Too much horny is a bad thing now?

Too much horny is a bad thing now?
>That bear scene is indicative of something pervasive throughout the entirety of Baldur’s Gate 3: horny characters. Right, listen, I don’t mean to sound like an old fud, but BG3 heavily implies that every character in the world is DTF as long as you manage to find yourselves alone at camp. A majority of the characters that have visited my camp or joined my party have essentially thrown themselves at me and, while I’m flattered: no.
>Gale, I thought it was very pretty and mystical when you showed me your grasp of the weave, but you also spent a significant amount of time talking about your ex, the goddess of magic. Why, days before your own demise, would you decide to profess your love to me and ask if I was ready to go?
>I was patient with Gale when he told us about his magic sickness — I was kind and even gifted items — but ultimately it’s because he was a decent wizard when I had few allies. I didn’t want to get him into bed. Likewise, I saved Halsin the druid from the goblin lair because, again, I needed all the help I could get in order to kill the three goblin leaders. When he propositioned me during the post-battle celebrations I was a bit taken back. Is that all it takes?
>What I’m getting at, is that it feels that this hyper-sexualized aspect of these RPGs feels not only par for the course, but almost necessary now. I look at my Twitter (X?) feed and see images of people’s naked characters, genitalia laid bare, and naked troubadours playing instruments in evil castles. It’s definitely marketable, shareable content, but it’s not what I’m here for – I didn’t even look at my naked character when I created it, because I usually just pick a race I like.
>I understand why those social-oriented fans want these relationship options in the game, and I certainly don’t want them removed, but I also want these moments to feel like a reward, not just a predictable point over the course of the game.

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  1. 11 months ago

    >Too much horny is a bad thing now?
    When more than half of the cast are gay men, yes.

    • 11 months ago

      Not a single member of the cast is a gay man you lying piece of shit.

      • 11 months ago

        Astarion literally tries to suck you off

        • 11 months ago

          Astarion is
          But imagine having Astarion in your party lmao

          He does that to female protagonists too you miserable freak.

          Are you seriously so desperate to play victim you lie on the internet about a character's sexuality? What are you doing with your life?

          • 11 months ago

            Well my reply was a joke about him being a vampire…

          • 11 months ago

            >He's not gay! He has relationships with women and sex with men!
            I've got a news flash for you, that means your gay

          • 11 months ago

            >anon is having the hypersexual gay in his part AND playing as a girl

            sort yourself out, mate...

        • 11 months ago

          He literally says he's slept with thousands of women using vampire charm, moron.

          • 11 months ago

            It was a vampire joke, moron

            • 11 months ago

              No, it wasn't, you triple gorilla Black person.

          • 11 months ago

            If you suck one dick and frick 3000 women you're still a homosexual.

      • 11 months ago

        Astarion is
        But imagine having Astarion in your party lmao

      • 11 months ago

        Gales, wyll and astarion are, halsin just frick everything because it's a druid

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah Gale is so gay you finish having gay sex with him and he starts talking about Mystra's vegana.
          Wyll is so gay he flirts the whole game with Lae'zel and Shadowheart and you find out he was thinking about Mizora during the gay sex scene, but sure, he's gay.
          Astarion asks you what Lae'zel tastes like after you let him drink from you, but sure, he's tots gay!

          Stupid homophobic frick

          • 11 months ago

            >Stupid homophobic frick
            >homophobic frick
            Is this supposed to be an insult or something?

          • 11 months ago

            >Yeah Gale is so gay you finish having gay sex with him and he starts talking about Mystra's vegana
            >frick you I'm not gay I just like gay sex t. the king of Hyrule

          • 11 months ago

            Gale tries frick you after telling you about his ex (woman), wyll it's so homosexual that wants you to dance ballet under the moon light, and everyone knows about asterion the most homosexual character since Zevran

      • 11 months ago

        literally ALL of the male party members are turbo homosexuals

      • 11 months ago

        If a character would frick a character of the same sex then they are gay.
        > Muh playersexual tho
        I reiterate: If a character would frick a character of the same sex if given the chance then they are gay.
        No exceptions.
        > N-no, they're bi at worst
        I reiterate: If a character would frick a character of the same sex then they are gay, even if they are equally as likely to frick a member of the opposite sex.
        No exceptions.

      • 11 months ago

        Gale is a huge homosexual

    • 11 months ago

      You can stop clicking o options with gay oriented content.

      If you are not interested in gay contents, why you continue to click on this options?

      This options are too obvious, so it's your choice to click on them.

      • 11 months ago

        Remember the one time B^U made a good strip

        The problem is the playersexuality. So you end up with situations, Gale being the most obvious one, where you're talking to Gale, and he's going on about his ex, who's a woman (goddess, whatever). So he's literally telling you with his dialogue, that he isn't gay, he's interested in women. Then he asks if you wanna know what it's like to be a wizard and to understand why he loves this woman so much. So you say yes and then that becomes a gay love scene where you make sexy faces at each other. And then you're just like, wooh, everything the dude signaled up to this point said "I'm not gay", and my guy sure isn't gay, so why is this cutscene treating both of us as if we're gay?
        Then in some the sophists to argue that you have to be socially moronic to not have picked up on the sign that he was gay and hitting on you, even though if you weren't socially moronic you'd have picked up on all the signs that he WASN'T gay and so COULDN'T have been hitting on you. But since the game doesn't work on gay/straight or even bi logic, but on playersexuality, you end up with all these mixed signals.

        Doesn't help that basically all the dialogue you can have with the characters in camp is just this awkward mini game whose purpose is to romance the other character. You think you're talking to Wyll to get to learn more about him, but what you don't realize is that "learning more about him" is in service of romancing him, not in actually learning about the character. I guess this is them being efficient with their dialogue implementation. So you're sitting there thinking you're learning more about these characters, but what you're actually doing is romancing all of them.
        Heck, even if all you want to do is metagame to maximize their approval, you end up romancing every single character. There's no separation between interacting with a character and romancing them. If you're interacting, you're engaged in romance.

        All the companion interactions are about sex.

      • 11 months ago

        >I am so stupid I don't understand anything you type and only respond in memes
        typical sophist in the wild

      • 11 months ago

        Because they fricking jump scare you with them moron.
        >oh yeah me and Gale can hang out now and talk about magic that'd be cool
        >wait why's he giving me the frick me eyes oh shit abort what the frick
        >Gale disapproves
        Every fricking companion is like that one gay moron in dragon age 2 that throws a shit fit if you don't fill his boy hole. It's fricking stupid. Mark the fricking romance options with a heart or something.

      • 11 months ago

        >If you are not interested in gay contents, why you continue to click on this options?
        Because it rewards players with bonuses

  2. 11 months ago

    OP is a moron. Of course it can be too horny. If effort is being spent turning it all into usable smut that almost always means it comes at the cost of the people writing a detailed plot in any other sense.

  3. 11 months ago

    looks like baldurs gate cured the porn addiction of millions of people
    i dont think theres any other game that has ever solved a social issue much less one that involves public health at this scale

    • 11 months ago

      Damn I love bg3 now. Maybe now Ganker will stop having a dozen porn threads an hour

    • 11 months ago

      Damn I love bg3 now. Maybe now Ganker will stop having a dozen porn threads an hour

      anti-porn activists are not allowed to post on Ganker

      • 11 months ago

        Frick off. It's terrible for you and if you don't think so you're already too lost to matter

        • 11 months ago

          anti-porn activists are not allowed to post on Ganker

      • 11 months ago

        Frick off you degenerate porn addicted future troony and current homosexual and constant threat to school children.

  4. 11 months ago

    It's woke horny, not chud horny like anime waifu panty sniffer neptunia 9001

    • 11 months ago

      keep hearing about "10,000 year old witch waifu" and panty sniffing eroge games like they're available on Gamestop shelves. What you have on your SSD playa?

      • 11 months ago

        Stuff you haven't been around long enough to know how to find, apparently.

        • 11 months ago

          Go on, name me the clearly eroge games that are just sitting there on the Gamestop shelves.

  5. 11 months ago

    What do you mean? It is the best game of the last two decades and I have over 200 voiced lines in it! Just buy a new Ducati while I stretch this dogshit over a month of viewing and buy the game too. Don't you want to support your brotherman?

