>try to play cs. >instant headshotted before i can react. >try to play valorant

>try to play cs
>instant headshotted before i can react
>try to play valorant
>instant headshotted before i can react
>tfw too old for fps games

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  1. 2 months ago

    >he olded too much
    Anon there are plenty of good singleplayer fps. And slow online ones like squad. Maybe bought one of those?

  2. 2 months ago

    Time to play co-op shooters old man. Put your skills to use defending your friends. Maybe you aren't as fast as you used to be (although a lot of getting headshot unexpectedly is map knowledge, not reaction speed) but you have decades of FPS experience right anon?
    That's what I did. No one has ever played with a better rearguard than me.

    • 2 months ago

      it's also just not worth it. i'm 30 and fighting games and strategy games are way more fun. you just naturally age out of FPS games and their audiences as you get older.

      co-op shooters are great though, listen to this guy

      • 2 months ago

        If you're 30 and "aged out" of FPS games you need tof I your diet and exercise regime immediately.

        • 2 months ago

          i ran a marathon earlier this year and bench 2.5pl8

    • 2 months ago

      Ngl, coop shooters have been my favorite games since I was 18. I think I just burnt myself out on my teens playing too much. CS, Halo, and CoD. It made every PvP shooter feel the same. I hit LE in CS, was top tier in ranked duos in Halo 3, and did BRs in CoD for Hardcore S&D to kick it all off. I'd just run around with a .44 with fmj and carry every time I was on in MW2.

      I feel more teamwork and cooperation in coop shooters than I do in PvP games, and that's largely what makes them so attractive to me. I like giving other players a good experience instead of ruining other people's experience via PvP. DRG became my most played game of all time rather quickly.

    • 2 months ago

      instead of focusing on zoomer tier competetive games where you race with people you couldn't care less about for absolute no reward other than lost sanity, play a shooter genre that was always good
      unless you are not too old and just too bad but hey, I'm too young to die difficulty still exists
      or do what says

      • 2 months ago

        I can't see how someone could age out of DOOM
        The game has autoaim and one axis of aiming if you're playing vanilla-ish, there are no headshots and most enemies are pretty big. Most of the difficulty of hard DOOM maps comes from map awareness (both where the enemies are and what cover you have), knowing where to stand and when/where to move, who you need to prioritize killing and ammo management. Unless you're trying to win as fast as possible reflexes are one of the less important aspects of the game.

    • 2 months ago

      What's a co-op shooter?

  3. 2 months ago

    tactical shooters are shit

  4. 2 months ago

    Just download some $20 cheating program like 50% of online players do nowadays. Anti-cheats have basically given up so you will never be caught

  5. 2 months ago

    Maybe you should headshot urself before someone else gets to yoh first ;^)

  6. 2 months ago

    There's a beautiful world of singleplayer games out there, OP. Don't feel bad, I also struggle with multiplayer stuff such as fighting games.

  7. 2 months ago


  8. 2 months ago

    It has nothing to do with your age. It has everything to do with the people you're playing with having played the same games since they were fricking 10.

    • 2 months ago

      More like aimbots. Killl yourself.

  9. 2 months ago

    All I learned from watching wingsofredemption is that unless you're playing a fun and not taking itself seriously fps like tf2 you shouldn't actually play all those popular online fps. They cater and are designed for low IQ morons chasing grades, medals, prestiges, ratios etc etc and none of them are actually having fun playing the game itself.

    • 2 months ago

      Wings is a fat piece of shit funkopop manchild.
      I hope you never game him money or you should die of aids.

      • 2 months ago

        I don't ever use twitch I sometimes watch troll channels episodically.
        And my general feeling about today's online games is that they're all dangling some rewards like a carrot to a donkey instead of being fun and making you interact with teammates in a fun way. And all tools to speak/interact with teamates were heavily neutered anyway with strong censorship making sure you never say anything problematic. It's not worth it.

