Tiberius wars thread

Command and conquer3: tiberium wars thread

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Fricking post something then frick sake.

  2. 1 year ago

    decent cnc but mid sequel tbh

    • 1 year ago

      Great RTS game tbh, like its polished af and still holds up. Sound design is particularly nice.

  3. 1 year ago

    Stuff I don't like:
    >No tiberian flora and fauna except visceroids, makes tiberium effected zones feel empty.
    >No blossom trees to propagate tiberium spores, tiberium doesn't feel very threatening sitting around a hole waiting to be harvested.
    >No ion storms.
    >GDI ditching their mechs for basic stuff even though the basic stuff would be more practical it doesn't seem right coming from Tiberian Sun and seeing GDI using them. Kane's Wrath does explain this with the Steel Talons but I'm not sure how well it fits.
    >GDI infantry appearance composite armor upgrade kinda fixes this with the riflemen and the missile soldiers but grenadiers still seem off to me. Just feels like they should be wearing gear similar to what they had during Tiberian Sun right out of the barracks and that goes for the GDI snipers too regardless if it was a Tiberian Incursion design.
    >GDI being blue and orange.
    >Nod ditching their subterranean vehicles and banshees, open wienerpit redesign of Nod recon bikes and attack buggies, scorpion tanks nonsensical design, the Ezekiel's Wheel stealth tank having three tracks now which kills the symbolism regarding it's design and name.
    >Nod infantry appearance the appearance of militants, rocket soldiers, and their cut designs seems more befitting of Nod civilian rebels fighting in GDI occupied yellow zones then members of the main Brotherhood army. The insectoid design of the confessor and black hand helmets are another Tiberian Incursion design element as well as the confessor's conical helmets. The Nod saboteur just kinda sucks when compared to the more sinister looking concept art.
    >Nod stealth generators I appreciate that their smaller now but not being able to stealth themselves kind defeats their intended purpose.

    • 1 year ago

      >Nod fanatics this was another thing brought from the conceptual designs of Tiberian Incursion, my feelings about are pretty much the same as with the militants and rocket soldiers.
      >Nod avatar war mech probably makes sense to that the Brotherhood of Nod would want something to go toe to toe with GDI's heavy vehicles but it does seem rather unsubtle and goes against Nod's military doctrine. Pretty stupid how you need to sacrifice your own units to upgrade it.
      >Anton Slavik not leading the Brotherhood of Nod. Kane's Wrath does explain this with Marcion being behind the assassination and Kane being understandably displeased with the death of his successor.
      >Mutant Marauders I just don't know how I feel about them, the Forgotten weren't major players but I feel like the marauders feel like a poor representation of what the mutants are supposed to be. Might've been based on another piece of Tiberian Incursion concept art.
      >No buildable walls or gates but there isn't too much reason for them considering tiberium doesn't spread like in the first two games and there's no significant tiberium lifeforms to worry about. Maybe would've been great to prevent enemies rushing into the base.
      >Infantry squads and APCs. Why do engineers take up all the space in an APC that can transport entire squads?
      >Surveyors, emissaries, and explorers not being able to redeploy like the MCVs.

      Stuff I like:
      >Those tiberium plateaus in the red zones are pretty rad.
      >GDI zone troopers are alright.
      >GDI/Nod cranes and the Scrin foundry are pretty useful.
      That's all I can think of off the top of my head, don't have too much to say about the Scrin, any opinion about the mods for Tiberium Wars?

      • 1 year ago

        >any opinion about the mods for Tiberium Wars?
        Tiberium Essence fixes those problems and works in campaign too! However please only down Tiberium Essence 1.6 Beta and it's patch because it's most stable version. Tiberium Essence 2.0 Alpha mission scripts are bugged currently.

        • 1 year ago

          TE v2a is fun. A but buggy, yeah, but 3x witches in a bloater is very fun, a broken kind of fun.

      • 1 year ago

        >Infantry squads and APCs. Why do engineers take up all the space in an APC that can transport entire squads?
        Im afraid you might be autistic

        • 1 year ago

          >Im afraid you might be autistic
          But I think it's just that I don't like the squad system that much, I'm more used to the single infantryman units in previous C&Cs.
          Fine for other games though.

        • 1 year ago

          He is very far from being the only one. 8 Militants take as much space as 1 Saboteur? Yeah nah.

      • 1 year ago


        Most are pretty much the same, porting the mastodon from cnc4 and some other vehicles. Crossfire is outstanding in that field though. Makes late game battles absolute madness most of the time. You really have to see it

      • 1 year ago

        Fun thing to note, the GDI apcs in the second Nod mission of wars could originally carry multiple units before the patch. They were coded like the old APCs and could carry multiple squads.

        • 1 year ago

          Y'know, probably a leftover from Incursion. IIRC, there's a couple of images from Incursion's development that look like that map.

          • 1 year ago

            You can tell that map and the first GDI map were some of the earliest designed missions in the game.

            Really you can tell which missions they rushed and which missions they took their time on, like it's pretty clear with how unbalanced some of them are and the excuse plot of others some of the latter Nod missions were thrown together at the last second.

            The GDI Berne mission and the last few Red Zone missions for Nod were clear "Here's a skirmish map, make up a reason for GDINod to be here"

            Really that's what I hated about the Red Zones, the Blue Zones and Yellow zones felt like locations, even the destroyed cities felt like real locations, the Red Zones felt like arena maps with puzzle layouts.

            • 1 year ago

              What is with Command and Conquer games and being hilariously rushed? Pic related, this is perhaps THE MOST rushed game of the franchise(followed by Renegade.)

              • 1 year ago

                Holy shit that image flashed me back 20 years. That was in a magazine, yea? I recall seeing this in pc gamer or something similar.

              • 1 year ago

                That's the inside panel of the big box release of Generals.
                Notice how GLA is STILL depicted as red here, and the old scorpion tank exists. LMAO.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                Oh BTW for future reference mobygames almost always higher quality scans of the boxes.

              • 1 year ago

                Remember when they rushed Renegade and still had so many schedule slips Westwood had Havoc personally come to their office and kick their ass?

                They should have adopted the Valve "When it's done" mantra.

                Renegade could have been better if the last few missions had less filler feel.

                Actually every C&C game except maybe Red Alert 2 was rushed

              • 1 year ago

                >They should have adopted the Valve "When it's done" mantra.
                Westwood or EA?
                >Renegade could have been better if the last few missions had less filler feel.
                Think a lot Renegade could've been better, I honestly don't understand all the changes they made like Nod soldiers running around in red uniforms or Raveshaw being turned into mini-Himmler while his more Noddish design was given to Mendoza who conceptually looked more like the Columbian merc he's supposed to be. I don't know what to say about changing the commando from Logan Sheppard to Nick "Havoc" Parker, despite my gripes with Renegade I can't really imagine it without Parker although this animated trailer does show off what Sheppard's Renegade might've been like:

                Guess it would've been weird playing Mark's son.
                Stuff like the flame tanks having turrets, flamethrowers not being back mounted, absent Nod recon bikes, and Nod buggies not being DPV/FAVs is probably just changes for gameplay.
                I do welcome the change they made to GDI grenadiers, grenade launchers are a welcome over GDI's decades long fixation on hand thrown explosives.
                >Scrin will show up and we'll jack a Tower to frick off into space.
                You know this part of the plan has started to feel off to me for some reason, initially it was because it seemed ascension was a personal goal Kane had whereas the goal he had in mind for the Brotherhood was to help them achieve divination and he achieved both those goals at the end of Tiberian Sun's Nod campaign but after taking a CABAL induced nap now ascension's for everyone. I haven't played the Nod campaign for Tiberium Wars or Kane's Wrath yet so maybe I'm missing some information that'll help fill in the blanks, I know that in C&C4 that's how everything ends with Kane and the Brotherhood of Nod ascending and taking all the tiberium with them I think.

              • 1 year ago

                C&C3's Nod campaign is mostly just factional infighting. Even when the Scrin show up they're not really a focus. Kane does want to capture one of the towers, which is the last Nod mission.

              • 1 year ago

                That mission is so fricking unfair. Having to run half-way across the map at the very beginning because GDI is spamming super juggernaugts.

              • 1 year ago

                >They should have adopted the Valve "When it's done" mantra.
                They did. Tiberian Sun was in development for 3 years before EA walked up to Westwood, slapped them in the face, and went Sierra Online on their asses over it.
                Turns out, publishers don't like losing money on forever projects such as Half Life and Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun. Who knew?
                >Actually every C&C game except maybe Red Alert 2 was rushed
                No, only the first two games weren't rushed, plus maybe the two spinoff games that existed.
                Red Alert 2 was so damn rushed that it actually used an older version of the TS engine and was made in under a year. You can see all sorts of things, from the intro cinematic still having unused units to the various CGI cinematics either having very obvious mistakes or outright using older versions of assets without going back to update them.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh, while I'm at it, Renegade's development was a shit show.
                >spend most of your time developing a metal gear solid like game
                >the idea is that it'd play like a commando playthrough of MGS3
                >get 6 months out from shipping the game
                >new request from EA actual comes in
                >they want a game that replicates the success of Medal of Honor: Frontline, another EA title
                >have to completely rework the game in a short period of time, causing all sorts of delays and failures

              • 1 year ago

                Way too much of Renegade gave a feeling like they didn't know what kind of FPS game they wanted so they stuck a bit of everything in and everything came out poorly.

                The first three missions on their own were okay, the amount of extra details they stuck in Rescue and Retribution, the side paths, alternate and optional objectives, hell the little times you can listen in to nod soldiers b***hing to each other, that was a nice touch. And Armored Assault wasn't so bad other than the length of the mission and it's linearity.

                The Volcano mission started off okay but was a letdown. The ship mission had a good MGS like commando feel and really felt like MGS2 Tanker but with Havoc even if the stealth aspects were much to be desired.

                The game got messier the longer it went on though. That whole Village mission was an excuse plot that ultimately amounted to nothing because Havoc went on alone. The Mansion could have been a great MGS like mission meets the Mansion infiltration of Frontline but ultimately outside of taking out the alarms stealth meant nothing because the only gun with any silencing was the sniper rifle.

                Then going through the village again as an excuse plot, like GDI couldn't send a single Orca to take out the Obelisk?

                Then the whole Tech Center infiltration mission that starts off okay but eventually turns into Half-life in the next mission, And then Mobius thinks he's Gordon Freeman from Freeman's mind and leeroy Jenkins into everything.

