>total war warhammer is huge. >do nothing. >vermintide is huge. >do nothing. >vermintide 2 is even bigger

>total war warhammer is huge
>do nothing
>vermintide is huge
>do nothing
>vermintide 2 is even bigger
>do nothing
>total war warhammer 2 is insanely big
>do nothing

>total war warhammer 3 is less hyped
>anounce the old world
>focus on Cathay in all the articles (faction that wasnt even in fantasy properly)
>the game hype is gone
>go radio silent

wow. GW is so awful. They keep falling into success.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >he thought this would be a grand revival of fantasy, not a simple cash grab
    Lmao. You only have yourself to blame

    • 2 years ago

      >not a simple cash grab
      >Lmao. You only have yourself to blame
      they didnt grab any cash, they waited so long until there was no hype. I dont see why either. They have a bunch of skaven, dark elf, empire and high elf models left in sigmar to make a new edition with

      • 2 years ago

        >they didnt grab any cash
        they shot mantic in their 3rd ed announcement and shut up the aos piggies that were waiting for old world stuff for aos

        that's it, that's what the announcement is for
        the "focus" on kislev and cathay is just GW introducing the faction to the masses who would otherwise think they're CA's OC and whine about it

        you have to remember GW's marketing is not aimed at you, moron

      • 2 years ago

        Covid stoped them from finishing. Now they didn't even bother to update people areound Warhammer Fest. ToW died before it got even released

  2. 2 years ago

    Just move on. Warhammer The Old World is practically the tabletop gaming equivalent of vaporware as much as I don't want to believe it.
    There are games where you can still use your Warhammer Fantasy miniatures in:
    >Kings of War
    >9th Age
    >OPR Fantasy Regiments
    >Warhammer Fantasy 6th edition

  3. 2 years ago

    >Company run by mentally ill leftists is awful
    Mhm mhm.
    I see, I see.
    Maybe the 6028028302 time this happens you can drill into your low IQ cranium fash=good.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh boo hoo you can't wear swastikas at events anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        That's extremely racist against Hindus.
        You bigot.

      • 2 years ago

        >ah yes, my 200,000,000 point slaanesh rape daemon army is finished, with their kit bashed trannie dicks and boobs all fashioned ever soo carefully.
        >is.... is that a SWASTIKAS?!?!?!?! Not In my gaming store BuckO!!!!


        • 2 years ago

          Why are you nazi types so obsessed with troony wieners?

          • 2 years ago

            Historical nazis did it too.
            Just aping their homosexual idols.

          • 2 years ago

            they just want to repeat memes unironically because they’re losers at heart

      • 2 years ago

        I don't think anyone ever did that in the first place, so that mostly just makes you look moronic for not actually understanding your opponents' arguments.

        Not that you likely care, you're virtue signaling on a site where your name isn't there to boost your social standing with the other socialists.

  4. 2 years ago

    Clumsily paying court to an untapped market.
    I can't imagine what sort of lore massacre would be required to pass muster.

    >New Warhammer setting is Cathay-Centric
    >Cathay op across board
    >Cathay only competently governed human realm
    >Cathay, beacon of culture and enlightenment
    >Cathay, far less grubby and depressing than the silly Old World

    Pandering to the Chinese is ridiculous.
    Their country is the closest thing on earth to a grubby Warhammer-esque despot-state, but in order to flog their plastic garbage to China, Cathay will have to be scrubbed, powdered and made squeaky clean, because the Chinese government don't allow anything with a Sino-Critical bent to be sold there.
    Not even parody; and Warhammer's essence is parody.

    The more GW pander to the Chinese, the more they will inevitably alienate their Western consumer base.

    I don't want to consume Chinese state propaganda.
    I will not pay money for it.
    The purveyors of such products (CA, Actibliz, etc) deserve to have their assets stripped, and their Western holdings liquidated.

    Let them go base themselves in the PRC, if they love them so much.

    • 2 years ago

      I had some ideas for Cathay before they revealed what a terrible squeky clean female centric faction it was
      I have some overlapping ideas but man cathay is dull as shit

      What did you want them to do exactly?

      Make some character sculpts leading up to the old world, mostly the characters people love in total warhammer like a new Malekith, a new Gelt etc. then put together some boxsets out of the AoS fantasy leftovers and start teasing them. Not take 4 years from announcement to product too

      • 2 years ago

        Why would you think that there is even a slight overlap between toy players and video gamers?

        • 2 years ago

          because everyone I know who likes warhammer likes vidya to a certain extent.
          If 5% of the total war warhammer 2 players picked up a small army of their favourite faction that would be a lot of sales

          • 2 years ago

            Not even 5% of total warhammer players would buy into it.

