Twilight Princess

This game is so close to being good. It has a good idea with it's combat system, but lacks polish. The art style is pretty nice, but seems to lack commitment to a darker style. There is a good idea with multiple ways to traverse, but Link lacks any weight and traversal items are under used.

But my biggest complaint about this game is how much of my fricking TIME IT WASTES WITH THE DUMBEST GOD DAMNIT SHIT.

>beat Temple of Time
>go to castle
>get a letter to go to Kakariko
>go there and get told to go back to the fricking castle
>then get told to go back to fricking Kakariko
>then go to the abandoned village
>just to be sent again to Kakariko
>and then the abandoned village AGAIN


This, plus the start, plus all the dragged out wolf sections and light beads. 8.8 was generous. I give this a 7.8

I maintain the last good 3D zelda game was Majora's Mask and the last good 2D game was Minish Cap

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  1. 5 months ago

    >This game is so close to being good.
    And then you realized it was a Zelda game.

    >I maintain the last good 3D zelda game was Majora's Mask and the last good 2D game was Minish Cap

    This is just super sad because those aren't even very good.

    • 5 months ago

      Zelda is one of if not the most critically acclaimed series there is and your post is the definition of cope (just like this thread). If Zelda wasn't good, you weren't so invested in proving it's not and would move on with your life

      • 5 months ago

        Het man, you said yourself the games never got better the MM or MC, I just think that's sad. But if critics like it it must be good, right? Everybody knows what's most popular is always the best.

    • 5 months ago

      This. Every Zelda game is a fricking unfun slog. What are some zelda esque games that are actually fun to play?

      • 5 months ago

        2D or 3D? I recently played through Alundra which is similar, and I thought it was good (although I'd recommend going the emulator route because save states improve the experience)
        In terms of 3D games, Darksiders maybe.

      • 5 months ago

        Okami tends to get held up as "Zelda but better" which I would agree with. It's far from perfect, but still better than actual Zeldas. It's combat, world design and story are all awesome, it's biggest flaw if you can call it that is that it's really long.

        Beyond Oasis and it's sequel are like Zelda with a heavier influence on combat, almost like Zelda mixed with a Beat 'em Up. The first one is better but they're both pretty good and to me more fun than any Zelda game.

        The other series I would recommend if you like 2D games is Boktai, which is like a blend of Zelda and old Metal Gear.

        Beyond that there aren't a ton of Zelda-like games that don't end up being more boring than Zelda, so if the dungeon aspects are what seem interesting there's stuff like Tomb Raider or if it's more exploring a world of characters there's a wealth of action rpgs out there.

  2. 5 months ago

    It's easily the best action adventure of its generation with the most diverse content and gameplay

    But this is another autistic "Nintendo bad =(" seethe thread made by the janny, so I leave you here

    • 5 months ago

      I just like existing in this game. Aside from the overworld having a ton of comfy locations, this is the first zelda game where I'd go back into dungeons just to vibe around in some of the rooms, because the dungeons were just that handcrafted and beautiful. If your dopamine receptors are burnt out from skinner boxes, you simply won't enjoy this masterpiece.

      Best dungeons in a 3D Zelda IMO.

      I only wish we could get modern BOTW style bow/slingshot/clawshot etc controls, having to go into first person and slowly move the reticle while standing in place is really awful.

      The best part of TP was all of those random cave dungeons with like 20 rooms that you have to fight your way through and use items to find secrets. I wish there was like another 10 of them, stumbling across shit like this was peak zelda.

      i'm going to download and try playing it again. I hated it last time, got to the first new village area and had to look for bugs in that stupid wolf form and quit.

      • 5 months ago

        I mean, I also have adhd but I don't act like this

  3. 5 months ago

    The alternative is SotC, a game with near unplayable controls and framerate and nothing to do outside of bosses

    • 5 months ago

      SotC was never even intended to be a Zelda-like game not does it play like one- the actual Twilight Princess alternative would be Okami.

