This was probably the most influential games of the 2000s.

This was probably the most influential games of the 2000s.

I can't believe it's just faded to dust alongside BioWare.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

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  1. 2 years ago

    It was ok.

    • 2 years ago

      It was a behemoth, especially if you take into account the absolute drought in substantial RPGs during that time period. If you browsed Ganker during that period, Dragon Age took up 70% of the posts for months.

      BioWare's fumbling did a lot to erase its legacy, and then Skyrim provided the death blow in 2011. Dragon Age could have been the next HUGE franchise.

      • 2 years ago

        Even today threads will still hit bump limit from people discussing whether or not it makes sense to recruit Loghain. It's genuinely impressive that it almost/spoiler] always manages to generate discussion on topic despite the clusterfrick that subsequent games and Bioware eventually became

      • 2 years ago

        It really wasn't, bland as hell and extremely ugly for its time as well. I played through it five times btw

        • 2 years ago

          >It really wasn't, bland as hell and extremely ugly for its time as well. I played through it five times btw

          Ok zoomer who never played DAO

          • 2 years ago

            If it helps you cope, sure. Maybe you should play it again sometimes.

  2. 2 years ago

    Literally never played literally never cared literally it wasn't.

  3. 2 years ago

    Story is LOTR + dragons and gameplay was shit even for its time. Also it was released in 2009, you best be joking to say it was the most influential of the entire 2000s.

    • 2 years ago

      >This was probably the most influential games of the 2000s.
      you are so axiomatically wrong that it is kind of hard to bring up examples of how.
      its immediate sequel was influenced more by other games making it considerably different to its predecessor, despite being developed in less than a year.

      >Story is LOTR + dragons and gameplay was shit even for its time.
      you too buddy are very, VERY wrong.

      • 2 years ago

        >you too buddy are very, VERY wrong.
        Not him, but if we talk about DA:O vanilla, it really kinda was. It had some funny memorable dialogues, but most of them were ill-fitted to the rest.
        The main story was the definition of generic fantasy that would only be surpassed by Skyrim in how much it follows generic tropes.
        I've heard the DLC and even the sequels did bring up some genuinely interesting subjects, but after the DA2 shitstorm, I think you can understand why I wasn't keen on exploring them.

        >7th gen SUCKS
        Still better than 8th and 9th gen

        Absolutely, CATEGORICALLY, NO. 7th gen was literally the absolute worst this industry has ever seen, and if you aren't aware of this, you are part of the problem.
        We might b***h and see many problems, but it is UNBELIVABLE how much better things are today compared to the pure, unbelivable garbage of 7th gen. Things may not be as bad as they were during the golden days, but my god is it an improvement over that shit.

        • 2 years ago

          >you are part of the problem.
          If you honestly think these last two gens were any good, then you are the very reason this industry is the cesspit that it is today.

        • 2 years ago

          >The main story was the definition of generic
          I hate when people use generic as an insult. I'd rather have a generic yet well-written fantasy story tha whatever subversive crap get pumped out today.

          • 2 years ago

            >I hate when people use generic as an insult.
            Well to people more versed in the genre, or with just higher standards, they are. The definition of generic fiction is that it has no ambition to deliver anything new, creative or challenging. Generic fiction serves to purely satisfy pre-existing expectations, never to challenge them.
            If you've played, read and watched a lot of stuff in the genre, you will eventually find it dull and kinda patronizing. Some people may be satisfied with that, sure, but it certainly isn't an achievement.


            >it was actually designed as "dark fantasy", aka a noir take on popular fantasy tropes at that time.
            I always find that hillarious. I found it hillarious even back when the game was released.
            There is absolutely NOTHING "dark" about DA:O. It's as fricking vanilla as it gets. To pretend it was some kind of noir version of fantasy settings is utterly riddiculous. The most memorable things in the game were all just jokes.

            • 2 years ago

              >t. didnt read any dialogue and played as a noble human fighter/paladin

              • 2 years ago

                >t. didnt read any dialogue and played as a noble human fighter/paladin
                I've actually played all of the origins and good way through with most archetypes, but I absolutely did finish the game as a mage.
                It was still fricking generic.

                8th gen saw the rise of Chinese pandering and phone games, the rise of constant re-releases of previous games by creatively bankrupt morons, the attempted murder of modding, the death of entire genres and long lived franchises. Thanks for nothing you moronic Black person

                >8th gen saw the rise of Chinese pandering and phone games
                As well as indie market, AA market, insane increase in basic quality standards of the technical aspects of the industry, and general improvements across AAA industry as well.
                Again you complain about a problem that is solved by buying something else instead.

