Tokyo 7th Sisters
>777 free rolls over 20 days
>Please play our game

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  1. 3 years ago

    I already play it.

  2. 3 years ago

    What's the catch, though?

    • 3 years ago

      Other than the usual attractions of cute girls and fantastic music, which there are plenty, what truly sets this game apart from the rest is the visual novel length story that puts every other mobage to shame.

      • 3 years ago

        It's set in the future.

      • 3 years ago

        Yeah,the story does seems pretty great and all but if you're EOP you'll have no idea what's going on and sine the game isn't that popular there aren't any translations for it.The gameplay is really good too,even if people b***hed about switching from the two lane system to the one we have today.

        • 3 years ago

          The first system's 3×3 gameplay was the best. The gameplay got worse with every renewal.

    • 3 years ago

      >new Seventh Sisters song

      None of them are limited cards.

      Other than the usual attractions of cute girls and fantastic music, which there are plenty, what truly sets this game apart from the rest is the visual novel length story that puts every other mobage to shame.

      What truly sets this game apart from the rest is the presence of this girl.

  3. 3 years ago
    Motegi graduated from the game.

    • 3 years ago

      I always thought the game was going to shut down with him, since Motegi is the main guy behind T7S. If the game has plans of shutting down soon, it doesn't make sense for them to announce this now and not wait a little longer.
      Since they aren't tied to Motegi writing anymore, Donuts can make other idols more relevant. Also, less sad girls in the rain and more comedy and wacky stories.

      • 3 years ago

        So it's turns out we were saying goodbye, but we were saying goodbye to Motegi.

        As for comedy 1.0 to 3.0, anything with Tomoe.

        She's basically the friendless loser acting awkward all the time until a popular girl notices her.

  4. 3 years ago

    Cannot help but wonder if certain fans will get into this series and start b***hing about the RuiManon ship because 10+ Year Age Gap.

    • 3 years ago

      Women can't be pedos so no.

      • 3 years ago


  5. 3 years ago

    Don't care, I'm still playing D4DJ for the English patch soon.
    t. EOP

    • 3 years ago

      >No Motegi
      Yeah, not touching D4DJ.

      • 3 years ago

        T7S won't have Motegi anymore either.

        • 3 years ago

          True but he didn't write a single word for the other game so I'm out.

    • 3 years ago

      OH NO NO NO NO

    • 3 years ago

      I want more T7S songs for D4DJ. H-A-J-I-M-A-R-I-U-T-A-!!'s cover is great, give me more.

  6. 3 years ago

    Happy 7th Anniversary!

  7. 3 years ago

    2 days left.

  8. 3 years ago

    It's finally here.

    • 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      Did anyone here actually bother to watch this?

    • 3 years ago


      Did anyone here actually bother to watch this?

      It is subbed in Youtube:

      • 3 years ago

        As expected, it was taken down by Toei.

        • 3 years ago

          It is subbed in Youtube:


          >removed by uploader
          Aozora Translations are goody two shoes who want to force you to buy the thing, even though they had the subs ready and if Donuts really wanted to they would take down all their sub videos.

          Good thing is, yes you can now watch the entire movie as it is being rented online on U-Next. All you need to do is sign up for the 'lol 30 day free.'

          First question, how do I rip this? Aozora most likely took the source here.
          Second, are we interested in live watch?

    • 2 years ago

      Are they idols?

      • 2 years ago

        No, they are just girls. We™ are their idols.

  9. 3 years ago

    It's March, Motegi leaves soon.

  10. 3 years ago

    If you didn't roll for both 7th anniv Makoto and BDS Makoto you probably don't play the game anyway.

  11. 3 years ago
    You'll never have an easier time getting Makoto's Halloween limited.

  12. 3 years ago

    >no one here even knows what the movie's plot is about

    • 3 years ago

      Pretty easy to figure out
      1. Theater shutting down
      2. As a favor, 777 puts on a great concert to save it

  13. 3 years ago

    >we are sisters event again
    I sleep

  14. 3 years ago

    >tfw no one other than me plays this game

  15. 3 years ago
    Holy shit what the frick

  16. 3 years ago

    >people actually bothering to cheat in a dead game

    • 3 years ago

      They were cheating because of
      Holy shit what the frick

      a seiyu event.

      You were literally fighting for limited tickets to a fan event. The problem was? Only the Top 28 got to be in the crowd. Talk about taking advantage of the pandemic.

      • 3 years ago

        While it did blow up during the second multi battlive, it was an issue even during the first multi battlive. I myself kept dodging during the first. I wasn't disqualified during the second event because I only did two plays a day until the second last day. Finished top 100 comfortably in both event points and voltage.

        >Top 28
        It's top 3 voltage and top 5 event points. The 28 are randomly drawn from everyone else who participated in the event.

        • 3 years ago

          I see. Well point still kind of stands that many people were competing for limited seats, as well as the bragging rights of being number 1 fans.

          On another note.

          >removed by uploader
          Aozora Translations are goody two shoes who want to force you to buy the thing, even though they had the subs ready and if Donuts really wanted to they would take down all their sub videos.

          Good thing is, yes you can now watch the entire movie as it is being rented online on U-Next. All you need to do is sign up for the 'lol 30 day free.'

          First question, how do I rip this? Aozora most likely took the source here.
          Second, are we interested in live watch?


          • 3 years ago

            IMO it really was the game's fault for causing players to dodge. I didn't just dodge other players during the first event. I was also dodging the prospect of having to face three bots i.e. I left if the room was about to close with no one else. Facing three bots ate up a chunk of your voltage when you failed to get 1st while giving you none even if you did get 1st, at least during the first event, and during the second event I don't know about not getting 1st, but you got zero voltage for getting 1st. There was no incentive whatsoever to sticking with three bots if you were seriously aiming for a high voltage ranking.

          • 3 years ago

            IMO it really was the game's fault for causing players to dodge. I didn't just dodge other players during the first event. I was also dodging the prospect of having to face three bots i.e. I left if the room was about to close with no one else. Facing three bots ate up a chunk of your voltage when you failed to get 1st while giving you none even if you did get 1st, at least during the first event, and during the second event I don't know about not getting 1st, but you got zero voltage for getting 1st. There was no incentive whatsoever to sticking with three bots if you were seriously aiming for a high voltage ranking.

            Also no, not interested in the movie. No Makoto.

  17. 3 years ago

    When can I expect the next 777-roll event?
    t. managed to burn myself out of Bandori

    • 3 years ago

      Next anniversary maybe.

      Okay, I broke up with d4dj so I'll play this for at least a month and tell you what I think. Just from screenshots I am a little curious as to why a rhythm game has what looks like more than one way to play or something?

      Oh, that's because the game overhauled the rhythm gameplay system twice in its lifetime, so you may have seen the older gameplay along with the newer.

      1st gameplay

      2nd gameplay

      3rd gameplay (current)

  18. 3 years ago

    Okay, I broke up with d4dj so I'll play this for at least a month and tell you what I think. Just from screenshots I am a little curious as to why a rhythm game has what looks like more than one way to play or something?

    • 3 years ago

      Next anniversary maybe.

      Oh, that's because the game overhauled the rhythm gameplay system twice in its lifetime, so you may have seen the older gameplay along with the newer.

      1st gameplay

      2nd gameplay

      3rd gameplay (current)

      >video unavailable
      Frick's sake
      Have this one for current gameplay instead.

  19. 3 years ago

    >Honoka event reward
    >QoP guerrilla sonic

  20. 3 years ago

    Best girl.

    • 3 years ago

      Nice fricking digits dude

    • 3 years ago

      she looks boring and your game does too. wasted.

      • 3 years ago

        It's a given that people who don't play the game don't like her because everyone who likes her is already playing the game.

    • 3 years ago


      • 3 years ago


        >new Seventh Sisters song

        None of them are limited cards.

        What truly sets this game apart from the rest is the presence of this girl.

    • 3 years ago

      Impressive. Very nice.

    • 3 years ago

      This is that Yandere chick right? I might play your game now.

      • 2 years ago


  21. 3 years ago

    So, giving free tickets to fan meetings as event rewards is going to be the norm moving forward?

    • 3 years ago

      It's a way to make ranking more enticing.

      I hope they go back to free codes once the Pandemic ends.

  22. 3 years ago

    >the app was updated just for this

    • 3 years ago

      Forgot pic whoops

  23. 3 years ago

    Are they going to announce something during the Fan Meeting or do we have to wait until the Live?
    We need new songs. The latest song was just Star Glitter, but with a different MV.

    • 3 years ago

      They actually announced something and it surprised me. Kazumi is getting a song. I knew Ricca Tachibana was the one with the highest chances of actually singing. MAO and Anju Inami are unlikely.

    • 3 years ago

      A new big update announced. The most important thing I noticed from the trailer is the removal of the "Battle Stage" and "Scout" buttons on the main Screen. I expected them to remove battles and once you complete the story, you won't go to the Scout screen ever again.
      Also, a Gold/Golsh shop, so we can finally spend it in something.

      • 3 years ago

        >and once you complete the story, you won't go to the Scout screen ever again.
        Wait, so it'll still be available for the story? That's a weird decision.

      • 3 years ago

        Wait what is the scout even for, I just started the game. Is this game going into near EOS or something?

        • 3 years ago

          Don't worry about Scout. That is the way to unlock the story episodes. You move automatically through the maps after finishing a live or a battle. People don't notice it since they just skip the result screen.
          After finishing all the Episodes, you get a Free scout map with 777 steps. You get some items and 7th coins for completing it and then you immediately start a new one.
          Since the Scout screen is useless once you complete everything, something that takes less than a month, it makes sense for it to be removed.

          >Is this game going into near EOS or something?
          People have been saying that for seven years and the game is still running. Also, they are releasing a big update in August for the 7.5 Anniversary, so I don't think they would bother to do that if they plan to shut the game down.

      • 3 years ago

        This update news indirectly confirms that battles won't be removed in the next update. I hope they do something new with them.

        • 3 years ago

          I'm pretty sure we already knew they wouldn't be removed, just rendered useless after completing the legend battles.

  24. 3 years ago

    >no more i-n-g minigames
    >no more battles
    >no more performatches
    Oh god T7S is becoming soulless as frick.

    • 2 years ago

      I've played since 2014 and I dropped this when they changed the Rhythm game system

      • 2 years ago

        >I dropped this
        Makoto isn't your favourite I see. No one who likes her would drop the game.

  25. 3 years ago

    Not gonna lie, this constant removal of features is like Apple and its iPhone.

  26. 3 years ago
    That feel when no-name Seiyu with not many jobs spends his little money buying comms of Sumire.

  27. 3 years ago

    >7th and 77th place get better rewards than 6th place
    Why is this shit allowed?
    Anyway, the cutoff for two extra Ume Ps this event is top 77 rather than the usual top 100.

  28. 3 years ago

    >T7S lags worse on LG G7+ than on iPhone 6S Plus
    The meme about T7S being bad on Android was real!?

  29. 3 years ago

    The next live is coming in three days, so I am going to post predictions for the announcements:
    - The new Episode will be about Kahoru in 2040, probably introducing new idols interacting with some of the old ones still active. Also, the moment Momoka becomes the new "Germane". The retired 777 Sisters will get some cameos, but not important roles.
    - Natsumi will get cards and a song.
    - A new 777 Sisters subunit, hopefully Sui and Hime.
    - Ei and/or Jedah seiyuu's get replaced. But I don't think it is something they would announce in a Live.
    - D4DJ collaboration.
    - I don't think they will announce an anime. Since Motegi left, this is really unlikely. But most popular idol animes have some kind of comedy shorts spinoff, so I can imagine T7S getting something like it
    - 3D MVs. This is my wish, not a prediction. Sadly, Donuts is known for its low cost maintenance games, like BLACKSTAR and even D4DJ. So even if they don't make too much money, they aren't spending too much to maintain them. Imagine it having 3D graphics like Uma Musume or Idoly Pride, they wouldn't last even half a year. At least, Donuts has some VR games, but I doubt they are going to try it with T7S.

