

    • 2 weeks ago

      My issuie with this, isn't the stupid race or sex shit
      But the fact of like, why the frick would you eat food, 5 feet away from both a really hot forge and 2 people working away on an anvil.
      I know that wotc artists are moronic, but surely they know that a big fire is hot

      • 2 weeks ago

        but dwarf like forge, anon

      • 2 weeks ago

        >But the fact of like, why the frick would you eat food, 5 feet away from both a really hot forge and 2 people working away on an anvil.
        They're deranged Dwarf Fortress dwarves

      • 2 weeks ago

        I think it's stupid for a race to consist of numerous distinct sub-races that map to wildly different parts of the real world, which implies that dwarves existed all over the world undergoing major phenotype changes over the course of thousands of years, and then came back together in a racially homogenous stone soup of impossibly different ethnicities living and working together relatively recently...

        But also, yes, it would have taken them very little time to research what an actual forging and iron-working setup would look like and how exceedingly fricking moronic it would be to have that many people working different jobs in extremely close proximity with no real sense for workflow or handling of materials.

        Also this is saccharine, gay, twee bullshit that does not evoke adventure and whimsy. It evokes homosexualy coffeeshop vibes.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That's exactly what weirds me out about contemporary fantasy racial diversity.
          Somehow, dwarves evolved to be european, african and asian, just like humans, halflings, elves did. But not Orcs.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You'd be shocked if you saw the places the Chinese or Indians will take their lunch breaks

      • 2 weeks ago

        smithies were centers of gossip and conversation for men in the past. for dwarves, who like forges and hammering shit even more than humans, i would be amazed if they didn’t mix those with food and drink

        • 2 weeks ago

          >smithies were centers of gossip and conversation for men in the past.
          lmao, no. no they weren't.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >smithies were centers of gossip and conversation for men in the past.
          lmao, no. no they weren't.

          or, since you're going to be an idiot about it: it's more accurate to say that they were in the same kind of way that there were women warriors in history.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Oh so you mean not just objectively true but also relatively common. Gotcha.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The best part about this for me is that it's clearly drawn by someone who has never done any kind of real work and who has no idea what a fricking job site would look like.

      >muh fantasy
      Sure, I'm not asking for full blown Jap autism where you recreate all the trappings of corpo life, ala OSHA and shit. But still, nofrickingbody would set up a smithy or trades-based worksite like that. It's so fricking moronic it hurts to look at.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You aren't wrong in what you're saying but I do think you're wrong in the pretense you're putting up. Fantasy art isn't usually super literal like you're implying. Look at any typical tavern scene in most books. The squished in scene and weird fish-eye effect is meant to show that there's a lot going on in dwarf holds. It's representative of a much bigger idea and not a literal room.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I work in construction, and our jobsites look exactly like this. The guy with the food is the foreman. He's probably thrown his back out and doesn't want his crew to give him shit all day about being a piece of shit and not hammering with everyone else.

    • 2 weeks ago

      There's nothing weird about this. These are minor phenotype differences objectively speaking. You give them undue weight because of your own personal issues.

      • 2 weeks ago

        they are exact real world phenotypes

        I'm fine with, actively happy about, variety in fantasy races
        what's moronic is that they keep getting made 1:1 copies of real world phenotypes, complete with the cultural trappings of dress, hairstyle, etc.
        Because the fricktards making this seem to think that they need to represent eveyone in every race, and that people are too stupid to undertand nuance, so it's straight up 1:1 mappings of real world ethnicities but with elf ears or dwarf beards or whatever.

        this is moronic, but also the people who think the response to this is to start yelling about blood and soil and calling for genocide are more moronic.

        why is there no sane fricking middle ground.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It especially bothers me with Forgotten Realms.
          >Elves come in various shades of gold from one subrace, various shades of silver/white from another, various shades of brown from a third, and pitch black from the 4th, not counting the subraces no one gives a toss about
          >Dwarves come in various earthtone colors, some like orange or yellow like mesas, some like limestone
          And so on.
          Yet they can't do anything that isn't just standard bullshit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why the frick is that dwarf heating the head of a finished hammer?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Dwarven fire enchantment.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's pretty common when forging to weld a steel bar to a piece of stock that is being worked so that you don't have to be fricking around with tongs until you start on the detail work. I totally hate the art, but that part does make sense.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Heat treatment

    • 2 weeks ago

      >women without beards
      Fricking disgusting

    • 2 weeks ago

      >The cookie-baking dwarf and the one holding the tongues got tattoos of each others beards
      >They put the bookkeeping right next to the furnace
      >Distracting people who are working with heavy tools and highly energetic materials with your stupid drop scones you fricking homosexual
      >The hand on that dwarf in the back standing at the window
      >All the dwarves are some identifiable human racial caricature while the orcs are not

      • 2 weeks ago

        loathe to defend this corpo pandering trash, but I believe what you mistake for "bookkeeping" is ingots and rods of metal material

      • 2 weeks ago

        Those are ingots

    • 2 weeks ago

      Say what you want about the art style, skin colors, whatever. My big question is, why aren't these motherfrickers adventuring? Why aren't they raiding dungeons and getting loot? What the frick do these dollhouse homemaking scenes have to do with D&D?

      • 2 weeks ago

        to inspire you when building your character and giving them a background
        adventurers aren't created ex nihilo at the entrance to a dungeon

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not defending this art AT ALL, but this is very obviously the art for the racial summary page, so they're seemingly trying to capture what each race's society might look like...and failing miserably. Every race is just "humans, but..."

          Frick that noise. I'm not going to spend the game sitting in a dwarven coffee shop, I will be delving into dungeons to kill monsters. If they want to give character inspiration, show adventures for each race.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >section of the book about character creation and backstory
            >"why is this not about that other part of the book"
            do you WANT to be enraged for no reason or are you just moronic?

            • 2 weeks ago

              I can promise you my character's backstory would not involve brokeback mountain orcs or gay dwarf cookies.

              • 2 weeks ago

                okay cool
                you understand that adding art to the pages of a book does not mean they want everyone to make their character in that likeness, right anon?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Not defending this art AT ALL, but this is very obviously the art for the racial summary page, so they're seemingly trying to capture what each race's society might look like...and failing miserably. Every race is just "humans, but..."

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is fiiine, you guys are trying way too hard with this one.

      • 2 weeks ago

        kys cultist

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is the worst one. The orcs looks fine besides the weird cowboy choice and elves were always homosexuals anyway. But the focus on the same sex couple, that little thing that is probably a child but looks like another small race and those by the window who look like regular humans are ruining it. I do like the female ones working there and that homie with the eyepatch though.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The baking dwarf pisses me off the most, not because of the bread, but because he just looks too much like a real guy. There's no fantasy here, you trip over guys that look pretty much exactly like that on any college campus.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >those guys with tattoos of each other’s beards

    • 2 weeks ago

      I really, really hope that that's a midget dwarf and not some other race.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I can see this becoming a memeface.

      • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      I want every artist at wotc to get fly shit in every bite of food they take for the rest of their lives.

    • 2 weeks ago

      There's nothing wrong with this outside of the bland realism style and being kind of boring.
      The Orcs losing their Orc-ish traits and looking more like body-builders or people with construction worker builds, only keeping the tusks, is bad. This is tame by comparison

    • 2 weeks ago

      >The two Dwarf homosexuals have each others' beards tattooed on their arms

      Okay that's actually really funny, that makes me slightly less mad.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I have noticed that the dwarven gay couple has also a kitten, confirming gayness

    • 2 weeks ago

      Something is unclear to me - are these very cosmopolitan cities of a given race (Dwarves or Elves)?
      Because how do you explain how different people look from each other?
      In my setting, I had elves (say) looking very diverse, from looking like the ones in WHFB to black or south asian features in base of the forest of origin and the real-life inspiration of that specific part of the setting.
      But each community MOSTLY looks like one or another type, barring occasional outsiders. Because if this wasn't the case, in a few generation people would look all mixed up.

