Thoughts on Pokemon? Specifically the original series.

Thoughts on Pokemon? Specifically the original series.

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  1. 6 months ago

    It has pokemon.

  2. 6 months ago

    It was honestly pretty terrible , I would write why however I am out right now. Long story short there were better monster monster games and pokemon fell flat.

    • 6 months ago

      >UM ACKSHUALLY old game BAD

      • 6 months ago

        It was simple design and well executed. The world is nice and fits the idea perfectly. It's just not my cup of tea. I can see why people sunk so much time into it thoughever. My pipe dream is that I wish it had more sim mechanics rather than being focused on turn based battle, but I know if they tried to implement that it would have ruined the game.

        Did you think the "What are your thoughts" thread was going to be all positive?

        • 6 months ago

          You mean focusing on the sim mechanics like planting berries over the battles? I wonder how that would look like or if a game like that. There have been quite a few sim aspects added and removed through the gens, like Crystal with the phone or buying stuff in the big cities.

          • 6 months ago

            It was simple design and well executed. The world is nice and fits the idea perfectly. It's just not my cup of tea. I can see why people sunk so much time into it thoughever. My pipe dream is that I wish it had more sim mechanics rather than being focused on turn based battle, but I know if they tried to implement that it would have ruined the game.

            Did you think the "What are your thoughts" thread was going to be all positive?

            In a world where the internet didn't explode as early as it did, and pokemon was a tiny bit more ambitious. It could have been pretty cool if there were different ways to play the game so at by the end everyone had different specialties based on what they focused on.

            Like imagine being at school, and most people spent the game battling and getting badges, but one kid spent his time doing "sim" stuff so by the end of the game he has the best breeding capabilities. So all the kids go to him to get the best mon to battle other kids on the playground. Maybe another kid spent more time exploring for artifacts and items, so kids are trading with him to get better equipment.

            It would come at the expense of how much you can enjoy the games in isolation, but a hypothetical world where shit like that is happening sounds pretty cool at least in a novel way...

  3. 6 months ago

    It's buggy and my copy has corrupted my save data twice now. I'll have to resort to emulating it in the future.

  4. 6 months ago

    I'm a big fan. Gave me a life-long appreciation for janky games with a lot of heart.

  5. 6 months ago

    it was my first video game, it felt so big, like a lengthy epic adventure. looking at the whole map these days is wild, it's a pretty quaint circle around the overworld.

    the second set of games were a markable improvement, but I will always be disappointed the series didn't immediately embrace a more sandbox experience, complete with multiple pokemon in battles, like a party in final fantasy.

    as time went on they basically just continually rebooted the original games, and it's still too simple, like an old gameboy game, but the hardware allows for a lot more and better. disappointing.

    • 6 months ago

      >as time went on they basically just continually rebooted the original games, and it's still too simple, like an old gameboy game, but the hardware allows for a lot more and better. disappointing.
      It's almost what they would do if the games were made for small kids and every pokemon generation a new generation of small kids would play them.

      • 6 months ago

        kids dont play pokemon moron. kids play garbage mobile games, PS5 goyslop and fortnite and watch tiktok videos. pokemon is played by 35 year old men with diaper fetishes that have never had sex.

        • 6 months ago

          nice projection

          • 6 months ago

            the de facto reddit handwave

            • 6 months ago

              Nta, but he's right. People from all walks of life play pokemon. It's exactly like the meme. I have friends who are hardened criminals and have been to prison who
              Play pokemon and I have friends who are lumberjacks, hunters, bouncers, etc... who play pokemon.
              >Inb4 they all wear diapers, hurr durr.
              You're just a little b***h.

              • 6 months ago

                >bro i know criminals and lumberjacks who play pokemon
                i'm dying, the funniest part is you said this in complete sincerity. boy, you sure do know a lot of autistic gay men from different walks of life.
                just so you know, if anyone ever saw you, a balding 30 something playing pokemon in real life, they would silently judge you.
                >inb4 i don't care what anyone thinks
                your neck meat and virgin penis are evidence of this, yes

              • 6 months ago

                Kek, you couldn't help yourself. You're insecurities are worn on your sleave. Such a child

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                my insecurities? so i'm secretly a gay lumberjack that loves pokemon? this is your argument? it couldn't possibly be that you're actuslly just a fat moron that plays children's games, right?

              • 6 months ago

                Why do you keep bringing up gay shit. Nobody but you is tripping over yourself to write gay shit in hopes of demeaning somebody else. You literally have no argument except forced gay shit. Why? It's frickin weird.

              • 6 months ago

                pardon me, but OP brought up "gay shit" the minute he made a pokemon thread.

              • 6 months ago

                You have an unhealthy obsession with gays, boy.

              • 6 months ago

                says the guy who knows hardcore prison-gay thugs and dudes who spend all day getting sweaty together in the woods
                >inb4 i'm not that anon
                i guess you're just another homosexual then

              • 6 months ago

                >T. Obsessed with gays
                Nobody but you is talking about gay shit, projection to the nth degree my closeted anon.

              • 6 months ago

                nobody give two shits if you play pokemon in 2023. in case you didnt notice the movies that cash the most are cringey capeshit stuff. touch grass you moron.

              • 6 months ago

                >adult man that plays pokemon says to touch grass

        • 6 months ago

          you're so wrong about the diaper fetish, it's a different fetish

    • 6 months ago

      >multiple pokemon in battles, like a party in final fantasy
      It's possible in the modern games.

      • 6 months ago

        nta but that's basically a minigame you have to find on the overworld, not how the core main battles work.

        • 6 months ago

          It's a legitimate game mode that has been expanding over the course of three generations.
          It will never be the main game mode, the basic 1v1 and 2v2 RPG gameplay is too refined and beloved to be replaced entirely, but as it is the raid mode already has some decent depth and can be a player's main focus once the campaign is over.

          • 6 months ago

            >is too refined
            I wish!

      • 6 months ago

        >Specifically the original series.
        amazeballz that an indie dev team somehow made such a revolutionary portable game.

        >a party
        play Mystery Dung games. one of them is /vr/ on GBA.

        • 6 months ago

          They were backed by Nintendo.

      • 6 months ago

        there were some dual battles in Gen3, but it wasn't enough to satisfy.
        also they never went back to something more freeform.
        my dream game would be akin to starting in saffron city, choosing a pokemon types like steel, dark, psychic, and choosing which direction and town to set off for, assembling a party of three or more at a time. moves never get forgotten, instead you assign five favorites that appear imediately in battles, and the sixth slot is to bring up a menu to select any move it had ever learned in a pinch in battle. HM overworld moves would also be learned by every pokemon that can know it whenever you earn one, and they would be selectable out of a quick menu without pausing.

        yup, that would be ideal. it was possible like 20 years ago. Pokemon is boring now.

        • 6 months ago

          The thing about moves is similar to my idea of being able to carry N different teams of 6 pokemon, so you don't need to just go back to PC and you can always change your party. To make it harder, you are forced to pick only one team when you enter a gym.

          • 6 months ago

            that would be cool, I'm thinking team configurations, so you can overlap Pokemon on different teams.

            Those changes would possibly work for a single player game, but the core of Pokemon is really trading and battling with other people.
            The system works because it's simple, changing fundamental elements like the four move system would completely throw the competitive aspect out of balance, adding even more variability in a system that's already very RNG reliant.

            >the core of Pokemon is really trading and battling with other people
            it used to be, but it's honestly been a bad "core" for a long time.

            here's another idea I had forgot about for the dream thing.
            there's only one game released anymore, not two.
            and when the game starts it might ask some questions, and the answers will generate a "version" of the game with preferable pokemon arrangements, possibly whether there's a lot of water routes. there doesn't need to be two "versions" nickle and diming gamers at retail.
            there could be dozens of versions, for the price of one game.

            this would fix that "core" by encouraging more trading, and eliminate upselling players on multiple copies.