    • 3 years ago


      >low cost maintenance

      Wait what is the scout even for, I just started the game. Is this game going into near EOS or something?

      Far from it.

      • 3 years ago

        >low cost maintenance

        I am not talking about the money BUSHIROAD use for promotions and collaborations, just the game made by Donuts. I don't see Donuts wasting to much money in D4DJ.
        Games like Puzzle & Dragons and Monster Strike are cheap games that make huge amount of money thanks to collaborations rather than the money spent to make the actual game.

        • 3 years ago

          D4DJ is probably haemorrhaging money just from paying the license fees to get all those songs in the game. Rather than the slew of collabs, it's this model that's far more unsustainable.

    • 3 years ago

      I have bought tickets, have you?

      My prediction.
      Susu fricked Momoka anally while calling her 'Darling.'

      • 3 years ago

        We already know that Susu fricks everyone, regardless of age or gender.

      • 3 years ago

        >having to buy tickets instead of getting them for free by ranking in top 5
        >actually bothering with getting tickets at all during a pandemic
        On that note, I really wish there was a way to opt out of the ticket lottery. I don't need or want to attend a T7S event without Erii Yamazaki.

        • 3 years ago

          They're streaming the event online so you don't even need to be in the country and Erii's in the performing cast.

        • 3 years ago

          Of course I buy. Easiest way to get ticket

    • 3 years ago

      They didn't announce anything important yesterday, so I hope they were saving the good things for today.

    • 3 years ago

      I should never post a prediction again.
      But at least, we are getting more songs and lives.

      • 3 years ago

        Judging by the naming criterion they don't consider 7-I-V-E to be the official 7th anniversary milestone concert. A shame since the logo is so good.

  30. 3 years ago
    Day 2 go.

  31. 3 years ago

    We are Live. Le S CA on now.

  32. 3 years ago

    1. Hajimariuta
    2. Yellow
    3. SUN SUN SUN
    4. Hanasaki Otome
    5. Snowdrop.

  33. 3 years ago


  34. 3 years ago

    6. Funbare Runner by Nanabana
    7. Prizm Ri-Zm
    8. Lovely Only

  35. 3 years ago

    119k watching online + 5 to 10k at Pia Arena MM.

    This is the biggest T7S crowd.

  36. 3 years ago


    9. Kodomo no Hero
    10. Amaterras

  37. 3 years ago

    130k viewers now!

  38. 3 years ago

    Can't wait for the A-O-ZORA NI MA-U KI-MI-NO YU-ME GA!

  39. 3 years ago

    140k Shihainin! Yuri Yamaoka looks different.

  40. 3 years ago

    150K Shihainin!

  41. 3 years ago

    4U is celebrating Independence Day.

  42. 3 years ago

    4U College AU.

  43. 3 years ago

    11. Zero
    12. Fall in Love
    13. Love and Devil
    14. Fall in Love

  44. 3 years ago

    15. Departures

  45. 3 years ago

    Ending with MiTP apparently. 194K.

  46. 3 years ago

    It's OVER 200000!

    • 3 years ago

      Likely a turnstile count rather than unique visitor.
      I hope you weren't that sole openly gaijin sperg in chat.

  47. 3 years ago

    The theme of this concert was basically 'the story continues...'

    Motegi maybe gone but the story of T7S isn't over. 3 Years more!

  48. 3 years ago

    Idol Chat was so mean to Kuwachan. She maybe 30 now but she's still young enough to play a 10 year old.

  49. 3 years ago

    So many links to get to archive. Not well optimised

  50. 3 years ago

    >777 free rolls over 20 days
    Whoa maybe I'll give this a shot since I do like rollin-
    haha... I'll see you guys in another 6 months

    • 3 years ago

      If you're still there, newbies get 777 free rolls now.

      I leave skill animations on because they're off to the side of the lane and are pretty inoffensive. Anniversary Nicole on the other hand just fills the entire screen and sometimes makes me mess up. I'm still not used to it after all this time.

      Unit bonus skills have the same animation. For me the most I'd do is leave the skill name at the top.

  51. 3 years ago

    Any of you got the new Nicole PS?

    • 3 years ago

      Some guy who never comes to /vmg/. Hi, yes, I got her on step 1. In exchange literally every other gacha gives me the absolute worst possible roll.

  52. 3 years ago
    This is not the 2034 I signed up for.

  53. 3 years ago

    Why didn't Donuts push this game into the international waters instead of D4DJ? Is it because the latter is a Bushi project?

    • 3 years ago

      >Is it because the latter is a Bushi project?

    • 3 years ago

      >Is it because the latter is a Bushi project?

      1. Donuts pushed the game into Thailand because they had a office based in Thailand. At some point it slowly died off without updates. The weirdest thing that happen was when they blackened the app icon and facebook in commemoration of their dead King, giving the weird image of Japanese Idols raised in the 2030s giving two craps about some SEA King.
      2. D4DJ was co-developed by Bushi and T7S long after T7S TH died.
      3. T7S is not the most popular game, it found a niche for it's unique mechanics but it would have been suicide to launch it in English. Plus the game is now 7-8 years ahead in terms of content. There's no point in launching it as a separate server now.

  54. 3 years ago

    >that new Ferb card
    I swear to god someone saw Idoly Pride and thought "holy shit we need sweaty idols too".

    • 3 years ago

      I for one welcome it. She's only had 2 so far and that's a little odd considering how much she loves outdoor lives. Sweaty Ferb is good shit.

      • 3 years ago

        Sweaty Makoto when?

        • 3 years ago

          You made me look and you were right.
          I always thought she was sweating in these two cards, but she wasn't. The closer to sweating was the one in her school swimsuit, but that is water from the pool.

  55. 3 years ago

    Does anyone happen to have the hires releases of AMATERRAS and 光? Someone uploaded Clash!!! a while back but that's it. I'm aware that they're on an album already, I own said album, but I'm looking for the single releases. Kinda doubt anyone here has them but I might as well ask.

  56. 3 years ago

    This update made it super easy to get the ATK over 300k, so you can now easily get an S in Score for Legend songs. At the same time, surviving a song like the new "Love and Devil" Legend is not that hard since the max Tension also increased.
    Another thing I like about the update is that the secondary type is easier to use, you don't need to switch types every time you want to change it.
    It is a pain in the ass to use the produce items for all my idols again, but now every is faster. There isn't the stupid max 30 items every time you have to level or sparkle.

    I am so stupid I forgot to use my remaining 7th points (around 5000). I thought there was going to be an announcement about exchanging them for the new G/G+/P points, but that never happened, so I forgot. They got converted into 1000 Golsh per 7th point.

    • 3 years ago

      >battle is relegated to the menu option
      Heh. I don't like how they unified the training menu, having them split with different filters was really nice and you could swap between them for the same card anyway. Also seems like the weekly rotating bonus is gone? Kinda sad.
      Since the update is here and all how do I in to battle? Maybe it'll become relevant again, who knows. I just threw together some random shit and went with it since, you know, battles aren't really relevant.

      Yes I like the attack boost, I can S rank the few legends I can actually clear. Maybe with more tension I can clear more of them but I would do so horribly I don't want to try. Having every item produce level reset is also annoying but I'm glad I've been just spending 1 S item per day for a while now.

    • 3 years ago

      >It is a pain in the ass to use the produce items for all my idols again
      Frick that, they reset everyone's produce level and didn't even refund you anything.

      >They got converted into 1000 Golsh per 7th point.
      Really? I never even got any of them from my mailbox.

      • 3 years ago

        >Frick that, they reset everyone's produce level and didn't even refund you anything.
        They refunded your produce items. I got over 2000 EX items per type. Enough to max all of my PS/BDS/GS+ and most of my GS, even if I won't use them.

  57. 3 years ago

    Is there anything worth buying from the limited shop? I'd guess GS Conney isn't too bad of a grab with maybe L items.

    • 3 years ago

      Get the G Joker Coneys when they show up. A bit expensive though, costs like 1 million IIRC.

  58. 3 years ago

    Kazumi's song is a lot better than I expected, something slow and boring like Fumika's from Imas.
    Also I am surprised her singing voice sounds a lot like Sae (I know they share the same seiyuu), because Kazumi's normal voice is deeper.

    • 3 years ago

      I quite like it, wonder what song will accompany it on the single.

  59. 3 years ago

    I leave skill animations on because they're off to the side of the lane and are pretty inoffensive. Anniversary Nicole on the other hand just fills the entire screen and sometimes makes me mess up. I'm still not used to it after all this time.

  60. 3 years ago

    This is the first time I see a character specific item in the shop. It is expensive, but any 3+ attack item is worth the money.

    • 3 years ago

      I've seen it multiple times, but I've only ever gotten +3% HP or +2% HP/+1 ATK junk.

  61. 3 years ago

    When are the devs going to fix holds with flick ends? Couldn't FC Kazumi's song on Legend because I kept getting bads.

  62. 3 years ago

    >roll Ayumu banner 7 times
    >roll Makoto banner 11 times
    >get neither GS+ after 198 rolls
    Just frick my shit up.
    It had literally less than 1.25% chance of happening.

    • 3 years ago

      Wait it was 1.35% chance, but still. My luck shouldn't be this bad.

  63. 3 years ago

    Holy shit I did NOT expect this. My last minute hajimariuta actually went through.

    • 3 years ago

      Anyone else staying up for the concert stream? Or buy the new album, since that's supposedly the reason they're doing the stream. Mine shipped out to my forwarder so maybe it'll get here next week.

      Nice rank.

      • 3 years ago

        Yeah, I thought I was fricked when I completed the song but maint started while the results were compiling. I was like 780th at last check before I used my remaining 3 boosts.

  64. 3 years ago

    Melody in the Pocket was such a nice live. I totally get why it was all 777 Sisters and no rivals/legends but it just doesn't feel right without Seventh Sisters. I'd guess that's why they aren't really considering 7IVE the 7th anniversary show, can't have that without both Haru and Nicole. A shame the livestream was bitrate starved, though that's to be expected with a youtube stream.

    • 3 years ago

      >no Makoto
      Glad I didn't waste my time on it.

      • 3 years ago

        Ci+LUS sang their, at the time two, songs and had a short MC section.

  65. 3 years ago

    >episode exhibition goods on sale online
    Man if I liked AXiS more I would be out $160, that 3 layer acryilic panel looks straight amazing. Shame that the Seventh SIsters one looks pertty meh, but that again saves me $160.

  66. 3 years ago

    >It's Zhongqiujie
    >New Nanabana Song
    >The Chinese Idol is the MC/Centre of the story
    This was deliberate.

    • 3 years ago

      I absolutely cannot fc My Gradation legend. Every single instance of hold-tap that's the same width overlayed on the hold-swipe terminate ends up with a miss on the swipe and tap. I hate it.

      Might as well go all out I guess.

      • 3 years ago

        Dump Android and move to iOS.

  67. 3 years ago

    I swear to fricking god killer tuner legend is a fricking 20, not a 19.

  68. 3 years ago


    You mean zero good songs. There aren't any Makoto solos.

    • 3 years ago

      Be honest with yourself. Is Eri Yamazaki powerful enough to carry a solo?

      • 3 years ago

        She's done solo concerts before so obviously.

        • 3 years ago

          She has a solo career?

          • 3 years ago

            Yeah, goes by Erii as her stage name and even has a personal label (Cherii Records). In fact she didn't voice anyone new from 2018 to 2020 because she was focusing on her singing career IIRC.

  69. 3 years ago

    >room loads up
    >song gets picked
    >select my unit
    >lol sorry your connection to the session got fricked get cucked out of your 350cp and 2 microphones
    T-thanks. Haven't seen that before.

    • 3 years ago

      I got that all the fricking time in we are sisters.

  70. 3 years ago

    I guess things got stuck up in Japan for a while. Also this thing is frickhuge, bigger than the limited movie BD box in every way but thickness, which is a bit smaller. I have no idea where I'm going to put it now.

  71. 3 years ago

    205X, Ei and Jedah still don't have a song.