      What is going on here? Everyone is separated in each dwarven city, asian dwarves only marry asian dwarves, scottish dwarves with scottish etc? If so, where is each one from?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >What is going on here? Everyone is separated in each dwarven city, asian dwarves only marry asian dwarves, scottish dwarves with scottish etc? If so, where is each one from?

        Don't think too hard about it.
        These people are melting pot shills. They likely don't even know why races exist in the first place.

      • 2 weeks ago

        everyone is randomly assigned a race at birth
        it doesn't need to be related to their parents

      • 2 weeks ago

        It depend on how long those cosmopolitan cities exist and how long those different (sub)races live among each other coupled with the rate of intermarriage between groups and rate of reproduction
        For an irl exemple you still can find a bunch of practically pure japs, italians and germans in Brazil(big cities included, not only the countryside), even with those group immigrating there almost century years ago

        But I agree that in cosmopolitan regions that were cosmopolitan for a long-ish time mixed (sub)races should be either be majority or a sizable chunk of the population

      • 2 weeks ago

        I guess they're just supposed to display a varied bunch of different members of the species to inspire the player with the opportunities

        if you opened the book to the "elf" chapter and saw picrel, you'd probably be led to believe that all elves in this universe are this exact shade of purple, with purple or bluish-green hair, blue eyes, and some sort of face marking extending down from their eyes. It doesn't really show the possibilites or variety of the species.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Seems like the way to avoid that would be to just illustrate a different elf adventurer of each subrace. Or, if all of the elves need to be in one scene, use that scene to help characterize what each subrace is about beyond skin color. Like have some wood elves and high elves teaming up to fight some drow. Or maybe depict them at some sort of tense diplomatic negotiation if it needs to be something more peaceful.
          Showing them all sitting around some random patio just indicates that elves come in basically any color, but are all functionally interchangeable.

          To use your pic as an example, it'd be like tossing in some random Blood Elves into the ranks. Sure, that shows that there are non-purple elves in WoW, but does it give you an accurate impression of what Night Elves and Blood Elves think of eachother if they're hanging out shoulder to shoulder?

      • 2 weeks ago

        This is a good point and completely ruined rings of power, but I think the simple explanation is that this image is not supposed to capture what a "real" Dwarven society looks like, it's just an indication of the various types of dwarves you can find in the entire world. It's still gay and looks like shit, but that's how I would defend it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        That's not even the most confusing part.
        >there are Asian elves, Asian humans, Asian dwarves, Asian orcs, etc.
        >there are also black elves/humans/dwarves/orcs/etc., Hispanic elves/humans/dwarves/orcs/etc., and so on for every real-world ethnicity that matters
        Why do these phenotypes occur so consistently across multiple races that have no genetic relation to each other? Does environmental adaptation exist in this world in a way that exclusively gives people similar cosmetic facial features and hairstyles but somehow doesn't affect body type at all?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Well you see, when an orc and an asian elf love each other very much

        • 2 weeks ago

          >muh genetic
          doesn't matter in a fantasy world where gods and magic are constantly meddling with things and those races can easily interbreed and many are canonically not the product of evolution or any other natural process

          • 2 weeks ago

            Right, it's pure coincidence the only dark brown elf in the artwork also has fat lips and dreadlocks.

            • 2 weeks ago

              No one said is just coincidence, only that 'muh genetics' is a moronic argument

    • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      I have serious non-troll question. The people who this stuff is aimed at, what are their games about? seriously, if I'm to believe there is no cosmic good vs evil; then what are their games even about? !modernPolitics with a fantasy coat of paint? punching "nazis"? killing Drownald Trog?

      • 2 weeks ago

        A lot of the time it's literally awkward erp of various explicitness.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Do you pull out of the succubus? No? Okay I am going to need you to make a constitution save.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >!modernPolitics with a fantasy coat of paint? punching "nazis"? killing Drownald Trog?
        Pretty much.
        Watch Critical Role if you can stand it and you'll see.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Watch Critical Role if you can stand it and you'll see.
          what happens

      • 2 weeks ago

        Eh, I haven't used orcs for years, they don't have enough of an archetypal fantasy role to bother keeping around once you stop running kitchen sinks. These do look moronic though, and more like half-orcs than orcs.

        >seriously, if I'm to believe there is no cosmic good vs evil; then what are their games even about?
        The cold horror of an uncaring and alien cosmos.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >seriously, if I'm to believe there is no cosmic good vs evil; then what are their games even about?
        is that the only kind of narrative you've ever heard about?
        Read another book, sheesh

    • 2 weeks ago

      >black and asian dwarfs
      >why is a child bookeeping? or dear god is that dwarf midget?
      >why are female dwarfs doing hard labour?
      >not ever gay dwaves would tattoo another dwarf beard on themselves
      >clear a.i art hand in the window

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don't think that's an AI hand.

        I'm an artlet, I cannot draw, but that's two hands. Pink is his right hand, red is his left. He's holding the mug in one hand, and gesturing with the other.
        I've numbered the fingers, T is the thumb.

        also I assume the kid is doing homework in the family business. I've seen that happen a fair amount in local chinese restaurants where you have "tiger parents" who make the kid study constantly. "Mum has to run the takeaway counter, you bring your maths homework and sit behind the counter with me, yeah?"

        >I still think it is 100% moronic to give fantasy races the same fricking ethnicities as real world humans, I hate it and I already noped out of D&D and MtG in part because they have this bizarre obsession with African-American Elves. Don't get me wrong I hate it, but I'm explaining why you're seeing this, given that they're basing their fantasy races on real world human ethnicities now. I want it to stop.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I still think it's done with AI and then painted over or something. Only an AI would be moronic enough to stick three dwarven fingers into the ear of a cup and make a ring-finger thinner than a moderator's pencildick.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is so exhausting. I can only assume that the only types that are pleased by this are ideologically aligned with far-left progressive politics.

  9. 2 weeks ago


    >you can have your orc PC be whatever you want, it doesnt have to be a Lotr/ Warhammer ripoff or be limited to barbarians. How about mexican inspired orcs? Play who and whatever you want. Be creative. The choice is yours
    Why should it NOT be a bunch of mexicans? As far as i am aware, those are the first mexican inspired orcs i´ve seen

    • 2 weeks ago

      Back in the 80s, Mystara's subsetting of the Hollow World had the Krugel Orcs, which were dinosaur-riding Mexican Bandito-flavored orcs.

      • 2 weeks ago

        orc banditos riding The Beast of Hollow Mountain is awesome though
        the crap in OP is not made to be awesome

  10. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      …since when are elves literally green?

      • 2 weeks ago

        They depict various elven subraces and types here. The green one is probably one of the Eldarin from the Feywild.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Spring court fey.

      • 2 weeks ago

        the green skin and red hair makes me think it's some fey or dryad equivalent, eladrin are basically the neanderthal equivalent of elves as their fey ancestors

    • 2 weeks ago

      >drowBlack folk just chilling in rivendell
      Oh god I hate this so much

    • 2 weeks ago

      >all those elves ignoring the drow spies
      this is going to turn into a bloodbath, run you fools you're surounded

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Letting the fricking Drow into your society
      >This is what they think is a good idea

      • 2 weeks ago

        I mean, since 3.x Drow in practically every setting are just purple skinned elves.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That's what they want you to think.
          Until they take you to their underground spider queen dungeons and whip you for their entertainment.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You know what, given Elven cross world Planar/Jamming culture I find this okay.

    • 2 weeks ago

      thats a fricked up arm

  11. 2 weeks ago

    also here's another one, the hex codes for the skin is CED5CA
    Encycolorpedia calls
    >The hexadecimal color code #ced5ca is a light shade of green
    There's also
    >The hexadecimal color code #797a75 is a shade of yellow-green

    the shadow colors travel through the grey-greens into the grey-yellows depending on where you click, too

    • 2 weeks ago

      >it's gotten so bad people miss 4e

      • 2 weeks ago

        I saw a 13th age thread the other day, it was pretty nice.

