Unhealthy creative obsession

I'm not sure if this is normal or not, but whenever I get really hiped about something I'm creating, I start to think about it more and more and more to the point it is in my thoughts at every single waking moment and I can't properly think of anything else.

At first it is ok because I'm fresh and full of ideas, but after some days I start losing the ability to rest or sleep because my brain just won't shut up about the thing, and it then eventually I can't stop thinking about the thing but I also can't form any coherent or productive thoughts either because I'm so tired. Basically, I end up not being able to function properly (sleep, work, socialize, etc) and not being able to finish my creative works either.

If anyone else also has this, how do you avoid getting suck in or how do you get out of it?

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  1. 5 months ago

    That's not normal.
    You may need to get tested.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah he should do that so that doctors can put him on meds that turn him into another compliant drone.

      • 5 months ago

        It’s called hyperfixation, and it’s a sign of autism.

        They don’t medicate for autism, last I checked. ADD/ADHD, sure, but that stuff doesn’t make you a compliant drone, it just allows you to segregate when you’re doing one thing versus another.

        • 5 months ago

          it could also be a bad case of ADD/ADHD with a similair symptom called hyperfocus. OP def needs to get tested.

      • 5 months ago

        yeah, ideally

    • 5 months ago

      I'm probably autistic and fricked in the head but as

      Yeah he should do that so that doctors can put him on meds that turn him into another compliant drone.

      said, I'm not gonna chomp on pills, sorry buddo.

      I have a similar problem, but my issue is whenever I work on something and go to bed, I rarely have the motivation to work on it after I wake up.

      You probably have low motivation in general no? Start with getting some sun and having a 15 min walk every day if that's the case.

      If your problem is just with creative stuff then maybe try not to focus too much on one thing/force yourself to work. If you are making the rules for a war game one night and then the next morning you are not feeling like doing that, maybe you can do lore or art. Just organize your work in a way that there's a wide escope of things you can do at any point, so you can always do a little bit of something no matter the mood you are in. This is also great because doing something in one area will usually give you ideas and inspiration for work in other areas. Arguably, you can even work on entirely different projects at the same time, but it's not something I do personally.

  2. 5 months ago

    I have a similar problem, but my issue is whenever I work on something and go to bed, I rarely have the motivation to work on it after I wake up.

  3. 5 months ago

    Weird flex but ok.

  4. 5 months ago

    Set yourself goals along the path to completing the project. After achieving a goal, give yourself a week off.

    • 5 months ago

      I think that's a good tip. It's not easy to set goals because you are not always in control of what is going to come out of your head, but I can see how setting up some milestones could trick my brain into thinking I did enough for the time being and that I deserve some rest.

      • 5 months ago

        It's what worked for me. I found myself attempting to finish ambitious projects in one sitting, which is impossible. Besides, it's good to give your brain time off and come back with a fresh pair of eyes. Helps you notice errors or oversights you were too single-minded to spot before.

    • 5 months ago

      This is good advice. I have a similar problem and making it habit to take breaks between creative bursts is healthy and can make your ideas better in the long run.

    • 5 months ago

      This is good start. I would also add just writing the ideas down. Both as a tool to solidify your ideas for future reference and building AND as permission to let the ideas go for a bit. It is on paper, it is not going anywhere, you are allowed to clear your mind knowing you can come back to it later.

      I do it but since I'm a mastermind genious this one little thing I write springs another idea that leads to another and another...

      Then you need to take meditation or find some other way to still your mind (like sports or a physical hobby of some type).
      Also some therapy or evaluation to help you clear negative mental or behavior patterns you are having issues with.

  5. 5 months ago

    show us something you did

    • 5 months ago

      >I made the Sluggon list

  6. 5 months ago

    Okay but do you play traditional games?

    • 5 months ago

      Yes I play a lot of TTRPGs and I love GMing and making homebrews, personal material, art, character sheets, etc. I also started developing three or four new games that went nowhere.

      My latest and current game project, however, I'm keen on finishing. This time I just like it too much to let it fizzle away, it's the first time I feel I could have something fresh, interesting and worthy of being shown to others when its done.