  4. 2 years ago

    It was not influential at all, in fact it was more of a "last of its kind" situation as the majority of RPGs went away with the RTWP concept which only returned much later in the form of throwback indie games.

  5. 2 years ago

    The combat sucked but damn did it have some good choices

  6. 2 years ago

    Worst game I've ever played.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I wouldn't say it's the worst but it is pretty bad.

    • 2 years ago

      you lucky bastard.

      Witcher wouldn't exist without it

      witcher came out 2 years before it, and was originally a mod of neverwinter nights, so...

  7. 2 years ago

    newbies here don't know but Ganker was pretty obsessed with this game back in the day. They had threads for months about it and there were many comics and other OC made about it.

  8. 2 years ago

    Great game. Played it back in 2014 and it tricked me into playing its sequels.

  9. 2 years ago

    Nobody in the industry gave a shit about this game and it's had zero influence or impact

  10. 2 years ago

    I like this game, but it influenced nothing.

    • 2 years ago

      Witcher wouldn't exist without it

  11. 2 years ago

    >the most influential games of the 2000s
    lmao even
    Mass Effect alone was more influential than DAO

  12. 2 years ago

    what origin do i pick

    • 2 years ago

      Dwarf Noble > Mage > Human Noble > City Elf (Female) > Dwarf Commoner > City Elf (Male) > Dalish Elf

      • 2 years ago

        any reason why

    • 2 years ago

      The canon origin a.k.a Human Noble (Aedan Cousland)

  13. 2 years ago

    The Problem was that the second game trainwrecked the IP.
    They focused on consolses, released the game way to early and didn't even come close to the characters of origins.

    After that many people didnt even touch Dragon Age inquisition, me included. The writing looks cringy as frick. Its the safest, mainstream sjw characters the could have thought of.

    By now I really belive the Origins writing was just pure luck.

    • 2 years ago

      This was probably the most influential games of the 2000s.

      I can't believe it's just faded to dust alongside BioWare.


      Bioware's staff transformation changed the character of the company, its products, and how they related to the fantasy worlds they created. Between the people that left, the millenials they hired, and the staffers who were swept up in the last 20 years of Americanism, the writers are quiet fanatics who don't have the necessary discipline and context to relate to the heart of the genre.

      It's all just imitations of imitations at this point. Does anybody even remember Jack Vance?

      • 2 years ago

        they just became more gay
        jade empire was the least lgbtqia game progressive turning full orgy in Anthem were you need an EA pass and to bring your own wife with you to play

  14. 2 years ago

    >This was probably the most influential games of the 2000s.
    Not really. Unless you talk about how it later lead to the Dragon Age 2 shitstorm, and the fallout of that.
    Dragon Age Origins in itself was largely unremarkable game. Very generic RPG with systems that were better than its contemporaries, but nowhere near close that his predecessors had.
    The only thing that made Dragon Age Origin's actually interesting was just how INSANELY SORRY the state of the industry was at the time, and the sheer amount of hope for a better future it invoked (and the sequel dashed). We absolutely loved DA:O because it reminded us of so much better games of the past. We did not like the game nearly as much as what we thought would be the future it was supposed to pave for us. This was the first step in return of oldschool RPG to us.

    I recently realized that I basically don't remember anything about it. Handful of dialogues, mostly joke ones like a princess in a prison recreating the scene from the first Star Wars movie, something about dreams, an butthole elf telling an old priestest to fix his socks, and the bizzare image of that one chick (Leilana?) bursting into a song RIGHT after a combat encounter, so through out the whole musical number she was still covered head to toe in blood and really, REALLY terrible armors for mages.
    So I decided to replay it, and I just get so bored, and switch to something like the old Icewind Dale games instead. Most of it is dull, the only things that stand out are jokes and oddities, and there isn't enough of them to carry the experience.

    It was interesting in how much it made us realize that 7th gen SUCKS. But it really took DA2 - the actual "original TORTANIC", for people to start really, really voicing their hate.

