underyell yellow

a thread for yelling about the color yellow

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Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    I like "sky blue" a lot more if you know what I mean... (I mean Martlet, I love Martlet)

    • 5 months ago

      martlet more like fartlet

    • 5 months ago

      Horrible characters, stupid characters. Stupid horrible characters

      • 5 months ago
  2. 5 months ago

    Are there any other full length Undertale fangames? I only know of Yellow, Undertale 2, and Bits n Pieces.

    • 5 months ago

      The team fortess 2 one. Was it called overtime? I don't quite remember

      • 5 months ago

        Still mad about getting cucked out of a Undying Demoman fight

  3. 5 months ago
  4. 5 months ago

    Reminder that this thread is made by one particular autistic pseudo janny who spams other UTY related threads with off topic bullshit to make his thread the main thread while mass reporting any UTY thread with spam to make his thread the ONLY UTY thread.
    He straight out admitted it all in the previous thread.
    You wanna play this game?I will play this game with you.

    • 5 months ago

      Legitimately unmedicated behavior, accept that nobody wants your fricking Korean trash threads, have a nice day.

      • 5 months ago

        >Ooooo no one likes you I dindu nuffin
        you quite literally admitted that in the previous thread
        admit it, it's just you, bro.
        Shitting on other's threads while samegayging to make yours look on topic is a pretty scummy move, troony.

        • 5 months ago

          >Everyone who doesn't want Koreaslop shitting up Yellow threads is my imaginary boogeyman! I'm not projecting!
          Add to South Korean suicide statistics and have a nice day.

    • 5 months ago

      Not OP, I just don't want to mix UTY with gachashit.

      • 5 months ago

        gacha this gacha that
        we are not talking about any gacha game
        in fact, the anti frickers are the true gachatards
        didn't they avatargay as genshit characters yesterday?

        • 5 months ago

          i just like foxgirls, anon.
          id be more than happy if you could point me to a game that isnt a gacha that has a foxgirl in it.
          not the furry kind btw, the monstergirl kind.

          • 5 months ago

            >Not the furry kind

          • 5 months ago

            >Posting something made by a studio that also made a gacha game is deemed gachahomosexualry
            >Actively using a character made by an gacha exclusive company in a gacha game is somehow 'tee hee just my preferences'

    • 5 months ago

      we tried your gachashit threads.
      and guess what? they always end up being SHIT.
      your gacha Black person swarm spammed them and drowned out yellow discussion.
      and it was never the intention to have a crossover thread, but a mere stealth one.

      • 5 months ago

        >Ohhhh it's shit.
        It's not.
        If you've seen the previous threads you can see they are going pretty normally.
        Than 10 iq morons like OP just fricking go ham on the thread because they want their precious little threads to be the main focus.

        • 5 months ago

          everyone can use the archive. the only person you are fooling is yourself.

          • 5 months ago

            bro you are just embarrassing yourself at this point.
            Those threads had shit parts because of YOU screeching.
            Not you people, just (you) because you are such an autistic Black person you decided to mass report shit when things don't go well

            • 5 months ago

              Why are you projecting so much?

              • 5 months ago

                why are YOU projecting so much?

  5. 5 months ago

    I LIKE
    S P I D E R S

    • 5 months ago

      >the only and ever time we will see muffet outside of UT...
      Im saad

  6. 5 months ago

    You are all autistic schizo’s and should jump off your collective rooftop post-haste.

    • 5 months ago

      Now all we need is people trying to scare off content makers and Ceroba drunk rapefic posters and we'll have the holy trifecta of "things designed solely to ruin a topic irrevocably"

  7. 5 months ago

    >this stupid argument again
    I'm heading to bed.

    • 5 months ago

      >fellow moocher leaving
      it's truly over...

      • 5 months ago

        Today I will remind them

        • 5 months ago

          What's the original of this?

          • 5 months ago

            The pic of Martlet in the chair and text are a reference to this


            • 5 months ago

              Thank you anon
              I never watched evangelion

    • 5 months ago

      >no longer discussing the game in any capacity
      >just yelling at each other over who makes "the thread" and triple-linking new ones in old ones
      It's fricking over.

      blame the gacha Black person. if he could get the hint that his threads are not wanted then these arguments wouldnt happen.

      • 5 months ago

        blame the reportBlack person.If he could stop being a homosexual and actively shit up threads then these arguments wouldn't happen.

  8. 5 months ago

    >no longer discussing the game in any capacity
    >just yelling at each other over who makes "the thread" and triple-linking new ones in old ones
    It's fricking over.

  9. 5 months ago

    Can you guys shut up I'm trying to watch thundersnail

  10. 5 months ago

    alright screw it.
    short and silly green ideas, anons?

    • 5 months ago

      Feisty Five + Ceroba watch bad funny movies.

      • 5 months ago

        the "so bad its funny" kind or "tries to be funny but is really bad at it" kind?

        Starlo evading his taxes for the first time

        >"ah hell."
        >"whats wrong star?"
        >"the royal taxes... they're too much. the wild east will go under in a few months."
        >"ah hell..."
        >"no, we cant let that happen."
        >"but what options do we have? work with mo?"
        >"... i am going to commit tax fraud."
        >"what?" "star you cant" "im fine with it" "an unwise decision"
        >"have the royals given us anything other than shit? we dont need them, we can... well, ok looks like we'll need to ask mo for help."

        • 5 months ago

          The former.

          • 5 months ago

            >"alright gang, i found a new cowboy movie in the dumps!"
            >"ooooh what is it?"
            >"its uh... 'wacky wild west w-adventures w-five'... it cant be that bad, right?"
            >everyone just stares for a moment.
            >"hah... yeah star, lets just see what its like."
            >two hours later, the whole gang is laughing. but not because of the movies jokes
            >"g-god *pffft* star, i cant believe we got THAT one"
            >"haha... yeah, the effects were worse than mettaton's when he just started going on live tv."
            >"and the chase segments were all wrong! HAH!"
            >"the jail was also quite humorously designed."
            >"and did they seriously try adding magic to it?"
            >"yeah. completely breaks the themeing"

            • 5 months ago

              Thanks anon

        • 5 months ago

          I can't believe Starlo's going to be arrested by the RRS and sentenced to death row for not paying taxes on time
          This is a travesty

    • 5 months ago

      Starlo evading his taxes for the first time

    • 5 months ago

      Clover being taught by Mo how to scam people

      • 5 months ago

        Random thought based on that: What if in some strange timeline, Mo adopted Clover instead of the bird or fox and they had a Dipper/Mabel and Grunkle Stan-like relationship?

        • 5 months ago

          holy shit we have actually gotten to the point we're thinking of the main character being raised by different people again, history truly is a fricking circle

      • 5 months ago

        Random thought based on that: What if in some strange timeline, Mo adopted Clover instead of the bird or fox and they had a Dipper/Mabel and Grunkle Stan-like relationship?

        >"alright clover, so nobody's entering battle with you since they see you as a friend. you need some G. what do you do?"
        >"uh... i get a job?"
        >"no! what you need is to get people to think that they want something, really REALLY want it!"
        >"take uh... this rock for example!"
        >mo picks up a rock and shows it to clover
        >"pet rocks right? everybody has one, everyone wants one. they're easy to take care of and just sit around all day."
        >"well i don-"
        >mo throws the rock away
        >"WELL WHO WANTS ROCKS? ive got a better non-living pet. one thats sure to keep you entertained for days instead of hours"
        >mo pulls out a plastic cube
        >"a cube pet! now with eight more corners of fun, it can fit into cubic spaces perfectly, it does everything a pet rock does and more."
        >ok, clover got it. he kinda does want a pet cube now...
        >mo throws the cube away
        >"alright now you try clover. pick anything around here and try selling it to me."
        >clover picks up a disc. its just a disc.
        >"uhhhh... this disc is... pretty cool."
        >mo stares with a somewhat disappointed look
        >"we can work on your sales pitch later. now cmon if i dont get you back home martlet will think im teaching you how to scam people again."

        • 5 months ago

          My sides, thank you

    • 5 months ago

      Flowey gets harassed by surface bees

      • 5 months ago

        >"well, i suppose i can TRY going up there...."
        >flowey burrows to the surface
        >"hmmm.... endless sunlight, fresh air... golly, its perfect for a little flower like me. i could get used to this. almost makes me forget i dont have a soul."
        >but while flowey is basking in the sunlight, he fails to notice the buzzing thats getting progressively louder.
        >"oh, this must be a little surface insect. its so small... what a curious-"
        >and it tries to land on him
        >"hey! stop it"
        >a few more bees gather around flowey
        >as he struggles he eventually gets an entire nest buzzing around him
        >flowey burrows back to the underground.
        >"HMPH. ALRIGHT FINE. i-if the surface doesnt want me, then i dont want the surface!"
        >flowey sits in the ruins under the hole
        >he cant help but look up with a... strange feeling. one that longs for something.
        >a feeling? no that cant be right.

        • 5 months ago

          Being Flowey on the surface would be hell, constantly being painfully eaten by bugs and violated by bees and pissed on by cats

          • 5 months ago

            >Flowey pissed on by cats
            How does he survive underground when Catty and the Temmies exist

            • 5 months ago

              He avoids them and only sleeps where he is absolutely safe.
              When Frisk goes and puts him in a pot and drags him to the surface he doesn’t have this option and has to deal with all the horrible pests the world has to offer. He probably tries to stay inside as much as possible to minimize his exposure to aphids or other flower eating bugs and animals

      • 5 months ago

        >"well, i suppose i can TRY going up there...."
        >flowey burrows to the surface
        >"hmmm.... endless sunlight, fresh air... golly, its perfect for a little flower like me. i could get used to this. almost makes me forget i dont have a soul."
        >but while flowey is basking in the sunlight, he fails to notice the buzzing thats getting progressively louder.
        >"oh, this must be a little surface insect. its so small... what a curious-"
        >and it tries to land on him
        >"hey! stop it"
        >a few more bees gather around flowey
        >as he struggles he eventually gets an entire nest buzzing around him
        >flowey burrows back to the underground.
        >"HMPH. ALRIGHT FINE. i-if the surface doesnt want me, then i dont want the surface!"
        >flowey sits in the ruins under the hole
        >he cant help but look up with a... strange feeling. one that longs for something.
        >a feeling? no that cant be right.

        i knew i saved this for a reason

    • 5 months ago

      Martlet typing on a keyboard using the literal hunt and peck method while Clover watches

      • 5 months ago

        >"clover! i got once of those fancy comp-put-ters. a friend helped me set it up"
        >clover goes to watch martlet on it
        >"im now sending an eeeh-mail to the friend!"
        >clover watches her type and... oh no.
        >wheres the... T... H... A.... N... K. space!..... Y.....
        >clover can only watch in horror as martlet spends several seconds on every letter.
        >his hand is twitching. he really wants to correct her, but she looks so proud for finding every letter.
        >he tries to leave the room
        >"no no! clover come watch me send my first eeeh-mail!"
        >oh no.

    • 5 months ago

      Undyne giving Martlet a routine physical (and magical) test

      • 5 months ago

        >martlet's just minding her own business working on puzzles and then...
        >DUN-dun dundundun DUN-dun...
        >undyne's theme was getting louder.
        >martlet started to stress
        >"now? but this puzzle is in a terrible state. it would never pass inspection."
        >her theme gets even louder, martlet looks up and sees undyne flying down
        >martlet goes to start fly-
        >"but i have wings?"
        >undyne thinks for a minute and her theme tappers out, before blaring back at max
        >"fair point. BUT I DONT CARE!"
        >hour later, martlet's about ready to pass out
        >"physical exam... ALMOST A FAILURE! BETTER THAN HALF THE CANINE UNIT! (also you can fly)"
        >half the canine unit fails the physical?
        >undyne throws out her training dummy
        >ok, martlet had enough strength left for these
        >she sends out a barrage of feathers, turning the dummy into a pincushion
        >undyne's theme fades as she examines the dummy, it seems to whisper something to her
        >her theme blares again
        >"STATUS EXAM... A PASS! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK... but whats up with that puzzle?"
        >"its not finished yet."
        >undyne jumps away
        >and there she goes.
        >a faint tousle of bones can be heard in the distance.

        • 5 months ago

          >Papyrus - in jogboy attire - makes her do another ten laps for some reason.

    • 5 months ago

      More emotional than silly, but lost soul Starlo/Ceroba dialogue based on this concept

      Imagine a game that puts all the undertale (COLOR) fan prequels into a single fangame
      The epilogue is an extended version of the lost souls segment from the Asriel fight, you play as the corresponding fallen children and have to save the monster friends they made during their pacifist run

      • 5 months ago

        yeah i can do that and extend it a little bit
        >clover slowly awoke.
        >where was he?
        >why was he awake?
        >didnt he sacrifice himself?
        >he saw flashing lights in the distance, it seemed like a battle.
        >he ran towards it...
        >shortly after becoming blinded by a white light.
        >when it subsided, dalv was infront of him... and clover couldnt see his face. dalv was walking away.
        >"i cant show myself again..."
        >"hey thats not true!"
        >clover rushed for dalv, lightning started assaulting him
        >"i failed at the one thing i was supposed to do, everyone hates me."
        >"no! the other people in the ruins care about you"
        >clover reached out... and dalv teleported away.
        >"it would just be better if i distance myself, stay away..."
        >"but thats wrong, plenty of people care for you"
        >clover reaches out again and...
        >a light comes from dalv, he has a weak smile.
        >"you're right, ive only hurt more people by thinking like this."
        >things fade to white and clover is where he was before, that battle still rages on in the distance.
        >he's not sure whats going on, but clover is motivated more than ever, he has to keep going.
        >he sees two figures, one a human about his size, and the other a giant."
        >clover starts running again, the world fades to white and martlet is before him.
        >"w-what have i done..."
        >clover tries walking up to her, but the distance never seems to close.
        >feathers start flying at him.
        >"i told clover id care for him... and yet i just let him die. i abandoned him several times..."
        >"marlet no! please, dont feel bad."
        >clover tries reaching for a hug, but the distance still seems impossible to cross
        >"i-if only i had a chance to make things right..."
        >"martlet, im here now."
        >a light shone from martlet and she finally saw him
        >"clover!", she went for a hug "i'll never leave you again. i promise"

        • 5 months ago

          >he faded back to the place before, the two seemed even closer
          >clover had a burning feeling in his chest, it was a feeling that drove him forward, kept him from giving up.
          >even if he wanted to give up now, he probably couldnt.
          >he kept running. the world was fading to white yet again.
          >once things returned, starlo was standing on the other end of a town
          >"im just north star..."
          >"starlo, your friends want the real you!"
          >clover tries to challenge starlo to a 'dual', he looks away.
          >but despite the 'dual' rejection, revolvers start firing at clover anyways.
          >"im the sheriff of the wild east. thats all i am."
          >"but you're not just that, and everyone knows it too!"
          >clover does starlo's pose, he gets little more than a glance
          >"all i cant do is keep playing my part"
          >"the part your friends want is starlo"
          >clover sees a dummy and shoots it
          >a light shines from starlo
          >"well i'll be! it if isnt the deputy. everyone's been missing you, you know."
          >things fade again, clover can almost makes out the two figures perfectly now. he has to keep running.
          >the burning in his chest, he can almost put a name to it...
          >as the world fades to white, ceroba appears in front of him. motes of fire appear between the two.
          >"i have to keep going, for chujin's legacy."
          >"he never wanted it to end like this!"
          >clover tried to reach out for ceroba, but was pushed away by a wall of fire.
          >"i have to keep going, for kanako."
          >"but she wouldnt want you to hurt yourself."
          >clover reached out again, and was blocked by a shield.
          >"i have to keep going... i cant let clover's sacrafice be wasted."
          >before clover could speak another word, the light shone from ceroba.
          >she broke down, and started crying for clover to forgive her
          >the world faded to white, clover was a little stunned. but that burning...
          >he knew what it was now, its determination.
          >the giant was close, clover kept running.
          >"JUST LET ME WIN!"
          >clover lunged out...