      • 5 months ago

        The most important part of any creative project is iteration, and the best way to achieve that is to pace yourself. People have been talking about setting goals so you can “let” yourself rest, but you need to make sure you forcibly disengage while you still want to be working on it. That will keep your momentum going into the next work session. If you’re ever satisfied when you put your pen down, you probably aren’t going to finish the project unless something changes.

  7. 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    Start writing the ideas down and watch the urge to think about it evaporate

    • 5 months ago

      I do it but since I'm a mastermind genious this one little thing I write springs another idea that leads to another and another...

  9. 5 months ago

    >I have some mental issues
    >let me ask those fat guys that sniff painting on the internet if this is normal
    Look, anything can be a mental health problem if it affects you in some negative way. If you think it's the case, go see a therapist. Yeah, most of them are full of shit like any other doctor, so take your time choosing one, and move on if they make you feel uncomfortable. Don't take drugs on day one. A good therapist take their time evaluating you before suggesting drug therapy and also will take a "no" if you choose to not go on a psychiatrist.

    It's not the only solution but can be a powerful tool if you find competent people to help. good luck with that tho.

    • 5 months ago

      The chance of finding a doctor that knows about the specific thing you have AND that gives half a shit about solving your problem is as close to zero as possible. You are probably going to be investing money and time to end up worse.

      I'd much rather take my chances with the chuds and trannies here. They aren't going to charge me anything and there's a big chance some people here went through the same.

      • 5 months ago

        And what do you do if the ones who went through the same dealt with it by trying out a few doctors until they found one who worked well for them?
        Because I’ll tell you that I have dealt with something similar and still do, but my path through it has involved medical professionals.

      • 5 months ago

        >They aren't going to charge me anything and there's a big chance some people here went through the same.
        Well I am one of these people and that's what I did. The drugs don't turn you into a zombie like everyone says. I had good and bad experiences, if you want to know more just ask.

        >the chances of finding a good doctor is as close to zero as possible
        Not at all. It's the same chance as to find a good doctor in any pratice. I have ADHD and chronic insomnia. I had something like 10 psychiatrists and 6 therapists. One of each are good and my current doctors for the last 5 years, the rest I'd say 4 ok therapists who couldn't understand/help me, 1 total shit. On the psychiatrists side it's more complicated, they don't give much fricks to their patients, they prescribe heavy shit as if it's just Vitamin C for a flu. Nasty shit. My current one is a very decent doctor and human being.

        And yeah, you gonna spend some money on these. But you can spot a shit doctor on the first session, I did with all mine. Go to the point, challenge them, see how they react. You can detect who really wanna help and who's just there for the paycheck.

        But be aware, they won't solve everything. Therapy helps, drugs can enhance therapy, but they only work together and they just solve part of the problems.

        It's not a perfect system but it can help. Nothing against anyone here, but we are not professionals. At least try if you get the time and the money, but if you don't want it's ok too. It's just my opinion.

        • 5 months ago

          Frick the anons telling you to get on meds. Nothing wrong with hyper autisming. Find something to be a secondary in to relax with, like an instrument or reading or something.

          Frick this guy in particular.

          • 5 months ago

            There’s a difference between telling someone to get on meds and advising them not to completely discount the possibility out of paranoia. Medication works for some people, doesn’t work for others, and is best regarded as a tool and not a solution. I’ve spent periods of time off my meds, and I have people in my life who care about me and can tell me if my behavior’s changing. They’ve observed differences—both positive and negative—that indicate whether or not I’m on my medication, and I’ve had a number of conversations with a number of doctors about those. Dealing with this stuff is a lifelong process, but denying yourself a tool is just making things more difficult for no reason.

          • 5 months ago

            >Frick this guy in particular.

            >They aren't going to charge me anything and there's a big chance some people here went through the same.

            Well I am one of these people and that's what I did. The drugs don't turn you into a zombie like everyone says. I had good and bad experiences, if you want to know more just ask.

