thoughts on blood bowl ?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Fun, got into it through the release of BB2 and I've played it off and on since. The trailers and beta footage for BB3 aren't very good with it's dogshit ui and hit and miss art but the 2020 tabletop rules are so fricking good compared to the 2016 shit that I will exclusively play 3 once it drops in a few days. I won my last tabletop league a few months ago as Dark Elves but I mostly play Orcs.

  2. 1 year ago

    Randomness at its most frustrating, even moreso than XCOM and the like, but still pretty fun

  3. 1 year ago

    Fun game. If you have a discord with your buds, set up a BB tournament. It's a lot of fun to play and spectate with friends.

  4. 1 year ago

    yeah i fricking love my players randomly tripping when they just run forward unobstructed

    • 1 year ago

      >rolling GFIs on anything other than chorfs

  5. 1 year ago

    Tabletop is good, BB2 is solid. Has great moron filters built into it to ween out undesirables.

  6. 1 year ago

    Great game if you can stomach the utter bullshit levels of RNG frickery. It's part of the fun, but it's not hard to see why it triggers people with a more hardcore compgay mindset.

    I'm not a fan of Cyanide Studios as developers, but the blood bowl games are fine.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah you need to go into the game with that in mind. You're battling the dice as well as the opponent. You wanna be minimising risk as much as possible.

    • 1 year ago

      Dice rolling is a core part of boardgame fun. Compgays are playing the wrong game if they're looking for muh skill.

    • 1 year ago

      Just dropping by to remind everyone NOT to buy Blood Bowl 3. This game is every reason I don't like Cyanide rolled into one half of a game, not even a full game that's just bad. It's bad AND only half of what it should be. It's a buggy, blatantly unfinished piece of shit that's pushed out the door in the desperate hope to sucker some fans into buying it before the bad word of mouth gets around and destroys all future sales. It literally has entire basic gameplay features that are either so buggy you can't use them without breaking the game, or that are simply unimplemented so they do literally nothing.

      Maybe if they keep developing the game and release an Enhanced Edition or whatever in a few years it'll be worth playing at that point, but right now it's basically a broken beta version that they're trying to sell as a completed game. Utterly disgraceful behaviour from this garbage developer.

      • 1 year ago

        They need to take the licence of Cyanide after this. A tiny indie team could have pulled this off better in the 4-6 years these dumb c**ts spent developing half a game.

        • 1 year ago

          a straight up copy paste of all the assets and ui designs with the updated rules would have been easily enough, anything even remotely associated with GW is cursed to be screwed over by the dumbest possible ways.

      • 1 year ago

        But isn't this like their 3rd Blood Bowl game by now? How do they keep making these shitty mistakes?
        Necromunda was also fricking disappointing after Mordheim. Like they learn nothing from past experience

        • 1 year ago

          >But isn't this like their 3rd Blood Bowl game by now? How do they keep making these shitty mistakes?
          Cyanide is just an unbelievably shit developer is the only possible explanation. I assume that they must be subsidized by the French government or something as it's the only explanation I can come up with as for how they're still operating.
          There's no excuse for how long this game has taken to come out and what a shitshow it is in its present state. The only thing that's changed from the ruleset BB2 was based off of and the rules that BB3 uses is the addition of a dedicated passing stat and a few changes to some skills. So whatever code they used for BB2 should be pretty adaptable I would think?
          It sucks because I've got a tournament in September and I was hoping to come to grips with the new BB rules by using this game as practice because I don't like using FUMBBL.

          yeah i fricking love my players randomly tripping when they just run forward unobstructed

          It happens in real football too. The Daniel Jones stumble while running for a touchdown was the best example of a GFI that I've ever seen.

          • 1 year ago

            >80 yard run
            >trips just short of a TD
            Giants franchise summed up pretty well.

  7. 1 year ago

    Reviews are coming out. Apparently 3 is still a buggy mess and there's no player customisation outside of microtransactions. Dunno how they fricked this up.

  8. 1 year ago

    game designed to be as luck based as possible, and it is completely on purpose, because warhammer 40k is not like this at all.
    the design btfos powergamers which i guess makes it fun if you're willing to play casually not caring that your 6 str player could randomly die to a snotling

    • 1 year ago

      It's still easy enough to powergame. You just need to play against the dice. Basically build a team that does as few rolls as possible. It's more fun if you just go wild and play casually with friends though. That's why I loved playing ogres. Nothing ever works, but when it does, it's always disastrous for them or you.

    • 1 year ago

      >because warhammer 40k is not like this at all
      What world do you live in because fantasy and 40k both have the same kinds of RNG
      Your ratling or plasma guns could just decide to blow up, your caster/psyker could just decide he doesn't want to live anymore and implode, your artillery could scatter onto your own battle lines. The wargames have always been about managing the same risks

  9. 1 year ago

    I played a ton of the original BB. Could not care less for BB II and BBIII since they changed the rules. It's like changing the rules of Chess. How could the developers be this stupid?

    • 1 year ago

      BB2 better.

    • 1 year ago

      >It's like changing the rules of Chess.
      The rules of chess have changed many times, you absolute midwit.

      Google en passant.

      • 1 year ago

        which was a mistake, proving his point

        • 1 year ago

          En Passante is there so that another added rule didn't break things, nothing else.
          It was also a while since you last saw the advisor piece, or a game without check, or a number of different changes. Chess has changed A LOT from what it originally was, it isn't just one or two rules.

          • 1 year ago

            >It was also a while since you last saw the advisor piece
            I saw him literally last week when I last played chess with a friend. I believe you sissified westerners call him "queen".

    • 1 year ago

      The tabletop has changed it's rules over time just like DnD has different editions and different ones are used by the various DnD games like Icewind Dale or Neverwinter Nights

  10. 1 year ago

    I like Bloodbowl 2. Doesn't look like I'll be buying 3 any time soon.

  11. 1 year ago

    Man, what the frick did they do to 3?
    Wish a less aggressively incompetent dev would make these games instead.

  12. 1 year ago

    a year's worth of DLC has been found in the game's files fully completed and waiting for the access codes. cyanide literally has a complete game full of customizations, factions, and all the features you would expect from a blood bowl game, but they want you to pay for every small aspect of the game, and don't even care to fix the most basic features of the game.

    • 1 year ago

      cyanide is somehow so comfortable in thinking people will just let it slide that they had the balls to put basic game functionality on their fricking update/dlc roadmap.

      • 1 year ago

        >Resume a game after a disconnection
        >pause system
        So this is where horse armor got us

      • 1 year ago

        >Servers aren't stable enough to complete a match
        >Can't reconnect until August
        >Literally impossible to have any kind of competitive league
        Well done.

      • 1 year ago

        >have to wait till august to get basic b***h shit like resume after a disconnect and pause
        Are these people for real

      • 1 year ago

        Warhammer fans are know to eat any shit up so it's no surprise.

      • 1 year ago

        >basic systems as dlc
        I hate modern gaming.

    • 1 year ago

      Not touching this shit till they bundle a big legendary edition or whatever. They've always been greedy and lazy.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        some guys got into it and actually started playing as the teams. they took a bunch of screenshots and people in the official discord put them in an imgur album. a couple of them are BB2 screenshots for some reason though. if you post these in there the jannies will ban you pretty quick

  13. 1 year ago

    it's literally a board game on pc
    so it can be kinda fun with friends but i hope you like rng and memes
    i wish i had enough fa/tg/uy friends to play a little league it would be super fun

  14. 1 year ago

    I loved playing in-house leagues with my mates in BB2. Was looking forward to 3 but with the news coming out that it's a buggy mess filled with egregiously kosher microtransactions I think I'll be giving it a pass. Shame.

    • 1 year ago

      From memory they did it with BB2 as well, so if they don't get rightfully executed, it might be good in 3 years.

  15. 1 year ago

    Too many bugs.

    Passing causes the game to lock up.

    Servers give you ZERO seconds to recover back into the game if your connection so much flickers.

    Skills aren't working.

    I got it but man, it is in a sorry state at the moment.

    Otherwise? I love Blood Bowl, certainly the tabletop version and FUMBBL. BB2 is good too.

    • 1 year ago

      >Passing causes the game to lock up.
      good. frick elves.

  16. 1 year ago

    >bout to run for end zone to get draw
    >just need one extra square on 2+
    >falls over on 1
    >falls over on 1
    >no doctor cause used it earlier
    >player was about to get 6 SPP

    Fun game. How do you even die while tripping?!

    • 1 year ago

      ACK'd breaking his neck by landing on his head wrong. wannabe wrestlers die like that sometimes

    • 1 year ago

      >How do you even die while tripping?!
      Once you get over 30 you'll understand.