  10. 2 months ago

    Ahahaha shitter get rekt

  11. 2 months ago

    >too old for fps games
    Professional Quake players have better aim than any CS or Valorant player and they're all 40-year-olds from Eastern Europe. You have no excuses, anon.

    • 2 months ago

      Big fish in small pond. When was the last time you ever heard of a good Quake match. CS have a ton of kids but also have a ton of good players as the range of people is larger as it is still an active game. How much you wanna bet those 40 year olds got into Quake as kids and not later in life? I literally never heard of anyone talk about Quake whatsoever in my whole life unless they want to ref an old ass game that isn't Doom.

      • 2 months ago

        >When was the last time you ever heard of a good Quake match
        Every QUAKE Con final. Every year

        • 2 months ago

          again big fish VERY small pond

    • 2 months ago

      >Professional Quake players have better aim than any CS or Valorant player
      I'm pretty sure Rapha has outright said CS players have better aim and that it's more demanding. Though you're still in right in the sense that they have far better aim than practically anybody whose not top-level in another game and certainly better than the people OP is playing against.

  12. 2 months ago

    Embarrassing. Imagine losing to anyone in an fps.

  13. 2 months ago

    I'm 34 and Global Elite. Just git gud.

  14. 2 months ago

    >play CS
    >bottom frag and lose the team the game
    >someone tries to kick me
    >the rest of the team votes no
    >go on mic and say "Black person"
    >the person trying to kick me gets madder

    • 2 months ago

      >vote kick yourself
      >the person who was trying to kick you F2s

      • 2 months ago

        >vote kick yourself
        you can't do that in CS

        • 2 months ago

          yes you can

          • 2 months ago


            • 2 months ago

              console command

  15. 2 months ago

    you're playing the instant headshot games without trying to prevent the instant headshots

  16. 2 months ago

    jesus dude, how do you get filtered by valorant? its all 12 year olds and women. its not about "reacting", its about planning. everyone else is "reacting" faster because their cursor is on your head before they even see you. unless you are playing at a very high level stuff like CS are games old people should thrive in, because its extremely knowledge/experience heavy. its basically an IQ test. go download yprac maps.

  17. 2 months ago

    >grow up playing BF 1942, BF Vietnam, and BF2. Have a blast. Many fond memories.
    >Go to college, no time or money to play games
    >graduate college, get job, finally have money
    >Play BF1
    >Get wrecked. It's nothing like I remember. Magic is gone.

    I've never touched pvp fps's since.

    • 2 months ago

      battlefield isn't a serious "pvp" game

      • 2 months ago

        Well, it was enough to filter me.

    • 2 months ago

      >have fun with BF1942 in it's hey-day
      >discover there's still a few servers up a few years ago
      >download, get excited to play again
      >all the people still playing the game are the least fun tryhards to exist
      >they just bomb the map from three miles up in airplanes, or hit from across the map with tanks since they know the exact angle and distance needed to hit you from out of sight
      >on the few maps without vehicles, they spam grenades and EXP packs
      >3-4 obvious aimbotters who never get kicked, some people "magically" never take damage, only cheater who ever gets kicked is some troll who shows up to 1-shot people from across the map with a pistol until the server empties out
      >playing with the damned bots is more fun, enjoyable, and fair

      • 2 months ago

        Jesus Christ what a travesty.

        People who play games just for the exploits are Asperger degenerates.

        • 2 months ago

          Most fps gamers are literally cheaters, there is a dude who got into esports by cheating literally

    • 2 months ago

      Same but
      >load up new battlefield
      >entire community is garbage
      >random people won't repair my tank
      >nobody shoots down air vehicles even if said vehicle is annihilating everyone
      >most people stand around sniping
      >flags are only captured by a 3rd world human wave, never defended or captured out of turn
      >medics don't exist
      >spend most of my time single handedly attacking and defending flags against multiple squads
      >still got the skills

      What the frick happened to this series?

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah the team element was always shaky to begin with, but now it seems the gameplay has been swallowed up my autistists looking for the most efficient kills.