    • 3 years ago

      MAO is too busy and expensive maybe.
      >ever having a chance at anything

      • 3 years ago

        >ever having a chance at anything
        Uhhh bro, about that...

        • 3 years ago

          IT'S HAPPENING!

          Anchan is finally debuting in T7S.

  72. 3 years ago

    I have this theory that Ume used to play the guitar right-handed because she wanted to follow what Nicole did until the Seventh Sisters disbanded, then she switched to her left hand to show her newfound defiance of Nicole. What are the odds of this being true?

  73. 3 years ago

    Toei: That idolshit was fun. Can we make a full series?
    Donuts: Yeah uh--no. We're more interested in D4DJ now
    Toei: Well frick you! We'll make our own Idols! With Samurai and Edo!

    • 3 years ago

      Haru's Edo ancestor.

    • 3 years ago

      The movie didn't sell well enough. Donuts just don't want to accept that Makoto is the only girl that anyone in the playerbase actually cares about.

      • 3 years ago

        We will see if Makoto is that popular now.

        • 3 years ago

          >implying the devs will release the results

          • 3 years ago

            Actually, Donuts do a good job taking the survey results into consideration. If you see a bigger influx of content of a certain character, then that means that character got voted more.
            For example, they used to released a lot of Makoto cards at the peak of her popularity.

            • 3 years ago

              Yeah, but taking the survey results into consideration, and actually releasing the survey results for everyone to see, are completely different matters.

              >at the peak of her popularity.
              I knew it was her getting a unit that gimped her hard.

  74. 3 years ago

    >onkyo DAP
    So there were two sets of CIEMs, one set of wireless earbuds/IEMs idk which, and now a DAP. I can't say much about the CIEMs, because lolCIEMS, but I'm guessing the wireless earbuds aren't terribly impressive. The DAP also looks to be quite unimpressive. The custom UI is pretty lame and there's hardly any custom theme going on on the actual unit. My guess is they had a fair amount of back stock of said unit and they decided to ask around and find out who is okay with slapping their name and a couple UI elements on it to turn a better profit on dead stock.

    • 3 years ago

      Wrong thread bro?

      • 3 years ago
        "New" collab product.

        • 3 years ago

          yen audio player with 16 GB storage
          What the frick is the point of this?

          • 3 years ago

            It has 2 slots for 256gb micro sd cards, though since it's old there are quite a few people who have said it takes up to 400gb. DAPs aren't like iPods and mp3 players of old, they basically assume you're going to get external storage.

            • 3 years ago

              Damn, so it can’t take two 512 GB or two 1 TB cards? Bummer.

  75. 3 years ago

    At least they are still releasing merchandising with Makoto in them.

    • 3 years ago

      And a new song.

      • 3 years ago

        Wait, are they trying to lure vocaloid producers now? What next, cosMo@暴走P?

      • 3 years ago

        >their reactions to you telling them your fetish

  76. 3 years ago

    4U celebrated Independence Day. What will happen at the next concert?

  77. 3 years ago

    Started playing again a couple months ago and am starting over in the story since I don't remember much. I quit before 3.0 I think so there's a lot I'd have to catch up on anyway. I'm skipping all of the new stuff and I see that some of them have run times of well over an hour. Are they actually that long?

    • 3 years ago

      If you use Auto, then yes, they are that long. I really don't like it, since a lot of the episodes could be cut into smaller parts. The only reason they did it this way is to give it a more "epic" feeling.

      • 3 years ago

        After 3.0, Motegi starting writing epics to compensate for no anime.

        Yeah they are long. 4.0 goes for about 4 to 5 hours and includes animated cut scenes.

        What the hell. I heard the story is pretty good after that point so if I ever catch up and have time for that it'll be worth it I guess. Are there still unvoiced parts? My kanji is shit so I rely on the voices, which is kinda lacking in the early stories.

        • 3 years ago

          All the faceless people are unvoiced and the characters with normal appearance are voiced. The only characters with a normal appearance without a voice were Hime's siblings and Mito's grandmother.
          This is kinda bad, because a lot of faceless people are quite important in the story.

          • 3 years ago

            I forgot the previous Shihainin was voiced. Sadly, his voice actor passed away.

        • 3 years ago

          4.0 has Axis, who are extremely popular with the fandom. But to me they are just a rehash of 4U but with more hot topic and emo diaries.

          It's funny but, if you think about it, Motegi's writing wasn't that good. Every villain (including the movie) was someone who was effected by mass Idol disbanding, and couldn't cope in a healthy way.

          I personally prefer 5.0. No villain but a story about loss, legacy, acceptance and unhealthy nostalgia.

          • 3 years ago

            AXSHiT was nothing but edge which the Japanese seem to like to eat up.

            >Motegi's writing wasn't that good.
            You mean you only knew that now? Dude was a fricking hack.

            • 3 years ago

              Japanese and Westerners. Their brand of music, along with Roselia/Guilty Kiss etc, seems to do really well outside the four main islands.

    • 3 years ago

      After 3.0, Motegi starting writing epics to compensate for no anime.

      Yeah they are long. 4.0 goes for about 4 to 5 hours and includes animated cut scenes.

  78. 3 years ago

    Sales looking really bad. I hope they can at least release the new Story Arc in 2022 after another concert boost.

    • 3 years ago

      If they really cared about sales they'd release nothing but Makoto stories.

      What the hell. I heard the story is pretty good after that point so if I ever catch up and have time for that it'll be worth it I guess. Are there still unvoiced parts? My kanji is shit so I rely on the voices, which is kinda lacking in the early stories.

      I thought the only unvoiced stuff were the short messages, and everything else was fully voiced.

  79. 3 years ago

    >Hard Sign

  80. 3 years ago

    Am I moronic or is this event a day longer than usual?

    • 3 years ago

      Yes, it is 1 day longer.

  81. 3 years ago

    >Harukaze Legend is easier to FP than Expert is to FC
    Why is this allowed?

  82. 3 years ago

    7.77 anniversary is too fricking short. Fricking hell, Donuts. Half a week is nowhere near long enough.

    • 3 years ago

      It's a stupid idea when we know 8.0 is the big once, since they've been delaying all their big 'milestone' concerts until after the pandemic abates.

      • 3 years ago

        >until after the pandemic abates.
        We'd be lucky if that happens by 10th anniversary, never mind 8th.

  83. 3 years ago

    Hopefully it goes away enough for the audience to be able to cheer again. Them needing to request recordings of calls to play during the small concert is just depressing.

    • 3 years ago

      By the time it does we'll have another stupid new variant and the cycle will repeat itself all over again. Fricking hell.

  84. 3 years ago

    Reminder that Ayumu has actually been in love with (You) since day 1.

  85. 3 years ago

    >we are sisters
    Dead event

  86. 3 years ago

    It is likely it is just me, since I couldn't find anything on Twitter, but I find it strange my only two songs left are "Hello... my friend" Emo and Hina edits.
    I don't care since the only reward missing is the title, but I mostly played using one energy per song in hopes of getting everything. That was a big waste of time and effort.

    • 3 years ago

      >even at the end there hasn't been a room with more than 12 people
      Dead event indeed.

      I get song repeats all the time. I don't even bother doing anything but using all of the stam I have.

  87. 3 years ago

  88. 3 years ago
    It's been 8 years.

    Suwawa (who worked with Minami) on a radio show, along with Anchan have achieved much greater recognition than DaMina who is the MC of this franchise.

    • 3 years ago

      New update soon with a new story and characters
      There is a preregistration to get rewards. I don't think it will get to 70000

      Inori Minase is actually more popular than them. It always felt like T7S is too small for her.
      Haru may be the main character, but Coney/Nicole is the face and most important character of the franchise. At least, people who don't know much about T7S will recognize Nicole but not Haru.

      • 3 years ago

        Karakuri BUT heterochromia.

        • 3 years ago

          I thought it was Mito and Memoru

      • 3 years ago

        All of this is weird but I'm not complaining. Them finally confirming some actual real new story instead of just saying something about it means the game won't die after the next annivesary live. Probably.

        I still find it amusing how Inori and MAO are in here and how, at least on the surface, dead the franchise is. You'd figure they would have wanted to go harder with big names but no 7.77 years of hardly doing anything.

        • 3 years ago

          Inorin is effectively the deuteragonist of the game, and she will always be back to record a 7 Sisters' song.

      • 3 years ago

        Full body art of the new character.

        Since Motegi isn't doing the story anymore, I hope the new writer doesn't copy the "sad girls in the rain" that plagued most of the episodes, including the movie.

        • 3 years ago

          >new character.
          Frick, I want the i-n-g training minigames back already.

        • 3 years ago

          Rain is fine. Very metaphorical. But Motegi just loved recycling the same type of villain for every episode, bar 5.0 and 0.7- cackling jerks who can't cope with Idols disbanding in a healthy way. It escalated all the way to kidnapping by 6.0.

        • 3 years ago

          Predict who will be her seiyuu:

          She kinda sounds like Haru, but I am sure she is someone different.

          Also, the announcements video:

        • 3 years ago

          Predict who will be her seiyuu:

          She kinda sounds like Haru, but I am sure she is someone different.

          Also, the announcements video:

          If we are doing new characters. They should just upgrade Haru's haremette #5 to fulltime cast. The one from 6.0.

    • 3 years ago

      New update soon with a new story and characters
      There is a preregistration to get rewards. I don't think it will get to 70000

      Inori Minase is actually more popular than them. It always felt like T7S is too small for her.
      Haru may be the main character, but Coney/Nicole is the face and most important character of the franchise. At least, people who don't know much about T7S will recognize Nicole but not Haru.

      Neither Haru nor Nicole is as important as Makoto, though.

  89. 3 years ago

    Scary thought, but Anchan, has a lot of Western fans especially black gals and fellas because of Love Live.

    So on the celebratory T7S stream she accidentally pisses off the Western fanbase by wearing blackface. Fairly innocent stuff from her perspective, she just wants to get into character as Jedah. The Blacks take it the absolute wrong way and explode in rage.

    • 3 years ago

      Post YFW Voice Direction and Production don't instruct Anchan to go mellow and deep, but instead Jedah ends up screeching like Chika.

      Is it really that fun coming up with the schizo scenarios in your head?

      • 3 years ago


  90. 3 years ago

    I wonder what that black girl on my friendlist is feeling. She likes Jedah for obvious reasons.

  91. 3 years ago

    >7th sisters has no Player song
    >4U has no Dancer song
    >Karakuri has no Varadol or Player song
    Fricking when bros

  92. 3 years ago

    >mini live is getting a BD release, and also a fairly expensive release
    Well okay. I'll still buy it because I hate myself.

  93. 3 years ago

    I remember when that one fat Love Live fangirl, who had a crippling spending addiction to gacha, tried out T7S and thought Jedah was 'hypersexualised.' Good times.

  94. 3 years ago

    Holy kino

  95. 3 years ago

    End of an era
    Start of a new.

  96. 3 years ago

    We need a 2043 scenario where Coney reunites with a now married MusuHaruSusu.

    • 2 years ago

      Married to different fat old men! They enjoyed exec wiener too much.

  97. 3 years ago

    Post YFW Voice Direction and Production don't instruct Anchan to go mellow and deep, but instead Jedah ends up screeching like Chika.

  98. 3 years ago
    Archive is up. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Tomoe.

  99. 3 years ago

    Remember to do the questionnaire lads.

  100. 3 years ago


    T7S in the EOY Ganker collage.

    • 3 years ago
  101. 3 years ago

    >2 week event
    New years pls. At least more time means being able to clear out more of the gacha without burning donuts or just resetting asap.

  102. 3 years ago
    It feels like T7Sgays are unusually averse to collabs compared to most other playerbases. Then again the playerbase is unusual in many other ways as well…

  103. 3 years ago

    I coulda sworn there was supposed to be a bonus with this but oh well. I think it was just a bromide so no big deal.

  104. 2 years ago

    Damn,Haru's looking small here.Also do the free pulls end tomorrow?If so it seems like I missed one since it says I'll get a 70 pull tomorrow which sucks.At least I got 2 Ayumu Ps out of it and like 10 other ones out of it.

