Tom Clancy's EndWar

This game has THE BEST infantry animations of any strategy game I have played. The game has so much soul, I wish it had a sequel so bad.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    Why does Ubisoft still get to make Tom Clancy's games when they're guaranteed to screw something up? The game had good bones and only needed a little nurturing to work perfectly but it looks like it was dropped very quickly. Today this game could've become a big hit with that focus on multiplatform support and super fast paced gameplay.

    • 1 year ago

      >Why does Ubisoft still get to make Tom Clancy's
      Because he's dead.

    • 1 year ago

      >Why does Ubisoft still get to make games
      Ask the important questions first.

    • 1 year ago

      >Why does Ubisoft still get to make

    • 1 year ago

      >Why Ubisoft

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago

    Didn't Ubishit kill World in Conflict for this?

    • 1 year ago

      No, World in Conflict was done by Massive; and Massive was originally owned by Vivendi Games. Ubisoft bought them out then used them as a support studio for almost a decade (they worked on Farcry and Ass Creed, for example, on the multiplayer I think). It was only when they did Tom Clancy's the Division that Ubisoft allowed them out of their cuck cage.

    • 1 year ago

      Would be impossible since they were released at the same time and for different platforms initially. And vanilla WiC had a different publisher

      What I appreciated the most about this game was the unit responses to your orders. If you told rock to fight paper they'd express their concern but what I liked even more was how they became more hostile to you as they became damaged.

      >full strength infantry unit
      "yes, commander, we'll get it done"

      >near dead infantry unit

      The unit banter was surprisingly good.
      >"C'mere guys, [squad mate]'s going to tell us of his gender reassignment surgery

      isn't this some weird console RTS? What's so good about it?

      It's more unique than outright good but it is worth your time. Took a long time for me to get into it. Helicopter+Artillery combo is OP though and I found infantry pretty useless in combat.

      • 1 year ago

        There is something really grim seeing Europe and US troops killing each others. I loved the overall mood of the battles, I think the lack of music and the focus on voices played a good part

        I loved playing mechanized engineers

        • 1 year ago

          Infantry useless? I used to run a mostly infantry build with transports and some artillery. Absolutely dominated pretty much anyone else I played.

          I misspoke. Engineers (especially in cover) can ruin someone's day and basic infantry is their only true counter. But for whatever reason I just didn't gravitate towards them.

          I also love the generals. The American general, Mitchell, is like a sarcastic rendition of all those gruff FPS protagonists of the games of that era, the Russian is a slimy mafia don and the European is a Ivory Coast immigrant who goes "SIEG EVROPA" every chance he gets.

          • 1 year ago

            the american general is literally the protaganist of the Ghost Recon fps games, Scott Mitchell.

          • 1 year ago

            Amadou de Bankole, mein evropean brother. Always played Enforcers.

            A lot of players get filtered by the camera locked to the units. But I think that it was a good idea to make reconnaissance more useful,

            • 1 year ago

              It was interesting that you as the commander weren't affected by the fog of war. From a suitable vantage point you could see enemies before your units did, even camouflaged infantry if you were paying attention. But it required you to have good map awareness, because outside that not-so-useful sitrep, you couldn't just look where everything is from above.

            • 1 year ago

              What's going with the EU flag in the background?

              • 1 year ago

                That's the flag of the European Federation, also referred to as Europa. I liked how their different units have these heavy accents and are named after assorted European stuff with callsigns like Vesuvius, Loire, Chopin or Cutlass. It sells the multinational and patriotic feel of the faction.

              • 1 year ago

                It's way too Francophone.

              • 1 year ago

                Well, UK isn't a part of the Federation so who else would it be at the helm if not France and Germany?

            • 1 year ago

              Just your average frenchman

          • 1 year ago

            Black was based as frick, he deserves a honorary white EVROPEAN status

      • 1 year ago

        Infantry useless? I used to run a mostly infantry build with transports and some artillery. Absolutely dominated pretty much anyone else I played.

        • 1 year ago

          Infantry requires micro and precise placement to work and I can't imagine doing anything with it without SitRep, so it's easy to be filtered by it. In Raid Mode where there's no artillery, infantry's biggest weakness, it's difficult to deal with infantry in cover.