      • 1 year ago

        >fall down the stairs when you're 6
        >cry for like a minute tops, more of shock than anything else, and then you're fine
        >fall down the stairs when you're 36
        >have to spend the entire day in bed because moving hurts too much, back is still stiff every morning 3 weeks later
        >fall down the stairs when you're 66
        >spend a week in the hospital, assuming you survive

  17. 1 year ago

    >dark fantasy
    >dark fantasy, warhammer

  18. 1 year ago

    Despite being considered a crap team, I am seeing a lot of Chaos Chosen teams in BB3. Why is this? What makes them popular with newbs?

    • 1 year ago

      they were the best team in the previous ruleset, they are only considered crap by people who get mad at their shit starting lineup. they have the best skill paths in the game, they were specifically targetted for the clawpomb nerf

      • 1 year ago

        Well that's what I mean. Clawpomb get nerfed to the point of oblivion yet there are still a crazy amount of Chaos coaches in BB3. Just odd I think.

        • 1 year ago

          the other mutations are still some of the best skills in the game. chaos was good because of its raw versatility. it only became known as the clawpomber faction because of it's reputation for ruining ladder runs in BB2 and assassinating a team's chances in a league regardless of if they won or not.

          • 1 year ago

            Guess you can't argue with claw still and having Str 4 pitch wide with a dose of speed.

            The worst bit is that they openly admit that they won't implement it. Just like hey I know you like this, but nup get frickt.

            They should have allowed the Community Manager to take over months ago, the devs have been tripping over their own anus for ages now. The new guy who is taking over their news reels is doing a decent job pulling them back from the shit heap they dug themselves into.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm a returning BB player, I learned how to play on BB1 and liked it so much that I bought the board game with the old rules that GW published in 2018 or so. I have never played a game with the 2020 ruleset. I have read up on them briefly and I can say that I really like what seems to be the shift from bash and caging to more of an open game with more skill play that feels more like it's American football inspiration.

          • 1 year ago

            the 2018(2016) rules aren't that different than the 2020 rules. The rules from 2016 already got rid of claw pomb, the main stuff 2020 did was better set up seasons, do slight rebalancing to make a lot of the teams worse at 1000k (while leaving them the same for naf style play) and changing the way skill ups are done which only makes sense if you were considered about farmed teams on fumbbl and bb2.
            Teams still absolutely cage and stall. two of the best teams in the current rules/in BB3 are dorfs and orcs

            • 1 year ago

              I like passing and scoring more than once in a half not allowing coaches to control the ball. To do this you have to threaten cages. I always preferred elves and humans.

              • 1 year ago

                Humans got a buff passing wise, but elves and maybe rats got worse. Elves can no longer throw on a 2+ like they used to, the wood elf catchers lost sprint and leap is worse and the gutter runners can't pass anymore and can't be ma10.
                Not sure if there is more tackle due to lack of kill stack, but there seems to be as much caging as before with leap being not as good at breaking cages. Fouling got buffed a lot. Elves and rats (rats also get the fouling buff because cheap linerats) do have an advantage in that they can guarantee doubles, which I guess is a bigger deal for gutter runners with the M access, and players who score a lot can stat fish. The 2016 pick 3 mvp rule being gone also helps rats, elves and humans because you can no longer stack mvps on your st4 players the way you could before the rule change. And fouling being the kill meta makes it so you can't stack spp on your killers fast and there is a 1 foul per turn limit.
                Underworld was busted for a while, but they got somewhat nerfed so IDK if they are still the good passing team they were recently

              • 1 year ago

                i love passing with Human teams and honestly went to mostly elf team play because elves didn't necessarily need throwers and catchers. I get what you're saying and that fundamentals of the game in terms of risk management will not disappear. I do think that most of what you have said is very positive for the game going forward.

              • 1 year ago

                elves and rats need throwers to pass now. passing is a separate skill from ag. Dark elves are now as bad as humans were at passing, and that is the runner, everyone else on the team is worse.
                They also separated accurate into 2 different skills, which is weird. As of right now only humans, high elves, pro elves, wood elves, skaven and underworld have throwers with a 2+ pass skill, basically AG 4 from the old rules. Everyone else now passes worse, except I guess technically stunties. Outside of those 6 teams I would not expect most teams to attempt to pass outside of 2 turns or desperation plays. Even teams like orcs got deceptively worse at passing, because it is harder to fit a thrower onto their tv1000 roster, the thrower has animosity and the blitzers can't throw well anymore.
                Really only humans and underworld got passing buffs in the new rules. Everyone else got worse, though I think it affects high elves the least of any of the AG4 (ag2+?) teams, because humans and high elves were the only teams who historically used their throwers as quaterbacks to throw and the high elf thrower comes with safe pass, cloudburster and pass. Oh yeah, they separated safe pass into 2 skills, cloud burster and safe pass to go with accurate getting nerfed and strong arm the skill getting changes and cannoneer becoming a nerfed version of the strong arm rules.
                Oh, also as a frick you to passing, the cost adjustments means you can't fit 2 war dancers, 1 thrower and 2 rerolls on a rookie wood elf team and rats currently have to choose between 4 gutter runners, 3 gutters and a thrower, or 3 gutters no thrower and a 12th man

              • 1 year ago

                thanks for the info anon

              • 1 year ago

                I ended up getting blood bowl 3 and i'm having a blast with the teams and rules. I'm loving the variety of human teams and the elven union is a lot of fun. I keep matching people in the ladder with as many as 8 rerolls. I'm sticking with 3 like the old meta until I learn better. I can see even taking away one away if you get leader. Honestly I've won several games with fresh teams because i've been able to hire star players. Griff Oberwald is a man among boys out there. Game is not near as bad as reviews say.

              • 1 year ago

                3 is still the current meta, ladder is just full of people who have never played BB before. i've seen plenty of players who unassisted foul with chaos warriors for no reason, and people with maxed cheerleaders

              • 1 year ago

                The main complaint people have is that it's buggy as frick, not the rules changes.

              • 1 year ago

                that and the fricking scam dlc/currency, skills being missing from the game and the horrendous ui

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah and that. Point being that the game of Blood Bowl is still good, it's the program surrounding it that's at issue.

              • 1 year ago

                Was honestly tempted to buy into BB3 despite the reception just because i enjoy blood bowl, but it'd feel really sour supporting these incompetent frickwit devs just for that.

              • 1 year ago

                if you want to wait the game will go on sale at some point and they will get the actual features in

              • 1 year ago

                people are b***hing that the game is buggy and it is hard to see what player is what visually. BB2 was easier to see who was who. honestly, fumbbl is so much more visually readable than both of them.
                Also the 8 reroll shit is new players who don't know the meta

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah visual clarity is a bit rough. I also hate the clunky declaration of your action type be it blitz and pass on complicated plays. Been a few bugs here and there but the big problem for me is not having a proper ladder and league set up with stats and standings. I joined a discord group and have found really good players to play with but it feels lonely having no way to talk to opponent

    • 1 year ago

      Most punchy teams are popular with newbs because you don't need to learn to really play the game you just focus on murdering the enemy team and then winning at some point after that. Chaos is just the most straightforward punchy team except maybe greenskins and were the most powerful punchy on the last version, idk about the new one.

    • 1 year ago

      historically they were the team people told new players not to play because their starting sucks but they "get good eventually" so all the new players who want to stick to one team keep loosing as chaos because they want clawmb to kill dorfs and orcs. No one is super sure how the new rules will work in eternal matchmaking, but chaos used to be good at high tv, were nerfed and with seasons which bb3 doesn't have chaos and nurgle are fricking terrible because it caps development

      • 1 year ago

        IMO Orcs were the best team in the game for long-term play. Tough enough that it's unlikely you'll get crippled by a bad game early on, and well-rounded enough that you can somewhat adapt to different playstyles in the long run. Don't know how they stack up in the new ruleset though.

        • 1 year ago

          Orcs and dorfs should be 2 of the 3 best teams in the new ruleset. I think Dorfs would be better in league/with seasons and redrafting due to them starting with more skills and being so cheap and how hard it is to skill up black orcs.
          There is some fumbbl data on the current rules, but it is black box so small sample size, most teams only played 15 games, new players play orcs and some things weren't implemented right the whole time, like how amazons only got their new rules at the end of the year

          Orcs had a winning record against everyone other than amazons, underworld and undead, who are all currently not in BB3

          • 1 year ago

            > I think Dorfs would be better in league/with seasons
            I hate Dwarves with every fibre of my being so I generally don't consider them. Shit team to play as, and even more shit to play against. Yeah they're tough but it's literally a no fun allowed team. Chaos Dwarves are a lot more fun.

