Vermintide 2

Without resorting to buzzwords, explain in what ways it's better than Darktide

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  1. 8 months ago

    Here's the reply

  2. 8 months ago

    Good class design, well thought out maps for the most part, good interactions between the ubersriekt 5. fun

  3. 8 months ago

    Enemy variety. Imagine having the entire 40K roster to make enemies from and you still get stupid zombie people for most of the game

    • 8 months ago

      99% of the 40k roster would absolutely decimate the darktide characters.

      • 8 months ago

        We still need a set piece Khorne Lord of Skulls boss

        • 8 months ago

          I don’t understand the hate.
          moronic designs like this are pure warhammer soul.

          • 8 months ago

            Khorne Lord of Skulls is perfectly moronic in the best ways. I love it. It has even seen play recently. A guy ran two at our LGS for a while (before just going back to CSM) and it was beautiful.

        • 8 months ago

          not my fav but its a nice model regardless
          but then most of the more recent models, last several years anyway from GW and FW have been pretty good

          • 8 months ago

            Their AoS team crushes it when they aren't making humans, and 40K has done pretty well besides the Desolation marines and this fricking guy (I am an admech player and I am still seething)

            • 8 months ago

              I love him.
              Most of the admech line is goofy as frick like this.

              • 8 months ago

                He really should have been on an oval base and had a more dynamic pose. He's also just not what the army needed. Lone op is nice but they needed a real killer datasheet so it wasn't just the kataphron army. But anyway Darktide needs to get off nurgle. Genestealer Cults are such a natural choice for another faction I think it's almost guaranteed.

              • 8 months ago

                now that FS has the technology (i presume they located an STC on google) to have enemies fight enemies or NPC's fight enemies (combat servitors or gun servo skulls anyone)i feel like all signs point to them and nurgley boys duking it out and our strike teams making it a melee a tois

              • 8 months ago

                Can't wait to get bonked by aberrants or pounced on by purestrains

              • 8 months ago

                and i want to bonk them with my melta gun if FS ever fricking gives it to me.........

              • 8 months ago

                Ogryn needs a big frick off multimelta

            • 8 months ago

              i dont give a shot about others opinions i fricking adore that model
              its absurd and i fricking love it

    • 8 months ago

      >Get attacked by followers of Nurgle
      >told you'll be executed unless you help deal with followers of Nurgle
      >Tertium overrun with corruption of Nurgle
      >surprised everything is tainted by Nurgle
      wew lad

      • 8 months ago

        Nurgle's overdone and boring, let's fight someone else now.

  4. 8 months ago
  5. 8 months ago

    - I paid for it and I don't want to pay fatshark again
    - I have no reason to move over to darktide
    - Better characters

  6. 8 months ago

    It's actually fun.

    • 8 months ago

      >BLACK ONES!

  7. 8 months ago

    No teleporting doors for enemies and better combat.

  8. 8 months ago

    far, far better map variety
    far better weapon variety
    far better enemy variety
    different classes are far more distinct from each other
    you can actual pick the missions you want to do whenever you want
    infinitely better banter thanks to featuring actual characters instead of boring custom blank slates
    no blobs of ranged shit that arbitrarily slows the game down to a standstill

    • 8 months ago

      >infinitely better banter thanks to featuring actual characters instead of boring custom blank slates'
      THIS is the one for me

  9. 8 months ago

    vivid dynamic between the 5 characters

  10. 8 months ago

    Game engine is quicker, characters are more responsive and it feels like you have more control over situations even when things start to go south. 20 distinct classes with unique gameplay styles vs 4. Actual end game content in the form of FoW, twitch mode, chaos wastes, etc. Achievements that are rewarding to complete with weapon and character skins, art, etc that actually look good and feel worth getting. The characters are much more relatable and likable to boot, dialogue is great.

    Don't get me wrong, I've been having a lot of fun with patch 13 in Darktide, and I don't think either game is a replacement for the other. Both have great presentation, visuals and sound/music, Darktide feels easier in general and is a more approachable casual experience. These are just the things I think Vermintide has done better so far.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah this, I can't recall but the fighting was much more responsive, the melee in Vermintide made more sense and the enemies felt more memorable.
      Darktide is fun with chainblades and bolters but half the weapons are useless or so close to another it's mundane to use.

      • 8 months ago

        >the enemies felt more memorable
        The majority of the enemies in Darktide are basically just cultists and evil soldiers.
        You could stick them in Fallout as a raider gang and it wouldn't feel out of place.
        You could not do the same with the enemies in Vermintide, the Skaven are clearly Warhammer Fantasy creatures to the point where you can easily recognize tabletop models among the enemies. Same for the Beastmen, and mostly true for the Rotbloods as well.

        if gw wants "good" beastmen just release new models and datasheets for loyalist beastmen auxillia
        since they fricked the chance in AoS apparently

        But how would that let them get more Space Marine money?

        • 8 months ago

          i view skaven in WFB like i view Ad Mech in 30k/40k, ie, the best and most original and frankly memorable faction from their settings
          and yes i think ad mech are more memorable than SM's fite me

          Ogryn needs a big frick off multimelta

          anon no think of the hives structural integrity!

          • 8 months ago

            They might actually be doing Dark Mech this edition. They just dropped more dark mech lore in the Bile/Cawl book and they got a Man of Iron daemon engine thing

  11. 8 months ago

    VT has elf. DT does not.

    • 8 months ago

      >those elf milkers


      • 8 months ago

        i wonder if Krubah got a good look at her ears when she gave him a cheeky drink from that cup...............

        • 8 months ago

          It's common knowledge that Grail Knights drink elf girl bathwater, of course he knew.

        • 8 months ago

          Probably wouldn't give a damn, he's probably the closest a human has ever been to friendship with a wood elf
          >least annoying mayfly she's ever met
          Bonus points for Kruber regularly blaspheming against daddy sigmar sometimes

        • 8 months ago

          Leave poor 'ol Kruber alone, elf

          • 8 months ago

            i presume that pov is that of a cliff edge?

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah, it shows the last moments of an elf's life after she decided to insult Bardin's ancestors and refused to sing with him and Krubah

        • 8 months ago

          We're at the point in the story where Bretonnians know The Lady is an elf and they do not care.

          • 8 months ago

            >do not care
            Didn’t the revelation cause a vast swathe of them to tell the elves to go frick themselves and quit the field?

            • 8 months ago

              A couple of them dissented but for the most part they didn't care and life and worship went on as it always was.

  12. 8 months ago

    no forced online hub jacking up load times

    • 8 months ago

      this, the online hub is such a moronic waste of time. I don't care or want to look at other players just running around the hub. we're supposed to be disposable inquisition soldiers, we should be kept in cells

    • 8 months ago

      i crash loading the hub 75% of the time

  13. 8 months ago

    40k is worse. Warhammer has always been better. Darktide could run better, and have better map variety, and hero variety, and enemy variety, and look better, and smell better, and get me mountains of poon, but it would still not be as good as Vermintide. Because 40k is not as good as Warhammer.

  14. 8 months ago

    It runs on my machine at nearly max setting, while i can't even run darktide at 60 with below minimum (config). also i did my first legends run today as sister of thorns. i thought i would get my ass raped but it was pretty fun and chill. im already at the point where i find champions as my defacto difficultly choice.

    • 8 months ago

      Legend isn't really that bad when you get into the groove.
      Never tried cata, might grab WoM one of these days when it goes on sale again.

      • 8 months ago

        It goes without saying really, but sometimes i even get teamwiped on veteran because nobody knows what they're doing, it's less infuriating on champions because it's clearly an honest mistake. like two days ago on convocation of decay we all got thrown off the cliff near the ending and everyone just laughed about it.

        DT has had a lot of engine optimizations in the last few patches, give it another try if you haven't in a while. I'd basically ignored the game since launch for that reason and was glad to see it was actually playable now.

        tried it like last week or two ago, but the game looks incredibly shitty and runs like ass in open sections with FSR 2.0 on+async rendering. i could disable AO on the config as my last chance but i bet my whole game would look flat without any shadows. but again im using an 1060 gpu and a 4c/4t cpu

        • 8 months ago

          >disable AO
          do it
          the AO really doesnt help with so many dark areas in the game, in fact I think the game looks better with AO off than on.
          I've done many comparisons and A-B tests of this too - try it yourself when you're in the morningstar.

          >AO off = easier to see shit
          >AO on = shit's harder to see

          also, use DLSS + frame gen if you have it. game is infinitely smoother with it, though the frame killer in darktide is really just the CPU intensive options like ragdolls etc. - case in point, going from a 1070 to a 3080 didnt really improve the frame drops/minimum 1%/10% fps.

    • 8 months ago

      DT has had a lot of engine optimizations in the last few patches, give it another try if you haven't in a while. I'd basically ignored the game since launch for that reason and was glad to see it was actually playable now.

    • 8 months ago

      Just turn on sound when running lego or above, all ya need to do really.

      Legend isn't really that bad when you get into the groove.
      Never tried cata, might grab WoM one of these days when it goes on sale again.

      It ain't much different really. Special clear is more laborious.

    • 8 months ago

      It goes without saying really, but sometimes i even get teamwiped on veteran because nobody knows what they're doing, it's less infuriating on champions because it's clearly an honest mistake. like two days ago on convocation of decay we all got thrown off the cliff near the ending and everyone just laughed about it.
      tried it like last week or two ago, but the game looks incredibly shitty and runs like ass in open sections with FSR 2.0 on+async rendering. i could disable AO on the config as my last chance but i bet my whole game would look flat without any shadows. but again im using an 1060 gpu and a 4c/4t cpu

      >Runs a thousand times better than darktide
      because it looks like shit lmao

      To be fair, Vermintide also has dogshit optimization, the difference is that the game is already fairly old and 90% of the pcs can run it smoothly, but just google it and you'll find just as many (old) complaints as darktide currently has.

  15. 8 months ago

    It isn't. They're the same game except Darktide is more fun if you like ranged combat.

    • 8 months ago

      Have to disagree with that. Ranged combat in VT 2 feels way better than in Darktide, partially because the suppression system is shit if you have to shoot back.

  16. 8 months ago

    Kruber x Kerillian
    Saltzpyre's sword x Sofia's neck
    Bardin x Bugmans

  17. 8 months ago

    the five pre-made characters are much better modeled and voiced then the shitty custom characters in darktide. the locations are for more distinct and memorable. the weapons, enemies, and feel of combat are just plain better. I don't hate darktide but vt2 is just much better

  18. 8 months ago

    Fantasy > 40k

    • 8 months ago

      yep. 40k is actually gay as frick. they had to dovetail into full gay shit to escape the optics of being appreciated by people who actually like the fascist aspects, etc.