      • 5 months ago

        Only someone who never played or even watched someone play shadow of the colossus would ever compare it to Zelda, they are nothing alike at all. With Okami you have a point though and that game was gorgeous. I really should replay one of these days it was so damn good.

        • 5 months ago

          It's been said before that Nintendo fans are generally unaware of the industry outside of the Nintendo bubble, and posts like that really do reinforce that belief. They are vaguely aware that SotC is a game where a guy has a horse and a sword and the Nintendo game with a guy with a horse and a sword is Zelda, so it must be a Zelda-like game.

          • 5 months ago

            I've met people like that. They say without a hint of irony that they think Smash Bris is the best fighting game of all time and no racer comes close to Mario Kart. It's pretty weird I agree.

    • 5 months ago

      So a pure video game experience? Sounds good

      • 5 months ago

        How can it be a video game experience when there's no gameplay?

        • 5 months ago

          Are you trying to say shadow of the colossus has no gameplay?

  4. 5 months ago

    Most of that doesn't take long at all and having a reason to visit comfy places with good music and atmosphere is nice, especially after spending hours in dark dungeons

    Why is it so hard for people to actually come up with good criticism of Zelda games when they make these shitty threads?

    • 5 months ago

      Black person Kakariko is completely empty and the music there is mid
      it's just brown and a bunch of shacks

      • 5 months ago

        >Black person
        Aw janny is mad. You know that's racism and you have to delete this post though, don't you?
        Ideally your whole shitty zoomer thread with it

      • 5 months ago

        There's countless promo material of Kakariko and other places, if you think it looks uninteresting, you don't already like the leitmotiv and it isn't a world you can imagine having fun exploring you have no reason to play the game and then complain other than clinical moronation

        • 5 months ago

          >There's countless promo material
          You want me to play the game while staring at an art book?

          • 5 months ago

            Unironically he really does. OoT and MM trained them to look at a super ugly game but imagine they are seeing the concept art instead.

      • 5 months ago

        It has caca in its name. Why did you expect anything but fecal matter from it? You clearly do not possess the intellectu ability to comprehend Japanese tradition.

  5. 5 months ago

    The last good Zelda was 2, babey

  6. 5 months ago

    I just like existing in this game. Aside from the overworld having a ton of comfy locations, this is the first zelda game where I'd go back into dungeons just to vibe around in some of the rooms, because the dungeons were just that handcrafted and beautiful. If your dopamine receptors are burnt out from skinner boxes, you simply won't enjoy this masterpiece.

    • 5 months ago

      Haven't done this but inclined to agree, Anon. Very cozy game from my recollection. Lake Hylia was great in this. But Majora's Mask excels it in this regard. Once you have all the Masks, the moonchild is almost explicit in telling you that the game is now a fun playground.

    • 5 months ago

      >riding through Hyrule field at night when Malon is singing
      this game definitely had issues but man did it ever nail the vibes

  7. 5 months ago

    Best dungeons in a 3D Zelda IMO.

    I only wish we could get modern BOTW style bow/slingshot/clawshot etc controls, having to go into first person and slowly move the reticle while standing in place is really awful.

    • 5 months ago

      Who is that favela Brazilian goblin dressed in a green soccer shirt from Brazil's 1960s kit in your pic?

  8. 5 months ago

    All Zeldas should be no talking, except for "it's dangerous to go alone take this," "it's a secret to everybody," .etc. imo

    The bs executive summaries from the owl and farie, got to go

    • 5 months ago

      Link being silent made it always so weird.
      All these girls are throwing themselves at you and you just stand they're silent like an autistic child with no emotion.

      • 5 months ago

        sounds normal to me

      • 5 months ago

        That's why they throw themselves at Link, he's all stoic and mysterious. Thankfully they're never around when he's walking into people's houses and breaking their pots, or slamming his head against trees in the hope of finding bugs.

      • 5 months ago

        You get a lot of responses to pick in BOTW/TOTK, almost like in an RPG.