                Dismantling the Nod Base all by yourself was beyond the scope of realism at that point and you should have had GDI allies in that mission instead of a single Mammoth that just sits around the entrance.

                And the Temple mission was too much of a "Quick Save every 5 seconds" because the first 20 seconds of the level will kill you 15 times.

              • 1 year ago

                >Dismantling the Nod Base all by yourself was beyond the scope of realism at that point
                What about that one mission in actual C&C where you basically use a commando to do just that?
                But yeah, I get it.
                >Because the only gun with any silencing was the sniper rifle
                Actually, it's not. The pistol also happens to have the silence flag. I thought the pistol was the ONLY weapon with the silence flag...

              • 1 year ago

                The Pistol doesn't count because it's just the token starter back up weapon, though it is pretty useful if you can use it for headshots. And you're kind of right, the sniper rifle can be heard if it's fired next to a Nod unit but against distant enemies it'll actually catch Nod units off guard when it's used.

                Another funny thing about the sniper rifle that people forget is that it comes with a built in directional mic, and there's several locations in the game where you can use the sniper rifle to listen in on Nod units. Mostly in early game. There's even a tactical reason because there's lines of dialogue that will expand the plot if you use it right. It can also be used to locate Nod officers because if you take out a bunch of units you can listen in for the officers calling for reinforcements.

                There's one funny scene in the second mission where you can listen in on a Nod Engineer and Infantry man complaining to each other about the civilians Nod kidnapped.

                The funny part is that if you shoot the engineer mid sentence the Nod soldier will actually get pissed at you for killing him.

                There's even a few points where the plot expands like in the same mission there's a group of Noddies complaining about the mission only for their CO to chew them out because he doesn't want to get in trouble with the Black Hand.

              • 1 year ago

                >The Pistol doesn't count because it's just the token starter back up weapon
                Dude I just checked, it's literally the ONLY weapon that's stealthed in the entire game. There's just noise propagation in this game, which is why C4 can distract nod forces if they're unaware of you.
                >The directional mic
                Yeah that was cool. It wasn't conveyed enough in my opinion for it to really latch on, but I liked it.

                On a side note, it's funny you mention the mansion, ship, and volcano missions.
                The mansion and the ship missions are actually missions that received minimal, or outright NO changes between the sudden shift from what they were developing to what Renegade became. I believe it was the ship that received absolutely no changes, which explains why it plays so differently and has so many nooks and crannies. Hell, it seems like they didn't even change the opening cutscene, because that cutscene features Havoc in a completely out of character stealthy moment that would've fit the former protagonist Logan way more.
                The volcano is also interesting because I don't think it was originally intended as a mission. It's used a lot in promotional material, but almost NEVER with anything related to the actual plot of where it's positioned. Either it got reshuffled, or it was always meant as a scenic view to show some shit off. I'm pretty sure what happened was that they had effectively ran out of time to make a new map, so they instead repurposed the volcano map into a proper campaign level.

              • 1 year ago

                Thanks for confirming.

                Yes, my theory is that, like you said, the sniperrifle having a directional Mic was a hold over from when the game was supposed to be a MGS3 like game, likely taking the idea from the directional Mic in Snake Eater. Considering the Commando's canon weapon is the sniperrifle it made sense to put it on the weapon he was supposed to use most often. If part of the goal was to sneak by concentration of Nod units and pick off isolated guards to advance through the level then sticking it on the sniperrifle makes it key, HavocLogan could simply listen ahead and find the Nod soldier alone that's a hole in the line.

                I can believe it about the ship mission especially the entire level feels like a different game, more like MGS2 than Frontline.

                I can clearly see the EA frontline meddling now that you pointed it out, the entire village sequence felt like something out of Frontline.

                The mansion mission being untouched I could see EA simply glossing over it because Frontline had a mansion infiltration Mission.

                As for the Volcano Island, that was clearly a filler mission from the beginning and it's completely unrelated to the plot anyway, the only purpose the island serves is as a way for Havoc to get from the Nod plane to the ship.

                Really I'm thinking that with the game redesign Westwood had a problem in that there was no place to stick the ship mission in the plot because storyline wise you could simply skip from the mountain to the village. But Westwood had worked so hard on the ship they had to find some excuse to use it, so they took the Volcano shell map, slapped a mission on it and used it to push the plot so Havoc could get on the ship.

                Which I'm glad they did because the ship mission is one of the better ones in the game.

              • 1 year ago

                >The volcano is also interesting because I don't think it was originally intended as a mission. It's used a lot in promotional material, but almost NEVER with anything related to the actual plot of where it's positioned.
                I'd believe that. If you think about how the map's set up, there are pretty much only two main points of action on the entire map
                >the lagoon where Nod calls a hundred reinforcements with a couple of officers just standing around
                >the Nod base where you play lock & key with a bunch of prebuilt structures that all appear elsewhere in the game
                Aesthetically it's my favourite mission in the game so I'm happy they decided to use it but it's pretty apparent how it wasn't really designed as a level. Maybe they made it as a tech demo originally, since it's got pretty much every environmental element on display.

              • 1 year ago

                There were a few nice things on the on the way, the old WW2 bomber which I remember had a gun in the concept art. Or that mine shaft full of tiberium which if you took would let you skip one whole corner of the map and take you out behind the giant Iowa class battleship turret Nod somehow got ahold of to make shore defense gun.

                It was nice that the game would reward you for taking side paths and alternate paths if you were willing to take the risk.

              • 1 year ago

                >There were a few nice things on the on the way, the old WW2 bomber which I remember had a gun in the concept art.
                iirc there was some gameplay footage with an older build of Renegade or Commando where Logan actually got on the gun and fired it on some Nod troops, might've saw it in an old German preview on YouTube.

              • 1 year ago

                Ah never mind, I don't think it was gameplay footage just pic related.

              • 1 year ago

                It's a bit surprising to hear that, but then again it is an EA game. Renegade's one of my favourite FPSs of all time even with its jank. It's cheesy, has tons of weapons and gives you lots of things to use them on. That's really all I ask. The now-dead multiplayer was god tier as well. The impression I got back in the day was that it was made by primarily RTS devs attempting an FPS with things they like thrown in. I never would have guessed that it was a result of hastily cobbling together a game out of another project.

              • 1 year ago

                The Multiplayer was great. I loved it, loved Renegade X too before I lost interest in it.

              • 1 year ago

                I meant to say Red Alert 1 but it is true Westwood was trying to push way too much into Sun.

                That dynamic lighting system that was supposed to affect accuracy, was really something that ultimately wouldn't have made the game that much more fun to play and likely would have just annoyed the players.

                I know I would have hated having to put light posts up all over my base so my units don't miss.

              • 1 year ago

                That's the inside panel of the big box release of Generals.
                Notice how GLA is STILL depicted as red here, and the old scorpion tank exists. LMAO.

                The Tiberian Sun box had the Mammoth tanks fighting in the snow old art on the back of them.

                Westwood was bad about putting their concept art on the box.

              • 1 year ago


                Dear god, NEITHER of those in-game screenshots actually depict what we eventually got. Who the frick made this box, the same guys who put Volkov on the Red Alert 2 box?
                (I never had TS in box, I only ever had pirated disks.)

      • 1 year ago

        >Those tiberium plateaus in the red zones are pretty rad.
        They aren't plateaus, they are huge spikes of tiberium coming from the ground, just cut off at the base like that visually so they don't get in the way of the game

        • 1 year ago

          I mean it's entirely possible they also plateaud for whatever reason. They look cool, whatever the case is.

      • 1 year ago

        >any opinion about the mods for Tiberium Wars?
        I love Mideast Crisis 2. One of my favourite RTS mods all round, alongside the DoW Witch Hunter mod.

        • 1 year ago
          • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago

          It's alright, I think I prefer the original MidEast mod or rather its revival as A Global Crisis but otherwise I like it and recall playing it along with the *Fallout mod and The Forgotten mod.
          * Not related to Interplay's Fallout.

          You're expecting California dev teams to know anything about gun calibers. These are the same guys that called the basic soldier in TD a "minigunner", think the M61 Vulcan is chambered in 50mm and made gatling guns a unique technology.

          >These are the same guys that called the basic soldier in TD a "minigunner"
          To be fair Westwood would still have been considered a Nevada dev team at that time.

          • 1 year ago

            >A Global Crisis
            Is it good ? I haven't played much Generals, let alone the mods. I liked MEC2 approach to near future mideast warfare. Felt a bit like Metal Gear Solid.

            • 1 year ago

              It's alright, I think I prefer the original MidEast mod or rather its revival as A Global Crisis but otherwise I like it and recall playing it along with the *Fallout mod and The Forgotten mod.
              * Not related to Interplay's Fallout.
              >These are the same guys that called the basic soldier in TD a "minigunner"
              To be fair Westwood would still have been considered a Nevada dev team at that time.

              Also how different it is from MEC2

              • 1 year ago

                Don't know, might try and get Generals and Tiberium Wars reinstalled so I can replay the mods now that you've brought up the MEC mods.

                >To be fair Westwood would still have been considered a Nevada dev team at that time.

                That's even worse. How do you mess up those details in a state that's gun crazy?

                Heck if I know, Westwood was originally stationed in Las Vegas if that has any bearing to it.

            • 1 year ago

              I haven't played it in a long time but it adds the original MidEast factions to Zero Hour, Israel and Syria, and gives the original factions some new units like the USA getting an MRLS and replacing models for existing ones like the GLA scorpion tank becomes an old soviet tank and some infantry look a little better than they did in vanilla.
              I don't know if the mod was properly finished, looks like it was last active in 2009, but I remember enjoying it when I played it.

          • 1 year ago

            >To be fair Westwood would still have been considered a Nevada dev team at that time.

            That's even worse. How do you mess up those details in a state that's gun crazy?

        • 1 year ago

          Shame that standard maps pretty much don't work with it, and that computer-controlled players suck massive balls even in maps built for the mod. Also that it is unfinished and will forever remain so because the devs wanted money.

    • 1 year ago

      I like the split between Nod Guerrillas and Nod professionals. I think it is a better approach than Tiberium-powered Cobra of early titles. Still, it is true that Tiberium armor is much more pleasing aesthetically, and I welcomed its reintroduction in Kane's Wrath. Maybe an upgrade to professional Nod regulars could have been included.

      I disliked how Nod gave up cyborgs in Tiberium Wars, even if it is justified in-universe. I welcomed its reintroduction in Kane's Wrath.

      Also frick the Scorpion Tank design. It has always looked more like a wienerroach and the glass wienerpit is moronic idea for a tank.