      • 8 months ago

        They really went over drive in pozzing it up like they do to all white nerdy stuff.

        • 8 months ago

          All of the background characters suck except for Hadron. I like that grouchy old bat.

        • 8 months ago

          have sex, incel

          • 8 months ago

            when she come to my clinic she says, "doctor doctor...i have aids". i say okay the treatment for aids is very simple.we going to rape the aids away. this very easy to fix. we are going to rape you.

            i go outside this morning, i see..i see a snake in my car. SNAKE WHY YOU IN MY CAR? The snake look at me and he say, "because you need da bad omen". "because I am a bad omen".

            i wake up this morning and i say this is no good, this woman... i look at her and say, "why are you a prostitute?" I look at her and say, "why? why do you do this? why do this to your body? why prostitute yourself for not that much money"

      • 8 months ago

        This is something I don't understand. The 40k setting is inherently hateful, fascist, etc. That's the whole fricking point. How can you even hope to pozz this with a straight face?

  19. 8 months ago

    Because you can play it on PlayStation

  20. 8 months ago

    Better melee combat and weapon variety
    Better enemy variety
    Better maps with actual memorable locations and variety
    Actual characters and not empty create a characters with no personality
    Melee centric gameplay without having to worry about getting sniped or entering a room and loosing all of your health due to an entire squad of gunners just waiting for you because the director is garbage
    Better class variety with how they play and complement eachother
    Better gear and reward system
    No forced crossplay with xbox mouth breathers

    I play both regularly still but darktide is just massive regressions.

  21. 8 months ago

    crossplatform made Darktide unplayable
    console players are genuinely terrible

    • 8 months ago

      Funny they don't show who is a console player at the start of the round because you just know people would start to instantly bail.

  22. 8 months ago

    I like imagining the rats are israelites and use my dwarf's flamethrower to melt them

    • 8 months ago

      I'm more partial to the torpedo myself

    • 8 months ago

      It's a pity the flamethrower's worthless on higher difficulties

      • 8 months ago

        >being a meta slave
        The fun makes it worthwhile to me

      • 8 months ago

        Eh, being able to completely hold a choke solo without giving any space at all has some value.
        Less than being able to plonk specials but still

        • 8 months ago

          you can hold a choke solo with your melee
          drakegun only becomes good on deeds which swarm you with enemies or modded
          when the density gets so high that your melee struggles with hordes and there's plenty of thp to go around, drakegun suddenly becomes a very good weapon

          • 8 months ago

            >you can hold a choke solo with your melee
            Not without dodging which necessitates giving ground. If you're trapped in an especially tight space like if there's some shonky chaos wastes shit that'll wake up and kill you if the team gets forced to move too much, then being able to plant your feet entirely is a valuable skill.
            Besides, higher difficulty swarms in the base game get stupidly dense at times too.

            • 8 months ago

              dodge side to side as you fight a horde and you give up basically no ground while almost never getting hit*
              *you should hit trade as ib, stagger thp+damage resistance

            • 8 months ago

              dodge side to side as you fight a horde and you give up basically no ground while almost never getting hit*
              *you should hit trade as ib, stagger thp+damage resistance

              i wouldn't give up the ability to snipe specials in chaos wastes in exchange of some horde control when half the time you wipe is due to fatshark summoning 10 assassins
              you give up special sniping for gk, which shits out damage and ledges monsters, or corus bw, which absolutely melts hordes

  23. 8 months ago

    Is Necromancer good?

    • 8 months ago

      its fun to play, her new weapons aren't great on the necro character, but the pet mechanics are a neat addition. blue fire for all weapons is cool too

    • 8 months ago

      scythe is decent but armor damage is questionable
      her staff is not all that good frankly
      class itself is alright, guaranteed crit with more cleave, dots, your skellies can ram enemies or allow you went overcharge, unfortunately they tend to melt on higher difficulties when elites show up even with health talent

    • 8 months ago

      Skeletons are cool and potentially quite useful. Her new weapons feel kind of so-and-so, they're not amazing. The scythe is OK-ish but man does it feel fricking clunky, the dodge especially is so fricking bad it feel like you're barely dodging and despite what you'd think the scythe isn't particularly good at generating temp health either. The new staff is probably her best for sniping specials and elites and its chain-fire primary is OK too, but again it's not amazing.

      The Necro in and of itself and the utility it has can synergize super well with other weapons though, for instance you can order your skellies to form a defensive line and then light the area on fire with a corruscation staff. Necro has doubled burn duration, all the burning targets take 20% more damage and other synergies around it too and it works VERY well. The necro does have the typical "summoner" problem sometimes, namely if the game throws some truly overwhelming shit at you then the skellies end up dead and you lose your utility when you're actually in a situation where you'd need it the most and it's not like you can skillfully control them to prevent them dying 100% like you can prevent yourself from dying by playing really well. Other classes simply do not have this problem. The skellies feel pretty sturdy even on high difficulty in most "normal" situations but when shit hits the fan it ain't so great anymore.

  24. 8 months ago

    I just got into Darktide and Vermintide 2 both are actually great games

  25. 8 months ago

    cute rats

  26. 8 months ago

    Map variety. If Darktide had the same variety It would be fantastic, too many maps look the same, VT2 didnt have that problem, maps looked distinct.

  27. 8 months ago

    Better character design
    Better character interactions
    More enemy variety
    Better maps and map design
    Runs a thousand times better than darktide
    Actual story and lore progression
    Actual boss fights
    Better hub world
    Better character build variety and weapon variety

    V2 is just a straight up upgrade to darktide

    • 8 months ago

      >Runs a thousand times better than darktide
      because it looks like shit lmao

  28. 8 months ago

    Sex with elf

  29. 8 months ago

    Classes are more fun, it has actual characters, better mission and map variety, no stupid mmo shit, Killin' for ol Kruber, Chaos Wastes, Elf

  30. 8 months ago

    Victor Saltzpyre

  31. 8 months ago

    Vermintide gives me a bug where like the "9" key gets stuck spamming. I unplug keyboard it still spam. I close game it still spam.

    Anyone else have this prob?

  32. 8 months ago

    Darktide doesn't have ol one eye.

    • 8 months ago

      I miss him. Zealot is a fricking hollow imitation.

  33. 8 months ago

    better combat

    • 8 months ago

      this webm sucks, its mediocre gameplay someone actually took the time to convert to webm and repost nonstop
      >mistimed guaranteed crit and didn't headshot the rattling
      >steal kruber's sv kill with an ult bodyshot
      >dogshit build can't even 2sbs a gasrat
      the only non-embarrassing part is that the bh knows how to fight a rat ogre

      • 8 months ago

        you haven't posted your cata frame yet btw

  34. 8 months ago

    I like Darktide toughness system better. It means the game can't bullshit half my hp away by teleporting a random clanrat up my ass when I'm not looking, so I don't have to play with my head on a swivel looking 360 degrees at all times while hyper alert 24/7 which gets very tiring over long play sessions.

    • 8 months ago

      You can hear the rats a mile away and they all have very distinct unique sounds for different things they do, no need to have your head on a swivel if you just listen and react to the sounds.

  35. 8 months ago

    I honestly prefer Vermintide1's gameplay to Vermintide 2 in alot of ways.

    • 8 months ago

      I unironically loved more l4d compared to the sequel, the original games are soon forgotten by the sequel everytime

    • 8 months ago

      I just liked the map variety of vt1. Every map in 2 is the exact same pacing while VT1 had a bunch of midpoint events that were sometimes bigger than even the finale of a mission.

  36. 8 months ago

    The player characters are actual characters. They have personalities and continuity with eachother. Darktide painted itself into a corner the very moment they decided to bloat the pool of personalities and simultaneously all have them be nameless

    • 8 months ago

      I think the voice work and writing is just worse overall too.
      So many quotable lines from Vermintide but I can barely think of any from Darktide. There are maybe a couple of personalities that stand out amongst the rest but are still forgettable compared to the ubersreik 5. Pretty weak for a 40k game when you compare it to something like Dawn of War.

      • 8 months ago

        this it's so drab

        i dont normally care about the banter in these type of games but bardin, kruber and saltz are uber soul
        >mfw he starts singing

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        The advanced customisation killed it imo

        this it's so drab

        i dont normally care about the banter in these type of games but bardin, kruber and saltz are uber soul
        >mfw he starts singing


      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, Fatshark really needs to knuckle down, get the voice actors back in the studio, and start pushing out some memorable lines. The gameplay itself is fun (when I'm not rubberbanding) but they need way more dialogue and interesting missions if they want these characters to grow on me.

      • 8 months ago

        scottish zealot preacher:
        >HOLY TOOLS
        >AYE, A GOD HE BE
        it helps that I modeled him after Willem Dafoe from the Lighthouse.

        If I were to delete all other characters and just run named characters for the classes, I would go
        >scottish preacher zealot
        >female beloved psyker
        >bully ogryn
        I like all three veteran voices however. I guess the cut-throat would win because of the cadian thing

        • 8 months ago

          For me it’s the agitator, since it’s clear whoever wrote him based him off Klovis, albeit a slightly more sane version

          • 8 months ago

            Is there any way to change voices? I took female Irish zealot and it has been really annoying since the 150 hr mark.

            • 8 months ago

              I’m sorry, anon.
              The only thing you can do is be glad you didn’t go with male judge or Cadian

              • 8 months ago

                yes, thank god.

            • 8 months ago

              do Gankertards really

              • 8 months ago

                Scottish, Irish eh whats the difference ? they're all British anyway.

              • 8 months ago

                i agree

              • 8 months ago

                Dios mio, el Anglo Eterno…

              • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              nope you’re shit outta luck, reroll or cope with it
              t. would swap to Bullygryn instantly if I could

      • 8 months ago

        scottish zealot preacher:
        >HOLY TOOLS
        >AYE, A GOD HE BE
        it helps that I modeled him after Willem Dafoe from the Lighthouse.

        If I were to delete all other characters and just run named characters for the classes, I would go
        >scottish preacher zealot
        >female beloved psyker
        >bully ogryn
        I like all three veteran voices however. I guess the cut-throat would win because of the cadian thing

        Female Loose Cannon and Male Seer are the only personalities in Darktide that I REALLY like, paired with their VA. They both do a good job, and they're good enough personalities that they could have been expanded into actual people on the level of the VT characters. The others should have been scrapped, combined, or reworked. You would definitely have enough to make a fantastic Zealot and Ogryn by combining traits from each personality.