      • 2 weeks ago

        3trad here.
        Both 3e and 4e share
        1) The assumption that players are not moronic and can handle simple sums and subtractions
        2) The assumption that players are not moronic and can handle buff and status conditions while looking at a map
        3) The assumption that players are not moronic and can handle feats as non-optional rule
        4) The assumption that an high level character or monsters should not necessarily be bothered by a low-level threat
        5) The assumption that fantasy tropes are there even if exceptions do exist e.g. evil orc

  12. 2 weeks ago

    i do like those undead

    • 2 weeks ago

      Those are wight supremacists.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Where's the gay couple?

  13. 2 weeks ago


    you get that elsewhere at least

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah at least the whole book isn't coffeeshop AU fanfiction. Your pic and

      i do like those undead

      are solid. I don't even care if your overriding goal is to put a black and asian dwarf or both lesbian and gay elves in a scene, at least make the whole thing an interesting fantasy scene.

    • 2 weeks ago

      this is very cool. Giant Illithid statue. Some sort of Illithid city?

    • 2 weeks ago

      zero detail slop. bring back traditional artists for the love of god.

    • 2 weeks ago

      this just makes me laugh, it's like sculpting the Colossus of Rhodes but he's holding a box of poptarts

  14. 2 weeks ago

    This is gonna make almost everyone angry, lol. Doesn't help that the art also sucks.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    reject modernity, return to tradition

    • 2 weeks ago

      Silly dragon, trees are for birds.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not Elmore's best but whatever happened to mountains and woods in fantasy art?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >whatever happened to mountains and woods in fantasy art?
        In the old days Gygax unironically would say shit like
        >Want to do a boat based river adventure? First go rent a boat and ride it down a river and get a feel for the real version so you can make a fantastical version.
        Someone like Greenwood would say
        >Go and read at least three different books from different writers about riding boats down a river to get a feel for how to present it and what to consider in the magical version

        Meanwhile in modern day it's
        >There are no rivers to ride down in coastal inner cities so therefore rivers are just shitty taxis.
        Apply this same logic to basically any natural terrain that isn't heavily featured in a recent film.

        • 2 weeks ago

          homie what the actual frick are you yapping about?

          • 2 weeks ago

            The death of natural environments stemming from no one camping or even reading about camping anymore because everything needs to cater to coastal clowns.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I think there's a few overlapping factors
        >fantasy is now mainstream
        >fantasy TTRPGs are heavily influenced by the glut of popular fantasy media like GoT, LotR, Harry Potter
        >demographics have shifted so majorities in developed countries tend to live in cities, making urban areas just more natural for them to imagine in fantasies
        >modern mainstream fantasy players want more social and political gameplay vs adventuring - most modern TTRPG parties just straight up skip travel and survival elements

        • 2 weeks ago

          >most modern TTRPG parties just straight up skip travel and survival elements

          This shit annoys me
          When wilderness travel is reduced to just "roll survival and maybe roll navigation, you're at your destination"
          I get the days of old school encounter tables where after a while you were hoping for a small mammal encounter so you could get some fresh meat are over, but Jesus fricking Christ is it lame now.

        • 2 weeks ago

          mainstream fantasy players want more social and political gameplay vs adventuring - most modern TTRPG parties just straight up skip travel and survival elements
          Can confirm. Got invited to play a campaign and there's precious little combat or adventuring. A good 80% is Game of Thrones-lite dialogue between our PCs and the GM's NPCs.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Nothing enrages me more than skipping travel/survival/exploration. Thats my favorite part. Urbanoids just dont get it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        the people who make the art now has nevener been in a forest or on a mountain

        • 2 weeks ago

          depressed artists living in the deepest of 1mio+ cities using computers to draw a distorted idea of what's outside their grey life

          • 2 weeks ago

            >depressed artists living on minimal wage


          • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        You can find even in "mainstream" rpg forums people maintaining that exploration, overland travel etc is boring, a waste of time etc.
        No love for adverse weather, improvising under duress, resources management, survival, wonder of the unknown and of the Wild.
        It's funny because I observed a similar phenomenon in mmorpgs, but I digress.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >we will never get inspiring art in a D&D book ever again

  16. 2 weeks ago

    >Gray Orcs
    >Wearing khakis and hoodies and chaps
    >In the American southwest

    • 2 weeks ago

      Zero for three, bud. Want another pass at it?

      • 2 weeks ago

        The orcs are very clearly grey and the one on horseback is definitely wearing chaps.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    look at the art
    the one guy is tiny, not a child, and is runnign out from underneath the rock outcropping.
    either that fat b***h is 20 feet tall or that kid has odd proportions and is tiny, with a tiny bird!

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's a collage. The parts were made separately and then stitched together.

      • 2 weeks ago


        • 2 weeks ago

          It has a softcore porn feel to it which I find tiresome.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It's a comparably shitty collage.

      • 2 weeks ago

        A pity we can't go back in time and kill the developers before they made that game for all the harm it did to RPGs.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Care to elaborate

        • 2 weeks ago

          But that's not world of warcraft anon...

          Everquest was a well designed attempt to bring singleplayer cRPGs into a technically feasible multiplayer environment, with players strongly depending on each other. A notion that has been hollowed out severely by World of Warcraft and its continuous simplifications in favor of quality-of-life features.

          • 2 weeks ago

            EQ fricked them up first.
            Fighter - DPS
            Cleric - some DPS/Heals/Buffs
            Mage - some DPS/Utility
            Thief - some DPS/Utility
            Players position themselves to protect their more vulnerable party members.

            Fighter - Taunt just taunt
            Cleric - Heals/some Buffs
            Mage - DPS
            Thief - DPS

            EQ sucked the fricking soul out of RPGs and took a shit in the empty space that remained. Every time you see some tarded taunt ability on a fighter, thank EQ. Every time you hear some thief talk b***h about their deeps, thank EQ.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Most of that was already the case in Wizardry though

              Utility spells are extremely rare in video games.
              There's Ultima Underworld and everything adjacent to it (Arx Fatalis and to a lesser extent TES), and then there are a couple of DnD games with stuff like Contact Spirits and Talk to Animals, but those are mostly just gimmicks.

              And that's pretty much it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No it wasn't, what the frick? Did you ever actually play Wizardry games? All the classes in it clearly fit the mold the anon you're responding to shows, there was no such thing as "tanking" before EQ invented the idea. A Fighter in Wizardry just killed shit, there was no such thing as an "aggro table" back then.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The term tanking was inspired by this cartoon illustration in the original Wizardry manual explaining the importance of AC. Fighters, Lords (Paladins) and Samurai were always the tanks due to having the hp and AC needed to survive on the frontline. EQ just added taunts to tank classes tool kits as well as reducing their damage output.

  18. 2 weeks ago


    The tusks remind me of those bulky glow-in-the-dark vampire teeth.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Great looking Medieval Fantasy here.

  20. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Okay but I would do unspeakable things to the slim orc/elf/thing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      is this a Hedon fan comic?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Given how ambiguous he makes the existence of a dick, seems so.

  21. 2 weeks ago


    For my own sake, I choose to believe that post is a troll of some sort.

    • 2 weeks ago

      that's fair

  22. 2 weeks ago

    >muh noble savagaes
    Making them vaguely ethnic analogs is actually worse than just having them as big green monsters. Frick off WotC.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    I dont think I understand the point of making them people.
    If you want what appears to me some sort of Mexican culture why not just have that? I guess I don't get making a different species a stand in for a specific real culture.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine looking at this moronic crap and thinking "wow badass"

  25. 2 weeks ago

    slop. Looks like utter slop.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    They're actually making dnd6e?