            That aside, I'm surprised to see Amazons that high up. I always considered them a team that's strong at low levels, but which doesn't hold up in the long run when you start encountering more opponents with Tackle.

            • 1 year ago

              two things, one would be that I think most of those Amazon games were played pre2020 amazons so they were op compared to the 2020 teams and the rebalance they got
              two, most games are played at low tv where amazons are amazing. Dorfs and chorfs were the only team to have tackle against them and the only races even close were underworld, undead and orcs which are all great low tv teams.
              Amazons got a similar nerf for the new rules that orcs got. No Amazon player comes with block and you need to only take 3 of the 6 positional if you want to start with 12 girls, 3 rerolls and an apo or 12 girls, 4 rerolls. Where as in the past you could have 4 block girls, 3 rerolls, 1 apo and 12 girls overall for 960/1000. They should be buffed at slightly higher TVs though due to the fact that 4 of the positional are now st4 or mv 7 instead of the 6337 stat line from the old rules

              >seasons which bb3 doesn't have
              I'm starting to feel personally offended by this fricking game

              crazy how it is still shit after all the delays

              • 1 year ago

                >crazy how it is still shit after all the delays
                If something is delayed, it won't ever be good.
                It's a "If only you knew how bad things really are" moment.

      • 1 year ago

        >seasons which bb3 doesn't have
        I'm starting to feel personally offended by this fricking game

    • 1 year ago

      Chaos evolves from mediocre bashy to full fledged murderers with any development and they were incredibly strong previously as a result.

    • 1 year ago

      I’ve played all three of these but am still pretty noobish, i picked chaos chosen because they seemed like one of the most solid coherent teams compared to all these mishmash teams of rejects

      • 1 year ago

        >mishmash team of rejects

        Funnily enough this is what 99% of teams in BB are in the background.

  19. 1 year ago

    Is this true? Do mutations really not show on your player model? That's insane considering they had different mutations for every race in BB2.

    • 1 year ago


      Yes it is true, was confirmed by the lead designer in their discord

      • 1 year ago

        The worst bit is that they openly admit that they won't implement it. Just like hey I know you like this, but nup get frickt.

  20. 1 year ago

    >go into quickplay with Dark Elves
    >told they're tier 1
    >run into Chaos Chosen
    >told they're tier 2
    >try to outfight him in melee cause friends said DE are able to fight and dodge good
    >lose half my fricking team
    >literally beat the shit out of my players
    >kicking my witch elves on the floor like some sick domestic abuse episode
    >half my team is dead
    >lose 2-0 with 3 players on the pitch

    Thought you guys said Chaos was shit, what the frick?

    • 1 year ago

      >outfighting chaos
      Brah no one outfights chaos. Even orcs/dwarfs/undead play the ball against chaos.

      • 1 year ago

        My friend literally said Dark Elves can fight AND dodge so I took that at face value. I ran into the Chaos and only began to flee when I very quickly started losing players. I don't know why but I needed like 3 players to get two attack dice on one of his blockers but then he just surrounded and ganged up on me.

        Doesn't seem right a tier 1 team loses to a tier 2 team like that.

        • 1 year ago

          delves hit&run, put a lineman next to a guy for support and smack him with a blitzer/witch elf before using the rest of your blitz movement to frick off. the amount of frickery you can get away with shoots up very fast the more developed your guys get and the more guard players you get. never pointlessly base your guys as any kind of elf, especially against chaos

          • 1 year ago

            >fight AND dodge
            That means you should fight the teams that dodge better than you and dodge the teams that fight better. It doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want to whoever you want and expect to win.

            Guess I was misinformed. When I saw and heard DE were tier 1 and hybrid I assumed they were catch all. But ok, I will try next time if I run into Chaos again.

        • 1 year ago

          >fight AND dodge
          That means you should fight the teams that dodge better than you and dodge the teams that fight better. It doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want to whoever you want and expect to win.

        • 1 year ago

          dark elves are among the harder teams to play . frenzy witches adding a ton of complexity + low rerolls makes them very unforgiving for beginners

          worst elf team in a completely bash dominant ruleset, passing stat fricked them and to make things worse passing bugs the game out.
          >catchers are 8 MA 3 ST and have insane skill paths
          have fun watching them die constantly anyway playing your 10th dwarf team in a row

          one of the best designed teams but completely ruined by the new rules

      • 1 year ago

        depends on the tv, if they are too low to have claw, I will fight chaos with orcs/amazons/undead.

        • 1 year ago

          don't they have 7 armor? claws doesnt make a difference

          • 1 year ago

            chaos don't take enough tackle anyway

  21. 1 year ago

    I hate that this game is basically worse than BB2 in every way possible but it has the new ruleset.
    What the frick happened? 2 and 1 had their share of problems as well but at least they were playable. This feels like it was outsourced to Siberia.

    • 1 year ago

      Different dev team and whispers suggest internal politics and mismanagement. Not to mention the publisher putting the squeeze on them.

  22. 1 year ago

    Not even Warhammer can me make care about american sport

    • 1 year ago

      I'm a Eurogay and I don't care one bit about American "football" as a spectator sport, but from a tactical perspective I find it a fairly interesting game. It's way more scripted than a "soccer" football match with player roles and game phases being more strictly defined.

      That said, I don't think you need to appreciate American football in order to enjoy Blood Bowl. It's superficially similar, but in terms of actually playing the game it's another beast entirely.

  23. 1 year ago

    gridiron football is an excellent turn-based strategy game, it's just that the americans try to play it irl for some funny reason

  24. 1 year ago

    Just lost half my team as Elf Union facing down Orcs. Guys just boxed up and beat the frick out of me. What are you meant to do?

    • 1 year ago

      avoid getting hit at all, ever. don't base your players unless it's to assist a blitz or you're super desperate to stop a TD over the next turn or two. you have the same armor as a goblin on everyone but the blitzer. you can't really avoid the dice rolls from them blitzing you once a turn though, thats blood bowl. get used to dying since you're playing the worst team thats currently implemented in 3

      • 1 year ago

        Elf Union are the worst team in BB3?! You joking?

        • 1 year ago

          worst elf team in a completely bash dominant ruleset, passing stat fricked them and to make things worse passing bugs the game out.
          >catchers are 8 MA 3 ST and have insane skill paths
          have fun watching them die constantly anyway playing your 10th dwarf team in a row

    • 1 year ago

      you're supposed to die, elf

      • 1 year ago

        >mfw hating the superior race

    • 1 year ago

      Use fleet of foot and 360 away from the game.

  25. 1 year ago

    So who is the worst team in BB3 anyway?

    • 1 year ago

      chaos renegade or elven union

  26. 1 year ago

    Skaven have blades on their tails look at that thats cheating.

    • 1 year ago

      sounds far-fetched, do you have any facts to back that claim up?

  27. 1 year ago

    I really want to play with new rules and I asked the person who taught me how to play blood bowl if BB3 was worth it and he said do not buy.

    Basically BB2 was great for community league play, but the game was missing a lot of the art style and charm of blood bowl 1 in my opinion. It was also missing a lot of the single player components that were great in BB1. However, BB1 and 2 were overall great, I have 600+ hours in each.

    This new game apparently the new rules do not even work in the game itself. So right off the bat, it doesn't simulate the board game in any way it should.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I can't recommend the new game to anyone, even if you're a big fan of Blood Bowl. I hope it'll eventually become worth buying after patches and shit, but right now the game is the tragic victim of the developer's shameless greed and staggering incompetence.

      • 1 year ago

        I literally just played a game against the AI on old chaos edition, so fricking based

        • 1 year ago

          Chaos ed was always my favourite

  28. 1 year ago

    A /vst/ tournament in one of the actually functional BBs could be fun if there's enough players.

    • 1 year ago

      i'd join in a heartbeat but this board is way too slow. at best you'd probably get 5 people before interest would fade

    • 1 year ago

      I'd join but it might be hard to set up with timezones and shit.

    • 1 year ago

      i have a bunch of unused BB2 teams i made waiting for leagues to join. if someone formed a /vst/ league i would join and try to get some of my friends to join too. we're all pretty shit though

    • 1 year ago

      I have BBCE and BB2 if you make a league in either.

  29. 1 year ago

    Hey everyone!

    It has been a while and what better way than to kick things off with another exciting season of BLOOD BOWL!

    /tg/ FUMBBL League Season 20 Signups are now OPEN!