        The issue being that they'd have to DIVERSIFY their shit up, which would be miserable.

        • 8 months ago

          Male Seer is okay, better than the other options at least.
          The jamaican dude is just boring and the fake german accent one is grating as frick, it's like TF2 medic cranked up to 11 with none of the charm.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah. The other voices are so miserable and annoying. The Savant is just a boring motherfricker whose only personality is "HEY I USED TO BE A COP DID YOU KNOW I WAS A COP" and the Loner is insufferable. Meanwhile, the Seer is just oozing with charisma and flamboyant charm. He's also actually nice and friendly, which is kind of funny contrasting against how horrible the setting is. Not to mention the whole thing with his schizo headmate being way more interesting than anything else any other personality has going on.

            • 8 months ago

              His new voice lines when he uses assail are cool, he sounds absolutely evil.

  37. 8 months ago

    no crossplay
    named characters
    no cod sliding
    focus on melee

  38. 8 months ago

    anything 40k is automatically gay, fantasy is superior in every single way

  39. 8 months ago

    >click on rat
    >rat gets obliterated into 7 pieces and thrown 3 meters

    >click on zombie
    >he plops to the ground/disappears

  40. 8 months ago

    Ratclick is pure SOVL

    Darkturd has no soul

    Simple as

    • 8 months ago

      Basically this

      It's the eternal and critical SOVL/-LESS distinction

      • 8 months ago

        Very true
        plus medieval is far more soulful

        • 8 months ago

          i still believe that warhammer fantasy is a much more compelling setting for actual storytelling than 40k, even if i like 40k as a game more. pulp medieval fantasy in a gonzo fantastical faux earth is cool and stories about good, likeable people struggling to survive and fight against overwhelming evil is more fun to play out than "everything fricking sucks frick you for the emperor graaaah"

    • 8 months ago

      I agree with you, but Op said no buzzwords.
      >muh sovl
      It's the quintessential buzzword for midwits who can't properly express themselves.

  41. 8 months ago

    I'd probably have more fun with warhammer if I even knew where to start looking for the story, I don't want to buy board games and shit

    • 8 months ago

      i will get hate for this but just get total war warhammer 2 and 3

    • 8 months ago

      story is kind of irrelevent in any warhammer game since they expect you to know the lore and characters already. if you really want to get into warhammer honestly start reading up the wikis or dive into youtube lore videos. it gets even muddier with the end times for fantasy warhammer since it's basically the final chapter of fantasy warhammer which spawned age of sigmar which is its own thing but still connected to fantasy warhammer.

    • 8 months ago

      40k or fantasy? Fantasy is alot more easy to slide into. Think Tolkien with metal music and guns, also if you are European your culture is represented.

      • 8 months ago

        Both, I think fantasy has more of an appeal but space marines and the warp are still cool, I don't understand why the warhammer people didn't sue the frick out of blizzard for the clear copyright infringement too.

        • 8 months ago

          >Both, I think fantasy has more of an appeal but space marines and the warp are still cool
          If you like space marines specifically I'd start with the Primarchs, each group of main marines have one guy/father that sums up everything about them; you like Robert Gorrila? You'll like the Ultramarines. You find Lorgar interesting? His guys are mini-hims. For me it's Curze and the Night Lords, I'd recommend them for the Halloween spirit.

        • 8 months ago

          Oh also
          >I don't understand why the warhammer people didn't sue the frick out of blizzard for the clear copyright infringement too.
          That is a big can of worms for games workshop as almost all of their work outside of the Skaven is pulling from something else so if they start waving that issue around anyone who is not some guy animating in his house then things could get ugly for them.

      • 8 months ago

        Any Warhammer Ganker worth checking out besides Gotrek and Felix?

        • 8 months ago

          For 40k they have the heresy series which is always the mainline for lore in that setting
          For fantasy I'd poke around Nagash, Sigmar and Malekith. Avoid anything related to the End Times. Also alot of the books are now quite old so some of it may be abit disjointed/contradictory.

        • 8 months ago

          I really liked the Witchhunter Mathias Thulmann trilogy. always heard good things about Brunner the Bounty Hunter too.

        • 8 months ago

          the malus darkblade books.

    • 8 months ago

      good, the reading requirement is a natural gatekeeping measure

    • 8 months ago

      I listen to audiobooks and play the games
      GW wont get my shekels

    • 8 months ago

      Play the Total War series and install lore mods from the workshop

    • 8 months ago

      Warhammer is a setting rather than a story and the best way to experience it is to just pick up an individual entry that seems interesting and learn as you go.

  42. 8 months ago

    20 classes that feel different to play as opposed to 4 mega classes that are more customisable but kind of blend together.

    Fewer weapons but they are distinct instead of 5 variants of each weapon class forcing you to remember which "marks" are the good ones.

    Harder difficulty(Although you had to buy max difficulty which is up there as one of the scummiest dlc decisions on steam).

    You could actually pick what level you want to do. Also there is a chronology for the levels which means a narrative could actually tie them together instead of... nothing in darktide.

    Scriptures and grims are on every level and give you a tangible benefit as opposed to just money and Exp in darktide. Also they are more interesting to collect rather than just randomly hidden in the level.

    Better character banter between actual characters.

    I truly hate the plasteel system in darktide. It makes players go against the tennant of sticking together as they are too busy checking the four corners for boxes. Also the game doesn't explain that you get more plasteel the higher level you are so on lower difficulties you get laggards wasting everyone's time looking for tiny amounts of plasteel.

  43. 8 months ago

    Better cast, better map variety, better weapon variety, more class options, 3 enemy factions to fight instead of one,, less focus on ranged weapons than DT.

  44. 8 months ago

    fat elf ass

    • 8 months ago

      Knight Kruber rescues her and covers her with his cape.
      Mercenary Kruber does other stuff to her.

      • 8 months ago

        Are you kidding me? Knight Kruber would be more ready to frick her pregnant than Mercenary Kruber would, Bretonnia literally exists to be a buffer state for Athel Loren and to be the sex tourism spot for Asrai.

        • 8 months ago

          Think he meant Foot Knight, not Fr*nchoid Knight.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah exactly, an Imperial Knight actually has honour unlike

            Are you kidding me? Knight Kruber would be more ready to frick her pregnant than Mercenary Kruber would, Bretonnia literally exists to be a buffer state for Athel Loren and to be the sex tourism spot for Asrai.

            gif related

        • 8 months ago

          >Knight Kruber would be more ready to frick her pregnant than Mercenary Kruber would
          just frick already.

  45. 8 months ago

    VT2 has no black people.

    • 8 months ago

      Warhammer fantasy also has that going for it.

      • 8 months ago

        That is something it'll always hold over 40k.

    • 8 months ago

      That is why god allowed the game to be good

    • 8 months ago

      Im black, honestly dont care if there is representation or not, but early modern based fantasy > medival europe

  46. 8 months ago

    I wish I had a better CPU to play this game. My computer is too old and I have no money for it. It's a beautiful game.

  47. 8 months ago

    40k is gay and cringe while fantasy is a fun setting

    • 8 months ago

      >Sci-Fi is gay and cringe while Fantasy is a fun genre

  48. 8 months ago

    It's a couple of different things. I think the biggest one is presentation. Vermintide comes with fixed characters and classes, this means that classes are much more thematic and have a stronger pressence and that characters are able to interract and banter a lot more, again while also having a stronger pressence. I do like being able to make your own character though and I think that it is actually done effectively with voice selection the problem is that they didn't add enough voice lines and interractions and that 9/10 times you're going to playing with either a troony who made an ugly woman (with almost always the same settings) with pink hair or someone who made an abomination as a joke. Getting someone who's character looks and sounds like a natural character within the world changes the feel entirely.
    The other major thing in my opinion is how the world is presented to the player, especially missions. The missions feel so boring, there''s no real spice to them. There's some cool areans like the Starship Troopers style base but other than that it's just moiving through a cool looking but dull world. By draining story from the levels to make them more replayable they actually made them less replayable.
    I think those are really the big reasons, the gameplay itself is as good as vermintide it's just the presentation.

  49. 8 months ago

    Best maps
    Best weapons
    Best characters
    References to the ttrpg game
    Best system
    Also warhammer fantasy is the best and mogs every other fricking world building in existence

  50. 8 months ago

    >Extremely meaty melee combat and all gameplay is balanced around that, with the occasional ranged focused build or meta here or there.
    >Feature complete.
    >Greater enemy variety, particularly the specials are more memorable (packmaster and blight stormer in particular).
    >Characters have strong flavor and great banter.
    >Levels are distinct and varied, although they do begin to be less interesting after the tome routes are locked down and you've played them enough.
    >Loot grind/crafting system/progression is trash, the only caveat I need to make when recommending the game to friends.
    ^The above two issues addressed with the chaos wastes game mode which fricking rocks, and darktide has nothing comparable.
    >MTX for new levels and characters

    Vermintide is a very solid game that has already run through its rough patches and is now in a great spot both content and balance wise. Base game is almost always on sale for extremely cheap if not free and base game content with chaos wastes can last you a very long time, especially with friends. The initial grind is by far the worst part of the game and it only ramps up in fun as you play on. Many of the map/character packs are fairly cheap if you want more content.

    • 8 months ago

      Compared to Darktide, the crafting and progression in Vermintide 2 is outrageously generous and easy and forgiving. Darktide's crafting system is fricking dogshit.

      • 8 months ago

        I was typing a followup comparing it with Darktide, and yeah Darktide somehow found a way to have an even worse system. I will note though that Vermintide 2's progression system was significantly worse at the start of the games lifecycle. If I remember correctly, it was only one item pre chest back then, instead of the three we have now.

    • 8 months ago

      >Has excellent gunplay on top of the tide games' already excellent melee, and combines in a really interesting way that feels like a good evolution if you're burned out on VT.
      >Feature incomplete, is only now where it should have been at launch a year ago.
      >There is some enemy variety, but less distinct than vermintide's. The shooters and other ranged enemies change the flow of combat quite a bit and create interesting challenges.
      >Characters lack flavor outside a rare line here and there. Allowing duplicates gives room for more interesting party combos.
      >Levels feel extremely samey with the exception of a few "zones" that are distinct, but the way the maps rotate makes it hard to see any variety. On the other hand, mission modifiers add a lot to the replayability of the game, so the moment to moment gameplay has a longer shelf life, but the maps themselves wear out sooner than VTs.
      >The crafting/loot progression is somehow the worst in the tide series. I swear to god this shit is worse than Ranald's bones in VT1. Absolute unsalvageable AIDS
      ^Levelling used to also be uninspired garbage, but the recent changes to the talent trees are actually great and allow for great build variety
      >MTX for cosmetics

      Darktide is at its core a more complex experience than Vermintide, but a roughshod, incomplete one. Knowing Fatshark it still has a few rough patches ahead of it before it gets into a good spot, and the focus on "live service" aspects is worrisome at best. FS seemingly learned nothing from the shite progression system in VT1/2 and made it worse in every way, however with the skill tree update I do maintain an ounce of faith that they might overhaul the worst of it, particularly since weapon mods/customization is already in the game files. The game has potential to be better than VT2, but like VT2 it needs more time in the oven. We'll see if the swedes fumble it.