  27. 2 weeks ago

    I don't care about them making non-evil orcs but I draw the line at making them mexicans.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    What the frick is this wild west bullshit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      One of Jeremy Crawford's main objectives in his stewardship of D&D is to warp the games outward stylistic trappings into a toybox system devoid context beyond the DM's prerogative but still giving them a bunch of shiny D&D TM iconic creatures and villains to ogle over.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The worst part is that 5e is awful for the sort of generic fantasy they're trying to push. The game wants to be a combat-focused dungeon crawl, so the sort of people who might actually enjoy a game about elves socializing at a party, dwarves working a forge, or orcs exploring the wilderness are going to be disappointed.
        The systems in place suck, a chunk of the classes in the game can't even participate properly in non-combat situations, and if the party only gets into one fight per day then spellcasters just dominate.

        Like at this point it just feels like false advertising. The only silver lining is that the sort of gays who would fall for this and buy a $50 rulebook that doesn't help them have a fantasy tea-party are the sort of people who deserve to get scammed.

        • 2 weeks ago

          This has baffled me for the longest time, like why is the absolute gamiest RPG the one they're trying to push onto normalgays

          • 2 weeks ago

            How do they look like Mexicans?
            How is 5e the gamiest RPG?
            What planet do you fricks come from?

            D&D is far from the most gamey RPG out there, and to a certain extent the fact that it has a bunch of rules isn't the problem.
            To me, it's the fact that 5e (and 5.5 since it's barely changed) is built around 6-8 fights per day. That works fine for dungeon crawls, but is really shit for overland travel, wilderness encounters, city campagins, etc. And it's especially shitty for any groups who don't enjoy 5e combat that much, or otherwise only want to include combat in their campaign when it's actually important.
            Plenty of tables out there want to just face off against the evil baron and his bodyguards without needing to wade through 5 rooms of guards first, but without having those five rooms of guards the baron just gets unceremoniously blasted by a volley of fireballs. Which is probably hilarious the first time, but is also probably not what any of these storygays hoping for a more 'cinematic' game actually want.

            Again, the issue is that WotC pretends D&D is generic fantasy, when it's really quite specialized as a high-fantasy hack & slash with some dungeon crawling elements. I suppose if they were honest about what their game was though, then they wouldn't be able to trick as many people into buying books.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >D&D is far from the most gamey RPG out there, and to a certain extent the fact that it has a bunch of rules isn't the problem.
              I'm not some sort of PbtA autist by any means, I think that system is far more gamey. But 5e still works on D&D logic which isn't very noob friendly and never was (wasn't too bad when you still catered to a majority autist audience)

            • 2 weeks ago

              >the fact that 5e is built around 6-8 fights per day
              is in fact not a fact. 6-8 is a soft upper limit.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >For each character in the party, use the Adventuring Day XP table to estimate how much XP that character is expected to earn in a day
                >In general, over the course of a full adventuring day, the party will likely need to take two short rests
                I don't understand why people feel the need to lie about this. The DMG makes it blatantly obvious that 6-8 combat encounters is what they expect the party to fight.
                Otherwise, the XP characters were expected to earn would be less than the XP values of that many encounters A CR 1 encounter is a Medium encounter for a level 1 party of 4. Six of those is 1200 xp total, divided by four players is 300 each. Likewise, it wouldn't state that the party would -need- to take two shorts rests if there's an expectation that the party might have only 1-2 combat encounters.

                The fact that the DM can go against these assumptions does not change that 5e was built around these assumptions.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >posts the whole section
                >still didn't fully read and understand it
                The magic words here are "can handle". The section does not tell you that after three days of adventuring, your group should have gone from level 1 to almost level 4 or git gud if they haven't.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You're not very clever.

              • 2 weeks ago


                >The magic words here are "can handle".
                I posted the whole section. Why did you quit reading at the very first sentence?

                >The section does not tell you that after three days of adventuring, your group should have gone from level 1 to almost level 4
                According to basic mathematics, it does. It tells you how much XP the characters are expected to earn during an adventuring day. The game does not expect that you'll be spending an extended period at early levels if you're using XP rather than milestones. The numbers are staring you directly in the face that the designers said to give the level 1 characters 300 XP in one day.

                Again, a DM can cuck their players and keep them at level 1 for longer by having them fight a single kobold per day, but that's not what 5e was built for.

                >I posted the whole section. Why did you quit reading at the very first sentence?
                The word sequence repeats two more times throughout the section, including the last sentence.
                >a DM can cuck their players and keep them at level 1 for longer
                Stop inserting your fetishes into the game.
                >that's not what 5e was built for.
                Which is why the DMG includes progression options that completely divorce levels from encounter budgets.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Which is why the DMG includes progression options that completely divorce levels from encounter budgets.
                Which is why I already mentioned milestones. I'm glad you agree that levels can be independent of encounter budgets though, because that simply means your earlier point here

                >posts the whole section
                >still didn't fully read and understand it
                The magic words here are "can handle". The section does not tell you that after three days of adventuring, your group should have gone from level 1 to almost level 4 or git gud if they haven't.

                was meaningless, and we are left in agreement that the game's expectations of XP per adventuring day are clear, and that those expectations firmly related to encounter design rather than levels.

                You have perfectly demonstrated my point for me, thanks.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >let's defend the changes by making fans of it look like insufferable morons
                Do you really expect this to help you?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The magic words here are "can handle".
                I posted the whole section. Why did you quit reading at the very first sentence?

                >The section does not tell you that after three days of adventuring, your group should have gone from level 1 to almost level 4
                According to basic mathematics, it does. It tells you how much XP the characters are expected to earn during an adventuring day. The game does not expect that you'll be spending an extended period at early levels if you're using XP rather than milestones. The numbers are staring you directly in the face that the designers said to give the level 1 characters 300 XP in one day.

                Again, a DM can cuck their players and keep them at level 1 for longer by having them fight a single kobold per day, but that's not what 5e was built for.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >The fact that the DM can go against these assumptions does not change that 5e was built around these assumptions.
                You've designed a shit game with
                >6-8 combat encounters is what they expect the party to fight
                >oh but we also made it super easy to rest after every fight with laughably abusable slop like "Leomund's Tiny Fricking Hut" or whatever
                >oh and we also made it even easier by repeating endlessly to never ever say no to the poor widdle pwayers, so when they say they rest in every second dungeon room, they have plenty of ammo to call you abusive if you try to deny them

        • 2 weeks ago

          >so the sort of people who might actually enjoy a game about elves socializing at a party, dwarves working a forge, or orcs exploring the wilderness are going to be disappointed
          Why? IT seems like the perfect system for this kind of "players". They meet around a table, chat a while, then they go "I want to do X", "ok, roll for succeed/eh, you succeed BUT...". Do you expect that the average joes they want to pull in, if wanting to play a gay dwarf in a forge, would expect or demand detailed metallurgy rules?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Do you expect that the average joes they want to pull in, if wanting to play a gay dwarf in a forge, would expect or demand detailed metallurgy rules?
            Not at all, and that's also not the sort of thing I'm talking about. Though what they certainly won't want is to spend $50 on 300 pages of rules mostly focused on combat that they aren't going to read or use.
            Most of the differences between 5e and 5.5e are pretty combat centric with things like extra feats or martial maneuvers or other subclass tweaks, so it's not like they get anything for upgrading.

            The perfect system for these 'players' is something basic one-page RPG like pic related where it literally is just 'roll to do X'. Or more likely, something like FATE if they wanted to be able to add some personality to their character.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Too much text.
              They want a system that someone with at least 50,000 other viewers will tell stories about on <social media of choice>.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Too much text.
                Exactly my point. Which is why I said that the people who would buy it purely because it has gay dwarves deserve to be scammed into buying a book they will never read.

                Yeah, but they wouldn't be "playing D&D" then. That's not the type of customer the marketing and art direction look to be aiming for.

                >Yeah, but they wouldn't be "playing D&D" then
                Obviously, because WotC is relying on brand recognition in order to keep them from realizing that D&D isn't actually a generic fantasy system. That's why I said it comes across as false advertising.