    • 2 years ago

      >7th gen SUCKS
      Still better than 8th and 9th gen

    • 2 years ago

      >but nowhere near close that his predecessors had.
      Such as what? Mass Effect and Jade Empire? They were and still are incredibly shallow and bare-bones. Kotor is the same, but to a lesser degree. If anything, DAO was remarkable in a sense that it managed to bring back Bioware to it's roots. Back to the old days of Baldur's Gate, but on a higher budget. Compared to everything they release after Neverwinter Nights, it's a pretty special game.

      • 2 years ago

        >Such as what? Mass Effect and Jade Empire?
        Go further back.

        >you are part of the problem.
        If you honestly think these last two gens were any good, then you are the very reason this industry is the cesspit that it is today.

        >If you honestly think these last two gens were any good
        Compared to 7th gen? They are fricking heaven.
        We talk about the era of dudebro shooters. The area of complete dominance of major corporations. The era in which average settings menu consisted of exactly ONE volume slider. The era in which the only viable five major companies collectively pushed the idea that 24 FPS is BETTER FOR THE CUSTOMER, because it makes things more cinematic. The era of Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3. This was the time that gave us the ESA shitstorm for frick sake!

        You are an idiot. You were a dumb, moronic child back in the days of 7th gen, playing Halo thinking this is the best the industry ever can be and screeching about Black folk on Xbox Live. I get it. moronic insufferable cretins were the ONLY demographic the industry was pandering to. You are nostalgic for that time, and this board has taught you you are supposed to hate what is now and praise what was back then.

        But your fricking ilk nearly killed the entire industry. Every still remaining problem today is still your gen's fault. Thank FRICKING GOD your shitty breed no longer constitutes the main audience. Even the zoom-zooms are better than 7th gen trash.

        We have a fricking MASSIVE indie and mid development market today. Genres thought entirely extinct by the shitshow of Gen7 were brought to life again. We even get an occassional good AAA game. Not many, but they happen. That was UNTHINKABLE back after DA:O for a good while.

        This entire board, by the way, developed it's culture around utter and complete disenfranchisement during the gen7. The reason why you blindly parrot the "le old good new bad" meme, whithout having any clue why, was because this culture of negativity and scepticism was created by the utter disillusion of gen7. The games you played and you think they make you hardcore oldgay? Those were the reason this attitude developed.

        • 2 years ago

          >7th gen was from like 2005 to 2012
          I get you like microtransactions bleeding you dry, bullshit TOS "contracts" and ever more pervasive policial pandering and propaganda but please don't pretend things are improving.

          • 2 years ago

            >I get you like microtransactions bleeding you dry,
            I have never spend a penny on a microtransactions. It's a problem that has remarkably easy solution.
            DON'T BUT THEM.
            If you are so fricking pathetic that you can't control your spending, if you CARE about the universally INNANE games that involve them, then you are the problem still. Every time I see someone whinning about microtransactions, I see a person who really DOES want that shinny new Fortnight cosmetic or whatever, and cries about his mommy not letting him use the credit card anymore.
            What fricking games do you play that you even encounter microtransactions?

            Microtransactions might be shit, but they are very easily avoided. Unlike the fricking lack of BASIC. FRICKING. QUALITY. STANDARDS. Of gen7. Unlike the lack of any even half-decent GAMES of Gen7.
            Nowdays, I have actual choice. So do you. You b***h that the thing you want is too expensive. But that fricking thing was never worth anything to begin with.

            >We talk about the era of dudebro shooters. The area of complete dominance of major corporations. The era in which average settings menu consisted of exactly ONE volume slider. The era in which the only viable five major companies collectively pushed the idea that 24 FPS is BETTER FOR THE CUSTOMER, because it makes things more cinematic. The era of Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3. This was the time that gave us the ESA shitstorm for frick sake!

            And now we have the era of cinematic walking simulators, the era of the open world meme, the era of putting RPG mechanics into everything, the era of microtransactions, the era of games as a service, the era of reboots and remakes, the era of fricking homogenization of genres. AT LEAST GENRES LIKE STEALTH EXISTED DURING THE 7TH GEN. Where are they now? That's right. THEY'RE FRICKING NOWHERE BECAUSE OF moronic SHITS LIKE YOU.
            >We have a fricking MASSIVE indie and mid development market today
            And they're both fricking garbage. For every good AA or Indie game or get 10 shit ones. Or did you forget the likes of Biomutant and Elex 2, which people hyped on the bases of "muh AA market". Shitty kick starters, failed promises, and under-performance. That's what the current state of the industry is. The 8th and 9th gens gave us dumpster-fires like Killzone Shadowfall, Diablo Immortal, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Infamous Second Son, Fallout 76, fricking ANTHEM. As bad as the 7gen could get, in wasn't nearly as bad as it is now. But keep deluding yourself that the industry is healing while game prices go up, but quality goes down. You fricking moronic sack of shit. have a nice day, unironically.