            >changing fundamental elements like the four move system would completely throw the competitive aspect out of balance
            not "out of balance" it would tailor the game to a different overarching design. the reason I've been disappointed with the series is because it's too simple, it's braindead. strategies tend to consist of random chance to begin with (type advantage on round one) and then making due with that, or swapping between types, which might beget opponents swapping out too. it's tedious.

            there's many a simple things that could (and should!!) be overhaulted. like the random encounters where you have to see a transisition to a battle screen, and the trainer throw out their pokemon before you even get the opportunity to choose to run away. I could think of many more things, but the ones I listed probably suffice to a superior design already.
            >adding even more variability in a system that's already very RNG reliant
            removing RNG from the game, and adding more variety to the core would go a helluva long way toward "fixing" this series. you probably just *can't* see that yet, if you're a type who has stuck with it and it's completely ingrained in you

        • 6 months ago

          Those changes would possibly work for a single player game, but the core of Pokemon is really trading and battling with other people.
          The system works because it's simple, changing fundamental elements like the four move system would completely throw the competitive aspect out of balance, adding even more variability in a system that's already very RNG reliant.

  6. 6 months ago

    Good games, comfy as frick.
    Good memories of playing with friends and sharing secrets and stuff

  7. 6 months ago

    Didn’t grow up with it but I played Gen 1 this year (Yellow) and it was a perfectly decent game. Crits being boosted by Speed and the Special stats being consolidated was interesting, some Pokémon like Dugtrio and Clefairy really shined

  8. 6 months ago

    rby is peak memories especially during pokemania but gsc is the sweet spot for me, particularly crystal

    i was 7 when red and blue came out, it was truly a cultural phenomenon

  9. 6 months ago

    the legend that spawned endless culo

    • 6 months ago

      About the only thing everybody can agree on.

    • 6 months ago

      >endless culo

      • 6 months ago

        and quite a bit of vavoom, too

  10. 6 months ago

    They're alright. I think I played them too much and have a hard time playing any of them nowadays.

  11. 6 months ago

    The games are only enjoyable as a kid. They're too easy otherwise.

    • 6 months ago

      Have you tried playing the Pokémon Stadium cups?

      • 6 months ago

        I rented that shit as a kid and hated it (was expecting something more like the handheld games). Does it actually get challenging? Maybe it's just the mainline games that are so braindead-easy.

        • 6 months ago

          They server more as post-game. They have specific cups for example only Pokémon within a limit height/weight or up to certain lvl, so you can't just tank it all with some lvl 100 monster, it requires strategy.

          • 6 months ago

            Yes. Stadium has 4 main cups, Petit Cup, Pika Cup, Poke Cup and Prime Cup. Each cup is eight battles long (with Poke Cup and Prime Cup having 4 ranks, Poke/Great/Ultra/Master), and unless you get a perfect clear of a prior match, one loss knocks you out.

            Petit Cup is Pokemon level 25-30, but completely unevolved.
            Pika cup is Pokemon level 15-20, with no restrictions on species other than "they have to be actually obtainable in R(G)BY at level 15-20"
            Poke Cup is Pokemon level 50-55, with any Pokemon except Mewtwo and Mew legal.
            Prime Cup is 1-100, with every Pokemon legal, with the exception that Mewtwo and Mew aren't available as rentals.
            There's also the Gym Leader Castle, which is battles eight sets of battles against three Gym trainers and then the Gym leader, with the Pokemon initially set to being level 50, but you can bring your own Pokemon of any level, and if your highest level is greater than 50, the enemies all autolevel up to match your highest level.
            And after you beat all that, there's a fight with Mewtwo, and beating him unlocks Round 2, which is the same thing, but HARDER. There's also the Japanese Pokemon Stadium 1, which is shorter but also even harder and requires the transfer pak as there are no rentals.

        • 6 months ago

          They server more as post-game. They have specific cups for example only Pokémon within a limit height/weight or up to certain lvl, so you can't just tank it all with some lvl 100 monster, it requires strategy.

          Ideally you raise 1-3 mons within the rules and go with rentals for the rest
          That's there the most fun is. It gets pretty brutal, especially on R2

  12. 6 months ago

    I played through the first gen in various ways 3 or 4 times. Played through Gold once and decided I had seen enough of the series.
    Honestly, I think it's sort of boring. Whenever I actually play a new game in the series, I realize it's the same shit I was playing 25 years ago and lose interest before I get the second gym.

  13. 6 months ago

    A barebones turn based jrpg with broken mechanics but at the end of the day the true power of the genre lies on conveying imaginative fictional worlds you want to get lost in.
    Pokemon does so without relying on the D&D medieval fantasy framework most others copy and created the most charismatic bestiary of all time (no, dragon quest and smt dont even come close)

    tldr: the original game has tremendous merit that does not lie in its gameplay mechanics

    • 6 months ago

      I remember when they used to sell everywhere posters similar to that image.

    • 6 months ago

      >Black personhomosexual swapping Butterfree and Venomoth
      Frick you and frick your stupid autism meme.

      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          They might designed those that way from the start as an inside joke, whereas your rediter autism interprets that as some hidden development secret.

    • 6 months ago

      Whoops, wrong pic

      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      It was probably the anime and card games that really pushed it way harder than the games themselves. Like anyone could enjoy the anime and the cards while cheap on their own were an investment. But you could get starter decks for like 15-20 back in the late 90's. I know I enjoyed the everything else about pokemon and with gen 2 and 3 I really loved the games more. Sure yellow was a great tie in, but it's not the anime game, it's just portrait replacements.

    • 6 months ago

      It was probably the anime and card games that really pushed it way harder than the games themselves. Like anyone could enjoy the anime and the cards while cheap on their own were an investment. But you could get starter decks for like 15-20 back in the late 90's. I know I enjoyed the everything else about pokemon and with gen 2 and 3 I really loved the games more. Sure yellow was a great tie in, but it's not the anime game, it's just portrait replacements.

      I've been trying to say both of these for years. The original Pokemon releases are very fricking basic RPG and the series somehow still is to this day, the game got criticized for barely have a story, but that doesn't matter. The world is the real appeal, it was inspired by childhood and running around catching bugs, and that makes it very easy to imagine yourself as a kid trainer in the woods and getting new monsters. The world is close enough to ours to picture yourself in.
      But the anime is what REALLY sold the fantasy to a wider audience, the anime informed almost the entire world and made pokemon huge even in places where it wasn't released or easy to get.
      I say this all as a guy who prefers SMT and likes DQ monsters more

      • 6 months ago

        Well yeah, it was a three pronged attack that made it a cultural phenom. Pokemon cards were the new Pogs, they were huge to kids who didn't even really like Pokemon, they had to get them just to not be left out. I remember kids who's collections were basically all just holographic stickers from vending machines that they tried to pass off as real cards lol

        I was a gamer kid glued to my gameboy, so the games were the most important aspect to me and I felt like a bigshot because I had the guide and basically knew more about it than every other kid in my neighborhood, but not every kid had a gameboy. Though, it can't be understated, I knew multiple kids who only even got a gameboy because they wanted Pokemon. Pokemon kind of changed the perception of it, it was kind of viewed as inferior to home consoles by a lot of people, Pokemon was something where the main game was on the handheld.

        • 6 months ago

          The fact that pokemon vastly increased the lifespan of the 1989 piece of shit gameboy in an era where technology was moving at light speed in every other segment of the industry was a minor tragedy that made handhelds third class everywhere but japan.

          • 6 months ago

            >minor glory*
            Sometimes simple is best. Not everything needs to be the latest 3D bigshot.

          • 6 months ago

            If the entire world stayed in 1989 perpetually, we'd all be a lot happier.

    • 6 months ago

      Why and how did Pikachu became the main mascot?

      • 6 months ago

        Pikachu was already liked as one of the first rare and interesting encounters in the game. Stands out as a cool Pokemon among all the rats, birds, and bugs of the early game. Electric type among normal and bug Pokemon that look more like real animals. I imagine a combination of Pikachu already being well-liked, and Pikachu being the right combination of cool and cute to appeal to both boys and girls was the reason.

        • 6 months ago
        • 6 months ago

          >Pikachu was already liked as one of the first rare and interesting encounters in the game
          OG fat pikachu was also cute as hell. people forget that

          and yea i remember a rumor that pikachu ONLY spawned in the last grass strip before leaving the forest
          not true obviously, but we were closer than we mightve thought, as thats the only grass patch in the woods that ACTUALLY has normal encounter rates

          • 6 months ago

            >OG fat pikachu was also cute as hell. people forget that
            Yeah that too. That's the most important factor honestly, Pikachu has a great design. I love chubby gen 1 Pikachu.