    • 2 years ago

      Man,forgot to post the picture.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty sure every new account gets them now.

  105. 2 years ago

    Don Kan Boy might win this year's Song Selection. Finally. I once voted Citrus is Kataomoi but almost everyone else voted AXiS.

    • 2 years ago

      First Ci+LUS song I actually liked. 40mP is too good.

    • 2 years ago

      New and catchy, just like Holy Queen which I'm surprised is in second. I'm also sad that once again Queen of Purple is completely non existent but oh well.

      • 2 years ago

        The power of vocaloidPs. Get cosMo@暴走P next, please.

        Isn't it because QoP got a shit ton of songs in one sitting last time?

  106. 2 years ago

    Has anyone here actually bought anything? Or spent money in game too I guess. Aside from that one guy of course. I have the Haru figure and a couple of the earlier CDs but that's it.

    • 2 years ago

      I bought the Hello my Friend Ume & Haru edit. Actually, I bought the 7th coins premium box that gives you almost 10000 paid 7th coins for $10 and you can only buy it once.

      I think the song wasn't worth the 2000 paid 7th coins. The commu you get with the song is voiceless and only two minutes long. The song isn't count for the total song Score/Combo/Clear in your profile.

      • 2 years ago

        Unfortunate that it's unvoiced. At least you got 400 7th coins back, not that that's meaningful.

        >Aside from that one guy of course.
        Do you mean me, who sparks for every Makoto card on sight? I had to take a loan to get her latest P because my pay was coming late. Don't worry about me, the admin fees alone are enough motivation for me to not let it happen again.

        No that one guy who posts pics of shit. I knew you loved Makoto but I didn't know you loved her that fast.

        • 2 years ago

          Anon, you should know by now that the game is only still kept alive by the money of people who love Makoto.

    • 2 years ago

      >Aside from that one guy of course.
      Do you mean me, who sparks for every Makoto card on sight? I had to take a loan to get her latest P because my pay was coming late. Don't worry about me, the admin fees alone are enough motivation for me to not let it happen again.

  107. 2 years ago

    Jedah's new song- Striking Diamond.

  108. 2 years ago

    Guest for tonight's stream is She is so High (420 BLAZE IT).

  109. 2 years ago
    This sounds like some Starcruiser name- Striking Diamond.

  110. 2 years ago

    What do you guys think the next update will bring?
    >new judgement level above Perfect (Just Perfect? FJP?)
    >0 CP plays (how to balance this for rate ranking during events? Count only the top 1 result from boostless plays?)
    >change playing Legend charts to requiring 70 CP per play instead of 5 free plays per day, item required per play thereafter
    >return of raid and Live Jack events

    • 2 years ago

      I don't want another perfect, I'm already garbage I don't need anything else to show me I'm garbage.

      • 2 years ago

        Instrumental songs when? I want to see people die trying to clear Freedom Dive.

        D4DJ already has it. It's only a matter of time.

  111. 2 years ago

    Only Ei left.

  112. 2 years ago

    >Aozora Translations has not updated for months
    >Turns out they've moved onto 'managing' a Vtuber

  113. 2 years ago

    >Jedah is American
    Don't know what I expected,honestly.Her solo's great,but I question why we're having another Guerrilla event when the Casquettes's one wasn't even that long ago.

    • 2 years ago

      Did they reveal her nationality in the story? I thought T7S doesn't do that for its gaijin.

      • 2 years ago

        They technically didn't but she sure as hell sounds like it,lots of english.Most gaijin nationalities are heavily implied at least,besides maybe Suzu.

  114. 2 years ago

    When are they announcing the song poll results again? We all know Don Kan won.

    • 2 years ago

      They didn't even give anything to last year's winning song's unit until this year. Devs are slow as frick.

  115. 2 years ago

    >roll step 1 just for the hell of it
    >2 P
    >2 different Mito
    >don't get the new one
    Tfw you get great rng but rate up still comes in and says it's a lie.

    • 2 years ago

      Man I can relate.Did a pull on the Jedah gacha,got two different Emo Ps.Did a free one with the ticket,got a Hina P from a flip.And the funniest part is that I still don't have a single 4U G.Not even one,just P cards.

  116. 2 years ago

    Got an email from my forwarder. Apparently the bonus from buying the 3 CDs was sent out seperately. So now I have 0 yen worth of bromides or something that'll probably cost $20 to ship. I hope the 7IVE BD gets to the forwarder within 30 days so I can merge them, christ. I do wish I waited to preorder 7IVE though, I'd prefer the bonus from another store instead of the official store.

  117. 2 years ago

    For me, it's Sason Of Love.

  118. 2 years ago

    Happy one-year anniversary to this thread

    • 2 years ago

      >They didn't announce free rolls
      >Please play Your Majesty

      I think that game is going to fail. Having different seiyuus for the singing part, even if the seiyuus for the characters can sing, is a strange and shitty decision.

      • 2 years ago

        Now that I look at the cast better, it makes sense to have two seiyuus. A lot of the normal speaking roles are voiced by popular seiyuus, so I think they don't want a MAO situation.

      • 2 years ago

        Now that I look at the cast better, it makes sense to have two seiyuus. A lot of the normal speaking roles are voiced by popular seiyuus, so I think they don't want a MAO situation.

        Wait, what game?

        • 2 years ago

          Oh, never mind. Found it, looks boring.

  119. 2 years ago

    Time to put 888 rolls in the op next thread! H-heh.

    • 2 years ago

      This thread will survive for another year, unless something really big happens.
      >888 free rolls over 81 days (10 per day + 88 in the final one)
      >Please play our game

    • 2 years ago

      This thread will survive for another year, unless something really big happens.
      >888 free rolls over 81 days (10 per day + 88 in the final one)
      >Please play our game

      I was about to make a Snapdragon 888 reference but then remembered that T7S is iOS territory and is a fricking nightmare to play on Android, even by nip gacha rhythm game standards.

      I really hate how they're doing the gacha the same way as last time. Why isn't it a daily reset? Why is it locked to this dumb 24 hour cd? Like sure you can literally just not roll for like 2-3 months and still make it but that doesn't make it not annoying.

      Just tell them that in the feedback form. It's there for a reason. And also ask why they're doing this 24 hours cooldown while you're at it.

    • 2 years ago

      What's the post limit- 300? If you really want it I can imagedump this thread into bump limit

      • 2 years ago

        500. At this rate, this thread will live for another year, but probably won't get to the 9th anniversary.
        For example the Dragalia Lost Thread


        is older than this one.

  120. 2 years ago

    I really hate how they're doing the gacha the same way as last time. Why isn't it a daily reset? Why is it locked to this dumb 24 hour cd? Like sure you can literally just not roll for like 2-3 months and still make it but that doesn't make it not annoying.

  121. 2 years ago

    >rank 774
    Darn, not lucky enough. Wasn't even expecting top 777.

  122. 2 years ago

    Oh they increased the limit of CP boost. Did anyone even want that? Weird thing to do. It's almost like they don't want people playing the game.

    • 2 years ago

      It is part of the 8th anniversary campaign and it actually started last week. From Thursday to Saturday you get the boost.

      Also, this is to prevent people from burning and not playing the game. It is better if they play less but keep coming every day. If you feel burned or you think the game is to grindy, then people may quit.
      This is the reason most gacha games nowadays have some kind of auto mode and some kind of "send your characters in a quest/business for x amount of time and get items/exp/points for ranking, without actually playing the game"

      • 2 years ago

        I totally missed reading that part. I figure it would only help out the autism rankers since everyone else has a boat load of gold auto tickets, but I guess helping people potentially throwing more money at the game for not gacha rolls is always a good thing.

  123. 2 years ago

    Valentine got extended. No 8th Anniversary event (yet). Tomorrow is last chance to get the /U/meEmo card.

  124. 2 years ago

    Free code for the 7th Fes. Feel free to use it. I already bought mine.

    • 2 years ago

      Kek did one of you guys make the Seiyuu thread on /jp/?

      So the free ticket seems to be just a static camera angle of the stage and has no archive viewing or something, kinda Nice. Did you go through l-tike? Need to do anything special or do they just take foreign shit without any issue?

      • 2 years ago

        For the 8th Anniversary.

      • 2 years ago

        It was a reward for the new chapter pre-reg. I was advised it would be the reward but got impatient and bought my ticket a week before they sent the code.

  125. 2 years ago

    30 minutes left to 8th Anniversary of T7S.

  126. 2 years ago

    Happy 8th Anniversary!

  127. 2 years ago


  128. 2 years ago

    Started playing. I actually like the game so far. The gameplay feels better than PSekai/Bandori.

    • 2 years ago

      Who's your best girl and why is it Makoto?

  129. 2 years ago

    If you turn the 8 on it's side it becomes an infinity. May Nanasis last forever.

  130. 2 years ago

    >Heaven’s Rave legend is only a 22
    Words cannot hope to express my sheer disappointment.

    • 2 years ago

      My phone auto updated to Android 12 today and it feels awful. I swear the timing is different and tap sounds are desynced when there's multiple in quick succession. I wish Apple wasn't the only other competition that was meaningful.

      I'd guess 22 is the peak, they probably don't want to go full autismo on the difficulty but we'll have to wait for the new shit to come out to see. Though I can't even get good clears on expert 19s so that shit doesn't affect me since I'm garbage.

      • 2 years ago

        22 in T7S is barely a 31 in Proseka. We can do better than this.

        Found your problem.

        • 2 years ago

          The mobile world being ruled by Apple and Google is fricking awful. Almost makes me wish Microsoft didn't absolutely faceplant with Windows Mobile.

  131. 2 years ago

    Said frick it why not and tried SEVENTH HAVEN on legend to see how horribly I would do. Didn't even C combo and my rate was 18.43. Also for shits and giggles I hit practice mode on HEAVEN'S RAVE only to die about half way through, just can't get my thumbs to tap fast enough. Looking at the rate rankings it seems a pretty good amount of people are just as bad as me.
    Also 7IVE BD is coming, just gotta wait for my forwarder to ship it.

  132. 2 years ago


    Yeah, a lack of Makoto tends to do this.

    Said frick it why not and tried SEVENTH HAVEN on legend to see how horribly I would do. Didn't even C combo and my rate was 18.43. Also for shits and giggles I hit practice mode on HEAVEN'S RAVE only to die about half way through, just can't get my thumbs to tap fast enough. Looking at the rate rankings it seems a pretty good amount of people are just as bad as me.
    Also 7IVE BD is coming, just gotta wait for my forwarder to ship it.

    I got in a lot of practice back when it was a guerrilla sonic song. My personal best is only an A rank combo, though. Contrast with not being able to clear the song even with a full team of healers when it first came out. Same with heaven's rave.

    • 2 years ago

      Clarification: heaven's rave expert. I can't clear legend without healers. Can't C combo it yet, either.

  133. 2 years ago

    If anyone else needs a free code BMdm8dGnsAxfT2aHP
    I unfortunately won't be able to tune in when it's live.

  134. 2 years ago

    They open the night with the new Seiyu Idols who seem to be named Yuu and something.

  135. 2 years ago

    New Characters, we are now in 2050s.

    Nanahoshi Ai- New Haru?
    Ichinose Mai- New Rona
    Asanagi Shione- New Mito?

  136. 2 years ago

    New unit is NanasutaW. We are finally getting an official Gen 2. Well DaMina is nearing her 30s.

  137. 2 years ago

    New SoL song. SoL gets honour of opening the concert even though there was a 20 minute drama and song with NanasutaW from 2053.

  138. 2 years ago

    They did not announce the 2053 girl seiyuu.

  139. 2 years ago

    SiSH with Sawara onee-chan. They drink together anyway.

  140. 2 years ago


  141. 2 years ago

    Why are they caging these girls?

  142. 2 years ago

    WNo4 actually appear by video. No concert is complete without SmolMina.

  143. 2 years ago

    Loving the very Chinky Nanabana costumes for the Chinky song.

  144. 2 years ago

    101k in the stream.

  145. 2 years ago

    No Hina.