            >the chances of finding a good doctor is as close to zero as possible
            Not at all. It's the same chance as to find a good doctor in any pratice. I have ADHD and chronic insomnia. I had something like 10 psychiatrists and 6 therapists. One of each are good and my current doctors for the last 5 years, the rest I'd say 4 ok therapists who couldn't understand/help me, 1 total shit. On the psychiatrists side it's more complicated, they don't give much fricks to their patients, they prescribe heavy shit as if it's just Vitamin C for a flu. Nasty shit. My current one is a very decent doctor and human being.

            And yeah, you gonna spend some money on these. But you can spot a shit doctor on the first session, I did with all mine. Go to the point, challenge them, see how they react. You can detect who really wanna help and who's just there for the paycheck.

            But be aware, they won't solve everything. Therapy helps, drugs can enhance therapy, but they only work together and they just solve part of the problems.

            It's not a perfect system but it can help. Nothing against anyone here, but we are not professionals. At least try if you get the time and the money, but if you don't want it's ok too. It's just my opinion. (You)
            Thank, I hope everything you wish for others comes to you double.

            I'm not telling anyone to take meds, I'm telling you guys about my experience. Any questions, just ask away.

            There’s a difference between telling someone to get on meds and advising them not to completely discount the possibility out of paranoia. Medication works for some people, doesn’t work for others, and is best regarded as a tool and not a solution. I’ve spent periods of time off my meds, and I have people in my life who care about me and can tell me if my behavior’s changing. They’ve observed differences—both positive and negative—that indicate whether or not I’m on my medication, and I’ve had a number of conversations with a number of doctors about those. Dealing with this stuff is a lifelong process, but denying yourself a tool is just making things more difficult for no reason.

            >There’s a difference between telling someone to get on meds and advising them not to completely discount the possibility out of paranoia. Medication works for some people, doesn’t work for others, and is best regarded as a tool and not a solution.
            This. Like I said it's an option and not a perfect one.

  10. 5 months ago

    Feel some shame in yourself for being overly obsessive, it’s annoying and repulsive. Helps me to think this way when I get neurotic over shit. Try taking some CBD oil if it’s available, helps me chill out. Also, don’t take medical advice through a screen, go seek professional help. We can’t do shit for you. Goodluck

  11. 5 months ago

    You're probably schizophrenic.

  12. 5 months ago

    In music production, you have to refrain from getting hyperfixated or you can get stuck wiggling knobs on a synth for a week straight. I know the feeling. I've produced some of my best work very late at night and work suffered due to my mental state. Treat obsession like caffeine and only indulge when you have the time.

  13. 5 months ago

    I'd suggest getting some Melatonin gummies, those helped out a lot when I had a bought of extreme anxiety and needed to get my brain to shutup so I could sleep

  14. 5 months ago

    This is called having a "special interest", you have autism or adhd.

  15. 5 months ago

    OP here. I`m forcing myself to not use Ganker or think about TG related content from yesterday`s night to today`s night.

    So far it is going okish... I didn`t sleep much and it was hard to do anything else at all to pass time but I do feel like I was more or less succesful, my head doesn`t seem like it is about to explode and fatigue is a bit less. If this is still up by tonight I`ll bump it again I guess...

  16. 5 months ago

    why do you think so many furries are competent artists?
    The stronger the obsession, the less likeley youll ever make the obsession real, the more creative drive you have.
    Untill it drives you stark raving mad.
    All creativity is a longing for something that doesnt exist yet and a need to make it exist.

    congratulations, youre here forever

    • 5 months ago

      That's quite poetic and true.

    • 5 months ago

      Furry artists are notoriously bad at drawing, though? And otoh Japanese middle school kids mog pros doodling their silly OC gyaru waifus. Name one furry artist who doesn't repulse the general public with their art.

      • 5 months ago

        >Name one furry artist who doesn't repulse the general public with their art.
        It's the content of their art that repulses the general public. Not the quality.

        • 5 months ago

          Looks repulsive to me, but this isn't what most furry art looks like. Most furry artists have a horrifying 'Chris Chan' quality to them, they're ugly both for what they depict and how it's depicted.