          • 5 months ago

            >and was brought somewhere else.
            >everything was gone, even that burning feeling...
            >but he felt the need to keep going, he felt that his work wasnt done yet. so he ran.
            >he ran until he saw someone in the distance...
            >it was a monster, the same age as him. it looked like... kanako? why did he know.
            >she had almost faded completely, she was crying
            >"i-its so cold..."
            >"oh. hello. are you here to be my friend?"
            >"i uh... i can be!"
            >clover couldnt see her face, but he knew she lit up a bit.
            >"thats great... but i dont know where i am..."
            >"i can help find you."
            >"r-really? thank you! i'll see you soon."
            >the world faded to white again.
            >and he woke up, it felt like a coffin.
            >he pushed the lid off and coughed up some dust.
            >he reached for his hat... oh right. he gave it away.
            >he went for his holster... ah. right.
            >clover got up and started walking out of new home...
            >he didnt know where he was going, and yet he did at the same time...
            >and he still felt it, determination. he felt the need to push forward.
            >he walked out of the apartments, but then felt something drag him down an alleyway...
            >a few minutes later he walked out with his hat and gun. NOW he was ready to go find kanako.
            >running through hotland his mind was racing.
            >what happened?
            >was he really going to save kanako?
            >what would he do after bringing her back to the dunes?
            >these questions would have to remain unanswered for now. the moment he stopped thinking he found himself right outside of the lab...
            >he took a deep breath.
            >as he entered the lab, he was ready for whatever would happen next.

        • 5 months ago

          >he faded back to the place before, the two seemed even closer
          >clover had a burning feeling in his chest, it was a feeling that drove him forward, kept him from giving up.
          >even if he wanted to give up now, he probably couldnt.
          >he kept running. the world was fading to white yet again.
          >once things returned, starlo was standing on the other end of a town
          >"im just north star..."
          >"starlo, your friends want the real you!"
          >clover tries to challenge starlo to a 'dual', he looks away.
          >but despite the 'dual' rejection, revolvers start firing at clover anyways.
          >"im the sheriff of the wild east. thats all i am."
          >"but you're not just that, and everyone knows it too!"
          >clover does starlo's pose, he gets little more than a glance
          >"all i cant do is keep playing my part"
          >"the part your friends want is starlo"
          >clover sees a dummy and shoots it
          >a light shines from starlo
          >"well i'll be! it if isnt the deputy. everyone's been missing you, you know."
          >things fade again, clover can almost makes out the two figures perfectly now. he has to keep running.
          >the burning in his chest, he can almost put a name to it...
          >as the world fades to white, ceroba appears in front of him. motes of fire appear between the two.
          >"i have to keep going, for chujin's legacy."
          >"he never wanted it to end like this!"
          >clover tried to reach out for ceroba, but was pushed away by a wall of fire.
          >"i have to keep going, for kanako."
          >"but she wouldnt want you to hurt yourself."
          >clover reached out again, and was blocked by a shield.
          >"i have to keep going... i cant let clover's sacrafice be wasted."
          >before clover could speak another word, the light shone from ceroba.
          >she broke down, and started crying for clover to forgive her
          >the world faded to white, clover was a little stunned. but that burning...
          >he knew what it was now, its determination.
          >the giant was close, clover kept running.
          >"JUST LET ME WIN!"
          >clover lunged out...

          >and was brought somewhere else.
          >everything was gone, even that burning feeling...
          >but he felt the need to keep going, he felt that his work wasnt done yet. so he ran.
          >he ran until he saw someone in the distance...
          >it was a monster, the same age as him. it looked like... kanako? why did he know.
          >she had almost faded completely, she was crying
          >"i-its so cold..."
          >"oh. hello. are you here to be my friend?"
          >"i uh... i can be!"
          >clover couldnt see her face, but he knew she lit up a bit.
          >"thats great... but i dont know where i am..."
          >"i can help find you."
          >"r-really? thank you! i'll see you soon."
          >the world faded to white again.
          >and he woke up, it felt like a coffin.
          >he pushed the lid off and coughed up some dust.
          >he reached for his hat... oh right. he gave it away.
          >he went for his holster... ah. right.
          >clover got up and started walking out of new home...
          >he didnt know where he was going, and yet he did at the same time...
          >and he still felt it, determination. he felt the need to push forward.
          >he walked out of the apartments, but then felt something drag him down an alleyway...
          >a few minutes later he walked out with his hat and gun. NOW he was ready to go find kanako.
          >running through hotland his mind was racing.
          >what happened?
          >was he really going to save kanako?
          >what would he do after bringing her back to the dunes?
          >these questions would have to remain unanswered for now. the moment he stopped thinking he found himself right outside of the lab...
          >he took a deep breath.
          >as he entered the lab, he was ready for whatever would happen next.

          Pretty good, I wasnt expecting that last section with Kanako
          This kinda feels like an extension of the post credits scene with the "you answer the call" message

    • 5 months ago

      hmmm....got any wholesome sex greentexts?
      I will do something bad if there's nothing

    • 5 months ago

      Martlet (gently) critiques Clover's feathersuit
      eg: the feather layering pattern is wrong the beak has no nostrils etc
      Internal dialog of Clover while hearing Martlet critique his feather suit
      Hard mode: not just screaming

      • 5 months ago

        i'll mix both. remember the birdsuit thing is DRY, so clover is cole.
        >cole was just relaxing around the house, kanako was gone today so he didnt have much to do.
        >but his peace would soon be interrupted
        >"cole! i didnt know you wanted to be my real son that badly"
        >cole froze
        >'what does she mean by that. does she... oh god no.'
        >he cant even bear to turn around
        >"but, there are a few problems. for example feathers arent layered like that."
        >'god. why.'
        >"... and you can shape talons in the shape of feet, but not like..."
        >'why did i hide it in my closet, i should have hid it in a damn trash can.'
        >"and also beaks dont..."
        >'god damnit. kanako was right. this isnt me, if it was i wouldnt feel like i wanted to die. . .'
        >cole just endured the speech.
        >"... now, with all that being said. i'll go grab some craft supplies!"
        >as martlet left the room cole couldnt help but stare at the suit.
        >he had one chance. one chance to fix this.
        >... it would hurt martlet, and so it would hurt him. but it had to be done
        >martlet came back out to the living room, greeted with the bird suit torn into many pieces
        >"l-look im sorry ma-mom. i really do see you as my parent, but THAT just isnt me. i feel embarrassed just looking at it.
        >cole went to hug martlet
        >... she was both saddened and happy. martlet didnt really know how to react.
        >the next day
        >kanako is back in town, she notices bird suit fragments in the trash
        >kanako goes up to cole with a smug look on her face.
        >"soooo, she finally found it. and exactly what i said would happen happened, right?"
        >"yes, you were right. shut up or else i'll tease you about your "interests". and we BOTH know how much you struggle to keep it in check."
        >kanako was stunned by the comment, but she knew that cole was completely fair in saying that.

        • 5 months ago

          Mah boi Cole is a homosexual for not letting his mom help him perfect the feather suit

      • 5 months ago

        Decided to write something myself because this sounded funny.
        >Cole's hanging in his room, playing red dead redemption.
        >There's a knock on his door, it's his mo-Martlet.
        >"Uh, come in."
        >Martlet enters, she has a very... Odd look on her face, Cole's only seen it a few times before, like the first time he called her... Mom.
        >"C-Cole, I had no idea that you... That you really wanted to be my real..."
        >Cole is confused although his gaze shifts to the brown feather-suit Martlet is holding in her wing.
        >His worst nightmare just became reality.
        >'Maybe I should just kill myself right now? If I dive out of the window this conversation will be over.'
        >"It's... Honestly really cute, Cole! It's just /adorable/ that you wanted to be my real kid so bad!"
        >Martlet launches towards Cole, wrapping them up in a hug.
        >'Fricking kill me. Please, end it. Clint Eastwood, save me.'
        >Cole remains frozen like a statue.
        >"Oh, although... There's a few problems with it, don't worry! I'll help you fix 'em up buddy!"
        >Martlet ruffles his hair, he stares at her blankly as she lays out the feathersuit in front of them.
        >"Honestly, why even hide it? There's nothing to be ashamed of Cole! You did get the feather patterns a little wrong though, so here's what you need to fix- Oh, I'll even get some supplies to make it even better!"
        >Martlet excitedly runs out of the room to gather supplies.
        >'Kanako can never find out about this'
        >Martlet returns, arts and crafts supplies in her wings.
        >"As I was saying... You need more plummage here, oh- And the beak needs some work... I can't wait to take you out wearing this, Cole! Gargh, it's just so CUTE! Don't ever feel ashamed for wanting to do this stuff!"
        >Martlet is estatic as she gives Cole a feathers up.
        >'SAY NO'
        >O-Okay m-mom.
        >Kanako's a little confused why Cole's late to school, Martlet usually flies them there.
        >In the distance, she sees a... Brown bird monster approaching, what's weird is it's wearing Cole's cowboy hat-

        • 5 months ago

          I would like to vote to REMOVE the fat-fetish Kanako meme and KEEP the Cole feathersuit

          • 5 months ago

            Fine, but she becomes a gore fetishist instead

          • 5 months ago

            nah nah, cole is definitely burning that suit the moment marlet turns around.

            And blaming it on a localized solar flare.

            I both to remove both.
            Wanting to be a monster is already Kris's thing.

            I would like to vote to REMOVE you.

            Done, but now Kanako is a fujo that tries to hook up clover with some male monster just to indulge in her fetish

            • 5 months ago

              >Her mom engaged her with asriel since she was young
              >Asriel is clearly into it
              >but instead she just wanna see her childhood best friend pound the shit out of his bussy

              • 5 months ago

                >Kanako always brings Cole with her when she is on a "date" with Asriel
                >Always finds an excuse to so that Asriel and Cole are alone
                >"excuse me Asriel but I have to use the bathroom, why dont you and Cole get to know each other while I'm out?"
                >Kanako's computer is full of nsfw drawings of Cole and Asriel

              • 5 months ago

                >Despite this, Cole secretly hates Asriel for "stealing" Kanako and just generally dislikes his vibe.

              • 5 months ago

                >Cole's hate towards Asriel turns into pity once he goes into the dark world inside Kanako's room and discovers her true intentions through Kanako's NSFW stash

        • 5 months ago

          nah nah, cole is definitely burning that suit the moment marlet turns around.

          And blaming it on a localized solar flare.

          I would like to vote to REMOVE the fat-fetish Kanako meme and KEEP the Cole feathersuit

          I both to remove both.
          Wanting to be a monster is already Kris's thing.

          Fine, but she becomes a gore fetishist instead

          I would like to vote to REMOVE you.

          • 5 months ago

            I agree, it does kind of step on the toes of Kris.
            It's funny though.

          • 5 months ago

            >Wanting to be a monster is already Kris's thing.
            this, cole is a proud human but he likes to live with martlet and the other people in the wild east

            • 5 months ago

              I feel like it would be less of a "I HATE HUMANITY AND WANT TO BE A MONSTER!"
              Instead it'd be more like "...I wish I Martlet's real kid."

    • 5 months ago

      >Martlet goes to the store to buy worms
      >Is disappointed that they’re all sold out
      >Meanwhile, she sees a certain duke of puzzles strolling out of the store with his cart entirely full of worms.

  11. 5 months ago

    DURRR BLAME THIS BLAME THAT shut the frick up you are all responsible for this. Yellow threads are over because of this chimpout and we're extremely lucky they're not getting nuked on sight.

  12. 5 months ago

    We aren't gonna make it to the end of the month at this rate you fricking morons, how hard is it? Just wait a couple hours between threads, just name them 'Undertale Yellow' with a question in the OP, and don't reply to bait and the threads will go on.
    Just quit being fricking morons man. Discord is almost preferable to this shit at this point.

    • 5 months ago

      I wouldn't mind seeing a discord at this point if the anon handling it is kicking out morons

    • 5 months ago

      >Discord is almost prefrable
      Loving Every Laugh

      • 5 months ago

        >Instant loss

    • 5 months ago

      the problem is that the gacha Black person wants a thread up 24/7.
      trust me, i want to give the threads a break as well but the gacha tard keeps making crossover threads and he's more than happy bumping them to oblivion. ensuring that they last until we either make a thread that isnt a crossover thread or give in and use his.

      • 5 months ago

        >we want to give threads a break
        just...don't make threads nor make any replies?

      • 5 months ago

        The only reason we haven't given up on these threads yet is because of the work of the writegays and drawgays we get, people like godotanon and the new dry guy help but I haven't seen either of them post in like 3 threads now. Once they move on this shits dead.
        It honestly upsets me that we aren't gonna have threads for much longer because of morons needing ego boosts on Ganker.

        • 5 months ago

          New DRY guy and one of the drawgays were posting last thread and we got two new Zenith Martlet fics out of it too.

        • 5 months ago

          still here, just working slowly.
          and doing the short and silly greens again to try and divert the topic
          ... aaaand there's the problem child. god damnit.

  13. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Cute drawing. Also, I'm guessing that's Merg?

      • 5 months ago

        I have no idea
        I just post spooder

    • 5 months ago


  14. 5 months ago

    >Martlet barging into Mo's house

  15. 5 months ago

    It’s time to post about Kanako's servant Axis.

    >Axis rolled down the halls of the Ketsukane’s estate, the growing number of steep dents in the floor made his pace irregular but he was slowly adapting. He could hear a bell ringing out again as he stopped to turn the corner. This time, it seemed it was Kanako. The Kitsune’s blubber spilled out from her spot against the hallway wall and enveloped her legs entirely save for her puffy bare feet. She was slowly rising from the floor, her eye’s shut as she focused on balancing her weight upright again. When it seemed like she was on her feet again her eyes opened and she let out a gasp for air, immediately pressing against the wall again for support. It took her a few seconds to turn around and finally address Axis’ presence. “Haaahhh- Whut? Haahh- I doen neewed yoh...hah…yoh heph” the girls speech was slurred from just how much fatter her face had gotten. Crumbs littering the ring of her second chin as she spoke, still eating the last bits of food from a dish she had now left overturned on the floor. Following in the footsteps of her mother, she had grown to the point of where her kimono was reduced to neckwear that came to its end just below the pooling heaps of flab that were her chest. The brown furred pillow of fat that was her stomach was fully exposed from every angle as it could no longer be contained by clothing. Its size and weight was now impacting her posture as she had to lean her shoulders back, exaggerating its size even further, in order not to topple forward. She took another few moments to turn around again before slowly stomping away down the hall, hamhock thighs and rear bouncing with each step. “Hff..stewbid...Hff..bewl”. With that query resolved, Axis scooped up the half eaten dish and returned to his other task.

    • 5 months ago

      >He navigated the dented halls to his creator’s study, dish still in had and entered. Chujin, his dear creator, was trying to sort through a stack of papers. Barely clothed aside from a pair of trousers hanging on by their seams, he was sitting to the side of his desk as he could no longer properly reach it facing forward when taking into account the solid foot of stomach in the way. Residue from today's previous meals stained his bare chest, their considerable development would of given the old Ceroba a twinge of envy if she could see them. His slabs of thighs were spilling around the nearly horizontal flattened out arms of his chair, having failed months ago containing them. Atop them rested the wobbling globe that was now his stomach. Rolling over his navel to the point of now separating into a second distinct layer, it served as a corpulent monument to his and his families newest passion in life. A meaty paw held a page out in front of his face as he read it before noticing the arrival of his creation.“Axwis..yoh beck..huff-gghyuurp..Youh brwught meh..somfigg tooh?..hiff..”. His pronunciation was becoming heavy as his face fattened up. A bubbling growl emanated from mass of blubber spilling out of his lap and elicited a deep belch from its master. He quickly dropped the page onto the table and leaned himself closer to Axis, an arm draped in rings of heavy wobbling fat outstretched. Axis relinquished the half eaten dish, watching its contents inhaled within mere seconds and the empty dish tumble to the floor before reaching into a compartment to retrieve an envelope. After licking his fingers, now akin to sausages, clean of any remaining crumbs Chujin took and opened the envelope. “Thwis monfhs royawl sahlawy...Itsh..hic-huoorp..Itsh ewen..moah den lahst monfhs!”

      • 5 months ago

        >His chair gave off a series of loud cracks as he slowly lifted himself out of it, an arm flopped onto the desk as he used it for additional support. “Iw’ve..hooh-..goht toh twell Cewoba!” His massive belly shifted around in every direction as it was lifted up in turn. When he finally managed to stand up, it was now drooping low enough to touch the fat dimples where his knees would be. He grabbed his hiking staff leaning against the desk and sluggishly waddled out of his study. He let out a gasp, more from surprise than exertion, when he was suddenly stopped just within the doorway. After a few moments passed and his body stopped quaking, Chujin realized his rear was caught on the sides of the door frame. “Axwis..shome aswistence woud be...appwechiated”, Axis couldn’t see it but his creators face turned a deep red as he murmured this. The trek through the hallways was somewhat harrowing for both of them. Alongside navigating the steep divots, the tremors from being so close to each of Chujins footfalls nearly caused him to lose wheel traction twice. Oblivious to Axis’s plight, Chujin was working up a sweat as he focused on keeping his legs from giving out even with the extra aid of his staff. His apron of a gut loudly clapped against his thighs with each step and a ringing of his staff followed shortly after. After a mid-travel break, they had managed to reach the master bedroom. Both were prepared this time for the doorway, and Axis quickly unlodged Chujin due to how well lubricated he’d found himself after the trip. Kanako watched from her spot inside the room showing surprising enthusiasm for it all.