            >And now we have the era of cinematic walking simulators,
            You mean like Kingdom Come? Doom Eternal? Factorio? Pathologic 2? Creeper World? nu-Prey? Ultrakill? Outer Wilds? Rainworld? Elder Ring?
            What the FRICK are you talking about. You even parrot the 10 years old COMPLAINT. Cinematic fricking walkersims were what we called the fricking CoD's and Halo clones you moron. They are VIRTUALLY unexistant today. There are like two dying franchises exclusive to Sony.
            You literally don't know what you are saying. You are parroting the shit we complained about when we saw the shit YOUR gen played, for frick sake.
            You mean the forced fricking stealth segments in every shitty Halo or CoD clones? Cool.
            What a fricking joke.

            >And they're both fricking garbage. For every good AA or Indie game or get 10 shit ones.
            This is another phrase you parrot like the cretin you are. We get 15 new indies and AA's a week. Yeah. 10 of them are shit. That is net profit.

            • 2 years ago

              >it's ok because I don't see a problem with it
              Doesn't make you any less or an absolutely incorrect double Black person.

              • 2 years ago

                >Doesn't make you any less or an absolutely incorrect double Black person.
                Again, you pathetic fricking worm.
                I have choice today. I take advantage of that. You complain because you are unable to do that. And you blame others for that.

                Do you have any idea what the ESA shitstorm was about?

            • 2 years ago

              >They are VIRTUALLY unexistant today.
              So I must have dreamt up every Sony exclusive game. You fricking mongoloid.
              >You mean the forced fricking stealth segments in every shitty Halo or CoD clones? Cool.
              Splinter Cell and MGS still existed during that time. And what stealth do we get now? Crouch in tall grass and shoot bow? Just like in The Last of Us 2, the new Far Cry games, Reboot Tomb Raider, Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, etc. If that constitutes as stealth, then how far has the genre fallen. That's what I mean by homogenization of genres. Same with RPG mechanics. Now everything is this grey blob, a hybrid that can barely hold itself together.

              Genres like hack n slash, which were thriving during the 6th and 7th gens are practically gone, with some stand-outs like DMC5, Astral Chain, and Scarlet Nexus coming out, but not enough to revive entire thing. What about stealth games? We got the new Hitman Trilogy, but has an always online component, which became incredibly prevalent during the 8th and 9th gen especially. It pretty much kills progression fully, and when, not if, but when the serves shut down, all that goes down the drain. Other games like Shadow Tactics, Desperados III, and Invisible Inc are nice, but again, not enough to revive the genre, and even the indie market has all but abandoned the idea. Even first person shooters are in a sharp decline. We got Doom Eternal and Titanfall 2, but other than that, the AAA market has all but abandoned it. Now we get some low quality Eternal clones, with some good standouts like Ultrakill and Prodeus, but those are the exception, not the rule.

              And don't even get me started how many franchises were killed specifically during the 8th and 9th gens. Infamous, Killzone, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Metal Gear Solid, Halo, Tom Raider, Deus Ex, Thief, Fallout, etc.

              So if you're trying to make a point that the industry is healing and in a better state than it's ever been, you're failing miserably.

              • 2 years ago

                >So I must have dreamt up every Sony exclusive game.
                So... TLOU, which bombed with the recent entry, and GoW which will bomb with the next. That according to you is the whole industry? Yeah, I think I see the problem.

                >Splinter Cell and MGS still existed during that time.
                The last good Spliner Cell was released in 2005. MGS was always console trash and pathetic as a stealth game.
                You get better Stealth in Dishonored and nu-Prey. But those games did not have 100 million marketing so they don't count, I suppose.

                >Genres like hack n slash, which were thriving during the 6th
                They had one shit console game that everyone ENDLESSLY FRICKING COPIES. Yeah. X-Blades, Darksides, fricking DANTE'S INFERNO.
                Hack-and-slash genre is a perfect microcosm of everything wrong about that era.

                >What about stealth games?
                Wow, you started repeating yourself in like ten sentences. Impressive.

                >Even first person shooters are in a sharp decline.
                Are you fricking KIDDING ME?