              • 2 weeks ago

                We agree on everything but the last bit. Yes, they aim for gullible idiots that deserve to be scammed because they flock to the nerdy mainstream thing due to brand recognition. While they do deserve it it's still scummy to market that way, but that's another issue. The thing is TO THEM it's not false advertising. They want D&D, they get D&D. They want to skim over the book, look at the art, see representation and gay couples, nod to themselves in approval and put the book on the shelf to never use it. If they play, the GM will handle the rest. And if they want to bake cookies for their gay boyfriend, they will be able to, one way or the other, most probably with a quick roll to show that they indeed are "playing".

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yeah, but they wouldn't be "playing D&D" then. That's not the type of customer the marketing and art direction look to be aiming for.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's an exotic location, anon, aren't you excited? Who needs majestic pines and misty valleys when you can have sand and sunburn?

      • 2 weeks ago

        A desert can be majestic, just not in the hands of these people.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Hey, deserts are cool. You just need to put hot brown ninja women in it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Failing that, I’ll accept a desert sausage party so long as most of them have excellent mustaches and curved swords. I have to see at least one guy sitting on a giant cushion somewhere, too.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    Only the sidecut ruins it. Though I wonder why they choose an old west depiction.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because the DMG is entirely about Greyhawk now.
      Everyone knows Greyhawk as the wacky setting with the cowboy god.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    >orcs riding horses instead of wargs

  31. 2 weeks ago

    >pale Mexicans with tusks
    massive flanderization

    • 2 weeks ago

      >We're not racist!
      >Our orcs aren't barbarians raiding people
      >They're civilized frontier explorers
      They will trade lead for land with the savage merigan elves.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    How lame. And to think the main way in which half orcs used to be was through rape, because orcs used to be monstrous villainous creatures.
    Now they are just another human with weird bits race.

  33. 2 weeks ago

    good grief this shit is so lame that it's completely turned me off of even giving this version of d&d a chance

  34. 2 weeks ago

    >see sidecut
    >immediately feel tired

  35. 2 weeks ago

    I wish any of these artists would do some research on clothing older than the 1900s


    Black elves are high elves, Asian dwarves are mountain dwarves for all we knkw
    Gotta be honest, making Fantasy !Africa to justify a skin tone is something a middle schooler would do.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >do some research
      The artists who do research are the ones who have stable jobs with companies who have rejected the CEO centric changes in business over the last 6 decades.
      Larian, as much as I don't like their games, were right when talking about how disgusted they are with wotc doing the (common) practice of treating creatives as interchangeable members of the company.
      This was also why it was memed about when western devs complained that it's unfair to compare them to eastern devs because in Japan people get hired and trained over years and then keep their job for many years to come.

      WotC and most western companies just don't want to pay for quality so the artists who do quality are wasting their time and losing money to the shit artists.

    • 2 weeks ago

      seems natural for worlds to have poles and tropics and therefore different phenotypes
      I just wish people would put in the effort to make fictional geographies that make sense on their own terms and not just lazily c/p real world stuff

  36. 2 weeks ago


    Cynically I would say they’re just building in a future brouhaha so they can use it for attention in the future.

  37. 2 weeks ago


    How do they look like Mexicans?

    This has baffled me for the longest time, like why is the absolute gamiest RPG the one they're trying to push onto normalgays

    How is 5e the gamiest RPG?
    What planet do you fricks come from?

    • 2 weeks ago

      the kid's in a poncho dude. The whole picture has an old west mestizo aesthetic to it

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not just Mexican per se but very Gaucho/Old West South America, look at the poncho, look at the hats, the half chaps, the leg coverings

  38. 2 weeks ago

    Orcs look pretty American

  39. 2 weeks ago

    Stop being racist they look nothing like Mexicans, they look like your average Eurasian steppe riders

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not with the ponchos and shit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Cowboy boots
        >fringe pants
        >wide-brimmed hats
        They're extremely old west coded, are you blind? Can you point at a single detail that makes you think of eurasian steppe people?

        I have this feeling you guys got wooshed by that other guy's irony.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Cowboy boots
      >fringe pants
      >wide-brimmed hats
      They're extremely old west coded, are you blind? Can you point at a single detail that makes you think of eurasian steppe people?

  40. 2 weeks ago

    >so which look should we give to our group of savage, brutish murderers and looters the orcs?
    I don't think they thought this through

    • 2 weeks ago

      >to our group of savage, brutish murderers and looters
      Sounds about right, they gave them a settler aesthetic this time though rather than colonized. Pretty funny

      • 2 weeks ago

        They don't have breasplates and morrion, those clearly aren't the settlers

  41. 2 weeks ago

    if we killed all the mommygays the internet would be 100% better.

  42. 2 weeks ago

    Are the dungeon procedures from the original 5E playtest actually making it into this one or?

    • 2 weeks ago


      3trad here.
      Both 3e and 4e share
      1) The assumption that players are not moronic and can handle simple sums and subtractions
      2) The assumption that players are not moronic and can handle buff and status conditions while looking at a map
      3) The assumption that players are not moronic and can handle feats as non-optional rule
      4) The assumption that an high level character or monsters should not necessarily be bothered by a low-level threat
      5) The assumption that fantasy tropes are there even if exceptions do exist e.g. evil orc

      You for got 6), the assumption that players are autistic

      If nothing matters then why don't you just fricking have a nice day? Your life doesn't matter so why live it?

      Nah man he’s a moron but you’re just as a big a one.

      Boy oh boy, these posts didn't age well. Anon here got blown the FRICK out.

      Dead silence

      The jannies have done quite a bit of pruning of notably poor quality posts while keeping the core conversation intact. They've done the same work in the beastfolk thread at [...].

      I’ve always wanted to ask, does it taste of blood?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >You for got 6), the assumption that players are autistic
        t. a moron that finds 3e and 4e too difficult
        Well, you won anon. The world is yours. Enjoy the pics ITT.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not difficult, but unenjoyable unless you can also get off on train model statistics.
          Don’t get me wrong, this new shit is bland as frick, but don’t pretend that shit like trap options and page-long grapple rules are good design.

          Replies are restricted because types like this don't can't handle any criticism whatsoever.

          Yeah it’s quite obvious with stuff like >93125459 getting rekt that janny desperately wants to be janine

  43. 2 weeks ago

    Holy shit. That is so bad.

  44. 2 weeks ago

    I'm just not gonna play it.
    I'M SORRY. Not really.
    But I'm.... Just not gonna play it.

    • 2 weeks ago


  45. 2 weeks ago

    Star Trek was limited by having to use humans in bodypaint for their non-human species.
    What's WotC's excuse?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I like other races being Humanoids.
      Humanoid form is peak function for a civilized being.
      I don't buy into the Neil Degrasse Tyson or Bill Nye Space universe.

  46. 2 weeks ago



    They're doing the Pathfinder 2e thing of your background gives you ability points to spend.

    • 2 weeks ago

      so like 5e? a language, 1 skill from a couple of options and a skill tool? that's ok. But from the ads "backgrounds will be more important than ever" they clearly want to do way more

      • 2 weeks ago

        A bit more.
        They give you less points during point buy but if you have a soldier background you get +1 str and con and then +1 Dex or Int or shit like that.
        And yeah the fluff piece says they're doing things they've never done before like giving orcs and dwarves darkvision! Or making it so races have different racial abilities!

        In other words it's just advertising slop put over nothing.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >And yeah the fluff piece says they're doing things they've never done before like giving orcs and dwarves darkvision
          Maybe they mean superior darkvision. I have no idea why orcs would have this, it makes sense for drow and deep gnomes.

          • 2 weeks ago

            orcs had darkvision and sunlight sensitivity in older editions because they were mostly cave dwelling creatures who went outside to raid

            rememer the old lore, their god threw a bunch of arrows/spears to the plane and said all those holes were orc territory when the gods were choosing which race will live where

            • 2 weeks ago

              Yet the orcs depicted, and orcs for the last few editions have been plains nomads. I'd take the darkvision away at this point, too many races have it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Orcs have gone from weaker than humans and living in caves to stronger than humans and living in caves to tougher than humans and living in caves to apparently just being gray humans who see in the dark.
            But for the majority of their existence in D&D they've been cave dwelling night raiders.