      • 1 year ago

        >I like the split between Nod Guerrillas and Nod professionals.
        I agree and I do think we saw something akin to Nod guerrillas in Tiberian Dawn's campaign during the Mao Civil War, albeit they were just civilians with pistols. I vaguely remember one mission in Tiberian Sun's Nod campaign where a civilian leads us to a small settlement and some rocket soldiers leave a building and joins our forces.
        >I think it is a better approach than Tiberium-powered Cobra of early titles.
        Way I figure it if Nod's holding half the world's tiberium holdings they probably wouldn't skimp too much on the gear they'd be giving their professional soldiers. As far as it goes for their appearance in Tiberian Dawn's cutscenes the only difference between Nod and GDI soldiers was that one wore urban camo and the other wore chocolate-chip camo.

    • 1 year ago

      >Nod fanatics this was another thing brought from the conceptual designs of Tiberian Incursion, my feelings about are pretty much the same as with the militants and rocket soldiers.
      >Nod avatar war mech probably makes sense to that the Brotherhood of Nod would want something to go toe to toe with GDI's heavy vehicles but it does seem rather unsubtle and goes against Nod's military doctrine. Pretty stupid how you need to sacrifice your own units to upgrade it.
      >Anton Slavik not leading the Brotherhood of Nod. Kane's Wrath does explain this with Marcion being behind the assassination and Kane being understandably displeased with the death of his successor.
      >Mutant Marauders I just don't know how I feel about them, the Forgotten weren't major players but I feel like the marauders feel like a poor representation of what the mutants are supposed to be. Might've been based on another piece of Tiberian Incursion concept art.
      >No buildable walls or gates but there isn't too much reason for them considering tiberium doesn't spread like in the first two games and there's no significant tiberium lifeforms to worry about. Maybe would've been great to prevent enemies rushing into the base.
      >Infantry squads and APCs. Why do engineers take up all the space in an APC that can transport entire squads?
      >Surveyors, emissaries, and explorers not being able to redeploy like the MCVs.

      Stuff I like:
      >Those tiberium plateaus in the red zones are pretty rad.
      >GDI zone troopers are alright.
      >GDI/Nod cranes and the Scrin foundry are pretty useful.
      That's all I can think of off the top of my head, don't have too much to say about the Scrin, any opinion about the mods for Tiberium Wars?

      TW really shit the bed in terms of unit aesthetics for the human factions. I agree that the only genuinely good addition to their respective arsenals are Zone Troopers, which feel like a logical evolution of Wolverines and GDI's use of railgun tech during TS. They nearly fell victim to moronic unit design though, see pic related (the commando was not so lucky.)

      Great RTS game tbh, like its polished af and still holds up. Sound design is particularly nice.

      The sound design is fine, but getting rid of the Disruptor's firing effect for sonic weapons is unforgivable.

      • 1 year ago

        >They nearly fell victim to moronic unit design though, see pic related (the commando was not so lucky.)
        I actually think GDI's commando is fine, the early concepts didn't look "sealed up" but the final design they chose looked alright to me, I think the Nod commando is where I think they messed up especially considering she doesn't benefit from the tiberium infusion upgrade.
        It was smart of them to enclose the zone trooper suits but I do like to think that they're still wearing those helmets inside.
        >TW really shit the bed in terms of unit aesthetics for the human factions.
        One thing I forgot to mention about Nod infantry design was how the saboteur, confessor, and the black hand have the Nod logo emblazoned on their chest which just makes me think about a joke that was made in C&C Legos:
        >Nod Commando 1: Did you really say we look cool in these uniforms?
        >Nod Commando 2: Yeah! I think they're awesome!
        >Nod Commando 1: We're suppose to be covert, how is this covert? These are huge obvious logos on our chest.

        • 1 year ago

          >I actually think GDI's commando is fine
          For whatever reason I thought he had an open helmet, was probably thinking of some of the concept art. Looking at the unit again I think he looks passable, maybe a bit too similar to the generic rifleman but nowhere near the game's worst offender in terms of appearance.
          Looking like the world's biggest edgelord is the least of that guy's problems.
          >Give unit elaborate hazmat suit
          >Still make him vulnerable to Tiberium
          Seriously, what the frick were they thinking?

          • 1 year ago

            >Looking like the world's biggest edgelord is the least of that guy's problems.
            >>Give unit elaborate hazmat suit
            make him vulnerable to Tiberium
            Compared to the concept art I posted before he doesn't nearly look that cool/edgy. I'm a little more concerned about his cybernetic arm and what purpose it serves.

            • 1 year ago

              Probably smashing through metal panels and close quarters combat inside buildings.

    • 1 year ago

      Nod civilian rebels fighting in GDI occupied yellow zone Are the main nod army

      • 1 year ago

        GDI are the main NOD army

        • 1 year ago

          GDI is NOD

    • 1 year ago

      I’ve only seen a viceroid once in my entire time playing the game. What’s going on with that? To you get them often? And I don’t recall and tib lifeforms from the other games either

      • 1 year ago

        >I’ve only seen a viceroid once in my entire time playing the game. What’s going on with that?
        Iirc if infantry dies in tiberium fields they transform into viceroids. But its never mentioned anywhere and the viceroids are absent in all campaign missions so its probably just a skirmish gimmick/something cut out of the full game

        • 1 year ago

          Scrin corrupters could spawn them when attacking infantry but for some reason this doesn't happen in Kane's Wrath.

          • 1 year ago

            I want to slap that ass.

    • 1 year ago

      The GDI uniforms in Wars was only supposed to be for the Blue Zone, in the Yellow and Red Zones they were supposed to have a different appearance. Same with the Nod soldiers.

      The Kane's Wraith Nod soldiers was what the Yellow and Red Zone Nod soldiers were supposed to look like but they cut corners.

  4. 1 year ago

    C&C3 pales in comparison to 1 and 2, but I still enjoy it, especially with mods that add back in the Mammoth Mk. II.

  5. 1 year ago

    predator and scorpion designs are both great

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        i don't think you understand how that thing works. that's ok, but please don't talk back.

        • 1 year ago

          >Quad treads
          >The rear two barely touch the ground, completely negating their purpose
          >Offset main gun for no fricking reason
          I could go on, but you're probably baiting so I won't.

          • 1 year ago

            Surprised you didn't mention the exposed tracks.
            Funny that in the concept art for it when it was being referred to as the "bull' tank it had wheels instead of tracks.

            • 1 year ago

              Paint it black and red and it looks more like a Renegade Nod design

    • 1 year ago

      Scorpion could have been better, the hull still being able to rotate after the laser upgrade is kinda dumb.

  6. 1 year ago

    An Act of War tech system would have been kino
    >Starting with shitty Nod militia to finish with actual Nod Sodier and Black Hand Sniper

  7. 1 year ago

    How the frick has this COMPLETELY nonsensical design not been brought up yet?
    >Exposed cabin
    >Driver sits in a prone position
    >Not even a seatbelt
    >The gun can depress enough that it can kill the driver if they hit a bump
    What the actual frick????

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe, but it's super cheap to make. Life itself is cheap for NOD.
      Which really begs the question, where the frick does GDI get all of its recruits? Do they conscript kids out of the blue zones?

    • 1 year ago

      >hur duur. HE MIGHT DIE IN THE WAR..!!
      NOD don't care, GDI pussy.

    • 1 year ago

      >hur duur. HE MIGHT DIE IN THE WAR..!!
      NOD don't care, GDI pussy.

      That sayed.
      >have to hold up entire body while arching back up and craneing head back as far as possible.

    • 1 year ago

      I like the overall aggressive shape, but it is true that the way you drive this thing makes no sense. It's like a motorbike. You could justify the exposed cabin for weight savings, though and it is not uncommon for buggies.

    • 1 year ago

      Imagine the ear rape when that thing shoots. I don't trust Nod to have good noise-cancelling headsets.

    • 1 year ago

      I mentioned it in the fourth reply to the thread, it's especially unusual considering during the second war the attack buggies and recon bikes had closed wienerpits. I assume they were just trying to ape the DPV/FAV attack buggies and the original recon bikes that Nod used in the first war.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh frick so you did. I only looked for "buggy" and "raider", not "buggies".

        I like the overall aggressive shape, but it is true that the way you drive this thing makes no sense. It's like a motorbike. You could justify the exposed cabin for weight savings, though and it is not uncommon for buggies.

        Okay, but previous generation buggies all had canopies. Even the first at least had a top to it.

        Maybe, but it's super cheap to make. Life itself is cheap for NOD.
        Which really begs the question, where the frick does GDI get all of its recruits? Do they conscript kids out of the blue zones?

        >Life itself is cheap for NOD.
        I know that it is, but this goes against the tradition of buggy designs. Could they not have at least placed him in a seat or some shit to let him strap himself down?
        Also, it doesn't matter how cheap it is, you're basically losing the vehicle any time that fricking happens, not to mention the loss of a potential skilled veteran to a fricking PEBBLE in the path.
        >Do they conscript kids out of the blue zones?
        I mean they're given pretty ample protection, and there's just a biiiit more at stake than an economic zone, so they probably have some patriotic recruits right out of that.

        >hur duur. HE MIGHT DIE IN THE WAR..!!
        NOD don't care, GDI pussy.

        This is why Nod lost all 3 wars.

        • 1 year ago

          >This is why Nod lost all 3 wars.

          • 1 year ago

            I'm sorry that your tiberium missile failed to work, and that Sarajevo was ion cannoned, and that Sarajevo was ion cannoned AGAIN.
            Threshold 19 is the ONLY victory that Nod managed to secure in the base games.

            If only we had a game which explored the continuation of Nod's indestructible Scrin-based fortress...

            • 1 year ago

              Not that anon, but I've chose to believe there's a hidden Biblical reference when concerning Nod's canon defeats at the hands of GDI:
              >Genesis 4:15
              >And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
              Despite losing their prophet and the first war the Brotherhood of Nod managed to become one of the reigning superpowers of the new tiberian world in the 2030s onward despite being internally divided by figures like Hassan, Vega, and later the members of the inner circle that CABAL killed.

              • 1 year ago

                That's actually a pretty damn good theory.
                I know nothing of the bible so outside of "Cain is Kane... some-fricking-how" and GDI more or less acting as the beast, I know basically nothing about how that ties into C&C lore.