      • 8 months ago

        feel extremely samey with the exception of a few "zones" that are distinct, but the way the maps rotate makes it hard to see any variety
        This is especially unforgiveable as a hive city is as large as an entire empire elector county, there's no excuse for not doing more than plascrete corridors except laziness. They could just read old Kal Jerico and redeemer stuff in the warhammer monthlies and pull 8 entirely different aesthetics that still work.
        People can try and shit on VT2 but there were 13 missions in the base game and most all of them are immediately recognizable from each other at most points in them.

  51. 8 months ago

    For me it's just the crew. The Verm crew are absolute fricking gems. FRICK the create a slate guys in Darktide.

    Except for the Ogryns, they're gold, just wish everyone had a set character so they could bounce better. Even if they only had 2 voices per class, frickin whittle it down.

  52. 8 months ago

    Friendly fire. Make players, especially stupid oversized Ogryn players, not to walk in front of and body block for the enemy team.

    • 8 months ago

      Honestly, don't even make it actually damage people, just make the healthbar flash a color to make people think they're taking damage.

      • 8 months ago

        No. I want to UNLOAD my boltgun into their dome. I will activate my vet special to maximize overkill. And then I deliberately wait to pick them up just so it's clear that they only get to play by my good grace. If you play like an ape then you deserve the bullet.

        • 8 months ago

          Yes sah

          • 8 months ago

            Stand proud soldier.

  53. 8 months ago

    They should give Kruber a grand cathay class where he becomes lu bu and becomes the strongest warrior of the three kindgoms.

  54. 8 months ago

    Predictions for Vermintide 3?

    My hopes are orks are introduced and friendly ai soldiers on certain maps, if they can do it with skeletons then why not. Also for dlc classes go all out - Saltzpyre vampire for example.

    • 8 months ago

      >Predictions for Vermintide 3?
      It's set in the new Old World setting, with the Five getting sent back in time and taking part in the Great War Against Chaos.

      • 8 months ago

        >getting sent back in time and taking part in the Great War Against Chaos.
        Would be a perfect fix to cut end times shit. That would actually be such a good ending.

        Lustria and Nehekhara
        Undead as a full fledged enemy faction

        >rats in jungles
        Would be very fun tbh

        • 8 months ago

          >That would actually be such a good ending.
          It's literally the best way for them to go because it means they can reuse nearly all of their already made assets. It's a no brainer.

    • 8 months ago

      Lustria and Nehekhara
      Undead as a full fledged enemy faction

    • 8 months ago

      I want
      >other mono god chaos factions
      As for DLC, I don't really care as long as each of the characters get more outfits from different named characters.
      >Slayer Bardin with Ungrim Ironfist outfit
      >Ranger Bardin with Grombrindal outfit
      >Mercenary Kruber with Felix Jaeger outfit
      >Foot Knight Kruber with Kurt Helbort outfit
      >Shade Kerillian with Morathi outfit
      >Necromancer Sienna with Isabella Von Carstein outfit

      • 8 months ago

        >Shade Kerillian with Morathi outfit
        >Necromancer Sienna with Isabella Von Carstein outfit
        Why did you have to add these? Now I'm sad and hard.

      • 8 months ago

        >Shade Kerillian with Morathi outfit
        Never going to happen, they already got rid of any hint of transparency on Alarielles outfit. The swedes are incredibly prude.

    • 8 months ago

      they'll probably add undead since the ground work is laid with necromancer Sienna.
      Necromancers and vampires. raiding a Nehekharan pyramid crawling with mummies and shit would be cool for a level

      • 8 months ago

        We are canonically a few months away from Chaos' victory over the setting, we cannot fight the undead because we are now allies with all of them and will continue to be so until the planet explodes.

        • 8 months ago

          End times is so gay

          • 8 months ago

            >noooo the villains can't... le win!!!
            >this is so grim and dark

            • 8 months ago

              >for the villains to win every established character has to act as moronic and out of character as possible
              >everything about certain races have to go through le ebin subversion and destruction of everything that made people like them in the first place
              >we must then replace it all with GROUND MARINES
              Yes, end times is extremely gay.

              • 8 months ago

                >world is ending
                >people act "out of character" and "moronic"
                >hating stormcast eternals

                Are you 12? Even Chaos fans think it was shit.

                Not me. You lose!

            • 8 months ago

              Are you 12? Even Chaos fans think it was shit.

    • 8 months ago

      Depends on how confident they are on the VA's living for a long time.
      If so, I imagine V2 ends just before the big chaos invasion of Bretonnia and the Empire during 2526.
      Then either they do the original campaign set around defending Atldorf before it's fall, or the lands of Bretonnia.
      Maybe do a DLC campaign in Sylvania and then decide if the U5 die before the final days of the End Time or not.
      2526-2028 seems like the perfect time period for V3.

    • 8 months ago

      they unfrick everything and ride off into the sunset

    • 8 months ago

      before vm3 they're going to release bardins daughter has a character to play

      screenshot this baby

      • 8 months ago

        They haven't even given an official depiction of Catrinne despite her being in the game since launch.
        No way they give Hedda an actual design

        • 8 months ago

          at the end of the last mission of Khazid Kro lohner ask's hedda if she wants to stop by

          she say's she'll think about it

          and lohner responds by saying it's settee than i'll get the fest ready or something along those lines

    • 8 months ago

      Vermintide 3 comes out 2030. It's half-finished, it takes 2 years until it's finished after launch. It takes 4 years until it has so much content that you can actually just enjoy the game.

      New features include:
      >laggier graphics
      >It's back to just rats
      >leveling trees
      >re-introducing all the weapons from V2 as DLC back to V3
      >re-introducing all the maps from V2 as DLC back to V3
      >moronic loot system, your gonna run that treadmill for a long time to finish your build
      >s-tier voice acting

      That's about it, everybody loves it (eventually).

  55. 8 months ago


  56. 8 months ago

    r a t

    • 8 months ago

      >huh why doesn't she have breasts
      low tier

  57. 8 months ago

    I bought this and played it for about 10 hours, I didn't quite get the appeal. That was 2 years ago.
    Should i install again? I've upgraded my PC since and have resorted to rimworld for entertainment at this point.

  58. 8 months ago

    Campaigns are better than one-off missions, otherwise I've been enjoying Darktide more for now

  59. 8 months ago

    rats >>>>>>>>>> zombies
    little goobers have so much personaity

  60. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago


  61. 8 months ago

    temp health system is better

  62. 8 months ago

    Far better map variety.
    Actual bosses.
    An actual narrative.
    Defined characters instead of custom OC's which allows the player characters to have y'know, actual character arcs. Take example Saltz journey from WHC to WP.
    It's personality and core cast personality is a 100 times more memorable than what ever Darktide is trying to do.
    No backroom Black Library drama.
    Launch had an actual campaign with a clear bad guy.
    The one boss battle in Darktide wasn't even a character, it's just RNG names put onto a boss whenever you do the map with no pattern variations, where in comparison to Vermintide, everyone remembers MY SLAVES, MY SPOILS OF WAR, adding to the fact Vermintide's writing is much more memorable
    The music.
    It was much more complete game on launch, where Darktide had to wait an entire year just to even get "class variants"
    The banter.
    Easily Matt Wards best work for End Times content.
    Vermintide also has enough enemy variety from Rats, Chaos and even Beastmen, compared to Darktide's more nurgle. Even vermintide 1 knew it couldn't just do rats again going into V2, hence adding Chaos.
    Monetization is much better outside of the blunder that was Dark Omens.
    Also this

  63. 8 months ago

    >character interactions
    >you have actual characters with names and personalities
    >chaos warriors are common minibosses (no plague marines in DT)
    >boss variety

  64. 8 months ago

    Personal Vermintide 3 faction changes.
    Chaos and Skaven keep their base rosters.
    Skaven get a new Monster Type in Verminlords and Rasknitt returns as a Verminlord for the final main campaign boss.
    Chaos Roster gets expanded Putrid Blightkings.
    Chaos Demon roster giving bare minimum demons like proper Nurglings, Plaguebearers of Nurgle, Herald of Nurgle, Plague Toads as a disabler, Beast of Nurgle Monster and maybe a Great Unclean One for a map boss.
    Beastmen roster gets expanded to add Bray-Shaman as a disabler, Centigor as a charger disabler or Boss Monster depending how you want to scale them, Chaos Warhounds as disabler and Tzaangors as more infantry filller.

  65. 8 months ago

    Skaven are better than generic zombies. But that's about it.

  66. 8 months ago

    >no duplicate characters
    >server lists, no quickplay only
    >no generic "customizable" voice, dialogue full of soul and character
    >lots of levels available
    >multiple play styles available for each character, 4+ subclasses
    >can actually stay with the same group of players after a mission and chill together in the mission hub area
    >white characters
    That's off the top of my head, I could go on but I have to take a shit.

  67. 8 months ago

    >play Hereticlick
    >try to go back to Ratclick
    >can’t run
    God DT is so much better than VT mechanically, why did it have to not have any actual content

    • 8 months ago

      It's Shopclick no matter how much you Dorktiders try to change the name

      • 8 months ago

        >Bro, shopclick TOTALLY has better mechanics!!
        It's fricking hilarious to watch 40k fangays try to mislead people into playing DT by saying shit when it's obvious they've never played Vermintide 2

        >almost exactly 1 minute apart

    • 8 months ago

      >Bro, shopclick TOTALLY has better mechanics!!
      It's fricking hilarious to watch 40k fangays try to mislead people into playing DT by saying shit when it's obvious they've never played Vermintide 2

  68. 8 months ago


  69. 8 months ago

    Team was made up of actual charismatic characters you liked or liked to dislike.
    Character subclasses even on release wich darktide still doesnt have and likely won't unless you pay for it.

