Thrones of Britannia

I'm playing this and I expected garbage but it's suprisingly good and comfy.
I like the recruitment system since you don't have to tediously micromanage your military buildings. Wars are chaotic with provinces changing hands constantly because of no garrisons so you can really frick up larger kingdoms by just razing their farms and starving their army. Sieges are beautiful to look at and battles are kino.
I'm playing as irish and really feels like I'm leading a guerilla war against the vikings since your infantry can't stand toe to toe with their shieldwalls, so you constantly move through forests and marshes, harassing them with skirmishers before you move to deal the killing blow.
I know nothing about the period so I'm pleasantly surprised with all the historical detail.

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  1. 11 months ago

    The game is not bad, they just relased a less scoped Attila years after the original. It's not a good direction in my opinion, instead to work on a new big total war, they just cut and paste the same things as minigames.

  2. 11 months ago

    >You know I hated this game because everyone told me to but now that I actually play it it’s pretty good!

    • 11 months ago

      yes you managed to read the OP well done

  3. 11 months ago

    Theres some dumb bugs, but I enjoyed it as well.

    My favorite was maxing body guard size as Strat Clut my kings retinue was so large it couldn't come in the battlefield as reinforcements since some of the unit would always be off the map. it was twice the size of a normal cavalry unit. was fun.

    I really liked the fiefs mechanics where you can gift estates to generals. I can imagine a version of this that ties recruitment to the fiefs that a lord owns sort of a mix of 3 kingdoms and thrones. for example you give a general a fief in wales and you can then recruit longbowmen. sort of a mix on the regional recruitment aspect of older games.

  4. 11 months ago

    This game only got panned because it looks like an Attila reskin and was released right after Attila. Hopefully it’s not the last gasp of old Total War.

    • 11 months ago

      >Hopefully it’s not the last gasp of old Total War
      What is 3K
      What is Troy
      What is Pharaoh

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          He's right you know

        • 11 months ago

          He's right you know

          3K would have been great if CA didn't throw a hissy fit over the Chinese not liking their game and cut support after A World Betrayed. It isn't shit.

      • 11 months ago

        Good Game
        Fun Game
        Hopeful Game

  5. 11 months ago

    maybe you're a homosexual
    Rome I could be improved and wienerAss decided to frick the series over with homosexualry, suprisingly marketable as everyone has found out but Total war is a tactics game first rather than GSG, Total war Atilla 2.5 Britannia is the best sieges in the series but lacks flavor, is based on ooga booga briton tactics and has shit UI

  6. 11 months ago

    I've noticed that in newer total wars, the early game feels very claustrophobic in comparison to Shogun 2 and those preceding it, I don't remember much of my time in 3K but I recall a feeling of never having enough cash for the necessary troops to reliably expand, in R2TW it was much the same where getting up to 5 settlements as the Britons or Scythians was an utter chore of shifting armies about where I could neither expand tall because growth was throttled or wide because my armies didn't have the mass needed to safely take a settlement after breaking an army the turn before.
    This is as compared to Medieval 2 where I could take a stack and slowly but consistently roll onto new territories with the addition of mercenaries and breaks to consolidate.
    Even if the battles are usually fun, having to tighten your belt into going 100% trash archer cav like my Scythian conquest of the Bosporus over 2 dozen turns iirc is nothing but a chore.

    Tldr I suppose, hows the early economy in this one?

  7. 11 months ago

    I pondered buying the game today, but I decided against it after watching some gameplay footage and seeing shit such as horses charging into a mass of soldiers and literally bumping backwards after impact.

    • 11 months ago

      horses in ToB don't charge into shieldwalls. It's a feature

      • 11 months ago

        Sounds like bullshit, but to clarify what I am referring to is a horse physically bumping into a human from full gallop and being repelled as if a horse can just come to a full stop and then walk backwards. LOL

        • 11 months ago

          >all units with shields now have the Charge Reflect attribute, which means that if they’re stationary and braced when charged by cavalry, the horses will refuse the charge. You’ll see them rear up before slowly advancing into close-quarters combat, negating any bonuses from impact. Of course, this means you’ll have to be very choosy about where to point your cavalry – either at unshielded targets, or maneuvering them into positions where they can play hammer to your shield-wall’s anvil.

          • 11 months ago

            Wow, that's pretty cool, I didn't think CA gave the game any actual thought. Looks like I will be buying the game after all, but I am still disgusted by the backwards jumping horse which you can see here at 1:48.


            • 11 months ago

              Nevertheless, in a perfect world a horse charge would always go like this unless the actual effect of the charge happened in the targeted unit with a certain amount of soldiers routing or the unit losing cohesion making it more plausible for horses to charge inside the unit. As it is now they still get stuck in a mass of people from full gallop, but at least they tried a little bit in this game.

  8. 11 months ago

    I will never buy this gay shit because it should have just been an Attila DLC. It reuses so much from Attila that you literally can copy files from it and run them in Attila, which is what people are literally doing to port the engine improvement from Thrones back to Attila.

    • 11 months ago

      So basically making the British factions not be generic barbarians?

  9. 11 months ago

    I just don't understand how CA can still make decent historical games like this, but it's not a full TW release, it's some small thing they sold for like $30 when it was new

    • 11 months ago

      Because it's a different dev team making it. The Sophia team actually has some talent.

  10. 11 months ago

    I've enjoyed ToB really much actually, my main issue is the price and the fact that it's sold as a full product despite being a bastard child of Attila and Warhammer.
    More factions or ANY kind of expansion on that and I'd be happy.

    • 11 months ago

      Full product? This title was the debut of the "Saga" line, it was the first stand-alone TW to *not* be marketed as a full product.

      • 11 months ago

        this doesn't matter.
        it's not enough to be sold as a separate product when there's almost no difference between this and Attila. Attila even got an early medieval DLC coveing almost the same period on a more global scale.

  11. 11 months ago

    I love the battles in ToB but the campaign side of things does my head in.
    does anyone know of a reliable guide?

  12. 11 months ago


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