              • 1 year ago

                >"Cain is Kane... some-fricking-how"
                end of Tiberian Dawn's GDI campaign. Kane is Cain

        • 1 year ago

          >but this goes against the tradition of buggy designs
          Like TW cared about tradition, ever? Look at Obelisks, MBTs, infantry, aircraft, stealth tanks, pretty much anything.

          • 1 year ago

            >stealth tanks
            This one's particularly bad considering the stealth tank's nickname referenced the four wheels Ezekiel saw and they changed it to a trike tank with tracks. Albeit pic related was an early render for Tiberian Sun's stealth tank with eight wheels, Renegade did give the stealth tank tracks instead of wheels but as it's already been discussed that game's development was complicated to say the least.

            • 1 year ago

              On that note about Renegade, I do think Westwood had intentions of keeping it more faithful to Tiberian Dawn with some of the early designs like the Devil's Tongue for example while brining in some new designs like with the Nod infantry and replacing Nod's Bradley with the one in pic related.

            • 1 year ago

              >and they changed it to a trike tank with tracks
              I'm 99% certain that it was done to make it more visually distinct due to being a high-tier unit. Muh E-sports and all that.

        • 1 year ago

          The first one was open topped, as it was pic related.
          It was only in renegade that they enclosed the driver.

    • 1 year ago

      I prefer the better design.

      • 1 year ago

        I think it's too big and armoured for a buggy. It should be mostly glass panels. This thing is meant to be a recon vehicle, not a frontliner.

        • 1 year ago

          You could just stick a shitload of cameras on the thing though, especially in the future.

      • 1 year ago

        How is Tiberium Essence for singleplayer?

        • 1 year ago

          It's not bad. But fricking Nods stealth artillery will fricking make you want to have a nice day. Especially when playing the GDI Sarajevo mission. You have to constantly micromanage a QRF for them because they're stealthed and typically fire way inside the fog of war unless you have something like am Orca just chilling and spotting. It's honestly filtered me a few times, but other than that SP plays pretty well. I don't know about Nod campaign tho, I've only played GDI with the mod.

        • 1 year ago

          No matter which faction you're playing against will make you want to ragequit at first. Other anon has mentioned arties but they are way, way less of an issue than arties in TibSun. As anyone else vs. GDI you'll hate Titans + whatever is thrown as support for them so fricking much. And then the enemy will roll out mammoths and jugs and you'll go incandescent. And then you'll discover how bullshit Disruptors are in the mod. All the while as you're being pummelled by Orcas. In 1.6b there are no real great weaknesses or hugely overpowered units or unit combinations. No matter which side you are playing as or against.

  8. 1 year ago


  9. 1 year ago

    I’m still traumatized by the incident where I tried to play the campaign on hard with the patched version, good god

    • 1 year ago

      What's up with the patched version? Is it objectively worse campaign wise?

      • 1 year ago

        >campaign designed around 1.0 balance
        >devs make multiplayer-oriented adjustments
        >those also affect the campaign unintentionally
        >now your income rates are lower and some critical units are majorly nerfed
        It’s a frickton harder now than it was on release.

        • 1 year ago

          Wait a minute, is this why the GDI Alexandria mission is balls to the walls hard!? I just thought I was bad!

          • 1 year ago

            Was it the one where you get mammoth tanks? Incidentally, mammoths are one of the most nerfed units around, so missions where you are supposed to go all power fantasy with them become hard as balls because they suck now,

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah Alexandria is the mammoth tank mission.
              I played it on hard mode and even followed a guide, but I just looked at the guide and the guide was pre-patch.

        • 1 year ago

          This mod should fix the campaign:
          Apparently cranes couldn't construct defenses anymore too which really hurts what I said about them being pretty useful in the fifth reply.

          Wait a minute, is this why the GDI Alexandria mission is balls to the walls hard!? I just thought I was bad!

          When I played the GDI campaign it was with the Tiberium Essence mod and if my memory serves me right I only got as far as Alexandria.
          Although the mod author does state it's not impossible on normal difficulty, maybe a challenge for /vst/rategists?

          • 1 year ago

            Am I missing something here? I just played through it in Tib Essence and that mission was trivial on Hard. All you need is an Orca Rig, like 4 mammoths and a few snipers in APCs.

            • 1 year ago

              Well I play vanilla so I can't say much about Tib Essence.

              • 1 year ago

                It's not that much harder on vanilla save for the fact that you can't use an Orca Rig to set up a position as quickly and the unit pathing seems substantially worse. You just have to use a surveyor to set up a factory outside the base to help keep pressure on. Otherwise it's the same deal of Mammoths + APCs with snipers in them and a few squads of zone troopers as back up.

              • 1 year ago

                What fricking version are you playing, 1.0? That's not possible. With reduced income and mammoth nerfs, the mission is rendered nigh impossible because the whole gimmick of that level is destroyed.

              • 1 year ago

                First, you use rifleman sandbags since they're cheap and tough enough to let you forego normal base defenses and the AI doesn't use flamers to flush them out until you're battering down its door. You expand as quickly as you can to the northern field, before you even build the Tech center, and with two harvesters on each that should let you build up comfortably. Your attack force should be some mix of-
                -4~6 mammoths (any more and pathfinding becomes unmanageable)
                -4+ sniper APCs (Never give them attack orders as they'll try to close into gun range)
                -A gaggle of zone troopers (really only one or two squads more than what you start with should suffice. Upgrading their health is optional but a good idea). These guys are your backup to help cover a retreat or to split off from your mammoth/APC ball to hit objectives. Only use their jet to escape trouble as they all jump to the same area and will die to any AoE if jumping aggressively.

              • 1 year ago

                I've TRIED that in the past(throw in a couple of grenadier APCs,) but I guess I can try it again.

              • 1 year ago

                >Grenadier APCs
                That's a trap option in this mission that will cost you more than you gain. Your main obstacle is pathfinding in the city, and trying to maneuver the shorter range grenadiers into position will cause more traffic jams and you'll take more loses compared to Sniper APCs which will work as somewhat automated infantry deletion. They're also mostly redundant for clearing garrisons as the Mammoths with railguns can just smash any garrisoned structure before it does too much damage. Also useful to remember is that you can also stick missile squads into the rifleman sandbag garrisons.

              • 1 year ago

                >Mammoths with railguns can just smash any garrisoned structure before it does too much damage
                Okay, this is NOT my experience.
                I almost always lost 3 of my 4-8 mammoths due to garrisons. The railguns upgrade does not help this.

              • 1 year ago

                My game version's on 1.9 (wouldn't be able to play TE otherwise), but I also just didn't bother touching the southern portion of the map at all which, if memory serves, is where garrisons are more of a problem. A single grenadier squad (in an APC, preferably) can clear them out if you are that concerned. You don't need more than one and then you can have your other units force fire the cleared building when they can.

          • 1 year ago

            All n all, killing allies to strenghten oneself does fit Nod's theme for me

            • 1 year ago

              >All n all, killing allies to strenghten oneself does fit Nod's theme for me
              Not sure if that was intended for my reply, I'm guessing it's intended to be in reference to the Avatar pic.
              But I guess you do raise a good point considering the actions some members of the Brotherhood took against others in the name of self-interest but I'd say they'd all proved ultimately fruitless in the end:
              >Seth trying to indirectly murder us by sending us on difficult missions with inaccurate intelligence culminated in his death when he attempted to send us stateside to attack the Pentagon.
              >Hassan in a traitorous union with GDI attempted to publicly execute Slavik and keep the Brotherhood in a weakened state which only resulted in his own public execution.
              >Vega's decision not to follow orders to take the Scrin warship to Cairo and instead attempt to use it to settle an old score says enough about him and the reason for his fate.
              Now when Slavik displayed his power as leader of the Black Hand to Marzaq and the rest of the inner circle with the footage of his rivals being assassinated it's best to keep in mind this was accompanied by a call for the Brotherhood of Nod to remain united as Kane would've wanted and when CABAL is reactivated and suggests to him that Marzaq simply be removed Slavik responds:
              >No, not yet at any rate.
              Perhaps Slavik didn't want to unite the Brotherhood through bloody force or was he simply biding his time until Marzaq's ultimate downfall? Of course CABAL would make these questions null as the rest of the inner circle perished at his hands leaving Slavik as the sole survivor and leader of a united Brotherhood until later when Marcion turned to vain ambition and had him assassinated weakening the Brotherhood of Nod in the name of self-interest.

              As for the Avatar itself, I just think it's stupid that they'd seriously consider scrapping their own troops to upgrade it but think it could've worked better if you could steal tech from enemy units.

              • 1 year ago

                I find it interesting that the Player Character of the Nod Firestorm missions is the one who did all of the assassinations in that opening.

                I think ultimately Slavik realized that for all his arrogance Marzaq and the rest of the inner circle were good at their jobs and ran their factions of the brotherhood well, and if Slavik killed off Marzaq it would mean cleaning up the power vacuum, not to mention all the other members of the inner circle would fight one another in order to inherit his assets in Nod. Really the only way to have fully neutralized that issue would have been to do what CABAL did and simply off all of them at the same time.

                For all of his evil Slavik was always very pragmatic as a Nod Commander, both in Sun and Firestorm. If you see both campaigns he was the one who approached GDI in Firestorm because he knew the Brotherhood in the state it was lacked the resources to finish CABAL off for good.

                Ultimately that could be the plot reason why Slavik was killed off, he was too good at his job. Kane's Wraith wouldn't have had much of a prologue or a reason for Nod to rebuild itself.

            • 1 year ago

              You don't have to sacrifice your own vehicles, the avatar can also gut respective hostile nod units.

        • 1 year ago

          Really the one thing I do on the Alexandria mission is I put a sniper team in that plateau in front of my base.

          Half the time the Nod Recon Bikes get AI locked trying to detect them and just circle around the plateau like idiots while my dug in infantry pick them off.

        • 1 year ago

          And here I thought I was getting slow in my old day, fricking ea ruins everything doesn't it.

          • 1 year ago

            That’s the reason why I always PSA that in these threads, there’s always someone who doesn’t know that EA fricked the game up and then they end up wondering that what’s wrong.

  10. 1 year ago
  11. 1 year ago

    Is Kane's Wrath a standalone game or is it an expansion?

    • 1 year ago


  12. 1 year ago

    What's everyone's thoughts about the Scrin?

    • 1 year ago

      I adore their aesthetics but I don't like using or playing against them. Their big units are the best in the game but I feel really exposed until I get to that point because their ground army sucks and Storm Riders are a meme unit.