    First you need to make an account on FUMBBL at

    To make your team, please use this link here:

    Once you have made your team, apply them directly here:

    One major part we would like to make of this season is the veterans season. We require only 4 coaches. We already have 3 signed up in advanced so if you wish to use a Team which has played in one of our previous 2020 seasons be sure to sign up!

    Once you have made and applied your team (or wish to participate in Veterans), PM me, Wolbum, via PM with the following format:

    Team name:
    Team Race:
    Division: (Rookies OR Veterans)

    This signup period will finalised on the 7th of March but the closing date may be sooner depending on demand

    Hope to see you on the field!

  30. 1 year ago

    Patch soon hopefully

  31. 1 year ago

    New patch fixed crashes and matchmaking. Joy.

  32. 1 year ago

    What are some team names you like to give to specific races?

  33. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      i hope the minotaur rolls some insane plays to make up for only having 1 rerolln2

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks. Its a risk im willing to take!

  34. 1 year ago

    Are amazons just better humans?

    • 1 year ago

      Not at all. Humans are decent at everything, bad at nothing. Amazons are very average in stats, fragile and not very fast.

      Humans can adapt and outside two matchups, have no real bad lineups. Amazons in contrast suffer horribly to dwarfs and protracted engagements.

  35. 1 year ago

    >watch the andy davo video on old world alliance
    >no don't take the blockers, they are too unreliable with loner
    2 dice with brawler is a 1/18 or 6% to cause a turnover. It is only slightly worse than the big guy 3 die (1/25 or 4% to fail) and better than a 3+ with a reroll (1/9 or 11% to fail). Obviously you don't want to sit there and throw fricking brawler punches all game, but the team only starts with 3 block, the beards can be used for the LoS both on offense and defense, if they get 6spp they get guard which is great and honestly if you aren't taking both long beards, the blitzer and the troll slayer you are just running worse humans. The only one who isn't worth taking is the runner because a second pair of sure hands, second pass access and thickskull aren't worth 35k+ loner over a lineman.
    IMO if you aren't running all 4 dorfs, you are trading a human blitzer, a catcher, -20k rerolls and +1 pa on the thrower for an unreliable frenzy and a single av10+ player.

    • 1 year ago

      Pros like to drop "pseudo" advice to keep people from becoming too good to compete.

      historically they were the team people told new players not to play because their starting sucks but they "get good eventually" so all the new players who want to stick to one team keep loosing as chaos because they want clawmb to kill dorfs and orcs. No one is super sure how the new rules will work in eternal matchmaking, but chaos used to be good at high tv, were nerfed and with seasons which bb3 doesn't have chaos and nurgle are fricking terrible because it caps development

      >chaos and nurgle are fricking terrible because it caps development

      I can't speak for Nurgle but Chaos is still decent in redraft. Even with 6 games (3 opponents twice), you win 2 games, you get a minimum of 1160 to redraft your team. That's pretty solid honestly. Even if you lose EVERY game but save up gold in the last two games, you could get 1160 or even 1200 to redraft. Randoming on beastmen also helps a ton.

      • 1 year ago

        unless chaos have enough time to develop a clawmb killer they are strictly worse orcs. Same for nurgle

        • 1 year ago

          Absolutely. Orcs are objectively better at the start, being more reliable with more skills and sturdier. Chaos are slightly faster and "stronger" with horns. But Chaos can get claw+mb fast with mino which is nice early.

          kek why give bad advice to owa players of all races?

          Competition is competition.

      • 1 year ago

        kek why give bad advice to owa players of all races?

      • 1 year ago

        unless chaos have enough time to develop a clawmb killer they are strictly worse orcs. Same for nurgle

        If the game is following the new rules then Nurgle Rotters have their agility nerfed to 4+. I've played them IRL and its rough. Really rough.

        • 1 year ago

          yeah bb2020 nurgle is pretty shit. Though to be fair, nurgle was always a shitty team outside match making and long running leagues where they could play 20+ games

          • 1 year ago

            I never found them to be shitty at all. Having regeneration on all your valuable players is great, and the 2+ to block ability has literally won me multiple games. Not to mention the beast of nurgle tentacles being MVP. I would regularly be a top placer with nurgle in leagues even with a fresh team. Nerfing rotter agility has certainly changed that though.

  36. 1 year ago

    I guess you are right in that the only teams with access to quick claw mb on without a secondary skill are chaos, Khorne, Necro via the wolf, Norse via the snow troll, nurgle, and underworld. Though with the changes to how skill ups work pact still has good access to claw, though pact is pretty shitty, and chorfs and rats have better access to clawmb than ever before

  37. 1 year ago

    I fricking hate matt dakka, but more than anything I fricking hate how dakka is unironically right when it comes to team building for random tv based match making. Granted, he is mostly only unironically right because tv based eternal matchmaking is a shitty format that is only valuable because it is the easiest way to quick play games

  38. 1 year ago

    I'm not really a fan of how Passing got split off from AG in the latest edition, it's not like Passing was great and elfball was always high risk, and the leap changes also give AG teams fewer answers to a grind team cage. I thought the balance between grind and elfball was solid enough in the pre-2016 community rules - elf teams can score but deal with much sharper attrition problems in a league format.

    On a related note, the game definitely shines best in an actual organized (or at least semi-organized) league format. Endless random matches with unlimited TV growth can be fun for learning the ropes, but having an actual league and playing with a group of regular coaches and watching the league develop a character as the teams develop is where the magic of the game is.

    • 1 year ago

      I think Exhibitions can be fun too. Set up rivalries, make specific characters, it's all great.

    • 1 year ago

      passing splitting from AG is good, it allows the addition of a good, viable thrower being added to a lot of non AG4 teams without making them way too slippery for the team. the problem is how fricking overboard they went with shitting on everyone's passing ability when doing it. what the hell went through their minds when they made pro elves pass worse than fricking humans. at the very least make them 3+ on average, there's no way in hell people would ever vanity pass like in the BB3 pro elves trailer with these stats.

    • 1 year ago

      league is way better. Don't forget, elves got fricked by the change to fouling too. Guard now works as an assist on fouling, so any team with dp and guard can kill stack nearly as good as claw pomb

      passing splitting from AG is good, it allows the addition of a good, viable thrower being added to a lot of non AG4 teams without making them way too slippery for the team. the problem is how fricking overboard they went with shitting on everyone's passing ability when doing it. what the hell went through their minds when they made pro elves pass worse than fricking humans. at the very least make them 3+ on average, there's no way in hell people would ever vanity pass like in the BB3 pro elves trailer with these stats.

      I think with the dumb way they handed out pa2+ it literally is just the human thrower and stunties who benefit. Maybe underworld too because they have only one gutter, but I would assume the underworld coaches would rather the gutter threw on the 2+. I think it is dumb as frick the OWA and chaos pact throwers throw on a 3+ while the human thrower is a 2+. OWA got a bunch of random moronic nerfs that I can only assume is so they would be worse than humans and a pact thrower with 2+ pa would make people make the team have more fun mutations instead of just muh claw

  39. 1 year ago

    Played BBCE. I looked at BB2 and noped. I don't think I missed anything.

  40. 1 year ago

    Which teams do you think actually benefit from rolling for random skills? I feel like on the teams I play: orcs, owa, undead and amazons, I'd rather just save up for a dirty player for all 4 teams and a wrestle for the two human based teams than to just take the random skill at 1 td/mvp with the only exception being randoms seem worth it if you only have like 2 or 3 games left at the end of the season two/three games of 1 random primary is likely more valuable than 0-1 game of dp/wrestle

    • 1 year ago

      Chaos Chosen. Beaatmen are some of the best linemen in the game and they were slow to develop anyway. Randoms assures 1 skill a game.

      • 1 year ago

        >shadowing piledriver thick skill very long legs goats

  41. 1 year ago

    has anything changed in 2020 that made mighty blow less good? Looks like on his orc and undead teams, top autist matt dakka takes guard first skill on the orc blitzers, wights and mummies and guard second skill after block on the orc big uns. The undead team is fair enough since you carry a bench to foul and have the 2 mb mummies, but the orcs seems weird that he was going so hard into guard over mb on every player. Andy Davo was saying a similar thing of he likes guard first and then build the killer. Is there something in the rules or is it an environment thing that there are so many other bash in black box/bb3 latter that maxing out guard takes priority over the killer? I'm use to the old CRP thing where you give the first blitzer to level guard and the second mighty blow tackle or mighty blow frenzy.