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      couldn't stands this gay, but after he has caused a cosmic ammount fo seethe from tendies I think he's alright

  6. 11 months ago

    To be fair, in 100% of the media regarding BG3 on social media, here, and journalists have all been about romance, sex scenes, sex, how to date X or Y, the bear thing, the character creator, sex scenes, representation, and full-frontal nudity.
    Hell, I've seen gameplay one (1) time ever, and it's just more Divinity OS 1/2 with nuD&D mechanics slapped in. I don't understand why normalgays are buying this game in droves, it's not a normalgay-friendly genre.

    IMO, the game IS too horny for a non-porn game, I don't play games for the relationships, but 100% of the media regarding the game seems to be about it and it's severely put me off from it despite being a raging coomer.

    • 11 months ago

      >I don't understand why normalgays are buying this game in droves, it's not a normalgay-friendly genre.

      They dont, its all the people who tried out the early access for 5 years getting the full game at once.

    • 11 months ago

      Dude, the human population is over eight billion people with 4.4 billion of them being online thanks to smart phones. You're actually fricking moronic if you actually believe there aren't millions of you neckbearded nerds out there, let alone in North America alone. Have you not seen Blizzcon's audience, in terms of scale and average hygiene? Normies haven't given a frick about a WRPG since Skyrim or Witcher 3.

    • 11 months ago

      There's a very simple reason as to why that is. It's because for some reason anything sexual in a game has been considered BAD and for LOSER NECKBEARDS. So sexual content in games has always been kept to a minimum, dating mechanics censored etc.
      But people want sexual content. So now that BG3 simply does it, people are raving about it, because everyone has been parched and they finally got some water.
      If anything, these games should have more sexual content instead of adhering to the prude American standard.

      • 11 months ago

        This does not explain the Western media doublestandard with regards to any games with sexual content which come from Asia instead of the West.
        The actual explanation is that sexual content is fine as long as it's gay and the people involved are ugly and/or a bear. In truth the American media only gets upset about sexual content when it features attractive women.

        • 11 months ago

          >fancy topical hedonisms plastered over a decaying façade
          Oh hey look, it's a photo of America.

      • 11 months ago

        Already uninstalled. It's not a 'bad' game by modern standards but suffers from a terrible generic story and unlikeable characters who are suffering from Marvel writing and millienal writing syndrome. Other complaints imclude:
        >That inventory system.
        >RNG is totally illogical at times,
        > Pathfinding through terrain is terrible.

        And then of course the beastiality and forced gay shit is the cherry on top. I have never seen a more overrated game in my life and I've been gaming since 1988. Developers were making better games than this with better writing more refined combat systems and fit for purpose inventory management 30 years ago. Also why do all the characters suffer from 'Main Character Syndrome'? Why is everyone in it a c**t apart from maybe the black guy? Is this what zoomers and millenials consider someone with personality and 'character' to be today?

        • 11 months ago

          You gotta be smug, quirky, lol randumb, and dismissive to "have character". Everyone is written to be an even more immature Tony Stark.

        • 11 months ago

          The way I see it is that Westerners (Americans?) seem to consider 'personality' to mean either 'angry' or 'quirky'. If the character is not either of those they don't have a personality.

        • 11 months ago

          You gotta be smug, quirky, lol randumb, and dismissive to "have character". Everyone is written to be an even more immature Tony Stark.

          The way I see it is that Westerners (Americans?) seem to consider 'personality' to mean either 'angry' or 'quirky'. If the character is not either of those they don't have a personality.

          From what I've played so far BG3 is one of the least egregious "millennial writing" cases I've seen in years. Characters mostly talk and act like they're in a fantasy world and not like modern day Californians and I've never had a sense of dissonance from how characters speak and the setting. Sure there are a couple overly smug characters but it's mostly the ones where that way of talking would fit them. I guess there's a bit too much sarcasm but it's mostly inoffensive.

          • 11 months ago

            Badly animated SFM scenes as a substitute for a compelling gameplay loop is immature as frick.

            It's similar to Mortal Kombat, the gameplay is so bad that they need senseless shock and awe gore to overcompensate for it and serve as a marketing point.

            It's substanceless shallow garbage. But that's all western developers can do so I'm not surprised.

            • 11 months ago

              I don't even know what you're talking about

              No, the fact that literally everyone in BG3 is sexually permissive is a big case of egregious millennial writing. Larian made a world a gay's wet dream where everyone magically knows the personal boundaries of everybody, where chastity and friendship don't exist.

              Ok that's fair enough. It's probably due to how hard Pathfinder mindbroke me that the sexual side of it feels more the norm but even then BG3 isn't as bad as those games and outside of that when plot shit is happening it feels normal

              >um let me tell you what people act like in your fantasy world
              lol what a stupid fricking post


              • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            No, the fact that literally everyone in BG3 is sexually permissive is a big case of egregious millennial writing. Larian made a world a gay's wet dream where everyone magically knows the personal boundaries of everybody, where chastity and friendship don't exist.

          • 11 months ago

            >um let me tell you what people act like in your fantasy world
            lol what a stupid fricking post

  7. 11 months ago

    It's not bad and it never has been bad. Most people only care if one sex is the object of desire. If it's both everyone is happy. Nerds are fricking horndogs and especially the type to play DnD and go to Ren Fairs, which is almost EXACTLY who this fricking game is catering to. Ignore some homosexual who is sex shamed and needs someone who can suck a golfball through a garden hose to suck the shine off their dick or clit like it's a cadillac.

    • 11 months ago

      True. This game is catering to the part of DnD fandom thats essentially furries that go to yiffcons.

  8. 11 months ago

    >be good bro to homie
    >he invites you into sex magic trick show
    What no pussy does to mf

    • 11 months ago

      Gale is based on randy

      anti-porn activists are not allowed to post on Ganker

      Just go to /trash/, gay

    • 11 months ago

      >sex magic trick show
      He LITERALLY just shows you what casting a spell feels like (because he's literally a giant simp for Mystra and gets off on it basically)
      I went through with it and when he started getting quiet and looking at me I just said 'okay, thanks for showing me' and there was literally nothing weird about it.

      People act like he was conjuring fricking dildos and succubi, he literally just help you cast some basic ass spell that did nothing.

  9. 11 months ago

    >but BG3 heavily implies that every character in the world is DTF as long as you manage to find yourselves alone at camp
    Get a load of this transphobic piece of shit.

  10. 11 months ago

    The thing is if you actually interact with women they are all obsessed with sex. The game is just like real life if you actually arent ugly and deal with women...

    • 11 months ago

      Girl here, frick me.

      • 11 months ago

        Sure but I gotta warn ya, I look like Matt Damon

      • 11 months ago

        You know the drill: post pics or frick off.

      • 11 months ago

        fake women are not girls

      • 11 months ago

        do you have a penis?

  11. 11 months ago

    Once you pass a certain threshold of horniness you're now playing a really, really tedious and convoluted porn game with subpar sexscenes.
    And if you're going to have a game where everyone wants to frick you, they need to start fricking you within 15 minutes at most and all the budget should serve making that fricking the best, most well voiced and animated fricking it can be. If the plot has branching paths, it shouldn't be good vs evil or faction choices, it should be sub vs dom or straight vs gay vs bi or inside, outside, or into the chalice?

    • 11 months ago

      I always got the feeling this game gave me old school porn game vibes.

  12. 11 months ago

    >Too much horny is a bad thing now?
    No. I just wish the people who praise the horny, also didn't go after Jap games for having cute girls.

  13. 11 months ago

    Loving the game so far, but it does feel like Gale in particilar jumps into it way too easily if you're nice to him. Weird writing there.

  14. 11 months ago

    Are there any skimpy-clothed girls you romance in this game? Or is it really limited to gay bears?

    • 11 months ago

      You can put Shadowheart in what is basically just some strips of black leather and frick her but by default she's wearing full armor

    • 11 months ago

      The frog girl's default armor is kinda crotchless at the back
      They're only in somewhat skimpy clothes at camp, which you can customize.

  15. 11 months ago

    Sex is fricking disgusting and gay sex is doubly disgusting. I don't need it in my games, and people claiming it is more mature are the biggest virgins of all.
    Sometimes I just want a nice adventure where I kill goblins and I don't want to roleplay trying to appease a woman into letting me frick her. That shit is tiring enough as is.

    • 11 months ago

      incel moment

    • 11 months ago

      then don't appease her or just say "no"?