  146. 2 years ago


  147. 2 years ago

    Found out the reason behind Ru Thing's weird name. She's actually Chinese, and she's in a group with a Chinese character but not cast as the Chinese.

    • 2 years ago

      When will Donuts ever learn that no amount of new characters added will increase the playerbase one bit, or make them spend more? Makoto is the only girl that the playerbase will ever seriously whale for. The devs should be focusing on her instead.

      Same seiyuu as Syuko from iM@S. /@/ already knew about her long ago.

      People were waiting eight years for this, but... will MAO go to a T7S live?

      Video of the announcements:

      Stella MiNE's song MV:

      I don't really like it, but I kinda like the instrumental version of it while the game is downloading the update.

      I heard MAO finally showed up at iM@S lives so there's every chance of her showing up at a T7S live as well.

      Decided to roll 4x and I got Yuu. Rolled another P but it was just Honoka, at least it was one I didn't have yet. Could roll more but idk, I do want Ai but not sure if I want to dump even more. Also got Rui joker from todays joker tickets, was very close to immediately dumping it on Yuu.

      >wasting jokers on perms
      Shiggy diggy.

      • 2 years ago

        No idea how this guy got it but here's a supposedly full off vocal

        The excitement didn't last very long so I didn't, she's still P.

        • 2 years ago

          Hoe-girlve Collab... On one hand, T7S is getting more songs, and that is always a good thing. But I liked Motegi's idea of not doing collabs to not ruin the T7S world's image.
          Looking on Twitter, I am not the only one who doesn't like this collab.

          At least, we know the direction this game is taking without Motegi.

          Isn't it just a game rip? The song plays in the title screen and the event page right now.

          • 2 years ago

            so the new director decided to find an easy cashgrab as soon as possible huh... that's really sad

          • 2 years ago

            I'm going to go say hi to our new friends...I guess.

          • 2 years ago

            Collab will be exclusive to the new characters...who just got released. I guess Vtubers took over 2050s.

          • 2 years ago

            Kotobuki Yume on suicide watch.

          • 2 years ago

            What the frick. I get they want more players and money but what.

          • 2 years ago

            First Love Live and now T7S?Man the trend isn't going away anytime soon huh?

            • 2 years ago

              Lapis hired Holos to shill their game long before it came out...and then they turned Ratura into an actual Vtuber.

              • 2 years ago

                T7S should have turned Makoto into a vtuber if they really wanted to go the vtuber route.

              • 2 years ago

                I can live with that. As for 'new fans,' does this even work? RST seems to be going nowhere with their Kirara collabs, Lapis is still on life support after Holos shilled it. The only franchise shilled by Holos that seems to be doing well is D4DJ, but I'd argue that that has more to do with Bushiroad literally herding Bandori fans into D4DJ. The first D4DJ event was literally opened by Bandori bands.

              • 2 years ago

                If by RST you mean Re:Stage, there was only one Kirara collab (Machikado) ever, most of its collabs have been with Ongeki
                Which itself is the weakest of the SEGA Arcade rhythm game trio so

          • 2 years ago

            At least AZKi and Sora are probably the least problematic of the company. I'd guess Suisei is too but I don't watch holo. Can't wait to roll them instead of those nice Ai and Yuu cards.

          • 2 years ago

            so the new director decided to find an easy cashgrab as soon as possible huh... that's really sad

            What the frick. I get they want more players and money but what.

            First Love Live and now T7S?Man the trend isn't going away anytime soon huh?

            You just know this Hoe-girlve collab's gacha banner won't make as much money as Makoto's birthday banner. Which won't even have any new cards since it's just a rerun.

            Even if the head honcho changes, some things never change. Whoever's in charge just can't seem to see the forest for the trees.

            • 2 years ago

              yeah they want to lure in new players while also abandoning already existing player base in the process

  148. 2 years ago

    Finally, Ei is getting a song.

    • 2 years ago

      People were waiting eight years for this, but... will MAO go to a T7S live?

      Episode Nanasuta.
      Episode 2053 out now
      Ei debut in April.
      The Big one (6/7/8) will be towards the end of this year.
      Episode Nanasuta will be out in March/April

      Video of the announcements:

      Stella MiNE's song MV:

      I don't really like it, but I kinda like the instrumental version of it while the game is downloading the update.

      • 2 years ago

        Is she and Anchan busy in November/December? I'm guessing Anchan could not make it this weekend because she's training for the next tour concert...and she doesn't want to frick her legs like TMRR.

  149. 2 years ago

    2053 Gen 2 Seiyuu

    Amane Kanon
    Amano Satomi (Hotaru in Im@s, funnily enough she's the replacement voice for Ayami Yoshii's [;_;] role in 8BS.
    Hoshina Shizuki (As in Idol Jihen?)
    Yamada Marina (Former HKT48 Member, understudy in 22/7)

    • 2 years ago

      >Shizuku Hoshinoya

      As in Not-Aya in Puraore.

    • 2 years ago

      New Idols. Looked like Yuu got separated from her Ai and got paired with a Korean and Chink.

      We have Ichika Tachibana from Baton Relay as

      And we hired another ex-48. Rena Hasegawa from NGT48 as

      • 2 years ago

        You know nobody in the west cares about T7S when you look for "Tan Si Young" and "Flana Ling" on Twitter and you don't find any result. Actually, It isn't much better in Japanese (タン・シヨン and フラナ・リン)

        I like Flana the most from all the 2053 idols. I hope Roots songs will be a lot better than Asterline. And don't make them a generic evil group.

        • 2 years ago

          They are on discord. Just had a nice chat with them.

        • 2 years ago

          STELLA MiNE autographs are cute. Frick shipping prices though, imagine paying 3500 yen to ship 2 fricking cds.

          Tan is pretty fricking hot and it's a damn shame she won't get lewds.

      • 2 years ago

        This thread's totally not going to survive this year.

        Neither of those names sounds Korean. More like Yuu went to SEA and picked up some people of Chinese ethnicity there.

        You know nobody in the west cares about T7S when you look for "Tan Si Young" and "Flana Ling" on Twitter and you don't find any result. Actually, It isn't much better in Japanese (タン・シヨン and フラナ・リン)

        I like Flana the most from all the 2053 idols. I hope Roots songs will be a lot better than Asterline. And don't make them a generic evil group.

        It's a grim reminder that just about no one cares about the new characters. Devs should just shill Makoto all the way instead.

  150. 2 years ago

    Episode Nanasuta.
    Episode 2053 out now
    Ei debut in April.
    The Big one (6/7/8) will be towards the end of this year.
    Episode Nanasuta will be out in March/April

  151. 2 years ago

    So...who's looking at Mariri's gravure tonight? She is still doing Idol stuff like releasing a VR DVD where you can spend afternoon 'pretending' to be her boyfriend. According to her old AKB profile she was into anime and cosplay.

  152. 2 years ago

    Gonna need a moment because knowing Satomi Amano replaced Ayami Yoshii (through no fault of her own) just makes me miss the original Kyouko so much. I hope she's doing okay.

  153. 2 years ago

    The time is 9:27pm in Japan, Episode 2053 is out. How long left until the first lewds and yuris of Yuu and not Mito?

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty standard relationship between Yuu and Not-Mito so far. Literally just NatsuShizu, SuzuRena, MadoHomu, HaruChiha, NicoMito, NaruSasu...

      Yu is the one who is Not-Mito, Ai is the gyaru.

      Even without Motegi writing, it took only two episodes for the rain to appear.

  154. 2 years ago

    >M-muh egao
    Who will ruin this? Obligatory villain who couldn't cope in a healthy way or cyber bullies or idol bullies?

  155. 2 years ago

    Pretty standard relationship between Yuu and Not-Mito so far. Literally just NatsuShizu, SuzuRena, MadoHomu, HaruChiha, NicoMito, NaruSasu...

  156. 2 years ago

    >Season 1
    I guess this confirms the 2053 setting will be the future of T7S.

  157. 2 years ago

    Yesterday's press conference.

    Toro doesn't need to be in yet another Idol franchise, since she's in CG, but she sounds happy to be part of T7S anyway. Guess we have better writing...if you count obsessed, mentally ill villains who could not cope as good.

  158. 2 years ago
    Shiona and other girl should be out in April.

    Found out Mariri is still active as an Idol in Guildrops.

  159. 2 years ago

    May Saorin survive Corona like Mamimi.

  160. 2 years ago

    I don't remember any other SS that can change into the evolved main types (like Star Player and Actress). Generally, SS have three item produce bars, one bar for skills and two for sub types.
    Maybe that explains why there is an error in the top left corner. There aren't SS icons for Star Player and Actress.

  161. 2 years ago

    RIP Haru, you did well as the app icon, now you can rest.
    >BD release
    Rip my money.
    >Ei debut
    Everyone's an idol now!

    I really hate how they shuffled the UI with the update. I keep hitting the damn home button instead of back which is terrible. Making the top buttons smaller squares kinda sucks too when they used to be large rectangles. The rest of the changes are whatever, and the one thing I do like is how they removed the styled letterboxes for wide screens. The game actually taking up the entire screen is really nice, though it still gets black letterboxing during lives.

    • 2 years ago

      I got used to the home button issue eventually but what really nugs me is they moved the shop button.Like why?Now there's an awkward empty space under the goals button.They finally fixed the aspect ratio for newer phones so there's no blue bars on the sides which is nice.Though the corners do seem be cropped slightly.Be Your Light slaps,too bad I suck at playing the beatmap.Huess I'm not used to notes that take up more than two lanes and drop notes on accident.

  162. 2 years ago

    Decided to roll 4x and I got Yuu. Rolled another P but it was just Honoka, at least it was one I didn't have yet. Could roll more but idk, I do want Ai but not sure if I want to dump even more. Also got Rui joker from todays joker tickets, was very close to immediately dumping it on Yuu.

  163. 2 years ago

    7IVE is here, together with the new years bonus and triple album release alternative covers. Kinda sucks the limited edition this time was quite barren compared to past ones but corona-chan is a b***h I guess. Too lazy to open anything.

  164. 2 years ago

    Lmao okay that's perfect, wanted one of each but that's fine. Might dump more later idk, I still have my paid coins from the beginner pack that I keep refusing to use.

    • 2 years ago


      Only reason to roll for vtubers at all is to unlock their i-n-g gauges and by extension their rewards. Too bad they only go up to level 15, though.

      • 2 years ago

        They have i-n-g? Shit now I want them. Frick me. Also nice roll, hope your luck wasn't all used up.

        • 2 years ago

          Only up to level 15, so the attack and tension only goes up to +15%. That also means they don't get the +4% attack and tension coordinate item at level 20.

          I didn't get any P from the two 2500 7th coins gachas and I am not going to try for the others. I am kinda mad that they didn't release free cards for the Hoe-girlves. I mean, the card you get from the event is an Ai one and she just had an event card in the previous one. Even some S cards would have been good.
          I hope we get them in the next event.

          • 2 years ago

            >two 2500 7th coins gachas
            There are four, two of which are with paid coins. I got


            Only reason to roll for vtubers at all is to unlock their i-n-g gauges and by extension their rewards. Too bad they only go up to level 15, though.

            from Sora's paid banner.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean the two free ones.

  165. 2 years ago

    >30k paid coins to roll 5 steps
    I knew it wasn't cheap to roll to pity for normal gacha and paid gacha was expensive to begin with, but I didn't know people were dropping THAT much to go all the way. I managed to get Sora on the first step of the paid gacha thankfully but my hopes aren't high for anything else without spending money. I really want that Yuu though.

  166. 2 years ago


    for best girl

    • 2 years ago

      >off by 2
      Oh well

  167. 2 years ago

    Is it better to whale with the paid banner or go for regular since that has spark?

    • 2 years ago

      If you're sparking just go for the paid banner. The lims all have a higher chance of appearing in the paid banner.

  168. 2 years ago

    >not a single lim P
    >not even a single non-event lim card
    They really don’t want her birthday gacha to outearn the hoe-girlve banners, huh.

    • 2 years ago

      I got her New Years P which I didn't have yet so I'm pretty satisfied with my pull.Also any gachas with pity meters are limited right?I don't see her newest P on the list so I'm assuming that's what it means.