        • 6 months ago

          They have a weird definition of "rare". I'm playing it now and I can't stop running into these frickers. Rare is the Sword of Kings drop in Earthbound. Rare is not "20% chance to spawn".

          • 6 months ago

            its only like 4 or 5% iirc
            if youre getting chu to spawn frequently youre either getting quite lucky, or grinding a LOT. getting two back to back is about 1/400

            • 6 months ago

              Well not grinding, but trying to find a good weedle which is pretty rare itself amongst all the caterpies. I got like 3 pikachus until I found my 1 weedle.

              • 6 months ago

                Makes sense. Weedle has the same 5% encounter rate in Blue.

          • 6 months ago

            the absolute worst is chansey, with its 1%, in the safari zone of all places. so even when you found it it almost ALWAYS ran off
            i remember spending like a month trying to catch one legit and getting nowhere. thankfully my friend showed me the trick where if you go in the safari zone and get an encounter, then leave and fly to cinnabar and surf up and down on the east coast, youll get all the safari zone encounters instead. chansey is still a b***h to catch, but substantially less so

            • 6 months ago

              Lucky Egg is the only item I ever gave up trying to get in GSC. Because Chanseys are rare as frick, and Chanseys holding Lucky Egg are even rarer.

            • 6 months ago

              Not many people know there's wild Chansey in Cerulean Cave and they don't run away, officially making Tauros the hardest pokemon to catch since it is actually Safari Zone exclusive

  14. 6 months ago

    It is actually impossible to solo the game with Magiekarp and Caterpie.

    • 6 months ago

      Why exactly? Ghosts stop you?

      • 6 months ago

        Yes there's a mandatory trainer in the Pokemon Tower who has a Ghastly while Magiekarp and Caterpie only ever have Normal type moves.

        • 6 months ago

          Struggle is typeless, so it can hit ghosts.

          • 6 months ago

            In gen 1 it's normal, so you can easily soft lock battles with ghost types.

          • 6 months ago

            no, in gen 1 it isn't

  15. 6 months ago

    Jank but wierdly enjoyable. There was at least something I enjoyed in each gen until 8, something that carried me to the end and made me say "yeah, I'm glad I played the new pokemon".
    Gen 8 was the only exception, I literally can't defend it.

    • 6 months ago

      I enjoyed legends and violet, but sword and shield sucked flaccid dick

  16. 6 months ago

    Crystal was the peak of the series (though the dog legendaries were junk). Crystal 251 hacks are the comfiest experience one can have with the franchise.

    • 6 months ago

      As much as I love GSC, they can't stand alone. They're best experienced as a "Chapter 2" to RGBY.
      Though to be fair, even the original games are best experienced as part of the franchise than by themselves.

    • 6 months ago

      >Houndoom is kino as frick
      >Don't get him until all the way in Kanto
      Thank you, Polished Crystal, for putting Houndour super early. Water/Dark Feraligatr was cool too.

      • 6 months ago

        Not exactly hard to change Pokemon locations in Crystal since the whole game was disassembled and edits are just a matter of changing data in Notepad docs.

    • 6 months ago

      I like Perfect Crystal and got heavily into Crystal Clear (with vanilla skin mod)

  17. 6 months ago

    there's an entire containment board for pokemon and these threads still appear multiple times a day, amazing

    • 6 months ago

      people really like those cute little bastards

    • 6 months ago

      Nobody wants to mingle with pokemon autists. We're only typical autists on this board.

  18. 6 months ago

    Being able to experience and be part of such a cultural phenomenon during its inception and rise is slightly surreal to look back on

    • 6 months ago

      Same, I never played beyond gen 2 but it was good to live through the inception

    • 6 months ago

      Personally I was too old for Pokémon when it was new and so I ignored it, yet still I feel slightly awed by the memory of briefly experiencing the height of the Pokémon GO fad, which I couldn't help but do even without playing the games since on certain nights there were literal crowds of teenagers and fat, unkempt-looking adults wandering around the streets of my city playing it, in some kind of impromptu multi-neighborhood block party. It seems like such a Nintendo thing, like the similarly intense fad surrounding the Wii, even if the game wasn't running on a Nintendo platform.

  19. 6 months ago

    It was the start of a huge franchise. Some Japanese developers had an idea for a monster collecting game that was successful but then fricked off to management after realizing they wouldn't be able to make anything else.

  20. 6 months ago

    >People still post G2 shit even though the thread specifically says original Pokemon
    Why are they like that?

    • 6 months ago

      Like the games themselves, G2 gays have to piggyback off of G1 every chance they get.

    • 6 months ago

      because Gen 2 blends in with Gen 1 thanks to the anime, marketing, etc. unless you talk explicitly about the games and only the games, and even then there were tons of rumors about how to get Gen 2 shit even in the Gen 1 games


      this is laughable. Pokemon was mostly inspired by Dragon Quest, the creator has said has much. Add to it the modern urban setting from Mother and the Kaiju capsules from Ultraman

      Hell half of gen 1's pokémon ape dragon quest's monsters

      >Hell half of gen 1's pokémon ape dragon quest's monsters
      Not a big DQ guy but didn't one of the SNES DQ games have a monster taming mechanic too?

      • 6 months ago

        >didn't one of the SNES DQ games have a monster taming mechanic too?
        Actually both V and VI did, although it's a bit more restricted in the latter.

  21. 6 months ago

    I dislike yellow because its based on the anime. yellow is the only "3rd" version that I consider worse than the previous versions.

    It was nice to be able to catch all the starters though

  22. 6 months ago

    Reposting my Red/Blue 25th (now 26th) year anniversary retrospective from another thread:

    Everything is so earnest and passionate (eg, this track Zoomers just can't into the feeling of making you feel powerful, like the hero should (eg, all the "unbalanced" type sets, such as hard-hitting Psychic and Ground moves). Playing the game without constantly trying to heal and trying to get everyone evolved when you can helps keep the momentum! Green-screen GB with external light source to see, as well as trading with friends of your brother's at sleepovers was kino, and talking to everyone about it everyday in 1st grade, too. It sucked having to "share" Red for the longest time, though, since our mom didn't realize for a while thar she had to buy us each a copy ("share", because my control-freak brother lorded over every video game he liked without exception). So, Blue was beyond epic: still love Vulpix, Sandshrew, and Meowth especially.

    Also the show premiered this year (1998): Ash is a complete moron, but he had potential and was a good and inspir character for the majority of "Season 1". Long live Kids WB (channel 43, then channel 11 (when I got cable), for me).

    The toys and merch was extremely kino, too. KFC had Pokemon toys: wild times.

    • 6 months ago

      Game's soundtrack is just so good, it's genuinely amazing what they managed to do on GB hardware.

      • 6 months ago

        it really is. i think this and some N64 games made me get into writing music years down the road

        Some of the games are good but hot damn I hate what this franchise has become!

        I really miss the sometimes dark undertones and sort of sincerety that were still present in the first 2 gens.
        i always looked as the sprites as simplified representations of a much more vast and at times dangerous world you have to find your place in.

        I didnt play any of the newer ones then decided to give crimson a try and i was almost shocked at how infantile, empty and without any sense of danger or sincerity everything felt.

        I guess I'll just keep playing romhacks of Gen 1/2/3 until I die, since some of those capture what I'm looking for miles better than whatever the current product is doing

        • 6 months ago

          Honestly, I feel like the vibe of Pokemon has changed. The original series felt like an earnest attempt to make something that is "cool" to young kids, primarily boys at that. Modern Pokemon I feel is a lot more eh.....almost like it's trying to be comfy or something, not realizing the old shit is "comfy" only because we grew up with it, not because it was trying to be

          But then again, it's also symptomatic of everything these days, not just Pokemon. Everything today is a lot friendlier, a lot cuter, a lot less aggressive in its marketing and overall more sensitive.

          • 6 months ago

            >LOOK AT OUR BALLS

          • 6 months ago

            It's one of the most valuable media properties on the planet. It can't act "edgy" anymore it needs to be as vanilla as possible to get as much money as possible from the largest amount of people, which works for them annoyingly well these days. Modern Pokemon fans are really bad with money.

            • 6 months ago

              Yeah, but I mean how much of that is times changing? Like I said, it seems everything is that way now. It seems like in the 90s, being a little edgy WAS the way to sell things, being "cool" was the way to get kids attention.