  70. 8 months ago

    >shills unironically defending shopclick umgak

    • 8 months ago

      Toughness > temp hp but otherwise literally everything else is superior in Vermintide.

  71. 8 months ago

    darktide is for gambling addicts and gacha gays, VT2 is for real coop game enjoyers.

  72. 8 months ago

    Setting. I do miss some of the smoothness though.

  73. 8 months ago

    My computer cant run darktide

  74. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >remembering the utter and complete fricking moronic jank the game was on launch

      Fun times.

      • 8 months ago

        not so charming rexperiencing the same moronic jank for DT's launch

      • 8 months ago
  75. 8 months ago

    as someone with many hours in darktide and only plays damnation, will i find vt2 much harder?

    • 8 months ago

      VT2 vanilla's hardest (paid) difficulty is Cata, it'll take some time to adjusting to it given it's primarily a different style to high end Darktide.
      Then there's multiple modded difficulty tiers with a smaller community such as Cata 3, Deatthwish, Onslaught. Cata 3 Deathwish Onslaught and Cata 3 Deathwish Onslaught Dutch Spice.
      Point is, you'll have plenty of options if you're looking for a challenge.

      • 8 months ago

        i personally thing auric is harder than cata at the moment due to the random mutators associated with it along with how broken the director can be. i've had nonstop hordes of like 30 snipers and gunners that went on for like over 5 minutes straight. darktide is broken as frick and in a bad way.

    • 8 months ago

      Vermintide 2 is harder except when Darktide decides to randomly spawn a squad of gunners ten feet in front of you in plain sight. Darktide also sometimes has the unfortunate situation where it just saddles you with a shit party composition that makes it way harder, whereas Vermintide 2 at least has a bit of protection against that because you can only have one of each character.

  76. 8 months ago

    Fantasy is just by default better and unironically SOULful than 40k
    however vermintide has the minotaur and a more jankier cancerous verison of the chaos spawn so i will play darktide instead.
    everything in winds of chaos makes the game worse people will leave lobbies if they see you have that shit installed.

  77. 8 months ago

    It's the last holdout against pozzed fantasy.
    VT2 is like the final snapshot of what was good and metal about the final distillate product of all D&D etc. before WOTC, Age of Sigmar, M:TG, Amazon's Lawd of the Rangs, Netflix's The b***her and Castlegaynia etc. etc.
    I'll rate it over 40k for that alone in addition to everything else detailed in this blessed ravaged body of a thread.

  78. 8 months ago

    sex with skaven

    • 8 months ago

      Clumsy elf!

  79. 8 months ago

    I don't think we will get a new character. I honestly don't know what to expect for the future despite them promising more stuff. it will probably only be cosmetics and maps and maybe new weapons. Adding new classes or a character is a major time commitment and fatshark is already sinking with darktide.

  80. 8 months ago

    6$ ill bite already own darktide

    • 8 months ago

      the dlc classes is worth it honestly. theres some other dlcs that give weapons and maps too. you don't actually need to own the map pack dlc to play them, only the host does, but i'm pretty sure you still need the dlc for the weapons which are unlocked by playing the dlc maps.

    • 8 months ago

      why the frick are you buying fallout 76 in 2023?

      you dont need the map dlcs
      and i wouldn't worry about the class dlcs until you play a bit; they always go on sale for 50%

      • 8 months ago

        i dunno few friends have it and thats pretty fricking cheap also completes my fallout library dont get me wrong i hate fallout but theyre practically giving them away probably cause starfield was a hot mess

        • 8 months ago

          >completes my fallout library dont get me wrong i hate fallout
          you are badly damaged try healing with rope

      • 8 months ago

        take out fallout 1 and 76 and add inscription; its on sale for $10

  81. 8 months ago

    Kerillian (fun sized).

  82. 8 months ago

    How do you extend range on executioner sword with Grail Knight, there was some mechanic with dodge IIRC?

  83. 8 months ago

    Better loot system, better maps (has both planned, distict maps with varied locations, and a procedural game mode), better and varied classes, more enemies, and fundamentally VT2's system of mostly melee enemies with ranged things being rare actually ends up being more enjoyable in terms of being able to wade into the enemy.

    In Darktide everyone is ranged, there are dogshit zombie craps that do nothing but the real threat is all the ranged shit.
    Which is why you have to rely heavily on the slide gimmick bandaid mechanic whereby sliding breaks ranged enemy's target lock. This isn't hard, you just use a slide macro or slide mod, but it's symptomatic of a broader problem.

    Because the characters in Darktide are supposed to be customizable in a big way, they have very little personality; they have to have modular personalities that can change based on whatever stuff you selected at character creation, so you never get any depth.
    I think 40k is also a much bleaker, more boring setting (or perhaps more accurately it's easy to fall into the bleak drudgery of 40k because of it's grimdark nature), and when your characters aren't Space Marines or some other "huge bright colorful bold larger-than-life" type characters, they just get lost in the drudgery.

    I mean that's one of my biggest problems with the game. You play as prisoners.
    Imagine if Vermintide had you play as slave rats, that's what it fricking feels like.
    If you unlock shit in the cosmetics store or whatever your slave rats get to wrap stolen tattered fabrics around themselves and pretend they aren't meat, but you're constantly reminded that these guys are garbage meat being sent into the grinder to die.
    There's probably supposed to be a campaign story that has you get recruited by an Inquisitor, but it doesn't exist (or it's like mentioned in a clumsy way with some text or something; the story is just some cutscenes stuck together that play when you level up; pretty incoherent).

    • 8 months ago

      >but you're constantly reminded that these guys are garbage meat being sent into the grinder to die.
      Well, that sounds about right, Vermintide was the same, they are just lucky as frick, although the world is already doomed so whatever.

    • 8 months ago

      >Better loot system
      lmao vermintide loot is fricking dogshit i wonder how bad the loot can be in darktide

  84. 8 months ago

    The characters are actually defined characters with backstories, motivations, lore and personalities that banter with each other in a believable way.

    More classes.

    More varied maps and more maps in general.

    An actual story with a beginning, middle and end.

  85. 8 months ago

    >more satisfying melee combat and movement mechanics
    >ranged weapons that arent just guns
    >more interesting character interactions
    >better performance

  86. 8 months ago

    The environments in Darktide are so fricking shit.

    I know it's supposed to be like a scudzy Hiveworld prison complex industrial whatever, but man it just looks like shit no matter where you are.
    Which actually works well in Lights Out (which imo should have been the default) but that's not the game they made.

    • 8 months ago

      Hive Worlds are actually diverse, like where are the ancient temples buried under thousands of years of temples, pleasure districts, noble districts, technology filled areas with rogue AI etc.?

  87. 8 months ago

    >me playing slayer

  88. 8 months ago

    >Server Browser
    >Playable characters are actually characters
    >Better bosses
    >Tome and grim system makes more sense and can be speedrun with randoms at higher difficulties
    >The 1 down > Bleed out > Death system makes going down much more punishing
    >More usable items that aren't just ammo and med boxes

    • 8 months ago

      What's the down system in Darktide like?

      • 8 months ago

        You go down and one of the portions of your health bar gets removed, when you're on your last bar and go down, you die

        • 8 months ago

          There's also corruption which eats your downs even if you don't go down.

  89. 8 months ago

    Let's start from the fact that even though it also may run like shit, it runs amazingly when compared to darktide, and might actually even look graphically slightly better. So, because the game works, you can get good at it. Additionally, the gear progression system is extremely simple, and the game has fun as frick builds to play. Also, the characters add charm that darktide is missing.

  90. 8 months ago

    >meet the minimum requirements for Darktide
    >game runs at 20 fps on every single setting set to the lowest option
    Why can't Fatshark into optimising?

  91. 8 months ago

    Started vermintide 2 with bros yesterday after not playing since launch (level 15 with frick all done).

    Was hella fun. Is the grail knight supposed to be good? I feel like not being able to kill ranged dudes is not great. Should I stick to it? I like to carry the games

    • 8 months ago

      GK's great for boss killing and it's quest bonuses.
      It's what makes the loss of ranged a good trade off, do to you usually having at least 1 designated special hunter/ranged character in the group, even if you're somehow running GK, WP and Slayer

      • 8 months ago

        why bossing? i just pop a potion and use my ability on him?

        • 8 months ago

          Basically yeah, like Shade and BH, grenade with shrapnel + strength potion + ultimate nukes almost every boss in the game that doesn't have locked health phases

    • 8 months ago

      GK sucks but is very fun to play. He's intended to be played when you have your gear maxed so that you can stick to your bretonnian sword and use the riposte mechanic (holding heavy attack blocks incoming attacks) but the weapon lacks decent swarm killing and is just OK for killing elites and chaos warriors (you need heavy attack 3, light attack, then loop the combo by charging up a heavy attack - and you can't start your combo with a heavy attack 3 obviously so you need to be prepared to face elites)

      His ult is also worse than bounty hunter's for boss damage but it's OK and charges relatively quickly so you can use it more often in the field on something like a chaos warrior to generate more temp health. GK isn't "optimal" but is very fun. He shines in team comps where your allies can take care of ranged specials and you have decent horde killing classes. Something to note is that you can side dodge leeches, hook rats (you outreach them with the Bret charged attack), and even assassins (though this is the hardest one to deal with as GK)

      • 8 months ago

        I run 2H hammer and mace/sword on GK and have great success.

      • 8 months ago

        >GK sucks
        >arguably the best career in the game
        Shut the FRICK UP you clueless moron. You know literally nothing about the game if you think GK is anything short of S tier.

        • 8 months ago

          Grailkek is just a shitty, slow slayer with no mobility.

        • 8 months ago

          He's the best at making you feel like the main character and chasing circles in legend but on the harder maps of cata and modded where you're actually supposed to work with your team merc is better. BW is the best career in the game.

          • 8 months ago

            merc is great if you want to cover the weaknesses of your team but if people can actually shoot specials and stay alive then gk becomes instantly more valuable

      • 8 months ago

        Grailkek is just a shitty, slow slayer with no mobility.

        exec sword+mace and sword is the best melee dps in game

        He's the best at making you feel like the main character and chasing circles in legend but on the harder maps of cata and modded where you're actually supposed to work with your team merc is better. BW is the best career in the game.

        you're a moronic poser
        gk is the absolute best elite killer on cata and is a mainstay on modded difficulties. the literal only problem he has is the lack of ranged options, which doesn't matter in modded since your teammates aren't braindead and can handle specials. in cata, you should be able to handle most specials in melee anyway. boons+shitting out strength pots is enough to make his support top tier alongside merc. what wipes you in v2 are difficulty spikes, which gk is basically the best class at handling it, alongside whc and bw

        • 8 months ago

          As someone that constantly does solo legend deeds with double stats roaming elites I will take slayer any time of the day over GK.