      • 2 years ago

        >I don't see her newest P on the list
        Make that her four newest Ps, all of which are limited. Halloween's limited, fes limited (a different New Year's P), the one that lessons into Don Kan Boy, and the one where she's dancing and lessons into the 7th anniv outfit. I at least expected the older two Ps to be added.

      • 2 years ago

        >Also any gachas with pity meters are limited right?
        Be Your Light gacha had a pity meter for perm Ps.

  169. 2 years ago

    It's super fricking embarrassing to admit this but I had to spark for Yuu. Had to buy all of the special packs, the basic 9k and the 370. I have never picked up something that wasn't a super value, like $1 for 5 tickets in other games or the beginner 9500 coins here, so I feel like shit. On the "bright" side I have the complete PS set with 3 of them being from dupes and an extra Ai.

  170. 2 years ago

    Sora streamed T7S.

    • 2 years ago

      Who's her favourite character?

      • 2 years ago

        Can't be fricked to watch it. It's over 1 hour of badly animated avatar.

  171. 2 years ago

    I forgot I ordered these, they probably aren't even very good. I think I only got them because it's impossible to buy the custom IEMs if you aren't in Japan. Damn shame but at least I didn't lose >$1k on a single piece of audio gear.

    • 2 years ago

      The little bag looks kinda shit but I didn't bother taking it out of the package.

      Yeah it's kinda bad, very V shaped and possibly recessed mids. Mids get overpowered when there's lots of bass playing and guitars in general sound terrible. Probably have to eq it, kinda sad they didn't request custom tuning so that it would at least suit T7S songs.

      Wireless is garbage. Always has been, still is.

  172. 2 years ago

    The little bag looks kinda shit but I didn't bother taking it out of the package.

  173. 2 years ago

    Yeah it's kinda bad, very V shaped and possibly recessed mids. Mids get overpowered when there's lots of bass playing and guitars in general sound terrible. Probably have to eq it, kinda sad they didn't request custom tuning so that it would at least suit T7S songs.

  174. 2 years ago

    >Here’s Why Vladimir Putin Will Probably Be in Power Until 2036
    We will see if this is true soon. That if Haru looks west will still see a Botox Tsar.

  175. 2 years ago

    Hot take: A lot more of the playerbase would have liked the Hoe-girlve collab if it'd been with Makoto (not Ci+LUS, just Makoto) instead of Stella MiNE.

  176. 2 years ago
    How do I get these Australians to cover PYUA RABU!

  177. 2 years ago

    Way late asking this but is there any point to keeping extra dupes any more? I have too many G and above stuffed in the dorms and all of them are locked.

    • 2 years ago

      No, you can just sell them.

  178. 2 years ago
    For the first time ever T7S is going to Animelo.

    • 2 years ago

      >no Makoto again

      • 2 years ago

        Wouldn't that be a good thing? It means she is getting so much work she can no longer make regular appearances a la Saorin. Which is sad. 777 is not 777 without all 12.

        • 2 years ago

          If she'd been busy a few years earlier the devs would have been forced to give her a solo instead of gimping her with a duo unit.

  179. 2 years ago

    I have just noticed the Hoe-girlve songs aren't playable anymore. I thought they were only going to remove the full version from Youtube after the collab, but they also remove them from the game. That is a shitty thing to do.
    I hope they don't do any collaborations in the future if they are just going to remove the songs after it ends.

    Also, instead of just posting Makoto this, Makoto that, at least post some pictures. This thread feels empty without any images.

    • 2 years ago

      It has to be a bug. They had rewards for 50 plays, you needed to spend keys to unlock the songs in normal play, and you could permanently unlock legend difficulty after getting the required rate.

  180. 2 years ago

    The oldest T7S thread, the one on /u/ has finally died after 767 days. Can we last longer?

  181. 2 years ago

    >51% female
    Assuming it isn't just a shit load of men not bothering that's pretty interesting. 4.0 being WAY ahead is also surprising, like I've known it's the most popular but holy shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Posting all the results from the survey. I find it interesting they bother to translate the questions in English.

      People liked Raids more than I expected, I am sure it is one of the announced old events that will return. But like I expected, LIVE JACK is pretty low, so it won't return.

      Overall, the results were kinda expected. I knew there were a lot of female T7S fans. There really like the Seventh Sisters, Axis, 4U and Karakuri, not so much for the main 777 Sisters. This is likely the reason for the design of Stella Mine.
      Know that I think about it, all the drama, the girls getting depressed, the rain... are more in line with what women prefer in stories.

      • 2 years ago

        I got into the game because I mass downloaded a bunch of Idol games after trying SIF. Stuck with T7S because it was easier to tier.

        Voted MiTP cause it was the first event went to.

        >51% female
        Assuming it isn't just a shit load of men not bothering that's pretty interesting. 4.0 being WAY ahead is also surprising, like I've known it's the most popular but holy shit.

        Two years ago was a NanaSis Yuri Meeting between a bunch of female cosplayers and artists. They are out there, they just rarely show up at events compared to the men.

        Also, frick all the edgelord kiddies that like lol Idol suicide.

        It has to be a bug. They had rewards for 50 plays, you needed to spend keys to unlock the songs in normal play, and you could permanently unlock legend difficulty after getting the required rate.

        The holo collab songs were set to private by the main channel. You will need to go to BiliBili to check it out.

      • 2 years ago

        What was the point of translating every question to English? It wasn't even done during the questionnaire. Also
        >What are some of your favorite gigs you've held in the past?
        What the frick are they trying to say?

    • 2 years ago

      Posting all the results from the survey. I find it interesting they bother to translate the questions in English.

      People liked Raids more than I expected, I am sure it is one of the announced old events that will return. But like I expected, LIVE JACK is pretty low, so it won't return.

      Overall, the results were kinda expected. I knew there were a lot of female T7S fans. There really like the Seventh Sisters, Axis, 4U and Karakuri, not so much for the main 777 Sisters. This is likely the reason for the design of Stella Mine.
      Know that I think about it, all the drama, the girls getting depressed, the rain... are more in line with what women prefer in stories.

      Where the frick are the character and unit popularity results? We know Makoto won the former one.

      >But like I expected, LIVE JACK is pretty low, so it won't return.
      It was still the second most popular non-rhythm game event. Besides, I've always felt that it was a cash cow event back when it was around. Now, Performatch would probably go the way of the dodo, since it was the only non-rhythm game event that didn't use up CP.

      I got into the game because I mass downloaded a bunch of Idol games after trying SIF. Stuck with T7S because it was easier to tier.

      Voted MiTP cause it was the first event went to.

      Two years ago was a NanaSis Yuri Meeting between a bunch of female cosplayers and artists. They are out there, they just rarely show up at events compared to the men.

      Also, frick all the edgelord kiddies that like lol Idol suicide.

      The holo collab songs were set to private by the main channel. You will need to go to BiliBili to check it out.

      I mean the in-game songs.

  182. 2 years ago

    I am going to miss the boost in i-n-g experience and CP. Today is the last day. I used it to level my characters to i-n-g lv 20. Now I have all the HP/ATK +4% items.
    Since I don't have any Hoe-girlves, they will stay forever at Lv - . I am never going to try pulling gacha for collabs again.

    • 2 years ago

      I now have all but 9 characters at level 20 and/or max level. I figure I can get the remaining 9 to level 20 during the next medlive.

      I am so glad I got all the collab vtubers with just one spark's worth of rolls. Getting both Stella MiNE's lims as well was the cherry on top.

  183. 2 years ago

    2053 radio starting now.

  184. 2 years ago

    I hate rhythmic arena so much. At least the hoe-girlve influx got us more bonus time so I can get more i-n-g exp. Also they seemed to have fixed the hoe-girlve girls having super soft voice lines in the update, which is nice.

  185. 2 years ago

    I am still pissed that the Hoe-girlves didn't even get a SS card.
    I am also pissed that we mostly get useless [R] cards as rewards. Cards with the same art as the old ones but with the idol's signature and very low stats.
    Also, it seems we are getting less P cards as rewards. If I am not mistaken, the last P card that wasn't one from a previous event, was a Mimi P card in October.

    • 2 years ago

      I hate how rare it is to roll over 70 total difficulty the past few medlives, Heavens Rave being removed also is annoying when it's time to use the setlist items. Actually I just used my first one to reroll a fricking 54, like what the hell.

      The rewards for this event are lol.

      • 2 years ago

        The final 88 free rolls. Only 7 non-S cards. Only one was a P. At least, that Shinju P is a dupe I needed to get her PS.
        Overall, I got only 5 P/PS that weren't dupes or dupes I needed to make a PS. Disappointing, but I am going to miss the free pulls.

        I don't know what you mean. The current Shinju P reward is from a 2020 event.
        Unless you are talking about the previous event, with that Kyoko SS card.

        • 2 years ago

          I thought that anon was saying that this event's rewards are garbage. Which isn't wrong.

    • 2 years ago

      I thought that anon was saying that this event's rewards are garbage. Which isn't wrong.

      It doesn't matter anymore, since we are getting a new event P card this time, even if it is Ai (Nanahoshi).
      A thing I hate about Ai, is that she is treated like the 2043 idols. You have to equip different items to both of them. At least you get the lv20 item for both of them, not like Shinju and co.

      The Golden Week Campaign is great. The Scout Caravan that uses friend points has some great items, like the Momokas. I have 2M saved, since I have already all the G cards in the pool, so there wasn't a reason to pull from it.
      The new gold shop update is also good. It increased the amount of items you can buy. Previously, I said it reset daily, but I noticed it actually says the first day of the month, so I was wrong. But apparently you still get the items that reset weekly, so it is a good improvement.

      • 2 years ago

        Now, the limited shop only appears three times per day, but it seems you get better items overall, even if you only get four. Previously, they were mostly useless B/BS Coney, so it isn't that bad.
        I hope it is easier to get (good) coordinate items.

        Also, they removed doing a scout battle in the daily missions. They will probably remove them for the weekly mission next week.
        The daily missions for Idol Sparkle and Item Produce were also removed.

      • 2 years ago

        It might be just me but Mai looks like a literal mob character that you'd see for a few seconds in the background in one episode.

        I always dropped my friend points once it hit 20k for money since I never have enough, frick me.

      • 2 years ago

        I am disappointed about the weekly items. I understand that you get a lot of items each month, but I expected the item selection to be the same as it was before the update.

        Now, the limited shop only appears three times per day, but it seems you get better items overall, even if you only get four. Previously, they were mostly useless B/BS Coney, so it isn't that bad.
        I hope it is easier to get (good) coordinate items.

        Also, they removed doing a scout battle in the daily missions. They will probably remove them for the weekly mission next week.
        The daily missions for Idol Sparkle and Item Produce were also removed.

        Like I expected, they removed the Scout Battles from the weekly missions. They also removed all the Lesson type mission, including the Group Lesson, that is still in the daily missions.K842A

        • 2 years ago

          >19 posts last month
          Welp, this thread isn't surviving October at this rate.

          Are the devs trying to dumb down missions to just "do one thing daily" like what Project Sekai is doing?

          • 2 years ago

            Slow down until November.

  186. 2 years ago

    2053 radio girls smarter than cue radio girls, hopefully.

  187. 2 years ago

    9.0 update is almost here. Sky is limit side-stories are up, but I haven't read them.

    KyoFerb new ship, Shirayuki still being cucked by a boyish hag.

    • 2 years ago

      9.1.0. 9.0 was 2 months ago.

      Also, all of Season Of Love take fat old men wiener in every hole. And enjoy it.

  188. 2 years ago

    I find it interesting that the in-game cut of 恋をして takes the last chorus of the full song rather than the first one. You can tell because they all sing together at the start of the first chorus but they sing individually at the start of the last one.

  189. 2 years ago

    Wonder if they're going to make STELLA MiNE the next AXiS and just kill off Yu so they never have a second song. She even vanished from the second and third radio. Well they probably aren't since it's still pretty early in the new story but it does keep the noggin joggin.