              And it makes me wonder, has this changed for real or are the people in charge just sort of enforcing their own vision at the cost of one demographic for another? You see a lot of things that used to be popular with the young male demo now considered "soiboi", a lot of super hero and cartoon stuff, etc now is considered "soi" or "cringe" because of the pandering to certain demographics over them, and some of these things are even losing money now post 2010s. So does this really work in the long run?

              Pokemon is a bit different, because of its generational nature, tons of people are going to buy tons of Pokemon merch till the day they die regardless of how they feel about anything new, Gen1 gays are still just as obsessed as anyone playing the new gens etc.

              • 6 months ago

                gives me the same feeling Sonic did. Sonic used to be "edgy", "too cool for school" and "hedgehog with an attitude" now they trying to make him into Family guy wise guy, cracking jokes.

                its just alot safer and profitable to make everything as none-offensive as possible.

        • 6 months ago

          >I guess I'll just keep playing romhacks of Gen 1/2/3 until I die, since some of those capture what I'm looking for miles better than whatever the current product is doing
          Tell me some of them

          • 6 months ago

            not the poster but the rom hack where you play as team rocket is pretty neat

      • 6 months ago

        Even the "Bicycle mode" keeping its tune (which is great) regardless of wherever you enter in Gen 1 is underrated: it really replicates what it feels like to ride a bike, like you're on a different plane of existence than walker plebs around you. Of course, I prefer what Gen 2 and later did with it, but I wonder if what I just described was the intention for Gen 1's (like how it worked in EarthBound, too).

    • 6 months ago

      The music (and "busted/limited typesets" also makes the battles intense, to a level no other Gen afterward achieved (especially Gym Leaders).

      Also, what's the big deal about Ghost-type not working against Psychic-type? My Parasect's Spore and Leech Life (Bug) killed Sabrina's Alakazam with no issue.

    • 6 months ago
      Chud Anon

      > GB with external light source

      Pre-backlit handhelds were awful to use in any sort of sunlight

    • 6 months ago

      I still have those KFC plushies at my parents' house, though I think Zubat ended up as a dog toy

  23. 6 months ago

    Some of the games are good but hot damn I hate what this franchise has become!

  24. 6 months ago

    i still remember when it first came out. my mom bought it for me on our first trip ever to best buy. it was such a big and lively store. they were playing britney spears music. i wish i was a middle schooler again.

  25. 6 months ago

    Actually played it at the right age to play that (8/10 years old) it was my introduction to rpg and it was fun, extremely long and complex for a gb game at the time so it hitted above it weight by a lot.

    didnt finished it to be honest, i dont know why, should check the cartrige if i find it

  26. 6 months ago

    being a kid during gen1 was the best of times
    how in the hell did gamefreak stumble upon this magic
    the mystery, the adventure, the animu, the not realizing how bonked the game's mechanics were
    (also, fapping to misty)

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Game's mechanics were intentionally "unbalanced" to make you feel powerful once you figured out which Pokemon you needed to become so. Can't defend Gay Freak about any other of their choices, though.

    • 6 months ago

      >being a kid during gen1 was the best of times
      Absolutely. Bought a GBC(lime green of course) just for pokemon and I had hardly any other games.
      >how in the hell did gamefreak stumble upon this magic
      Perfect storm really
      >the mystery, the adventure, the animu, the not realizing how bonked the game's mechanics were
      ^^^this is really what made gen1 shine. Everyone had an unique team of pokemon without really knowing who was bad/good Stat wise or not. Made for really fun battles.
      >(also, fapping to misty)
      Any early teen boy in that era that didn't is a liar also I'm guilty of doing it as an adult ;^)

    • 6 months ago

      >(also, fapping to misty)
      One of the big schoolyard rumors was that getting all the Pokemon impressed Misty so much that she takes you to that conspicuous strip of grass north of Celedon (before Mewtwo cave) and lets you frick her.
      Many Game Boys were busted when we found out it was a gay diploma like we were in school...

  27. 6 months ago

    Pokemon was cool for about 2 years in the 90s and subsequently became massively gay. The only two guys I know that continued playing Pokemon into their 20s and 30s all have asperger's and are possibly gay.

  28. 6 months ago

    The gameboy games paired with the stadium games are peak.
    It is wild.

  29. 6 months ago


  30. 6 months ago

    >The original series
    It's still running some how.

  31. 6 months ago

    Never had tried pokemon before since it's a long series. Tried the first one as a teen, didn't like the concept, and ditched the entire pokemon series. I'm the type that has to play everything in chrono order for any game. If not, then it's dictched.

  32. 6 months ago

    Gen 1 and Gen 2 are the only good pokemon games ever made. The rest are trash, gamefreak are trash and people who still play pokemon are homosexuals.

  33. 6 months ago

    It’s an FF6 reskin. Props to Nintendo for dogfooding their own games to realize that they could leverage the FF gameplay for another IP. Modern-day execs don’t play video games and would thus never be able to pull something like this off.

    • 6 months ago

      >It’s an FF6 reskin.
      No loser, it's a Slapstick clone.

    • 6 months ago

      >It’s an FF6 reskin.
      No loser, it's a Slapstick clone.

      this is laughable. Pokemon was mostly inspired by Dragon Quest, the creator has said has much. Add to it the modern urban setting from Mother and the Kaiju capsules from Ultraman

      Hell half of gen 1's pokémon ape dragon quest's monsters

  34. 6 months ago

    >gen 1
    its just stupid good
    its hard to imagine a gameboy game can be so addicting
    like the campaign is fine, but the collecting aspect and type differences with moves and versus other players makes having max level teams not the end of enjoyment

  35. 6 months ago

    >muh small kids
    The go to excuse whenever TPC, Gamefreak and Nintendo are criticized for something despite the fact that the vast majority of people who are buying merchandise and playing the games to this day are adults.

    You can never have a slightly negative opinion of ANYTHING in the games, you must say they are 100% flawless, otherwise some autistic Nintendo dicksucker will come out of the woods to tell you that Pokemon is aimed solely at small children and thus the poor quality and blatant money-grabbing is pardoned.

  36. 6 months ago

    I think gen 1 pokemon is pretty fun with all the exploitable glitches, but they don't have anything to offer that can't you get get from other games or their remakes if you're just playing them normally.

    Anyway, Bonsly, Mime Jr, Weavile, and Lucario are all my favorite /vr/ compliant retro pokemon.

  37. 6 months ago

    How did they make such a cool mon

    • 6 months ago

      Blue version's exclusives were always cooler to me
      The frick did Red get?
      >Ekans, wow its snake backwards so cool
      Scyther and Electabuzz are the only good ones and maybe Oddish

      • 6 months ago

        I had Blue, but I wish I could have swapped one of them for Growlithe.

      • 6 months ago

        Never disagreed harder. Sandslash is cool and I don't mind Ninetails, but Arcanine, Electabuzz, Scyther, and Primeape are way cooler than their Blue counterparts.

      • 6 months ago

        I played Red as a kid, but I agree that Blue has slightly cooler exclusives overall. My brother had Blue and Sandslash was his main Pokemon. Thankfully I had him to trade with.

        The two versions are pretty even. Red was good for Growlithe and Scyther, but I also really wanted Meowth, Vulpix, and Sandshrew from Blue. The others I didn't care about so much, though I did like Oddish and Mankey.

        For me, purely on how much I like them and not gameplay value:
        Growlithe = Vulpix
        Meowth > Mankey
        Oddish = Bellsprout
        Sandshrew > Ekans
        Scyther > Pinsir
        Electabuzz > Magmar

    • 6 months ago

      I love them, they're obviously "kiddy jrpg" but they do that well, so no harm no foul.

      Out of the three actual retro gens (the only ones I've played) I still think Gen 1 is the best, and it's only partly due to nostalgia. I can see arguments for Gen 3, but I think the original charm is gone there. I don't see how Gen 2 is better in any way other than presentation.

      Bug types are cool because bugs are cool, it's a shame they suck in the early games. One of the things alone that makes me want to play newer games some day is that apparently Bug, Poison, and Dark all get better which are my favorite types.

    • 6 months ago


  38. 6 months ago

    Why did the idea of reviving dinosaur pokemon never properly come back?