    • 1 year ago

      This image just makes me think that scrin should have had their infantry be singular larger entities that couldn't use garrisons but were also less vulnerable to the infantry hard counters. Also it's very weird that for the tiberium based alien life forms, they're just not the color of tiberium or otherwise have visual stuff like mutants that make them more clearly the tib aliens. The scrin as they are are ok but they fall short of what they should have been.

      • 1 year ago

        They're themed around blue tiberium, not the inferior green tiberium.

        • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        I don't have much to say about the Scrin because I haven't played them enough, I don't recall much info about them from Tiberian Incursion aside from this piece of concept art made.

    • 1 year ago

      A very good addition and shame they only appeared in TW. Well they were already hinted in TibSun but damn it's a shame they were not expanded on later. Yes, I think that apart of being a franchise killer by being plain bad, one of the other biggest mistakes of TT was the fact that they shafted the Scrin after TW and KW.
      And you thought the Forgotten had it bad. Well they still have it worse because the Scrin at least were made playable while the Forgotten were only limited to some units and in TW to literally a single one. And that's a shame because along with the Scrin they'd make for ideal playable alternatives to GDI and Nod.

      Four playable factions with their own techs and rosters. I can see the Forgotten utilizing salvaged tech from GDI and Nod from previous wars along with their own jury-rigged stuff and tamed Tiberian fauna. With all units being capable of regenerating in tiberium fields (organic only) and having their playstyle centered around it.

    • 1 year ago

      I like how they weren't all that more powerful than the humans and that after the initial shock of wtf aliens wore off you were kicking their ass.

    • 1 year ago

      I liked them in TW, but they were certainly underwhelming compared to how TS drummed them up.

      I adore their aesthetics but I don't like using or playing against them. Their big units are the best in the game but I feel really exposed until I get to that point because their ground army sucks and Storm Riders are a meme unit.

      >and Storm Riders are a meme unit.
      You are supposed to use them in Ion Storms. If you are good enough, even one carrier is enough for your ~8 basic aircraft that never ever need to return to their pads for rearming to blow up everything you want.

    • 1 year ago

      Sacry then uninspired

      • 1 year ago
  13. 1 year ago

    I struggle against brutal AI. Can some one spoon feed me a build que that alleviates some of the pain in dealing with one as well as general strats against them? I typically play GDI as well.

  14. 1 year ago

    Just reinstalled

    This game almost great on a thematic/atmospheric level

    Where CnC 1 rules is that the devs were inspired by the balkan/yugoslav wars in making a (then) modern war RTS. NOD is almost world conquering serbs led by a zealot Milošević

    TS is interesting for developing on that concept with post-apoc pulp cyberpunk themes that were popping in the late 90s

    But CnC 3 is just... whomp whomp, it doesnt feel necessarily inspired by anything let alone any era specific phenomena other than, i guess late 00s jerking off over environmental sustainability and post-9/11 terrorism (hence the GLA-like redesign of NOD). However, this shallowness and lack of a curious point of theming probably has alot to do with EA wanting to make a Starcraft Killer out of TWars. Its world languishes in the fixation on trying to make it be a lasting esports title

    • 1 year ago

      >Starcraft Killer out of TWars
      I just wanna point out they did this 3 different times, +1 for making a change after Starcraft came out.
      Generals was the earliest attempt, and it was very obvious the moment you saw the supply depots.
      TWars attempted to confront them with a mainline game, though the game was largely slow paced compared to its competitor, which meant they weren't really in the same bracket.
      RA3 then tried to perfect Starcraft 2 competitive in a weird way. Honestly a bit too fast paced for my taste, but not a terrible attempt.
      Red Alert 1 is honorary, it introduced a new speed slider after Starcraft came out so that it could compete with the faster gameplay.

      • 1 year ago

        I never beat Generals or red alert 3, just felt too much of a simulacra of CnC when it tried to appeal to the hokey parts of the series like B-film tier video cutscenes and Le Silly Meme characters while aiming to compete with Blizzard

        I feel the game series lost alot when it stopped being "this is a cool thing/world id like to see in computer games" and started being "we need to make this like other strategy games and throw in surface appeal for the fans of the series"... but its hard to really articulate that.

        But idk i guess the original devs/westwood were long gone at that point

        also im also a gay who prefers solo/campaign play over multiplayer play so that's influencing my take here lmao

        IDK, id love a World in Conflict spin on CnC, even something like a Natural Selection-like commander and individual unit play like someone plays the game like its RTS and commands the other players like they're units in a sort of CnC Renegade way

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah I get it. A lot of games are like that.
          Honestly, if I could, I would make an RTS game. It's not that I don't have the skill, it's just that I can't come up with anything new. Story wise, maybe, but mechanic wise? All of it would be immediately derivative with no attempts to differentiate my mechanics or come up with something new.

        • 1 year ago

          >But idk i guess the original devs/westwood were long gone at that point
          I do like the developers though. They made Battle for Middle Earth, which is my all time favorite RTS. I do think they were mishandled though, as if CnC 4 isn't a good indication of that.

  15. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      >lost to humans
      Largely because the Scrin sent a mining company there, not an army.
      Everything else fits though.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah. Scrin are a bunch of civilians with technicals.

    • 1 year ago

      One thing that never quite made sense to me. Isn't Nod basically advocating to BECOME the Forgotten? Nod sees Tiberium as the next step in human evolution; the Forgotten are already transformed by Tiberium and have learned to live with it. I don't really see why they're mutually hostile. Shouldn't Nod be supporting the Forgotten or at least actively trying to co-opt them into the cause? If the Forgotten were portrayed just as anarchists or those opposed to picking a side, that would be one thing, but their Tiberium-induced mutations seem to be presented as the most distinctive thing about them, not any ideology (or lack of it). If Nod isn't fighting for these people, who ARE they fighting for?

      • 1 year ago

        They're fighting for Kane.
        That's it. Anything else is just dumb window dressing. It's a cult of personality that LARPs about having a higher cause.

      • 1 year ago

        They are fighting for the Global South.

      • 1 year ago

        I understood that the Forsaken just randomly mutated and became capable of surviving Tiberium contact, but Nod wants to control that process. I would not be shocked if that also involved having control over the altered specimens, since that seems to be a big motivator behind the cyborgs. Nod hates the Forsaken, because they basically achieved their ultimate goal by random accident and are therefore outside the brotherhood's control.

        • 1 year ago

          >I understood that the Forsaken just randomly mutated and became capable of surviving Tiberium contact, but Nod wants to control that process.
          Yeah, i thought pretty much that too. Kind of like Bene Gesserit look at Freemen and abomunations. In fact, i am pretty sure that precisely they were the inspiration here, since rooting of CnC in Dune lore goes pretty much without saying.

          • 1 year ago

            wtf is the forsaken?
            your gay fanfiction faction?

            • 1 year ago

              Not that anon, but the Forsaken are basically the Forgotten in the mod Twisted Insurrection which followed the events of Tiberian Dawn's Nod campaign.
              I'm assuming anons are just using the names "Forgotten" and "Forsaken" when referring to the mutant shiners.

              • 1 year ago

                >I'm assuming anons are just using the names "Forgotten" and "Forsaken"
                *interchangeably when referring to the mutant shiners.

              • 1 year ago

                ok based, got anymore from which that came from?

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, dude.
                Henskelion's same guy working on that Dorf RTS that's been talked about.

              • 1 year ago

                Bonus Noddies.

      • 1 year ago

        >One thing that never quite made sense to me. Isn't Nod basically advocating to BECOME the Forgotten? Nod sees Tiberium as the next step in human evolution; the Forgotten are already transformed by Tiberium and have learned to live with it.
        No, because it would essentially be the equivalent of taking the place of someone like Carter from Tiberian Dawn who was afflicted with t-poisoning.
        >I don't really see why they're mutually hostile. Shouldn't Nod be supporting the Forgotten or at least actively trying to co-opt them into the cause?
        The Brotherhood isn't above co-opting the Forgotten into working against GDI, in the Nod campaign of Tiberian Sun Slavik carries out a false flag operation on the mutant colony that Tratos is hiding in which results in GDI losing their support and the mutants assisting Nod in the next mission until they discover the medical facility GDI is operating.
        >but their Tiberium-induced mutations seem to be presented as the most distinctive thing about them
        That distinction also shows the parasitic nature of tiberium where it's shown growing unnaturally out of the body compared to what this anon in another thread pointed out about Oxanna Kristos in-game unit:


        >Funny thing to note, the Ingame unit of Oxanna is actually coded like mutant, she's immune to tiberium and she heals in tiberium like a mutant but if you look at her in campaign, she's clearly perfectly human.
        >That is why she hated Mutants so much, they're a failed version of what she is.
        The difference between the Forgotten's mutation and Nod's divination is that one is a cancer slowing eating away at the human body whereas the other is a true synthesis of tiberium and human DNA making the encounter between Umagon and Kristos make more sense with this as context:
        >Umagon: There's no antidote to tiberium, divination is death.
        >Oxanna Kristos: For the weak.

        • 1 year ago

          >the Ingame unit of Oxanna is actually coded like mutant
          I always assumed that was a mistake because they rushed it. Like they copy-pasted Umagon or something.
          But that exchange is pretty revealing. I guess the Forgotten are being unwillingly transformed by Tiberium and they hate it, while Nod advocates that they should embrace it. So they hate each other in the way a religious fanatic hates an apostate. I always kind of liked how Nod talks about the benefits of Tiberium for human evolution but the only humans actually transformed by it are cyborgs completely under Nod's control. As this Anon mentioned

          I understood that the Forsaken just randomly mutated and became capable of surviving Tiberium contact, but Nod wants to control that process. I would not be shocked if that also involved having control over the altered specimens, since that seems to be a big motivator behind the cyborgs. Nod hates the Forsaken, because they basically achieved their ultimate goal by random accident and are therefore outside the brotherhood's control.


          They're fighting for Kane.
          That's it. Anything else is just dumb window dressing. It's a cult of personality that LARPs about having a higher cause.

          GDI propaganda shill. Unbeliever.

          • 1 year ago

            >I always assumed that was a mistake because they rushed it. Like they copy-pasted Umagon or something.
            I didn't even know about it until that anon pointed it out, probably because I never considered ordering her unit to stand in a tiberium field when I was supposed to be extracting her and Slavik out of GDI territory.

          • 1 year ago

            There's that one N64 mission and the whole plot of Renegade where Nod is deliberately trying to create stable Tiberium mutants.

            In Renegade the base level mutants are treated with scorn by Nod and in one mission they even have their own forgotten uprising.