                >Infamous, Killzone, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Metal Gear Solid, Halo, Tom Raider, Deus Ex, Thief, Fallout, etc.
                Once again, ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME? Half of those franchises died because of 7th gen, the other ones are the purest TRASH of that era.
                Oh - they Killed SHIT HALO CLONE 1533222 and even SHIT HALO CLONE 347823428372?!
                Deus Ex died because consoles were being pushed in preparation of the model that defined gen 7. The exact same happend to Thief. Fallout was killed by Fo3, a Gen7 game. Dragon Age by 2, a Gen7 game. Mass Effect by 3 - some argue 2, Gen 7.
                What a PATHETIC JOKE.

              • 2 years ago

                Fricking moron. If that's stealth according to you, then no wonder the genre is dead. You have incredibly low standards as to what a stealth game truly is.
                >Hack-and-slash genre is a perfect
                microcosm of everything wrong about that era.
                It was one of the few redeeming aspects of the 6th and 7th gens.
                >Are you fricking KIDDING ME?
                I'm not. What was the last AAA shooter that wasn't Halo or CoD?
                >The exact same happened to Thief
                No. Either Thief was killed during the 6th gen with Deadly Shadows, or the 8th gen era with the shitty reboot. Either way, whichever you pick, the 7th gen had nothing to with the demise of that series.

                Again, fricking kills yourself. You are the exact parasite that's killing this industry. The mere fact that you defended microtransactions and gave a shit game like Elden Ring as an example of this gen's finest games tells me all I need to know.

        • 2 years ago

          >We talk about the era of dudebro shooters. The area of complete dominance of major corporations. The era in which average settings menu consisted of exactly ONE volume slider. The era in which the only viable five major companies collectively pushed the idea that 24 FPS is BETTER FOR THE CUSTOMER, because it makes things more cinematic. The era of Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3. This was the time that gave us the ESA shitstorm for frick sake!

          And now we have the era of cinematic walking simulators, the era of the open world meme, the era of putting RPG mechanics into everything, the era of microtransactions, the era of games as a service, the era of reboots and remakes, the era of fricking homogenization of genres. AT LEAST GENRES LIKE STEALTH EXISTED DURING THE 7TH GEN. Where are they now? That's right. THEY'RE FRICKING NOWHERE BECAUSE OF moronic SHITS LIKE YOU.
          >We have a fricking MASSIVE indie and mid development market today
          And they're both fricking garbage. For every good AA or Indie game or get 10 shit ones. Or did you forget the likes of Biomutant and Elex 2, which people hyped on the bases of "muh AA market". Shitty kick starters, failed promises, and under-performance. That's what the current state of the industry is. The 8th and 9th gens gave us dumpster-fires like Killzone Shadowfall, Diablo Immortal, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Infamous Second Son, Fallout 76, fricking ANTHEM. As bad as the 7gen could get, in wasn't nearly as bad as it is now. But keep deluding yourself that the industry is healing while game prices go up, but quality goes down. You fricking moronic sack of shit. have a nice day, unironically.

        • 2 years ago

          8th gen saw the rise of Chinese pandering and phone games, the rise of constant re-releases of previous games by creatively bankrupt morons, the attempted murder of modding, the death of entire genres and long lived franchises. Thanks for nothing you moronic Black person

    • 2 years ago

      >Icewind Dale
      >Not dull

  15. 2 years ago

    >used shale rock mastery for the first time
    unironically like having a mage in the party, the petrify and rock barrage basically clears rooms

  16. 2 years ago

    How is this one??

    • 2 years ago

      I think this might be legit the worst AAA game I've ever played. Easily the worst entry in the franchise.

      • 2 years ago

        Ohh, that's a shame. I was about to give it a try.

        • 2 years ago

          I mean, there's nothing stopping you from pirating and trying it out, you just might enjoy it. Maybe you have a shit taste in vidya, who knows, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun.

    • 2 years ago

      Trash, and not in a "I am Ganker and I hate video games", but an actual bad game.

      I felt more engaged farming shit in an mmo that I did in the 10-15 hours I put into that game.

    • 2 years ago

      returned to it recently, not as bad as i remember
      wouldn't play it without the 50 mods or so im using

    • 2 years ago

      It's meh. Not bad, but not as good as Origins. If you're going to play it, make sure to not waste your time with the fetch quests.

    • 2 years ago

      I played II until the end to see how bad it would get. This game, on the other hand, was so bland that I couldn't be bothered to finish it.