        • 5 months ago

          >The room was a mess to put things bluntly. The blanket that once covered the mattress was now hanging on one of the nightstands, stained with the various meals of today as they now felt it could be better put to use as a napkin. A large pile of pillows on the floor made up the spot where Kanako now resided, having moved into her parents room months ago after becoming incapable of climbing the stairs up to her own. Multiple piles of empty dishes were stacked on both sides of the master bed and no matter how many of them took back to the kitchen to clean, they would eventually find their way back to the floors, or the counters, or the shelves, oily and used again. The wooden bed frame sported multiple fractures from supporting the two ever growing kitsunes, and on the stripped mattress it propped up was Ceroba. Laying on her side, the shape of her bulk was like a rising hillside. She was the first of the Ketsukanes to totally outgrow her clothing, each thigh having grown large enough to dwarf a lesser monster. Her rear was an expansive boulder with enough fat at this point to be consider a proper shelf to carry her own food dishes. Her gut was an immense pile of dough and billowed out nearly enough to take up half of the beds horizontal width. “hmmff- whuts al dah commuhtion hrrf- fowr hunny?” She tried to crane her neck enough to see what was in front of her only to further bury her face in the fat and fluff of her chest. She slowly flipped herself over before rocking her hips towards the edge of the bed in an attempt to sit on the frame. When she’d manage to angle her legs off the bed she audibly grunted from the struggle of pulling her weight upright, only barely moving herself before she sank back into the divot she made in the mattress. She let out a heavy sigh before raising her pancake stacked arms up into the air and turning her neck to give Chujin the best puppy dog eyes her overly ample face could muster.

          • 5 months ago

            >Chujin understood the message, he waddle in front of her. Slowly, he leaned over for her hands before finally clasping the fatten mitts as best he could within his own. With the connection made, the two of them looked at each other as best as their bodies would let them before Chujin started pulling. Ceroba’s bulk shutter being swiftly brought upright, engorged breast falling out to the sides of her cascading stomach, but they both knew this was simply the first step. They began to pull against each other again, Chujin gritting his teeth as he hoisted her as much as he could and Ceroba’s shutting her eyes as she concentrated on her trembling blobby legs while rising. Whether Chujin was stronger than he looked or Ceroba had managed to find some hidden inner strength was anyone's guess but Ceroba found herself a bit too aloft resulting in a gelatinous plapping noise as the two kitsunes sweat coated guts collided together. Before either could lose their balance the other drew them closer, resulting in an overflowing hug as they pressed up against each other to regain balance. “Thenks huff- Hewo…” Ceroba cooed into Chujins ear, “hooh- Mwy pweashure shweet” he replied into hers. After catching their breaths Chujin slowly pulled away from the embrace, a syrupy mixture of oil and sweat bridged out from where their navels pressed together before splitting in two from the distance. He handed the sweaty royal letter to Ceroba and watched a grin spread across her full face. “Oohh I shee nowh... Sumwun wawts deir rewawd...”, she held his shoulders planted a kiss on his lips. Ceroba grabbed her staff from the bedside and made her way to the door. She pulled her whalelike form through the doorway until it managed to slip out of its grasp and into the hallway. “Owh Axwis! Weve gowt louts ouf coukink touday!” She called before trudging off to the kitchen. “Yes, I know Mrs Ketsukane”, Axis followed after the tremors and sounds of ringing.

            • 5 months ago

              please get professional help anon
              this is not a joke

    • 5 months ago

      i'm not reading your greentext but the idea of "kanako's servant axis" with kanako acting like a spoiled naive princess and using axis as her servant does sound kinda cute.

      • 5 months ago

        ignoring the fat stuff* i probably should've said.

    • 5 months ago

      >He navigated the dented halls to his creator’s study, dish still in had and entered. Chujin, his dear creator, was trying to sort through a stack of papers. Barely clothed aside from a pair of trousers hanging on by their seams, he was sitting to the side of his desk as he could no longer properly reach it facing forward when taking into account the solid foot of stomach in the way. Residue from today's previous meals stained his bare chest, their considerable development would of given the old Ceroba a twinge of envy if she could see them. His slabs of thighs were spilling around the nearly horizontal flattened out arms of his chair, having failed months ago containing them. Atop them rested the wobbling globe that was now his stomach. Rolling over his navel to the point of now separating into a second distinct layer, it served as a corpulent monument to his and his families newest passion in life. A meaty paw held a page out in front of his face as he read it before noticing the arrival of his creation.“Axwis..yoh beck..huff-gghyuurp..Youh brwught meh..somfigg tooh?..hiff..”. His pronunciation was becoming heavy as his face fattened up. A bubbling growl emanated from mass of blubber spilling out of his lap and elicited a deep belch from its master. He quickly dropped the page onto the table and leaned himself closer to Axis, an arm draped in rings of heavy wobbling fat outstretched. Axis relinquished the half eaten dish, watching its contents inhaled within mere seconds and the empty dish tumble to the floor before reaching into a compartment to retrieve an envelope. After licking his fingers, now akin to sausages, clean of any remaining crumbs Chujin took and opened the envelope. “Thwis monfhs royawl sahlawy...Itsh..hic-huoorp..Itsh ewen..moah den lahst monfhs!”

      >His chair gave off a series of loud cracks as he slowly lifted himself out of it, an arm flopped onto the desk as he used it for additional support. “Iw’ve..hooh-..goht toh twell Cewoba!” His massive belly shifted around in every direction as it was lifted up in turn. When he finally managed to stand up, it was now drooping low enough to touch the fat dimples where his knees would be. He grabbed his hiking staff leaning against the desk and sluggishly waddled out of his study. He let out a gasp, more from surprise than exertion, when he was suddenly stopped just within the doorway. After a few moments passed and his body stopped quaking, Chujin realized his rear was caught on the sides of the door frame. “Axwis..shome aswistence woud be...appwechiated”, Axis couldn’t see it but his creators face turned a deep red as he murmured this. The trek through the hallways was somewhat harrowing for both of them. Alongside navigating the steep divots, the tremors from being so close to each of Chujins footfalls nearly caused him to lose wheel traction twice. Oblivious to Axis’s plight, Chujin was working up a sweat as he focused on keeping his legs from giving out even with the extra aid of his staff. His apron of a gut loudly clapped against his thighs with each step and a ringing of his staff followed shortly after. After a mid-travel break, they had managed to reach the master bedroom. Both were prepared this time for the doorway, and Axis quickly unlodged Chujin due to how well lubricated he’d found himself after the trip. Kanako watched from her spot inside the room showing surprising enthusiasm for it all.

      >The room was a mess to put things bluntly. The blanket that once covered the mattress was now hanging on one of the nightstands, stained with the various meals of today as they now felt it could be better put to use as a napkin. A large pile of pillows on the floor made up the spot where Kanako now resided, having moved into her parents room months ago after becoming incapable of climbing the stairs up to her own. Multiple piles of empty dishes were stacked on both sides of the master bed and no matter how many of them took back to the kitchen to clean, they would eventually find their way back to the floors, or the counters, or the shelves, oily and used again. The wooden bed frame sported multiple fractures from supporting the two ever growing kitsunes, and on the stripped mattress it propped up was Ceroba. Laying on her side, the shape of her bulk was like a rising hillside. She was the first of the Ketsukanes to totally outgrow her clothing, each thigh having grown large enough to dwarf a lesser monster. Her rear was an expansive boulder with enough fat at this point to be consider a proper shelf to carry her own food dishes. Her gut was an immense pile of dough and billowed out nearly enough to take up half of the beds horizontal width. “hmmff- whuts al dah commuhtion hrrf- fowr hunny?” She tried to crane her neck enough to see what was in front of her only to further bury her face in the fat and fluff of her chest. She slowly flipped herself over before rocking her hips towards the edge of the bed in an attempt to sit on the frame. When she’d manage to angle her legs off the bed she audibly grunted from the struggle of pulling her weight upright, only barely moving herself before she sank back into the divot she made in the mattress. She let out a heavy sigh before raising her pancake stacked arms up into the air and turning her neck to give Chujin the best puppy dog eyes her overly ample face could muster.

      >Chujin understood the message, he waddle in front of her. Slowly, he leaned over for her hands before finally clasping the fatten mitts as best he could within his own. With the connection made, the two of them looked at each other as best as their bodies would let them before Chujin started pulling. Ceroba’s bulk shutter being swiftly brought upright, engorged breast falling out to the sides of her cascading stomach, but they both knew this was simply the first step. They began to pull against each other again, Chujin gritting his teeth as he hoisted her as much as he could and Ceroba’s shutting her eyes as she concentrated on her trembling blobby legs while rising. Whether Chujin was stronger than he looked or Ceroba had managed to find some hidden inner strength was anyone's guess but Ceroba found herself a bit too aloft resulting in a gelatinous plapping noise as the two kitsunes sweat coated guts collided together. Before either could lose their balance the other drew them closer, resulting in an overflowing hug as they pressed up against each other to regain balance. “Thenks huff- Hewo…” Ceroba cooed into Chujins ear, “hooh- Mwy pweashure shweet” he replied into hers. After catching their breaths Chujin slowly pulled away from the embrace, a syrupy mixture of oil and sweat bridged out from where their navels pressed together before splitting in two from the distance. He handed the sweaty royal letter to Ceroba and watched a grin spread across her full face. “Oohh I shee nowh... Sumwun wawts deir rewawd...”, she held his shoulders planted a kiss on his lips. Ceroba grabbed her staff from the bedside and made her way to the door. She pulled her whalelike form through the doorway until it managed to slip out of its grasp and into the hallway. “Owh Axwis! Weve gowt louts ouf coukink touday!” She called before trudging off to the kitchen. “Yes, I know Mrs Ketsukane”, Axis followed after the tremors and sounds of ringing.

      I told myself if this guy kept making these then I'm going to keep writing my own about Axis's suffering. Why? Great question.

      >Yet another day of having to serve his creator and his family of beached whales. What was once utterly revolting and took everything in the robot's power to not short circuit now left him with a feeling of defeated apathy. He couldn't even vent or voice his complains, as Chujin had programmed him to be incapable of being negative or disobeying the orders of the family he served. The sounds of bells calling for his assistance had ceased for now, giving Axis a moment to be able to quietly reflect on the front porch of the Ketsukane estate.
      >That's when he noticed someone else approaching the from the gate. He recognized the figure by his ridiculous hat and poncho; it was that weird monster who masqueraded as a cowboy that like to hover around the mistress of the household. Axis never really payed him much mind in the past... but today, the man caught his attention.
      >"Howdy! Uh... Axis, was it?" It was painfully obvious the man was forcing himself to be polite; he never really cared much for Chujin or his creations. "I was kinda wondering if Ceroba was around...? I haven't seen her at the Wild East in a while, and I've been startin' to worry..."

      • 5 months ago

        i really don't like the fatsukane greens and i say this as a fatgay myself but i am fueled by suffering

        • 5 months ago

          same here, its far too descriptive for a normal thread.
          its not like the "deltarune yellow kanako has a fat fetish that she's ashamed of" thing, which can actually be played as a joke.

          • 5 months ago

            >its not like the "deltarune yellow kanako has a fat fetish that she's ashamed of" thing, which can actually be played as a joke.
            Your humor seems quite dry.
            Might I suggest adding a teaspoon of corn oil?

            • 5 months ago

              may i suggest stopping with your fricking FIVE POST LONG fetish stories?
              not even your fat fetishists here want them because you go way too far into it.

              • 5 months ago

                your fellow fat fetishists*
                still, you know what i mean.

              • 5 months ago

                Its better than an eight post long re-post.

                No one likes a stale pasta.

              • 5 months ago

                you are comparing shit to shit, anon.

            • 5 months ago

              Its better than an eight post long re-post.

              No one likes a stale pasta.

              Who's this fricking Asian guy you always post fatgay

          • 5 months ago

            honestly for me it's not even entirely about it being too much for these threads, it's more that i've got this autistic sense of "[character] wouldn't do that" that keeps me from wanting to think about it.
            i think another fatgay anon expressed a similar sentiment back when a random drawgay made a fat starlo pic.

            • 5 months ago

              Well anon when you get that feeling it means its time write what (YOU) think they would do.

            • 5 months ago

              I think having to run the mental gymnastics of "What if Axis as depicted in the game ACTUALLY had to deal with this fat fetish scenario he's being forced to participate in" is probably the main compulsion that makes me have to write about it. Its weirdly funny to me in a schadenfreude sort of way.

            • 5 months ago

              I got that same autistic sense too, I've been trying to write a few things but it's gets weird stopping myself left and right due to some details about the characters

            • 5 months ago

              >fat starlo
              Based but definitely share the same se timent

      • 5 months ago

        part 2

        >"YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE HER." Axis put it bluntly. He didn't really know the cowboy that well... but if he was anything at all like himself, he would be horrified at what he could see.
        >Oblivious to what the machine meant, Starlo's face turns into a scowl. "What do ya mean I don't want to see her? She's my best friend!"
        >The man of course didn't accept this answer. He didn't know what Axis had seen. "What the hell are ya talkin' about, gearhead? Tell me where Ceroba is!"
        >Axis just stared blankly at the cowboy. His face could not convey much emotion, but if it did, there would just be sadness. "IF YOU ARE NOT AN ACTIVE THREAT THEN MY PROGRAMMING WILL NOT ALLOW ME TO STOP YOU FROM ENTERING. JUST DON'T SAY THAT I DIDN'T WARN YOU."
        >There is a hesitation from the cowboy. There seemed to be a moment of realization that Axis might be completely serious that he wouldn't want to see... but morbid curiosity and concern for his friend did not let him spin on his heels and walk away from this. "Thank ya for the warnin'. But I'll be fine." With a huff, Axis does not turn his head to watch but can hear the stomp of cowboy boots on wood as he steps past the robot and into the manor.
        >Axis couldn't free himself from this hell. He couldn't even spare this other monster from witnessing what he had. What was he even good for, besides helping sate the fetish of morbidly obese vulpines?
        >Axis looks up at the sky, wondering if the Angel was even real. "I WONDER... IF YOU DO EXIST, DO YOU STAY IN THE HEAVENS BECAUSE YOU FEAR WHAT YOU HAVE CREATED?"
        >Axis wished he was feared by his creators. He was honestly starting to miss when he was forced to murder a human child in cold blood. Even that was preferable to this.

    • 5 months ago

      >He navigated the dented halls to his creator’s study, dish still in had and entered. Chujin, his dear creator, was trying to sort through a stack of papers. Barely clothed aside from a pair of trousers hanging on by their seams, he was sitting to the side of his desk as he could no longer properly reach it facing forward when taking into account the solid foot of stomach in the way. Residue from today's previous meals stained his bare chest, their considerable development would of given the old Ceroba a twinge of envy if she could see them. His slabs of thighs were spilling around the nearly horizontal flattened out arms of his chair, having failed months ago containing them. Atop them rested the wobbling globe that was now his stomach. Rolling over his navel to the point of now separating into a second distinct layer, it served as a corpulent monument to his and his families newest passion in life. A meaty paw held a page out in front of his face as he read it before noticing the arrival of his creation.“Axwis..yoh beck..huff-gghyuurp..Youh brwught meh..somfigg tooh?..hiff..”. His pronunciation was becoming heavy as his face fattened up. A bubbling growl emanated from mass of blubber spilling out of his lap and elicited a deep belch from its master. He quickly dropped the page onto the table and leaned himself closer to Axis, an arm draped in rings of heavy wobbling fat outstretched. Axis relinquished the half eaten dish, watching its contents inhaled within mere seconds and the empty dish tumble to the floor before reaching into a compartment to retrieve an envelope. After licking his fingers, now akin to sausages, clean of any remaining crumbs Chujin took and opened the envelope. “Thwis monfhs royawl sahlawy...Itsh..hic-huoorp..Itsh ewen..moah den lahst monfhs!”