            Nod sees Tiberium as an evolutionary Test.

            In Sun Kane's ultimate goal was to force evolve all life on earth at the same time using his super missile.

            If you get divination and come out of it looking normal but infused with Tiberium, congratulations you're the new master race and welcome to Nod you can kick back on your Tiberium couch, watch some Tiberium TV and pet your Tiberium dog and in a few weeks the Scrin will show up and we'll jack a Tower to frick off into space.

            If you come out of it either as mutant freak or a brain dead idiot, well that's why CABAL had that whole plan to round everyone up and turn them into Cyborgs.

            Only since the missile failed CABAL decided to just launch that mission anyway because it looked like earth was going to go green the slow way.

            • 1 year ago

              >Only now do I notice I didn't reply to both anons
              >Oh shit, I'm sorry.mp3
              Everything here

              >They should have adopted the Valve "When it's done" mantra.
              Westwood or EA?
              >Renegade could have been better if the last few missions had less filler feel.
              Think a lot Renegade could've been better, I honestly don't understand all the changes they made like Nod soldiers running around in red uniforms or Raveshaw being turned into mini-Himmler while his more Noddish design was given to Mendoza who conceptually looked more like the Columbian merc he's supposed to be. I don't know what to say about changing the commando from Logan Sheppard to Nick "Havoc" Parker, despite my gripes with Renegade I can't really imagine it without Parker although this animated trailer does show off what Sheppard's Renegade might've been like:

              Guess it would've been weird playing Mark's son.
              Stuff like the flame tanks having turrets, flamethrowers not being back mounted, absent Nod recon bikes, and Nod buggies not being DPV/FAVs is probably just changes for gameplay.
              I do welcome the change they made to GDI grenadiers, grenade launchers are a welcome over GDI's decades long fixation on hand thrown explosives.
              >Scrin will show up and we'll jack a Tower to frick off into space.
              You know this part of the plan has started to feel off to me for some reason, initially it was because it seemed ascension was a personal goal Kane had whereas the goal he had in mind for the Brotherhood was to help them achieve divination and he achieved both those goals at the end of Tiberian Sun's Nod campaign but after taking a CABAL induced nap now ascension's for everyone. I haven't played the Nod campaign for Tiberium Wars or Kane's Wrath yet so maybe I'm missing some information that'll help fill in the blanks, I know that in C&C4 that's how everything ends with Kane and the Brotherhood of Nod ascending and taking all the tiberium with them I think.

              will show up and we'll jack a Tower to frick off into space.

              • 1 year ago

                >They should have adopted the Valve "When it's done" mantra.
                Westwood or EA?
                >Renegade could have been better if the last few missions had less filler feel.
                Think a lot Renegade could've been better, I honestly don't understand all the changes they made like Nod soldiers running around in red uniforms or Raveshaw being turned into mini-Himmler while his more Noddish design was given to Mendoza who conceptually looked more like the Columbian merc he's supposed to be. I don't know what to say about changing the commando from Logan Sheppard to Nick "Havoc" Parker, despite my gripes with Renegade I can't really imagine it without Parker although this animated trailer does show off what Sheppard's Renegade might've been like:

                Guess it would've been weird playing Mark's son.
                Stuff like the flame tanks having turrets, flamethrowers not being back mounted, absent Nod recon bikes, and Nod buggies not being DPV/FAVs is probably just changes for gameplay.
                I do welcome the change they made to GDI grenadiers, grenade launchers are a welcome over GDI's decades long fixation on hand thrown explosives.
                >Scrin will show up and we'll jack a Tower to frick off into space.
                You know this part of the plan has started to feel off to me for some reason, initially it was because it seemed ascension was a personal goal Kane had whereas the goal he had in mind for the Brotherhood was to help them achieve divination and he achieved both those goals at the end of Tiberian Sun's Nod campaign but after taking a CABAL induced nap now ascension's for everyone. I haven't played the Nod campaign for Tiberium Wars or Kane's Wrath yet so maybe I'm missing some information that'll help fill in the blanks, I know that in C&C4 that's how everything ends with Kane and the Brotherhood of Nod ascending and taking all the tiberium with them I think.

                Well at the Nod ending to Sun he ascended all by himself if the ending video of him turning into light meant anything.

                Maybe Kane realized that wherever he's fricking off too he's going to need an army of his own.

              • 1 year ago

                I think the time he spent reassessing his directives included him concluding his attempts to wipe out the human species were not going to succeed. So he came up with a new plan which would not require destroying the humans.

      • 1 year ago

        >One thing that never quite made sense to me.
        Just one? TW is one giant retcon.

      • 1 year ago

        This is explained in the Tiberian Sun bible; Nod considers the Forgotten to be failures. Incidentally, McNeil (and I think Olenna) are perfect genetic examples who are supposed to be able to live with Tiberium.

        • 1 year ago

          >Tiberian Sun bible
          There's some interesting bits of information mostly regarding the Forgotten and the Scrin but there's plenty I don't care for like the Hyksos' involvement with the Tacitus and the overall way Kane and the Brotherhood of Nod reads whereas other bits are "intriguing" to say the least:
          >Since the First Tiberium War, AI progressed sufficiently to give EVA a personality and physical presence in Cyberspace. Beautiful and dignified, EVA seems the ideal GDI woman wrapped inside a computer. EVA interacts with Adams as an intelligent, attractive comrade -- instead of just an on-line information source.
          One other thing I did find interesting in the GDI sections was about the character of Commander Jean-Paul Dupree (Paul Cortez?) who would've been a rival to Commander Eric Adams (Michael McNeil) showing some possible internal division in GDI.

          • 1 year ago

            >westwood originally wanted mcneil to become a simp for vtuber eva

            You guys told me Westwood could do nothing wrong. Explain yourselves.

  16. 1 year ago

    Is there any reason to play Kane's Wrath?
    Will it help make Tiberium Wars make more sense?

    • 1 year ago

      It won't but it's a fun ride!
      Takes place far too much into the future to make it make sense.

  17. 1 year ago

    I've always had a soft spot for 3 because it was the first Tiberium game I played. It's better than 1, I guess. Never really tried 2 though, so it might be worse than that.

    Really like the campaign though. Red Alert 3 feels like such a step back in comparison.

    • 1 year ago

      This might help if you want to play Tiberian Sun:
      Personally, I'd recommend playing the Nod campaign first but it's all up to you if you'd rather play the GDI one first.

    • 1 year ago

      Get the Command & Conquer Remaster if you want to play 1. If you want to play 2 look into CnCNet.org. That site has the info you need to get started. C&C95 and TibSun are still /comfy/ games to play

      • 1 year ago

        I tried C&C95. It was pretty comfy, but missions got weirdly difficult after a while. Not in a fun way either. But in a "I'm probably supposed to cheese this by just building only Tanks" kind of way. Like Warcraft 1 and the expansion of 2.

        Could be wrong, might give it a shot again soon. Did really like how you could pick your next mission on a map or anything. Really made it feel like a actual campaign.

        This might help if you want to play Tiberian Sun:
        Personally, I'd recommend playing the Nod campaign first but it's all up to you if you'd rather play the GDI one first.


        • 1 year ago

          > but missions got weirdly difficult after a while
          The remaster has a difficulty setting that allows you choose a difficulty easier than what you got in OG 95. While some purists might scoff at it, comfy gameplay is comfy gameplay.

          That being said, you should look at the old 95 missions as puzzles rather than generic rock/paper/scissor RTS. Many are designed with certain paths and choices that make it easier. Its a matter of observation, strategy, and good old trial and error. So the "weirdly difficult" aspect could simply be that you're just approaching the mission the wrong way.

          • 1 year ago

            Like I said, probably. A lot of the time it just comes down to destroying the base, which just means building a army that can do that. I tend to prefer building balanced combined arms forces, even though I can think of basically zero RTS games where that works. Maybe warcraft 2?

            • 1 year ago

              In the first C&C game your best strategy is to build a mass of Tanks supported by a small force of artillery or MLRS behind the tanks.

              Maybe with nod you can have a Recon Bike attack the harvester and then use the Recon Bike as a pied piper to lure the counter attacking units into an ambush.

              Another combined arms strategy is to Use Nod light tanks as bullet sponges to tie up units while flame tanks destroy the structures.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, those strategies would probably do the trick. I like to build a lot of infantry, but tanks kind of render them completely obsolete after a while.

                Might buy the remaster soon. It's pretty cheap, and I like to give it a try again. Old rts games can be pretty comfy. Still regularly replay Warcraft 2 because of that.

    • 1 year ago

      Sun has very different strategies than the first and third game, especially for Nod.

      Nod in Sun operates around it's artillery pieces crawling slowly like an advancing wall of death destroying everything in front of it. While using Subterrainian units and stealth tanks as flanking attacks.

      Where as GDI's main meta involves operating around it's powerful Air force of Orca Bombers which are the only real counters to Nod Artillery.

      • 1 year ago

        Interesting. I do like artillery, even if I often end up blowing up my own troops.

        It's weird, in theory I find nod way more interesting but I honestly prefer playing GDI. At least in 3 and to a lesser extent 1.

        • 1 year ago

          Then you'll like playing Nod in Sun, Nod's light tanks can also dig in and become stationary turrets which can be stationed around your artillery for additional defense.

          The thing about Nod's artillery is in the base game they're guided rounds so once they lock on to a target you can pound anything GDI sends at you, only weakness they have is they have a minimum range and they have to deploy and become a stationary structure before they can even attack.

          But 6 Artillery pieces dug in around a high ground can take out up to 20 GDI Titans easily.

          Nod's largest weakness is that they have inferior aircraft and and inferior air defense. The only unit that stably works as an air defense unit on Nod's side is rocket soldiers so you'll need a lot of them spaced around your artillery. Nod also doesn't have medics so they'll lose their infantry to attrition pretty fast.

          Their air units suck too, the Harpy is just a shitter apache and the Banshee looks cool but it's agility and it's weapon just doesn't do enough damage to structures to matter before it's shot down.

          Nod's biggest advantage though is their stealth generator, the thing eats power like a motherfricker but as long as it's up there's nothing GDI can do to target you other than randomly bombing the ground and hoping for the best.

          Only counter for that is the mobile sensor array which has to deploy first.

          GDI of course has it's own advantages in sun, they can't go underground but they have the Ampibious APC and the Hover MLRS that can get around water and launch flanking attacks from the rear, their infantry are weaker than nod but the disc throwers can pull wacky grenade skipping tricks that can give them near artillery like range if they bank shots off hills and certain terrain, and the medic can keep them in the fight.