  18. 2 months ago

    Nah just go play real games instead of competitive 5v5 cancer simulators. You're going to fight homies with 5k hours, the former smurfing, or cheaters, and you can leave at any time to go play other actually fun shootans. Even Battlebit is a much better use of time

    CS is dead in 2024, and the era of fricking around in 24/24 fun servers casually is dead. Let it go, yes it's fricking gay

    • 2 months ago

      Why does every whiner immediately out themself as a shitter that only dicked around with 12 year olds on joke servers? You never really liked CS if that describes you. Go play TF2 and stop crying about CS, that game is for people like you.

      • 2 months ago

        >Don't like playing 5v5 ranked matchmaking on official maps?
        >With no local admin around to kick out whiny homosexuals or cheaters, a large community of regulars, sprays, or custom maps???
        >You never really liked CS if that describes you.
        This is (You), and (You) are a gay zoomer with a tumorlike dream of being an eSports streamer

        Is it just me or does it feels like multiplayer FPS's are kinda dead as a genre anyway?

        Zero evolution for 20 years, and all modern releases are literally designed to have dead userbases after 2~ years to force you to buy the next game.

        Also who even enjoys competitive FPS's these days? Streaming ruined that by showing how for every 1000 who attempt to go pro, 999 end up as dead eyed wrecks mourning the years they spent trying to get big.

        They've been superseded by BRs and extraction shooters the past decade the same way ASShomosexualS like DotA and LoL replaced the RTS of yesteryear

        • 2 months ago

          >This is (You), and (You) are a gay zoomer with a tumorlike dream of being an eSports streamer
          No, I want to play the actual game, not jerk off in a MLP fan server where a horde of idiots run into each other over and over while jerking off together. You don't like CS. You never liked CS. You aren't in any way a fan of CS. Let it go.

        • 2 months ago

          >This is (You), and (You) are a gay zoomer with a tumorlike dream of being an eSports streamer
          God forbid that people want to play the actual fricking game instead of a casual moshpit.

  19. 2 months ago

    practice, moron. Your best can still be better than 98% of players

  20. 2 months ago

    L4D2, Warframe, Deep Rock Galactic, plenty of FPS that you can play. Don't just chase trends old man, find some good stuff out there.

  21. 2 months ago

    The vains are a little much

  22. 2 months ago

    It's not about age, it's about not spending enough time to get used to it. The slowing down from age is negligible, even at 70+ you'll still be as fast or faster than peak female reaction speed.

    • 2 months ago

      >too old for fps games
      Professional Quake players have better aim than any CS or Valorant player and they're all 40-year-olds from Eastern Europe. You have no excuses, anon.

      >The slowing down from age is negligible,
      Nah going form peak 23 years age to 30 years is down two leagues. It's literally over for twitch gaming.
      CS pros average age is exactly 23 years.

  23. 2 months ago

    It isn't about MUH REFLEXES, it's about game sense. They know where to aim because they've played the map thousands of times. It's knowledge, good decision making, and muscle memory. There are plenty of pro-players in various esports who are creeping into their 40's now and still play as good as ever.

  24. 2 months ago

    Is it just me or does it feels like multiplayer FPS's are kinda dead as a genre anyway?

    Zero evolution for 20 years, and all modern releases are literally designed to have dead userbases after 2~ years to force you to buy the next game.

    Also who even enjoys competitive FPS's these days? Streaming ruined that by showing how for every 1000 who attempt to go pro, 999 end up as dead eyed wrecks mourning the years they spent trying to get big.

    • 2 months ago

      >Is it just me or does it feels like multiplayer FPS's are kinda dead as a genre anyway
      Its just you. Its the most popular genre.

    • 2 months ago

      Dead I doubt but yeah they sre completely stuck in time.
      Last game I was really really enjoying was Splitgate but for some reason no one plays it, I'm still in disbelief about it, literally halo+portal with slightly shorter ttk not too fast paced, I guess arena like games will never ever come back because people are shit at running the maps for weapons or something.
      Probably CS-like games will be a thing for a long long time.