    • 2 years ago

      It's good

    • 2 years ago

      I genuinely don't remember a single thing about it despite finishing it a month ago

  17. 2 years ago

    Everything having to do with the Fade completely killed all joy I was having with that game.

  18. 2 years ago

    Whether you like it or not, it was a time where we still got AAA rpgs frequently.

    What was the last one we have that was actually good? I can't even remember

    • 2 years ago

      >What was the last one we have that was actually good?
      In terms of AAA rpgs, the last good one was Fallout New Vegas. Everything after that was just a bunch of action adventure games with stats.

  19. 2 years ago

    DAO was pure fricking shit. The only reason gays like you glorify it, is because you were too young to know or respect anything better.

    • 2 years ago

      And instead of giving us examples of an actual good game, you chose a shitty visual novel instead. Good job there anon.

      • 2 years ago

        >tl;dr the """"""game"""""""
        You will never be a woman, Planestroony

        >getting filtered by the best RPG ever made
        it's like you enjoy having closely related parents, you moronic gorilla Black folk

        • 2 years ago

          >Best RPG
          Imagine being such a fricking pretentious fart sniffers that you think this shitty visual novel is a good RPG. Kys you brain-dead mongoloid.

          • 2 years ago

            >look at me, i'm so proud i can't read
            can you get more trailer trash on an image board you inbred mutt?

            • 2 years ago

              Not even American, and I love reading. Planescape is just poorly written shit, but you're too much of a midwit to realize it.

    • 2 years ago

      >tl;dr the """"""game"""""""
      You will never be a woman, Planestroony

    • 2 years ago

      jesus, pick up any book instead of "playing" this thing. i swear, it'll blow your mind.

    • 2 years ago

      Boomer larping is very, very cringe, anon

  20. 2 years ago

    Yeah, it was good. PC version that is.

  21. 2 years ago

    >5 images
    Nice image borad thread. Kys

    • 2 years ago

      Ok let me fix that. Can't be assed to read walls of text about things that have been discussed to death 100 times before anyway Tbh

      • 2 years ago

        More-iggan pls

        • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago
  22. 2 years ago

    I still dont understand why the series took the direction it did. Elven gods who were just mages, the Fade being some elven creation, Flemeth being an Elf, Mages vs Templars...

    • 2 years ago

      Old guard was driven out or got fed up and left. All Bioware has now are twitter activits/"writers"
      >gameplay & mechanics

    • 2 years ago

      Flemeth being Mythal was planned all along

    • 2 years ago

      >the Fade being some elven creation
      I'm pretty sure that's not the case
      >Mages vs Templars.
      That conflict was present from the beginning

  23. 2 years ago

    Zoomers fail to realize that releasing an AAA Fantasy game at all at the time was daring. Who can blame them with the flood of it we have now

  24. 2 years ago

    >Well to people more versed in the genre
    holy fricking reddit batman

  25. 2 years ago

    DAO is the goat game of all goat games

  26. 2 years ago

    The frick are you talking about?
    Pic related is the most influential game of the 2000s.
    >was the start of the true cinematic gaming experience
    >was one of the first games to have fully voiced dialog for the entire game
    >popularized the dialog wheel

    • 2 years ago

      between DA2 and ME2 bioware really made a habit of fumbling the bag with their sequels. I know EA is partly to blame for that but still you gotta wonder what the frick is going on with the studio for them to systematically drop the ball when they are on the verge of greatness.

      • 2 years ago

        >ME2 was le bad
        dogshit meme

        • 2 years ago

          Any aspect of ME 2that has nothing to do with the Illusive Man or the Suicide Mission is dogshit.

          • 2 years ago

            >Any aspect of ME 2that has nothing to do with the Illusive Man or the Suicide Mission is dogshit.
            Do you mean the Loyalty Missions? Because those were the best parts of the game. Anything involving the Illusive Man was shit due to how much of a writer's pet mary sue he is.

            • 2 years ago

              >Do you mean the Loyalty Missions?
              Not really. Sorry, I forgot to include Mordin and Garrus in my previous post.
              >Anything involving the Illusive Man was shit due to how much of a writer's pet mary sue he is.
              I think you meant to write "Liara".
              >From a beginner, naive archeologist to one of the most powerful characters in the galaxy in a short span of time
              Truly laughable.

          • 2 years ago

            wrong b***h

        • 2 years ago

          >Let’s bloat the frick out the cast by adding 10-20 half fleshed side characters
          ME2 improved on everything but the story it’s no wonder why ME3 fricking tanked.