  16. 11 months ago

    I feel like people 'stumbling' into these romances are just OCDingly exhausting all dialogue at all times without even reading what they're saying.
    You can play through this game without anyone at camp (aside from lazel for culture reasons) hitting on you.

  17. 11 months ago

    Imagine being so low t you have an old biddy's name as you're last name lmao

  18. 11 months ago

    There's horny in aesthetics (big tiddies, muscular dudes, skimpy outfits, provocative animations) and horny in story (characters having sex and wanting to frick all the time)
    BG3 is the latter: characters are fricking HORNY

  19. 11 months ago

    My party is just hitting level 5 in act 1 and not a single sexual thing has happened other than my character kissing shadowheart. I'm kinda confused, do people on this board not socialize at all? It should be obviouse what dialogue options would lead to something??

  20. 11 months ago

    >american gets enraged at sexual content in media for the trillionth time while ignoring guns and violence
    typical for these savages who think sex is evil but having your children offered as sacrifices to the molochs in school is good
    satanists everywhere

    • 11 months ago

      Well fricking animals is a little uncouth

  21. 11 months ago

    >Too much horny is a bad thing now?
    Zoomers are prudes. They've been indoctrinated to be scared of being canceled.

  22. 11 months ago

    >actually just visible breasts and as tame as a book for 13 year olds

    also frick off for posting bait articles written by AI
    literally an ad vor baldurs gate 3 and whatever website churned this out

    • 11 months ago

      >trannies and homosexualry
      >for 13 year olds
      typical groomer

      • 11 months ago

        >ahh another beautiful day in america wow and its only been 3 school shootings in the news since i woke up! beautiful day!

        americans....putting the S in STUPID

        • 11 months ago

          This but unironically

          • 11 months ago

            Frick off you degenerate porn addicted future troony and current homosexual and constant threat to school children.

            anti-porn activists are not allowed to post on Ganker

            • 11 months ago

              The way you live is not healthy or natural

              • 11 months ago

                thankfuly its my life and not yours and i couldnt be happier about this
                you pretend to care but all you want is to hurt
                digusting and vile being

              • 11 months ago

                Of the only reason you do something is "because I can", you're not living a healthy life.

              • 11 months ago

                iam sorry mom...can i just pls get my memory card back? dustin is coming over with champions : return to norath and i desperatly need our characters MOOOOM

            • 11 months ago

              It's funny seeing how those shitty baits work on some people. Don't bother with them anon.

          • 11 months ago

            Frick off you degenerate porn addicted future troony and current homosexual and constant threat to school children.

            >guns are not a danger to school children even thou kids are killed daily by a gun in america
            >people who refer to themselfes as woman are totaly a danger guys even thou you never meet any of them irl

            which way is it /misc/tard? if you care about kids so much why not ban guns the thing that kills the most children in your moron country?

            • 11 months ago

              I am sorry, but you are gay

              • 11 months ago

                actually bi 😉

                also ive been in jail before and trust me nazis love nothing more than being fcked by BBC
                they always pretend they hate black people and muslims so much but in actuality they want to be dominated by them which is why they act that way
                they love nothing more than a big black man punching them straight in the face and fricking their bare ass no lube
                hearing guys who moan exactly like girls is so funny always

              • 11 months ago

                I'm sorry you have been in jail, I hope it turns you away from your gayness

              • 11 months ago

                Biscum are not a real sexuality and you are an incel.

              • 11 months ago

                Then why do I love herculean men and venus body women equally, switching whether they're a top or bottom? But also keeping standards. Most men and women disgust me.

              • 11 months ago

                >be send to jail
                >get ass fricked so much that now you are gay to cope with the anus raped

            • 11 months ago

              You are genuinely dumb for thinking "logic" matters to chuds. The only thing that matters to them is killing you. Everything they say and do is an excuse to get closer to that goal, killing you. Chuds can't lose arguments because they are sociopaths and everything they do is perfectly in service of their goal, especially hypocrisy and lying. They won't concede because they don't have to. You will always lose. You are at an inherent disadvantage because you're too scared to use violence which is the only source of truth in this world.

              Anyway my point is stop talking, you're embarrassing yourself and are convincing nobody.

              • 11 months ago

                Civil War II when

              • 11 months ago

                Idk I didn't think that far ahead

              • 11 months ago

                If only.

            • 11 months ago

              nta But you're genuinely moronic. More children die annually of motor vehicle accidents, so let's ban transportation, hurr durr.
              It's not about protecting children and never was. It's about keeping actual children and perpetual children such as yourself the frick away. A strip club isn't a daycare. "Sir, this is a Wendy's" tier idiocy if you need to be told why adults don't want children around when doing adult shit.
              In fact, I would be for it being legally allowed to beat or murder children who pop up in places they're neither welcomed to or should even be in, make it 100% the parents' responsibility if their moronic child isn't supervised.

              • 11 months ago

                I forgot to mention that I'm a 5'6 crossdressing twink with a ruined butthole and boyfriend with a dick the size of a baby's arm, because my sexuality somehow validates my opinions to you people.

            • 11 months ago

              I'm anti-troony and somewhat pro-gun for different reasons and you're right that anyone using the "b-but KIDS" arguments politically doesn't give a single frick about kids

            • 11 months ago

              It's not exactly a gun problem

              • 11 months ago

                We got black & white people here in Europe : you know how many gunned down people we have? Way less than you.
                A problem about gunfire, not about guns?

              • 11 months ago

                >gets acid'd and knife'd before being run over by a truck of peace

              • 11 months ago

                We've got brown people here, but we shouldn't.

              • 11 months ago

                We shouldn't have gone to their place in the past then. I don't see much immigration to Iceland or Lettonie.

              • 11 months ago

                "We" didn't go anywhere, yet we import those frickers on the boatloads. Also, who the frick cares if we would have. Spit on their faces, for all I care.
                Iceland will get it's share soon, too. They've just been shielded so far by the long distance and being a small cold island nation. They are wienerroaches and rabbits.

            • 11 months ago

              Furry moment.

            • 11 months ago

              >What if my fursona was literwlly just Reggie fused with a Deltarune character
              This is how I designed my OCs when I was literally fourteen years old, holy shit.

              • 11 months ago

                He even traced one of Reggie's most famous animations.

            • 11 months ago

              >you ar more likely to die stabbed in europe than by a gun in usa

            • 11 months ago

              Your fursona should have been an anthropomorphised projector, holy kek

            • 11 months ago

              >kids are killed daily by a gun in America
              That's not even true. It's like 3 times a year every 4 years.

  23. 11 months ago

    Even if we squashed the beef, I ain't touching that hand

  24. 11 months ago

    I haven't even played the game and I've gotten the sense they've leaned too hard into the horny dnd geek audience

  25. 11 months ago

    Danger makes people horny. It's literally impossible and even more fantasy for a group of fit guys and girls to travel together for a long time and not be fricking constantly. Has this "reporter" ever even been backpacking?
    >Protip. The option to frick anybody in real life is always there hidden behind the correct choices

    • 11 months ago

      so if i rly want to i can frick my mom?

      • 11 months ago

        Well yeah I suppose so. If something is humanly possible then it is possible for you also.

        >guns are not a danger to school children even thou kids are killed daily by a gun in america
        >people who refer to themselfes as woman are totaly a danger guys even thou you never meet any of them irl

        which way is it /misc/tard? if you care about kids so much why not ban guns the thing that kills the most children in your moron country?

        I live in Thailand. This is a thread about videogames. But sure if we're gonna talk guns, I would recommend simply having a mandatory IQ test required to own a gun with a passing grade of 100. This eliminates 90% of women and Black folk. Gun violence solved.

        • 11 months ago

          99% of school shootings in AmeriKKKa are carried out by white dudes moron.

          • 11 months ago

            And yet black kids still die to guns five more times than all school shootings combined, kek

          • 11 months ago

            Black folk light each other up at school all the time, it just doesn't make the news.

          • 11 months ago

            School shootings are like 1% of gun crimes moron. Stop catering all of society to the vast minorities and start building society based on majorities.