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Technically speaking the first gen to introduce fossil pokemon that were actually dinosaurs was gen 4

    • 6 months ago

      The SOUL all ran out

    • 6 months ago

      Well you could always get into this:
      (it's not quite "retro" though)

  39. 6 months ago

    I like gen 2-5 a lot, sue me
    ive won the newer games in raffles but tbh the magic is gone. maybe since im older, and also paying for wifi services with Nintendo online blows and ruins my enjoyment for the series

  40. 6 months ago

    Only fun Pokemon game, I never enjoyed the sequels.

  41. 6 months ago

    I didn't play any Pokemons until 4-5 years ago. I'm halfway through the pre-Switch series now and here are my thoughts so far.
    >Gen 1: Very good. I think the only really "dated" thing is box management. I think if you played the later games first it probably wouldn't be as fun, but as my first Pokemon game I LOVED it.
    >Gen 2: This was the best gen. I had the most fun here and even completed the national dex. The only downside was the roaming legendaries being an absolute b***h to catch.
    >Gen 3: The main games aren't that great but get better post-game. The Gen 1 remakes aren't as good as the originals, mainly due to different random battle rates on the same size maps. They basically plopped Kanto into the Gen 3 engine without making any adjustments on either end, and overall just doesn't feel as balanced.
    >Gen 4: The main games are way too sloooowww. It's an exercise in patience. The Gold/Silver remakes were much better but still not as fun as the originals, although they were a little better balanced/adapted than the Gen 1 remakes.
    I'll probably continue with Gen 5 at some point, but Gen 4 was such a slog it put me off for now. Every now and then I'm tempted to replay Gen 2. I have zero interest in playing any of the games past the point where they started downsizing the dex, but I'd like to eventually complete the dex up to the last 3DS game since it had them all.

    • 6 months ago

      I tried Gen 4 recently and I was shocked how slow it was, I guess I didn't notice at the time. The BDSP remakes sped things up substantially.

      • 6 months ago

        HGSS interrupts you and railroads you nonstop compared to GSC. Really baffling.

        • 6 months ago

          >HGSS interrupts you and railroads you nonstop compared to GSC. Really baffling.
          I was playing HeartGold for the first time in 2021 and having a great time until I got stuck in some town because some homosexual blocks the east exist and talks about some candy or whatever.

          I had no idea what to do, I wandered around, backtracked, caught a few local mon, he wouldn't let me through, I decided to "take a break" from the game out of frustration and never touched it again.

          • 6 months ago

            >I had no idea what to do
            did you talk to ANYONE else in the town
            like the guy in front of the fricking gym?

            this game is for toddlers anon

            • 6 months ago

              >did you talk to ANYONE else in the town
              I did but I don't remember seeing that dialogue

              I swar man, I tried everything, I wandered around and I found no clue on what I was supposed to do. I just became so frustrated and angry at that homosexual blocking the exit that I quit even if I was enjoying the game.

              • 6 months ago

                Imagine getting filtered by a game made for actual toddlers

              • 6 months ago

                >being mad over someone quitting a pokemon game
                lol. lmao, even.

              • 6 months ago

                >Imagine getting filtered by the meaning of a word as simpel as "mad"

              • 6 months ago

                >imagine not being able to spell the word simple

              • 6 months ago

                I accept your concession

        • 6 months ago

          It's why I think Crystal Clear is so good. Zero hand-holding, free to play the game at whatever order you want.

          • 6 months ago

            Didn't they shoveled in a bunch of Black folk for no reason in the recent updates? I remember something like that happening.

            • 6 months ago

              not just that, but trannis as well. it was annoying but you can ignore most of it.

              • 6 months ago

                Honestly the ugly ass overworld sprites is the worst part. I could deal with black npcs but they've got garish lime green and magenta outlines. It clashes with the entire aesthetic of the fricking game.

            • 6 months ago

              Honestly the ugly ass overworld sprites is the worst part. I could deal with black NPCs but they've got garish lime green and magenta outlines. It clashes with the entire aesthetic of the fricking game.

              Don't know don't really care. I liked customizing my own trainer didn't care much for the other overworld sprites.

            • 6 months ago

              someone said its super easy to edit the sprites back to normal with rom hacking software. someone should be based and released a no Black folk crystal clear rom

          • 6 months ago

            wienerslayer and gang feel cringe but otherwise crystal clear is peak johto

    • 6 months ago

      Just wondering but which versions exactly did you play? Emerald/Platinum are a bigger improvement upon their predecessors than most people realize. Besides the additional content the singleplayer in each was significantly rebalanced, Plat has like 60ish more wild pokemon you can encounter and both games have significantly stronger trainers/bosses.

      Hope you enjoy gen 5, I think it’s the most polished gen in the series.

      • 6 months ago

        I played in this order:
        >Blue, Red (completed the dex)
        >Gold, Silver (completed the dex)
        >Sapphire, Ruby, LeafGreen, FireRed (came close but gave up on dex completion)
        >Diamond, HeartGold, SoulSilver
        I'm saving all of the "final" games of each gen for another play through.

        • 6 months ago

          Just to add to this, Gen 3 is an absolute nightmare to complete the national dex since you can't trade up from Gen 1/2 and have to get the missing Pokemons from the GC games and other weird shit. And the GC games are dog shit so it's not even worth it.

        • 6 months ago

          I’m surprised you don’t get burnt out playing basically the same game twice in a row like that.

          HGSS interrupts you and railroads you nonstop compared to GSC. Really baffling.

          Constantly is an exaggeration. It is a shame they did it at all though.

          • 6 months ago

            >I’m surprised you don’t get burnt out playing basically the same game twice in a row like that.
            I always just bred an OP team to start the second game with. It kept at least half of the game fresh, and the other half fun in a power trip kind of way.

  42. 6 months ago

    you can catch up to 124 pokemon by yourself on a single save
    then you can use the trainer-fly glitch to get the rest of them, pretty fun stuff
    game can get unbearably slow at times though, and lacks some polish from the later generations (particularly the inventory snd box system) but its not hard to see why it captivated so many people back then

  43. 6 months ago

    Thread's over folks a /vp/ schizo is here

  44. 6 months ago

    It's cool. It reminds me of Pokemon.

  45. 6 months ago

    RBY is the peak of Pokemon. GSC would have been, but everything after the E4 is too easy.
    RBY have the best ROMHacks.

  46. 6 months ago

    It's a game I played a lot back then yet wouldn't ever touch now.

  47. 6 months ago

    I like it but I never liked how early game mons have terrible stats

    • 6 months ago

      the point is to get you to later seek out better alternatives and experiment with your team instead of setting up everything from the start and sticking to it.

      • 6 months ago

        But I like Bug pokes.

        • 6 months ago

          I like them too. They are often the best looking ones. I still love the spider ones in G/S.

  48. 6 months ago

    Sugimori should have chased his dreams instead of saving this ugly trainwreck for Ishihara, Game Freak, and Nintendo

  49. 6 months ago

    you need to be an autistic neckbeard with not life or a kid to truly enjoy Pokemon games

    • 6 months ago

      Pokemon was like the ultimate fantasy for kids who were into animals, and in my experience, it's only kids who were into animals who grow up to be good people. As an adult, it's still appealing if you grew up with it as a kid.

      this is laughable. Pokemon was mostly inspired by Dragon Quest, the creator has said has much. Add to it the modern urban setting from Mother and the Kaiju capsules from Ultraman

      Hell half of gen 1's pokémon ape dragon quest's monsters

      Honestly this entire subtopic is laughable. All retro JRPGs resemble one another a little bit, you could call any single one a rip off of another.

  50. 6 months ago

    at the end of the day more than the games what really attracted people was the world and the idea of being part of it, that's why pokemon snap, a 3 hour game, is so fondly remembered, because it was the first glimpse into the pokemon and their habitats in 3d

  51. 6 months ago

    As someone that grew up in Pokemania I do have a very soft spot for the first two generations. Toys, encyclopedia sticker books, Pokemon branded cereal and other shit. I couldn't give less of a real shit about current Pokemon these days though.

  52. 6 months ago

    It's neat, although I prefer FR/LG to R/B/Y. On a side note, I want to try and find a physical copy of either gold, silver or crystal so I can at least have one game from each gen physically.

    • 6 months ago

      Hasn't aged well. The gba remakes are better.

      Nah, they're full of shit forced tutorials and censorship.

      • 6 months ago

        oh no!!!!