    • 1 year ago

      Guard is one of the best skills in the game and even good elf coaches will have guard that they can move and position to win more blocks. My experience has been the team that wins the most blocks usually knocks out the most players and usually wins unless it's against high tv elves or skaven with star catchers and gutters. Orcs are so good because the only way teams with str 3 players can get consisten 2 dice blocks against orcs is with guard. Orcs need to counter this with their own guard making black orcs near impossible to block in a defensive formation. If you don't have a killer on any bash team you're probably going to lose the war of attrition or not murder elves fast enough. That said people went too hard on the killer side of things on bb2 ladders if I recall. They sucked at fundamental skill when building high tv. But if you can murder a squishy team that gives you several blocks a turn, it doesn't matter because many people base too much when they should be screening

      • 1 year ago

        just played a match in bb3 vs dwarves where I had orcs with 2 mb (no DP though) and 3 guard (both the mb players had guard) and had exactly zero removals all game.
        I can see why someone would max out on guard in the av10+ bash mirror which I assume is like 90% of all fumbbl black box and bb3 games right now

  42. 1 year ago

    >playing blood bowl 3 campaign mode
    >move mouse up to the top of the screen to click on the endzone to score
    >accidently end turn instead

  43. 1 year ago

    Blood Bowl looks fun. How hard is it to get into if you are a new player? Mainly finding people to play and not getting stomped hard.

    • 1 year ago

      It's a hard game but once you get into it you can play good games with people. The skill ceiling is super high so some people who are good chess type players and good at math do really well but intakes a lot of experience because nobody can really teach you how to play and the ai is dogshit to teach anything. I learned during blood bowl 1 and I started watching a youtuber and streamer named cknoor, who went on to work at paradox at one point, and he has great educational content and explains his plays really well in real time when you watch his recorded matches. Would be cool if they made leagues in the game where we could have a chat room in game to help tech each other but everything is just so bare right now.

    • 1 year ago

      It's a hard game but once you get into it you can play good games with people. The skill ceiling is super high so some people who are good chess type players and good at math do really well but intakes a lot of experience because nobody can really teach you how to play and the ai is dogshit to teach anything. I learned during blood bowl 1 and I started watching a youtuber and streamer named cknoor, who went on to work at paradox at one point, and he has great educational content and explains his plays really well in real time when you watch his recorded matches. Would be cool if they made leagues in the game where we could have a chat room in game to help tech each other but everything is just so bare right now.

      fumbbl has the 145 club for new players on their website that is free. cknoor is good for very new players, but he isn't the world's best player himself and he tends to purposely do suboptimal things for entertainment on streams. Though if you are brand new his streams are good compared to some of the other streamers who don't explain their thoughts as much

  44. 1 year ago

    Would consider buying but does it have a playerbase or has blood bowl got a bigger playerbase elsewhere? I have decent memories of bb2

    • 1 year ago

      FUMBBL has the most consistent playerbase of the digital blood bowl games. It also has the most primitive presentation of them all though.

      • 1 year ago

        Being primitive is the one reason I've never tried it. Would rather just play tabletop with someone if I'm going to stare a shit pixels

      • 1 year ago

        never played it because i had heard that, but that looks a lot better than i had assumed. i thought it would look like ascii

      • 1 year ago

        After playing fumbbl during lockdown, my autistic friend started to do all the sound effects when we play blood bowl with miniatures. He always plays ogres and makes the throwing noises as he throws his snotlings/gnoblars and they splat onto the field.

        • 1 year ago

          That's kinda cute

    • 1 year ago

      According to steam DB there's 376 players online right now in BB3 with a 1000~ or so at 24 hour peak.

  45. 1 year ago

    >1 year since online BB
    >try to play on FUMBBL to get my Chaos team to 15 games
    >first game face someone at 260k TV
    >buy Grashnak
    >dude scums Dribblesnot
    >Dribblesnot fricking kills Grashnak and a warrior in one turn
    >rusty so positioning is a bit rough
    >has literal homing bombs
    >get slaughtered 2-0

    I hate bombs. Next two games was draw vs Khorne after a rough start and 1-0 win vs Orcs at identical TV. Thank you FUMBBL for finally putting me off Star Players.

    • 1 year ago

      the 2 bomber stars, more so dribblesnot, are huge fricking problems in the current edition because they got buffed so hard while at the same time everyone else being able to throw got nerfed AND they didn't bother balancing the cost so the two bomber stars are way, way under costed. NAF, Fumbbl and GW all identified "major stars" or on fumbbl they were calling them the "famous four/power four" and it was literally dribblesnot, griff, hackflem and morg. Dribblesnot being the worst offender because you can scum him pretty easily. At least Griff and Hackflem don't kill your guys
      Right now the overpowered stars are
      fumbbl considers
      >Bomber Dribblesnot
      >Griff Oberwald
      >Hakflem Skuttlespike
      GW says it is
      >Bomber Dribblesnot
      >Griff Oberwald
      >Hakflem Skuttlespike
      >Deeproot Strongbranch
      >Kreek Rustgouger
      And NAF says its
      >Bomber Dribblesnot
      >Griff Oberwald
      >Hakflem Skuttlespike
      >Deeproot Strongbranch
      >Kreek Rustgouger
      >Wilhem Chaney
      NAF and maybe GW do it in tiers though. NAF says Griff and Morg are tier 1 OP, Deeproot, Hackflem, Kreek and Bomber are tier 2, Wilhem is tier 3, every other star is tier 4

  46. 1 year ago

    Is anyone still getting crashes? Having no reconnect feature is the one thing killing me with this game right now. Also I wish I could be a fly on the wall at gamesworkshop to hear what they think about this mess.

    • 1 year ago

      Far, far less but as you said even a flicker drops the game which is mind numbing.

      >GW office
      Try Cyanide. GW git their dosh. Cyanide are the ones trying to put out fires

      • 1 year ago

        Games workshop gets money but are they now locked in with Cyanide for X amount of years? Are they allowed to back out or sell it to someone else if Cyanide falls through? I don't give a shit about Cyanide, just to be clear. But I do care about the game, and I know GW are pretty scummy themselves, but there is no way in my mind that they are cool with this. Blood Bowl 1 and 2 is the only reason why I ever bought blood bowl and warhammer products from GW store. They are clearly trying to expand the product to match warhammer products.

        • 1 year ago

          >Games workshop gets money but are they now locked in with Cyanide for X amount of years? Are they allowed to back out or sell it to someone else if Cyanide falls through?

          I would imagine there is a clause in there based on performance. GW have good lawyers, chapter house case withstanding, the terms would definitely favour them.

          The thing is this BB3 launch doesn't hurt their bottom line and no man power required on their end besides approving concepts. Cyanide this does and could put future relations with GW in jeapordy.

          • 1 year ago

            That's not how corporations think though. It's not about not doing any work or getting their license back. They invest in their video games because it increases their hobby sales. Hobby sales are going to keep hurting as consumers financially have less disposable income. This is all collection hobbies. If you're GW, you were hoping blood bowl 3 with the updated rules to launch the game into popularity and bring new hobbyists or potential hobbyists into their market. GW can't think about gen X and boomers keeping them a float forever, they have to be worried.

            • 1 year ago

              True enough. The reason I think GW is less concerned is Cyanide launched the gane 2 and a half years late to the new rules release. They still got the license but god only knows if GW has a gun to their head or not.

    • 1 year ago

      I got a crash playing fricking campaign mode

  47. 1 year ago

    Pretty based that GW nerfed the lizards to hell

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah starter lizards were a nightmare for everyone. Not having to fight 7 players str 4 or over is really nice.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah starter lizards were a nightmare for everyone. Not having to fight 7 players str 4 or over is really nice.

      disgusting rat scum detected

      • 1 year ago

        you could say disgusting anything scum, literally every team in the game hates playing against lizards more than anything else.

        • 1 year ago

          It's been a while since I've played, but didn't Lizards start with no skills?

          • 1 year ago

            the saurus started with no skills, but you got 6 of them and their stat lines are fricking moronic with MA6 ST4 and AV10+. I think they had thick skull too. but the skinks are complete AIDs to deal with for pretty much every team at low TV. 8MA Dodge and Stunty is very difficult to stop if you have no skills like many teams dont at the beginning. and obviously they are terrifying at high TV once the saurus' start getting block and guard, and the skinks start turning into the cancerous little roles they can become.

      • 1 year ago

        nah, I play orcs.