            • 11 months ago

              school shootings are also the #1 cause of death to kids in schools

              • 11 months ago

                And? It's an anomaly. You might as well say we should ban airplanes because air crashes are the number cause of death in air vehicles.
                But sure lets go with your logic. What you prefer the number one cause of death in school would be?
                Again school shootings are not a big deal compared to actual gun crimes and are largely a symptom of moronic kids who need to learn how to bully correctly and how to be bullied correctly. People used to being guns all the times to school. Policeman bring guns to work all the time yet police stations don't seem to get shot up very often do they?

          • 11 months ago

            Imagine being black kids and actually killing each other with guns casually five times more than white kids have school shootings

            It's not exactly a gun problem

          • 11 months ago

            Funny thing is that isn't statically true. Blacks make up most school shooters, but that isn't news worthy.

            • 11 months ago

              it's only a school shooting if a white kid does it, otherwise its gang violence

          • 11 months ago

            "dudes" is a generous way to describe them.
            also no one mentioned that most of the chinless inbred whiteoids that commit mass shootings are /misc/ chuds.

  26. 11 months ago

    I'm a huge coomer and I agree
    It wasn't that BG3 was too horny, there's no issue with that, is that it felt forced horny.

    Like the barn scene with the bugbear and the ogre, it just felt like the devs were saying 'ahaha look at how silly and sexual our jokes are, we're not like other games'

    It just felt a little out of place. A couple of scenes were like that. But I also think it's blown out of proportion. The romances are the exact same typical Bioware shit we've seen for years.

    >but le Gale tries to frick!!
    Dude literally makes a slightly awkward POTENTIAL pass at you during a scene where you get multiple chances to say 'nah, I'm good bro' and he never mentions it again. This, again, is the same shit we've always had, the only difference is they make all the characters bi now so you get it on everyone.

  27. 11 months ago

    >Ganker in 2011
    >Ganker 2023

    kill all /misc/tards pls

    • 11 months ago

      >you: Nooooo! Sexy women are bad
      >also you: don't like gays constantly propositioning you? You must be some kind of puritan

      I am starting to see why people used to stone you

      • 11 months ago

        Why are gays so much better at dealing with the sex they aren't attracted to hitting on their character in video games?

        • 11 months ago

          Are you seriously trying to act as if your kind weren't spending the past 10 YEARS b***hing about every videogame character with D cup breasts?

  28. 11 months ago

    >fully modeled genitals
    >genitals not visible in the one sex cutscene I saw
    really begs the question of why

    • 11 months ago

      Same reason Cyberpunk did it
      wow guys full penor customization so edgy and mature please buy our game

      c-can you see it in game? uuh, maybe, possibly, at some point haha, just buy it.

      • 11 months ago

        >c-can you see it in game? uuh, maybe, possibly, at some point haha, just buy it.
        Unlike Cyberpunk, you can just unequip your armor and see it at anytime at least.

        Are there any reactions for interacting while naked? Haven't tested it yet.

      • 11 months ago

        wtf do you actually want them to do?
        erect penis going into vagene is still a big no no for many countries
        game would get Adult only rating in america and not be sold in any store anymore thus it would kill alot of their profit if they or any other vidya dev ever includes that

        • 11 months ago

          I would want them not to include it if it's not going to be used, simple as.
          You people get all assmad about Cyberpunk falsely advertising, but you give this a pass. I hope you enjoy games doing this more and more, if you're gonna keep excusing it.

          • 11 months ago

            iam not excusing it its just the law makes it impossible
            you actually want devs to break the law? sounds moronic to me

    • 11 months ago

      >he didn't frick the frog

  29. 11 months ago

    >heavily implies that every character in the world is DTF as long as you manage to find yourselves alone at camp.

    I don't want to scare you but this is actually how it works in real life. If you're not an ugger or autismo this is literally how it works. People enjoy sex. Both men and women enjoy sex.

  30. 11 months ago

    Forgotten Realms is the original c00m zone and Ed Greenwood, the guy who created the setting, is the original D&D turbo coomer. These outsider fricks have no fricking idea how wild FR is as a setting.

    >Incest doesn't count as long as you don't get them pregnant and is considered good practice for siblings
    >most towns, even small ones, will have a prostitutehouse of some kind
    >ed famously runs a module where your party of adventurers has to meet with lady alustriel, the ruler of a city state in the Silvermarches. Before you can meet her, the party is stripped naked and deprived of all it's weapons before being allowed into the gigantic room filling power orgy and 'Objective: Survive (and find Alustriel) flashes on the screen


    • 11 months ago


  31. 11 months ago

    The cast of Divinity OS 2 still had a story even if you don't frick them. The cast of BG3 don't. They are horrible characters.

    • 11 months ago

      This is not true and you're a moron.

      Though I will admit Gale rubs me the wrong way because he feels like a giant snowflake.

      'Yeah, I fricked a god lol, I'm also a giant city levelling nuke'
      It wouldn't be too out of place if it was a high level campaign but gale, my man, you're level 1, a level 1 fricking mage did not frick Mystra

      • 11 months ago

        supposedly the reason he's level 1 is she dumped his ass for being dumb

      • 11 months ago

        They all got downleveled because of the tadpoles, speedreader

        • 11 months ago

          >so my character is a powerful wizard that fricked god of magic but then had the magic stolen away from him and then was infected with special mindflayer tadpole that made him level 1
          i hate nu dnd where everyones oc just HAS to be more special than everyone elses so it's like an endless singularity of increasingly more ridiculous crap

          • 11 months ago

            4.0 both fixed everything yet opened everything up to be ruined. I have never played a frickong 4.0 campaign with a female present who didn't just sabotage everything jjst to feel speshul. At least earlier revisions punished players for that homosexualry but with 4.0 it became purely up to the DM to curb snowflake players onto getting back in line.

            • 11 months ago

              Females are designed to be disruptive. Should just have never let her into your group.

  32. 11 months ago

    Why are sex scenes from AAA game that sold millions so poorly animated? the average DAZ western erotic game dev can do better

  33. 11 months ago

    These threads are always so confusing. Are there hot chicks and big breasts or not?

    • 11 months ago

      >Are there hot chicks and big breasts or not?

    • 11 months ago

      No, you can have FUGLY women be naked but no attractive ones exist.

  34. 11 months ago

    I wouldn't mind if the relationships were more complex and not so easy to accidentally get into.

  35. 11 months ago

    After how this gay game has been recieved I'm never having anyone try to talk down to me for liking Pale Carnations again

  36. 11 months ago

    >What I’m getting at, is that it feels that this hyper-sexualized aspect of these RPGs feels not only par for the course.
    What rpgs, you fricking clown?
    Name one besides BG3.
    >Listening to a random homosexual "journalist".

    • 11 months ago

      Dragon Age, Mass Effect.

      Though they atleast still had characters who weren't just shitty characters for you to frick.

      • 11 months ago

        Dragon age and mass effect had the romance start up slowly, it's not hyper sexual at all.
        Not every game with two people in a relationship kissing or the rare stray tit on screen is hyper sexual.
        It's just "journalists" being morons again.

        • 11 months ago

          oh frick off you are so full of shit. If you don't romance a character like Tali, Jack, Miranda,etc then they have like 10 lines of dialogue and nothing else to say. The "romances" are just sex. Tali's story is just talking about medical shit so you can find a way to frick. So romantic.

          • 11 months ago

            So you're saying almost all of the female cast do have plenty of dialogue?
            And it's three games where each of them have a ton to say as either friends or romance option that leads up to like one "sex" scene per game.
            That you will not see if you romanced any other character or if the character doesn't like the player character.
            So what the absolute frick are you talking about calling that hyper sexual and comparing it to BG3 where everyone tries to seduce your character after an hour?

  37. 11 months ago

    I might honestly be okay with the fact that we'll never get another Dark Sun game now.

    • 11 months ago

      You mean you don't want Thri Kreen romance?

  38. 11 months ago

    I refuse to have moids in my party.
    Harem only.

  39. 11 months ago

    I think it's kind of lame that literally every character is player-sexual in this game. you literally can not just become good friends with anyone. the moment you spend any 1on1 time with a character, it's gonna go the romance route. there's no "just hanging out" and getting to know another character better.

    I think it's a valid complaint.

    • 11 months ago

      There's also no feeling of connection that makes you want to romance any character because they all desperately try to frick you.

      • 11 months ago

        if you ever went outside or on a date you would figure thats how 99% of relationships are lol

        • 11 months ago

          Weird way to tell me you're moronic and have no connection with anyone besides sex.
          Yes i know a lot of "relationships" are like that but those also fall apart.
          If you get your head out of your own self important ass and actually look to make a connection with someone instead of desperately trying to get any hole you can, you might realise some women are actually respectable and you MIGHT have a good relationship.

