Uh, sisters, should we be worried or hyped?

Uh, sisters, should we be worried or hyped?

>Konami, in cooperation with Shueisha Game Creators Camp, both announced that they are holding a contest, where indie developers can make games based on some of Konami’s classic IPs. These are mainly Konami’s cult-favorite and lesser-known IPs, such as Ganbare Goemon, Gradius, Star Soldier, Twinbee, Knightmare and many more.

>The game can be an action game or shooter game, and it can be a remake or sequel. Developers can also focus on a single character or mechanic from a previous game, and they can even change or combine genres that the originals didn’t have. According to Konami, they and the indie developers would collaborate to make these commercial products.

>According to IGN, Konami will even provide “supervision, production advice and support regarding localization, promotion and development equipment”.

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  1. 3 years ago

    >indie devs

  2. 3 years ago

    how does this 'contest' even work? why would someone make a game just for Konami to say it's not good enough?
    if it's just a pitch they want, fair enough

    • 3 years ago

      >have 10 different companies create games for you
      >only pay 2 of them
      >sue the other 8 if they try to release it anyway

  3. 3 years ago

    >"make free games for us"

      • 3 years ago

        Nintendo paid them upfront to produce a game after seeing their pitch.
        This is very different from what Konami is asking for. They're asking devs to make games on their own time and money and then get "guidance : )" once it's greenlit as an actual commercial game.

        • 3 years ago

          they'd have to be pretty out of touch if they expect an indie dev spending a year or longer making a full game based on Konami's characters just for a contest. They are probably expecting a vertical slice.

  4. 3 years ago

    Konami is so fricking pathetic. It's a crime that these morons were blessed with amazing designers and teams in the past.

  5. 3 years ago

    silentsisters...now is our chance

  6. 3 years ago

    >team Cherry remaking SoTN or making new mainline 2D Castlevania game

    god pls
    pls just this, just once

  7. 3 years ago

    >According to IGN, Konami will even provide “supervision, production advice and support regarding localization, promotion and development equipment”.
    They aren't even funding localization? Jesus Christ, what israelites.

  8. 3 years ago

    please do it

  9. 3 years ago

    >make us a game for free and if we think it looks marketable we may choose to buy it off you for 1/4 the money/time you spent working on it, also if we don't buy it then you're just fricked and wasted your time since you it's our IP anyway

    • 3 years ago

      Thats pretty much how modern contract work works anyways

  10. 3 years ago

    I'd love more Goemon but what indie studio could do it properly?

  11. 3 years ago

    The money from the panchino machines must be running low.

  12. 3 years ago

    This is great news for me

  13. 3 years ago

    ah yes, I'm very excited for 2d sidescrolling shit

  14. 3 years ago

    So they're only doing this because Bombergirl is successful and essentially coomer Wai Wai at this point?

  15. 3 years ago

    That shitty football game really did bite them in the butt

  16. 3 years ago

    Doesn't the CEO hate videogames or something

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