            • 2 years ago

              Anon it is this simple.
              Hype and release product when LOADS of hype and publicity exists
              do it when theres none of it

              • 2 years ago

                You severely underestimate the number of people that would buy into this overpriced trash just because they liked Total Warhammer.

              • 2 years ago

                You mean "overestimate".

              • 2 years ago

                Can't sell an empty box of hype and gayness twice.
                When you try, what you're really trading on is your reputation.

                Every action has hidden costs.
                Time to make them more apparent.

        • 2 years ago

          You are right of course. Gw killed the game just before it's setting got the biggest surge in popularity and will restart it after this event ends. They missed the entire window.

          Not even 5% of total warhammer players would buy into it.

          You severely underestimate the number of people that would buy into this overpriced trash just because they liked Total Warhammer.

          Let's realistically look at Old World and see what it will be and why they're making it.
          First of all, it's clear the rise in Warhammer Fantasy's popularity in recent years is due to vidya. They're not bringing it back because some grog on Ganker or reddit hates age of sigmar, they're trying to capitalize on the success of the video games. This is why Kislev and Cathay were announced for the tabletop game first, they tied in with the release of TWW3 which had these as their new factions. It was a way to go "hey warhammer video game players, we have a tabletop game on the way!"
          The problem though is that video game players =/= tabletop players. Only a very, very small percentage of total war or vermintide players will have interest in the tabletop game, have money to afford it, and have the drive to assemble and paint it. Video game players are inherently lazy and frugal, people already complain about $15-20 dlcs for the total war games. Do you think these guys are going to be buying $800 warhammer fantasy battles armies? Frick no. Old World is literally a cash grab as was stated before, if TWW3 wasn't releasing soon after they probably would have not even revealed they're making Old World until like a year before releasing the game. We are not the target demographic, but hopefully it will have something for the actual fans of WHFB.

          I'm not OP but you are underestimating marketing from video games or other sources. In order to get new tabletop hobbyists they need to be introduced to the hobby in some way. Shown that such thing exists and is interesting. Nobody simply wakes up one day and decides to buy and assemble an army of Ultramarines Adeptus Astrates from Warhammer 40k tabletop wargame without hearing about such thing before.

          The only, sole reason I got into the hobby is Dawn of War. No other thing was a factor. Nothing GW did was important. Moving 40k lore forward, Primaris, contrast paints to make painting easier, tutorials etc none of that had any bearing whatsoever on me wanting or not wanting to get into tabletop. I simply liked DoW and decided that I want miniature army and the same thing did my brother.
          >inb4 anecdotal evidence
          As opposed to claiming that video game players won't get interested into the tabletop just because? Discarding marketing from video games is moronic.

          • 2 years ago

            I didn't even know there was a board game back when I first played Dawn of War. Nothing in the actual game indicated that there was.

          • 2 years ago

            All DoW did is bring in "fans" who say they will get into table top but never do

            • 2 years ago

              Space marine got me into 40k, now I have an ultramarines army, a biel tan army, a custom craftworld and a high elf army for fantasy

              • 2 years ago

                Neat, same. But it was the books.

      • 2 years ago

        >new Gelt etc
        the old world is set before the colleges of magic

        • 2 years ago

          just makes it worse doesnt it?

          • 2 years ago

            Not really, room for new angles to be explored rather than ground that has been paved over, dug up, and paved over again. Even worse since one knows how it all ends. Only way the Fantasy of 8E could be interesting is if GW decided to retcon the End Times or create an alternate universe since the Fantasy world blowing up is integral to AoS.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, Cathay had potential.
        But that potential was all as a loving parody of the Chinese state.
        Despotic authoritarianism, filthy ignorant peasants, autocratic rule by Imperial Eunuch administrators, terracotta warriors, animated Shishi temple guardians, wuxia monks, and noblemen leading massive levy armies supported by a core of elite cavalry?
        That coulda have worked.

        But they made it gay as frick, and totally incongruous to the setting.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, Cathay had potential.
      But that potential was all as a loving parody of the Chinese state.
      Despotic authoritarianism, filthy ignorant peasants, autocratic rule by Imperial Eunuch administrators, terracotta warriors, animated Shishi temple guardians, wuxia monks, and noblemen leading massive levy armies supported by a core of elite cavalry?
      That coulda have worked.

      But they made it gay as frick, and totally incongruous to the setting.

      Cathay, as depicted in TWW3, is to Warhammer Fantasy as Tau are to 40k. Prove me wrong.