          Titans are the Medium tank of Sun, the most generic but balanced unit in the game capable of outranging Nod's basic defense Laser

          • 1 year ago

            >Nod's light tanks
            No such thing. Tick tanks are MBTs.

            • 1 year ago

              >90mm Turret
              >LIGHT armor
              Nod might use it as a MBT but a MBT it ain't.

              • 1 year ago

                That's what Dozer Blades are for. They don't change armour type but they give like 300 HPs. Also Predators have exactly the same resistance values, there is no simple classification into infantry/light/medium/heavy/structure anymore.

              • 1 year ago

                Also lol
                >>90mm Turret

                We were talking about Tick Tanks from Sun, not the Predator Tanks from Wars

              • 1 year ago

                Oh fugg. I'm moronic today. Although now that I refreshed what I know of the rules.ini, seems like Ticks are better. The warhead, "AP", has
                which is "none", "wood", "light", "heavy" and "concrete, respectively. Ticks change their armour type to concrete when deployed. Both 90mm and 120mm have AP warhead.
                Ticks have 36 raw damage, Titans 70. Same range so it really depends on how much exactly the ROF (50 vs. 80) translates into shots per, say, second.

                Though there's something funny nod using what is likely the Royal Ordnance L7 in wars.

                That's a tank cannon from the 1950s.

                Maybe it's some commie standard?

              • 1 year ago

                Also lol
                >>90mm Turret

              • 1 year ago

                Though there's something funny nod using what is likely the Royal Ordnance L7 in wars.

                That's a tank cannon from the 1950s.

              • 1 year ago

                Also lol
                >>90mm Turret

                >90mm Turret
                >LIGHT armor
                Nod might use it as a MBT but a MBT it ain't.

                You're expecting California dev teams to know anything about gun calibers. These are the same guys that called the basic soldier in TD a "minigunner", think the M61 Vulcan is chambered in 50mm and made gatling guns a unique technology.

              • 1 year ago

                You mean chambered in 5.56. And it was clear they were trying to create some kind of fictional next generation rifle over the existing M16. Surprised they didn't just go with the G11

              • 1 year ago

                I'm referring to the anti-infantry turrets GDI had in Tiberian Sun. The "Minigunner" is another issue separately.

                >A Vulcan turret mounted a pair of 50mm Vulcan cannons, which were effective against enemy infantry and light vehicles such as attack buggies and attack cycles.


                And from the manual itself:

                >The Vulcan Cannon Component consists of two mini-guns firing 50mm projectiles at high speed. The cannon is primarily intended for use against infantry but it can be used less effectively against vehicles.


                I'm going too far into this but in short, don't expect them to have much knowledge about IRL guns and weapons.

  18. 1 year ago

    Just going to dump some Tiberian Incursion concept art I edited together, a few should look familiar.

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago
          • 1 year ago

            That's what I got, all were mislabelled as concept art for Generals before editing.

  19. 1 year ago

    Hot concept art, coming right up!

    • 1 year ago

      Oh I forgot how stupid this game looked.
      You have all of this mind implementation shit and have a cyborg control itself with a fricking LEVER!?

      • 1 year ago

        It's not a locomotion control, it's an inclination control. After all, that is the lumbar lordosis recliner tank.

    • 1 year ago

      Man we missed out on CABAL's cyborg babes for this shit?

      • 1 year ago

        I like booba as much as the next guy, but if you're doing that much cybernetic modification why even bother making a breastplate like that when you can just lop them off. It's not like a cyborg who's only purpose is to be a war puppet needs secondary sex characteristics.

        • 1 year ago

          Because CABAL is based not just on mechanical components but human organic components as well so maybe deep inside he still harbors certain core human feelings.

  20. 1 year ago

    Kane lives!

  21. 1 year ago

    Great games, they feel like they have some sort of FPS lock though or am I imagining things? Sometimes I'll get slowdown if something explodes or a lot's happening on screen and it looks weird as frick, like bullet time almost.

  22. 1 year ago

    Better C&C 3 is out.

    • 1 year ago

      I commend the effort, but it is a pointless one

    • 1 year ago

      Out where? its not on moddb

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          Thrid party cookies for google drive? What is this CIA tier shit

  23. 1 year ago

    >tfw tiberium essence dev will never move to kane's wrath and redo the black hand subfaction to be more like its tiberian sun counterpart

    • 1 year ago

      Tiberium Essence dev should have released his assets for public use as he takes, what is it now? Like 4-5 years per release while still having the SAME bugs/issues previous releases had. The game is dead outside of a couple hundred people so at this point let the remaining mod communities go nuts.

      Sure you could argue that his work would get used improperly/ported but other modders do a much better job at updating their mods and for the most part give credit where credit is due.

  24. 1 year ago

    Sadness and nostalgia with a touch of bitterness

  25. 1 year ago

    Inferior starcraft clone.

    • 1 year ago

      Already discussed upthread.

      • 1 year ago

        Ok but I want the (you)s

  26. 1 year ago

    Still the filter that separates shitters from real players

    • 1 year ago

      I hated that mission so much years ago
      Now it's a fricking cakewalk, snce all you need is a bunch of APCs with engineers and 2 or 3 predators to pull aggro

    • 1 year ago

      It is filtering me, so yeah.

      • 1 year ago

        Is it really that difficult for you to rush the NE base and capture everything you want there? You don't even really need to capture anything besides the construction yard, although it does benefit you greatly to grab everything.

        • 1 year ago

          It's hard to pull off for players without good micro, and since it's the midpoint of the GDI campaign, the vast majority of players are likely to be still learning to play. Put it to a perspective, what you really need to do is not obvious, the objectives you get imply to solve the mission in a very different way than what's actually doable. Yes, you're supposed to rush and capture asap, but a player going in blind won't know that, all he knows is that he has a badly damaged base, with little cash and not enough power to even run things, being relentlessly attacked from all sides, with different unit combinations, each requiring proper micro to deal with, all the time. And there's some elements that depend on pure luck, too. Sometimes, Nod sends stealth tanks to your mineral patches, and they'll one shot your harvesters faster than you can realistically react.
          People complain about this single mission since the game's release back in 2007. No other mission on C&C history has provoked such a strong reaction. It's a very steep difficulty spike from out of nowhere, and from there the game only gets even harder.

          • 1 year ago

            >Put it to a perspective, what you really need to do is not obvious
            Yeah, that's why I have failed like 5 times while experimenting or trying to execute a strategy that seemed (and turned out to be) a winning one. Maybe they get easily disheartened by failure? Lack of persistence.

            >the objectives you get imply to solve the mission in a very different way than what's actually doable
            It is doable the way the game suggests. It's just really fricking difficult and largely pointless considering you can comfortably grab the two neighbouring bases in like 25 minutes.

            >Sometimes, Nod sends stealth tanks to your mineral patches, and they'll one shot your harvesters faster than you can realistically react.
            Never had that happen until like 7th wave from the NE. You camp for too long, you get wrecked. This game was never shy to hammer this into you at the tiniest opportunity.

  27. 1 year ago

    Frick this mission

    • 1 year ago

      that mission is easy, but if you have problems here's a trick:
      -Make 2-3 airbases, full orcas
      -Take the orcas, hug the top border from left to right
      -Take out the targets inside the nod base

      • 1 year ago

        I did that, except that I run out of funds early and I spend most of the time reinforcing my defenses. I suppose I should have spammed mammoths early one, but I did not. So only when I have a half decent defense I build some planes and did what you suggested. Towers in this game are useless, and I'm that sort of idiot who likes to put towers here and there.

    • 1 year ago

      This one.
      I recall it as a pain in the ass. Tiberium runs fast and the enemy sends endless waves of troops that weaken your mammoths.

      I usually rush to northern tiberium patch and build enough power to destroy two ships spawning Nod units.

      Still the filter that separates shitters from real players

      Compared to the last mission it is devastating to the psyche. All I remember I just focused on hit'n'run Nod transports.

      Also Sarajevo temple mission is a huge headache for both Nod and GDI.

  28. 1 year ago

    >Rifleman squad ready!

  29. 1 year ago

    How does the thread feel about Tempest Rising, since they couldn't be much more obvious about it being Command and Conquer with the serial numbers filed off?

    • 1 year ago

      I'm interested seeing an RTS from 3D Realms, I can see the Tiberian influences from what I've seen of it so far but I also sensed some Red Alert is there too:
      >Dynasty barracks inspired by Dawn's Hand of Nod.
      >Dynasty soldiers' soviet-esque uniforms.
      >Alien/mutant flora might be like Sun's veinholes but visually reminds me of the red weed from War of the Worlds.
      >Odd little man representing the Einstein/Mobius scientist character.
      >GDF might be like GDI but also Duke's EDF for anyone who's played Ion Fury.
      Only criticism I've seen from others so far is the art direction they've gone with although from the screenshots of the actual game so far I can tell the GDF from Dynasty apart but that might just be because of their house colors.

    • 1 year ago

      Seems like it has some company of heroes and world in conflict added in. Plus there’s some mystery third faction

    • 1 year ago

      I'm more into the Generals rip off Commanding Nations, though I'm starting to wonder if it'll ever get made.

    • 1 year ago

      Looks neat, hoping it’s good.

  30. 1 year ago

    >Shit game
    >Shit story
    >Shit multiplayer

    Only literal homosexuals prefer this garbage over previous titles.

    • 1 year ago

      I feel like it's a bit late bringing that stuff up, thread kicked off with ripping on TibWars' unit design and the absence of elements from Sun.

      • 1 year ago

        I see.

        Stuff I don't like:
        >No tiberian flora and fauna except visceroids, makes tiberium effected zones feel empty.
        >No blossom trees to propagate tiberium spores, tiberium doesn't feel very threatening sitting around a hole waiting to be harvested.
        >No ion storms.
        >GDI ditching their mechs for basic stuff even though the basic stuff would be more practical it doesn't seem right coming from Tiberian Sun and seeing GDI using them. Kane's Wrath does explain this with the Steel Talons but I'm not sure how well it fits.
        >GDI infantry appearance composite armor upgrade kinda fixes this with the riflemen and the missile soldiers but grenadiers still seem off to me. Just feels like they should be wearing gear similar to what they had during Tiberian Sun right out of the barracks and that goes for the GDI snipers too regardless if it was a Tiberian Incursion design.
        >GDI being blue and orange.
        >Nod ditching their subterranean vehicles and banshees, open wienerpit redesign of Nod recon bikes and attack buggies, scorpion tanks nonsensical design, the Ezekiel's Wheel stealth tank having three tracks now which kills the symbolism regarding it's design and name.
        >Nod infantry appearance the appearance of militants, rocket soldiers, and their cut designs seems more befitting of Nod civilian rebels fighting in GDI occupied yellow zones then members of the main Brotherhood army. The insectoid design of the confessor and black hand helmets are another Tiberian Incursion design element as well as the confessor's conical helmets. The Nod saboteur just kinda sucks when compared to the more sinister looking concept art.
        >Nod stealth generators I appreciate that their smaller now but not being able to stealth themselves kind defeats their intended purpose.