          • 2 years ago

            >ME3 fricking tanked.
            It tanked because the original writer wasn't there

          • 2 years ago

            ME3 was not good because the writer of ME1 and ME2 and KOTR left

        • 2 years ago

          hey, I'm not a ME1 cultists the games had its flaws but you gotta wonder what happened for ME2 to go in the direction it did by scrapping any kind of exploration, scrapping the mako (I still have mild cases of depression thinking about the random planets from ME1 but to just cut it entirely rather than fixing it ?) The addition of universal ammo and the lore gymnastic that went with it, the bullshit of killing Shepard and the Normandy just to revive them both 2 minutes later just so you're forced to work with the side-quest cartoon vilain that was cerberus in ME1. The whole story being a side-quest held together by other side-quests for your sidekicks that resolves nothing and prepped us all for the rushed disaster that was ME3.
          the worst part is that ME2 is still enjoyable for the most part but the moment you stop to actually think about the story and the general direction the trilogy was taking with this game you realize that it fricked everything up and honestly if you're mad at ME3 but not at ME2 then you fricking deserve what was coming to you with ME3

          • 2 years ago

            >by scrapping any kind of exploration, scrapping the mako
            None of those were good to begin with

            • 2 years ago

              I'm not saying those were good as is I'm merely saying that they could have been iterated upon and/or fixed and that ME2 didn't bother to and went in another direction and that along with the rest made ME2 into the game that started the downfall of the trilogy

        • 2 years ago

          It's not a meme.
          People are replaying the series for the first time since it came out thanks to the Legendary Edition and are realizing that 2 is the black sheep of the series and is a step down from 1 in practically every way.

  27. 2 years ago

    >morrigan ending
    shiggy diggy

  28. 2 years ago

    the most fun part of DA:O is the greater freedom in talent builds
    DA2 kinda funnels you into picking the most OP aura and picking the more useful abilities for encounters/bosses and you better be playing a mage anyway
    DA:I is a bit nicer i guess

  29. 2 years ago

    I miss getting excited for new Bioware games

  30. 2 years ago

    You can't even count the number of games with its level of choice on one hand since it came out

  31. 2 years ago

    Dude. Look. I get there may have been a low bar in those years but dragonage was not special. Not good. Origins was passable but not good. It played like a dumber offline mmo and combat was about as engaging and tactical as wowshit. The only reason people remember it fondly was for the story, if at all.

    I'm not trying to come at fans at this game with some bullshit, but you guys can't let yourself fall for some mediocrity of an experience just because you like the characters, take the time to reflect on your time with the game vs how you THINK you feel about the game. Be objective.

    • 2 years ago

      >It played like a dumber offline mmo
      how? explain in detail

      • 2 years ago

        At no point did positioning matter outside of the broken circle, and many abilities especially melee ones were "do big dick damage but on a cool down. Do medium damage TWICE, maybe slowdown an enemy"
        archers got fricked over the hardest in terms of skills i think, a lot of hit the enemy until dies.

    • 2 years ago

      Someone gets it. Got roughly 80% through the game and dropped it out of fricking boredom.

    • 2 years ago

      >but you guys can't let yourself fall for some mediocrity of an experience just because you like the characters
      Watch me, moron

      • 2 years ago

        Hey man, thats an entire valid reason to like the game and atleast you're selfaware, but dragonage as a game could have been a LOT better

  32. 2 years ago


    >actually, you only played witcher 3 because of DA:O
    Witcher 1 came out a full two years before DA:O

  33. 2 years ago

    It's been pretty funny watching Ganker slowly reverse its opinion on this game over the years since it released.

  34. 2 years ago

    >DA: Origins release date: November 3, 2009
    >Mass Effect release date: November 16, 2007
    >DA: Origins is literally just Mass Effect in a Fantasy setting in the same way Fallout 3 was just Oblivion with guns

    Real influential.

  35. 2 years ago

    >This was probably the most influential games of the 2000s

  36. 2 years ago

    >the most influential games of the 2000s.
    Bro it was just "what if Baldur's Gate but in our own setting?" That speaks more to Baldur's influence than anything. I get that DA:O was one of the last hurrahs for The Bioware Formula but let's not get crazy here.