        It's been a while since I've played, but didn't Lizards start with no skills?

        krox is best big guy, and 7 st4+ players were a b***h to deal with. Especially in bb2016 where you could pick your MVP so you got free levels on all st4 players and no piling on, which lizards didn't use anyway, but meant there was a lack of clawpomb to kill them.
        In CRP/LRB6/BB2 lizards were overpowered vs anyone who didn't have claw or couldn't leap strip ball, so basically just elves, rats and chaos killers could deal. In BB2016, it was literally just elves and rats who could beat them. Now in bb2020 they are a shitty fricking team and one of the bottom teams in win rate on fumbbl and it is mega based

  48. 1 year ago

    >mfw lizards went from one of the best teams in progression in LRB6, to the best team in progression in bb2016, to being straight up not competitive at all in leagues in bb2020

  49. 1 year ago

    Is the apo/12th man no longer worth grabbing after game one due to the prevalence of ~~*dribblesnot*~~?

  50. 1 year ago

    >decide to play blood bowl 3
    >roll a tv 1000 rookie orc team
    >get matched vs tv 1750 dorfs with french names who have 3 guard beards, 2 slayers one guard, 1 blitzer with mb, 1 runner, apo, 2 cheer leaders and assistant coach
    >take wiz
    >he pushes all his dudes into me
    >gets an early badly hurt on my big un
    >notice he doesn't seem to be protecting the ball that hard with all his dorfs in the scrum
    >turn the runner into a frog
    >manage to ko the frog runner at the expense of my gobbo getting an mng
    >planned to cut the gobbo anyway to exploit the moronic fact you can cut players when you only have 11 and I only needed the gobbo to fit 4 bubs, 4 blitzers and 3 rerolls on the roster
    >he doesn't manage to pick up the ball with the blitzer until turn 6
    >turn 7 he gets away, but doesn't do the GFIs and leave himself out of range
    >I use the emotes to mock him which causes him to turn 8 foul my bub with a slayer
    >my drive
    >he doesn't really go after the ball, just keeps basing with guard and trying to base the ball carrier
    >green elves time with dodges and handoffs
    >only manage to lose the ball due to aggressive GFI snakes
    >he is out of rerolls and can't capitalize
    >his blitzer fails the pickup turn 14
    >I get the ball and in scoring range turn 15, and he rolls a push both down and bases the ball on 2 sides while leaving me 2 unmarked blitzers
    >simple blitz push 3+ for the win on turn 16
    >spam emotes mocking him while he tries to turn 16 foul my bub despite the av10+ holding steady
    >mfw I escape from a shitty match making match with the win and everyone ok against a french dorf shitter

  51. 1 year ago

    got my first bb3 concession. Playing as orc vs cripple OWA (2 rerolls an apo, 2 loners, and missing the dorf blitzer and slayer) who had a block ogre and block beard he would start turns with. He knocked the ball off me and scored during the first half, but gave me enough time to counter score and badly hurt his thrower. Go into half tied 1-1 with 11 orcs vs 10 OWA , he doesn't protect the ball well after a deep kick meaning it goes on the floor after I spend all my rerolls, manage to pick it up and all he can do is Kool-Aid man with the orge who started boneheading this half. He then conceded on turn 15 after a failed dodge would allow me to basically walk into scoring position with not rolling any die.
    How do you check your record in bb3? I can't find anywhere that says my orcs are 2-0
    Oh and got my first guard and the cash to buy a 3rd lino and fire my gobbo and have 75k in the bank for a dead positional so I can keep using the power apo like I did this game on a KO'd BuB.

  52. 1 year ago

    Not going to lie, it's pretty damn clunky. There is little to no indication as to how things work at times. Also love the fact that to access some of your skills you must preform a long click (clicking and holding on a character to use stab, say) - an excellent idea in a game that runs with a timer.
    While I still have fun with it (at times), I can't recommend it as a must purchase even if you are a fan of the game. Give it until the first season opens and see if they've fixed enough of their game to make it worth your coins. There should be plenty of people streaming it by then for you to get an idea.

  53. 1 year ago

    If this was the Cyanide of 2015, the ones who released BB2, I would believe they could turn around BB3 because those guys turned around BB2 when it had a rocky start. However this is not the Cyanide of 2015.

  54. 1 year ago

    Ended 5-2-2 with Chaos and 2 crashes. God i love these bastards. They shockingly seem effective against black orcs which i did not expect. Last game even managed to beat up orcs.

    My team was around 1250 but they seem shockingly viable even at this point. Also Minotaur has been great. I don't feel even 1% as apprehensive when he REEEES vs a troll going derp.

    FOR CHAOS!!!

    • 1 year ago

      you must be rolling lucky or playing against shitters to be feeling that good as chaos vs orcs at that tv. The only advantage you have is the st4 (though I guess you are using the mino so st6) bliz and easier to level blockers.
      At that TV I'd probably have an orc team that looks kind of like pic related. I'd expect a lot of orc or dorf coaches to be able to try to guard lock you if they were any good

      • 1 year ago

        Ended 5-2-2 with Chaos and 2 crashes. God i love these bastards. They shockingly seem effective against black orcs which i did not expect. Last game even managed to beat up orcs.

        My team was around 1250 but they seem shockingly viable even at this point. Also Minotaur has been great. I don't feel even 1% as apprehensive when he REEEES vs a troll going derp.

        FOR CHAOS!!!

        here is the bastard of a dorf team you could be playing at tv 1250

      • 1 year ago

        Both your rosters are made with a roster builder with ideal builds which rarely happens in matchmaker. You'd be surprised how good Chaos is if played right. The Str4 makes dealing with guard fairly easy.

        >you must be playing against shitters or got lucky

        Its a dice game but maybe I am decent too? No need to bring someone down over their success. Plus you should know that Chaos does shockingly well with claws vs both teams.

        Funny i also rocked some dorfs at 1k

      • 1 year ago

        Aren't Chaos also faster?

        • 1 year ago

          orcs got a speed buff. The Big un Orc blockers and chaos warrior blockers are both ma5. the orc blitzers and beast men are both ma6 so the only difference in speed is 3 orc linos at ma5 vs 3 beastmen at ma6

          Both your rosters are made with a roster builder with ideal builds which rarely happens in matchmaker. You'd be surprised how good Chaos is if played right. The Str4 makes dealing with guard fairly easy.

          >you must be playing against shitters or got lucky

          Its a dice game but maybe I am decent too? No need to bring someone down over their success. Plus you should know that Chaos does shockingly well with claws vs both teams.

          Funny i also rocked some dorfs at 1k

          neither of those rosters is unrealistic for 9 games played. Those are the first skill ups you would take on every orc and the only difference between that an a tv1000 roster is that it added and apo and line orc and dropped a goblin. You don't even need to level up linos anymore unless you want to in bb3 so 2 BuBs with 6 spp, 2 blitzers with 6 spp, 1 blitzer with 14 spp and 1 ball carrier with 20 spp isn't hard to do in match making. They might be higher tv in 9 games in league, but in match making that is a normal min max team.
          The dorfs are almost the same, just with a 14 spp long beard. The dorf roster is just the meme of take guard and then mb.
          Chaos can kill with claw, but 1250 tv is too low for chaos to have a bunch of killers. I'd expect 1600+ to be around when chaos starts bullying the other av10+
          Everyone I've played in BB3 so far has been a shitter. Orcs have st4 too and that tv 1000 dorf coach must have been scared to throw 1 die and half die blocks. Good job going 5-2-2, but the fact you think that orc roster is unrealistic seems weird to me

          • 1 year ago

            I misread your tone. Ofc I know Chaos is FAR from optimal uber anal circumference tier at 1250. And I have 0 doubt Chaos is objectively weaker than both in the sense of having less skills and less consistency. What I was trying to say is despite the disadvantages, Chaos are still equipped enough, reasonably, to fight both teams at around 1250 range. Lets say 6:4 orc favour at 1k turns to 5.5:4.5 and dorfs similarly. Though apparently Chaos got 50% WR vs dorfs, though horns helps to get through the guard.

            I lack a roster builder but just throwing out an example, sadly via text, id say 1250 "ideal" chaos roster is

            2 rerolls
            1 Apothecary
            1 Minotaur (Claw)
            4 Warriors (4 x block)
            6 Beastmen (Wrestle, Kick, Sure Hands)

            Claw+mb while nerfed can cut open AV10+ opponents nicely still. 4 x block str4 warriors is strong as a core pillar of strength. Wrestle sacks, sure hands some ball control and kick the potential to screw an enemy offense with stilted los.

            Again I am not saying Chaos is better than either, more competitively viable. They are at a far more competitive position vs orcs/dorfs etc at 1250 than at 1000 despite their skills handicap. This is mainly due to their solid stats carrying them as is, just need skills to make them more consistent.