    • 2 years ago

      YuuAi is set up to be 2053's OTP so she is safe.

    • 2 years ago

      2053 was a mistake.

  190. 2 years ago

    T7S should have started with Nicole dying in a vehicle accident, Rona receiving a heart transplant from her and forming a unit with Nicole's younger sister who's basically a Musubi clone.

  191. 2 years ago

    I forgot to add to the questionnaire that I want Freedom Dive to be added to this game like what D4DJ has. Followed by a second collab with Chunithm which then adds the Master difficulty chart as Variety difficulty here and World's End 狂 difficulty chart as Another difficulty here.

    Oh well. Maybe next time.

  192. 2 years ago

    It was nice seeing Damina for the first time in quite some time, those darn new girls and 4U stealing her job. Also really nice seeing Hirose Yuuki, she hasn't touched her channel in so long. I missed her.

    How do you guys get those trills that move around and have seemingly random note lengths? Two recent examples are Be Your Light ex and Daze forU! legend. I just kinda mash in the middle of the screen and pray. A little too lazy to dl, slow down and memorize all of the different songs.

    • 2 years ago

      You going to her Birthday Event?

      • 2 years ago

        New CDs came in with the bonus album covers. Kinda miss the usual CD releases with limited editions.

        I like her but I don't like her that much.

        One month since the limited shop update and not even a single 3-star coordinate item appeared.
        They were rare before the update, but you could get some good ones, even ones that were gacha exclusive.

        I've seen one 3% atk, two 3% hp and two 2%/2% with one of them being for four characters. I also rarely get all three daily.

    • 2 years ago

      Practice, practice, practice. Also check out this site, it has all the charts.

      One month since the limited shop update and not even a single 3-star coordinate item appeared.
      They were rare before the update, but you could get some good ones, even ones that were gacha exclusive.

      New CDs came in with the bonus album covers. Kinda miss the usual CD releases with limited editions.

      I like her but I don't like her that much.
      I've seen one 3% atk, two 3% hp and two 2%/2% with one of them being for four characters. I also rarely get all three daily.

      I never got any to begin with except for useless +3% HP junk, so things may as well have been left unchanged.

      Looks like raids are coming back.

      I have finally replace my old Galaxy S7 Edge with a Moto G71 G5. I didn't have the money to buy something better, but I like the phone.
      Now, I don't have random drops with the hold notes. But the phone isn't that good, so there are some drop notes from time to time. Also, my rate isn't increasing, so I was the problem, not the phone.

      It could be any other battle related event, but with the current gacha, it is likely a raid.

      I am hyped about the new update. While taking screenshots, I found my phone could do long screenshots, so it is really a time saver.

      It's a legend battle campaign lasting 2 weeks. No idea if raids will actually return, but there is always a chance. However, I'm a natural pessimist, and the worst case scenario is that they're planning to remove the battle system entirely later on and make it strictly a rhythm game, and the campaign is just to get people to get all the rewards before they remove the legend battles.

      I'm skipping the gacha because none of these are fes cards which are the ones I really need (Nicole's and Qruit's). I already have all the cards available.

      And yeah, rule of thumb is the cleaner the OS, the better it is for rhythm games.

      • 2 years ago

        Is the skill cancel gacha worth rolling? I think I have one Haru P and one Nicole P with cancel and the smart thing would be to throw vocalist Momoka at one of them and save my coins. My battle team for reference, I think I got walled at 70-80ish for the legend bosses.

        I almost thought I was looking at SDVX charts there since they look so similar. Man I haven't played that in a couple years, I should get back to it again even though I'm probably absolute garbage by now.

  193. 2 years ago

    One month since the limited shop update and not even a single 3-star coordinate item appeared.
    They were rare before the update, but you could get some good ones, even ones that were gacha exclusive.

    • 2 years ago

      New CDs came in with the bonus album covers. Kinda miss the usual CD releases with limited editions.

      I like her but I don't like her that much.
      I've seen one 3% atk, two 3% hp and two 2%/2% with one of them being for four characters. I also rarely get all three daily.

      Practice, practice, practice. Also check out this site, it has all the charts.

      I never got any to begin with except for useless +3% HP junk, so things may as well have been left unchanged.

      It's a legend battle campaign lasting 2 weeks. No idea if raids will actually return, but there is always a chance. However, I'm a natural pessimist, and the worst case scenario is that they're planning to remove the battle system entirely later on and make it strictly a rhythm game, and the campaign is just to get people to get all the rewards before they remove the legend battles.

      I'm skipping the gacha because none of these are fes cards which are the ones I really need (Nicole's and Qruit's). I already have all the cards available.

      And yeah, rule of thumb is the cleaner the OS, the better it is for rhythm games.

      Forgot to mention, but more annoying is how much harder it is to proc the shop now. Previously a max boost gave 80-90% chance to proc the shop, now it's way below half that. I think it got nerfed to have the same chance of proccing regardless of boost. And lives that aren't normal lives (especially medleys) seem to have an even lower chance. I really hope this is just a bug.

      Is the skill cancel gacha worth rolling? I think I have one Haru P and one Nicole P with cancel and the smart thing would be to throw vocalist Momoka at one of them and save my coins. My battle team for reference, I think I got walled at 70-80ish for the legend bosses.

      I almost thought I was looking at SDVX charts there since they look so similar. Man I haven't played that in a couple years, I should get back to it again even though I'm probably absolute garbage by now.

      Only if you special lesson it. But yes. Skill cancel is vital for certain enemies, especially against other skill cancel teams. You'll generally see them in live jacks, but Ume also had that skill back when she was a boss. It was practically impossible to defeat her without skill cancel. Damage cancel is more situational in legend battles, especially since they last only 3 turns even after special lesson, but is practically required to fight the higher level raid bosses.

      Ideally you want three skill cancel cards with the subunit attack up member skill, but not everyone can get that, and the most powerful ones are gated behind fes gacha anyway and are unavailable here. Kyoko is just deadweight here, you'd probably fare better with a gimped unit with only 6 teams. She only really shines in raids.

      Also fun fact: Back when cards had CP costs, one healer with high enough HP was enough to take out Qruit all the way. I think I used cheerleader Makoto for that.

      • 2 years ago

        It's these two I'd guess Haru would be the better Momoka consumer since she can go above 20 i-n-g, mine is 21 I think, and has kinda balanced stats. Are the other six slots just being full of subunit attack up fine? I feel like healing would eventually be needed, at least for legend battles.

        • 2 years ago

          Rule of thumb is, for live jack, go with higher HP. For everything else, go with higher attack. HP and heals have been useless ever since the devs removed CP cost.

          And even taking i-n-g into account, Nicole is better. I think you can take out Winning Day Karakuri if you can special lesson both of those cards.

  194. 2 years ago

    I thought to myself, didn't they do this already? Then I realized this is a fricking year old thread.

    • 2 years ago

      I hope it lasts 777 days.

    • 2 years ago

      This is why you don't put time limited events in /vmg/ OPs...

  195. 2 years ago

    Where are the new song rars?

    • 2 years ago

      >another CP event
      >during their legend boss CP reduction event
      I guess they still want people who haven't finished yet to burn donuts, though at least much less than at regular cost.

      I'm too autistic about tags and whatnot so I procrastinate in order to avoid that autism. I was working on fixing the tags of the hires digital releases too but I haven't even finished one of them yet. I wish they tagged their shit properly before shipping it out for sale but I guess that's too much to ask for.

  196. 2 years ago

    The new update really boosted the pure tension skill. Now it is almost impossible to lose, even if you play like shit, unless you can't hit the skill notes.
    The mix score/tension skill is kinda useless now. It used to heal the same as a pure tension, but with a "G" rarity score skill. It wasn't nerfed, but healing 200 vs 500 is a huge difference.

  197. 2 years ago

    Looks like raids are coming back.

    • 2 years ago

      I have finally replace my old Galaxy S7 Edge with a Moto G71 G5. I didn't have the money to buy something better, but I like the phone.
      Now, I don't have random drops with the hold notes. But the phone isn't that good, so there are some drop notes from time to time. Also, my rate isn't increasing, so I was the problem, not the phone.

      It could be any other battle related event, but with the current gacha, it is likely a raid.

      I am hyped about the new update. While taking screenshots, I found my phone could do long screenshots, so it is really a time saver.

  198. 2 years ago

    Now they recycle G art

  199. 2 years ago

    New Episode is out.

  200. 2 years ago
    Based on these results, I guess the collab kind of worked.

    • 2 years ago

      As someone who doesn't rank beyond just getting the welfare + bg it's kinda crazy how many people from the collab are still playing enough to get welfare shit. Usually my rank would hover around 1k at worst and sometimes even got close to 777, now my rank is usually 2kish.

      KARAKURI is going to have a solo live, I mean just Akina. It is highly likely 4U will be there and probably Damina (for "Mitsuba").
      A thing I like about T7S, even with a "small" cast, they bother enough to give some of their groups solo lives.
      Compared with Im@s, with five sub series and a lot of groups in each of them, the amount of lives is very little if you take into consideration the amount of idols.

      They also announced a third day for their Anniversary live, this December. I think they previously only announced the two November ones.

      I sure hope the audience can cheer come the anniversary live, silent concerts really feel bad.

  201. 2 years ago

    KARAKURI is going to have a solo live, I mean just Akina. It is highly likely 4U will be there and probably Damina (for "Mitsuba").
    A thing I like about T7S, even with a "small" cast, they bother enough to give some of their groups solo lives.
    Compared with Im@s, with five sub series and a lot of groups in each of them, the amount of lives is very little if you take into consideration the amount of idols.

    They also announced a third day for their Anniversary live, this December. I think they previously only announced the two November ones.

    • 2 years ago

      >small cast
      T7S cast is only small compared to the entirety of imas. There are more than 40 characters, so it's comparable to Million Live.

      As for solo lives, I believe a lot of it revolves around the efforts of Yamashita Mami. I think she was the first to bring up the concept and likely pressed the staff for them. After the success of 4U 1st, it made sense that QOP would also be possible since their acts are similar (rock music and pretend instruments).
      Since Mami's chummy with Akina and Akina's a powerhouse vocalist already, her performance at animax last year might've been a sort of trial run for the solo event we're seeing now.
      I guess the question is how the MC sections will go. In the past she'd get support from Mami since she's ponkotsu.

      >I think they previously only announced the two November ones
      Previously announced was just the months November and December with no set days. Now we have the exact dates.
      It was the 4U tour that added a 4th showing in July.

      • 2 years ago

        >4U 4th July

  202. 2 years ago

    I have just completed the 7th Audition Gacha. The bad thing is that the tickets are only usable in this one, so they are useless until they update the 7th Audition pool.

  203. 2 years ago

    So many free roll campaigns now.

  204. 2 years ago

    So YuuAi, ChinkChink and RubyMaru daughter and that other girl.

  205. 2 years ago

    Probably Roots' song will be first, but I am still waiting for Ei's. It should be one of the next three songs.

  206. 2 years ago

    The Mai BD gacha sucks, and it lasts another 2 days.

  207. 2 years ago

    New story tomorrow!

  208. 2 years ago

    We have the Full Formation at Animelo.

    777 Sisters is not complete with all 12 girls and Susu teasing the frick out of Musubi with her lewd 14 year old body as Haru clings to her free side.

    • 2 years ago

      As all three of them get railed by multiple fat old men together?

  209. 2 years ago

    Something I like about T7S is that it listw the cup size.
    For example, in any other game, Tan Si Young would have a breast size of around 90. But she is "only" 81, with a D cup size.
    Flana is B78, but cup A (she actually doesn't look flat). In some cards, Mai boobs look big, even if she is only B73, but then, her cup is C.
    And Makoto, even if she is only B75, her cup is C, so it makes sense some of her cards show her with noticeable boobs.

    About Roots. (the dot is actually part of the name) song, I don't feel anything about it. I have to thank it doesn't sound evil, but it gives a good contrast with Asterline songs.

    • 2 years ago

      You know Japanese B/C/D is American A/B/C right?