    • 2 years ago

      yes it was baldurs gate in 3D made by the creators of baldurs gate

    • 2 years ago

      OP is most likely a WOMAN, along with all Hamburger Helper c**ts who consider DA:O anything special. She has no clue about Baldur's Gate or any classic WRPG.

  37. 2 years ago

    Dragon age inquisition is genuinely good if you ignore the fetch quests, explain to me how I'm wrong without using meme words such as "pozzed"

    • 2 years ago

      I just replayed it a few months ago doing the exact same thing you did and you're wrong. The companions and their stories range from boring to bad. The advisors are the most interesting among them but their development is handed out in such tiny crumbs that you just forget about them. The game picks your stats and the combat plays itself. The big open levels are pretty (in fact, their prettiness highlights just how ugly a lot of the character models are) but do not add to immersion or world-building or anything really besides padding out time between combat encounters. Their entire purpose is to host aimless side content, which neither of us bothered with. War table is time-gated bullshit. The story is Chosen One bullshit with an antagonist lifted from a fricking DA2 DLC. The politics are Star Wars prequels tier. Nothing feels important, because it isn't. Pick whatever you want on the dialogue wheel, every destination is the same no matter what.

  38. 2 years ago

    For better or for worse, COD4 is the most influential game of the 2000s.

  39. 2 years ago

    Remember that trailer?

  40. 2 years ago

    I was the biggest advocate for this game, but this game aged like dog shit and the writing is seriously stupid, all the females were somewhat attractive, very unusual from a western game at that time.
    Play Ultima, Gothic, Daggerfall or Might and Magic for a better high fantasy western rpg.

    • 2 years ago

      >writing is seriously stupid
      How so

      • 2 years ago

        I didn't write it down but from what i remember:
        >2 betrayals happens close to each other only to serve as a plot point, there was no good writing reason or thought behind them, main villain is a good man suddenly turned evil.
        and this one will always stick with me.
        >Elf assassin tries to kill you alongside 20 bandits, after you defeat him you can forgive him and let him join to help the grey wardens like nothing happened, if you kill him some party members will be unhappy with you.
        forgive me if anything here is wrong since my memory is hazy, but there was seriously some stupid things in this game.

        • 2 years ago

          >2 betrayals happens close to each other only to serve as a plot
          2? The only one I remember is Loghain betraying Cailan at Ostagar.
          >if you kill him some party members will be unhappy with you.
          I'm pretty sure most party members will be unhappy if you recruit him. I remember Oghren and Morrigan in particular would make a big fuss about it.

  41. 2 years ago

    How the hell was it influential?
    I enjoyed it, but exactly did it do that was new or innovative?
    How did it effect the video game industry?..

  42. 2 years ago

    The game wasn't phenomenal but the potential as a franchise it represented was huge. Then DA2 happened.

  43. 2 years ago

    2 was better you fricking moron. Just because your chimp brain can't understand it doesn't mean the series faded.

    • 2 years ago

      Nice falseflag, c**t. Both are equally mediocre.

      • 2 years ago

        Nice display of IQ, Black person. Go to school and understand storytelling.

  44. 2 years ago

    I played through Origins for the first time last year and it was decent, but nothing special. I did kind of enjoy it though, so should I pick up Inquisition? It's on sale for like $8.

    • 2 years ago

      No. The only time Inquisition is good is in the very last expansion pack they released for it, and even then it's pretty mediocre.

  45. 2 years ago

    Dialogue-heavy "RPGs" like Planescape are cringe and midwit traps. If you want a good story, read a book. RPGs that are cinematic like DA:O and particularly Mass Effect are better because they make use of the visual medium.

  46. 2 years ago

    I recently bought it again in the summer sale just so I could meet my wife again.

  47. 2 years ago

    >reading through the thread and seeing all the anons calling op out on his moronation
    Kys c**t. Rewriting a narrative for a time you werent even alive is beyond cringe and troony.

  48. 2 years ago

    It wasn't influential at all. It was the last attempt at making a CRPG with a big budget and it ended up being just an above average game. Nobody tried to copy this game and CRPGs would stay dead until the whole kickstarter shit started, and even then we still don't have any big budget CRPGs made these days. I mean I guess it was influential in the sense that it killed off the genre for big companies.

    • 2 years ago

      Big companies never wanted to make CRPGs either way. Just look at Fallout 4 or Mass Effect 3, or hell, even smaller ones like Greedfall. CRPGs are alive and well within the indie market.

  49. 2 years ago

    >That part where you go to Ironforge then into BRD

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