          • 11 months ago

            homie youre playing a videogame not reading some high class romance novel written in 18th century england
            genuine moronation and prolly brown skin too

            • 11 months ago

              I'm talking about real life you actual child.
              You know, real life relationships that the game emulates poorly?
              What are you even talking about?
              Is there an actual brain left in your head?

              • 11 months ago

                this..homie serious?
                ima bout to end this mans whole career...frfr
                yeah i frickin girls you dumbo ass homie ayo shut your goddamn mouth you stupid b***h
                my side hoe cayla? ayo she gonna slap yo b***hass like its nothing i bet you only suck duuuudes

  40. 11 months ago

    Have sex

  41. 11 months ago


    >he saves pictures of naked homosexuals
    can't wait when you alienate society enough to consider throwing you, and people like you off roofs. i genuinely hope you stupid homosexuals keep bussing in more mudslimes, so they can religion of peace you people.

    • 11 months ago

      its almost looking like youre asking for more
      hot but i dont want to share too many of my nudes sorry pal

    • 11 months ago

      So your idea of a better society is inspired by arab human rights disaster shitholes? Why not move there, then?

      Also I just don't choose the sex scenes and instead throw spells at goblins, simple as.

      • 11 months ago

        Wasn't talking about BG3 you disgusting homosexual was talking about one of your homosexual discord boyfriends you're clearly coordinating with to shit up the board who's apparently doxing himself with his own metadata by posting his disgusting photos.

        • 11 months ago

          you just cant handle my ass
          also leave my bf alone you disgusting nazi

        • 11 months ago

          Nice, I come into a thread to argue with a moron and walk out of it with a new bf

    • 11 months ago

      >Incel moron gets so mad at imageboard posting he immediately starts begging to live under ISIS government.
      Kek the impotent bloodthirsty rage is hilarious. Dance for me chud dance.

  42. 11 months ago


    Okay not sure why you showed us your pasty ass but that doesn't prove anything to passerbys. Bigoted arguments have been refined to a point that your basic surface points about contradictions don't even make a dent. Rightoids have flowcharts and shit ready to go at all times. If you really wanna convince passerbys, you need fast snappy propaganda.

  43. 11 months ago

    damn he edited the photo, so no exif bummer

  44. 11 months ago

    >be nice to gale
    >he openly flirts
    >be nice to white hair vampire
    >he overtly asks to frick

    I wish they put another layer of engagement between you being kind/friendly to them and them wanting to frick you, you should at least have to actively pursue the gay shit if you want to and not just have it shoved in your face.
    it's really off putting when you're like "yes I agree with what you said" and they reply "you agree?, you want to frick me then? how bout it *pixar eyebrow raise*"

    • 11 months ago

      Who knows, maybe going genocide on an entire fortress makes you horny or something, I wouldn't know

  45. 11 months ago

    >be rpg adventurer, diving into dungeons full of lethal monsters and traps in hopes of getting rich or whatever
    normal, well adjusted characters don't become crazy murder hobo adventurers. It makes sense they'd be a lot more lewd then the general population because they're living the maximum YOLO tardlife.

  46. 11 months ago

    It is creepy. You ever had a sleazy gay dude not leave you alone? The game is like that.

  47. 11 months ago

    Imagine being so Twitter-trooned that you genuinely believe a person can't be pro-porn and anti-children at the same time

  48. 11 months ago

    I don't think it's very sexualized
    >no curvy/sexy body types
    >no skimpy armor
    >very few passable presets
    >a few "SEX LOL" jokes here and there
    Sure everyone is very easily romanceable and it's a bit cringe but the game is certainly not made to arouse you.

    • 11 months ago

      it's ugly sex, the way leftists like it, because they're all ugly

      they only hate sex or sexiness when it's beautiful

    • 11 months ago

      I think the only real problem is I think they made it too easy to get pushed down a romance path with characters. I think there just to be more clear cut romance avoidance choices you can make that don't involve outright pissing the characters off. I'm fine with every character being romancable I just wish that it only happened when I actively want it to happen and go down that route instead of it feeling like it just being a natural consequence of not being a dick to everyone.

      • 11 months ago

        The problem is the playersexuality. So you end up with situations, Gale being the most obvious one, where you're talking to Gale, and he's going on about his ex, who's a woman (goddess, whatever). So he's literally telling you with his dialogue, that he isn't gay, he's interested in women. Then he asks if you wanna know what it's like to be a wizard and to understand why he loves this woman so much. So you say yes and then that becomes a gay love scene where you make sexy faces at each other. And then you're just like, wooh, everything the dude signaled up to this point said "I'm not gay", and my guy sure isn't gay, so why is this cutscene treating both of us as if we're gay?
        Then in some the sophists to argue that you have to be socially moronic to not have picked up on the sign that he was gay and hitting on you, even though if you weren't socially moronic you'd have picked up on all the signs that he WASN'T gay and so COULDN'T have been hitting on you. But since the game doesn't work on gay/straight or even bi logic, but on playersexuality, you end up with all these mixed signals.

        Doesn't help that basically all the dialogue you can have with the characters in camp is just this awkward mini game whose purpose is to romance the other character. You think you're talking to Wyll to get to learn more about him, but what you don't realize is that "learning more about him" is in service of romancing him, not in actually learning about the character. I guess this is them being efficient with their dialogue implementation. So you're sitting there thinking you're learning more about these characters, but what you're actually doing is romancing all of them.
        Heck, even if all you want to do is metagame to maximize their approval, you end up romancing every single character. There's no separation between interacting with a character and romancing them. If you're interacting, you're engaged in romance.

        All the companion interactions are about sex.

        • 11 months ago

          I don't have a problem with all the characters being playersexual. As someone that wanted to romance the dyke in Cyberpunk but didn't want to play as a chick I'm more against the idea of giving characters sexual orientation that limit your romance options. I just think there needs to be more clear cut rejections of romance without needing to micromanage when you say to them and also more to do with party members that don't involve romance. I love romance options in video games but don't think it should exist as a replacement for actual character relationships.

          • 11 months ago

            She's bi and will have a one time implied sex scene with you before she leaves if you didn't choose penis 2. She's actually disgusted by circumcized penises.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah, basically the problem is you're gonna either be lovers or mortal enemies, there's literally no content inbetween

          • 11 months ago

            yeah I also fell into the Judy trap. Not helped that all the bros you meet on the way like Kerry or Ward are playersexual. But no, the chick is suddenly strictly off limits

            Cyberpunk did that right in that the sex options were all marked with a lips symbol before the dialogue option. Sounds like homosexual porn gate 3 needs a similar update/player mod

        • 11 months ago

          I haven't played it yet, but it sounds like a bad writing. Maybe someone should report it to Larian, so they will fix the Gale's background. He would be gay by default.

          • 11 months ago

            He isn't gay though, if your player character is female it plays out the same.

            • 11 months ago

              Then Gale is bisexual. What is the problem?

              • 11 months ago

                I don't know I'm not that anon I'm just clarifying things.

        • 11 months ago

          Stop shitposting already, the magic scene doesn't lead into sex for frick sake anon, it leads into the START of the romance arc which then leads into sex at the middlepoint/end of act 2 and it has no sexual tension between your character and him until the game explicitly warns you that shit is about to get lewd so it's time to jump off Gales wild ride before he starts hunting your bussy.

          It's so obvious to spot shitposters since even just viewing the interaction on israelitetube will immediately disprove it

          • 11 months ago

            >You don't eat his cum after that you fricking moron oh my science you only kiss the tip of his dick

          • 11 months ago

            >and it has no sexual tension between your character and him until the game explicitly warns you that shit is about to get lewd
            You're lovingly gazing into each other's eyes during that entire magic scene

            • 11 months ago

              No your not, he is facing away from you 50% of the time and only turns towards you to keep talking after having shown you how to cast the spell. If your shitpost can be disproven by spending 20 sec on youtube then it's a pretty shit shitpost

              • 11 months ago

                He's making gay faces the entire time just after telling about his female ex, maybe for a mentally ill like you it's normal but for non mentally ill it's not

              • 11 months ago

                I bet your making gay faces at me right now homosexual

              • 11 months ago

                Kinda because I'm laughing with a silly face

              • 11 months ago

                Sorry bro, that means your a homo

              • 11 months ago

                No because I'm doing it alone not in front of a dude that I want to share my dregs with

              • 11 months ago

                So a strange man is making you smile? Sounds pretty gay.

