Totally not a completely unrelated game they got the G.I. Joe license for and slapped sprites in, no not at all.

Totally not a completely unrelated game they got the G.I. Joe license for and slapped sprites in, no not at all.

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  1. 5 months ago

    thats true for probably half of licensed nes games

    • 5 months ago

      Sometimes it's the reverse!

  2. 5 months ago

    Still a decent-enough game, along with its prequel.

  3. 5 months ago

    That's the best kind of licensed game.

  4. 5 months ago

    so how does it play?

    • 5 months ago

      one of the better nes games

    • 5 months ago

      It's okay

    • 5 months ago

      with a controller

  5. 5 months ago

    It was developed as a GI Joe game from the ground up. Show me the other game you zoomie homosexual

  6. 5 months ago

    It's a sequel zoomie moron, your screenshot is of Atlantis factor

  7. 5 months ago

    >BUY ALL OUR PLAYSETS AND TOOOOOYS!! Weekdays at 4:30.

  8. 5 months ago

    Exactly how I feel about Batman Return Of The Joker

  9. 5 months ago

    I don't speak moron fluently but I think your insinuating that because their are ancient Greek cities in the background this wasn't intended to be in a GIJOE game, but that would mean that you didn't read that the game was called "the Atlantis factor" and is all about Cobra resurrecting an ancient underground island ... and the games a sequel and was built around the storyline of gi joe and cobra.

    • 5 months ago

      >but that would mean that you didn't read that the game was called "the Atlantis factor" and is all about Cobra resurrecting an ancient underground island
      But uh, if it was a swapped game that they put the GI Joe license over, couldn't they just add that stupid tagline and storyline to it rather than make ten times the effort modifying the background graphics(which admittedly even look quite good for the NES)? I don't think this post was the gotcha you thought it was.

      • 5 months ago

        NTA, but if it is a swapped game then it is one of the most thorough swap jobs ever done. There is NOTHING lingering from any other possible version. Not a font, not any out of place tiles. Also, if that's the case, then no one's ever tracked down the original.

        We know KID developed the game, so go crazy and sort through their library if you're so convinced Atlantis Factor is something other than a G.I. Joe game. Because even early screenshots suggest it was a G.I. Joe game from the beginning.

        • 5 months ago

          Oh I'm not actually arguing that I think it was swapped, just that the title itself isn't good evidence that it wasn't. I've never played this game before, but it looks pretty good actually.

          • 5 months ago

            KID from this era were pretty solid devs.

            KickMaster, Recca, Isolated Warrior, helped create the original Dezaemon, too.

            Why does this game have such bad reviews? I never played it because I had gotten a SNES in 1991 for Christmas, but I was watching a speedrun of it to see what it looked like and the gameplay looks pretty crisp to me. But it's rated like dogshit even though it looks pretty polished for an NES title to me. What's wrong with it?

            Every game that kicks your ass has bad reviews. It is just that, unlike Ninja Gaiden, people didn't come back to this one to remark on what actually makes it awesome. They did for KickMaster, but not for this one.

  10. 5 months ago

    >be me
    >have a Game Genie
    >Decide this game is worth playing with these kickass cheats in this book I've got
    >Enter Infinite Health and Infinite Ammo
    >Infinite Health works as intended
    >Infinite Ammo, however, had an unlisted condition: It worked unless the last two digits of your ammo count were '00'
    >100 bullets, 200 bullets, 300 bullets, etc...
    >This was important because I go to just blast my way through the game, only to immediately run out of ammo as a single shot took all 100 bullets I had.
    >Finally get some ammo, comes in bullet-shape collectibles that give you 10 rounds per
    >Guns still don't work, have to fight with melee only until I get 110 bullets, not wanting to repeat the mistake
    >NOW the Infinite Ammo code works, as my ammo count does not drop.
    >Every hundred bullets, though, drop the guns and just start punching COBRA Vipers out until I'm off the double zeros
    >As well Infinite Health doesn't stop you from sucking at platforming
    >So you can still lose Joes by falling into a pit
    >Or at least feel agonized by the HUGE stage layouts, getting knocked down to the bottom of a big screen because you took a hit in a bad spot, even if it wasn't fatal.
    >Also it doesn't stop Joes from taking enough damage if they're got low starting health they'll die anyway
    >The cheats ended up teaching me how to avoid damage altogether and conserve my ammo

    Also, General Hawk was supposed to have a jetpack in this game.

    • 5 months ago

      >Also, General Hawk was supposed to have a jetpack in this game
      He had one in the previous game to match his then-current toy, but I guess that was outdated by the time the sequel was released.

      • 5 months ago

        I think that's exactly the case. Everybody in the game uses appears to use replicas of their 1992 designs. Though with that case, Wet Suit has a similar set of sprites so he might've had similar "jetpack" flight underwater.

        Hawk's based on his Talking Battle Commanders release, which did not have a jetpack at all. An early version of the game (even visible on the back of the final's box) did have him using his old sprite from the first game.

        Also I've never seen anyone note how weird it is to have a Capcom published game without the Capcom jingle attached to it.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't think Capcom had any major hand in making the game. Atlantis Factor was made by the same guys from Taxan who did the first game, but Taxan went out of business since. I'm guessing Capcom saw their work and offered to foot the bill on a sequel.

          • 5 months ago

            Seems to have been KID that handled development. Considering Low G Man and KickMaster have heavy aesthetic similarities.

            I'm figuring Capcom picked it up rather late after Taxan quit game publishing. G.I. Joe was the last thing they ever published.

  11. 5 months ago

    Why does this game have such bad reviews? I never played it because I had gotten a SNES in 1991 for Christmas, but I was watching a speedrun of it to see what it looked like and the gameplay looks pretty crisp to me. But it's rated like dogshit even though it looks pretty polished for an NES title to me. What's wrong with it?

    • 5 months ago

      Probably a combination of G.I. Joe being an outdated franchise, the NES being an outdated console, and the usual stigma of "Licensed games are NEVER good".

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