  92. 8 months ago

    because it's just fricking hype as hell

  93. 8 months ago

    A Grail Knight, Outcast Engineer, Sister of the Thorn, Warrior Priest and a Necromancer walk into the Chaos Wastes.

    • 8 months ago

      >they beat up Bel'akor, piss in the Chaos gods eyes, and get miracles

  94. 8 months ago

    3 main enemies types means WAY more enemy variety and WAY more varied gameplay, instead of just fighting the same generic cultists over and over again you fight skaven, norscans and beastmen each with their own full rosters, specials, elites and bosses
    Better missions with much, MUCH more diverse settings so everything doesn't look and feel the same. You get everything from farms to snowfields to underground caverns to forests to crazy wizard towers which frick around with the laws of physics
    More careers meaning more playstyles, while the latest Darktide update admittedly brings this a lot closer to Vermintide 2 it still effectively has 3 less careers than vanilla Vermintide 2, and that's not even taking all the DLC careers into account
    Better character interactions and dialogue where characters have relationships that expand over time and proper backstories that are relevant to the game like how Bardin's daughter and Sienna's sister both show up in missions
    Way more uniqueness in the weapons of each character, while Bardin and Kruber have similar weapons in vanilla (although even then there's clear differences) with all the updates and DLCs each character feels genuinely unique. Comparatively, the only character in Darktide who's fully unique is Ogryn (although to be fair, Psyker has an okay number of unique weapons as well, but it's still nothing compared to how much Sienna has)
    Way better out of mission mechanics for everything from mission selection to crafting. The only thing in Vermintide 2 even vaguely resembling FOMO shit is the weekly challenges and the daily login bonus

    I like Darktide, especially after the most recent update, but I LOVE Vermintide 2 and I think there's so much they could have done so better with Darktide

    • 8 months ago

      >3 main enemies types means WAY more enemy variety
      I hate how darktide just went "it's all stinky nurgle zombies again xd". They could've had different factions for each chaos god with their own unique traits and maybe mission modifiers like chaos wastes had.

      • 8 months ago

        people are clamoring about what cool xenos faction their gonna add for the inevitable expansion, pretending like it's not gonna be genestealer cults, just so fatshark can reuse the same generic cultist models tinted purple instead of green. maybe there'll be one new special enemy if they're not on swedish vacation for six fricking months.

  95. 8 months ago

    smug kerillian ass

    • 8 months ago
  96. 8 months ago

    >Krubersreik 5 (or 4) is in it
    >No Krubersreik 5
    Simple as

  97. 8 months ago

    >"Hmm, I see anon. And are these 'elfBlack folk' in the room with us right now?"

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, but not for long.

  98. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago
  99. 8 months ago

    I use the fireball staff. You will take friendly fire and I will not apologise.

    • 8 months ago

      Haha, sure thing anon. Hey sit still for a second.

      • 8 months ago

        Why would I need to sit still? Trouble hitting a moving target with that one eye of yours?

  100. 8 months ago

    For how much you guys love the game you sure ain't playing it. The lobbies I found all weekend was Sienna's sitting by themselves.

    • 8 months ago

      >final career DLC comes out
      >it's all anybody wants to play
      wow shocking

  101. 8 months ago

    After the latest update, Darktide is in a good spot. If I had to point at something VT2 does better however, is map/mission design. Darktide maps all look so samey unless it's desert or throneside, doesn't help that each map is actually reused once or twice just going backwards. Mission objectives are also kind of repetitive, we don't get kino shit like pushing minecarts or booby trap-filled dungeons, it's all hack minigame, kill tentacles, or the one single boss the game has.
    Also darktide has no queue option for only 1 of each class, I'm tired of getting 3 veterans who all run out of ammo before the first horde even starts, then fight for all the pickups.

  102. 8 months ago

    I like both, ratclick has that good core soul, comfy setting, great likeable characters, nice maps but poxclick got that better gameplay, fricking boomsticks galore and on auric/maelstrom the absolute PEAK gameplay adrenaline kick

  103. 8 months ago

    Vt 2
    >13 maps in a base game at release
    >Every single one completely different
    >Act 1
    >Fighting your way through city walls and then making a stand in a Temple
    >Visiting hospital, then venturing into sewers and ending mission by disrupting a ritual that shows you Nurgle's realm
    >Exploring and then blowing up mines where Trolls are bred
    >Walking through falling apart city, with buildings sliding into a pit and then fighting a Sorcerer in a boss battle
    >Travelling through magical forest and elven ruins
    >Battling deep among city streets
    >Crossing a river, sneaking into a besieged fort and destroying Skaven artillery and breaking their siege
    >Storming overrun Dwarfen Hold where Skaven made their nests in order to assassinate their leader in another unique Boss battle
    >Act 3
    >You travel through farms and farmlands in order to save kidnapped people
    >You have to blow up invaders food stockpile they have in a desolated, plundered and razed city with apocalyptic vibes
    >You need to stop enemy excavation project before they uncover cursed artifact so you venture deep into swamps
    >It's time to assassinate enemy warlord so you attack their warcamp and challenge him into a duel in another unique Boss fight
    >In a finale you use enemy tech to teleport to fantasy vikingland, sabotage their telport and escape before it blows up. After that there is a final boss battle where you kill main villain and his pet
    >By now there are also other missions, like imported vt1 missions, 3 Necromancer castle missions, 3 Dedicated Dwarf maps and more. And additional game mode with another 16 missions, all of which also diverse

    >There are apparently 13 "missions".
    >But only 5 "maps"
    >Rerunning this same map but in reverse and with different finale is counted as separate mission
    >Chaos Wastes maps also work like this, but nobody tripled their amount by counting like this
    >3 of those maps look similar
    Vt2 is one of the best games ever made. DT is huge downgrade in comparison to VT1.

  104. 8 months ago

    ratsisters? our response?
    >greatest content release since ever
    >finally the last career dlc
    >barely 5k

    >some minor talent rework WEEKS ago
    >basically dead already
    >still manages to beat vt2

    • 8 months ago

      Wait until you see how many players Fortnite has

    • 8 months ago

      Tencent's known to employ chinese bots in the hub who wear paypig skins to try and encourage more spending in shopclick

    • 8 months ago

      2 months later, vt2 will still have 5k players whereas darktide will be back to sub 3k.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm having fun trying all the builds in dt, it's like we finally got the 10 or so missing careers.
      Also most VT players hate heat/vent mechanics and sienna as a whole, they won't come back just for a sienna class. And even myself, who've only really played her since launch, have no reason to come back until there's new maps/content, I'm not running Against the Grain for the 500th time just so I can see spooky skeletons slap some rats.

      • 8 months ago

        >I'm not running Against the Grain for the 500th time
        yes instead you'll run assassination for 500th time to test a gun which has a higher tier blessing or +10 to its rating.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah but this time I get to throw rocks at specials across the room, which never gets old.

  105. 8 months ago

    Fantasy > 40k
    It's as simple as that

  106. 8 months ago

    what's the reson for not having 5 player coop instead of 4?

    • 8 months ago

      Easier to balance around 4 people than five.
      The lore reason is someone has to stay behind from time to time to protect the keep.

    • 8 months ago

      >Kruber with greatsword AND shield
      now he is just showing off

    • 8 months ago

      Because L4D has 4, so every derivative of it has to be 4. Although I guess Killing floor tried 6, and that failed Siege spinoff tried 3 (which is a kino amount if you have friends).
      Besides that, I think 4 is probably a sweet spot. Too big of a team, you need to ramp up difficulity/special quantity to pose a challenge, risking becoming unfair, and also requiring a larger amount of people on the team to be fricking competent. Too small, and a couple of frickups/badly timed specials ruins a run.
      Maybe if one of these games stopped relying on "special enemies incapacitate you and only a teammate can save you" they could experiment more with team sizes.

      • 8 months ago

        but darktide could easily accommodate 5 member teams as the restricted 1 per class system of VT2 is already out thrown out of the window right?

        • 8 months ago

          You still have the issue of enemy balance

    • 8 months ago

      so they can talk behind the back of the 5th off-duty member.

    • 8 months ago

      Real reason is that they want players to be able to swap characters without someone having to leave the lobby

  107. 8 months ago

    Actual characters, less guns, better maps, more classes.

    • 8 months ago

      payday is a coop gun fps and is very fun i dont think gun are the culprits if anything this game is too melee focused

  108. 8 months ago

    >no buzzwords
    Vermintide Memes > Darktide Memes, and it isn't even close.

  109. 8 months ago

    How does elf sex feel like bros?

  110. 8 months ago

    5 characters and playable at a time makes sense in Vermintide, when you remember it was heavily inspired by the Warhammer Fantasy roleplay game to the point of taking campaigns from it and it's cast added to the roleplay setting.
    Therefore, the 5th character who's not being played it always the DM of the session.

  111. 8 months ago

    haha they banned me in steam community for downloading the darktide soundtrack for free from steam lol. the DT team is hilariously incompetent and that's why VT is better.

  112. 8 months ago

    >He doesn't play Cata3dwons
    Whats your excuse? Explain yourself. You are not bad, are you?

    • 8 months ago

      i don't want to group with discord people and i only have 1 friend who plays, we can just about manage c1dwons into the nest half the time

    • 8 months ago

      Normal Cata's my comfy spot.
      I like a challenge but I also like to relax and unwind after a long day. I get the appeal of Cata3dwons Dutch Spice for those into it, but it's just not my idea of a good time

    • 8 months ago

      >Whats your excuse?
      I'm not a troony, but whatever, keep obsessing over your made up difficulty like your made up gender.

  113. 8 months ago

    i find vermintide hard to play because of the canned repeating death animations. yes, it actually is a problem when you kill dozens of things on screen and they all die the same way.

  114. 8 months ago


  115. 8 months ago

    so what's the verdict on the necromancer DLC? Is it good to play as?

    • 8 months ago

      It's very fun, but microintesive. Melee weapon is strong, as expected from dlc. Other than this she is not superoverpowered.

      How the hell do they justify Saltzpyre working with a fricking necromancer?
      He wanted to kill her

      Now he feels contempt and disappointment towards her. Lohner convinced him that in times like this they need desperate measures to survive and Saltz begrudgingly agreed, for now. He claims that he will make her death swift, due to friendship he developed for her, when he will eventually have to put her down

      However Sienna is likely possessed by Sofia or some shit like this, Kruber realized this and they will want to reverse it.