              • 11 months ago

                It's Ganker there's a high chance whoever you're talking to has autism.

  49. 11 months ago

    I can't name a video game besides Final Fantasy 8 where you don't start at level 1 regardless of your lore. I appreciate the sentiment is concerning the character's experience with the current scenario but surely IF YOU FRICKED A GOD you would have SOME level of skill and knowledge applicable to a world with gods in it. This is why the characters and scenarios are all so fricking poorly written. We're told how great the cast is but never shown it, like the fricking Pokemon Sword and Shield cutscenes that have NPCs describing all of the action that's happening off screen just so it doesn't have to be animated.

    • 11 months ago

      Anon there is literally an in game explanation for why everyone is level 1. The mindflayer parasite.

      • 11 months ago

        Tadpoles are just as moronic, if not more moronic and especially lazier writing, than REmake's time ghosts and four seperate Sephiroths.

      • 11 months ago

        The tadpoles wouldn't erase knowledge or religion checks

    • 11 months ago

      This sounds like you're describing the zoomer Saints Roe reboot

  50. 11 months ago

    All the characters are super horny. Once you get to a positive interaction level with any of them, they start wanting to jump your bones. I guess it makes it even more obvious why forced romance crap is always awkward but trying to make my character gay when I gave no clear indicator what my sexuality was is very jarring.

  51. 11 months ago

    Remember the one time B^U made a good strip

    • 11 months ago

      Every male party member it's like Anders you either trash them being a dick or get fricked there's no middle point

      • 11 months ago

        This is how women write masculan men; They think men are constantly testing to see if one another is gay or not like it's some college football shower room, everybody just slapping eachother's naked cheeks to test if they get an erection or not. So unless you're always adversarial towards all other men, you're gay.

    • 11 months ago

      Every male party member it's like Anders you either trash them being a dick or get fricked there's no middle point

      DA2 literally had giant heart icons for every romance related option wtf are you guys talking about

      • 11 months ago

        And his heart automatically fills up before you have a chance with any other character, just from being fricking nuetral or nice towards him. There ARE more gay options to choose, doing anything but making him a rival will force him to frick you.

  52. 11 months ago

    Gameplay > Porn

  53. 11 months ago

    Have sex.

  54. 11 months ago

    >games journalist not having a complete dogshit opinion
    it's the end of the world already?

  55. 11 months ago

    >some headline from some clickbaiting author trying to bring life into his dead ass news company he works for

  56. 11 months ago

    Yes, I get it, you can easily participate in gay sex in BG3. Sorry Lariansisters, I'm not interested.
    Can you romance Alfira? If there a shortstack romance option?

  57. 11 months ago

    Lonely, hormone driven freaks and geeks taking an opportunity to be sexual pent-up deviants and misfits with one another like a bunch of teenagers going to their first anime convention unsupervised by their parents... is no more genuinely gay/lesbian/bi/etc than people who are "prison gay". They're just male live stock fricking each other's asses because they're fenced off from the female live stock. Everyone in this game is written to be prison gay for no reason outside of being easily available and accesible to even the most socially moronic of players.

    • 11 months ago

      This also explains lonely incels becoming trannies out of desperation to release their pent up carnal desires in any way possible while still being too socially moronic to earn a sexual interaction normally and authentically. All they can do is advertise their desperate loneliness in hopes of meeting another like themselves so they can both be sexual deviants together in a purely physical based relationship.

    • 11 months ago

      except the temp prison homos are closeted gays in full cope mode. Yeah sure, they totally pinky swear they only touch vegana on the outside when in reality they mostly end up continuing their traditions in the outside gang hierarchies

      • 11 months ago

        I remember seeing a video about some dudes in russia who tattooed the whites of their eyes black
        you get ammonia out of urine to make the ink, but you have to use your own urine, because if you use someone else's you're a gay.

        I'm not even joking, that's the culture. Russian prison is the gay steel mill from the Simpsons except you can't leave.

  58. 11 months ago

    Is this shit pirateable yet?

    • 11 months ago

      I honestly never considered honking that horn until I saw the note specifically saying not to

    • 11 months ago

      Has been since day 1, good game but avoid the male companions unless you are a mentally ill homo

    • 11 months ago

      I honestly never considered honking that horn until I saw the note specifically saying not to

  59. 11 months ago

    All gay sex scenes ('gay sex' in this sense also includes hetero sex) in video games should be interruptable with violence, boner killing dialogue or anything else the player desires at any point of the act. Of course, in a good game you should be able to detect whether your choices are leading you on some gay ass "Romans" route with some ugly moron. But, alas.

    • 11 months ago

      All sex scenes should be interruptable by a prompt that displays during the entire scene. It will unnverve the self-conscious homosexuals while adding to the thrill for those who don't give a frick knowing they're being judged by the very people who created and sold this content to them. It's win-win-win for everybody.

  60. 11 months ago

    >hey bro wanna learn so sick magic I learned during my time with the Goddess of magic?
    >Sure bro anything that can help us defeat the absolute it's welcome
    >hehe yeah
    >Wait, Gale this... This is not magic! This is anal sex! You are raping me again!

    • 11 months ago


  61. 11 months ago

    I have the DNA of five separate men permanently infused with my body from taking their sperm down my throat or up my ass and I genuinely find this writing to be too gay and lazy. But at least now I appreciate what b***hes b***hed about how femShep in Mass Effect literally just felt like a woman playing as a man, for the sake of convenience the devs just make the romance options treat you identically regardless of whether your character is male or female and your actions or hetero or homosexual inclined. When every romance option is always equally accessible, then romancing any of them loses all meaning oitside of bragging to your friends which romance option you chose like it's a fricking discussion on who bought the cooler Hot Wheels car when you all had a $1 to buy from the same fricking selection of Hot Wheels.

  62. 11 months ago

    I do find it strange that BG3 has genital options in the character creator

  63. 11 months ago

    only read about half way thru op, I agree. i hate this shit. it's for people who spend too much time thinking about fictional characters like bronies or harry potter weirdos.

  64. 11 months ago

    II find i weird video game journalists and reviewers are fine with BG3's super horniness after spending the last decade b***hing about too much sexiness in video games. Has any reviews complained about BG3's being too horny? What's with the sudden 180?

    • 11 months ago

      Sexy/attractive and horny/perverted are not the same things, at all. They're as different as brightness and saturation.

    • 11 months ago

      It has full gay options that's why, it never was about horny but about pushing the gays like they have been doing for decades

    • 11 months ago

      I don't think they b***hed about Mass Effect either (although that was ages ago, so maybe it's not applicable). Either way, it's okay when Westerners do it IF everyone is ugly or at least fugly.

      • 11 months ago

        Mass Effect was ome of the first times the media talked about video games. Tjry claimed Microsoft was selling pornography to children. What the frick do you mean you don't think they b***hed about Mass Effect, you ignorant zoomer?

        • 11 months ago

          >Mass Effect was ome of the first times the media talked about video games.
          lol media outrage like that goes back all the way to the 70s, zoomie.

          • 11 months ago

            Name one video game that the media was upset over due to having sex scenes in it.
            Custard's Revenge was controversial for being racially insensitive, not for raping naked Poccahontis tied to a cactus.

            • 11 months ago

              That's not what your post said. Don't move the goalposts.

              • 11 months ago

                We're discussing horniness in video games, if you weren't ESL and needed everything explicitly stated for you to easily Google translate, you would know that SEX was the fricking context of EVERYTHING being said.
                The media didn't even give a frick about the hot coffee controversy outside of video game websites and magazines. It wasn't until Mass Effect 1 did the media shit themselves and claim sex in a video game was an issue. Frick off, third worlder.

              • 11 months ago

                Not him but I thought it was implied.

            • 11 months ago

              GTA SA duh.

        • 11 months ago

          More like boomer who's already forgotten all that shit. Or even just missed a lot of it, since I'm simply not American.
          Also, that's a different group who was b***hing that shit. Now it's people on the other side who are getting their knickers on a twist, so I think I get a pass.