    • 2 months ago

      >Is it just me or does it feels like multiplayer FPS's are kinda dead as a genre anyway?
      They're literally one of the most popular genres out there. It's ridiculous seeing people on Ganker call games that get hundreds of thousands of concurrent players dead because they themselves don't play them or like them. You've never played an actual dead game.

  25. 2 months ago

    Not an age thing, thats a cope. If youre getting filtered you are either joining a games community too late in its lifecycle to where everyones way more experienced than you or you are just dumb and have a lower iq than the avg player. Most shooters, especially cs, are mostly gameknowledge and not reaction speed. If you used to be good but no longer are, its called being rusty and its likely there have been meta changes you arent adapted to.

  26. 2 months ago

    >Reeee I should be playing on par with people who have been playing for years cause Im special like that.
    Learn some humility and get to grind shitter.

  27. 2 months ago

    It's mostly map knowledge, cs and valorant are the most tedious one to play, well there is r6s but is utter bullshit.
    I really got better at cs by learning specific tricks and that's why I gave up too, it gets boring over time doing the same shit over and over, I would've played at least 4 single player games by then.

  28. 2 months ago

    Those games are just a b***h to learn in. I can't play CS worth shit and always have the same experience you do, but I pick up arena shooters relatively fast even at my age because oh, I died, but I can try again in ten seconds instead of having to watch some dumbass fumble around a corner and throw smoke grenades for five minutes. CS as a new player is more spectating than playing. If you want that, whatever, and git gid, etc, but I want to play the damn game.

    • 2 months ago

      You are just as bad at "arena shooters," you just don't know it

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah arenas are much more viable but no zoomer has the brain power to bunny hop, predict shoot, laser aim or other shit.
      It's that these games like CS forcefully close you into limited patterns of play style so you don't have to use 1000% brain power but just git gud at aiming and map tricks, also teamplay is a factor here so we can't really compare arenas, today everyone strives for competitive gayming like it's some sort of job.

  29. 2 months ago

    just cheat at this point if you're playing FPS in 2024, everyone is doing it and they cant be stopped

  30. 2 months ago

    damn, well at least you tried all the FPS games

  31. 2 months ago

    the answer is grenades

  32. 2 months ago

    i must say. Kids today have more skill than those YouTube channels who used to post killing montage of their halo or tf2 run. I tried coming back to call of duty and I found out either I have lost all the fps skills I had or average gamer has evolved.

  33. 2 months ago

    >>tfw too old for fps games
    used to believe this, but the trick is, do not go for headshots, don't even think about it, something moves, you shot at it, that's it, the headshots will come later naturally.

  34. 2 months ago

    >playing CS back in 1.0 days
    >must've been 12 or so
    >AWP god, perfect aim, stable, good reflexes unbeatable
    >play any fps today
    >a guy wiggling left and right is enough to throw off my aim
    >can't snipe whatsoever due to stuttering/shaking and slow reflexes
    >twitch/flicking causes the shot to go wide and miss every time
    at least i can still play medic

    • 2 months ago

      >playing CS back in 1.0 days
      >must've been 12 or so
      >AWP god, perfect aim, stable, good reflexes unbeatable
      You probably just severely overestimated how good you were back then. I think as well a lot of people get thrown off just because mice are much higher DPI now so your sensitivity is probably absurd compared to what you used as a kid.

  35. 2 months ago

    >playing multiplayer fps games during an age where cheats have become undetectable
    lol. lmao. quit not because you're bad but because you would be wasting your time. the competitive fps genre is dead. would you play chess if the other player got to use a computer to calculate their moves? no because you would be wasting your time. stop supporting these games, they don't deserve having their playercount increase even by one

  36. 2 months ago

    On the bright side, now you can play games like Dominions 6 which involves spending 1 hour setting up your turn in a turn-based game, sending it by email to the host, who collects these emails from 20 other players, and getting the answer back in 24 hours.

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