          In the lowest possible chance that a sequel happens; I hope that it covers the pacific theatre and improves upon what it already does well. Definitely make battles bigger too. It was jarring when after 5 minutes the entire U.S and Russian normal forces all were killed leaving only the special forces to battle.

          I liked how fast the game played and increasing the scale would make it downright uncontrollable. Better unit QoL would be a nice have either way.
          I found it interesting that you deployed units not individually or in squads but in platoons of four vehicles/squads, so the battles looked larger than they were.

  3. 1 year ago

    What I appreciated the most about this game was the unit responses to your orders. If you told rock to fight paper they'd express their concern but what I liked even more was how they became more hostile to you as they became damaged.

    >full strength infantry unit
    "yes, commander, we'll get it done"

    >near dead infantry unit

    • 1 year ago

      I'm not much of a coomer but the US intelligence lady's voice makes me rock hard

  4. 1 year ago

    isn't this some weird console RTS? What's so good about it?

    • 1 year ago

      For me, it's how quickly a match is over, typically around 15 minutes, often much sooner. In that time you go from minor clashes to dropping superweapons.
      There are some unique mechanics like when the victory timer is triggered, the loser gets to crash an uplink of the winning side, causing a draw. He also gets to go first with superweapon deployment, and once he does that, the other side can retaliate with his own so timing it is critical.
      Also, an interesting QoL feature I've seen nowhere else is when you select several groups of infantry and transports, and tell them to go elsewhere, the infantry will board available transports and disembark at the destination.
      Having the camera locked in this frog's eye perspective is probably a bit much for most but I like the sense of scale and how you can get lost in forests and cityscapes, though you do get reports on what is happening such as when your units are in an unfavorable engagement.
      Man, I wish some dev would find these features interesting enough to create a spiritual sequel or something.

    • 1 year ago

      It's a good RTS game, that got ported to PC. I heard rumors that second one got canceled because of sales.

      Personally I love the game. Playing the main campaign leveling up you're platoon to become elites. Just to have the die during a evacuation.

      You really cared about you're elite unit's.

      • 1 year ago

        Nice spoilers, butthole.

        • 1 year ago

          homie, wat?

  5. 1 year ago

    I fricking loved the banter.
    >win against Americans as Russia
    >"Looks like the American dream has become a nightmare."
    Also is it fair to say that Europe is the only faction in the "right"? Russia framed them and the US attacked them. Everything at that point is self-defense for Europe, no?

    • 1 year ago

      >Also is it fair to say that Europe is the only faction in the "right"?
      The only /obvious/ country in the right. You could argue Russia is hypothetically justified in launching a pre-emptive campaign to protect itself from the US and Europe. However, given Russia's post-1917 history (and I do mean every fricking year since 1917), they've proven to be overly keen on using flimsy justification to invade anyone and everyone. Maybe they were right in this setting, but there's no way to know for sure and it would certainly be an anomaly in their track record.

      • 1 year ago

        I really wouldn't be surprised if the Russians were behind the "nuclear terrorism" in the Middle East before the game started.

  6. 1 year ago

    >get this game at 13, all excited to play it
    >immediately realize strategy games are virtually unplayable on console
    Honestly releasing these games on console is just predatory.

  7. 1 year ago

    In the lowest possible chance that a sequel happens; I hope that it covers the pacific theatre and improves upon what it already does well. Definitely make battles bigger too. It was jarring when after 5 minutes the entire U.S and Russian normal forces all were killed leaving only the special forces to battle.

  8. 1 year ago

    >strategy at the speed of thought
    I fell for it, it was a good game though the voice controls got old real quick

  9. 1 year ago

    Guys is the game still functional on steam if i buy it through there? I played a pirated version in 2018 or something but i sling some shillings for this classic today now that i actually money.

    • 1 year ago

      Doubt it because uplay.

      • 1 year ago

        Well the MP doesnt work according to the store but i see no signs in the steam reviews that the SP side shouldnt work. Might fork over some cash to play it again.

    • 1 year ago

      Well the MP doesnt work according to the store but i see no signs in the steam reviews that the SP side shouldnt work. Might fork over some cash to play it again.

      I played another campaign of it in SP last month. Still works fine.

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