    • 11 months ago

      troony gaming journalists are anti-Japan, which is how they let gory games like Mortal Kombat slide away instead of demanding censorship

  65. 11 months ago

    >fantasy property
    Why are westerners like this?

  66. 11 months ago

    Can the media please stop pretending that every gay person is some Pride Parade bawd who fricks literally everyone all the time and start accirstely depicting them as sassy loners who are suicidal from how alone they feel please thx

    • 11 months ago

      >that every gay person is some Pride Parade bawd who fricks literally everyone all the time and start accirstely depicting them as sassy loners who are suicidal from how alone they feel
      It's true tough.

  67. 11 months ago

    Game of thrones boosted this disaster, the pron industry started it all.

    • 11 months ago

      Name an HBO show that doesn't have sex. HBO's most iconic series is literally just about men having gay prison sex together.

      • 11 months ago

        Thank you for the correction : HBO is to blame. Hard.

        I don't think they b***hed about Mass Effect either (although that was ages ago, so maybe it's not applicable). Either way, it's okay when Westerners do it IF everyone is ugly or at least fugly.

        >it's okay when Westerners do it IF everyone is ugly or at least fugly.
        Isn't the current bg3 debate a proof of the opposite?

        • 11 months ago

          I can't generalize my demographic even when I don't fit that generalization personally?

        • 11 months ago

          The debate is happening mostly here on Ganker, is it not? Sure, there are bound to be some critics on social media etc., too, but in any case, that's not exactly the point of my view.
          Like that other anon said, media and "society" (zeitgeist) in general has been hounding on sex and sexiness isn video games and all other media for the past ten years or so. Particularly when it comes to genuinely or traditionally attractive (young) women. Previously this hounding was done by the Fox News type outlets, whereas for the past years the biggest antagonists of beauty and sexiness have been the social justice types. Of course, they don't oppose sex altogether: just the certain kind. They also want to have a monopoly on what is allowed to be depicted as sexy and how it is allowed to be depicted.

          • 11 months ago

            I never understood this shit even back when BG1 and 2 were new or when my friends were replaying them later. This "romancing" shit just felt so dumb. Sexy designs and even brief "sex scenes" (like Witcher 1, not so Mass Effect) are fun, constantly sucking the dick of some badly written quirky characters or them sucking yours is not.

            They want to completely remove the "sexy" from sex to normalize their quirky sexual deviancy. I am serious. It's why they make shit like "Queer Time Kids" and that show where mothers introduce sex toys to their prepubescent daughters.

            • 11 months ago

              Sounds like 2023, alright.

            • 11 months ago

              "Sex is supposed to be awkward and gross and messy and uncomfortable and weird."
              Sex is supposed to arouse the senses enough to encourage reproduction. It can be argued humans derive so much pleasure from it specifically because we are so emotionally and intellectually above other animals that if we didn't get so much pleasure from it we'd be too disgusted by it to do it and would die out as a species. But just because the act is gross it doesn't mean it's wrong for attractive people to still enjoy it. But I guess when these woke morons only eat vegan for every meal, they get jealous and want to dictate others who choose to simply enjoy eating food instead of going vegan too. Literally the eat the bugs and ban attractive people being sexy shit are the same crowd.

              • 11 months ago

                It seems to be a modern trend. If something like Loud Mouth looked like Wakfu I think the creators wouldve been shot from orbit over blatantly sexualized material on a mainstream platform, but because its ugly as frick its ok to have the exact same subject matter.

                I dont know what to attribute to this, either they are trying to slip degeneracy into shit as is their goal to simply be degenerate and normalize it, or are actually trying to get around censoring the way something like South Park does where because it looks the way it does the subject matter wont get criticised from certain directions and so can get away with certain things. Theyll try to say that this is a step forward, but it will only truely be that if you can make it look good AND have that kind of content.

                Nothing shocked or made me laugh harder than the Let's Fighting Love Japanese weapons episode of South Park where it just cuts from the anime style to naked Cartman trying to sneak across stage, his genitals dangling between his legs as he does. But at the same time, there was nothing sexual about any of that episode let alone the scene. It was a naked fat kod because a naked fat kid was fricking funny in the moment.

                But you will have people sexualizing even that. You used to see naked babies in duaper abd shampoo commercials all of the time but because troony pedos were recording and jerking off to it they had to stop. They even censored the Coppertone girl's butt because troony pedos would jerk off to their fricking sunscreen bottles.

                Guys I think I finally understand everything;
                They're ugly horny people who are pent up due to their ugliness/self-consciousness preventing them from being laid. They're jealous, shy, and aroused by anyone more attractive than themselves. They feel like they can't function when attractive people are distracting them and making them horny. So they try to put limitations on how attractive people are "allowed" to be to bring everyone down to their ugly level, either because they can't control themselves around attractive people or they think if they lower the standards enough it will be easier to finally get laid.

              • 11 months ago

                And that's why we should post everything they say on Ganker because they're so fricking important.

              • 11 months ago

                I really dont think it is that though, I think its the only way they can get their daffy sensabilities past censors. At the end of the day the observation is -weither it looks visually good or not- "hah, look a penis", so imagine the calibre of writing this person will have. If it looked good it would still be terribly written.

            • 11 months ago

              It seems to be a modern trend. If something like Loud Mouth looked like Wakfu I think the creators wouldve been shot from orbit over blatantly sexualized material on a mainstream platform, but because its ugly as frick its ok to have the exact same subject matter.

              I dont know what to attribute to this, either they are trying to slip degeneracy into shit as is their goal to simply be degenerate and normalize it, or are actually trying to get around censoring the way something like South Park does where because it looks the way it does the subject matter wont get criticised from certain directions and so can get away with certain things. Theyll try to say that this is a step forward, but it will only truely be that if you can make it look good AND have that kind of content.

              • 11 months ago

                Nothing shocked or made me laugh harder than the Let's Fighting Love Japanese weapons episode of South Park where it just cuts from the anime style to naked Cartman trying to sneak across stage, his genitals dangling between his legs as he does. But at the same time, there was nothing sexual about any of that episode let alone the scene. It was a naked fat kod because a naked fat kid was fricking funny in the moment.

                But you will have people sexualizing even that. You used to see naked babies in duaper abd shampoo commercials all of the time but because troony pedos were recording and jerking off to it they had to stop. They even censored the Coppertone girl's butt because troony pedos would jerk off to their fricking sunscreen bottles.

      • 11 months ago

        I legitimately grew up believing HBONwas hardcore porn and Showcase was softcore porn and was wondering why a porn channel would make Trailer Park Boys

  68. 11 months ago

    Horny is fine. Having your male companions hit on you when you just want to be bros is not.

  69. 11 months ago

    So is Prompto from FF15 gay for Noctis or is it just some platonic brotherly sort of admiration
    It's actually written pretty ambiguously

  70. 11 months ago

    Literally just, "it's okay but only when WE do it" Animal Farm bullehit.

  71. 11 months ago

    I just hate the gays.

  72. 11 months ago

    The trans furry who traced Reggie for his trans fursona got a ban for shitting up the thread with /misc/ gun discussion
    Finally some good fricking food

  73. 11 months ago

    so we're finally past the week of people getting paid to pretend this game is good just like diablo 4.

    • 11 months ago

      First week sales figures are what the industry and investors care about now.

      • 11 months ago

        >Video games have been a bigger industry than film for years now
        >Video game industry keeps trying to chase Hollywood standards
        >Westerners and Kojima keep trying to make video games into movies

        • 11 months ago

          Investor money and standards.

        • 11 months ago

          Hollywood and the film industry is 100 million times more organized and "regulated". Hence, they get things done. Also, films are much much more prestigeous (in the minds of people) than video games. Despite Hollywood's efforts to erode this prestige.

          • 11 months ago

            You mean it's 100 times more centralized, but don't you worry; Commiefornia has been unironically cannibalizing the video game industry deliberately for the past decade and won't stop until you have to live in Silicon Valley to be allowed to release a video game.

            • 11 months ago

              It was never about left or right politics, sjws or red pillers, democrats or republicans, it has and always will be about controlling who's in power and securing a permanent role in that group. Why do you think they keep endorsing objectively bad actors like Zoe Quinn and Sam Maggs again and again? Because they're part of the clique.