      >His chair gave off a series of loud cracks as he slowly lifted himself out of it, an arm flopped onto the desk as he used it for additional support. “Iw’ve..hooh-..goht toh twell Cewoba!” His massive belly shifted around in every direction as it was lifted up in turn. When he finally managed to stand up, it was now drooping low enough to touch the fat dimples where his knees would be. He grabbed his hiking staff leaning against the desk and sluggishly waddled out of his study. He let out a gasp, more from surprise than exertion, when he was suddenly stopped just within the doorway. After a few moments passed and his body stopped quaking, Chujin realized his rear was caught on the sides of the door frame. “Axwis..shome aswistence woud be...appwechiated”, Axis couldn’t see it but his creators face turned a deep red as he murmured this. The trek through the hallways was somewhat harrowing for both of them. Alongside navigating the steep divots, the tremors from being so close to each of Chujins footfalls nearly caused him to lose wheel traction twice. Oblivious to Axis’s plight, Chujin was working up a sweat as he focused on keeping his legs from giving out even with the extra aid of his staff. His apron of a gut loudly clapped against his thighs with each step and a ringing of his staff followed shortly after. After a mid-travel break, they had managed to reach the master bedroom. Both were prepared this time for the doorway, and Axis quickly unlodged Chujin due to how well lubricated he’d found himself after the trip. Kanako watched from her spot inside the room showing surprising enthusiasm for it all.

      >The room was a mess to put things bluntly. The blanket that once covered the mattress was now hanging on one of the nightstands, stained with the various meals of today as they now felt it could be better put to use as a napkin. A large pile of pillows on the floor made up the spot where Kanako now resided, having moved into her parents room months ago after becoming incapable of climbing the stairs up to her own. Multiple piles of empty dishes were stacked on both sides of the master bed and no matter how many of them took back to the kitchen to clean, they would eventually find their way back to the floors, or the counters, or the shelves, oily and used again. The wooden bed frame sported multiple fractures from supporting the two ever growing kitsunes, and on the stripped mattress it propped up was Ceroba. Laying on her side, the shape of her bulk was like a rising hillside. She was the first of the Ketsukanes to totally outgrow her clothing, each thigh having grown large enough to dwarf a lesser monster. Her rear was an expansive boulder with enough fat at this point to be consider a proper shelf to carry her own food dishes. Her gut was an immense pile of dough and billowed out nearly enough to take up half of the beds horizontal width. “hmmff- whuts al dah commuhtion hrrf- fowr hunny?” She tried to crane her neck enough to see what was in front of her only to further bury her face in the fat and fluff of her chest. She slowly flipped herself over before rocking her hips towards the edge of the bed in an attempt to sit on the frame. When she’d manage to angle her legs off the bed she audibly grunted from the struggle of pulling her weight upright, only barely moving herself before she sank back into the divot she made in the mattress. She let out a heavy sigh before raising her pancake stacked arms up into the air and turning her neck to give Chujin the best puppy dog eyes her overly ample face could muster.

      >Chujin understood the message, he waddle in front of her. Slowly, he leaned over for her hands before finally clasping the fatten mitts as best he could within his own. With the connection made, the two of them looked at each other as best as their bodies would let them before Chujin started pulling. Ceroba’s bulk shutter being swiftly brought upright, engorged breast falling out to the sides of her cascading stomach, but they both knew this was simply the first step. They began to pull against each other again, Chujin gritting his teeth as he hoisted her as much as he could and Ceroba’s shutting her eyes as she concentrated on her trembling blobby legs while rising. Whether Chujin was stronger than he looked or Ceroba had managed to find some hidden inner strength was anyone's guess but Ceroba found herself a bit too aloft resulting in a gelatinous plapping noise as the two kitsunes sweat coated guts collided together. Before either could lose their balance the other drew them closer, resulting in an overflowing hug as they pressed up against each other to regain balance. “Thenks huff- Hewo…” Ceroba cooed into Chujins ear, “hooh- Mwy pweashure shweet” he replied into hers. After catching their breaths Chujin slowly pulled away from the embrace, a syrupy mixture of oil and sweat bridged out from where their navels pressed together before splitting in two from the distance. He handed the sweaty royal letter to Ceroba and watched a grin spread across her full face. “Oohh I shee nowh... Sumwun wawts deir rewawd...”, she held his shoulders planted a kiss on his lips. Ceroba grabbed her staff from the bedside and made her way to the door. She pulled her whalelike form through the doorway until it managed to slip out of its grasp and into the hallway. “Owh Axwis! Weve gowt louts ouf coukink touday!” She called before trudging off to the kitchen. “Yes, I know Mrs Ketsukane”, Axis followed after the tremors and sounds of ringing.

      Black personhomosexuals like you should be publicly lynched

  16. 5 months ago

    Ok, the thread is going normally.....or is it?

    • 5 months ago

      Hey Vsauce, Michael here

  17. 5 months ago

    >fatgay already in thread

  18. 5 months ago

    Mo nation... I'm taking a break from these threads. Spread his name for me please

    • 5 months ago


  19. 5 months ago

    you know what?We need a fricking break.

  20. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago
  21. 5 months ago

    can someone make a green about clover and kanako having sex?

    • 5 months ago


  22. 5 months ago

    Do wish there was less drama because I like these threads, the thread splitting has caused a divide...

    Draw my wife! Sprite sheet: https://files.catbox.moe/cggeel.png

  23. 5 months ago

    I bet when Kanako plays Red Dead 2 she makes Arthur overweight in order to satiate her fantasy of having a big bara cowboy husband

  24. 5 months ago

    Thoughts on Harry and Larry?

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        * Forward.

    • 5 months ago

      I like their designs because they remind me of early 2000s cartoon characters

    • 5 months ago

      They're pretty good.

  25. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      god I wish that was me

  26. 5 months ago

    Is undertale yellow the only finished undertale fangame without controversy

    • 5 months ago

      There was the music thing, does that count as controversy?

      • 5 months ago

        That's more of a plus FOR yellow. Since people don't like wolf or whatever his name pointing the thumb on fangames. I was talking about controversies against the game like how apparently underswap had a pedo working on it.

        • 5 months ago

          >apparently underswap had a pedo working on it
          it didn't, that was just twittertards making shit up again.

          • 5 months ago

            can you really blame people for jumping the gun at this point though?
            undertale fangame dev and pedophile are like peanut butter and jelly at this point

    • 5 months ago

      True Pacifist ending alone has caused a shitheap of split opinions on the same level as AoT's ending, at least over here.

      Unless you mean developer bullshit, in which case I haven't heard of any nor care yet.

  27. 5 months ago

    I want to frick catty

  28. 5 months ago

    Alright anons, who are we betting on being TsUnderSwap's main antagonist? The first Temmie, Flowey, or the suit Temmie?

    • 5 months ago

      Giant letter(formerly blue bird)

  29. 5 months ago

    hmmm....got any wholesome sex greentexts?
    I will do something bad if there's nothing

  30. 5 months ago

    Imagine a game that puts all the undertale (COLOR) fan prequels into a single fangame
    The epilogue is an extended version of the lost souls segment from the Asriel fight, you play as the corresponding fallen children and have to save the monster friends they made during their pacifist run

  31. 5 months ago

    haven't been here all day, did the honeydew shopkeep waifugay see that his girl got some content?

    • 5 months ago

      give her some greens x clover

    • 5 months ago

      I did!

      • 5 months ago

        I'm happy for you, bro.

        • 5 months ago

          Thanks! I've been eating well that's for sure

  32. 5 months ago

    This mod wasn't that good to warrant threads everyday.
    In fact, it's kind of poopy.
    Just wait for Deltarune Chapter Three to come out, soon.
    Then make threads, this mod is not even Undertale/Deltarune anyways.
    It's not canon.

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        You've been on video before it's just been 4 years!

    • 5 months ago

      >Wait until Deltarune chapter 3
      It will never release

    • 5 months ago

      >, soon.

    • 5 months ago

      honestly everything in this game bar the story was rather well done, the story feels like it was rushed. idk how this game was in development for 7 years yet the story feels like it was a last minute decision.

      • 5 months ago

        Not just the story but the text itself. Dialogue barely feels like it was edited.

      • 5 months ago

        >honestly everything in this game bar the story was rather well done, the story feels like it was rushed. idk how this game was in development for 7 years yet the story feels like it was a last minute decision.

        I think its story is rubbish but what's really bad about it is it's scenarios. If you compare it side-by-side with the original Undertale you can see Undertale tells a smaller three-act story for each of its areas and characters. Places like Yellow's ruins, Snowdin and the 1st half of the Dunes have no scenario of their own. Yellow's characters just generally just really pop-out of no where.

        From the start you're presented with spare/kill battles against characters like Dally who haven't actually done anything to endear themselves to you, because practically nothing happens in the settings. It's not really until the Wild East that the game actually tries to tell a story with one of the settings and that has like all the characters people seem to like in the game.

        I've seen like Toby originally did they've hardcoded the text into the gamemaker objects, rather than use external files. So they've made it incredibly difficult for them to change or add scenes which is probably why the better parts of the game are either modular stuff that can be polished separately like battles, animations and graphics. Whereas the story and scenario is schlock that they've had to commit too despite 7 years.

        • 5 months ago

          thanks for the 258th short-answer response to the question "Why le Undertale Yellow writing bad? Explain your reasoning." i was really hankering for another one of these

          • 5 months ago

            >thanks for the 258th short-answer response to the question "Why le Undertale Yellow writing bad? Explain your reasoning." i was really hankering for another one of these

            You're welcome 😉

        • 5 months ago

          Martler has a three act structure though. Her character just oversteps beyond that.

        • 5 months ago

          >yellow's characters just generally pop out of nowhere
          Right at the start of snowdin the really amateurish "walk up a narrow corridor and some moron comes from off-screen to do a bit" scene happens three times back to back, it's really jarring

          I think this is also why I just can't appreciate Martlet as a character, she always arrives from off-screen seemingly at random and demands your full attention, it feels like the developer screaming PLEASE LIKE MY CHARACTER into my ear

          • 5 months ago

            I think her intro is fine because you get her puzzles as a lead-up and then just stumble into her snoring at her desk, but the way she flits in and out of the plot after that feels contrived.

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah, still agree that her early appearances do feel pretty natural

          • 5 months ago

            >I think this is also why I just can't appreciate Martlet as a character, she always arrives from off-screen seemingly at random and demands your full attention, it feels like the developer screaming PLEASE LIKE MY CHARACTER into my ear

            What made me dislike her is that in Snowdin she's falsely presented as a kill/spare battle. I tried to kill her and in an act that undermines Undertale's entire premise the developer is like "WOAH don't actually KILL my precious character" and plucks her out of harms way.

            Then writing the rest of neutral as if you were her best friend, it really pissed me off.

            • 5 months ago

              A consequence of them wanting meeting Martlet on the rooftop to be something that happens in all routes, I suppose. Though if you want to look at it from another angle: its actually completely impossible to spare Martlet in Neutral because she ALWAYS dies to Flowey at the end no matter what you do. I imagine having this shock moment of Flowey snapping and killing her in Neutral and the reveal of her being the final boss for No Mercy are the real reasons they don't let you kill her in Snowdin. The plot as its laid out doesn't fully work if Martlet is already dead.

              • 5 months ago

                Actually adding to this also , the contrivance of Martlet being required to survive the Snowdin fight can also be explained as a consequence of the fact that Martlet fulfills the roles of both Papyrus and Sans. Sans showing up in later parts of the game regardless of route makes sense because you never have an opportunity to kill him (unless you go all the way in Genocide, of course), whereas Papyrus as the boss of the Snowdin segment of course can die and does not show up anymore if you decide to kill him

              • 5 months ago

                >A consequence of them wanting meeting Martlet on the rooftop to be something that happens in all routes, I suppose. Though if you want to look at it from another angle: its actually completely impossible to spare Martlet in Neutral because she ALWAYS dies to Flowey at the end no matter what you do. I imagine having this shock moment of Flowey snapping and killing her in Neutral and the reveal of her being the final boss for No Mercy are the real reasons they don't let you kill her in Snowdin. The plot as its laid out doesn't fully work if Martlet is already dead.

                Yeah I understand why you can't kill her, I'm just annoyed they'd initially present battle as one where you have the spare/kill option and then try and scoop their character out to safety regardless.

                They should have had someone else be the boss in Snowdin if they didn't want the player to kill Martlet. Once that happened and Martlet went to team up with you in the Dunes. I correctly guessed that the outcome of the battles in neutral were just irrelevant.

        • 5 months ago

          what the frick is that image

  33. 5 months ago
  34. 5 months ago

    I never thought much about this but are Kris and Susie supposed to be 16 or 17?

    • 5 months ago

      They're [Nebulous High School Age] obviously.

  35. 5 months ago

    Starlo if he walker.

    • 5 months ago

      Oh my fricking god.

    • 5 months ago

      these outlaws are pissing me off....
      i'm the original starlowalker

    • 5 months ago

      i know starwalker doesn't normally wear anything but somehow giving him a poncho that's a little too small and slightly shows his bare legs makes him look more naked somehow

  36. 5 months ago

    Lov me wif Roba!

    • 5 months ago

      it's her, the roba™

      • 5 months ago

        This roba but she is brutally raping

        the robe but she drunk rapes starlo and gave him trauma


        What if ceroba drunkrapes starlo regularly and he just takes it because he has feelings for her?
        >Ever since ceroba had gotten access to alcohol she had been doing it to starlo
        >She would forcefully ride on top of him and frick him until she passes out
        >She will forget about it the next day.It happens like once a month
        >At first starlo was scared but started to enjoy it after chujin and ceroba started dating as he thought this is a way to claim her
        >never told anyone about this dirty secret of hers
        >He takes pride in knowing he is the one raw dogging ceroba while chujin was away
        >Still, it was rape, and starlo is just coping at his lack of choice
        >Everything went downhill when chujin died
        >Ceroba started drinking much more
        >And thus starlo started getting raped daily
        >but starlo endured it for his friend/crush
        >this lasted for months, maybe even years, and starlo was about to be used to it
        >What truly breaks starlo was one night when ceroba came to starlo's with the stink of booze again
        >She like usual pushed starlo onto his bed and started raping him, but this time, she is way more gentle
        >Her eyes are filled with happiness and love, almost as if she's in love with starlo
        >......is this the time she will confess to me? Thought starlo
        >They reached climax together
        >But the name ceroba moans ....
        >'oh chujin~'
        >She thought starlo was her dead husband
        >Before starlo could respond, she passed out again
        >Starlo locks his door ever since.

        with her futa wiener

  37. 5 months ago

    >daydreamed this morning about Starlo busking in Venice Beach or Santa Monica because he just arrived from the desert and has no money, but needs it to leave
    >he sits on a boardwalk bench and starts playing the guitar
    >he sings a song from the underground, something like a lighter, almost Disney-ish Ring of Fire
    >less about nearly all-consuming love and more about what sets a soul alight with a similar passion
    >at some points it goes over shots of him walking through sandstorms for seemingly no reason
    >but it's one of those things that makes him feel alive
    >I can't compose
    >still can draft out lyrics I guess

  38. 5 months ago

    Yo, Shinji
    Get in the roba
    Your dad loves you
    Get in the roba

  39. 5 months ago

    the roba but she goes to jail for not paying her traffic violation fines

  40. 5 months ago

    the roba but she has a happy fufilling life with me as her loving husband, we managed to save kanako btw

  41. 5 months ago

    the roba but she's wearing a robe and standing on a roomba.

  42. 5 months ago

    the robe but she drunk rapes starlo and gave him trauma

    • 5 months ago

      the roba but me and her together shoot in the head repeatedly

    • 5 months ago

      Your a homosexual

      the roba but she goes to jail for not paying her traffic violation fines

      the roba but she has a happy fufilling life with me as her loving husband, we managed to save kanako btw

      the roba but she's wearing a robe and standing on a roomba.

      You guys are cool tho

    • 5 months ago

      the roba but me and her together shoot in the head repeatedly

      Your a homosexual

      You guys are cool tho

      What if ceroba drunkrapes starlo regularly and he just takes it because he has feelings for her?
      >Ever since ceroba had gotten access to alcohol she had been doing it to starlo
      >She would forcefully ride on top of him and frick him until she passes out
      >She will forget about it the next day.It happens like once a month
      >At first starlo was scared but started to enjoy it after chujin and ceroba started dating as he thought this is a way to claim her
      >never told anyone about this dirty secret of hers
      >He takes pride in knowing he is the one raw dogging ceroba while chujin was away
      >Still, it was rape, and starlo is just coping at his lack of choice
      >Everything went downhill when chujin died
      >Ceroba started drinking much more
      >And thus starlo started getting raped daily
      >but starlo endured it for his friend/crush
      >this lasted for months, maybe even years, and starlo was about to be used to it
      >What truly breaks starlo was one night when ceroba came to starlo's with the stink of booze again
      >She like usual pushed starlo onto his bed and started raping him, but this time, she is way more gentle
      >Her eyes are filled with happiness and love, almost as if she's in love with starlo
      >......is this the time she will confess to me? Thought starlo
      >They reached climax together
      >But the name ceroba moans ....
      >'oh chujin~'
      >She thought starlo was her dead husband
      >Before starlo could respond, she passed out again
      >Starlo locks his door ever since.

