>Unparallelled depth. >Massive skill ceiling. >Tons of variety

>Unparallelled depth
>Massive skill ceiling
>Tons of variety
>Constantly evolving and changing meta, unlike stale LoL

Dota 2 is one of, if not the best multiplayer game made, and I'm tired of pretending it isn't
>inb4 buttmad RTS gays who are mad this genre exists at all

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  1. 7 months ago

    I stopped playing in 7.20.
    How bad has it gotten?

    • 7 months ago

      map got completely reworked and made 40% bigger
      its just resulted in people running straight down mid because the extra big map just makes it take longer to do anything else
      no-one does rosh anymore because he's in the far corners of the map and its a time waste running all the way over there giving time for the enemy team to respawn, better off just pushing HG while they're dead instead of wasting time roshing

      • 7 months ago

        >no one does rosh
        You dont play dota.

      • 7 months ago

        Lol are you in herald or something for you to claim no one does rosh is crazy or you don't play the game

        It's not just that. Even league struggles. There just needs to be a new game made with a roster of like 50 heroes and significantly less items.

        You literally can't grow an audience with 124 heroes and like 200+ items. That's not considering any other in game mechanic or tactic.

        But at a certain point they will eventually have to learn those other items heroes and mechanics we just gotta be real here this genre isn't new player friendly nothing will change that

        • 7 months ago

          crusader III

          • 7 months ago

            Ok lol yeah you are right no one does rosh at that rank its a forgotten obj in crusader but I promise if you do it you will rank up

  2. 7 months ago

    There was a time this was true. Now the game is unfiltered dogshit. Loseing players hand over fist while lol keeps climbing. Dota balance is literally decided on by redditers

    • 7 months ago

      >Dota balance is literally decided on by redditers
      So is LoL's. A bunch of redditors whined for Vel'Koz buffs and not a week later they got exactly what they asked for. The LoL devs actively participate on the League subreddit. The only thing that stops them from making whatever changes redditors ask for is esports which is their top priority.

  3. 7 months ago

    OG Dota > Current state > whatever the frick that horseshit back when rosh was in the middle of the map was

    I had to quit playing after they changed shit for the worse in 2017 its at least nice to see they reversed course on some dog shit at least

    • 7 months ago

      No they didn't, it's just moron shit replacing other moron shit. The only good thing about dota nowadays is stuff left over from OG dota.

  4. 7 months ago

    dota2 in theory sounds like perfection until you hear the superiority complex 0-3 russian telling you what to do

    sunken cost fallacy game, also lacks blacked rule34

    • 7 months ago

      >until you hear the superiority complex 0-3 russian telling you what to do
      i have 3300 hours and never had a russian in one of my games
      its plagued with chinese and filipinos though.
      but thats easily fixed with the Anonymous Mode which disables all chat

    • 7 months ago

      >also lacks blacked rule34
      That's a good thing. Idk why lol has so much of the shit. The league general has tons of unironic cuck posts.

      • 7 months ago

        League has a metric frick ton of all kinds of porn. Also every general on /vg/ has tons of unionic cuck posts, that's a /vg/ thing not a /lolg/ thing.

        • 7 months ago

          Nah /lolg/ unironically has blacked and qos edits posted routinely. You don't see that shit in /twg/, /d2g/ and /coopg/ (the only other generals I frequent).
          My theory is that league has a lot more Koreans playing it and Koreans are HUGE into cuckshit.

          • 7 months ago

            >Nah /lolg/ unironically has blacked and qos edits posted routinely.
            Yes, and I'm telling you it's like that other generals too.The ones you listed are slower generals so they have lest schizos

  5. 7 months ago

    Map change permanently ruined the game and threw out two decades of proven design

  6. 7 months ago

    >Constantly evolving and changing meta, unlike stale LoL
    they literally killed the game by making too many changes
    pvp games are like sports you're not supposed to change it
    counter strike gets it, why doesn't dota 2 get it?

    • 7 months ago

      CS isn't balanced by reddit, it balanced by a team of well payed professionals. Dota 2 balance literally comes from people recruited from reddit (they frick up the game for free)

    • 7 months ago

      >pvp games are like sports you're not supposed to change it
      no they're not like sports, people get sick of playing the same shit over and over again

      • 7 months ago

        explain lol, cod, cs, tf2, fifa, literally every online competitive game

        • 7 months ago

          I can't, so I'll call you a troony instead.