      • 8 months ago

        Even after reading Lohner's texts, still not a fan of Kruber's voicelines. Every tet-a-tet characters treat Sophia as if it's actually Sienna. So even if she is Kruber's friend, him being so nonchalant about necromancy is off-character. Just because he can tolerate it for her (supposedly), doesn't mean he's supposed to be instantly comfortable with it.

        • 8 months ago

          he's a grail knight ffs. lore wise he can single handedly banish daemons.

      • 8 months ago

        >that banter video
        literally nothing of sorts in DT, which is a huge bummer. they wanted the setting and the maps to tell a story this time around but the effort is not in there yet. DT needs to pick up the pace.

        We can all agree that the music is top tier though.

        hell yeah

  116. 8 months ago

    How the hell do they justify Saltzpyre working with a fricking necromancer?

    • 8 months ago

      kind of reasoning like enemy of my enemy is my friend and that the witch hunter order are known to utilize all sorts of vile means to achieve their ends. the dialogues seem to show that saltzpyre is still primarily a witch hunter despite becoming a warrior priest.

    • 8 months ago

      End times bullshit lore excuse.

    • 8 months ago

      same reasoning that Nagash was a "good guy" for the End Times.

    • 8 months ago

      you know the worst thing is the dialogues indicate that sienna's evil twin sister has fused with her. Kruber knows this for a fact, he has convinced saltzpyre and yet they all twiddle their thumbs to wait till sienna does something bad.

    • 8 months ago

      He doesn't, he actively tries to recruit the others into killing her but they won't have it.

  117. 8 months ago

    combat, characters, enemies, level design, graphics, music

  118. 8 months ago

    I love warrior priest.
    Dual hammers are pure sex.

    • 8 months ago

      For me, it's zealot with Priest's hammer. Once you get full castigate (20% attack speed), it's pure sex.

      • 8 months ago

        For me it’s zealot and Great Sword.
        Stacking all the attack speed buffs in CW is the most satisfying the game gets

    • 8 months ago

      For me, it's zealot with Priest's hammer. Once you get full castigate (20% attack speed), it's pure sex.

      I love Kerilian, she's pure sex

      • 8 months ago

        We know Kruber

        • 8 months ago

          if it's anything, it's actually will be the other way around.

    • 8 months ago

      book and hammer is also so much fun, especially that aoe explosion.

  119. 8 months ago

    Characters, enemy variety, enemy lines, bosses, mission variety. Oh, and a weapon upgrade and acquisition system THAT WHILE still bad is better than fricking Darktide and REDS EXIST.

    • 8 months ago

      It’s fricking bizarre that in Darktide you still get a slew of weapons that are stupidly low value even when you’re at high level.
      In VT2 the item quality is almost always 300 unless you’re opening a commendation chest, while in darktide you’ll be lucky to get something with a base value higher than 340. I get that it’s intended to keep the treadmill going for longer, but it’s so convoluted people are more likely to just say frick it and roll with some old faithfuls rather than keep trying for perfection

  120. 8 months ago

    >buzzwords are things I dont agree with
    then there's nothing to discuss

  121. 8 months ago

    Darktide doesn't have Kerillian

    • 8 months ago

      Built for Imperial men

  122. 8 months ago

    it doesnt feel like shit to play

  123. 8 months ago

    more stuff, more missions, less buggy and janky.

  124. 8 months ago

    >interesting varied environments vs another metal corridor
    >extremely well acted and tightly written cast vs faceless grunts repeating the same four lines
    >interesting diverse class system (now at 20) vs 4 classes with barely any room for build variety
    >reasonably coherent narrative vs confusingly samey levels with no impact on the world

    The core of it deep down in my opinion is that the L4D2 style does not work well when your defualt enemies have guns too. All the other problems could be solved, but it's just not very fun to be shot at in this style of game.

  125. 8 months ago

    Alright Ganker I'm thinking of playing Handmaiden but I don't have a clue what role I'm supposed to play as this career, is it just a jack of all trades?

    • 8 months ago

      handmaiden is weird
      i still dont know what shes best at besides soloing or speedrunning

    • 8 months ago

      Only reason to play HM is her laugh ult line.

    • 8 months ago

      it's a frontliner with a group stamina buff so stay with your team and make space for them. dont frick off with your ult the second you take agro on monsters, it's beneficial to you and everyone else to hold it's attention. don't sit in the back throwing javs like you're a waystalker, just play waystalker for that. you're also the first responder when someone goes down because you can rez faster than any other career.
      objectively it's probably the elf's weakest career but she's still good. you would just get more value out of playing any of the others

    • 8 months ago

      >jack of all trades
      Handmaiden boosts are all about mobility and melee combat. Kerillian just has really good ranged weapons.

    • 8 months ago

      Play her when you need to babysit drooling tards or when you simply need to not die. Unironically easiest to live with her if you know what youre doing and is the most "clutch" career. She just does not die.

      Also anyone remember weaves lmao who else waiting for season 5 amirite

    • 8 months ago

      she's really mobile and gets good attack speed buffs

    • 8 months ago

      Play her with the 2h spear. So fun.

  126. 8 months ago

    Good gameplay, cute rats and also I can kick elftards whenever I want

  127. 8 months ago

    An actual Crafting system for weapon thats not highly based on Random rolls
    Diverse levels and environments. if you took a screen shot, at a random moment, on any random level of VT2 you will know exactly what level it is, where they are, and what they are doing. You can do that on DT, because almost every fricking level looks the same and it reuses like a 1/3rd of the same fricking map just you go left instead of right.

    Much more weapon options in VT2 at luanch then DT.

    More classes in VT2 at launch.

    More fluid combat in VT2 vs DT.

    Fixed characters that have personality and interactions with everyone vs DT which results in teh same fricking 3 character all shouting the same voice lines at each other.

  128. 8 months ago

    You know, I wouldn't even mind lack of personality in those custom characters, if they were sacrificed for the sake of gameplay, like if there were more classes. But there are only 4 classes, less than VT1. Zealot, Psyker and Veteran share most weapons. VT1&2 had Elf and Dwarf which allowed players to have fun with those Race specific weapons. Here only Ogryn is actually unique, because most Psyker weapons are still normal guns. We could have Kroot mercenary with his space-primitive weapons, Eldar Ranger/Corsair with their weeb shuriken-guns, raygun gothic dickpistols, spears and katanas, Some disillusioned Tau mercenaries with their pulse rifles or even nuSquats. There is fricking Rogue Trader and Inquisitor in game, they can use Xenos mercenaries if they want. Fatshark even turned potential classes like Crusader into mere cosmetics.

    VA and dialogue is shit anyway, they could as well fricking add some gameplay instead.

    • 8 months ago

      Same energy.

      • 8 months ago

        same person

        • 8 months ago

          Incorrect, Amallyn actually has big breasts.

      • 8 months ago

        gibe Macha wife

        • 8 months ago

          We'll never see her again. DoW is dead and 40k is now, more than ever before, a vehicle purely for marine wank.

          • 8 months ago

            At least she’s still alive and not a wraithknight.

          • 8 months ago

            I thought Macha canonically died.

            • 8 months ago

              You're thinking of Taldeer.

          • 8 months ago

            dont forget the priest that electrocutes himself with his shock buttplug every time he prays

            truly there is no place for hate in the 41st millenium

            • 8 months ago

              the what

          • 8 months ago

            too fat
            is that cum on her spear?

        • 8 months ago

          We'll never see her again. DoW is dead and 40k is now, more than ever before, a vehicle purely for marine wank.

          >trying to wife the ever virgin
          you'd have better luck trying to cuck a vindicare

    • 8 months ago

      man I kind of want to play an Eldar game where you fight Slaaneshi daemons or something

  129. 8 months ago

    >spawn 10 groaners
    >160 fps
    >walk up as close to them as possible to simulate a horde
    >unironically lose 110 fps just by walking closer
    >impossible to emulate in vermintide 2 with any enemy and even spawning a hundred of them instead of 10
    Fix your fricking game, fatshark.

  130. 8 months ago

    I'm not gonna lie bros I can't kill a skaven I like them too much. Literally why I haven't tried this game despite having it in my library.

    • 8 months ago

      >I'm not gonna lie bros I can't kill a skaven I like them too much.
      why? I like the skaven too but even the skaven dont give 2 shits about killing each other

    • 8 months ago

      Stop being gay

    • 8 months ago

      Quit being a homosexual for vermin, Granted, I would blow an entire regiment of Stormvermin, But that doesn't stop me from chopping their heads off afterwards. They would do the same to you. Skaven and Humans are one in the same after all, they are the main faction in 40k

    • 8 months ago

      everyone likes killing skaven
      even other skaven

  131. 8 months ago

    >Instead of designing proper spawn points for enemies and making sure they don't spawn in front of you Fatshark simply put doors you can't enter everywhere NEXT to players, so enemies can spawn in them
    This is the worst thing about those maps. They are badly designed. But also boring, visually repetitive and smaller in number than in VT2. Neither quality nor quantity is here. They even have this weird design approach that they are supposed to be random, insignificant side quests where random convicts are sent and not unique Main Story missions like in VT2. But at this same time there is no DRG/Warframe style map generator that makes sure you are every time in different place. They are neither properly handcrafted and unique nor actually randomized enough.

  132. 8 months ago

    I got the base game for free any of the DLC actually worth getting? i played the crap out of the first one

    • 8 months ago

      Back to Ubersreik is probably the best overall.
      Grail Knight is a solid choice and gives one of the most versatile weapons in the game for Kruber
      Engineer is honestly only really worth it if you like Ranger Veteran, since it gives him a powerful pistol for deleting bosses and allies

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, they're all good. Even WoM because it adds beastmen and good weapons. Ignore weaves. Outcast Engineer is probably the weakest dlc because most players hate the career, but his weapons are great.

    • 8 months ago

      All of them. Also highest difficulty is locked behind winds of magic dlc. Even if you definitely know that you won't ever play a dlc class, you might need weapons that you get with that dlc class

    • 8 months ago

      Careers are all good. Even if you don't like career in question most of weapons it adds are fun. Some of them still overpowered
      Weapon dlc is good as well
      Ubersreik for maps. Too bad that only 3 (actually 4). I wish Enemy Below and Supply and Demand were in it as well. And reworked Man the Ramparts and Waterfront. Or if this dlc was free just like Drachenfels and Dwarf maps they added later. It also adds strong weapons, although most of them are rather boring.
      Winds of Magic as a gamemode was shit, single map it added is boring, but it's still additional weapons and highest difficulty option. Some people hate Beastmen, but they got better and I love Bestigors. Killing them as they are charging is stupidly satisfying. Even seeing them charge and knock down their allies that stand in their way is entertaining to see.
      Bogen adds some cosmetics and 2 mediocre maps

      Now that it's Vermintide sale and they all are dirt cheap, it's good to take all of them. Collector's edition are worthless recolored to green vanilla cosmetics tho.