      • 6 months ago

        soul vs soulless

        • 6 months ago

          well she did imply she'd steal the soul

      • 6 months ago

        >only wants soul
        >wants dick and soul
        Bottom is better.

      • 6 months ago

        >bottom wants to be bottomed

  53. 6 months ago

    I liked it a lot as a kid and stuck around until Gen 5. Absolutely hated Gen 5 and haven't really gone back to it(Ive kept an eye on it though and it looks like the worst shit ever now)until recently replayed Gen 1 and got absolutely hooked and have played it like 40 times in the last couple months. Genuinely a stone cold classic game. Using breeding and the time machine in Gen 2 Ive been importing random level 5 guys Ive never used and playing the game with those instead of the starter and whats available in the early game and it keeps the game fresh every time. The games pacing is immaculate, doesn't waste your time with mountains of text and a story that isn't good like the later games do, and you can do the 8 gyms in just about any order you want to especially if you import someone that already knows an HM. I also really like the sprites from the first game as well, unironically, they have so much more personality and are posed in cool ways unlike the later games where they just sit there in a default position.

    I also like Gen 2 but upon closer inspection somethings just off about it and doesn't scratch the same itch. I actually really enjoyed the Super Gold 97 romhack that restores and makes the Spaceworld beta version fully playable. I don't usually enjoy romhacks because they tend to get a little full of themselves and add or change things the original devs never would have done or go to far in some other direction but this one felt extremely genuine. It feels like the true sequel to Gen 1 so if anyone likes it as much as I do definitely check it out.

    • 6 months ago

      >stuck around until Gen 5
      maybe, just maybe that's because you were already a grown ass adult by the time it came out.

      you're so wrong about the diaper fetish, it's a different fetish

      >you're so wrong about the diaper fetish

      • 6 months ago

        I was only like 15 but I guess? I actually just hated the creature designs, the obnoxious story that stops you frequently to dump 300 slow text boxes on you, the completely brain dead difficulty and boring world design. If they continued to be actually good games Im sure I would have stuck around.

    • 6 months ago

      How did you give the only (legitimate) Lickitung in the game a nickname?

      • 6 months ago

        Did you not read the post? It was bred in gen2 and traded backwards.

  54. 6 months ago

    Just finished Pokemon Red and completed the pokedex. It was pretty cool using the Mew Glitch to capture the pokemon unavailable for my game.

    Spent most of the time playing on my analogue pocket was peak comfy. Gonna finish yellow next and then move on to Gen2

  55. 6 months ago

    Am I the only person who is too autistic to play yellow? Everytime I play yellow I have to run Pikachu, Kadabra, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, with room for one more, and I just feel an autistic compulsion to run all three starters, which feels like it diminishes the feeling of actually running into and catching pokemon. It's like yellow stacks the deck and I just can't not use the starters like when I play red or blue and don't have access to them

    • 6 months ago

      Use eleven Pokemon. Keep Pikachu with you and swap out the other five when you're at a PC.

    • 6 months ago

      I'm not one of those autists that feels compelled to use gift pokemon and starters, but I don't like Yellow anyway just because most of the changes are for the worse and the on-model sprites are more boring. Red and Blue are just the better Gen 1 experience.

    • 6 months ago

      >I just feel an autistic compulsion to run all three starters
      You're not the only one but I don't mind it.

    • 6 months ago

      >Am I the only person who is too autistic to play yellow?
      I am but only because I know it's supposed to be Ash, it makes me feel like a Gary Stu trainer. Same reason I just kill legendaries and don't catch or use them.

  56. 6 months ago

    I'm surprised at how few people actually care about "competitive Pokemon"

    Gen I competitive is my 2nd favorite

    • 6 months ago

      We'll have nights every once in a while with friends where we hop on Showdown and do random battles. Gen 1 is easily our favorite. It's a nice mix of strategy and complete bullshit. There's nothing more hilarious than a clutch 100% accurate move fricking missing anyway with the stupid blurb that says "IN GEN 1 100% ACCURATE MOVES HAVE A 1/256 CHANCE TO MISS." Though I think it'd be cool if they added a Stadium randoms or something to fix shit like Focus Energy.

      Even Gen 2 seems to turn into stalling bullshit with Rest and Sleep Talk on everyone. Abilities in Gen 3 are cool but I'm getting too old to remember and care about all that shit.

    • 6 months ago

      Gen 1 randbats is a fricking great time, I think playing OU in gen 1 sucks though. An OU battle can last a fricking hour. Unfortunately OU is the tier people do tournaments and stuff for, sometimes UU will get some focus but I dont enjoy the wrap meta in that tier at all.

      We'll have nights every once in a while with friends where we hop on Showdown and do random battles. Gen 1 is easily our favorite. It's a nice mix of strategy and complete bullshit. There's nothing more hilarious than a clutch 100% accurate move fricking missing anyway with the stupid blurb that says "IN GEN 1 100% ACCURATE MOVES HAVE A 1/256 CHANCE TO MISS." Though I think it'd be cool if they added a Stadium randoms or something to fix shit like Focus Energy.

      Even Gen 2 seems to turn into stalling bullshit with Rest and Sleep Talk on everyone. Abilities in Gen 3 are cool but I'm getting too old to remember and care about all that shit.

      I forget what the errors are, but stadium itself has some weird bug or quirk for every other issue it fixes. In practice you’re changing one set of weird jank for another, and you’d be splitting the playerbase which isn’t huge for gen 1 anyway.

      Still, it would be nice to have proper focus energy and unbanned fly.

      >Abilities in Gen 3 are cool but I'm getting too old to remember and care about all that shit.
      Completely understand this sentiment. Gen 3 seems like it might be the most fun but yeah it gets to the point where it’s more to remember than I care to. Kind of wish gen 1 had abilities to help out some of the shitter mons. They are a nice mechanic to help each mon feel unique, and a cool way to incorporate a creature’s lore into their gameplay.

  57. 6 months ago

    My opinion is probably filtered through pure nostalgia because I was a kid at the height of the original 90s pokemon craze, but it is still to this day the only JRPG franchise I truly enjoy.

    (The original FF and FFIX, which is a deliberate throwback, are also pretty comfy. But I can't think of any other JRPG I actually like besides those.)

    They're not incredible games in their own right if you step back and look at it objectively, but the mechanics are perfectly serviceable for their purpose, and the real point is to collect, and then win, with YOUR team of YOUR favourite guys. Most JRPGs are just barely interactive storybooks, but this one puts your choices right at the core of the gameplay.

    These days I play them when I am sick or depressed and just want to feel cozy as frick wrapped up in bed training up my Kedabra, Charizard and Nidoking.

  58. 6 months ago

    Where did they brainstorm the idea for mewtwo? You could argue that the gen 1 games could've been completed without team rocket, it would've taken a lot of plot content out but the game would still be complete. I find that kind of bizarre but the games have a very simple yet working plot for a jayrpg that you could argue is far more memorable then any jrpg ignoring the nostalgia/mania around the games. I think team rocket wouldn't really be a thing without mewtwo.

    • 6 months ago

      Team Rocket has no connection to Mewtwo in the games. That was only in the movie. On the other hand the games do heavily imply that Fuji was involved.

      • 6 months ago

        read between the lines, not everything needs to be spoon fed

        >the team rocket plot is about them taking over sylph co to access the Master Ball, you know that one ball that captures any pokemon regardless of its strength even a pokemon that escaped for being too powerful
        >there's a report in sylph co that says the pokemon lab of cinnabar(founded by fuji) created the first virtual pokemon porygon
        >the only porygon in game is available on the game corner which is controlled by team rocket (the gen 1 pokemon encyclopedia written by satoshi tajiri even makes note of how strange it is that the rockets got ahold of porygon kind of alluding there's more to it)
        >there's a computer in the cinnabar pokemon lab saying how they wish to explore Cerulean Cave

        • 6 months ago

          That doesn't link to Mewtwo, that just ties into Team Rocket's goal of acquiring powerful Pokemon in general. Fuji was respected even outside of his Cinnabar work to boot.

    • 6 months ago

      Shit like cloning and genetic modification etc were huge scientific buzz topics and constantly in the news like pre-internet clickbait during the 90s. So I think Mewtwo was kind of an obvious riff on the whole theme of like, industrialisation, ecology, and how humans interact with nature that the games had.