      • 5 months ago

        could you at least repost a good green

        • 5 months ago

          there's not a single good green about ceroba drunk rape yet.
          maybe you could make a difference?

      • 5 months ago

        what is he gay or somethin

  43. 5 months ago

    Starlo learns to reload bullets but he puts too much powder in one and blows up his hand (hospitalized)

    • 5 months ago

      >The Doc doesn't give him anesthesia
      >just wraps his stub up, gives him a lollipop, and sends him on his way

      • 5 months ago

        to be fair that probably would actually work considering monster biology/food

  44. 5 months ago

    >The artificial sun beats down on the rock in the middle of town.
    >Its heat, biding its time in the stone, dares anyone around to touch its home.
    >Two monsters, seemingly satisfied with the sunlight, keep just a few feet away.
    >Moray has taken the west side, Ed, the east.
    >Starlo would be the first one there,
    >or at least used to be.
    >Now all the team can do is wait, as if no one’s busy but him.
    >Then again, Ed remembers how much the sheriff is doing since…
    >since someone showed up and disappeared in less than a day.
    >Like a flash fire.
    >But like any fire, his impact continues to be felt long after it’s gone.
    >Even though, unlike a fire, that impact should’ve been good.
    >Ed doesn’t bring any of it up to Moray.
    >There’s no point.
    >And right now, there’s not much else to say.
    >A faint, “Fwap!” rings in the monster’s ears.
    >His head turns and catches Starlo, in a brand new uniform.
    >One’s similar to the others, but not quite the same.
    >The past… many uniforms have been slightly different from the original version.
    >A few, fuller in the arms, others, wider shirt panels, wider seats.
    >A combination of overwork, an increasing appetite, and an erratic eating schedule has created a seemingly endless state of growth, unlike the slowly decaying world around him.
    >Ed recalls how Ceroba said something about a red giant.
    >How they swell a few times, explode, and become small and pale.
    >He’s not sure if it’s true.
    >Can’t be crazier than fireproof humans riding into a sun.
    >But other than that, she’s said little, like she doesn’t think it’s her place to say much at all.
    >And just like her, Ed says nothing as Starlo check the news bulletin,
    >and rips a familiar sheet clean off.
    >Ed turns to Moray, who holds on for a second.
    >She looks at Starlo uncertainly,
    >then back to Ed.
    >Nonetheless, they leave the stone, meeting their sheriff at the same time.

    • 5 months ago

      >Starlo faces them almost immediately, a cheerfully goofy grin twitching with an underlying seethe.
      >”Now look what we have here- another flyer- callin’ me of all people fat!” The sheet crumples further in, flaring out even more in his grip. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d lock up whoever wrote this for libel!”
      >Moray folds her arms, as if to keep her frustration in. “Starlo, you can’t-“
      >“-eat with us every once in a while?”
      >After a jolt of shock, a thin line forms on Starlo’s face. He tilts his hat down, hiding his glasses’ reflection. “Why- what’s that got to do with anything?”
      >”Is it really that hard? To spend time with your friends?”
      >”I,” he lifts it, “I’ll try. I just gotta-”
      >”’-take care of the town,’” Moray finishes. The ranger sinks into herself a little. “We know.”
      >The sheriff’s gaze drifts to the bell. “Guess we better get going.”
      >Ed’s is already on the sheet. ”Wait.”
      >As the others watch him, the muscular monster takes one look around.
      >No one.
      >At least, no one close enough to hear.
      >His focus returns to the sheriff. “Whatever you got planned can wait. After all, we’ve been waiting on you for a while now.”
      >Moray lets her arms fall, tilting away from Ed.
      >He shrugs. “What’s another five minutes?”
      >Starlo’s leg shifts back.
      >He doesn’t bother to look behind him.
      >All the grit and focus he can muster adds up to uncertainty: his posture lurching over, his eyes completely hidden, his mouth forming a haphazard line.
      >Despite the sheriff’s facade breaking, Ed keeps his own; he holds firm. “We’re not doing this song and dance again.” Points at the sheet. “There’s a reason those papers keep cropping up.”
      >Shifting forward, Starlo asks, ”Well what is it, then?” Grip. “Is it some kinda joke?”

      • 5 months ago

        >”You tell me.”
        >The ranger steps closer, resting a hand on her hip. ”We wanted to give you space. Let you run the town as you always have. But now it’s like the town’s running you.” She bends a bit. “We’re worried about you, Starlo.”
        >An uneasy chuckle leaves the sheriff’s mouth. “I appreciate it, but there’s no need to worry.” He scans around. “Just gotta throw this in the trash, and we’ll best be on our way.”
        >”Yea, I bet,” Ed grunts. “Same way you were ‘on your way’ from us this morning, and will be stuffing sliders down your throat by the time dinner rolls around.”
        >“I don’t do that.” Starlo’s smile strains. “You must have mistaken me with someone else.”
        >”Sure I do. Maybe it’s another sheriff that keeps popping buttons in the saloon. Maybe someone else has to keep making uniforms; because, what, they can’t stop shrinking in the wash?”
        >A snarl tears into Starlo’s reddened face. “Good soap is hard to come by these days, alright!?” He jabs a pointer at the monster. “And that’s no way to talk to your sheriff! Even if…” It slacks.
        >”Even if he can’t keep up with his team.”
        >Straightens. “Even if accidents happen!” His arm lashes back, near his side. “I still deserve at least some dignity!”
        >Holding her chin, Moray replies, “You’ve gotten a lot stronger, but…”
        >Starlo’s hand drifts to his forearm. “... That’s only a fraction of what a sheriff should be.”
        >”More or less.” She adjusts her hat. “Sure, you don’t pace anymore, but that’s because you get tired doing anything that isn’t lifting.”
        >The lawman shakes his head as he argues, “Those things don’t happen, none of them.”
        >Ed does the same, albeit more shortly. Curtly. “Guess that’s slander, huh!?”
        >”No! I’m still fine! Nothing’s wrong! What part of that don’t you understand!?”

        • 5 months ago

          >He fumes. “Maybe it’s the part where you barely talk to us anymore!? Or the part where you spend more time on stupid paperwork than anything else!? How about the part where you get tired just walking? Mooch can run circles around you and you can’t do nothin’ about it, but I guess that’s slander, too!”
          >Starlo’s twitching hand reaches for his lasso. “You’re gonna eat those words when I fire you!”
          >”Face it, you probably weigh more than me at this point.” Bracing himself, Ed presses with, “Try to fight me. See what happens.”
          >”Since you don’t respect me no more YOU BET I WI-”
          >”Stop.” Moray holds out a hand.
          >The men pause.
          >She looks to the sheriff. ”He’s right.”
          >”Moray, I can’t accept such blatant disrespect-”
          >”We can settle this inside.” She slides between the two, stopping beside the jail door. “Come here.”
          >All Starlo does is shake, torn as to what to do.
          >While the ranger waits patiently, Ed looks behind himself, around town.
          >Mooch is nowhere to be seen.
          >Nor is Ace.
          >Ed asks himself if they know exactly what’s going on and want no part of it.
          >Once he looks back, he catches Starlo heading inside with his teammate.
          >But Ed doesn’t go in, not yet.
          >He takes in the closed off emptiness, and goes inside.
          >Away from it all.
          >Until there’s more nothing.
          >No one in either cell, which Ed supposes is good.
          >Then again, he can see dust gathering in them.
          >The wadded paper on the floor.
          >Although Moray watches him, Starlo leans against the wall, as if to retreat in himself.
          >As the monster shuts the door, his teammate steps back, almost into the bars.
          >Moray lets her eyes drift to her left, like better words are pasted on the walls.
          >She takes a slight breath. “This is because of… Clover. Isn’t it?”
          >”I know he… left. But it was for a good reason.” The lancer fights to face her leader. “Clover gave up his life for us, for you. He wouldn’t want to see you like this.”

          • 5 months ago

            >Starlo shudders.
            >Focusing, looking closely, Ed looks for tears that’ve yet to come.
            >The lawman winces.
            >His hand grabs his forearm, his fingers digging into his sleeve.
            >Trying to lock himself away.
            >”Nothing can bring him back,” Ed says. “Not even an Angel.”
            >”... You think I don’t know that?”
            >”Clover would want me to move forward.”
            >”To what, exactly? We’re still trapped. This place stopped growing. No one’s going anywhere.”
            >”One step closer to the surface, for one. Other than that,” the sheriff hides his eyes, “who knows.”
            >”Wherever that is, it’s nowhere good. All you’re doing right now is hurting yourself.”
            >“He’s done so much for us…” Starlo clenches his hat’s brim. “The least we could’ve done is give him something- anything resembling a life.”
            >Moray states, “That’s not possible.”
            >”Plead his case to Asgore! Convince the Royal Guard to leave him be! Have Alphys or whatever find another way to break that damn barrier! Something!”
            >The teammates glance at each other as Starlo quickly wipes his eyes.
            >Moray folds her hands, Ed crosses his arms.
            >Both wait for their friend to talk.
            >He keeps pressing, rubbing his eyes.
            >Breathing slower, and slower,
            >to keep from sobbing.
            >Finally, Starlo mutters, ”I could’ve stopped it-“
            >Ed replies, ”He’s made his choice-“
            >”He was just a kid!” The sheriff leaves the wall. “There should’ve NEVER been choices for him to make in the first place!” Lets tears stream down. “We were the adults, we should’ve stepped in and told him, ‘Put that away! Don’t worry! We got this!’ But we DIDN’T! And we… I…”
            >The brim shields his eyes as tears keep raining on his sleeves, his poncho.
            >Still, Starlo doesn’t make a single sound.

            • 5 months ago

              >Instead, a strong heat of guilt and anger and shame reaches out, touches everything in the jail.
              >Neither crewmate shies away from it.
              >While Moray takes steps closer and closer to her friend, Ed stays still.
              >Not out of fear, but a sense that he should give Starlo space.
              >He hasn’t seen the sheriff this bad since he apologized…
              >Since ever.
              >Unlike the apology, when the mighty lawman bawled his eyes out, this is quieter, yet more intense.
              >Ed watches Moray give Star a hug (or at least try to get her arms around him), before something draws his attention outside.
              >Mooch is near the bell.
              >Standing with Ace.
              >Ed turns, and catches Starlo lifting Moray with both hands.
              >Gently putting her down.
              >Hanging his head in shame.
              >”I saw him off with everyone, but…” Starlo takes off the hat. “Not a day goes by where I don’t think about it.”
              >”About losing him,” elaborates Moray.
              >With that one clause, Starlo clutches the hat, crumpling it, nearly crushing it in his grip.
              >Moray steps back as his docile, almost nerdy look begins to all but melt.
              >Boil away.
              >His head, his arms…
              >Even his glasses feel red hot.
              >Starlo is broiling.
              >”First I nearly killed my deputy, then I hung him out to dry. After all he went through… I just let him DIE!”
              >His fist drives itself into the wall.
              >It moves out of the new hole.
              >”SOME SHERIFF I AM!”
              >Like the paper, the hat, Starlo’s limbs crumple.
              >He falls to his knees, his cheek and lip twitching.
              >His focus, a strong beam, shines through his glasses,
              >at Moray,
              >then Ed.
              >Tears well under, and break it.
              >The monster buries his face in the crown of his hat.
              >”… I’m such a fraud.”
              >The heat dies down as the monster’s energy draws inward.
              >A fine, almost delicate light takes its place.
              >A light less like a solar glare, and more like a dying candle.
              >Once again, Moray draws near,
              >as Ed looks out.

              • 5 months ago

                >Mooch is coming straight to the door.
                >The burly monster flinches.
                >He can’t think of anything to say to stop Starlo’s tears, let alone help soothe the guilt that’s clearly eating him alive.
                >One look at Starlo, whose hands are being held by Moray, tells him he’s said enough.
                >Sure Ed was harsh, but he was never good with these things anyway.
                >He asks himself if he should apologize.
                >Mooch’s presence behind the door tells him, “No.”
                >With a quick glance at Moray, she looks up.
                >Nods at him.
                >Sounds of a comforting voice too soft for him to hear grow dimmer as Ed steps out.
                >The little monster backs off a little, holding her hands to her shoulders.
                >Yet, as she listens, they sink further and further down.
                >Even as Ed closes the door, her mouth opens in recognition.
                >Still he says, “He needs a minute.”
                >Mooch just nods, spinning on her heel.
                >She shrinks forward as she returns to the bell.
                >As Ed follows.
                >Once they reach the rock, they just stand around quietly.
                >Ace scans the two up and down before he looks back ahead.
                >So they stand.
                >So they wait.
                >So they look.
                >Ed’s eyes take an almost circular path around the town.
                >At the big amount of nothing going on around him.
                >Monsters standing around, doing things they’ll eventually get bored of.
                >Ed remembers how until Clover showed up, things got more and more tired, more and more samey.
                >The scene reminds him of a word he heard a few times, yet never once read.
                >Ed thinks about how things just can’t keep growing, unlike the sheriff’s waistline.
                >But like that comment, he keeps those thoughts to himself.

              • 5 months ago

                >He figures that Starlo’s doing good things overall, and yet,
                >they have a limit.
                >”He’s done pretending, huh?” asks Ace’s voice.
                >Ed doesn’t bother to answer.
                >He just turns away, grunting.
                >Despite that, he can feel Ace shrug.
                >”It was only a matter of time.”
                >”Clover could’ve been a great part of our team, though,” Mooch remarks. She shuffles. “Why wouldn’t Starlo miss him?”
                >Neither man says a thing.
                >”... I miss him, too.”
                >”We all do,” Ed says.
                >Neither Ace nor Mooch reply.
                >Instead, they just keep waiting.
                >What’s another five minutes?
                >What’s another hour?
                >As far as they’re concerned, they have all the time in the world.

  45. 5 months ago

    i dont even need to read it.
    he's just reposting that one that was put in a pastebin.

  46. 5 months ago

    you know what?I will take ketsukane rapefics over this bullshit.
    Give me your worst Kanako X Clover rape story.It can't be worse than the bullshit above.

    • 5 months ago

      >clover delves to the true lab
      >Kanako temporarily became herself again just to suck off every bit of human seed from him
      >Somehow it turned her back into normal and the duo resurfaced
      >The gang decided to never talk about that again

    • 5 months ago

      What if ceroba drunkrapes starlo regularly and he just takes it because he has feelings for her?
      >Ever since ceroba had gotten access to alcohol she had been doing it to starlo
      >She would forcefully ride on top of him and frick him until she passes out
      >She will forget about it the next day.It happens like once a month
      >At first starlo was scared but started to enjoy it after chujin and ceroba started dating as he thought this is a way to claim her
      >never told anyone about this dirty secret of hers
      >He takes pride in knowing he is the one raw dogging ceroba while chujin was away
      >Still, it was rape, and starlo is just coping at his lack of choice
      >Everything went downhill when chujin died
      >Ceroba started drinking much more
      >And thus starlo started getting raped daily
      >but starlo endured it for his friend/crush
      >this lasted for months, maybe even years, and starlo was about to be used to it
      >What truly breaks starlo was one night when ceroba came to starlo's with the stink of booze again
      >She like usual pushed starlo onto his bed and started raping him, but this time, she is way more gentle
      >Her eyes are filled with happiness and love, almost as if she's in love with starlo
      >......is this the time she will confess to me? Thought starlo
      >They reached climax together
      >But the name ceroba moans ....
      >'oh chujin~'
      >She thought starlo was her dead husband
      >Before starlo could respond, she passed out again
      >Starlo locks his door ever since.

    • 5 months ago

      >Kanako approaches Clover as he steps down the dust-filled hallway.
      >Clanking metal of falling, shuffling debris surrounds them both. Neither can recognize the other for their forms. The amorphous mass of Kanako distends and blebs an apoptotic pseudopod to propel her forward. The small human, so tiny, made tinier still by the contrast of darkness-- steadily walks without trepidation. Such sights are foreign to both.
      >Then both look up, merely a foot to eachother. Clover's face is brushed by offgassing dust from Kanako's intermediately mortal form. Kanako looks into the face of her enemy, extending her approximation of an arm, ready to engulf and take this child's life.
      >Clover draws first.
      >Before either of them can blink, his hand sinks into her filthy pseudopod as he cradles it between his fingers. It's warm. He closes his hand gently, pulling what simulcra of fingers she has together with a gentle smile.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        What's wrong with you? You aren't gonna make it.