          • 7 months ago

            I accept you concession

        • 7 months ago

          >cod, tf2, fifa

        • 7 months ago

          >explain lol, cod, cs, tf2, fifa, literally every online competitive game
          league breaks their meta, and already balanced aspects every patch, in very dramatic ways. Riot have perfected drama-based balance changes at this point.
          And cod has always added new gimmicks every game. Even going as far as ripping off titanfall for blops4

  7. 7 months ago

    i stopped playing 2 years ago when i noticed that more than 80% of my games were predetermined. this makes dota worse than a gatcha in respecting your time.

  8. 7 months ago

    >be mid archon
    >complain to friends about the amount of game ruiners on my team and how sluggish it is to rank up
    >"if you were better you would be the rank you deserve"
    >friend gives me his mid legend account so I can prove myself wrong
    >games are far far more structured and teams are more cooperative
    I'm now hovering about ancient 5 on his alt and still leveling so slowly on my main it's infuriating as frick, the game gets so much better when the average skill is above a certain level it isn't even funny

    • 7 months ago

      The problem with dota is ranking is given individually, but games are played by teams. This is unironically a critical break in the axioms and assumptions of pretty much every ranking algorithm out there.

      You could very easily modify the algorithm to optimally weight a mixture of scores based on the position your playing so your rank isn't solely based on win/loss, but Valve has no interest in this and it doesn't matter at all. They're optimizing for you winning/losing 50% regardless of if it's your fault or not. This is why solo que is cancer.

  9. 7 months ago

    Doturd 2 is a glorified slot machine and all this "depth" ia non-existant. Dotard is a helpless gpyim at thw mercy of Chinese social score and EA tier EOMM. None of your input matters because the games are decided the moment you press "find match" button, it just takes a hour of your life until you see a win or defeat screen.
    I would pity dotards but most of them are moronic thied worlders ao why would i?

  10. 7 months ago

    games drag on for so long. anytime im in the same game for more than 40 i just wanna kms

  11. 7 months ago

    Remember when we weren't forced into 2-1-2 lanes? Hahaha feels like an eternity ago.

    • 7 months ago

      when roamers and trilanes were a thing it wasn't any better

      trilanes were specially cancer

      • 7 months ago

        Back in the day i had the lane all by myself, even if it was hard as frick
        Now i'm forced to lane with a pos 4 Pudge sitting afk in the trees throwing and missing hooks every other minute

  12. 7 months ago

    i can't go back to top-down click2action mobas after playing Smite.
    I just wish Dota and Smite could combine, or a proper 3rd person dota could get made.

  13. 7 months ago

    dont want to play with Russians or anyone south of the border
    simple as

  14. 7 months ago

    sniper troll patch made me absolutely hate the game, and then 7.00 made me hate the game even more and I haven't played since
    thanks for reading my blog
    you shouldn't be able to tp scroll into the woods ever

  15. 7 months ago

    MOBA and RTS games are to vidya what the Special Olympics is to sports.

    the people who play them are "special" in that extra-chromosome-having sort of way.

    • 7 months ago

      literally 2 of the highest skill-ceiling genres.
      And your r*ddit spacing really ties the irony together

      • 7 months ago

        yeah...and the dumber you are, the less you have pesky thoughts getting in your way.

        stupid people tend to rise to the top of competitive games/sports because they are practically incapable of overthinking. you almost need to be midway up the autistic spectrum to even enjoy a MOBA/RTS game.

  16. 7 months ago

    I will continue to play SB and Primal. I will continue to BROOOOL and you cannot stop me.

  17. 7 months ago

    >no battlepass
    >its been a month since TI
    >still no cavern crawl
    >assuming it even comes out, it'll be a shit game mode like Aghanims Labryinth that no-one plays except like 3 people on reddit.

    I just want Nemestice or Diretide bros
    why arent they just full-time game modes in the fricking game?

    • 7 months ago

      having too many meme modes can hurt the main mode.

      • 7 months ago

        frick the main mode
        Nemestice was the fricking breasts and Diretide was a close second
        Turbo's almost as popular as the main mode now because people dont have time or patience for 90min stomps filled with botters, hackers and smurfs.