        • 5 months ago

          Skyward sword, too

      • 5 months ago

        I like the interpretation that Link is in fact silent and some type of hyperfocused autist

        • 5 months ago

          I prefer to think of him as a barely-sentient meat puppet that zelda, the only truly conscious being in the universe, fricks with to pass time for eternity.

        • 5 months ago

          he's like the truck in Duel (1971).

      • 5 months ago

        >and you just stand there silent like an autistic child with no emotion.
        It's called having a relatable protagonist.

      • 5 months ago

        Link is a homosexual with no interest in women. Nintendo became more and more open about it as the series went on.

        • 5 months ago

          >no interest in women

  9. 5 months ago

    The best part of TP was all of those random cave dungeons with like 20 rooms that you have to fight your way through and use items to find secrets. I wish there was like another 10 of them, stumbling across shit like this was peak zelda.

    • 5 months ago

      The caves were a lot of fun. Short and simple. The game had tons of optional stuff. Frankly you can beat the game with 9 hearts. But doing a bunch of the side stuff is just fun.

      OPs complaints are non sense. It reads like something written by AI. Here's the problems with the game.

      1. Ordons are the ugliest creatures in the game. Even link is kinda odd looking. Half of the other humans are ugly too. Who knows why.
      2. What did the bad guys do that was bad? Rough people up a bit? Who cares? If this is the worse that is going to happen in the transition of rulership it is more peaceful than any transition known on earth.
      3. Escort mission is crap.
      4. What am I supposed to spend all this money on? There is tons of money. Your wallet will never be empty in this game, and there isn't much to spend it on.
      5. No one seems to care about the castle being under siege the entire game. Just another day.
      6. Uhhh, shadow realm is just a crappy rushed dungeon with a few dozen derp npc inhabitants. Clearly a rush job.
      7. The grand final castle... A few dozen enemies. Nothing else, not even challenging.
      8. Epic ending... Not quite, they did a fine job making multiple unique phases. But it was hardly challenging. The horse back parts are fun. Until you realize you are going to ride in a tiny predesignated circle in a field.

      The game was fine. It is the best 3d retro Zelda. But none of the retro Zelda are great.

      • 5 months ago

        There’s an optional set of armor that makes you invincible, but drains money and stops working when you run out.

  10. 5 months ago

    for some reason you skipped the part where you travel around the overworld activating statues. I think you're attempting to make the game sound bad. (disingenuous)

    • 5 months ago

      That's after you do that shit. That is the lead up to activating the dominion rod.

  11. 5 months ago

    Every Zelda game before Phantom Hourglass is a masterpiece in its own right. Something happened after Twilight Princess that made Nintendo incapable of making good Zelda games anymore. Well, A Link Between Worlds was good for what it was, but 70% of that game is recycled from A Link to the Past so it doesn’t count.

    • 5 months ago

      Whatever happened happened during Wind Waker.
      It's a fluke that game turned out as good as it is (and while I appreciate it now, I distinctly remember being disappointed with it at launch), they cut half the game and replaced whole dungeons with cutscenes.

      Them losing confidence or whatever after later games would be understandable, but WW was a guaranteed hit so the self-sabotage is just weird and it's gotta be related.
      My theory is that the older games were mostly companion projects to major Mario titles, so they were making those for the market while channelling all the passion (and what they'd learned technically, and ideas that didn't fit) into Zelda once they shipped Mario to pay the bills (Awakening's a little different but a similar enough story). Once Zelda became entirely its own thing they lost the juice.

      • 5 months ago

        Every Zelda game before Phantom Hourglass is a masterpiece in its own right. Something happened after Twilight Princess that made Nintendo incapable of making good Zelda games anymore. Well, A Link Between Worlds was good for what it was, but 70% of that game is recycled from A Link to the Past so it doesn’t count.

        • 5 months ago

          So true.