              • 11 months ago

                >The Game Journo Pro leaks where Zoe Quinn discusses what a disgusting goblin of a creature Brianna Wu is and how eagerly she can't wait to dump Wu once he stops being useful
                It's really amusing how trannies believe the woke crowd are for them and not just using them as useful idiots.

  74. 11 months ago

    It's like this homosexual has never played a dnd campaign as a charisma character and seduced everything to win.

  75. 11 months ago

    In this game it is. It seems way too easy to just land in romance with companions for just having treated them nicely, they are all throwing themselves at you after act 1 with no effort at all. To anyone that doesnt play games for the romance its insistence on engaging with it is obnoxious, especially given that EVERYONE is trying to ride your dick, weither you actually showed interest or not. Ideally, romance options should be something you pursue and have to try to achieve through effort and doing things right, not simply happen because you were talking to the people in your party and not being a dick to them.

    Its gotten to the point where I just want a custom party, I do not play games for this love triangle trash where everyone gets jealous if I dont choose them and shit. Sorry Gale, Im not gay, stop pretending like that was ever going to happen and getting irate that I didnt let it. This shit turns the characters into fricking morons when it happens too, its like a switch gets turned where they go from decent character with ambitions and goals, to "youre a meany because you didnt let me suck your peeny. Were not friends seems like we never were." who enjoys this kind of character writing.

    • 11 months ago

      I never understood this shit even back when BG1 and 2 were new or when my friends were replaying them later. This "romancing" shit just felt so dumb. Sexy designs and even brief "sex scenes" (like Witcher 1, not so Mass Effect) are fun, constantly sucking the dick of some badly written quirky characters or them sucking yours is not.

  76. 11 months ago

    Bro they turned me into a vampire sex slave

  77. 11 months ago

    Even Azure Dreams is more difficult to romance characters and literally all you do is talk to them for your first time and then do a fetch quest and they love you, except the terminal e-girl who you need to visit everyday until she's strong enough to date you.

  78. 11 months ago

    Was Dragon Age 2 that Hamburger Helper lady who tweeted about her vegana

    • 11 months ago

      Jennifer Hepler worked on 2 and Origins, nobody knew who the frick she even was until she came out to defend the shit writing she wrote and made it about her being a woman and how all gamers are virgins who are just jealous because she has a vegana. It was quite the floodgates at the time, a Bioware lead manager got fired telling Hepler's responders to all kill themselves.

  79. 11 months ago

    Homosexuality rises within a people who's women are unbreedable/unavailable.
    Now we've gone full Roman times crossdressing homosexual as a society because white women are just that fricking undateable. Every straight character in this game will openly prefer the company of men over any of the various women they've been with. That's how fricking awful the female characters are in BG3. Even the in-game characters don't fricking want them.

  80. 11 months ago

    Yes. Why the frick are 80% of the companions flirting with me and trying to have sex after 2-3 days and a couple conversations? Fricks sake.

  81. 11 months ago

    I've played through franchises like Mass Effect and I still don't understand the point of romances in games.

    • 11 months ago

      They're garbage ass games that appeal to the lowest common denominator like the cretins that play Baldur's troonygate 3.

      Most obnoxious ass garbage fanbase too. Biggest racists too.

  82. 11 months ago

    >thing is not catering to ME! ME ME ME ME ME everything should be made FOR ME! nobody else matters just ME AND MY TASTE AND MY OPINIONS and if it doesn't cater EXCLUSIVELY TO ME then it's bad and it must be destroyed because I SAY SO!!!!!!!
    I swear the real pandemic killing society is narcissism

    • 11 months ago

      >NPC spergs out when people are having a discussion instead of obeying the hivemind
      >muh society

    • 11 months ago

      >thing is not catering to ME! ME ME ME ME ME everything should be made FOR ME!
      Unironically yes.

    • 11 months ago

      Anon, I was just thinking about this the other day. You may be onto something here. I've noticed myself and others in my life have become more self-centered during those few years without even realizing it. It's because all we had was time with ourselves. We must break free.

    • 11 months ago

      This argument doesn't work at all. Are companies supposed to cater to nobody then? It has to be made for some sort of audience. And let's say that okay, you then have Product A for People A and now Company A makes Product B for People B. Are People A not allowed to be upset about being left behind? Because now if they made Product A-2, all the B People would complain that the game isn't for them and how it needs to cater to them. Your post is written from the perspective of a child who can't fathom someone liking something that they don't like

      • 11 months ago

        It's a common thing on the Internet though. Twitter people view themselves as a collictive, Reddit or something view themselves as a collective, Ganker views itself as a collective

  83. 11 months ago

    As far as i understand so far with this game, picking anything other than
    >frick off and die in excrutiating agony
    in any dialogue immediately triggers embarrassing blowjob orgy cutscene.

    In that case, it is too much. When sex in your game is easier to come by than in the actual porn, you've gotta stop and tell your team to stop rubbing their axewounds in the office.

  84. 11 months ago

    It's not actually about sex. Weird fetishes are considered a quirky personality trait now. This is what we have now, instead of people wearing "the cake is a lie" t-shirts, or whatever.

    • 11 months ago

      >>This is what we have now, instead of people wearing "the cake is a lie" t-shirts, or whatever.
      >tfw no "I frick gay bears" shirt

  85. 11 months ago


  86. 11 months ago

    If I want to just play CRPG (or any other genre) I don't want to see sex scenes. If I wanted porn in my games I'd play a porn game.
    And I am not even a christcuck puritan. Hell, they would even call me a degenerate. I might be a degenerate, but at least I am not a coomer who thinks about sex all the time.

    • 11 months ago

      I like to have sexiness and attractive women in my games but I don't need sex scenes either. Maybe some flirting, implied romance and sex, but that's it.

  87. 11 months ago

    >Too much horny is a bad thing now?
    Don't you see people whining about bikini armor and anime girls showing cleavage all the time?

    • 11 months ago

      Um sweety we conservatives don't' have to make any sense or be consistent.

    • 11 months ago

      People want an old school RPG romance system where you grow closer to your desired love interest and work towards eventually getting the payoff. In BG3 you earn nothing and talking to a person once can lead to degenerate gay sex within minutes.

      • 11 months ago

        That's not true at all. Shadowheart doesn't put out until the final act of the game. The most you get out of her is a kiss initially.

  88. 11 months ago

    >wanting romance options in a game where you design your own character
    There is a reason why most VNs don't let you pick your character's sex. This is just Sims with extra steps.

  89. 11 months ago

    >Baldur's Gate 3's sexualized cast is definitely catering to somebody, but it's not me
    and that's okay.

  90. 11 months ago

    This already happened with The Witcher 3 and it is way more casual friendly. Every news outlet wrote reviews about the game that mostly were about the sex scenes and strong sexual women

  91. 11 months ago

    This is why lost interest in this game.
    > look, a gay sex with a bear!
    > look, you can make female with male organ! Look at her penus-weenus!
    > look, every single character wants to have sex with you!
    > not only you can get naked in game, developers even wasted an effort making sure NPCs react appropriately to this!
    What about the gameplay, the story, the immersion, the characters, the dialogues, etc? It seems like people disproportionately discuss all the degenerate shit, and maybe it's only because this shit generates controversy, but I can't help but feel the devs put an excess effort into this as well.

    • 11 months ago

      >not only you can get naked in game, developers even wasted an effort making sure NPCs react appropriately to this!
      I'd actually love to have this in other games. I want to be able to undress but also the NPCs to be appaled for such a faux pass. Could be even done really easily with just some short voice clips and animations for NPCs.

    • 11 months ago

      Sounds like a neckbeard virgin wet dream. No wonder a lot of homosexuals and snoys praise this.

    • 11 months ago

      Obviously the combat isn't anything worth talking about otherwise somebody would be talking about it

  92. 11 months ago

    is there a virgin waifu in this game?

    • 11 months ago

      No, and women don't care what men want women only want to be railed on bar counter by 100 men unprotected and seeded

  93. 11 months ago

    >and that's a good thing

  94. 11 months ago

    I don't know but at times the game really gives thebibe of some shitty campaign where the master is inserting his shitty fetishes in the story.

  95. 11 months ago

    It's fine, the real world is all about sex as well.

  96. 11 months ago

    Your companions are not people with preferences or hangups, just sex robots.

    It's extremely fricking hacky, and just what you would expect from a bunch of sex crazed homosexuals incapable of forming meaningful relationships.

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