Unironically what's the appeal of these games?

I feel like most of you homosexuals started playing them because of peer pressure and validation seeking, with all the ecelebs and redditors shilling the shit out of them as "must play" "classic" "masterpiece" you felt like you had to play them to feel like a real gaymer, to not be embarrassed in vidya discussion and to be a cool "souls vet"
As you played them for the first time, you realized it's fricking unfun garbage, you were very frustrated but you kept forcing yourself through out of pride, because shaming is common in this cult, you don't want to be told "filtered" "git gud" "skill issue".
These games are designed so that you get a "reward" in the form of a relief after beating a frustrating boss fight, just in time before it gets too frustrated and you quit the game. And then you get into a sunk cost fallacy and you keep playing it until the end. After finishing the game you finally get to be part of the fromsoftware brand cult, it was a fricking torture but you cope, you invent poetic attributes to the game and you disregard all the obvious flaws and lack of basic features.

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  1. 8 months ago

    I’m moving different

    This shit ain’t nothing to me man, I’m a dog. I’m biting the fart bubbles in the bath

    We smoking Symbiote

    Smoking that Whoopi Goldberg South Egyptian fur burger Deluxe Mega Millions scratcher skunk bubba kush

    We smoking dung beetle

    I’m on 12 vicodins, smoking on Scooby-Doo dick

    We smoking Sequoia banshee boogers

    We snorting that good Buffalo Soldier tamarind Jordanian gibbies

    They must have amnesia, they forgot that I’m him. That Burberry backwoods pack hitting that pussy smell like a Hellcat V8

    We smoking shit in a glass pipe, blowing the Lord’s bubbles

    I’m sick in the head

    I’m on them Broward county Tic-Tacs, I’m on them Georgetown Geronimoes

    I’m on them Nashville nibblers

    I left my Margiela’s in the Benz truck, I’ll have to stunt on them next time

    I don’t give a frick if I go blind, I don’t need to see the price tag anyways

    I’m high on 12 Jason Bournes, looking to beat the cum out of a thick, fresh oak

    We smoking filtered crack you stupid piece of shit, I’ll fricking kill you

    Call that pussy The Matrix, cause I’m in this b***h and I can’t get out

    Last guy who ran off on the pack got choked out by some Givenchy gloves. The last thing he ever saw was the price tag on them. Slowly faded into darkness, and I let the archangels take him. I need more Sequoia banshee boogers

    Don’t be shy girl, I love me some Pastrami mudflaps

    I’m moving like French Montana: haan

    Welcome to the Cream Kingdom b***h, open up. Blac Chyna, I’d drink her piss out of another man’s balls

    My shooter a crackhead, he look like Woody Harrelson

    You ain't seen ten bands in your life, jit

    Reach for my neck, you'll get turned into an example

    Y'all gotta stop playing with me man

    I threw diamonds at the strip clubs under the great pyramids. I pushed a camel through the eye of a needle. This shit ain't nothing to me man

  2. 8 months ago

    i tgought dark aouls 1 was fantastic. great setting that felt original, wonderful interconnected world, puniahing combat that didnt go over the top with every boss having infiniite hp bar and 5 different phases, slow movement that seemed ro resonate with the depressive setting, memorable music and so on.
    2, 3 and elden ring were passionless cashgrabs to me. bloodborne was different enoigh to be interesting, demons souls was cool but feels like a beta version of ds1 when you go back to it, sekiro is a completely different game.

  3. 8 months ago

    It's OK to be bad at videogames, it's not a job, you don't have to make up reasons why are the games are shit because you couldn't overcome the challenge

  4. 8 months ago


  5. 8 months ago

    I like the b***hes in these games

  6. 8 months ago

    I think the appeal of these games is very simple.
    You die a lot. You lose souls when you die. You want to get back to those souls.
    This loss/recovery cycle forces you to start being very deliberate. You start making little plans about how you will move through the world.

    its this planning element that really is the charm of these games, in my opinion. many games dont have this, you just run to where you need to be.

    • 8 months ago

      your post sounds like cope but you're not even self aware enough to realize it

      • 8 months ago

        what am i coping? your post sounds like meme words strung together

  7. 8 months ago

    Exploration and secrets
    I have heard others say that they’re similar to Zelda in that regard which I haven’t played, but if you have then you probably get the idea.

    • 8 months ago

      Zelda games are fun, incredibly detailed and polished, full of sandbox activities and features, they are a gem of technology and engineering
      Don't compare Zelda to soulshit

      • 8 months ago

        You're right nuzelda trash shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence as soulskino

  8. 8 months ago

    muh difficulty so unwashed virgins can feel something in their wee wee

  9. 8 months ago

    exploring and finding new things(equipment, magic, environments, bosses) and using that equipment and magic to overcome those environments and bosses
    it's really not complicated.

  10. 8 months ago

    It's ok OP, you got filtered. Go play your bing bing wahoo game on easiest difficulty.

  11. 8 months ago

    Atmosphere, bosses, enemy variety, gameplay, combat, story, characters, setting, pacing and art. All of them make the games more engaging (both in and outside of the game) and to me personally that's the most important thing a game should do.

    • 8 months ago

      This is all true but one thing that I've grown to increasingly appreciate more with time is the fact that there's very little talking, cutscenes and such and you start playing/controlling your character almost the moment you start the game but the story telling isn't lacking. FromSoft has this way of succinctly telling a story that doesn't get into the way of gameplay but it makes the world you're in even richer than some games that expo dump on you dozens of texts and mindless npc chatters and cinematic cutscenes.

      • 8 months ago

        >describes every single game before 1995

        • 8 months ago

          That's why I said with time. There are still good games like that being made but they're mostly indie. I cannot stand most AAA games for that reason among others.

  12. 8 months ago

    my first ever playstation trophy was the phalanx demon 11 years ago and this moron is saying i only played it because ecelebs told me it was a 'must play classic masterpiece'

    • 8 months ago

      we don't care
      see you're validation seeking

  13. 8 months ago

    git gud

  14. 8 months ago

    post builds

    • 8 months ago
  15. 8 months ago

    >I don't like beer, so everyone else must be pretending to like it to seem more manly

  16. 8 months ago

    I'm an eceleb and I don't shill this game.

  17. 8 months ago

    >"i got filtered" ad nauseum
    Riveting stuff op

  18. 8 months ago

    i hit the bad man with my sword

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