        • 5 months ago

          that's right.
          (YOU) are going to create the best kanako rapefic for me to enjoy.
          let's see how you fare.

          • 5 months ago

            No, I'm not, I'll write Clover killing himself but I won't write smut, ask fatgay, he'll throw on 300 pounds but you might get what you want.

            • 5 months ago

              do it.

          • 5 months ago

            No, I'm not, I'll write Clover killing himself but I won't write smut, ask fatgay, he'll throw on 300 pounds but you might get what you want.

            i'll taint it with just a drop of fat fetishery just for you, anon!
            >clover had been running for five hours.
            >he fricked up, he shouldnt have saved kanako from the lab.
            >he didnt realize just what kind of demon he unleashed.
            >he stopped to catch his breath and looked around
            >looks like he found his way to waterfall.
            >finally a moment of peace...
            >"hey clover!"
            >he jumped... he didnt have the energy to run anymore.
            >kanako stared at him with greedy eyes and a terrible grin.
            >"n-no! stay back."
            >"whats wrong clover. i just want to have F. U. N."
            >"i dont like your idea of fun. its weird and creepy!"
            >"whats so wrong about it, clover. you dont even have to do anything."
            >kanako tried to cast a binding spell on clover's arm, but he pulled it away at the last moment.
            >"because its weird. and i dont want those things done to me."
            >kanako's eyes started to glow blue.
            >"oh but clover, i'll get you alllll to myself. i'll go down on you, when i want. i'll enjoy every inch of you, when i want..."
            >the blue glow in her eyes intensified
            >"... i'll overfeed you. whenever. i. want."
            >clover managed to break his gaze. he hated when she did that, it made the words were addictive.
            >"yeah! thats weird"
            >clover got up and started to run again
            >as he did kanako let out her wicked laugh again, it echoed throughout waterfall.
            >clover was holding back tears.
            >where was flowey when you need him?

            • 5 months ago

              >it made the words were addictive
              changed the flow of the sentence as i was typing it.
              plz understand.

            • 5 months ago

              I was being sarcastic, for fricks sakes.

              • 5 months ago

                see: anon COULD get off to it, but now he'll have that one little detail there.

            • 5 months ago

              more putrid, more depraved.More lewd, more erotic.
              more wholesome.

              • 5 months ago

                fricks sake anon, i added that little bit to try and get you to quiet down.

              • 5 months ago

                we need MORE.
                what is this, verbalase?
                I want REALISTIC SEX on action.

            • 5 months ago

              >Flowey watches on from a distance
              >"God I wish that were me."
              >Gaster, who happened to be standing next to him, gives him a strange look
              >Flowey scowls back at him.
              >"L-Listen, I'd prefer anything compared to the psycho b***h I got, alright?"
              >Gaster throws his hands up in the air defensively, kind of backing away from Flowey.

    • 5 months ago

      >obe dei little fox girl was blob
      >she blobbed blobbily thru tha lab
      >until she bumped intu fox lady she c ulnt c
      >it was her mommy
      >her mommy tols her things she clnt hear
      >a hands touched her for a long time on each side
      >theysssss kept holding fox girl as they walked too an elevator
      >butt den thuh handz webt away
      >the lab toom webt real quite

  47. 5 months ago

    haha I'm using the undertal yellow thread!
    Would oyu maek cyan fangame if given resources, time and ideas?
    I would! Frick having a nine-to-five job.

    • 5 months ago

      >Frick having a nine-to-five job.
      Wait till he finds out you can't make money off fangames

    • 5 months ago

      Redditors are already making an undertale cyan
      The only monster shown so far looks like furbait

      • 5 months ago

        If I see Flowey in this one I am going to fricking flip a table

        • 5 months ago

          MOAR FLOWER

        • 5 months ago

          its reddit, what do you think will happen?

      • 5 months ago

        At least it's not the footgay one

        • 5 months ago

          >The writers barely disguised fetish

  48. 5 months ago

    Pacifist ending but rather then just handing over their soul Clover decides that the best way to sacrifice himself is to just shoot himself through the head in front of everyone and then Flowey bursts out laughing at the scene

    • 5 months ago

      That's unironically what I thought was going to happen when I got spoiled that he "kills himself"

      • 5 months ago

        It’s such a hilarious mental image because of the tonal shift from the roba fight and the final cutscene into a child just whipping out a revolver and blowing their brains out the back of their head in front of three friends

    • 5 months ago

      >Killing myself infront of you to forever change the trajectories of your lives.

    • 5 months ago

      >Starlo, Martlet and Ceroba all look at Clover, heartbroken by his decision to sacrifice himself.
      >Martlet manages to speak. "A-alright. Do you need someone to stay with you?"
      >Clover waits for a second, before nodding
      >All three slowly approach, they stand maybe 4 feet away from Clover
      >None of them have personally seen a human die, and have no clue how Clover plans to sacrifice himself.
      >Suddenly, Clover reaches into his holster and withdrawals his revolver
      >He splatters his brains all over the tree behind him, before falling lifelessly
      >The three monsters are frozen in shock, wide-eyed at the gorey sight infront of them
      >Flowey pops out of the ground, revealing himself to the other monsters for the first time
      >Starts wailing with laughter
      >The other three are still frozen
      >Martlet straight up just dusts from the shock
      >Flowey laughs even harder

      • 5 months ago

        >Ceroba and Starlo stand there in shock with the body and the laughing flower until the smell hits them
        >Instantly both feel sick, on the verge of vomit
        >Ceroba breaks first and runs to the edge of the roof and pukes
        >Flowey is fricking dying of laughter, practically paralyzed

  49. 5 months ago

    I wanna pick him up under his stupid littly arms and carry him around like a stuffed animal

  50. 5 months ago

    what is there to gain from aggressively forcing a meme on a Ganker thread

    • 5 months ago

      you think this and fat threads aren't someone's fetish?

  51. 5 months ago

    what if the roba was….. SMALL!?!?!!!?

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        this is the funniest one for me

        • 5 months ago


  52. 5 months ago

    >No! I don't want that! Ceroba finding another man!? I want her to think of me and my moronic experiments for the rest of her life! Even after I die, I want to be in the front of her mind for a while! Ten years at least!!
    (and then she actually did do that)

  53. 5 months ago

    I fricking LOVE painful greens I want everyone to SUFFER

    • 5 months ago

      This reads like a tumblr post.

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Give prompts then, if I like one I'll do it, if not I'll call you a gay

      • 5 months ago

        realistic rape between one of the foxes and their respective men.

        • 5 months ago

          Taking the high road and calling you a gay, lots of people will do this for you on /trash/, why don't you go there?

          • 5 months ago

            I don't go to /trash/
            how about you help me ask the folks there and give me some wank mats?

      • 5 months ago

        Clover falls into some hot water in the steamworks and gets fricking boiled to death (roba watches)

        • 5 months ago

          >(roba watches)
          >well after clover finishes boiling she half-heartedly gives his corpse a protection spell (that instantly breaks)

        • 5 months ago

          Eh frick it
          >Clover slowly steps onto the stingray esque robot offering to take them across the coolant
          >Ceroba steps on behind him, her eyes narrowed, as if lost in thought
          >"Could I just..."
          >Clover turns around, a confused expression adorning his face
          >"Could you what, Miss Ceroba?"
          >Ceroba feels guilty, she's not really about to do this, is she?
          >She idles for a second, Clover looks up at her, innocently awaiting an answer.
          >It's for Kanako, right? That makes it okay... surely...
          >"Are you okay, Miss Cer-!"
          >Ceroba suddenly boots Clover in the chest, causing the child to wheeze as he's knocked back
          >He stumbles on his feet before slipping and falling into the boiling hot coolant below them
          >There's a yelp, then a splash... then silence for a second.
          >Ceroba orders the robot below to stop, she stares into the pink liquid all around her
          >A couple bubbles surface, then a charred hand shoots out of the viscous fluid
          >A charred Clover emerges for only a second, screaming in agony before sinking again
          >Ceroba sits there for a minute...
          >And another...
          >Clovers soul never emerges from the liquid.
          >She sits on the robot in silence, having just murdered another child for literally no reason
          >She swears she hears a high-pitched giggle come from somewhere
          >FILE LOADED

          • 5 months ago

            What if Flowey gave her more time to let her actions sink in before resetting? I feel like he'd do that.

            • 5 months ago

              I feel like if anything he'd come over and make fun of her for it.
              >"Hey! Don't worry, third kids the charm, yeah?"
              >"And hey, maybe next time you won't need to boil em alive! I wonder what that sheriff pal of yours is gonna say when he finds out about this!"
              >"Or, even worse, that bird he was with! Gee, wasn't she in the royal guard? That might spell some trouble!"
              >Flowey slaps her with a vine, causing her to fall into the coolant as well
              >"Here, before we go try that again, why don't you see how it feels? Can't feel good to have all that fur singed off, eh?"

            • 5 months ago

              >ceroba stood there for what felt like an eternity...
              >she actually did it, she just murdered a child...
              >she felt like shit. suddenly kanako didnt matter, even if she did rescue her, she'd just be a child murderer.
              >"machine, go back"
              >the walk back to the dunes felt like an eternity.
              >she killed a child in an extremely painful way, just to save another child...
              >she was disgusted with herself.
              >as she approached the front of the steamworks she heard a high pitched laugh from behind her
              >"wow! not even IM that messed up. i make my kills quick and painless, i prefer the mental suffering caused by all of it."
              >ceroba turned around to see flowey
              >"you're real heartless, you know that?"
              >"i mean, you could have just asked little old me and i would have GLADLY gotten rid of him for you..."
              >"but you didnt! and thats the messed up part. 'oh, us monsters are made up of love and compassion'. and yet you do THAT?"
              >flowey actually looks annoyed now
              >"what the frick."
              >"IM supposed to be the soulless demon."
              >"IM supposed to be the one that tortures people."
              >he's getting angrier
              >"but YOU? well now thats just an average tuesday for you."
              >"your husband is rolling in his grave and your daughter is in eternal hell as gooey abomination."
              >"not to mention how this run is RUINED. i could load back to his previous save. but he's going to come back pissed, not know why, and destroy some robots over it. then he'll end up right back on the roof with martlet because you'll see his soul as tainted, he'll accept her offer to just be a normal kid, and ruin everything again."
              >"... so i might as well reset now."
              >"but next time? lets try not killing any kids, ok?"
              >FILE RESET

              • 5 months ago

                >"what the frick."
                >"I'M supposed to be the soulless demon."
                >"I'M supposed to be the one that tortures people."
                This is my favourite part of this.

          • 5 months ago

            >flowey realizes that this run ends in the stalemate again when clover comes back as a VERY grumpy kid, and is looking at the robots with pure malice.

          • 5 months ago

            I feel like if anything he'd come over and make fun of her for it.
            >"Hey! Don't worry, third kids the charm, yeah?"
            >"And hey, maybe next time you won't need to boil em alive! I wonder what that sheriff pal of yours is gonna say when he finds out about this!"
            >"Or, even worse, that bird he was with! Gee, wasn't she in the royal guard? That might spell some trouble!"
            >Flowey slaps her with a vine, causing her to fall into the coolant as well
            >"Here, before we go try that again, why don't you see how it feels? Can't feel good to have all that fur singed off, eh?"

            >ceroba stood there for what felt like an eternity...
            >she actually did it, she just murdered a child...
            >she felt like shit. suddenly kanako didnt matter, even if she did rescue her, she'd just be a child murderer.
            >"machine, go back"
            >the walk back to the dunes felt like an eternity.
            >she killed a child in an extremely painful way, just to save another child...
            >she was disgusted with herself.
            >as she approached the front of the steamworks she heard a high pitched laugh from behind her
            >"wow! not even IM that messed up. i make my kills quick and painless, i prefer the mental suffering caused by all of it."
            >ceroba turned around to see flowey
            >"you're real heartless, you know that?"
            >"i mean, you could have just asked little old me and i would have GLADLY gotten rid of him for you..."
            >"but you didnt! and thats the messed up part. 'oh, us monsters are made up of love and compassion'. and yet you do THAT?"
            >flowey actually looks annoyed now
            >"what the frick."
            >"IM supposed to be the soulless demon."
            >"IM supposed to be the one that tortures people."
            >he's getting angrier
            >"but YOU? well now thats just an average tuesday for you."
            >"your husband is rolling in his grave and your daughter is in eternal hell as gooey abomination."
            >"not to mention how this run is RUINED. i could load back to his previous save. but he's going to come back pissed, not know why, and destroy some robots over it. then he'll end up right back on the roof with martlet because you'll see his soul as tainted, he'll accept her offer to just be a normal kid, and ruin everything again."
            >"... so i might as well reset now."
            >"but next time? lets try not killing any kids, ok?"
            >FILE RESET

            I hate it.

  54. 5 months ago

    Hey, whoever wrote the "Birds of a feather" fic that got written last thread, it was great. Same with the "Change of perspective" one. Good shit from both of you, looking forward to see if either of you do more.

  55. 5 months ago

    Hey, I wonder what's going on in this thre-

    • 5 months ago


  56. 5 months ago

    I hate this thread but I will FOREVER love Ceroba
    Hug Ceroba. Love Ceroba. Take Ceroba on walks through the park. Tuck Kanako into bed. Take Ceroba out for dinner. Cook Ceroba's favorite meal. Bring Ceroba to the surface. Introduce Ceroba to human food. Jump into Mt. Ebott to save Ceroba. Take Ceroba for a lovely evening drive. Help Ceroba repair her house. Lovingly hold Ceroba's head during a kiss. Help Ceroba evade the IRS. Princess carry Ceroba. Give Ceroba lots of children. Sleep in while cuddling Ceroba. Take out the trash for Ceroba. Wipe Ceroba's tears from her face. Eat Ceroba's practice cooking. Pet Ceroba. Pull Ceroba into bed. Go hiking with Ceroba. Bake birthday cakes with Ceroba. Teach Ceroba new skills. Send Ceroba to Kitsune College. Congratulate Ceroba for having grown many tails. Have a large family with Ceroba. Build new bedrooms for each of your children with Ceroba. Dig your own pool in the backyard with Ceroba. Teach Ceroba how to shoot a gun. Grow old with Ceroba. Build up Ceroba's confidence. Clean Ceroba's shrine maiden outfit.

  57. 5 months ago

    Ok, maybe not straight out rape, but can someone write ceroba sexually abusing starlo?

    • 5 months ago

      someone write this anon being sodomized by flowey

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      this but instead of pre UTY its post UTY when they got married

  58. 5 months ago

    why not talk about clover being sans' #1 fan again?

    • 5 months ago

      I should go back and save some of those greens, anons really had fun with the idea.

      • 5 months ago

        One issue here is that you don't gain EXP unless you specifically kill the monster, so Clover wouldn't have anything for Sans to see unless he killed them
        You used to be able to get EXP from lightly beating up and then sparing monsters in the UT demo, but that may have been before it was decided to be "execution points" and it was specifically changed in the full game
        Nothing else about this green is wrong, just kinda activated my accuracy 'tism at the start

  59. 5 months ago

    just woke up from a dream where DRY kanako was my girlfriend
    >we even went on a mall date
    >we sent each other cute messages on phone when we got separated
    >her smile made me feel genuinely happy
    >I even got to touch her fluffy ears and it felt so real
    >the worst part is that I knew it was a dream so I struggled trying to enjoy it for as long as I could but knew I'd wake up soon and it would all be gone


    • 5 months ago

      man i wish i was capable of obsessing over a game hard enough to have dreams specifically about it.
      instead i just get dreams about random weird shit that i forget most of the time unless i sleep in.

      • 5 months ago

        One guy dreamed that Starlo’s head was like a real starfish, but with teeth placement like a human’s and layers

        • 5 months ago

          KEEP THE HAT ON

    • 5 months ago

      You know what you must do
      This is a joke this is a joke

    • 5 months ago

      I've had a few dreams involving the characters so far, I remember a brief bit from one and it was something with Ceroba and Martlet trying to settle something over a game of chess, but that's kinda fuzzy.
      The only proper dream I can remember with them was some weird duck hunt thing with Martlet as the ducks and Ceroba as the dog laughing at me, which hurt since I'm a Martletgay.