  47. 2 weeks ago


    The orc riding a horse looks like he has a sweet blonde girl hugging him.

    • 2 weeks ago

      pretty sure that's a kid

      • 2 weeks ago

        Well, it's just getting a little more progressive than usual...

  48. 2 weeks ago


    WotC, at least the D&D side, is mostly marketing people at this point.
    5e launched with like 4 contractors and 5 employees.
    They made a big deal when they got their 6th, then Hasbro hired on a frick ton of people.
    Then as this shit always does, they discovered that marketing people claim their advertising on a forum sold 20 more copies, while rules guy has no metric for what his rules sold.
    So the D&D team got gutted again, but marketing people stayed on.

  49. 2 weeks ago

    >What if orcs were just humans with tusks?!
    Unspiring garbage. These barely even pass for half-orcs.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They're octogorcs, clearly.

    • 2 weeks ago

      We're literally never getting art this soulful again.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    worse than the 5e halfling

  51. 2 weeks ago

    What the hell? I thought the setting was Greyhawk? What is this pozzed nonsense

  52. 2 weeks ago


    >3.x is infamously where they rewrote Drow of the Underdark to be about how drow are so backstabby that a maid will risk murdering her mistress because the potential of getting hired into a better position in another house is there.
    If you think that is an example of them becoming more "backstabby" than they were before, you have literally no clue what the Drow were prior. Hell, that is bog standard behavior in the first Drizzt books, which incidentally, is the popularization of "I'm the ONE X version of this [anything but X]" mentality that suffused 3.x and after, but that's a slightly different discussion.

    • 2 weeks ago

      In the Drizzt books it was a part of Menzo, which according to the original DotU as well as the Drizzt Gude to the Underdark, was an extremist city that stuck out for its extremism.
      That's also where we get shit like armor that is chained to slaves so the slaves take damage for you despite it limiting your movement.
      Menzo was meant to be edgy. 3e Drow spread Menzo edgy to be ALL drow.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >cites hickman revisions to gygax creation

        • 2 weeks ago

          In Vault of the Drow most drow are neutral and only the ones at the top are evil demon worshipers.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Vault of the Drow
            From the Intoduction:
            >. It is now evident
            that the Dark Elves pass freely throughout this underworld, but
            it is just as evident that these evil elves are hated and feared
            by the other intelligent races inhabiting the subterranean
            lands. This does not give cause to hope that your party will receive any substantial aid, for most of the creatures dwelling in
            the sunless places beneath the earth are as evil as the Drow

            • 2 weeks ago

              that don't change that all the statsblocks and NPCs agree with

              • 2 weeks ago

                >that don't change that all the statsblocks
                This is a flat out lie, and a bit weird because I clearly have the pdf right here. Out of the 14 instances of the word "neutral" in the the full text, there is exactly one reference to a drow being neutral on page 21.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Oh and before one of you people who have clearly never read any of the gygax era supplements go "but they used 'n' in statblocks" and futher embarrass yourselves over being painfully wrong, the highlighted bits in the attached screenshot *are* the statblocks.

              • 2 weeks ago

                yeah the top elite were evil, that was never contested, but the bulk of the drow population was described as neutral regardless

              • 2 weeks ago

                You realize that betraying the frick out of someone for an advantage is a neutral behavior, right? It's not evil. Evil is betrayal for betrayal's sake.

              • 2 weeks ago

                betrayal for betrayal's sake is Stupid Evil.
                Betrayal was always considered one of the worst thing to do. See where Dante put the traitors in the Commedia. The deepest part of Hell.
                It's literally the worst thing you could do.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >betrayal for betrayal's sake is Stupid Evil.
                And? Gygaxian villains were uniformly Saturday Morning Cartoon Villains.
                >Betrayal was always considered one of the worst thing to do.
                This is a position on morality.
                >See where Dante put the traitors in the Commedia. The deepest part of Hell.
                >It's literally the worst thing you could do.
                Giving a shit about if what you're doing is good or evil is explicitly not neutrality. It's being good or evil. Not caring about if your act is considered good or evil but the utility of it is explicitly neutrality. In this case, it's just taking advantage of an opportunity to better your position. The question isn't whether it's right or wrong, but will the consequences be better for you or worse.

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                Ahh, there it is. The worst take I'm going to read all day. Thank you.

                this anon should not be allowed to roam around unsupervised

                >I've never learned what alignment actually represents nor have I ever actually used it (correctly) so I just repeat stupidity I've seen on teegee.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Anon you have no understanding of morality.
                We laugh at you because your rant betrays your psychopathy but we are at a safe distance.
                Holy shit.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Mine is far better than yours both in general and in specific with reference to the DnD alignment system.

                Look, it's as much about intent as it is action. With respect to neutrality, there's broadly two approaches that are a thing:
                >attempting to balance good and evil in the world
                The scale of what you're looking at is a personal choice. Like if you're in a good community of an evil empire, it's just as arguable to do good things or bad things as a counterbalance to either the community or the empire. It's the fact you're trying to act in such a way that balances the other out in some way.
                >ignore or reject the concept of good and evil
                This is just pure utilitarianism. What is going to lead to an outcome that better aligns with your goals? Sacrificing a baby may ensure that the harvest gods make sure that your community has bountiful harvests for the next decade, so since a goal of yours is the growth of your community and the parents of the baby can't really do anything to you, you have no problem with pulling the knife across its neck and sleeping well. You don't get any pleasure out of it. It's not some longstanding dream of yours to kill babies, but it's something that gets you closer to your goals.

                In the case of betrayal that's more a matter for the lawful/chaotic side of the alignment matrix. A chaotic good character will happily betray the hell out of some evil dude while a lawful evil one will be loath to break his word to his nemesis.

                I swear, 99.9999999% of the hate of alignment is people just not even kind of understanding it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I swear, 99.9999999% of the hate of alignment is people just not even kind of understanding it.
                I don't hate alignment. At all. I in fact hate the modern term that pushes for its removal.
                But you have to understand that
                BETRAYAL BAD

              • 2 weeks ago

                Betrayal is a inherently evil action, no one will ever trust a betrayer because if you can betray once you can betray twice, no one will ever feel safe around you if they know you betrayed someone before, the fact that you don't get that means you're at the very least autistic.

              • 2 weeks ago

                being obsessed with it makes you the autistic one

              • 2 weeks ago

                Being good isn't a matter of being liked or trusted. It's strange that you all question my understanding of morality and then say things like "protecting your reputation is more important than ending a possibly world ending threat because the only way you can do it isn't a way people like".

                A good character can be perfectly fine with accepting the consequences of infamy and massive mistrust for a greater good. Hell, there's even a decent number of examples of this in literature.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >"protecting your reputation is more important than ending a possibly world ending threat because the only way you can do it isn't a way people like".
                welcome to shame based culture, where face and reputation are everything

              • 2 weeks ago

                this picture is fake as frick
                germany and ireland would be yard yellow, so would korea, and subsaharan africa would be all red

              • 2 weeks ago

                only if youre a turk.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Ahh, there it is. The worst take I'm going to read all day. Thank you.

              • 2 weeks ago

                this anon should not be allowed to roam around unsupervised

              • 2 weeks ago

                this post was typed by the most midwitted of midwits.
                Midwit prime.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Betrayal is evil in its purist form moron. That's why the lowest circle in hell is reserved for betrayers

              • 2 weeks ago

                Sure thing buddy.

  53. 2 weeks ago

    Why are they Mexicans?

  54. 2 weeks ago

    I can tell you this, I was willing to give the book a chance until this. I'm not playing D&Dogshit for a very long time it seems.

  55. 2 weeks ago


    >guys we are LEGALLY required to maximize profit for shareholders!
    >*does illegal things to make more profit*

  56. 2 weeks ago


    I know. but its so exhausting to see it happen at every turn. star wars, D&D, movies. thank god video games are finally starting to get good again or I'd become a hermit...