      • 2 years ago

        I don't care about that, since it doesn't matter in Anime. But giving them a cup size is just a way of saying "this character is flat" or "her boobs are big", without just relying in the Bust size number.
        Idolmaster has this problem. Characters with the same bust size can be flat or huge. There isn't a good way to know, other than official artwork, and that can be inconsistent.
        Some examples from Shiny Colors, Kaho is 80, but most of the times is draw as flat. Rinze is 71, even if she is generally draw as a flatty, other times she has noticeable breasts.

  210. 2 years ago

    Nice, time to not roll another P for a long time. I want to keep rolling for Tang because she's cute but can't use my card any more. Don't want to pay scalped prices for Japanese Play cards either.

    • 2 years ago

      Either link your local card to a Japanese Google Play account (that method still works) or just take the iOS pill.

      • 2 years ago

        My JP account was converted to a US account based on my billing address when Google rolled out their previous... Fricking around. I really cba to make yet another god damn account to keep track of, especially if it saves me money if something like Hoe-girlve comes around again. I don't even watch Hoe-girlve so I still can't figure out why I went full moron and sparked for the whole collection, but moronation is something that can't be explained.
        I'll use iOS when the 13 mini is dirt cheap. I really like the form factor but frick paying anywhere near market price for Apple shit, even if the specs and techonology are worth it.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't watch Hoe-girlve either, but there's a good reason to roll for them anyway: reruns for collab lims are much harder to come by than non-collab lims.

          • 2 years ago

            I skipped

  211. 2 years ago

    Is /vmg/ getting faster?

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think so. Threads can stay a long time in page 10, so there is no reason to bump it too fast, unless it is on the bottom 5 or the board is close to getting a "GET" number.
      Right now, it is on page 10, but I think it could last another day. But I just wanted to reply now, in case someone just bump it back and I miss the chance to answer.

  212. 2 years ago

    Happy Birthday Kyouko!

    Shappo at it again.

  213. 2 years ago

    Came in a while back but I caught kung flu and I didn't want to get any of it on my stuff. Completely forgot about the shirt being part of it, it's kinda cute.

  214. 2 years ago

    Extreme Hearts is, based on the blog entires, set in 2048.

    ExH is set in the same world as T7S where sports idol became the next big thing after 777 revived the Idol industry. Two years later RISE will meet the 2053 girls.

  215. 2 years ago

    Not long left until all the Original 2034 girls debut.

  216. 2 years ago

    The line-up for the long-delayed 6+7+8 FINALLY REVEALED. Perhaps it is what for the best it has been delayed so many times because now. NOW. We are bringing everyone!

    -The FULL FORMATION 777 Sisters.
    -7th Sisters BACK AT LONG LAST.
    -The 2053 Girls
    -The Complete Nanabana Otome
    -Eri Yamazaki AND Minamin.
    -Riccasama AND MAO on debut
    -And after so long, 8 AND A HALF YEARS, Anchan ON TWO DAYS!

    This will be the culmination of almost 9 years of T7S. A celebration of everything we have achieved up until now, and along the way. Of Past, Present, and Future from 2032 to 2050.

    The Greatest Concert.

    • 2 years ago

      Now people can stop saying "MAO doesn't go to lives".
      Not long left until all the Original 2034 girls debut.

      I have noticed the number of people watching was higher than usual. That is the power of MAO.
      You can listen to her song around here:

    • 2 years ago

      Now people can stop saying "MAO doesn't go to lives".

      I have noticed the number of people watching was higher than usual. That is the power of MAO.
      You can listen to her song around here:

      I can't decide which day I want to watch. Day 1, with all the debutants and solos. Day 2 with Torochi+her Chink and Hanasiatic daughters
      Or Day 3 with the long-awaited return of 7th Sisters and the Full Formation.

  217. 2 years ago
    We're hijacking the tag from the Thai

  218. 2 years ago

    >New Age singular release
    Ai gets a double song release with her unit and Yu gets one, rip. I hate ordering a single CD since shipping costs more than the CD but oh well. Random 1/3 trading card sucks too. Damn shame it couldn't be a double release with Ei's song.

  219. 2 years ago

    I didn't expect anything for the 8.5 anniversary, since we already got the login bonuses and the free daily gacha. It is actually a nice present.

  220. 2 years ago

    How is this game still alive

    • 2 years ago

      Makoto is just that popular.

      After a lot of time, there is a new Idol Election, but a little different. You can select one idol of each type to vote. You get voting points by playing songs.
      I think it is going to be a good way to measure the current popularity of the idols. 7th Live Jacks was a way to see their popularity, but that was also a long time ago and it wasn't that accurate.
      With a lot of people quitting (with Motegi) when the main story ended and new blood joining with the introduction of the 2053 story (and Vtubers), it is likely the overall popularity of the idols changed.


      Vocalist: Makoto will always be popular and now she doesn't have to compete with strong idols of other types like Sumire. But now you can vote for other idols outside of 777, like Ume, Karakuri and Nero. I think Ume has a chance if things changed drastically, but it isn't likely.

      Varadol: Momoka is the most popular Varadol. I don't think there is a rival for her. Maybe Rona.

      Model: Sumire, on paper, is the strongest. Chacha is also popular. Ayumu got a boost thanks to Ci-LUS.

      Player: Shinju is the most popular, but strangely, you can vote for both 2034 and 2043 versions of her, hurting her votes. Ferb is (or was) also a pretty popular idol. I think Emoko is going to do great. Ai is also separated in two, I am curious to see how well is she going to perform.

      Dancer: Susu. Sui is probably second. Honoka and Rena are also popular, but not on the same level as Susu.

      7LJ is a lot more accurate now that everyone has at least one PS and/or BDS and so you can take advantage of the all team rarity bonus no matter which team you join. With 6 teams you can assign one of 7th Sisters and one of AXiS to each team, and maybe do the same for the 2053s if you introduce some more girls. Or include the vtubers but imo that’s a no go unless they get reruns during the event. Splitting the same people into two like for the 2043s sounds like a bad move to me, but the devs are likely to consider that too.

      Notwithstanding Makoto making everyone else look weak, Sumire hasn’t been strong for ages now. She isn’t even the most popular member of SUSUTA and probably not the most popular Model type anymore. And I have my doubts that Ume is more popular than Karakuri. And yeah

      • 2 years ago

        After looking at the data:

        I think is better at measuring popularity than this election. But there were people who chose an idol based on the chances of ranking or just because the overall team was strong. I still think it wasn't really accurate and we will never know if it really is with how things are today (Seventh Sisters and AXIS card are generally stronger, even if they are getting powercreeped, some groups like Ci+Lus and 4U get more cards than most other idols, focus on the 2053 idols...)
        Live Jack will never return, few people liked it

        Posting all the results from the survey. I find it interesting they bother to translate the questions in English.

        People liked Raids more than I expected, I am sure it is one of the announced old events that will return. But like I expected, LIVE JACK is pretty low, so it won't return.

        Overall, the results were kinda expected. I knew there were a lot of female T7S fans. There really like the Seventh Sisters, Axis, 4U and Karakuri, not so much for the main 777 Sisters. This is likely the reason for the design of Stella Mine.
        Know that I think about it, all the drama, the girls getting depressed, the rain... are more in line with what women prefer in stories.

        After a lot of time, there is a new Idol Election, but a little different. You can select one idol of each type to vote. You get voting points by playing songs.
        I think it is going to be a good way to measure the current popularity of the idols. 7th Live Jacks was a way to see their popularity, but that was also a long time ago and it wasn't that accurate.
        With a lot of people quitting (with Motegi) when the main story ended and new blood joining with the introduction of the 2053 story (and Vtubers), it is likely the overall popularity of the idols changed.


        Vocalist: Makoto will always be popular and now she doesn't have to compete with strong idols of other types like Sumire. But now you can vote for other idols outside of 777, like Ume, Karakuri and Nero. I think Ume has a chance if things changed drastically, but it isn't likely.

        Varadol: Momoka is the most popular Varadol. I don't think there is a rival for her. Maybe Rona.

        Model: Sumire, on paper, is the strongest. Chacha is also popular. Ayumu got a boost thanks to Ci-LUS.

        Player: Shinju is the most popular, but strangely, you can vote for both 2034 and 2043 versions of her, hurting her votes. Ferb is (or was) also a pretty popular idol. I think Emoko is going to do great. Ai is also separated in two, I am curious to see how well is she going to perform.

        Dancer: Susu. Sui is probably second. Honoka and Rena are also popular, but not on the same level as Susu.

        Since the number of votes you get depends on the number of lives you play and the more songs you play, more event points. It makes sense the top rankers are the ones with more votes, so I decided to look at the avatars and titles of the top 100.
        If one person have the same character multiples times, I am counting it just once. Obviously, it doesn't mean they are going to vote for them, but it is something to take into consideration.

        Memoru: 16
        Rena: 7
        Nicole: 6
        Ayumu/Susu: 5
        Emoko/Honoka/Makoto/Shirayuki(2034): 4
        Haru/Manon(2034)/Momoka/Rui/Shirayuki(2043)/Shizuka/Taki: 3
        Ai (Asterline)/Ai (Stella MiNE)/Karakuri/Kyoko/Mana/Manon(2043)/Mito/Miu/Rona/Shinju(2034)/Shinju(2043)/Shione/Sumire/Ume/Yu/Yumeno/Xiao: 2
        Aguri/Chacha/Ei/Flana/Hime/Hina/Kajika/Mai/Matsuri/Miwako/Murasaki/Musubi/Oto/Sabina/Sisala/Sui/Tan Si Young/Tasha(2034)/Tomoe: 1

        There were people with group titles:
        Le.S.Ca/NI+CORA: 3
        4U: 2
        I am not going to mention all the groups, but almost all were present, including a Vtuber and Coney

        I messed with the counting since I don't see Ferb and I am sure there was someone with a Ferb avatar. I am not going to bother to do it again. Also, they will show the partial results the 8/30. That will help us know how things will turn out in the next events.

        • 2 years ago

          AXiS cards are pretty weak though. The only really strong cards are 7th Sisters cards.

          I doubt Live Jack won't return unless it doesn't mesh well with the upcoming revamped battle system, seeing that it was still the 2nd most popular non-rhythm game event. Most of the issues with it boils down to "the rewards really suck", which is an easy fix.

  221. 2 years ago

    After a lot of time, there is a new Idol Election, but a little different. You can select one idol of each type to vote. You get voting points by playing songs.
    I think it is going to be a good way to measure the current popularity of the idols. 7th Live Jacks was a way to see their popularity, but that was also a long time ago and it wasn't that accurate.
    With a lot of people quitting (with Motegi) when the main story ended and new blood joining with the introduction of the 2053 story (and Vtubers), it is likely the overall popularity of the idols changed.


    Vocalist: Makoto will always be popular and now she doesn't have to compete with strong idols of other types like Sumire. But now you can vote for other idols outside of 777, like Ume, Karakuri and Nero. I think Ume has a chance if things changed drastically, but it isn't likely.

    Varadol: Momoka is the most popular Varadol. I don't think there is a rival for her. Maybe Rona.

    Model: Sumire, on paper, is the strongest. Chacha is also popular. Ayumu got a boost thanks to Ci-LUS.

    Player: Shinju is the most popular, but strangely, you can vote for both 2034 and 2043 versions of her, hurting her votes. Ferb is (or was) also a pretty popular idol. I think Emoko is going to do great. Ai is also separated in two, I am curious to see how well is she going to perform.

    Dancer: Susu. Sui is probably second. Honoka and Rena are also popular, but not on the same level as Susu.

  222. 2 years ago

    Today is a momentous occassion. T7S is performing at Anisama for the first time in 8.5 years and we have bought the FULL FORMATION.

  223. 2 years ago

    I'm so proud of them.

  224. 2 years ago

    That's everyone.

  225. 2 years ago

    Are we really supposed to slap these weaksauce enemies for 20 cp a pop? I'm baffled that the top rankers are in the millions of points with this, though I guess it's easy to bot.

  226. 2 years ago

    Raids are back in another form.

  227. 2 years ago

    T7S was at TGS.

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