    • 6 months ago

      Shit like cloning and genetic modification etc were huge scientific buzz topics and constantly in the news like pre-internet clickbait during the 90s. So I think Mewtwo was kind of an obvious riff on the whole theme of like, industrialisation, ecology, and how humans interact with nature that the games had.

      Yeah, in the 90s scifi was very big in Japanese media as well, so it just kind of makes sense that Pokemon in the early days had a more overall scifi tone cause it kind of fit in with most other things. You have to remember too that even though the US didn't get Pokemon until the late 90s, it was made in the mid 90s, and the whole futuristic/scifi thing was really big at that point. Genetic experiments and flirting with the idea of Pokemon being space aliens is a more distinctly 90s thing, when Legendaries started becoming basically just gods/demons with a more mystical approach and the canon ideas that Pokemon are just the natural worlds animals, they lost that kind of vibe

    • 6 months ago

      >Where did they brainstorm the idea for mewtwo?
      Since Pokemon and Mother shared the same artists, someone got the idea to adapt Giegue from Mother 1 as a Pokemon, and then its in-game origin was more or less taken from real-life news about genetic modification like

      Shit like cloning and genetic modification etc were huge scientific buzz topics and constantly in the news like pre-internet clickbait during the 90s. So I think Mewtwo was kind of an obvious riff on the whole theme of like, industrialisation, ecology, and how humans interact with nature that the games had.


      • 6 months ago

        >someone got the idea to adapt Giegue from Mother 1 as a Pokemon
        I’ve heard this shit many times but never did I see any actual proof to this statement.

    • 6 months ago

      Inspired by Dragon Ball? He looks kinda like Frieza.

  59. 6 months ago

    still get the urge to play gens 1 (and 2) sometimes. i used to always use the same damn teams as a kid but last time couple of times i've played i've tried to use mons i never used. anon once pointed out gen 1 is a pretty open game and i never really realized how open. so building different teams ain't so difficult. last run, i went to cinnabar early just so i could have aerodactyl as my fly user and it was sick, love gen 1. i wish some mons weren't so boned moveset-wise though. you get dudes like nidoking which can learn every TM under the sun but the game won't let aero have at least rock slide. game's easy enough for it to not really matter but it still bothers me.

  60. 6 months ago

    They got a lot right. The atmosphere, the core of the game, how it progresses, the designs, the lore that let your mind wonder, etc. Pokemon has rock solid bones. Even the notion of you and your opponents being completely on the same even field mechanics-wise, unless you are an items cheater, is such a novel idea that also easily projected to multiplayer. It's a shame that the games have barely evolved (heh) outside of some much needed mechanical tweaks and more words being thrown at you. Stuff like the gen 3 braille reading and exploratory puzzles in general are the kind of thing that should accompany the basic gameplay and setting but those got looser and less creative over time

    also they hate ice types for some reason

    • 6 months ago

      Ice has always been weird because of its relationship with water. It's like if along with flying type, they had bird type or wind type. Or if with fire type, there was also lava/magma type.

      • 6 months ago

        Or if there was also a ground type and a rock type.

      • 6 months ago

        I always thought it was bullshit that water resisted ice when if anything water types should have a higher chance to be frozen by ice attacks

        • 6 months ago

          Your concerns have been addressed.

        • 6 months ago

          Water is warmer than ice, and water has an especially high thermal capacity; therefore in reality, water inevitably melts ice. Ice doesn't freeze water.

          Think about it Anon. When you put ice cubes in your drink, what happens? It doesn't freeze your drink. The ice cubes melt into it.

  61. 6 months ago

    Have any hacks ever made pokemon slightly less braindead without being annoying by doing shit like making the gyms impossible without a specific build or grinding? I just want it bumped up to early 90s medium-hard jrpg level

    • 6 months ago

      Check out either Red++ Hard Mode (if you want some modern features like full colour, steel/dark/fairy, and extra Pokemon), PureRGB (for close to original vibes but rebalanced to make most Pokemon viable/fun to use), or Shin (probably the most purist option of the three). All great options to give you a little more challenge with some nice QoL features.

      • 6 months ago

        I hate that every rom hack has to port over every new type and feature from subsequent gens. I'm playing the fricking gen for a reason.

        Polished Crystal is especially guilty of this too. It went from trying to be Crystal 2.0 to what's essentially modern Pokemon on GBC.

        • 6 months ago

          PureRGB and Shin use just the original types. PureRGB fricks around with some of the typing though, like Fire/Ghost Ninetales and Flying/Fighting Fearow. I like the changes personally but there's an NPC in the game that lets you revert any of the new typing that you aren't into.

          I'm not opposed to freshening things up, I like having a different remix to try every time I feel like going through Kanto. I tried PureRGB most recently though and particularly enjoyed it.

  62. 6 months ago

    I was a big fan of Gen 2. Gold/Silver, Crystal, and Pokémon Stadium 2 were a lot of fun.

  63. 6 months ago

    I played geb 2 to 4

    Terrible games, but Crystal was soulful. Great soundtrack

  64. 6 months ago

    Early ones were great, but the post-3D era really feels a bit more hollow.

    I feel like the games being mainly 2D was a huge strength because a new pokemon only required like, 2-3 high detail sprites, and maybe a couple 16x16 overworld ones. Now that they have to make animated 3D models of everything the games themselves suffer from lack of development time.

    tl;dr, they need to either go back to 2D so that the modeling/animation budget isn't blown the frick out, or spend more time per game. But they won't do either because the quality hasn't been relevant to their obscene amounts of profits in years.

    • 6 months ago

      Aren't there not even random encounters or exploring in new Pokemon games, just like railroaded gameplay pretty much with designated Pokemon along the path you have to battle?

  65. 6 months ago

    People meme that the game's easy-tier (it is) but I always thought e4 was reasonably difficult. It always gets me stumped and I've to try different e4 runs to see what works.

    I don't get the meme of beating it with one mon either, seems a weird feat to achieve that's just me though since I never tried a run like that.

    • 6 months ago

      It's also funny because just brute forcing your way through the game with one pokemon is basically what myself and a lot of other moronic kids did at the time. The developers balanced everything around the fact you'd be constantly trying to balance EXP gain among your team (like a competent adult player instinctively does), but kids don't have the attention span for that, and just use their favourite pokemon. Modern streamers and youtubers etc make it sound like it's a "challenge run" of some sort, but it's not, it actually just entirely breaks the mechanics because all of your EXP going to one mon makes them massively over-levelled.

      Like when I was a kid I just had this hench motherfricker Nidoking who was like level 75 and would crush Lance's gay little Dragonairs underneath his swole bara furry ass cheeks. Great times.

    • 6 months ago

      for red/blue they can be somewhat challenging if you face them at the intended level (~44-45)
      but the game is not grindy at all so its very easy to gain levels and to make it easier

      • 6 months ago

        >if you face them at the intended level (~44-45)
        I think that explains it. I play normally and arrive at the intended levels. grinding is an option at that time. abusing options is ofc viable.
        I was always too autist to do a one mon run. if one mon got too high-level I'd reset the game on the spot and start over cuz they were not balanced kek.
        I still wonder if gen2 e4 is "harder". they open with a fricking xatu who sometimes kills half my party. I mean, they got quite a bunch of tricks like that is a one mon maybe more difficult than gen1?idk.

  66. 6 months ago

    grow up with the series (had Red on gameboy cooler, watched the tv show and bought some of the trading cards) and as much as i like to nostalgia over it, Gen 1 is really rough to go back to and is outright broken if you know how the system works. the charm came with being lost in this mystical world that still, looks very much as our own but is full of monsters you can captuare, battle with and trade with friends.

    i think the social aspect is what really made the game popular. back then, if you went to school EVRYONE was to some lesser extend into pokemon. if you had a link cable, you were considered the king of the school and everyone wanted to be your friend.

    its just a shame how the series has been stuck more or less being the same for god damn 20 year.

    • 6 months ago

      the entire franchise needs a complete rework at this point, its completely lost the plot since its jump to 3d. also pokemon designs are complete ass now, they all look like something cooked up by a schizophrenic in a fever dream. they would be better off if they just put the 251+whatever werent complete dog shit in as extras

  67. 6 months ago

    Hasn't aged well. The gba remakes are better.

  68. 6 months ago

    What counts as original? Red and Blue only? Or do we go all the way up to Crystal?

