Todd Howard and Pete Hines deserve the chair

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  1. 11 months ago

    No cares about your rpg and fallout purism, it was a fun game that sold well.

    • 11 months ago

      it was a shitty looter shooter that appealed to casual players only, there is a bit of fun but with no dept or anything similar, calling it 'purism" is stupid, just look at New Vegas, that game was a Total revolution for the franchise that appealed to old fans, new ones and casual players alike, while Bethesda is like a baby compiling documents, they don't have any idea of what the frick they are doing or what Fallout even is

      • 11 months ago

        >Looter shooter
        No. It has one single looter shooter element.

        • 11 months ago

          The entire gameplay of it is shit giving you a reason to go shoot enemies in some random place with a literal Loot chest as a reward

        • 11 months ago

          You mean the mechanic that they force down your throat and is the sole reason there is 1 town that can be defined as such? which is also shit?

          • 11 months ago

            No, I mean the legendary weapon mechanic. That's literally the only looter shooter feature in the game.
            >B-but you loot scrap!
            You do that in survival crafter games too, doesn't make them looter shooters.

            • 11 months ago

              Oh that mechanic, it doesn't make any fricking sense, what are those weapons, magic? And still, when the game concentrates mostly on that, there it becomes a looter shooter

      • 11 months ago

        guess what, looter shooters are fun.
        why would bethesda spend tens of millions on a game just to make its target audience a few elitist nerds (who will never be pleased btw)?
        even fallout 3 sold more than new vegas.

    • 11 months ago

      >it was a fun game
      How low are your standards for entertainment? It was a bad shooter that pretended to be an RPG. Bethesda needs to abandon all the pretense of making an RPG and just make a pure action-adventure game with actually decent combat without levels or stats, instead of whatever the frick Skyrim and F4 are supposed to be. F4 is probably one of the most boring games I've ever played.

      • 11 months ago

        can't believe you actually typed this out and jumped through the hoops to post it. sad as frick crying about people liking things you don't like lol i feel bad for you

        • 11 months ago

          aren't you doing the same thing though? aren't you shitting on people that prefer the classics and NV too?

          • 11 months ago

            no because i am not him. no because i've played and enjoyed all of the fallout games to different degrees. i do kinda agree with him tho, i think there are people who are elitist about old fallout and will b***h and moan about bethesda fallout. Just as there are those who are elitist about bethesda fallout and old = bad. both groups are sad as frick

            • 11 months ago

              just because it's Bethesda doesn't mean it's bad, I really enjoyed TES Oblivion, but Bethesda should stay in their own place, they've already shown they don't understand shit about Fallout, as shown with 3, 4 and 76, saying that they are good as the are is a complete lie, as unlike the others, they just can't stand on their own

              • 11 months ago

                let me reiterate, i think you are sad as frick. i have no desire to discuss video games with you. you said you enjoy Oblivion, I could easily do what you do and ask you how low your standards are with some elitist TES talk but that's sad as frick too

              • 11 months ago

                because TES is not my same thing? if you think Oblivion is shit, then that means I don't know any good games produced by Bethesda, I care about Fallout, TES is a side game to me personally

                Both games will force to join a side for an inevitable war

                Fallout New Vegas actually offers different factions and a last choice in teh form of an indipendent New Vegas, while for some fricking reason Bethesda decided to copy the 4 factions formula in the worst way possible, with as options a comically evil faction that creates life from scratch and doesn't know why by admission other than enslaving them instead of just using the already existing and mucho more convinient robots, a group that all it does is free said slaves and for some reason can be put as rulers of the entire Commonwealth without any plan other than freeing the sinths, the Brotherhood of Steel that Todd jerks off to, only this time comically racist, and the minutemen as the default option, for some fricking reason

                this is 'that game' for me. if you just wander around shooting and looting, it's a treat! but God help you if you want yo roleplay or avoid crafting.

                as a mindless playing it's pretty good, truly most games with a braindead repetitive gameplay circle are, but that's about it, it's idiotic to compare it to what came before, even 3 is better than this piece of garbage, which is not saying much

      • 11 months ago

        Fallout 4 on survival was pretty fun. add in mods and you can easily get over 200 hours

        >I can only follow pre-established routes and want to do the exact same thing every time because I'm too much of a pussy to experiment and get in a fight bigger than what's intended for my level and a group of low level raiders
        there are a lot of other games that offer you your homosexual little path to follow so you always do the right thing and go in the right places, like Fallout 3&4

        again, Fallout New Vegas is a perfect compromise, Bethesda only sees Fallout as a money cow to milk dry, and to appeal to as many people as possible they made it a generic post-apocalyptic looter shooter without soul or even a reason for either of them to be definend a sequel, Fallout 3 can still be somewhat defined as an RPG, but 4 is just an hollow shell of the mainline games that came before, you are just mad you can't get what's so good about Fallout other than popping skulls in rubble-themed shooting galleries, Fallout 3 isn't even being considered as much by the general gaming community, since New Vegas is the objectively better game in terms of mechanics, the modding scene shifted on Tale of Two Wastelands for a reason, and 4 is being kept alive solely because it's a good base for fan games, fan DLCs and fan remakes, and the base game can be a decent Fallout-themed Building sim if you put enough mods in it

        I played fallout 1, 2, tactics, 3, new vegas, 4 and the new california, 1.5, nevada, ttw, dust and frost mods. the only reason i did this is because of the setting, not because i care about what tim cain thinks is right. i can never understand why people feel loyalty to the original author of work of fiction when it's literally all made up.

        the main interest of the series has always been the setting, not the turnbased mechanics the game or the uncanny talking heads or staring at the screen for 5 minutes while every character on the map finishes their turn.
        fallout 4 still capitalizes on this setting while doing their own thing with lore and making it more accessible and appealing to a wider audience