    • 5 months ago

      >why do you think so many furries are competent artists?
      Cart before the horse[fricker]
      Artists are furries because furries will pay any price for furshit. Furries as a rule are horribly uncreative and just regurgitate things that are popular; wolves/foxes/dragons/dogs etc. There's a whole cottage industry of selling "OCs" to furgays too creatively bankrupt to invent their own. To say nothing of "closed species." They may actually be less creative on balance than... i forget what their term for non-furgays is.

      Anyhow the point is that furhomosexuals are cancer and need to yiff in hell.

  17. 5 months ago

    I have that, it's hyperfixation. It's a sign of ADD.
    I bet after a while you drop it like a bad habit too after its consumed you for six months

  18. 5 months ago

    I've go an ADHD and Autism diagnosis. I feel you bro, it's a real disability. Even if you don't want meds, you should probably get tested anyway if this is negatively affecting your life. They might tell you to get meds but in my experience you don't have to even get a prescription if you don't want to. Especially because there's been a shortage of ADHD pills for the last year. But aside from meds a diagnosis will nail down what exactly is wrong and you'll have a better idea of what you're actually fighting. Knowing is half the battle.

  19. 5 months ago

    >Take 3 g of magic mushroom edible chocolate on a free day
    >chill in a cozy place in your home
    >binge watch two or three movies or shows that you love
    >be calm and know that you're okay
    >dont go outside till the high is over. Itll last maybe 3 or more hours but thats it
    >have plenty of water with you. You will get thirsty and water reduces the effect
    This will cure you of your ills. Worked for me

  20. 5 months ago

    it's called hyperfixation and it means you're autistic or at the very least have a wicked case of ADHD

  21. 5 months ago

    >putting yourself on a medical list that would later put you on a watch list because people say its unhealthy
    dont tell anyone. dont say anything. keep things quiet. make a good story. live in that story. dont trust anyone. do your own thing.

    • 5 months ago

      And this, class, is a case of paranoid schizophrenia.

      • 5 months ago

        Sure thing israelite, you'll definitely win everyone over to your glow in the dark panopticon and get them on your poison if you just call them mentally ill!

        • 5 months ago

          eat shit glowBlack person

          See the funny part is you can tell its always the schizos who don't want you to take your meds because people with ADHD know that ADHD medicines are basically legal meth.
          Like, I have no idea how antipsychotics work (and frankly, neither do most doctors) but ADHD medications have a really, really straightforward treatment mechanism.

          • 5 months ago

            Black person I didn't say don't take Adderall, it's basically a nootropic performance enhancer (and yeah it's just meth, if you are living on this substance your life will become hell), but you don't go to a therapist to get an Adderall script you go to a fricking doctor. And by doctor I obviously mean go to an internet pill farm and pay them the $200 to get diagnosed, not to think that any fricking israelite therapist will somehow be good for your mental health (it will have the opposite effect). And fundamentally that would completely fail to solve OP's critical autism, it would just make him even worse about hyperfixating on his cringe imaginings. The treatment for this illness is political, not medical, specifically, in terms of restoring dignity and purpose to the lives of white men and men generally.

            • 5 months ago

              >and yeah it's just meth, if you are living on this substance your life will become hell
              I've been both on and off Adderall for periods of time, and it literally just makes thinking easier. I'm more successful in a work environment when I'm medicated, and just went to pieces for the two years when I moved to another country and had to get set up again with a licensed doctor and properly prescribed for it.

              • 5 months ago

                It has a ton of intense side effects, I'm not saying that amphetamines are always bad but they will make you stay awake for days and have zero appetite (to the point you don't notice your lack of it) and that's just the "beneficial" ones. Adderall certainly does help you "think" but it's because your body is artificially placed into a stressful and abnormal state. Besides that, they're extremely addictive and they have pretty severe withdrawal effects. Again, it's fine to take it in some cases but don't tell people it is just a nootropic, it's lightweight meth.

      • 5 months ago

        eat shit glowBlack person

  22. 5 months ago

    Just set an hour where you stop thinking, empty your head and sleep. It's called being responsible and thinking ahead, sacrificing your present pleasure to have a pleasant tomorrow.
    Learn to control yourself , if you can't you are less than human despite all the romanticizing around autism.

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