    Gen I is pretty meh but the potential was there. Gen II is the peak but there was a lot of potential that could've still been realized, and the dearth of some types like Ghost and Dragon in those early gens was baffling, they may as well have not had them at all.

    Unfortunately Gen III and beyond killed the potential and soul the first two gens had and Pokemon's devolution into the sterile unimaginative 3d slop it now is was inevitable in hindsight.

    I've been thinking about biting the bullet and learning vg design to build classic Gameboy clones. It's a huge untapped market in video games and honestly it seems like once you know how it'd be pretty easy to pump out Pokemon clones or Zelda clones, and the devs who do flirt with this are lazy shits so if you can actually deliver things like Mina The Hollower on time you could definitely corner the market.

  69. 6 months ago

    the games peaked at gen 3 with the series devolving to basically being the madden or call of duty of JRPGs after it.

    that said i think arceus and pokken were steps in the right direction for the series.

    • 6 months ago

      >the games peaked at gen 3
      /vr/oomers aren't gonna like this

      • 6 months ago

        in a vacuum without any nostalgia gen 1 & gen 2 are okay with gen 2 being the better of the two.

    • 6 months ago

      Dragon Quest has been far more samey than Pokémon for much longer. Pokémon games have changed enough for there to be heated genwars.

      • 6 months ago

        Well people in general do typucally want the same thing over and over but updated. I'd argue that DQ evolved with the technology around it while keeping the same spirit of the series, but pokemon stumbled. The most obvious example is that the more recent pokemon games run like complete shit and look awful. DQ runs great and looks fine even in 3d. Not to mention the gameplay itself which pokemon has basically streamlined a lot of the fun and adventure out of the game entirely while DQ at least gives you options to have a casual romp or an old school ball buster. Pokemon's foundation is really good though and it does just enough right that a lot of people are willing to overlook its flaws and lack of quality control

  70. 6 months ago

    Please stop avatargayging.

  71. 6 months ago

    The year is 20XX. People derive their entertainment from romhacks of decades-old games. Said romhacks have too many Black folk in them, so many modders take it upon themselves to mod the already modded game. Mods modding mods because of Black folk.

  72. 6 months ago

    If you had asked me, "can you make a pokemon thread on /vr/?" would said frick no that's getting deleted

    not opposed to it though

    the trick is to play romhacks of the classic games. there's lots of them out there.

    the OGs are fricking flawed. they were awesome for the time, but so much bullshit in them nowadays like the linearity, the limited TM usage, HMs being permanently tattoo'd on a Pokemon, legendaries not being catchable half the time, starters not being catchable, limited mons to to build a party with, list goes on

    • 6 months ago

      I would be way more into pokemon romhacks if they weren't all fricking autistic SUPER HARDMODE KAIZO NUZLOCKE bullshit. I enjoyed Ultra Violet, where it's basically just Fire Red/LeafGreen with a lot of QOL improvements/fixes etc. There needs to be one like that for every Pokemon generation, a "definitive edition" of sorts.

      I'm open to recommendation if you know of any for the other generations that aim to just improve the original experience in a similar way, and not just make it into a tedious grind.

      • 6 months ago

        >I would be way more into pokemon romhacks if they weren't all fricking autistic SUPER HARDMODE KAIZO NUZLOCKE bullshit
        Kaizo Mario is to blame for this moronation.

      • 6 months ago

        Pokemon Revelation for Emerald is one I will never hesitate to plug.
        >All 386 Pokemon available in ways that make sense
        >Certain QoL elements from later games (infinite-use TMs, HMs usable at all times, an easier way to catch Feebas) are adapted carefully so as to preserve the original Gen3 experience; major gameplay changes like the Physical/Special Split and the modern Exp. All system are reserved for optional toggles
        >Gratuitous and pointless changes from Ruby and Sapphire like the new Emerald clothes are reverted, though with options to switch
        >Steven is reinstated as Champion like in R/S, but Wallace replaces him in the post-game and Steven moves to Meteor Falls, essentially giving both of them their fair share of spotlight
        Now if there could just be a similar hack for Platinum...

        • 6 months ago

          is this JUST R/S/E or does it also include FR/LG as well?

          • 6 months ago

            Just R/S/E. The same guy made a separate hack for FR/LG, Pokemon Throwback, but it's more outdated compared to Revelation and doesn't have as many extras. Still good to play, though.
            >Has all Kanto and Johto Pokemon available in-game
            >Friendship evolutions not locked behind post-game anymore
            >Censorship reverted (Gamblers get to be called Gamblers again)
            >Redesigns the player characters and rival to better resemble their Gen1 selves
            >Has the infinite TMs and also limitless Move Tutors (HMs still have to be learned by a Pokemon to use)

            • 6 months ago

              >Censorship reverted (Gamblers get to be called Gamblers again)
              was it gen 3 or gen 4 where gamblers were switched to detectives? because i thought the later was cooler.

        • 6 months ago

          Thanks for the recommendation Anon, I will check it out next time I feel the pokeyman urge.

  73. 6 months ago

    >me finding red gyarados as a kid

    • 6 months ago

      I had this very game boy when I played Pokemon silver.

    • 6 months ago

      >playing a gbc game with a gb filter

      • 6 months ago

        G/S are not gbc exclusives though

        • 6 months ago

          Not exclusive but very much meant to be played in color. GB support was basically throwing a bone to people who didn't have a GBC.

          You plop the game into Stadium 2 and it'll be color.

      • 6 months ago

        Crystal is a GBC game

  74. 6 months ago

    if there's a game like that*

  75. 6 months ago

    Honestly, gen 1&2 romhacks are peak Pokémon nowadays. I got so much more enjoyment out of the Pokémon Coral Demo (I want the full game already but I guess you can't rush kino) then I do the actual new fricking mainline games. Ultra Moon made me want to blow my brains out. The fricking NPCs stop you every five steps because God forbid any kid playing actually has to figure anything out and doesn't get their hand held the entire time.

  76. 6 months ago

    I just started Green two days ago. Never played the actual Gen 1 originals, just Yellow which is a remix of them. It's nice to experience the first gen how it was by kids in the 90s.

    I got a Beedrill thinking it would be cool to have a poison bug but I caught it as a Kakuna with just Harden so it never learned poison so now I have a poisonless bee. Which is still pretty cool because it makes him unique. Even for as basic as the game is you can have the animals be different, like some have the poison, some don't. It's like genetics. Pretty cool how such a simple game ends up feeling so advanced.

    I've been curious, how does emulating Gold/Silver work? Because the battery keeps track of real world time, what happens when you shut down the emulator?

    • 6 months ago

      Pretty sure most emulators probably just use the system clock.

      • 6 months ago

        They do, and they do it in real time too. If you're in the bug catching contest and you change your system time it will literally end your time

    • 6 months ago

      >Because the battery keeps track of real world time, what happens when you shut down the emulator?
      Because the battery keeps track of the save data, what happens when you shut down the emulator?

    • 6 months ago

      Speaking of emus, how do you get trade specific pokes these days? Like trading a Scyther to get Scizor.

      Back in the day I had no friends that played pokemon and iirc I bought a game link cable, Gold, and Crystal then traded to myself using the OG Game Boy and a GBA to get my Scizor. It cost a lot of money just to get one poke but he was one of my favorites.

      • 6 months ago

        Most emulators have a netplay function that will allow you to play with someone online. There are also romhacks that just make trade evos into normal level up evos and put all version exclusives into the same game, so you can finish the dex singleplayer.

  77. 6 months ago

    Soul: the games

  78. 6 months ago

    Pokemon is cool because of the comfyness of walking around the countryside, going from town to town, without a care in the world and 99% of everyone is nice to you. It's a fun pretend adventure.

    Pokemon is not cool because the vast majority of pokemon suck. They are actually the worst part of their own franchise. They're either dumb looking or are completely useless. I would even say, given the totality of having 1025 pokemon right now that exist, maybe 5% are cool. The rest belong in the garbage.

  79. 6 months ago

    people call it babbys first jrpg, and for sure yea its pretty ez
    but one thing i think it did way better than most of its jrpg contemporaries is its non-linearity and replayability. once you get out of rock tunnel its basically wide-open, and with a large variety of mons you can really make the game as tough or as easy as you want
    it plays into its strengths well enough that most people are willing to look past its weaknesses

  80. 6 months ago

    BTFO by Monster Rancher

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