            Also on your note on shitters, well truth is most BB players are just average anyway so not much to say there.

            Orc buff was so unnecessary mind.

          • 1 year ago

            Just to add here

            I misread your tone. Ofc I know Chaos is FAR from optimal uber anal circumference tier at 1250. And I have 0 doubt Chaos is objectively weaker than both in the sense of having less skills and less consistency. What I was trying to say is despite the disadvantages, Chaos are still equipped enough, reasonably, to fight both teams at around 1250 range. Lets say 6:4 orc favour at 1k turns to 5.5:4.5 and dorfs similarly. Though apparently Chaos got 50% WR vs dorfs, though horns helps to get through the guard.

            I lack a roster builder but just throwing out an example, sadly via text, id say 1250 "ideal" chaos roster is

            2 rerolls
            1 Apothecary
            1 Minotaur (Claw)
            4 Warriors (4 x block)
            6 Beastmen (Wrestle, Kick, Sure Hands)

            Claw+mb while nerfed can cut open AV10+ opponents nicely still. 4 x block str4 warriors is strong as a core pillar of strength. Wrestle sacks, sure hands some ball control and kick the potential to screw an enemy offense with stilted los.

            Again I am not saying Chaos is better than either, more competitively viable. They are at a far more competitive position vs orcs/dorfs etc at 1250 than at 1000 despite their skills handicap. This is mainly due to their solid stats carrying them as is, just need skills to make them more consistent.

            Also on your note on shitters, well truth is most BB players are just average anyway so not much to say there.

            Orc buff was so unnecessary mind.

            , the reason I said unrealistic is the even distribution of skills. Unless your BuBs and Longbeards are butchering people left right and centre, 9 games to get 8 skills (13 on dwarfs!) that well distributed is hard! The rosters themselves are well structured but I would say only elves could farm that much spp reliably in a 9 game window, especially with "secondary" skills.

            • 1 year ago

              thats only 2 bubs skilling, so just an mvp and cas or 2 mvp. Most of the skills I put on the blitzers. With the leveling system as it is in bb3, you can also really delay your dorf runners skill ups if you go for say stat ups or doubles letting you build your beards longer. These are autistic match making builds built to tv, not league builds for games played

              I misread your tone. Ofc I know Chaos is FAR from optimal uber anal circumference tier at 1250. And I have 0 doubt Chaos is objectively weaker than both in the sense of having less skills and less consistency. What I was trying to say is despite the disadvantages, Chaos are still equipped enough, reasonably, to fight both teams at around 1250 range. Lets say 6:4 orc favour at 1k turns to 5.5:4.5 and dorfs similarly. Though apparently Chaos got 50% WR vs dorfs, though horns helps to get through the guard.

              I lack a roster builder but just throwing out an example, sadly via text, id say 1250 "ideal" chaos roster is

              2 rerolls
              1 Apothecary
              1 Minotaur (Claw)
              4 Warriors (4 x block)
              6 Beastmen (Wrestle, Kick, Sure Hands)

              Claw+mb while nerfed can cut open AV10+ opponents nicely still. 4 x block str4 warriors is strong as a core pillar of strength. Wrestle sacks, sure hands some ball control and kick the potential to screw an enemy offense with stilted los.

              Again I am not saying Chaos is better than either, more competitively viable. They are at a far more competitive position vs orcs/dorfs etc at 1250 than at 1000 despite their skills handicap. This is mainly due to their solid stats carrying them as is, just need skills to make them more consistent.

              Also on your note on shitters, well truth is most BB players are just average anyway so not much to say there.

              Orc buff was so unnecessary mind.

              The orc buff, I am pretty sure was just to off set the animosity/and cost nerfs they gave the tv1000 orcs. I am pretty sure the orc/human tweeks were primarily to change the teams for the starter box set so humans would have an easier time vs orcs at whatever tv you play with the minis in the starter set and tv 1000, but that orcs would still be viable in NAF and higher tvs so new coaches who chose orcs over humans would still have fun.
              The human/orc pricing changes, also follow the balance changes bb2 started with. BB2 the blitzers cost 90k to start so someone couldn't do the 3 rerolls 4 bobs 4 blitzer thing
              Also in bb2 the human orge cost 130k instead of 140k so the human team could fit 2 catchers on the tv 1000 and 1100 rosters and every version since then, bb2016 and bb2020 has found a way to drop the human roster cost by at least 10k so they could run 2 catchers.

  55. 1 year ago

    Finally happened.

    • 1 year ago

      I just ended up reinstalling BB2 rather than paying up for 3. Matchmaking is a bit slow but it still happens.

    • 1 year ago

      They really got to get their shit together.

  56. 1 year ago

    After a 9 game run, Chaos team ended up like this. I seem to be odd as I only got one concede.

    5 wins, 2 draws, 2 losses and 2 crashes.

  57. 1 year ago

    wow bb3 is kind of a shitshow. My orc team is "5-0-0" with 3 concessions
    A grinded out win as rookies with a wizard vs dorfs
    A game where I let up the only td so far, on my drive, then did a 3 turn then turned the guy over and he conceded turn 15 vs OWA
    A turn 3 concede vs rookie dark elves because he failed a 5+ pass
    A turn 2 or 3 concede vs mino chaos because he skulled loner failed a mino blitz
    a 2-0 win against ogre chaos

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        wow bb3 is kind of a shitshow. My orc team is "5-0-0" with 3 concessions
        A grinded out win as rookies with a wizard vs dorfs
        A game where I let up the only td so far, on my drive, then did a 3 turn then turned the guy over and he conceded turn 15 vs OWA
        A turn 3 concede vs rookie dark elves because he failed a 5+ pass
        A turn 2 or 3 concede vs mino chaos because he skulled loner failed a mino blitz
        a 2-0 win against ogre chaos

        After a 9 game run, Chaos team ended up like this. I seem to be odd as I only got one concede.

        5 wins, 2 draws, 2 losses and 2 crashes.

        This is unfortunately what 7-0-0 orcs looks like on bb3

        • 1 year ago

          Looks good man. I will give BB3 one major perk: It doesn't have Bomber Dribblesnot.

  58. 1 year ago

    >in bb3 you have to turn on an option for all skills of the same category to be the same color
    lamo, why the did the french morons do this as an option and not default?

  59. 1 year ago

    I didn't realize high elves aren't in bb2020 yet, because they were in bb2016. I think they are the only team in the bb2016 rule books, and not the teams of legends, to not get remade for bb2020. I hope they get av10+ and lower movement for bb2020 to distinguish themselves from the other 3 elf teams. I guess the only races left are high elves, chorfs, khemri, vamps and fan fict teams like ~~*slann*~~

  60. 1 year ago

    how the frick can people play dwarfs for multiple games in a row without blowing their brains out in boredom

    • 1 year ago

      Its a simple case of just knowing you as a Dwarf Coach are making the other person want to blow their brains out even more which keeps them going.

    • 1 year ago

      dorf coaches have turbo autism based on positioning and making sure no one else has any fun

      I never found them to be shitty at all. Having regeneration on all your valuable players is great, and the 2+ to block ability has literally won me multiple games. Not to mention the beast of nurgle tentacles being MVP. I would regularly be a top placer with nurgle in leagues even with a fresh team. Nerfing rotter agility has certainly changed that though.

      They are pretty expensive and can't start with all 8 positional, the beast and 3 rerolls, they have no block, they have no reroll skills, they have no ball skills, and the bloaters are hard to level. I get you have 4 ST 4 players, but unless you can get claw, Nurgle, Khorne and Chaos just remain worse orc teams

  61. 1 year ago

    Since cyanide decided to delete everyone's teams with no warning I ended up with
    >8 wins 1 tie 0 losses
    with the only tie being me getting absolutely fricking diced by dorfs
    and OWA
    >1 win 0 ties 0 losses

  62. 1 year ago

    Game is still crashing. Good god Cyanide

  63. 1 year ago

    I cant speak for the video game adaption but from what I hear its very faithful to the original tabletop game, and that was always a blast to play.

    • 1 year ago

      they fricked some things up like inducements so people can scum inducements, still fumbbl and table top are worse because GW underpriced a bunch of starts really bad

      • 1 year ago

        >because GW underpriced
        I roll to disbelieve.