      • 2 years ago

        Okay. Unlike 40k the Empire, and most of the "good guy" factions, are presented as fairly decent places to live with large chunks of relatively safe territory that don't see much in the way of conflict. On top of that they all have more or less stable and responsive governments and see technological and social progression. Cathay isn't the Tau because there is simply no way to effectively make a comparison given the discrepancy in setting given the status quo of the other factions. Fluffwise the best comparison to Cathay would be Ultramar.

        • 2 years ago

          The empire was almost wiped out by the vampire counts, and have to deal with beastmen stealing their children in the middle of the night.

          • 2 years ago

            Way to miss the point.

        • 2 years ago

          I think he meant tonally, as in they both clash with everything else in the setting, make no sense, and are shameless pandering to weebs/chinks.

        • 2 years ago

          >Fluffwise the best comparison to Cathay would be Ultramar.

          Medieval China: Lifespan in the mid-thirties
          Ultramar: Lifespan in the mid-thirties

          Damn, you right

    • 2 years ago

      It's awful but it is the truth. Western companies will only kowtow to the PRC with increasing intensity.
      Unless China shits the bed, it will be cheaper to finance a massive pro-PRC campaign to create a market where they can pander to China without backlash from the West, than it would be to not pander to China.
      These multinationals literally build China up from a peasant backwater. They are to blame for the free world no longer being safe from contenders. These people destroyed centuries of safety and security, all for a quick buck and a reelection.

    • 2 years ago

      Let me make a call
      > ring ring
      > it's me. Reading this post.
      > you know what I'm thinking. You agree?
      > you too? I'll let then know
      > rang up
      Yup. Its based.

  5. 2 years ago

    What did you want them to do exactly?

  6. 2 years ago

    >DOW 1 and 2 were huge successes
    >Influx of new players into the hobby because it, extending 40Ks lifespan

    >DOW3 is a failure
    >No new blood entering the hobby because of this
    >Avergae age at gaming store is 30 - 40 year olds
    >40K, HH and AoS destined to go the way of historical wargames

    Kek, its over for GW, the game they needed to succeed was a failure.

    • 2 years ago

      I hope you're wrong. GW games are the soul of /tg/.

  7. 2 years ago

    Let's realistically look at Old World and see what it will be and why they're making it.
    First of all, it's clear the rise in Warhammer Fantasy's popularity in recent years is due to vidya. They're not bringing it back because some grog on Ganker or reddit hates age of sigmar, they're trying to capitalize on the success of the video games. This is why Kislev and Cathay were announced for the tabletop game first, they tied in with the release of TWW3 which had these as their new factions. It was a way to go "hey warhammer video game players, we have a tabletop game on the way!"
    The problem though is that video game players =/= tabletop players. Only a very, very small percentage of total war or vermintide players will have interest in the tabletop game, have money to afford it, and have the drive to assemble and paint it. Video game players are inherently lazy and frugal, people already complain about $15-20 dlcs for the total war games. Do you think these guys are going to be buying $800 warhammer fantasy battles armies? Frick no. Old World is literally a cash grab as was stated before, if TWW3 wasn't releasing soon after they probably would have not even revealed they're making Old World until like a year before releasing the game. We are not the target demographic, but hopefully it will have something for the actual fans of WHFB.

  8. 2 years ago

    GW are professionals at fumbling and shooting themselves in the foot, its a wonder they haven't burned down yet

  9. 2 years ago

    great thread

  10. 2 years ago

    Its a Chinese company, what did you expect?

  11. 2 years ago

    If we don't see a joke about Chinese superstitions and censorship of skulls this project is dead in the water. Imagine Imperials landing in Cathay. Imperials love skulls, they're covered in skulls, they want their skulls to be covered in gold and put on cool armor or warmachine when they die. Immortal rulers or Cathay view skulls as unpleasant reminder of mortality, it's a sign of bad luck. In their eyes Imperial army is a walking bad fortune magnet. Dragons of Cathay would bar Imperials from stepping on the shores after the first witnessing Imperial embassy in all its skulled glory.

  12. 2 years ago

    I’m having a hard time telling what this thread is supposed to be.

    • 2 years ago

      Its a thinly veiled Ganker thread complaining about Total War Warhammer 3 and it faltering compared to the last 2

      • 2 years ago

        Games Workshop nuked it on purpose and forced them to release a falter product

  13. 2 years ago

    Games workshop killed Warhammer 3 so it stops mogging AoS

  14. 2 years ago

    Remember 8th edition?
    GW published that. Stick with 6th edition, they can't frick that one up more than they already did.

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