  57. 2 weeks ago

    I do not understand this Jeremy Griggs-esque obsession within engaging in things you do not like and don't care about just to be part of the conversation. You don't play Dungeons & Dragons. You don't like Dungeons & Dragons. You know what? I don't like Dungeons & Dragons either. I don't like 5E and I saw the writing on the wall about that as early as the playtests. I don't think I'm going to line D&D One either. You know what I do about that? I don't fricking play it, and I don't spew shit all over the internet like a fricking moron about it, either.

    You don't fricking care about tabletop games or anything else. You hate yourself and everything else, and you want everyone to be as pointlessly angry about it as you are so you can feel less like a freak for wanting to have a nice day.

  58. 2 weeks ago


    Well, both dwarfs tatooed their significant other's beard. They're not having gay sex.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >tatooed their significant other's beard
      That's just such a dumb detail. I really, really hate the person that thought it up and thought it was neat/clever/whatever.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's clever. The bar is very, very, low.

        • 2 weeks ago

          But who would be moronic enough to get a tattoo of their partner's hairstyle instead of their face or name? "oh yeah it's the image of my 3rd long-term frickbuddie's beard style when he was 36, then he changed it"

          • 2 weeks ago

            >dwarf changing his beard style
            this has been debunked

  59. 2 weeks ago


    It is trivial. It's just a hobby, it's a manufactured and fleeting identity that can change with a whim and holds no permanence. It doesn't mean it's not important to you but in the grand scheme of your life it isn't important.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Small doesn't mean trivial. Also yeah, hobbies aren't life and death, but they're a facet of culture, one which many people here are deeply immersed in.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >just don't care about things bro
      I fricking hate you and people like you

    • 2 weeks ago

      If nothing matters then why don't you just fricking have a nice day? Your life doesn't matter so why live it?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >you shouldn't invest your identity in the products you buy

        Yeah man you're definitely the sane one.

        • 2 weeks ago

          You sure don't look sane to me, bruh.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >the hobbies you engage in are just inherently valueless products that are entirely arbitrary and interchangeable
          You literally have no soul lmao

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It is trivial
      It was important enough for WotC to commission art and for you to make a post downplaying it.

  60. 2 weeks ago


    >D&D isn't just a product, it's a hobby
    aka shit dnd players say
    everyone else engages in the hobby of "ttrpgs" or "pen-and-paper roleplaying", only dnd gays call the entire hobby "D&D"

    • 2 weeks ago

      >inventing semantical distinctions to be mad about
      People who hate 40k don't have this autism. What is wrong with you?

  61. 2 weeks ago

    Not my orcs. But I'll just use the system and draw/imagine my own artstyle anyway.

  62. 2 weeks ago

    >orcish falconers
    Now people are going to think I ripped that off

  63. 2 weeks ago


    TTRPGs are a hobby.
    Dungeons and Dragons is a literal, copyrighted product with a corporate owner.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Dungeons and Dragons is an specific game, and when people say it's a hobby they are saying that playing D&D is their hobby, not TTRPGs in generals

      • 2 weeks ago

        >they are saying that playing D&D is their hobby
        those people have made their bed and are now mad they have to sleep in it

    • 2 weeks ago

      >do you have any hobbies?
      >Oh I'm pretty into Magic the Gathering
      You people are literally morons holy frick

      • 2 weeks ago

        >I hate Magic the Gathering
        >I hate the gameplay
        >I hate the rules
        >I hate the players
        >I hate the developers
        >I hate the card art
        >I hate the fluff text

        >I will still build my identity around being a "Magic the Gathering player"
        >I will never ever try out another game
        >I will keep shitting up /tg/ every time the game that I hate makes a change that I hate
        >I am sane btw and you are a subversive leftist

        • 2 weeks ago

          >inventing things to be mad about again

      • 2 weeks ago

        >do you have any hobbies?
        >Oh I'm pretty into Magic the Gathering

        Playing? Collecting? The art? Just deckbuilding? Tournaments? Leagues? One or multiple formats? Cosplay?
        The hobby isn't the product, it's what you do with that or other products. I don't know a single person into MtG who does all of the things you can do with MtG, and I don't know a single person into MtG (or DnD) who is obliged to immediately engage with every aspect of the product as it's produced.
        Because again, DnD and MtG aren't the hobby- they're product lines owned by Hasbro.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Those are all just facets of the hobby at large

          • 2 weeks ago

            There's a few lifestyle brands out there that invest a lot of advertising and effort to convince people that a product is a hobby in itself. A useful exercise is to ask the same question about brands that don't advertise to you as effectively.
            I paint pictures sometimes. I use watercolour paints, and all I buy or own is Windosr and Newton paints: they're the best balance of price, convenience and effectiveness for me. Tell me this; am I a watercolour painter or a Windsor and Newtoner?
            My grandmother sews, and her sewing machine's a Singer. Is her hobby sewing or is it Singering?
            When I ask my mate about his hobby, why do you think he talks about playing guitar rather than being a Fenderer?
            Some people realise that the hobby is what you do, not what product you do it with. Others fall for it so completely that they not only treat the product as a hobby but as an identity. The hobby is the verb, and the product is the material you use.

            • 2 weeks ago

              That argument doesn't translate at all to a hobby that is a literal game. Is a basketball player a basketball player or a sporter?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Basketball player, not a "[specific basketball league] player"
                especially when that league is one who does things you disapprove of.

              • 2 weeks ago

                True, but remember:

                Those are all just facets of the hobby at large

                is claiming that playing, collecting etc are all "aspects of the hobby at large" and my initial issue was


                saying that DnD isn't a product, it's a hobby.
                So back to your basketball player whose hobby is playing basketball. Does the basketball player necessarily collect basketball trading cards? Memorabilia? Or is that a different hobby? How about watching basketball; is that the same hobby as playing basketball? What leagues or matches do they watch or not watch? Why do they do some of the things and not others?
                Even then, "basketball" isn't a brand like "Dungeons and Dragons" is. If your basketball player played in a particular amateur league with its own particular rules and restrictions, their hobby wouldn't be "X Leaguing": it would be playing basketball.
                I'm off to bed now, but here's the thesis again; the hobby's the activity you do, not the brand you do it in. Regarding OP's post? I'm a guy who GMs the game Dungeons and Dragons, not a "Dungeons and Dragoner", and it's nice to not have an existential crisis when Hasbro squeezes out yet another turd for the trough.

  64. 2 weeks ago


    Just speculation, but there's probably some idiot in middle management screaming about "getting numbers up" regardless of longterm brand damage.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That and people cannot fathom how suits and corporations operate on their very own true-isms.

      I actually know a dude who worked as a Data Analyst for a big PR company. The shit hes been telling me sounds like something straight from a sketch comedy with how he has to explain the data to people who make 7 figures a year and they will twist themselves into pretzels to misconstrue the data before their very eyes.

  65. 2 weeks ago


    The jannies have done quite a bit of pruning of notably poor quality posts while keeping the core conversation intact. They've done the same work in the beastfolk thread at



    • 2 weeks ago

      >The jannies have done quite a bit of pruning of notably poor quality posts while keeping the core conversation intact.
      Why do you fricking lie? You can literally read the entire thread on 4plebs, you bootlicking little wienersucker.

  66. 2 weeks ago

    why are they pale? Wouldn't they have a darker skin tone because of the climate? Like if these were orcs that lived in the frigid north, I would understand why they are pale. But here it makes them seem out of place, like they just recently moved to the desert.

  67. 2 weeks ago

    >they made orcs bisexual mexicans

    • 2 weeks ago

      Now if only they'd follow the logic of that back to Cartel Rapists, we could actually get some decent orc content again.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nothing stops them from being both. They could be mexican cartel, yet their day job, their front, is they look like ranchers. Put on a wholesome looking appearence for the law enforcement folks.

  68. 2 weeks ago

    why the frick are they trying to make orcs "peaceful" and humanlike now?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because everyone is exactly the same, just in a different shape.