        • 11 months ago

          I've never talked about Tim Cain specifically, though I really look up to him, there are many other people who worked on and made the west coast Fallouts to what they are today, he didn't even work on Fallout New Vegas, and it kept what was true about the series, New California is a fangame and it still keeps itself true to Fallout, and it's a really impressive work for a fangame, and also the new mod Fallout New Mexico seems to follow the same path, on the other end there is a fan DLC like The Frontier which is more similar to how Bethesda is threating the franchise, just a bunch of people unnterested on Fallout with a control freak in the middle that thinks he solely knows what's best about the game, only to come out as a theme park-like experience like Fallout 3 was, I have much more respect for people admitting they have more interest in the setting than the actual thing, but that doesn't mean there can't be a compromise that can make both parties happy, sure there'll always be someone not happy with the product, but that's just impossible to avoid, while making bad game and a bad story is, simple as that

          why do arguments defending fallout 3/4 never seem genuine?

          because they are mostly based on blatant lies or farfetched arguments, for reference

  2. 11 months ago

    Fallout 1 had random encounters
    Fallout 2 had random encounters
    Fallout Tactics had random encounters
    Fallout 3 had random encounters
    Fallout 4 had random encounters

    Fallout NV did not have random encounters

    There's definitely one game on the list that is not a real Fallout.

    • 11 months ago

      I've never really noticed that they were missing for how good the open world was designed, and in Fallout 1&2 they were basically necessary due to how they were structured, in Fallout 3&4 they are just something to try and make the world feel less empty, since Bethesda prefers the size of the map over the actual content, and is currently still doing this with Starfield

      • 11 months ago

        You kind of just slipped ever so smoothly into full hater mode and did so without even realizing. So show me, big man. Show me an RPG from that year that has an environment as good and as open as FO3. Show me. Dazzle me, boy.

        • 11 months ago

          fym "as good and as open", I didn't say the open world was restrictive, just empty due to its size, there's too much nothingness in-between things, plus, why do you think that just because there aren't any other RPG open world games that come to mind for the same year means that Fallout 3 is a good open world RPG? what kind of mental process is that? are you stupid?

    • 11 months ago

      Turn based game can justify it.
      The others can't

  3. 11 months ago

    If by chair you mean throne

    • 11 months ago

      no, I mean chair as the electric chair

  4. 11 months ago

    t. Dreamboy

  5. 11 months ago

    What kind of chair?

  6. 11 months ago

    It's never going to stop amusing me how new vegas babbies and hollowgays both have quite excellent games to be satisfied with, yet are still so intensely insecure about them that they constantly rage and froth and piss and shit themselves over other similar games.

    • 11 months ago

      Only morons would celebrate wasted potential and stagnation of a series.

    • 11 months ago

      >New Vegas and 4 are similar
      You wuoldn't differenciate between a gold nugget and a piece of shit if they were put in front of you

      • 11 months ago

        They are pretty similar

        >Today I will make a thread to shit on a game, any I will argue with anyone disagreeing

        What compels a man to do that bros?


        • 11 months ago

          >They are pretty similar
          have you even ever tried to play them?

          • 11 months ago

            Both games will force to join a side for an inevitable war

    • 11 months ago

      Your mentality is all wrong.
      It's not New Vegas gays vs Fallout 4 gays
      It's in general Fallout fans disappointed how fricking hard 4 dropped the ball.

      76 further proved Bethesda is fricking incompetent

      • 11 months ago

        >Fallout fans
        aka NMA and the zoomers who got groomed by them indirectly

  7. 11 months ago

    the map in new vegas is a big circle that allows the player to pick route A or route B on each playthrough. exploration is non-existent and replayability suffers because of it

    • 11 months ago

      >I can only follow pre-established routes and want to do the exact same thing every time because I'm too much of a pussy to experiment and get in a fight bigger than what's intended for my level and a group of low level raiders
      there are a lot of other games that offer you your homosexual little path to follow so you always do the right thing and go in the right places, like Fallout 3&4

      guess what, looter shooters are fun.
      why would bethesda spend tens of millions on a game just to make its target audience a few elitist nerds (who will never be pleased btw)?
      even fallout 3 sold more than new vegas.

      again, Fallout New Vegas is a perfect compromise, Bethesda only sees Fallout as a money cow to milk dry, and to appeal to as many people as possible they made it a generic post-apocalyptic looter shooter without soul or even a reason for either of them to be definend a sequel, Fallout 3 can still be somewhat defined as an RPG, but 4 is just an hollow shell of the mainline games that came before, you are just mad you can't get what's so good about Fallout other than popping skulls in rubble-themed shooting galleries, Fallout 3 isn't even being considered as much by the general gaming community, since New Vegas is the objectively better game in terms of mechanics, the modding scene shifted on Tale of Two Wastelands for a reason, and 4 is being kept alive solely because it's a good base for fan games, fan DLCs and fan remakes, and the base game can be a decent Fallout-themed Building sim if you put enough mods in it

  8. 11 months ago

    >Today I will make a thread to shit on a game, any I will argue with anyone disagreeing

    What compels a man to do that bros?

  9. 11 months ago


  10. 11 months ago

    FO4 was great though

  11. 11 months ago

    this is 'that game' for me. if you just wander around shooting and looting, it's a treat! but God help you if you want yo roleplay or avoid crafting.

  12. 11 months ago

    Yeah it's a pretty dogshit game, only reason I played it for as long as I have was thanks to Frost

  13. 11 months ago



    • 11 months ago

      Shady Sands Shuffle

    • 11 months ago

      Deport them to the Murkwater Construction Site Gulag, comrade

  14. 11 months ago

    why do arguments defending fallout 3/4 never seem genuine?

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