      • 5 months ago

        wtf someone draw duck hunt dog roba

        • 5 months ago

          Drawgay did one of Clover playing duck hunt much to Martlets dismay, which I recommended he do, someone should post that. Same post that

          I hate this thread but I will FOREVER love Ceroba
          Hug Ceroba. Love Ceroba. Take Ceroba on walks through the park. Tuck Kanako into bed. Take Ceroba out for dinner. Cook Ceroba's favorite meal. Bring Ceroba to the surface. Introduce Ceroba to human food. Jump into Mt. Ebott to save Ceroba. Take Ceroba for a lovely evening drive. Help Ceroba repair her house. Lovingly hold Ceroba's head during a kiss. Help Ceroba evade the IRS. Princess carry Ceroba. Give Ceroba lots of children. Sleep in while cuddling Ceroba. Take out the trash for Ceroba. Wipe Ceroba's tears from her face. Eat Ceroba's practice cooking. Pet Ceroba. Pull Ceroba into bed. Go hiking with Ceroba. Bake birthday cakes with Ceroba. Teach Ceroba new skills. Send Ceroba to Kitsune College. Congratulate Ceroba for having grown many tails. Have a large family with Ceroba. Build new bedrooms for each of your children with Ceroba. Dig your own pool in the backyard with Ceroba. Teach Ceroba how to shoot a gun. Grow old with Ceroba. Build up Ceroba's confidence. Clean Ceroba's shrine maiden outfit.

          This image came from.
          Do we have a place we post his stuff? Or somewhere he archives it?

          • 5 months ago

            someone uploads it to e6, you can just look for the undertale yellow tag to find it and his artist name

    • 5 months ago

      I keep dreaming about Ceroba, just simple vauge dreams about being with her. I also can't stop daydreaming about helping her with her troubles and saving her from herself and making her happy, I can actually spend almost a whole day doing just that. Imagining myself giving her the comfort she desperately needs, finding bullshit ways to save Kanako, building an unbreakable bond with Ceroba and eventually building a new family with her as that bond turns into pure love. Getting taken out of those fantasies just feels terrible.

    • 5 months ago

      It's so Clover for you, anon. That's how you know you're getting real deep into something. Soon you will be all like "I LOVE [blank]", 'THEIR [blank] IS SO [blank]", "[blank]'S SNOWPITY IS SO [blank]" and the like.

  60. 5 months ago

    ceroba is molested and decided to molest the young starlo and continue the cycle instead of breaking it
    let that sink in

  61. 5 months ago

    Left or right? Which do you prefer?

    • 5 months ago

      Left, right looks like Charas getting lead into a rape chamber.

    • 5 months ago

      Left barely, although if right gets farther I feel I'll prefer that. Reeeeaaaally love what they're doing with the Temmies too. Glad someone finally sees they can be super fun in Flowey's role as long as you don't just copy-paste Flowey.

    • 5 months ago

      Left, between the AU itself being uninteresting regardless of execution, being sick of the skeletons, and the frickers pushing it here being annoying to the point of making the game utterly unappealing I would much rather take Yellow with all of its faults.

    • 5 months ago

      Left has Starlo, right has good humor, ACTing matters and Koffin-K. It's a hard pick

    • 5 months ago

      Right will be better when it comes out unless they jump the shark/it gets cancelled
      I usually despise swap AUs but so far the game is actually written pretty well, like almost Toby level well
      Yellow had almost no humor, and the game didn't start until the wild wild east so despite not being bloated content wise it still felt weird because the first couple of zones were almost inconsequential outside of martlet being introduced. Yellow does have great presentation, music, fights, character design and actually was finished so it'll have a leg up on most fangames

    • 5 months ago

      Right. It feels more finished despite being still a demo.

  62. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Lies, he will give you NOTHING

      • 5 months ago

        Anon, please stop. It's both taking up a lot of the thread and is just kinda uncomfortable

        How about you die instead?

        Go to bed, Anon.

        You want it?
        It's yours my friend, as long as you could write the most well written, devious rape Undertale Yellow fanfiction ever in the form of a green text.
        I left it in one piece.

    • 5 months ago

      Anon, please stop. It's both taking up a lot of the thread and is just kinda uncomfortable

    • 5 months ago

      How about you die instead?

    • 5 months ago

      Go to bed, Anon.

      • 5 months ago

        Speaking of, I'm off. Have good rest of the thread everyone. Everyone that's not a rapefetish/fatgay is gonna make it. God bless you all.

    • 5 months ago

      Martlet would not rape the human
      The reverse might happen in an exceptionally perverted run and that bird would be flipping through her protocol manual for what to do next till the RESET hit

      • 5 months ago

        interesting take.
        let's see if this could become a legitimate good green.

      • 5 months ago

        justice route but rather than mass shooting it’s mass rape correction

  63. 5 months ago

    the whole rape green thing is getting really boring at this point
    same with fatnako shit

    • 5 months ago

      >rape green
      my fricker there's currently only 1(one) rape green

  64. 5 months ago

    Hey Kanako your gonna love what I found in Waterfall
    Going by the moonrunes it is a magical anime weight gain pill, guaranteed to increase the imbibers size ten-fold

  65. 5 months ago

    I don't even want female rape only now.
    Give me RAPE in general and I will give you [[KROMERS]]
    Lemme see CHUJIN taking Ceroba's VIRGINITY by FORCE when they were young and Starlo WATCHES like a KEK
    Lemme see Starlo GETTING ON WITH Ceroba while chujin was researching shit while she CRIES as an act of revenge to chujin for KEKING him
    Lemme see the ROYAL GUARDS RUNNING A TRAIN on Marlet in exchange of letting her IN
    I wanna see CORRUPTION

    • 5 months ago

      I REPEAT

    • 5 months ago

      >clover at end of true pacfist remembers his's NANAKOs and becomes JUSTICEd enough to beat flowery's DETERMINEDNATION
      >he goes to the true lab and shoots his JUSTICE into kanko's SOVL and obliterates the INTEGRAL
      >khaki un-goops and fall in lover with clole and they liver happily ever after after frick frees the monsters
      >teh edn 🙂

    • 5 months ago

      We need Starlo BLACKMAILING ceroba into having sex using his RAPE SEX TAPE and getting away with it by being the SHERIFF and Ceroba slowly getting MINDBROKEN by Starlo's BIZARRE KINKS and finally DIVORCING cucjin and MARRIES Starlo while letting him FRICK THE SHIT OUT OF KANAKO
      gimme the worst, basically.

      • 5 months ago

        Someone write a full version of Ceroba mindbreak pls

        • 5 months ago

          >never saw an actual good green about the concept
          weird....The best I saw is just harmless chasing and maybe verbal abuse......
          I expected better from you guys, man...

    • 5 months ago

      Here is your rape greentext bro

      • 5 months ago

        give me worse

        • 5 months ago

          >Greent text featuring drunken abusive Ceroba raping and mpregging (You) isnt bad enough
          What the actual frick

          • 5 months ago

            I need worse.
            this level except up a notch.
            also no futa bullshit, it just makes it whimsical and not fricked

  66. 5 months ago

    Should have been six pointed star

  67. 5 months ago

    >rape green
    do NOT rape the kindness child you sick fricks

  68. 5 months ago

    What do you think would've happened if PACIFIST Clover used his judgement mind-peek thing on Axis and found out he beamed the blue kid? I think he'd probably see it as justified and stay at LV 1 due to Integrity being on a murder spree at the time.
    Genocide Clover getting pissed enough to raise LV was likely because he saw monsterkind as ruthless child killers and didn't care about their feelings, and also didn't get the full story anyway.

    • 5 months ago

      >due to Integrity being on a murder spree at the time.
      What if you argued it wasnt a murder spree though? We know Dalv survived it and generally people on murder sprees dont hide, at least not in undertale, so I've theorized that it was mostly self defense out of fear that made Integrity kill so much in Yellow

      • 5 months ago

        Maybe Dalv went to greet her with a big bullet pattern hug mbut Integrity was just really scared of vampires

        • 5 months ago

          >Dalv opens his arms to hug Integrity
          >Forgets to turn off his lightning magic under the cloak
          >Nearly rips the flesh from Integrity's body with the voltage

  69. 5 months ago

    I still like the idea of the blue human actually having been a pacifist and her "dusty tutu" being a red herring, in reality being dusty because she had a monster friend who held onto it as their "favorite object" after her death and had their dust spread on it after theirs as monster tradition.

  70. 5 months ago

    >Humans are made of mud
    >The devil is made of fire
    >Monsters are made of dust
    Any ideas on how to turn this into a fic?

    • 5 months ago

      Something something human "mud" turns into ash when it gets on fire, with time ash becomes "magical dust" (but only if the "mud" was burned using magical fire), this dust then becomes monster dust, which is what monsters are made of
      How this lifeless dust turns into a monster? I have no idea, probably the dust still has some of the soul/determination that the "mud" had when it was still a living human
      This is how the first monsters where made

      • 5 months ago

        I mean mud because humans are carbon-based intelligent life and are mostly water, which is roughly the same elemental composition as mud.

  71. 5 months ago

    Wait if monsters are all made of dust then what about the fire monsters
    Dust that looks like fire? Why would they still be hot then?

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Magic. Maybe they have a more solid core that projects fire around it.

    • 5 months ago

      Really there’s nothing implying that monster dust isn’t flammable, I don’t think.
      Actual dust, especially metal dusts like iron, IS pretty flammable so maybe they’re just constantly producing dust and burning it up.

  72. 5 months ago

    What if Clover looked like this?

    • 5 months ago

      He looks like that already

  73. 5 months ago

    Why have rapegays taken over the thread

    • 5 months ago

      are you saying they
      forced themselves upon the thread?

  74. 5 months ago

    mooch gets raped by starlo everyday btw

  75. 5 months ago

    So the "actual" Deltarune thread sucks, but I woke up in the middle of the night last night overwhelmed with the realization that Kris specifically throws the peace sign to you during the acid tunnel of love during chapter 2

    • 5 months ago

      Kris is Ness after not surviving

      • 5 months ago

        This, his name stands for Kris Really Isn't Sans

    • 5 months ago

      >the "actual" Deltarune thread sucks
      which one

      • 5 months ago

        There's multiple?
        My filter to put it on top only picked up one.

    • 5 months ago

      I think that might have just been an Earthbound reference

      • 5 months ago

        Is there any reason it can't be both?

  76. 5 months ago

    This year will be the year of the new chapters. Trust the dog

  77. 5 months ago

    >a mother's love.

    • 5 months ago

      ... for needles

      Seriously though, it felt cheap as frick that they'd use terms like that and 'Absolute devotion' in the same fight that they show her endangering her daughter and failing to respect her late husband's last wishes
      Some 'love', some 'devotion'. As writers they hadn't done anything nor made her do anything that earned using those terms

      • 5 months ago


  78. 5 months ago

    can some drawanon redraw this except with ceroba as Jogo and Toriel as Sukuna

  79. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      so true

    • 5 months ago

      Of course Axis is a part of this

      • 5 months ago

        at least the steamworks ran on time

    • 5 months ago

      I don't know what flag this is so I can't be angry about it
      Is it italy because of the chef guy? I forget what colours they have

      • 5 months ago

        yeah it's for italian rights

        • 5 months ago

          >yeah it's for italian rights
          Frick them, until they can give us something on the level of pizza again they haven't earned anything

          • 5 months ago

            Have you ever had a Calzone?

            • 5 months ago

              No but I guess I'll try one in the future if I ever see one now
              We'll see if it*ly can earn their freedom back

    • 5 months ago

      >Implying that it isn't the other way around

  80. 5 months ago

    undertale giallo

  81. 5 months ago

    So whats the status on tsunderswap guy. Did he get cancelled or what?

    • 5 months ago

      His team is writing the counter twitlonger and the man himself is in "mental distress".

      TS!Underswap Status: IT'S OGRE

      • 5 months ago

        Hopefully his team is loyal and don't try and oust him

        • 5 months ago

          I dont think they are, but its all up in the air, all because of some he said she said bs

          • 5 months ago

            We can only hope that it falls through and we get more underswap after this. But the kneejerk reaction is a major blow

            • 5 months ago

              Even if they manage to get through this utter moronation and survive, it'd still be catastrophic for the game's reputation.
              Remember when Yellow came out and secondary morons thought it was the BnP mod that had its creator arrested for CP possession? Yeah they're gonna be acting like that with the Beethovenus Bad doc for years to come. Its reputation with outsiders is fricked.

              • 5 months ago

                most non-autistic twitter user will forget in 1 year

      • 5 months ago

        So Yellow won?

        • 5 months ago

          By default. Its the only fully fledged fangame to reach the finish line. Not with grace, but reached it nonetheless

          • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              I keep forgetting about that, sorry

      • 5 months ago

        I feel like I'm being gaslighted by the amount of "bald Flowey" art popping up because of Yellow even though there was no such scene or moment in the game.

        • 5 months ago

          Neutral final boss, when you shoot out the final petal Flowey becomes bald

        • 5 months ago

          Don't worry, it was a separate trend that happened only because the deltarune community is going through their drought arc. The people crave the newsletter.

        • 5 months ago

          >he doesn't know

      • 5 months ago

        This fangame is dead
        'Cause I'm a fricking dickhead
        The Boreal Bluffs, the Crystal Springs
        They're dead, dead, dead, dead, dead

        Harry and Larry are dead
        The Royal Navy is dead
        The City of New, the NEXUS too
        They're all emphatically dead

        It's all problematic
        'Cause I suck massive dicks
        Proships, stalks and dox
        I will kill it, cause I cancel it
        I'm Lawful and it's dead!

        (And the evacuation route is also dead.)

        The Queen Tori battle is dead
        All the Temmies are dead
        You'll never play it, that's all that I'll say it!
        It's dead, dead, dead, dead, dead!

        That's what I said! It's dead.

    • 5 months ago

      His team is writing the counter twitlonger and the man himself is in "mental distress".

      TS!Underswap Status: IT'S OGRE


      • 5 months ago

        twitter trannies are trying to cancel the director because he's rude and liked the wrong drawings

        • 5 months ago

          It's not even him who liked the wrong drawings IIRC it's literally just because he didn't instantly oust someone who did

          • 5 months ago

            As if it couldn't get any more moronic, and yet here we are.

  82. 5 months ago

    what if Clover and frisk made Flowey date amalgam Kanako to let Chujin rest and let the dreamurr couple live a normal life since boss monsters can't age unless they have living offsprings?
    >*Come on, don't you want dad happy?The damn fricking Skeleton is about to hit 40 and at this point hes gonna fricking get into Mom's dating range if we don't do something.
    >Plus, you are letting the old royal scientist finally getting a rest!God knows how long had his soul been trapped that grave.Even the old geezer deserved to come out and breath some fresh air, y'know.
    >.....this is ridiculous!I am a fricking flower!How am I suppose to 'copulate' with her?That's not accounting the fact that she's literally a puddle of undead goop right now!
    >*You assured flowey that you and clover would borrow their souls to them so they could temporarily maintain their monster form
    >But.....but........I am not ready...........
    >Come on, it's for the sake of boss monsters too!If you won't help spread the bloodline they are going to extinct someday!The monsters needed a boss....
    >*Pretty please?
    >*you showed flowey a photo of kanako
    >....oh my fricking God....she's gorgeous.....but.....shit....frick it.....
    >But what happens in the lab STAYS in the lab, do you two morons understand?
    >What are yall here for, kids?Here to pet the dog again?
    >...where is specimen 13?
    >*oh....I think we are not clear enough.....Where is kanako?

    • 5 months ago

      >so uh....kids.......here's...kanako.......
      >now excuse me, I am going back to do some.....science stuff.......
      >*She is holding a pile of mad men mew OVA DVDs
      >Frisk?Clover?Am I fluffy enough to leave a good first impression?
      >*you told asriel it would be fine.
      >Hoo...boy....here comes nothing....
      >Opens the door and see picrew.
      >Wdym wtf?That's kanako!
      >no, no, no......I expected a tradwife 10/10 qt 3.14 fox baddie......that's why I agreed about this stupid plan........what the actual frick is this?
      >*You assured Asriel that she is the same person
      >What, haven't seen an amalgamate before?I thought you were savvy about this, flowey
      >......who are you?
      >*a faint, sweet female sound suddenly appears
      >Its kanako
      >she noticed the ruckus going on at the front door.

      • 5 months ago

        >flowey gets catfished
        for some reason this is somehow fricking hilarious to me

      • 5 months ago

        >for the sake of monsterkind, Clover and Frisk is trying to make these two frick ASAP
        >Asriel is such a wuss that even after Kanako got cured he still fumbled HARD to the point of Starlo(Like mother, like daughter I guess)
        >Meanwhile she is developing feelings to fricking clover of all people(He is too traumatized by her family to be interested.)
        would be a pretty funny fan game idea

      • 5 months ago

        >somehow asriel made the most passionate, lovestruck, sweet girl made for him uninterested because he has andrew tate level of misogyny

      • 5 months ago

        Gyatt Damn Kanako looks like THAT?