      • 2 weeks ago

        thats fricking boring

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because they think orcs are a code for black people/minorities and because they completely ignore examples of more civilized or 'evil monster' orcs from previous edition like the Kingdom of Many Arrows in FR or the Druidic focused orcs of Eberon

      • 2 weeks ago

        The problem with that "civilized orcs" thing is that Obould was simply *smarter* than the average orc and so was much better at coming up with long-term plans. But he was still thoroughly evil. If the typical orc is supposed to be a stereotypical violent black guy than Obould was basically Idi Amin or François Duvalier - not exactly a counterpoint to the stereotype so much as just taking it in a different direction.

        Case and point: I don't think there's a single named Good-aligned orc in all of Forgotten Realms' publication history. Given the sheer number of adventures and novels written in the setting, and given that the setting has always been explicit that orcs *can* be good, that's kind of incredible.

        • 2 weeks ago

          jessy wtf are you talking about?

    • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        That whole video was painful to watch, it was like watching someone dig a hole under themselves.

      • 2 weeks ago

        has any single video done more damage to the hobby?

  69. 2 weeks ago


    >5.5e is already on a collision course and WotC is in panic mode
    Oh, cool, it's doing fine then. I've grown to realize that whenever someone from /tg/ makes a declaration like this, the opposite is almost always true.

    I have serious non-troll question. The people who this stuff is aimed at, what are their games about? seriously, if I'm to believe there is no cosmic good vs evil; then what are their games even about? !modernPolitics with a fantasy coat of paint? punching "nazis"? killing Drownald Trog?

    There's still cosmic evil. No one is removing fiends from the setting.
    Also, even without cosmic evil, there can still be individual evil. When I ran my own homebrew campaign I didn't really touch on "cosmic" evil, but I still had the Efreeti Grand Sultanate and the Dao Grand Khanate and all the evil of those cultures (first thing I told my players about the latter is "the main thing dao slaves bring out of the mines is opals; a close second is the worked-to-death bodies of other slaves"), and my main villain was a thoroughly evil wizard trying to collapse the Elemental Planes together into a single pure element.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It really is only a matter of time before the IP is dead. MtG really is the only thing keeping WotC and Hasbro at large afloat. You do know they're not giving you a pay raise, right?

      Orc muscle mommies with rock-hard abs and sidecuts are now canon, good job fellow green fever coomers.

      That's one of the first things that came to mind when I saw the OP picture. It's the same thing, but with Mexicans.

  70. 2 weeks ago


    Pretty much.
    I mean frick, they claim Tolkien is an evil racist for saying the orcs were Mongols.
    But he never said that. Because Tolkeins orcs were from fricking Birmingham, being good working class lads who were corrupted by the horrors of what they'd seen, done and endured.
    But no, let's not go too deep and explore the idea or orcs as victims who inflict their trauma on others, or do something cool like a setting where orcs are a corrupted sub-species of mankind created by some great war who have to reintegrate/find their place in society.
    That'd be far too interesting, nah let's make it all about the Bliggities (again) because Californian morality is flat as a farted F note and has all the depth of your average Californian woman.

    Frick it, know what'd be a cool original setting?
    A high fantasy setting where orcs are the result of corruption/a war and the war is over, leaving only the damage behind, they're not welcome in polite society so they tend to become adventurers/roving tribes who go around fixing problems.

    Imagine how cool it could be, orcish mercenaries trying to overcome their trauma through daring heroics while still being painfully aware they can never return to what they were before the War touched them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >But he never said that
      He didn't claim they were literally stand-ins for Mongolians, no, but he did say that orcs were:

      >“squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes: in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types.”

      • 2 weeks ago

        So he said they *look* like Mongolians, but who did he say they act like?
        Because when you read the Two Towers and Return of the King, they speak like the worst of uniformed soldiers from a modern society. The worst of British soldiers, even. They're the most modern of all his characters in their speech pattern, they're constantly worried about pressure from their bosses and higher-ups, they're constantly fighting over status and who wienered things up this time, and given the chance they'd absolutely leg it to the countryside with a couple of good lads and give it a go as independents away from all this Sauron nonsense. It's even more explicit in The Hobbit, where he makes it clear that orcs invented much of humanity's current technology (including the machine gun) and that you'll find their descendents in our society today.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >orcs were from fricking Birmingham, being good working class lads
      40k brainrot

  71. 2 weeks ago

    I can overlook all of the problems with the art if they didnt make every single character look like an urbanite Portland hipster from exactly 2016-2022. This is releasing with an already outdated look. The audience will be gaslit into buying all new books in a few more years because this look will soon be a relic of “last decade”. It is the equivalent of putting shutter shades and livestrong bracelets in the art of 4th edition.

  72. 2 weeks ago

    I've always favored pig-headed orcs over these generic humanoids/big goblins. The ideal orc would be those green pig guys who guard Jabba the Hut's palace, or Maleficent's goons.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I personally like the Disney's Gummi Bears ones.

  73. 2 weeks ago

    Brilliant, no one will ever think orcs are black now if we make them all mexicans.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Racism has been solved! This shit is so mind-blowingly stupid, Anon. I can't believe it. I can't believe this works on consumers.

  74. 2 weeks ago

    So I'm a full-time illustrator for games & RPGs, and I have a lot of friends who are also industry artists. I'm not here to say "lol i could do better lol', because that's subjective.

    But I have been looking at this new D&D art and I can't help but think it all fricking sucks. Like, just from an artistic perspective, the...perspective, on this piece is all kinds of fricked up, a lot of the details make little or no sense, some of the anatomy is fricked, etc. It's just not very good, and whoever art directed this for Wizards did a horrible job both on this piece and all of the other ones.

    But more than that, more than the technical issues; Am I the only one who feels like this art just is not remotely 'D&D'? Like, who is this FOR? Who is this supposed to appeal to? If I want to be sold on playing an Orc, I want to see Orcs doing stuff they DO in D&D, like fricking fricking monsters. I don't want to see a picture of a slice-of-life of an Orc family having a picnic. How is this supposed to sell me on the game? What does this have to do with adventuring and combat and being a hero?

    Why is all this D&D art so fricking SOFT?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I like your takes. What do you consider proper "D&D" art in comparison?

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'm a big Wayne Reynolds fan, I know some people have gripes but I've always loved his work for a lot of reasons. But I dunno, I think MCDM has been getting some really quality work for their books, and a lot of the Kobold Press Tales of Valiant stuff is pretty good. Paizo has some stinkers but by and large most of their covers and splash pages are just really traditional scenes of combat or campaign moments, which is kind of the point.

        Essentially, I just want my TTRPG books to show me what kind of awesome things my characters could be doing, or what kinds of scenes I could be creating as a DM. And at no point in any campaign am I going to be describing a fricking Orc family picnic.

        • 2 weeks ago


  75. 2 weeks ago

    I saw the artist who made this mention on twitter how painfully difficult the deadline was for this piece. Explains why it looks so mediocre. These deadlines seem systemic.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I knew that those deadlines had to be brutal. All of the art for 5.5e that I’ve seen so far looks unfinished.

      Apparently talking about D&D isn’t actually related to traditional games, in case any of you were curious.

  76. 2 weeks ago


    way to misinterpret a post.
    Hes agreeing with you.


    pretty much.
    They want to take everything from you, because they hate you.
    Beeing left alone was never an option, they want to control you and that means they need to control and own everything you enjoy.

  77. 2 weeks ago

    That butch orc character design is just awful.

  78. 2 weeks ago

    Reminder that unless you're seeing this through an archive site, you're seeing a fraction of all posts, because discussion was sabotaged.

    • 2 weeks ago

      They only deleted 207 posts.

  79. 2 weeks ago


    Not that I know of. Maybe the spods over at Ganker can cook something up

  80. 2 weeks ago


    Why would you ever think the wienersuckers that removed unique poster count would do anything about this rampant bullshittery?

  81. 2 weeks ago

    Let nishimoot know that one of the jannies has gone rogue and started deleting on-topic replies.


    • 2 weeks ago

      troonyjanny is a powertripping homosexual

    • 2 weeks ago


      complaining about moderation is against the rules

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