        >Nod fanatics this was another thing brought from the conceptual designs of Tiberian Incursion, my feelings about are pretty much the same as with the militants and rocket soldiers.
        >Nod avatar war mech probably makes sense to that the Brotherhood of Nod would want something to go toe to toe with GDI's heavy vehicles but it does seem rather unsubtle and goes against Nod's military doctrine. Pretty stupid how you need to sacrifice your own units to upgrade it.
        >Anton Slavik not leading the Brotherhood of Nod. Kane's Wrath does explain this with Marcion being behind the assassination and Kane being understandably displeased with the death of his successor.
        >Mutant Marauders I just don't know how I feel about them, the Forgotten weren't major players but I feel like the marauders feel like a poor representation of what the mutants are supposed to be. Might've been based on another piece of Tiberian Incursion concept art.
        >No buildable walls or gates but there isn't too much reason for them considering tiberium doesn't spread like in the first two games and there's no significant tiberium lifeforms to worry about. Maybe would've been great to prevent enemies rushing into the base.
        >Infantry squads and APCs. Why do engineers take up all the space in an APC that can transport entire squads?
        >Surveyors, emissaries, and explorers not being able to redeploy like the MCVs.

        Stuff I like:
        >Those tiberium plateaus in the red zones are pretty rad.
        >GDI zone troopers are alright.
        >GDI/Nod cranes and the Scrin foundry are pretty useful.
        That's all I can think of off the top of my head, don't have too much to say about the Scrin, any opinion about the mods for Tiberium Wars?

        I agree with all this. Tib sun was pure unfiltered kino in comparison to tib wars.

        They did my boy a dirty as well. Relegated to some minor plot point about bunkers. Replaced by some mute knockoff with a meaningless name. RIP in peace computer assisted biologically augmented lifeform. Your character assassination was underserved.

        • 1 year ago

          I loved CABAL voice as a kid. Playing as Nod in TS was kino.

          Nonetheless the game engine was shit. Game was getting laggy with time and the more time you took on mission the game was more laggy.

          • 1 year ago

            Same, his voice was very memorable. I remember being a spergy 11 year old trying to mimic the part where he defines the favourable outcome as "they all die".

            There's a 90s movie called "Screamers", it's a sci fi about AI going rogue. The voice during the intro to the movie sounds a hell of a lot like CABAL.

        • 1 year ago

          Two things I wish in hindsight:
          >1. When Westwood made Firestorm that they had the time and space needed give CABAL a proper faction to order around.
          >2. When EALA made Tiberium Wars that they resolved the conflict between Nod and CABAL better to keep him around and justifying Nod cyborgs in the third war.
          On that note about cyborgs in the third war, what's everyone's thoughts about the Marked of Kane?

  31. 1 year ago

    Damn, that atmopshere.

    • 1 year ago

      God I wish every C&C was like Tiberian Sun.

      • 1 year ago

        Shit AI

      • 1 year ago

        Tiberian sun was the true patricians choice of RTS. The thinking man's game. It's unfortunate that so many troglodytes flocked in with Red alert 2 and casualised the whole series.

        • 1 year ago

          It's really funny that TS AI can backdoor you using Subterranean APC's with Engineers and Cyborgs, spam Artillery or harass you from the safety of water using Hover MLRS. Tactics that player most likely would have used and uses.

          Meanwhile the best thing that RA2 AI can offer is to bombrush you with starting forces and wait till superweapon

        • 1 year ago

          >many troglodytes flocked in with Red alert 2
          A lot of kids literally grew up playing it. In "gaming cafes"/Internet clubs. RA2, Counter-Strike, HoMM3, Starcraft and so on.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, I was one of them. Played the shit out of RA2 multiplayer in my pre teens and teens. I look back and despite it being fun at the time I still realise it was a turning point for the series that ultimately ran it into the ground. Tiberian sun had great atmosphere and story. This was never replicated in any later game because it had no mass appeal.

            • 1 year ago

              >Tiberian sun had great atmosphere and story.
              It's less about that and more about how much they tried to innovate with it. Amphibious and hover vehicles, jumpjet infantry, subterranean vehicles, tunnels, area stealth generators and area detectors, EMP, environmental effects (ion storms), neutral factions like veinholes and Tiberian fauna, bridges. They planned orbital drops to be a counterpart to Nod's subterranean units but it wasn't quite ready. Oh, and voxels, of course.

              RA2 had some innovation of its own, of course, but TS was revolutionary.

              • 1 year ago

                And I forgot destructible terrain opening up new paths. And probably a few other things. Which I probably just take for granted in games belonging to the genre now.

        • 1 year ago

          I owe it to Red Alert 2 for getting me into the Command & Conquer series when I first played it at summer camp despite the PCs not having any speakers to listen to the game's soundtrack or the unit quotes.

          Yeah, I was one of them. Played the shit out of RA2 multiplayer in my pre teens and teens. I look back and despite it being fun at the time I still realise it was a turning point for the series that ultimately ran it into the ground. Tiberian sun had great atmosphere and story. This was never replicated in any later game because it had no mass appeal.

          >Tiberian sun had great atmosphere and story.
          It's less about that and more about how much they tried to innovate with it. Amphibious and hover vehicles, jumpjet infantry, subterranean vehicles, tunnels, area stealth generators and area detectors, EMP, environmental effects (ion storms), neutral factions like veinholes and Tiberian fauna, bridges. They planned orbital drops to be a counterpart to Nod's subterranean units but it wasn't quite ready. Oh, and voxels, of course.

          RA2 had some innovation of its own, of course, but TS was revolutionary.

          But I do agree the changes that were made to the Tiberian world did hurt it and that vaunted atmosphere that Sun possessed was not recreated in Wars with many elements that brought life to the tiberium effected zones having been killed off and other Sun elements like subterranean units being completely absent but by that point so was the company that had those ideas. There are some elements of Red Alert 2 I wish were present in Tiberian Sun, some smoothed out controls like the waypoint system for one, but being able to garrison infantry into civilian structures would've been nice as a means to keep them alive a little awhile longer or just being able to build bunkers or shelters for them.

          • 1 year ago

            >but being able to garrison infantry into civilian structures would've been nice as a means to keep them alive a little awhile longer or just being able to build bunkers or shelters for them.
            Unless you also mean to keep the arbitrary limitation of "basic infantry only", just imagine a building full of jumpjets or cyborgs, with RoF and range bonuses and no need to hobble around for positioning. They would melt even tanks in a few seconds. Worse yet, imagine a building full of rocket infantry under a stealth generator.

            • 1 year ago

              >Unless you also mean to keep the arbitrary limitation of "basic infantry only"
              I think so, Red Alert 2 had that limitation and usually when people mod it they just let guardian GIs and flak troopers be able to garrison.
              I want to say that jump jet infantry wouldn't need to garrison for shelter because they should be in the air most of the time but ion storms usually are reason to keep them grounded with other aircraft. Cyborg infantry are the last thing I'd consider needing shelter on account of them having tiberium healing and being able to carry on fighting after losing their legs, they're tough enough for the tiberium world.
              >Worse yet, imagine a building full of rocket infantry under a stealth generator.
              I don't think stealth generators should be able to cloak garrisoned buildings for balance sake but I'd also say it'd be like leaving a mirage tank sitting on a road with missing civilian structures being invisible here and there where a MSG is parked, it'd be pretty obvious when you'd be walking into an ambush.

              • 1 year ago

                >and usually when people mod it they just let guardian GIs and flak troopers be able to garrison.
                With the right placing a bunker full of tesla troopers can be very effective. Initiates and viruses too, if you can manage to get the tech combo.

                >I want to say that jump jet infantry wouldn't need to garrison for shelter
                I have explicitly mentioned the RoF and range bonuses units get from being garrisoned.

              • 1 year ago

                So they should be able to garrison?

              • 1 year ago

                I was only explaining why I have been expecting for that to be very powerful. The starting point of this particular conversation was elements from RA2 that you consider would have been good fit for C&C2.
                I'm not sure it is really necessary but might have been okay for some Firestorm maps because there GDI at least has the generally bad juggernauts which have great range. Otherwise garrisoning even with basic infantry would change the dynamics of most maps, including campaign maps, completely. Even if you make, say, flame tanks dedicated garrison cleaners they will simply never manoeuvre into position in time to fire even once before being blown up, even if you move them underground. And then concrete exists too.

    • 1 year ago

      >TW and TT assets badly copypasted into Red Alert 2
      What atmosphere?

  32. 1 year ago

    If I recall correctly, Nod in the TD was supposed to be mainly some terrorist organization without a higher cause, but one of the writers Eydie Laramore added this religious zeal about Kane and Tiberium which worked.

    I liked the plot in TS. It was engaging and would love to see a TV series based around TS. Unlike TW which was fricking dragging and if not Kucan keeping up with Kane this would be a total mess.

    • 1 year ago

      Right, right.
      Also got to keep in mind the TSB was released before Tiberian Sun and afterward there wasn't much effort to update it when Westwood was still active, although there's rumors of different versions in circulation out there.

      >westwood originally wanted mcneil to become a simp for vtuber eva

      You guys told me Westwood could do nothing wrong. Explain yourselves.

      Hey, in both the document and in Sun McNeil ends up falling for shiner booba so it's all cool because they must've all agreed on that subplot.
      Even though their romance leads to nowhere considering the two's fates.

      • 1 year ago

        Young me wanted to impregnate the sexy mutant girl. Now im older, I still want the same thing. She was sexy af.

        • 1 year ago

          Based. Umagon in TS was the first boob cleavage I ever saw in a video game. Left quite the impression on 8-year old me.
          And then Red Alert 2 came out and several years later I eventually started fapping to Kari Wuhrer softcore porn after seeing her as Tanya.

          • 1 year ago

            Those pictures of Kari Wurher with blue paint were solid fap material back in the day.

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