      • 5 months ago

        >politics bullshit
        someone continue this bullshit because I sure as well wont

      • 5 months ago

        Than asriel raped her and zhe died in a miscarriage with the babie, forever dooming the monster race and made frisk and clover hung themselves.
        The end.

        • 5 months ago

          You must be 18 years or older to post on Ganker

          • 5 months ago

            You can't unfrick the story hahaha
            I just helped conclude the green

    • 5 months ago

      >so uh....kids.......here's...kanako.......
      >now excuse me, I am going back to do some.....science stuff.......
      >*She is holding a pile of mad men mew OVA DVDs
      >Frisk?Clover?Am I fluffy enough to leave a good first impression?
      >*you told asriel it would be fine.
      >Hoo...boy....here comes nothing....
      >Opens the door and see picrew.
      >Wdym wtf?That's kanako!
      >no, no, no......I expected a tradwife 10/10 qt 3.14 fox baddie......that's why I agreed about this stupid plan........what the actual frick is this?
      >*You assured Asriel that she is the same person
      >What, haven't seen an amalgamate before?I thought you were savvy about this, flowey
      >......who are you?
      >*a faint, sweet female sound suddenly appears
      >Its kanako
      >she noticed the ruckus going on at the front door.

      As cute an idea this is I still like Clover x Kanako better

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          Because human x sapient non human is one of the purest forms of love

      • 5 months ago

        >"God I can't wait to fatten this ningen up..."

  83. 5 months ago

    need this but with Clover and Flowey staring at Starlo

  84. 5 months ago

    To the town of Old East rode a stranger one fine day

  85. 5 months ago

    so what happened in this thread was the result of /utg/ shittery right?

    • 5 months ago

      You mean the TSUnderswap drama discussion or the fatBlack folk?

      • 5 months ago

        mostly the later but also the former

    • 5 months ago

      Its still better than whatever the frick is happening on twitter and reddit right now.

      • 5 months ago

        Okay frick this I'm so sick of seeing this shit.
        It just feels like it's so shit to post some characters and be like "Look guys they're totally into palestine!" or just constantly repost that shit and shame people who aren't doing the same while you make art and act like this is you saving the fricking world
        Unless we FRICKING invade them you making all this shitty art and acting like this genocide- Which is one of fricking man by the way currently taking place in the world is the most important thing ever just makes it look like you're socially pandering for pats on the backs to say "Great job on saving Palestine buddy!"
        While Israel just looks at twitter and laughs their asses off at them.
        Anyway essentially what I'm trying to say is that the people posting this shit are lame as frick.

      • 5 months ago

        i don't give a FRICK about xitter and leddit, this shit is still aids

      • 5 months ago

        Would UTY characters support Palestine?

        • 5 months ago

          Undertale and Undertale Yellow characters would probably support Israel.

          • 5 months ago

            >Sans just wouldn't give a shit, he'd probably feel bad for Palestine but wouldn't be motivated to do anything because he knows there's nothing he can do to stop it from happening, maybe he'd even crack a few jokes about it while feeling sad.
            >Frisk would desperately try to broker for peace and communication between both sides, they'd be hated by both sides.
            >Asgore would unironically support Israel and imply that it'd just be easier for the Palestinians to stop fighting so the war can stop.
            >Toriel would be pro-Palestinian although would be leaning more towards Frisks line of talk things out and prevent it from going further, she'd secretly really just want to destroy the entirety of Israel.
            >Papyrus would be like Frisk, although mostly undecided in his political opinions.
            >Undyne would just try to beat up everyone fighting.
            >Alphys would "go on strike over it" although keep posting about stuff on their main account.
            >The annoying dog would completely ignore the entire thing.

            • 5 months ago

              I mean, Redditors are a bunch of glowies and morons, and this discussion belongs on /misc/ anyway.

        • 5 months ago

          Martlet would support Israel because people who frick little boys have to look out for each other.

      • 5 months ago

        i checked the undertale reddit earlier to see if there's any updates on the ts drama and just saw dozens of posts about this shit
        why is reddit like this

      • 5 months ago

        This is so moronic that it's probably Mossad propaganda. The most Reddit-addicted city is an American military base.

      • 5 months ago

        Someone should make one for Chara supporting Genocide

  86. 5 months ago


  87. 5 months ago

    What if Clover found a fire flower?

    • 5 months ago

      flowey is obsoleted

    • 5 months ago

      What if Clover found a Talking Flower?

  88. 5 months ago

    damn, starlo looked like THIS?

    • 5 months ago

      These are so fricking great

      I love PM crossover stuff

  89. 5 months ago

    i am forgotten

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        Tell me about the mole: why does she eat rock?

  90. 5 months ago
  91. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      lmfao that's good

    • 5 months ago


  92. 5 months ago

    Flowey is exactly the type of prick to side with the israelites over this. Just saying.

  93. 5 months ago

    CHADra only wants both sides to suffer as many casualties as possible

    • 5 months ago

      Chara just wants maximum ningen death regardless of which side wins, something Chujin would be 100% on board with.

  94. 5 months ago

    >Cold subtly looks down on monsters
    >he can’t help it, its just how he is
    >people will occasionally catch him calling monsters ‘critters’
    >he once got caught trying to feed bird seed to bird monsters
    >when pressed, he argued that it was ‘high-quality bird feed’z

    • 5 months ago

      but Martlet would totally eat the bird seed when noone is looking

      • 5 months ago

        >"Cole, you can't offer bird seeds to monsters, that's racist!"
        >"Huh? I buy it for my mom all the time Kanako."
        >"That's bullshit, there's no way Martlet would actually-"
        >"Oh hey kids! Oh, some bird seeds!"
        >Martlet begins pecking the bird seeds off of the ground like a literal bird.
        >"Cole, your mom's just kinda weird."

  95. 5 months ago

    Ceroba would be anti-Israel, not because of Palestine but because she's a huge antisemite
    Source: She's my wife and I asked her through the going into games machine

  96. 5 months ago

    >instead of kanako asriel/flowey have to frick Ceroba to save the bloodline
    >They just sat on the bed all night staring at each other awkwardly
    Who would make the first move?

    • 5 months ago

      Stop trying to push your moronic fetishes.

    • 5 months ago

      Keep trying to push our based /SS/ fetish
      Imagine the moment when the roba popped asriels cherry

      • 5 months ago

        shut up, samegay. I'm a shotagay and that scenario sucks

        • 5 months ago

          Gimme a better scenario.A greentext even.

          • 5 months ago

            No, I don't like your shitty ship. I don't care about Asriel.

            >Name calling when he can't make a better scenario
            I expected better

            That ain't me though.

    • 5 months ago

      >Flowey mentions that he's actually much older than Ceroba then takes the form of a young adult Asriel.
      >He grins slyly at the player.
      >"Get fricked shotagays!"

  97. 5 months ago

    the rapeBlack person and his ilk really need to go back to /utg/ and never return

    • 5 months ago

      it's been the same ESL having a melty for over a day now

      Gimme a better scenario.A greentext even.

      • 5 months ago

        >Name calling when he can't make a better scenario
        I expected better

  98. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Honeydew guy is going to be ecstatic

    • 5 months ago

      While I like the art (really nice), you should not feed ritualposting attentionprostitutes

      • 5 months ago

        i'm not the artist, it doesn't have anything to do with the thread

  99. 5 months ago

    this game's too hard for me bros I'm not going through 30 phases of fox lady

    • 5 months ago

      use autofire and don't forget you can dash
      you get an ACT heal later

  100. 5 months ago

    I was going to make a really funny post, but I forgot what it was, so...
    I love Martlet. Do you like Martlet?

    • 5 months ago

      >Mart rotted

      • 5 months ago

        >"Let your mind be consumed by the Martlet rot."

    • 5 months ago

      Martlet is nice but my heart belongs to Ceroba

  101. 5 months ago

    still prefer yellow over AUslop though

    • 5 months ago

      Yellow may as well be AUslop

      • 5 months ago

        nah though

      • 5 months ago

        Wake me up when Martlet starts talking in comic sans and makes insufferable puns 24/7 and then Kanako appears at the end of the Genocide route to floss on my grave

  102. 5 months ago

    Did anyone else feel like the map design wasn't that interesting in the game? I can't really explain why

    • 5 months ago

      it's because there are hardly any secrets to discover, the only thing really is the golden items but that's very limited
      mostly everything is a direct path forward save a couple of branches which typically stop really quickly as they only serve to have an encounter with Mo
      there's hardly any weird guys to find and talk to off the beaten path, and while the FUN value events are good, they're super sparse

    • 5 months ago

      I'd agree, but I'd also reason that Undertale's wasn't the most interesting either so UTY is more so following the trend if nothing else. Undertale has its strengths (including some gorgeous backgrounds in some areas) but map design is not one of them.

    • 5 months ago

      It was fine, better than UT’s on the balance. The Dark Ruins’ puzzles got on my nerves a little but otherwise there was a nice balance of terrain, hazards, and cool vistas, especially on Bailador’s cliff top.

    • 5 months ago

      The ruins and Snowdin 2.0 was boring since they're area you already visited even if they were new segment

    • 5 months ago

      >Did anyone else feel like the map design wasn't that interesting in the game? I can't really explain why

      Because Undertale's maps weren't all that great, a lot of them were effectively Final Fantasy XIII style straight lines between scenes. Toby has slowly started to improve his maps in DR though, probably because his games are inspired by a multitude of JRPGs and he realised his mistake or maybe the extra developers.

      UTY is inspired by just Undertale so some of UT's biggest flaws are just baked into Yellow as the way you make that kind of game. Like I can't believe they still have you move faster diagonally than the cardinal directions, it really isn't difficult to fix and the fact its in just makes that robot escape sequence obnoxious.

      • 5 months ago

        >Like I can't believe they still have you move faster diagonally than the cardinal directions, it really isn't difficult to fix and the fact its in just makes that robot escape sequence obnoxious
        Its extremely easy to fix, I'm convinced that at this point its just a design choice and not a flaw

  103. 5 months ago

    >This may just be the worst day of Cole's life.
    >Kanako hasn't stopped laughing since he showed up to school.
    >He hasn't even gotten to class yet.
    >"O-Oh my god Cole, I had no-no idea, you actually- PFFFFT! BWAHAHAHA!"
    >Cole opens his fake beak to say something.
    >"M-My mom made me wear it..."
    >Kanako seems to calm herself, she's still extremely amused.
    >"Aw, that's so sweet Cole! Like mother like son, now you really are two birds of a feather!"
    >"Kanako- Listen, I need you to use your fire magic to destroy this suit, we can blame it on a localized solar flare that hit-"
    >The school bell rings.
    >"Mmmmm, nah! Honestly Cole, it suits you! I almost confused you for a real monster!"
    >Cole refuses to go to school, he instead turns around and begins walking away.
    >Kanako grabs his arm, dragging him towards class as he begins screaming incoherently.
    >The entire class is abuzz when they see Cole, half of them are convinced they've suddenly transformed into a monster.
    >Dalv, their teacher, tells them all that Cole's just trying to express himself.
    >Cole refuses to speak to anyone.
    >Kanako is barely able to control her laughter.
    >After what feels like forever, school finally comes to a close.
    >"Nice hanging with you bird-boy!"
    >Cole runs away from Kanako, books it straight back home and rips off the costume, trying desperately to destroy it.
    >"Cole, Kanako told me all about how you went to school with it on like I asked! I'm so proud of you, buddy!"

    • 5 months ago

      What happens if Cole enters a dark world wearing the bird suit?

      • 5 months ago

        it becomes an armor that makes him look like zenith martlet

        • 5 months ago

          >Zenith Cole
          >The armor comes with wings on its back, these wings have the same cosmic look as Zenith Martlet's wings
          >they are usually resting around Cole's shoulders or chest looking kinda like a poncho of feathers

          • 5 months ago

            >"...Okay, this is actually badass."
            >Cole really likes how cool it makes him look in the dark world, Kanako's also happy for him even if she does continue to tease him.
            >Cole has to put on the feathersuit before entering a darkworld, even though he's extremely embarrassed by how it looks.
            >Martlet believes he's totally embracing wearing it.

          • 5 months ago

            Okay hear me out guys what if Cole hit his head when he fell into the dark world wearing the feathersuit and now he actually thinks he's a bird and wait this sounds kind of familiar.

      • 5 months ago

        >Cole is now an actual bird monster in the dark world and freaks the frick out
        >The suit comes to life and is pissed off that Cole hates it, despite being created due to their love for Martlet and even fixed up by her, so it just tries to kill them.

        • 5 months ago

          >The suit becomes a symbiote that cant live without Cole and has some control over his body

    • 5 months ago

      >Cole decides if he has to suffer because of the suit, he might has a well take advantage of it
      >he starts leaving the bird suit in place of himself in class.
      >Since Cole is always asleep at class, no one notices that the limp face-down bird cole is empty except for pillows
      >Not even Kanako realizes it's empty, she just things he's silently walloping in his desk
      >She starts to worry for Cole because he's been unresponsive un class for many days
      >Cole is actually just playing red dead redemption back at home
      >When it's time to switch, he just sneakes into school and grabs the suit after class since he sleeping until class ends is a common thing for him to do

      Idk here to put this
      >Cole is no longer a furry thanks to all the humiliation
      >It's just not fricking worth it, he just going to focus on being something more realistic
      >He's going to focus on being the strongest Cowboy ever now.

  104. 5 months ago

    The 'Roba?
    She did NOTHING wrong.

  105. 5 months ago

    remember when they tried to cancel mcpig?
    that was probably the most laughable cancellation ever, it's literally the yoloswag "erm... is this you?" drawing
    he responded about as well as he could have too, basically just said "yeah sorry that stuff was kind of crass" and everyone forgot about it

    • 5 months ago

      Pizza tower fans do not give a shit about that sort of thing, Undertale fans however, will go an extra mile or three (needle cookie lmao) to cancel someone despite Toby having done weird shit in the past like using homosexual in his rom hack, making mpreg shitposts for teenaged characters or letting Frisk flirt and date with several monsters

      • 5 months ago

        good point
        alphys and everything "tumblrcore" about undertale was the worst mistake toby made
        maybe im misguided in thinking this, but if undertale were more like deltarune, the extent and prevalence of this type of delusional fan would not be nearly as bad

        • 5 months ago

          you are entirely and completely mistaken
          deltarune is persona-tier "angsty teens juggle school and weird alternate world", tumblr types GORGE on that shit

          • 5 months ago

            i guess ur right, that was a bit of a stupid comparison
            maybe what i mean is undertale very overtly appeals to tumblr humor and culture and even idpol
            and while deltarune isn't as bad in that regard, its premise is still very much tumblrcore, youre right
            are there other RPGs with better humor styles as examples? i don't wanna say mother 3 but i wanna say mother 3

  106. 5 months ago

    vore chujin (pred). whatever, who gives a shit

    • 5 months ago

      >chujin comes back from the grave to consume ceroba due to her stupidity

  107. 5 months ago

    'roba on the 'log

  108. 5 months ago

    My FUARKING HERO...ine

    • 5 months ago


      Not sure what to think about these new Pokemon legendaries tbh.

      • 5 months ago

        Martlet if she Blaziken....imagine.....

        • 5 months ago

          She's more of an Altaria type, personally

  109. 5 months ago


  110. 5 months ago


  111. 5 months ago
  112. 5 months ago

    These halls? Befitting of MARLET the HERO of undertale.

  113. 5 months ago

    Why is she consulting a book when she's already an expert?

    • 5 months ago

      She needs to learn from her SENIOR Marlet.

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >Husband's robot kills a human
      >She kills her own daughter
      >Convinces Clover to become an hero
      Asgore's got some competition

      • 5 months ago

        Toriel already won THOUGH with AT LEAST 5

    • 5 months ago

      Even experts need to learn the fundamentals again every so often

  114. 5 months ago

    Would Mooch be a gamer?

  115. 5 months ago

    The 'roba has SPOKEN

    • 5 months ago

      Would (You), anon, help her harvest israeli SOULs?

      Built for getting her foxy cookie ravaged by Chillet's turquoise banana-shaped "heavy cream" dispenser!

      >implying cookie
      She's not a dog.

      • 5 months ago

        Of course!

      • 5 months ago

        >implying israelites have souls

  116. 5 months ago

    Built for getting her foxy cookie ravaged by Chillet's turquoise banana-shaped "heavy cream" dispenser!

  117. 5 months ago

    I will THROW Ceroba at random passersby

    • 5 months ago

      Toss the Fox Across

  118. 5 months ago

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