        • 1 year ago

          underpriced in game tv value, not physical money.
          Because GW a homosexual, they only care about balancing NAF reresection style games so they gave those stars (and Kreek and Deeproot for some fricking reason) additional skill costs for NAF style play.
          Basically Bomber and Cindy are way, way underpriced and 50k each. Griff, Morg and hackflem are all under priced too, so all anyone takes are those 5 star players because of their value and because now star players play for way more teams due to the different system

  64. 1 year ago

    Went back to BB1 for sone laid back AI fun after the BB3 mess. Forgot how cool the players looked or how sexy witch elves and wardancers are

    • 1 year ago

      I still think I'm not missing anything by playing nothing but BBCE

  65. 1 year ago

    id be interested in playing. i setup a BB2 league at one point for some ss13 players that was fun.

  66. 1 year ago

    So are Nurgle really as bad as people say or is it just the majority aren't using them right?

    • 1 year ago

      Nurgle is pretty shit. I don't know if anyone in the history of nurgle has ever used them "right", people would make these tv 2400+ killer monstrosities under old rule sets and they were the best team for killers, though harder to raise up to that level than chaos (with more staying power though due to foul appearance and regen).
      They got nerfed hard in the new rules. Both team specific with the rotters getting shitter agility so they can't ball carry (though they were made cheaper, along with the pestigors the ag4+ means teams are having a harder time fitting the bloaters and beast at tv 1000)
      and structurally with nerfs to
      1. claw
      2. no pilin on
      3. no pick 3 mvp
      4. seasons
      decay got a buff, it is now just a niggle instead of a roll 2 cas and I think regen technically is better now, or at least apos are worse for bringing back a badly hurt player so in comparison regen is better.
      The issues are basically,
      you have a team you want to make killers with, but structurally it is harder to get teams to high tv and current meta kill stacks are more based on guard, dirty player, sneaky git and bribes vs bb2 when nurgle could do clawpomb

    • 1 year ago

      nurgle is a team that's designed to be as fricking annoying to play against as possible rather than really winning, just like chorfs

      • 1 year ago

        and dorfs

        • 1 year ago

          they're still designed to win, it's just unfun because they are the devs favorite team and have always been the best team next to orcs

          • 1 year ago

            dorfball is still a very slow game and they have anti dodge/elf skills

          • 1 year ago

            Chaos maul orcs.

            • 1 year ago

              not so much anymore, and certainly not at low TV

            • 1 year ago

              not so much anymore, and certainly not at low TV

              According to FUMBBL, Chaos vs Orcs is a 4:6 matchup. Its not terrible but its to the Ircs advantage.

              • 1 year ago

                That's only at the start of the season, before chaos start to mutate up.

            • 1 year ago

              good luck with that. In the new rules claw got nerfed, there is no pilin' on to kill stack and with seasons and no pick 4 mvp it is harder for chaos to build multiple killers

              • 1 year ago

                Chaos can still deal hurt on Orcs, just not to the extreme as BB2 era.

              • 1 year ago

                Claw doesn't stack with mb anymore, so the mix of claw making the armor 8+ instead of 7+ and no reroll on the pilin' on means chaos have a harder time breaking orc and dorf armor then they had before. This means in order to be more consistent, the chaos need multiple claw MB, which is way harder to get in leagues due to the season rules. The claw killer chaos and nurgle only exist in match making now and orcs have access to over powered Bomber and likely have a ton of guard then.
                It isn't the same as BB2 rules, orcs have a big advantage at most TVs and the chaos have to get really high to be better than the orcs

              • 1 year ago

                Oh I aint doubting any of that. Plus Claw+mb is 24% removal vs old 31% so its a drop. Orcs got the advantage, just saying chaos can still cut em open. Just not as much.

              • 1 year ago

                Doesn't piling on also require a team reroll now?

              • 1 year ago

                It got nerfed more where it counts as a foul action (so can be sent off) and only can be done once per turn.

              • 1 year ago

                nah, its a foul now

      • 1 year ago

        they're still designed to win, it's just unfun because they are the devs favorite team and have always been the best team next to orcs

        The idea that someone exists who genuinely thinks Chorfs are more anti-fun than Dorfs is utterly bizarre to me.

        • 1 year ago

          i never said dorfs aren't anti fun, i said they are designed to win and they're not fun because the devs eternal boner for them makes them impossible to play into. i said that nurgle and chorfs were explicitly made with anti fun being the point rather than being a good team. nurgle is designed to completely shit up your turn by stopping blocks from sheer ugliness and absolutely destroying your ability to pass. chorfs are expertly designed to piss you off by having a line that's pointless to throw yourself against, and have chaff whose whole point is to foul your team off the pitch while a ST4 centaur runs away with the ball.

          • 1 year ago

            Nta but would you say nurgle is more enjoyable to coach than khorne?

            • 1 year ago

              not really, nurgle is kind of shit right now and you can really feel it when playing with them. I really enjoy khorne but I also play a lot of dark elves and like to make good use of frenzy and can imagine an inexperienced player hating them because they don't know to look out for traps or get too greedy on the sidelines.

              • 1 year ago

                So what you are saying is, SKULLS > Super cancer?

              • 1 year ago


                >nurgle is kind of shit right now and you can really feel it when playing with them

                Can you elaborate? Is it the speed? No skills? Just the other rosters?

                at low TV the price of your bloaters and RRs prevents you from getting a fully functioning team in order to be able to afford RRs, rotters got an Agi nerf in case having no skills on your entire team to start with didn't already make you a total turnover magnet. because of the rotter nerf you're even more reliant on the pestigors than ever, which you can't stock up on because of the price issues and it makes your team plan incredibly predictable and easy to counter. It doesn't help that you're damn near as slow as dwarves with nowhere near their toughness. you have good skill access but by the time you actually have your entire team you won't have a lot of room for the skills you want before they inflate your TV and cause better teams with better price management to use inducements against you. the only thing they really have going for them is the rotspawn tentacles, disturbing presence and to a lesser extent foul appearance being incredibly annoying to elf teams and netting you some cheap CAS spp from free hits

              • 1 year ago

                >nurgle is kind of shit right now and you can really feel it when playing with them

                Can you elaborate? Is it the speed? No skills? Just the other rosters?

              • 1 year ago

                at low TV the price of your bloaters and RRs prevents you from getting a fully functioning team in order to be able to afford RRs, rotters got an Agi nerf in case having no skills on your entire team to start with didn't already make you a total turnover magnet. because of the rotter nerf you're even more reliant on the pestigors than ever, which you can't stock up on because of the price issues and it makes your team plan incredibly predictable and easy to counter. It doesn't help that you're damn near as slow as dwarves with nowhere near their toughness. you have good skill access but by the time you actually have your entire team you won't have a lot of room for the skills you want before they inflate your TV and cause better teams with better price management to use inducements against you. the only thing they really have going for them is the rotspawn tentacles, disturbing presence and to a lesser extent foul appearance being incredibly annoying to elf teams and netting you some cheap CAS spp from free hits

                Plus with the passing nerfs the nurgle anti-passing debuffs have become less valuable.

        • 1 year ago

          chorfs feel a lot more min maxed which rubs people the wrong way

  67. 1 year ago

    >balance risk and reward
    >people still sperg out over rng

  68. 1 year ago

    >Blood bowl 3 does not let you discard rerolls
    >apparently this is a correct implementation of the rules and that you are only supposed to be able to drop rerolls between seasons when redrafting and BB2 and fumbbl are wrongly implementing it
    I guess all those 5+ reroll and minmax teams btfo?

  69. 1 year ago

    Why shouldn't I just buy the full first game and play that forever? Do the new games actually add a lot of stuff besides 'muh graphics'?

    • 1 year ago

      new ruleset afaik

  70. 1 year ago

    What's a good team/race for a beginner, I've never played BB but I'm familiar with other GW tabletop and viddy diddy.

    • 1 year ago

      Orcs until you meet an experienced chaos team that can easily win any slugfest against you.

      • 1 year ago

        That's only at the start of the season, before chaos start to mutate up.

        those chaos teams only exist in matchmaking now

      • 1 year ago

        did you just get your orcs diced by a chaos team or something? the matchup is not some kind of crazy stomp, its in orcs favor until high tv where it evens out, and the multiple posts about it sound like some serious seething.

    • 1 year ago

      Orcs is better for beginner than dwarfs, because low movement means you have to position better.

      Early on you don't really need all the tackle that dwarfs give.

    • 1 year ago

      Orcs or Humans, exactly what you would expect would be good starter teams. Dwarf speed means you need to be predictive and know your opponents turn before it happens, something a new player obviously isn't going to be that good at. Elves are bad because of how punishing low armor is and how hard it is for them to deal with cages, and the other teams have an overwhelming amount of variety and choice to someone who might not be that deadset on learning the game.

  71. 1 year ago

    fumbbl is banning megastars in matchmaking

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