      • 5 months ago

        >they cut half the game
        Imagine how much they'd force you to sail if the game was even longer, goddamn

  12. 5 months ago

    they didn't wanna make it
    they felt forced after the pushback from Windwaker which honestly is pretty sad

  13. 5 months ago

    How are the NPCs in this game anons? I didn't play many Zelda games but I kinda like that you could go back to certain areas and have different dialogue and stuff to do for some NPCs one the ones I played.

    • 5 months ago

      I really like them. Haven't played every Zelda game, but I'd say they're the best out of any I've played. A surprising number of them stick around and even get some sort of development.
      I like how some of them actually try to do something about all the crap that's going down instead of passively standing around and waiting for someone else to take care of it all. They don't do much, granted, but it adds a lilttle bit more believability to the world.
      I also like how later on in the game some NPCs, even random unnammed ones, will recognize you as the person who's going around putting shit in order instead of treating you like some random kid the whole time.

      • 5 months ago

        Nice! I finished Skyward Sword for the first time recently and I liked the NPCs but a lot of them are just there I guess and don't really react or say anything about what's happening in the story.

        • 5 months ago

          My exact feelings.
          SS's world is almost completely disconnected from its main story. There's only one person in Skyloft who acts like he gives a damn about Zelda's disappearance, and it's not even her own father. Only two people know about you going down to the surface, and what you do down there has no bearing on what happens up above until the very end of the game. Even the surface-world NPCs don't give a shit about what you're doing most of the time.
          Maybe the writers were just trying for a more personal story with this one, but even that falls flat when they only give you two hours to get attached to the character who functions as your only motivation for the next 35 hours of the game.

  14. 5 months ago

    >5 hr tutorial
    >bug hunting
    >wolf sections
    >Terrible pacing
    >Ganondorf was behind it all!
    >Just as easy as Wind Waker
    >Dull ugly version of OoT
    >Terrible Anime story
    >Useless items
    >Dungeons are glorified set pieces
    >Overworld is somehow worse than the N64 games
    There's nothing redeeming about this dogshit game.

    • 5 months ago

      midna booty tho

    • 5 months ago

      the brief moment of using the Spinner to its fullest extent is good, as is the yeti mansion dungeon, and the ball and chain.

    • 5 months ago

      was behind it all!

    • 5 months ago

      If ordon took you 5hrs you are functionally moronic.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >>5 hr tutorial

  15. 5 months ago

    tried it again after the last time I played it like 20 years ago. maybe its me who grew out of games like that but it felt boring. first few hours were a shitty cutscene followed by a long corridor of nothing. no exploration and the dungeons were piss easy (well to be expected game is designed for children)

  16. 5 months ago

    This was a time where review mags gave a better score to games with more play hours because it was more "bang for your buck". This trend began during the 5th gen.
    BTW OP, have you read the manga? It's good, it was storytimed last summer on Ganker and it's so much better than it's source material. I hope once the TP decompilation is complete, some madman adapts the manga to the game proper.


    • 5 months ago

      That manga is Zelda if Berserk and I absolutely love it for it. Truly Link was a Struggler, Fi had some insane bloodlust and Skull Knight saved him from Zant's Eclipse.

    • 5 months ago

      >some madman adapts the manga to the game proper

      I honestly have trouble imagining people caring about TP's decomp to remotely the same degree as OoT or MM's to the point that mods on this level are likely to happen.

      • 5 months ago

        The Ship of Harkinian guys IIRC want to handle that after MM's.
        Dinner in Ship

    • 5 months ago

      >it's source material

      • 5 months ago

        Ah, I'm glad to see everything is sidetracked by minor mistakes. This place surely has become Ganker 2.

  17. 5 months ago

    Zant is a weird villain.
    Pretty much up until you face him in the Palace of Twilight, he's pretty stoic and oozes power, but once you face him without his mask, he becomes this spastic flailing b***h.
    I get the point that he's supposed to be some guy who has been given immense power, but it doesn't explain the personality and character shift from effortless vileness to comic stooge.

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