      • 8 months ago

        >dirt cheap
        >only 50%

        • 8 months ago

          yeah that's enough, they cost fricking nothing

    • 8 months ago

      in order of importance: class DLC > weapon DLC > map DLC
      back to über provides good value content-wise because it gives good weapons and good maps

  133. 8 months ago


  134. 8 months ago

    I enjoy it more

  135. 8 months ago

    I personally prefer darktide.

  136. 8 months ago

    Well, the main cast is better in every way

    • 8 months ago

      sometimes I miss the V1 hub.
      The keep is cool but you just can’t beat a cozy tavern.

  137. 8 months ago

    Its not. It's amazing how floaty and unsatisfying it feels in comparison. Also people rush way too much and its too easy to do. Feels like you're playing some weeb game, not warhammer.

  138. 8 months ago

    We can all agree that the music is top tier though.

  139. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      lora? Can't find it on civitai

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago


  140. 8 months ago

    Is elf pussy different from human pussy?

    • 8 months ago

      Better muscle control
      Wet with clear mucus, no disgusting white stuff
      Smells faintly of pine resin if not recently washed

    • 8 months ago

      yes, its better

  141. 8 months ago

    Behold, a magic trick.

  142. 8 months ago

    After not playing the game for over three years and finally buying most of the dlc now and coming back to it, i need to know if i also should buy last one i'm hesitant to buy, which is the controversial beastman one. I really want to get into the game again but i don't know if its worth the (relative) high price point. Should i do it, even when i'm probably not going to play the game a 1000+ hours, or is it not worth it? PLEASE, I NEED TO KNOW.

    • 8 months ago

      It's insanely overpriced, only get it on sale. The new weapons are great but WoM mode sucks/nobody plays it. Having to pay for Cata difficulty is so slimy it makes me want to wipe Stockholm off the map with a nuke. Get it for $5 or don't bother.

      • 8 months ago
        looks cheap to me

        Thank you guys, normally i don't buy keys for games i really like, but this dlc seems like the epidome of a cash grab, especially the added difficulty. So i guess i'll make an exception here.

    • 8 months ago
      looks cheap to me

  143. 8 months ago

    less grindy (still too grindy)

  144. 8 months ago

    Buy me Darktide. Let me 100% it and i'll tell you if it's better or not. IMO Warframe is better when it comes to CO-OP games.
    >Free to Play
    >a ton of Story content for FREE
    >huge variety to weapons builds and powers

  145. 8 months ago

    The characters in V2 are goated beside the random long rants.

  146. 8 months ago

    Cute Keri.

  147. 8 months ago

    Switched over to linux mint, Should I just get a virtual machine going or just figure out a way to get it running on me setup?

  148. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      what about her

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          >he says while posting a slayer

          • 8 months ago

            Slayer tattoos are part of the ritual and embedded in the culture. That prostitute is just advertising her prostituteishness.

          • 8 months ago

            tattoos are fine on men because i have no desire to have sex with them or look at their body

      • 8 months ago

        she activates my almonds in all forms

  149. 8 months ago

    I don’t understand warhammer
    Like I understand every other race like orcs but how are rats dangerous?

    I feel like they would be the shittiest faction and would lose in canon every time

    • 8 months ago

      There’s a bajillion of them and they live underground in every corner of the globe.

    • 8 months ago

      Extremely numerous, take people by surprise (they live underground and the Empire autistically believes it's better to pretend they do not exist, because naming Chaos gives it power - even though they're not Chaos)
      They also can use magic and magic-based engineering to do good shit like blowing up 1500 of their slaves in order to kill 5 humans (it's still worth it for them)

      • 8 months ago

        >Empire autistically believes it's better to pretend they do not exist, because naming Chaos gives it power
        Nah the reason they hide their existence is it would cause mass panic that all cities of the Empire are infested to the brim with monsters.
        It helps skaven haven't really had a big frick with the empire disaster.

        Admittedly its one of the moronic lore things in the setting but theres some logic to it

      • 8 months ago

        The Empire keeps Skaven a secret because otherwise the population would demand action and the Empire simply cannot afford to be at constant war with a faction that outnumbers them a thousand to one and literally lives beneath every imperial city. Skaven like it that they are a secret because it means they can keep a somewhat moderately high covert operation in Empire lands without suffering repercussions so they themselves also help perpetuate it. The Empire likes this as it means the Skaven will not do anything so drastic and disruptive to the Empire that their existence would become undeniable so the Empire status quo is preserved.
        Skaven remaining in secrecy is of mutual benefit to both races.

    • 8 months ago

      Literally a horde race, outnumber and have knives
      They generally dont invade on land, they tunnel into cities
      They have the equivalent of blackpowder weapons. Even if they have a high fail rate enough bombs and guns kills anything
      >Disease and magic
      They like to spread plagues.

      Amusingly Skaven are arguably with Orks the most dangerous race on the planet.
      Their main thing keeping them back is they backstab and infight too much.

      • 8 months ago

        Skaven are far better than orcs now due to woke drift.
        >Next up from Age of Sigmar
        >A kinder gentler Skaven
        >The noble tribal furries, that treat women with respect respect and are welcoming to all cultures yes yes.
        >They are neuroatypical and timid about life until you befriend them and find their deep passions underneath the fur and warpstone mutations.

        • 8 months ago

          The frick? Did they really do this shit in AoS?

          • 8 months ago

            No, but they did do it with Beastmen in lore (not on tabletop).
            Those gentle civilized Beastmen got genocided before the story began and it's part of the reason Beastmen hate everyone else.

            • 8 months ago

              if gw wants "good" beastmen just release new models and datasheets for loyalist beastmen auxillia
              since they fricked the chance in AoS apparently

    • 8 months ago

      They have ww1 technology although unstable including strong artillery, sniper rifles and fricking miniguns, super ninja assassins, master mutators creating untold horrors, can spread plagues, have strong mages, easily replenish numbers, there are billions of them, they are almost everywhere under the world, can spy using rats and attack by surprise from below, bypassing all defenses

      The only thing holding them back is comical cruelty and backstabbing. Other than this they look like pet faction of GW authors.

    • 8 months ago

      Wake me up when orcs learn to split the atom.

    • 8 months ago

      >I feel like they would be the shittiest faction and would lose in canon every time
      They do, they just have such high numbers that it doesn't matter
      Like how the Soviets lost 2.1 million men in the initial 7 weeks of the Nazi invasion but the Nazi loses were still proportionally worse

  150. 8 months ago

    This is on Sale right now, is it even fun to play solo?

    • 8 months ago

      I've played it for over 1400 hours, 1300 being solo. It requires a particular strand of autism but if you don't have that you can probably get a couple hundred hours in. The worst part about the game is that the leveling experience is awful if you aren't a total shitter.

    • 8 months ago

      one of the best multiplayer games ever made

      asks if it's good solo

      anon how smooth is your brain?

      • 8 months ago

        Not that anon but should I play the first ones

        • 8 months ago

          First game has better, more natural writing with far less quipping and still some missions weren't ported. Atmosphere is arguably better. It has all around far less content, there are no talent trees for classes, there are less weapons, enemies etc and game is more blatant l4d copy, while VT2 diverged hard. It's combat is slightly different, player characters are slower and aren't so overpowered, there are less enemies to face, but they are harder to kill. There is no temporary hp which is a core game mechanic in VT2, but you can get vampiric traits on weapons that regenerate hp as well. Stormvermin are far more though and their armor is better.

          If you want to play it for the sake of story and those few maps, grab QOL modpack (from reddit iirc) or alternatively install mods from Nexus manually. The point of mods is to make bots smarter and to give you better control over them. One mod, which is included in QOL modpack, allows you to order bots to pick up stuff or heal or use potions which helps a lot. You will likely not find a lot of people. I still sometimes play it, but most people play quest missions, which you won't even unlock immediately

          There is also a fun mod that adds drunk pub brawl to the inn. You can get drunk with team and fist fight. It's not in QoL modpack and you would need to download it manually

          If you play it, you will also not associate Lohner only with cashshop which he runs in VT2 after certain update. This makes him more likeable

  151. 8 months ago

    i wishe i were rat...

    • 8 months ago


  152. 8 months ago

    Fantasy beats 40k hands down, I understand if you like big burly men running around but that makes you a gay

  153. 8 months ago


  154. 8 months ago

    408 replies

    darktide will never have memes or threads like this

  155. 8 months ago
  156. 8 months ago
  157. 8 months ago

    Elf hags like her kidnap young imperial boys. That's horrible.

    • 8 months ago

      Tattoos are not for elves. Gross.

  158. 8 months ago

    I can actually fricking see shit in Vermintide 2

  159. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


  160. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      good video

  161. 8 months ago

    did they break the game again with the most recent patch? i take basically no damage in cata now where as i normally would have

    • 8 months ago

      Lava is broken and flickering
      Bombs don't blow up
      Apparently Necromancer skeletons bug the game and AI director makes game easier when they die

      • 8 months ago

        the bombs bug is hilarious, how did they frick up so badly?

      • 8 months ago

        >Bombs don't blow up

  162. 8 months ago


  163. 8 months ago

    Melee combat is better, it has more class/career variety and it has way more content that's way more varied than Darktide. Even just the basic campaign maps, ignoring shit like the Chaos Wastes, are way more varied than DT which has some industrial ruins looking shit, some sandy industrial ruins looking shit and then some nobility quarters or whatever the frick which still almost look like half-industrial shit.

    I will say that the relatively recent talent tree update in Darktide was really good and fun, it does get credit for this and this does to some degree offset the superior career system which Vermintide has.

  164. 8 months ago

    Gonna post this kino here, for Sigmar!


  165. 8 months ago
  166. 8 months ago

    neither are good because they're both made by FartShart.

  167. 8 months ago

    Rat cubs

  168. 8 months ago

    >ranger vet buys morgrims

    • 8 months ago

      >double grenades
      >secondary explosion after first one
      >morgrim's bomb

  169. 8 months ago

    I enjoy it more than darktide
    All experiences are subjective interpretations by the observer (me)
    Therefore it is better

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