  18. 7 months ago

    >entire genre shares the exact same skillset
    >morons still argue about which one is da hardest

  19. 7 months ago

    Too many heroes
    Too many items

    It's basically exclusively played by people who have been playing since around 2016 or so (or before). New players don't stick around long in dota because just learning the game takes too long.

    • 7 months ago

      dota has only gotten more complex that why people keep crying about 7.00 that great filter update people dont want to keep relearning a complex game like this and you cant just jump in and enjoy this type of game

      this is where i give league some credit you can just jump into the game and have fun in dota you just cant because even in the lower ranks these people are using meta pulling some of these people even stack so the knowledge you need to have is crazy

      >be mid archon
      >complain to friends about the amount of game ruiners on my team and how sluggish it is to rank up
      >"if you were better you would be the rank you deserve"
      >friend gives me his mid legend account so I can prove myself wrong
      >games are far far more structured and teams are more cooperative
      I'm now hovering about ancient 5 on his alt and still leveling so slowly on my main it's infuriating as frick, the game gets so much better when the average skill is above a certain level it isn't even funny

      because mmr is just a number until you hit immortal and climbing in dota 2 is not hard what's hard is keeping a good mental after bullshit ass games where dota places you with teammates they know are bots and they expect you to carry them and it always happens when you are about to rank up or on a big win streak

      got placed in a game on my big win streak and the carry i got placed with everyone on my team said sucks and gave away their last game guess what he ended up leaving after going 0/7 my game and we ended up having to play without him probably for the best since we won

      • 7 months ago

        It's not just that. Even league struggles. There just needs to be a new game made with a roster of like 50 heroes and significantly less items.

        You literally can't grow an audience with 124 heroes and like 200+ items. That's not considering any other in game mechanic or tactic.

        • 7 months ago

          >There just needs to be a new game made with a roster of like 50 heroes and significantly less items.

          no there doesn't, dota is "alive" and well even decades later with no such thing, the main mechanics every shitter had to learn when first starting up the game are mostly still the same and realistically this moronic video game is almost like a skill or hobby - it takes years just to be mediocre at it

          the simple reality is that this game is impossible to balance correctly because there's too much shit going on and gaming and gamers are much different than they were 10 years ago, people will minmax the shit out of your game for any possible advantage and one change can frick over several things down the line and just creates different problems

      • 7 months ago

        >that why people keep crying about 7.00 that great filter

        7.00 sucked because it permanently cemented a bunch of mechanics from 6.8X that permanently changed the structure and pacing of the game, it wasn't about having to relearn it it was that rubber banding is fricking gay

  20. 7 months ago

    It's literally League x Reddit

  21. 7 months ago

    7.0 turned it into dogshit but I still cant stop playing because I hope for another overhaul

  22. 7 months ago

    Does dota2 have a Zoe-like character?

  23. 7 months ago

    For me its Sand King

  24. 7 months ago

    >game ends at 5-10 min
    >forced to keep playing for another 20-30 minutes because you can't concede
    >end up being mad after this
    >have to set apart a contiguous block of 90+ min to play 2, 3 matches at best, may end up having 3 shit games
    >implying anyone should waste their time with this garbage because Black folk want to keep playing a wasted game because there's a 5% chance of a comeback that feels good for 5 minutes

  25. 7 months ago

    it's hard to learn as a beginner and since it's a niche old game with 90% of it's playerbase having +5000 hours you can't really have fun while you learn, got a few kills, won a few matches, gave up on playing because the community is just not one i want to play with

  26. 7 months ago


  27. 7 months ago

    It WAS before 7.0 fricked it up

  28. 7 months ago

    It is, but the role system fricking sucks
    CS is just better, because it's a complete level playing field and anyone can be the carry/support at any point in a game

  29. 7 months ago

    I've only ever played Dota 2, even during the big MOBA craze. It's the only one of them that didn't try to israelite me with pay2win micro-transaction schemes. Never understood why people even bothered with League when that game made you pay for shit you got for free in Dota 2.

  30. 7 months ago

    >Constantly evolving and changing meta
    son the current meta is stale as frick. spirit breaker spectre necrophos every game even after nerfs. kill me god.

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